iHEOiSNTUfi REI'ORTER FRIDAY Aug ll.lt;?. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL *W—Our friends, every where, will oblige us by tending us local news of interest CIRCOLAtXOM. -The circulation of the KxroaTxm, on this side the county, is larger than that of all other |apom in the oounty Business men will therefore find this one of the best advertising mediums. We invite all Interested to come and in spect our list for themselves. wwnrfwawco —All monies for sub scription will be credited on the subscri ber o address, ach week: by referring to whidh our patrons can audi times see how their accounts stand, and a receipt is by this gystom carried upon each copy ot tbe paper. . .. A first class male teacher can learu of a good situation for the w inter term, by applying at this office. Bill Wilson's turnpike through thi* town is a rough road to travel. If be don'f believe ft, let him drive through our streets, one time, on a trot, and it it don't shake the inside* out of him, why then we'll say it* rough anyhow. For A good instrument, get a Ryn dor organ. They are sold for less money thau any other. Jasper Waif, of Vinton, lowa, paid •ur sanctum a visit, on last Thursday. Jasp. looks hearty, and is on a visit to his'friends, at his old home at Wolfs store. Seth Bewoer, formerly of our coun ty, hi! been nominated for sheriff by the democrat* of Mifiiin county. The - Boalsburg ami Centre Hall base-ball club* played against each other onlast Saturday. The club of thi* town came off victoriou*. though the BoaUburgers made it pretty warm for them. Scores standing 34 to 37, at the seventh iuning. "Vidaa" your article will appear in oor next. Too late for this issue. Rev. Ed. Wolfand family, ofßalti- , more, are spending a week here on a visit to their friend*. Good. —We like a joke—and are , told that in same places at the recent , delegate elections, when some men re- , fused lo vote for P. G. Meek for cons, j delegate because be bad already re- , reived an over-share of office; these , persons were assured it wa* not that r fellow but only a relation of same * name. Sharp, out bad politics. 1 > ♦ > I: A party af Bcllefonte pie-nicer* which tad booked themselves for a pleasant tin*, oa the mountain above our town, on Wednesday of last week, were unfortunate enough to have a I heavy shower let down upon them. Their conveyances were all open, and the beat they could do. waa to start for Centra rial I, amid the pattering of the rain, which came in torrents drops like five-franc pieces, only did not have the earn# jingle. They ranch ed our town wet as cats ; the ladies with skirts collapsed and wringing wet, hut jolly as you please, seem ed to just enjoy it that wav, it was equal to a plunge at Cape May. A change of drew waa soon gathered up, the wet ones were hung around stoves, and the shower having paaaed ever, tbe unrty proceeded to the beautiful yard in the rear of our office, and planted their croquet sets, and had a good tiaw after all. There must have f been some pretty girls in the crowd, for our devils we're much agitated all the Lima, and put oo a countenance that seemed to wy they'd like to mix in, a* they Mole an occasional peep from the hack windows. As we are married, of course such trifiea did not attract our attention—of course not. The.American Artisan, an illustra ptper, devoted to popular science, art, mecbanke, engineering, chemistry, in ventions aiid patents .published week ly in New York, at tz\Qo per annum,- in advaaee, has been recently enlarg ed and'otherwise improved. It is the cheapest work of its kind DOW publish ed. J* • The "EXCKIAIOB SOCIETY," (gen tlemen.) of the Centre Co., Normal, will give a public literary enlertain . went and paper reading, ou Thursday - pyetiipg, Aug. 22nd. The ladies' so ciety, "fJurpka," vll give a similar entertainment one week later, Aug. 89th. The public are. invited to at tend. •-. • HOMUBLE.—A letter received here by Henry Witmer, from D. Witmar, Juda, Green county, Win,dated Aug. 4th, says : A serious accident hap pened about 3 miles from our place. A young man was running a reaper, got ofTto-oil it, when the horses start ed, and the large wheel went over bis breast He jumped np and ran to catch the team, and approaching the horsee on one side, was in the act of taking held of them, when they start ed anew, he was struck by the reel, aDd got down in front of the sickle, ant} was wt \o pieces. His Jeft arpt was put off below the elbow, and the right arm partly cut off. From . the aavel all was cut away to the en trails; pert of his liver waa cutout and left in the field. The reaper, it ap pears, got over the boy, and in this condition be got up and gathered up I bis entrails, held them with bis crip- L pled right arm, and ran soma 40 or 50 m yards. This was about 5 o'clock, p. r m., aud be lived until next morning. L He was about 18 years of age. KATTLESWAIra. —On the Ist insL, Mrs. Joseph Heaps of Queen,? Run, Clinton coppty, whs bitterf by a rattle. sna|e. !l afstetintie *as called fo hdnd immediately, thus preventing ! • serious results. * The peyt tdorning as the wprkaiep entered the fire-brick mouh% reom.yiirg# i*Uleanake was fauna celled upon on the mould ing table. The "varmint" was dis patched instantly. The Sabbath school pic nic, on last Saturday, went off finely. The day was pleasant, aud the heat Dot so ex cessive, thp prpTiom iatns having eoofed and frosKebed the air. At 10, the school started in procession to the grove, -with two large flags, one large banner, and each class having a email banner with mottoca inscribed, all trimmed with evergreen. Arrived al i!