The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 27, 1872, Image 1

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    The Last Goed-Night.
" {foot-night, my leT. th* way is dark,
Far thee, and me.
Only a single step beyond
Can either see.
" Onr paths diverge- nay do net weep,
(led knoweth beat.
Kiss me good-night, and let me ateep,
I long for rest,"
•* All worlds ars bta who cares for ns ;
'Twerc sweet, dear lore,
To go together from tin* home
To that aboTe,
But all onr Heavenly Father "a way*
Are surely right,
In life or death we'll trust in him,
8o love, good-night."
•'Still I am thine, and thon art mine,
In Heaven aa here.
Mi thinks the veil will not be thick
Between ns, dear.
* Thon wilt come toon, werk while 'lia day
And serve the right.
Remember that I wait for thee—
Pear love, good-night."
An Empty Seat.
Mine i* the sorg of an empty ne.-t:
Others will bring you braver songs ;
But mine must niter my heart's behest.
Though 1 siug it to heedk as throngs.
My steps were over the.blanohed W-ave*
That had taken the frost's untimely kiss ;
Not long ago we'd carried tli. sheaves,
But the season was all at.ass.
With hanging head and with loitering feet
Tosrard the open land I went,
Through places that summer had made so sweet
With a gtamonr but briefly lent.
I trod upon something soft and dry.
For my ewe were ftill on the flaming west;
And ju! where the grass was thick acd high
Was lying—aa empty ursl.
Oh, the V.M. ns of faded sprsv.g;
Oh, the memYtes of song,
Of br Hiding Ureasi, and of glancing wing.
To an empty nest alone!
And the thought that suddenly came to me,
Close to the water, facing the west,
Was of some singing that used to be
In another forsaken nest.
There were two birds that began to sing
Low in the field of yellow core
Not for the heed then* song should bring,
But for km of the dewy mora.
Birds of one feather and sister turds,
Crowded out of a roof-tree nest.
Hatched wtthm sound of lowing herds,
But living away ftrvrn the west.
Birds of one feather fare host together:
Singing, they built them another nest,
Sat in it and sung in the worst of weather,
Each hiving the other heal.
Bat we who listened one morning knew
That only one bird was left to sing:
Thai never had sung apart, the two,
And we talked of a broken wing.
Now, should you chance lo pass that way,
You should vainly listen for any song ;
But what regrets for the vanished lay
To this empty nest belong!
4 * It's a plain case," Mr. Grimgrin said.
Against whom would there mot have been
a plain case, Mr. Grimgrin judging I
- No doubt he is guilty ; but what are
the facts ?" inquired Miss Thugge, in
whose theory of justice striking came
betore hearing.
" They are very simple," Mr. Grimgrin
answered : 44 presented an altered check
at the Oxide Bank this morning—in jail
tor forgery this evening.
44 But there may be some explanation,"
timidly remarked a young lady, at whose
simplicity Mr. Grimgrin smiled, and Miss
Thugge sniffed.
•* lie should have made it at once,
then,' said Mr. Grimgrin, 4 ' instead ot
standing dumb before his accusers. After
explanations don't go for much in such
44 Poor Edith !-it will break her heart,"
the young lady could not help adding.
" Pooh- !" said Mr. Grimgrin ; as yon
will find cut some day, heart-breaking is
only a figure of speech."
Leaving the rest of MissTbugge's part*
to laugh, and the young lady to blush, at
Mr. Grimgin's sententious observation,
let us go back a step.
Ernest Jasper, whose arrest for forgery
was just now the subject of conversation,
had hitherto borne an unblemished char
acter. He and his brother George, out of
moderate saleries, after supporting their
widowed mother, managed to lay up
something every year, and each #as look
ing to a happy time—not far distant, he
hoped—when certain tender engagements
would no longer need to be deferred.
The course of truthful love never ran
smoother than in the case of Ernest Jas
per and Edith Wade. Too trusting to
allow mischief to be made beiweea them,
and too generous to make it between
themselves, what could disturb the even
tenor of two such lives ?
George Jasper was of a different temper
from his brother. With a heart as true,
be was more impulsive and passionate. It
is such men that are easily incited to
jealousy, and who act rashly "under it.
When George Jasper and Mildred
Heath plighted their troth, they would
have staked their lives on each other's
loyalty. But evil tongues csme between
them. Stories which should have been
scorned—and were so at fiiat—in time
began to be listened to. Then came
quarrels and reconciliations, time and
again repeated, till at last it was insinuated
to George that he had a rival iu his love.
He demanded an explanation in a tone so
imperious that Mildred's pride took
offence, and she answered it with silence.
They parted in anger, and George'a visits
A few days later, a 9001 aote from
Mildred imlormod him that all was over
between them. In his bitterest moments
he had not counted on this. It came
upon him like a thunder clap. His first
impulse was to fly from the scene of his
misery whither he cared not the
further the better.
A letter, received through the post
office, announced to Ernest his brother's
" Leaving on you," the letter went on.
" the burden of our mother's support, I
enclose you my employer, Mr. Winter's,
check for all my savings over the neces
sary expenses of my journey. I cannot
tell you where I am going, for I do not
know. To you and our mother—the only
ones to whom I have the right to offer it
—I leave my fondest love. Farewell."
It wa* the check thus enclosed, which
on being presented by Ernest, was
tftined to have been altered to a larger
On being questioned, Ernest offered no
explanation. Instantly it flashed npon
him that he oonhl not speak without
compromising his brother, and his silence
was construed as a confession of guilt.
He was at once arrested and committed
for trial.
Silas Grimgrin was a post-oflice clerk,
moral beyond bis years, and with a con
science tenderly alive tothesin6 of others.
We have already seen how little lenity
poor Ernest received at his hands.
Silas Grimgrin had just rctarued from
Miss Thugge's party, and, in his bachelor
apartment, was regaling himself with a
cigar and divers reflections on the vanity
of human wishes, when a knock annonnced
a visitor.
44 Come in," said Silas, glancing over
his shoulder.
Stooping to clear the door-way, a young
man entered, a fellow-clerk of Silas, at
least six feet two in height, with a good
natared, but not particularly bright look
ing countenance.
" Good-evening, Mr. Grimgrin."
" Good-evening, Dance," said Silas,
" Pray, lower yourself on the sofa there,
for your head must be dizzy at that height"
Mr. Bunce smiled at the joke; it was
an old acquaintance.
" What do you think of Jasper's case?"
he inquired, after a pause.
"There can be but one opinion," Silas
" I have mine, at least," said the other.
u And what is it, pray ?"
44 That he is not guilty."
" Then who it t n said Silas sharply.
" You /" retorted Bunce, planting him
self befere the door, and displaying a
badge, at the sight of which Silas trem
" What proof have you of such an
accusation 7" said Sila?, recovering his
presence of mind with an effort.
14 Ample," replied the other. " Num-
FRED. KURTZ, Editor ami Proprietor,
erotu peculation* In the office hero,
Imlawl ilio authorities to place it under
surveillance; and, for a month past, I
have oecnpled the post of detective under
the guise of a olork. Two days ago,
nneWrwl, as TOO thought, ron abstrant
ed a letter illlwU'i! to Rm**t Jaaptr.
Next dt you returned it. An examination
whieh I, as Well a* Ton, know how to
make, proved that it contained a check -
the aame— lor by a process of toy own I
was able to read its contents —to-day
presented at the bank by Jasper, and now
in my possession."
" Hat all that," argued Silas 4 M does
not prow that 1 either opened the letter,
or altered the check."
w A* to the question of a letter's having
been opened," said the detective, " an
exjvert is not easily deceived. As to tho
alteration of the cheek, Mr. Winter, the
drawer, is ready to swear that George
Jasper inclosed it unaltered in his pres
ence, and left the letter with Idm to mail;
and /can swear that when it rame to the
hands of Ernest Jasper, the check was in
its present state."
