The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 25, 1872, Image 1

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    Youth And Ape.
While ret my b'ood ran full And free.
Gay girls the Mtnox seemed to me,
Forever young, forever Mr,
With laughing eyos that chaUnge Itfe-
No hour when they would not be wooed ;
it I w, they were in the mood ;
We played it courtship all <)y long,
And eared oar pain less grie.'a with song.
Too happy day* 1 But, wiser now.
Three matrons, with uujoyful brow,
And eyes severe, that conquer mine,
1 see replace those witches fine.
Their loots convict the vuithnfty years
Theirs are the rock, tho thread, the shears
8j ml>o!s, the artist's triple elew
To matter, form, and measure due,
Each lays a finger on her lip
And signs, " Beware ! the moments slip!"
How shall I hops the three to gain?
Together, triumph ; amply, pain.
The Song of the Decanter,
There ru is
nlit OeciMer. sad it*
mntttS . .pm rr,.l •
tl>e raSjr *me had ehSe,t
u ami Sett tt c-j
tal >,.le ; and th >
v tut went
•!- it flea. .!
tlmotrh jiVe
ho. "* reek tha vwkt" m
Bete, n Mr* 1
• | at. ,-d O in the
vi Site*
* v th.
t>;al VAJ
tree, an.t
tsas i s s
that it.
sue month .ni
t tare. The, mi. a.e,
JWr ceßiraerera'
thai IS vroe hv> •!.- ki.
'•. r,t w,r hw tun,tied
tt,.n,h,it th • rerr leet ,-t
men ; tmt I *—'tsss th th.
•ei' ii nioie- 'Pal I h.reo,vn
saeNnt mis. this si, j-JSr tusns*
oawawjjow, ao tearvd .t rsa.isl at
Jv<ry. The. t. . j-,„ vouiha at d
tta am*. . Ante ,nnk frem <>*t all eur
th. Nr ray* that .te l. the hra n uvl
. eura th*np,nta cp, and rmta teahame tha
•*"1 J**?" ,hat ! thr r VWv ; tu
the, iu ir'need ntiUion* vith th# la,, vs).
*e "®ash na th- path n be til,
waitwS •. .< hhxvl Wij tM, art
•h'ie 1 k.lle-.t th. t.> r I h.,e daamni
It- i-l The )..,! ra. the
twuni. trervr vreuaUl *ack mats a,
I. in m -tl. or m, na lb. ,e
--s- rt bar*. Vo.ifht. tut Malt
I[breathe npctithena. and Ihrj abn.k
hS-ee 3 , i* -oh; ai,,l j by jo the
treed Una 4 -inal maai to deuht '
tt ßy the way. Eawdon. what became ol
that meerschaum of tours f" I asked him,
as we sat one night over the camp-fire.
'•What u*re!imP
"The one yon bought of the old Ger
man general at Holstein.* I secured its
"I may answer your question by t Jc
iug what became of yours" returned
Rawdon, puffing out the"smoke,
"Mine! That pipe of mine did a vast
amount of traveling, if you care to know.
It iooked with its fiery eye askance at
, the pyramids; dipped with me along the
• serpent bordered waters of the Nile;
t un ed its small pile of incense along the
storied Rhine. It yearn**! pensively and
dropjsed an ash by the ashes of llercu
!an turn and Pompeii, ft wended its way
Fast the 'lighthouse of the Mediterranean.'
{lowered about Mecca and Medina, and at
last, when in a poetic mood, by the Cas
pian, immortalized by Moore's liquid
Terse—in? lips related their hold and my
pipe tell into the sea."
'•Quite a histonr," remarked Ra srdon
"Mice committed suicide."
Larco laughed.
'•Truth," said Raxdon. "As I stood on
London Bridge, my heretofore faithful
pipe leaped from my lips into the Thames.
A clear case of voluntary suicide."
"Yon had quite an adventure alter I
left the party. Fitzhugh wrote me."
•'Had I ? Let me see: it was soon after
yon left the party that we made the as
cent—l attempted it, rather—of Mont
"Yea, that was what Fitzhugh spoke
of in his letter. What abont it all I"
"One can hardly hope to do justice to
any mine which one tells of Switzerland,"
bewail Rawdon, after a pause of thought.
'•The country most be seen to be appre
ciated, and it must by an artist
eye and appreciated by a son! endowed
w iih a deep religions sense of tlie miracles
which God alone could create, to get the
faintest oonception ot its wild, wonder
ful, and magnificent scenery. So sudden
and varied are the changes which the eye
beholds, that it seems more like a fafry
land floating in the unreal mirage of a
dream than like anything real."
"The great height Mid magnitude of the
mountain?* glistening with eternal enow;
tlie awful cha?m# opening between them ;
the bolt npright precipice#; the dark
ravine#, with here and there a shadowed
pool or lake, and the fertile valley# bloom
ing in luxuriance, combine to make a
picture of rare excellence, and of unsur
passed wondrous beatfty."
"Well! goon, Kawdon."
"Seen on a cloudless day, the sparkling
glacurs, piled up and pointed in rare and
fantastic form, dazzling the eye and till
ing the soul with wonder, litre a snow
white city lilts it# #pires and glistening
pinnacle# in frozen silence, like a mighty
pttritaction. There, huge columns, like
leaning towers ot marble, catch the sun's
glare on their polished surfaces. Again,
ono sees groups of marvelous statuary—
figure? standing, leaning, anything—and
seemingly in death like repose.''
"But about your adventure, Kawdon?"
"It was not much of an adveuturei," he
letorted. "We bad passed the winter at
Genera, a small few of us, finding it pos
sessed among its citizens many of the
most learned and scientific men ot Europe.
From this place the view of the Alp# is
unsurpassed. Toward Spring, parties o(
travelers going throngh the pisce made
us restless, and we also started. As mar
party moved on toward Urn hamlet where
we were intending to tarry -a lew days
and await a propitious time for ascending
Mont Blanc. 1 was so unfortunate as to
get mounted on the most treacherous
steed in the lot. Never did Pegasu#
throw his rider with less warning than
my beast of a h.irse threw me. I escaped
with, as I thought, the trilling Injury o(
a sprained wrist. Bat I got deceived in
judging that a sprained wrist was but a
trifle, for my hand began to #well ami
grow discolored, as Kr my thumb, It
might as well have been a pine knot, for
all the feeling there was in it; 'twas my
right hand, too. The rest waited several
days for me to make the ascent with them;
but findiog that my hand mended so slow
ly, they grew impatient, and went on
without me. It did not much matter, for
parties were coming up every week or
two, and I should not Jact company.
The tediousneas of my stay at the inn was
very much brightened by the kind atten
tions of my host's daughter, pretty Jennie
Kawdon paused.
"I became impatient of the delay," ho
continued, ''ja6t as you. Lnrco. are getting
impatient because 1 d>Mi't talk quicker.
No sooner did cautious people suggest the
impracticability of my attempting the
ascent at all, urging as objections the
dangerous season ef the year, and the
inconvenient stiffness of my wrist, that (
made op my mind to risk the udc>rtakiDg
at all hazards. This unhappy trait of
character lies dormant, or is active, in
ever? nature."
• What do you mean about the danger- ,
ous season ?"
"Well, I was detained by the illness
longer than you think for, Larco; the
summer and the season were alike over.
That wound of mine had complications
that you'd not care In bear about."
"I had no idea of that. .Go on."
"The arrival in the hamlet one night
of a famous naturalist and several of my
countrymen, accompanied by the noted
guides, Ooutet and Devoriassond, decided
me to no longer postpone the enterprise.
My host and the doctor argued against it
in vain. We — 1 and the new party—re
mained ont late one evening viewing the
beautiful scenery by moonlight. Mystic
turret, tower and pinnacle were tipped
with glistening and effulgent light.
"I have seen that."