£.*S£ Wolf, of Baltimore, addreeed the _ school in his happy styie. At tbii •tag# the Boalsburg Brass Band wbteh accompanied the base-ball club from that town, made its appearance and warn invited to remain which thej at oireo "kladlV'igireed to, and discoursed excellent music for the oc casiou, such as Boalsburg always wa noted for, thus adding greatly to tb< pleasure# of the day. After the address all proceeded U the large table, nearly 125 feet ii length, and partook of the good thing The afternoon was tbei given over entirely to the children to engage "in such games as migfa amuse them. In one spot the swing were busy, in another crbquet, in ai adjoining field the Bodlsburg an Centre Hafl baao-ball clubs were trj ing to ezoell etch other, while bei and (herein the grove, group* of chil dren made the air merry with their frolicking play*. All pawed off sat is&ctorily. Hurkalew k Clymor to Speak. M*J. Fonder, chairman of Dem. t'o. Com., writes us, that he ha* received a let ter, informing him that both Ituekalew and Clymcr, would address the democratic meeting, in the ooart-house, ftollefonte, on Tuesday evening, next. Democrats, Re publicans and all, turn out and hear these pure and able men. Coxcxtv BY TilK BIIXP. Messrs. tl. U. Rcybold, violinist, J. D. Kighler, pianist, i •nd B. l'arvin, th* celebrwtsd vocalist, of Philadelphia, (all grwdustrs of the Penh's Institution for the lllind,) will give con certs of Vocal andjnstrumcntal music si the pUces mentioned below. Mr. Parvin, the celebrated vocalbt, has received the plaudit* of immense audience* in Phll adelphia, and ha* repeatedly appeared be- j fire our state legislature, where his per formanee* elicited the highest praise. The blind are worthy the public patronage, alone on account of tho high degree ot proficiency they show it is possible for, such unfortunate* to attain. Concert* will' be given at the following places: Pine Drove Aug. 'J7th. lioalsburg liMlh -Centre Hall Sfith. Potters Hank DUth. —Penn Hall Slst Millheim, Sept. 3d and: 3rd Aaroiuburg 4th.— Kcberxburg 6th.— -j Madisonburg 6th. Lanra*.— M Wolf, ofßelle fonte, lectured before the Norma), on last Tuesday evening. There was a crowded house. The speaker chose a subject, which he said was new ; one which he never taw referred to in our educational works, and yet it was of such great impor tance. "Faith, as an Element in Educa tion. " The subject is a profound one, and was treated in a scholarly manner by the speaker, a subject of such depth cannot be embraced in a synoptical compass, and as lime and space do not permit us to lay be fore our reader* a report in extento, of the powerful reasoning with which Mr. Wolf , developed hu theme, our readers must be , content with this meagre mention of it , Mr. Waif U a sound ressoner,ripe scholar, ( and is always listened to profitably. j, The oat* crop, in this valley, has been greatly damaged by the heavy showers thrt we have had every day, almost for over a week. But for these rains, the crop would have been one of the largest we have had in this county. Much of it ha* been upon the shock, some upon thn swstb, and some still remaining uncut. We hoar, much complaint of rouing upon the shock and swath, and it has become so brittle by 1 long exposure to the elemeut* that much is lost by shelling in the attempt to haul it, in. X. L. Atwood. o* MANSION HOUSES. BANK BARN 100 feet long, and all other necessary out buildings. There Is a never-failing spring at the door, and a LARGE ORCHARD of choice fruit on the premise*. Txau* -Five hundred dollars on confir mation of sale, and one half of tba remain der on the Ist of April, nezt, and the bal ance in one rear thcreafte*, with interest, to be secured by Bond and Mortgage upon the premises. PxTza XEKMX, CxTuxaixz GEXTZXL, Wit W NZESE, JAMES Nzzaz, *ug23 , .Heir*. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS The examinatie&i not already pat, will he heU e* fellow*. commencing at 9 o'clock a. m., at whifh time the Sec retary will be CxpecU-d to here the class organised end in readirien, tou lo reuse no delay. Applicants for schools will be required to attend the examination ia the district where they expect to teach, unless they procure a written reouest to the contrary from the proper board of di rectors. All should be provided with paper, pen and ink. Howard Bore—Saturday, Aug. 81. Harris— Boal-burc. Saturday. Sept. 7 Uregg—Penn Hall, Wednesday, 11, Penn—Millhaim—Thursday, Sept. 12 Haines—Aaronsburg, Friday, 13 Miles—Rebersburg, Saturday, 14 Potter—Centre Halt, Wednesday and Thursday. 18th and 19 Ferguson—Pine Grove Mills, YfsjJnta day, 26 Haiftnoon— Storinstown, Thursday, 26 Patten— Waddle's tcHool-botise, Friday 27th 1 Benncr—Armagast'i school-house, Sat urday, 28th ' " " Snow Shoe and HunwMe—A*kay's •chool-houso 1 n. Walker—Hable r Wg, Friday, Oct. 4 Marion—Jacksonville, Saturday. 