The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 01, 1872, Image 2
SENTRE FSJUJIDXTX.... Idlter. Centra Hall, Ta., Noyl '' 72 ; |H TKRMS —The RnroaTxn Is published At $2 pr Y*Ar, In AaYAnc*. or f when not paiain advance. Forsixmonth* half these rates. Advertisements $1,0 per square (ten lines) for three insertion. Advertisements for 3, 6 and Pi months, at reduced rates. An v person tending us the names of six now sunscribesr, with ethcash, will ro ceivo the RxroaTE* one vear free. For President HORACE GREELEY. For Viaa President B. GRATZ BROWN. ELECTORS Rdgar Cowan George \V Skinner Selden Marvin 8 Gross Fry John 8 Miller Thomas J Burger St ephen D Anderson John Moffat George R Borrell Kdward Niekleaon Isaiah B lioupt Samuel A Dyer Jesse G Haw-ley | Hiram B Swarr Bernard Reilly John Knecht Frederick W Guoster David Lowenberg James M'Knight Henry Welsh Henry J Stuhl* Robert W Christy William F Logan William A GaTbraith Frederick M Robinson John R Wilson Philip H Stevenson John T Bard George W Miller The above is the regular democrat ic electoral ticket—there is no "straight out" or Grant-O'Cooor ticket. Dem ocrats all to the polls on Tuesday sth. Tho Lock Haven Republican takes us to task for daring to refer to the impropriety of a minister of the Goe pel taking part in a political jubilee, and says that clergymen have just as good a right to do such things aa any other class of men. We never denied that, and admitted it, in our arti cle to which the Republican objects, but added that we doubted the pro priety of such conduct on the part of a minister of the Gospel. Will the Re publican tell us: Is it proper for a a clergyman to illuminate his house to show his approbation of a demonstra tion gotten up in hate and spite, not to say with the direct purpose to insult A. G. Cur tin, or any other citizen y We admit his right to do so. Is it proper for a clergnman to illu minate his house to show that he goea in favor of the Cameron-Hartranft ring of plunders ? He has the right to do so. Is it proper for a clergyman to illu minate his house and show his enthu siasm for a man fur governor, who vis ited the low saloons of Pittsburg—the aute-chambers of hell—to drink lager with men and boys in order to have the support of the saloon keepers and whiskey element, as did Gen. Hart ran ft, a few days before the election, as proven by sworn affidavits? He has the right to do so. A minister of the Gospel and one who preaches temperance and against dishonesty and wickedness, has the right to show his approval of the meu who are guilty of these sins, but what we would like the Lock Haven Re publican to do, is to show that it is in place, and becoming for him to do so. Voters Look. Under Grant's carpet-bag goveroers, the debt of nine of the most impover ished of the southern states, has been increased from $76,415,890 to $291,- 626,015 ; Do yoa sanction such ac cursed villany as that ? Think, the condition the war left those people in, and then think of the carpet-baggers, inflicted upon them by Grant, to steal and plunder them of what little was left, and run them two hundred mill ions in debt besides! Voters of Cen tre county—especially you, democrats —go to the polls on next Tuesday and vote for Greeley who has from the start denounced this infamous policy of Gen. Giant. Cborpenning. Cessna has been elected to Congress; with his advent there, the Cborpen ning swindle will be put upon its feet again and a bill snaked through to swindle the government in the Cbor penning matter. If Greeley is elected Cborpenning or other swindling job will receive the sanction of bis name. Voters of old Centre this concerns you as much as any one else. Will you vote in favor of Grant and the radi cal Chorpenning 'swindlers on next Tuesday ? Who DM It? The Bellefonte Republican, of last week contains the following : "A Democrat, a good man—one who has never cut his ticket—and we knew when we say—sent, after the election, the fal lowing dispatch to Alex K. McClure : * Bkllxvontk, Pa., Oct. 9th, 1872 To Alex. T. MeClure, Phi? a, Pa.—Have y£u heard the news from Centre 7 To BP 1 with your d d Liberal Republi cans. (Signed) A Disgusted Dkmo cel't. . Wo copy the above dispatch to show the morality of, and the choice language used by men wbo say that the wh iakey Ring went this time with the Republican party." Now why don't the Republican fur nish the name of the author of such a dispatch, if he knows it. We charge it as a fraud of the Republican, until it prints the name of the author. It can't do that We do not believe there is a democrat in the county in decent enough to be guilty of having such vulgar and profane stuff sent ov er the wires. We corner Brown on ■ this, sure. Gen. Grant is notoriously intemper- j ate. Horace Greeley is just the re- < verse. Ye Honest men, Christians, i whom will you choose, next Tuesday ? i Democrats, to the election on Tues day next. Land Stealing Siuco 1869, under radical congress' and with the cousent of President Grant, over 200 million of acre* of the public landc have been donated to railroad corporations, free of charge, besides some 70 milliou dollars in bonds to the.Union Pari tic Kailroad, which alone, with the private capital invested, was sufficient to build the road. There are still a doteu bills for fur ther donations of land,'to rich private corporations, which if passed, by the radical congress and signed by Grant, as the former laud stealings have been, will leave scarce an acre, for poor set tlers who must pay for every foot they occupy. Voter?, will you endorse that policy of Graut, uext Tuesday, or go for the honest farmer, Horace Greeley, who is opposed to the gigantic land steal ing projects? The Money. Voters remember, on next Tuesday, that under Johnsons administration, for the vear 1867-8, the whole Judi ciary system costs<23,Bbß.s<. In 1870, uudcr Grant, there were squandered ou this braueh of the civil service, $2,610,85253. Can you endorse such squandering as that, by a vote in favor of Grant's re-election, next Tuesday ? From June 30, 1867 to Juue 30, 1869, beingßhe two last jeans of Preai dent Johnson's term, the expenses of Congress, including books, amounted to $6,651,074. One would really sup pose that this was enough to pay the way of our law makers very generous ly ; but the succeeding Congress, the first under the amazingly economical regime of Gen Graut, succeeding in wasting on their own expenses just $11,223,042. In the Executive Department the increase was still greater. The last two years of the Administration of President Johnson, who was called all sorts of ugly names by the radicals, cost for this department $12,856,200 —the first two years of that pink of radical perfection, Grant, cost $lB,- 709,472, exclusive of the two millions expanded in compiling the returns of the Ceasus. Remember, honest voters, and par ticularly you who profess to have a love for sobriety and truth, that Gen. Grant is an intemperate mau, and that he was twice proven guilty of falsehood —first, in regard to the diffi culty with Stanton and the war office, in which matter President Johnson and bis entire cabinet, all of whom were republicans, fastened the deliberate lie upon Grant. The second, is the charge that Schnrz made, saying that Grant had. sent one of thekeads of departments to him (.Schurs) to at tempt to bribeghim with an offer of all the patronage ha desired, if he would support Grant's San Domingo scheme- Grant denied that he had aent such an officer to Mr.Schurz.upou which Gen. Pleasanton, Grant's commissioner of internal revenue was brought upon the stand, and he confirmed the state ment, in a letter that was published at the time in the REPORTER. Grant subsided. Honest men, can you vote for a man, notorious for his intemperance, and who has proven so economical about telling the truth. Go to the polls on next Tuesday, sth. and vote aa honest conscience dictates, remem- Bering that Horace Greeley is a mod el of temperance, and has not been caught in deliberate