The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 20, 1872, Image 4

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    .eod-\lght, but not Good-Bj.
• Hngcml it tlis little gat*.
Beneath * dark and dewy sky.
And when at laat we parted, Fata
Behind the shadows whispered, " W->ti;"
But she unheeding murmured, "liate,
Lata, *wc< (heart, tin growing lata—
Oh, then, good-night, but not good-by !"
I watched her fitting up the atair
And tettgodijO be where thought eouU fly;
' But half-way tip the darkened atair
Hhe turned and chid my lingering there;
"Even love," ahe cried, "must Peat to bear
New bnd# for blooming I Onlv swear,
You'll not forget. ah, do Hiwwr |
Ami then good-night, but tut gc •bjT*
Her voice ia t* my memory veF™"
A atiil small sound that paaaeth by.
For who can lore and then forget f
But death tyfcip: tod *otiOWfecn< yat
Low'* nwniwill riae and never aet!
Tnorefore close up my coffin; let
Love real awhile from care and fret.
Sleep well, sweetheart ; Til not forget
Good-night, indeed, but not good-by 1
Farm, Garden and Household.
cob given corn enough for a pint; to
this add one egg, well beaten, one cup
oi flour, half cap of creant or tmttcrmilk ;
salt and pepper them to taste ; frv in
SMOKY CHIMNEYS,— If yon have a
smoky chimney, sec that thcebiumov
top reaches higher than any other part
of the building ; that thciuside through
out the whole length ia plastered very
smoothly with good mortar : that the
throat of the chimney is not less Uiau
four inches broad and a fool long, ejwu
ing into a chamber at least twice as laige,
and that no flue contains loss thau sixty
square inches.
BrmotEn TOAST.—Cut thin aKcOs the
whole way round a stale loaf (it should
be at least a day aid) ; warm both sides
before the fire, and toast carefully ; have
a hot plat* ready to lay it on when dene.
Put some bn iter, etit into dice, on it;
first warm it before the fire and spread
the butter on *ach side of the toast.
Toast a second round and lay it on the
first; cat off the crusts a
four quarters. Serve very nW. *8
STUBBORN HORSES. — The brain of a
horse seems to entertain but one Uiqnght,
545.7 i. XT' JttlSJSfti
only confirms his stubborn resolve. But
if yon can ly any means change the
direction of his
subject to thfffflc bt TiTtte '"times otitcd
ten he will start without 'u f " f,ii f
trouble. As .iiapk a trick ad yJMe
pepper, pktfr. 1
on his
ing his attention to frfe. feaste ia his
mouth. MVV
Pulverize and nndjnu b.'lJ
a jwiuud to a poufcCjflf <rui-W
covered with end coflri
tightly. Put tlßmJHfluii ia a wajgE
place. In W shukV
frequently, the gnra wifHOkluwolred MM
ready lor "use. Mgkr
thick as thin tuNM* > Jj| .. 1 I
To one qutftßKaßfflHd one j
ounce of good lampblack, and ajnoutsc
of gum *fj
this is also rood r
waterproof. jCSJJ,
twenty minutes, |
I have
rinsed ion^M
appears, to I
Many use .wwpve fruit and]
ink stains JThe'i
diluted still
1 fth >'
eatible condition t-i roughed' •- ■
(and I knowjfel seversh I will give a
rule by which I haySpw rod e-icrv.
free from
of March. irmk at td*rv iaau
way. except
Earth up never tWfOrrW tfelwflt i: it,
or after 4 r. M., and then on a rerv drv
sunshiny day. tt|V Ml St soon a*
the ground begins to freeze, enough to
make the slightest crust in k&fflMjß l -
select a dry and -1
near noon as poaaiblejUat your .-
placing' first a about -one I
inch deep : then a
ing the plants just far&iiogi. ffM
not lay against each othqlL jftiMnW |
alternately earth and the J
boxes are filled, li a i3®v|irst aflß ]
where the celery but j
not in a heated room), youWTfeijftiry w.'l
keep splendidly and always eonvenfiffl
for use. ttft
FAR* NOTES.—It pays to raise MM
for winter in drills, a
bushel to the acre. Oat stalks two feel
from the ground, if large: curt- in
stacks tied mr tte top till the stalk is
dry (some four weeks), tben Bottse, and
not stack out for rains to dzmage the
forage. Oar lttrns and stock-sheds .arc
generaDy pooj aaj small. This ia had
economy. Sjnnan boards. au<l "'-•
large and tight shed-roofs to protect
both stock and jdqck-featJ. Then cattle
do better an 1 tlruP their mauure under
cover, and ot of washing rain*. One
load of such Mkamna in worth mare than
five loads ol eM-wmthered stuff, with all
the salts potash and fimc
taken out A, farmer who would
sell fine his own raising fji
copper centss4Danl them gold eaglw,
would not heweoee mistaken than a
aands are ioMMttavd to tli true value of
fertilizers. What all bow ten years old
ought to flther? have let iff
learn. That w; the value of oarl>on and
the of water in well-dripped
out-door manure, of which tlp'jjrcner
ally form per oent,"TTWnk
of it, the grepise things all I
manure are unknown t* pTfefr rs flfid
farmers. Is this wisdom, or IS it WfK?
Our best friefffttt* the farm a* iame.3
carbon, oxygpn. hydrogen, nitrogen,
phosphorus und sulphur. Ik* tlx** aril
potash, magnesia,iro n i'l *l'l"df" >
and vou wilkuhaar the eiemeat* of g xel
manure. .
SHEET OX A Pool FARM.— Some farm
ers of our acipsintance feel an astipn
thy to sheep"7or the reason that thev
"bite closcjl Wo consider this then
chief rrcoinjonedstirm. They can only
bite close where the pasture is short,
and tin- ]'i4nao ia-short onlv an a poor
farm. A pqpfiuriu will nccaiwfly be
briars, weeds aud
brush in eorucrs. Under such
conditions, wwrmld saytfr afaftii(n*wb6
has twenty dolkre or" upward m mto
(or credit fopi*, and than lekfiim Cmw
the amount w %rf hns to pay one per
cent, a monttrlaMhwwwswf
in as many ewns. not older than, three
years, as y<4. can gtf 'tt that luinlj
Put tbern this Hininyr sucli a Kpl.t as
we have give
addition to fi" up, s
pint of bran ana daily, i
with free acqp*,to water and sail. Thev
will first "(mtd|tt , 'dli*dMrura'iuid clean
them out; lrfcs Portion of that field
will be trodilettwfer wad Over again, and
the weeds ffjfMlaw* no change Fold
them on thu(|%ute and
carry hi stiflrient \& keej<
them <>L#ii<' f d
preferable—in The if yoii
liave luck—tliYiihtßS. if yr>qk||aifi)
proper atfeHiwaMiM H'd afejwMvk- j
yon will rnL-SBmi i*yhw ym buvet
ewes. TheJliifly' tfiP. be ni<ww than f
doubled, andTOTwool vupinnrewill
pay ' Inflk
spring you mSy put fhfll field iii com.
with the cer|Mgfe- of getting fifty per
cent. iacrea^rMjcr^-— Maine Farmer ]
doors iu the morning and let the Ircsh 1
r pass freely through the house. After
an hour or two, close the blinds and'
<!<Xk, 4r btWrwise t|o |boniM
Ml <X)rse th* Arte In which >*(* i
art 1 at work. Take care that no crumbs
arc scattered or milk spilt in places which
arc accessible to flies. Keep food and
sweet thunfs In tlip vlißar :us maoii as
practicable, fend keep .mpboavd ifeor*
shut. It is a great help to hang mosquito
netting before yonr nan try shelves ; and
indeed a great deal more use might W
profitbly wade of utosquilo uettiug
than is generally thought of. If you
have no ioo chest, a net ting box is in-:
dlipensiblc to preserve meat, pastry. |
etc., from IIM* my sitting ■
b#vlippFn wTwno make a
flm iu a cool JSo hous'kix|Hr who j
has no! tried it. can guess how much i
niixir it is than to bp- daily taking a
hnpfii to a Stow, llita of gweu
bushes," sprigs from the cherry tree*
or currant hushes suspended from the j
cHIIng atul wall make excellent resting
places (or flies, and walk kept thus pro- j
rided will show a marked difference
when house olcauing time comes. An
other advantage is thn at five o'clock on
! a eoolish morning, the flies will be found
Ibv hundreds asleep on thew " roosts,'
' wliich may be taken down earefully aud ,
transfemxl to the fire, that w ill merci
fully consume without awakening them.
Aurora BorfefelK
This Wautiful phcnomtßoti has feevsr
lecn seen iu Eiuopcau countries to the
southward of Londou : at least not m
! m<Hlern times ; and yet when we reflect
' Upon the phenomena In early times
to which superstition sftixed th* ap
! {xellation of showers of flr\ fiery otxfs,
I etc., even as far south as Jerusalem, it is
' | scarcely possible to doubt that they have
j bceu twn further south than they appear
In Scotland, the Aurora Borealis was
i unknown previous to the commencement
[ of the eighteenth century, when the
; ! Northern Lights were supj>os.xl to IK
prx'phsUe Mi Uie lutoatuw troubles thai
followiil the liftoff-rife*
; j The aame superstition prevails in the
I ; northern parts of England, where it is
confidently a*aerted that they never
.! wor- seen" until the execution of the
i i kauri o| IX• w-*U water, in 11 ff'. *'tl
-1 wlwh eWfif it" fs not doubted but they
I were in some degree connected.
| j A living traveler relates a curious fact
s'oonneftedflith iU<wr Appearance in kht
'iSfefetittrntJftgeSoFMr rtti Amcrii-fe, which
n shows wifti what avidity the imagination
' raLses a snperstitiou on natural phe
' j uomena. "Iu the autumn of 178* d," he
, i***•. "iwit hortuis ma Virginia,
': where a frequent subject of tea-table
it*l > New
•^frfffTttrfft^fcit ing that die xcorfd w to
glioyjestrovoil by fire, on a specific day
j yt November iu that year ; a propbtx-j
' ] whtok absurd as it was, actually mad* a
| impreasiou even on those who pro-.
iMßsed t > laagh at it It Inpnened on
! { this ver- tiny that I crossed Etiz dK-th
j river, Aud stopped in Portsmouth to
'm* eveuiug #t.a house where there ,
partv of l>otb saxes. There
became the subject of eon- j
| "and the day In-mg nearly
| (mat, trMriPioie party were sjHx- lilv lm
i<* •rr-aiFmoat courageous phßosophera.