6 Spring—Valentine's school-house, Mon- Taylor * Worth-Port Matilda, Wed nesday, 9 Huston—Julian Furnace, Thursday, 10 Union—Unienvilla, Friday, 11. Milesburg and Boggs— Milesburg, \^on i'owara and Ourtin—Howard, Tuesday 16. " Liberty—Eaglaville, Wednesday, lfitb. Persons intending to teachwill please not ask for private examinations. K. M. MAGEE, County Supt. Centre Hall, Aug. 24. "VtQTlCl.—Therff" wITT be an exaniina- XY tion of applicants for Perinanant cer tificates at Centre Hail, on Saturday, Aug. 8L Persons desiring to apply for certificates will please inform some member of the committee (H. Meyer, Centre Hall. J. H. Zelgler, Kebersburg) some time belore lite day of examination. witl 'JHeaie trWi'the necessary recom -10,000 AGENTS WANTED. for oar great POLITICAL CAMPAIGN Chart. The moat attractive and thing out It is Indian ensahlwlo atift of all par ties, ftwoUMnrlhn the fheU and figures needed, lor every day reference, by every i intelligent voter. A genu are selling from 15 to 30 a day The most liberal terms. Send for clr ' culars. Address, DUFFIELI) ASHMKAft fcthUaker, A receipt for money paid is not le l gslly coacluiire. Ravage** of an Escaped llhlnoee roa. It Kill* Two Men, Destroys Muse um, and Does Other Jkimaye. CiUCAOO, Aug. 16. —A letter from Red Bird, a small (own in Monroe county, 111., give* a thrilling account of the escape from it* keeper* of the rhinoccroe beloagiug to Warner A Co.'* menagerie and circu* on the oc casion of its beiug brought into the ring for the first time. The showmen had prepared the animal for exhibition by attaching to a ring in it* noae two strong wire ropes, and twenty-four men were deemed sufficient to control the beast. It submitted quietly to beiug led from the cage, but on euteriug the arena suddenly threw up its hoad and, pluuging madly to the right and left, broke loose from tho men and dashed forward through the teuta. Its first victim wa* John Gilleni, a cauvasman who was kuocked down, aud, the beast trampliug upou his breast, be wa* kill ed iiutautly. It next ran it* uoe against Martin i Ready another canvaaman, striking him ill tho atomach, ripping out hi* bowels, aud killing him on the spot It then made a dash in the direction of the scats, which by this time were cleared by the frightened suectators, and knocked down nearly all of the seat* on one side of the tent disloca liug the shoulder of one of the employ ee* and breaking the arm of a spectator. Ruuuiug next iuto tho menagerie tent, ;it upset Mr. Forepaugh'* den of per forming animals, after which it struck the centre pole with its bead, bringing 'it down'wilh a crash upon the cages of the tiger aud leopard, but not break • ing them so as to allow the aniuiala to escape. Dashing into the museum tent, it broke all the curiosities, fright ened all the people in the neighbor hood, aud rushed out through the can vas iuto the street, finally stopping in a vacant house, the door of which stood open. Here the intu succeeded in capturing the animal and getting it in to a cage. The damage to the shew was about i 3,000, Sumner on the Situation Ex-Senator James J. Stewart has written a letter about his visit to the politician* in Washiugtau. He used to be a straight republican, but now goes for Greeley. What he says is of internet, and thi* is a part of bis let ter: "The adiuioutretisu forces In Wash ington are fearfully demoralized. Cameron waa over last week, and ia io great distress over the Pennsylvania situation, having endeavored, as I know, to invoke the services of a good i friend of mine for a reconciliation with Forney. lie waa told ''ft is too tote" Robeson, also, puffing iu distress, ask ed what could be done in heaven's name to save Pennsylvania, and was told 'Nothing.' They ar at their wits' end about Pennsylvania, and have lost head as completely as they: did about consequential damages.! What will they do when Qovernor' Cortin arrives, as he will shortly, and takes the stump for Greeley and Brown ? Colonel M'Clure assures me this is a fact. "I mentioued it to Mr.Sumner io interview I had with him on Friday, and he exclaimed, 'That settles the question.' 1 had a long and free in terchange of opinion with Mr. gumner, being an old friend, and I think suc ceeded in removing some embarrass ments he expressed as to coming for ward. HO! HOI All ye who need Boot*. Shoes, Sole Leather, Calf Skins, or Sho* Finding*, remember, that GRAHAM A SON, next door to Keller'* store. Bellc fonte, have Just received a splendid lot of fall goods, and are determined to offer the best bargain* in the county. Country peo ple are invited to call and examine their stock and satisfy themselves that they sell boou. shoes. Ac., cheaper than any other •st* blub mint THE MORMON WIFE, a Life Story of the Sacrifices, Sorrows and Sufferings of Woman —a Narrative of many yean per sonal experience, by the Wlk of a Mor mon Elder, recently from t tab: This is a very interesting work, and will pay a perusal; it is finely illustrated, and give* one an insight of Mormon life, its' crimes, Ac, The author being a lady wh° write* from experience, the • Hut tuan elder, gives tho wurk additional In terest. We think tbis book better than any of iu kind heretofore published, and it will find a large sale. Mr. Miie* A| Kemp, of Centre Uill ha* the agency for this very interoling werk, and will can vas* for subscribes s. DEATHS On the crcningjofthe 13th Inst, in New Albany, Ind , alter a most severe and lingering iUness, Kittie M., wile of Albert 11. Uanna, of Lock Haven, Pa., and only daughter of George and Susan Kline, formerly of Boalsburg,, Pa. Aged 20 years, months and 6 day*. Auguftt Court (r.ttad Jurors — Atonday. Rogg* Janie* Zimmerman. Benefontc -Go*. W* Jackson, John L. Given. Ferguson—David Fye, Sidney Sboll. Gregg—George Buchanan, Levi Stump, John Coldrea. Huston—Goorge W. Miles. Haines —Charle* llosterman, Samuel Y earick. Marion—Michael Cqcmap Miles—Lctef K! liioriy. potter—D. J. Decker, R. A Porter, W. Henny. Ruah-D. W. Holt Spring—Charle* Kckenroth. Taylor—Wm. Laughlin, John Wea ver. Jr. Union—John G. Hall. .. ... Walker —John Decker, Philip, alters, John Rodger*, Traverse Jairort. Bo)r.