The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 15, 1872, Image 1

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    The Approach ef Christmas.
The Urn. draws near the birth af Christ;
Ths moon is hid, the night is still;
A tingls church below ths hilt
la peoliae, folded la ths mist.
A single peel of belts below,
That wakens si Shis hour of reel,
A stngls murmur in ths breast.
That these are net the bella I knew.
like stranger's voice, her. th.j soar.!,
la land, where not a memory .tray..
Nor landmark breathe, of other daya,
Bat all it new via hallo wM ground
7>nnyon'> " In JfsmerMm.*
little fierly.
tVe a iwcetheart Withe and gay,
Fairer far than fabled fay.
Light and airy.
She in bright snd debonair,
Softly fall, her golden hair ;
I all other lorn fore wear ;
Little fairy.
liUl* deity swears .he's true,
Gives me kisses not s few ;
Do ! doubt her ?
Heart, are often bought and sold
Is it glitter, is it gold f
Half my grief could not be told
Were I without her.
Oerty eoold* me if [ nam,
Wonders what I want from home,
With sly glances—
Looks that wens to me to say,
" I have waited all the day ;
Yon wars very wrong to stray,
Naughty Francis.
If I whisper, "We must part,"
Gerty, sighing, breaks her heart:
Awkward, rery.
When I say that IU remain.
All her smiles return again.
Like warm sunshine after rain.
We are merry.
If my sweetheart knows her muid.
Love is mad as well as blind.
Little Gerty
flays she means to marry me ;
She is only six, yon see;
I—alas, that it should be 1
Am twoand-Uurty.
Blumble boasted of being a confirmed
bachelor, and took pride in being called a
woman-hater. I mean Thomas Blumble,
of the importing and jobbing house ot
"Hood, Stiver fc Blumble." He was very
fond of letting people know that he din
regarded the charm* of the softer sex, and
was frequently heard to saj that he would
like to see the woman that could get hiin
under her thumb. There was a time, of
course, when Blumble was susceptible to
the overtures of Cupid; because when he
was plain "Tom," of fifteen year* of age.
and left "Rock Cove," came to the city
and entered the epmloj of "Mensor.
Tigby A Hood," he left behind him a
young "Polly .Ann," with many a sigh
and tear, and more rows than both put
together, to be true till death. For two
yeara he wrote constantly to hia Polly
Ann, repeating the manifold rows of boy
hood love; then he waa promoted from
boy to entry cle-ik. and soon after was
introduced to a very bewitching young
lady whom we may be allowed to oafi
Hat tie Ellon. Then he forgot his Polly
Ann down in Rock Cove, and became
very attentive to Miss Elton; he ac
companied her to the theater and made
her presents; he got trusted for his new
coat, and with the money that ahould
have paid for it they took a sleigh-ride to
Brighton, and feasted on hot chickens and
champagne; to please her he learned to
polka and waltz; the schottisch and
varsovienne were not in vogue then.
Things had aped along very smoothly for
about a year; so Tom, thinking he might
as well have the matter settled at once,
popped the question. Miss Elton appeared
very much surprised; for a moment she
remained silent, then lilting up both hands
she exclaimed;
"Why, Mr. Blumble," —she had con
stantly called him "Tom" for six
months previous—"l've been engaged
these tivo years—didn't yon know it!"
"Know it f No," replied Blumble, in
ntter astonishment.
"Why, yea I've been engaged to
Charley Dudley for a long while, and I
thought yon knew all about it, and was
only paying attention to me out of polite
ness. Cha'ley is in New York now, but
we are to be married next Christmas.''
"Married next—"
We may guess what Blumble was about
to say, but we shall always be in doubt,
for, instead of finishing his sentence, he
took his hat and rushed out of the houe,
not even-waiting to make the parting sa
lution of "good-evening." Perhaps he
was afraid to trust his gnashing teeth, for
fear they would change his well-meant
words into some wicked expression.
Tom, in the privacy of his own chamber,
with his door locked, his elbows npon his
light-sttnd, and bis face quite buried in
his hands, reverted to the year's time and
the many dollars he Lad thrown away on
Miss Elton; then be thonght of poor
Polly Ann, whom he had "cnt" so shame
fully. down in Rock Cove, and he decided
to write to her, to offer pressing business
as an excuse for'nftt having written before,
to sue for pardon for past negligence, and
to assert that his affections were still on
altered and nnalterable. So he unbailed
hie face, and penned the tender miaaive
fall of falsehoods and stale love, which he j
dispatched with the fullest confident* thatj
Polly Ann wonld be very happy to receive
it. But alas for poor human expectations!
Polly Ann's letter came. It was brief;
she told Blumble she had heard of his
attentions te the city lady, that she had
almost forgotten him, and was going to
marry Jerry Smike, the village blacksmith
the next week. She returned to Tom his
earliest efforts in love-letter writing and
a lock of bis hair, and requested him to
return to her sundry articles in that line
tl*at be had received from her.
From that day Blnmble announced
himself to the world az a woman-hater.
He bad been false to one woman, and
one woman had tricked him. So he
cried down the whole aex. The time
which Blarable had heretofore divided
between lgve and business was now de
voted to bnsiners exclusively, and in
consequence he received one promotion
after another, until he had the pleasure
of seeing his own name the third on the
sign over the Moor which he had first
entered as an errand boy. I don't be
lieve he remembered that there were any
snch perrons in the world as Hattie
Elton and Polly Ann, the first day that
the new sign was raised.
It was as the junior member of the firm
that Blnmble had travelled through the
New England States two years ago last
Fall with samples, receiving orders.
Daring his tour he remained in the pret
ty village of P., N. H., one fine night in
October. He sat in the bar-room after
supper, smoking his cigar, until it be
came filled with the villagers, discussing
politics, Amoking their pipes, talking of
their crops and ogling him ; all of which
was quite uninteresting to him, so he
concluded to walk out anil view the
village by moonlight. He had hardly
stepped into the entry, and before he
could close the door, ere he heard a
voice inquire:
"Who is that gentleman ?"
" His name is Blnmble, he's from Bos
ton," replied the landlord.
"Blumble, from Boston ?" chimed in
a third voice, and then added, " You
don't eay so !" followed by a long low
whistle of astonishment.
Blumble stepped off the piazza and
walked up the village street. He bad
scarcely walked twenty yards before he
•was aware of being followed. Giving
the matter but little thought, however,
he turned from the road into a pleasant
lane that wended its way toward some
half-dozen farm-houses, until he came to
a rustic 6eat, upon which he threw him
self, and was soon oblivious to all the
world excepting the business affairs of
"Hood, Stiver & Blumble." He sat
until his cigar was consumed, when he
was aroused to the world around hiin by
the village clock striking outteu. But
toning lus coat closely around him, he
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor,
hurried down tho lnue toward the hotel;
a* ho turned from the lane into the grout
road ho was suddenly and not very aoftlv
seized hr the throat, by the shoulders,
and by the coat-tails, by at least a doaoa
baud*. He wae rattier Uxi much sur
prised to apeak, eren if he had a chance
to; the hands so tightly clenched
around hia throat would huto pr, vented
his speaking if he bad not Iwen so great
ly surprised. As ho could not sjx-ak ho
listened rory patiently to some half
doion exclauiatious of " Now we've got
you I"
Something desperate must lc done,
so lUuiubk* struck the fellow that held
j him l>y the throat full in the face, knock
ing him down, and then cried out as
though he expected that this would be
the last chance he ever would have to
" What the deuce are yon slwnt ?"
The striking question had a miraculous
effect upon the uuiucronn hands dis
tributed about his person, and Blumble
was free. He waited a few moments to
regain his breath, then looking around
him. asked very energetically :
• What does alt this mean ?"