falsehood. Only One Ticket. There is now only one democratic electoral ticket in the field, for the presidential election, on next Tuesday stb, and that is the one at the head of this paper. The straight-outs, or O'- Conor men, met at Harrisburg, last week, and adjourned without making a straightout ticket They will undoubt edly now vote that made by the regu lar democratic convention, at Read ing. There never was anything like the way in which the people ofSouth Caro lina have been swindled and plunder* ed. The vouchers in the Treasurer's office show the following payments made during the present year upon certificates signed by Franklin J. Mos es, jr., to a mob of sham office-holders, professing to be employed by the House of Representatives alone: 176 clsrks 994,019 | 177 msuengcr* 67,996 162 prtrs 26,917 | 64 pages 4,044 —Nearly $192,000 paid to but 561 employees of the House of Represen tatives —clerks enough for the day of judgment! porters enough to carry a small election by themselves ! measen (;ers enough to do the errands of a arge city! pages enough for forty folio volumes of chivalry! Very strongly officered and manned this South Carolina House of Representa tives seems to have beeu, ana mighty good it would have been in Moses thus to scatter the money if it bad only been his own I If an ordinary thief steals nearly a quarter of a million of dollars, what a hue and cry there is about it; but here a parcel of politi cal loafers conspire to filch the last penny from the Treasury of an impov erished Btate, and, as tney all go for Grant, they are pronounced pure pa triots ! Bill Brown, in last week's "Repub lican," loads beaps of abuse upon tbe democracy of old Centre, and makes a loud boast of carrying tbe county for Grant, on stb of November. We think the democrats of old Centre will put a sharp veto upon the brass of old apple-dumplings. Tbe radical state central committee of this state, has footed up its account and finds that the campaign in this stats cost tbem three million dollars. No wonder Hartranft has 35,000 ma jority. Corruption did it. The fellows who hud to get Yerkes pardcnned that Hartranil and the Cameron ring cause might carry, are nowlboasting they will carry old Centre next Tuesday. Democrats, put them to shame by giving an increased ma jority. This can be done, if every democratic vote is polled. J The Family Is it right that a family of non-cnti ties fatten at the public crib all the time, to the exclusion of others filler and more deserving turn ? Reader of the RxTOHTEK, honest men, and fair tuiuded republicans, look how Graut has quartered his /round tchajl upon the country, and say by your vole, on Tuesday, wheth er you endorse his uepotisui : Sational Pensioner* of th Grant Family. The nepotism which hs* characterised the President's Administration has pawed all bouads. The following Is the letot re vised list of the pensioners t I. Jesse Hoot Grant, President's father, Postmaster at Covington, Ky. 11. Kev. SI. J. Cramer, President's brother-in-law, Minister to Denmark, 111. Brevet Brigadier-General. F. T. Dent, Presidents brother-in-law, one of the illegnl military secretaries at the "White lleuse IV. George W, Dent, President's hroth er-in-law. Appraiser of Customs at San Francisco. V. John Dent, President's brether-io law. exclusive Indian Trader in New Mexico. VI. Jugde Louis Dent, Preaident * brother-in-law, official office broker. VII. Alexander Sharpe. Presidents brother-in-law, Marhal of the District of Columbia. VIII. Jamea F. Casey, Preaident* brother-in-law. Collector of Custom* t New Orleaaa. IX. Sila* Hudson. President * cousin, Minister to Guatemala. X. Peter Casey, President's brother-in law'i brother, Foatmaater of Vickaburg, Miss. XI. Alex. Sharpe, Jr., President's broth er-in-law's son, cadet at Annappolis. XII. Orlande U. Ross, President's cous in, clsrk in the Third Auditor's office, Washington. XIII. Fred. Dent Greet, Piesident* son. Second Lieutenant Fourth Cavelry. XIV. A. W. Casey, President's brother in-law's brother, Appraiaer of Custom*, New Orleans. XV. Nat- A. Patton, son of President's mother's second cousin. Collector of tho port of Galveston, Texas. XVI. Geo. B. Johnson, President's cousin's husband. Assessor of Internal Revenue, Third DiatrictofOhio. XVII. Bcnj. L. Winana. Presidents'! cousin'! husband, Postmaster of .Newport Ky. XVUI. D. M. Lamper, M D., Presi dent't second cousin ; first a gauger in the Chicago Custom house, next Receiver of the Land Office and United States Depos itary at Olympia, W. T. XIX. James F. McLean, partner with Orvil L. Grant, President's brother, until recently Collector of the Port of Chicago. XX. S. C. David, husband of the third cousin of the President's wife, special agent of the Posto Ace Department in Il linois and lowa. XXI. W. D. Bernard. President's wife's cousin. National Bank Examiner for Mi • souri, Kansas, lowa, and a portion of 111. To the ballot-box,on next Tuesday, fellow democrats. There is still hope. Briog along those who remained at home on the Bth of October. Bring out every vote, against the usurper and preseut taker Grant Democrats, to the polls, on next Tuesday, sth. Don't let the presiden tial election go by default because the ring carried the state by fraud. Up, and at them again. Rigbt is on your side, and no good democrat will be found at home on the sth. Xo Faltering Now. Manliness, patriotism, and duty to our liberal allies, demand that we shall not falter now in the battle for right- It matters not that a corrupt majority was cast against us at the stale elec tion. The enemy has exhausted him self in that struggle. His money is spent, his tricks are played, his frauds are laid open to the day. Now, let freemen assert their rights, unbribed by gain, unawed by power, and un swayed by the fear of defeat. Historical Questions and Ans wcrs. The Philadelphia Evening Herald; puts the following pointed questions and answers : Firit Strict. —Does the Presidential history of the United Stales record a single instance in which the incum-J bent of the highest office in the gift of the people was a habitual frequenter of horse-races ? Yes, one ; Ulysses 8. Grant Doe* thia same history point to an instance where a President appointed all his relatives to office ? \ es, one, and only one ; Ulysses S., Grant. Does it note a case in which a Pres dent was made a millionaire by the gifts of office-seekers ? Yea, one ; Ulysses 8. Grant I)oe it record anywhere the fact that the Presidential' office enriched its incumbent f Yes, one, and only; one ; Ulysses S. Grant Does it make mention of any Presi-, dent who held stock in stone quarries, from which all the stone used on the government work at Washington, was furnished? Yes, one; Ulysses B,' Grant. • Does it till of any President who sought to carry State elections by bay onet ? Yes, one ; Ulysses 8. Grant. See Goveruor Geary's annual message in 1870. Does it record the fact that any President deeming tbe schools of the United Btates not sufficiently thorough in their system, sent hit son to Eu rope to have him educated ? Yes, one Ulysses 8. Grant. Is it recorded anywhere in Presi dential history that a convention com prised almost wholly of Federal of ficials renominated tbe tenant of the White House ? Yes, one ; Ulysses B.i Grant. Tbe black cadet at Annapolis trod on a white cadet's toes. White knocks black down. Black comes up to tbe scratch and a fight ensues. Black gets "licked" and the wLite boy is dis missed the service in disgrace. Now, had it been two white cadets wbo got by tbe ears would "tbe Government" ever have interfered? And had blacky "licked" hia antagonist instead of being "licked" himself would the white boy have been kicked out of the Academy. Death of Jfr-fr'orernor John stop. The Pittsburg newspapers announce tbe death of ex-Governor William F. Jobnst.op in that city on Friday after noon last. Governor Johnston was the democratic and liberal candidate for congress in the twenty-third dis trict, and took part in the canvass un til prostrated by the disease which ter minated in his death. It is'thought that Chief Justice Chase will be compelled to retiipfrora the bench of the Supreme Court this winter on account of failing Low* and (lain. !