-.lm Ctirtin. Bellcfonte—3 A M Ouutian, John Har per, 3 A ftrpw, Raukiu, W If Bey. nolds, Jpo rower*, S D Mu*or Btnncr—Wm Irvin, J 0 William*. Grugg— J H Fisher. J Alter*, Daniel B*rtgt, Wm Alexander. Harrl—Sam'l Wainon, C Fisher, l>an 1 K import, G K Wunon, Charles Stemro. Huston—Wm Johnston, David Parson*. Haines-J Winkleblcck. Halfmoon—J M Gray. Ferguson—l' Louk, J Qardper, 4 G Hem, Geo Weaver-, D 1} U Bailey, J Krumrine. Liberty—"Uaniel Fletcher. Mllo*—J Haines. Milesburg—C K Kington. Patton-G W Tate, G B Bumberger, P E Boilers. Potter—Dan'l Durst. Wm Boat. Penn—D Miller, B F Frankcnberger, A Zerbe, J Banders, II 0 Smith, 4 tiauioy J Meyer. KuU— l C Gone. Snh'w Shoe— K 11 Roach. Taylor—Stephen II McManlgal. Union—David Campbell. Spring—J Miller, J Ros*, II Kckenretb, J Bilger, R Brook*. Walker—Henry Snavely, H Mitchell, J Carner. Worth-Wm fcryji.PQ Whlppo. PLOWS I—The Undersigned have now on band a lot of the celebrated WAL LACE PLOWS. Persons wishing Plows will do well to call and see them be(vtfe purchasing other Plows. SMITH 4 LSITEEL, auglC " rottera' Mills, ra. MKRCUAMTS TAE* NOTICK. Tho merchants of Penn and Brush val ; lies are hereby notified that a meeting will be held at Centre Hall, on Friday, Aug. 23rd, at 2 p. m., for the oppose or consul ting upon busii\93 wallers of Importance ■ to all Wclaiii. A full attendance is re quested. MANY MERCHANTS. The acts of one partner in tbs firm bind all others. ~ An agreement without any consider ation ia void. i- Sheriff Salt*. Hy virtue ot Sundry writ* of Fieri Fa clas* Levari Facia* and venditioni Kxtmna* ! issued out f tho Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, and to me directed, will ihe exposed to public sale,, at the Court u House in llellefonto on Thursday the ISJnd * day of August 1 HTti, the follow ing proper ,.{ty, via: All thai certain house, store room, aud * ! lot of ground situated in the town of M ill - It helm, Venn Iwp,, bounded on the north by | turnpike, on cast by John 11. Clover, for merly known a* the properly of Jacob llol ** inger, of llollidaysburg Pa. Heing part of u the premises conveyed by D. A. Musser n and wife to the saidt*. Swart*, on south by mill race, west bv public road, thereon 0 erected a house and outbildings Set sod, ta li ken in execution and to be sold as the prop „ erty ofUeorgw M Hwart*. All 6 A certain UK of ground situated in CVn- S tral City, Centre county, bounded on the | south by nubile road leading from Miles burg to L'uionvllle, east bv Hall street, '■ north by an alley ahd west f>y lot of tlalUj d heirs, containing one fourth of an acre,' l{ more or less, thereon erected a two story frame house and outbuildings Seised, U -0 ken in execution aud to bo sold as the prop it erty of John A. W hitch til. |. ALSO All those four certain lots of ground sit uated in the addition to the borough of Q Miltwkurg known at Central city, bounded L. on the south by the turnpike road, west by * Spring street, thence lttl) feet to Iddings street, thence along a 2U fool alley parallel k with the turnpike to lot uow owned by Jon f alhau Folk being lots known in the plan ol Central city lot* N0.6, 7, 8, and V, having thereon erected a large two story flame llo k tel. basement saloon, kitchen, wash-house, e stable aud other outbuildings. Seised, la ken In execution to be sold m the property of Martin Dolsu, ALSO All tho right title and interest of defend ant in and to all that certain Uacl of laud, I * situated in Hoggs twp., beginning at a post: * at public road thence north 4t! Jer , east 1 46 per., to a post, tlicuco south 65 d< *.. . west 18 per., to a poet, theneo along land ' of McCoy and Linn to stone north 77 deg., 1 east 44 per., thence along land of Anthony * tianey north 6 deg., west 80 per., to stone, j thence south 77 deg., west 68 per., to stone,! thence south lOdeg., along land of McCoy . ' A Linn to post, thence along land of * Jkihu Curry, south A dug , egsl $ per, to j . an oak, thence north ?