The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 27, 1872, Image 2

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    g- . ■"
Centre Hall, Pa., Sept 20,'72
TIRMS.—The RaroaTaa is publish
weeklv at $2 P<w year, 1" advance, or SAW
when not paid in advance, lor sis month*
half these rates.
Advertisement* SI,W per square lien
lines) (or three insertion. Advertisement*
for St, 6 and IS month*, at reduced rates.
kwy person ponding u th* of* lN
B6W luWriboir, with fthc*>h,\\m ro
ceivo the lUroHTKK one year free.
For President
For Yico Prcsideut
Kdgar Cowan, of Westmoreland.
George W. Skinner, of Franklin.
Setden Marvin, of Erie.
John S. Miller, of Huntingdon.
S. Gross Fry, of Philadelphia.
1 Thorn. J. Barger. 13 D. Lowenberg.
2S. D. Anderson. 14 J. M'Knight.
8 John Moffat. 15 Henry \\ elah.
4 Geo. R. Berrell. 14 Hen. J. Stable,
f, Not agreed upon. IT R. W. Christie,
ft Isaiah B. Houpt IS \\'m. F. Logan.
*" Samuel A. Oyer. 10 Rassela* Brown,
"s Jesse G. Uawley. A) F. M. Robinson.
9 H. B. Swarr. 21 J. R. Molten.
10 B. ReiUy. 22 T. H. Stevenson.
11 John Kunkle. 125 John B. Bard.
12 P. W. Gunster. |24 Geo. W. Miller
For Governor —Chas* R, BCCKALKW.
Supreme Judge —JAMES THOMPSON.
Auditor General —\\ M. HAKTLKY.
ibugreMmen at Large:
Jas. 11. Hopkins | Rich'd. Vaux |H.
R. Wright* at Large to Oynstitntutttl t'f
vent ion :
Jeremiah S. Black, (. \V. WISHUATJ,
Wrn. Higler, Wm. . llaet,
Wm. U. Smith. T. K. Gowan
John 11. Campbell, S. H. Reynolds,
James KllU, S. C. T. Dxld.
George M. Dallas, K. A. Lamberton.
A. A. Purman, Wm. LCorbett.
Constitutional Delegates,
JOHN M. BAILEY, of Huntingdon.
Assembly—JOHN H. OR VIS.
Prothonotary—AAEON WILLIAMS.
Recorder—lSßAEL J. GRENOBLE.
Sheriff—BENJ. F. SHAFEIt.
Commissitsner— AUSTIN HINTON.
Coroner —P. S. FISHER.
" The 0 Million Steal
has always met with bitter opposition
from Jno. H. Orvis, hence he can bo
relied upon to oppose the measure,
with all his ability, as a member of the
Mr. Orvis is pledged to oppose
taking of the 9 million from the sink
ing fund.
Taxpayers bear this in iniud, and
v ote for Mr. Orvis.
Tho Bellefonte Republican
is dishing up an old, spoiled stew,
and thinks to scare votes against Or
vis on the Library Bill, when evc
•rybody knows that Mr. Orvis does
not care whether there is a law libra
ry or not, having repeatedly declared
that if the people wished it they might
have it, if not, not. That old stew
didn't worb _before, and a rehash will
be of leas account now aince the peo
ple understand that matter so well.
Don't Cut.
Democrats don't be led into cutting
Benj. Shafer by radical falsehoods and
triks. There is not a worthier man
upon our ticket, or one so deserv
ing every democratic vote as well as'
* the vote of every other honest man.
The Nine Million.
The nine million steal is a radical
measure to tob the sinking fand of its
securities. Mr. Orvis is the known
enemy of the 9 million steal an i is
therefore the proper man to vote for '
for Assembly.
John H. Orris.
Who stood by the democratic parly
in time of trial, and raised his power- 1
ful voice in behalf of her imperish
able principles, and exposed the wick
edness of radicalism and tore their
sophistries to shrcads in this county ? j
It was John If. Orvis. Democrat-,.
stand by Jno. H. Orvis now, as oar
nominee for the Legislature. He de
serves your wannest support. The
democracy of Centre county owe Mr. I
Orvis a debt of gratitude for his fear
less defense of its principles iu times
Henry Sherwood.
What can the moet bitter radical 1
say against Hon. Henry Sherwood,
who has been nominated for re-elec
tion to Congress? All admit, that he
was an honest and faithful represen- i
tative. Then why not re-elect him, 1
when we discover that we have an
honest and reliable man ? (
Mr. Sherwood's name is not connect
ed with the Washington ring. He i
has not been found associated with the '
plunderers. He has stood by the true '
interests of his constituents and the '
people in general.
Then, honest voters of the 18th di- -
trict, why not re-elect him. Look ut -
his record. The radical press and 1
speakers have not yet found a bad
vote there ; if be bad not been a true ;
and faithful servant, his errors would J
have been pointed out long ago. J
There is not even a small one they can -
find which to magnify.
Then, honest voters, go for Henry :
Sherwood, in October. You know
what he iß—bis opponent, Mr. Ross, i- s
untried, and therefore you must take '
him with doubts.
Go for Sherwood, and show your up- *
preciation of a good, tried, and faith- ]
ful servant. 1
• ♦ ♦
Benj. Shafer.
The JBellefonte Republican is giv< u
to ridiculing Benj. Shafer. Mr. Shafer
is a better man, ten times, than theed- J,
itor of tho Republican, and will get i
the support of every democrat and t!
honest republican. Votes cannot be il
made for Levi Miller by abusing Bon r;
Shafer; Mr. Shafer is too well known t
to the people, and a man of better h
character, and better qualified for the
office of sheriff ia not to be found. 1 b
"Deai* Wrkes."
' Dear Yerkes," is the manner in
w lioh llartranft add re. Ed Yerkes,
when they wore in cahoot, speculating
with the state fundi-, until "dear Yer
k<" got iulo the penitentiary, while
I inrtranft, just as guilty was nomina-
I ted for governor by the rnda.
Addition, Division
and Silence.
K ruble and llartranft had Evans
rorom mended to settle the state
clftints, because he understands "addi
ton division and silence."
Addition was to add up at the rate
<>f ten per cent, to the amount of sev
eral hundred thousand dollars, of
which the statu was robbed.
"Division," meant tho division of
this plunder among II art ran ft, Canto
rou and Kenihlo, and
"Silence" meant that never a word
would be said about the gigantic
The ft Million
The 0 million scheme is oue of
Ha; trauft's schemes to rob the sinking
fund f i the benefit of railroad corpo
rnti us.' liuckalevf opposed it all along
in the senate, and will veto the bill if
pa- d. llartranft of course would sign
"Takes the Starcl
Bight Gut."
'■" lakes the Starch right out," is
what llartramt wrote to Calhoun,
alien the latter operated in oil with
state funds, furnished by Hartranft,
and when some of their schemes of
speculation were declared illegal by
the attorney general—which "took the
starch right out."
HAKRISIU so, March 9, 1870.
1 ! KUI YKKR: Buy 'AS SOON • P-Mi
tle 100 >luires of Oil Oivk and Allegheny
\ ■ ) Railroad, and then have my ac
count. or rather hn*e an extract isade from
my recount, so that 1 can see the exact
loss i have sustained on Oil Creek. Let
mehuvc them as soon s you can conveni
ently. The Alt uy-lh'ii. ha* given a deeis
iii .'.j -, >( ai- * trU xent on Oil (rrck,
trhir f rli - t/. f-lure A right oaf. 1 don't
know whnt to ,AY about Oil Creek M * fu
ture inviSUuent I think the chances are
that it wiil sjo uji ; but everything else
ii dnHping, but little else can DO cxyiocted
froi i Oil C reek. What do yon think of
gold ? Yours,
J. F liiKTtuor
This $8,700 was pension money he
longing to widows and orphans of sol
diers who lost their lives on the bat
tle licld. Hartranft took the money
lor his own private speculation, with
holding it all the while from the
Auditor General"* Office. Harritburg,
December 21, 1871.—Dear l'arkes! Cal
houn telegraphed to me to-day (or wonev
ind had to give a chock for $8,7000. which j
be will present to you to-morrow ('J2d|. I
car.not avoid this. 1 met Mackey here on
Monday. He went west in the afternoon,
and will net return until Monday. I did
not like to ak him again, but I did not ]
think Calhoun would want any money o !
soon. I will sco you oo Saturday, and
whatever you want 1 will do. I will meet |
Mackev here on Monday, and whatever is 1
necessary I will ask hiin to do.
