The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 27, 1872, Image 4

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    Rulers of F.nglnna.
First, William the Norman,
Then William hi* son ;
Henry, Stephen, snd Henry,
Then Richard and John,
Next, Hcnry t thc.JThir4,
F.dwwd* one, two, and three ;
And again after Richard
Three Henrys we sec.
Two Edwards, third Richard
If rightly I guess ;
Two Henrys, sixth Edward
Queen Mary, Queen Be**;
Then Satnie the Scotchman,
Then Charles, whom they slaw.
Yet received after Cromwell,
Another Oharle* too.
Next Jamie the Seeood
Ascended the throne ;
Then Good William and Mary
Toe ether came on ;
Then Anne, George* four.
And fourth William all passe,l,
And Tiftoria taar-
The best though the la*.
Farm, Harden and Household.
once told us that he knew of no simpler
and surer way to move a balky horse,
than to place the hand over the nose of
the animal and shut off his wind until he
wants to go, then let hitn go.
cattle, sheep and swine iu Eugland d,*es
not abate, but from last accounts seems !
to be on the increase, both as to the :
number of auimsls attacked, and iu re
speet to virulence. Pleuro-pneumonia
has also appeared iu localities, aud seems *
to be spreading.
COLD SLAW.—Ctit the cwbbage rather
fine into a basin or large bowl; sprinkle i
little salt over; then with a potato
In -her thoroughly bruise the cabbage ;;
.hen take three tablespoonfuls sugar;
Iml pint best sweet co-am ; four tabie
sp-vnfuls vinegar; stir well together
and mix through the cabbage. The
cabbage must not be too green. Manv
!>r- do not know the value of cream
in eo-iking ; it is far preferable to butter
in a gr-at many tbiugs.
io Pur-EBVK CiTßox.—Take three
iv-nv s sugar to fourteen jxiunds of
citron ; cut iu as large pieces as conveni
ent. Pif the sugar in a preserving
kettle with a little water ; baii ami skim ;
add c.cit n anion, mace, and cor
i ad r seed. Fit in as much of the
citron >s the sirup will cover, and cook
until *<n ca i-u a straw through ; then
place upon to dry. A liule citron
thna T VOSUM is very nice for mince
pie* or cake.
Procure some good blotting paper, on
whi-li mesh yonr berries : the juice will
be absorbed, and the pulps and seeds
will remain on the surface of the paper.
Place the letter in a dry satiny place,
and in ten cr twelve days yonr seeds will
be perfectly dry aud ripe, then sow them
shallow in a nicely prepared bed. which
must be kept moij*. In from two to four
weeks your phuits will be up, when as
soon as large eoowgh they can be trans
should be chary of keeping ripe fruit in
our sitting roomsjypd especialljr beware of
laying it aboul a sick chamber for ant
length of liajip. Ihe complaint which
some people make about a faint sensation
in the presuM* ot fruit is not fanciful—
they may bemily attested by it; ff>r two
continental chemist* have shown that
from the isomen* of pinching, apple*
cherries, enrrants and other fruits are sub
ject to inccSaut transformation. At first
they absorb oxygen, thus robbing the sur
rounding air of its vital elements. Then '
they evolve carbonic acid, and this in far
greater volume than the pure gas is ab
sorbed, so that we have poison given os
in the place of pure air. with compound
interest. Temperature affects the rate of
changes, warmth accelerating it.— Good
Health. ...
How TO W THE Fisn Toe HOOK. —
A friend of the Pilchard Unit hers, the
noted fly makers, sends to Wdkts' Spirit
the following. Tfe says: T have actual
ly taken twenty-five tn*r in one week,
varying in weight .from three and n-half
pounds to eight pound-, each by the un
dermentioned method and never found it
to fail. 1 have a long, stiff rod, accom
panied by reel hue and gut in comparison,
and two or ffiree doxen blue-bottle flies,
such as yon will find in a butcher shop.
I used to flay a half-penny a dozen for
them, Bate with a g*cd sized pertti
hook. Pbce a couple of these fliea back
to back, lengthwise, with about three
quarters of a yard of gut from the rod;
put your bait in a hole in the leaf of a tree
and let it sail down to the spot where you
have the trout feeding, or where yon have
seen or heard one rise. At the same
time you must be careful not-to disturb
the fish. as. like the hare in her form,
once disturbed they will not return.
Again, if fishing in a boat, gathers pock
ettull ot leaves of the alder-tree, per
forate them, and drop one or two from the
top of the rod, and then put the flies in
the hole of the leaf, nakicg tbeia appear
to be alive by shaking the rod. when
hnoktd, play with confidence, but not
with force, or else you will lose your tack
le etc."
THE DIET or FOWIA.— The diet of
gallinaceous birds, when they are in a
wihl state, contains a large proportion
of highly - seasoned or aromatic sub
stances. The hud* and berries plucked
in the forest are generally spicy, or well
flavored with h*tpeet, or are peppery or
pungent. B ce the peculiar game
flavor p .K-e* 'd, as every epicure knows,
by the fle-b of wild animals. Our cul
tivated grains have a delicious aroma,
as proved by newly-popped corn, or the
fragrance of a loaf fresh from the oven,
lbe flavor of wheat belougs more
especially to the portion of the kernel
nearest the hull, one reason for the pop
ularity ot graham flour. The flavoring
principle inartides of food inch as fruits,
nuts, graina, or other seeds, consists in a
peculiar volatile oil. Now, aroma, bou
quet, flavcw, or whatever we chooao to
call it, in food, possesses almost univer
sally a tonic of stimulating propriety.
It gives zeal to the appetite, and aids
digestion.. To apply these remarks to
the diet of fowls; though grain is aro
matic, it is bat slightly so when compared
with the intensely seasoned forest-fare
ol the partridge, wild turkey, or the
parent of onr domestic fowl, the wild
jangle-ben of India. To restore the lost
balance, therefore, between tho nutri
tive and stimulating properties of the
food of our poultry, a little cayenne
popper, ground mustard, or ginger may
be added to their dough, meal, or mashed
Eotatoes, with decided benefit to their
ealth and prcfltfloneea.
lin made the following offer to a young
man: "Make," said he, "a full estimate
of all you owe, and of all that is owing
you. Reduce the same to a note. As
fast as you can collect, pay over to those
you owe; if you cannot collect, renew
your notq every year and get the best
security you can. Go to business dilligent
ly; be very economical in all things;
discard all pride, be industrious, waste no
idle moments; be faithful in your duty
to God, by regular and hearty prayer,
morning and evening; attend to church
and meeting regularly every Sunday;
and do unto all men as you would tbey
should doitnto you. If you are too needy
in circumstances to give to the poor, do
whatever else may be in yonr power for
them cheerfully, hot if you can, always
help the vrOfthy poor and unfortunate.
Pursue thiijomirse diligently and sincerely
for seven years, and if you are not happy,
corafortabjg jtnd independent in ybur
circumstances, come to me and I will pay
your debt®"" -Young people, try it.
A U <I „■
HEB G HQ,"— "Not long ago there was an
appeal mafleiu ytJohn's.Church,lthaca,
New York, in behalf of " The Society
for the Incngpe of the Ministry." Facte
had been presented showing* that the
supply of young men for the pulpit was
too money was asked to aid
young men to study for the ministry.
Envelopes were placed in the slips to be
filled out*! promises for future gifts by
those lacking present means. A lady
wrote, " Name and amount, SIOOO ; ad
dress, Ithaca ; time when weiwt u-e ad
milted to tM mint*try." This voucher
the placed on the collection plate as it
was passed.
Tom Hartley got Hl* Wish.
F. very body iu the town of 8 seem
ed to be astir. All the boy* in the town
wore, I'm sum For several days, Inrge
printed bills, with pi dure* of lions and
tigers, had covered the fence* here ami
there, all around; and these were to tell
that a grand circus w.ia coming. Beside
the wild animals, which wero in great
cages, there were three elephants; then
there wen* pome*, with monkeys to ride
them, and trained horses, ana the fun
niest lookiug fellow of a clown. Alto
get her, there was a great deal to see.
snd it's no wonder the bovs were half
crssy over it; I'm sure 1 should have
been myself.
Well, very soon the music was heard,
sad how delightfully it sounded that
bright, sunshiny morning 1 "There!
there! they're coming," cried ever so
many of the IHJS at once, and iu a
moment they saw the cloud of dual stray
down the rood.
"I wonder if the lioua ever get out?"
said little Bob Euunott, as they all stood
wa telling.
••I guess we'd all run if they should,"
said l>ick Upton.
"Pooh! run! 1 wouldn't," aaid Tom
Hartley. *l'tl just like to see them run
ningaround loose—wouldn't it be jolly!"
"I guess you'd be seared if the eleph
ant should step on y on," said Bob.
"Scared!— now what do yon think I'd
dot I'd just push lus foot away, and I'd
give him a great kick; and 1 guess he
wouldn't step ta me again."