> deg., east 4 pet,, to HAM ot Beginning, containing AO acre*, and about 30 acre* cleared, thereon erect- j I ed a plank house aud stable and other | outbuildings. Seised, taken in Execu tion and to be sold a* the property of J. F. 1 Strong. ! ALSO {AH that two and a half story frame house j and lot or piece of ground, situate in Cole yille. Spping twp., containing about three fourths of an acre, bounded wusi by. land; of Win. M Humes, and , the twp. road, north by W. Poormau, south east bvj 1 Isaac liaupts, and south by W. tiriffllh I > Seised, taken in execution and to be sold ! - as the property of Jacsb Ballet. ALSO , All that certain lot of ground situate in Milesburg, bounded on the north bv the Bald Ragle Creek, on thesouth by Water >treat, on the e*t and weat by lot* of A. D. Hat)it, containing i gfan *crp, more or leas, thereon erected a.dwelling house, sir factory with steam engine power, and oth er outbuildings. Seized, taken in excu- 1 lion and to be said as the property of C.! K. K-sington. ALSO I All thosa twul certain lots of ground sit uate in Centrwllall, Bolter twp., one there of bounded on the north by lot ofWm. Shoope, east by lot of Centre Hall Manu | lactunng Company, south by the Brush j I Valley road, and on the west by lot of the j ! Lutheran church, containing about one j fourth of an acre, thereon erected a large ; two story and a half frame dwelling house land out buildings. The other thereof! > bounded on the north by the Brushvallev " road, east by an alley, south by lot of B ! Xoff, and on the west hy lot of Samuel i Working, outtUining about half an acre.! thereon rrecled a blacksmith shop, warunj maker shop, paint shop, stable and otaer outbuildings. Seized, taken into execu tion and to be sold as the property of Geo. ! !B. Harpster. Sale to commence at l-o , clock, p. in., of said day. P w. WOOUWNG, Sheriff, j Kegiaters Notices The following accounts have been exam ined an.Cpassed by me, and remain filed of record! n this Office for the inspection of heir* legatee* creditors and all other* in i any way interested and will bo presented! to the orphanf * Court uf Centre county to! be held at Bellefontc for allowance and confirmation on Wednesday, the JKih day ot August 1872. I. The account of Michaal Schenck who was appointed trustee to sail the Real Es tate or Fredrick Schenck, late of Howard twP'iQsntr* oountr v dec. £ The account or Samuel Blotner guar dian of David Geary, one of the children and heirs of Reuben Geary, late of Bene twp.. Centre county, dec., in account with the estate of the said David Geary as filed by Andrew Stover, acting guardian. A The accountof Adam Uoeterman ex ecutor in the last will and teatamcnt of' Louis L Kurtz, late of Centre county,! deff. A The account of David Keller, execu tor of the late will and testament, uf Philip Sheoeberger, lato of Harris twp., dec. &. The aovOuul of James Martin trustee pi sell the real estate of Samuel McKeo. late of Walker twp., dec. 6. The account ot Nathan J. Mitchell, and Wm. P. Lucas, administrator* of the estata of Thomas Lucas, lata uf Howard twp., dec, 7 The account of George Livingston, who WM administrator of all and Singular, the good* and chattels, of Elisabeth Stone, late of fiellcfonte, dec., as filed by A. U Furst hi* executor. 4 The final account of John Rishel, guardian ot the person and estate of Geo.' Ttunkie Jr. child of John Runkie, late of Bolter twp., said Junior having arrived at the ago of twenty one years, and since dec. P. The account of Michael Schneck. Guardian of Joseph, Lydia, William S. j and Samuel T. Bechdel, junior children, of David Bechdel, late of Liberty twp., doe'd. 10. The account of Adam Hoy, Admin istrator do bonis non of Isaac Ban ey, laU | of Spring twp , dee'd. | 11. The account of Adam Hoy, Execute* of Ac., of Julian Swartg, Ifle (if Spring twp., dee'd • 12. The ZTcouttt of Adaui Hastermanand ; •Jeremiah Vanada, administrators of ail ! and singular, the goods and chatties, right* and credits which were of David N anada. late of Uainos twp., dee'd. 18. The accountof John Hoffer, guar dian of Jeremiah May* Jr., now dee d,Ju nior son of Jeremiah Mays, late uf Spring \ twp., doe'd. 14 The tt)iult,istflion account of Wm. ' P. W'tl.un, administrator of the estate ot Samuel L. liarrs, late of Bcllefonte, dee'd IA The account of Conrad Singer, one 'ofthe executors in the last will and testa- mcnt of Samson Olossner, late of C'urtin twp., dcc'd. li. Final account of Michael liarp*r, Kuaidian of Diana Hostermap mjaur child of John Uoaterman, laU u> Hainea twp., doc'J, If. ffte final ndniiniitration account of I'. K. UtrManigle, >dminwlrator of J, 11. ohaton, late of Marion twp., doo'd. 18. The account of Meaalama Kccso ad ministrator uf David Kecsc, late of UrcgK two., doe'd l\t. The account of Aaron William*. ad ministrator of John Sheet*, late of Worth two., de'ed. J. H. MOKKISON, aug 2. KegUter. O. frrit. J- T. Lkk. 1 PECK 6c LEE'S New i Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL, PA. The undersigned have opened a new es tablishment, at their new .hop*, fur the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, I ikXIUHs AMD SLXDS, PLAIN AND FANCT of every description . All vehicles manufactured by thern are warranted to rendor satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. - Thgy use none but the best material, 1 and .employ the most skillful workmen, i . Hence they flutter themselves that their • work can not be excelled for durability e and finish. * Orders from a distance'promptly attend ed to. Come and examine our work before contracting elsewhere. u PRICES REASONABLE, •-i All kinds of Reparing done, 'feu*?. PECK A LEE. QOLRT PROCLAMATION. WbHMilktllM i'kwlMjt. Mu>, fnaUnl •< Ik* euaH .