THE CENTRE REPORTER FRIDAY N0v.29., 18T2- LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL **W— Our friends, every where, will oblige us by sending us local news of interest- , „ t , CIRCULATION.—The circulation of the KKIWISTSU, on this tide the county, is larger than that of all other j*pn m the county Business men will therefore And this oil* of the best advertising mediums. We invite all Interested to come and in mthit ©ur Iwt thiwwWw* . UKTRAirCI*.- -All monies for sub scription credited oalbe M>-crb bar's address, each week: by referring to which our patrons c*n at all their accounts stand, and * r*o#tpt is hJ this system carried upon each copy or the paper. I —Nice Wall Pockets, at the Model Book Store, of Jaa. Welch A Co. Go and see thorn. The Centre Reporter com {dams of the "radical legislature" hKa* obligee them to keep their public schools open a month longer. That kind of people never did like educa tion mucn. —W m'sport Epitomiat. No we don't complain, Mr. Kpito mist, but only state the fact that it is your party here that is guilty of do ing that thing. Why do you speak so falsely ? —Th Calbach party of hunters, hailing from Hamburg, in good aH Brrh, who have been coming to the Seven mountains, in tbie section, every year, for the last ten yeans, fiuiahed their annual hunt last week. They were seven in number, and started home with seven fine deer, the result of their hunt. We suppoee the good people of Hamburg and vicinity are all eating PennsvaTley venison by this time. We are glad our Berks county friends met with such good success. Deer seem to be plenty this season, as we leardthat stll hunting parties meet with good success. A party from Mill heim, Kerstetter, Eisenhuth, and oth ers also had good luck in the seven mountains, the other week, and besi des several deer, also shot a bear- Dan Kerstetter did that. Jonas rry, from Lewisburg, and the Mussers, from Millheim, were also in the Seven mountains, snd took several deer along home. A party from Boals burg, It. Con do, Trcsslcr, ind others, killed two deer and one bear. —Mr. Jocob Wagner, Jr., of Potter twp., has our thanks for a fine piece of venison. Jacob belonged to the Cai bach party, which met with such good success, and we have a well-flavored evidence of it. Wish we been along —just to see whether we'd get the buck fever, shooting at deer, ea we know we don't get it eating deer. A SAD CASE, says the Lock Haven Democrat, occurred recently in Bald Eagle twp., in the family of Mr. A. J. Flanigan, by which he lost four young children from diphtheria, three corp ses being in the house at the same time. It was indeed a most lamenta ble situation, and the distressed fami ly hava the warmest sympathies of the community in their deep bereave • ment. —Nothing adds more to make home pleasant than music, and no instru ment better calculated for good music than the Rynder Organ. CktngUdemvck, was the name of a township of Centre coonty, previ ous to 1806. "Chingleclemuch* must have been a jawbreaker almost as big as "Constantinopolischedudiesacks pfeife. —Clearfield county has the epizoo tic, and, no doubt, would feel itself •lighted if it hadn't —Mr. Samuel Furat, of Lamar twp, Clinton county, an uncle of A. 0. Furet, Esq., of Bellefonte, was found dead in a lane through which he had been riding on horseback one day last week. It is thought that he was attacked by appoplexy and fell from bis hone while in that helpless condi tion. J —Citizens of Potter twp., who favor a change in the mode of keeping up the township roads, as shown in the Reporter the other week, can append their names to a petitiqp for that pur pose by calling at our office. A simi lar petition can also be signed at Ceo tre Hill. —Persons paying