! Now, Tom always talked in thia grand
; wnv, aud the boys thought he nitist be
j very brave. It's true he fluttered aml
shirt among the geese, aud wlieu the old
' gander flew at him Torn ran screeching
! tike a loon. Then another time he roar
ed lustily because he thought a cow
chased him.
Well, pretty soon the circus came, sud
while the performance was going on a
monkey was brought and put on th<
pony "Hector's*' back. "Oil! don't 1
wish I could ride him," said Tom llart
"Wouldn't you be scared?" said Jack
"Seared—pooh! I shouldn't bo scared
if bo jumped as as the top of the
teflt. The higher no jumped the better
I'd like it."
Just at that minute "Hector" kicked
up his bind legs and threw the moukey
across the teak But the monkey pick
ed himself up and ran after "Hector"
caught him by the tail. Then he com
menced striking him with a stick. It
didn't hurt the i orse at all, but he pre
tended that it did, and so he ran around
the riue as fast as he could go.
But it happened that he xtop|>ed just
under the platform where the boys were,
and as the clown came up, Bob Upiou
throw a noire of melon rind at his head,
and Jack Wilson reached down with a
long stick he had. and poked the cap oil
his head. Then the boys all shouted and
i atam|>ed their feet, and screamed out all
manner of rude things again.
The clown looked very angry; he pick
ed up hia cap, but no sooner had he put
it on his head again, than TOM Hartley
reached down with his stick to poke it
off. But Tom's stick was not loug enough,
and in reaching down, over Torn went.
He fell to the ground and hurt himself
a good deal, but he hadu't time to thiuk
of that, for quick as a wiuk, the clown
Eicked him up and put him on "Hector's"
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" roared Tom, as the
rlowu cracked his whip, and "Hector"
commenced running around the ring at
anawfnl gallop. Tom thought he should
die; he tried to hold on, but he scream
ed so lout "Hector" was frightened,
and rau a great deal faster than ever he
did with the monkey. The clown put
up the bars, and "Hector" gave a great
jump aud went over them. It almost
took the breath ont of Tom. I really
think then the clown might have taken
him off. Buthedidu't; he clapped his
hands and "Hector" understood what he
was to do; so he kicked up bis hind legs,
and Tom went —not exactly sky high,
hut over the horse's head and almost
acro-s the tent
Of course it hart Tom a great deal
more than ever it did the monkey, for
the monkey was sack a little fellow, and
theu he always knew when "Hector"
was going to throw him. and could give
a jump. But there lay pooi Tom on the
ground, screaming louder than ever he
did in his life before.
Then the clown toqk up a long iron
rod that bad a hook on the end of it, and
went up to Tom. "Oh. see," cried the
boys, he's going to lick him."
The elown came up to where Tom lay
sprawling on the ground, nud he stoop
ed dow„ and looked at him, as though
he saw some very curious thing that he
never had seen before. He looked in
snch a funDy way, that it made every
body in the circus langh. Then the
clown pot the hook right through the
waistband of Tom's trowsers and held
him up.
All the people shouted and laughed
again, for Tom looked just like a crab
stuck on the end of a poker. And so
the elown carried him over, and lifted
him up to the platform.
Poor Tom! For mv own part, I felt
very sorry for him; but after that, he
never was heard to any that he should
like to ride on a circus horse, and he
never again was known to toaze the
clown.— Rural Nev Yorker.
Foord, member of the Australian Eclip
se Expedition, recently described before
i the Hnyal Society a most extraordinary
crec ure, which was dredged up from
the bottom of the sea near the northern
shores of Australia. Mr, Foord says:
" The body was that of a fish, but, won
derful to relate, it had in the place of
fins four legs, terminated by what yon
might call hands, by means of which it
made its way rapidly over the coral reef.
When placed on the skylight of a steam
er, the fish stood np on its four legs, a
sight to behold! It was small, and
something like a lizard, but with the
body of the fisb!" The land animals of
Australia are notorious for their peculiar
forms and structure, but according to
the above they are even less nondescript
than those inhabiting the Australian
seas. Mr. White member of the same
expedition, tolls strange tales abont rats.
"The little island upon which we pitch
ed our tents," be says, "was overrun
with them, and what was most extraor
dinary, they were from every color from
black to yellow, and some tortoise
MFSSELO. —Mussels are found as na
tives, all over the world, their f. vorito
haunts being estuaries, in which the
fresh and salt waters arc mixed to their
rather epicurean taste; but cultivation
has done much fot the improvement of
their flavor.particularly in France, where
a great deal of attention has been paid
to the matter. Stakes are placed near
the moutli of an that the ebb
ing and flowing of the tide shall alter
nately submerge and expose the greater
part of their length. On these the
young mussels fasten themselves, and
hero they are allowed to remain for
about twelve months. At the expira
tion of this time they are removed and
thrown on wicker shelves, s > placed that
they will again be alternately submerged
and exposed. Here they remain for a
like length of time after which they are
thrown on other wicker shelves placed
entirely above the water. After a year's
residence here they -are deemed ready
for use and are taken directly to the
cholera epidemic which prevailed m
En rope several years ago, it was observed
in Parte and elsewhere that workers in
copper appeared to enjoy an almost ab
solute immunity from the disease, and a
similar experience has been met with in
Bagdad, where the disease was very
prevalent the past year, indeed, to snch
an extent that between the end of April
and the end of October about 800 persons
died in a population of 80,000 person*.
Out of this latter number alxmt 500
were engaged in making or selling cop
per articles, and it is asserted that among
them there was not a single victim to the
A Court-martial sitting at Versailles for
the trial of Communists has passed sen
tence of death npon Lsftancais and Clus
eret by reason of their contumacy in re
fusing to appear and answer the grave
charges against them.
A Story of the Wreck,
fleo, W. Howard, of Rome N. Y., will
lie remembered * the gentleman who
was married at Sharon Spring* a few day*
since, and WM on hla way to visit a bro
ther in Pawtucket, K. 1., when lie lost hi*
bride of a day by the late Metl* diaaater.
The next morning what was supposed to
be hla wife'* body was found, and It wa*
reported that her tnneral would take
place at Sharon Spring* yesterday. The
wife'* ring*, though it wa* of a different
pattern, yet he did not feel positive that
it wa* hi* wife. Being nearly exhausted
himself, and not in a condition to think
much about it, he concluded it tnuat he
her. Accordingly a coffin wa* procured,
at Stouington, and he started for the
home of hi* loved oie. lie arrived there
Saturday evening ith what he upj>ved
WM the remain* of hi* wife, hut, on open
: ing the coffin at the residence of hi*
wife'* parent*, they discovered at oneo
that it wa* not theirdaugliter. The scene
that followed ran be better imagined than
described. The afflicted husband at once
returned to Stoniugton, and forwarded
the corpse by express. When he arrived
he found another man searching tor the
body he had supposed wn* his wife. In
the meantime, hi* friend* in Pawtucket
had heard of the lady who was picked up
by thesehooner A. H. Belden and brought
to Newport, and bad telegraphed to the
' undertaker for a description, which he
! gave, and at the same time had a photo
| grapli taken and sent also. Tin*convinc
ed them that the body which had been iu
j ihi* city *ince Friday uigtit wa* no other
than the wife of Mr. Howard. He, in
j company with hi* brother, arrived here
j this morning, aud at once ideutifietl her.
The scene that follows beggars descrip
i tion. As the husband gased upon the
I remains of his beloved, he was deeply af
fected, as were all present. The body
was taken away on the boat, via Wickford,
to Home, N. Y. She was twenty eight
vears ot age, and hears a striking resom-
I blatice to the woiuan the huaband had
supposed was hi* wife. Mr. Howard state*
that the coat found upon her was placed
there by himself to keep her warui, and
that a moment after they were washed
ft out the Metis, and all his exertions to
j save her were fruitless. It is a sad atory,
| probably the roost heartrenderiug one
i that can be told of the terrible disaster.
is that "he lhat i* slow to anger i* better
than the mighty; and he thar ruleth hi*
spirit, than he that taketk a city." A
failure in these rtspects recently occasioned
a series ot terrible tragedies iu Gloucester
county, 111. A farmer named White who
was not slow to auger, shot a couple ol
bounds belonging to a neighbor named
Holt because they were ruuntng across his
farm. Holt wanted .White to pay for the
dogs. White refused to pay for them, and
threatened to shoot Holt. A short time
afterward as Holt was pasting \N lute's
place, a ueighbor who was there asked
lum to stop and sec a new thrashing ma
chine work. Holt cliuihcd over the fence
and went near the thrashing machine;
when Wbite immediately assailed him
with a pitchfork. Holt twisted the fork
out of his hauds, and then While mounted
a hore, aud rode off to a brother's house
to get a gun with which to shoot Holt,
who meanwhile lclt the tlcld aud started
on bis way home. White soon rode back,
with a gun loaded with sis buckshot, and
shot Holt dead in the road. Mrs. Holt,
who was ill, on hearing the terrible news,
gave a groan of horror and died, and her
new-born twins also died. On hearing of
the fate ol Mrs- Holt and her iulants, the
neighbors became wild with rage and ven
geance at White, who gave himself up to
the sheriff ol the count v and begged h.s
protection. Tl* sheriff tried to protect
him but in vain. That same tiig'ut mre
than two hundred citizens assailed the
jail, broke in the door with a log. took
White into the yard, and bung him to the
limb of a tree. Thus five live* were sacri
ficed because men were not slow to auger,
and did not rule their spirits.