( IWawa Flwm. lu JadMal lH feaft* £ lIMMtUt Rmui Umh>. iimkk Jl|ii, la Oarta •aaal*. hataeuaa4 lh.lt araaapl. aalaa data Um> Ob tlai at JUMII, A 11. Lan lu at iprwlad far IMU lu* a WMIH ul Orw aa.l Tualati and liaaaral Jail ta ll>*n aad Vtaariat *...liia. ul lb. Faaaaia H.llalual. iut lb. .uui| at l Wait., aad <• MwaMatt a Ik. ih Muadai ul Aa| u.tl. t-t u * lb. Mtlt| daj at Aad Wl aad lu uuullaaa lau ..!■ Hull, . Ul barab, glttm lu Um Huraaaar, JaaUaaa ul lb. Caaac. AkUrawu aad I'uaalablM at lb. aatd vuaalf at IWulta. Ibal lb*> I. Own and lb.r* la lb.lt ituaat uarauur. al 111 a'uVuak la lb. luraa.ma al aab) d.. all* lb.lt tutaud., laaaiailiuaa, ataaalaaifcia*. aad tbait ... ruaittaaraa.ua, la da ibuaa Ibla*. ablub la ib.lt a*Ua a|t|arlalua lu b. duaa. aad ttoM abu at. buuad I* t. ia|UuiMM lu pruMual. aaatari tb. ptWaar* Ibal ant at aball lu 1a lb. Hall at I Walt, uuaalf lu Uui aad Ib.t. W IM.rr.au adalaal ib.ta aa •bail W J art Ultra aa.lrt aj baa.l bl Mlilwl*. tba la d Ol at kptll la iba ruat at oat laud. lefi aad W Ikf BUNdf luartb gaar ul iba lad.|uadaa.u at lb. llalM ilalaa lIW WlMlllklCu. Nbart_ TMK ONLY PLACE TO BUY good Hoots LySlioen. BI'RNHIDK A THOMAS Have juit received 00 i-hwh of HuoU mill Shoes. Bt'R.NSIDK A THOMAS Sell the cheapest ami best Hoot* ami Shoe*. BIUINSIDK A THOMAS Are the ouly one* in Outre co. that have Irceter Uro'< A Co., Hoot* A Shoe*. Luter Hro'* A Co., Hoot* am] Shoe* are warranted. HrRNSIDEA THOMAS Hell them at Ca*h price*. BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS Uoou auil Shoe* uever leak or crack. BURNHIDB A THoMAS HooU am) Shot* al way* give satisfac tiou. Thouiauii-i in thi* county aud out of 'it have tried these HooU A Shoe*. They have beeu tested and tried for 15 year* ami al way* have given Extra satisfaction. If you want to save doctor bills buy vour Hoots aud Shoes from Hurntide A Thomas. You cau buy the best articles of To bacco and cigara at half price at Burnsidee A Thomas. The reasou you ran get such bargains at Burnside A Thomas, they sell for CASH. julyiy.tf.J BOSTON Boot * Shoe Store! A NEW ESTABLISHMENT ! With New Goodt & New Pricet! llaviag determined to engage in business at this place, we have opened up in Room NO. 5 BISH S ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA., the largest, moet complete and cheapest stuck of BOOTH, SHOES, UAITERH,SLIP PERS, it'., I ItiAl ha* ever U*en ujK>n*d up in ihU of the Slate At our store yon can find in] the Boot end Shoe line Anything Ylu Wfi/j'h from the finest boot to the cheapest slip- j per, and wo know if you once call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES you will concede that it 1* to your interest to purchase from us. WKNELL AT RONTON KATE* Repairing Nrafilf Bear. H L. BATCHKLLKR A CO July I9tf T M PORTANT TO FARMERS! WKOFFKR FOR SALE the following list of UNEXCEPTIONABLE AND RELIABLE FERTILIZERS: PURE GROUND BONK. PURE BONK FLOUR. SUPER-PHOSPHATE, BONK DUST. AND ANIMALCOMPOHT ; 7Vy are the Great Generator* and Nouruhen of CORN, OATS, GRASS, WHEAT, and other crops. BEING QUICK, PERMANENT. ECONOMICAL! It Saves Labor ! It Prevent* Weeds I U Increases the Y't,...Oate 66 Barley 60„.... Uluvoraeed 4.60 Tlmothyseed, 3m)......., Halt 'i 60 per tack.M .... Bacon Itv Hiu 16 liuttei 17... Kgg* 16 PU.U-r 0 60 (HUB TWWRE'QI?' "71(1(1 is sorano nil it" Nil, lira, Yttiii ud lif im v BUY IT I TRY IT! FJMrver tqd #(us, . Us* Pai| Cum 0/ ForVrurcAiiin,. . . Us* Pxif Cum Ml. For Nfihnlfia, . . . . Uss Psiq CusfOil. For FtvX&m,. . . . Us* Pxif CjN OIL For CkoltX Iforkut, . Uie Pxip jCm OIL For SprainsY . . . . Um Oil. For HssdtehiX. . . . Ust Yjf Cum OIL For Bruisos, ,\. . . Um \K\\ Cum OiL For Coras sad 6 ufltai, Ujf Fa y Cum Oil. For Any Son, .X. Mis Cum OIL For 4ny Lsnjioesi, M|h Paif Cum OiL freer Itotri/iiVruaiiiw, AaA aw Aek ht riIMJBVU OIL iL se eUer. ht ■ • illlilT IT TO 111* eu< >dn eummela wl tremASiilabwta f lag ..aaauaiuL mmta ftva\ 1/ tau, ttale art* KllVto If aa* le rhu bbS eafa hi wee. \ MN by ell ItnoMt aa* DaaUn to HSI 1^ rsicK, aa ckits. < IkCIUaC A CATON, Hmmimt, Sold wlaolftalu and retail by P. P. Or ear. Just Arrived. Just Arrived. ('all and See Call and See WOLFS Maguilicent Stork of New Goods. Come and get Bar gains. Assortment full and complete. Dry Goods, Groceries, No tions, Hardware, Heady-made Clothing, and thousands of other articles A. BUSSMAN LEATHER A SHOE FINDING. in lower room, No. 1. Bush* block, where be keep* on hand a slock of WHITE and RED LEATHER and HARNESS. Kips and Calf Skins French and City Finiah. STRING LEATH EK, SHOE FINDINGS OFFTERY DE SCRIPTION. Raw Hides BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trunk* and Valise* OF ALL KINDS. RAW FURS, of all kinds bought aud highest price paid. Clover and Timothy Seed always bought and on hands. WHEAT and OATS specially bought and the high est Cash price paid. Go to Sussman's, there you can buy cheaper than elsewhere, as everybody knows, who ever dealt with him. lie lets no one off without a good bargain. Next door to Sussman's is the cheap dry goods establishment of Isaac Guggenheim er. apAtf. ADAM HHJD, PAINTER, "SiiW offers bit services to the citixens of Mifflin ! Centre and adjoining counties, in Heine, Nlgn and Orsnenalsl Painting. GRAINING Oak, Walnut, Maple. Ash, Mahogany. Ac. Plain and Fancy Paperhanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All line work done for other painters. June 1 J. ISO Li i l 'Mictt'l *(I •.I>| ll IL Iwl „ * until* 