•• It means that if yon don't promise
to leave town and not go to nee Mary
Gay again, we'll just hide you, and then
ride you out of town on a rail," said the
young man, the recipient of the blow,
who bad regained his leet.
" Leave town ? Mary Gay ? Why,
I do not understand what you mean,"
remarked Blumble, considerably mysti
"Well, air," interrupted another
voice, "we mean that you've come here
from Beaton to court Mary Gay, and you
mean to cut out Billy Higdy here; now
if yon dou't give np Mary, and leave
town to-night we'll pitch you into the
" Hold on a moment," said Blnmble;
" I think you must have got hold of the
wrong person, aa I have not the acquain
tance of Miss Gay, nor in fact of any
other lady in this place. But I want you
to understand one thing distinctly, and
that is, I shall not leave town until 1 get
Something abont Blumble'* manner
seemed to convince the vcung men that
he was in earnest, for tLey uttered var
ious expressions, such as, "That's a like
ly story !" "He's gassing !" "I don't be
lieve that." etc. Men invarihly express
doubts when being souvinecd of sumo
thing they had rather not believe;
Fur a few moments the wboki taurty
remained in silence; then oue of the
yonng denizens of P. broke the spell by
" Aintyour name Blumble ?"
" Yes, sir."
" And you are from Boston?"
"Yea, sir."
"And don't know Mary Gay ?"
" No, sir."
" Well, that's strange ! She said hi*
name was Blumhle.and that'* your name;
he belongs to Boston, and so do you ;
now you've been rif;bt up by her house,
and we believe you've been there to see
her. Dou't we. Bill ?"
" Yes, we do," replied Higdy.
"Well, oung men," said Blnmble,
" if you don't believe me, go ask the
young lady herself.' 1
This proposition was met with ap
proval bv the whole party, so Blumble
started back up tbe lane, accompanied
by a large escort before, behind, and on
each aide of him. They filed into the
yard, aud crowded on to the steps of a
neat looking farm house, and Higdy
knocked at the door. In a few moments
one of the chamber windows wa* open
ed and a protruding head asked :
" Who's there ?"
"Come down to the door a minute,
Squire, will yon ?" asked BHI.
" Why, what do you want ?" inquired
the voice in the chain lie r window above.
" We want to see Mary a minute," re
plied a voice from the crowd below.
" Why, she has been abed these two
hours. Is it anything important ?"
"Yes, we want to see her just a min
" Well, 111 speak to her."
In a few minutes Mary appeared at the
door. She was very good looking, not
withstanding being culled out of herTnil
at such an unseasonable hour—and so
thonght Blumble. For some moments
the whole company remained speech
less ; at last Blnmbifl, tiring of his con
spicions situation, ami the " nothing-to
say" spirit of the party, broke the silence
by asking the young lady if she hail ever
seen him before.
" Nfft that I remember of," she re
"I only asked you to satisfy these
young men," said Blumble.
" Then hie ain't roar eity beau ?" ask
ed Higdy.
"No f" as short a* though it had been
bnt one letter.
"Then we were mistaken" said a voice
| in the yard and two or three of tlie par
ty slid out at the gate.
" I am very sorry that I have heqn the
indirect etuse of this annoyance W yon,
but it was no fault of mine. This gen
tleman," pointing to Higdy, "and hia
party seized me and would not allow me
to proceed to mv hotel until I hail proved
to them that I had not been visiting yon.
I must now leave them with you to make
their own explanations, and bid you
good evening."
"Good Evening," said the young lady
in a very sweeot voice.
Somehow Blumble didn't sleep very
sound that night; be was in a strailge
place, and ho kept constantly thinking
of his strange adventure, and of the
good-looking, strange young lady ; and
the more he thought, the mora he won
dered who she waa ; and when at last he
determined to inquire about her in tbe
morning, he fell a.dcep and dreamed of
BlumbJe IM an early rier—bachelors*
Cnerally are—md the neit morning,
fore the villagers were astir, he had
walked out and passed the house of
Squire Gay ; bat he did not see Mary,
so he returned to the hotel and inquired
of the landlord concerning her. The
landlord must have praised the girl for
the bachelor decided to remain another
day and be introduced to her, then to
remain a third, and finally he concluded
he might as well stop the week out, and
no wrote to his partners, informing them
that he should remain there a few days
to rest himself. The professed woman
hater walked up that same luno each
evening, and walked into the house, too;
He was not disturbed again by Bill Hig
dy, for the Squire had threat* ned if be
came within gnu-sfeotwf tbe house again
to put a dose of sold lead into lifm. 80
the wise but jealous Iligdy kept out of
the way. nK ' "
There was a great reform in the man
ner and habits of Thomas Blumble,
merchant. He left his bachelor clubs,
notwithstanding the jeers and taunts of
his former companions, and he became
very circumspect in his remarks on
female character. For a number of
months be spent his spare hoars writing
to Mary, and choosing appropriate gifts
for her, and for a long while tire Boston
and P. Express considered him one of
their best customers. But ere long there
was abrilliant wedding-party at the house
of Squire Gay, and P. lost its most charm
ing belle, for Miss Gay became Mrs.
Blomble. A few weeks ago Mr. and
Mrs. Blumble went down to Rook Core
and visited the old Blumble homestead;
while there Mr. Blnmble introduced his
wife to Mr. Jerry 8 mike, and Mrs. Polly
Ann Smike, and the little Smikea. It
would be impossible to tell which are
the most contented with their lot, Tho-
mas or l'oll) Ann. One thing more and
lam done. In answer to Hhtmhle'a ad
vertiseiuent for a chamber-maid, who
would aasirt iu plain aewing.wlu doyou
think appln-d for the situation? Yon
would never gnesa, so I'll toll you. It
a.i* Hattic Elton! Her New York bean
had heard of her flirtations with Blum
ble, and for that reason broke his en-
Kgo incut with her; snd she, who might
WE IHOU Mr*. Thouiaa Blum hie. must
■ bo content to be Mrs. Bluuible's servant.
The Yuka Hot 11.
t>u the reeervatioo there ence lived an
1 udian who was so tbotvoghly bad in every
respect that he was generally known by
the sobriquet of The Yuks Devil, lie
'omuntted all the seven deadly sin* and a
good many more, if not every day of his
life, at least as often as he could. One
; day he wandered oil a considerable way
I trom the reserve, accompanied by two ol
i hi. tribal hrethren, and they fell upon and
wantonly murdered three squaws, without
j any known provocation whatever. They
I were pursued by a detachment of the gar
; risen, overtaken, captured, carried hack
' manacled hand ami loot, and consigned to
the guard house. In some inexplicable
manner, The Devil contrived to break his
letters asunder, and then be tied them on
ajriiu with twine iu such fashion that,
when the turnkey came along on a tour
of inspection, he perceived nothing amiss.
Being taken out for some purpose or other
soon afterward, he seised the opportunity
to wrench off his manacles ami escape.
But he was speedily overtaken again and
brought down with a bullet, which wound
cd him alightly, taken back to theguaid
bouso heavily ironed, and cast into a
dungeon. Here he feigned death. For
lour days be never swallowed a crumb of
nutriment, tasted no water, breathed no
breath that could be discovered, and lay
with every muscle relaxed like a corpse.