P. S.—Will lift Calhoun's check on Sat
urday, and giro you certificate of deposit !
to that amount. J, H. F. j
Will They Speak.
Day goes by after day, and we have
no word of explanation from the meu
whoso names stand recorded as bribe
takers. as hucksters of votes, as dishon
est and dishonorable public servants,
in the following list of persons whom
Mr. Oakes Ames, member of Congress
and Director of the Credit Mobilier of
America, avers that he bought up to
secure the passage through Congress
of such measures as he wished made
| Blaine, of Maine ] 3,000
Patterson, of New Hampshire... 3,0W
1 Wilson, Massachusetts 2,000
' Painter (Rep** for Quigley 3,000
S. Colfax, Speaker 2,000
| Schofield and Kcllcy, Pa., each 2,000
Eliot Massachusetts 3,000
Dawes, Massachusetts 2,000
; Fowler, Tennessee 2,000
Boutwell, Massachusetts 2,000
Bingham and Garfield, (>., each 2,000
Indorsed: Oakes Ames, Jan., 30,1868.
This list, be it remembered, was
drawn up by a republican member of
! Congress from Massachussetts. 11 had
no political intent. "It meant busi
necs," only, it comes to the public
eye now ouly through a lawsuit be
tween one of the capitalists of the
Credit Mobilier, Colouel McCorah,
and the Credit Mobiler. It is only
the doorway of the cave of the Forty
Thieves, too, not tho whole cave. But
it i 3 open, and the whole cave will be
explored. Meanwhile, before the
torches are carried in,
Will these men speak ?
They are charged by this list with
dishonor and dishonesty. Their si
lence is convicting them. One of
these men is a candidate for the high
office of Vice-President of the United
States, Henry Wilson, of Massachu
setts, convicted already by your own
words of equivocation and'false witness
you uow stand charged by Oakes
Ames, a man of your own State and
your own party, with bribery and cor
ruption ! Will you plead guilty to the
Another of these men is the actual
Secretary of the Treasury. Under a
President whose own hands and life
were pure he would a week ago have
been called to choose between disprov
ing the accusation now ihsiined upon
hint and resigning his coutrol of Jbe
national purse.
Geo. S. Boutwell, of Mussachu
settes convicted already by your own
acts of deserting your official duties to
engineer the re-election of your chief,
you now stand charged by Gffkes
Ames, a man of your own State and
your own party, with bribery and cor
ruption ! Will you plead guilty to the
charge ?
After you, the rest.— World.
n —.—
The Titusville Courier truly re
marks that Ilartranft lobbied for the
nino million bill, Harrison Allen vo
ted lbr it, the Cameron ring, including
the Hnrrisburg Tcllegraph, supported
it. Yet the ring champions of Hart
ranftnow have tho brassiness of check
to assert that tho nino million bill will
!>c revived by Mr. liuckalew's election.
£uch recklessness indicates cousidera
jdej>anic in the camp of the ring.
llart muff UrlbliiK Yorkos with a
Promise of Pardon to Declare
Ills Affidavits Forgeries.
A Philadelphia correspondent of
the World Myi the HnrtmniYCniner
on managers, becoming necessarily
alarmed in regard to the overwhelm*
ing defeat in October of their guber
natorial candidate, have been n-rious
lv considering what is the best course
to break the demoralising cflcet of the
Ycrkcs affidavit, which charged that
"on the 10th day of December, 1870,
he (Y'erkcs) did pay to John F. Ilart
raufl $2,700 as his share of the profit*
arising from the sale of State loaus to
the Sinking Fund Commissioners."
The result of the deliberation was that
it was ordered that the affidavits must
be pronounced forgeries, ainPiu order
to make the thing work smoothly it
also became necessary to seal the lijw
of Y'erkcs a hermetically as his cor
pus is "bottled up" in the cemented
cells of Cherry Hill. Ycrkee was vis
ited iu his prison cell
now undergoing u two years' impris
onment for dealing with the public
fuuds of the city precisely as he dealt
with the ftinds of the Stale), and was
ltd to belitve that all fttrthcr hope of
pardon from Geary must he abandon*
c*l, and lhat as Buckalew had public
ly declared himself hostile to opeuing
the prisou doors of felons, his only
hope was in the election of liurtrunft
who, th-y stated to Y'erkcs, would
be elected by 25,000 majority.
He was further informed that if he
would by implication lead the public
to believe that be never had such deal
ings with Hartranft, as alleged, or de
ov that be ever made the allegation
credited to him, his pardon would cer
taiuly be granted within ten days from
the date of liartranfl's inauguration
as Governor of the Commonwealth.
As drowning men catch at straws, it
is scarcely doubted that this last hope
of sucpor held out was eagerly clutch
ed by Y'erkes, with ii much earnest
ness that the only ring journal iu the
citv was emboldened to come out iu
dcuial of the affidavits, and to openly
proci:::{ them a forgeries. As boom
erangs had to b* abandoned because
they did more mischief btpkvards
than otherwise, so the last invention
of the Mackey-llurtraufl managers
w*ll return to plauge the inventors.
Harlratift luterroiratories
One of tin) WJft curious features of
the political couthct cf thi Jay of
ours is that, iu u local canvass in the
neighboring state of Pennsylvania,
the prass of New York is steadily and
resolutely lalxoiug iu the cause of re
form, while the local republican press
of Penusvlvauia's capital, with a sin
gle exception, has not a word to say.
Yet even io this abstinence there is a
marked distinction. Take for exam
ple the administration organs iu Phil
adelphia. There is there, as every
where, reputable aJ d'sreputable
journalism. We, of course, have *lO j
idea of specifying, but assume this
fact. Disreputable, uuintluential
journalism sustains Jlnrtraufl and his
accomplices in all their deeds of
wrong, and decs it boldlr. Th* l P° r '
lion of the press which is rcsnecUblo,l
professes what may be termed federal
allegiance, adhesion to the administra
tion, and is disiucliued to do anything
whi -h may seem to thwart its views ; j
givea a shame-faccd, half-hearted sup
port to the Hartranlt cause, and, de
fending it ou one really immaterial!
point, passes over all that is vulncra-;
hie, and conceals the actual sore which j
is so foully purulent. Take for exam
pie what may be termed the leading ■
business journal of Philadelphia, the
North American, for which, from long
and friendly sympathy, we can say no
word but of respect. In its columns,
all that is rcfered to iu defense is tho
relatively mild swiudlc of the Evaus
war claim, but not a word al>out the i
Ycrkes combination. The Evans
case, being yet involved in mystery, j
admits of a timid advocacy, although :
tho fact is very patent that in it Hart-1
ranft refused to give up the vouchers !
- ■ out of which tbe fraud grow (if fraud
* there be) until byway oi loan be re
■ ceived from Evans aome $7,000 or
): $7,-">00, which was repaid. It has an
) ugly look, but is not so very bad that
11 tto Jforth American cannot make
> some sort of apology for it. Not ts>
>; the "Yerkes-liartranft-Mnckejr' case.
I j That is too bad and to plain sophistry, |
I and hence on this tiie North Ancri-j
i 1 can, obeying its instincts of decorum,
i is as silent as the grave. It won't in- !
II suit its respectable readers by a de
i fense mi what is indefensible, and
heuce, on this head, is dumb. Now it
occurs to us that such au abnegation
' of duty is hardly reconcilable with
I either strict morality or with what is
' due to the graat business interests
which such a journal justly claims to
represent. Philadelphia cannot af
ford to endure the tyrany of notorious
ly dishonest ineu at Ilnrrisburg, with
no other compensation than the feeble 1
rays of favor which a federal adminis
tration is supposed to shed on it. We
claim for our community—we mean
our busiucss community —no special \
moral prc-cminencc, but it is too wise
ly selfish to fall into nn error like this.
