The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 20, 1872, Image 2

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FEEP.CTETI........—-- Mlt * r -
Gontre Hall. Pa., Sept. 20, '7' i
TKRMS.—The Rxroarx* i puhlidied
weekly at *2 nor year, in
When not paid in advance. lorsixmonths
half these rates.
Advertisements ft,® P*r
lines 1 for three insertion. Advertisement
for A 6 and 12 months, at reduced rates.
Anv person sending u the names of six
new iubscribesr, with elhcash. will re
ceive the Rxpowrta one rear free.
- - - r~ ' -- ■■
For President
For Vice President
Kdjrar Cowan, of Westmoreland.
George W. Skinner, of Franklin.
Leiden Marvin, of Krla.
John * Miller, of Huntingdon.
S, Gross Fry. of Philadelphia.
I yitiritl*.
1 Thorn. J. Rarirer. 18 D. Lowenber*. I
2S. D Anderson UJ. M' Knight.
3 John Moffat. 1& Henry \\ elsh.
4 Geo. K. Berrell. 16 Hen. J. Suhle.
6 Not agreed upon. 17 H. W. Christie. I
6 Isaiah R HoupL 18 Wn. F. Logan.
' 7 Samuel A. Dyer. 19 Kasselas Brown.
*8 Jesse G. llawley. F. M Robinson.
9 H. B. Swarr. 21 J. R. Molten.
10 B. Redly. 22 T. H.Stevenson.
11 John Kunkle. 128 John B. Bard.
. 12 F. W.Gunster. |24 Geo. W. Miller
For Governor —CHAS R. BUCKALIW. |
Supreme Judge —JAMES THOMPSON.
_ _
( vtigreetmen at lAtrge:
Jas. 11. Hopkins | Rich'd. Vaux | 11.
B. Wright
Dtiffiittt at Large to COtutiMioitol fta- 1
Jeremiah S. Black, G. W. Woodward,
Wm. Bigler. Wrn.J. Baei.
Wm. H. Smith. T. H. Gowan
John H. Campbell, 8. H. Revnolds.
James Ellis, S. C. T. £)odd,
Georro M. Dallas, R- A. JLamberion.
A. A. Purnian, Wm. L Corbett.
Constitutional Delegates,
JOHN M. BAILEY, of Huntingdon.
ANDREW REED, of Mifflin.
Assembly—JOHN H. ORVIS.
I'rovhonotarj—AAKON WILLIAMS.
Commiwioeer-ADSTIN HINTON.
Coroner—P. 8. FISHER.
Democrats, ORGANIZE! See
that you and your democratic neigh
bor are am asm d.
The radicals are making a desper
ate effort to defeat a portion of our
county ticket. Don't permit a single
nominee to be sacrificed. Go to work;
be vigilant and active from now until
the election.
Democrats, stand by the nominees
upon your county ticket There is not
a man upon it, upon whom a flaw can
be picked by the radicals, yet they are
working secretly and quietly to run
in upon our ticket They will offer
to trade—don't do that, we do not
stand in need of that kind of work to
elect any of our nominees ; if every,
democrat remains true to the ticket,
the whole of it will be elected by a
sweeping majority. Don't trade,
Democrats, go the whole ticket, they
are all good booest men, and life
long Democrats.
Horace Greeley never was a know
nothing, but on the contrary, when
that prescriptive wave swept over the
country, he fought it and dealt it his
heaviest blows.
Henry Wilson, alias Jeremiah Col
batb, was a full fledged know-nothing
and took all the horrible oaths of the
Let our foreign born citizens bear
this in mind when they come to vote. 1
The Lewistown Gazeue says, Mr.
Greeley proposed paying the southern
slaveholders 400 million dollars for
their lost slave property. The Ga
zette knows this is not true, andean
bring no authority for its assertion.
Hartranft, Evans A Co., stole several
hundred thousand from the state
treasury, bad not the Gazette better
inform iu readers of that, instead of
peddling falsehood ?
We propose to our radical brethern
the following appropriate mottoes for
their banners:
"Morton Put That iu," —Grant.
"Addition, Division, A Silence."—
"It Takes the Starch Right out."-
"Dear Yerkes."—Hartranft.
The melancholy seafaring whose on
ly joke was to call himself the cook
and captain and mate of the Kancy
Brig, the boaUwain tight and the
midehipmite, and the crew of the cap
tain's gig, because he had incorpor
ated all tbeae men and brethern in hie
own cannibal system, retain is one of
the figures cut by Mr. Duncan toward
the close of his Convention. Most ot
the delegates had gone home disgusted,
and each as he went authorised Dun
can to cast his vote. So that as the
meeting flickered to iU close, the only
imposing figure left iu it was the un
daunted Blanton, victorious over hi*
gout and impervious to ridicule,
"winging the votes of a continent it.
the twilight void.
The radicals of thisseaatorial district
have nominated John M'Culloch and
Dr. J. P. Sterrett, [for constitutional
The liberals of Missouri support
the regular democratic nominee for
The democraU of New York have
nominated Francis Kerman for gov
ernor, and the liberal state conven
tion has adopted the same.
Hemember, the great democratic mass
meeting, for central Penn'a, has been fix
ed at Centre Hall, for Wednesday, 25th
will be present Turn out, ladies and
gentlemen. Come on horse! Come on
foot! Come in wagons and carriages.
"Come as the wares come
When naviee are stranded:
Come as the winds come,
When forests are rtnded'.'
The TV illiamsport rioters have been
tried and guilty. Bight.
The nine million steal will be tried
again, in the legislature, next winter,
by which the eecurities belonging to
the sinking fond for the payment of
state debt, are to bo given to inilroad
corporations. The readers of the RE
rouTKK know that this scheme of the
ring, to rob the treasury, has been lie
fore the legislature every winter, for
Iftet five years, and several times came
near passing, and if the people are
careless in the kind of men they elect
to the legislature, this gigantic plun
der scheme will lie carried by the
ring, next winter.
Wo are happy to say, that our nom- j
iuee, John H. Orvi*, is upon the rec i
crd a* op|xwd to this nine million j
steal, lie has denounced it iu almost
•very political speech made by him
since it was act on (hot, aud ha* but
recently agaiu pledged himself to op
pose all measures of the ring at Har
risburg. Mr. Orvi* will be the ter
ror of the legislative riugs and make
! JVatrisburg hoi for them.
IjCt our people War this iu mind, j
when they vole for Assembly iu Oc
tober, aud vote for Mr. Orvis, who is
a gentleman of known integrity, aud
whose voice has ever been heard iu j
I .'aver of the interests of the masses.
The radical candidate for sheriff is
Impeded to make soiuelhiug, on the
score of being what is called a "clever
fellow." Any radical will be clever
to get into an otfioc. Democrats
I can't be gulled by that game. Bouj.
I Shafer, our nominee, is from the old-
I est, best and honest aud most reliable
1 democratic stock in this county—and
Ihe himself has inherited every good
J srait of his well knowu family. He is
Jan honest, hardworking farmer, with-
I jut a flaw upou his character,and one
I of the most consistent democrats to be
I found. What democrat would be
williug to cut him down ? None.
The radicals are making a desper
ate effort to defeat Benjamin Shafer.
They will fiud it hard work, and are ac
cordingly working hard to do it. They
are already circulating falsehoods
against him. Democrats believe noth
ing they say. Mr. Shafer is a man —
an honest man—in every sense of the
i word.
The Republican is bogging demo
cratic votes for its candidates for
prothoootary, register and recorder,
and is verdant enough to think that
honest democrats will forsake Will
iams, and such true, faithful and tried
servants as Morrison and Grennoble.
Democrats are not made of such stuff,
as to be led estray by the coaxing of
the Republican. Our ticket is a good
(ooe and satisfactory all through.