To all human perception he was dead, ex
cept that his body did not become rigid or
cold. At last a vessel of water was placed
on a table bard by; Information ol that
fact was casually imparted to him in his
native speech; ail the attendant, with
drew, the dungvou relapsed into Mleoce,
and ho was secretly watched. After a
long lime, when profound stillness pre
vailed, ami when the watchers had l>pun
to believe be was in a trance, at least, he
cautiouriv lifted up hit head, gated stealth
| ilr all aiound him, scrutinised every cran
ny and crevice of light, then softly crawled
on all fours to the table, taking care not to
clank his chains the while, took down the
pitcher and drank deep and long. They
rushed iu upon him, but upon the instant
—so fatuous was the obstinacy of the sav
aye—he dropped as if he bad been shot,
and again simulated death. Hut he ws*
now informed that his play was quite too
hallow for any further purpose*, and as
soon as the gallows con Id be put in order,
the executioners entered and told him
plainly that the preparations were fblly
compietcd for bintaking-off. He made no
sign. Then, half dragging, half carrying
the miserable wretch, tbey conducted him
torth to the scaffold. All limp and flare;d
and nerveless as he is, tbey lift him npon
the platform ; but still he makes not the *
least motion, snd exhibits no conscious
ness of >ll these stern and grim prepara
tions. He is supported in an upright posi
tion between two soldiers, hanging a life
less burden on their shouldera ; his bead
is lifted up from bis breast, when* it
droops in heavy helplessness; the new
bournt rope, cuid and hard and prickly, t*
coiled around bis neck, and the Luge snot
properly adjusted at the side ; the mem
tu! cap, which shuts off these beart-.ickcn
lug prepaiations from the eyes of the faint
and shuddering criminal is dispensed with ;
and everything is in perfect readiness.
The solemn stilhtews befitting the awful
rtaclc about to be enacted tails upon
few spectators; the fatal sign is given ;
the prop swiftly descends; the supporting
soldiers <iuk with it, as if about to vanish
into the earth and hide their eyes from
the tragedy ; with a dead, dull thud the
tightening rape wranches the poor savage
from their upbearing shoulders into piti
less mid-air ; and The Yuka Devil, hang
ing there without n 'twitch or shiver,
quickly passew (root simulated to noequtvn
cal and uuiuistakable death.— Octriamd
A Rsunsraracx or THE UOU> FEVHR.
—A relic of the first gold excitement in
California kas just been brought to light
by tho removal of the old Niantic Hotel
iu San Francisco, and is none other
than the ball of the ship Niantic, one of
the first vessels that arrived in that I*rt
after the discovery of gold. She WM
fitted out in New York for a whaling
voyage, and wa* commanded by Cap. H.
Cleveland, of Martha's Vineyard. After
a few weeks at Rhode Island, where oil
ber whaling apparatus was put on board,
the Niiratir set sail. On her vpyage she
toil on ed at Palta, above Oaflao, una there
learned of tho discovery of gold in Cali
fornia. Captain Cleveland was iufonned
Unit thousands! admits rare weft" wait
ing eagerly at Panama for some means of
transportation to the gold fields. This
appeared better than whaling. Casks,
boats and all surplus freight were put on
shore, and the Niantic steered for Pana
ma. Ber arrival was Mh'fl willxjhj by
the gold seekers. They jiotfrdd ou board
by hundred*. No pricf was deemed too
high for apoWiqgii to the new HI Dorado.
Captain Cleveland towni ! a#aj as many
as his vessel would bold, aud forwarded
845,000 in gold coin to hia owners., the
amount of the passage money collected.
The cost of the Nantic was about $30,000.
This was paying for herself with interest,
anil besides exceeding the entire expense
of her whaling outfit. On her arrival at
■San Francisco, not oly we Be Urn I*au m: •
passengers put ashore, Imt all ber crew,
as a matter of oonrse, deserted for the
diggins. Nor fcculd money procure a
handful of men sufficient to work her
home; a>, like many other ships, the Nl
antie liecame a permanent fixture. Cap.
Cleveland, therefore, sold her to a man
who used it as a a tore-house. Houses
wore erected on tho deck, and lodgings
let at rates that go far beyond the tariff of
our first-class hotels to-dav, and many a
weary miner, sad ana disappointed
from the months of unsuccessful labor,
has lain down to rest in the shelter of
tbe timbers of this old ship.
FISHES' JSRAU—TB eys in tl:# lancalH
and the liag is of the shhplest form, con
sisting of a nerve termination coated
with blcV pigment, and capable of p#r
etfvlirg the presence of light. In yomig
lampreys while thry remain hurted in
the sand the eves are very minute and
undeveloped; but when they reach the
adult period these organs are developed
to an average size. In the majority of
fishes, the eyes are admirably adapted
to the purposes of vision in water; and
in the four-eyed fish of South America
not only are the eyes very perfect, but
they are also divided into an upper and
lower portion, giving them the appear
ance of two pupils, aud enabling the fish
to pursue its prey when out of us well as
when under the water. In the cat fishes
the greatest variety it found in the size
and arrangement of the visual organs,
from the large eves on the Hidea to mi
nute oues placed on the upper surface of
the head. In some of the members
of this family they are so buried under
the skin as to be of little or no use.
A terrible accident a eirens
show in Sheffield, England. A gallery
crowded with people fell with its liTing
freight upon the heads of those below,
and it is reported that seventy persons
wore injured by the accident and the
panic which followed.
I'srd t'p Money.
A correspondent who visited the Foi
led States Treasury Department at Wsh
--j itigtoti, says ; I made a tour of one
of the rooms the used up money wa
t lieiug counted a few days since, and one
lof the ladtea showed me a pocket-book
i which was sent to the Department by
i nu of ths officer* of the
who stated that tt had been lout tlirce
j real* and just turned up in the *ha|M
sent. He said the man who lost it
claimed that it held 815 when lo*t. It
was forwarded with the hope that, not
withstanding the seeming impossibility
of deciphering the mass of pulp remain
ing of the nioncv, something might lie
made of it. As I looked at it not * line,
mark, or figure denoting Its value could
lie traced, and 1 asked the lady to whom
it was assigned for verification if she
could do anything iu the way of deci
phering it.
"O ves," she replied, turning over
some or the fragments, " there is a flvo
dollar legal tender."
I looked into her face, expeetlug to are
a smite at the joke she was playing upou
me ; but she was instead earnestly put
ting the fragments together, to see how
in any legal tenders she could make. To
me tliU seemed a display of genius not
to be altaiucd by many members of the
human family, and the successful few
must belong to the female aex.
This lady has remarkable akill m this
particular direction, and has saved mauy
hundreds of dollars to the Government,
as well as gladdened the hem to of num
bers who would, except for this ability
on bar part, have lost large sunn of
money. The loser of the pocket-book
will, from the wreck otherwise total, nave
perhaps hi* entire 845 through her.
WASIUNO BTTTSK.— We copy the fol
lowing from the Fmibaoi Grruar: Tin*
practice is by some butter-makers looked
upon as injurious, and it ia a (Kant ujwn
which diver* opinion* are held. One
says, "I never allow a particle of water
•o" touch my hotter." It is claimed tliat
by this practice tlie !>uttcr has a richer
flavor, that washing takes away. If but
ter could be entirely freed from casein,
which even washing will not do per
fectly, it wonld keep almost an in
definite time with good care. But we
are told that unwashed butter Contain*
about five or six percent, of casein, while
that which ia well washed will retain
only about one per cent, of it. Wo be
lieve that it is belter to wash tho casein
than to work it out, even if working
would <lo a* well, for the reason that the
less you work the buth r the lietb-r it i*.
If there were some process whereby but
ter could be extracted from the milk
immediately after it ia taken from the
cow, aud tlie animal heat is gone, with
out iqjury to the batter, the keeping
qualities of the batter would tie greatly
unproved. It to hoping too much that
science will some day do it? A large
portion of the milk a* it come* from the
cow is water, and why ahonld pore water
injure butter? Wo can readily see that
if the water con tains mineral substances,
or is impure, it would produce injury.
No one claims but that washing ts neces
sary where the butU-r is intended for
long keeping; and if, aa ia claimed, the
aroma ia washed sway, there ia no doubt
bat that this aroma la from the casein
that remains in all uuwa&hed butter, tor
even washing will not extract all of it.