diggers iu the South African fields em
ploy Kafirs to do the hardest part of the
Wi rk, some o? the miner* having large
gangs iu their seiviee. These mtivs
receive wages, and are expected to turn
over all lbe diamonds they fiud to their
masters ; but although the most careful
precautious nre taken to prevent thofts,
which if discovered are severely pun
ished, the blacks succeed iu concealing
many gems. A late number of the
Diamond Xetrs givss an account of a
Kafir who was killed by falling into a
chum, upon whose body was found,
secreted in the scams of his clothing, no
less than forty-five diamonds, one of
them weighing fifty carats. A Boer
working close by heard of this, and as
a servant of his had died shortly before
he hud the body exhumed. His trouble
was rewarded "by finding about thirty
diamonds. These discoveries open a
new field for explorers which will proli
ably be industriously worked. At the
New Bush fields a diamond weighing 166
carats was found in June, and was
deemed so gieat a curiosity, even there,
that it was placed ou exhibition, the
owner giving the receipts to the hospital
fund. It is described as beautifully
shaped, off-colored, with an unfortunate
flaw in it.
SAVAOB SSAKK.— The other day as a
Mr. W. L. Dunbar was at work in his
field lie suddenly came upon a huge
black snake, fully ten feet long, and be
fore he could step bock the snake darted
forward and viciously attacked him - ;
rapidly coiling about his right leg, mouth
wide "open. Mr. Dunbar, after a hard
sttnggle, succeeded in kicking it from
his leg with the left foot, when it in
stantly coiled abont that foot and leg,
and tenaciously clung to it for some
time, when Mr.* Dnnbar at length freed
himself from lite uncomfortable cus
tomer. The snake thus foiled, erected
its head and struck a bee line for the
woods, making a liumming or blowing
noise which could be beard for a long
distance. The attack was so sudden and
unexpected that Mr. Dunbar was per
fectly paralyzed and unable to move for
some time after the snake left. He savs
bis hair arose on end, and the cold sweat
stood out all over him.
gives a detailed account of the manu
facture of false eyes in Paris, from which
the curious fact appears that the average
sale per week of eyes intended.for the
human head amount* to 4(K). "One of
the leading dealers in this article car
ries on the business in a saloon of
great magnificence; his servant has
lint one eye, and the effect of any of
the eyes wanted bv enstomers is con
veniently tried in this servant's bciul,
so that the customer can judge verv
readily as to the appearance it will
produce in his owu head. The charge
is about fsl<i per eye. For tho poor
there ure second-hand visual organs,
which have been worn for a time, iiml
exchanged for new ones ; they nre Bold
at reduced prices, and quantities arc
sent off to India and the Sandwich Is
HEARS AT. —An old French officer was
relating a story of a battle with the Prus
sians in the late war,when lie was great
ly annoyed by the repeated interruptions
of a forward young lieiitoDant who had
his knowledge of that battle only by
"hearsay," yet continually chimed in
with, "Yes, yes—that's right." Tlioex
aspcrated narrator had just reached the
critical moment when there was a gener
al action ulong the whole line. His regi
ment was ordered to the front. It
charged. "Monsieur," politely contin
ued tho sujierior, turning to his trouble
some bearer, "it was there that I was
killed. Please continne the story."
An incipient riot has been prevented
in Havana by the energetic action of
Captain-General Ceballos. The coach
men of Havana, discontented with the
new law opposed to their extortions, met
in dangerous numbers in various parts of
the city, preventing peaceable coach
men from working and bringing matters
to the verge of a riot. Ceballos, accom
panied by only u few police officers, ap
peared in person among the mob and so
cowed them by his presence as to put
a speedy end to the disturbance. Sev
eral of the ringleaders were arrested,
and everything is again quiet, the coaches
unning as usual
Itutlallngr House* for Other*.
"I declare! I'm nlmoat diaoourag
ed I'* groaned l'liiliktu* to bi* friend
Smith. " It'* nothing but dig, dig,
from morning till night, week in and
week out, and nothing gained bv it."
"You don't mean to *ny, with your
wage*, that you don't lav by anything?"
" Yea, 1 do, I think myaelf lueky
wbrn the your ia up, if I'm clear of
" Why you've been working on good
pay for" more thau tifteen year*! You
ought to have a *uug little houieatead by
this time."
" Hut 1 haven't; and what'* more I
never expert to have, I hear that J one*
ha* bought the widow Curletou'a
place ?"
"Ye, and he'* got it at a bargain,
too. Willi what improvement-! be can
make, at odd hotira, it will be wurth
double what be paid."
" For uiy part, 1 don't aee bow be did
it ; lie earn* no more tlilvu 1, ami be bu.i
a larger family."
"Ah, my friend, but it isn't by what
be eariiß, but by what be rave*!''
" Well, 1 wouldn't be HO mean and
close tltod aa he i*. to own a duMH
houses. Duly last week, I aaked him to
join our excursion—which would only
eost him a dollar—and he soul he ixiuld
n't afford it. For a man thut can buy a
Ilfleen hundred dollar house, that is put
ting it rather strong, I should say."
" That's just til" way be does it."
What ! bv eavtug the expeuse of the
excursion ? "
"By aaviug that one dollar—and a
good uiaiiy more, that, with you go Use
same way."
" \ mau must have some pleasure."
" Yea, but wu* it aueh ? By your own
account, von were tusd to d< atli ; more
;so thau if you bud been working. You
not only lest that dsv, but wo* not tit
for much the day following. A* for
Jones being mean and close 1 can't agree
with you. His wife and children r>
always well dressed and cared for ; aud,l
I have noticed that his hosse I* well sup
plied with books and newspaper*. Aud
wlu-u Lawrence was binned out, aud a
subscription ws* got up for hi* benefit,
be put dowu five dollars. But where
are you going BOW f
"Only in Blutberem'* a moment, just
to get a'glus* of ale. You walk ah ug ;
I'll overtake you."
Iu a few minutes, l'ilikins r.ijoiued
Smith, aud they walked along together
The latter noticed the end* of two
cigars that I'hilikin* hud thrust into In
vest pocket, hut said nothing.
Soon tliev came iu front of a fine
looking buiVliug, evidently just com
lhiikins surveyed it with an envious
| look.
" That'* Blatherem's new house;" lie
said, biting off the on J of his cigar.
" Yes ; and you've helped te build
rilikins stared at hi* friend foi a mo
ment, w.thout speaking.
"I ! How do you make that out !"
" Why, you patronize him, don't
■ you ?"
" Ob, my patronage don't amount to
" Don't it. How many glasses of ale
do you buy of lnm a day?"
" Nut more than three on the nv.
i erage."'
•' We'll call it three, tlien, at ten ceuts
a glass. It amount* to just thirty cent*.
You get your cigars there, I w-lievc.
How many a day?"
" Sot more than a couple, and ten
ceut ones at that.'"
"That make* fiftv cent*. Fifty cent*
a day amounts to three dollar- a mi k,
and three dollar* a week to one huudmd
aud fiftv-six dollar* a year.
"Weil, I declare! I didn't guppoee
it would amount to half that !"said rili
kins, a little soberlv.
" Yon forget that it is the dunes that
make the dollar#. By your own show
ing, what you have spent for the last
ten year#, for ale aud eigara, if put at in
terest, would uot only have enabled you
to buy the Carletou place, but l-ft you
quite a surplus besides. Now, do you
suppose what yon have drank aud stuck
ed lias done you any good ?"
" I don't think it has done me any
" Now, ]on't you feel hat spending
an amount of money like that, on what
roa think does vou no harm, ami what
TOU know haa done vou no good, is JUT* ■
Ing rather dear for your whistle ?"
" Why, man," retorted pet
ulantly. Hinging the stump cf his cigar
across the road, " wouldn't you have u
body hare iomc pleasure* ?"
" Most certainly ; but i would have
them of the rational und enduring kind,
aud such as your wife and family eau
participate in. Now, you were telling
me the other day that you couldn't afford
to take one good family jwtper. Why,
the amount you sjend every week, for
what does vou more harm than good,
would pay for the subscription i. wholg
i J O4l- -"
"True enough. Mary has Wen teas
ing me to subscribe for the village pajicr
for the last six months."
"Then why don't you do it? By
what right do vou deny her such an in
nocent and rational pleasure, while you
expend a hundred fold what it would
cost for vour own selfish gratification ?
Now, I'ilikins, take mv advice, and
sulwcribe for it the lirst thing yon do,
and hereafter let Blatherem buihl his
owu houses. lit the next house you
build be for yourself."
There is a useful lesson to be drawn
from the foregoing conversation, nud
which is of actual occurrence.
