The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 30, 1872, Image 2

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Centra Hall, P*. Aug. 30., '72
■M—f ""
<ntTV— The R*roaT*ai* published
Wiwklr'it #2 nor vear, in advance, or $2,80
Jkilirart isemenU 91,80 per square dsn
Itnssl for three insertion. AdrortisenionU
for S, 6 and 19 months at redueed ***•
Any person sending us the names of so
subserihear, wun etbeash, will re
tire the RaroaTsa one vear tree.
For President
For Vice President
hdgar Oowan of Westmoreland.
George W. Skinner, of Franklin.
axraK&KNT art v a.
Selden Marvin, of Krie.
JohnS. Miller, of Huntingdon.
S. Gross Fry, of Philadelphia.
1 Thorn. J. Bargcr 18 D. Low en berg. I
2S. D. Anderson. 14 J. M knight.
8 John Moffat 1& Henry elsh.
4 Geo. R. Berrell. 1 Hen. J. Stable.
6 Not agreed upon. IT R. W. Christie.
6 Isaiah B. Houpt. IS Wn. F. Logan.
;7 Samuel A. Dyer. i 19 R*ssela Brown.
8 Jesse G. Hawlev. | a> F M. Robinson.
9 IJ.B. Swarr. ' it J R- Molten.
10 R. Reltly. I 91 T. H. Stevenson.
11 John Kunkle. j3S John B. Bard.
12 FW. Gunster |24 Geo. XV Miller
For Gwvnwr — Chas R, Bickalkw.
#uprr„ Judye— James Thomwox.
Auditor General —Wm. Hartley,
Gonarrssmen of Larye:
Jas. H.Hopkins I Rich'd. Vaux | H.
B. Wright
DsUfate* si Larfs to Constitutional Cb-
Jeremiah S. Black, G. *W. Woodward,
Wm. Bigler. Wm. J. Baei,
Wm. HTsmith T. R. Gowan.
John H. Campbell, S. H. Reynolds,
James Ellis, S. C. T. Dodd.
George M. Dallas, RA. Lamberton.
A. A. Pur man, Wm. LCorbett.
Assembly—JOHN H. ORVIS
Prothonotarv—AAßON h ILLIAM>.
Recorder—lSßAEL J. GRENOBLE.
Commissioner AUSTIN HINTOX.
Auditor—JOßN SMITH.
Coroner —P. S, FISHER.
Fred Douglass, negro, heads the
Grant electoral ticket, in New York.
Among the Grant electors, in our state
there is also a negro.
Brick Pomeroy was interviewed the
other day when he admitted that
there was no possible show of electing
a candidate if Dominated at Louisville
and yet he persists in having a con
vention to help Grant. If"Brick"
it not well paid for his services in be
half of Grant he is at least entitled to
it and a good round sum at that.
So remarks the Pittsburg Poet. It
is true, too, that the few anti-Greeley
democratic editors were hired to be
"straight out," by the Grantitee, and
1200 of that fund is hinted to have
lodged in a Centre county organ.
Judge Barnard of New York,
whoee impeachment trial has been go
ing on for some time, has been found
guilty of the charges brought against
him, and has been removed from the
the bench and forever disqualified
from holding office. One of the thirty
charges was present taking. How
would Grant fare ?
For the benefit of a few democrat*
who are afraid that the liberal repub
licans will not support Buckalew, we
present an extract from a speech of
Hon. Thomas Marshall, of Pittsburgh
who is the most eloquent republican
in western Pennsylvania.
Said Mr. Marshall :
Bat they say you cau't vote for
Buckalew. Ym, I'm going to vote
for an honest man, and every atate
senator will endorse Charles R. Buck
alew as an honorable and upright gen
tleman. I am opposed to ilartranft ;
(laughter.) I don't think he is very
bad Tthere is not enough of him for
that. [The speaker related the Evans
ufiair, for the repetition of "s hich we
lack space.]
There will be BO democratic bolt in
Del*ware, which the Grantiiea were
to anxiously locking for. GOT. Saula
bury hai come oat in • strong letter
for Greeley, end Sen star Bayard, it
will be remembered, did the same
thing just before his departure for
Morton Pnt Hint In.
Congressman Earns worth, of Illi
nois, one of the ablest radicals in Con.
gress, has renounced Grant, and made
a telling speech, a few days ago, at St.
Charles, 111., from which we make the
following extract: —
Being on the Committee on Recon
struction, and finding a passage in the
measage which I did not quite under
stand, I took it to the President.
Speaking of Georgia, the President's
message says: "I nder these circum
stances, I would submit to you (that is
to Congress) whether it would not be
wise, without delay to enact a law
authorizing the Governor of Georgia
(that is, Bullock) to coorene the mem
bers originally elected to the legisla
ture, requiring each member to take
the oath required by the Reconstruc
tion acts, and none to be admitted who
are ineligible under tbe third clause,
Ac., of the Constitution." As the Re
construction acts had never provided
an oath to be administered to membera
of a.State Legislature I was at a loss
to conceive what the Presideut meant.
For you would think it a little strange {
if Congress should pass a law provi
ding that a peculiar oath should be ad
ministered to the members of the Illi
nois Legislature, would you not ? Be
stepping a little outaide of their busi
ness ? Congress had provided this teat
oath for officers of the United States
Government —Federal officers. 1 went
up to the President and said, "Mr.
rreakknt, I find a passage in your
message here which I do not quite un
derstand. Will you be good enough
to explain to me what you mean by it,
and I read him the passage I read to
yon. The President took bis cigar
out of his mouth after a deliberate
whiff or two, and looked it over, and
answers me thus: "Well, I really
eannot say exactly what that does'
(Great laughter.) Morton put that
in 1 The Constitution of the United
States provides that the President shall
Annually deliver to the Congress his
message, with such recommendations
|fe bf 9y ipke; but tyorton put that
in! I did not pursue BIT ioouirjr in
that qturter any further, nor did I go |
to Morton to u\ him what he meant,j
for I did uot recogniw hia right to
send hia recommendation* to Congress
j through a towage of the President of
the United Staler.
After the 4th of March 1873, there
will be no more message* of Grant, for
"Morton to put that in."
Greeley will put it all in himaelf.
A writer recommends George W.I
Yocuut ma radical candidate for con
gress. That would not do. George
is too big a smoker, and Washington
can not hold two auch mokera as Te
cum and Grant at one time. Hut,
George may think Grant will leave ou
March 4lh 1873- So he will, but then
Sherwood will have to be autokod out
first, and we fear George has uot draft
enough in hia smoke-stack for that.
Stay at home, George, get married,
and help rock the risiug genetaliou.