I The ascertained result of the late
I election in West Virginia is the choice
for Governor of Jacobs, the Independ
ent Domocratic candidate, by a small
majority. The Constitution is adopt
ed by a decided vote, and there is a
Democratic majority in both branches
of the Legislature. This is a thorough
. Deroocratic|and Conservative triumph,
and one that stretches into November
and the Presidential contest, as Mr.
Jacobs is a strong Greeley man, and
will support him in the coming fight.
Pere Hyacinthe has written a long
letter concerning and defending his
recent marriage, is published else
where. The reverend priest delcaree
it to be the farthest from his intention
to renounce bis high calling, and
claims, with many arguments ap
pended to show the justness of his
claim, that marriage and the priest
hood are by no means antagonistic,
and that his step has not beeu incon
siderate or hasty or notoriety-seeking.
Benj. Shafer.
The radicals are trying to prejudice
democratic voters agaiust Benj. Sha
fcr our nomiuce for Sheriff, because
he does not belong to this side of the
county. That is all bosh, aud no
good democrat will be silly enough to
give it attention for one moment.
The proper questions for considera
tion are: Is Mr. Shater honest; is he
capable ; is he a consistent democrat.
All of these can be answered with an
emphatic AYE, and that will satisfy
Because the nominee is not from
this side, certainly is not Mr. Shafer's
fault, for some of our delegates helped
to make his nomination, and he was
among the best of all the candidates
out. But if there really were any
blame in this matter, our own people
are to blame and not Mr. Shafer. If
this side learns to keep united when it
thinks it ought to have one of its men
nominated, that will bring about the
desired ra-ult; but if we are divided,
as a matter of course the result will be
different, and who, but our own peo
ple, are to blame? But, this silly stuff
is| not worthy further attention, and
we know that no intelligent democrat
will be led to vote against so good a
man as Benjamin Shaier, by such thin
radical stuff.
The Republican, not finding any
thing damaging to say against Benj.
Shafer, our candidate for Sheriff
sneers at him as "old Shaf." Mr.
Shafer is not nn old man, but in the
prime of life, and is bodily constituted
to handle such big burly fellows as
Brown and such, when he becomes the
next Sheriff.
1 Gov. Bigler desires to meet hit old dem
ocratic friends of Pennsvallcy. The ex
govcrnor had retired from politics, but
the issues between honesty and dishonesty,
and the nomination of Pennsylvania's
honest ton, C. B. Buckalcw, have once
more called out Gov. Bigler, and he has
resolved to address tin- great mass-meet.
in*, at Centre Hall, on Wodnetday, Sept.
2Sth. The governor has not forgotten the
people of Pennsvallcy—many of whom he
knows personally -and who rolled up for
him such a glorious majority.
Fellow democrats, of Pcnnsvalley, gov
ernoi Bigler desires to see and address
you once mere, perhaps [for the* last time,
in his old days. and meet your
old favorite ; he has not forgotten you, and
show him that you have not forgotten
him, by giving him a grand, old fashioned
reception, at the mass meeting at Centre
Hall, oc 25th inst.
Turn out, men and women, from the
hills and the Tallies,
A Ticket Without t Flaw
The democrat* can boast of a ticket,
this year, upon which the radical*
thus far, have tried iu vnin to pick a
flaw. I*t them try from president
down to the last nominee upon our
County ticket, and show any thing, iu
the character of any gentleman whose
name stands there, which is disreputa
Against Greeley the radicals dorr
not aud euit not snv any thing, fur the
reason that they worshipped him so
long themselves ami followed his lead
fur the last thirty years. Nu flaw
lluekalew they tried tu assail, but
failed. The lJoloombe-Canada story,
died iu its cradle. The Fishiug creek
confederacy has been proveu a myth
by one from their own ranks, and by
the undeuiable proof furnished by Mr.
lluekalew himself in his s]teeche dur
ing this campaign. His official re
cord is a proud one for him and his
jwirty to refer to, and the radicals can
give no date and jge from it, that is
damaging, but, on the other hand, it
xhows that be was an honest and up
right public servant, in whatever posi
tion the people placed him. No flaw
found in him.
Our candidates for delegate* et
large to the ooMtitutiounl convention,
Messrs. Black, Bigler, Woodward, and
the balance, whose names arc found
at our mast bead, are gentlemen of
eminent ability aud standing, among
the pride of our stale, aud who would
grace any body that might be called t*>
meet upon this globe No flaw in any
of thcee.
Our nominee for Supreme Judge,
Hon. J a nun Thompson is one of the
foremost jurists of the laud. Pure
aud upright, great in his legal knowl
edge, he has received the endorsement
as he will the votes, of iu*ny of the
most honorable republican lawyers of
the state, on accouut of his superior
qualifications for the bench, to which
he has been an honor and an adoru
nieut for the last teu years. The
mast unscrupulous radical defamera
can find nothing with which to assail
chief justice Thompson. There is no
fiaw in him.
The radical leaders have tried to
cast a staiu upon the character of Mr.
Hartley, our nominee for auditor gen
eral, but they soon fouud themselves
defeated in all their attempts, and now
they have abandoned that, and let him
Our nominees for congressmen at
large, Jas. H. Hopkins, Kich'dVaux,
and H. B Wright, have not yet been
assailed by the radical press, so far as
our observation goes, aud for the sim
ple and good reason, that they can get
uo foot-hold there for slanders. These
gentlemen are too well known. Their
integrity is established, hence any at
tempt to assail them uuly prove futile,
and a waste of ammunition, and this
the rads are well aware of.
He nry Sherwood, our nominee for
cougress from this district, has been
tried, aud the mass of the republicans,
express themselves satisfied with his
record. 60 faithfully and well has he
represented the 18th district, that the
democracy are proud to nominate him
for re-election and the respectable por
tion of the republicahs are satisfied he
shall have a second term. He can
not be assailed- In his own home he
is immensely popular, aud received
hundreds of republican votes two
years ago, aud this w ill be swelled by
additional hundreds iu October, this
proves the worth of Mr. Sherwood. Of
course the solid democratic vote will
be given him. HURRAH FOR
Of the candidate for constitutional
delegates from this senatorial district,
Messrs. Bailey and Reed, we spoke at
length in last week's Reporter, and we
would only re-iterate the came in re
gard to those two noble gentlemen, as
there is no flaw in them.
Our nominee for assembly, John H.
Orvis, is too well known to our peo
ple to need any eulogy iu theee col
umns. The known enemy of ring*,
plunderers, political trickery and ras
cality, and the 9 million steal, and of
first claas ability, Centre county would
only be disgracing herself not to give
him her top-most vote. There is no
flaw to be picked in Mr. Orvis.
Our other nominees are all men
without flaws : We defy a flaw to be
picked upon Aaron Williams, our
uominee for Prothonotary ; or upon
John H. Morrison, our nominee for
Register; or upon Isreal Greunoble
our candidate for Recorder ; or upon
Benj. Shafer, our uominee for Sheriff;
or upon Austin Hinton, the honest son
of Snow Shoe, our nomiuee for Com
missioner ; or upon John Smith and
P. 8. Fisher, our nominees for Audit
or and Coroner.
There, citizens, is a ticket we
are proud of. It is presented to you,
honest men of Centre for your support
and if true to yourselves and your
interests, you will give it au old-fash
ioned Jackson majority. Amen.
Last week's Republican sounded a
loud blast over "Curtins position de
fined." Where the "defined" came
in, waa just about as clear as mud, and,
like hunting a needle iu a hay-stack,
so fkr M hunting a crum of comfort,
for the radicals, jn that letter was con
"Gov. Curtin's position defined," is
a good joke on the Republican, and a
draw upon its readers, which supposes
them rather green ; The Republican
will please " defiua" where Mr. Cur
tiu's position is "defined" as being ra
dically inclined in that letter.
• ♦ -
Col- J. H. Stover.