Sure are we that while it would be ut- -
terly impossible that speh a certified ,
malfeasor as Hartranft could be nomi- <
natcd as governor of New York by 1
any party; yet if he were, there would ,
be universal revolt among the business i
incn of the metropolis, und no newspa- j
per, however influential or heretofore ,
respectable, would venture to elude or I
defy it. In such uu omenjency, help 1
and knowldego frotn n distance would i!
not, as in Philadelphia, be needed. <
Deeply interested as we confess our- '
selves to bo in tho great cause of poli- j
tical pud economical reform every- i
where, and uowhere more so that in a *
community where we boast of many j
friends, we now venture ou a rtopyatic t
experiment in politics, and address to '
The Philadelphia North American, '
and through it to the men of business (
it represents, a few precise intcrrogato- '
riee, pledging ourselves to publish any J
categorical answer uud fjtoro any re* t
sponsible quarter, may be given, [for t
facility of reference, we number tho [
questions of our catechism. t
J. Is the practice of the Mackey t 1
HariiauA ring legitimate of leadiug '
the cast) assets of the treasury — c
umouuting to millions—Jx) unknown e
bankers and brokers, some of whom,"
are bankrupt, and one of whom is a ,'j
convict? S
2 Do men of business —the faithful
executors of public and private trusts n
—approve of tho nudifnr general and f<
state treasurer purchasing state socuri- j) (
ties at a depreciation and selling them
to the sinking fund at nil advance, w
they and their broker sharing the dif- b
fcrenoe as their profits ? y
3 Did the state treasurer, immedi- m
ately before his election tho scconp
iiuo, borrow for hi* election the sec- |
>ud lime, borrow lor his private usei
rum olio of tho stale ihqiositorieH s2o,'
)00, nnd uftcrwanl repay it by N treas- 1
iry draft on tlio public funds? If yen, '
s this approved of? I
4 Is il not ti badge ol fraud tlml till (
:he account* between the broker (eluctf! (
aouvict) and the liltaucial otliccrs of
the statu were kept either in fictitious '
Denies or, whet if equivalent, in re- i
veined initials?
5 U it consistent with the proper
discharge ot duty for accounting otli
oers with small *alarii* to speculate to
enormous amounts in slock* during
their whole term of ofliue —Maekey to
the eiuount of $140,000 in two month*
end llartranft of SOMI,OOO in lese than
two veers?
0 Is it part of the fuuetion of a Ouu-
Iroller or auditor general to use ofli
cud information for eudi of private
gain—to claim taxation on corporate
capital ui oruer to depress the slock,
end, that failing, to speculate on a
rise, as llartranft did iu the case ofthe
Oil Creek inilroad?
7 Was or nn- not the fraud on the
city treasury of which Mercer aud
Yerkes have been convicted facilita
ted, if not promoted, by the counte
nance given by tho state authorities 7
and did it not result iu deficit iu the
statu treasury which, if at all, was
made up from outside resources?
8 Oid n d Maekey aud llartranft
recommend the pardon of i hnrles 1.
Yerket, leaving tho victim of Manor
without iuterce-sion ? and has not the
pardon thus far been refused, while as
so?sius of ri venue collectors have been
discharged wilaout stint ?
9 Is not the refusal of the govern
or to pardon these nurties a concession
to an aroused public opiuiuu, which
condemns the whole transaction and
all the parties to it — principal* and ac
cessories—those convicted and those at
liberty ?
10 Will not the election of John F.
HartrauA as a governor of Pcnneylva
oia be regarded as au approval of
these acts of w roug, and bo palpably
injurious to tho crednt and character
ol tho state f
11 Iu couelusiou, if these questions
there is an assumption of any matter
of fact which either doca not exist or
is overstated, the respondents are lagg
ed to point it out.
To make a full uud frauk answer to
these preci.e interrogatories, we now
summon the honest republican#
Peuusylvsuia. Standing mute will
be very jwrilous!—N- Y. Tribune.
Why was 11 art ran ft left out of tLe
peuiieptiary nud "Dear Ycrkca" put
in—the first having gpilf tbap
the latter ? Wo should like to know,
Why should "Dear Yerkes" be put
iu limbo aud llartranft iu the govern
or's chair 7 Wo should like to ki.ow,
♦ ♦ ——■
TliJ (ioueyu Court of Arbitration
ruet at half-past twelve ou 14th, whip
Count Bclop'is, President of the Court,
formally announced that tho sum
awardid to the United States was sls
- in gold. Count Sclopis was
nppiaujed wiicu he concluded, and at
the adjournuient of the fJourr twenty
two guns were fired in honor of tl-$
closing of their labors. According to
the treaty tbo amount in payable iu
Washington withiu one year frotn the
date of the award. The Loudou
i iiutc. u win cwu
| Dent to |v thil suru'fb improve th.
■ law of the nation*."
BUUKALEW, At the Courthouse on Met
urday cvening, 2m.
letters From India
No one who is at nt! arquaiaL-J pit!
' English history, cn help but feel a aiusl
absorbing int*rol in the wild. weird histo
ry of tho Tower of London. It is a plc<
fraught with horror, and oderou* ofblooJ
and dealt,. J retjiember that when a boti
at home, I spent the tong winWT oyeningi
pouring over it* Moody mwiftU, lii#l k
strange undefined feeling of leer tu
creep over me oven in the midst of the en
tire ramilv. And the loeling had nut al
together "left me when on that dismal,
tnurky morning, I walked dywn over Tow
er Hill, and th.- hoary walU o( tho grim
old forlres.- ro-j before me. Dark shad
ow! of tho past enshroud that gloomy fab
ric. Within those walls scene# hava bee:,
enacted whose bare recital fill the haart
with gw,|-aue us to look fifrtively around
AS if gome ccret danger threatened u*. '
Its history dates back to Wie U;ne'of th
yisifiisftfi ftnauc*i; ilit Pf r hiUj
Towcr.haviiigbejin erected by William iho
Conqueror. The warlike Hajens though
vanquished by the irrei*lablo jower pf the
Conqueror, still exhibited such irreconeil.
able hostility to his iron rule, that hie poli
cy led fhim to provide some stronghold
adapted at once to shelter himself and to
awe Uie rebellious. The maasivegianduer
of tho strucUrc e.eutcd by the invincible
old Merman nt:- J L w,JI to accomplish
theso ends. '
On entering the visitor is taken charge
of bv an old veteran dressad in very quaint
livery of a bv gone age. who conducts yau
through tbc 'interior and point* out and ex
plains the different obiocU of interest. It
is said thai iLpae guides or wardens were
anciently tho idnte of the constable of
the Power, employed by hilti jk VSfch the
prisoners and guard tho feats* ;|
but through the influence of the
good Duke of Somerset, as a reward for
their, to him, whilst a prisoner
in the Tower, tboy wro appointed eitraor
dinary yeomen of the guard and thgy have
ever since worn the livery of thai body
whicli wns instituted by llenry V 11. Tho
honor of tho appointment is generally be
stowed on veterans who hgve distinguished
themselves in their country's ssrvipe.
Guided by tho old son o< Mars, you thread
your way through tho gloomy old pile.
One oftlio first apartments into which
vou aro conducted is known as "Rueen
Elizabeth's Armory." It is filled with ar
mor worn during the period of her reign.
On one side ofthe room is a doorway com
municating with a cell ten feot by eight
and febeivjng no light hut from the nar
row entrance. That Utile all you arc
told, was br twelve yoaVs the pr>>>n of
Sir Walter Kaloigh and that bore bo w)fite
his History oftlio World. From out that
narrow aperture, thon, there has flashed a
light that has shono around tho cilcloof
the sun, and that shall continue to Maze
and glow, when the bloody tyrant, who,
though he knew it not, placed the crown
of martyrdqip upon the brow or Raleigh,
shall have sunk into tne eternal oblivion
ihnl hu merited. I groped fny; w*y into
the damp, unwholesome dungeon
reverent! v with -something Pf !-'•
reeling with which I havo stood at the re
puted sepulcbcr ol that divine martyr,
by whose martyrdom, all martyrdom like
Ibis is sanctified. In the centro of the
room is a stand with various instru
liiehU oi torture. Terrible things tbey
ire. I fail |Z>uttdcraMnd tho tasto which
I'urades theso horrib!/"RV**c,Uvc Ir.stru
nents of infernal cruelty tu tM 'Piwlio
raze. Hotter sink thoni in a hundred
fathom- of water, and forget If wo eat), for
he honor of our race, that thoie evor were
apings bearing tho divine image capable
if using tb'-rn. Here also is tho original
icadTfig ajre ami block* with the marks of
hp axe in it. f)nc • the most i;:t'-resting
>laco-mournfully mt'oraitiiig, 1 mean, is
ho Boautfhuinp Tower- Hero, oh count
►fits greater security probably, wpro in
carcerated tho most important statu prison-,
irs. The walls are covered with names
ijid devices cut into the hard rock by for-
Ducr prisoners. probably to beguile the to
liuin ofthcir Jo.ig confinement. Oyer tho ,
ire-place is llib' fojiowi/ig inscription : ,
'The inure suffering tof .Ohrlst ffi (Jus. (
rorld, the mora gi ory yyjth (JUrfat jn lliti i
ext." Arundolf JunoSfif, I&B7, Thispn- ,
ortunate nobleman was Philip ifowsfJ, ,
on of the Duke of Norfolk who was bo- <
cadcd for aspiring to marry Mary, Ouoen j
f Hcots. Near it is the wordlANK, ,
hii'h is believed to be tho royal title of ,
>ady Jane Orcy. ft Is supposed that it t
us tho husband of L*(Jy Jane, l*ord ,
uildford Dudley, who thus tfi&eij jhe [
atno so sacred to him. ° L
(Letter V. continued next week.)