Ad at once, oor qrs .were oaswilcd by
I miirmura offfsidfe Ve ri fehed b>
ir, and were much astouished at
Rhi' w hole population of the plaoe
H>t ; the greater part of them
Hinees, and uftoring the loudest
iSions. Attr.iet>-.1 bv ths brilliiui
heaveua, I raised tay t yes
| upwatu, *nd observe*! a very vivid
lAuruat* casting it* coruacntionn
j,■vor luecr Half the hemisphere. On
J tfinnlig round, I saw the whole party on
If 'HI-* hnct-s. and evidently iu great
Ttrepiitition. Tlie scene was certainly
: awlul, vet I .'could o 4 r strain a Igurst
Hof laughter ; wlieu my frn-iwli, witti the
I utaioet ir<*r<<r, beggtxl me to desist, aud
Tlie wrath of offended heaven
[ 14 With difiicqlfef ptrmadeil
TlHiMlViein to listen to me, when laa
snr-d them that ajl they saw was a corn
' anap ph'Jttb'.Deuon in more northern I iti
j tildes. I also endeavored to eoutjuce
-r in- ol ttx- strangers nearest to me that
" Wic# w-u> no cause for; alarm ; bnt I
could gain no convert®." I succeeded,
drawing my own ]rty twick
J ,Wld wpy.u* . wlwr i wraj
I -something njoi# tmtti Lfemfeu. from re
lieving their minds from the horrors
lien. Towtud midnight,
As Aurora dispersed, as did the fi-ara ol
, tligj gaud people of rorb-mouth. On
eriwiingtlio furry to Norfolk, I found
♦bat the same apeeiesof ul.irni hail cx-
Lsteil there. V .
TTisftorficAi, A.XI> Lko.VL Yxo.s.—The
fact that diwrn to 1752 the historical year
{ in Euglaixl eouuncucrd ou January 1,
I while the aril, each si—tir al and legal
j veur began pfe the'Jfithof Much, led to
W conf|=ian in dates, as the Legis-
Mbire, the Anirli and civilians referred
ifeery even! which took, place between
January 1, nod Much 25 to a difierent {
War from tge hiatoriwna. Ibunaxkable
"Asmpies of which confusion are afforded
bi| two wjl-known events in Enghsh
haftorv; Charles I. is -said by most,
sttl]<>nties lo hav" bora liehcmi" 1 Janu
ary 30, 10|8, while other* wifh equal
correctuofw say it was January ill, I*l4o ; j
tiid so the a volution wliich drove James
11. from th* throne is said by some to
have taken place February, 1088, and by
others in February, 1889. Now these j
djiHcrapaneit* arise from sonio using the
Civil and let ol and others the historical
tear, thoniji ln*h wowld have assigned
any event after the 25th of
to tie same years, viz.: 1649 and
1069. T. fevoid us far as possible mis
takes from those two mmleaof reckoning
it ra usual, as often seen in old books
ur manuscripts, to add the historical to
the legal date, when speaking of any day
between January I and March 25, thus :.
Sli.. Mi**. tbi- irilaoJ legal year,,
• (Ly. IC4S, fee historical year,
or thai, January 30, 16i8-'9. This prac
-tfca, oommTi as it has ]< ng been, is
ncvertlielMa often misunderstood, and
oven intelligent persons are sometimes
pi rplexed by dates so written. The cz- i
, planatkm, however, is very simple, for
! the lower dr figure alwaysJgalicates j
the vour according to our uHaenl cal-,
cnlations. ' 1 - * yrif
. i Jai>AX*s, ©AYtaonr CITIWWORM. J
jThe Yokollafeix Btr-fli, describing h"
mil Ja'paifestt says; " The
second day w.vfhpmpi'iTwitii exhibit ions
of UIR ingeiiiousldaylight fireworks, of
the maunfactura qf which the Japanese j
*>P<*r D*b- the 1" wasters. As nnal.
theae consisted mostly ol tombs, which, j
exploding ugh in the air, discharged
sometimes variously colored jets of i
oi moke, and fometimes costly folded
puekagbS of wire and paper, which tin - (
folded themselves into parachut-§ of,
iereat hnlk and syomictrleal design.
They were somidTmes fish, whlph swarm-'
cd leisnrcly through the atmosphere to
the ground ; or snnkes, wliich writhed
(Wuuadvu* away over the tree-tops ; or
r gtijat binds, bePTred fcitc-like and |
motionless for an incredibly long time. '
Oceaeiettully they took the shape of cot
—idmost anything that a lively imagina-
AittlkAUUld Hiiggrht. Tlie smoke figures,'
however, were the most amusing. One!
frequently attempted was a j
Cuttlefish, with body of thick, fuligiu -
! ous Mack, nnd nrtns of lighter hues. Of j
j couafe the illusion was very brief, the
] wind pot allowing thi- smote to remain
] undfstfei bed for more than n few seconds;
but wbii< it lasted it wns perfect."
i -Mm —The cheetah, or hunting •
leoflfcc&tone of the most interesting aui- 1
; 'iiafe itt jlie Central Park collection, Has
qMH ft ssd fate. The cage occupied ;
ltff this- aniinoJ was next to Uiat of a
large aril powerful Asiatic tiger, j
Sc.m< tiiu the cheetah ned playfully to 1
switi*p paw fhrough the bars to culti
vafce ttui ncqnaftitaEce of the latter. A j
Mays since the tiger seized tlie uu
cheetah by ft protruding limb and,
an extraordinary display of
ttgeztj&th, actually dragged it through
the iron bars and killed it befoie the
. keeiK-rs had time tffpfjplljy (SMOMNtI!
' A Paris skojikeeper lately posted over
his door a notwe tliat as bis daughter
i had "made a splendid match," he would
, sell gopds at u reduction of twenty-five
' per cent. lor£a week.
When fo TruMoplrtiit Tree*.
Tf we may Judge by Uib number of In
iiiiirie* rectdvwl at th't office, say* the
rrt'Awae, the interest 111 fruit-culture lis*
! never ln*n more active than at the pre
vffet thuei. Msnv person* are **king
whether It I* better to transplant In Fall
or wait till boring. Till* question ha*
always l** and seem* likely to continue
an unsettled one, even aiuoiig the most
Intelligent and experienced men. With
j large trails, including pears, spplr* and
j peach**, lunch more depends upon the
! condition aud preparation of the grouud
thau up<n thceeasoii at which the trans
iilautll g takes idacc. At dufereut Uuie*
aud wndw fifllervnt treatment, we have
I instituted experiments, the result* of
j which we hoped might serve a* a guide,
I but a* yet nothing definite ou this |H>iut
| has heeti determined. tn four or five 00,
, cfesions, in putting out lots of 260 to hoO
pesr trees, half would be planted ill the
' Fall and the other half In the Spring.
' Twice there was * very noticeably uitl'er
i ence In tlie growth of the treea for a year
jor two, but iuvariably Ibis ditference
| would disappear, so that at the end ol
; five years one could uot positively distin
: gnish Iwtwtwn them. With tall and weak
trees there is objections to Fall
plantiug. The Winter aud early Spring
wiuds will, unless the trees are staked,
sway them backward and forward to such
an extent as to seriously disturb and dis
place the roots. This is es|ecially true
'| of cherry and spindling apple trees.
■; When this evil is guarded against, then
II Fall has some decided advantages over
{Spring planting. For iustance, in the
Fall there is less pressing work to be
i done, and therefore more time can be
i given in the transplanting to details that
■ j are importaut to the welfare of the trees.
] Again, the ground is usually during Au
tumn in better order for a longer j>eriod
; so that there is no necessity ot hurrying
' forward the work, as is frequently the
: case In the spring. For these reasons we
' have on different occasions recommended
' Fall planting, of apples, pears, peaches,
■ | and grapes, nor do we see any good rea
, soft Fo change opinion iu this respect.
There is no doubt,howaver, that, all things
1 , bring equal, the Spring is decidedly the
' • best season in which to do the work.
' But the frost may remain in the ground
till tlie middle of April. Following this
' may be a spell of wet weather, keeping
I the soil heavy and cold, and unfit to plant
trees in, and thus the time be so shorten
ied that ii the job he done at all it has to
1 be done in a hurry, in which event many
1 important minor matters are likely to be
neglected. Better wait a whole year than
run the risk ot planting the trees iu wet
t ground, under any circumstance*.
'. Before planting see to it that the
ground is in good pnlar, thoroughly pnl
verirefl by plowing, cross plowing, and
. sab soil ing, until everr part of it, to a
jdwpth of 16 inches, "is well disturbed.
1 frnlt tr£es, ground should be in good
| heart, but it ia a great mistake to suppose
that they need to be planted in rich gar
j den soil. Ground that will give 156 to
1 2*X) bushels of potatoes to tlie acre is
• strong enough tor them or for grapevines.
' Well-rotted yard manure applied a year
• or two In advance will Wt-t bring the soil
up to the standard of quality. At the
, time ol setting, some finely ground bone
: or super-phosphate of litne to sprinkle
around the root* will be of service. As
to the #eaon, however, we repeat that
with a good soil in good order, properly
mellowed, it will he safe to transplant ap
j pies, pears, peaches, or grapes, either in
fpritig or Hall.
Baby FARUINO.—An excellent Act of
1 I'arliment. framed for the better protec
' | tioa of infant life will come into operation
in Great Britain on the first of November.
| The object ot the new law is to guard
awainst the iniquitous system of " baby
farming." The act states that the houses
' retaining or receiving for hire two or more
! Infants, for the purpose of nnrsing. are to
be registered. The age of an infant is
1 under one year. The local authority of
,j the (dafte is to keep toe register and may
' re&i-e to register unless satisfied that the
place is suitable or the applicant of good
j character. A pqrson so registered is to
! keep a register of all infanta received, and
{, to produce the same when required. A
r local authority, tor serious neglect, or
' when a peison is Incapable of providing
1 proper food and attention, or if the house
| ,is unlit, may strike the house ami name off
j tlie n-i-'ttti r. An inquest is to he held
on an infant dyir.g in a registered house,
unless a medical certificate is produced to
r i the coroner. The punishment for an of
| ( fenae under the act is not to eiceed six
I months, with or without bard labor, or a
, fine of twenty-five dollars. Fine* and
penalties recovered are to go to the local
1 rates. The statute extends to the United
. Kingdom, and the "local authorities" are
specified. These are stringent rules, but
1 the abuse of baby farming had in Kng
; land become so unbearable tbat some
, i thing of the kind was imperatively de
• manded. In the metropolis the Metro
! ] polifan Board of works ia the local
authority, and in the city of London the
, j common council.