"An hour or so before midnight, while
my eyes wero rivaled npon a point far up
the dazziing heights, where reposed what
might be thought a garden of statuary, all
the forms of the statues clearly defined—
upright, bending over, recumbent—l be
gan to think to tnyself what a disagree
able effect this long gazing, even by moon
light, has upon the srgan3 of sight—"
"But why ?"
"Because I got the impression that the
petrified groups were moving. I looked
away, rubbed my eye# and looked back
again. The delusion still existed. I
FRED. KURTZ, Editor .md Proprietor.
"Young Jennie, bravo girl, stepped
forward and began uncoiling the rope.
"'lsm going down,' she said. 'M.
Ooutet i* to fasten this about me; I csme
for the purpose of descending the fissure,'
"Tiicy tried to dissuade her.
"If you will not secure mo, I w ill tic
it myself,' she affirmed.
"They yielded the point at last after
some argument. With the tope* fastened
about her, aud the lamp strapped to her
breast, the intrepi 1 girl was slowly swung
info the fissure. With her suti*. stool
pointed at each end, site kept hcr-vlf from
strikiug against the jagged sides. in
twenty miuutvs .he signaled to bo hauled
up—thee signaled them to stop. She had
touched the bottom of the crevice, which
w as wonderfully shallow, ami not fiudiug
any body, ho conjectured that it must
have lodged somewhere above.
" Her lamp had streamed into the hasin
an 1 discovered inc. She did not stop b
ascertain if 1 was dead; but, taking the
liues which she had brought, she bound
mo to her—wrapping her mantle about
my head, least in some manner it might
aud cries. 'Tho avalanche! the avalan
che !'
"We Hood rooted to the spot. The
thunder increased and ne&red us. Ya*t
acre* of solid-mountain-ride were flipping
with fearful rapidity toward the direction
we were iu. There was of course no real
" 'The pinnacle yonder,' said the im
movable I>e Yare, 'will save us. The
avalanobe strikes it, shaves the irregular
ities from its side, shoots it many angle*
to the right, saving our hamlet at the ex
pense of some other!'
"He was right. From that or some
other cause, the death-dealing mass ot ice
rushed away into the valley beyond.
" 'A dangerous season to make an as
cent,' said everyoue, when we got down
homo. But we resolved to try it.
"Early on the morning of the 17th a
party of six, accompanied by the afore
named guides, started upon the perilous
undertaking. After proceeding a short
distance we w ere made to hmt by our
guides, for the purpose ol being tied to
gether, with sufficient space between us
to allow of uninterrupted movements;
then iu turn we were fastened to the
guides themselves. It is doubtful if one
in a score would safely return unless this
precaution was taken, for there i* a con
tinual tripping of heels; first one, then
another, slipping and falling upon the
glaciers. "You don't, Larco; you've
not made the ascent."
"And don't want to make iL" I growl
ed, like a surly fox.
Haw don smiled, and turned the fir*
about. Then resumed.
' If we had got the idea there was either
ease or comfort in the enterprise, it was
speedily dispelled by actual experience.
Shelves of rock met us everywhere, along
which we had to crawl on our hands
and knees; precipices towered above, up
whieh onr weary way was made by boot
holds cut with the hateheU of oar guides.
Terrifying chasms yawned on either side.
Mysterious fissures, whose bottom and
depth were lost iu distance, had to bo
iea{nd over with the assistance of a guide
and staff. As we ascended, the air be
came more rare, and the nose smarted
with every inhalation. We made a tor
tuous way, winding about to escape
chasms and evade towers of ice, or trem
blingly crossing abysses on frail bridges
of snow that might crumb'.a at any step."
"H >pe you liked it!"
"We had a toilsome day. and did not
succeed in making a very gt eat distance,
for tay wrist troubled me after a few
hours' exertions with it, and began to
swell. However, we pitched upon a place
to spend the night. It being partially shel
tered from the cutting wind; and* while
Coutet prepared the supper, 1 climbed
upon a pinnacle to take in the magnificent
v'ew stretched abroad before my eyes,
k cannot be described except in faint out
lines. Far below these icy fields reposed
the verdant vales teaming with beauty
and life; and placid Lemao, like a sea of
glass, sparkled in the setting sunlight,
while Jura's distant hills were well de
fined against the clear sir. Thus night
came on. But the stolca stillness that fell
upon us, broken at intervals by the inde
scribable crash oi the crunciiiog pieces of
snow descending on every side, is beyond
description. Still we got to sleep."
" Glad yon could sleep, Kawdon 1"
"In the morning we awoke refreshed,
and resumed the accent,although I found
great inconvenience from iny sore and
stiff wrist, and was obliged to carry my
staff in the other hand. Not to linger on
detail*, we, at lasf. after much suffering
and danger, reaeffied the goal which we
songht. But I would say that if one un
dertake* tliis or a similar enterprise with
the fond delusion that through it all lie
can maintain a d gniftd manner, he will
find the fond delusion vanished."
" Bun enttndn,''
" Many a chastn the traveler must paw
on the horizontal. The sure feet of the
guide crosses a narrow isthmus of snow,
which ha is faarful an .untrained foot may
dip upon; therefore the traveler must
submit to a prostrate position and be
haulgd eoroaa, his' hand taking the route
of M ploughshare and leaving a broad
furrow ploughed for the next coiner to slide
into. Again, the tension of tho nerves
will, ere many hours, cause the legs to
buckle and bend in exact imitation of a
devotee of Baccboa. n j
"Pleasant "
" We encounte-ed a ' pleasant' tempest,
too, thunder and lightning, when it seem
ed as if the whole Alps were splitting
from base to peak, so heavy were the
lkcjuent detonation#. But we were #alelj
up and getting back, having met with
many incidents, but no accidents. When
witldn a mile of the hamlet from which
we hail started, the nearness of our jour
ney's end tended to make us careless.
Holding my staff somewhat heedlessly
with my left hand, it so unexpectedly
caught in a small fissure that my feet
slipped from under me, and I fell. The
smart jerk upon the rope drew out the
knot, which must have been undoing for
sometime; and being at the end ot the
cord, I found myself loosed from the
whole party and descending the pre
cipitous giacier with, eariui velocity. In
stantly aery ot horror from a.ove an
nounced that the accident had been dis
covered. But 1 was beyond their aid.
"I draw in my breath as f listened.
That I was not instantly killed in strikinir
at the foot ot the precipieee, down which
I had first desotnds'd, owing to my
position office* 'IMIIIM ; but the shock
of tho conenssion left a feeling as of
paralysis. My staff I ♦till retained; bnt
the point had caught and broken off.
Down I went directly into tho yawning
end of a fissure, my staff catching feebly
at the jagged walls. No doubt the fissure
was hundreds of feet in depth, but I was
not destined to sound the bottom."
" The rains and thaws, the catching and
splintering of crumbling avalanches, bad
poured ions of shelly ice directly into the
mouth of the chasm ; and apart from be
ing severely scratched by the sharp par
ticles, and being stunned by the force of
my stopping, alter the rajddify of my de
scent, I was not seriously injured when I
stopped. There I was, in a well-like
aperture of rattling, shelly ice, and un
conscious. The rest of what I learnt
"Bntyon are alive, Rawdon."
" Yes. ULotpatieil as the whole party
were, they had yet the sense to hasten
the descent to tfee hamlet, and procure
ropes and lights —for night had then set
In. •To secure the body,' said the guide*.
And the new# spread, and the cry went
echoing aleng tho village, 'Man lost
Man lost in a whaam!'
"in an hour's time the tw v guides, l>e and M outsit, and another guide,
were ready to ascend tho slight distance
to the point where the accident happened.
Just outside tho hamlet they were sur
prised to bo joined by Jennie lWsonard.
She was kuown to bo as fleet of brut as
the chamois, aud no one disputed her
right to accompany the party. They toil
ed up in the U3uro w hero I had disap
pcared. and then held a consultation.