tftiMMTiilK. Nlnuil l3 Yonr Ticket.! r
Our iioiuimm fr the October el#o- *•'
ion ttro all men worthy tlio tuppon
fnn honiHit, ('hrUliiß people. From
tuckalew Mown to the taut tiituie,
here in not u man upon whoaa char "'j
ieUr a stain can UJ found. IK mo- l
'rata, wo are proud of itudijtoblo
touiiuwa. **'
Our noble county ticket, UJMIU it T,
ho in-sl nml parrot men of Centre **
,<out<ty are to he found just eo the
trray :
Mult It I SON. J j
Sit A FK It. C
• ♦ • II
Gov. Curliir
The follow iog letter set* at rest all *
tloubta about tho position of ,
Governor Curt in. llero where ovo- '
rybody is hia earnest friend, except
the Cameron*, who hate him, the ,
new aw ill add huudred* of vote* to I
the ticket which mean* "down with t
the ring*." A* was expected, th< *
name wu<l iutlueuco of the great war •
governor, who is eudtarod to the |JCO- .
pie of Pennsylvania, cannot bo lent to [
the supjMirt of the mmt corrupt men i
that ever ran for office iu this state. |
All honor to the "Soldier's Friend," <
who will help the jieople in their of- [
loits to throw off tho voke of the j
Catnerou*. <
It}, 1^72. (tea. If. Jnin, Etq., — I>tar ,
Sir : Governor Curtln'a nomination i
by the liberal committee was made J
with hia distinct approval, had some ,
'days before ; and as soon as be is able <
;to write at all he will formally accept J
defining his jkoaitiou iu a manner ,
most favorable to the liberals of the 1
Slate. He will not be well enough, I (
fear, to take the stump. A dispatch |
from his family, received this morning 1
| says that ho is improving.
Yours, dec., A. K. M'CLIRE. ,
ltEotsthY LAW. I
1 also give otficial notice to the elector* |
of Centre county, that, by an set entitled <
An Act further supplemental to the set rel- I
alive to the election* of this Common- i
wealth," approved April 17. A. I). IWP, it i
i provided a* follows : I
NEC. I Ht it rnaetrd by '.be .VRAU/C and \
//ci,l*j iti) . r i li>< ( ,<ii. >• <
ICCOF/A of < |>. tinit <,/ -l-'lfin i
Sty ■/, and 11 is brrtby mactttl by /As o- <
tkonty of tkt Kim/. That it shall be the I
duty of each of the a-*st>srs wllbiu this i
Commonwealth, on the first Monday in i
June of each year, t<> take up the tron*- 1
ript he ha received from the county Cum- |
J miaeionerv under the eight section of the <
net of fifteenth April, eighteen hundrd i
1 nnd thirty-four, ana p/ws nil an imtwedt- i
.atu rev ision of the .nnio by striking there- i
from the name of every parson who L <
kaown hy him to have died or removedJ<
•incr the last previous assessment trout th<- I
district of which he Is the assessor, or
whose death or removal front the sameji
thjjll be niado know nto hint, and add to I
Ithraamo itw nume of u;.y .calified voter i
who shall be knutrn bymmid have movo-|<
. d Into the district since the Ust previous I
! assessment*. uf who*e removal into the <
-awe shall have baen made known to bim. 1
and also the name* of all who shall make 1
• iaiiu to him to be qnalifie t voters therein. <
As soon a* this revision is completed he •
j- a I MHIVI BI inn m iiin i rniMjiiw a n<
l 3 -hall vhit every dwelling house in hisdi-
I irfct. and tuaku baleful inquiry if any per
on whoso name Is on his list hat diad
i -rmors.l from the district, and if so. l<
t- take the same therefrom, or whether an)
qualified voter reside, therein w hose nam.
I- it not on hit list, and if so, to add thensn..
j thereto; and in all casos where a name i
it add.d to the list a tat shall forthwith b.
I aVsasSoil s gwir,s|" U... p. rt i,. ku-i ;iiv S.H..
t->or shall in all cae asoertnitl, by Inquiry
uuon what ground the person so asse>s<-.
j claims to be a voter. Vp- -n the compil
ation of the work, it shall be the dutv .
, each assessor as aforesaid to proceed l<
make out a list in alphabetical order,
the white freemen above twenty-one yean
of claiming to bo qualified vipers ir
tne ward. b-Toogh U>widJ.ij) or district <v
wliich ho is the assess..r, and opposite Oacl.
of said names state whether said frecmat
uor is not a housekce|Hir; and if he is. tlx
b number of its rasidenae, in towns where
> i | the same ore i,..u;Li-rc<l. with tho street, a!-
icy or court in which situated anJ if in a
o town where there are no numbers, tlx
d name ofthe street, alley or court on which
V -aid house fronts; also the occupation ol
; the person, and where be is not a boim-
Ujkcafou. thP <> Cfupftion, place of boarding
0 and with whom. nd if working fur anolb
or, the name of the employer, and write
I-[opposite each of said names the word "vo
'. tor;" where any persan claims to vote by
-i reason of naturalization, he shall exhibit
11 i his certificate thereof to the assessor, unless
• I ho has been for five consecutive years next
"[preceding a voter in said district; and in
r ' J a!l cases where the person has been natur
) alixed the numo shall be marked with the
' letter "N ;" where the person has merely
declared his hiUntidfti i<> 1 ecomc a olti^e.i
• I and designs to be naturalized befote the
"j nail election, tho name shall be marked
p. "I). I.vhnro tho claim is to vote by rea
h son of being bptgecq the agp* -if twor.ty
" one and twenty-two as provided by law.
■ the ward ' age" shall be onlerco ; and i( a
" person ha* moved into (lie election district
' j to reside since the lost general election, the
3 letter "R" shall bo placed opposite the
r ! name. It shall be tho futher duly of each
" as-esor as aforesaid, uimn the completion
1 1 of the duties heroin imposed, to make out
' a separate list of all now assessment* made
by hi/-., and the amount assessed upon each
1 ami luiiilnh thoyumo immediately to the
1 county commu* KAAi,' Wiu> sj.all add the
■ names to tax duplicato of tho ward, I>OI.
1 ough, township or district in which they
• have boon assessed.