* Tho l'atriol says: Tho vote for Ifartranft may b set down iu rouud numbers at 851,000 and that for • Ituckalew al 310,000. Tho full ollt- 1 cial vote will not materially vary thin 1 statement. Now let these figures tie ' compared with the returns of tke l'rea- ■ idential election in 180 H. Four years ago Grant's volo in this J stale was 34'2,'i00, showing an increase 0f8,720 for llartranft over Grant;] Seymour's vote was 313,382, allowing an increase for lluckalew over Sey mour of 2,618. Four years ngo Grant received CO - votes in i'hiladelphta. llartrauft jis given 09,278 in the returns of thai city, a gain of 8,113 over Grant's vote or within a few buudred of the eulirc gain iu the slate f>r llartranft over! Grant iu Philadelphia of 14,925. They also show that Ituckalew gained ,9,000 votes outside of the city o? Phil delphia over the vota for Seymour, be .cause he made up for the loaa of 6,332 Jiu Philadelphia and 2,618 over. Extending this view we find that iabout 17,000 negroes have added their ballots to the while radical vote of 1868. Of these 12.000 were polled outside of Philadelphia. In this esti mate we do not include the impor tations form Virginia and Maryland. While wo do not claim that the ru ral districts did their Aill duty at the late election, but, ou the coutrary ad mit that they It'll far short of what was reasonably ex net ted, we assert that the defeat of Mr. lluckalctv lies maiuly at the door of Philadelphia. This assertion is full v sustained by the figures just giveu. K'ow, the election iu Philadelphia is considered the country over as an unmitigated farce, a libel on republican institutions, a black aud damning spot in tbe annals of Pennsylvania politics. The cor ruption aud perversion of tbe ballot iu that citv having been the principal cause of the result iu the Stale, the verdict of Pennsylvania has not been honestly and fairly recorded. It is a barefaced cheat from beginning to eod. Will the proud people of Penn sylvania stand mute under this bitter insult to their manhood ? Will they permit tbe impudent swindle perpetra • ted iu their name by an audacious I ring to paw uurebuked ? God of Jus tice ! Is there no puoishroeut for the • demons in human shape whose pres ence here depopulates the inferual pit .aud neopels the land with thieve* and - murderers who seize and control tbe ' ballot-box ? "Is there not some chosen curse, ' Some bidden thunder in the stores of hee- Ivan, . i Red with uncommon wrath, to blast the [man Who owes hi* greatness to his country's [ruin." I GRANTS BROTHER-IN-LAW A . SPECIMEN OF "CIVIL SERVICE , REFORM." The President made many unique observations and suggestions iu his nnnual messages, of which a pitying or cootemptous Congress took no heed, io his last annual message be said : The present lews fcr eollet ting th* reve nue pay collector* of custom smell sala ries, but provide for moieties (thsrs* in ail seizures; which, at principal port* of entry raise the compensation of those officials to ' a Urge sum. It has always seemed te me st if thi* *ytm must, at times, work per niciouslr. It holds out an inducement to disbonett men, should such get possession of th<£offices, to be lax in their scrutiny of goods to enable them finally to make large seizures. This is precisely what Casey, the President's brother-in-law—who has been retained in office as Collector of the Port of New Orleans in spite of his proven dereliction and incapacity —admits that he did. In his letter to the Secretary of the Treasury (Novem ber 23, 1871), on the subject of the Coutourte frauds, be says : I commenced this InvMiigation on the night of the flrrt day I took charge of tbia office (April 12, 1800), and in ten day* from that date I war fully lalirfled o! the exUtenre of the Couturia fraud*, but, a* before rtatcd, kept the matter perfectly quiet until after the arrival of other tur pected car goer. Hl* ACVTUTAXCK or otrrs AMI BRISK*. Gcucrnl Great xu a uotoriou* gift taker, and President Great has never refused a preaent. It baa been denied tbat be erer accepted a gift after be wax electad President, but bere U one among mauv proof* to the contrary. Four months after bis election to the Presidency $105,000 were transmitted to him in tbe following cash and se curities : Mortgage end Interest $40,437.50 Fiftyjtbourand 7-30 United State* bond* Crat series 64,725 GO Cash 19,837.60 Total.— ..„..$106,00D, (I) The receipt was duly acknowledged in the following letter: Waihington, D. C., February 17,1W9. Dear General: Your letter of the 16th, inclosing mo the handsome testimonial of the citixens of New York, with the names of all the too generous contributors to it is received. • • • Thiougb you I wish to thank the gentle men whose names you haire enclosed to me individually and collectively. I have the honor to be your obedient servant. U. 8. GEAXT. For tbe purchase of the President's cottage at Long Branch, presented to bits alter he became President, there were eight subscribers. This is the direct personal statement of Alexan der T. Stewart, who saia signifi cantly that "he knew of one gentle man who was invited to become a sub scriber to that fund." 2 There were three members of Grant's cabinet, as first appointed, who made bim presents, Stewart, Borie, and Hoar. Stewart's giving* are well known. Borie had contributed to the Philadelphia house and Hoar to tbe library presented the President by citizens of Massachusetts. And Dan iel Butterfield, who was appointed to the Hub-Treasury *in New York, and driveu from office by ifcn £)ack Fri day exposure, was the ;man who got up the New York subscription of $105,- 000 for Grant, while Gnnnell, appoint ed Collector, was one of the sulwcrib ers. •*•- t ♦ v * Tbo Aldina for October u a brijlhsnt number. It open* with 4 full page draw ingr, by Victor Nehlig: agraphia and spir ited repreiontalion or a professional bravo and bis employer, and tbe rival who is about to become their victim. This is fol lowed by "Hollo," and "School disciplin,' bv John 8. Davis—the former, a glimpse of boy life in the country; tbe boy, jp this instance, being a young urchin, who has stolen into tho woods with his dog and gun: the latter, a view of a village school-houscj in which a girl is doing penanco among the boys, probably for missing her lesson. V. T. Vanco takes us into tbe ileart of the Adirondack*, of whiphibe gives us three viows—"The jGlen,' a ofiarwing bit of woodland scenory, with a little brook (til ing over rocks into a still pool; "Preston Ponds." and "Lake Henderson," a moon light glance at that mountain-girdled sheet of water From Paul Dixon we have "The Hills of New J%gl*nd," and ,'Kvenlngs," two' kfid admirable draw ings. Then comes "A Seflmu Case," by i Krnst Bosch ; "Templo of Canovo, and "Last Moments of Von Weber;'' and, last, a group of Snow-Birds," by Gilbert Burling. Tho literature is n* readable as ever, i The subscription price $4.(0 per annum, which includes a suberb Oil Unrepp, and the publishers are button m OS , 68 Maiden Labs, New "Ts.iL SI)MK FACTS IN THE LIFKOF i ULYSHKH 8. Ult A NT. [From iliu Manchester (N. U.l Union] The New York World my*; "There i | a story which hiu long been current in miliUry circles of a curtain captain of the fourth UnituU Hut** Infantry, who, being itatloncd on tho I'acillc coast some twenty yearn ago, repeatedly li-graced bimselt by • being found drunk when on duty. Ilia au- ' pcrior officer, long unwilling to ruin him, finally found liiuuulf obliged to lake duel' !