Was it best to lower a lamp * Doubtless
the depth would make such a proceeding
useless. Should one of the men bo low
ered by the others? This was an expe
dition not to We eovoted. Tho party con
sisted wholly of Urge, heavy men; their
weight might make the grinding of the
rope instant destruction; and, at any rate,
Would be attended by great danger even
to those who held the rupe. Yet there
was no other alternative,
seemed eo real that I touched De Vare's
" i>o you notice any thing unusual
there beyond the cone—toward the Cham
ouuix V
"lie gazed steadily for a time and then
spoke to the guide. Coutet sprang to his
fret with a yell.
"•An avalahehe! an avalanche!' shout
ed the guide in stentorian tones.
"We started just a* Coutet hail done;
all taking a position to watch the descent.
First, the movement was ao gradual as
hardly to be noticed ; but, gathering pow
er with its progress, it toon increased its
siwed until a dull roar was distinguish
"•What is its course?' anxiously in
quired our host of I>c Yare.
" 'Toward us. direct,' answered the im
perturbable traveler.
"We were filled with comdernatioo.
As the roar increased, the villagers ruhed
from their bed* in terror, uttering *hriek
beat against the wall* of the chasm; and
then gave the signal to be drawu up.
"And drawn up we were in safety. 1
was borne back to the hamlet—where,
though still unconscious, 1 was found to
be living."
"But the escape was marvelous, Raw
don," I said. .
"It was."
" And what of Jeantc ?"
* She married Ooutet."
A Young Girl Saved.
A New York j>a|wr says : A beantiful
young girl visited the detectives in the
Police Central Office and tokl thein that
she was betrothed to George Strtsnas,
aho was arrested for swindling. She
desired to sec him. She was with her
gtiardiau, a wealthy merchant of Broad
way. The detectives hesitated, but she
was finally permitted to we the prisoner.
As she "entered the cell Strauss shrank
back. "So," add she, "yon luve boon
j>aying me attentions for over a year,
and inveigled me into nn engagement,
hut, thank God, I found you out ere it
was too late. Y oti are a swindler and
villain, and I never want to see you
again. Here, take back jonr ring,"' ex
tending an engagement ring richly set
with diamonds.
Strauss turned away, but the girl dash
ed the ring at his feet, and went from
the cell weeping.
On an enamelled card which was hand
cd to the Sun reporter was engraved,
"Rosalie Mayer. She said that'about
twelve months ago site became acquaint
tsl with Strauss, who profe sed to b
very wealthy. lie frequently visited
her and escorted her to the gardens in
the neighborhood. She noticed that he
was recognized many times by men
whom the detectives have arrested.
Mrs. Rehfuss and her daughter, Min
mf.+i 411 East Twenty-fourth street,
and Mrs. Frederic.; StlliiT, of 00l Ninth
avenue, viritod the Central Office and
asked to see the prisoners. Mrs. Hilliff,
who is a widow, abont a fortnight ago
was swindled out of 9250 bv purchasing
two worthless watches. The prisoner
having been conducted into the hack
room of the outer office among about
thirty detectives and reporters, the
women entered the room. Mhts Minnie
recognized Strauss, and cried out, " Das
ist dcr greenhorn !" Mrs. SillifT gazed
at him a moment and said, " Yaw, das
ist dcr greenhorn." She was about to
pound him with her umbrella, but the
detectives interfered. Liudhcim was
identified as one of the men who had
swindled Mrs. liehfuss.
Mrs. Rehfuss said that Strauss visited
her and told her an effecting story of
having just lauded and having been
robbed. In the conversation Lindheim
entered. To him Strauss appealed, say
ing, " Oh, if you sir, but assist mo to
get SIT things out of the Custom House,
I would give yon f'2o and a piece of silk and
some lace." " Why," Lindheim replied,
" that would le worth 8600! I am
afraid yon would remove your trunks as
soon as yon got it. How much do you
want?" "Weil," said Strauss, "82.V)
would do. Good gentleman, help mc!"
" Well, I wonld," was the reply, "but I
am afraid to trust strangers. Have you
nothing else yon could leave?" " Yes,"
said Strauss, reluctantly, " I havejtwo
splendid gold watches and chains, but
they were intrusted to mc to take as a
present to a gentleman in San Francisco.
I would be ufraid to let them go out of
IBT sight." "Let me see them," said
Lindheim, "that will do no harm."
Strauss showed him the wnteha*.
"These are worth a thousand dollars,"
said Liiulheim, seemingly surprised.
Strauss took a handkerchief from his
pocket and wrapped it about his face,
saying that he had a terrible toothache.
Lbidheim whispered to Mrs. Rehfoas,
" Yen might ns well make a little money
out of this. You are a poor woman ; I
am wealthy." She paid for the watches,
and Strauss and Lindeim departed.
She shortly afterward learned that she
bad been swindled.
Mrs. Silliff, who wn swindled out of
8250, is penniless. Rtranss and Linrl
h<-im were committed nt the Tombs.
The other two wero sent to College
Poiut, 1.. L, for identification by Mrs.
Sophia Weiss, who was swindled tut of
Tuk Pubss.— There is no editor of a
newspaper or magazine who is not con
stantly returning manuscripts full ot nse
ful and good material, which he cannot,
publish because it is not readable. Tlie
style is turgid or involved, or affected, or
slovenly or diffuse. If the stylo happens
to be good, the subject is nninteresting,
or is treated for rcholars, and lumbered
with redundant learning. Of course the
editor would not hurt the pride of the
writers, and in politeness bo simply says
that their productions are not 'available.'
They think the editor stupid, and lie is
content, so long as they do not accuse hi in
of illnature. It is only whcnlliey charge
him with the purposo of refusing nil
writing that is better than bis own that
he lotus patience, and regrets that he had
not been frank and definite in the state
ment of his reasons for declining their
offerings.—<S cribw r't.
Butterfli m. —People are not accus
tomed to regard butterflies as a nuis
ance, but Florence was,a short time ago,
invaded by such a quantity of them that
they were called a plague. In several
of the streets the passage was almost
obstructed by these iusects, which
swarmed in thick clouds around the gas
lights in the eveniDg. Fires were lighted
by order of the municipality, snd soon
tne bodies of the butterflies formed a
thick layer upoa the streets.
The Irrepressible Yunkee.
•r. IloluAoa, in his " Breakfast Table"
article mokes "tho mister" talk as
\Yo talk about Yankee—a New Eug
lander u* if all of 'em were just the
siuie kind of iiuimala " There i* knowl
edge aud knowledge,"said John Buuyau.
There are Yankees aud Yankees, Do
you know two native trees called pitch
pine and while pine respectively ? Of
e ntr-e yon kuow "em. Well, there are
pitch pine Yankee* and White pine
Yaukees We don't tulk about the in
herited diflereueesof men quite a* freely,
perhaps, as they do in the Old World,
but republicanism doesn't alter tho luw*
of phyMology. We have a native aris
tocracy, a suju-rior race, just as plainly
maiktd by nature us of a higher and
thivr grade than tha common run of
people as the white pine is marked in
its form, its *t dure, its bark, its delicate
foliage, as being of the nobility of the
forest ; and tho pitch pine, stubbed,
rough, coarse-haired, as of the plebeian
order. Only the strange thing is to see
in what a capricious wuv our natural
uobility is distributed. 'l'he last bom
nobleman I saw wa* onlv this moruiug ;
ho wa* pulling a rojie that aa* fastened
to n Maine schooner loaded with lumler.
I should say he aras about tweuty years
old, a* tiue a figure of a young mail us
yon would task to see, amf with a regular
Greek outline of countenance, waving
hair that fell as if a sculptor had massed
it to copy, and a complexion a* ridi a* n
red suuM-t. 1 have a notion the
State of Maice breeds the natural nobility
in a larger proportion than some other
States, but they spring up iu all art* of
out of the way places. The young fellow
I saw thi* morning Lod ou an old fiaom 1
vlurt and a pair of pauUtloous that meant
hard work, and a cheap cloth cap pushed
back on his head so a* to let the large
waves of hair straggle out over his fore
head ; he was tugging at hi* roj> with
the oth r sailors but upon ray won?