Silas tiriiugrin stood mute and sulleu.
'• There is another charge against you,"
resumed the detective.
Silas started.
u To-day you opeued a decoy letter
containing money.
The guilty man made a movement as if
to escape, but the towering form of the
detective blocked hi* way. In an instant
the snap of the handcuffs on his wrists
was heard, and a brief search brou>*ltt to
light the identical bill taken from the
decoy letter.
The poor wretch's courage failed, and
he confessed all. Ue had stolen Georgr
Jasper's letter, not as lie had others, foe
gain's sake, but to subserve another pur
jHse. He too loved Mildred Heath, and
had been mainly instrumental in breeding
difficulties between her and her betrothed.
To fix upon his rival the stigma of an
infamous crime, seemed a sure way to
secure the field permanently to himselt.
The fraternal devotiou whieh prompted
Ernest Jasper to sacrifice hi* own to his
brother's reputation, was something a
nature like Silas Grimgrin's was alike
incapable of understanding or foreseeing.
The widow Jasper, Edith, and Mildred
were all weeping tears of joy at once over
Ernest, just released from prison, when
George burst in among them.
'* What! yon here, Ernest I" he ex
claimed, " I saw your arrest announced ]
in the papers, and hurried back at once."
A word explained all.
And then George met Mildred's eyes
looking so tearfully ami lovingly into his
own, that, forgetting all, he wav about to
clas;i her in his arms.
" But that letter 1" he said, drawing
back with sudden con traint,
" What letter!"
44 The one in which you declared all
was over between us."
Mildred's surprise was a sufficient
44 Then that another of Silas Grim
grin's forgeries !" cried George, instinc
tively guessing the truth.
Two happy weddings speedily followed.
Aud we are pleased to be able to add
that, as a husband, George Jasper isn't a
bit jealous.—LcJvcr.
REFrsisa TO Rrs OVER A Child. —
There is it hoise at present in the Isle ol
Man, possessed of such singular intelli
gence anil amiability of disposition that
the sooner ha is bought from his owner
and transferred to London the better.
This good-natured auimal positively re
fused to run over human creatures, and
will throw himself into the most intricate
contortions rather than injure a hair in
their heads. A few davs ago, according
to to the Manx Suu. tlie horse in ques
tion was proceeding through the market
place in Douglass, harnessed to an " in
side car." While thus engaged in the
performances of his duties, a child, aged
two years, the son of a fruit dealer, ran
across the road in front of the car, and
was knocked down by the horse. Our
own London horses, encouraged by their
drivers, would have made short work of
the hapless infant ; not so, however, the
Manx horse, which was observed to nitfle
a sudden pause, move its right forefoot
alxiut, and having placed its hoof lightly
on the child's breast, to again lift it up,
putting it dowu l>vthe child's side with
out injuring it. The bystanders imme
diately extricated the child from its per
ilous position, and the horse resumed its
journey, carrying with it the respect and
admiration of all who witnessed the
scene, among whom it is stated, were
two gentlemen of high position in Dou
glass, hose names, if nesessary, might
be given.
new-paper presents the following very in
teresting statistics in regard to the wound
ed of the war of 1870—71 : Out #f 3,45s
Germans wounded around Metx ainety
live and a half per cent, were Injured by
the Cbasscpot rifle, two and seven tenths
per cent, by the artillery, and only eight
tenth" per cent, by cold steel. Among the
Fiench wounded twenty-five per cent,
were wounded by the German artillery,
seventy per cent, by small arms, and five
per went, by cold steel. These figures in
themselves tell a very reinirkable story.
The same paper pretends that in the whole
course of the w.r twenty-five thousand
French were bit by the German artillery,
so that on comparing the number of
shots filed the contusion is inevitable that
for every three discharge* of a German
cannon at least one Frenchman was killed
or more or less injured. According to the
statistics of the German wounded the
following proportion has been established
in an official manner: Ninety per cent, of
men were bit among th<- infantry; fivo per
cent, iu the artillery, and two per cent, in
all the other blanche* of the service.
DIAMONDS.— Messrs- liittar, Le verso n
k Co., diamond brokers, of London,
have sent a communication to the city
editor of the London Timet, which, if
true, will throw discredit on the Arizona
mines. They state that a few mouths
ago an American came to London and
bought a large number of diamonds in
the rough, regardless of weight or quali
ty, and that these stones havo been used
as specimens by the alleged Jiscovcrcrs
of the diamond mines in Arizoua.
General McC'lellun declined any public
reception in San Francisco, and ' ays his
visit has no connection with the diamond
mining company. He knows but very
little alniut diamond matters, and is not
even certain tbat the diamonds exhibited
came from Arizona.
The United States Treasury balances
are: Currency, 87,213,41-1; coin, 875-
321,906; including 829.785,200 coin cer
STRANGE SCICIDE.— A distressing c*e
ol suicide is reported in the Paris journals.
M. Lcmond. proprietor of a large por
celain ard glass warehouse, situated No,
88 Rue du Faubourg du Temple, had been
married for some years. Ills wife feeling
indisposed, a doctor was sent for;she then
became worse, and her husband then de
termined on having a consultation. At the
close M. Lemond begged the medical men
to inform him as to the real state of the
invalid, and was tcld that the malady was
mortal. lie grew suddenly pale, went in
to his room, loaded a pistol, and dis
charged it into his heart, filling lifeless on
the floor, his wife expired soon after, and
the two funerals were to take place on
the same day.
Two families in Kentucky have been
poisoned by eating jelly made in a cop
per kettle. *
The Belfast Riots.
In an editorial article on the disturb
ances in Kcllnst, the Luulou YVues makes
the Mlowiug reflections:
What is the occasion for all tins kurv,
| rum and bloodshed? Prwperly spcdting,
nothing at all. Belfast is, indeed, a city
of two camp. Tho i'rottvdauU dwell in
j OOr quarter aiitl tho Kouiau Catholic* in
another ami their line* are as sleatly de
. lined as the German and l-'renchfrontiers.
\\ hen war ha* broken out betwrecu tliein as
; tu this instance, au edict ot expulsion i*
l-<sed against the Protectants m the
: Catholic district, or against the Catholics
i in the Protest tut camp, aud the enemies
i are warned to remove on pain of hazarding
i their property, if not their live*. The two
were living and winking sale by sole,
; making tbeir protlt out of the same trades
and enjoying the protection of the san.c
i laws. If a I'ixilestaut injured a Catholic,
, or a Catholic a Protestant, justice would
i bo doue between the two with undoubted
impartiality. There was no Parliamentary
or inuutripal contest in progress; there
was nothing to tight for, nothing to win or
lose. There was not even the excuse of
twisting au illegal demonstration. The
legislation thought the other day it would
try the experiment of allowing each party
to relieve its suppce-se;l emotion by unre
stricted demonstration. The Protestant.*,
it was thought might shout "God save the
Queen" aud "No Surrender" one day, un
til tbeir loyalty w assatistied or exhausted;
and the Catholic* might tiaunt disloyal
emblems and sing Ft uian song* the urxt
day until fkey.too.had let off their steain.
But it proves that neither party is eon
tented with license for itself unless it can
refu*e it to the other, au 1 the Protestants
are the m.rc intolerant of the two. They
had their procession* on the tun HIS 12th,
j and tho Apprentice Boys of Derry were
capable of recognizing the corresponding
right of the Catholics oil the 15th. But
it Belfast the hostility of the two factions
is too intense to be suppressed by any
thing short ol force. The Unman Catholics
showed themselves in procession, their old
foes st once attacked them, and the battle
became general. There is thus nothing
whatever to aceouut for this outburst of
civil war except the chronic smoldering
hatred of the two factions. K.ich is always
ready to spring at the other's thiost, and
any excuse is wt lcome.