We called attention last week, to the
fact, that the Grant party had raised
a purse and hired such democratic pa
pers as were venal, to appose Greeley's
endorsement by democrats. 1 hev
found few, low enough to eugage iu
the job. But we bear aa instance in
which tbeGrantites were bitten. The
Day Book, for a time, strongly oppos
ed Greeley as the democratic uominee,
which led the radical national com
mittee to subscribe for several thous
and copiea for circulation among dem
ocrats ; but that paper has uow hoisted
the Greelsy flag, and Grant managers
find themselves circulating several
thousand copies of a paper advonatiug
the election of old Horace, at radical
The democratic rally at the court
house, on Tuesday evening, was a
monster af&ir. The people were out en
masse. The court-house was crowd
ed to suffocation, and hundreds could
not gain admittance. The speech of
Mr. Buckalew was a masterly one, aud
left a good impression, especially
among the honest portion of the re
publicans. Mr. Bnckalew gave an ac
count of his own stewardship in a man
ner that cannot have failed to convince
every republican that all that was
said against him by their party press
with reference to his record during the
war, was utterly untrue, and that hie
record is clean and patriotic in every
particular, as far as regards that ques
tion, and leaves nothing even for the
most iutensely loyal radical to grum
ble at. He showed up the depravity
of the Grant administration and its
usurpations in a manner that cannot
be refuted, and has given the radicals
food for reflection.
On account of Illness, Mr. Clvuisr could
not be present, there was no disappoint
ment however as Senator Wallace was
there and made a pointed and telling
Mr. OrvU, who *rai chairman of the
meeting, was the last speaker, and as our
readers know of his pewer and ability as a
public speaker, it is needless for us to sey
that his speech was a good ona
The resolutions denounce rings, corrup
tion, and favor reform and pledge the sup
port of the democracy of old Centre for
Greeley, Buckalew, and the entire ticket
Mr. John Smith, we are informed,
haa declined the nomination for count/
auditor. We trust this is unfounded.
Mr. Smith is an honest man and a cre
dit to the ticket, and his resignation
should therefore not be acoepted.
Should there be a vacancy, we would
suggest the name of P. G. Meek. He
will stick, and being so accustomed to
having him upon the ticket, it would
seem so natural, and prevent the brea
king op of
and bring him to the support of the
democratic nominee for president.
A Curt in Committee
Gov. Curt in arrived at Hew Yerk, the
: other day, and a committee of radicals-
Ed. Blanchsrd and E. C. Humes—was at
once sent off from Bellefonte, to see Andy,
and offer him the radical nomination for
congress in this district, if he will stick to
Grant and the Cameron ring! This wee
hatched at Washington, and Mr. Curtin
must have been considered doubtful by
theee fellows, else there would have been
no necessity for a cemmittee of wet-nurses
from Bellefonte, to wait upon him the mo
ment he steps from the vessel. Great
Jehu! what e bait for Andy! and is he so
doubtful that he must be thus tempted.
But Andy will not prove so greea as this
hasty committee and the Cameron hang
ers-on who sent it, believe him. AH Mr.
Cuitin's bosom friends, bit entire cabinet,
have gone over to Greeley and Buckalew,
have been drives over, and he will go with
them, and not now lick the foot whoeeheei
was upon bis and their necks for the lest
doaen years. If Gov. Curtin can be caught
by such bait, then we mistake Ike man
and loose all the respect we ever bed for
him, and to will thousands of decent re
publicans and followers. Andy go with
the Winnbago! wbew.
Peansralley SOB AD
It having been reported outaide, that the
Pennsvalley democracy would not give
the regular nominee* of the democratic na
tional convention, Greeley and Brwwn,
their support, we here correct the mis
statement. The democracy of there town
ahipan ever faltered, not even during know
nothingiam, wbon there war a our
ranks, alraoet every where elee; and in
November, Pennivalley will roll up
aa large a majority for Greeley aa it will in
October fer that pure and boneat aon of
our own atate, lion. C. S. Buckalew. Im
mediately after Greeley'a nomination by
tbe regular democratic national conven
tion, a large number of democrats, natural
ly hesitated—they were taken by surprise.
But soon the Reporter and other demo
cratic organs, satisfied of thoee
who doubted of the policy of Greeley's
nomination, and of hit being in perfect ac
cord with the domocracy in opposition to
present-taking, nepotism, corruption, and
Giantism in all its phrases, that now, with
very few exceptions, the democratic par
ty of Pennsvalley may be said to be a
unit for Greeley and Brown. We have
taken some pains to inform ourselves upon
this point, and the November election will
tell that we are correct. From Miles we
hare reliable information upon this point;
tho tame from Haint, Penn, Gregg and
Potter, and this from intelligent citizens
from every quarter of each of the town
ships named. And if there still be one
hero and there, whose devotion to dtmoc
[ racy makes him feel jealous towards Gree
ley, the ides of November, proceeded by
the triumphant election of Buckalew in
October, will see all these doubts dispelled,
and find them working in unison with
their old democratic brethren.
*he radical county convention met on
Wednesday, but we went to preea before
learning of their nominations. Levi Mill*
er will be their candidate for sheriff, and
Henry Meyer is mentioned for prothonota
ry, but We art told would not accept 1
Ada. t
The party o£Gen. Grant i in sad 1
rant ofa name. It will never do to '
ro to the country ni the Granule*, for '
bat title reprteeuta only two things : '
be personality of their candidate, |
which from a lever to lift them, as it
was iu 1868, has become n load to be
carried ; and the special disposition
cf their caudidate, which is that of the
daughter of the horse-leech, crying
"Give, give," or what amounts to the
same thing,,"Grant, grant."
It would tie absurd to t all thcui the
"National" Republicans ; for they
base their whole policy on subjuga
ting one part of the nation to the will
of another pait of the nation, and ate
openly the party of sectional domina
To call litem plain "Republicans"
is equally absurd ; for it is of the es
sence of a republic thnt the military
should be subordinated to the civil
authoritv, and President Grant has
surrouudod himself with a "military
household," makes treaties for the
armed occupation of a foreign island
by his "aide-de-camp," and used his
utmost and personal influence at the
end of the late session of Congress to
force through the house, as ho hud ,
forced over the rules of the Senate, a
bill for regulating the Presidential
election iu all the States, aud iu all
parts of all the Statu*, by the bayonets
of the regular army.
Why not, theu, coin a now uaiuc
from the actual motto of the President
and his party as put forth by the
Pennsylvauiau member of Grant's
National Committee ? Mr. Kemble,
Treasurer of the Utate of Pennsyl
vania, has just been selected from the
whole Grant party in that State a
their representative man on the
strength ofa letter written by him to
one Titiau J. Coffey, recommending
the latter to support a certain person
bent on englueeriug through the Gov
ernment a fraudulent claim, because
that person understood "addition, di
vision, aud silence." Addition begins,
with A. Bilence begins with S. X>-
vifion begins with D. Ads, will stand
admirably for ndmiuistrationistsj
Ada, then, let them be from tl|U P"*"
The following letter belongs to chapter
1, of the Hurt ran ft- Evans swindle
"TaaAsriY PsrAamssT or Pexx'a.
Habbis*i<bo. March, tsC7. j
"My Dsab Titiak : Allow me toin-j
troduce to you my particular friend, Mr.
Geo. O. Fvans. He has a claim of some
magnitude that he wishes you to help him
in. Put him through as you would me.
lie understand* addition, dljifton una
silence. Yours, WH. Kkmslk,
To Titian J. Coffey, Esq., Washington.