I don't think I hive seen a young
English nobleman of all those whom 1
have looked uja>u that answered to the
notion of " blood" so well n* this young
fellow did. I suppose if I haJ made
such a levelling confession as this iu
public people would think 1 was looking
toward* lreiag the labr reform candi
date for President- But 1 should go on
and spoil my prospect by saying that I
dou't think "the white pine Yaukee i* the
mora generwllv prevailing growth, but
rather the pitch pine Yankee.
Tnc l'aoriT* or BISK Bau. TOJBINO
—A New York correspondent of the C i
cago Timet gossip* aa follow* concerning
professional bass ball player*:— The
Mutual*, of New York, pay an average of
$1,200 each to eleven plarer*. The Ath
letic* of Philadelphia, pay 812 200 to
eleven player*. The Baltimore C"ub, wt
that city, hare appropriated sl2. 100 for
ten player*. Harry Wright'* great 1W
ton Club receive an average of 81,200.
sotne of the player* not receiving more
than S9OO or SI,OOO, while it i* said that
the two Wrights—Harry, the captain,and
hi* brother George, the hort Up, and
beat general player in the country—each
i* paid 83,000. The Haymaker*, of Troy
pay the largest amount in gross, they dis
bursing 815,ft00 for twelve player* an
average of 81.!>00, The Cleveland Forest
City club pay their men an average of
$1,500. When it i considered these
amount* are for aeven month'* serviee, it
will he admitted that the pay i not bad.
It i, however, unevenly distributed, the
catcher and pitcher getting the larger
share. Some of the pitcher* get a* much
as *>3,000, because so much of the success
of the season depends upon the skill, en
durance and stauiina of the pitcher. In
deed, I have been told that it require* to
tempt Arthur Gumming* from the *id
of In* pretty, new-married wife, no le #
sutn than 83,500, or at the rate of $125 a
week f.r seven months, with all railroad
and steamboat fares, hotel bill*, Ac., paid
while travelling. Camming* wa former
ly pitcher for the Star* of Brooklyn, but
is now engaged by the Mutual*. He is
said to be the bel pitcher in the country.
Farm anofT Dnpirwi.—Dwppdi
is a weak stomach mode weak by over
work, and, like a man made weak by
overwork, it needs rest, needs repose ;
but, a* we cannot live without eatiug.the
necessity ranst t>© met by giviug the
stomach as little work to do aa possible
and that work should lie easy, just M we
onrsolves, m the weakness of reeorery
from disease, invite onr strength back
by doing but little work and that which
can be easily done. The cure of most
cases of Dyspepsia becomes extremely
simple and very certain, if these few
first principles arc judiciously applied iu
any given case—to wit: give the stomach
but little to do; let that little le of a kind
which is easily done, and let both lie so
arranged fhat the stomach may do its
work easily and speedily and have
abumho;t time for rest. The work of
the stomach is called "digestion," and
means the process of preparing the fooa
for yielding its nutrient portions to the
system, to give it warmth, growth and
strength. As a general thing, dyspep
tics should not drink anything at meals,
liecause there is a liquid iu the stomscli
which dissolves the lood—in a sense,
inelts it. If cold water is drunk, it cools
this stomach-liquid, nnd it loses its pow
er of melting the food, so to speak; as
tbe cooler the water is, the less is it able
to melt the ice in it. Of course, every
physiologist knows that this comparison
is not critically true; but it conveys the
essential practical idea to the minds of
the masses.
ISVP.NTIOSS.— The greatest inventions
seem to have heen almost simultaneously
duplicated. Faust nnl Guttenburg still
divide the honor 01 discovering the art of
printing; and of the rival claimants of ibs
covering the invaluable WHO of Cher,
either may receive the praise. When
Watt cudgeled the steam engine out of
his brain, it was found that arnad French
man had projected the whole thing on
paper long lmtore, and beea imprisoned
for boring people with his diagrams.
When Morse threw off the magnetic tele
graph as a spark from his electric mind, it
was only to tind that Ampere was already
(.'•miliar with the affair. And poor Klia-
Ilowe could not be allowed to havo the
glory of making the aewing-machino all
to himself, but Thitnonnier disputed his
claim, and made all France believo he had
actually designed the thing, even though
the ennning Yankee had got the start in
the small matter of execution. Thitnon
niet'e widow died a few weeks ago, and
was buried in great pomp, the sewing
machine manufacturer turningout in great
number to pay their respect to the mem
ory of the inventor of their craft, and
alter the funeral they dined together and
subscribed two thousand dollars for a
monument to "The Inventor of Sewing-
I machines."
How TO Lrvx CHEAPLY.—Dr. Dio
Lewis relates how lie lived for a week
on food that cost 541 cents. He worked
hard meantime, and gained half a pound.
He took two meals a day. The follow
ing are specimen ones: Sunday break
fast, hulled Southern corn, with a little
milk. Dinner the same. Total cost,
six cents, Tuesday breakfast, two cents'
worth of beans, with a half a rent's
worth of vinegar. Wednesday dinner,
two cents' worth of beef stew, a quarter
of a cent's worth of pepper, and H cent's
worth of hominy pudding. Saturday
dinner, lobster, three cents; bread, one
cent; hominy salad, on* cent; cracked
wheat and milk, two cnts, This day he
had A "spree"—coat, eeven cente.
Titupkiu Versus Bodkin.
Jeremiah Pitttpkin was an honorable
citizen and a householder, uad among his
els** lie was an oracle. He flittered him
self oil his shrewdness. He often declared
that he should have been a lawyer. He
fancied that Solon Bodkin, Esquire, would
have tared but siiiuly ngaiu.t him iu fe
rcasic contest i'impkiii raised turkeys,
and upon a certain occasion it hap|>ned
: that a prowling dog made a raid upunhia
| dock and killed four tine gobblers that
! were being fat ltd for the Thanksgiving
market, l'mq kin make due inquiry aud
investigation, and satisfied himself beyond
a perad venture that the marauding canine
was tho property of Lawyer Bodkin.
Here was an opportunity he had long
coveted. He waited upon the lawyer in
his office, aud was warmly welcomed, and
i invited to a seat.
"Squire,' 1 said Pitttpkin, "a'posa a
neighbor's dog should kill a lot of my
turkeys, could I recover damages by luwt '
"Certainly," replied Bodkin, "youcan
recover—that is, if you can prove the
*• O, I ean prove it. I've got the evi
dence all r gitl aud tigLt. And to you
think there can he no doubt?"
" Not in the least. Aud now, wLat
are the circumstances?"
" Well, Squire, hst night yev dog
killed four of my bent turkeys What do
you think about it now?"
" Why, my dear "sir, I think you can
recover. That is the law. What is the
amount of damage!"
''Them turkeys was worth a dollar
apiece, Fqnire. Four dollars will settle."
" All right," said Ihnlkin. "1 wish to
deal It gaily# Here is tho sum."
Aud the lawyer hamled over the four
dollars which l'impkin took with a
chuckle, and then departed.
Jeremiah l'impkin had reached his
home, having related his rhsrp practice
with the lawyer to all hi* friends whom
he had met ou the way. *r.d had ju*t told
the story to his wife, when Deputy Sheriff
Rcacher uuevreuaniously entered his
"A small hill, Mr. Ptmpkin, which
Squirw lt ><lkin says 1 will collect or he
will sue it to-day."
"A hill!— Squire Bxikin!" echoed
l'impkin, aghast.
" Yes," smiled the Sheriff—a hill for
profe-ssio-a) service* in the cascot ' l'imp
kin rcrfcj Bo>.He says you sought
advice upon legal point* bearing on the
case. The bill is five dollars, sir—ex
pense of officer, ono dollar—total, six
l'impkin scratc! Ed h head vigorously,
but he could scratch no path out from Uie
trouble. He paid the bill, and from that
time he was newr heaid to *]>eak boaat
ingly oi hi* legal acumen.
kagat ily of a Mare.
