THE CENTRE REPORTER FRIDAY Aug lA, 1*72. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL mrws.— Our Mendr, every where, will oblige u* by sending u lecal ' CI WcVr. ATI OW.0 W. —The circulation of the RxroaTKa, on thia aide tha county, I* larger than that of all other |*pen in the county. Business men will therefore find thia one of the best advertising mediums. We invite ail interested to come and n --suoct our Hat for themselves. EXMXTTAVCM. -All monies for sub scription will be credited on the subscri ber' address. tech week by which our patrons can at all tm<-s see how their accounU stand, and a receipt is by this system carried upon each copy or the paper*. Stone Ware a large assortment of avrry siae and de scription now on hand, cheap, at the old stand of Wm. W olt. LECTVBK. —Mr. D. F. Fortuey, esq,, delivered the first, of a course of lectures, before the Normal Ineilute and citiaena of thia place, on Thurs day evening, Bth. Mr. Fortney's sub ject was well chosen, "Pennsylvania. Our own good old Commonwealth should be atudied first. If "Man know thyself," is a good precept, to know our own state, would come neat in or der. The speaker gave a history of the origin of the nickname, "Key stoue," which originated during (he revolutionary war, in the amembly when the declaration of Independence was voted upon. One of her members having given the all-important vote which decided the question. Also on account of Pennsylvania occupying a central figure in the '"Old Thirteen, the glorious old colonial arch. He then.dwelt upon her vast resources in iron, coal, lumber and agricultural productions, which rank her among the richest states of the Union ; lastly of her wooderous oil productions tho most astonishing of all, and which has made her the wonder of the world; her oil-wells producing annually to the amount of $26,000,000. The speaker also referred te her commanding im portance in a political point of view ; also her power in a military point," as displayed during the late war, having sent 860,000 men to the field. Her greatness in railroad#—while she has some 3000 mike leas railroad than Il linois, she spent $150,000,000 mora in the construction of railroads than Il linois. The speaker then eulogixed our Free School System, as among the best in the world. Mr. Fortney was listened to throughout, with marked attention, and was frequently interrupted by ap plause. SAD CASK OF DBOWSIKO.— On Saturday afteruoou, last, aaya the Lock Haven Republican, the citizens of the lower wards of this city were thrown into a considerable excite ment by the sudden disappearance of two little boys, one the son of Mr. Hihnon Myers aged 6 yean, and the other a grandchild of C. A. Lyman, Esq., aged 4 years. Search was im mediately instituted, Lut all endeav ors were fruitless until the next morn ing when they were found dead in the river just above the Lock Haven dam. It is supposed they went out on the logs as had been the custom of one of them, and had fallen off into the wa ter, which is about 12 feet dgep. They were both buried on Monday. * Xratal Power in Men and women. Regarding this oft-discussed question Mauaaley says : It has been affirm td by some philosophers that there is no essential differences between the mind of a woman and that of a man ; and that if a girl were subjected to the same education as a boy she would resemble him in tastes, feelings, pur suits, and powen. To my mind it would not be one whit more absurd to affirm that the antlers of the stag, the human beard, and the coxcomb are ef fect* oi education ;or that by putting a girl 90 the same education as a boy she could be sexually transformed into one. The physical aad mental differ ences between the sexes intimate them selves very early inlifo, and declare tfiemtelves most distinctly at puberty. If the person is hermaphrodite, the mental character, like the physical, participates equally in that of both sexes. If either sex is mutilated, it approaches in character, the opposite ttx. While woman preserves her sex, she will necessarily be feebler than man, and, having her special body and mental characters, will have to a certain extent, Iter own sphere of activity. When the has pretty well divetyd herself of her lex, she may Bi&n tfckeVi* ground and do his work; ut' she will