A HViroLitsoMK FRIGHT.—A vener
atde minister adopted a shrewd and
; successful plan to abate the nuisance
;of neighbor*' hens. One neighlwr and
! himself kept their hens shut up, so as
not to annoy others. The other neigh
j bor, though often expostulated
with, would let his run at large
aud they made sad work in the garden
j of the minister and the other neighbor.
■ One day the man who kept hi* hens
shut up came to the minister in great
trouble, saying, "Air. H., I really do
not know what to do; 1 have iua't put
my garden all in floe order,ani neigh
bor 's hen* have scratched the bed*
all tip, and undone all my work. I
don't want to make trouble in the
j neighborhood, but what can I do ?
The venerable minister immediately
said, "Look here : I have two hens I
j wish to kill. I will let them out and
: they will go right into your garden,
j You shoot them. You* mav throw
i tbetu over if vou have a mind to ; but
you shoot them." He went home.
The liens wer* let out and were soon
;in liis garden, nnd he shot them. The
j news new through the neighborhood
that the man had shot the minister's
i hens. The other neighbor heard of
. it, and said to himself, "If he will
shcot tho minister s liens he will
mine," ami at once shut them up aud
j the annoyance ceased.
I Wealth* —What is the wealth of any
Jof the biggest millionaires of Europe or
j America to tbat of Ptolemy Philadel-
IphftJi, of Egvi't, who amassed a little
property of £7t>,000,000? And which of
onr cgtravngant young ladies in these
j boasted times, ever gave her lover, as
Cleopatra did. a pearl dissolved in vin-
Jegar (or undissolved) worth £ HO,000?
j Then there was Pnnhmi, one of the f<m
iu Home, who used to wear jewels, when
Sc returned visi's, worth a million.
I Cicero who was a poor num. gave £40.-
1000 for iiis house, And Ctodiua paid
£t!<o,6fHl for his establishment on the
' Palatine, while Messala gave £400,000
for the house of Antony, iScneca who
. was just a plain philosopher was worth
i £,400,000. Tiberius left a property of
; nearly £24,000,000. (V-ier before he
entered juto any office—when he was n
young gentleman in private life—owed
£3,OOo]MO. Mure Autony owed £300,-
] 000 on the Ides of March, and ha paid it
f bvfor* the Kalends of March.
WHAT CAN nr. DONE.—An indtistrions
; housewife reports the following as the
j products of a barrel of flour : 103 loaves
jof brcfed, 26 j dozen doughnuts, 67 pies,
40) dozen biisciiitii, 18 loavos of cake,
22} dozen cookies, 4 hatches griddles.
The above lasted a family of two adnlts
and three children three months, and
would cost, if bought at tho bakery at
moderate prices, &:!5. Hence it np|>eani
i that, considering the eggs, sugar, lmtter,
imlk and yeust nnfeded to make the
j above mentfoned goodies, tho fire re
. quired to cook them, and the time of
! the aforesaid industrious housewife, and
t the first cost of the flour, that sbo would
j better have patronized tho Imker.
there aro who have ground and ground
to make money, that they might be
happy by and by, but who, when they
have got to lie 50 or 00 years old, have
tised up idl the en joy utile nerve that was
in them ? During their early life they
carried toil, and economy, and frugality
to the exqess of stinginess, and when the
time came that they expected joy, there
waa no joy for them. — Beecher.
A Sail Story of the Wreck.
Tho muMoat iifix of the Metis ill*-
aster was that in tho saloon of tho Narra
uanactt. whereas! tho tliaeou aolatßwidow
Mr*. Martin. weeping silently uoar tho
nihil where tho laxly of her hualuuul lay.
She airf that alio nntl bar llUApand ro
sided in Philadelphia, ami had token a
berth iu tho Metis en route to ouo of the
son-aide resorts. At eleven o'clock they
j retire*l with their two children. Tie
tlrat thing lie knew noil waa being
awakened by the shock occasioned by
It lie collision. Her hindMOid did not uwaks
at the time, ami alio aroused hint air' ha
got up to aeo what hail hap|>euotL Tke
(worbutxa then eomuieueod to ory, and
while ahe waa endeavoring to pacify
them another ahook waa felt an J her
huahatul onnio ruibiiif in, saving that
tbo people were all rushing out of their
berths, and that the captain *va about*
fog there waa no danger. She did not
know what to do, and her linshaful WUH
about to got into tod again when gtvsrf
alarm waa ooCMtoned by people running
about. It) a miuute or two uftor ou# of
j the officer*—the steward, alio thoujfm—
came to the berth and told them to hurry
out and put on life-prcaervere net he v ea
sel waa sinking. This was a terrible
; shock, and for a moment orao neither ot
them could attempt to di anything, Her
. hualuiml got the life-prtjaereeru from
under the .berth while she put u some
• of her clothiug, ami he fastouad <H) of
the life priworveM arouml her and pwve
i her one of the children, aged six month*.
■ lie then hastily put on the other and
took the other child, a bov of three year*,
. from the to'rth and fled from the state
, room, which then had about a foot of
water in it. In the dark and with the
roar of the storm, wbicli waa tossing the
vessel alkiut, it tviuiml a great struggle
I to get to the deck. The poor children
. clung to them screaming, t)u reaching the
,♦ saloon it was almost knee deep with
, water. With one hand ahe clung to her
husband who pushed forward in the dark,
and the next thing she heard waa the
plunging of the people in the w 4or.
Her him ham! caught her round the
, waist, shouted to her to grasp the Imby
. tight, and then she found herself strug
gling in the waves. They kept together
I for a abort time, but the sea ran so high
, and with the cold of the water ahe hud
, to let go the babe. Her bustoiud then
got it iu hia other arip and together they
. I kept it for half an hour when a kigk
, wave washed lmth children away, otic
. of whom ahe believed was dead with the
, cohl water and fright. The boy erf thrn
, years was dashed against her tuna- and
, she succeeded iu layiug hold of him,
and the little fellow clasped his arms
, arouud her neck, but in a abort time
after he released hia hold, wltetber from
I death or not ahe could not *av, but hi?
i waa carried awa v. All around the people
were Hoating and shouting to each oib>-r,
I but soon they were widely sejmratefi bv
, the billows, fn two hours, during which
time she had clung to her husbaud, be
, got uuconciona and disappeared. Una
, i horrible reality, and seeing her two
, children also perish, almost maddaned
her, and she was tossed on the Mifows
I like a cork. She felt herself sutiing.
for the lif-preserver got loo*s *nd Inst
as she waa overpowered ami exhatisted
and about to sink the Mocauan wnp up.
4 j and she was rescued, after being hilly
, j four hours iu the water. " Bui, ob I
what is it to be thus recalled to life when
there lies the I tody of my |H*r husband,
j and the poor babes lie in the sea?" she
exclaimed, and commenced to weep
f Captain Allen came into the room, and
sympathized with her. On the way to
) the city the passengers, on finding out
the state of affairs, and that the poor
j woman hail lost everything except what
t few clothes she hastily got on her, made
up a purse of $145 and presented it to
• her. A few hours after the arrival here
ahe obtained a permit from theCorowr •
' office and proceeded eu route to Phils
. delphia. where lu-r pa routs reside, and
where the remains of her husband will
[ le interred.
How to Catch Trout.
I A writer tells how a girl in the matin
i tuins of Virgiuia caught trout. The
r major ami my self soon hooked s pretty
r string of small and me liuin-sied fish.
? There were, however, some magnates
r we sow moving ato>ut in the crystal
! water who could not be tempted by any
, bait we had to offer. They would glide
> out from Itencatlt the cool shadows of
- the boulders, approach our trap* with a
t certain majestic deliberation, sometimes
i even rubbing their nown against the
! hooks, then, as if satisfied that it wasn't
! worth the risk, would retire oontomptn
i ouslv, and let the minors take a bite,
• tickled, no doubt, at seeing how rapidly
i the youngsters snapjul and went up.
While we wore worrying with those sty
• old rogues, Martha came down armed
with a hickory waud, with a running
noose of hone-hair attached to the end.
I With an arch smile she requested us to
i J hold off for a while, and let her try
! her hand. Creeping like a cat along
the rocks, she marked a grand old vo
. | inphury half dreaming among the
I sha lows. Silently and gradually drop
■ j ping her slender noose into tin" water,
I she drew it toward him. As the en
i circling hair touched bis tin, it suggest'd
a slight suspirion of mischief, and he
I I slowly retreated to the distance of al>out
half his length, then resuming his in
-1 difference again, lay balanced snd im
mobile, very possibly Minting himself
' on the superior wi-dom which had on
tbled him to detect the gilt and feathered
' 1 shams displayed to deceive the small fry
' 1 of his rare, and the lofty virtue which
j had tanght him to resist tke allurements
'of casual appetite. The next moment
ho was whipped from the water by n
invisible noose of horse-hair, and wrig
gled in MnthaV eat-like clutches. A>
this BU'Cess the black eyes of the moun
tain nymph sparkled, and her plnmp
chi eks pitted with rosy dimples. Quiet
ing cmr applause with a gesture, she re
adjusted her trap, and presently lilted
out auutber beauty, then another, and
another, until she had captured four of
the largest fish we had seen—one weigh
ing two and n half jmnnd*. and surpass
. ing any we hail taken with the hook,
i Having thus justified her own skill, she
| handed her angle to the major, at tho
same time instructing him how to usp it
But neither ho nor I hail the dainty
glibness of hand to execute tho trick
successfully, and after several awkward
failures each, wo give np and returned
to the hoase.