their school tax before the 15th of December, will gave the addition of 5 per cent —Work has commenced on the tunnel, at Beaver Dam, about one mile below the Forks, and a strong force of hands is at work all along the ungraded portion of the line of the railroad, between the Forks and Mif fl in burg. —Tbe Bellefonte Republican's no tice of a recent wedding is simply dis gusting to every reader possessed of common sense. This imitation of scab by city papers is in bad taste for a country paper, and looks like codfish fiunkyism. Don't do it again, neigh bor. —The horse disease has broken out all over this county- We do not tup pose that any section of the state is free from it, —Tbe Huntington Monitor flies 1300 as it* circulmtion. The Repor ter will aoon be up with you. Cornman, although we liTe in a much smaller town. Tbe Monitor is a spirited pa per. —EMXOOTIC NOTES. —The epizooty auJ whooping caugh are prevailing in this county. The horses are troub led with the whooping-cough and the children have the epizooty—we may be a little mixed, but never mind. \ little girl ran to her mamma, clean out of breath, and said every body was getting epizooty and wished ma to get some for dinner. A little urchin asked dad to buy him an epizooty to wear to church next Sunday, he had hear'n eyerj body talk about getting it, and said it was made somewhat like a horaeblan ket. Dad slapped his face, and tbe ep izooty immediately ran from eyes and nose. We have kept the ppigooty out of Mr stable* and by the very simplest and most unfailing remedy—Dy'e wish to know how ? We keep no hor ses, hence no ephippic. A farmer down the valley feels slighted because bis horses did not take the epizootic, and thinks, his ani mals are just as good as any body el see. A "big word" operate* upon the ed itor of the Lock Haven republican like the epizootic does upon horses, it knocks him completely out pf bis bar pes*. —The epizooty is so apt to take hold of any thing that smacks of horse that it is not safe for little boys to ride stick-bones. —Advice. —To prevent your stove being stolen, keep it red h Il ♦ To The Public. The undersigned having purchased all the machinery, tool*, stock, Ac., hereto fore belonging to the Foundry * n d **- chiuo Shops of the l °nlre lirl* MBnuf*it-j uring Company, hereby notify the eitixensl of Centre county that the bu.ine.* ef *aid establishment ha* been reaumed, and will be carried vn a* beretofere, in all it* icu* bianche* ** a FDCNDBY, MA CHINE SHOP, AND MAMbACTO. BY OP FA KM ING IMPLK M KNTH The undersigend therefore respectfully so licit the public patronage, eontdent that they will render the utmost satisfaction in ; all work done by them, having made *uch , addition* and improvement* in the ealab- I luhtucut a. will enable them to carry on upon a Ur K r scale bn no* '2l tt VAN IK LI A CO. KXECUTKRS SALE By virtue of an order of tbe Orphans Court of Centre County will be sold on tbe premises in Potter township in said coun iv. on Saturday the *2lt day of December. 18T2, at' 2 o'clock, p m., or said day, all the lollowtng decnbed real estate, consist nig of two loU of land, late of Phoebe L.! Keen, of said twp., dec d. One thereof Hounded north and south by lands ol John Wagner, cast bj land of Jonas Prom, and wot bv lands of John Jorden. containing *2 acres and TV perches, thereon erected a two story Frame Dwelling house stable shop and other out buildings. Tbe other thereof consisting of wood land, bounded bv lands of VVm. Arnsagaat, Pctsr Ruble and Wm. Mulbarger, containing J acrea, more or low. , Titans or SAL*.