Uuder Johnson the whole Judiciary
system cost the people, in 1867-8 juet
In 1870, Grant squandered 92,610,-
352.58 on this branch of the Civil (Ser
In 137J, Grant managed to increase
this gross waste of the public money
up to $3,820,918.98.
- Boutwell claims that nearly 9300,-
000,000 of the debt has been paid off
by Grant in three years. Admitting
this to be so, what credit attaches to
Grant*? These hundreds of miliums
certainly didn't come out ol his breech
es pocket. No part or parcel of it was
paid out of the bonds, houses, or mon
ey received by him iu the form of
presents from expoctants of Presiden
■ tial favor- It came from the pockets
|of the people in the shape of duties
I and taxes.
This same Boutwell was a member
of Congress, and in one of bis speech
es ia ths House in June 1868, said
that from ths Ist of January 1865 to
the Ist of January 1868, two years
and nine months, we have paid out of
the public Treasury one thousand five
hundred and fifty two millions of mon
ey, of which one thousand and sijety
x million* were on account of the
public debt.
Now, as Andrew Johusou was
President during these two years and
nine months, it is plain that he paid
off 9384,000,000 per year—Mr. Bout
well himself being the witness.
We claim no merit for Johnson,
nor can any merit be claimed for
Grant it is as 100 for Graut to 384
for Johnson.
The Bail Bond
The Brass Wordt of Horace Greeley.
After Mr. Greeler signed Jefferson
Davis' bail bond the union league
club of New York notified him to ap
peer before them and give an account
of himself. He replied in the Trib
une at soma length, and among other
things said ; "It is not my habit to
take part in anvdiscusaion which may
arise among other gentlemen as to my
fitness to enjoy their society. That is
their affair altogether, and to them 1
leave it." The conclusion of Mr.
Greeley's reply is as follows, and in as
fearless words as were ever uttered :
"Gentlemen, J shell not attend your
meeting this evening. ! have an en*
gagement out of town and shall keep
it. Ido not recognize you as capa
ble of judging or even fully apprehend
ing me. You evidently regard me as
a weak sentimentalist, misled by a
maudlin philosophy. I arraign you
as narrow-minded blockheads who
would like to be useful to a great and
goo i cause, but don't know how. Your
attempts to base a great, enduting par
ty on the hate and wrath necessarily
engendered by a bloody civil war, is
as though you should plant a colony
on an iceberg which had somehow
drifted Into a trophical ocean. I tell
you here that, out of a life earnestly
devoted to the good of human kind,
your children will select my going to
Richmond and signing that bail bond
at the witetl act, and will feel that it
did more for freedom and humanity
than ail of you were competent to do,
though you had lived to the age of
Methusaleh. I ask nothing of you,
theo, but that you proceed to your
end by direct, frank, manly way.
Don't sidle off into a mild resolution*
of censure, but move the expulsion J
which you propose, if I de
serve any reproach whatever. All I
care for is that you make this square
stand-up fight and record your judg
ment by yeaa and nays, f care not
how few vote with me. nor how many
vote against me ; fur I know that the
latter will repent it in dust and ashes
before three years have passed. Un
derstand, "once for all, that I dare
you and defy you, and that I propose
to fight it out on the line that I have
held from ,tbe day of Lee's surrender.
80 long as any man was seeking to ov
erthrow our government he wat my
entmjf; from tße hour in which he laid
down his arms be was niy formerly er
ring countryman. 80 long as any is
opposed to the national unity, the fed
eral authority, or to that aseersion of
the equal rights of all men which has
beooroe practically identified-with loy
alty ami nationality, J shall do my
beet to deprive him of power ; but
whenever he ceases to be thus I de
mand his restoration to all the privil
edges of American citizenship. I give
you fair notice that I shall urge the
re-enfrancbisement of those now pro
scribed for rebellion so soon as I shall
feci confident that this course is con
sistent with the freedom of the blacks
and the republic, and that I shall de*
maml a rcrnll of all now in exile only 1
for participating in iho n-Kcllion, [
whenever th<* codßlry shall have been j
so thoroughly pncificil that its safety y
will not thereby tie endangered. Anil j
to, geutleinen, hoping that you will i
henceforth contprsheud me somewhat *
liettcr than you have done, I remain t
When n man signs a receipt "in full *
discharges of nil claims," ordinary j
folks have an idea (hat theaccouut has _
been Anally settled. Such has been !
the univeoal construction of the
words uulil tJiant's Sncretary of the
Navy came into office.
Certain contractor* who had btcu
paid 81,5)00,000, nlletlged a claim for ; 1
tuore money, and Cougtess |*M-d a, 1
law directing the Navy Department '
to examine their claim and report ]'
This was done, and I'ongresv jutssetl
au act directing them to be paid an 1
additional sum of SIK>,OOO, "which,"
says the law, "shall he in full dis- j
charge of all claims against the Uni
ted States.'
Two years ui\ t wards, Grant's Sec
retary of the Navy ojtcitcd this claim
aud |>mttl ihese contractors an addi
tional sum of of $911,000; aud as there
had beeu no Congressional appropria
tion to pay this sum, he ordered it to
be pit id out of money appropriated for
other puriKtses. A committee, "or
ganised to acquit," did aeouit the Sec
retary. Will the people tlo likewise f
• Tke Louisville Side Sliow.
SaiUting Letter from li. L. Johnston.
—The Grant Committee Faying tho
Expenses-$.0,t)00 Iroiu the Special
Treasury Fund i'lacetl to Duncan's
i Credit.
• Robert L. Johnson, esq., of Cambria
> county, Tenttsylvanis, who is one of
; the ablest aud most respected leaders |
of the western democracy, thus replies |
. to an invitation to promote a meeting'
! of "bolters" at Louisville:
EUEKSBI'RG, August 20.—Gentle-]
i, men: I am in receipt of your letter i
- dated 'Philadelphia, August 18 1872,'j
I urgiug that 1 '.will, ou consultation:
. | with other true democrats in your j
i !tmy) congressional district, select two,
three or iuoru good men to go as dele
r gates to Louisville."
Though five names are signed to
, your letter, my intimacy with the lead
jlug democrats of your city ox tend* to
no one but your chairman, William B.
B Bipe*. Him I knew as a sort of at*
i tachc to the consul to lieifast, uuder
'President Pierce, but who fell from
' as so u as the democrats were in
a minority, and joined the mote pow
erful enemy.
)' You inform me that you were "ap
t poiuted bv a meeting of dentocraU op
posed to sale of the party to Grec
•'ley and Browu, held at the Girard
- house iu this city, oo the IS iust."
Until the receipt of your letter I was
" not aware that any such sale had been
1' at the Girard house, or elsewhere.
As ) do not know auy of you as
- democrat*. I should like much U> know
f what meeting, held at the Girard
; house on the 12th instant, or at auy
o other place or time, constituted you a
"Committee of Correspondence."
- What democratic statesman presided
over the deliberations 7 How was it
- organized? What resolutions did it
f pa.** T
You do uot propose to put the pres
ident corrupt aad corrupting adminis
s tration out of powtr by your Louis
ville convention. You do not pro
r pose to elect a democrat. Oh, no! but
- you propose to bold a convention, and
! to furnish mc with transportation to
0 and front that convention.