Tnx PEAK SEASON. —The season of
pears is upon us, and how to preserve,
ripen, stew and bake, are the prevailing
questions among honsekeepers. The
market is overrun with splendid looking
fruit, much of which is too hard for eat
ing. How to make it ripen well and
rapidly is a knowledge confined to but
few. One of the most extensive fruit cnl
turists in Pennsylvania has just given to
the world his method, and we, believing I
the information to be as valuable as it is
timely, give it herewith : The requisites
are a cool room and woolen blankets.
The pears are to ho spread upon one
blanket and covered with the second.
Treated in this way they ripen rapidly
and without mealiness, the Harriett*com
ing out a fine golden color and the
rich and ruddy-looking. At least half
the fruit is spoiled by the ordinary In
door method of ripening, and housekeep
ers will hail with delight any new and ef
fective means of attaining the desired end ,
without loes or vexation of spirit.—JKr
County, California, it waa a custom in
the Summer to guard against the np
prouch of rattlesnakes by surrounding
the couch with the horse-hair rope which
is used to stake out a horse. This, made
very nicely of the manes and twits of
horses, is very rough, tho end* of the
hairs sticking out all over it, and thoao,
it is said, the snake dislikes, as toey
probably irritate his skin, and feeling
them he turns aside.
Of forty-two Atlantic steamers lost at
sea between tho years 1841 and 1872,
thirty-eight were of iron and four of
wood Of the line of iron ships running
into the Bt. Lawrence and Portland
Rivera, nine were lost between 1857 and
1804, and five iron nailing vessels, all
built in Grent Britain and sent to sea
in IXCS and 18G8, have never been heard
KepMlrlng ltroksa A victi m*.
Whyaever an utletrco of a carriage or,
timber wagon breaks down, it usually ,
r occura •( a h'Hg diesuuot* from 4 shop j
where it cull be repaired. Bv the exer
. cum of a littlu macltuaieal skill at such a I
- time, a teamster can make a temporary
i repair siifflovul to enable hjui to *VStdj
holms or the place of dtumiaiin,'
t but little delay. We will upp<>is fig
example, tb*t <tr axb* Stm H i>*ilnmt ■!- i
[ tirely off. Remdv* the load; liloek up
' the axlctreo an inch or two higher at j
I at on cud than at the otuai; thou pro ,
II cure h piism of tough rail or cnutliug,<ir
•I a pidro of a itnll tiec, about four feet
I oug; dn-hsofl one end, lajwriug with an ,
'; ax *, for an axle arm, <>thut it will fit tlo>
hula iu the huh, ami lasli the piece to tliA'
1 bmluiti axhtii-e with jiiect-H of rope or]
wtr#. The rough ideei* umv lot fitu d b i
n*' aide ot U'tinaUi the luLtrwe. Alter j
the ro|M- has heei) drawn up tm fcigliUy iw
\ practicable. H two or tlm-e thlh wedpres J
1 Ivy dffveii under the ri in); afp-r which j
r wet H thorongh'y, and the rapw ler ean-t
; trwi'Mno will hold tha temporary uxle
arm with auflleieiit Mriuut-na toeiiahle the i
leamnt> rto proceed with bis loud, fn I
case Bo bH is at halitl to Ntfe a bole ,
• for a linch pin, cut u grouyc muuml tie.
I: axle arm near the evuvmrty, axl vrlmf'
■ 1 piece* of rope or twine arfwmd the artri'
i j uutii a ridge ia formed of ulUci< ut aim j
>! to hold the wheel from running off
H Mould the nxletrce ghv wiri' near the ■'
i'middle, rather than at oue oi the arms, ;
(fit a piece of -canthog or Mmit rail I
I) hfuesui It, lattiag tho piect oxumJ from |
wtn-. l to wh*y|, ami l.uh tka Btvds to the j
axltMrcu luwr tfio wiua-lw iu c*e n wuiv
f uMMMrf to ride several miles to op tain j
• pieces of nqx- ami au a*e before yuv .
< could maVe the utccaimTy rn|>airs f ft
might bo far more satisfactory hi do *o 1
i than to procure another vehicle, 11 .mater 1
< the loud, and afb-rwarda return for the
i broken una. In case * wlwx-l W.*re to
r break dowa.a loan who ia halt u carckuiw
, ic could easily fix a ptyya (if xilauk
• i be neat h the hub, which would slide on
ground, like a runner, lor twv rai i
> 1 miles. IAMA/TT A tUMt
■ i ...I - i
law Terk lrj iioods Sfarket.
The market for Dry tlooil* the past
| week has exhibited cousideruhla uaima
' tU<u in all departments. The cool
1 weather has had a i< (.car* bj> #t
ua uecesmltatiug a Hwsl# d. mau#f.%*t--'
1 j kOuahle giHli., The R|x-aial feature liaa
' j Isx-u theobangee m f'ttOU
licvil in ode grnvtatians elwaiafcara. \
.Standard Brown Sheetings and Shirt
' ing*. -CU'M' active and tu good demand.
- | In Pleached Sheetings and Shirtiug->
' the demauif frM ? IrfLdflt
' activf, jStandabrgßwlii dlohild flrmly
1 it former quotations.
Iu Cotton JiiMon-tk tb- visuuuid an*.
' tteen a little more active, nufthbaUE
' actions have I wen on a anall scale.
Stripes and Ticks —The market ia
' moderately active. In Ticks fur scalug
are reported at current quotations.
1 Printing Clotkn aru dnU.
' Printocoutiiiue active and strong for
' nsiaO#s*e gfwdna.
' j Kentucky Jeans are inactive. Quota
■ tious remain nominally the same.
| lu FlannelsftxHh llmuml has I •onnaettvn, l
' | The stock tu hand is small with a good
> [ demand.
• 1h Pgreiga Dry Good* Imoie" bwe
-; lxa *t|v.. exhibited standi and rj>id
1 ' improvement. Then? are few goixhi in
• the market Iwluw last year's prices, im
portrf|bofdflig heavy "stocks, that pie
' venting another advanci? in price a.
1 TTTi "TV
, A Fox Tut>—A tpmint (Vi.tah m!n
--t ister was given somewhat Us t xaagtwa
r tion in the puljiit. His clerk reinimh .1 1
t him of its ill rffifrts upon tin- cigr<yia- ■
~ tion. He replied he was not aware of
~ it. utnl wished the clerk the next time
[he did it to give a cough bv way of bint
, Soon after In- wm dciertbtug hompanu's i
. tying (he foxi-s' hufatogtttkar. Ilosaid, i
] "The foxes ia those uava were macli
1 . Uirysr tkau ours, and thev had tails
1 twenrr fnt long." 'Ahem! came from
i the olcrk's desk. "Tliat ia," oontinucd
j the preacher," according to their moaa
uivuiiiit, but by our* they were fifteen
• tut lotjg." "Ahem 1" loatk-r than be I
; fore. "But as yon may thmk thin ex
k tr:iv:uuu*t we'll just nnv Hi. y were ten
•, fot IT ••Ahem ! uhem !" stall more vu
• OMTIS. The panwin hmnwd orertha pul- 1
1 • pit. acil shaking bis fttiger at the clerk.
r | -mid "you may cough thcie all sight
il ' long, mint, I'll no* take off a fut more.
I Wraikl vou hac the fotat wkl MS leal*
at a* ?"'* , j
A HACK STRIKE. —The strike aiaong
I J tin- hack -drivers of Wiesbadea boa iiad
an nufortuata termmatioo for th. ru
, aclvc*. A Mr. Solo moor, of lbriio.
r taking advantage of tlm eccAsiou, im
. | naxUatefy oflcro-1 to prepare 200 elegant
■ hack* of tho most modern and approved
1 construction, which ho ten'lei to the
• Wieahailet) (jovernincut to be uaod AC
cording to the newest regnlstionw. The
. Government at once aordpto! tboiwopo
r sit ton. giving Mr. Koiomona full control ,
: aver tho back traffic of the city, AU<l
throwing the old nflrfkuy Jidnt* en- 1
< tir<-ly out of emphij want. Tho polic
■ have also received full iowtruetiisu to
, | talcr fv dry means for seeing the new
-1 onlcr faithfully carried into execution. I
A ST. mit. —A wry . xtrsonb ia y j
1 is apparoiitly gaining some credence in ]
Madrid. It is neither nton* not h?s?> I
than to the effort that King Am*den* I
WAS a party lo what is Bimuaocd to Inii
• the amassiimtion hoar, and af-*igncil flic
i same with a view to tk* faronilde ixsnlte |
of tlis dastardly attack. He, rnv* the:
1 report, w<u< much chagrined Ui fliuVaiiM'
i of his lnatrumgfefr kilh lu- he uad i,
; such intention toward* nny but his
1 hJegM, Tho pn son era will *t?on b<- di*-'
chargad it is said. Another aeusntion is
I tbat ilhs Attorney-Gancral has discover- i
e<l ' Bvidenco implicating the Duke da
1 Mnntpenaier in the aaaassinatiou of l*rim
and demninda his arrest,
I A Monti. SvißOois—Priuoeaa Louis*. ,
MWtrchioness of Lorae, is to a**iat it)l
founding s school for girl* whlfh i* to be '
a model institution. It is not. Ijkt: Uiy (
national schools, bo give a Ucitkxl <v>Ot- |
rnon soliool education, but will furnish a
renlly lilieral education, at • cost of not'
tuore tliiiD Sl2 psr ynnr. The auhoo!
will be divided info tnroe dci.nrluicnts,
preparatory, junior and inmr, and a'
normal school will be attached to the in
stitution for tlis preparation of youug
lailias as taacbers.
SINOCI.AB. —At Gajrlordsviile, in Fair"
field County, Ot., there resides an old
lady named Sarah Gay lord, who it so {
deaf that a large bell, rang immediately
near her ear, cannot l.e heard by her. !
Despite this absolute deatoess, she will
go t<> church, listen to a leugtbly Berinon, j
and then return home aid be able to
repeat ths discourse word for word. Jl*r
entire knowledge of the serin on ia gained
irem the motion of the apeaknr'a lips.
A Fi.oATrvn (hnrta.—At Htrasburg,
Prussia, n Yankee circus is creating
a great cxoiWment among the Alsatians,
An Ainerienu liaa brought bis company
over ami huiit a covered atnphfthentre on
a huge raft-, which Istowcff'abmit by a
stcamdug and unchereil before any t./wn
w hieti prpmlfCfl to pay w H. Tlii* novel
Yankee gotios h> now floating up and
down tho Rlunc. having ontm- there from
Amsterdam, and isgotng toKdgland. ibo
owner makoa lots of mone*.