H'. 2. On the list being completed nnd
tkv made as aforesaid, it shall
, forthwith bo rolwrned U tho cunly com
■ mission. -r,, who ahull ckuso dupljcate cop
. ies of said lists, with tho bbservaUon and
. explanations required to be not.-.l a, af- r. -
► j said, to be mado but as soon as practicable
• and placed in tho hand.- of tbc assessor,
, who/ shall piior to the first of August in
. each year, nut ono copy therooi on the
| door or on the house where olcctiqn of tho
respoctivo district is required to behold,
I amf rnMlin tho other in his possession, for
th a ii.spoction, frpo of phnrgp of any per
son residing in tho said election district
[ who shall desire to sec the samo) and it
. shall be the duty of tho said assessor to add
from time to time, on tho personal upplicn
tion of an- one claiming tho right to vote,
tho name of such applicant, and mark op
' posite each name "C. N." and immediate
, ly assess him with a tax, noting, nt in all
' other cases, his occupation, residence,
j whether a bo..rdar or hwuaekeepcr; if a
boarder, with whom he, .;ni
whether naturalized or deaignptl to bc.i
• marking In all such cusps tho luUers oppo
site the name, "N," or "D. I." as lb* lUMO
may be. If tho person claiming to be as
sessed ho naturalized, heshull exhibittothc
assessor bis certificate of naturalization;
and if lie claims that he detings to be nat
uralized before tho nezt ensuing election,
he shall exhibit tho certificate of his decla
ration b( intentiof !lu ii caaus w'.irrc nny
ward, bqrdpgh. township or ohmtioii dis
trict It divided jfltq t*d qr morO firoclncU,
the assessor shall IIUU la all IJIJ |sCssjt)ents
tho election precinct in which ouvh 010. tor
reside and shall make a separate return
for each to the county commissioners, in
all cases in which a return is required from
him by the provisions of this act; and tho
oounty commissioners, in making dupli
i-atgoopb,* ofa'l such returns shall make
duplicate copJtt. s.eperylely ami shall furn
ish the smv to IhP assessor ;Thd wro copies,
required by this gi I bp placod qn the
doors ol or on election pla- u. up or hflfore
tho first Of August in each year, shall be
placed on the door of or PR the eloction
place in each of said precincts.
Site. y. Alio, tho nssosmonU have been
co ni ji lel ctf b/) th e tepth day pleading the
spoohd 'fucsday in
tho assessor shall 01} |h u jMoqday irtithcdi
atcly following, make a return uHitu pun
ty oonimissioners of tho names of nil per
sons assessed bs him since the return re- [
[quired to bo inudoby him by tho second
section of this act, noting opposite each !
name the observations and explanations 1
req'ujrdd to bo noted sua ufV>icsiu; and the '
coonly conl/hisdonor 'lhifll" thereupon
causa tho samw })0 nddod to the return
required by tho sooond Skpfjdb !,f this net,
nnd n full nnd correct copy thereof to be
■node, containing the names of all persons
• returned as resident tnxablos in said t
ward, borough, township, or precinct, and
furnish the same, together with the neces- }
sary ejeation blanks, to tho officers of the f
electionlu said ward, boyough, township,J,,
r prci Inrt, on or before six o'clock in the.
iwrning ul the ii'cond Tuesday iti < totobor
IIJ no wan hit!l he periiiitlod to vote at
ho election on that day whoso niino is not
I* aisiit list, union he hait make
f hi* right to vote, as hereinafter reqttir
HEe, I. • on the day of election any per*
on whose name is not on the list, and
tanning the right to Vote at iuid election,
hall produce at least one qualified voter
if ih* district a* a witness to tbo r sideline
■f the claimant in the district of which lie
daiins to ho a voter for tha period of at
al ten days next proceeding said elee
,ion ; whi> n witness shall take and sub*
icribe t written or partly written and prin
ted affidavit (o tha fact slated hy him,
which affidavit shall define clearly where;
the residence is of the person >u < laiining
l ho u voter, and the person so claiming
the right to vote shall alto take and sub
scribe a writenor partly written and part*
ly printed affidavit, stalling to lb hot of
bis knowledge and Relief, where and ulisn
be was b in: that be is a ciliaei of Un
common wealth of Pennsylvania and of
the I'nitcd Hiatus • that be has resided in
the Commonwealth one year, or if former
ly a citiacn therein, and ha* tnov< d there
from, that he he* resided therein six
months next proceeding said election, that
he has not moved into the district fer tho
purjtose of voting therein j that he bos paid
a Nitiiu or county lax within two year
which wa-> assessed at least ten day* before
>sid election; and, if a naturalised citixan,
shall also slate welin, where, and by what
court he was naturalised, and fhaii also
produce his certificate of naturalisation for
examination ; the said atfi.lavit shall also
slate whep and where the tax claimed lobe
paid by the 'affidavit was assessed, and
when, where and to whom paid and the
lax receipt thereof shall be produced for
examination, unless the affidavit shall slut"
on his affidavit that it has been lost or de
stroyed, or that he never received any, hut
of the person so claiming the right to voto
shall lake and subscribe an affidavit, that
he is a native bom citixen of the United
Suit s, or if bom elsewhere, *ui< the fad
in hi- atliai.t, and shall produce evidence
that he has been naturalised, or that he is
entitled to ciUcntabip by reason of Itu fath
er s lialoralixatioii; ami : hall further stntc
ii, hi* atihlavit that ho is, at th time of
taking the affidavit, between the age of
twenty-one and twenty-two yoat , that he
hat ti-sid<>d in tho State one year and in
olovlion district t u days next proceeding
such election, he shall be alluwi j to vot ,
although he shall not have paid taxes ; Un
said affidavit of all persons making such
claims, and the affidavit of the witness to
their residence, shall ba reserved by the
• lection board, and at the close oftb.- l< •
lion they shall be enclosed with the list of
voters, tally list, and other paper- reouircd
by law to be tilled by the return Judge
with the l'rothor,wlary, and bxll remain
on file therewith in the l'rcthon >tary'a of*
fic, subject to the' examination, as other
election nepers are; if the election ■.flkcrt
•hull find that the applicant or applicant*
possess all the legal <| lahUcalmn* of voters,
ho or thoy shall bo pcrniitiod to vote, and
the name or names shall be ad led le tho
list of U sables by the election officer*, the
word "tax., being added where the claim
ant to vote on age, the fame w.-rds being
added by theclerks in each ca-o respect
ively on the lists of person* voting at such
SEC. f>. !' thkl! U la-f„l fer ,i,y <<uali
fied citicen of the disfrict, notwiib'tundit g
the name of the proposed voter is contain
ed on the list of resident taxable-, to cbnl*
lenge the vote of such person ; wheroup n
the -aui>- proof of the right >f suffrage at is
now required by law shall b< publicly
made and acted on by the election board
and the vote admitted or rejected, ar;. r*
ding to the ttidcbcc; etery per-or. claim;
ing to to a naturalised cittaen shall he ro
qmrt-a to produce his iiaturali.-etiutt cer
tificate tit two clroUon before voting, ex*
■ cepl whore lid has boen for ten vear* con*
1 set utively a voter in the district in which
he offer- his vote: and cm the vote of such
per*on being received, it thall be thesluly
of the election officer* to write or stamp on
sui-h certificate the word "voter " with the
month *.!<! ytat, a.i<t if any tl cuon offi.
< er or officer* shall receive an..nd v< u
on tiio -atpe day, by virtue of the same
j certificate, excepting w here sons arc enti
tled to \ -He by virtue of tho naturaliaali m
•>f their fathers, they and the pers< n who
-hall offer such second Vote, Ujn so of
fending shall be guilty of a high misde
meanor. and on conviction therco/ be fi-r
--ed ut or butlu at tho discre
tion of the court, but tho tiuo shall not. x
ceed one hundred dollars in each case, nor
the imprisonment ono year; the like pun
ishment shall bo inflicted, on conviction,
<>n the officers of election who shall neg
lect or refuse to make, or cause to be ma le
M the indorsement required as atoroaid -.n
r . sgid r.: rt'iraiiutj c .UiCfatA.
;f Kxr. ti. If any election officw-r shall rs-
U) fuse or i.egliw l to require Such proofof the
y right of suffrage as is prescribed by this
law, or the law to which this is a supple
1P in en t, from any person offering U vote
i, name is not on the list of assessed
\otcr*,or whose right to vote Is chalonged
4 bv ,-..y qUulifiwd vofcr and t>nll
admit nich person to Vote with vol requir
,j ing -uch prtMif, every so offending
.. shall, uion ccnvictb.n. l> guilty of a high
f misdemeanor, ani shall bo senienced, lor
„ every Mich-ofiem-a, to pay a fine not <-x
--,f ceeiling ope hundred dollars, or to under-
go an luij.nsor.nic-m not roor.- than one
i, year, or cither or both, at the discretion of
,r the court,
U 7. Ten days proceeding > v cry ch<-
n tion for elector* of President and Vies
t . President of the United States, it shall be
„ the duty of the assessor to att< nd at the
place fixed by the law for holding thaelec
tion in .-ach election district, an lihen and
~ there hoar all application* of per--, ns
1, whose names hav# been omitted fnn the
,f list of assessed voter*, and who claim the
.. right to vote . or whose rights have origi
g natcl since the same was made out, and
j*h,all add the name, of *uch per.-ons theee
„ to, as than liiow thai they are entitled to
tberighl of suffrage in uch district, on the
y, personal application of the claimant only,
; and forthwith* them with the prop
.cr tax. After completing tho list, a copy
l thereof -hall bo placed on the door of. or
„ ,on tho house where the election is t be
. held, at least eight days before the ob-c
--lion and at the election the same course
v shall be punned, in all respect* a* i rrqui
,,' red by this act and the acG to which it is a
r. suplemi-nt, at the general elections in Oc
j tomr. Th> io*tsor shall also make the
. saitie returns to tho county commissioner*
. of all assessment* made by virtue of this
Junction: and the goqnty commhsionert
„ shall furnish copies thereof to the election
i officer* in each district, in like manner, in]
s all respects, a* is required at the general
. election in Octobor.