The riot wa* a most serious affair. Re
ports say that Belfast appeared to be a
perfect wreck. Some idea of the extent ;
to which the riot reached may be inferred
from the fact that at the end of the fourth
day the available force at the disposal vl
tho authorities amouuted to about |tiv-e
thousand five huudred men. One thousand
eight hundred soldiers, fourteen hundred
and fifty policemen, six hundred of the
militia force, together with the Thirty- i
fourth and sixty-second regiments attempt
ed to put a stop to the violence, which
broke out in one quarter a* soon as similar
violence was suppressed in another. Ac
cording to the litter of a correspondent,
the city presented the ap|ieatance ola
wreck. Paving stone* were torn from the
streets, lamp-piwts thrown down, window
shutt rs torn from their hinges, and bro
ken doors and smashed furniture literally
barricaded the streets and obstructed the
movements of the military. Drutikcnm-**
went band in hand with violence and pil
lage. People fled frotn their homes in
fear of meeting threatened death, and
sought shelter wherever their sense sug
gested security. The story altogether is
a painful one, and the dreadful excesses
prove to what an extent bitterness of feel
ing will inflame the pas*ioii of the igno
The export of petroleum from New-
York a! >ne in the year IS7I amounted to
nearly a hundred million (94,95.1,*50)
gallons—an increase of more than seven
and a quarter millions over the preceding
year. Philadelphia also exported 59,000,
000 gallons in 1871—an increase of six
millions over 1870. The total export of
last year from these two porta, therefore,
was more than one hundred and fifty mil
lion gallons, to which must be added the
enormous home consumption, to repre
sent the total yield of tke wells. It is a
perfectly natural course for the produc
ers to stop work—too much petroleum
on the market at one time sends prices
downward and shrinks the profits of the
business. Ergo, production most be su*
peuded, before the consumer arrives at
the point where he pars cheap rates.
Two hundred of the petroleum men ac
cordingly, have banded themselves togeth
er in a non-producing league, mutually
pledging a total cessation of work at the
wells for a period of six months from the
first of September next. The "extremely
low price of oil" is assigned as the reasou
for tnis agreement, and it is further un
derstood that each well-owner who may
fail to keep bis pledge, shall forfeit the
sum of $£2,000 for every well opened dur
ing the stipulated period—an ingenious
device to secure a steady diminution of
product and an equally steady advance in
prices. The chief argument used in de
fence of this scheme is the impossibility
of conducting business in the petroleum
market at the present scale of prices—and
the result will be the instantaneous in
crease of the fortunes of dealers who have
large stocks of oil on hand. Tboy will
hold on till the last moment, sell at the
highest figure, and reap a handsome profit
without trouble, while the smaller men
in the trade will go to the wall, and con
sumers all over the world he subjected to
the payment of enhanced values, while
nature continues to pour forth lavish sup
AND MET AD.—AS rubber plates and rings
are now-a days used almost exclusively
for making connections between steam
and other pip* a and aparatna, rnncli an
noyance is often experienced by the im
possibility or imperfection of an air
tight connection. This is obviated en
tirely by employing a cement which
fastens ulike well to the rubber and to
the metal or wood. Snch cement is pre
pared by a solution of shellac in am
monia. This is liest made by soaking
pulverized gum ahellac in ten times its
woigbtof strong ammonia, when a slimy
muss is obtained, which in three or four
weeks will become liquid without the
use of hot water. This softens the rub
ber, and becomes, after volatilization of
the ammonia, hard and impermeable to
gosscs and fluids.— American Ar.'um.
As OI.D LAW. —If a law which it was
fonnd necessary to put in force iu the
seventeenth century iu England wcro to
be resumed to would cause un im
mense downfall to chignons. It was as
follows: "All women, of whatever age
rank, profession, or degree, whether vir
gins, wives and widows, tluit shall from
and after this date, impose npon,seduce,
and betray into matrimony any of hit
Majesty's male subjects by sccDta,paints,
cosmetics, washes, artificial teeth, false
hair, Spanish wool, iron stays, hoops,
high heeled shoes, or bolstered hips,
Bhiill incur the penalties of the laws in
force against witch-craft and the like,
and the marriage, upon conviction, shall
stand null and void.
A physician exnminiug a student as to
his progress, asked him, " should a man
fall into his well forty feet deep, and
strike his head against one of his tools
with which he had been digging, what
would be your course if called'm as a
surgeon?" The student replied, "I
sli old advise them to let the man lie and
fill up the well"
kidnapping iu Mt-xlci*.
A late number of t'J* M <<i/ r K pub'f
ia, ot the City ol Mexico, mentions
sixteen oases of recent kidnapping, all of
which were accompanied by the most
horrible barbarities. Among others,
! Sen or Cervantes, a wealthy citizen, wa
discovered iu a thicket near San Lucas by
Governor Mon tree aud a detachment ofi
: police. Scnor t'ervantes wa* captured
I by five robbers while iu a coach gohig
to Ids family to his hotel.
His mouth wu* bandaged and his ears
stuffed by the I'lngiarios or kidnapper*.,
While In the haud* of the kidnapper*
they gave him hut one egg a day to liv*
upon. Iu a house adjacent to where he
was found important documents were;
discovered which show the existence ol
n secret society composed of various
nationalities and known as "Lower Italy,"
but inure commonly termed the "Terrible
Of she five robbers who were engaged j
in the Corvanter affair, three were j
captured, two Spaniards, aged respectively j
eighteen and twenty two years, and one
Mexican, aged twenty-five years. They
con teased their deed*, and stated that the
" Terrible Boelety" was formed outside
the republic of Mexico. On the afternoon
of their capture the three men were
publicly shot in the plaza of San Luc**,
before an immense assemblage. Iu the i
pockets of one of the victims w as found a
list of forty persons who had been kid
One case of atrocity is mentioned which j
probably ha* never been excelled lor its
brutality. The band above mentioned j 1
kidnapped a Frenchman nauitd ltasaot,
I mid then cut out his eyes and tongue. <
Basset diis! in their hand* Fifteen per
ons have been arrested on suspicions of j
being conucrtcd iu tho shocking affair.
The Terrible Society, and the great.
number of Plagiaries independent ot it,!
have of late created the greatest con !
ilernatioo. When these bloodthirsty
v illains cannot piooure a large ratisi-m
for their viatiro, they usually kill bun.
They are capable of committing tho mot t
outrageous horrors, and seem to delight' ,
tn mangling the unfortunate one* who',
fall into their l ands. For atrocity and
barbarity the Plagiaries of Mexico rival ;
the most vile brigands of Italy, The j i
Federal and State laws of Mexico decree j |
instant death to I'lagiarioa. Knowing ||
the fate that awaits them they show no ; i
mercy. Sworn enemies of society, they ,
devote their live* to robbery, plunder, ,
murderers and ansaasinntion*. Although ,
hunted down like wild beast*, and their
ranks rapidly thinned by large number ]
captured and killed, still the country i* -
infested by them, and they seem to spring i,
up like the fabled dragon's teeth. The j i
outlaus comprising them have nearly all <
been soldiers in the Fnropean and Mexican j I
armies. I
Bringing Ojaleni to Market.