|] tiva lep. Iln t ailed thu delinquent before L him, and insisted upon his giving in hie • written resignation. "1 altall not use thi*. * aid the Colonel, unless you coni|iel me to by again publicly bringing scandal upon j the service." In that case I altall instant ly forward it to Wa<hinglon." The story runt that after no great lapse of time the ■ unhappy captain one* mure lapsed, The ( threat was executed. Tho army lost an < officer and St. Louis gained a citizen. T> 1 no man in the country can this story be', belter known than to President Grant." ji W<• are able to state the facts alluded to I above with exactness, and we think it is our duty to do so. While sojourning ati Washington in IHtiT, we met a gentleman 1 who was an officer in that regiment at the ' time referred to. Its commander was Col onel, afterwards General, Buchanan, who commanded at New Orleans for some time 1 during the late war. The captain referred to was Lieutenant Ulysses* 8. Grant. llis i dissipation was shocking and |>erpetuai, and finally culminated, at a public dinner ] of the officers, in an offence—nameless here -so fisgrant and revolting that Colo- I nel Buchanan gave to Grant the alterna tive of resignation or a courtmartial. Of course he preferred tho former, and resig- J ed, as affirmed above. The Colonel agreed to hold it until Grant got drunk again, ' which was very soon, and it was then for- j warded to the Department. Our infor mant says that Grant then left the camp, < Sand lived for some time in most abject degradation among the neigboring Indi- ; ans. rhen he went to Sen Francisco and opened a billiard saloon, which he kept till he "run himself out," when he sailed for New York. Now let us meet biiu in New York : lie arrived without a dollar, lie sent to an officer in command in the harbor—and we bave this from that offi cer's own lips-to come to tho city and meet him. He did to, and supplied him with money to reach hit wife's relative* in Missouri, and not one cent of the money 'was ever refunded. His career in Mit ; souri while living on the farm of his father (in-law, was simply awful. Wo will not { now say what we know to be true in regard Jto it We only add, if required to 'match it," in depravity and degradation, we could not do it iu the limit* of our acquain-i | tance. We know he carried tho same hab its into the army, and webelievo that a] hundred thousand of bis own men were needlessly sacrificed in consequence, and I we can show when and where and how, with abundance of contemporary testimo ny, which we will produce if anybody wants it. We sincerely believe that Grant is not fit for any public position whatever, intellectually or morally, and that it our people knew the simple truth iu regard to him he would not get an honest vote. Let , such voters make it their business to learn j before they commit the fatal error of voting ' for him again. Peterson's Magazine tr November is on 1 our table, ahead of all others. It is a usu ally good number, even for this first class i lady's book. The principal Sleol Plate. "A Game Two Can Play At," is from an original picture, and is a capital illustra- I lion of one of the best stories we bave read for months. A prominent feature of this is its copyright Novelettes two 'ofwhich appear in thu number, "Lind i say's Luck, by Fanny Hod gson. and ! "Bought With A Price," by Mrs. Ann Stephens. both verr far superior to tho, ' continued si.Ties to he found in magaxinco j general/. But, as a colamporary says, the f stories, the fashions, the patterns, in short, .everything in Peterson Is the best of it* ' kind. The price of thi* Magazine, too, is (another tiling in it* favor. It is but two Dollar* a year. The Prospectus for 11*73 1 j is published with this number, and we find ( thai the price* to Clubs are astonishingly ' tew, via., three copies lor 4.lit), with !a su • i rb Mezzotint (18 inches by 'M, "Christ Weeping Over Jerusalem," to the person geting up the club : orsiz copies for fV.DU •and a copy of the Magazine for 1873 as a ' premium to the person getting up the rlub; or eight copies for sl2. UU. and both an ex tra copy and the premium engraving to the person getting up the club. Fur large clubs the price* are even lower, a choice of six splendid premium engravings, for framing, ia given for fifty cent* extra, to subscriber* for "Peterson for 1873. Bpec-J imen* of the Magazine are sent, gralu, if written for. Subscribe to nothing elseun til you have seen a copy of this popular Magaaine. Address Cuaxi x* J. Fr.n so*. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ♦ ■■ Mrs. Horace Greeley's Deathbed. .! Mr*. Horaco Greeley is still alive,, r but gradually sinking. On Salurday | afternoon she rallied for a few mo . menu and spoke in a weak subdued j tone to thoae about her. A relapae 'followed and tbefj she sank into a state ' It 1A „'„t 1..1 ,iorunconaciou*t)OM. At 1U o cloclt last | i night her conditio!! wo* still unchang ed, except thai the dropsical symp toms had developed themselves on the ) left side of the cnest and between the shoulders, i Mr. Greeley is at his wife's bedside ) night and day, and feels that nothing , but some superhumau power can avert > ber death within a few hours —Son, OUll CLOTHING STORE. i I have jut been to the city, and laid in a Aili slock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and in addition to that a large tock of lUTSttd CATS ol the latnt style*; alto, BOOTS scd BHOKB. both kip and calf; alto GAI TERS, for ladies, of three or four differ ent styles. TOBACCO and CIGARS, of tbebwt as sortment. JEWELRY and NOTIONS I solicit a liberal patronage from the kind poonlo of Pennsvallcy. at heretofore. Our motto is, bbLL f.lj KAl*. JACOB KUIHK oct JS.Ct Milroy, THE ONLY PLACE TO BUY good Boots Shoes. BURNBIDK A THOMAS Have just received 50 casero/BooU and Snocs. BUBNSIDK A THOMAS Bell the cheapest and beat Roots and Shoes. BURNBIDK A THOM A8 Are the only ones in Centre 00. that have Lester Bro's A Co., Boot* <fr Shoes. Lester Bro's dt Co., Boots and Shoes are warranted. Ill" UN SIDE Jt THOMAS Sell them at Caah prices. BURNSIDE A THOMAS BooU and Shoes never leak or crack. BIfRNSipKA THOMAS Boots anil Shoes alyoyc give satisfac tion. Thousands in this county and out oi it have tried these Boots A Shoes. They have been tested and tried for 15 years and always have given Extrn satisfaction. [f you want to save doctor buy your Boots and Shoes from Burnside A Thomas. You can buy the best articles of To bacco and cigara at hijf price at Burusides A Thomas.' rbe reason you can get such bargains at Burnside A Thomas, tbey sell for CASH. I'rt'Kitlciilial Elec-j: (inn Tntl'y Nov. 5.1 laithat Pi nun - The undersign- oil will offer at public sale, on the preml- I si-s, at Centre Hall, on Tuesday, Nov. 12th < at j o'clock, < THKKK ACHES OF UKOUNP j of which nearly 3 lots front the Main , Street passing through Centre Hall. This , tract will be sold in lots, or as a whole to ( suit purchasers, and at terms to suit buy- , er*. ALEX. SHANNON, 1 Agent fur J. 11. Evans , T?UKTIOH.PBOOXA)CAT>Oy. 1, D. W. Woodring, High Sheriff of ] Centre county, Commonwealth of I'enri- , sylvan!