— One half the purchase money to be paid in hand on confirmation jt sale, and the balance in one year, se cured by bond and the warn- Executor. Good News for the Ladies. FALL OPENING OF ilounctM. Trluiuslugw. Milline ry. * MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE'S In Ceutre Hall. Mrs. M. E Shoope, has just returned from Philadelphia, with in- lateet fashions and a complete slock of New Bonnetta, New Hats, Elegant Trimming.,*Ac. l which w ill t sold or made up. as usual at reasonable price*. Also, old ladies Dress C Yhe new sty'es sre very pretty. Ladies call and see tnem early. First come, !irat served. no* 1 THE ONLI PLACE TO BI T 1 good Hoots $ Shoes.lj BURNS IDF. * THOMAS Have just received 50 of BooU and Snoe®. BURNBIDE A THOMAS Sell the cheapest and beat BooU : a and Shoes. BURNSIDE A THOM AS | Are the only ones in Centre co. that, have Lester Bro's A Co., Boots d.-; Shoes. L*ter Bro's & Co., Boots and Shoes, are warranted. BURNSIDE FT THOMAS T , Sell them at Cash prices. BURNSIDE & TIIOMAS Boots and Shoes never leak or crack. BURNSIDE & THOMAS Boots and Shoes always give satisfac tion. Thousands in this county and out of it have tried these Boots A Shoes. Thev have been tested and tried for 15 years and always havo given Extra satisfaction. If you want to save doctor bills buy your BooU and Shoes from Burnside "A Thomas. You can buy the best articles of To bacco and cijrars at half price at Burnsides A Thomas. The reason you can get such bargains at Burnside A Thomas, they sell for CASH. OUH CLOTHING STORE. 1 have just been to the city, and laid in a full stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, anil in addition to that a Urge stock of HATS and CAPS of the latest Htvlos; also BOOTS and SHOES, both kip and calf; also WAI TERS. for ladies, of three or Mr differ ' "TO& ACCO and CIO ARS, of the best as sortment. . JEWELRY and NOTIONS I solicit a liberal patronage from the kind people or Pennsvalloy. as heretofore. • £l - SKLL t RIS* oct 25.Ct Milroy, A BEO.R WOWELjjCOf W.*l J lefceßßTwowL ' 0. F. Herlacher N, Cronmiller. NEW GOODS! f A II) VA L or FALL HOODS!!! HKBLAUHKB A CROH M ILLKIt Willi to infoim the eitiaeui of Putter that they hava opened an antirenew •lock of good* in their old quarter*, and will keep constantly on hand a full and K'*ed a**ortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, on*i*ting of ALPACAS, Poplin*, PLAIDS.' Lustre*. and all other kind* ot DIRESS GOODS, full Una of NOTIONS and FANCY Good* Data A Cape, Bool* & Shoe* CROCK KRY. uUKKNNWARE. STUN It W ARK, CKDAKWAKK, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FISH, SALT. ' etc., etc., etc., - All of which we offer at greatly reduced i price*. r Higheit price* paid for country produce. 1 lly iiri. l attention to buine* we hope to ■ merit and receive the patronage of the - public N E~P L~U S IMLT RA. No Better Place! I The lubtcriber is Juat receiving from tbe eaitern cilia* a Full Stock of FALL and WINTER „OODS I which he ha determined t* tell very I cheap, coiuialing of DRY GOODS and Print*, Muslin*. Opera Canton*, and Woli Flannel*. Ladiei Drea* Good*, *uch a* Detain*, Alpaca*. Poplin*, Km pre** Clotn. Sateen*, Tameita, together with a full •lock of everything uiually kept in the Dry Good* Una. NOTIONS: A full slock, consisting part of Ladle* and Children * Merino time, Collar*. Kid [glove*, beet quality *llk and Liale thread I Glove*, Hoods, Nubia*, Breakfa*t shawls, I HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men's Boy'* and Children * ot tne late*'. *tyle and leit CLOTHING, * 1 2 Ready made, a choice selection of Men's and Boy'sot the newest styles and most serviceable materials. BOOTS & SHOES, A very large stock of Men's W omen's and Children's and sold very low. Queensware, full assortment. GROCERIES s full stock at the lowest prices. At the old stand of WM. WOLF. W. J.MoManigaL 1 Wholesale and retail