Tho operation of raising the oyster*
j Irotn the Prince's llsy and other beds in
j summer is interesting. In winter they
j i an lie a long time in veeU without de
\ trinient, but in hot weather they nrat be
! taken to the consumer as quick as p<*si
--i !>le after leaving the water. In former
times much inconvenience was experiene
id hv S:atn Islanders in getting their
' vessels loaded in time on sumrrer morn
j ings. Jhey would have to begin at mid
night to suit tne tides, becanccone pecul
iarity of the delivery of oysters is that
they should lie on a hard, clean surface
under water during one shitting of the
tide to clear themselves of mud. From
this substance of course they obtain s
part of their food, and when first raked
from the bottom they hare much of it
within their shells. If left a few hour*
on a ch-an, hard surface tinder water,
where tliey can draw in only water, they
j clean themselves, and thus present no
unpleasant morsel of mud to the consum
er. The custom was formerly to put
them on a sandy beach, or if that could
not be had, a hard intid or soft meadow
l>ttom. where the high tide would over
flow them. The fishermen wcro often
nincli put out waiting for those high
tides, shifting a little as they do every
day. Finally a man named Thompson,
who is still a lsrge dealer, invented a
remedy for the dilliculty; he built the
first " oyster-float." These receptacles
might be called " oyster bathing booses."
They are seventy-five feet long by twenty
two feet wide, and hold from fire to nine
hundred bushels. They are made of logs
and plank, the latter half an inch apart,
to permit a free passage of water. These
sfTtirs save time and labor and greatly
equalize the work. For ia the wannest
weather even the oysters which arc laid
on them from four to twelve inches deep
may remain thus for days without detri
ment. The planter can go now to his
well-replenished Host (which ha* been fill
ed by his men at their leisure a day or
two before) just in tiuie to load up and
take a favorable wind or tide for the
A WAUNISO.—Not long ngo a steam
boat was burned to the water's edge on
the Bt. Lawrence River. There were n
good many passengers on board, but
careful arrangements were made for
their escape, mid as there were plenty of
life-preset vers, every person on board
waa saved except one—a lady. The cir
cumstances causing her death were de
tailed to us bv a friend, und we give theui
to our readers, believing that they mny
be useful to others if they should be
placed in similar danger. Most of the
passengers, according to directions, after
putting 011 life-preservers posited down
through the gangway, nail sailors with
ropes were slutioned at various points
to give aid to any who should need it
after going into the water. There was
time enough to do everything needful,
and so panic. The lady referred to,
instead of passing through the gaugwuy,
was seen to jump into the water from
Mitnn other part of the steamer, and im
mediately sunk, head-foremost. When
her body was recovered life was extinct.
It was found that the life-preserver had
lieen put on most carefully, every strap
and buckle fastened securely; but in
stead of putting it close up under the
armpits, she had arranged it so low down
Hint on jumping into the water she at
once lost her balance. This sad exjperi
encc may serve as it warning to others.
SINGULAR WILL. — Perhaps a mora
eccentric will wax never made than that of
ane Mr. Bates, of Norlhumliorland, F.tig
!and. He possessed a very large property.
By i clau-ein his will he bequeathed the
aum of SSOOO to (blank left for name) the
|K-raon whom he uiight have wished to
marry. In case that jierHon did not sur
vive him, the sum was to lie divided be
tween three daughters of lalxirci-s living
near Mr. Bate's estate. The good man
having died, n Mis. Wilson brought evi
dence that she wax the one ho wished to
marry, as he hod repeatedly proposed to
her when she wns in service as cook. The
three girls opposed her claim. Finally a
compromise was effected, whereby the
SSOOO was equally divided between the
contending parties.
Take cornd beef , cook it tender; when
cold slice thin ; have n emst as for chick
en pie ; put iu a layer of meat and one
of light bread, and so on until your dish
is full; then sprinkle a littlo pepper and
salt, and piece of butter the size of an
egg ; fill up your dish with boiling wa
ter ; put on your top crust, and bake
moderately one hoar.
A Look Into Holla ml Diamonds, and how
They are Polished -Characteristic* of
the Amsterdam Women, etc., etc.
At ft r. M ., wc took tho steamer to
Moordyk (passing through one of tho
I many rhxtiucis, arms of tho KM, in fact,
which form a jwrfucl net-work of inland
navigation iu this part of the Nether*
lands) where we arrived by 7 o'clock,
aud there entered the ears and by 0 r. u.
wi-ru comfortably locatoil in the Hotel
St. Autoitie, at Antwerp. Iu Holland
the I tws of nature may lie said to bo re
versed. "In no cthir eotiutry do the
keels of the shijva tloat alKivo th' ehim-1
neys, and nowhere IM doea tho frog
croaking from among tho bulrushes,
look down u|>ou tie swallow ou the
j housetop." Near Utrecht our ongiu*
; gave out aud we were obliged to wait
two hours to procure anotbvr, an it was
nearly 10 i*. xt. befor* we reached the |
Amatol House in Aimterilam.
Hooil calls Amsterdam "a vulgar;
Venice." It is different from any city
we have yet vuitnt, and it was viewt-d
wi'.h the same eager v felt
when wc landed in Liverpool.
Iu Venico the canals bath* the walls of
the houses that lino them ou each side,
aud with the exception of the Grand
('anal aud thu Uiva Hchiavoni, the strut*
<>f water jire gloomy thoroughfare* w hose
int< r t is chiefly hiatorirml and political.
But the canals of Amsterdam, with
quuy* on each ride, l>oti!cr#d on one side
with trees aud on tlie othwr with bright
aud cheerful buildings, and unlimited
with the roll of vehicles and throng* of
people, prw-u-ut a very different aspect.
There are canals in both cities, but there
the r< sctublau*c oewsm a.
The morning after arriving was busily
and agreeably occupied iu viaitiug differ
ent parts of tho city. Our first vi-it!
was to the Palace of thv Ku-g of Hoi- j
lttU'l. It is a lur* stone structure built
niion 14,(4)0 pile*. It is very comforta
bly fitted up, and the ball-room one of '
the finest in Europe. We ascended to ,
the tower uiu liuui it had an vxtcuded
view over the Znyder Zee and the flats
of Holland, with Haarlem and Rotter- ;
da ui plainly ill right.
We afterwarvi visited the picture gal- ;
h-ry tn the national museum, and in it
- iw a fine collection of the Imtch school j
of painting, among which were some;
admirable works of art by Rembrandt,'
Guy|N Ifon. Teniers, Van Djke, Ru- ]
ben*. l\ ouTermann, and HeJtalkeu. All
these artists, whose school is known I
wherever art ta mokru of, find hero
j illustrations; and iu Mime case* tbi-ir
moat celebrated works are to bo seen
j bam only.
We to t vi*ite<l thedinmond polishing
mills of Mr. Cog tar. They consist of a
row of dingy brick buildings some iix
stories high, Mtu.iU-d but a short ilia
i tance frotu the palace.
i hi- joiito. met u < at the door, and
joii informing him kiiiit *o were desirous
<>f vit-wing the establishment, took lis
up to the fifth story and presented us to
the superintendent of the works, who in
: the most iNiliU* inauuer explained and
, showed us the differi nt pruccHses by
which the diamond is polished. l>ii
• tiioiid cutting has long In-ou a speciality
I of Amsterdam, and was at one time ex
clusively confined to that city. The
| diamond mills are imarly all controlled
j by Jews, an l nearly ten thousand men
are employed in the different establish
ments. The mill in which wo were in
1 employed six hundred men and buys.
After showing us a quantity of rough
diamonds, wi- wen- then taken to a large
room filled aith tables, in the center of
. each one was a revolving metal plate
on which tin- diamonds an* polished.
l>ininotid dust is placed on these plate*
which resolve two thousand times a
minute, and against tbia disk the stone
I fastened firmly on an amalgam of zinc
i and quicksilver, is held until the proper
facet is ground smooth, and so on until
the rough stone is made into a aparkhug
j gem. In the oflieo we wen* shown glass
models of th° most celebrated diamonds
that have ever been cut by Mr. Cos tar.
mnong which was that of the Koh-i-noor, 1
before and after it had boon cut.