have lost her feminine at traction, and probably also her chief feminine functions. — Scribnci 't for Auytwf. Adam Miller, of Miles twn„ sold hia farm to Milcboir liierfy , for 9104.60 per acre. Daniel Wolf, of Haines twp., baa purchased the farm of Frank Hartley, (formerly Jf. W. Stover's), at 1100 per acre. Chubcm Busnkd. —We regret to learn that the )f. E. Church building, in proccm of erection at Houtzdale, was destroyed by fire on the nigbt of the 31st of July. The fire when first seen was inside, and burning in three rlaceb. It was evidently the work of ft incendiary. v ' Asarrangtnenlawill soon be made for holding the next county fair, we wish (o call the attebtion of the ©ficere of fiociety fo tye peed of more drink ing fountains upon the fair-ground, foF the accoturoodx ition of the public during the exhibition. The tingle fountain now on the jfround baa prov in totally inadequate for the occasion, as hundreds continually crowd around ii when only one at a time can drink, and many must wait for hours, before tbey succeed, with much difficulty, in getting"a drink, whilst many must turn away without a drop. There be ing a plentiful supply of good water, at least two more fouutains should be added. Mr. Henry Ro/er- of Centre Hill, sent x potato slbek to this office meas uring 8 feet in length. This is an in dication that Bnckalew's majority will be over 80()0. An Evangelical camumeating will beßeldlhear Logatis /ifli.bomthencing J9 itul """ 1 "" 4 A son of Henry Fidler, of Miles twp., aged about 11 years, had one of hu armes broken; on Friday lust, rfhilaf to 3p>j> the tfiraah tpg mftcfilM frofp whjch the strap be came detached, which caught him and slung him clean over the machine, causing the fracture of an arm. Hon. Chaa. R. Buckalew will be at Bellefonte, on Tuesday evening, court week, to address the citizens of Centre county upon the issues of the day. Democrats turn out, aud ditto repub licans if you would hear an honest man. LsorßK.-Rev. D. W. Wolf, who wMtu lecture on last Tuesday eve., bo fere tho Normal Institute.iu lb is place, accidentally met with a aprain of tho ankle, which*nreveuted hia being pres ent. He will, however, be here on Tuesday evening, next, '2oth inst., to ftilfil hia engagement, when a general turnout of our citixens is expected. SARRATH SCHOOL Pto-NlC,—The Centre Hall U. S.S., will have a pic nic in Witnier's woods, adjoining this town, on uext Saturday, 17th, mat., The members of the school will assem ble the at school-room In the morning at l> o'clock, sharp, nod tVom thence proceed in procession to tho grOve. All families connected with the school, are expected to be present, and that they will aid in makiugall necessary arrangements for the celebration, and provide eatables for the tables, and contribute to make it a pleasant affair for the children. Frieuds of Sabbath Schools from abroad are also invited. ■i ii - • • Why do uot the moraltoued radical journals, say something about the sale of the Consulate at Callao, Peru, for $2,500 caah, hydrant's brotbsr in law, Lewis I)eut, and of the ap-i poinUueut by Grant of the person who! made the bargain with Dent and paid him the raouer. This is a much mors importaut subject than nicotian taci turnity, and we should be glad to knew what the respectable advocates of Grantiam have to say about it. Tho buyer of this appointment was •oe William D. Farraod. He brought from I'sru a present for Grant worth SOOO, a fine carriage robe sent by Usn.j A. P. Hovey. Having delivered thisji gift he proceeded to bargain with' brother-in-law Dent for the Callao' Consulate. He paid Dent the $2,500 i about two meuths after Grant's inaug uretion, and soon after received his commission from Grant and sailed for i Callao on June 9, 1869, to goMr on | the Amotions of the office thus acquir ed. I These are the simple facts of the case, and tho people would like te know what high-toned journals, which advocate Grant's reelection solely be cause ho h*s got the Republican nom ination, think about kelpijtg a broth er-in-law as an office-broker around the Executive Mansion. DXDICATIOX.