dealer in HARDWAREand CUTLERY, Ir*a, Null*. Oil*, Pninla, Vrn inhesi. Wall Paper, Ac. ftUlre? foJHBSn So. ffi. To Bhoemakerts, I have Just received a large stock of FRENCH KIP FRENCH MOBOOOOES FRENCH CALFSKINS LINING SKINS RUSSIA BRISTLES KKDSOLE LEATHER SHOE MAKERS TOOLS PAT., AWL HAFTS AT 10 CENTS SHOE THREAD Ac. Call early and examine Oct 11 3m WMJMMANIGAL. BOSTON Boot & Shoe Store! A HEW ESTABLISHMENT With New Goods & New Prices! Having determined to engage In business at tbu place, we have opened up in Room NO 5 BUSH'S ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA., the largest. most complete and cheapest stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIP PERS, AC., that has ever been openod up in this part of the Stale. At our store yon can find in the Boot mnd Shoe lino Anything from the finest boot to the cheapest flip per, end we know if you once call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES. you will concede that it it to your interest to purchase from us. WENI&LL AT BOSTON RATES Repairing Neatly Bone. L. BATCHKLLER A CO. i July mf. THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. Neit door to Wilson & Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BELLKFONTE, PA., R. F. Raw kin Sc Co., (Buccesor to Linn A Wilon.) DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRtsH EB. r KKFUMKKY. NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. for medicinal purpeeee. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS In great variety Alio, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* uiually hept in flrat clas* Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREPU Y COMPOUNDED. n R T.L*FO NTFM A K K RTB. Corrected by 0. D. Keller. White Wheat $!,, Bed 1) Rye 7ft. Com an ... Oav* 40 Barley 110. •70 Ulorerteed ft,oo ...... PoIAIMM) 46. Lard per pound 7 Pork per pound Ufl Butter 30. Kgg. 30 Plaater per ton • 914 Tallow P Ilaroii 8 Ham 19 LEWIHTOWN MARKETS White wheel 1,76 ..R. d wheat 1.6 ...Rye Of) Corn ) Oat* 86 Barley 60 Cloverieecl 4.60 TlmmVitVr tuurrca. 4*4 riallwi* UxWarifV |*u4k, lu in I t'wd tUUnMy I*4 iWtiwit, fur em.Jk.rn JLmx* i\>jk.mT. A*k tm TllMjffaiE OIL Tib* a. *htr. tm .• yIUIIT IT TO ORAB. Il ti wfiawK Miiinii nemujkpnea*' W laf ftaaaaaa*. wad* mX tf'iM. I*4*. UMUimI bAa, Jr u4 li Slicks, PLAIN AND FAKCT of every deecription . All vehicle* manufactured by them ifo warranted to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done ©laewhar*. They ue none but the beet material, L and employ the mort ekillfu! workmen. Hence they flatter theroee'.vee that their work can not be excelled for durability and finieh. , , Order* from a dintancc.promptly attend* | f< *Coiue and examine eur work before t contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, ,1 . RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, j LOCK HAVEN, PA. 11 ' The proprietor of Ryuder'e Muaio Store desire* iccnll the attention of the people of Centre county, to tl iktt that they Can Save Money ;by purehaaiog their waaical in.truraenU ot Hynder'e Msuic Store. We are telling I Double Reed, Six Stop, Five Octavo Organs, at 8140, •u|erior in tone and finiah, to tht-c that are hawked and piddled throughout the country at $175 io $200.) Ti oee we warrant for 6ve yeara. We give any reaaonable credit dwired to reeponeible parties. We beg leave to call your attention to the following inatrumenU, eold in Pennevailey tbu year, which you .would do well to examine before purchasing ebewhere : CENTRE HALL. 8. a WOLF, Uyoder Orenu.. § ?2JS WM. OALBRAITH, ltyuder Organ lW.uu LEMONT.; I)R. J. Y. DALE, American Organ WJJj 00 PETER BCHKECK, Rynder Organ 14000 AARONSBURG. WM. ETTINGER, Rynder Orgno $240.00 BOALBBURG. MISS E. E. HUNTER, Melodion * I3OOO In n few weelu we will call attenuon to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In aliort by writing a letter to u< and getting our prioee—we deliver nil iuetfum*nto—_ You Can Save From £4O fo £6O on an Organ. Add "" RYXDERSMUSIC ST , Lock Haven, Pa. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! C. D.KELLER. BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, D now prepared, at tbe Old Stand on Bishop Street, to sell Dftf 80OD3, QROCZXISS.teets, Shess.Csrpsts, CEDAR AR'D WILLOW WARE. AC., AC, at greatly reduced prices. U i *Uo prepared to purchase ALL KINDS OF GRAIN! FOR WHICH HE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ASH PURCHASERS R ILL FIND SUPERIOR IKDCCEMENTS apr.lVtf. I. Guggenheimer. VKWARRAXOKSSXTI ISAAC GCOOENUEIMER, h f V\°S purchased tbe entire °[* he firm of Suaaman & cx cept the Leather and bhoe finding*, has filled up bit shelves with a lot o. splendid SEW OOODe, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, deeds uoone, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ROOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS, AND FANCY ARTICLES sod is now prepared to accomodate all his old customer*, and to welcome all new ones who may favor him with their patronage. He feels safe in say ing that ho can please tbe most fastidi ous Call and see. ISAAC GUGGENHEIMER P. B.—Mr. Sussman still continues to deal in LEATHER AND SHOE-FINDINGS, CLOVER.nd TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where he may alway be found. 12ap.lf. COAL, LIME, 0 and POWDER! COAL— Wilkeabarr# Coal, Cheetnut Stove, En, furnace and foundry, Coal—ofboat quality, at the low oat pricaa. Cuatomora will please noto that our coal la houaed un der commodloua shcdi. LIME— Wood or coal-burnt Lime, lor aalo at our kilna, on the pike leading to Mileiburg. POWDER.—Having received the agency for Du Pont'a Powder AT WHOLESALE, we ahall be pleaaed to receive orderafroui the trade. Office and yard near aouth end of Bald Eagle Valley R- R- Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. n v SHOR DGE & CO. The oldest and moat reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education, jaw- Practical business men as instruc- Por information, write for a circular to P. DUFF A SONS, Pitttburg, Pa. •Dim.wa WAR! WAR! On High Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 1 H. B. KMiTH, of Potter* Mills. N E W G 0 ODS! We would moat respectfully tnfrom hie friend*, customer*, and the public gener ally. that be has takes possession of Thompson'* old quarter*, whieb have been remodeled and improved, and is now pre-, pared to accommodate all who may favor! htm by calling. NEW GOODS! lie ha* just received one o the largest stocks of all kinds of Merc handise ever brought to Centre county, which be intends to sen at scuh figure* as'wiil make it an ob iect for all persons to purchase. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac., should not &il to give him a call, a* he feels confident fait prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. His stock of GROCERIES consists of Coffee* of the beet quality. Teat, I Sugar* of all kinds, Molasses, Fish, Salt,! Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spioea, Provlsicnsj, Flour and Feed, Ac., Ac. Our stock ofj DRYGOODS is large and varied, and we will just say can supply any article in that liae, with out enumerating. READY M A DECLOTHING • a large Mock of ready-made Clothing fbr Men and Boys wear, which we will ditpoee of at a very small advance on coat. Boot* and Shoes, Sals and Car** Hard* ware, Oueencware, Wood and Willow I War*, X otions, Fancy Gooda, Carpeta, Oil I cloths. Wall Tapers, Window Shades, Jbc~ oc 128.1 jr. i i - Jj MB f m : - Graham & Son, Boot & Shoe Makers Next