The remainder of the afternoon was
spent in the /oologies! (Jardeus, which
were filled witli rare auiuiala and kept ia
j the most admirable order. We then
j drove back to the hotel, making a cir
cuit of the city, going by the quays and ;
dykes, those peculiarities of Amsterdam
that are to be found in no other place.
It ia a quaint old city, whose stn*ets
(many of them) are canal*, and whose
canals are streets. Canals here, there
| and everywhere, straight canals and
crooked one*. Its carts an" mostly canal
1 boats, and its canal boats are mostly
1 carts, though n few wiieclcd rarU an*
I tolerated in its few pared streets, bnt the
, drivers tire not allowed to ride on their
; carts, tliev must walk with their horse*.
! The people are remarkably healthy look
ing and the business men as bn*k and
j active a* yon will see anywhere.
'I he women arc clean and tidy in their
j Appearance and wear singular-looking
j head - dresses consisting of a hand of
j silver or other nietu! across their fore
i heads, and nt each side of their heads
an odd cork terew kind of nil ornament
of the same metal as the hand, whieli
projects from two or three inches. The
immense docks that wo passed were
filled with shi|s from all nations and wo
were struck with the vast nuniU rs of
vessels thut were the homes of the fami
lies of the masters or theownerr.. Home
of them had boxes of flowers, including
the Dutch tulip, around the companion
way, and over the sides of ot hers, hand
some, rosy cheeked, well-dressed girls,
wlro had completed their day's work and
donned their "Sunday go t meeting"
clothes, watched the passers by on the
quay. The novelty of the scone made
this drive along the docks one of the
most interesting features of the duv.
After dinner we spent the evening in the
garden attached to tho Crystal Palace,
which was just Imck of the Amstel
House, and listened to nn excellent con
cert Riven by the principal musicians
of the place, for which we paid five
guilders. Sinco we arrived in Europe
we have been wandering in a maze of
shillings, francs, centimes, liros, sohlis,
florins, kriutzcrs, ailbcrgrosckeon and
thai era, and here in Holland wo lmvo
met yet another series of coins, known
by the inhabitants as ducats, rix dollars,
guilder and atuivers.
For the sake of tho suflering tourist I
bono a year will net elapse before the
decimal system of the United States will
bo in u*e nil over tho continent of
Every traveler must have a vivid
remembrauco of tho never ending an
noyances sud losses resulting from the
variety and multiplication of currencies.
At each frontier ho finds nil hi* previous
financial knowledge, "conned with cruel
pain," aud costly battles with rapacious
hotel keepers, guides and coachmen,
utterly useloss.
Almost every town inflicts on him its
own particular grief in the shapoof some
distinctive and fnvrtrite coin, more be
wildering than the last, until much of
the time that should have been givi n
to the Koenery or customs of the country
is spent iu breaking his head over the
hopeless complications of the ooia of
tho country in which be may happin to
la-. Tout Hood suggests au excellent
but expensive wny of avoiding
trouble about the currency of the differ-
I <-ut Countries through whieh you p*s
! and that is, "when you arrive at the
! frontier of another country, Ui throw
uwav all the coin of the oouutiy you are
leaving, you uiay have on haud, and start
fair with w new supply of the coin uf the
: country to which you are going."
At 1.45 r. u on the following w#
' left for "the Hague." It was but • abort
trip through a flat, canal and ditch
covered country. The v;ut no-adows,
clad with the richest Verdure, were
covered with cattle m arly every one of
them I icing milky white with jet bhu-k
spot* on different part* of tbeir I iodic*,
and whose high condition attest* au
abundant and wholesome nutriment.
A little more than an hour after leav
ing Amsterdam we were oomfortablv
quartered on the Hague at the Hotel
I'ttulex. After lunch we took a drive
a round the city aud there was a great
deal Unit was interesting and worth see
ing. The streets were clean and neat,
but there waa little or no busineaa doing
and iu fact the place looked aa if it waa
asleep. We drove by the "I'alaoe in the
woods." which ia occupied by the King
of Holland, on our way to fkhevcniugcu,
through one of thu must magnificent
for<-its we have seen any where—the
color of the foliage wa* exquisite in the
extreme. Wa found a groat number of
people at Rebeveuingau, which ia about I
twenty minutes drive from the Hague,
aud is the Saratoga of Holland. It is I
situated on the German ocean, and is!
the favorite resort of ibe Dutch geutry. j
The day was cool uud eheerlcas with'a
stiff brcoae blowing off the ocean, scatter-!
ing the fine, white nand iu every diroc- j
ten and giving the place a hard, barei
unliDspitatiia look. 11. M.
t are! of Itvdrophelila.
The "Popular Bcletice Monthly, in
speaking of a man who was bitten* by a
mad dog says: "The wound was at once
cauterized, but lit due tlule hydropho
bia was developed. The attack itself
was characterised hy the usual hydro
phobic symptom*; great difficulty of
breathing and of swallowing, distress
at the pH of tile stomach, convulsions,
frightful struggling and howling, wild
expression of countenance, frothy dis
charge front the mouth, and oti oue
0.-casion a strong po|*cmdty to bite.
The paroxysms succeeded each other
at interval* of alsiul ten in ii HI leu, and
jietvepUMy grew worse as they contin
ued. hliorily after being called in, the
attending pliysiriau began the admin
istration of chloral-hvdrute in twerity
grain doses. After the third dose, the
violence of the symptoms began to
moderate ; the fourth dose was follow
ed by still greater improvement; and
the filth dose put the sufferer to sleep.
Sleep wa* kept up by giviug the same
dose at longer interval*.
K<r the next twenty - four houra
nothing of any consequence occurred,
' u Uh the exception of slight twitching*
of tho face nu-.l jerking of the anus
and legs during sleep. These were
allayed at anytime by an extra dose
of the chloral.* Href tea, mutton broth,
common tea, or water - groel wen
given to him occasionally, which he
*walluwc I without mm-h objection
when thoroughly aroused. 1 hiring the
next three days the somnolency was
kept up by the tm-dici tie, only a few
(wii-hing* showing themselves. On
the morning of the fifth day he awoke
out of a gentle slumber and said to his
wife, "1 feel a* if 1 should like to bite
somebody," This wa* the last symp
tom noticed of a hydrophobic clmrac
rer. After the fifth day the chloral
hydrate was discontinued, and the
quantity taken altogether amounted to
800 grains. When fit to travel the
patient went Into the country, subse
quently returning able to attend to
This, wc believe. Is the only case on
record of a complete cure iu a cleat
ease of well developed hydrophobia.
A FARCE.—James Euros VM tried for
killing John Halloran la-t Spring in a
New York saloon, aud was acquitted on
the ground of insanity. Under the
statute he was at once sent to the State
Asylum. A habeas corpus wa* brought
to have him released from the lunatic
asylum on the ground that he was not
insane. The return set ui> lib due and
proper commitment as a lunatic. The
matter came up before a Justice, Sheriff
Hutlrr bringing the prisoner down.
Judge Bacon nppeared for the asylum
and District-Attorney Garvin for the
people, Mr. Howe. Hum's counsel, in
sisted that tho return did not set up,
and in fact it w* not pretended, that the
!>ri*oner was now insane, and that there
ore ho must We discharged. Judge
Bacon argued that having been a*xeusod
from the puuishmcnt of a grave crime
on the grouuds of insanity, lie should
not be lightly held to be naze, and that
before that was done a formal inquisi
tion, and not the off hand proceedings
of halH*ns corpus, should be held. The
Court reserved its decision.