We see by thv proceedings of the
Grant state convention of Missouri,
that Col. John H. Stover, formerly of
Aaronsburg, this county, was nomina
ted for Lieutenant governor of Mias
ouri. John seems to be a favorite
among the rads out there, but we fear
bia election to that position won't come
to pass.
Jtial an we intimated all nloug, in
the Reporter, Andrew 0. Curtin, goe
with the liberals, ami favor* the elec
tion of Greeley ami Uuekalcw. Gov.
Curtin can take no other position,
without utterly humiliating himself.
Any other course would be in favor of
his arch-enemy, Simon Cameron, who
controls Giant and llartranO.
Our distinguished fellow citiacn has
refused the bait of the radicals of this
district, who thought ly offering him
the nomination for congress, he would
be induced to pronounce for Grant.
Mr. Curtin gracefully declined, He
has now been nominated by the liberal
republicans as dolcgate-ai-large to the
constitutional eouvcutiol),and as there
will be a vacancy in the democratic
ticket, the name of Gov. Curtin will
fill the place.
— ♦ -
There will l a Graud Torchlight
Parade at Centre Hall, on the same
eveuiug, by the llellefonta Dctmx-rat
lic Club. Able speakers will address
! the meeting in tbe evening.
lloaton, September 11.— lion. Chas.
Suiuner has been nominated for Gov.
of Massachusetts, by the liberal aud
democratic tate convention at Wor
MM the March Right (hit
A I otTca-U as KKAL'S Orates,
HsKKisucaa, March , 1870.
UK.SK VtKM- Uuy las soon as pass i
hle lUUshnre. of Oil Creek and Allegheny
Valley Railroad, and then have my ac
count, or rather has e an extract made from
my account, -e that 1 esu see the exact
loss I have sustained on Oil Creel l.rt
\ nekave thoni ss soon at you can conveni
ently. TAr Aitorne^-O an. Ansyiecw a drcis
.M a</ain-it i-ur xttUmrnt OH Oil Crtii,
;fAn-A tj Aes (A. tm t A riyAf out. 1 Jen I
know what to esy übouifOit Creek as a fu
ture investment. 1 think the chances are
that it will roup but as everything else
is drooping, but little else can De expected
from Oil Creek. What do you think of
fold? Yours. Ac.
J. F llAaraaarr.
The tirsl letter say s the Patriot, reveal*
the manner u which llartraat'. avai'.ed
himself of Uia Information which he ob
tained in the auditor general's dapai intent
Ha had settled an account for a heavy
amount against lb# Oil Creak and Al
legheny Valley railroad, ihit in his opin
ion was a good time to speculate far a de
cline in the shares of the company. Hut
he burat his dngers. The attorney gener
al gave a decision which, in Ike elegant
and expressive language of the auditor
general, took "the starch right out' ot his
financial scheme. 11c atones telegraphed
"Dear Yerke* ' to buy a hundred shares,
of Oil Creek and send an account of the
damages. While this operation was going
on a jxtrtion of the unexpended ballance
in the treasury stood for Auditor General
Hartranft's use as a margin to cover possi
ble loss.
mr. OALUOt's Lrrraa.
Auditor General's Ofllee. Harrisburg,
December 21. 1871.- Dear t'erke* ! Cal-j
houn telegraphed to me te-day lor money
and had to give a check for fia.TUJO. which
he will present to you to-morrow (*J2d) I
cannot avoid this. I met Jdackey here on
Monday, lie went west in the afternoon,
and will not return until Monday. 1 did
not like to ask him again, but I did not
thirk Calhoun would want any money so
soon. 1 will see you on Saturday, and
whatever you want 1 will do. 1 will ixiael
Marker here on Monday, and whatever is
necessary 1 will ask him to do.
P. H—Will lift Calhoun's check on Sat-1
urday, an J gu e you certificate of deposit
to that amount. J. 11. F.
The second phologtapb proves that
Hartraaft was alec ansployiag is his stock
gambling the pension mousy of widows
and orphans in the hands of Major Cal
houn, the agent in Pbialadelphia. He was
one •f Ma; . Ca Ihoun's sureties and took ad
vantage of thasituation todraw this money
out of his hnads. Calhoun dapoailed the
money with Ycrkcs for him, instoad of
ot keepiag it in the sub-lroasury
as the law requires. The result ofi
it all na* that Map r Calhoun *
accounts became entangled, and he was
rather sunimarr dismissed from the service.
Rut the prime author of his misfortune*
was John Hartranfl who soduced him
into a breach of duty. There were times,
when 11 art ran ft was using this pen-ion
money that some of the widows and or
phans ware compelled to wait in Philia
del phia for days at expense and inconve
nience for their semi-annual pittance.
Taken together, these two letters throw
a flood of light on Uartranfl's financial
operation* with the public money, and af
ford a true insight into bis character.. lie
values the auditor general's office merely
as a position which can be made available
in bis private speculations, lie acts iu if
the office was created merely for his bene
fit, end not for the public advantage and
and convenience. In his baste to become
suddenly rich without the labor of baad
ot brain, h has not hesitated to specu
late in tii* public funds and uses official
secrets U- gamble in the stocks of the cor
porations whose accounts for Uxe* axe set
tled in bis department. In ono instance,
the Oil Creek letter goes tar to prove that
he mado an official settlament with a view
to the prosperity of his pri vate|ipeculalion. j
All i* fish that comes to bis not. Whether'
it be a "lean'' from Evans or a purchase oi>
state bonds as commissioner of the Sink-'
ing Fund, or a speculation* in fancy stocks!
with the money of the treasury for a Mar-!
gin, or a raid on the widow and orphan
pension money, the same mania for be-!
coming suddenly rich by unlawful use of j
the public funds betrays itself. Such a j
man is not a model for a governor of this |
great commonwealth. Such a man would |
not be a fit succesor ofthe chief magistrate
whose virtues, whose probity, and
whoso'oxalted patriotism have shed lustre'
on the public annals of Pennsylvania.
Grant'* Jtoef-tfatt're In New Mex-
The total internal revenue receipts in
1871, lay* tho World, in Now Mexico wai
$34,811.08. Theooitfoi collecting it wa
$1 The following reeenuo* were
then collectable, viz.: From ipirit*, tobac
co, fermented liquor*, bank* and banker*,
gross receipt*, hale*, apocial taxo* not
enumerated, income, gas, and logaciee— or
altogether ten ipocialties. Tha*e have
now been reduced to four, lro:u wa
collected in 1871 at follow* :
From spirit* $11,880,23
From fermented liquor* - 1,042,29
From tobacco 8,896,76
From b/i;ik ..... 76.00
ToUl jpojoTi*
To collect tho above there ha* been ap
propriated for 1872-78 $20,000. Now, if
thearittocratic civii-aervice George Wil
liam could bo induced to bring hi* eye*,
nose, and English whisker* near enough
to the Becretaay'* appropriation letter* to
Congress for 1871-72 and 79, from which
we quote, ho would find that whereat in
1871, when ten specialties of the internal
revenue were taxable, SIS,OOO sufficed to
collect $34,811,08; yet in 1872-8, when but
four articles are taxable, which yield only
$20,904,28, there wa* asked for and appro
priated $5,C00 more, or $20,000 to collect
it. I* this a swindle, or i* It not T la this a 1
corruption of civil service, or is not 7 I* \
civil-tervico George William thoroughly i
ashamed of I;is incompetence and lyco- '
phancy for aiding and abetting civil-*er- '
vico corruptions in tho higher quarter* ,
while pretending to reform it in the Jower i
strata, or is lie not ? For whose friend* or 1
poor relations was the swindle of getting f
$6,000 more for collecting a reduced inter- y
nal tax in New Mexico .created ? Can or '
will civil-service George William kindly *
Inform an eagor people ? * (
Oram's Itwf Kutprx In our Custom-!'