'? 1... ... ■ i ... >nl a-WN
SIM iu.e Rsncdu.—A Wqaferner raraaf
ly invented the Beatest, simideat, aud
most effSctlvo .-ueUiotl of sumida, ever
heard of. lioydkaed himself in tho most
eomtortikjile fmatnee attsinablc, and took
in his month a piece of India rubber
tubing, the end of which wa* con
nected witli the gas WbtWJT tf<| tlf'fEi
turned on tho gas and pffliwhW<Tffmfi!dr
going off to. the lotppf htwtljjf grwmj.l?
a* easily BS if he Ws-< only
of laughing gas in A dentist's chair. v)*n
fiLErvts.—New sleeves for hidtcs
dresses are siiDjia And pretty, having all
tho comfort of a coat sleeve with the
graceful effect of a flowing sleeve. They
are, In fact, closely fitted coat slaevcs
with the wrist turned back from the
outer seam in a triangular revers, while a
pleated frill or gathered rnffle is inserted
in this opening, and left to hung in the
way uoder-sftevea are now worn.
A little temper is such a good thing in
wives that they never ought to lose it.
j Bn kit Kn lew often York ffiirkct.
; PkArisiona. Pork.—Mesa on Uo spot
t>-dy but qnlal. 200 hbts. thin mass
I *ohl at #lB. Por ft.rward dellvary the
j market W atfy, but rather qntot.
I !)rea<l Hog*.—There Is no eliangs of
prices. Wa quotA fi\J At <1 7-hk7 l-3c.
1 Gut tlrai*. We quote haiua In plekle#
" at f:iUe.; ia salt at llafia, and alttmlder
| at to
i Hinoke.l Heat*.—Ths msrkvt I* flno
We qSota hni* at ifialfic.: ibuulflai* at
: fi 1 -*ie<; amj clear rib at 10 l'Sallo.
| lk-. f There is no change iu the war
ket, Plain western mas* at fisusT and
I extra mesa at i7afi>. Hale* 70 bbta.
i ifoif Ham*—ars quiet. We qnofe old
waatern at B2*'afi2b and uvw at fihOa9fi2.
Halqs 25 hbl*. j i
T.srd—fur waslaru on kiieapsAiaaabade
i better. For forward dalivtwy we do not
I Uayu of any husines*. At the clone 9 1-2
, u hi! for October.
, llutter—Ooinmi and medium grades
! eoQie fiwwerd frs-ely- Wv quota Hteu Ui
' tub* al 2£aiv-i, ween-rii at lOalbe. i
for outniiiiMi to lair, aad tlolio. for tioe
i and Untw
' fheese— fo qulst, aud prieer are is the
i buyer*' faver. The hotpe trade U moder ,
•la, btsti factory, ]2akfie. for common
! fa fin*; and Uo. tor foiwv.
Art s lttufi." Huui- and western rtosr i*
iu t# twenty cent* Tt.ere it s
. moderate demand from exponent and the
i * wliwat - The market U ! artlvw, hut
1 prfee* are Otto to two oauU higher. We
t >'i).2 spring to at<>re a* • i ooagt tfn
I winter n?d twltw at I 565 l AJ for new;
.MBtwr wextern and southern at |1 fi4a
i 41 iJ fur m-w.
I Rye I* quiet but firm. Western at iic.
| Sdgar- The market for raw is fairly
act lie, and price* wr firm. Wn guoto
'fair refining at 8?•&•., and S*f 11 to 18
i veutrifagal at V T fio to 1-fic, lu refined
' the busine- *l* fair. We quote soft yellow
Ist 7 He.; soft white at Hull l-Bc.;
! rramil.ih-d at 12 l<*eq ornahwl and |*w
dered t It Ho, and et tost at II
i tvdfao—The tntrk-el for BrariU i* jn#e
; lira, am! prices arc nominal K*at and
j Weft India coffees are dull and priogn ore
} tn the t>uywra' fovur. •,
Molasses is quiet, hut steady. In do
moatic there to a faiptobblng trade.
lViroh-em is firmfy beldf, bnt there ia
rf scarcely arty Inquiry- Refined f4c. Case*
4 are quoted firm at 22c. Fur crude iu bulk
I there i* a Our , .if)
4 i* retuarkaUy gwiet. There arw
' very fie* buyer* in the market The tales
are light medium w*in> lAa. tnndmm
Ohio at f>4c-; Uhio nl 02rj tuihod at
fine Tvxaa At S7c aJricg dip CMifortua
itt 4| ••"tk., Root India at 42c-; Capo at
j oSiMUC.
Ilf 111 * lMmMr ATl**
A reportac who k igflad insanity and waa
aent to a totnabe nsylun*. my a be now
' togi* that had he not been BFrved with
I the e,m4eico*i-s that he wm present !n
riiiji p!we and ouiong lh<o soaana of t#.>ay
for a piirpiya >*wk of aim pie juatk-e
, aiyl truth, to bw U-kl uamanrvadfy ami
• diapswdt.nAelv, wtidXiw r it wa* favorable
or unfavonrtile ee the inmrtwHon, he
,gor><d not have rpdnrcd tnosc
raw day, Qad Lf Wt hie Uhpmuontont
to he L. ptW* and anula**' had ha had
no tbngghu to baajr and loienat hisa but
' hi* own wrong* and <■ offering* to moke
him deq.aia—hi* asemdnfJona gfone troW
hgve driven bun wfM in g month. And
• (bosnk he ha 1 ftasunutcto of early reltiuw,
1 am) though he knew friends without ware
! anxiously iotarnstad ia hit rwhsaaa aa him
.Mof, still tho socialww wnh di-ordenif
1 hraltis, the total lack of amusement#, the
tfoae.*t absepee from the fVoe air ahd
• -oaahlwa, the harriLla notoa* which
i alarmml ths night* aad dctfol alum her.
the filthy manner it whiah the taaals are
-erw-d, tba utter nporato*i from the
• world, and flic other eooffiiion* of lito
' imprisonment, had sorb an eflfeet upon
) him that at the end of throe lay*, in a lit
' of the deepest de-q* ndr.6j, ho well nigh
lost eon rag o, and waa atniigi? temptrd u
abandon hi* tni**Mti. GOT O?F from all
j rotmnunicatton with Ms frHmda, without
' money, forced to fog an attendant even
for a drink of lo wais.', r to gat. a hand
kerehfef mr ooUat. arid aUariy at the |
merry <w naajrm|>alhiatog servant* and aa
(neonqtetentpky -icupi. Xberwtiefit became
so deprrved and dlw nsoiate that (H i*
ino exaggeration) he actually oetW-ned
his own sanity, or at all evuki hia ahilitj
! to retain hia rvo*<<aif lie ehaald W torcod
to remain whar* ha waa. JHa folly
realized thaw. IBr tba ftrst time, how
I terrib!* ButWlte tbaeflaetlons. bow wild 1
I the despair, of a sab* man condemned to
' exile among these maddened souls afWr
the physician in rhatya Lad, to answer to
. his \v..-adni and itfo protact, toyed with
Ida ptfl aad poaqwyaei for a wiore eoa
-1 vanient wmaon a eforfol exgnination of
lo* ccurfitiun, or - rcn the moat ordinary,
IMm.-? in regard to hit liiatorr. Im
prisoned there or dne proceaa of law, the
vfotißh p-rhaps. of a lend eOmgiiraey in'
which pliyahaaa* had been bribed or
duped, and the magistrfl* hod hlfndly
pnt (airii in ttrangers, forced to acknow! i
I edge rite triumph o! hia foe*, despairing
of nltimato deli-eranma and losing faith
in his fellow man aad almost ia bi God.
a *aiu< .man thus imprisoned cannot foil
, lova to foc.ftnc. under the unWholeeome
influvneee nf tills place, a maniac in Sort
|* oUh in name. 4 . j
A Watering Piece Romance.
I Trod night 1 ovrriieawl ilia fallowing
.CQO venation: " Xut Harry, dear, we
' must part. I think it. awful erne! of
| i-a, bnt yon know ha never onc-mraged
I von. H say* that you Arc nloa anougb
iyt tlm* a youug man u<m a-daya aunt
t ha ;tola, to fMppott a a wife to the styh
to which alie has bava s cindotaod. and
' that, ynn know, vow conld not do, dear.
So lin tint give yon tit), Tbat Go* Evana
I I fairly hit to, with uls litths snapping
I cyrw, and hi# bristly, ugly moustache—
j ugh ! bnt la ho* a lovely yony phaeton,
| which to nil at my arietoa. and a dinmood
I pin a* big as a wnhmt in hi* shirt boaotn
i and pa says he ha* lojn of tnonvv, and
j ovfli* real estate and roilroa.l Stocks, and
'1 don't know wliat els-, and be aiys I
, uuint Is* civil to bins Htul marry him if
i he oal me; and I know be will, for the
I other night he got right tn the point and
nun ready to a*k the all important <jtion
tiwi, when pa dropped lock fcr Ills
. paper, and that ouifol it for tlm tibia."
" Bnt donT yon lova wait" tho young,
manly fallow at her side asked, with a
twinge utnl a tremor In hi# voire; "yon
, know you have givea ma esnm- for
! nfirihshg no, and hoping.''
I y 0 "- coama I do. How ad
ly ! yon; yon know I tore von,
j anfi R i* really too had that 1 can't have
1 m v way and marry yen instead of One*
: Pu might a* well support us as not, ba.
he won't, and you know 1 iwwr can car
j it without the i-omfort*. I have always
had. . 1 must bnve wiv d*>*ea and ray
diamnfide. my borae*. ntid nit riarHe*,
aud H • ve in the biinie elrrtc asl aonow,
anil tl.ov things you know you could
never give me. N'o, Harry, dear. I shall
ulwayn love yon, nu<l yon wont be vexwl
will yon; bnt it to briter that we should
part,' ami yon won't fry to see me much,
vntt ruu, till iff<-r I'm'tnorried?"