That word "transportation" don't
1 look to me very democratic. I have
e attended many democratic conven
i* lions, but never had my trausportation
'- provided by a "Committee of Corres
e pondence." I cannot know whether
you gentlemen are abler to pay my
• fare there than 1 would be myself, and
1 I would not thus wrong you.
I But if, as 1 have no doubt is the
• case, you arc the corrupt .creatures of
H corrupt jtarty, and this i part of
i,| their corruption fund, thco I would as
r soon borrow one of Judas Iscariot's
4 thirty pieces as touch it. And if any
additional proof was wanted of the
propriety of the one-term principle, the
present humiliating attitude of the ad
( ministration in securing the services of
' such men as address roe would furnish
° it.
Your f'beilieut servant,
To William 11. Sipee, Charles F. Rein
stein, Charles Johnson, Lew Dungan,
Robert F. Christy, Committee.
Honest Men, Head!
What the Republicans Say of the Evans
Ring Candidate for Governor.
There is a great deal of dissatisfaction
with the Itcpublican State ticket, via;
Hartranft, by hi connection with the Ev
ans swindle, and Allen, Because of his vo
tes for the nine Million steal. —Lancaster
We regret that as lon# as Auditor Gene
ral Hartranft was on the stand befofe the
Evan* Investigating Committee he did not
tell all he knew concerning the affair.—
Pittsburg Ga/.ettc.
Your committee have not language suf
| tieiently strong to express their disanpro
j batiun of so bold an outrage, or fitting
terms in which to characterise those in of
ficial position who seek to palliate or ex
cuse the Wrong.—Hon. Jas. Graham,
If they are not disproved [charges
against liartranfl] they will be accepted as
true by the people. It will not do to make
llartranft our candidate.—Pittsburg Dis
They cannot but express their disappro
bation of tho loosonoss o( official routine
that places in tho hands of Evans over a
million ofdollnrsof valuable asset* with
out requiring from him any security what
evor—Hon. Harry White.
Evans oo||ectefslW,ltift.B4 and retained
the whole. State officials knew this fact for
threejrear* before it became public, and
tho ni gleet to report the transaction to the
legislature is regarded by us a* a gross de
reliction of official duty.—Hon. D. N.
I "For some vear# Jpat 1 have born ac
r'attainted with J. P. Hartranft, Auditor
(General of lb' 1 State of Pennsylvania. I
,|havc at various rtwii purchased ar.d sold
rjstocks of different kinds, and carried the
name, with money belonging to the Com
• monwealtli of Pennsylvania, which the
11 name J. H. Hartranft han caused to be do
l posited with this deponent by the State
Treasurer." Tl.o seme witness further dc
. clared under oath; "That this deponent
' did pay to J. F. Hnrtrnnft, Auditor Gene
l ral, on the 10th of December, 1870, the
sum of #2,700, which sum was dorived from
profits on pun liases of loss an of the Com
' monwoalth and said of the same to the
Kinking Fund, which sale was made on the
, 20th of April, 1870. That said deponent
has also paid to said J. F. Hartranft, vari
-1 ous amounts o! money for profits arising
from stock speculations with money depo*-
, itcd witii this deponent by the State Treas
urer at the instance of the said Hartranft.''
1 —Affidavit of Cba. J. Ycrkcs.
There is the prospect of a lively canvass
in Massachusetts thisyenr. Thore arc four
ticliots already piomiscd. The Liberal
and Democratic, the Grant, the Prohibition
and the Labor parties are all on the war
path. Neither party has a* yutselpclod its
standard-bearer, ;but in this multiplicity
ofcounscls, if there is not wisddm theie
may be accident*.
—Under Johnson's administration the
expenses for keeping up tho white house,
m officially given, were $76,000 per annum.
Under tyrant tpo snpic itpjn rup* up to
Ulan ton Duncan's proposed straight-out
Convention is now called Grant's side
"Morton put that iu," but forgot to
make it clear to tLe present taker what
it meant.
TIIP Tblws Who SupiKirt Grant
A Initio of statistic* allowing the ..
debt* of thn Sottthe rnHtate* before the H
war, compared with the increased
dabta of those name Statra under their
present carpet bag Govern tutu Le :
Before the war. At present.
AUltaiua. 7.MA,UW $6£761,D1?
Arkantaa -.OW.tTU l,mtt,ooo
Fiorina 370.017 1tt.W.687 „i
Georgia 8,070,7& D 42,000,000
Umiaiaia 11,000,(00 40,081.734 1
ItiMtalppl Nona 1,W7,4li e '
North Carolina.. l'i,t<Wt,'J4A ;it,xM7,404 u
South Carolina 4,407,9 AM 28,400, A1M „
Very I nin 38,848,141 47.000,8W ,M
__________ CI
Total. $70,410,800 $891.080,010 1 1>|
Now let any houeat man look at the <
; nltove tiguria, niul lie untaxed, They *1
exhibit a re|ioituf rascality uitt-qualed"
! by any fraud* in modern history, not "
j excepting those of the Tammany ring. '
Here are teu states whore debts now "
are nearly four times as great as tbey ''
were before the war, and yet tbeee "
sin teu atates bad uolhiug to do with
contributing to the expenses of the
war, but have incurred title quadru
pled indebtedness solely through the
infamous swiudling by the carpet bag'
governmetits which have cursed them' *
under Grant's Admiuistratioo. lie- (
fore the war the sum total of their iu- J
debudness was seventy six millious.
at present this sum total is two huo-j| {
' died and ninety one millions, showing
an increase ot two Ituudredand fifteen| t
millions. j,
Aud in order that these figure* (
he seeu iu their true proportions, he it',
remembered that the remaining tweu-jy
I v-seven state*, which did iucur a war t
debt, foot up their sum total of indebt-' r
ecluess ( war and all i at only two hun
dred aud three millions; ao that the ,
mere increase in the indebtedness of i
' teu Southern stales, under the carpet- i
; bag rule, is greater by twelve miliums '
1 ! thau the enure aggregate indebtedness 1
|' of the twenty-seven ot her states uf the 1
' Union ! In other words,leu Southern , 1
| states, which did uot contribute to the '
[ expeuaes of the war, have a total debt '
! of two buudred aud lifteeu tuillious, 1
\ while twenty-seven Northern slates 1
' which did contribute to the expenses 1
' lof the war, have only a total debt of '
' two hundred and throe million*, fcuch
so great is tha difference in public
houeety between the legitimate cor
' pet hag State Government of the
' What has become of all this squan
* dered money ? Nobody kuows—ex (
cept the purloiner* of it, who are the
r carpet baggers themselves. They can
1 tell where it is—hut nobody cite Cso. j
1 They hove stolen it from an impover
ished people, aud used it to enrich
themselves. Their administration, be- 1
' j ginning in usurpation and ending in ,
rapine, constitutes one of the blackest
' blots on modern civilization. ! f the
, Southern people ate to get no belter
idea of tha North than it reflected to
" them from the hideous spectacle pre
-1 settled by these swiudling and thieving
carpel-hog Governors aud legislature*
* —they will never cease to hate us.