I am spt-aking to you, sir—not to your
next door neighbor, though perhaps it
may apply equally as well to him.
ldou't deny your families tho simple
and innocent pleasures that make home
such an attractive and happy place, or
pull down the roof over your own head
to build houses for other people.
English grooms at Saratoga arc teaching
the "Yankees" how to take care of a
horse. To-dsy I asked one of these
grooms, who has spent twenty years in
the stables of royalty, what lie had to
say about the American way of taking
care of a horse. "Why, sir," said he,
"yon don't take good care of your horses ;
you think you do, but you don't."
"Why!" I asked. "Because, when a
horse comes in all wet with perspiration,
you let hitn stand in the stable and dry
with all the dirt on. In England, we
take the horse as he comes in from a
drive and sprinkle blood-warm water all
over him, from hi* hrad to hit fttt. Then
we scrape him down and blanket him,
rubbing bis legs and face dry. Tims, in
an hour ho is clean and dry and ready to
take a good feed, while with your way he
will staml and swelter for honrs, and
finally d-y, sticky and dirty. Onr horses
never founder and never take cold. We
never use a currycomb. You scratch
your horses too hard. The only rare
necessary is to have the water not very
cold, then bathe them quick and hlankut
them instantly, while you are rubbing
their legs." I think the groom is sound,
and I've noticed the aamo practice myself
in England.
STANDING TREAT. —One who haa Buffer
ed mtteh snya : "Now, boya, if you wish
to be generous and treat each other, why
not *elo;t some other place besides the
liquor shop ? Suppose, as you go by
the post-office; yon say, '1 say, fellows,
come in and take some stamps.' These
stamps will cost you no more than drinks
all round. Or, go to the haberdasher's
aud say, 'Boys, come in nnd take n box
of collars.' Walk up to a grocer's, free
and generous, snd say, 'What kind of
coffee will yon have ?' Wiiy not treat
to groceries by tho pound as well as
liquors by the glass ? Or, take your
comrades to the cnttler's, and say, 'l'll
stand a jack-knife all round.
Jones and his wife were always quar
reling about their comparative taleut
for keeping a fire. She insisted that
just so surely as he attempted to rear
range the sticks with the tonges, lie
put the fire out One night the church
bell sounded an alarm, and Jones sprang
for his fire bucket, eager to rush to
the conflagration. "Mr. Jones," cried
his wife as he reached the door, "Mr.
Jones, take the tonges I"
The Working Nan.
The neMaat men ! kaow on earth
Ara men whosa hand* are brown with toil,
Who, hacked by <• ancestral roves,
Hew down the wootl end Ull the evil;
And win thereby a prouder name
1 ban f<dlows kiug or warrior's fame.
.The working men, wbate'rr the taek.
Who carve the stoue or hear the bud,
They hear upon ihnir huueet hrues
The royal stamp and seal of • hl;
And worthier are their drop* of t
Thau diamonds in a coronet,
(it*t tih-m 'he noble working men,
Who rear the nllee of the plain,
Who dig the minea, who build Hie shijsi,
And drive the commerce of the maia ;
00.l hlew thent! for Hieir lolling hands
Have wrought the glory of ali lands.
Turned lit* flralu.
A middle-aged man, late uf F.I Dorado
county, ealleil uttlio luw office of CJuint
& llnrdy, in Montgomery Block, a few
day* siuco, ami auxiou*fy inquired for
Judge Qiliul, The Judge was not ill,
and the stranger wa told to take a seat,
lie did no, but seemed IIIIOURV and reet
le i, glancing furttvel) around, juiupiug
up and pacing the floor, ami ever and
anon eagerly cxMinining wotnetliing wbieb
wii* wmi'iHHl tip in nn old rd lisndker
chief. Tim visitor's conduct nttraotea!
the attrntion of those in the office, and
one of the cb-rk* inquired what was the
matter. Taking the latter by tbc arm
the excited stranger led him to a corner
of the room, a ltd then with trembling
biimis unwrapped the old handkerchief
and exclaimed, "I've got the biggest!
diamond in the world !" Exhibiting ut
the Mime time to tin- uMouished gaze of
the clerk, a clean white piece of tpiuiU
about theNtze of a hen's egg. Just theb
.1 mlge tjuiut came iu, and tho man seizod
upon him, exhibited hi* prize, ami au
uouneod that it vva* worth live milliou*
of dollar*, lie then said that ttuiuerotis
jiarties wen- following him around offer
ing enormous sum* for the diamond.
He had concluded to sell it for five mil
liou* of dollar*, and wanted Judge
(J nut to draw up the contract of salt- ami
see that everything was all right. The
lawyer evidently MIHJMSCUHI that every
thiug wa* not nil right, at least in the
triad of hi* visitor, and after examiuing
the imaginary prize, told him to call
again next day. A I'oft reporter, hear
ing of the affair, interviewed the Judge
immediately, uud (turned from him that
the haggard looking stranger was an
old miner ut El Dorado conuty ; that he
had e >nH to this city on a visit, anal
had been seized with the diamond fever"
Ilia five tuilliou-dolhir diamond wo*
nothing more than a piece of California
quartz, but it bad turm dthw pm fel
low's bead unit threatened to lead lnm to
a lunatic aoylum. Since than we have
been informed that the man has returned
home, still clutching bi* imaginary
treasure and laboring under tlxas delusion
that he is a five fold millionaire. Sin
' f'rimmcv Pitt.
The Nathan MnrJrr.
Hilly Fomator, alia# Billy Marshall,
alia# liillv or Frank Campbell, aha#
l'rauk Harding, alia# Frank Howard, the
supposed murderer of Nutlian, the Now
• York (tanker, was arrested in Washing
ton, I>. C. Ho acknow ledge# himself to
be For raster but denies all knowledge
of tUo murucr. The rawuidoff rcd for
I thi# man amount to aliout f 16,000, out
ride of tlie Nathan murder, of which he
.s suspected, but which remains to be
proven. After his arrest he telegraphed
to New Orleans for hi# baggage to be
-< ..t to Aaron, New \ork, and
| *av# ho i# lately from the South. Billy
ForresU-r, whose name form* one of hi#
many alis.-e#, waa horu in Scotland iu
l*;if>, and at an early age removed with
In# parents, who were hard-working,
! honest people, to New York. IVuuilf*#,
he wn*. hku many another honest yuuug
1 fellow, led iuto mischief of (U kind
ind aiiothef, nutil he gradually bloomed
forth a# a full-blown thief. one tint
I would do alni' -t any thing for the sake
of money. Most of his crime# have
been committed in the Wail and South,
but not a few date from New York City,
j ||e ha# been in many Shite prisons and
.is an instance of bis daring, and the
nks he will run to do friend# a nnux l ,
it i# n lateil of him that, a few month#
since a number of liis friend# were con
fined in one of tlie stoutest jails IB Now
York State. The crime tby were in for
waa e-irtaiu to give each along sentence ;
.u:d their fricuil# used every endeavor to
gel them out without avail, until For
rester took the matter in ha:d. One
dark nifdit he went to the jail, and,
climbing over a twdvo-fcot outer wall,
got to the outside door, aud picking the
lock of it with a tool lined for that pur
pose, he passed into another room, where
he fonnd the turnkey lying on a cot
asleep, (ioing up to iiitn, Forrester
very-adroitly abstiacled the keys flora
his' belt, and proceeding direeUv to the
cells, unlocked the doors and liberated
Ilia friend#, three iu namber—oil making
their escape without being seen. After
gelUug his friend* out, Forrester locked
j the coll doom, aud going back to where
' ihe jailor waa lying, very coolly rej 1 iced
the keys in Iris Twit, and going out
through the same door, locked it with
the muno iustrumcut with which he had
effected au entrance. Many instance#
of his danng are related, but this will
give an idea of the kind of a man he is
—one who takes de#j>erate chances aud
generally come* IhrougU RUcceMfuL
—A correspondent say* tliat the following
fraud was practiced upon the ("z*r Alex
ander, while yet Crown I'rince. There
was a certain fortrews placer! w the mPi
tary map of the Caucasus. The Crown
Prince, on visiting the latter country, ex
pressed to Prince Woronznff, the com
manding general, his desire to visit Said
fortress. The general himself, who had
never seen the fortress, addressed himself
to the chief engineer, who informed him
that the fortress existed only on the map.
flow to dissuade the Crown Prince from
Ids notion to visit the mythical fort was
not an easy task. The general resorted
first to the strategy of frightening !>aek
the Crown Prince by the story of t)>e fort
being in the centre of a very dangerous
band of marauding Circassians; hut.when
this did not have the desired effect, he at
last improvised a sitsm attack by adivision
of his Russian soldiers turned into Circas
sians, and stationed on the imaginary
route to the fort. The sham fight lasted
for an hour or so, at the end of which the
Prince was congratulated by the com
manding general for his great bravery in
the terrible fight. There were a great
many sluun deaths on both the Russian
and Circassian side, and many were the
decorations which the Emperor Nicholas,
father of the Imperial Prince, distributed,
at the latter's recommendation, among
officers and soldiers who took part in this
expedition. Only some years afterward
was the deception exposed through sn
officer who had fallen out with General
WoronEoff. The millions that had been
drawn from the imperial treasury lor the
erection of a fortress in the conquered
country went into the pockets of tho topo
graphical chief engineer and his assist ants.