Kuglatid had li*r rotten borough#. We i
havo our rotten cuttoni-houie#. Hut there 1
U thU difference between Knglund and '
ourelve, ihnt when (he rotten.borough
•yi!fin did prevail there wat no Tory in ■
the land in bin/cn a* to maintain that the 1
party upholding St were economical or j
| great reformer*, while with u* the very .
upholder* of the rotten cu*tom-houc* are 1
traveling all over the Citiu-d Slate*;
•|ieutiiig on every ktiuup, vaunting in eve
ry newpnper of their party, the great re
form* they have inaugurated and thereon
omy they pruclite. Here i* an example ol
their reform Allieiuarle, lit North Caro
lina, i* a port <>f entry a very uiodett
|HirC The total luruign runiliitrr* of Al
hemurlo during the calendar year ending
December 31, I*7l, we*
Import* |ktßo
K * port* Nil
To auperlntenj thU foreign trade of Al
hetnarie, amounting in the aggregate to
it required the lellov/iug official*: I
Salary, < tual
Official* coal for In7l.
t eollector fl.Stil &'
i deputy eolle* tor and elork ... l.ilW.m
I I daputy eollei'tor l.#<ill*
. 1 deputy collector. l.UUft ui
I I hoat hand* 4HU U
I coa*t ilttpeclur IW3.IK'
The figure* are official, and the akovc
expenditure wa* actually incurred during
lhil to lake earn of n total t-otuuiercc
amounting to s.l!hL Now, we timply a*k
who khould he more mhamcd- * whole
people for being (subjected to ueh a rotten
*w indie, or nn Administration that hon#t
of rrform and economy allowing it te go on
for the three year* thut they are In pow
In the Juniata congressional ditiriit,
jthe radical conference at 10 day* an 1 bal
] lolled "JS'J HUM before getting a nom
inee. *
The nomination wa* .made at Cre**oa,
on the 'JCM ballot, w hen two of the eon
teree* from Mi HI in county, Uourt. Geo
Fryinger nud llavid MiHtki n abandonee
j their favorite Main and voted for A. A.
Milton Spur it tin- democratic nominee.
Delegation* of democrat*, liberal*, and
other honest citixen of Teun, Nittany,
Bru*h, and Hold Kngle vallie*, will pour
in to the go-at democratic man meeting of
Central l'enu*ylv ana, at Centre Hall, on
Wedneday, Sept. ®th.
Grand torch-light parade and able jtca
' kert in the evening of tame day
, I alao give official notice to the elector*
of Centre county, that, by an act entitled
I An Act ftmher'tuppleaienlailo theact rcl
ative t<> the election* of tht* Common-
I wealth," approved April 17, A. I). IM9, it
: i* nrov idi-d a* follow*
Sac. 1 lUitenaetni by tht Stnol* anil
' Houat uf HtprtefntaUr** of tht fbwtnton
u tilth of /VdMyimiiid <n Utntral A**em
bly mtt, and i/ 1* htrrby rnarttd by tht a*-
\thority of tht tttmr. Tnat it thai! he the
duty of each of the a>*e**ort within thi*
Commonwealth, on the llrtl Monday in
June of each year, to lake up the trana
cript he hat received from th<-eounty Cow
tniteionert under the tight taction of the
'act of fifteenth Anril, eighteen hundred
and thirty-four and proceed to an immedi
ate rev ition of tho tame by #triking there
-1 from the name of every perton who i*
kaown hv-him to have died or removed
;since the lat preriou# attOMinenl (rum the
dittrict of which he i* the atteaaor. or
who*e death or removal from the -aim*
• hall he made known to him, and add to
the tame tho name ef any qualified voter
who thall be known by to have inove
cd into the dittrict timvithc la*t previou*
MHimrnt-, of whew removal into the
i*ame thall have )>ae!i known tohiin.
jand lo the name* of til who shall make
claim U> hint lu be qitali(e) volar* therein.
|A* soon a* this revision is completed he
i shall visit enrj dwelling h>ue in kit dis
trict. and make careful inauiry if are per
'■ son whow name i* on hi* !tat ha* died or
i removed from the district, and if ao, to
take lht< tame therefrom, or whether any
, qualified voter raaide* therein whose name
i not on hi* Hat, and if ao, to add the name
thereto and in all cases where a name i*
added to the lift a tax aha!! forthwith be
assessed ngainst the person; end the asses
sor shall in all cases ascertain. by inquiry,
upon what ground the perron mj matiwl
r fauna to be a voter. Upon the comple
tion of the work, il ahall he the duly of
each aaaoaaor a* aforesaid to proceed t<<
make out a lUt in alphabetical order, of
the white freemen above twenty-one years
'of ago, claiming to be qualified velars in
the ward, borough township or district of
which he is the assessor, and opposite each
of raid name* state wteUier said freeman
is or u not a housckeej*er; and if he is, the
i number of it* r*tdcnee, in towns w here
i the same are numbered, with the street, al*
'j lay or court in which situated and if in a
town where there ara no numbers, the
uamr of the at trot, allay or court on which
said house front*. also the occupation of
ihe pcr*<>n, and where he is not a home
keeper, the occupation, place of boarding
I and with whom, and if working for anoth
j er, the name of the employer, and write
I opposite each of said names the word "vo
ter;" w here nay person claims to vote by
, reason of naturalisation, he shall exhibit
his certificate thereof to the assessor, unless
he ha* been for five consecutive years next
t preceding a voter in said district; and in
all cases where the person hat lmcn natur
i*lir.i'd the name shall be marked with the
lullar "N where the person has merely
declared his intention* to hccemo a citizen
and design* to be naturalised befoie the
| next election, the name shall be marked
"I), i.where the claim is to vote by rea
son of being between the age of twenty
ono and twenty-two a* provided by law,
the werd "age shall ho entered ; and if a
parsan ha* moved into the election district
to reside since the last general election, the
J letter "R" shall be placed opposite the
name. It shall be the fulher duty of each
i assesor as afo,*c-aid. upon the completion
of the duties herein imposes!, to make out
a separate list of all new assessments mad
j by him, and the amount assessed upon each
and furnish the same immediately to the
! county commissioners, who shall add the
i to tax duplicate of the ward, bor
ough, township or district ;in which they
have been assessed.
SEC. 2. On tbo Hat being completed ami
the assessment* made at aforesaid, it ahall
forthwith tie returned to the county com-
I mlssioncr*. who shall cause duplicate eo,-'
j las of said lUta, with tho observation and
!explanations required lobe noted as afore
said, to be made but as soon a* practicable
land placed in the hands of the assawor,
who, shall prior to the first of August in
i each year, nut one copy thereof on the
door or on too house where election of the
rosocctivo district is required to beheld,
and retain the other in hi* possession, for
the inspection, free of charge of anv per
son residing in the said election district
who ahall desire to see the same; and it
shall be the duty of the said assessor to add
from time to time, on tho personal applies
lion of nny one claiming the right to vote,
tjje name of such applicant, and mark op
posite raeJi name "C. N." and immediate
ly eases- him with a tat noting, ns iu all
other cases, his occupation, residence,
whether a boarder or housekeeper; If a
hoarder, with whom he ; and
whether nnturalived or designed tu be, 1
marking in all such cases the letters oppo
site the name, "N," or "D. I." as the case
may be. If the person claiming to he as
sessed be rntunlixod, heshall exhibit to the
usscssor hi* certificate of naturalisation;
and if he claims thai he dewing* to be nat
uralised before the next ensuing election,
he shall exhibit fho certificate of hit decla
ration of Intention lin ell raaes where any
ward, borough, township or claotion dis
trict is divided into two or more precincts,
the assessor shall note in all his assessment*
Ihe electlen precinct in which each elector
resides and shall make a separate return
for each to the county commissioners, in
all bfclfet in which a return I* required from
him by the provision* Of this not, and the
county commissioner*, In making dupli
cate copie* of all such returns shall make
duplicate copies, seporately and shall ftirn
ish the same to the assesaor; and the copies
required by this act to be placed on the <
door* ot or on election places on or before 1
the first < f August in each year, shall be
placed oh tire door of or on the election 1
place in each of said precincts.