* These wretched and damnable
; State administrations should he inept
' away liko the Tammany regime—
* cleansed like the Augean stables—cx
. jwllel like the money changers from
the Temple. Every vote for Grant is
1 a vote to sustain iheae villains and
1 their villainr.
The htmigiit Outers ( ntrb a Tar
I>. li. Rush, one of ike loading demo
crats of Centre county. Pennsylvania,
having been invited to attend the straight
out convention at (Louisville, decline* to
train in thelrrowd in ike following signifi
ennt letter.
Hxu.xrusit. Pa., Auiuit 1. Mr. M*m.
It. Sip**, and olktrt, Pktli*Jtlpkia Pa.—
Gksti.kmkn : lam in receipt of a printed
circular addressed to me, dated Philadel
phia, August 18, itCi, and signed "Win.
11. Sipes, chairman, and Chit. F. Rein
stein. Chat. Johnson, Lew. Duncan, H.
Christy, committee on correspondence,";
purporting to have been "appointed by a
meeting of the democrats opposed to the
sale of the party to Greeley and Brown,*' j
held at the Girard house, Philadelphia,
on the 12th inst, inviting me to assist in
sending delegates t> a convention to be
held at Louisville, Ky., on the 3rd proxi
mo. Notwithstanding
ed acquaintance with the prominent men
of the state, I fai! to recognise upon this
committee any leading democrats, whom
it would be safe for a member of our par
ty to follow unquesliomngly. It it there
fore necessary to inquire what the real
scheme is in which you invite me to co-op
crate. you say the persons who constitu
ted you a committee of correspondence
are opposed to the "sale of the party to
Greeley and Brown," but you do not give
any reasons why they prefer that the con
veyance should be made to any other gran
tee. You also object to the transfer e(.
three million democratic votes in "ex
change for a iew petty offices," but neglect
to inform me the consideration for such
transfer would have satisfied you, or wha(
you expect as a compensation for the pros
ent movement. I think you 'are mistaken
when you say "that many of the purest
. and wisest democrat* in the land will lako
part" with you. Undoubtedly many thou
-1 land* of our party would have preferred
*ome other nomination* than those made
at Baltimore, but the action of the national
convention ha* determined who the candi
dale* of our party ihall be, and all pure
and wiie democrat* will acquiesce.
No person outside of a lunatic atrium
can imagine that the nominee* of the
Louitrille convention could by any
possibility bo selected. Tho only
object, therefore, In holding that conven
tion, it to distract our party, direct vote*
from Greeley, and thereby directly assist
in there-election of Grant. But two class
et of men will take part in such a pro
gramme—the one, natural fanatics adher
ing to Our party, who are always disalitflcd
what the majority doe* ; the othor, a cla**
of corruptible nice who are being purchas
ed by the money stolen by Graut'* admin
istration from tho ]>eople. I therefore
think that you are mistaken saying "tbp
honor of no democrat can be assailed for'
participating is such a national assem
blage." I tee'no particular objection in
you gentlemen protesting against "the
shameful abandonment of peliticaljionor"
which Judge Black, Judga Woodward,
Charles K. Buckalcw, Iliester Clymer and
more than .100,000 'other democrats
fail to protest against, especially if tho
radical tat central committee, Simon
Cameron and Grant's administration are
willing to pay the cost of tho protest. In
conclusion, you ask me to furnish you with
the address of gentlemen who will go from
this congressional district as delegate* to
Louisville, "so that transportation can be
furnished to and from the convention." It
wotyld probpbly have thrpp-n some light
upon the question In whose interest is the
Louisville convention to be held, if you
would stnte who it to famish this transpor
tation. Are the different railroads making
an exception in favor of this convention,
and giving free transportation ? It this
transportation paid foroutofthat immense
corruption fund, said to ]>o counted by
millidns, which has been placed under the
control of Bimon Cameron and his "rings"
to carry I'ennyslvania and perpetuato nil
power in this state ? You, gentlemen, nof
bring iuttiuient|y explicit upon those pointa
and I, failing to recognise you among the
safe leaders of our party, must decline the
invitation to bear you company.
Youre truly, D. G. Bean.
Chicago'* "Mark Friday.** <
Wheat "Corner" Fait* with a Crash, c
Untold Sums of Monty I*st -iVomi $
nent drain I halm Huined—Jndig- e
nation Aoainst the Corner Men— *
Eastern Firms Involved. ' I
_______ •
Chungs, Augiiit 80.—This has been on* j
if the most sxciting days the board af
radu uf Chit-ago has aver knows. Ths
-slsbraled wheat corner, which ha* hasti
utlaiits J by a cllqua of ths heaviest grain
itsn uii 'change, for thra* or lour weeks,
a#t, buiat this moraing with a crash that
-arrieddown at toast Ave of the heaviest
•Iterators in the oily. At tha opening of
i hangs to-day, ths call for margin* occa
sioned by the long fell uf yesterday, from i
AO to 180, was met by a refusal on ths part ■
>t the corner men ta respond, and imoiadi- *
Italy the excitement grew intense. Tha
ndignatiun of the operators who had placed r
heavy margins with the corner men from |
lime to time was prodigious. t
The names of lit* bouses believed to hav# 1
been broken by the crash are J, B. Lyon',
A Co., Muggins A Peabody, M'Dwmult
A Ontel, F. Diamond and Hugh Mahtr 1
There are other names mentioned ol those '
who could not put their margins. This 1
list would have bean largely increased
had not a number of lea* confidant parties I
sold out yesterday 1
Large quantities of wheat had been run j
into the city from the country, and Mil- |
waukee supplied several hundred thou- I
sand bushels within the past few days,
while several cargoes that had bean ship
ped out for Buffalo waro racalled. Iowa;
sent word le Chicago that if oars could he j
had sbe would send 'JUO.UOO bushels per
day ta the city, and against all this no cor
ner could possibly be sustained.
Yesterday morning wheat sold for ft.664
aud had dropped last night to $1.37. This j
morning the opening figure wa**sL27|
and during the forenoon fail to sllO,
making the decline la twenty four hours'
fully 4*>4 otftD per bushel. The general
feeling on the heard to day is one of hos
tility ta the operators of this gigantic bub
ble, which has absorbed an untold sum of
money. The heavist actual loser* being,
as is usual in these eases, the weak man la
business, who have time upon time placed
their margins white the price* were appre
ciating, but they must suffer the loaa.
It i* aid many eastern peculators are
heavily involved in the losses of this
"black Friday," as although they may
have told at figure* much above what they j
gave, the purchasers are, in maay cases,
ruined and unable to pay, and the sailers
w ill be held for what they paid, which i I
far above present prices.•
The Alflitm &** Meptember is a remarka
bly tweruorieu* number, both as regards
ii artistic and literary attraction*
,'Moonlight on the Hudson." drawn by
Paul Dixon, and engraved by iiugvrt, w
a specimen of which levers of American
Art may well be proud. The other full
cut, "Wood Dqck*," by Gilbert Burling
| it a mot', i harming glimpse of nature ; and
ths loving caradisplayed ]u the minutest
detailsl'fgorgeou* plumage aad profuse
vegetation, stamps the draughtmaa as an
enthusiast peculiarly fitted for tba lufijscL.