LAPLAND MAURI VOBS.— It ia death in
Lapland to marry n maid without the
conseut of her parents or friend*.
When a young man has formed au at
tachment to n female the fashion is to
appoint their friends to meet to behold
the two young parties run a race to
gether, The maid is allowed in starting
the advantage of a thin! part of the
race, so that it is impossible exorpt will
ing of herself, that she should l>c over
taken. If the maid overruns her suitor,
the matter is ended; he must never have
her, it being penal for the man to reuew
the motion of marriage. Hut if the vir
giu has nn sffectiou for him, though at
the first alio run# hard to try the troth of
hit love, she will (without Atlanta's gol
den balls to retard her speed), pretend
some casualty, and make a voluntary halt
before she cometh to the mark or end of
race. Thus none are competed to mar
ry against their own wills: and this is the
COUNQ that in this JWIOI country, the mar
ried people are richer in their own con
tentment than in other lands, whore so
unny forced matches make feigned love
nud cause real unhappiunoss.
The Court Journal tells a story of an
earnest ami much esteemed highland
minister who once delivered a vivid nud
impressive discourse on the glory of
Heaven. The apathetic congregation
seemed wholly unaffected, wliou the
speaker in a sort of desperation shouted:
"1 know what sort of heaven you'd pe
wan tin'. You'd pe wantin that all the
seas would pe hot water, that all tho riv
er* would tie river* of whiskies, and that
all the bill* and mountain* would po
loaves of sugar." The congregation cn
enioyed the notion amazingly, and
taikod of the long journey with consider
able pleasure all tho Sunday after.
THADINO. —Tho German Emperor has
just sent the Order of the Iron Cross to
n Frenchman who jumped into tho Mo
■alle and rescued a German soldier from
drowning. Tho Frenchman returned
tho cross, respectfully rpgretting his in
ability to accept any mark of distinction
from the German Emperor. He claims
the liberation of tho Inst French prisoner
who is still detained in a Prussian prison.
"Your Majesty owes me a mnn, for I
have given one to you, and I claim the
The JHilk Question.
The question of pure milk ia now of
greet importance iu New York City.
A city journal aaya : The supply of pura
milk to the poorer classes of thu city in
place of the chtdk and water of the past
is a matter of nwl moment. The object
uf the convention to be held is to the
effect tins as well aa other ends; and in
doing this the farmers do not propose
to sell milk at any higher rates than
heretofore, Imt to get higher mica for
their own milk and to sell it in its native
purity. At present the farmers seldom
get over 3 cents per quart for their milk,
aud also have to furnish its transporta
tion to thia city, while it ia resold here
at Bor 10 rente per quart, and then
retailed at still biglu-r ratea. The farm
ers claim that it ia impoatibla for them
to make auy profit at the low rate of S
ecu ia, wh eh by various losses of oars
and delays of payment* i* really reduced
to 9t ceuta. Hence they propone to take
the matter in their own hands aud to
deliver the milk direct to the eonaumers
at the usual retail rate*.
We need not argue the interest the
city people have in the matter; it is
| evident, and they cannot afford to be
idle while this move Is going on. With
out their co-operation the phut cam
! Unrdlv be a success. Already the milk
' middlemen arc saving to the formers,
" The city customer will not buy of you."
If the city resident ia sincere in bis de
sire for pare milk, he mut urge on and
aid this new movement; otherwise it
will fail, and the present supply of milk
that is not milk, bat a little of chalk, a
little of wit, a great deal of water, aud a
small port urn of the "pure Orange
county," will lie kept up with increased
force.. Up to this time the move tias
been entirely iu the bands of the coun
i iry people, while the reallv greatert need
for the reform is upon the part of the
inhabitant* of the city. The meeting on
the 24th will afford them an opportunity
of showing openly thir appreciation of
the movement, and they should before
that time give th* farmers earnest en
couragement through the public print*.
The association which projioae* to
carry out this excellent plan ia acting
under a charter from the State of New
York, and i* cothpoeed of farmer* of high
standing and property in cvwry county
which sends milk to this city. Its Pram
deut is J. B. Hull inter, of Vermont -,
Vii-e President, J. K. McNaughton, of
the name State ; Tre*#arer, T. . Gold,
of West Cornwall, Conn.; and Secretary,
W. L. Benedict, of Orange county, N.
Y. The*- gentlemen pro|K*e a company
with a capital of 81,0(10,000, in 20,000
shares uf 850 each. They will wit hout
doubt easily taise that amount them-
WITCS, and will only aak the people of
New York for their patronage ; but when
it i* remembered that over 500,000 quarts,
of the prcMut so-called milk are sold in
New York everyday the immense profits,
even at small margin, became plainly
j dent of the New York Sun says :—Three
or four years ago the annual fairs on tha
Hudson river, as well as throughout the
-late of New York were invested by
three-card moot* mem After much dif
ticolty they were finally driven away,
Chase same rascals have turned up again,
this time with a new game which is far
more cutieng—that's the "trick wid de
<*rds." They are fleecing the farmer's
j son* and farm laborers with an envelope
j game. On the Amenia Pair Grounds no
| less than twelve of the** swindlers were
| at work at one time, and one of them
| 1 mldly asserted that they averaged filftO
|KT day each. Each has a trunk or box
j tilled with small cakes of soap and boxes
of envelopes. On the lid of the trunk,
which Is turned up, at* rows of figures,
! nd under each one of the majority of
; figures are the figures, oriels.. 81, s3* 85,
j signifying that if the pcraon purchasing
| au envelope finds a number inside which
i correspond* with the number over the
oOcts., 81. 83. or 85. he is entitled to the
-urn underneath it. Of course nine cases
out of ten s successful number is never
I drawn. When, however, the interest in
I the game lags, because of the failure of
almost every one to draw a prize. Hie
boss swindlers give a wink and a can- <
federate stops up to the box. He hesi
tates and stammers, hut finally bauds
! over 50 cents, and to his feigned surprise,
j draws a 83 prize. This confederate ia
attired, as pre all the confederates, in a
latlercd straw hat and heavy shoes, torn
>-oat and pantaloon*. "You see that;
soap uiau, ' said one of them to ua as
we stood looking at the swindlers on the
Amenia Fair ground ; " that fellow is
the gamcst man yon ever sag. Ho had
an ear bit off ia Reddy the Blacksmith's
saloon. He ia making a pile of money
hers to-day." And so he was. Even
while we were looking at him be bad
three colored mca before him, to all sp
in** ranees farm hands, and from the
three he took 827, and tbev did not re
ceive a cent. The vwices of the scoun
drel* a* they jabbered WWayfor customers
could le heard above everything else.
For two days they held foil sway, aud
their roc ipta nearly equalled those ef
the entire fair. The police drove the
scoundrels away.
"STOP MT PACER !"—lllustrating tha
fearful consequences of thia highly retri
butive measure, the Philadelphia Pes'
tells the following upon the Ledger of that
city; This tearful treat reminds us of a
story about Mr. Bwain year* ago, when
he was the proprietor of the Ledger. Hy
his course in regard to some public mat
ter he hail offended a number of reader#,
one of whom he met on Chestnut street,
and thus accosted him; "Mr. Swain, I've
stopped the Ijrdge r." "What is that
sir?" "I've stopped the Lethjer," was
the stern reply. "Great heavens!" said
Mr. Swain, " my dear sir, thia won't do.