One thing iaexnlodad that has long been
a hobby, aud tuat is, yon miri pound
about so long to get good batter. If the
temperature is right, and the previous
care baa been right, five or ten minutes
will bring as good or bettor butter than
hodra of pouttding. This we hove de
monstrated to our satisfaction; and we
are prepared to expect that other changes
in hntter-roaking will coinn in due time.
Tito more quickly butter ia made, and
the air shut from it. the bettor, if only
the next hour after the milk ia drawn
from tho cow.
EXTIKO Aanono. —A young lady ask*
tlie Ltdfftr the following iintetion:
"What effect does eating arsenic, in
small quantities, have on the com
plexion ? Does it effect the health iu
any way, ami if so, bow ?"
Iu answering this question we take
the occasion to comment on the folly—
we might almost my the madness—of
resorting to the nse of jmiaons, either
internally or externally, for the purpose
of improving the complexion, Arsenic,
in anT for in in which it is Used—al
though not in a pare mctalic state aud
before oxidation—in a terrible poison.
If taken in sufficient quantities ft can*cs
death, after excruciating suffering. In
small doaes it produces very unplenaaut
effects, and undoubtedly shortens life.
The liahit of eating arsenic onco con
firmed cannot l>o broken off. A parson
is to lie looked upon AS idiotic who wiil
delilieratcly adopt the practice of baking
snch an injurious and dangerous drug,
merely for the 'purpose of w uitouing the
skin. But there arc other substaoces
much more commonly used than arsenic
I for their eflocton the complexion, which
sro also highly deleterious. Many of
tho cosmetics vrhioh are sold contain
! lead, and there are few poisons which
prodnce results more to lx> dreaded than
those occasioned by lead. Even as used
in hair dyes, it occasions neuralgia,
pars lysis, guttering and death. Seek
good looks by seeking good health : by
early rifling, ont-door exercise, whole
some food, a clear conscience, and the
cultivation of a cheerful temper; and not
by the nse of arsenic or any other poi*
DRYIXO PmrziN#.— Wo hav# tried all
modes of drying, hut no plan is equal, we
think, ta this : Take the ripe pumpkins,
pare, cut into small piqees, stow soft,
tnash and strain through a cullender, a* if
for making pies. Spread this pnlp on
plates in layers not quite an inch thick ;
dry it down in the stove oven, keep at so
low a temperature a* not to scorch it.
In about a day it will become dry and
crisp. The sheets thus made ran be
stored away in a dry place, and they are
always ready for nse for pies or sauce.
Honk the nieces over night in a little
milk, am! they will return to a nice pulp,
as delicious at the fresh pumpkin—we
think much ruoro so. Tbe quick drying
alter cooking prevents any portion from
slightly roaring, as it is always the case
when tho uncooked pieces are'dried ; the
flavor is much better preserved, anil after
cooking is saved. This tilnn is quite a*
little trouble as the old mode, to say
nothing of the superiority in the quality
of the materia) obtained. Try it snd yon
will not return to the old method, we are
sure, and you will also become a great
lover of pumpkin pie all the ysar round.
—Procure half a pound of gum shellac,
break the sealee fine, and put tliem in a
jug or liottle; add alcohol sufficient to
cover the gum; oork tightly and place
where it will bo kept warm. Iu about
two days, If shaken frequently, the gum
will be dissolved and ready for use. If
the liquid appears M thick M thin mo
lasses, add more alcohol. To one quart
of varnish add one ounce of good lamp
black and an ounce of gum camphor,
such varnish will not render leather hard
but wil| keep the harness from becoming
soaked with water and the surface clean
and neat for a long time. A coat of it will
effectually prevent the oil in the leather
from soiling one's hands. Nothing is
better to render a farmer's boots water
proof than an occasional coat of this lea
ther varnish.— llomt Journal.
A Fragment from Spain*
At the eluaa of the year 1808, when
the victorious English were advancing
iu all directions toward Madrid, sud the
hittierto invincible French legion* were
falling Imck toward* their own frontier,
a Hpauioli farmer, on* Jo*e de Salvador,
was captured by a squadron of French
i'uiranaient who were covering the rear
of Hoult'a main body.
At that time, as is now well known,
the French were accustomed to shoot on
the spot every Spaniard taken prisoner
with anus in his hands ; aud the unfor
tunate farmer, when surrounded by the
French, hud unfortunately with lota hi*
fowling-piece, with which he had just
shot one of his horses, which had an
hour before broken hi* leg while at work
in the field*. The Hpauiard vsa at ouee
drugged before C'aptoin Mar ins de Yiol
lea, the commander of the Cuirassier*,
and wa* immediately ordered by hiui to
be hanged to the nearest tree.
The wretched farmer iu vain ploadod
hia iunooonee. llie hands were tied,
and he was on the ;>oiut of Iwing exo
entcd, wlu'U the sound of a horse gallop
ing wa* heard in the disUtucu, and in a
few uioiuuula a liesutiful girl was eoeu
coming towards the party at full SINWMI.
She galloped into the midi of the
Frauch, and, diauiounting and nulling
towurdatbe captain, infplored him to
KIMI re her father. But alaa ! all in vaiu
the enptaiu waa iuexoralile ; aud in a
moment the uuiortuuato farmor was no
Ilia daughter, who had watched the
proceeding* with a firm gaze, after she
had found all her entreaties of no avail,
then turned to Captaiu de Viol lea, aud
snatching oue of tbe pistols from his
belt, shot nim through the head ; and
thru, jumping on her borer, was already
at some hundred yards' distance before
the thunderstruck Cuirassiers could re
mount to pursue her.
A volley from their carbines only had
tho effect of iucrraaiug her distance, and
it waa more than an hour before the
Freuch reached the farm whore alut
lived, aud found it barricaded on all
They called npon the inhabitants to
surrender, hut a storm of bullets was tbe
only reply they received from the des
perate in mate*.
At lad, after firing without result for
some minute*, the Cuirassier* were on
the point of retiring, when the door* of
the courtyard of the farm were sudden
ly thrown open, aud a large body of the
servant* of tho estate, headed by the
young lady, charged th* Cuiraaaiera.
These being attacked unawares, and
having expeuded the whole of their
ammunition, where, after a desperate
fight, (Jain to a man, but not before
they had killed more than thirty Span
iard*, and had severely wonutled the
gallant girl who had frmgnt bravely at
their head. She, however, after a long
illness, recovered, married happily, and
one of her sou* lias lately, alter being
for several years one of the leading men
in hi* country, perudied by tbe hand* of
aasaaaina, regretted by nil hi* country
We allude to the lab* Don Pahlo <le
Gomez, the uewa ot whose fate in Cuba
ha* so recently reached ua.—Oare a
Florid* Sponge f'i-hlng.
Tn# return* of the Florida #ponge-fl*h
trie* amount ts from one hundred to one
hundred and fifty thousand pound*
annually, (urnDbsa employment to many
men and boats. The sponge I* gathered
by uuau* of a long pole, with two and
sometime* three book* upon tbe end.
This 1* thrust down into the eponge,
which can be dmtinctiy seen in the clear
I water at the depth of thirty lent. A* tbe
i fisherman tuust see the sponge, he can
! successfully work only in clear and
smooth water. They obviate tbe rough
ness by throwing upon the surface oil
made from the shares that abound in
these waters, or by a contrivance made
lot a pane ot glass set into a box sr
bucket; tide they place on tlie surface
and use as a spy glass. Tbe largo schoon
er* come to anchor and aeod out small
boat* to fish,but when the wind is not too
strong, the smaller crafts aad around,
with a man on the fore-part on lbs look
out for the sponge ; they also have their
small boat*. The sponge, after It Is gath
ered, Is allowed to remain in the sun for
two or three daya to die. The gelatinous
matter that is In them decays, and they
are very offensive at this stage. They
are tlien placed in pens (made by driving
pole* into tbe water) near the shore, to
wash ; there they remain a week, and
are then ready to be bleached in the *nn.
cut into shape, and baled for the market.