Those who were delighted with the New
foundland Dog, in the March number, are
equally pl-as.d wKh Mr. Thayer's terrier
,"Playing Rick," aad tha companion, ia
which the poor invalid is galvanised into
life, asking "Who said Rau ?" "Water
ing Cattle/' by Peter Moran, "LaisCor-!
inthaica," after Holbein, with taveral da-!
•)gns, go to make up what we fee! justified
in pronouncing one of the most remarkable'
issues of this most remarkable of alt Pri-j
odicals. The poetry and literatura t* as
frash andlcrtsn as ovr. Subscription <in
eluding till OhIVmo), S&.UO James Button
& New York.
i Grant's hangers-on, after spending a
vast sunt of ntonejr to prevent tke demo
rrat* endorsing UiWoy, now, since thay
found to few tkat would be bought to slick
for a >iraight~out ticket, are making up a
purse of five million dollarv; to carry
.We copy a disclosure by a Worbl cor-1
re*|ondenl, showing bow Cameron itj
working with bit gold. Simon himself
ha* given 1 million to this fund, in order
to defeat Buckalew and G res ley.
KASTOV, Penn,, August 14, IK73.—Reli
able information ha* been received that a
fund of $&,000,000 bat been put to the ser
vice of the Administration in this Bute.
Simon Cameron himself pays $1,000,000.
The election of Buckalew here in October
would be fatal to the success of Grant ta
November. Desperate extremities must
be resorted to, and they arc at hand. It is'
notorious tbat the City of Philadelphia has
at any time since the war been Democratic
on a fair count; but the Registry law of
that city, passed by a Radical Legislature
in the interest oi the ring, ha* made an
honest vote imposublc, whore the Board of
Aldermen is obliged to appoint a Demo- j
rrmt, either for registration, or in the else-!
tion board they select their man, and pay,
him for keeping his eyes shut Cameron
has already made hit own ticket in Phlla-i
delphia- W. U. Mann, in the meeting ofj
the State Central Com mi Use, called (or the |
purpose of nominating another candidate j
for Governor, and throwing Hartranftover
to appease the wrath of the whole, declar
ed that the city would give 16,000 Republi
can majority, end he knows how it oan be
done. So do we, though we remain pow-j
er\c** to prevent it
( The Postmaster of this place ha* been
authorised to draw upon lb# funds for
s£,ooo, to wager upon the success of Hart- j
ranft. This if a good game of bluff, and
i- 'thcy play it well. Cameron's experience
■t in buying votoe, and fraudulently count-;
b ing others unpurchaseble, place* hi* intvn
,| tion. If not his ability, beyond reason for
.; denial. A* such is the game, let Peqnsy)•
n ! vanle be ready,
it • • *
Grant'* Snylßgs.
- It may interest the Grant men, who are
d so fond ot quoting Greeley, to read what'
t Grant has said. We give specimens be
. low:
" j "1 only voted at one Presidential elec
tion, and then I voted for Buchanan."—
c Grant in 1860.
"There is such universal acquiescence in
the authority of the general government
n throughout the portions of the Southern
0 States visited hy roe, that the mere pres
y cnce of a military force, withou} regard to
numbers, is sufficient to maintain order."
-Grant's Report to Congress in 1088.
"I am a democrat, and when 1 am cen-.
vinced that this war is waged to prosecute'
t the designs of the abolitionists, 1 pledge
my honor as a soldier that 1 will carry my I
~ sword on the other side, end cast my lot I
- with that people."—Grant in 1863.
. | "The liberties of the country cannot he
• maintained without a one-term amend
ment to the Constitution.' - Grant in 1808
Boo* Tweed, chief of th notorious
, Tammany plunderers, has gone into a
1 ( coalition with the Granlitea. Where
' Cameron is there Tweed will feel at
;! ——
"Mobtok Put That Ib."
When Grant leaves the white house,
1 on 4th of March next, and eotae in"
ijuiiitive congressman, like Fame
worth, should ask him what it meant,
might he not answer, Morton put that
in." i
———ewe i
A bunch of 70 labor reformed dele- \
gates, met at Philadelphia, on 22nd, I
and rominated Charles O'Connor, of [
New Vork, fur president, and Eli .
Kauisbury, of Delaware, for vice. t
The South Carolina radicals had a
big old row in their state convention, i
a few days ago. Charges of bribery
and corruption were flung at oth
er by the members of tfee happy fami
ly, and a bolt ia threatened. (
+ ■ ■ ■ -
Ben Butler says if Greeley is elect
ed "all that was gained by the war will *
be lost." Butler is eyidently getting
i uneasy about his spoons* I
Mill for Hale The ui; lr>i|nd
fvr* hU 10-boree power *teni engine and
Geyser separator, and M-kor** power en
gine and shingle mill, lor sate. These ma
china# hav* only been ran two veers and
ara In good ordar. Tarmi easy. The un
dersigned will acootnpeny lha purchaser,
If desired, to Inatruct In the usa of the
•ante. Apply to
july'JMl Asrmtiburg, Fa.
Wooden Pumps,
The undersigned would respaHfolly call
die attention orthecitiaens ofOentrecounty,
snd Psnnsvalley in particular, to the fact l
that he is manufacturing
made at home or elsewhere. £e ses none
but the best materia), si wyn R g Vra TIIBW
U glv satisfaction, as
ing and durable, AVPANION vo THS OLD
wooden pump, txt,xg arranged to let the i
water off and prevent liwexing in winter
Pine, poplar or cucumber pumps always
on liana. Hi* mstirial for pump* la all
sawad from large timber, and ara thus
Kntmrwd against Cheeking or Cracking.
b i r b r pily filled
PI rINU, mads of the bast material of
together with
coupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and
warranted to stand any pressure required
for ordinary 'us* Prices teplng range
from 12 lo U ce D U per foot. Kend orders le ly J. TILLIH.
Cwtn Hall, Pa.
lias an ld and for sale at tha meat rea
sonable rate* a splendid stock of
and every description efWagwas huah
warranted to be made at tke best and most
durable materials, and by tha most expe
rienced workmen. All work sent out from
the Mtnbktahmeat will be found te be of
the higheet ctem and sure to g ae perfect
satisfaction. He will also have a five as
sortment of
of all tha newest and most teak tenable
styles well and carefully made ar.d of tke I
best materials.
An in*pec-tb n of kts work Is asked as it
i* believed that nuau saperio* can be feund
in tba country. augSktf.
A new aad eomple'.e Hardware Store kas
Sean opened by t'ue undersigned inßrock
orhofiTe new bu ,dlng—w her* they are pre
pared tosellal', kinds ofßut.Jir gndH„us*
rurnishiivg Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails.