A remarkable instance f the sagacity
' is it not reason ? of a tors' ha* rom
to our notice. Mr. John Fletcher of
Norwegian, owns .n unbroken cayuae
mare which run* in a pasture adjoiuiug
bi* house, The mare, which is very
wild, has a young colt al her side. A
few nights since, alter Mr. Fletcher had
returned, he waa aroused by the mare
coming to the window of his house, and
by |Niwing, neighing, and in every way
possible trying to get bis attention.
This continuing for some time begot Ep
a til went out and drove her away, and
returned again to tied ; but she iuime
diatelv returned, and if possible in
creased her demonstrations ; he again
went out. when the mare came UP to
birn and rubbed her nose against aim.
although alwavs -before *bc bad leen
very shy of allowing any one to come
within reach of her, then run on a few
varda before him continuing her neigh
ing then, as he did not follow her, she
returned to him rubbing ugainst him in
tbe most demonstrative manner. lie
attempted to drive her off, struck hey
villi a atick, and followed her a few
vard* to frighten her away. A* *oon.
however, as lie turned toward the house
she returned and tried in every way to
prevent him from doing so. He then
remarked that her colt was not with her.
a fact he had not noticed before a* it
was quite dark. It occurred to liirn then
to follow her, which ho did. So soon as
she tiw lie was doing to she ran off
before hiui, stopping e very few yards,
turning around to see that he was stilt
following, then again running on keep,
ing up her calling, until she reached s
distant part of the field ; where she
stopped at an old " prospect bole. ' On
coming up with her she again com
raenctd rnbhiug against bim. and drew
his attention to the hole, where be soon
discovered the colt. It appears it had
slip|ied into i" and was unable to get
out. and the mare had taken this method
to obtain assistance. Being unable to
get it out alone, Mr. Fletcher went for
some of his neigobors, aud with them
returned. While they were taking the
little fellow out the niaro manifested
the most intense delight, and seemed
almost beside herself with joy ; and
afterward, when the men had got ont ot
the hole, she came up to Mr. F., and
placing her nose on his shoulder gave
every sign of gratitude that a human
mother might under similar circum
stance*. Wlio will say the horse doe*
not reason ?
<jrr.:n WIT TO MEXD A Baotrs I .go.
—This morning, writes s corrcspmdcnt
from Rome, ,he 10th pl August,
n English gentleman, with a florid face
and white whiskers was returning to Home
on his horse, alter taking a ride in the
neighborhood of the I'orts Pla. In cross
ing the via Felice" the horse unfortunately
stumbled and 1011. The animal rose un
hurt, but the gentleman had dislocated
his knee by the fall. Several person* ran
to his assistance and carrier! him to a
house. The face* ol the bystanders were
full of alarm mid pity, while that of the
brave Englishman remained unmoved; his
cheeks were as red nnd hit face as calm •
before the accident. A soon n they had
seate l him in an aim-chair, lie liegan to
feel his knee carefully. "Shall we send for
a doctor ?" they akcd. "Oh ! no. is there
a caqientcr near here ?" he inquired.
"Yes, there is one close by." "Be so
kind as to help am to go to him." Hall
laughing and hall Inclined to think lie was
insane, two young men took him to the
joiners. Once mote seated, he asked (or a
sheet and rolled i round his leg. Then,
after one© more feeling the knea joint, he
put it into the screw-view and told the
joiner to tighten it prudently. At firs',
with some Le.skation. and alterward en
couragcd by the com|iosure and authorita
tive msnner of the foreigner, the man did
as he was told and lightened the mew
slowly, whi.e the patient made the most
singular grimace, till at last lie called out:
"Enough 1" nnd tossing a crown to the
carpenter got on his liorsc ami galloped
away, leaving y lie bystanders convulsed
with laughter at this singular chirurgical
COAL FIELDS.—There are 15,000
squaro miles of coal fields in which
Piltsburg is interested, and $15,000,000
of Pittsburg capital is iuvested therein.
Probably $25,000,000 more is invested in
traiispuirtntion, and the total of all inter
ests dependant upon these coal fields
cannot fall short of the enormous sum
of #100,000,000.
The United States Inspectors In the
case of tbe Metis censure the captain anil
all the crew in their report. They more
over revoke tbe licences of the captain
and tbe flret end second pilot, and saspend
that of tbe ohlef mate for six months.
The Tempest.
Bravery I lay no claim to I was. still
never a man of feeble courage. There
are few scenes of either human of elemen
tary strife, upon which I have not looked
with a brow of daring. I have stood in
front of battle when swords were glratn
ing aud encircling around roe like fiery
serpents of the air; I have sat on the
mountain pinnacle, when the whirlwind
was tendering its oaks fretn rocky clefts
utid scattering them piecemeal to Uie
clouds. 1 have seen those things with a
swelling sou! that recked not of danger,
but there is something in the thunder's
voice that makes uie tremble like a child.
I have tried to overcome this nnmanlv
weakness ; I have called pride to my aid,
I have sought for moral courage in the
lessons of philosophy, but they avail me
nothing—at the first low moaning of the
distant cloud my heart sinks and dies
within me.
My involuntary dread of thunder lias
it* origin in an incident that occurred
when 1 u ten. I had a cousin, a girl,
of the same age aa tnyaelf, aho had been
the constant companion of uiy childhood.
Strange, that after the la)** of a score of
years, that countenance is so familiar to
me. I can see the bright, young creature
—her large eyes dashing like beautiful
gems, her free locks streaming aa in joy
npou the rising gate, and her cheek glow
ing like a ruby through a wreath of trans
parent snow. Iter voice had the melody
and joy fulness of a bird's, and when she
bounded over wooded bill or ths fresh
green valley, shouting a glad answer to
every voice of nature, t.nd clasping her
little hands in the very ecstacy ol young
existence, she looked at if breaking away
like a frecti nightingale from the earth,
and going whore all things were beautiful
and happy, like her.
It was morning in the middle of August.
She had been passing some days at sty
father's house, and was to return borne.
Hc path lay across the fields, and I glad
ly became the companion of her walk. I
never knew a summer morning more
beautiful and still. Only ou little cloud
ras visible, and that seemed a* pure and
white, and (teaeeful, as if it had i-een the
incense from a burning censor of the skies.
Ttie leaves hung silent in ths woods, the
waters of the bay had forgotten their un
dulations, the flowers were bending their
heads, as if dreaming of the rainbow, and
the whole atmosphere was of such a soft
and luxurious sweetness, that It seemed of
roses scattered down by the hands of s
Peri, from the far-off gardens of Paradise.
The green earth and blue sea were abroad
in boundlessness, and the peaceful sky
bent over them. The little creature at
my aide was in a delirium of happiness,
and her clear, sweet voice came ringing
upon lite air as eften as she heard the
tones of a favorite bird, or found some
strange and lovely flower in her frolic
wanderings. The unbroken and almost
supernatural tranquility of the day con
tinued until nearly noon. Then the indi
cations of an approaching tempest were
manifest. (rer the summit of a mountain
about a mile awy, the folds of a dark
dou l became suddenly visible, and at the
tame moment a hollow roar came down
upon the winds, as if it were the seuad of
waves in a rocky cavern. The cloud un
rolled like a banner fold upon the air. but
still the atmosphere was caltn and the
leave* as motionless as before; there was
not even a quiver upon the sleeping waters
to tell of the coming hurricane. To ee
cape the tempest was impossible.
As the only resort, we fled to an oak.
that stood at the foot of a tall, ragged
[•red pice. Here we gazed almost breath
ess upon the rloud*,<n*rsbaling themselves
like giants in the sky. The thunder was
not frequent, but every burst was so fear
ful that the young creature, who stood by
me, shut tier eyes convulsively, dung
with a desperate strength to my arm. and
■bricked as if her heart would break. A
few minutes and lb# storm was upon ns.