I have the above from a Russian aud not
Polish source, and from a gentleman who
was himself an officer in the party. Of
course it never has been published, for
the vigilant eye of the censor would never
have permitted it.
Tho metallic, compound which bears
the somewhat fanciful name of Ahyssin
ian or titlmi gold has lately lieuii manu
factured in large quantities in Germany
for the purjiose of fabricating imitation
gold jewelry and other objects. It is a
brass cf mnotiud of about 92 parts of
copper indß of zinc. The appearance
of gold 18 obtained by causing a very
thin sheet of gold to adhere by pUbslog
it through rollers.
A lady correspondent suggests this
plan for cooling ft room : "Htretch a
rojie across the room at an elevation of
six feet or more ; then saturate a blnnkct
with water; wring just so it will not
drop, and suspend it across the lino.
The eva|Miratiou of the water will absorb
sufficient caloric to lower tho tempera
ture fifteen or twenty degrees."
Cholera is making hoioo among the
of lowa.
Werklv Rey|iw of New York Market.
rtovtMtomt—Pork—Tim market for
IIU'M on the "|ot ia very quiet.
Dressed liog—The market is n shade
BIIDKI', \V quote rilj at C 7 H'7 1-Hc.
Cut Meat* There U no change k)
note. We qtioke li*ui in pickle Uli
He., in aalt nt ll12e,; shoulder* at 7c.
Huiiikvil .Meats—Tlivrv in a good btisi
iteaa ami strong prieaq prevail. We quia
hum* at IJalflo.; shoulder* At aud
clear rih nt lojol le.
lleef remains quiet. We quote plaiu
weaiern uicaa at boiST, uitd extra uuas
at H7slo, sale* 100 bid*.
Beef Hana-Tbrra ia very little doing.
We quote old western nt ft'iiuf'JH, and
ami new at 9Stki9XL
Tierce Beef The poorer grades re
main inactive. Wo quota prime mo*a at
£lb>f 11, ami India men ut ; 75
Ire*, prime UIOHI sold at quoted rates.
Lard—The market for old western is
dull. We quote Do toiler at 99-16*01-4:'.
New lard i* scarce and firm ; S3 trc>. of
a choice brand sold at 9 3-Mc. City lard
is quiet.
Butter remaiua without ehanye. We
quote htate, iu W<-l*h tubs, at22>>'26e!
iu firkin* and half tuba at 240'29e.; *t
tern at lOalfie. for common to good, aud
IfinflSe, for flue aud fancy.
Cheese—There ia a very fair call from
exporters for fair and good stock. The
home trade IS quite Slid IS Aesrlv
ali in the lietter grsab*. We quote Slate
factories at |Ofrli|e. for common to fmr ;
12 .I'Jie. for good *. rvieaable stock, uud
1J 1 4alJjc. for flue uud fancy.
BouUmru Flour- I'ho sales arc §7.fiou
75 for extras, and b9.Hj0311.2A for
g(M*l |o aliniee.
Hye Fbttir ia steady. The sales are at
14.9M8A0 for eoromon to fine.
Wheat- The market opened a shade
flrnu-r. The foaigu mlvioe* are quite
favorable. We quote No. 2 spring in
•too-at Sl.stvtSl.bH; No. 1 iu store at
31.ff7031.fi9; w inter rod we stern at 31.4** i
31.02 for new ; amber western and south
ern at sl.ti3ofll.7U for new ; white <lo.
at |1.75082.
Bye—The market ia quiet at 75 eta.
for western.
Oats—'There ia a moderate business,
bale* nt 4,Yi4tf|c. fur western, 41)i520,
for Ohio, and UfioMe. for uew.
Barley and Malt are quiet.
Sugars—There is a good inquiry for
raw aloek. The market close* quite
tirwly on the lawn of H". ■for fair ;
9 1 Ho. for good, and tf l-lc. for prime
refining, ami t 8-ic. for h"o. 11 box.
Kefined sugars are fairly active, the
demand running largely eu A'*,
wldab are firm. We quuU- aaft yeflovr at
Blafle, ; soft white at 11 1 4*-6 l 1 fi 4e. ;
gri uuhited at 12 l-3aL2 l-4o ; crushed
uml powdered at 12 38k, uud cut louf at
13 3 nl3 I 2c.
Coffee-The market for Brazil* i quiet.
There are very few buy era. East and
West In<lia coflKs are xeUiug only in a
jobbing way.
Itok-vs-Storks are oflered moderate
ly, aud ut about pn vxous figure*. Porto
flUro 42 12c, ; Cuba mu*oovailo 27c.
Uioe—There ia the usual jobliing
trade, and *!ilea good at 7a7 1 -4c. ; Patna
at Ha, and Carolina at 8 :l-4"9 fi-ric.
petrxvlciim—There ia very little busi
ness. For crude iu bulk 12c. is bid and
12 1-Hc. asked, ilefined nt 24 14ft,
Case* at 29J29 l*4c. We quota refiued at
SS 3 Knit l-2e. for ajot delivery, end
23 5-ric. for last half of the mouth.
Birrnis or TNro CAPTIVE Ginut.—The
nature of Indian outrages, which are of
ouDotanl o curt.tocv, is il.ustrated by a
eorfc-jiondcut iu a case of two young
girls brought into a elation by the Kio
was. I withhold their names forohvimia
musoti#. Iti June last thev were pari of a
happy family iu Texas. One night their
limine was suddenly surrounded by the
Kiowa#, and a dreadful massacre ensue l.
The father ami mother of the family
were #lot nnd hacked to jticcee. The
elder girl of the two to whom I refer hail
a pistol mapped iu lcr fan*, bat was
•pared for a worse iate. Her eialer,
twelve years 4d, and a little brother of
si* years wore Mil aside while the fistula
outraged the person of the oldewt girl in
presence of the angled and treaming
U *he* of their dead p ireut*. The house
wa# then jut to the flames aud the fiends
d.iUocd about the at he* of its owners
The two girl# and the boy were carried
oil to the Kiows nation (not far from the
j nisi,) the girls condemned to infamous
treatment, and the boy to afford the
brute* ammw-meot iu their leisure hour*.
Mr#. Tatuui, the *<-<. Ueut wifa of Friend
Tutura, has the girts now in clutrge.
The young*#t is. lam informi-d.very til;
which, though horrifying to reilct on.
is not to hi- wondered at. The little lv>y
is still with the MV age#, aud it i- hard to
tell whether they will surrender him or
not. Lnue Wolf, who rent the girla iu.
. if*c!cd a large runaom; but did uot get
a cent He i, therefore, likely to k*ep
the child. Tlie preeut commissioner*
have, however, determined not to issue
to liim or his tribe any more rations un
til the little captive i" brought in, and
Uils may bring trim to term#. Why thi#
course was uot taken long Rinee is to me
jierfcctly inexplicable.
New York Drj Goods Market.
The week has lxen a most active one
in dry go oils, especially among the
jobbers in all lines. Hie ruarki t con
tiuues irregular and feverish aud price*
ar*hardly firm.
Brown Sheeting* and Shirtings—are
irregular and somewhat weak.
Blenched Sheetings and Shirting*.
The reduced pritxa of N. T. Mills,
Wumsutta and other large grades, ha*
caused sale*.
Cotton Prills.--The stock on hand is
repotted as nunsunlty light, and price*
ur atieiig.
Cotton Flannels are in demand
In Stripes, Checks aud Ticks much
activity in previous rates.
Print"—Are iu request for all dark
stvles, nt low current prices.
Cloths and Overcoatings arc in demand
for lancv cassimcres.
Shawls are iu request.
In Hosiery a good trade is doing in
shirts and drawers.
. Jhfo goods have been largely sold.
In Empress cloths plaids in high colors
are in request. Merino* are active at
last year's rate. Alpacas, mohairs, Ac.,
arc firm. The demand for Italian cloths
is increasing. Bilks and velvets have
been active, at old prices. Ribbons have
lieen freely sold. Ki.l gloves arc selling
at low rates. White goods, and em
broideries more slowly. Woolens are in
request for fine clothes and beavers.
Grnioi's KAIN.— A Idler frrnn Buclifi
rcsi rrpnrtfi • i-urMitiaatitHmjihcrk'jtlieiiom
citon which on-urreil tlicro nt qiiarler
pvat nine in the evening. Buring the day
the heat was stilling. The sky was cloutl
!<•. In the evening CTFRJLWFLJ went out
walking and JU® gardens* were crowded.