, BKC. P. Tho same rule* and regulation*
, shall apply at every special election, and
t every s.-perale city, borough or ward eloc
, lion, in all respect* at at the general elec
, tion in dctober.
J SEC-. 'A The respective as* -*H>rs, in
ilspoctoo and juJges of tho elections shall!
havo the power to administer oaths to !
• any |brsonselaimiiig Uic right lobe a<se-s
--ed or tho right of suffrage, r in regard to]
. [ any cither matter or thing required to be!
• done or inquired into by any of said offi
cer* under this act; and any willftil false
[ swearing by any person in relation to any
j ninfter or thing concerning which they
shall be lawfully interrogated by* any .if
[ the salil officer*■khnll be punish.-a :u pcri i
, SEC. 10. The aMcstorshall each receive
. the Mime compensation for the ncces
, sarily spent in performing the duties here
by enjoined, a* is provided by law for the
performance of their other duties, to bej
paid by tho county commissioners a* in
other casos; nnd it shall not be lawful for 1
any assessor to assess a tax agaimt any
I>erson whatever within tan da\ s n>xt |re- i
cceding the election U be held on the sec- .
ond Tuesday in October in any year, or
within ten days next Itefore any election
for oleclors or President and Vice Presi
dent of tho United States ; any \ lolation of'
this provision shall lie a ini-dvmeanor,
nnd subject the officers so offending to a
fine, on conviction, not exceeding oiiehun
idrtx. ..cllcrs, cr to imprisonment not ex-[
eeediag tiiree pioptpg, of 0.-ij. .t .j dis
cretion of the court.
BKC. 11. On tho petition of five or morel
citizens of tho county, stating under oath
that they verily believe that frauds will ho
practici d at the election about t<- bo held in
any district, it shall be the duty of tho
court of common picas of said countv, if '
in fusion, or if not, a judge thereof in' \a- 1
cation, to.appoint two Judicious sober and '
intellig.-nt citireiis pf tho county to na a* '
overseers shall bo selected froin different <
Kdilical ijjrli'es,' qilfcreThp le
ng toditn-ront parlio*, and whore both of
said inspectors belong to the .aim- political j
party, both of the overseer* shall be taken
From the opposite political party; said
overseers shall havo tho right to bo pres
ent with the ..fflcors of the election, dur
ing the whole time tho same is hold, the
vqtes i coip.te.. .nu Iho rotnrn* mado out
and signed by ofijeert, okcep *
il list of voters, if they sCo prope)); to rhnl- (
lenge any nartUff Olfi'Fina to vote, mjd in
terrogate htin and hit witness under oath,
in iegnrd> his right of suffrage at said
election, and to examluy hi* p,ll>ers pro
duced : and the officers of said election are
required lo afford to said overseers so so- !l
looted and appoifltcd every convenience •
for the "dUchnfgcof thqir dull, a and il
Sfljd flection oracefs tiiatl refuse fo permit
said overseers to bu urcsppf, and porfurni
their duties ns aforesHtd, or If they *i,al! bo
driven nwny frurn the polls by violonco nnd
intimidation, all the votes polled at such !!
election district may bo rejected by nny '
tribunal trying n contest under said elec- .
tion •.-..■Pr.wdued- That no person singing !
the petition sh*!! he appointed .an qver- 1
Bkc. 12. I f nny prothenotary, el (irk, or "
the deputy of either, or any person, shall, I
affix the seal of office to any naturalization v
paper, or permit the same to bo affixed, or p
give out, or causo or permit the same to bo
given out in blank, whereby il may bo'a
fraudulently used, or furnish a riaturalixa-
Hon certificate UJ any pel oi who dint! not
liavo been duly examined and swum in
•pea pour, in tho proeened of some of the
judges thereof, according to net of o>n-
Krc-s, or sliull md in, conitive at, or in any
way permit the |. no of any fradolent uat*
uraliaation cortifkate, he shall he guilty
<>f a high inlsdemeanor; or if any one .hall
fradulMtly use any sudi ecrtiflcato of nat
i umliaation, knowing that it was fradulent*
ly issued, or shall vote, or attempt U vote |
thereon, or If any ono shall vote or attempt'
to vole on any certificate of naturalisation
not issued UJ hl.n, he shall be guilty of a
high misdemeanor; and either orany of
the persons, their aiders or abettors, guilty
of either of the niisdetneanoti aforesaiJ,
shall, on conviction, be tine.l in a sum not
exceeding one thou und dollars, and lot*!
prisoned in tho proper penitentiary tor a
per iod not exceeding throe years.
Hac. It. Any person who <jn .>ulh or af
firmation, in or before any c mrt of ibis
Stale, or officer authorised m administer
.mths, shall, UJ procure a crrtificaUi ofpat
! u rail* Siton for himself or any other per*'
son, willfullly depone, declare or affirm'
any maUer to be fact, knowing the same
u> be false, or shall in liko manner deny
any matter to bo t*. I knowing the same to
i b# iru**, thiil! bo fullty of otrlury
and miy oortific.i# of Uumi
I in pursuant o of any suck deposition, dec
laraUon or affirmation, thall be null and
void ; and it shall be the dutv of the court
issuing the same, upon proof being made
before It, th( It fraud ule/itiy oLtainwi
|to take immediate iiieur t -# fur rocailiag
fthe same fur cancellation, and at,y person
■ Who shall vote, or attempt to *ot, on any
paper so obtained, or who -hall in any way
< aid in, coqnive at, or have any agency
i whatever in tha issue, circulation or use of
r "Aturaliasiiun certificates
* | shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor ;
end upon conviction thereof shall undergo
Wan imprisonment in tho penitentiary tor
; not more than two years, and pay a fine of
* not more than one thousand dollars, fr
! every such offence, or cither or both, at the
"• | discretion of the court.
Sec 14. Any assessor, election officer
5 1 or person appointed a* an overseer, who
shall neglect or rcfu-tsU< perform any dtt*
* ly enjoined by this get without any reason*
| ablu or logui naue, shall be subject to a
: penady oionc hunurod dollars, and if any
•assessor thai! "" any purs m n a voter
- who is not qualified, tr snail refuse to as*
t scs* any one who is qualified, he shall be
* guilty of uiisderai-anor of office, and on
'conviction be punished hy fine or impri*-
' onment, and also be subject to an action
L ' for damages by the iarty aggrieved ; and
if any person shall fraudulently alter, add
* to, detace or destroy any list of voters
| made out a* directed Ly tt.i* act, or tear
down ct remove the same from the place
' w here it has been fixed, with fraudulent
' or mischievous intent or for any inipropnr
" purpose the |K-rsoq to offending shall be
r guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on eon*
vietion shall be punished by a fine .lot ex
' cording one hundred dollars, or imprison*
!; meiit not exceeding two years, or both at
' he discretion of the court,
BEC. 1&. All elections for city, ward,
u borough, township and election officers
shah hereafter be 10-ld on the second Tues
' day ot October, subject to all provisions of j
* the laws regulating the election of inch of
' ficers not ißcon*i< pt with this act | the!
pcrsau viesud to .uch ;<stsees at that time'
shall take their places at the expiration oi j
z the terms of tho persons holding the same
at the lima of such ejection; but no elec
tion for the office ef intiior or assistant as*
1 sossor shall be held under ibis act until the
* year ene thousand eight hundred and lev*
I t nt.y
-BEC. IH At all *c< texts Uesoafter held
w under the law* of this Common wealth, the
polls shall be opene i between tho hours of
" six and seven u clock, a. m., and closed at
*' seven o'clock, p, ra.