—Tho Lutheran Church in Milrov, Mifflin county, will bo dedica ted August 25 Several distinguished Min isters will be present ami participate in the Services. Services at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. neigh boring Ministers are cordially invited to attend. S. G. Su Asxos, Pastor. We had plenty of heavy thunder show-; or. this weak BibiVtita* There is a perfect key to the following riddle in each of the stanxas. Some knowl edge of the Old Testament is necessary in order to solve it: The Lord made Adam out of dust, But thought it best to make me first: So I was made before the man. To answer God's most holy plan. My body He did make complete, But without or arms, or feet; My ways and acuon did control, And in me put a living soul. A living being I became— 'Twas Adam who gave me my name ; Thence from bis presence 1 withdrew, No more of Adam eter know. I did my Maker's laws obey, From them I never went astray; Thousands of wiles I go with fear. And seldom on tho earth appear. But God did something in mo see, And put a living soul in me— . A soul which soon my God did claim. And took from m that soul again. And, when from me that soul had fled, I was the same as hen first made ; And, without hands, or feet, or soul, 1 travel now from pole to pole I labor bard both day and night— To fallen man 1 give great light; Thousands of pooplo, young and old Will, by death, great light behold. No fear ot death doth trouble me, True happiness I can never see,— To heaven I can never go, Nor sink, in death, to hell below. The Scriptural cannot believe,—" If right or wrong, I ean't conceive: Although my name therein is feund. They are to me an empty sound. And now, my lriends, these lines you' I) read. And search the Scriptures with all speed, Aad, if my name you don't find there, I'll think it strange, 1 do declare. THE MORMON WIFE. * Life Story of the Sacrifice*. Sorrow* and Suffering* of Woman—a Narrative of many yaar* per sonal experience, by the Wire of a Mor mon Elder, recently from Utah : Thi* i* a very interesting work, and will pay a perusal: it is finely illustrated, and gives one an insight of Mormon life, it* crimes, Ac, The author being a lady who write* from experience, the wife of a Mer man elder, give* the work additional in terest Wo think thi* book better than any of its kino heretofore published, and it will find a large sale. lfr. Mile* A Kemp, of Centre Hill ha* the agency for this very interesting work, and will can vass for subscriber*. M off eg. The merchants of Penn and Brush val lies are bsrgby notified that a meeting will be held at Centre Hall, on Friday, Aug. 28rd, at 2p. m., for the purpose or consul ting upon business matters of importance to all merchants. A full attendance is re quested. \ MANY MERCHANTS. PLOWS!—The Undersigned haye now on hand a lot of the celebrated WAL LACE PLOWS. Persons wishing Plows will do well to call and see them before purchasing other Plows. SMITH A LKITZEL, auglfi Potters' Mills, Pa. A DMINLSTRATOBS NOTICE.-Let- J\_ tcr* of administration on the estate of ti Sorgo Stover, late of Oregg twp., deed. hsve> been granted th'tho- undersigned, who request sit persons knowing tbern selves indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and thoso having de mands against the same to present them duly authenticated by law for settlement. J R. TATV®*, L'ksj. Sfovaif, aug lb 6t AdAoinistratbr*. Noncy tp School TnAcpanw-Ry a resoiutiop ofthp uf School Director* of potter township, the common Seheolsof said twp,, will commence on ihe first Mon day of November next, to continue 110 days. Applicant* for Schools are hereby also notified that the Board by resolution has graded teachers salaries, as per n um bers of certificates, as fellow* : Males—Professional certificate. s4l per month. No. 1* $39. No. 14 S3B No. If SB7 No. 2 &JG No. a $33 No. 2* SB4. Females.—Professional certificate, $37 No li $35 No. 14 $34 No. If $33 No. 2582 No. If s3l No. 21 S3O. By order of the board. aug 16 lm, W- W- Bee. CKXTBK COUKTY AOBICULTUBAL SOCI ETY'S, SCHOLARSHIP IM TUB AOBICULTU HAL COLLIWE OP P*HA.--From the report of the examining committee, itnppeais that the competition for the scholarship, al though promisingboys, have failed incom ing up to the requisition necessary to enter the Freshman class, the examination hat keen adjourned to Friday the 'Jora day of August, Whan competitors are again invit ed to present themselves. at the College, for examination in the following brancboi, viz: Orthography. Beading, Penmanship, Geography, Political and Mathematical, English Grammar. Menial and Written Arithmetic, and KlemwAftry Affcebfi 1 ' •• JAMES OAi/bkk, President. PTm-rtrSAL*.