*, do hereby make known and give , notice to the elector* of the county afore said, that an election will he held in the said county of Centre, on TU END A Y the , |&th dav of NOV M HER. 1872, for the pur |Kse of electing K person* to the electoral 'ed lege for the election of a President and Vice President of the United Mtates, 1 also hereby make known and give no tice that the place of holding the aforesaid election in the several boroughs and town ship* within the county o( Centre are a* follows, to wit: For the township of Haines, at the pub- < lie house of John Limbert, in tlje town of Aaronsburg. For the township of llalf Moon, at the j school house in Btormiw<*. For the township of Taylor, at the house , erected for the purpose, on tho property , of Leonard Meryman. Pur the township ot Miles, In the school , house in the tow no! Kebersburg. Fur thu township of l'ettcr, at the house of Chas Smith, Old Fori. For thu tow uship of Gregg, at the public , house owned by J. B Fisher, For the township of Ferguson, at the school house in Pine Grove. Fur tho township of Harris, at the school house in iloalshurg. For the township of Patton, at the house of Peter Murray. For the borough of Beliefonte, and spring and llenner townships, at the Court House in Beliefonte. For the township of Walker, at the school house in Huhlersburg. For the borough and township of How ard at the school house in said borough. For the township of Bush, at Cold Stream school house • For the township of Snow Shoe, at the school house of Samuel Askey. For the township of Marion, at tbe school house in Jacksonville. For the borough of Milesburg, in the school house at Milesburg. For the towuship of Bogr*, at the new school house in Central City. For the tow I -)>••• nt H.U .... ihe house of John Heed. Porthe township of Pena, at the house : of W. L. Musser. For the township of Liberty, at the; -choot house in Eagleville. For the township of Worth, at the I school house in Port Matilda. Per the township ot Burnside, at the ihouse of John Boek. For the township of Curtin, at the achoo) i house near Robert Mann's. For the borough of Unionvillo and Uni- i on township, at Cnionville school house. The general Election in all the Town- j -hips, Di-lricti and Boroughs of the coun-1 jty i* to be opened between the hours of :<ox and seven o'clock in the forenoon, and •hall continue without interruption or ad journment until seven o'clock fit the even-i ing, when all polls shall he closed. Pursuant to the provisions contained in< the 7<3lh section or the act the judge of die tncU shall respectively lake charge of the certificates or return of the election of ! , their respectivl districu, produce them at a meeting of one Judge from each district, i at the Court House, in the Borough of Beliefonte, on the third dsiy after the dec-, • lion, being for the present year, on Friday the eighth day of Novtnber next, at 2 o'- clock P.|M , then and there to do and per- j form those duties required by law of said > judge*. Also, that when a judge, by sick-' tics* or unavoidable accident, is unable to I attend said meeting of judges, then the > certificate or return shall be taken charge > of by one of the inspector*, or clerk* o( > the election of said district, who shall do! I and perform the duties of said judge un i able to attend. Given under my hand and eal, at my • office, in Beliefonte, thistHh day of Nov. ' an the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and in the . ninety sixth year of the Independence of i the United Stales. : D. W WOODKINO. Sheriff ot Centre county Reoistey Law. I also give official notice to the electors of Centre county, that, by an act entitled An Art ftirlber supplemental to the act re!-- > stive to the election* of this Common wealth,'' approved April 17, A. D. 1 W.i, it is provided at follows t SEC. 1 Rt it enaetrd by the Senate ami liuutfo/ Reprenentatieee of the fbmsnow-' tc+alth of /VsstylrssM ia General A wot j • My met, and it u hereby rnaetetl by the an-; thonty of the same. That it shall be the duty of each of the atsseesor* within this Commonwealth, on the first Monday in June of each year, to take up the trans cript he has received from the county Coin- j missioners under the eight section "of the act of fifteenth April. eighteen hundred and thirty-four, an! proceed to an immedi ate revision of the sslne by striking there from the name of every person who is known by him to have died or removed since the last previous assessment (rum tho district of which he is the assessor, or whose death or removal from the same shall be made known to htm, and add to the same tiie name of any qualified voter who shall be known by him to have move ed into the district since the last previous assessments, of whose removal into the same shall hare haen made known to hit*, tunc ftuaii nT<* uv?u umur Known 10 nun, an<{ alio the name* of all who ahall make claim to bin* to bo qualified voter* therein.' A* mohu this revision is completed be . 'hall viifl awry dwelling home In hi* dis t trict, and mako cartful inquiry if gny per son vrho*e name U on his list has diod or removed from the district, and if so, U> ' lake the same therefrom, or whether an\ ' qualified voter resides therein whose name I i* not on hi* list, and if so, to add the name j thereto; and in all cases where a name i added to the list a tax shall forthwith he assessed against the person; and the assts or shall in all cases ascertain, by inquiry, upon what ground the person so assessed claims to bo a voter. Upon the comple tion of the work, it shall be the duty of leach aaaessor as aforosaid to proceed to j make out a list in alphabetical order, of' the while freemen above twenty-one years of age. claiming to he qualified voters in. the ward, borough township or district of: which he is the assessor, and opposite each. of said name* state whether said freeman is or is not a housekeeper; and if he is, the uumberofit* residence, in town* where; the same arc numbered, with the street, al ley or court in which situated and if in a town where theru are no numbers, the name ofthe stieet, alloy or court on which said house fronts: also the occupation of the person, and where he is not a house keeper, the occupation, place of boarding and with whom, and if working ;or anoth er, the name of the employer, and write opposite each of said names the word "vo ter j" where any person claims to vole by reason of naturalisation, he shall exhibit , his certificate thereof to the aasoasor, unices he has beep for live consecutive year* next preceding a voter in said disfrjet, and in all case* where the person ha* been natur alised the name shall bo marked with the letter "N where the person ha* merely declared hi* intentions to become a cilisen and design* to be naturalised bofoio the next election, the name shall be marked "V. I.:" where the claim is to vote by rea son of being between the age* of twenty - or.o and twentv-two a* provided by law, tho ward "age'-' thai* Lu entered ; and if a person ha* moved into tho election district to reside since the last general election, the letter "R" shall be placed opposite the I name. It shall be the futber duty of each | asscsor as aforesaid, upon tho completion I of the duties herein imposed, to make out a separate list of all new assessments made by bim, and the amount assessed upon each and furnish Ibo samo immediately to the county commissioners, who o.sli add the ame* to tax duplicate of the ward, bor ough, township ar dlstrlot In which they havo been assessed. Mgr. 2. On the list being completed and the assessment* made as aforesaid, it shall forthwith be returned to the county com missiopof?. who shall cause duplicate cop ies of said lists, with the innervation and explanations required to be noted as afore said, to bo made but as soon as practicable and placed in the hands of the assessor, who, shall prior to tho first of August in each year, put one copy thereof on the doob or on the house where election of tho rosmwlJva district is required to be held, and return the other in bis possession, for the inspection, froo of onargo of any per son residing in the said election district who shall desire to see tho same; and it shall be the duty of the said assessor to add from time to time, on tho personal applica tion of any ono claiming the right to voto, the name of such applicant, and mark op posite tutchname "fc. 2J." q:}d immediate ly assess him with a tux, noting,''ns in all other cases, his occupation, residence, whether a boarder or housekeeper; if a boarder, with whom ho .boards ; and whether naturalised or designed to be, marking in all such cases tho letters oppo site the name, "N, or "D. I." as the case may be. If the person claiming tq be as sessed be naturalised, hesjiaji axai Ditto the assessor his certificate ot *iar*uuisu, and if he claims that he aesingx t# M pat uralized before the next emaug elechen, tie shall exhibit flu> certificate of his decla-, c ration f intention ! In all caeca where any i ward, borough, township or election dis- , trlct is divided into two or more precincts, j i the assessor shall note in ell hi* assessments , | the nicotian precinct in