SEC. 3. After tho assesments have been '
completed on the tenth day preceding the '
second Tuesday in October of each year, j
the assessor shall on the Monday immedi
ately tollowing, make a return tothecoun
ty commissioners of the names of all per- "
sons axsosiod bp bin) si pen the return re- J
quired to be made bjr him by the second
section of this act, noting op)>osito ouch
name the observations and explanations
required to bo noted as afoiesaiu; and the !
county commissioner shall thereupon .
cause the same to be added to the return ,
required by tho second section of this act, 1
and n ftlll and correct copy thereof to be
made, containing tho names of all parsons
-• returned as resident taxable* in said 1
ward, borough, township, or precinct, and *
furnish the same, together with the neces- 1
<ary election blanks, to the officers of the I
•lection in said ward, borough, township, E
or precinct, on or before dt o'clock In the
morning oi the second Tueeday in October;
nnd no man ■hull bo permitted to vote a'
(he election on that day name it not
on Mid list, unlet* he shall make proof
of hit right to vole, a* heteinafler requir
Sac. 4. ()n the day of election any per
ton who"' name it not on the list, and
claiming tho right to vote at (aid election,
ihall produce at loaat one qualified voter
of the district a* a wltm-m t. the resident <•
■f the claimant In the dittrlct of which he
claims to loi a voter for the period of at
least ton day* neat proceeding ta d clee
tion; which withes* thall take and aub
trrlbe n written or partly written and prln-
UHI u tibial it to the fm t tlatcd by him.
which uttidavii thall define clearly wker.
the r. itience it of the person *o claiming
to be at <dor, and the pr*on ao claiming
to right to voto thall Mm take and tub
•Wiba a writen or partly written and part-1
ly printed affidavit, tlailing to the beat of
hit know !. Igeand belief, where and w hen
he wat b on: that he it a citizen of the.
Common.eallh of I'enntylrania and of.
•in Unhed fitalwi All ho hat redded in
the Common wealth one year, or if former
ly a citu. ii therein, and hat moved there
from, that he liaa rcaided [herein til
montht next preceding taid election, that
lie haa uoi moved into the district for tin
purpose of voting therein: that he h.> paid
a State or county tat within two year*,
which wat attested at leaat ten day* Before
•aid election ; and. if a naturalized citizen,
•hall alto lat wenn, where, and bv what
court he via* naturalized, and thall alto
produce hla certificate of naturalization for
elai .'lati Oi t!..- •ltd affidavit at.all ah"
tlate v. hen and where the tax claimed to be
paid by the 'affidavit wat attetwsd, and
when, where and to whom paid and the
lax receipt thereof thai! be produced for
examination, unleta tin- affidavit thall tlate
on hit affidavit that it haa beeu lott or de
stroyed, or that he never received any, but
of the p. n-o claiming the right t-< VoU
(halt take and tubacribe an affidavit, that
he It a native born ritiaeii of the United
State-, or if byrn eltuwhere, tlate the fact
in hi artlant, and abalt produce evidence
that be haa b.*en naturalized, or thai he It
entitled to citicritzhip by reason of hit fath
er'a naturalization: and thall furtheratap*
in bit atlidaeii thai he it, at the time of
; taking the affidavit, between the age 01
I twenty-one nnd twenty-two years; thai he
Iha* roaided in the Slate one year and in
eiacilon diauict ten daya nxi prm-eediiig
i aucb election, he aha)! be allowed to vote,
although he thall not have paid taxea ;tho
j (aid affidavit of all person* making aucb
claims, nnd the affidavit of the'witness to
i their retidence, thall he reaerved by the
alccton board, and at the dote of the elcc
jtiei. they hall be enclosed with the lot of
I voters, tally lut, and other |>apcrt required
by law b< bo filled by the rctnrn judge
with the Prothonotary, and *hall remain
on file therewith in the Prothonotary't uf
j fice, tubjvel to tbo examination, a* other
j election paper* are; If the election officer*
aha.! find that the applicant or applicant*
putt* all the legal qualification* ofvoter*,
he or they thall be permitted to vote, and
the name 01 IIIBIN hall be added tw the
list of taxablat by the election officer*, the
| word "us,, being added where the claim
am to vote on age, the fame word* being
'added by the clerk* In each ca*c rasper:-
j ively on the list* of person* votirg at *ueh
f SIWL 6. It thall be lawful fr any quali
fied riticen of the dittrlct, notwithstanding
the name of the proputrd voter 1* contaii -
ed on lbelut of resident taxable*, to chal
lenge the vole of aucb person ; whereup n
the same proof of the right of suffrage at it
now required by law shall be publicly
made and acted on by the election board
and the v ole admitted or rejected, accor
ding to the evidence; en-iy person claim
ing to be a ratur lined citizen thall be re
quired to produce hi* naturalization cer
jliflcalcat the election before voting, ex
cept wh.rc ho ha* been for ten year* con -
teculirely a voter in the district in which
be Lifers Mfi vote: and on the vote of *uch
pcr*< being received, it shall be the duty
of the election officers to writ* or tump on
•uch certificate the word "votr," with the
month year: and if any election offi
cer or officer* thai 1 receive a second vote
on the same day. by virtue of the same
certificate, excepting where sont are enti
tlod to rot* by virtu* of the naturalization
of their father*, they and the person who
shall ufler such second vote, upon so of
fending thall be guilty of a high misde
meanor. and on conviction thereof, be fin
ed or imprisoned, or both, at the ditcre
•UM rocrt; but the fine thall no! .V
--reed uue hundred dollars in each case, nor
the impritoiiment one year; the like pun
ishment shall be inflieliMji a c mvicu <a.
ejou lite officers of election who shall nog
■ I eel or refuse to make, or cause to be made!
* the indorsement required as aforesaid on
■ said naturalisation certificate.
SEC. C. If any election officer shall re
r fuse or neglect to require euch proofof list
J | right of suffrage as is prescribed by this.
> law, or the laws to which this is a supple-'
''merit, fom any person offering to vote
■ vbis na s is net on the li t of sostr-1
* voters, or whose right to vote Is c belonged
f bv any qualified voter present, and shall
■ (admit such person to vote without requir-j
• 1 ing such proof, every person so offending
1 shell, upon eenriction be guilty ola high
* misdemeanor and shall be sentenced, mr
f'every such oflence, to pay n fine not ex-'
'' reeding o. e hundred dollars, or to under-'
f go an imprisonment not more than one
'.year, or either or both, at the discretion ot
' the court.
f ME\ 7. Ten days proceeding every dec
-1 lion for elector* of President and Vice
4 President o'the United State*, it shall be
c the duty of tie assessor to attend at the
l * place fixed by the law for holding the eleo*
* lion in each election district, and then and
*;there bear all applications of persons'
8 whose names have been omitted from the
1 list of a esscd voters, and who claim the
f right to vote; or whoae right* have origt-!
- natod since the same was made out, and
t shall add the names of such persons there.
- to, a* shall show that they are tntitled to
" Un tight of suffrage in such district, on the
- per; na! application of the claimant only,,
f and forthwith asset* them with the prop-
ter tax After completing the list, a copy
' thereof shall be placed on the door of. <>t
t'on the h<u*e where the election it to b
• held, at leatt eight day* before the elee
- lion and at tho election the tame eour*
r thai! be purtued, in all rw*pccta at it reuui
>* red by this act and the arlt to which iti. a
' .uplcmcnt, at the general election* in Oo
• t<W. The attettor thai I aleo make the
1 sanv returnt to the eounty commissioners
- of all a--c**nionts made by virtue of thii
■ tection. and the county commissioner*
■ tlinll furnbh copiat thereof to the election
1 officer* in each district. in like manner, in
l all rctpceU, a* it required at the genera!