The Imlica were mitly dievrtei". in white,
low-nrekcd rein*. Toward* nine o'clock,
a vrni l olond apiiwred <>n the horiuon am)
a quarter or an hour afln wards rain l>e
gan to fall, when, to the horror of evcrj
iHifiy, it wa* found to consist of Mack
worm* of the size of an ordinary fly. All
tiu> streets were strewn with many of
these curious animals. We trust there
wa some one in the town sufficiently in
terested in natural history to preserve
somo specimen*, and that we shall hear
something further respecting this phenom
Homo year* ago a charcoal peddler,
not far from Hartford, had a Newfonnd-
Innd dog which ho learned to jump into
hie basket and lie loir while h filled in
tiro ebarcouL When the peddler carried
the basket very full into the oellor, the
purchaser, looking out of the window
and checking tire basket, waa quite
satisfied. The dog, well trained walked
ou( with his master as if nothing had
happened The daughter of this old
charcoal poddler jH<at several Summers
at Saratoga during the war with two
large " solituiros on her person.
Dr. Jewett, a well-educated and
eccentric old gentleman, of North Haven,
Me., committed suicide by severing
both his thighs, and then setting fire to
a canful of kerosene oil which he had
poured over the floor of the room. He
WAS found undressed, weltering in his
blood in the midst of the fire, tuxd died
Tim Pn< Jtm-rJtr fb"<*r CorAmrr la a
taanWy devoted to ft nit growing n.| home's
adornments. EkllU-t by allfr lon* fralt grower
Rpti'lmi'ni Vrer, or from He pi. to Ilac., four
months, 2brta. A M. Turdy, Palmyra, N. Y.
iMroaTiirr TO DUMOXD Miazaa.—
Towards the cke of the late session of
Congress of the United State* an act was
l>aM*d allowing private OB trice to be made
on public lands of inln* of gold, silver,
rinmhar, lead, ami all other mineral de
|ait. Tito Department of the Interior
reoel tly, hi r!rw of the reported discovery
of diamond* ami other preciotta atones m
Ariaona and Sew Mexico, aaked the opin
ion of the Attorney General a* to whether
en tries oould be made of these mine* in
the same manner a* of other mine*. The
Attorney General ha* replied that under
the bead of miueral deposits, mineral
landa of whatever kiud. nature or deaenp
tion, can lie entered, and therefore the
diamond minea, nndc-r the certain restric
tion* made by law, are in like manner sub
ject to pcreate entry.
fvii Dar* A War* va. Hrvira. —At a
meeting of the British Association, at
Dublin. Mr. Charles Biancoui. of Caa
pel, read a paper relative to bis exten
sive car establishment, after which a
gentleman stated that at Fickford'a the
great Euglish carrier*, they eutdd not
work a horse more than ten miles a day,
aud wished to hear Mi Bianoom'a opin
urn on the subject. Mr. It. staked that
he found by exjierlence he could better
work a*bursa eight miles A day for BIZ
day* iu the week thau sis miles a d*J
for seven days. By not workiug on
Sunday he fleeted a aaviug of twelve
per cent. Mr. Buucoui'a opinion on
lid* point is of the highest importance,
for be has over nine hundred horse*
working sixty-seven conveyances, which
daily travel 2,241 miles. It ia also the
result of forty-three years' experience.
For the prievs of Kuilroeul Jlumls, wriie
to CHXHIJCS W. ILaet im, No. 7 Wall M.,
New York. •
THIS Naarot-iTa*.-—A *t comfortable
garment lor lit* laidcs, the coming winter,
it the NrepjJiU#, a round, hall-louse
sacque, with d#ep Dolman alarvc# tbat
fold mcr tb arm* in front in away that
di*(oftft with the u*e of a muff. It 1*
bow is tha aew Siberian cloth—a thick,
•all, fleecy bearer - in th* fashionable
hreuz# hrpwß. amy. and plum-color. Th#
trimming ia wid* aoutaohe braid, in Gothic
design*, and the new brown fur (ring*
called bear fringe.
Tut POISOXMQXOBKB who advertiae eom- ,
pound* of Fluid Fire and pungent alkalie
ns " balsamic medicine#," " aafeand harm
lew tonic#," and "genial in*igoranU,"are
worthy of being classed with the old Bar
negat wrecker* who kindled deceptive
beacon#, in order to deeoy marinera to
inevitable death. But a time cam# when
the lure# of the roast bandit# failed, and a
time Lit OHM when the vender# of Bit
terrd Alcohol fail to impree# th* reading
public with a belief in their fiction#. It
i# due to tliet oontciention# and able phy
sician, I>r. Joseph Walker, of California,
to MI that lie ha# largely contributes! this
desirable end, h> providing the world with
a Tonic Corrective aud Anti-Febrile Veg
etable prepareliou, winch aoootnplifibe#
all that ia mendaciously promised on be
half of the alcoholic notlruma. llisCau
rortxiA VixKoax Btrrau# prepared from
Hotanie production#. now for the first
time employed io the pharmacy of civili
sation, is the leading tonic in every state
and territory of the Union. The fact that
liiia wonderful elixir contain# no alcohol,
no mineral, no danrreron# element, i one
of the cause# of it# immense popularity;
another is that as a stomachic iavigorant,
blood-purifier, alterative, anti-spasmodic
and nnti biliona medicine, it ia a# far ahead
ol every other preparation a* Temperance
ia ahead of I >runkennes*.—Com.
At Canaan, N. H.. fhe wife of
dentist died from chloroform admin
i .tared by her husband (>efore extracting
rr" For Coughs, Bronchitis and Con
sumption, in iu early stages, nothing
equal# lr. Herce'a Golden Medical I>b
covery. 615.
A GOVERXOB Kinxarrxn.—Flore*, the
federal Governor ot Binaloa, while tiding
in the aaburb# of Magellan was seized by
a gang of kidnapper# composed of late
rebel soldiers and carried into the moun
tains. A large ransom is demanded for
his release.
CnarrUß 11 *# os. ttee, roust) skin, pimples,
riitf-#rm, •alt-tin uin. and ether cuUneoo#
affection#, <-* red, and the kio mad# reft and
•mooib. by u#<ag i#<- Jssirea Tan Hoar made
by CARWIXJ, Uaaaan A Co., New York. 1(1*
more couvsnleut and easily imdicd than other
remedies, avntdtng the trenre# ot the gressy
compound# now tn use. - Com.
The FJmwoed C iltar with it# fin# eloth nr
fce and folded adgn*, i* daily making new con
verts tram amen* those whose prejudices
against paper collar# bare heretofore been in
vincible. The Elmwoud is a comfort and dc
wrvrdlv the must popular collar anion* gcntJe
m<-n. Ask your Furnisher tor the Elmwood.
Base hall is undoubtedly good exercise and
capital amuncment, but il often ooessiona
bunged eye#, broken skin# and bUtored hands.
We <-n tell you that In alt such eases, U Joxx
rev'# Axoni JK IdxiwrvT is resorted to, it will
reduce tlie (wetting and stop the pain.—Com.
We would not recommend the frequent or
constant use of any mediciue. It i important
to take even a gcwJ article judiciously. f*i
n# n PraoaTtru Piua are safe, prompt and
reliable as a laxative or cathartic. Own.
The proprietors of Twr NEW TOU Tamrsi
set Pirtti hi a statement in our n<lvrrtin* col
umn* its merit as a family paper. Our readers
wilt (toublloae give it the attention it deaerma.
VefrcUhte Pulmonary balsam. " DoabUoss
tha llest Cough Medina# in the World.*— (Imij
The latest Swindle.—Certain aanrUmniknia
a.ulj IMB parstiadv the werM that affn
atvr •ttmtiUuU Uava BO inaJt iaU valua, and tß*
■tetaMabl# al.ipa. oompoar-4 ot frtptß* srtds and
ilrsU< purjalivr#. ara brtiav IODIC# this lha toast
ItlfTvdlcutA ootnblnad wit* lha pßraal sad
mrilcwaal product# of lha UU. Im this anrt al
thuif won't go down Tba stomach •( cor aommm
■POM rrjatta it. tiic phyatoal alomacb of avary
man will) at) uodanraved paial# rajarW. with loakin
and abhorrence. linuavona abnmlMMotia. "frve
Horn alcohol,'' which hnrabngt art ITTUI* to Ibrurt
down tlx Uiroata of Ttsnperanae Invalid* an dor th*
prrtamaa that tha filth will do thciu Rood I II la not
Pkclv that whlla l*ca*Trtoa luriaas tha Standard
Tonic of Amartr*. la anrwbrtr aco< •*■>. aoch alch
mln* fraud* can makr much headway, hoi It t* aa
well io pnt tha politic on their froard asarnst them.
—;Coaa. 1
atlllon !-Ir war chsn#vU cbntal*. eoaßha. ewlda.
and doea.e* of tha throat. ian(* and chart wiu ala-ayv
■■reran Crnr) ■■■•naumpiiun alii elaiai ila victim#.
Vhwr disaasw. If attemUl to taWaar, can ba atr-fd
and carad. Tba remedy la Or. Wutmi • B*l—m tf WM
CVvr—OW- -
Cnrtadora'a E>relator lU>r Die ael upon th* hal'. whla.
kct* and inoiiataehaa ; no .We uoia. bal lha narart
K svan or lha moat at.,uiul Browns will ba mnaj.-nw
IX ONI TO FIVE MlNl'TEß.Haadacha. Karacba
Saarai.ta, lutna llark. U.arrfcai, Ovum*. Sprain*. and
all ainailar coniplalau. ara raharad by rin a UaUnt
Or Mousy Rafandad. —f*m.