There arc five kinds gathered in these
waters. The most valuable U railed the
sheepVwool, for which the fishermen
get one dollar a pound when cleaned and
dry. Then there are the boat ami yellow
eponge*. Of the former not much 1*
found. For these they get twenty-five
cent* a pound. Bcaidoe these there i*
the glove sponge, which ranks about the
same a* the common grass sponge, which
onlv bring* them tec cent* a pound.
—flrarth and ITone.
PisAeTKors IlaavzsT tw BOSTI-AWD. —
The harvest ot *coUand is. according to
tlie ScotrmaH, the nnfft tliaaaZron* that
ha* been knowo eiflce t,' •' rear 181/. when
t whaf ***• known as ths-ileal RBta-took
place. The heavy and continued ffill ot
rain during theseoocd weak of September
drenobod Iho sheaves and cnt" '-grain
tfcf"uifh aud through, which ia in many
cases an irreparable rotable!. A good
many samples of oat* and wheat, as well
a* of barley have been shown in Edin
burgh Own Exchange during the first
three weeks; bnt, when compared with
grain of tho 1871 crop, they exhibit an
astonishing and deplorable deterioration,
but oven that does not show tho full dam
age done to the crop, because all the
grains thst had seriously sprouted had
been taken out of the samples by means
of screens and riddles. The worst fears
regarding the potato crop have been real
ized ; and an illustration of tbe extent of
the failarc of the crop is given. In ordin
ary years a stout man with three assist
ant* (two women snd a boy), could easily
raise and weigh ready for market eight
bolls or thirty-two owt- potatoes every
day. For the last fortnight it has Uken
a very aotive man and three assistant* to
one an 4 A hall holla, or six ewk, of round,
anil ttftsfe boll*, sr twolv surf, of diseased
potatoes per day, All this is bad news
lor the winter.
Too ('LOSS HTTDT. —The Boston Pub
lie Bcheol Committee recently declined
to accept a legacy for the re-establish
ment of the exploded prize medal sys
tem. The Cmgrtgafifmnlitt, in referring
to this fact, says : "We know a young
lady, a recent graduate of a Boston high
school, who, after going through the ex
amination and the crowning exhibition,
slept for three days and nights, aud had
to be aroused to take her meals. Auy
physician knows what that fact means,
una will ssy that if the youug lady re
covers from the effects of the moral and
intellectual stimulus after mouths of
rest, she will be fortunate. A year JO
two since, a bright boy in one of our
{mblie schools, was taken down by scar
et fevor. The teacher was so interested
iu tlia boy's mental progress, and so
anxious to have him keep his place in the
claas, that he called upon the father aud
actually oflered to give the boy two hours
of instruction every night save those of
Saturday and Sunday. The fact shows
the strain put upon our boys and girls.
Punishing Criminals In China*
The penal cade of China liaa Wn long
known to the world by the translation
1 ma<lc by Htr George Staunton. It i*
1 probably the most barbarous in exist
em*, lfriaonera are wholly at the mercy
<>f the Mandarin who presides at their
trial, who may torture or sentence them
to death a* the whim takes liini. The
written law is laJ enouglt, lint the scope
1 given to the judge* make* it ton times
worse. It ia shocking enough to find a
law which declare* that, in ca*e of trea
son, "all the male relatives in the first
degree of the (leraun convicted, hia father,
grandfather, and patera*] uncles, as w.-ll
aa hia n>u*, grandwutia, and tna of hia
uncles, shall bu indiscriminately behead
ed." But the following ia productive
ol far more practical injury: "Whoever
■hall art in away that ofleud* propriety,
and thai ia contrary to the spirit of the
laws, without special infraction of any
of their provisions, shall be punished
with forty blow*, or eight v if the impro
priety lie very great." The Mandarins
ara. of t-oaras, the judge* of the impro
priety. Chinese punishment* vary from
the well-known tunym, or woodcu collar,
to the "alow and painful death." Tloa
ia inflicted by an executioner, who hold*
a covered basktt containing a author of
knives, marked with the names of the
various limbs and parts of the body. He
put* hia hand in the basket, draw* out
a knife, and cut* of ths part of the body
marked on it; then another, and doe*
the name; attd *o on till he chances to
light ujMn a knifs destined for a vital
part. But whipping is the commonest
form of punishment, in ordinary oase*
bamboo* are used; bat great criminal*
are flogged with thongs fastened to ban
boo handles. M- Hue chanced one day
to step into a court, where a Mandarin
was trving the case of a noted robber and
SSsaiTiTii Ttie judge aked tbe prisoner
a question which he stubbornlv refused
to oiiswsr. Tim Mandarin took a pise*
of bamboo from lit* table, and threw it
to ths executioner standing by. It bora
tbe figure fifteen. By bl* wriats aud
silkies, the prisoner wa* swung by cards
to the ceiling, *o that hi* body wa*
twisted into tlie shape of an arc; and
while thus unamended. the executioner
administered thirty stripe#—twice fifteen,
according to custom. .Strip* of flash,
and atrrem* of blood, dripped from the
poor wretch at every stroke. Even wit
n ram* and prisoners before trial arc
treated as barbarously. It is quite usual
wh n tbe Chinese police catcli a au*pect
ed tbirf and hate not a cord at hand to
hamper him, to noil him by the hand to
the cart in which he U conveyed to
Vf Terk H Hhant Harset.
New York aaya a city journal, suffer*
from tho public calamity which, in the
•drape of epizootic influenza, befell thia
i <4ty * me daya since. <Hi Sunday nut
a single vehicle waa visible at the rark
i in Vnion sqoure. and other stand* in
• thr |Mut* of the city were alike dceert
<<d. Uponth use who are in the habit
of burring their dead on the Sabbath,
the calamitv fell beavioat of all, a* in
manv cases torse* could not he proean-d
for drawing the hearee to the ptaee of
liuriai. Omiara were ont of the quea
i this, And wkrc aa a rale th# ferries
were besieged by hog lines of vehicles
waiting to be carried orer to the Hrook
i lyn shore, aoarcdy more than half a dozen
funeral corteges ware to be seen in the
city. The milk-carriers and ice men
' begin to feel tbe low af botri power to
a calamitous extent. In manv quart.'re
If the city tlie milk had to be carried
around by hand, which ucccaitated greet
<ielay in the delivery. Even on Satur
day the iee-carta were unable to sapply
! their oonsumrr* in certain pari* of the
| city, aud Sunday additional ease* of in
| flu en z in the stable* prevented them
from going their rounds at aIL Above
Fourteenth street, ash-barrels and dn4-
bina wr-re left unempticd dnrtng the
whole of the day. and the street cleaning
bureau aver that if the disease continues
to spread they will l>e quite unable to
remove the garbage tram the afreets, as
at the present time the large number of
afflicted liomw interferes aerionaly with
tho contractors performing their work
thoroughly. The terrible spread of the
disease in certain stables waa shown in
tbe reduced number of cam running,
aud the total withdrawal of rolling stock
on several ot the railroads. Tlie afreets
of tho city were deserted. New York
baa not experienced ao great a trial for
What Tobacco B IU 80.