BcffJUr wheels in setts, ChampioaClotkee
Wringer, Mill Sews, Circular and Hand
Haws, Tennoa Saws, WebbSaws, IceCraaw
'Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothe* Backs, a ful.
assortment of Glass snd Mirror Plate ofal
sines, Picture Framea, Wheal barrows,
1 Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes,
j Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Oultivatora. Corn
Plows. Plow Points, Sheer Mold Boards
and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery JShoe
els, Hpedes and Forks, Locks, Hinge*
Screws, Sash Springs, Hor*e-8koe, Nail*
Norway Rods. Oil*. Lard, Lubricating.
Coal, Unseed Tannera. Anvils,Vioes, Bel
lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tool*.
Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bella,
(long BeiU.Teaßella.Grindstonas.Cnrpen
j ter Tools, Fruit Jars andOans,Paints. Oila,
| Varnishes received and for sal# at
Juneb ,ly. J- * J. HARBIN.
brand Opening
FOR 1872.
where he has opened with a very large
stock of the latest styles, both fhnry and
Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni
of all kinds.
All kinds at repairing done with neat
ness and dispatch aeving four good work
men at the beech. 1 am prepared to do
all kinds of custom work, fine or common.
Thankful for past fhvors, 1 hop* by atrial
attention to basins** you and everybody
, also will show smiling facet at my new
ware room*.
Aliegncney Street, Bellefoate, Pa.
D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietor.
The proprietor, offer to the traveling
public, and to their country fi lends, firm
rials accommodations and careftil atten
tion to the wants of guests at nil times, at
fair rate*. Careftil hoetier* and good etable
! ling for bones. An excellent tnble well
served. A Bar supplied with ine liquor*.
Servant* well trained end everything re
risile in a first class Hotel. Our location
in the business nart of the toga, near the
j Poet Office, the yaurt House, the Chur
ches, the Bah is. and the p tncipal place*
iof business, renders it the most eligible
place for those who visit Bel leftist e oahuai-
I or pleasure.
Ad Omoibus will ourrj pM*tagers
and baggage to and from all trains
free of oharge.
New Clothing Store
engaged to manage for I. L. Reixenatein,
in the comer building, opposite Hoffer's
store, Bellefoate, he* established n new
Clothing Store, where the bast bargains in .
the county are offered
$7.50 to sls for SuiU of tfaa fin
est Cassimnre.
and n ftill and complete assortment of *v- ]
ery thing in the line of Clothing. a
Baal 1 * Faralaktag deeffia
all directly from their own manufactory.
Also. I
Jewelry, Watrhaa, Br. t
They have engaged thoir old clerk, Mr.
A. Sternberg, so well known to the people,
and who will be pimped |u see his old *
frtgPdli . , „ , ap&tt
Piece good* of every discription, sold
low to enable everybody to have his cloth- *
ing made to order. a
TlflnyTstßATOß 8 XOTfCJL—Lei- -
J\. ten of administration on the estate
of Catharine Rankin, lata of Pottar twp.,
dee d, have been granted to the under
signed. who requests all persons knowing
themselves indebted to sqjd estate to make
immediate payment, and ihoso having de
mand* against the same to present them
duly authenticated by lew for settlement.
|ulyl2.Gt. Administrator.
The Cement is of the very Bent
Quality, guaranteed to he Superior to A
toy ia the State. **
All orders sent by mail should ha add ftS
'd to
. 0. Box, 10, 's&JSifJi&darL.
0 July tf.
.G. ...
. O. MI*IJKIK*. A c MfMBB.
New Firm— Now EoUrprto.
(Suowwsoes to B. 0 . DaixtKeaa)
euhfattkil fw 0 * F*l* ctAalJjr inform the
BKh SssssJs 1
ordJr? °" h * ,H ' '• Md wHI •*• to
. „ hi:ADHTONIW.
possible design, and price.
w UH the boat rredo4 o( mttble-
****,••/ 'l* perfect assurance. "Oar
work to our reference."
f Bridge. Millheim.
No 0 Brockerhoff Bow. BeUefouto.P*
UaaloniM ffnp Itniilfla.
y<k—ty, Pwwry fiouAu Ac.,
Pure Wito pad Liquor* for medical
purgoee* always kept. may tl. 71
O Bellefonte, Pa.,
■/ f&oecaaeori to IBWIB * WiLRO*.,) y
£ Ruspeetfully is form tko cMmh of ®
5 Ceo ire ud other counties. tket thoy "
< bore am of the largest end bait o- 2
tm )ect*A stock of Herd were to ba found.
M > of Iran, (keel, Naila. ■
ll© .K' Shore, Auk Spring Wieoe j
< Mkeias end iotee. Complete stock of *
4 ca.rpeeler tooto end builder* herd- O
a •*. Ifekt, oils, paiou. glass, w* ■
5 bisk**, bruk*e, cucumber pump* end r
2 tubing Lamp* of ell kind*, eoolac, L
tQ wttlery, H
{Poll line of saddlery nod ©oaeb ma
ker* goods, wood work fbr buggto*
_ and wagon*, ploughs, harrows, culU
u vetoes and grindstones. Looking H
4 glasses end mirror plete*. Picture j®
J frames made to order. They also "
J baas the celebrated 000k stove,
93 every one warranted to give perfect 2
f* satisfaction. All kinds of parlor .
* *U>*M Wo era determined to toU g
4 at the lowaet prices for cash, or on _
ft, short credit not to exceed three 5
M - months. Call end see as, as we task
5 pleasure in showing our goods.
marlfef. Bollefonte, Pa. £
a I
11 13
Gift AFlorp's
New Shoe Store!
They have now opened, and will constant
ly keep on kand, a splendid Hack of new
men, women and children, from the best
manufactories in the country, and now of
fered at the
Lowest Prices.
BOOTS and SHOES made to order, apon
sheet notice. They invite the people of
ikie vicinity to give them n calf, as thoy
will strive to merit a share of their pat
ronage. myrnf
1 POOB BELOW Horrsß'a
Dealer in
Parlor and Chamber Sets,
Particular Attention to Ordered Work.
la AH Its Braocbm,
' Always on Band, and Funerals Attended
1 With an klegaat Heurse. npfefc
Stoves! Fire! Stov's!
At Aady Rmemao'a, Centre &U, art
latest end best stoves eat, he has just
received a large lot of
Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PARLORS—Ths Radiant Light, salf-fee
der, Om Burner. National Egg,
Jewell. Ac.
ife-He sells stores M LOW as anywhere
in Mittin or Centre 00. A
The undersigned kf*hy Informs the
ckiaens of Paanatelley that ae has BUN
chased the Tinshop heretofore carried en
by the CTH. )|f e Co., and wilt cuattiaue
the seme, at the old stand, in all Its touch
es, in the maaufeoturv of
All kinds t>t repairing done. He has
Fruit Cnas, of all Bixto,
All work warranted end charges reason
abls, A share of the public patronage so
licited AND. KKESHAN,
feepTOy Centre Hall
Railroad 0. K.