••Tcxed, ob, no, not at yoxu But let
ua go !•, and then J H aav gtml bye to
you attd my hopes fotwor." .J •
Hia wufo- was hard, and ha atrwve to
lieenoi and nticotu-eriied.Mif it trembled
a little, and Ids fne'e Was very xrihite as
they rne. Rut hat smile wo* aa
Siveeland.aMf atias<-d, jind bars-yaaa
CMOFUS though she nod not wrecked a
joangßiaii's hnpnine-w, nmt thrown him
Mfi-lafor ' brainier* Jnwping-jJek with
and a* though bar life ens not to
be a Vapul, iuesuuw rouud of faakion
fthto cmphiira*. with none of loveor m#o
fuljuisn to a weaken it .
- ,!CLH*Z DEBT,— It )* A small one, to be
afilt, laid apnareutly no* w<rth a aeriouß
thought tiliy not Uu-n pay it ? Why
be compelled to xnffbr the morttflcation
of ujßjott * Whv not take that little
thorn nut of yonr akbuoc ? It will
fester if allowed to ruumli), ami cause
ten timea tha trouble. Wliy not lelieve
the eonsoseuoe of tlia* littles load 'i You
will feej better for it by so doing. You
contracted the debt kpowitigiy and will-
Luglv. Did you mean to pay it ? Cer
tainly .Vou dnh Than why qok 4°
once ? Every day's dwaj- incmioea,
morafly, the uuiount of your obligation.
S'*non;ber, too, tlmt yottr little debt,
itiri a thousands otlier mi*n'B little debts,
make n little fortune for your creditor
the poor printer, for instance-
K4 i-A-M *
The Public Debt
Tlie following is a mmpitnlation of
, tin- statement of tho public debt of the
, United State* :
iwu nwigta>ii iii la ' ")•
It"t>* MUi|M aM. h&ii.iMS*.*'*.*oo.oo
f BUDS* *lba nut US,WVJtO-oe
) lakrf|Mt-**. u. j-........•... WUI;AI-'i
i £t t . t>, taaM* to lawful Mwiw.
r in in >tuiiii>)ini>aoM * ana -.*/
U*vy - si'iiri' riiaa* M uini* T m
<wai. t laowaoao*
ofUlkag|p tiro* gw •*.
FfiaSu | t3j.SU.riMS
IMM on wniiti !■ f.t Im*o*m4 aa,. * Kaiartty.
Frui.-i|wl.. , ± , t .. q>... ■. tA^^t'rSVari
foo rux a* nnm*
Old tosi-o-Aw aoM.. faUOW.m U
' ■ .u r r-<V. 4MISSOI U
<Ma Co St
|*T.tro,*x a*
tTaiNisi T t" i " S.MM.IO
Fn. lUßMtatl
~ •.... UASkMLri |
UMfc ia u Tnuua,
Vuu i
tiM IMS I MB a> Uu TfVMur,
Or.-raww ofdcU ilurtu* |M*t m'.blh (lu.TM.SM W
"--vrflflrr "—'*** i
u 'M SM Trloi
1 UulU Lmm* a
<' 'inta--* laiMMi I*
iawmlaa*r. wuwi|*l uunad
- attaamriwl uu) au |M paid
. nowMXtaid by railed aula* l*.S7u t?JH
luujoel re|i<l by irmoajwmauß of
mail, ac I.SM.MS t
Mum i.r wan* jald by Um UuiMd
Mate*. I2.TS.TIXU
Tile <Sul eipucUuct ot UM rediwKlua
•I laituMSM) dab* • XjMI M
rnwe O-mi M*rrb 1. I*S. to Ul of Mt.lll ZS.SO
And t d*. r<*w i* ia****si lalpreiK
H"W Sha Diu IT. —l will tall yon a
' rat for barefaced story of how a Dublin
rhmnibetntatd i* said to have got twelve
wmnwrcial traveflers into olmva bod
' rooms, and yet to have given each a
*paratori>>ui. Here we have the eleven
I txiiruotfo .r i
I R*
M Nowsaid sfox " if two of you grotle
taea wiHfgiiuto rw>. 1 liadroota, and wait
, i there a raw minatea, I'll find a spare room
i! lor one o%ou a| oon s I've shown the
others ta 4fob .•." Well, now, having
tho* bastowed rtM> gentlemen in No. 1, the
, put tfo tbitfij Id No. 2, the fourth in No.
, 3, the fifth in No. 4. the sixth in No. 5,
, the aetewlk tq No. 4, the eighth la No. 7,
the ninth in No. 8, the tenth in No. 9, and
the aloventh In Ifa. 10. She then came
i back tofiio. 1, where yon wHI remember
xfo left tlt twelflJi gentlamaa aloag with
, the tint *ud said: "1 have now acoommo
daid alf ffo rest and still have a room to
spare, wq tf one of you will please step into
' No. 11, yqw wiU find it empty." Thus the
twelfth lain got his bedroom. Of course.
1 ihutv is a bole in the saucepan somewhere;
1 I ait I leave tA*ne*i< rta drtrruine exactly
wfofw the frflaoy ix with juat a wammg
' to thmk twice before deciding a* to rAAA,
' tf any of the travellers was the M odd roan
| out" , s-
' Mosqrrro MxxrKi. The ScuntijLc
, Amtrwmjm fitofollewiog: •' At NUut
lord. Con., wllrie mweqaHoe* are a*
- Uiiok aa a fog, live* an ingenious Yan
kee, ao they say. believe it wbwmay, who
• trots throe insect* to profitable naea. He
I has fovea ted a large revolving aooop net
. covered with lace, which is pnt in motion
iby a windmill, water power, or steam.
fhe lower kaff t€the acoop is plaood in
twafe-r. The upper half moves through
1 the atruoepkaae and at each rotation
draws imm-vrae numbers of the 'aqni
toes' down, info toe water, where they
drown aud fink to the bottom. Every
i revolution of the net draws in an ounce
, of nos.jtntcc -, or a ton for thirty two
; thousand torns of the machine. The
mosquitoes tbua collected make a *pleu-
Idid ma nit to tor the land, worth forty
five dollars a ton.
For prleea of RAILAOAD ROXIW write
I Street, New York. •
PAvnoarb "Workmen are laying a
pavement on the walks of I' nion Park
New York, which has never before been
1 QKII in this country. It ia formed of
rock simply ground to powder aad heat
ad to a feemperatare of not leas than 300
dugraea. While hot this powdor is spread
evenly with a rake over a bed of oomest,
and ie then cougircaard by rollers into a
puvoment, with neither joints nor acemt,
and impervious to water. Its surface
ia perfectly smooth, and there is no dust,
mad or exhalationa. It con be easily
swept, u not more slippery than granite,
and ta not acted upon by the heat. The
rook of which it ia made is imported
from YaHieTrwvera, Nenchatel, Rwitxer
. Ruiw, and thogiwt everybody with yonr
t'atorrii apd it* offensive odor, when Dr.
Sage's Olurrh Remedy will speedily de
stroy all odor, arrest the discharge, and
curn yon, <ll4.
A Memphis local editor who got
drunk waa fined five timea the usual
penalty, on the ground that it WHS his
place to sot an example.
Brß*xrr'a COOOAINX give# new life to
the hair and makes it grow luxuriantly.
Som li>dy who scorns to have licen
auaoyed beyond the point of patient en
dtiranee, says : "I made a vow long
since, and I record it here, never to
itooltigise for stepping on a trailing
dirt, outside of the proper place to
wear one. Like many another nuisance,
toe way to almte it is to treat it without
mercy : and unless my plan ia in harmony
with "the will of the Lord, I shall be
confronted on the judgment-day with an
appalling number of torn and ripped
drees skirts.
Annnto Pbrsow TO Potso*.—There is
bo disease in which the blood is not
Uoro or leas impregnated with unwhole
some matt r, and toe direct, inevitable
effect of all preparations containing
■piritnoin excitant* is to increase the
volnme of poison in the veins, and there
tor aggravate and prolong the malady.
Hencolt i* thatdjapepaia, hillious fever,
cholera-morbu*, lung complaints gout,
dropsy, rhenmstism, nervous dimnlern,
and exeea of general and local debility,
originally mild in type, ore frequently
rendered chronic and dangerous by
dosing the sufferer* with tho alcoholic
hitters adve.tiaed as medicinal stimu
lant*. As a counterblast to the canards
pat forth by the proprietors of those
pemtckiUH compound*, the plain, honest,
philosophical statements of Da. Joaxrn
WALSKH. relative to the nature and
TKaa. are doing a world of good. He
haa opened the eyes of the public to the
important fact, "that a pure vegetable
touic and alterative, unpolluted by alco
hol, if not an absolute specific for every
variety of disease,ia the nearest approach
to it yet attained. His YIXEOAB BITTERS
are unquestionably working such won
der* in affaatioM of the stomach, bowels,
nervou* and mnnenlar syatema, and the
glands and respiratory orgun*. —G*,
forww ; also, as a prrvenUva against fovw and
agiw aad etfor isMrmitteat fevers, th- " Ferro
rtiosnhorsti-il Elixir ofOalisaya," made l>y Cfo
wv-11 Tlaxaxd A Co. New York, and sold t-y al(
dniKKisra, is the beet tonic, and aa a tonic for
p.LUcute recovering from tever or other sick
ness, it has no equal.—(hw,
The Elm wood Collar ta just the thing for hot
W*atlir. The folded edge* and pereptrmtion
utvof finish prevent It* breaking down Under
aiiv circumstances. You can wear it longer
than any other collar. Ask yonr Furnisher for .
the Eltuwood.—Cow-
Thero la no excuse for poor Biscuits, Bolls, •
Bread Griddle Cakes, Muffins, Waes,,*c.,wheK
Dudley's Yeast Powder is used. Grocers sell it. 1
—Com. _ ,
Contagious diseases, such as horse ail, glan- ,
der. Ae„ may b* prevented by the use of Biuta- '
traveling with horses should take note df this. <
—era n.
Missionaries and others sojourning in foreign (
should not fail to take with them a good
is the most reliable medicine for all purposes I
there la in ths woitd.—Cfoa.