which each elector • reside* and shall make a separate return ]■ for earh to the county commissioners, In: j nil cases in which n return is required from q him hy the provisions of this act; and thej< county commissioners, in making dnpti-jj cate copies of all such returns shall make' duplicate copies, separately end shell furn-| { ish the same to the assessor; and tho copies L required hy this act to be placed on the doors et or on election plane* on or before' the first of Aagust in each year, shall be j placed on (he door of or on the electioni, place in each of said precincts. BEC. S. After the assesmenta have been completed on the tenth day preceding the ki-coiid Tuesday in October of each year, the assessor shall on the Monday Immedi ately loth-wing, make a return to the coun ty commissioners of the names of all per sons assessed bj him since the return re-, qfiired to he made by bim by the second 1 section of thi* act, noting opposite each; name the observations an! explanation* required to be noted a* afoiesaid; and the" county commissioner shall thereupon cause the same to be added to the return required hy the second section of this act, ana a full and correct copy thereof to be made, containing the naiaes of ell person- j *e returned as resident taxable* in said ward, borough, township, or precinct, and' furnish the same, together with the neces-' ssry election blank*, to the officer* of the election in said ward, borough, township, qr precinct, on or before six o'clock in the morning of the second Tuesday in October; and no man shall be permitted to vole at tho election on that day whose name is not ou said list, unless he shell make proof of hi* right to vote, as heieiuaftcr requir ed Bkc. 4. on the day of election any per son whose name is not on the list, and claiming thu right to vote at said election, shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district as a witness to the residence of the claimant in the district of which he claims to he a volar for the period of at least ten days next proceeding said elec tion ; which witness shall take and sub scribe a written or partly written and prin ted affidavit to the fact staled hy him, which affidavit shall define clearly where the residence is of the person so claiming to he a voter, and the person so claiming the right to vote shall also take and sub scribe a writun or partly written and part ly printed affidavit, stalling to the best of his knowledge and belief, where and when he was born; that he ia a citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of the United Blate* ; that be ha* resided in the Common wealth one year, or if former ly a citizen therein, and has moved there from, that he ha* resided therein six months next proceeding said election, that be ha* not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein j that be has paid a State or county tax within two years, which was assessed at least ten days before -aid election; and. if a naturalised citizen, shall also state wehn, where, and hy what court he was naturalized, and shell also produce his certificate of naluraliialmu for i examination ; the said affidavit shall also •tat* when and where the tax claimed tube paid by the >ffida it wa* assessed, and when, where and to whom paid and the lax receipt thereof shall be produced for examination, unless the affidavit shall elate •in his affidavit that it hat been lost or de ' -troyed, or that he never received any, but •if the person so claiming the right to vote -ball take and subscribe an affidavit, that Ihe is a native born citizen of the United Stales, or if born elsewhere, state the fact ; in hit affiant, and shall produce evidence that he has been naturalized, or that he is untitled to citienr zhip hy reason of hi* fath er' * naturalization; and shall further state, in hi* affidavit that he is, at the time of; • taking the affidavit, between the age ot 'twenty-one and twenty-two years; that he] ! hat resided in the Stale one year and in ; ule.tion district ten days next proceeding '{such election, he shall be allowed to vote, < although he shall not have paid taxes ; the j (said affidavit ol all person* making such! j claims, and the affidavit of the witness to! I.heir residence, shall be reserved by the •lection board, and at the close of the elec tion they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally list, and other paper* required by law to be filled by the return Judge with the Protbonotary, and shall remain on file therewith in the Protbonotary'* of fice, subject to the examination, as other ••lection paper* are; if ike election officer* shall flna that the applicant or applicants: ! possess all the legal qualifications of voter*. • • he or they shall be permitted to vote, and : ike name or names thai) be added to the; list of taxable* by the election officer*, the word "tax,, being added where the claim ant to vote on age, the fame words being added by theclerk* in each case respect ' ively on the list* of person* voting at such elections. Bec.. &. It shall be lawful (or any quali fied citicen of tbe district, notwithstanding the name of the proposed voter is contain-' •d on the list of resident taxable*, to chal lenge the vote of such person ; whereupon the same proof of the right of suffrage as is now required by law shall he publicly made and acted on by the election board and the vote admitted or rejected, accor ding to the evidence; cvenr person claim ing to be a naturalized citizen shall be re quired to prv-duce his tisturalizslion cer tificate at the election before voting, ex cept where be has been for ten vear* con secutively a voter in the district in which be offers bis vote : and on tbe vole of such person being received, it shall be the duty of the election officers to write or stamp on such certificate the word "voter," with the month and year: and if any election offi cer or officers shall receive a second vote! ou the same day. hy virtue of tbe same ! certificate, excepting where sons are enti tled to vote by virtue of the naturalization ' of their fathers, they and the person who ) shall offer such second vote, upon so oft] fending shall be guilty of a high misde meanor, end on conviction thereoC be fin •<d or imprisoned, or both, at the ditcre-! lion of the court: but the fine shall sot ex ceed one hundred dollar* in oach case, nor 1 the imprisonment one year ; the like pun ishment shall be inflicted, on conviction, , ,ti tka IIMOAM iif alssdfirtlz wk<x aliall imn on toe omceri 01 election who sbaii neg lect or refuse to make, or cause to b made the indorsement required a* aforesaid on! *ai J natural nation certificate. Sac. 6. If any election officer shall rs fuse or neglect to require luek tirooTof the right of sufTYagc as it prescribed by this law, or tba lav* to which this it a supple | menl, from any person offering to role; whose name it not on the liat of attested volert, or wboae right to vote it chaienred by any qualified voter present, and ahall ! admit tuch person to vote without requir ,ing tuch proof, every person so offending shall, upon ccnriction. be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall be sentenced, tor | every tuch offence, to pay a fine not ex-j reeding one hundred dollars, or to under go an wpprisenment not more than one year, or cither ut both, at the discrelsun cf ( the court. Sac. ". Ten days proceeding every elee- 1 lion for electors of President and Vice President of the United States, it thall be the duty of the attestor to attend at the 1 place fixed by tbe law for holding the elec tion in each election district, and then and there hear all applications of persons, whose names have been omitted from the lirt of attested voters, and who claim the right to vole; Or wLaet rtgku hare origi nated since the tame was made out, and thall add the name* of tuch persons there to, a* thall thow that they are entitled to tberight of suffrage in such district, on the personal application of the claimant only, and forthwith aatess them