" election in October.
Sac. P. Tho same rules and regulation*
1 hall apply at every special election, and
1 every m pcrale city, borough or ward ele -
1 lion. In *ll respects at at the genera! clcc
-1 tion in < ictober.
Sec. 9. Tho iwapectivo assessors, in
spectors and judgea of the elections shall
'each have the power to administer oaths to
' any |w>r*ons claiming tho right to bo **-<>♦.-
ied or tho right of suffrage. or in regard to
any other matter or thing required to be
jdonc or inquired into by any of aaid offi-
I .cor* under till* act, anq any willful false
swearing by any perton in relation to any
• matter or thing concerning which they
I .hall be lawfully interrogated by'anv of
-I the *aid officer* (hall be punished nsperju-
St.. 10. Tho awc**orhaH oaeh receive
the same compensation for the time neces
sarily .pent in performing the duties here
by enjoined, as is provided by law for the
; performance of their other duties, to be
paid by tho county commls*loners a* in
other case* ; and it shall not be lawful for
any a*.o*tor to -uses* a tax against any
' person u halcver within ten dav* next pre
ceeding the election to be held on the sec
ond Tuesday in October In any year, or
within ten day* next before any election
for electors of President and Vice Presi
dent of the United State* ; any violation of
thi provision snail be u tr.Udameanor,
and subject the officers *d offending to a on conviction,'not excccdiug one hun
dred dollar', or to imprisonment not ex
coed ing three months, or both, st the dis
cretion of the court.
Sec 11. On the petition of five or more* of the county, slating under oath
that they verily believe that fraud* will be
practiced at the election about to be held in
any district, it shall be the duty of the
court of common plea* of said couatv, ifj
in spision, or if not, a judge thereof in' va -!
cation. t appoint two juuicicus, sober and
intelligent ntiaens of the couhty to act a*
overseer* shall be selected from ditforent
political parties, whare lh* inspectors b—i
long to different parties, and where both ti
said inspector* belong to the same political i
party, both of the overseers shall be taken
from tho opposite political party;
overseers shall have the right to be pres- I
ent with theoffictrr* of the election, dur-'
ing tho whole timo tho aamo Is hjld, the
vote* counted and the returns made out
and signed by the election officers, to keep
a list of voters, if they see proper; to chal
lenge any wefsou offering to vote, and in
terrogate him and hit witness under oath,
in roganOo his right of suffrage at said
election, am} iq examine hi* paper* pro
ducod : and tho officers of said election are
required to afford to said overseers so se
lected and appointed every convenience
for the discharge of thoir duties; and il
said election officers shall refuse to permit
said oversocrs to be present, and perform
their duties as aforesaid, or if they shall be
driven U way from the poll* by violence and
intimidation, all' the votes polled at such
election district may be rejected by nny
tribunal trying a contest under said elec
tion: Provided. That no person singing
the petition shall bo appointed an over
SKC. 12. If any prothenotary, clerk, or 1
tho deputy of oithor, or any person, shall,
affix the seal of office to any naturalisation '
paper, or permit tho same to be affixed or 1
give out, < r cause or permit the same to be
given out in blank, whereby il may be <
fraudulently uaod, or fttrnlah ana turallxa-1
lion certificate to any partus who ahall not
havo been duly examined and a.-worn lnj
•pea cuur, In the preaeiiee of ot i< <f the
judge* thereof, according to set of Con
greaa, or thai I aid In, connive at, or In an*
way permit the laauo of any frt' mlent nat
uratiaation certificate, be thai! be guilty
'fa high iniadrineanor; or if ai ,y one ahall
fradulently uae any #u*h <ertl'iualc nf nat
urallaation, knowing that It w *a IVaduletil
ly Utund, or itsatl vote, or atl empt to vete
lliereon, or If any ne ahall v. He or attempt
to vote on any certificate of l otturallaeUon
not iatund to hijt, he ahall I*e guilty of a
high miademaanor; and eildterorany of
tha persona, their alder* or a bettor*. guiltv
of either of the mUdeinna nora aforoaaid.
j ahall, on conviction, he flnod in a turn not
exceeding one thousand doilara. and im
prisoned In the proper penltea tiary tor a
period not exceeding throe year r.
MM. 11 Any person who on ..nth or nf-
Urination, in or before any court of thla
Stale, or officer authorised to adtninlater
. <<atha, >hall, to procure a certifli ate of nat
uralisation, for himself or any other per
■aoit, willfullly depose, declarw or afflrni
any matter to he fact, knowing the aanie
lohefalae, or aball In like maimer deny
, any matter to be far 1 knowing Lbo aante to
he true, ahall be deemed guilty <>f perjury:
and any certificate of ualureltial ion iaaued
In pursuance of any such deposition, dec
laration or aflruiaiion, ahall ba null and
void ; and it ahall be the duty of the court
laauing the same, upon proof being wade
before it that it wa fraudulently obtained
(u> take immediate inna.uroa for recalling
the name fur cancellation, and any person
who abail vote, or attempt to vote, on any
! paper ao obtained, or who aball in any way
aid in, eonnive at, or have any agency
1 whatever in the Usu, circulation or uae of
any fradulent naturalization <<?rtiflc*te
•bull bo deemotl guilty ola mMaaiMtot;
and upon conviction tncreof •hall undergo
an impriioumi'ut in the penitentiary fur
| not worn than two year*, and pay a fin# of
' not mow than one tho-.uand dollar*, for
j every uoh offence, or either or both, at the
iliac ret ion of the court.
SE'V 14. Any assessor, olootion officer
or person apiMinUvi u an vvtrteer, who
"bull neglect or refuso U perform any du
ty enjoined by this art *itb<>ulaiiy rition
nolo or legal nuw shall be subject in •
penally of one hundred dollars. end if eny
Muur shall >w eny person us e voter
who is not qualified, cr shall refute to u
e*e eny otto who i i, as I i fled, he shell be:
guilty of misdemeanor of office, end on
conviction be punished by floe or impris-1
oiiment, end also be subject to en action j
for damages by the party aggrieved ; end
if any person shell fraudulently alter, add
to, letece or destroy env list of voters
made out as directed by litis set, or leer
down or remove the teuto from the place
where it has been lived, with fraudulent
or mischievous intent or for nny improper
purpose the person so offending shall be
guilty ofa high misdemeanor, end on con
vtetioii shall be punished by a fine .lot eg
ceeding one hundred dollars, or imprison
ment not *•* reeding two years, or both at
he discretion of the court.
Set 16 All election* for city, ward, I
borough, township and election officer*
>hs 1 hereafter be held on <4<" second Tu*
day ot October, subject to ail provisions of
the lew* regulating the election of such of
ficer* not liconntetii * lib thii net; the
person elected U> such >fficc* at that time
•ha!', take their place* at the expiration o:
the term* of the person* holding the Mine
iat the time of urh election ; but no clec
tion for tho office of assessor or assistant as
eeaeor shall be held under this act unlit the
year one thousand eight hundred and sev
SEC 14. At all elections hereafter held
under the laws of this Common wealth, the
polls shall he opened between the hour* of
eta and seven o'clock, a. in., and closed at
seven o'clock, p, rn
SEC 17. It hal! be the duty of the Sec
retary cfthe Commonwealth to prepare
form* for all the blank* made necessary by
this act, and ftirnuh copies of the same to
the couatv commissioners of the several
counties of the Common wealth; and the
: commissioners of each county shall, as
soon as may he necessary after receipt ot
'the same, at the proper expense of the
county, procure and furnish to nil election
officer. ol the election districts of their re
spective counties coxes of such blanks,
such quantities as may be rendered neces
sary for the discharge of their duties un
jder this act
St€. IK. That the cilixens of this Htale
temporarily in the service of the Mate gov
ernment, en clerical or ether duty, and
who do not vote where thus employed,
shall not he thereby deprived of the right
to vote in their several election districts if
Otherwise duly qualified.