1 luring the height of its fury, Uie little
girl lifted her finger toward the precipice
that towered shore us. 1 looked up, an
amethystine flame was quivering upon its
gray peaks, and the next moment the
clouds ojicned. the rocks tottered to their
foundation, s roar like the groan of a
universe filled the air, and 1 felt myself
blinded and thrown, 1 knew not whither.
How long 1 remained insensible I cannot
tell ; but when consciousness returned
the violence of the tempest was abating .
I the roar of tl e winds dying in the tree
tops, and the d ep tones of the thunder
coining in fainter murmurs from the east
i era hills.
I arose, and looked trembling and almost
deliriously around. 8h waa there—tlie
idol of my infant love—stretched noon
the wet green earth. After a moment of
irresolution. I went up and looked upon
her. The handkerchief upon her neck
wa* slightly rent, and a single dark spot
upon her bosom told where the path of
death had been. At first I claaped her to
inv breast with a cry of agony, and then
laid her down and gazed into her face,
almost with a feeling of calmness. Her
bright dishevelled ringlet* clustered
around her brew, the look of terror had
faded from her lips, and an infant amile
was pictured beautifully there—tho red
rose tinge upon her cheeks was lovely as
in life 1 •
I have but a dim recollection of what
followed—l only know that I remained
weeping and motionless till tbe coming
on of twilight, and that 1 was then taken
tenderly by the hand and led away where
1 saw the countenance of parents and
Many rears have gone by on their wings
of light and shadow, but the scene 1 have
portrayed still comes over me, at times,
with a terrible distinctness. The oak yet
stands at the base of the precipice; its
limbs are tdaek and dead, and its hollow
trnnk, looking upward to the sky as if
calling to the cleiul* for a drink, is an
emblem of noiseless decay. A year ago
I visited that spot, and the thoughts of
by-gone yeais came mournfully back to
me—thoughts of the little innocent being
wbo fell by the whirlwind—ln the memory
that she had gone where no lightnings
slumber in the folds of the rainbow clouds,
and where sunlit waters are never broken
by the storm-breath ot Omnipotence.
My readers will understand why 1 shrink
in terror from the thnnder. Even the
consciousness of security is no relief to
me—my fear has assumed the nature of
instinct, and seems, indeed, a part of my
existence.—Gem-oe It. Prentice.
InoN.=sln 1865 the annual production
of iron was aliout 7,000,000 tons, utid at
thnt time tbe consnuiption of Great Bri
tain was 144 pounds, and of tbe United
States 84 pounds, while the average eon
sumption of the world was only 17
pounds per head of population. Last
year the total prodnctiou of the world
had reached 18,500,000 tons, while the
consumption had risen in England to
200 pounds, in the United States to 150
jiouuds and in the whole worid to 30
pounds per head. It is not nnreasonable
to anppoce that the rate of increase in
the consumption of iron in the future
will correspond with the experiences of
the past .
LYNCH LAW. —The Newtown Kansan
learns from a gentleman just arrived
from Caldwell, that about three weeks
ago a party of men went to u rancbe
Sunt west ol Caldwell, occupied by four
women who kept it as a secret rendes
vous for the horse thieves who ply their
trade along the sonth border of the State.
At the ranche they found seveu men,who
were recognised as old offenders; these
and the women they toek a short dis
tance from the ranche to a piece of tim
ber and hung the whole gang.
TERMS : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance.
The PI-Clm.
A correspondent of a Western paper
urnialitw aotne statements in regard to
the Pi-lite Indiana which modify our
deaa of that tribe. The I'i-Utc* and
tiie Wtuiboe Indians live in Nevada.
Tho former arc rapiJiy adopting white
way a, and are becoming uninteresting
The men saw wood, black boota, and
do odd jobs. The women arc laundres
ses, anil are no longer romantic. The
Pi-Utea are the Digger Indiana, end
they can fight, as many a battle fldd
shows. The women are drudges in
tho tribe. A gentle savage, who haa
auy pretention to being Yi leading man,
has. as a veneral thing, two Of three
wives, who rosin about in the most
abject and miserable condition. The
children are left to get along aa best
they tun. and may frequently be seen,
iu I lie moat inclement winter weather,
with little or no clothing npon their
bodies. Tbcy are left to grow np or
die, as chance may have it, and most
look out for themselves. As a conae
quetice of thia, there la but liUle family
affection, and not much respect is i*sud
to the seniors by the younger members
of tha tribe.
In rarly times, the Pi-Utna had a
terrible war with the Wasboes, and,
after defeating them, carried off all
tueir best-looking women and their
horses. For years, the Wasboes were
kept in subjection, and it was only after
the whiten settled in the country that
they were again enabled to own horses
aud arrna, and ktep their women tor
themselves. The W.uhoea aeem to be
an utterly heart-broken race of beings,
and it is difficult to conceive of any
lower depth which a human being can
l>e reduced to than being the slave or
vassal of a They ruled over
the Waahoes with an iron rod. The
latter had nothing they could call their
owru, aud, when they had gathered a
winter's supply of gram seeds, roots,
and pine nuts, along came their inexor
able task-masters, and carried off every
thing. Lodges, women, baskets, horses,
food of every kind* and description,
were appropriated by them, and the
starving Wsshoes were turned out among
the bleak hills, with no more subsist
ence than the wolves themselves.
General HaJleck an it i* almost im
possible to trll tbe &fferen- between
u party of Pi-UU* and a party of Chines®,
if fbrj were talking, ana in a place
where they coultl not be seen. The
Pi-Utea ate singularly free from the
trice of intemperance. Their women
are virtiioua, and nnehastitr iapnniabed
with death. Tbe tribe is adopting
civilization no rapidly that it ia probaUe
a few vearm will are them blended with
the whites. Poacibly future KU teamen
of Nevada will Ixiaat of their Pi-l'te
blood, much ia tbe time manner that
Virginia politician* and Virginia gentle
tuen of yyjt. day boart of baring tbe
blood of Vocaljpntas in their veins.
1 Sermon n " Psik"
When Consul Will was home for vses
rion, the boy* always.expected plenty of
fun. Tbe fart frolic before be west back
to hia studies wa a long tramp after
baxlo nuts. As the* were hurrying
along in high glee, tney cams upon a
discouraged looking man and s dis
couraged looking cart.
The cart ww* standing before an or
chard. The man was trying to poll it
up hill to hia own boas*. The boy* did
not wait to lw invited, but ran to help
with a good will. "Posh, push," wa*
the cry. The man brightened up :
cart trundled along a* fast a* rheumatism
would do it, aud in five minutes they all
stood panting at the top of the hill.
* Obliged to ye," said tbe man, " yoo
jnrt wait a minute and be hurried into
the house, while two or three pink ap
roned children peeped out of the door.
" Now boy*,' said Cousin Will, " this
ia a small thing : but I wish we could
all take a motto ont of it and keep it for
ife. " Push !" it is jnrt the word for a
grand clear morning like this.
'• If anybody is ia trouble, nnd you
see it, don't stand back ; push 1"
"If there's anything good doing in
any place where you happen to be,
push !"
" Whenever there's a kiad thing, a
Christian thing, a happy thing, a plea
aant thing, whether it ia your own or
not. whether it is st home or in town, at
church or at school, jnrt help with all
your might; push !"
At that moment the farmer came out
with a dish of his wife's best dough nut*
and a dish of his own best apples ; and
that was the end of tbe little sermon.
How rr I 'REX* TO BE H A sum —Though
would-bo suicide* are ootiiaei resuei
tated, it is seldom that half-*Uangled
victims of the law's majesty retaru to I
tell of their experience. A man named
Franks was sentenced to be banged in
Fiji, last rammer, for the murder of a
Mr. Thomas Muir. It was the first at
tempt in Ftp to carry a capital sentenoe
into effect, in a civilixed way. The pre
parations were bnnglingly made, and
after the drop fell Franks was apparently
dead for alout three minutes, when he
revived, raised one arm, and got hold of
the rope. One of the officials on the
impulse of the moment ent the man
down, and soon after a reprieve arrived.