1! aw * The Champion of the World. The new Improved American Button* Hole Overseaming and Complete Hewing .Machine— The great est machine of the Age I jsimplclty, Durability A Cheap ness Combined. This machine being the litest, has many improvements overall other, In a word. It it a perfect roachincjwhich is acknowledg ed by judges andagents of all other machine*. Call on A. L. Bart so,, asaditonburg, who is the authorised agent for Centre county. Also keeps the best Sewing Ma chine thread, needles, and repair, all kinds of sewing machines, clocks, watches, mu sick boxes Ac 1 will thoroughly canvass the section belonging tome, and I shall be very much pleased to soil every person a machine, on easy terms ; give it a trial be fore purchasing any other—it has no eaual. Parties wishing the machine, will please address the undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. All order* promptly attend od to. A. L. BARTOES, Agent for Centre County. MaDiaoNßcaa, Pa. JOHN C. MOTZ & CO. BINHERN. Millheiu, Centre Co., Pa. Receive Deposits and allow interest. Discount Notes. Make Collections. Issue Eastern Exchange. And a general Banking Business done. JOHN C. MOTZ, A Walter, Preaidrnt. Cashier. marm. RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, , * LOCK HAVEN, PA. The proprietor of Hvnder's Mu*ic Store desire* to call the attention of the people of Centre county, £o tho f.irt that they Can Save Money by purchasing their musical instrument* ot Hviider'* Music Store. Wc are soiling Double Had. Six Stop , Five Octavo Organ*, at $l4O, (.superior in toue and ftuish, to those that are hawked and peddled throughout thi country at 8175 to #200../ These we warrant for five year*. We give any reasonable credit desired to responsible pirtie*. We beg leave to call your attention to the following instruments, sold in Pemtsvalley this year, which you ,wruid do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere : CENTRE BALL. 8. H. WOLF, Rynder Organ..... #225.00 WM.OALHKAITH, Rynder Organ 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. Y.DALE, American Organ. #375.00 PETER fIOHRECK, Rynder Organ 140.00 AARONSHL'RO. WM. ETTINGER, Rynder Organ #240 00 HOALSBURG. MIBB E. E. HUNTER, Melodion #IBO.OO In a few week* we will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by writing a letter to us aud getting our prices —wc deliver all instrument* — You Can Save From S4O to SOO on an Organ. Address, RYJVDERTSMUSIC STORE, Lick Haven, Pa. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS I C. D. wt.T.TF.W BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA* is BOW prepared, at the Old Stand on Bttimp Street, to sell DJW GOOD 3, GftO{#£ft3£Gltaoi& 3b lbs.Car pais, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, AC., AC, at greatly reduced prices. He i also prepared to purchase ALL KINDBOF GRAIN! FOR WHICH UK WILL PAY TIIK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ASH PURCHASERS WILL FIND SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS THEM apr,l9tf. C u - ALLLEK I. Guggenheimer. ARRANGEMENT I laaac Gcooexiieimkr, having purchased the entire flock of the late firm of Susaman A Guggenheimer, ex* cepl the Leather auu Shoe-finding*. ■ has filled up hia shelves with a lot of „ bplemdid mew uoodb, I embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, j i) rush noom, i UKOtEKIEH, I I i FKOV IfIONH, I BOOTS A BHOKB, ' I HATS A CAPS, < AMD FAMCT ARTICLIJB, audi* now prepared to accomodate all ' bis old customers, and to welcome all new ones who may favor him with j their patronage. He feels safe in say- < ing that he can p lease the roost fast id i- 1 ous Gall and see. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM ER ] P. 8. —Mr. Suasman still continues to deal in LEATHER AND SHOE-FIN DINGS, ' CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, 1 in the old room, where he may alway * be found. I'iap.tf. I ( COAL, LIME, i ami POWDER! OOAL— Wilkesbarre Coal. Chestnut Slave, Egg, furnace and foundry, Coul-~oroet quality, at the low est prices. Customer* will please note that our coal is housed un der commodious sheds. r LIME—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, tor sale i at our kilns, on the pike leading to Mi'.esburg. r POWDER.—Having received the agency for Du Font's Powder A'l ; WHOLESALE, we shall be pleased to receive orders from ~ the trade. • ! Offlce and yard near south end of Bald " Valley R. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. L n 4uov SHORTLIDGE A CO. 1- 'BUTTS HOUSE Bellefonte, Pa. J. B. BUTTS, Prop'r. Haa first class accommodation ; charg es reasonable. 19apr, tf. VENTRAL UOTHL. Corner ol'Tlnrd and Chestnut Street. Mifflinburg, Pa. John Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirabla to parsons visiting Town on '• business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached, an (21 ly WAR! WAR! On High Prices. ] GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. H. KMITII, of Potters Mills. N E W ii 0 ODS ! We would most respectfully iufrom hit friend*, customers, end the public gener •Uy, that he he* taken possession of Thompson's old quarter*, which have been< remodeled and improved, and is now pre- : pared to accommodate all who may favor! htm by calling. NEW GOODS! He ha* just received one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county, which he intend* to sell at acuh figure* as will make it an ob ject lor all person* to purchase. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac., should not fait to give him a call, a* he feel* confident bis price* and superior quality of roods will atnplv .nli.fr ail. His stock of GROCERIES consists of Coffee* of the best quality, Ten*. Sugar* of Molasses,) KUh, Salt, (fheesc. Dried Fruit, Spice*. Provision*, Flour and Feed, Ac., Ac, Our stock of D II YGOODB is large and varied, and we will just say can supply any article in tbat line, with out enumerating. READY M A DECLOTHING a large "took of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which we will dispose of at a very rmallhavanb* on cost. _ Boot* and Shoe*, Hats and Caps, Hard ware, Uuecnsware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notion*. Fancy Goods, Carpet*, Oil cloth*. Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac., ocUfiklj. ( iflpa (iraliam & Son, Boot & Shoe Makers Next door to D C Keller's Btort Bellefonte. We manufacture to order. Our work is neat and durable. Our prices are very moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. We havo the LARGEST and RES' stock of Ladle's and Children's shoes i town. Wo are receiving goods every week. I We wish an examination of our goodi 1 The Pennsvalloy trado is especially it vited to call and see our stock, we thin we can please all who call as to s tyn quality, and prices. We study to renin satisfaction, and although we have had a extended trade for years, we have nevi given a customer cause to complain. I " scptls.t Stone Ware a large assortment of every size and d scription now on hand, cheap, at the o stand of Wu. Wolt Dr. Crook's Wine of Tux t lO YEARB Public Test lias proved jflß DR. CROOK'S jg WINE TAB. To hair mere merit tluus anjr aimllar prrtmra* Own rrrr oiftrcd Ihf public. It Is rich In the mrdlcinfilqafib |tlvw of Tar. and uoequaled for dhrtW*- m of the Throat and Uug.i forming the mt remarkable cures. Coogho. t^Wnrhronk-C^ogta. It effectualiy mree them alt and Dieuchlti*. Has cured to many cases it has been proEoanond a specific lor these complaint*. For pains in Breast. Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Disease** of the Urinary Orpins, Jaundice or any Llrer Complaint, It lua we equal. ' It Is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the Systenu Restores the II eak and Debilitated, Games the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia act! h Ind%esti.>:. Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your Bysi e TRY DR.CROOK'SIVINEOFT.4 i ! i NATURE'S Restorative Contains no LAC SULPHUR —oN SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—Nu NITRATE OF SIL- V r ER, and is entirely free from th Poisonous and ilonllh-destroying Drugs used in other Hair 1 "repara tions. Transparent and dear a* crystal, it wUI . not soil the finest fabric, — perfectly SAFE CLEAN and KFFHAKNT, -dc=idcra tum* LONG FOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LA.ST! It restore# and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, gl"**J ap ■ pcaranei'. removes Dandruff, i* n-lVcshing > to the head, check* the Hair from falling off, ami restore# U to a great oxu tU when . prematurely lost, prevent* 11 cedarhos, euros all humors, cutaneous eruptuma, and unnatural heal. AS ADM FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee. Ayor, Ma. Prcpaiod only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mas*. The genuine * put up in a panel bottle, made expressly I for it. with the name of the article l>lown in the glass. Ask your Druggist foff Na Tins * H via Rr-rouvm :. and take no J other. _ JFW-Send two three cent stimw to 1 roc ler Brothers for a "Treatise on tne Human Hair." The information it contains is worth SuUMX) to any person. Y For tale at Centre Hall by Wm. Wot and Herlacher A CronmiHer. **rA LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. I PHcs la * iwslod sewlape. "at* * ocnt*. ! A lactar, en Vho Nalnro, Troatmcpt ami Kadtoal I Cm uf ttawBaloTbor>a. or llominal Wnakm-**. larot ' rt&xrs-sr; BSX£BSSS 4 The world rortownod auUvx, la tal* s4mlrMs IjiA tors. rUcurtir pwvtm trym I"* own cttyriom o ot taw ful cunmtnnaro of Hotf-Abum mjr tw -•< tnaltir rs -0K.r0,! wfihSn. Slllg .od wttbun. leal opormunno. tnaUwaawntm. rtnso. or nv( oat * mode .4 cure s OOOC cortata andrtfjrtnal* .hich owe, n*or. no matlar what hi. coodWoomigr bo. my enro bfenmtfelMopts, M'rrtob. Thl* laws are WtU Prert a Bo*> I" TUmnand. and Son (.under seal.!aaplatnmet^.leanra^reaa. ckum-joo, t x PoatAMßcc Bos U*. • Bowoij. W.w/h PUliix if YOUB. BLOOD. V For Sproftal,Scroft|n loan lNkCHses of the •ft Ky os, or Kcroftilff In I 3K *aity form. sSEa Any disease or eruption of mjj the Skin, disease of the Liter. *>'• -* Rheumatism, Pimples, Ola in Ydy w Bores, Ulcers, Broken- d o*l Constitutional Syphilis, or any W3h disease depending on a do praved condition of tha woo# a SKll I>H. CROOK'S le dKcTx SYRUP OP - W POKE ROOT. Cf / H has the medicinal property . \jf of Poke combined with a prep~ "• gjy aration of Iron which goese* - /f>x cnce into the Hood, perform ing the nu** tepid and won r/ derful cures. Ask rour Druggist for Dr. Crook's Co®* I*" pound Svrup of i'oke Soot —take it and bo )M healed. '