—wttl be exposed to pub lic safe; at the late residence of Catharine following property viz; 1 cooking stove and pipe, boilers Ac.. 2 small stoves and pipe, 2 bedsteads beds and beding, 1 bu reau, 1 book case, 1 kitchen cupboard, car pets, 1 lot queenswaro and glassware. 1 lounge,coverlets, quilts, haps, Tookingglass and a variety of household and kitcheu utensils too numerous to mention. Sale tc commence at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day I where duo attention and reasonable credit will be glveotby ' ALEX. KERB, Administrator. ; Democratic County CoaTcntion The democratic county convention met in the court-houae, on Tuesday laat, te nominate candidatea for the varioua county officen. The conven tion waa organiaed by electing the fol lowing officers: President —1). 2. Kline. Secretaries, Wm. J. Alexander and O. W. Kumbarger. The following is a list of the dele gates from the different districts : UelUfonte John llolftr. l>an Kllna, S M Quiit'.oa. Howard boro -J W CSardnc-f. Milesburg—W Ilahn" Phillipsburg- A U Faulkner, C Herling fyntoavllle— W M Hall, lianner- Mich Clrova, R Con Icy, II T ilunter. , _ Hogg* Kd Johnson, James Lucas, llurnside—W Akoy. Ourtin—Jno M Closky. Ferguson —Albert lloy, L Kra|s, wn Frv, It Carl, J K Krspa. Uregr-Saml Wise, Henry kruiurtne, Joseph Smlih, 8 RUettig, Daniel Runkle, M II Guise. Hsinee—Dan'l Hoslermsn, Jno Orndorf, H A Mingle, Jacob Ketner. Italfhtoon Kill* Lytle. Harris-A Murray. Jno Mayer, Harry Miller. Rush—Geo M (taffy. 1> N Moll, Barney Corte. .. Howard—B H Lathers, J II Hall. lluston—J 1 Miles. Liberty— Jno Stover. J P Linn. MarionA Harter, H Holmes. Miles-Dsn 1 Bruiugerd. Uriah Shefer, George Royer. Henry Coruisn, John Kra mer Pattort— G W Bamberger. P*nn--\Vm A Islander, John Mover, Jacob Keen, Jacob Keiwtelter, Wm Mauck. „ . Pott erG Jacob Wagner, Wm Royar, J D Murray, J Kellei, J Bilner, J|K Hunks), D RisheL I Snowsbo<*—W S Yogsr, J O Uula Spring-Joseph Ross, Jno Gerbrick H SampteTl. lay lor—John Uopenbayet. i Union— C Hoover. _ „ Walker—A C Geary, Jacob Dunkla, B ;S Winkelman. Worth—Wm Louis. Hon. Henry Sherwood was unani mously nomiuated for re-election to, pengress. For GoosUtutiopa) pelegaU, the balletiug resulted as follows i Hoy 22 : Meek 99 ; Mitchell 11. On motion Jno. H. Orvis, eeq., was nomiuated for Assembly by acclama tion. For Prothonatary Meaner*. Moran gnd Williams were nominated, when the following letter from Mr. Moran was read, after which Mr. was nominated by acclamation: BaLLirovTa, Aug. ISth, 1972. 7b tkt IMmjcratu CVanfy (.bneenfteM : Hsving declined to ontar into the con vention and barteringt thought naceetary by to<**o to jecure the success of candi dates for nomination, I withdray > usms from tha consideration of tha County On renlion, naw in session, and ask this com munication to be placed ia the minute* of its proceeding*. Resjoctfull^jours^ For Register, John H. Horriaoo su re-nominated, by acclamation. por Recorder, Isreal Grenoble was re-nouiinatfld by acdgwafioß. The convention then proceeded to ballot for Sheriff with the following re sult : Ballots... Ist, 3d, Sd. 7th, St, 9t. lOt, lit Shafsr, 6 9 10 14 15 16 24 41' Mpangler, Jti 26 27 * ® Mumsen. 10 11 11 7 14 16 IS Brown, 77 77 9 16 ST"- Ml 7 ,' K reamer, all Noll, 3 8 3 Wilson. 1 1 Goldman, 1 4th, 6, and Gth ballots were same as 3rd, The convention then proceeded to ballot for Commissioner, as follows ; SliintoQ, duow Shoe, 81 34 39 to. Meyer Ferguson, A) 18 19 Jno. Campbell, Huston, 10 11 7 Wm Pennington, Walker, 3 J. McClosky, Curtin, 77 6 Balloting for Auditor: Wm. Tibbens, Benner, 43; Jno. Smith, Penn, 4". Dr. P 8 Fisber was nominated for Coroner, by acclamation. The following gentlemen were chofr 00 constitutional conferees ; Conferees for Constitutional conference -P. F. Fortney, Wm. A Tobias. Jno. Heifer. The following gentlemen were elect ed as congressional conferees ; Congressional Conf—R. Conly, Jae. F. It reps. W. Alexander. Ma)- Foster was chosen C'baiiman of county committee. Adjourned. reply to ths reception 1 speech of Mayor Butterfield of Utioa , was, "I suppose I am to be the guest of i Senator Coakiing." MARRIAGES. . On 6th inst, at the residence of Mr. Ja cob Kepler, by Rev. M. O. Karhart, Mr. 1 George A. Blowers tf Alton*, to Mia* Ma- I ry A. Shad man of Pine Grove Mills. < DEATHS | On 2nd, in Potter twp., Wm. J., son of ' John Foreman, agodfiyears, 6 montblfiid ' ! 