Tbe effect of the use of tobacco upon
the system is thus told by a correspond
ent We onco had two acquaintance
who were remarkable for tbeir abuse of
the weed. To snch an extent did they
use it, that their constitutions were
seriotudv impaired, and they determined
to abandon tlie I*l at. to tweape from a
premature grave. It so happened that
they made their pledges of abstinence
at night, aud tin- following morning
thev were some miles in the country on
a fishing excursion.. Aftor the excite
ment of arranging their taeklo and
throwing their books into tie water had
sulauded, there came the qniet nntici
patorv of "a bits." " Presently," satd
ono of the geuliemon, who afterward re
lated the incident, " the log on which I
sat commenced whirling round, the just
rising snn grew dark in the heavens, and
all nature dissolved in a death-like
tremor, thst seemed to divide my soul
from my body, anil I fell head-long into
the lake. Fortunately the cold bath
brought me to consciousness, and,
reaching the shore, I found my friend
pale and insensible on the grass. Bous
ing him from hi* stupor, we jumped in
to our buggy, leaving our rods, reel*,
and lunch disregarded on the gronnd,
and galloping like mad down the road,
never stopped until we reached a coun
try store, aud seized, with the avidity
of starring men, upon some tobaeoo, but
it WHS a long time liefore our systems
were restored to qniotness. snd we were
•opable of cohernently explaining tbe
oaiises of our, for the time-being, appar
ently insane conduct."
Tim I'snaUM*- It is strange how
closely men read the pa tiers. \V e never
say anything that anybody don't like
hut we soon boar of It, and everybody
tells us about it. If, however, we once
in a while happen to say a good thing,
we never henrof that ; nobody seems to
notice that. We may pay a man a hun
dred compliments and give him a dozen
puffs, and lie takes it as a tribute to his
greatness, aud never thinks of it, never
thinks It does him any good. But if
we happen to say something this man
don't like, or something ho imagines a
reflection on him or his character, see
bow quick he flares up and gets mad
about it. All our evils are daily charged
to us, but we never, apjiarently, get any
credit for what good we do.
Most plants in vigorous health, it is
currently statcd,will bear an application
of water heated to UO degrees Full., and
most insects infesting thorn can lie killed
by water heated to 120. Hot water is
easily applied to house plauts.and hence
a ready means is furnished for destroy
ing large numbers of plant vermin. A
thermometer thrust into the water will
qoickly show the degree of heat, and by
immersing the plants into it for a minute
or two, the insects will be cooked into
harnilessnees. .
The Kilkenny fata.
I have *!Va woaderad why awe* af year
*wrr*pon<lnta, who are salivas of si rad
d*at*ln Kilkenny, have givon you th* real
v*nriun at the tale of Ui Kilkenny eala I
have aeon the *ul>j<w< frequently notkoad In
Ilia outiutiaa of Notes and Quart**, hut I have
never seen the following antral* ronton at
the uocurrenre, which lod to the generally
received and ereuneuns story of the Kilkenny
<** I bat story has ham so long current
that it ha* hwtutno a proverb j "A* juarrsl
some aa the Kilkenny cats," two of the est*
iu wltiuh city are amsrted to have fought so
long and au furiously that naught was foetid
of U>*M but two tails.
Tliis is manifestly aa Irish exaggeration,
ami when your raadn* shall have teamed the
\ true anecdote connected with the two ante,
they will understand why only two tails were
found, the unfortunate owners having fled in
terror from lit* acwae of their mutilation 1
am happy In bring able to slate that net the*
Ireland nnr Kilkenny ia at all diegraoad by
the occurrence, which did take take place in
Kilkenny, bat which might have occurred In
any other place in the known world During
tbe rebellion which look place in Ireland in
179ff i or may be in DM; Kilkenny was garri
aunod by a regiment of Hessian soldiers whose
custom it was to tie together is one at their
barrack-room*, two rata be their respective
tails, ami then to throw them face to face
aensa a line generally used Im drying clothe*.
Tbe cat* naturally became Infuriated, and
scratched each other in the abdomen until
death ensued to one or both at Ibeta, and
terminated their iflWing* The officers of
the corps were ultimately made acquainted
with three barbarous art* of cruelty. and they
reeolrod to put an sud to them and to punish
Die offenders. In order to effect this purpoa*
an ofltorr WM ordered to inspect each barrack
room daily, and to report to the commanding
ufliot-r to what stale be found tbe room.
The cruel sold eta, determined not to lose
the dally torture of the wretched rata, gener
ally employed one of their comrade* to watch
Utf ippiwli of tiAcw, it urtkr 'hi l (bt
est* might bt liberatod and take refagw to
flight before the visit of lb* nf&cwr to th
soeoe of their torture. On one occasion the
" took-out man" aegtortorf hia duty, and to*
oflkrr of Lbt dijf was htmnl aafiiuli ng; the
barrack-stairs while toe cats were usdergotag
the custoiaary torture. < toe of the troupers
immediately seised a (word from the arm
rack, aad with a single blow divided the tails
af the two oata.
ih* caw, of coora*. mrapeii through Lb*
upon windows at the room, which was entered
almost immediately afterwards by the officer,
who inquired what was the esus* at tba two
btowding cats' tails t -iag suspended on the
clothesline, and w* i U in reply that " two
rata had been fighting to th* room ; that it
wa* fonnd imponfltde to separate tb*m ; aad
that they fought *o desperately that they bad
devoured each other up with the excepttom
at their two tail* wbah may have aaUsfled
Captain .Shumnmlkrtll* but would net have
delmted any person but a beery Prussian.
Fnnenda In New York.
All the pomp, unwecMiary expense,
and useless show bestowed on the dead,
ia ao much lost to tba Uinq says Prof.
Wells. Here in New York it not un
frequently happens, that "one's little
all, ia onaumed on an ostontafious
funeral. A poor man, who baa a wife
and children, sickens and die*. The
wife, almost destitute, to be **in fashion,"
must incur tbe useless expense of hiring
five, ten. or more carriages from a livery
•table—kept for the purpo**—si an
extra caah cost of from 825 to tSO, and
upward, to help form a grand procession,
ami go ewp'y, at they often do—or be
filled with j 'aanre-seekere who care
nothing for tbe departed. For one in
ordinary circumstance*, a funeral cost#
here from fl&OO to £SOO. aad for one
•ho has wore means, from 81.000 to
82,00 ft, and upward, besides the oast ot
ground, tombstone, sts.. on which several
thousands more are sometime* expended.
There are graves in Greenwood which
have co*t more than $50,000. Is not
this a kind of idolatry? A coffin or
casket may be made of ootid roue-wood,
! lined with ths finest silk aad silk vchrot,
mounted with solid silver, and this en
closed in a metallic (leaden) case her
radically sealed, and the whole enclosed
ia a pins box, all to be buried from
four to six feet in tbe ground. In tbe
country, funerals are leas showy and
hvs costly. But a change for the lietter
ia coming over the spirits of the living
in our cities, and we attribute it iu large
measure to the Father Mathew Temper
ance Societies of New Y'ork. These
societies are composed chiefly of those
who were once Irish, lrat are now natu
ralized American citizen*, who, seeing
the folly of Old Country customs, anch,
for example, as "wake*" and expensive
funerals, have dropped them, and are
adopting more sensible ways. A decent
respect for the dead consists in a qniet
ami modest buriaL It is the living who
most need assistance, sympathy, and
care. ,
Lime a Preserver af Weed.
Lime is likely to be used largely as a
preserver of wood. It ha* lately been
discovered that roasels which oarry lime
last much longer than others. For a
block psvement it is said that an apply
cation of lime can !>c successfully made.
In frame-housts, tbe space between the
lath and aiding could be filled compactly
with lime, and tbe usual decay prevented
at no very large expense. 1 n regard to
lima in connection with ship timber, tbe
experience ot an old ship-builder, on tbe
coast of Maine, published iu tbe Me
chanics' Magazine, is of interest. He
had been iu the habit of filling up tbe
*pace* bat ween tbe timbers with lomr
hard alone lime, and ramming it in
calculating that slight leaks would causa
tbe lime (o expand and fill tlie
Long observation bad lad him to con
sider lime a good preservative. A coast
ing schooner, built of Maine timber,
unseasoned, and loaded with lime, hail
gone ashore and bilged. Being raised
and repaired, the schooner remained
sound for thirty year*, with the excep
tion of the wood that ha<l lieen used in
making tbe repairs. It had braa notioed,
also, that ths vessels carrying cargoes of
lime generally lasted longer than others.