*j SEC. 17. It shall be the duty of the Sec*
"'retary cfthe OommmiweatUi" to prepare
1 form* for alt the bl-.nk> made necessary by
1 this act, and furnish copies of the same to
' sthe county commissioners of tho several!
■ counties oi the /'utj.u,an*.oi*lih, and the;
fU.iMu.issioncrs of each county shall, as 1
* nAin a* may be ne. e.sary after receipt el
' the same, at the proper expense of tbe
county, procure and fun ish to all election
"' officers ot the election districts of their re
' sportive counties popies of such blanks,
such quantities at may be rendered neecs
' *ary for the discharge of their duties urn
"jder this art. ,
Haw. IS. *4 hat tte eitixens of this State
* : temporarily in tbe service of ibchtate gov
ernment, en clerical or other duty, and
r who do not vote where thus employed,
.hail not b thereby deprived of the right
to \ ote in their sev r*! election district, if
otherwise duly qualified.
* i
|i Wooden Pumps,
i The undersigned would respectfully call
. the attention ofihccittxent ofCcnlrecuiinty,
[ and I'ennsvalley in )>anicular, lo the fact
. that he is manufacturing
; TM£ a£S'r PUiilP,
made at noma or elsewhere. He uts nont
- hut the best material, UK WABHK.XTS THEM
■ ta give satisfat-tion, as being the tnt la*t
' ing and durable, atrXßi.-u TO TIIK OLD
' wooden pump, being arranged to let the
■ water off and prevent Ir.-ezing in w inter.
l'ine, poplar or cucumber pumps alway
-1 on haua. Hit maliriai for pumps is all
' -awed from large tisubsir, and are thus
' Secured ngai usi Checking or Crack inc.
All orders by mail promptly filled.
FIFING, made of the best material, 41
t fire inch scai.tlir.g, joined P.gether with
, coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and
wai ranted to stand any pressure required
[ for ordinary use. Price, of piping range
[ fnm 12 to 18 cent* per foot. Send orders to
Milesburg, Pa.
Rraml Opcniiig
FOR 1872.
where he has opened with a very large'
1 -lock of tho lale-t styles, both fancy and
Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni
of all kinds:
All kind* of repairing dno with neat
net* and dispatch having four good work
men at the bench. 1 am prcjuirod to do!
all kinds of custom work, fine or common.
Thankful for past favors, I hope by strict
attention to business you and everybody!
else will show Miiiling face* at ray new
ware rooms.
New Clothing Store
engaged to manage for I. L. Keizenstein,!
in the corner building, opposite lloffer's '
store, Bellofonte, has established a new
Clothing Store where the best bargains in
the county,ate offered.
$7.50 to sls for Suits or the fln- ,
est Cassimere.
ami a fall and complete assortment ofov- |
cry tL'RK i]} the lir.o of (
, i
ticiif's Furnishing Cloott* 1
all directly from their own manufactory. .
Also. 1
Jewelry, llitiehcn, dc.
They havo ongaged their old clerk, Mr. <
A. Bternborg, so well known to the people, I
and who will bo pleased to sec his old *
friends. apstf. 1
l'ieco goods of every discriptinn, sold '
low to enublo everybody to have his cloth- *
ing made to order. d
PLO\VBJ- Tho Undersigned have now
on hand a lot of tho celebrated \VAL- a
LAGK PLOWS. Persons wishing Plows -
will do well to call and see them before 1
purchasing other Plows.
augl6 Potters' Mills, Pa. a
|n* o. oxisixan. A a MVIWKtL
New Firm—New Eaterpn*.
iHuccttwof, to 0. O. DKI.VIMIIKR)
n.,hlL 5k" 1 sr* -01 *"* inform the
IhiJ IA r s*:• uk,n ebarga of
its sf '°® c rr fu, ,, Mubiuhr,,cn * * nd
l>rojt<Mo u> carry on the *nie under re
newed umpire*. ,uer T *
orlfr"' h * V " bsUMl ' • U ' J ">ake to
'\V ; ,Jr „ ,M .T lb L* •'! price.
<j um the bet /rradcr „r mat bio—
A Menu: AX 8T A rcAar,
and ay with perfect MuruncJ, Our
work Hour reference."
! Bfo-P, |ea*t f Bridge, Millbaim.
No 0 BndMriNffSoi, B*iJefonU',Pn
Hruga, ( hcwicnla,
IVrOiuter}, Fancy fioodw Ac..
Puro Wine* and Ut/uon for medical
purpura* alway* kept. may 31. 7L
0{ Bellefonte, Pa., 2
Surceeeow to lawis * WILAOX.,) >
£ U-paetfully inform the citiwm* of ft
C ICentre and other counties, that they K
< have one of the large* t and best —• ri
t~ fooled slock of Hardware to he found, ®
~r*ting of |re, Steel, Nail*. j*
H llorac Skene. Axel*. Spring Wttuo _■
.-kc-iti* and Ikx—, Complete dock ol ■
' > nrpenter tooU and builder* hard- C
•Z ware, lock*, oil*, paint*, !>**. var- £
7. m*h<w, brush—, oocuinbcrpt.tnp* and l;
Z> tubing. Lamp* af all kind*, scale*, £
jU't-ullery, 2
Pull line of saddlery and coach ma
ker* good*, wood work for buggi—
. _ and wagon*, plough*, harrow*, cuiti
y vator* and grindstone*. looking **■
3 rlutu and mirror ulate*. Picture S
i y frame* made to order. They nlao K
J have the celebrated cook stove, *?
'!/- ®very one warranted to give perfect G
ijfo utUnctioN. AH kind* of parlor .
I 2 *tove§. We are determined to sell Q
• <; at the lowe*t price* for cash, or on _
a, *hori credit—not to exceed three
~ - month*. Call and *ee u*. at w* take J
"VhSlyjisfe. g
|> u#rlstf. Bellefonte, Pa. £1
! 8"
ri; m
' =[ %
Gift & Flory's
; New Shoe Store !
1 ' They have now opened, and will co—Unl
"! ly keep on hand, a tplcndid rtock of new
'imen, women and children, from the be*t
'. mHUufactono* In the countrr, and now of
.l fcrcd at the
Lowest Prices.
1 BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon
; *hort notice. They invite the people of
' thi* vicinity to give them a call, a* they
will strive to merit a share of their pat
ronage. mylw
. "'■?
1 IHXJR bklow Horrxa'a
Dealer in
Parlor and Chamber Set*,
Particular Attention to Ordered Work.
Iu AH Its Branched,
Always on Hand, and Funerals Attended
h W'tl- n Elegant Hearse. apfof.
; Stoves! Fire! Stov's!
At Andy Reesmao's, Centre Hall, are!
rj latest and best stores out ho has just ]
received a largo lot of
Cook Stores, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PAItLORS—The Radiant Light, self-fc©-
dor, Gas Burner, National Egg,
Jewell, Ac.
ktt-He sells stoyes as LOW as anywhere
in Mifflin or Centre co. -4W
Tho undersigned hereby informs the
citisens of Pennsvalley that no has pur
chased the Tinshop heretofore carried or.
by the C. H. Mf g Co., and will continue
the same, at the cud stand, in all its branch
es, in the manufacture of
All Mndt of repairing done, fie has
Fruit Cans, of all Sites,
All work warranted and charges reason
i able. A share of the public patronage to
! iciied. AN D. 1? E KSM AN.
lisepTOy Ceutre Hall
Railroad O. K.
N E W GO 0 DS.
Herlacher & Cronmiller.
Have just received,
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard
i ware, Queensware, Wood and willow ware
; Iron, Salt, Fish and in magnilcent
assortment of everything
and now offered at prices lower than
•i ;} the lowest.
Dress Goods
A most beautiful variety, consisting of all
the norelttes of the season,
white goods, embroideries, hoop skirts,
All wo ask that vou will
silver plated and Yankee Harness double
and single, bridles and halters. Apr 1
What Next? *
A monthly Magazine for wide-awake t
boys and girla As good as the best, Pret- f,
ty as the prettiest, and cheper than the j;
ehuupiwt.SJ cents ay oar. Ms.guif.cont prizes gl
for each sfibcHbor.-find *rj)4sf opes to g
those who 'PWM. th'bs.c> ( bp, or q
send d cent stamp fur specimen. Say )
where you saw this. John B. Aldeii, j
Pu'dishor, Chicago. 111, nug3o.l2t c
• - o
tors of administration on the estate of a
George SIOVMU. ISIU ofLregg twp., dee'd.
have been granted to tho undersigned,
who request alt persons knowing them- a
solves indebted to said estate to make irn- fi
mediate payment, and those having de- "
mands against the >amo to present them ,i
duly authenticated by law for settlement
J. It. TAYLOR, ;)
auglfify. 44(pjnLtraUrs.