Come with me to the office, this must be
looked Into." And, taking the man with
him, he entered the office at Third aud
Chestnut street*. There they found the
clerks busy at their desks; then they as
cended to the editorial room# and compos
ing room*, where all was as usual; finally
they descended to the press rooms, where
the engineers were at work. " I thought
you told tne you had stooped the Lvf /er,"
said Mr. Swain. "So I have," eaiti the
oflenited subscriber. " 1 don't see the
stoppage. The Ledger seems to be going
on." "Oh ! 1 moan to say—that is, that
I—#h—had stopped taking it" "Is that
all!" exclaimed Mr. Swain, "Why, my
dear sir, you dou't know how you alarmetk
me. As for yeur individual subscription
I care very little. Good day air, and
□ever make such rash assertions again."
METIS DISASTER. —AII persons claiming
damages for any loss, destruction, dam
age, and injury caused by the disaster
of the steamship Metis, on the 30th of
August, are notified to appear before
the District Court of the United States,
and make due proof of their respective
claims, aud liefore John A. Orsboro and
George F. Betts, at their offioe, No 41
Cham tiers Street, they baiug Commis
sioners of said Court, at or befoie the
17th day of December, 1872, at 11 o'alock
A. M. —AT. Y. Paper.
A KOLANII ron AN OLlVEß. —Although
no phrase is iu more common use, few
are acquainted with its origin. The ex
pression signifies the giving of an equiva
lent. Rolar.d and Oliver were two
knights, famous in romance; the wonder
ful achievements of the one could only be
equaled by those of the other. Henoe
the phraae, "A Roland for an Oliver."
TERMS : Two Dollani a Year, in Advance.
The Itoad la Nlberla.
■ Daring 111* rei|?o of th* Czar Nichols*,
• and wa presume there b;*ve been but feu
' obaug** tiice, the nobility i> liuwii
1 ! poaaontcd maov privileges, and t hoan not
Itaii ipirtriilnd, et# exemption from
1 corporal punishment, ad in ordinary
' case* tb< Wing eouvcyed t Siberia in
1 atead of proceeding tliitUer on foot.
• The unfortanat* individual* sent te
1 otruggla against tba inelemauey of i
bard climate, and tbe brutal it* oi
■ bardar taskmaster*. ware divided in lit
1 classes; thoae merely transported and
tiioaa transported with bard labor. Tbt
journey from Kiew to Tobolsk took ooc
iaur. obiiat tbe oon*iets wboaa destine
on waa tha miuaa of Nertebinskaehkmi
reached it—if the* did reach it—andet
two years. For tbe bones of many oi
tbaai tbat perished ot oold, of ill uaafe,
of sickness, were acattered over fhe in
ter miual>le 1 tun*tan ateppea, to a*r*e a*
finger poets to the melancholy eon*oy*
that follows! tbe tame desolate route.
Tbeae oonvaye generally et nsisted oi
one hundred to two hundred and fifty
persona, men, women and children. An
armed Oomek oa horseback then fol
lowed tbe convicts, chained together in
gang* of twenty, with a CteeacK inter
venting between the gauge, and a po*s
of thoae very irragular cavalry men
cloned tba procession. Tbe caar wa*
merciful to women; they were not
chained. Tbe aick were gently treated ;
they were allowed to ride in Vehicle*
witn iron rings round tha ; f necks, like
wild beast* in menageriaa.
Entire ailaneo reigned in tbeae proeea
tiona; tbe oaly feeling notice*We waa
tbe daU apathy of despair. Daring sleep
no sue eoald move without causing
more or leaa severe pain to hi* mate.
Daring meal* tbe convict* crouched
round Area guarded closely bv tha Cos
sacks. Each column marched two daya
and then rented for one day.
Beyond NUhni Novgorod, whan or
dinary edifices became few and far be
tween, long low isolated building*
were constructed to serve aa pens for tbe
herd* of human cattle. Moreover,
guardhouse* were established at irregu
lar distances to relieve tbe escort. The
officer in command waa responsible for
tba prisoners. He wa* like the captain
of a ship at sea ; be was absolute master
over all, and could inflict any punish
ment abort of immediate death. Some
officer*, however, were occasionally found
who remembered that tbe prisoners had
once been men and women with souls of
their own, and who did not feet any
aspecial delight in inflicting upon them
unnecessary physical suffering*. One
of these convoys waa calculated to arri*e
weekly at Tobolsk, where sat a govern
ment commision, charged to distribute
tbe convicts according to tbe require
ment* of the public service. About ten
thousand passed annually through Tob
What It is la be a Widow.
A writer in tbe Home Journal thus fit
tingly rebuke* tbe flippancy and thought -
lea*u'ee* of <omc young women : "'I
think it moid be a jolly thing to be a young
widow !" I heard this remark the cither
day in a group of laughing girls. I
think I remember saying such a thing
myself in my girlish times. Do yon
kJow, girls, what it is to be a widow f
It is to lc ten time* more open to com
ment and criticism than any demoiselle
could possible be. It is to have men
gazes* von past, first st your black
dross and then at your widow's cap, un
til your sensitive nerves quiver under
the infliction. It is to have one illna
l tired person say, • I wonder bow long
she wiU wait before she marries again T
and another answer, ' Until she can get
a good chance, I suppose.' It is now
and then to meet the glance of real sym-
Cb, generally from the poorest and
oldest woman that you meet, and
feel yonr eves fin at the token, so rare
that it is, ailas! unlocked for. It is to
have your fashionable friends console
you after the following fashion : 4 Oh,
weH, it i* a dreadful loss. We knew
vou'd feel it dear.' And, in the next
breath, 4 Yon will be sure to marry again,
and your widow's cap is very becoming
to you.*
44 Bat it is more than this to be a
widow. It is to miss the strong arm
you have leaned upon, tbe tine faith that
you knew could never fail you, though
all the world might forsake you. It is
to mis* the dear voice that uttered your
name with a tenderness that none other
could give it. It is to hear no more the
well-known footsteps that yon flew so
gladly once to meet. To see no more
tbe face thai to your adoring eye* seem
ed ss the angina of God. To feel no
more the twiniug arm* that folded you
*o lovingly, the dear eye* that, looking
into your own, said plainly, whatever it
might seem to others, your* was the
fairest face earth held for him. It is to
fight with s mighty sorrow ss n man fights
with the waves that overwhelm him, and
to hold at arm*' length for a. while only
to have—in the hours of loneliness and
weakness—the torrent roll over you,
while—poor storm-driven dove—you see
no haven."
Bmxa.—l>r. Wilkin*, in his official report
to the California Legislature, on Insanity,
refer* to the warm b*th M * favorite
method of treatment in Italy, and in tome
parte of Holland and France. He states
that he often taw a dozen patients in one
hath-rooin, with their heads alone in sight,
the bathing tab being covered, excepts
bole for the head ; there they usually re
main from one to three boors, in some
instances six or eight hours, and occasioo
allv for days at a time. Dr. Gudden of
Zurich kept a man thus immersed for
five davs, on aceonnt of a high state of
excitement connected with bed sores.
The patient ia represented to have slept
well a portion ot the time, and to have
been cures! of the sore*, no exhaustion or
ill consequences following, TJie case is
also related of a man scalded by steam,
and not insane, who was placed by Hebra
in a tepid bath and kept there for three
weeks, uutil a new cuticle had formed
over the entire surface; the water was
kept at sn agreeable temperature, and the
patient recovered without inconvenience.
A GOOD STORY.—A thrasher tolls thi"
story: "Old Schmidt likes to see folks
thnt work for him get up early. So
when wc were thrashing there one fall,
he had an alarm dock hung right over
onr be*!. Charley West who did the
driving on the machine last year, had
never heard one before, and going to
bed with no other light than that of the
moon, neither of us took much note of
our surroundings. The next morning
about au hour before sunrise, the alarm
went off rattle-te-smash, making noise
enough to raise the whole neighborhood
I was lying awake at the time, bat Char
ley jumped out of bed like a wild man,
shouting 'Whoa! Whoa 11 WHOA!!!'