Woollen Pumps,
The undersigned would respectfully call
the attention ot theritiaen* of Centre county,
and I'ennsvaik-y in ttarUcular, to the fact
that he is manufacturing
f>l2 323'f J>i)o)P,
made at home or elsewhere. lie uses none
but the beet material, UEWAKREXTS THEM
to give satis fa- lion, as being the most last
ing and durable, si rtsiot TO THE OLD
wooden pump, being arranged to let the
water off and prevent iroestng in winter.
Pine, poplar or cucumber pumps always
on hand. His maUrial fur pumps is all
sawnd front large limber, and are thus
Secured agai oat Check i ng or Crmck i ne.
All orders by mail promptly filled.
PIPING, made of the best material, of
fire inch scantling, Joined together with
coupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and
warranted to stand any pressure required
for ordinary use. Prices of pining range
from 12 to 18 cents per foot. Send orders to
sept-W ly J TELLER.
Miles burg. Pa.
■: Grand Opening
Jl FOB 1872.
. * - *
• where he has opened with a very large
' stock of the latest styles, both fancy and
1 common
Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni
of all kinds.
All kind, of reimlrin, don, with nnl
. i nest and dispatch having four good worx
,; men at the bench. I am prepared to do
,' all kinds of custom work, fine or common. l
Thankfol for past favors, 1 hope by strict
attention to business you and everybody
else will show smiling faces at my new
. ware rooms.
. j*
; i
N nv Clothing Store
i engaged to manage for I L. Relxensfoin,
in the corner building, opposite Hoffer *
.tore, Bellefonto, has established a new
. Clothing Store, where the best bargains in
I the county ate offered
$7.50 to sls for Suits of the fln
est Cassimere.
and a foil and complete assortment of cv- |
ery thing in the line of Clothing.
GciiUh Furnishing hoods '
all directly from their own manufactory. '
Also. J
Jewelry, Watches, Ac.
They have engaged their old clerk, Mr. <
A. Sternberg, so well known to the people, •
and who will be pleased to see nis old '
friends. apJlf. s
Piece goods of every discription, sold '
low to enable everybody tofcave his cloth* r
ing made to order. i
PLOWtil —The Undersigned have now
on hand a lot of the celebrated WAL- „
LACE PLOWS. Persons wishing Plows
will do well to call and see them before *
purchasing other Plows.
auglfi Potters' Mills, Pa. .
a. o. natanraaa. a.. w t mk*.
New Firm—New Enlcrprie,
( Kucras*ors to B. O. Dkivimjxu)
Wr would moat ra# pectfolly Inform the
public, that they have taken (barge of
lhi old and successful establishment, and
propone to carry on the tame under re
newed auspi cm.
They have on hand, and will make to
ToW Its*
of any legible design, and price.
We ue the beat grade* of inaible—
Can* a A,
and wy with perfect aaeuranre, "Our
work U our referenea."
1 Hh-.p, (cast f Bridge, Millhelm.
aprtO ly.
| No G Brookerbofl* Row, BcHefoßte.Pa
Oralerala Brtif*. ( lirutlcala.
Prrflitaery, Faacj (ioda 4ke„
Pure Winea and Liquor* for medical
purpose* alwayt kept. may 31. 72.
© Ballefonta, Pa..
y- (sueeaaaora to lawm a*.,) y
Respectfully inform the ritisan* of Q
i: Centre and other eountiea, that they K
< have one of the largest and beat ee- jj
X footed stock of Ilaraware to be found. 0
consisting of Iron, Bteel, Nail* £
H Horae Shoes, Axsls, Spring Wagon •
skein* and Boats, Completeatoefc of •
> t-arpantor tool* and builder* bard- £•
£ ware, lock*, oil*, paint*, flat*, var- {-
T. nuhes, brushes, cucumber piitnpsaed r,
" tubing. Lamp* af ail kind-, calo, £
Im cutlery, *5
|Kull line of aaddlery and roach man
fcero good*, wood work for buggies
_ and wagon*, plough*, barrow*,cuiii
•J vaior* and niadttono Looking H
<*J glasses and mirror olate*. Picture c
frame* mad* to order. They aiao K
hare the celebrated cook Move. *5
t. every one warranted to give perfect Q.
f* !s*its faction AU kind* of parlor
2 stoves. We are determined to sell £
< *t the ioweet price* for cash, or on s
X bort credit — not to exceed three
•month*. Call and *ee u, as wa take J
> tnarl&tf. Bellefonte, Pa.
- t
,2 mm r# x
3l_ I'd
Gift & Flory's
New Shoe Store !
They have now opened, and will constant
ly keep on hand, a splendid stock of new
uien, women and children, from the best
manufactories in the country, and now of
fered at the
Lowest Prices.
BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon
'abort uotioe. Tbey invite the people of
lbu vicinity to give them e call, a* tbey
wilt strive to merit a share of their pat
ronage. niylOtf
Dealer in
?u U aYI3 8t 2
|1 OK ALL tISle,
Parlor and Cbemlx r Seta,
•| Particular Attention to Ordered Work.
In All Its Branches,
ij Alwayt on Hand, and Funeral* Attcodod
! With an klegmnl If ears*. ap&tf.
ISloves! Fire! Stov's!
At Andy ReeerasuV, Centra Hall, art
latest and best stove* out, he be* just
received e large lot of
Cook Store*, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PARLORS~Tbe Radium Light, wlf-fcc
der, (iai Burner, National Kgg.
Jewell, Ac.
£sk~He sells stoves a* LOW a* anywhere
in Mifflin or Centre co. ~aa
The undersigned hereby informs the
citizen* of Pennavalley thel ne ha* pur
chased the Tintbop heretofore carried on
by the C. H. Mfg Co., and wilt continue
the same, at the old *tand, in all ita branch
. e*, in the manufacture of
All kind* of repairing done. He ba*
i always on hand
Fruit Cans, of all Siwa,
All work warranted and charge* reaaon
able. A share of the publi*- patronage so
licited. AND KKESMAN,
( | lisepTQy Centre Hall
; i Railroad O. R.
Herlacher & Cronmiller,
I I - WW* I A
Have ju*t received,
Dry Good*, Notions, Groceries, Hard
ware, Queensware, Wood and willow ware
Iron, Salt, Pih and in fact, a magnificent
assortment of everything
and now offered at pricca lower thau
the lowest.
Dress Goods
A moat beautiful variety, consisting of all
the novelties of the *eaon,
white goods, embroideries, hoop skirts,
„ Mi 1 that yott w-111
silver plated and Yankee Harne** double
and tingle, bridles and halter*. epr 1
What Next?
A monthly Magazine for wide-awake
boy* and girl* As good as the best, Pret
ty ns tbe prettiest, and cheper than the
cheapest. 80 cents a year. Magnificent prize*
for each subcriber, and still grander ones to
those who raise clubs. Subscribe, or
send 8 cent stamp for specimen. Say
where you taw this. John B. Alden,
Publisher, Chicago. 111. augBQ.l2L
Xjl tors of administration on the estate of J
George Stover, late of Gregg twjp., doe'd.
have been granted to the undersigned,
who request all persons knowing tnero- 1
selves indebted to said estate to make im- j
mediate payment, and thoso having de
mands against the same to present them
duly authenticated by law for settlement. !
L ; k.vj. Stover, \
auglGiit Administrators.
For sale by , l
apr.2otf. WM. J. MMANIGAI]
Furniture Rooms!
J. 0. DLiNI.NLi.i.,
r e*pootiully inform* the uitiacn* f-Ct-Mtt
county, that be ha*ton*taui<y <ti band > rwl
make* to order, all kind* of
Home Made Ciiaih* Always or ma.