For sale by .
pr.29 tf. WM. J. M"MA NIGAL.
Furniture Rooms!
e*peotluily Inform* the elti*oi> . f i
county, that he h n <•;> taut !v on 1 n.d aad
make* to order, all kind* t>i
CORNER Cl'! J i :
Hon* MADS CHAIN* AITAI* * it a - ,>
11* ttcck of ready-made Furniture ili*r,
and warranted of good workmanship..
*ll FTIM'JT* under hi* Ooimiidi&(<FU) > I
•LI F mid i* OTINNK) ol role* M C!OT * clm
where. Thankful for pa*t favor*, lie *oi •
it* a continuance of tho
Call and *ee hi* *tock before porch.
elsewhere ap'.'4'O'l *
ww. n. BLAIB, ti v
Attorney* at Lau Bellefonte.
Omc , on the ltiauiond. next door to Car
man'* hotel. Centultation*ln German ot
Engl >h. feblhWf
OHN P. Pt/TTEIt, Attorney *t Law"
CoUectionpro*r.ptly mad.* !tn l •tu-cia
attention given to thoee having land* or
property for *le. Will draw up and hove
acknowledged D-el, Mortgage*. Ac. Of
Bee in the diamond, r.ortb aide of tic
court houM, BcUffoate. ecK&t&tf
Him Baorxxauorr, ai*l?ukkt.
Pnwident, Cichicr
(Late Milliken. Hoover A Co.)
And Allow In tercet,
Oifeonnt Note*,
Buy and Sc.
Government Seeurillo*, Gold ai -J
aplOOtur .lottoiii,
FAS. M MANIIK Atfomey v L<
8e1!„.—..;.,p-Jy attend*' > lt
in—* etitrated pi him. Jul;!, -. sf
D P. PORTHIY, Att"rny "*t Law
• Bellefonte, Pa. Office ovr Key
nold * baak. mayli 'i.-.f
11. *. M AiXUVXtt, JAMVA I i *% , ,
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pcnn'a. apfifoi-
IRA C. MITCHELL. AhU-u v *7 Lav
itrllefonte. Pa. Olfic* in rn . v,-
new building opp—ite the t -i.rt H- v...
n. ay 5
Heimt* en tk Admmat.
C. H. Gutelius,
Snrgwii; and Xecbaaiml Ik utis:
who U permanently located in Aaroburjc
in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Ned.
and who ha* be— practicing with entire
u<-c<* —having the experience of a numbei
of yean in the prof—eton, be would e*medi
ally invite all who have a* yet ."not giver
him a call, to do so, and tc*t the truth fuW*.
of thi* a**min. Teeth extra, i.
without pain. maygjf ONf
r*o. B. o*Vl*. C. V. AUIAtiUK
Attorney *-at-law. Office inConrad Hon*.
Ik ilefonle, Pa.
with Orvi* A Alexander, attend* t* . .-llei—
lion* and practice in the Orphan'* Court.
I30(TS, large tock, all ttylea,;*.. •> an.;
J>price*, for men and boy*, jtwt arrived
at Wolf well known oid Stand.
Chas. H. Heldj
Clock. U utr-limaker d devcler
Millhcim. Centre co., Pennx.
R.**ieclfuUy inform* hi* friend* and Ifea
public in general, that be ha* juet (*;•—<
at bi* new cetabUahmeni, above Alexan
der* Store, and keep* oorrtantly on hand
all kind* of dock*, Watche* and Jewclr*
of the latest stvl—, alec the llamnvfU*
Patent Calender Clock*, provided with t
complete index of the month, and day *
the month and week on it* Cure, which ie
warranted a perfect time-keeper.
tt-Clocki, Watche* and Jewelry re
paired on abort notice and warranted
MILLER S HOTEL, w r ood*ard, !*•
Stag— arrive and depart daily,
favorite hotel i* now in everv rmj.oct
one of the mott pleasant country hotel* in
central Pennerlvania. Thotravelinx ran-
cruni 1 n.;i-;-ivania. insinoi ixuu
munity will always Sad the best acxvmmo
dation. Drover* can at all times be accom
modated with stables and pasture (or any
number of cattle or horse*.
julyß Kf GEO. MILLER.
• raosT, BISHOP at, B<!le >r.t.
The subscriber respectfully call* the at*
tcntionofthe i>ub!tc to his establish* at,
where he i* or< pared to furnish all kinds of
1 Foreign ana Domestic Lienors' wholesale
at tM lowe*t cash prices, which are v. arrsn
ted U> be the best qualities according ta
their respective | rices. His ► dock consists
of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and other
Whiskies, all kinds of Brando*. Holland
Gin, Port, Madeira. Cherry, Blackberry
and other Wine*—the best article*—at as
reasonable rat- - as can be had in the city.
Champagne. Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger
and Carrawey Brandies, Pare Jr.n aka and
New England Ram, Cordial of all kinds.
He would particularly invite Fai tners, Ho
> tcl keeper* and other* to call and examine
his large supply, to judge for themselves
and be certain orprocuring what they buy,
1 which can seldom bedonewhr> pnrehas
ng in the city.
o give his liquors a trial. aplO
On Marriage.
Essays for Yesa* Men. on CH AT SOCIAL
EVILS and ABUSES which interfere with
Marriage and ruin the happier-* of thou*,
and*,—with sure means <r relief for the
Erring and Unfortunate, diseased and de
bilitated Sent in sealed letter envelope*
free of charge.
No. 2 South Ninth St.. Philadelphia, P
i Jotix Sraxoi-RH, Proprietor.
Stages arrive and depart daily, for all
points, north, south, east and west.
Wj: b. ETTKLE s: "
Bishop street, Belleftmte, in the Stone bull
ding iormeriy occupied by the Key
stone Bakery
Takes pleasure in informing the public that
he keeps constantly on hand a supply o
choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
AU BmrrtU, Krgt and t ntkt <ctt r ran ted
to contain the quantity represented. I
The attention of practicing physicians is
called to his stock of
suitable for medical purpose-. pottles,
jugs, and demijohns constantly on hand.
WHISKY in town.
All liquors are warranted to give satis
faction. Liquors will bo sold by the quart
barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot ot
Of the finest grades on hand.
Confident that he can please customer
he respectfully solicits a snare of public pa
tronage my 141
THE undersigned, determined to met the
I. popular demand for Lower Prices, re
spectfully calls the attention of the public
to his stock of
now offered at the old stand. Deigned es
pcciallt for the people and the time, the lar
gest and most varied and complete assort
ment of
Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles,
of evory description and quality ; Whips,
and in fact everything eompluta to a lirrt
class establishment, he now offers at prices
which will suit the time*.
JACOB PI NOES. Centrellall
Allegnenev Street, Bellefontc, Pa.
D.JOHNSON & SONS, Proprietors.
A ria*Tciase HOT p., obimutrAHit KOOUS A
Tho proprietors offer to the traveling
public, and to their country friends, first
class accommodations and careful atten
tion to the wants of guests at all times, at
fair rates. Careful hostlers and good stable
ling for horses. An excellent table well
wrved. A Bar supplied with fine lienors.
)S3Si?i .tat®* BoiUi. ■■ o'uV ris
shes, the Banks, and the principal places
J f renders it the m <*t eligible
"lacc Car thoi? who visit Belleftmte onbtul
>r pleasure.
Ajt Qrutiibua will carry
tnd baggage ta ftUtt fim all trains
free of charge.
iiat the iiartnership heretofore exmiug be
ween H. D, Van Pelt and S. S. Wolt,
rading under the name and firm of 11. D.
\ an Pelt tic Co., has this day been disaol
red by mutual consent. The books and
iccotinU oftne late firm belong to HD. m
trim Pelt AS. D. Musser, who will con
inue the business, and pay all debts of
he late firm. H. D. VAN PJSLT.
August Ist, 1872, S. 8. WOLF.