Then, as he began to comprehend the
state of affairs, ' By George! Sam,' said
he, 'I thought I could see every cog fly
ing eat ef that aid drive wheel.' "
The caterpillars have made terrible
ravages among the cotton fields of Ala
bama, laying bare whole districts. It
was once feared that the crop would
be entirely destroyed, but the planters
are now more hopeful. It is estimated,
however, that the crop will be ten per
oent below the yield of last year, and,
without the aid of high prices, will not
I pay the cost of producing it.
Grape leaves fried In batter'are a
Western dish.
California * biggest tree la oaly forty
five feet la diameter.
The timid man is alarmed before th*
danger, the coward daring it, end the
brave man after ft.
London letter-carrier* Work right hour*
a day, and, on an average, travel twenty
miles daring that time.
Tbe farmer* of Minnesota will have
not leas than 30,000,000 bushel* of ear
pi a* wheat to pat In the market.
One thousand dollar* per acre i* now
considered a very low rats for ooal land*,
well located, containing the mammoth
Ladies and gentlemen promenading
together of afternoon* this Fall, •
commanded by fashion to walk arm In
A dispatch from Bombay reports thai
tha cholera is raging in many places in In
dia, and there are numerous deaths d*tig£
from the scourge.
We heer a great deal about labor WW
farm, but there aeeots to be a greater
need of reforming some of those fellow#
who don't labor.
A powder mill explosion occurred st
Honnslow, Middlesex County, Eng.,
killing four person* instantly mid injur
ing several other*.
A correspondent Inquires, "If bread i#
the staff of fife what b butter I" The salt
we got was forty cents a pound. That's
all we heard about it.
Necktie* made of leather, with gilt
buckle*, an said to have been proponed
an the fashionable novelty for gentto
meo'a wear the coming winter.
Mr. Jam** New, of Norwich. Ct.,
named bis first born Something; H waa
Homcthing New. Tbe next he called
Nothing; it being Nothing New.
Tbe price of coal ha* advanced atOl
higher in England, and 30,000 miner* of
the Midland coal mines are preparing to
strike for an increase of wage*.
Tbe rinderpest has appeared in Eng
land at several places in Yorkshire, an
precautions have been taken to prevent
the qwsdisf of the disease.
A wag, in what b* know* about farm
ing, gives a plan to remove widow's
weeds; be says a good-looking man has
only tossy, "Wilt than," and they wilt.
It is rumored in Paris that Miss Nellie
Grant is to be married to M. Puvergier
de Haoraune, author of a work on the
United States and son of a distinguished
Three ruffian* in Bangor Mopped
man and asked him tor a chew of to
bacco, and while be was searching for th*
weed knocked him. down and robbed
Urn of sirs.
Patrick Morrimey. who murdered his
mother, expiated hi* horrible crime on
the gallows in the jail-yard at Buffalo.
The execution waa coti<iaetod with the
utmost privacy.
A Eastern newspaper stntktician avers
that the flies axe so good natared this
season that a well-organized one will
site* hinuolf to be brushed off one's
nana eighty-seven times, and not show
any temper.
The quantity ot milk sold drily in New
York is about 330,006 quarts; 300,000 ot
this te sold at retail end 130,000 whole
sale to hotel*, grocers, ate. The number
of wagon* used In the trade, single horse,
is 625, and tor the whole*ale holiness
(two house) about 300,
A witness in describing certain events,
said "the person I saw at th* head of the
stair* wa* a man with ooe eye named
Jacob Wilkin*." What wa* the name of
hie other eyef" apttefhlly asked th* op
posing counsel The witnee* was disgust-
NO. 39.
t<d at ike levity at tbe audience-
The most polished man ill Belfast, Me,,
. jnst now is a dry good* merchant whose
[ vile undertook to bathe him oil over
, with balsam far the rheumatism. Aft**
r the job w wefl dose she looked it the
I label of the bottle end found it wee furni
, tore palish she had bees using.,
1 An old Scotch preacher is reported to
' have said in one of hie sermons at Aber
deen : **Te (pood peopieof Aberdeen get
your fashions from Glasgow, and Olaa
-1 gov from Edinburgh, and Edinburgh
: from London, and London from Puna,
' and Paris from the Devil.**
r For a journey, the sole leather trunk
" ia the beat—and the beat that eon be
i Wright among those fa the cheapest in
. the end. The purchaser has a trunk
which has the fall thickness of tbe hide,
vhich ts a consideration in these day*
| when baggage smashing has become
I such a ouowex.
It will be remembered that three men
, were murdered in Cam County, Mo.,
. some time ago for an alleged fraudulent
issue of county bonds. Now the widows
have brought suit against the sheriff and
other* for the loes of their husbands, the
Sonnet amount which they can recover
under the law being 95,000 each.
Newspaper bores mast be invincible
in Louisville. The Courier Jommal
my* : "Unmoved b? the deadly whir of
the bars-saw erected for his extermina
tion, tbe fiend who drops in to wrestle
with the exchangee now spends the most
of his time in the editorial rooms. A
scheme fa on foot to have him blown
from the end of a cannon."
a it a
Arm ran Srannowa.—Swift assures
us of the satisfactory fact that fleas have
other fleas to bite them. This vicious
habit of the lower animals, which leads
one species to prey upon another, ia just
now exemplified by the fate of the spar
rows. A lew yean since we were suffer
ing from a plague of worms. To de
etroy the worms, we imported the spar
row! and nobly did that brown-coated
philanthropist perform his work. The
sparrow, however, has now attracted the
attention of the butcher-bird, which, in
stead of attending to his business in the
rural districts, has come to the city, and
ia dining doily on the destroyer of the
csterpiller. The question now arises,
what animal can we import that will ex
terminate tbe butcher-bird ? The cat
might consent to help as to aome extent,
but she ia a selfish Wast, and would re
fuse to do any more work than would be
necessary to*supply her daily dinner.
The problem is an endless as the one
relating to the nails in horses shoes, and
we shall probably have to quietly sub
mit to the massacre of the sparrows.
Fob RK-SusarcKiKO Film.— The fol
lowing is given by au exchange ss useful
and eflective; but we have not tried it
Wash the files in a solution of warm
water and potash until thoroughly cleansed,
after which wash the files in warm water;
then put one pint of warm water in a
wooden dish, in which place as many files
as the water will cover; add to this two.
ounces of borax and two of blue vitrol,
finely pulverised together. Stir up tbe
files "well and add two ounces of sulphuric
acid by weight; to this add one quarter
ounce ol vinegar. Tbe files will turn red.
When they again resume their natural
color, take them out and wash them in
cold water, sfter which they must he thor
oughly oiled with sweet oil, snd wrapped
singly in brown wrapping paper which
will absorb the oil from tbe files.
Pmjcxt.— A Hinsdale (Mass.) farmer
recently took his usual marketing trip
to the village, and after he had made
bis purchases, the salesman attempted
to shove the bundle tinder the wagon
seat, but met with such fierce and deter
mined opposition that he withdrew his
hand in great baste. The cause was
found to bo an old hen that was sitting
there npon a nest of eggs, and which,
with the pertinacity of fowls at the period
of incubt tion, bad stuck to her nest
throughout the two miles ride from the
farmer's wagon shed, and now pat in a
" bill" to stay the proceed iings
DrxL bt Women.— Two women, leal- 1
ous of tbe same lover, recently fought a
duel in attended by female sec
onds, ami according to tbe regular rules
of the code. One was armed with a regu
lar dagger and the other with s dagger
made of born. The latter proved a more
formidable weapon, as the woman using it
killed her antagonist. Tbe surviving prm
clpal and seconds were arrested.