■ 5
Use Ifo best. It is the cheapest. Frank Mil- j
ler's Harness Oil contains no Coal or Mineral ,
Oils.— Cowl *1
u lint*, (fend for circular.—Oom.
to M> part"*aa. Tk ptartw wort daoetTea nobody
Thai* !• Mi oa* erti.W known which 1H mtnw
Mrrauhwl ao—pl atei c rr—lti external brtUlaary
•ail lil'Hita what* the, bar, n*r*r ln*rttorw ti—ad.
•int that artitta t Hunt* a Mmwhu H.LM K
nerf.wma Ut* Mbd Kiit-mD t-jr |of u *!r vitality tutu
the •*> <*• df—and lMMrtat }nloe of which Ithi
——(wafd ffrtrth aU—aiale the linmUllofi in Urn
■ttinulo llhiod .>.#.!* Wd brace the aeteark Of
km-*** (broach whh-h they |M Than tpit—d
aad auenrihtiinl tin exlrrnal omwnaff —on aa
—>> • ft-Mti n1 Waltbfoi hu*, and WWt Inn of
Nl|MW| fIHMn. The petrel cheat* derive
fhetn the twwßhOtof bMttw of (hi* daligbtfol
■Mil • warn** haw. and DM erme. band* aacfc
a hiiawta la—wblah the rbartahnn who pmtmm
ta (Mb ladle* 'Woiifhl forever" with iMr p
MWM cement. eao inner hope to liattala —lCoaa-l
maanc ami Towe—for l<<eprpet, CoaaflpaUon,
ftehibfo. MohJwwhKshe. filteua At—k,. and ail
der—erneste <4 Ur. Shwuarb end Ih-wala Ark
j foar Oraoflat forN. Hnnt or twt**••.-{Ouni)
** riM Mtawlaa for HUftmeb—o—a."--!—*r-
I bad, whehwuteekl hp raOoed hwlufHl Iba abeee
j eaten no. meet, t"" 1 •§! pFffW* ' Tam **!"*
lee hgub. ih**iy eead ef Drep*i.wa R S
: i -Rim-Ai—tPS uutun MAIB DVK U
: laaat *tr aed eetepUn pwpu—las ef Ma km* < the
' *HB Ila ifwu m aMfwal, ne at—tar b*rwl*w.
ihIMU eete—l. tie oaalMlw ml ana*.-char
:.. ■_.i.jauL...-!ii.iii ,"iHI.,! ',, LI in 1
HplHUhl .Volioaa,
A Mlerwee wttk e Thawaead y—p*aw.
I Dy*p*u U the nanM pwjlitiea *f ail hiuaae att
laaaw. lie wapaai am fowl laden* la the *a*-
' Wf, and the loriora aed deapnad ei.t mM a< (he Me
thaewa aaalhfo. Than dae. la paw. le tbaabwe awe
fo whhh an"' I'iaiM (ha ate—acb aad thebre%
| sifortl IB |i III# fjntti (AuM Mlf istn rlrsfrf if IJSS
: teat. Ih* fwkli of liia Mead. A medtria* thai, ilka
lUwWi bum, not *v loan the NomarV hwt at
the mm* tuae oaabala the hear, pw fain a nehi
iWMpof M, Ma nee theaervm. panda* the 4d* aad
■•a tai 1— Ma tnhtd fnenj- ■ lawwtun tha Mm
aad *eV *T*(idfo* —mat* I Imam ft*— w the
i*npmat Uathaiia —Mttar—aff— It aat
naif aat— ity—waeik. bat alee ah coeoaaiauMaeM aed
tn—jtifurrr V ewoeer M WiaiahieMeeaa|w*eaau*e
of)iMl#a*liii- Ha imm whe abnoaea to tehe half a wtea
itaallr three Ufi a 4a* etd eoar he leualilad wMh dp-
after aaiis*. aaewe. aw iir* etaMaaa, e* ahf
; other ireJkauoeaef a weet af ee* la the dieeWiei aed
lßa|| TUNB 4WbViiltjf *b4 iAimVMM T
t, bat weather are monaiuu)) aad eerwneeelh ]
aaheead for tha lb tana, aad pare jae whe an I laihte
iweaiij ledtaet aalMh apee IB* "a* Ihriafo a*ae.
dartte "wtU ha ait le tahea hnehtcr aad an re hoeedai
ebddaee aeedndhal eueeliM.
TO costmrnvr*.
TO (Mti arriTni
ftr—lj diMMMMt, | t hp * MlUlli li *•*•
MaalßMake U t le hie tello* eaCaran the aaaaaaat
•are. To eft whe fete M. ha eiD eeed a aaee eddhe
linnh|tia aaHLtbae at ihitpr. wMh Ma b neu
ter ereearrap and pyM (he M etuch the* —C dad a
•traal MM for tvwerwrrti* hmnu. Ban—Ml It,
aad all then I er lape dfoee—ea.
focUMwMafoetSd——enpyee efl piaa— add—
Tbr Marheta.
■aw rowa.
B—OarnJi Primeu-Ka-Baiioebad .U • .IBfo
fo! ft— htp..e. Ufa# .Mb
tteeoßdft—i J] # .US
I OnHnary thm VtetO* .1! 2 .UK
lift or tuerc grade Ut * .M
MlhCB Cow*... IMB CMI1
Boae—U*a .S .MS
1>—ed................... M\4 .MK
Ihmw oe 2 M
oermi-ilMfoi nvi .S
thoca—hatra wtn .... f.— a* bdS
dtaw Ft tea T.B 2 """
Waaer—Bad Vntm ill dm
- Mala lii BUI
Krh—W—tern T d .7S
HaahM-Malt lBl( IMS
Co-t-Biaed Veetera # Jt
>ara—lfcxiwl M li .*
Baa 1.80 <4 I.M
Krae*. A* aid
Bora. 'Ua. m M—"tta- M • .
Pom—Ma— 1J dliß
L*M.. BO
Fcnetdrvw—CmJ* II|i
imui Bu— 11 f B
ObiaW.lL 1* m •*
" Tmnry Ji (A M
Btdrni 'rdloary 10 2 - u
FeatMniT.nla tu ... ,B H B
OHIO ■tairFScaoty .10 .lib
" Bbtao—ad (d 2 .10
Ohio ................ M A .UK
E - —la 81 2 -M
BnrCtmi, is* ■ IB
wautar I.W 2 <Ol
Itwa-ldca. IM m A
Eurca. too ilB
Viut-Xo. Ifopnoß.. LB 2 lit
Coaa UK* B
>a....... Bib* B
Ba* .M 2 100
HaM8t......................... .10 * .Tt
Waaaa. IN *B.OO
Ba*—B— M i .*
toae—m**d .ft 2 .
Baaua—But* .W * .M
(law-Mat* M 2 M
rien - iB *IO.OO
had..... 10* (IN
wfifoV. hfti * 1.00
Oehß—Taßee... tl * .
Hum M * B\
Patawotrw—(Von* „Uh —toed as
Ourao S— toM bio.m
Timothy B.SO ( IN
Barm* ma.
Oartoß—how Klddßaoa. UK* .81K
Ttorm—Extra t.fd 818
Vaaaa—% —IOO (IB
Ooa B1 * M
Dim Tt B -80
LJad nM eecacod. aad bm— euie-eeefal |T.fwir .i <4 the
ipw. Ciael(emie or peaphM free. Chil or twh
fit ilflfl tor Art ole* ruan. he dwenaah Re
SSpWU Aaeata. Add— V- H. PI Ah Olio.. B
Iron in the Blood
TK Prrurtan Syrup, ft Pwterf
td Sotutio* mf tkm ProtorUic of
Iron, * 00 combined as to havo
the character of aa aliment, as
cattily digested ami assimilated
with the blood a* the simplest
food, tt increases the quantity
of Nature's Own Vitalising
Agent, Iran in the blood, and I
cures ••a thousand Uls," simply
by Toning /. Invigorating and.
? Holding the System. The en
riched and vitafisod blood per
meates every part of the body,
repairing damages and waste,
searching out morbid secre
tions, and leaving toothing for
disease to feed upon.
This ts the secret of the tron
dcrful success of this remedy is
curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, Drofitqr, Chronic Diar
rhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections,
Chills and Fevers, Humors,
Lou of Constitutional Vigor,
Diseases of the Kidneys and
Bladder, Female Complaints,
find ali diseases originating hp
a bad stale of the bfttod, or ac
companied by debility or a low .
state of the system. Being free
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energizing effects are not fol
lowed by corresponding reac- <
Mom, 6M/. are permanent, info- j
sing strength, rigor, ami near
life into all parts of the system,
and building up an Iron Con- n
Tkousands have been changed 1
by the use of this remedy, from
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, ami <
happy men and women; and
invalids cannot reasonably hes- ,
itate to give it a trial. •
See that each bottle has PERU
VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. *
PtuupKlotd Free.
J, P. DINS MORE, Proprietor, c
be. SB Dry at.. Sew Terk.