S|i*oisl XoIKW. . *
Waal al Vltstlltjr.
If a dafleiasex of vital energy la ael a diaaaaa In ilartf
It la a condition ahtrh lay* lha ayttem "pan U> lha al
tarka of all eooeairabla maladia*. Nlghl and day wa ara
attrronndad mora of law by dalalarlooa tofloancea No
auaoaphara la anliraly para, no water atlarly free from
Injoriona parlrelaa : whila is many hwaliUaa both ara
poatuvrly nnwlndaaorta Who dafaacw haa lha weak,
laatnid ayrtam. in which tha rilal prineipla U daicieol
or dormaaL ayaiot any of lha morbid iadnaooas which
prndtaoa aptdamio and ol hor diaaaaaa T Noaa whaleear.
Th#rl no aaleiy una la artificial rainforeaßWßL Hoo
tatter'* Stomach Hitter, ham, beyond all qnaalion. a
ftlaltalng adfaeL If the nerrona forcoa of the body bare
been rerkleaaly i|>eoded in rxhaaatin* phyaieal or
mental labor, or dlmtpated in tha indnlaeneaa of a "fart"
Ufa. Ihl* powerful reyetable lonic and correctlm will
rclore them. If IhadafertlverlUlily la aeonatitolional
r,r, It I an he remedied t* a yreal rilent by thw wander
ful mrlEemnh At • "s™ ,h# *—* wh#n th * " ir to
more <w Waa inipre(nated with the aaada of periodic
favors, it la especially desirable that the digestion should
ba perfect, the habit of body reyular, mo Urer acdra,
the blood puro, and th# neraea firm. The## conditions
are tha beat protection against all disorder*, and tbay
are condit ions which th* Bitten an batter adapted than
any other medicinal agent to promote and secure. Sea
lo it, howeaar, that no imitation or counterfoil is sub
stituted for the genuine art iota, and let all who oalua
health and hare an antipathy to poison beware of tha
local bitters mads from ooudemuad drugs and vilely
> adulterated alcohol, which hare sprung up like un
wholesome fungi •" oaer the country.
Th* advertiser, having been penaanamly eared of that
dread disown. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is
saxiousto make known to bis fallow sufferers lha mease
ol cure. To all who desire it. ho wiU aond a copy of lha
prescription need, (frao of ahargeh with the directions
lor prwpet ing and using the same, which they will find a
sou (ntat for otmstmrrto*. ASTHMA. BBOKCUITI*,
and a'! Throat or Lung Difficulties.
V * -nub VWATD^a 'WRSBJ?"" T v
IU Faun Street, WilUamaharf, N. T.
DAILY 810 a year; WEEKLY 82; •EMI*WEEKLY 84.
Om copy, km jrer~aa iaauea F 2 00
Flrecoptan, ooe yoar-62 iasuo*... 900
All • one Fnat-OflU*. AU M en* Pott 040.
10v*to. llSOaaoh. •
1 as each. *WF|W 1 ft 22*
Omtoto* It. Wftrt. t ill Ml Ito
trr. fr..m our < <.rroj*4ul<-i,l ;UM SfWjjJ < "LU*; "' . P
by Cable and Hiaimr ; liwk, Fwwwlil. Oafc. Dry <:•. ad qewaralMarfcai B-l***. .
Ihe 101 l Reports at tbe American institute Farmei Hob, * J the ran on* Aprirultr*i im
ports and MUrSZ by Uta moat Eminent Agricalutnala,. each cumber, are richly worth
' at Agriculture and Sew Implements receive doe attention is the WEEK-
V Y 'f it i (if *N! P
The HuniICTLTfBLL DEI'ABTMEHT U nnder **■<*• *? 7toi?to
ijnur hi* article* ott liie HUaajjiiifui of Small Fiitm, Frail and V ogetobto Culture, and bow to
male tbriu pay,
THE WEEKLY TBIBL'SE la iwe-emiartil. Wa inland thai THE TBtBCBE aball
advance in ail (hat ouooaras tbe Agricultural, Maoufartormr. Mining, and other intt-reaia of tha
cmnlr* and thai tor eartotv and can plot *,•# 11 aball remain altogatbar Iba most valuable, in
ler—Utie, and luatrartire SEWKI AJ'EB pobUafaod in the world.
So Newspaper m large and complete a. THE WEP.KLV TBIBL'SE wu em bofnre offered at ao
tow a price.
la published ovary TTEBDAV and FBI DAT, a4 eoulaioa all that appears to our traeWy
ineiuOuig an -■r> thing on tba aubject of Agriculture, and much >nt*Tmrting rateable
utuo tor which (here ia not room in THE WELKLT TIUBLSF.
Terms of the Semi-Weekly Tribune.
Ooa copy, one year—lo4 numbers. II 00 | Two copiaa tf*
Fire copied, or orar, tor aarh c0py..... .1100.
*y An extra copy will be wmt few every etob of Un scot for at ooe time. ff ddreaa
Amhw*.— We cannot, we believe, ran
dor to those ot OUT reader* who stifle!
from the asthma, a greater service thai
by recommend tug "Jmai W mttoomb'i
Kemipt." The name* of distinguished
public men are seen appended to the
medicine, and nearly ejcry druggist li
the country can cite some evidence of ih
wonderful curative properties.—G>m.
The Markets.
n to*.
BpgQoTlJ Prim# t.Et.Bu-oehat .is • .US
nr.i u .us
ScncHuiqeat .11 • .Us
ordinal? lino Caul# ,St ap .IIS
tafr or irarasatgrsds ML M .*
Milts Cow* S6.SS SI-tt
UaM-Un .S
.... .!•* •*?
shew M <* .at
— Middimi n\m s
I Pu>cb— Kins w. .urs f$ l.w
btau Extra 11l m 5 W
Waaar— bed Wuurs ............ 1.52 Wist
- S*a*a. MS LSI
< lira—Western T> f -U
■ Baacrr—Mali I * I *
j Ooaa- Mixed Weura 13 fg .St
I lai- Mixed Weaters it 4, .T
, Hat \*> <* 1
: Simaw XO W> t-W
lion lit, St 10 a .
! rosm-XaM US MIS-IS
. Ua '. -
! rn-ooiaca— QreJa 13 Rogued .JiJi
umu.suii .31 *
OMO . tt. .......... 33 e .M
- Fancy 11 .1$
W.otero i.rdlutry .11 # ■!>
Feborvhanla tbe S .1
oasssa- >nioi°rr .u is .iih
attuned A* .<•
Onto u> n .131)
I'.iua—Slau . J • .M
Hm Came los • tje
'! *<W II •*
H -U.- UT. ae IS S*
Fcoca - Ist ISSSS
WaaaT-Xo. J gprtng X.41 • LSI
Coaa II V -•*
<<in - SM *1
JW • s
isatjw 2 2 •
1.ran....... .• # -Wl
Wamar 3SS *2OO
an-wato - m m as
Co, u.-lllwd -SI * "
Buui-Uili .IS 9 M
[oaxs-eiou it • as
rwem......... in os.oo
Vaui-Iun Med. IS3 a 1-SS
Wmu Utt LSS Tallow as f as
Mind ** • M\
nwrcn-cmi .—.NX rsUwda>.
Clove* hass. IS to MIS So
TUaothj a i )
Oorrae— low Riddling* -3>V#
Phocia— Extra fl • l"
Waoar— . ... Its £ IS*
ooaa .o •
oat* *0
For Ooawtr of Follsh. Sating Labor, Claair
lineaa.Dwrability A OhMPMM, Unequal**.
• scoass sr woatwuaa ismrtota udar <**•
> name*. hoi rwamUUag oaa la aka|>tßß4omaf of wrapper
latent*! u<Krr.
mi aram si i rousa is ana. fm (tor* daalan*
I aaa. l li)n t>* Pouad-lwaalrlre
i pound h#w*. -Cheaper ttan aa J otaar Bui* Foirak for
Bisnc sri Lrsoam mm.- S* Mrarpauiag
(Mar u* and maMlasrt. I ra#U at Won a h-r.f a Ml
Moat. Mlb aodsil !h. Sosta.llcmla jot IS. Try !L
MORSE BROS., Prop'r*., Canton, Mill.
S ill m. I.IUII viWI ITI TlLOfttMlla
1 Addr." Bar. D MIKI'A RPSo* I' r
Eiery Gied Mast & Fatkr^w?
Vlrralir. tow, |an t in# <>.. I*2 I'n'iaa St.\ S •
ALL coLLtrnoia ua ESTATIW
ot <rn kwdi oorTMnoudod ab. nl in ollber llo I'ttoch.
IWrrnaa. or b, J. V KRI'SADFT,
SMaraty at La • .!■>; I.iwmW lit , Pa
MTSUUCKISe.-IV *b.i. . Caitrd Mat..
ataictn>Tina In-tilola. a Ea.< 3Mh m.. Sao YwS
llotl HHioaota So |a> nmdaorad. Snd forninroltr.
aoo iieobxpts
which coat f ISO (JO w>nr no racaiM •f to oeoia. Addraa.