Bnt the moat striking case is that of a
platform of pine plank*, used to mix
mortar on, aud that had lieen used by
father, son and grandson, and. being no
longer needed, was snffered to remain
on tlie ground and became overgrown
with grass and weeds. After a period
of sixty year*, having occasion to nse
the ground, the plonks were removed,
and found to be aa firm and as hard as
when first laid down.
A SHEEP FABLE— A sheep making a
long journey found the heat of his fleece
very uncomfortable, and seeing a flock
of other sheep in a fold, evidently await
ing fr r some one, leaped over and joined
them, in the hope of being shorn. Per
ceiving the shepherd approaching and
the other sheep huddling into a remote
corner of the fold, he shouldered his
way forward, aud going up to the shep
head, said : " Diu you ever see such a
set of fools ? It's InckT I came along to
set them an example of docility. See
ing me operated upon, they'll be glad to
offer themselves." "Perhaps so," re
plied the shepherd, laying hold of the
animal's horns; " but I never kill more
than one sheep at a time. Mutton won't
keep in hot weather." The chope tasted
excellently well with tomato sauce. The
moral of this fable isn't what you think
it is. It is this : The chope of another
man's mutton arc always nice eating.
There ia a young lady in Loa Angela#
County, Onl., who owna 6,000 acres of
land and 4,000 head of cattle. She has
no encumbrance in the shape of a hus
TKUMS : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance. .
Classical Courtship.
r Dr. Holmss' Foot at tha Bra*kfa<
■ Tabla," ia particularly bright, and brlog#
[ about tba catastrophe for which ik®
1 raadere hava been waiting the engage
' ment of th. Astronomer and tba Young
J OiH. The areno ia laid on the Common,
' and the story tstold as follows: r
There mut be soma fatality which
t carries oar young me# and UMideiifin
the direction af the Common when they
' have auvtbing rvrj particular to f%-
' change their new* about. At aoj rate I
1 remember two of oar young friend#
brought up here a good taaur yeareag*:
; and I understand tea* ttera ia Oft# potb
aeroe# the ioclaamw which a you tig man
1 maat not ak a young woman to take
, with Urn uuloaa ha mean# bun**.,
[ tor aa action will hohl good for Iwtach
of promiae, if aha couaeaia to s*opn;
' him. and be chooses to forget hla ob'.i
' geliunf.
1 Our two young people atood at the
weatern tdga of the buWpoai knflffof
Htroaonr to the reflected bawamt
. I'ietadcn ware trembling in the wive be
■ for# t Lieut, and the great ataca of Orion,
i for tbeae poiurielkuene were both gHt
u-riuir in the Milan ckv. i ■
" Tbcre ia no place too humble for the
1 gk>ria of heaven to ahina in," ah# odd.
•• And their splendor makaa evw thia
1 iitila pool beautiful and noble," ha aa
I awwwd, " Where ia the light tt come
, from that ia to do aa much for our f> oar
i human Urea ?" ! : ■
i A amiple question enough, hut the
young girl felt her color change aa ahe
[ answered, "Prom friendship, 1**
Gracing only na yet— not atriking fail
1 —hardly hitting at ad-—hot there art
' questions and anowt-rfc that come m> very
near thi wind of them alone ahnust
takaa the "breath away. . ill
, There waa an interval ofailonae. Two
, young pereons can stand looking at wa
i terfor a long lima without testing th*
i uecanaity of speaking. especially when
[ the water ia aiira with staa and the
young persona we thoughtful atsd'im
• jireaaible. Tha water aaema to do half
1 the thinking while one ia looking it it
ita movement# are felt in the brain efts
. much like thought. When I waa tw full
' tmining aa a fttmrm I could ahead aw
; the Paint NVuf with th other expert* in
* the great aeienea of lahhcatino and look
at the river far half an hour with ao bt
i tie mental articulation that when I not-
I ed on it seemed aa i! my thinking mar
-5 row had beau asleer. and waajwt waking
! up refreshed after it# nap.
So the reader can easily aeeownt for
' the interval of aftene*. It la hart! to
tail how long it would haw* bated, wwt
just then* labberly, intensive boy threw
a great atowa, whwtooomUeod the Arm a
rrirat the one at tin*, feet 1 turon-
The aix Pleiad* disappeared aa If in
Miarrb of their Loat si#ter; th# bah of
Orion waa broken maunder, and hna
dred worlds dissolved into oheoa. They
and turned awayatoayed oi into one of
the more open paths, where tha view of
f tha uky over thorn waa unobstructed.
For some reason or other the aatronanxi
cal leasoo did not get on very fart this
evening, •
Presently tha young man asked hit
Tto'yno know what the eootoeUattonj
directly ovwr ou® heads ia I
Ia it not Caaeiopca f ah* asked a little
hesitatingly. - -
No, it ia A Too Wtht not
to have forgotten her, tor I remember
showing yon a double star, the ooetn
brr right foot, through the equatorial
tekweope. Ton have not forgotten the
doable star —the two that ahoas for each
other and a little world by the®-
B#, indeed—she answered, and bill
ed. and felt ashamed because she had
said indeed, as if it had been an emo
tional recollection, ■'
The double star allusion struck another
dead alienee. She would have given a
week's pay to anv invisible attendant
that would have cat her slay lace.
At last; " Do you yoa know the story
ot Andromeda V be ated.
" Perhaps I did once, but suppose I
don't remember it?*
He told her toe sfoiy of the unfor
tunate maiden chained to a roek and
waiting for a are beast that wan coming
to devour hr, and ho* Peruana came
and set hur free and won her love with
ber life. And than be began
about a young man chained to Ilia roek.
which waa a star gaaer a tower, a prey
bv turns to ambition and lonely self eon
tempt and unwholesome acorn of the life
he looked down upon after the serenity
of the firmament, and endless question -
iaga that led him nowhere and now he
had only one more queteian to nek. He
loved her. Would sbo break his cha-.ns ?
He held both hi# hands out toward her.
the palms together, aa if they were fet
tered at the wrists. She took hold of
them very gently; parted them a Sttle;
then wide—wider—and found bereetf at
onoe folded, unresisting, in her lover's
So there was a new double star in the
living firmament
I u■ i.-jwudewt Peknaltea.
A New York fashion journal aaya: In
dependent Polonaises of grey OT brown
camel's hair to wear with rations skirt#
are ao covert*! with silk and wool em
broidery that the fabric is almost con
>Wed. * They axe edged with thick wool
fringe or with yak lace. Sometimes
wide Dolmen sleeves are added to these.
Polonaise patterns of Carmelite—un
dreared gray cashmere—and of oagMd'e
hair are imported unmade, bat bordered
with embroidery. They coat from $75
to 8125 unmade- Black cashmere polo
naises are brilliant with fine jet, em
broidery, aad guipure.
A rich fabric for polonaises is brocad- ,
ed Sicilienne, the fine iepped oaali mere
we have already dewcribed- In all the
antique colore, * withr satin strina and
raised figure of the same shade, it costs |
from 83 to $5 a yawl. It ia three qnar- <
tars of a yard wide, and from eight to
ten yards are required for a polonaise.
The skirt with which it is worn is silk or
velvet of the same shade or else black.