Bold ley Drußßteta guMrally.
of Cnte* aed Warftl. n. I. BRAD WAT. PaerUle, Pa. -
Herat* WaW.<OI Braadway, I, V.|
will dwpotw of llaa UcitDaxD Piaaoa. Huwiom, an
Ihaaxtet tdao'lofatyl* and perfect tone *T*r uada. BOW
on exhibition at Nil Br.ted war. New Vprk
was Tgmrvavrjg sane;
Dorm Ma, M—ant. cheap, >nd what ha, always be. a o
waaied. and alwa>* will. Prwu large. Rirbta for nale. i<
Lady aaents can make :orte Standard artielea. p
I Circulars free. Addrw.. E 1 rti *i. 3 Foltea ■
Sh Haw Vat P. O. Bexjf
Vlarnr Otttrr* M MAU KMC
■Mde ofpoer Kith. Wbtoky. Proof HptrtM uA
lufoer Übmm. docfowd. apUd. •hd li* Utißif
to idea— IM ttvld. OOlfod Tot—," •• AjBdOM-m,"
•• RrMurera." dc- (bat trad fit* Hpplrr dhte M
--TBOmut and> hot am a tni HedirtM, mhd#
fHMu lb* daßto r Bd borfot af OUltoriiiAWhO
fro— all Atrobotb WißwtMU. They or* (he ureal
Btood Partter aad a UfostalM Prndyfo a P2*t
Bahwaahwsad lartßOfoUroffo*Qy—*at. aairy—f
off all poMoaotM matter aad r-larUlß (he Mood
, ssswtysiyi-5 sKnSss
iliftr IIIMM iis sol Mtufrti gwiwe
***** ^i
Tarn* m the Mwnih. HUMtu JUtocka. PUpfiaaaa of
the Heart. Itifl*—ra*na of lb* U-ia. Pih to tba
rewioh of the Khlucy* aad a fo-MadoUwr pa—ftrt
synptuin* am theoßtprtafrof lfy*p<t>*ia. IbUmm
cuatldaioi* M baa —> !"*. aad urn MRUs W
nrTrTr outer ffaaraaCT of tta aunta una a
budgf adunla—awat
Wer Kr—et* < wmplaiwta. la yoahf ST OM,
marrtcd or waffle, al the dawa of ara—aohood. or
UMtauraof tsSTuia— Toaie Muwa dupiay dd
cted aa utdaaaM thai a uufked uoprwrcaicat •
**V ikit*.—(wry AMI CJb—ita foba
Mtuc— bars ha** EM* aaaw*Barh Maaa—a
af* eaoand by Ttilaud Hfood. *fc* la (—ratty
praaaced i't dm—ffw—eetaf tba WffWMfrc OrffahA
They era a (teeth Prett* ee well as
a Te—ic, poaatwßhff aha the prrhiiar at—Bof aet
tao as . I-..ertfoi awt is rairrtnff Oohteauoo or
n—atmatioaaftba Utrratkd Vurwai Offfaa* and
Ha—a— aad l—a— af Hw Mon. df ffowrar
aaaw or naf-M. an Wrratty duff w and cantad
otß al iba iy-f-i a ab-nil-a t- <rf^a—
Mtttrn. t—a battta aaeb aaM M aoßOßao lbs
—a twrwMaaa af HMir candi** *—.
Haw—aa Um Vltlefed 8BM Wbwneewf yod
•ad am p-tuw bantMff tbwaffb Wm fofo to
tl—ptos Bmpth—a. mprnm; -a- It orbaa jam
tad ßofaatracud aad toaffrtb to the ma*; etoaaaa
B wbea Bla foal; year kwdtofff w— aril voa wto—
hoop Um Mood pare, ahd foa h-uut af the *y <—
" ureteral Tbwwe—de |Hi rti tot VotBShA BlT
nu u>* w—fat latifOOMi that rw mm
-Kl-J.-SrSTSw WW
lbs t.M-oa of aa may iboaaaiida. ant rflam—lfy
Oc-roed aad I—L Bays a lllßhaHl if
phyawUffiiß: Tba—— aeamajy aa h——l aa the
S®dftta aah arfoa- body foasnap* ft— foa
utvbd-urr mf vficuML tl mi tiyflHP Ums tewitlsy
-M—u of tba body (bat worm* mm. bw ua
Oto foniaii 1 1 fetUM— aad aßtay dap—wa (fott bfoad
—a— tiruw annri" of dtoaaaa. he spaas af
—U—The trrmifaffta, a, aaUtr to—hA wB
Om for ayaM— bow war—a * um— toner*.
Meeb— aal Ptoaaaaa M—n IB
Pa— aad Muw-rtJa. a-A aa PU—a. Typa
■not, OaM-baatcra. aad Mto—a. aa lb— hdr.. o
la ttfo, arwMforrt u paral/B* af tta Bawatt. Ta
ft—id acata— UdA take a aa— t*T * jjjum i Tarn
mum Itmtt twh* a week.
BlKew*. B.ailitrai. *ad W*naM—f
p,,n. whkcfeare p—vaUM to MM todfoyaaf
aor grmt men Hum—he— (he I'anad Mas—.
capwotuy 11—af (ha WliiB (foil. Obta. MiaawifK
ll—A Traa—e, CfotolaiKii l. Aiti—a. Bad,
ikaton—b antaoe. Hto Untbda, Ifodfi A—a.
MtiMe, (k|rnntih Boisoiwia fffMlf JMBf
othcra, wffb 'foair '— irtbatan-. (hroaffbo— *mr
emit* 111 ry danaff the Human ami law-a.
uf at—aruuy - daitoff a— af aw—l fotoi
aad drya—. at* taeartaaty arm-pa a— Bp a*too -
■ n 11 11 nff I—wi( -f • aad boat.
of— ak— t Vtearra. la thew ttiatui—t. a
ywxrw—m, rsarttoff apea—foil—aaw—BW—
> uv— mb— m I—own tally an—aaiy. Tba— to
■o -thaUta porpuer rq-ti to trt. J W.ut
can VIM— bm* w (Bry apa-HW
retwor* thr darfc-t—d rfoebd awttar wt— wtoftt
the bow—a are leaded. the mam nai ■ bumfoifof
ihraac—afibr ttaor.dtol
rtot—Em# isa" *wßad heck, uotin-. smuruh-a
laflaautuLotM. lad— lafoia-ai— ■ Hareattoi
Affcchutxk. utd HBili-d tta mat I—to
Km. etc.. ate. ill thaw aa to ail uhm miadUa
tx—al l—waaaa, *tunb Viwaaea Brtmc* haea
show* —r ff— c— lee power* to OM mam,
OtMQMf ttdMMUMI cam.
Or. Wttirr' CtUfiintl* VfoMBT 1M
'.'"untytaff the Htood they re*ao*a (be caaa*. aad
by i—nnff away the cßmh af (be to—(MM
<um -bam— diipattial tha affr-ad pawi wottro
haaßb. bd • pet—at oar* la cm—a*
The pwaßenlaa of Oh. UatAßAfo TWHWaB
Brrrtm af* Apenrwt, PtophorrUc. OiT—toattaa.
ha— lajuUw. b-w&c, fodaqraOtaaiaa
lmtihi. KttdMMfc Aisnait. aad Aaa-I—*
Tfoe A peri——to Bd Uußw pngutm
si ia. wl—ntofa vnaui But— B (ha bB
utc-roard to c— cf arut— ahd —aHffna—
n 1,,, ••' v. . W * 1—III! Bin 01 ff ,ret-.i>, t fo—> tTVh
11 1 IfC, 1 aw* ab l—lß* ITiff* , ** •*"•* msmm w*w—■
Bt proiert thr htta of (ha fo— T—r
w prnperue* alia; i— to thr (Mrreae—
ta— a—aw. ahd bawcla. ffott maa—toaWto.
w tod. ooUc. cramp*, ale.
Thrl> reaatrrdrrtual lata— SB
tea— thr—ho— ih* ay—B Ttoar Aaaßßto—
itmpcrom au—aw the Hear, fo (he aecr—*oa af
Sh. aad tte dtw herpew thmaffh (he totowy dawk.
•ad are a—wo— to ail —(dMld*WM.foklt—b
of WitMW Prerr. Ibwr and Afw. etc.
Pwfffy the kefy a—Ala— dleeet*e by
poiyviK all tt* n-da wjibTou-kk (mm 3s
Hiiifilßßi Til- of tlip Saiurr* cja to
lwdetff?!rc>m a half to —aad ca* (BfwW
gtaaaftiL E-p— b i(UBCb* wbaaf-
Ktuak, matuaa caop. en—nn. roaet baaf. aad tSßS
ikble*. aad lake e—-door .xerrter. The; aw
caiupuartl of p—My —ff—a—a Mffl—Mlk SBB
roota— so *t*rn.
tt. H. Mr DOW ALU * CO-
I'l'ifffflato *—d On. Affitk. has P—sdaca. Ohh. *
cwr —Wathtoffioo and fharWoa K.T.
*'<lD BY ALL llßltiOUflS A MULCTS.
f * ■ irrt Oo jgamfSt
A nn WAAieff.—A—em ■ ewww —nee* 1
Jn wwtkfocaxhMialiertkierrhe Pwuratwe free.
(• —aa A CVx.. iw Art PWM to, fofffoad, M
Ettu PttOttW IX. Bhw—fftee her—rr. IB :*
e aor—; be raw: II OwA-Hwwt; Treea. In*
M—PUJ—.Raw*yfod:lO—hp toe—.
pt wHitTiER, -tawoar-
Leaawt *ea—*■ aad —a*t wiKi.yjfel paywtnaa of (be
—a. O—ffaß er pamphlet frar. t aOar wrrte
w*kO Affofl otawdabo peak tree*
iMrirtUWU rreelly redeoed Me Aba a
KVlkTRNOttt COLL ROE. -SwaMhmere
Pelawwrt Da.. Pa. Tha* twau—owe for bath *ax—
" BwanT.MuftiauP
(j mwm Ull
Wttk (he dne IW newer. The
Be— Tee Impe—ed. Hrakiwp
wkera. Aad he- *te whcle-elr o,i>
aefVJHM.jrew IX. ler.e
Mothers! Mothers! 1
Mothers! t!
Deal tail Xe prewar* Mttk WIMMtWW
This eahaabl* aeep*r*tion ha* brna owd wit h SEVER
II a— only reherre the child from pain, bat larieor
ata* the atemech nd 1->,1. ootre— aridity, end (it—
toe* aad *aergy to lb* whom lyMcm It will tfo ia
•uatly reheee
Orlplat la tha ttwwrla aad Wlm* Celt*.
W* Mine it tha BEST aad SUREST REMEDY IW
IHAR&UKA W CBILDRKH, wbethw ari*m ( trout
to—hin <<r awy other craw. '
Drpeed upon ih auMher*, it will (foa feet toyoon* I—l
Kelt— aad Health te Year 1 achate.
Berur* and oall for
- Mr* Wtaelew'* Reethtac Syrwp." .
Han— tha fee—mile af "OURTIS 0 PEBKDfr
oe the oataid* wrapper.
'f hw Id we ate* e tkreefkeet the W.r*
Sh The Recorts of Teits Jt
at LOWELL. Ma—, prowa
efj nwrnr te all otbara. It (aw
"S a afofcrr peraeat— than uuiHQMna
—her wheel ol eomiaeo flniab. |HI
bbWHt jivTm
Thelttfothxe ef tha Mcbu-It t* (he rtablfof aw—
invelid to know what hie meduum i*. tad why it a pre-
K'tbed la any Tageter from dytwpeia. hrer complaint.
hevteche, Mkimm, or hearthem. dmiron* te kaow
what TAaaoTa Seltxxh Arrstxsr W. aad why be