Franks said that when the bolt was
drawn and he fell, he thought he felt
something break at the back of his neck,
and he was praying, and thinking of God
and Heaven. Then the memory of a
wreck from which he was rescued pasted
liefore his mind. He saw himself cling
to the chains until washed away; then
seizing a rope attached to a floating spar,
and clinging to it until washed back
again on deck by a heavy sea. All the
details of the wreck passed through his
mind, and then came the thought, "Why
do I not die?" Finding he could breathe,
he suspected an intention to torture
him by prolonging hit suffering*. The
Fijians seem to have bad enough of the
Wastern method of execution, and it is
understood that Franks has leen lvnu*h
ad from the country. Whether Fiji will
return to the roaat-oven system remains
to lie seen.
WHAT DID If* Loax ?—Tommy went
to the cars with Uncle Jacob. On reach
ing the station. Uncle Jacob got into the
train to secure seats and Tommy was to
bay tbe paper. Tommy paid a half
dime of his at the news-stand and started
for the cars, his paper and two cents in
hia liand. Undo Jacob took the paper
and gave him a coin from his pocket,
evidently supposing it to be a five cent
piece. It was a cent, and Tommy look
ed at it on bis hand with the other two,
making-just tbe price of the paper, and
waa a little puzxled, bat yet pretty cloar
that he had not hia due. On the whole
lie hesitated to arraign his uncle, aud so
put his coins in his pocket and said
nothing, ilia uncle road hia paper.
Pretty soon it occurred to Tommy that
OA the matter now stood, his Unde Jacob
must think be bad kept two cents of bis
without any sort of acknowledgenent,
and this would never do. So Tommy
resolved to give his uncle two cents and
say, " here are two cents which I did not
give you wheu I got your paper." And
this he did when Uncle Jacob looked np
from his reading, and so closed the
transaction, leaving bis uncle in ignor
anoe of his loes of pocket money. How
many cents did he lose, boys ?
The following is one of tbe rule* of tha
Fat Men's Club: "If any woman gains a
greater avolrdapole than yours, don't dis
pute her. Let her 'evo-'er-dupoli.
NO. 43.
lira* of Interest.
Wee! Point ttcva at present 249 cadets.
Dallas, la., has a Jail made of boiler Iron.
Baraine won't be tried till November*
Pattl recoiveo SI,OOO per night in
Oxy hydrogen g* la naed to light tua
•treet lamps of Baffalo.
It U imfe to sat aatiaagea whenever pig
ia cheaper than dog.
An Indiana boy haa been poisoned by
eating caator beans.
The nobby boot for bdia* wiH ihia
winter be made of velvet
St. Lonia haa 81 flour mills that nae
60,000 bushel* of grain per day.
Milk even at ten cents a quart, ia the
cheapest animal food that can be ward.
AU the Illinois village# are making
cities of themselves under a general law.
A Cheshire, Conn, farmer mcpecto to
harvest B,On bushels of apples this year.
A society haa been formed in Indian
apolis to aaaist girls in finding employ
The new way of drawning the hair on
the ton of the head ia railed the
••Josephine." .
A stable-keeper in Chelsea, Mara.,
was lately bitten by a spider and dmd
from the effects.
A number of French priests are said t*
purpose following Per* Hyadatoe'a mat
rimonial example.
The popular preacher, Stover, of Ken
tucky, uaa been an "older" sine® he waa
thirteen years of age.
A Michigander sneered from his noeo
the other day a mienie hall that had
entered bis eye daring the war.
A lied marriage is lute au electric ma
chine; it makea you dance and you can't
let go
Tbe new setter bonnet, shaped like a
sailor bat is shows in black mid colored
The St. Louts Republican publishfed
a marriage notice beaded ilttggin*— <
There ia atid be a spring in Amherst,
Vs., which throws up peach rtcmes by j
tbe bttibeL
Msny a man who thought he had made
a bargain buying ailks fiada that he haa
got worsted.
For riding habits, the colors mast in
vogue are black, mvtsible greet, dark blue,
and chocolate.
The voting lady who thought the oouW j
make her voice clear by straining it, made j
a great mistake.
Oafe keepers aay that the use of ab-'
sinthe is steadily increasing among tbe
younger society men, toe act Jurt coming
Baxter, Kansas, assure# immigrants in I
search of a good place to stop, that no
one has been murdered there for three,
Pere Hyaciathe was lately treated to
a funeral by his ex-associates of tot I
Dominican order in honor ol hismgr-1
riage. _
Late Haytian advices state thsl toe
import duties of the island have beea ia- i
creased 25 per cent- and the export duties
90 per cent.
We cannot gather grapes of thorns, sol
we must not expect kind attachments'
from persona wholly folded up in sal dab'
schemes. j
It Is stated that of toe B*4 railroads in
toe States, only 104 pay dividend#, the
other 260 never pay anything at all to lb*
stoak holders.
In the murder rare of Mr*. Lxura D. Fair,
at Ban Franeisao. after being out neariy
xty hours, the jury rendered a verdict'
of acquittal
The mother of a charming Doboqu# j
girl would not let her marry a conductor
because aba didn't want her doors
slammed oft
The average salary of eighteen Bap- j
tint preachers iu North CaroUna is a
trifle over one hundred and twenty-five
dollars a year!
A wile wrote to her husband, absent
in California, that toe looter he stared
sway toe better As liked him. Rather
I equivocal tost.
The Oregon Legislature elected M. C. ,
Mitchell to the United States Senate he ,
receiving lorty-ooe votes, Corbet! twelve,
and Prime four.
There wore no competitor# at an Illi
nois fair for a premium of |lO offered
to the oldest maiden lady who would
I state her age.
| Raw beef chopped up fine with onions
| ia a new "feed which Germans consider
< a cure or preventive of dyspepsia as well
j as of lung diseaaea.
English boots and shoes are now in
! great demand in the American market.
] They are not handsome, but broad, com-
I fortable, and well made.
A colonv of communists 1.500 strong is
I established in lowa on a tract of land com
prising 30,000 sci c*, which they very ap
propriately call " Amania."
"Insults," said a modern pbiloaopber
I "are like counterfeit monev; we cannot
hinder their being offered, but we are
I uot compelled to take them."
Henry Clay, after he lost tbe Prrai
dency by an injudicious letter, said that
it wis better to ride fifty miles to see a
j man than to write him a word.
In view of tbe style of political warfare
prevailing in the present campaign, a
sermon ia promised from the text, "Con
aider the lie—liea, how tbey grow."
A man in Charleston, S. C., has been
relieved of a Guinea worm which had
taken lodgement in his leg. These mon
ster# will grow all through a man.
Advices from Rio Janeiro announces
that the election for members of Congress
throughout the country has resulted in
favor of the Government candidates.
A Terre Haute woman's pet puppy re
cently swallowed a diamond ring from her
finger while she waa feeding him. He
waa considerably "entup" about it soop
The postal treaty between the tailed i
Stab* and the German Empire for tlie '
exchange of postal oroens is now in op
eration. Seventy-one cents, gold, has 1
been fixed as the value of the German
A model bill, made ent by an old farmer
against his neighbor, reads as follows:
" Neighbor A, Dr. to B to horse and wagon
goin' to mill once since and twice before,
one dollar."
It is computed that $75,000,000 worth
of fuel is burned yearly in tbo United
States, and that 8100,000,000 worth of
lumber is need annually in building and
in manufactures.
The small-pox Is reported as raging
furiously in many places on the Pacific
coast of South America. The disease is
said to be unnsally virulent; and at Santi
ago, Chile, also.
A lady in Portland owned a deg that
gave birth to a litter of twelve pups. After
their birth the dog arringedgfrairen on
one side and five on the other, anil then
strangled the seven.