with the prop er tax. After completing the list, a copy thereof thall be placed on the door of, or on the house where the election it to be held, at least eight days before the elec-j lion and at the election the same course: shall bo pursued, in aii respect* at i* requi red by tnit act and the acU to which it is a suplement, at the general elections inOc-j toner. The assessor shall also tnako the same returns to the county commissioners | of all assessments made by virtue of this section: and the county commissioners shall furnish copies thereof to the election j officers in each district, in like manner, in : all respects, as is required at the general e.r tji in Oetol Sxe. U. 11:0 sumo rules and icgujauon shall apply at every special election, and every eepcrale city, borough or ward elec tion, in all respects as at the general elec tion in October. Sxc. 0. The respective a--i'-ors, in spectors and judges of the elections shall each have the power to administer oaths to any persons claiming the right to be assess ed or the right of augVaco, or in regard to any other matter or thing required to lie done or Inquired into by any of said offi cers under this act; and any willful false swearing by any person in relation to any matter or thing concerning which they shall be lawfully interrogated by any of the said officers shall bo punisheuasperju ry. bco. 10. The ussussorsiiul! oath WCpivo the same compensation fortho time neces sarily spent in performing the duties here by enjoined, as is provided bv law for the performance of their other duties, to be paid by the county commissioners as in other cases ; and it shall not bo lawful for any assessor to assess a tax against any porson whatever within Uu days nest pro ceeding the election to be hela on the soc ond Tuesday in October in any year, or within ten days next before any election for electors of President and V icc Presi dent of tho United Hiatus; any violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor, and mtyect the officers so offending to a fine, on conviction, not exceeding ope hun dred dollars, or to iin prison uie lit not ex ceeding three months, or both, at the dis cretion of tho court. Sac. 11. On the petition of five or more citixcns of the county; stating under oath that they verily believe that frauds will be practiced at the election about to be held in any district, it shall be the duty of the court of common pleas of said county, if in session, or if not, a judge thereof is vas ,u - - - --^---^i.-JKaasssaxßHS overmen shall he selectod from differ." political parties *•. lb. inspector, be - I" ! ,f^o ^i:i' i :i' , ? rt,t !' "? d fcWbotbr ••id iiMpmore Ulon* U< (be same political party, both of the overseer* thai) f e taken from the "|'lile political partv: Mid overseer* •hall have the rleht to b nraa rntwilh thaogjow* of the election, dor j lug the whole time the aame l hold, the voire counted and the return* made out •nd signed by the election (•fleers, to keep a list of voter*, if they see pronto Icnge any person offering pi rote, and In terrogate I bins and hi. witac tlnd er oath, : m hi* right ofsuffraga at Mid j electron, and to examine hi. paper, pro jduced ; and the officer* of Mid election are required to afford to ,aid overaeer* to *e totodand appelated every convenience) l f °f J i ?JA M:h * r £* of their ••} and it said election officer* (hall refuse to permit Mid overseer* to be present, and perform! their dutie* asafaresaid, or if iber .hali be driven away from the poll* by vbAenceand ; ? i th ° *• PH*d atauch election district may U rejected by any tribunal trying a contest under Mid alec .L°°i_oiroT c , Th#l o person tinging the petition thai! be appointed an over seer. Site. II I f any pr.Hhenotary, clerk, or j the deputy of either, or any person shall, affix theaaal of office to any uaturnliuUon paper, or permit tbe tame to be affixed, or give out, cr cause er permit the same to be given out in blank, whereby it may be fraudulently used, or furnish a naturalisa tion certificate to any pkraon who shall not l have been duly examined and sworn in open cour, in the presence of some of the judges thereof, according to act of Con gross, or shall aid in, connive at, or in any way permit the iseue of any fradulfiM nal , uratixaLon certificate, be shall be guilty I ebjgh misdemeanor; or if any one shall i fradulenlly use any such certificate of nat uralisation. knowing that it woe fraduleat ! iy issued, or shall vote, or attempt to vote : thereon, or if any one .ball vote or attempt to vote on any certificate of naturalisation not issued to bLn, he *hali be guilty of a {high misdemeanor; and either or any of i the persona, their aider* or abettor*, guilty jof either of the misdemeanor* aforesmJ shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollar*, and im prisoned In the proper penitentiary tor a period not cxe ceding three years tc. 11 Any person who on oath or af ;firmalion, in or before any court of thie {State, or officer authorised to administer oatha, shall, to procure a certificate of nat uralisation. for himself or any other per son, willfultiy depose, declare or affirm any matter to be fact, knowing tbe same to be false, or shall in like manner deny any matter to be fact knowing the same to be true, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and any certificate of naturalization issued \ in pursuant eof any such deposition, dec laration or affirmation, shall be null and void ; and it shall be the duty of the court issuing the same, upon proof being made before it, that it was fraudulently obtained to take immediate measure* for recalling the same for cancellation, and any person who shall vote, or ettompt to vote, on any paper so obtained, or who shall in any way aid in, connive at, or have any agency jwhatever in the issue, circulation or use of , any fradulcnt naturalisation certificates, : shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ; 'end upon conviction thereof shall undergo ian imprisonment in the penitentiary for j not more than two yeara, and pay a fine of {not more than one thousand dollars, for ! every such offence, or either or both, at tbe discretion of tbe court. ; 8c. 14. Any assessor, election officer .or person appointed as an overseer, who 'shall neglect or refuse to perform any du-l j ty enjoined by this act without any reason able or legal cause, shall be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollar*, and if any assessor shall assess any person as a voter > who is not qualified, cr shall refuse to as > sess any one who ia qualified, he shall be : guilty of misdemeanor of office, and on conviction be punished by fine or impri*- > onment, and also be subject to an action i for damages by the party aggrieved; and • if any person shall fraudulently alter, add i to, d ciace or destroy any list of voters ■ made out as directed by this act. or tear r down or remove the tame from the place 1, where it has been fixed, with fraudulent tlor mischievous intent or for any improper >, purpose the person so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on coo - nation thall be punished by a fine not ex ceeding one hundred dollars, or imprison* i; meat not exceeding two years, or loth at , he discretion of the court II Bgc. lb. AH elections tor city, ward, borough, township and election officers ■ hal be reader be bold on the second Tues day of October, subject to all provision* of the law* regulating the election of such of ■ leers not inconsistent with this act; the i person elected to such >fflce* at that time shall take their place* at the expiration ol ■ the term* of the persons holding the same : at the time of such election; hut no elee -1 tioo for the office ef assessor or assistant as •' seasor shall be held under this act until tbe i year one thousand eight hundred and sev • cnty. Sec. 16. At all election* hereafter held I under tbe lew* of this Commonwealth, the - poll* shall be opened between the hours of ■ six and seven (/clock, a. m., and closed