UL sleek of ready-made Furniture islai
and warranted of good wcrltnui ' hip sr>
nil made under hi owii iaiinvdietc.-tipcn
■ion, and is offered at rale* a* cheap osol
where. Thankful for pa*l fat or#, b< •,
" it* a continuance of the same.
Call and sea hi* stock bafor* pur li#it
eisewbere. atdM'MPfv
Attorney* at Law. Bellefonte.
OBe i, on tbe Diamond, next d< r to Car
man'* hotel. Centultation* in German or
■ Engl h. feblWRf
f OHN P. POTTER, Att.ra.y at Law ~
tl Collection* j.rui .i-tty mad. and *p?ia
attention given to u>o*e having land* or
property for sale. Will draw up and lief *
acknowledged Deed*. Mortgage, Ac. Ol-
Ice in tbe diamond, north i<!< of tb.
court hou*e, Bellefonte. r-ct2Po&tf
isE*Rr naockxanorr, j DsiicaßT.
i Pre*ident. (Vhicr
(Late Mitiiken. Hoover A Co.,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Note*.
I Buy nnd tie!
Government Bccurftie*. Gold and
. *plQ Q*f wAWfDhDS*
JAB. MM AN lis AtU>rney > Lr~".
■ 8c1K,.-—.L", ...Jtptly aU< : i int
: ine* d to bun juia/^rf
j lk> KOJtTNKY ARornry ~t iTw
• U* Be!lefi>nt, Pa. o#ee ov< r Hey
- nold'* bank, ma.v H . Dif
j M n. u At ' IOH, SAME* A. I>VA. AM
i a'ffikllTEß a MAY£r
• Bellefonte, Centre Co., Penn'a a;-' '-j i
| Bellefonte, Pa, UCee in Garn an,*
B new building cp|Mo*fte tke Court line*- ,
j n
Heieme* *i tkt
\ C. H. GUUUIuk,
Snrxcon am! XerhKaiotl Di niiftt
who i* permanently located in Aaronsburg
, in the oMc- formerly occupied by Dr. Neß,
. and who baa be** practicing with eatlrt
- *cce#e—having the experience of a nurnbei
. of year* in the profesMoa, he would cvrdi
: all/ invite all who have a* yet rivet
- him a call, to do so, and tot the truthfu meat
5 of this assertion. JNPTVetfa extracted
! vithem nin _ mp/Mfflfftf
' o. n. ORVI*. r. T AI.KEAKHRS
. Attorney-at-law Office inCor.rad House
\ Bellefonte. Pa.
; with Orvt* A Alexander, attend* to Coiiew
c Jon* and practice in the Orphan'* Court.
; 7Jaa'7otf
; ktock, all *tyle*,.*txe and
'• A/price*, for into and boy*. jut arrived
- at Wolfwell known old Ntaad.
Chas. H. Held, *
(i<M>l*. H atK hmsber A Jcvclct
Mtllhetin, Centre co.. Pcntm.
I Roapflctfuiiy infaraas his friend* and th.
I public in general, that he ka* juat opened
' at bis aea twUbiLbmeat, alx ve Alt xart
der a Store, and keeps constantly on hand
all kind* of Clocks, Watche* and Jt weir*
of tbe latest atvlea, a* also tbe Marer.vilf*
' Patent Ualender Clocks, provided with
complete index of the mo®ib. and day of
' tb* month and week on its fan-, which i
warranted a* a perfect • |t-r.
WM-Clock*. Watches and Jewelry re
paired on short notice and warranted
_ aeplPAXly
\f ILLER S HOTEL, WoMvmd, Pa
1 IfA Mag'-# arrive and depart dally.
v 1 fata favorite hotel is now in every respect
- one of tbe moat pleasant country hotel* in
centra! P-un*ylraaia. Use traveling com
• munity will alwayt And tke best accommo
dation. Drover* can at ail times be accom
modated with stable* nod pasture (or any
uumber of cattle or ho mm
julyffdStf _ GEO. MILLER.
ABAI'M, ncrBOLD a >i* makulk
• raoxv, Ktaor sl. Belleft nte.
T e subscriber te*pectfully talls tb* at*
UM -ion of the public to bi* estabiiabm uL
. where ba is orcpiaied to furnish all kinds of
h Foraign ana Domestic Liquors' wholesale
at the lowest caab price*, which art warran
ted to be the beet qualities according to
their respective | rices. Hi* lk consist*
of Rye. M tiongabel*. Irish and other
' Whiskies, all kinds of Bmadics. Il< Hand
Gin, Port. Maderia, Cherry. Blackberry
and other Wmos—the beat artitlts—at aa
reasonable rate* aa can be bad if the city,
Obampagn.- Cherry. Blackberry, Ginger
and Carrawav Brandies, Pureiamaicaand .
Naw Kngiaxid Rum, Cordial of all kinds.
He would particularly invite Partners, Ho
D tei keeper* and other* to call and examine
hi* large supply, to judge for themselves
and be certain of procuring what tbey buy,
d which can seldom be done when purchas
■■ ng in tbe city.
" ffir- Physicians are respect Ally requested
jo give hi* liquors a trial. ap!t
# ■ ■■ H ***** *
On Marriage,
Essays tar Tsui Kan, on GREAT SOCIAL
EVILS nnd ABBtiS which interfere with
Knrrtage. *nd rain the happiness of thous
ands,—with Mire mentis of relief for the
Krrtng nnd Uniortuaate. diseased end de
bilitated. Bent in sealed letter envelope*
_ free of charge.
No asouth Ninth St, Philadelphia. Pa
John Scakolxr, Proprietor.
: Stages arrive end depart daily, for ..II
points, north, south, east and west.
. Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone bail
ding formerly occupied by the Key
stone Bakery
. Take* pleasure in informing the public that
he keep* constantly on band a supply o*
choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. •
At! Bmrrrh, Key# and Cask* :o*rrr**ted
to contain tkt quantity reprcttnted. |
The attention of practicing physicians is
called to his stock of
suitable for medical purposes. Bottles,
- iugs. and demijohn# constantly on htnd.
WHISkT in town.
All liquors are warranted to give satis*
faction. Liquors will be sold by tbe quart
barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot oi
Of tbe finest pedes on band.
Confident that be can please customer
he respectfully solicits asbarc of public pa
troaage inylfit
TH E undersigned, determined to met the
popular demand for Lower Prices, re
spectfully ewtl* -• *' - > ••
I m •_,* - - *a*SAsMMb*4 La ssitj pUutiC
to his stock of
now tlTorad at the old stand. Designed ?•
peetallv forthe people and thetim'-.s thclari
men "of m ° Sl var * n *l complete assort-
Snddlee, Harneea, Collars. Bridlca.
ofeyerv description and quality : Whim
and in everything complete to ;i
class establishment, he now offers at prices
which will suit the times. '
Y>rockerhoff HOUSE.
Allegneuey Street, Bellefbiite, Pa.
D. JOHNStIN 1 SONS, Proprietor*.
The proprietors offer to the traveling
public, and to their country ftiends flno
dnas accommodation# and careful atten
tion to the wants of guesu t all times, at
fiur rates. Carefol hostlers and good stable
ling for horses. An excellent table weH
mrvod. A Bar supplied with fine liquors
ches, the Banks, and the p incipal places
of business, renders it the most eligible
place for those who visit Bellefoete on|U9i
or pleasure. "
An Omuibus will carry passengers
and baggage to and from all tißins
free of charge.
thattbepartncrtkipheretofore oxi/tingbe"
twecn H. D, Van Pelt and N. S. \?oh
trading under the name nnd firm of If |>'
Van Pelt A Co., ha* this day been dbieoL
ved by mutual wnsent llio book* and
K ll u
.. ,l f : who will con
tinue the business, and pay all debts of
the late firm. H. D. VAN* PELT
August Ift, 1872, . S. WOLF