It is reported that the cupola of St
Peter's, at Bom*, shows unnistakable
signs of decay. A Conftnission or Papal
architects and engineers has been appoint
ed to examine it
A Lowell girl claims that she won her
husband by a stratagem. He fell in the
river, qbc grabbed him, and when be came
to the surface he was very much excited,
and proposed marriage.
. Nothing la mem lintlijlln of the earn
leatMM or lifa than the sight <4 a well
tffaaotepwd mate ervntwre speasMfet
fitSe to plane a silver dollar to" a
HHf* ott ittfet >to"'t ae inch of
and let a squad ofnOy# sooprt* in trying
to take out the piece with thelt tooth.
President McOoeh, of Prbceton Col
lege, says he haa never asked for n dollar
for the college* and does not wish that
when he dies the text shall he s "And It
came to Mi that the beggar died and he
-wee hnritd "
It ia said—ov have not tried the expert
ment—that by setting a glass fruit Jar on
a folded aoweh thoroughly soak*! m cold
water, the fruit can be poored in boiling
hot, with no more danger of breaking than
with a tin can.
In one of his recent discourses the Rev
George O. Harding aaya: "John Wesley
[.reached forty-two thonaand awrnona. at
the vet* of fifteaa a week. Mr Weeley
never had a clergyman's sore throat, or a
year's leave of absence, with all expineea
Alsatian* are preparing to take opthetl
rMtdeaoa to Nancy, and nnrabera of others
will go to other places. Daring the laid
fortnight 19,000-have left Met* to seek
home* under French J aiiadiction, and the
city ia already reduced to a population ef
only 10,000.
At Valley Stream, Long Taknd, a man
fell between two trains of car# ia "ttcmpt
ing to jump (rem one to the other. W itb
the exeetitrm of a alight contusion be was
unharmed. When some id tb railroad
t-vnpierces stooped to nick bim up he
waved them off, saying M leaa pmk up my
owe eorpae."
A coeplc who were divorced tweoty
three ymr# ago, the wife meanwlrle
having married another hoaband, were re
married to Colorado. On bearing ol tie
death of t.ia aneecaaor the firet husband
renewed his salt and the lady returned to
her earliest iota.
That waa aaly old Scotchman, who on
marrying a very young wife, was ratbed
by Lis friend* on the inequality of their
ages. "She will be near me," be replied,
kh to elotc OUT IHM!.** w Wwl refotrW
>ther of the party, "I've bed twa wives,
*nd they opened my sen."
A Csrlmrilla (III.) wife becoming angry
became she coul l not have the !e*t werd
to a dispute, recently put her akk boa
bind out of doom at midnight and in a
thunderstorm. In the moramgthe found
him on the atoop dead from exposure Bbe
ia in the muae asylum.
A tradesman to Bristol, Eng., baa Jus*
made a monster umbrella tor an African
chief. It is 8 feet in cireomfcrepea. the
iancewood ribs being fret oug, and
there are 140 yard'. material in it It
is covered wKh red, blue, and whit*
cbiutx, and nkes two men to expand it.
The celebrated BpaniA monastery of
the Eaeurial was struck by lightning, and
enveloped in flame*. The Roy si Palace,
1 the rare old books, paintings, tad cosily
I manuscripts have all bean destroyed, and
jit was expected that the manaoleura and
•uturner residence of the Spanish kings
would be consumed also.
, " The old oak chert" tragedy hm been
repeated lately to Kansas. Two children
* ia Bock Oreak. ogeel seven nod ten, were
left at heme by their mother, and la their
play climbed into a large chert, " which
closed with a spring." and they were
•urierf in that •Bring tomb " and when
found ware smothered to death.
A passenger train from London to Edin
burgh warn in collision, while runnine at
'frtll speed. With a freight train near Car
j lisle. Cumberland Count J, causing toe ia
stantinoons death of eleven person*, and
' injuries to many others so severe that it
infrared several wffldle. Budi an acci
dent ia almost anpreeendeated to Eng
km Apt Ppil.
The New Fork ootreapondaut of the
Ovuand HrrM teP.s how a poor young
man of New York City came to own lots
ea Stltgn island.
Two yearn ago a hotel keeper, well
• known throughout this country, opened
1 an elegant hotel at one of toe mart fee.
I quented summer resort*. He wanted a
i cterk. Appltoatioa for the ppaSnon was
made by a young man, a fine-looking fid
-1 low who mfeed to being very poor.
| If yoa would share my rainy-day refiee
tiors JOB mart not Vote sight of the fact
that ha waa indeed dreadfully poor.
I Mr L did not think las* of him be
cause of bis poverty, though afterward he
bad occasion to think of it as an exist n
i fact at toa time be was employed. For
Ibe did employ htm, and prooeech d to in
struct him in regard to hi* dcttea. The
burden of hi* instructions related to the
bills. and were rather singular. He told
' the poor young man that when he made
out a bill for party he should make it
appropriate—which meant to harmony
with their style and appearance, number
f trunk*, and amount of luggage gener
i tfiv. diamonds, and ao eu, and above all,
it should have no connection with what
they had actually got in toe w*y of extra*
or aartoiag- He informed the young
man that people generally who stopped
at Lis house did not notice a bill of items
"Did he comprehend ?" He thought he
did—aftd Hme proved that he did.
The hotel flourished meanwhile. The
rlilt patronised It—people you know,
with a loyal contempt for items.
1 Near the oioee of this last season a
i gentleman from New Yorksteppedin
; the office ol the C Hotel and reked
toe proprietor for toe clerk, torn poor
venue man. Mr. L told him he waa
out would he to prteeotly. Would he
wait! "Well, yes," said toe rtnmger.
"1 am anxious to see B (the clerk);
am negotiating with him ftw a line of
property over on Staten Wand.
"Oh, then it cant be B Joo want
to see. He hasn't any property,' Mr.
L politely explained.
♦•Yea, it is B said the stranger.
"You have a clerk by that name, haven't
you f n
, "Yea," said the poor young man a em
ployer, oonfidently, "but he is poor ; has
I nothing; came to me very poor, two
tears airtv You can wait and fee lain, of
oouree; but I do assure you you hare
made a mistake."
At this moment B came to, walked
up to the stranger at once, and shook
'■ hands. _
Mr. L spoke up. "Here, F
this gentleman called to see you, he Bays
about tome property you own on Staten
Island. You haven't any property there, S|
have you t" . .
"Yea, air," replied the young man,
modest, though unembarrassed.
."How does this happen!" questioned
Mr. L——. Didn't you come here own
ing nolMtog-r- very I ****"
The poor young man straightened up
with the air of an honest man, discharging
a eacred duty, and thus he did say.
"Yea. sir; I camiTinto your employ
poor. You instructed me to swindle and
cheat our guests. My holding my posi
tion depended on my following instruc
tions. I did follow them, and 1 put a
share of the results in ltd own pocket.
To dav, I am eomparatifelrfich, and I
own that property this aßultetean wishes
to bov. Now, what Snrtyof do wiih
met I should really like to knew.",
• WAXTSD, A Box to ATTES BA*."—
The paper dropped from my hanu aa I
read this advertisement. It seemed as
though I read, " Wanted, a boy to go to
' perdition." I fancied I aaw a bnght,
earnest boy going toa bar room, seeking H
a living by that fearful trade of aeluug
, wine and rum. I could imagine how,
■ one by one, all the good impulses and
, desires he had in toe beginning fell be
for© the ©Til influence of the dram shop:
how he learned to drink, to swear, and
to steal; how bad companions came
around him and helped him on to ruiu.
Ah ! my lad, or whoeve jyou are, who
mav be temptod by such a call, let rue
totf you that yon bad better work in the
field" or at the forge,or digging ditches—
anything honest—than to degrade your
-1 self by selling death to others. No mat
tar how hard you work, no matter if it
so ls your hands or clothes, so long as it
leave* yonr heart pure. Beware of such
"good places" aa wiH lead yon into the
i snares of the evil one. There we many
doors, besides those of bar rooms, which
, are almost the same as gateways down
to the world of woe,— Morning Light. |jj