at - seven o'clock, p, m. Sac. 17. |t shall be the duty of (he Sec retory cftbe Commonwealth to prepare forms for all the blank* made necessary by i t his act, and famish copies of tbe seme to i the county comtniasiotters of the several counties of the Commonwealth; and the commissioners of each county shall, as i *con a* may be necessary after receipt ol > the same, at the proper expense of the ' county, procure and famish to all election ' officer* of tbe election districts of their re spective counties copies of such blanks, such quantities as may be rendered neces i Mr j for the discharge of their duties un der this act. Sac. 18. That the citixens of this State temporarily in tbe service of tbe State gov ernment, on clerical or other duty, and who do not vote where thus employed -hall not be thereby deprived of the right to v ote in their several election district* If otherwise duly qualified. i FURNITURE! Grand Opening FOR 1872. I JOHN CAMFS MILROY, whore he hi* opened with a very large stock of the latest styles, both fkncy and common Parlor, Chamber apd Kitchen Furni ture. CHJIHS, of all kinds. All kind* of repairing done with neat ness and dispatch having four good wort men at the bench. 1 atn prepared to do all kinds of custom work, ilne or common. Thankful for past favor*, I hope by strict attention to business you and everybody else wilt show smiling faces at my new ; ware rooms. JOHN CAMP. | New Clothing Store A. STERNBERG, engaged to manage for I. {*. Reiscnstain, jin the corner building, opposite lloffer'* •tore, Bellefonte, has established a new Clothing Store where the best bargains in j the county are offered. $7.50 to sls for Suits of the fin est Cassimere. HATS, CAPS and a fpll and complete assortment of ev : ory thing in tho line of Clothing. Gcnt' Fin n lulling Cioods , all directly from their own manufactory. A Iso. Jewelry, Wats-tire, dec. They have engaged their old clerk, Mr. | A. Sternberg, so well known to the people, and who will be pleased to see nls old friends. apjitf. I'ioce goods of every discription, sold low to enable everybody to have his cloth- I mg made to order. { a. o. t>xixtnoxa. a. c. una*a*. MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS. New Finn—Haw Kotorpr*. DEININGER * HUSSER, Successors to B. 0. Diixtsoxai We would must respectfully inform the public, that tbey have token charge ef this old and soocseafUl establishment, and propose to carry on the same under re newed suspires. Tbey have on band, and will malt# to order, MONUMENTS, COUCHES. TOMBS* ; HEADS TON KB. of any possible design, and price. We use the beat grades of marble— i Italian, • t 1 CyAAA AA, A ii sateen Statu ast, I . Kutla *t Ac,, and My with perfect assurance, "Oar work la our referenda." Shop, |eaat f Bridge, MUikeim. J. ZEIXER Sr SON II DRUGfiISTS : No 6 Brockerliufl" Row, Brilrfoate.Pa lbcalpmlH DragmC'kemleaan, PfrAtatrry, Paaey bleeds str„ 1 dec. , Pure WiaM and Liquors tor medical , purpose* always kept. may 11. TL ! or. a. wiLeox. ritoiua akkxa r* TTARDWAKE STORE II jj ~ WILSON <fr HICKS, 1 S ItellefoaU, Pa.. • * (Successors to lawta a Wtteoa.,) > ' 'T" Respectfully Inform the citixens of 2 Centre and other ooimtias. that they ' < have una of tbe largeet sad bast as- j . a. lectedstock ' Hsr-J sere to be found, * u consisting of Iron, Steal, Nails, * ; 2 Horse Shoes, Axels, Spring Wagon J < Skeins and Boxes, Complete mock of "J > carpenter tool* and builders hard. 2 , % ware, locks, oils, paints, gloat, var- rj , Z nitbes, brushes, cucumber pumps,and J '*3 taking. Lamp* af all kinds, scales, L t i 1 cutlery, i WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. % 1 I Pull line of saddlery and coach ma-i I kora goods, wood work tor buggies > . and wagons, ploughs, harrows, culti -1 vators and grindstones. Looking H I*S glasses and mirror olales Picture j i - frames made to order. They alio ' J have the celebrated eook atove, JJ ! o SUSQUEHANNA, > f T. every one warranted to give perfect ■ . satisfaction All kinds of parlor j ; * stoves. We are determined to sell 3 > < at th* lowest price* tor cash, or en ;Sm short erodit—not to exceed three <- r - ojotithi. Oil! aad a## tt* si w# lAk# ' 5 piffitiufß in AtKpvinn our rcodi. ! 5 WILSON A BICE h - pt 3 < " s| ■ IH | Gift&Florya : New Shoe Store ! AT CEXTBS HALL. ' They have now opened, nad will nanstaat . Iy keep on hand, a spleadid stock af aew SHOES, GAITERS, A SLIPPEKS, for : men, women and children, from Ike beet ; manufactories in the country, and now of [ fried at the Lowest Prices. ' BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon • abort notice. They invite the people of 1 thie vicinity to give them a call, as they will strive to merit a share of lhair pet • nonage. myMfcf } PURNITCBE STORE. 1 poon below Home's .. BELLEFONTE, PA. ; GEORGE OBRYAN, Dealer ruftmrufts OE ALL KUfDfi, ! BEOSTEA DB, TABLES, CHAIBK, Parlor and Chamber Seta, 1 SOFAS, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, WASBST4HOS, Kimnm B > Particular Attentioa to Ordered Work. I REPAIRING DONE PROMPTL P. I'XDERTAKUH, I In AH It* Braseim, V MRTAUC, VALXtrr, BOSSWOOO, AND OQHNOV CASKBSA I Always on Band, and Funerals Attended " Witt au Elegant Hearse. apfitf. : Stoves! Fire J S toy 's! At Andy Reesman'a, Centra Hall, are latest and bast stoves out,, he has just received a large lot of Cook Sloven, the Pi cct r Cook. k VWft OWYVB, UIO I. lyilWl Vvvi) the Ectipat Cook, PA RLORS—The Radiant Light dr, Qu Burner, National Iff, * w *! • TIN ANO SNEETIRQN WARE The undersigned hereby informs the citisens of PraurtlUj thai a* has pur chased the Tinth. p heretofore carried on by theC. H, Mfg Co., and will continue the same, at the old stand, in all its branch es, in the manufacture of STOVE PfPE * sponwo. All kinds of repairing dope. Be has alwaysonhand Fruit Cans, of nil Sixes, BUCKETS, cu£s, DIPPKRS, DISH KS, AC. All work warranted and charges reason able. A share of the public natronace so- ANb RBfcSM * isepTQy " ■'" ' •••■Oeiihe H s.. ABB SIGRBI M "L J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 6, BBOCKEKHOFP BOW A new and complete Hardware Store bai Seen opened by the undersigned in Brock erholTs new build ing~whe"e tho vare pre pared to sell ail kinds ofßuildingandHou*. Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy wheel* in *etts. ChampioaGlothea Wrineer, Bill Bewi>, Circular and jlan# Saws, Ten aon SsNrs, WebbSaws.TceCtektf Freezers, Bstb Tubs, Clothe* Racks, a ftil assortment of Olass and Mirror Plate of al sines, Picture Frames, Wheelbswrows, Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes, Folloes, snd Hub*, Plow*, CullieetorsToorn Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Boards and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery Shov els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinge* Screws, Sask Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nail* Norway Oil*. Lard, Lob ric Coal, Woed, TsSnisrs. Aavils, Vic as. ii t lowm, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tool* Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bei i> Gong Bells Teaßells,Grindstones,Carpen ter Tools, Fruit Jars andCatts,Paints,olls, Varnishes received nnd for sale at juneS'6B,ly. * J. & J. HARRIS. mms GREAT INDUSTRIES of the united states; an historical sum mary of the erigin. growth and perfection of the chief industrial arts of this country. 1300 PAGES AND 300 EtfGRAY ! ~ ISGS Written by 20 Eminent Authors, inclu ding John B. Gough, Loon Cs*e, Edward Howland. Jos. 8. Lyiuan, Rev. K Kdwsn Hall, Horace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Al bert Brisbane, F. JJ. Perkins, Rot., Bet. This wort hlatoar of til Ssaartto* ■* at Md utS. MM ialMMtots tad wirtMijD tmUoa SB mbjoctt of mmt: Marts* vtr Bwd tote*paella. ittssdautad wths ma St |ht Musi tijr*, itca^nwo IfiL! : ' lord sold Wla oa# wtak %inrlma#it? -rnw' s3i l waiu oa rtoSpt of otuap for drasitm tad tana* la arniU .rtili 1 aw lbs awiaa.- J. B. BURRIAM YDS, Hartford, Conn. Chicago, HI, or MtocmnaU, Ohio. Ml 18 Br, #