JF. gig* k ! I
Ib wiwWBIIHif
Have just received,
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard
ware, Queestsware, Wood end willow were
Iron, Salt, Ftoh and in feet, a magailcent
aeeortmen t of everything
and now offered at prices lower than
the lowest
Dress Goods
A most beautiful variety, consisting of all
the novektoe of the season,
white goods, embroideries, hoop skirts,
All we ask that vou will
silver plated and Yankee Harness double
and single, hridlee and halters. Apr 1 1
Are the Sole Proprietors of the 1
Celebrated T. T. Kinsey Patent \
Copper Lightning Rod.
Also manufacturer* of
M every Baerlytian and af the suet appiev
ed Style
AU ordtrtfor putting up RoJt and Vane* r
rill recti** prompt attention if y*en to ii
Agents for Centre County °
CENTRE HALL, PA. aprlgtf
' 1
Furniture Rooms!
J. 0. DKINI.M. KH.
r eepectluliy inform* the cltisens >1 Ontre
county, that he hasconetantly on Itaud end
make* to ordee, all kinds t
TABLM, Ac., Ac
Hleeteek of ready-made Furniture Dior i
and warranted of good worknianebipaudit
alt aiado under hi* ownltiinn-diatetupan L
•ion, and i* offered at rate* a* cheep eeelee
where. Thankful for paet favors, he *oll
He a continuance of the same.
Coll and sot his stock before purchssir
elsewhere. aplM'Wlv.
Attorneys at LAW, Bellefonte,
01c 1, on the Diamond, next door to Gar
man'e hotel, Censuttation* in German or
Engl eh. feblP'Wtf
O Collectionsprosnptly made and specia
attention riven to those having land# ot
property for sale. Will draw up and have
acknowledged Deeds. Mortgagee. Ac. Of.
flee le the diamond, aorta side of thr
court house, Bellefonte. cctiETdPtf
mbwar ssocKissort,
Fresident. fWhler
(Lata Millikcn Hoover A Co.)
And Allow Intcreel.
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell
Government Securities, Gold and
eg Iff an* f
t-AS. M MANUH Attorney Lev
W .-.naptfy attends to all bu
Inaee to him. julMfef _
St F FOMTNRY, AUornty at Law
'• Bellefonte, Pa. Oflce over Key
d * bank. majU'CW
.. ■"ALUBTSn, SSMES A. Itsvii
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Peat* a. apGHtf
IRA C. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law
Ballafoate, Pa. OAca in Garmen,*
aaw building oppoelte the Court House.
may 6
Mtimm an ika AAaanct.
C. H. Gutaliua,
tiufooa sad Hffhuiltiil Dcatlul
who is permanently located in Anronsburj
In the (AM formerly occupied by Dr. Neff,
and who has been practicing with entir*
sucoaee—haviag the experience of a nusnbet
of year* in the profession, he would cordi
ally invite ail who have as yet ."not giver
him n ceil, to do so, and test the truthftti nes*
ofthto aeeettioa. JWTeeih extracted
without naia. reeyafOßtf
lie. a. ©avis. c. T. sttisxnti
DAce inCoarad House
Bellefonte, Pa.
with Orvi* A Alexander, attend* to colloe*
tioae and practice in the Orphan's Court.
ftOrtW, targe stock, alt tylea,;sinas and
JDprtcea, far men and heys, just arrived
at Wolf well known old Kand
Chan. H. Held.
Clock. Wttiehttittlter 4k Jewelvi
MUlhetm, Outre 1 sj., Pen on
Eeepoctfully informs kit friends and tb
public in general, that he has just opened
at hie new cetelwlehment, above Al-xia
dor's Store, and keeps constantly on hand
all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelr*
of the latest style*, as atom the Maranvilf*
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with t
complete index of the month, and day at
the month and weak oa it* fere, which is
warranted as a perfect time-keeper.
UfeCtocks, Watches and Jewelry re
paired oa short notice and warranted.
MILLER S HOTEL. Woodward, Pa
Stage* arrive and depart dally,
favonte hotel is now in every respect
oae of the mott pleasant country hotels in
oeatral Pennsylvania. The traveling com
munity will always ind the best accommo
dation Drover* can at all times be accom
modated with stable* and pasture for any
number of cattle or bone*.
julySdfcf GEO. MILLER.
A BAUM, ttrssLs's new asssu
A • rnosT. ntaaor aL. Bellefonte.
The subscriber respectfully calls the at
tention of the public to bk establish* nL
where ha is prepared to furnish all kinds of
' Foreign and Domestic Uouotg' wholesale
at the lowaet cash price*, which era warran
ted to be the heal qualities according to
their respective t rices. Bis stock constats
of Bye. Monongahele, Irish and other
Whiskies, all kind* of Rraadie*. Hollar *
Gin, Port. M*J. Nt Cherry, Blackfi
end other Wines—the hast sltitKjTZ
reasonable rata* as can he had t he citv
Clmmwne,. Cherry ,Blac
and Cerrawav Brandies p un , j
B** *",5 - >r mil kinds,
, He would parttcuy,, ipriu yarwert< Ho
tel kief) at a and others to eali and examine
his large Klppiy, to judge for themselves
i nod be certain of procuring what they buy,
which can seldom he done when purchas
ag in the city.
AW- Physician* are rmpecifully requested
o give his liquors a trial. aplO
On Marriage*
ITIU nr-d 41Csis whteh intarfer* with
■stftaga, and ruin the happiness of thous
ands,—with sure means of relief for the
and Unfortunate, diseased and da
b 1 Hinted Pent la sealed letter envelope*
DPHD Of pkapna
No 2Soud NmthSL. Phiiedelphis. p.
The Chepast,
purest, best.
Ob AllegheuY Street.
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Svrup,Dried Fruit,
Canned F nut, Hama, Dried Beef,
Salt, Pickles, Butter, Floor,
Cora Meal, Buck treat Flour,
and everything usualy kept in a well regu
lated Irst class Grocery Store
maid.6m RUHL a GAULT.
/centre HALL kofkL. ;; —
V i?* >;A*OLBB. Proprietor.
Stage* arrive and depart daily, for nil
points, north, south, esst and west
Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone bail
ding tarmerly occupied by the Key-
Takes pleasure in Informing the public that
v sfently oa hand a supply o.
Domestic Liquor*.
AU Barrets, Jfey* end Cask* -warranted
to contain the quantity rspresewterf. |
The attention of practicing physicians is
called to his stock of
6 suitable for medkal purpose*. Bottles,
ge, and demijohns constantly on hand.
All liquors are warranted to give satis
faction. Liquors trill he sold by the quart
barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot 01
Of the finest grades on hand.
Confident that he can please customer
he respectfoUy solicits a share of public pa
troPa * myltt
THE undersigned, determined to met the
popniar' demand for Lower Prices, re
spectfully calls the attention of the purlin
to his stock of v
Buddies, Harness, Collure, Bridles,
T in r Lt?£w? " d Whips,
which will suit the times pncM
™.S vf. 0 *? A^ tr,ct,T ?.* Dd thing
out It is indltpensahle to men of all par-
Uet formshmgjust the factt and tlgire.
needod, -or every day reference, by every
intelligent voter. Agents are selling from
15 to 30 a day
cuTars ".Add terms. Send for cir-
DUJmXl3*Afiil \i EAD, Publisher,
7U Bamsom Street.