MT. iKIMAMIW.atrai,Ho.
rhPA V 11.1 * 81.r.-M-nd Ibwcnl .Km;
\h|| tm bohbox. HAYM;S ACO .
■ v K. r IIOKNIX, nUwaUnoVoa Nanttrr. 11l ;SM
■ o acrta: Hot roar: li (irtao-Hnoaaa. Traaa, Brum.
ITkih,B I'laVTa. Xnraan bu<h : t CalAlngoaa. JBcan! a
411 Eh T W oaled.- Aotata naak* | ntooc; at
onrk for u> than al anjtinn. alar. I'anicaiar. Itoo.
<) Stiboqo A Co. . IW An . IVniand. Now.
Dr. WhitUerT^S^^T*
bonyaat andaMl. aad mnol aiKoraalol i.nywua of thr
tea of pamnh .l fraa Call or ar ia.
Home* Water*. SSI Braalnf. X. T.
will d a|*iee cl OXK HCKItBBS I'iaßoa. .a
OBUanof ail Or.(-ciaa. ntakrra. inclodinc Vt'aloraX a>
rmaaufa kmp km 'ar real, darted llu maaft. or will Laki
f'nm #4 to ff* mnnthlr until paid ; tho umr to laC at*
rent appiwd if purchaard. A oew ktad of PaBtOB OBuaJt
the mat beautiful Mrta and perfect too* rear made, no,
on aatibiiion al W Hrrtadwar. New Yerh.'
Bfracti-Locdini Shot Qm #4O to #3C*\ Dibl Shot
UaB.lJ to |UO. Smglf liana. #3 to s*. RiflttklS U
ir&. Rmlrm, # to #XY Sixd St ami* for Piucaß-
Lorr. JlFPnlifTV K Ihtstpto w t.iuifid for.
ti (inn®®®
ill I I I I I I cur*. It la prepared u
lfll 111 II I nrr-lr to corn U>n I'.U-,
IJJ 1| II If If and nnttiinpebj. Holdb,
T w ail llmayirta Price ti nt
-VUKV Vo a W kjkjr
The Rldhta al th* Xlek.-It io tho risht ol erorj
ioralld to Into* what hi* medicine i* and why it I* pre
scribed. I, any nlmr from dyapep.ii, liror complaint,
boadache wiati.snoa, or heartburn, dwmnn to knoa
what Taioubv*, RtL,TB*B Avtcußirr a and why ho
oochtlotah,it? Th,aaowwri*,imple. Iti*th,eh,m
tod sqiedant ol to, Seliter Spa water, and the irubfi
phyoiciaa, it. wor d ha, er,r Maw hart ppoi uacrd
a R, Pmoa ran laht Iheoo Bluer* OtwS-
In* io tbrocttosa, aad iraNh >uag biiw*U. provteaU
u tix-ir u.txw arc d-x < b? ciaenai poMus or
* Miter transits, sad tAI out wsswd beyuod Os
pcdtiJ of repair. awa.**. r„.
lly aiM-paka ar ItwSlgwwtlraM, BSSdSChe. PMM
IB Urn PiKHi tcr*. OMlghs. TighuMM of the (hwk.
Diiascea. tutor Rradooows of thr Nomsch. Bod
m Tame la the Mocth, telhwrn Aorarhs. rsiMMbm of
* tho Heart. lMftammaUoo of the lam* 111* H tho
region of the lihlaevß. OBd a hondrod Mhor patUW
nvoipKima. are the ua-upnng* of Dftprtoßa. Qm
untie wttt prove a betier gosraete* of Bo nterlls
ihas a Ifogthv *JvrttoMiL
Far Female famplalata. Ik yodSgoroM.
married or MBgie. at tho dawn m wotßOßhuod. or
u the torn of life, thoos TooSc Sttm oraMoy ora
'****"? s® taSaeo °* O* l Is woo*
Par laCwmnaatory aad f hrook Bhoo.
■matiara, and OotU, SUiMia, Until!teat aad IMoT
mJtlent Kwcr* Htneaora of tho Mood. Uvor, EM
u ucru aad Bladder, thews Bittern have bo BuwoL
* Soch Uaeaoes are csoaed hy YHlsSBd Btood.
They an Bgeatle Pargailr, aa well as
* a Traatle, firafMid the merti of acttac aa C
powawfoJ an ai in ic&vtef C ogllfMo or [oSass.
icattoß of the Uvw asd VBoerol Ofgaaw. aad t*
mticMas mmmmL
rr ikla KMmmm, ErapUoa*. Trttirr, fia
R iimm. louche* hjeds. I-ÜbAm. PbMblm. Bo us.
CsrtHauSes. Hlodr-*<rtvoA ScsM-Hwod. Bot* Bye*.
ErtwtoMsa, Itch. Scorfa. MooMscMMM of t* Mua.
liumort aod IKneaore of the Mm of whatovor bssm
or nature, are literally dog op sod earned oat
of the system la a whert Hum by the of thoos
Bitter*. __ _
4 CrratefWl Tfaomawradn pindolol Tniaut Brp
rra the traoat woodrtfW Urtgoraoi thai eve*
*utrained the -c .jnraeta.
K. 11. JlrhORALh * CMS.
Projtgtau sod Owa. Agta . Boa Fraortaoo. OaL. A
lor. of WoahisghMi aad Chanmo St*. S.T.
o rg: y
* Dr.WMttier, -IZSZF&T'
bwurawt wind, and meat ■ .:*■*•*( phpwdaa of tho
ac* OauiraUat ra ar paaiphlwt fcw* ChhweuraM*
n a rvtLK
2 labWmml: h the ormm fka ftw. . Tho
ifrt Two lmpwrtad- Ar rtfreerae.
]WHIhHP**A what* And Ice tat* wl .luai. eoil
■ f®PWSA. Ibih iiraal Aalraatlw rarad
£sr viSakfß FatlSr Tan €•.. S*trt FnHoo
¥ o* E 4
I •'"**' W*w-.Vwaar hi lidm
: lOtlDB!!!
Braat tall w prwan M IS. WISSLOW
Tbra ealnabia perparat Ub haa heaw wrad urfth B KYEB
It art wuly ralirtw* th* <*l<i from t:o. but iyoe
d ,0m the manrt and hwwnl* rawawetw acidigr. aad tyo
ir mm and energy to tho whola aytlrm. it will also ia-
(irlptna la the Bowels aad Wtad Cwlte.
'• W. be'.*,* It the BEST aad SUREST RFMRDT Pf
- THE WUBLIt, la all cam f UVSI XTFRY A3D
IIIAKKIIKA IX < IIILDBEX. whether artaiag ma
L teelbuac or any other nana*
r. Uepwod upon Ik rail here. It atlll gtaw ml to luurwataua
- aad .
Relief aad UraHk to Torar latraaSa,
Be aor* aad call lor
"Mr* Wlaalww'a Sorathlag lyrey."
Itaain* tho tae-mmilo oA~OCBTIB A FERE IKS'
n OB the outside wrapper.
4 "old hy|Bi thraraahorat the W.rM.
Hone bent ia e B&loiMgßed L Bern.
1 TUB ffleai Field ofAaeril
Healthful Climate, Free Homes,
Good Market f ,
Kit A II offor* (or wb iu Lull In Central aad
Writer* Mlwtaeootw. roibraciug : L Tha boot of
Wheal Unit : 2. Excellent T.mber for th* Mill, tho
Kara and tbe Fire ; X Rich Prairie Paeturagr aad Sat
nral Meadow, watered by clear Lake# and runnm*
-• ..-n.—ta a Healthful Climate. wAara Imm aad dpuah
H I U ur!l.w can b shipped bance b, lake te market **
a cbaatdy as rrom Kaatera lowa or Central Illioot* Car#
a I now run through tbeaa Land, from take SuMrtor to
Dakota, price of land cloco to track. gt-tO to it ® pur
, I acre : further away, io Sets Karen 1 *wra*
Credit I Warrantee tbrada: Northern Pajifte 1-M
l Kpnda. now aellinx at r. recaired for land at sl.lO.
- No other unoccupied LaaJi present aocu adranUgw to
srttier* _ „
HOI.DI ERH nrdar the New Law (March. IST3) get
ISO acre, FREE, near th* railroad, fay oca and tw*
RAY'INI furnished from all principal points gBt to
purchaeera of llailro id Land,, aad to battler* on Uoe
crniuent Houiertead* Purehaaer* their wire# and
childrea carried free oaar th* Nortlivrn PamSe Road.
Now i, the tunc tor baUlara and CMonraa to ot Rail
road Land* and Govwrnmaat Homosteada close to Urn
Send for Taaaphlot containing full information,
map and oopr ot New lloaieatead Law. Artriraaa
Northern Pacific Railroad,
St. PAUL, Minn., or
23 Fifth Avenue, cor. Wh Si K. T,