Plain repped SiciUaane resembles Dish !
poplin, but is mow supple and finer. In 1
double fold it coats 810 a yard; five- 1
eights of a yard wide, it Is $2,50. i
Black velvet polonaises are longer <
tkan ever, of simple shape in front i
voluminously draped behind, and are 1
richly trimmed with embroidery, jet i
and lace, or else a band of tha expansive <
silver fox fur. S4OO to S6OO ia not an '
unusual price for these garments. To t
be well worn a velvet polonaise should ]
have a dress skirt of black faille with I
velvet trimmings ; such a suit is consid- 1
ered more styliih than if made entirely 1
of velvet. Colored silk skirts are seldom I
worn with black polonaiaea; the reverse 1
—a black skirt with colored over dress— l
is now in favor. •
-' i
Thk T*aksit o* V#*t!t,—Forth*pur
pose of doing justice to the transit o
Venus, which is to take place in December
1874, England is preparing eight helio- I
photographic apparatuses on the model <
of that at Kew. Russia has threa of the ]
same model, and has ordered a fourth-; '
Germany also will have four; Portugal| (
one. Those of the United States will be '
ef a different make, ahd those nsed by !
the French will be constructed according
11. the plan of the late M. Delaunary.
The vonog lady whs thought she could j
make her voice cfear by straining it, made 1
1 a great miftak* m \U; -V i }
A . |T*t
hm n ii 67§
Tlere are 4y forly-cCht Indians ia,
Tba laird Btanlny scarf luteins to Ig
going out of fashion.
The beat grindstones are made in
Crawford county, Kanaea.
Three tbremnd women in Philadel
phia work on boots and shoes.
Tea rosea and Iftie* of tha valley ap
poar to be the favorite flower# thk Win-
V you wonhl not have affliction vtait
listen at oaeo to what it
Hwaden has tlirec quc<m# -The Queen
Mother, the Queen Widow and the Queen
If yew let she oat onicd the bag, nev
er try to eta mil baohagaiai: it enly makea
matters worse
The fashion of wearing a high feather
stock in the bat band has become gen
eral again,
"What a singular Imm voire B. baa!"
"Do yon call that a baa* voire? It k
win ply a neglected oobL"
The fashionable kind of caao 'now k
a plain stink, made from a palm trend,
with a little silver cord around it
The Shakers of Sooth Union, Kjr.
have raised a pumpkin vine measuring,
474 fret and bearing 35$ pounds ot the
- *• fruit"
It k reid d"' 206 families from t Inane
aad Lorraine have ma<le arrangements
to settle is the ndgboritood of .ileum
dm. Vs.
Three ladiee that no oseevor met A
lady that uae.l powder; a lady who flirt
ed; aad a lady who waa going out mash
this winter.
The ponderous opera glasses of twen
ty jean hove again oome into fashion,
superceding the delicati- lorgnettes wo
have been oaad to.
A fonmUi teacher in a grammar school
at Gono'fJ. X. lately boxed a little
girl's ears with a book ao vioientiy thai
•he keip* r '"-l to dk.
Some m* aaya that the peculiarity of
aa American yonng lady is that every
where sod always die appears to be a
treasof the ritoatioa.
Precsoue atone# are ao well imitated
aow-a-day*. that a lady can appear deck;
ed in all the wealth of Oram# and of India
at a very moderate outlay.
"Happy ia the country that baa no
history," aa the schoolboy said oa being
flogged th# third time for not knowing
.rl.on.lW, Ho
A young lady of twenty-three, a bride
of three mouths, committed euicide ia
Mkitigw lately by heidieg her face ia a
pool ot water six inches ia depth.
There k a MO before the Vermont •
Legislature to repeal the law for punish
ing blasphemy. The common violation
ef tha law k urged as a reason for the
And now, to the unmitigated disgust
of the lovers of cabbage, some body has
started tha report that several fsmthea
have been poisoned by using cabbage of
this year's growth.
All the conductor# oa the Pamavlvania
railroad ate requited by a recent order *
to give bond in the sum of $3,000 each
for the faithful discharge of their re
spective duties white connected with tha
The youth of Halifax nndar twenty
one years of age are denied the privilege -
of smoking on the streets, the offense
balag punwhalde by fine or iaprisoa
moot. Several convictions have been
Kj under thia law.
The insurrection at Ferrol, in Spain,
k completely ended. Oa the approach
of the Government troops the rebels
fled ia every direction, lire hundred
of thfcm were captured, but without
bloodshed, as they offered no rrektanoa,
v-tuie tit# rfhfti
They hare a nam bridge at Holyoke,
and a dgy waa act for coasting tha teams
which crowed it, m that th#eoet might
beasweeaad iu riht prcq#>rtioa aatoog tha
towns using iL Wk was tha indigna
tion of the tmmsmtm to find that tha
teamster* stayed at home that day.
The Hfosvifle Htnld thus epitomises
one of the early chapters of ita Uogn
eiy: "Tobacco dances are the laat new
ing In Vireinia, aaya an exchange. We
remember attending a tobacco dance in
Ohio, 30 years ago, when our father
caught us smoking a cheep cigar behind
the barn."
The San Franckeo f.iff aays that not
leas than fourteen pereons are lying iu
the evils of the prison of that city await
ing trial for murder, and adda, aa a
coroHary to tha statement, that the hut
manner in which the laws of the State
are enforced k the true reason of that
state of thfnga.
The town of Sterling, HL, haa hit upon
an excellent tetnpenuire measure. It
lias pawed aa ordinance providing that
if the windows or doom of drinking sa
loons shall be obscured by meaaa of
screens, paint or other devices to con
ceal what k going on within, the propri
etor shall ba liable ton fine of from five
to twenty dollars.
Several young ladiaa of New York ha*
formed an anti-tobacco society, and
amuse themselves by indncinw their
gentlemen friends to sigs a pledge not
to use the weed, which they do unani
mously. aad smoke wa much aa ever. i*o
all parties are pleased, and the reform
line still mores forward unbrokec.
A letter baa been pubtkhed by the
Count de Chsntbord pretesting against
the establishment of a republic ass per
manent form of Government for France.
To his monnremal mind it ka monarchy
only whkh can save France. He k ex
trembly •overs in hi* reference to the
parQ to power, whom he accuses of
pronxtkuig peace to man while it declares
war oa Qoo.
A strong minded woman in Detroit
made the following gentle reply to a
politician who had called at uer house
to get her husband to go to the polls
and vote:—" No sit, he cant go! He's
washing now, and he's got to iron to
morrow, and if be wasn't doing any
thing 1m oouidnt go. 1 run this 'ere
house, I do, and if any one votes it'll be
thk same Mary Jane."
Prinee Napoleon is determined to
show fight He has already appealed to
the Procureur- General of France lot re
dress against the Minister of the Interior
and others who took part in hi expul
sion. Should this appeal be rejected the
Prinee proposes to commence personal
proceedinps in the courts to regain his
rights of citizenship and also to procure
the punishment of his ejectors.
Trntpauxcn STATISTIC*.— An emir en T
English statistician, wholly unconnected
with the temperance movement, has pub
lished a aeries of tables showing that the
mortality among temperance men insur
ed in a number of lifa insurance offices
in Etogland during the last five years,
was twenty-six per cent, below the aver
ages upon" which the tgblaa are calculat
ed, whilst in the "genaral aaqtion,"
which k open to the public, It was only
seven per cent. The general average of
iwcuuiary results for ten years, as shown
by tha reversionary bonus declared on
the premiums, was fifty-three per cent,
from the amount of premiums paid in
the total abstinence section, and thirty
four in the general; an advantage of
nearly one-third in favor af temperance
as compared with even moderate drink-
Pqisojj.— The Countess BrinvlHlers
Is an example of the poison mania of
early days. She poisoned over twelve
persons by bfueine at different tiiies,
hut she did it once too often, and was
caught t last. She denied ber guilt, *
and was nut to the questlou by water -
a terrible Expedient for forcing a con
fession. She was, strapped down *o a
plank and forced to swallow watet
until her abdomen became frightfully
distended, and ber .agony waa worse
than death. e>be gave way at ke% : 1
told her guilt, aud wa# executed In
Park. -
NO. 40.