door to D C Keller's Store Bellefonte. We manufacture to order. Our work is neat and durable. Our price* are very moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. We have the LARGEST-and BEST stock of Ladie's and Children's shoes in town. We are receiving foods every week. We wish an examination of our goods. The Pennsvalley trade is especially in vited to call and see our stock, we think we can please all who call as to style, quality, and prices. We study to render satisfaction, and although we have had an extended trade for years, we have never given a customer cause to complain. * BUTTS HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA. J. B. BUTTS, Prop'r. Has first class accommodation; charg- NRum Dr. Crook's Wine of la vk 10 YEAHt —OF A— -3* Public Test Bm pranJ mt DR. CROOK'S jt£ WINE TAR - ncHt liutn any ffMlgattK mmMmr V*V***Z mmamm' ttoa em •Aerrd the pMte. It h Hehto the medtdaaJ *!• tt ten f caaf the Throat and Lang*, i-r forming the meet remarkable tmrm. Concha. Concha. ltaftacumiiv corks them all. Hat cored so many came ithaa bant pronotmrrda specific toe thee* cotnpUir.U. | Hansm of the CrUurr Oremns, Jcuadiceor anj Liter Complaint, ""-iscifiS uri Debilitated, Censes the Food to Digest, Removes Dropewua and • Isdfgeetxm. Prevents Malarious Fevers, Given tone to your System. TRY DR.CROOK'S WINKOFTAi Ttea Champion of the World. The new Improved American Button- Hole Overaeaming sad Complete Searing Jfachine—The great est machine of the Age ! Slmplclty, Durability A Cheap ness Combined. This machine beta* the ltest. ha# insW improvement* over all other, in a word, it is a perfect machine.* bich i* acknowledg ed by th£best judge* andagents of all othe. m chine*. I Call on A. L. Bart**#, maaisonbutg, who 4# the authorised agent for I • tare county. Al*o keep* the heat Btwiag Ma chine thread, needle*, an ! repair- a! kn d of sewing machine*, clock*, wsUhe*. n.u *ick hose* Ac I "will thoroughly canvass the Melton belonging to me, and 1 *hU be eery much pleated to *ell every person a machine, on Mty terms ; nivo It s trial bo tore purchasing any otherc-it han-equal. Pifuti vitbioc tks nicbino, wi%l puMMMi 2ES the undersigned > Agent for Centre County MAPieonncao. Pa. THE GREAT CAUSE OK HnmanHisery# Tiul palilua-* Prlru, • t • A Lucturu oa 'Um Stor. Tmlnwl and F• d <"*' Mama* DaMMW U# InMlMati M HmMi l>"' In- - riiw— w# n>. Mr-.!/. :uc ffiiltT laer-ewV. U.—' BOh CI.Tl.r Wai l M t>. mthorttl Uw r BoA." 1 rbiiMU i ■■— it •■tAor. la Kto MmtouWe Ijjc tan dMifaer*M frmhl ru ruwrtjor* t! ~ f,.i -1 sll *lw an , * <•"" - rMi il TITIi— * and attti. ut dsi c - Irtral ooaraUona. tnatraawaU. •' c*ir luk oat a wad* of raw* at oac* oactatn aM rondiuon max be, Ml canhumK , bract). |tttaMr and radloaUx Tut* tec tore *UI profr Uoon to t-,.m ---tZ*. under anal. In a plain aaealope. to any addraaa, Addiam u > mWl * h^| AR j c itujfuaotx roat oaea (hut UK. if Boactjr. CENTRAL HOTEL. Corner of Third and Chestnut Street, Mifflinburß, Pa. John Bhowers, Proprietor. Its Central Location make* it particularly deairable to person* visiting Town on business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. unf2l ly PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. t For Scrofula, Nt-i oJts *? loua Dlrcases of the ?% Eyes, or hetofula in A Ony I'orm. Any d.Ht-ase or erupt n of |T? the Skin, disease of the liver, mpfj, Rheumatism, Piiiy-li*, O i n Sores, Ulcers, Broken-do wc Constitutions. Syphilis, or any ©Ahinu disease depending on ad* gjSffi prated coin iition of tit L 4 JSgL "'DR. CROOK'S J&k § SYBLP OP fg| POKE ROOT. aSFv > It has the medicinal .-wt ;• rty of Poke combined wit!, s i JJ/ atation of Iron !,h-l •* j/ / _ once into the tlood, perform log the most ifl'kl wua * 1 " '