16 days. j August Court Grund Jurort —ith Monday. I Boggs—James Zimmerman Bonefftpte-Wtw. w. Jackson, John U Given. i Serguson— David Fyo, Sidney Sholl. i regg—George Buchanan, Levi Stump, John Coldrea. Huston—George W. Miles. Haines—Charles Hosterman, Samuel Yearick. Marion—Michael Corman. Miles-Peter S. Bierly. Potter— D. J. Decker, R. A. Porter, W. I Benny. Rush—D. W. Holt. Spring—Charles Ecksnroth. Taylor—Wm. Laughlin, John Wea ver, Jr. ifnion—John G. Hall. Walker—John Decker, Philip Walters, John Rodgor*. •• • ' < * Traverse Jurort. Boggs—J amea Curtin. Bellcfonto—S A MUuistian, John Har per, S A Brew, Jno I nankin, W F Rey nolds, Jno Powers, S D Mutser. Bennor—Wm Irvin, J'C Williams. Harris—Sam'l Wa*bji, C Fisher, Dan'l Klmport, G E W"* on . Charles Stemm. Huston—Wm Johnston, David Parsons. P-'TtkV Ju Forguson—P Louk, J Gardner. J U Hom, tieo Weaver, DG Meek, G Bailey, 1 J Krumrine. Liberty—Daniel Pietcher. Miles—J Haines. Milesburg—C K Kssington. Patton—o W Tate, O B Bumborger, P E Sellers. Potter—Dan'l Durst, Wm Bo*]. Penn—D Miller, B F Fnnkenberger, . A Zcrbe, J Sanders, U G Smith, J Sankey ■ J Meyer. B"AL<£SLSYISTO' anof K x 4 Uoicn. Taylor—StephenU McManigal. Union—David Campbell. Spring—J Miller, J Ross, U Eokenretb, J Bilger, K Brooks. 1 Walker—Henry Snavely, H Mitchell, 1 J Carner. Worth—Wm Lewis, C O Whippy ' On 8d inst., at thisylaue, by Alex. Shan non Ey.. Mr. Wrtv Wilson,'ho Mils Cuth { arinJlfany, both of Mifflin County. Oh Ist inst., by Rev! C. H. Reiter, at Aaronsburg, Mr. Jacob Sligdr, of Lycom ! ing Co.. to Miss Rebecca Long of Pyftlrc , county. " " ' fcX*3tSSttAISCTrSTM end le eeeHaee tee week*. MoU—Ulwtl teetetkeOiQe. J—*—W the Peeee, AUera—e eadCotuUM— at the aM mttr ef rncurds. luyuUSiwi,., witutMUuni, ud Uwlyoru i>iwtetß to tie Meet, Ma ApriUn , MW. MA U*( tivf mSL** luertb jreer of the lodepeodMc# of Sheriff Halm By virtue •( Sundry write of Fieri Fa ciei levari Facia* and venditioni Exponas letuod out of the Court of Common Plea* of Centre county, and to me directed, will be espoved to public tale, at the Court lloute in Bcllefonte on Thursday the 'JSfml day of Auguit 18711, the following proper ty, via: All that certain houtc, ttore reom, and lot of around tituated in the town of M ill helm, Penn twp., bounded on the north by turnpike, on eatt by John 11. Htover, for merly known a* the property of Jacob Bob I tiger, of llollidaytburg Pa. Being part or the promitet convoyed by I). A. Sluttar and wife to the —id U. Swart*, on toulh by mill race we*t by public road, thereon erected a heu*e and outbilding*. Selaed, ta ken in execution anj to be *Olll a* the prop erty oftleorge M Bwarta, ALSO A certain lot ofgmund *ituated in Cen tral City, Centre county, bounded on the I toulh by nubile road loading from Mile*- burg to Uttionvitle, a*l by Hall street, •ortn by an alley and wetl oy lot of Halt* heir*, containing one fourth of an acre, more r lee*, .boron erected e two *tory frame houtc and outbuilding*. Seised, ta ken in execution and to be told a* the prop erty ef John A. Whitehtli. ALSO AH those four certain lots of ground sit uated in the addition to the borough jf Milesburg known as Central city, bounded on tho south by tho turnpike road, west by Spring street, thence !90 feet to Hidings street, thence along a 80 foot alley parallel with the turnpike to lot new owned by Jon athan Folk being loU known in the plan ol ! Central city lots No. 6, 7, 8, and 9, having | thereon erected a large two story frame Ho tel. basement saloon, kitchen, wash-house, stable and other outbuilding*. Seised, ta ken In execution to be sold as the property of Martin Dolan. ALSO All the right title and interest of defend ant in and to all that certain tract of land, situated in Bogg* twp , beginning at a poet at public road thence north 42 Jag., east 46 per., to a post, thence south & deg.. west 18 per., to a post, thence along land of McCey and Linn to stone north 77 deg., east 44 per., theoce along land of Anthouy Raney north 6 deg., west 80per., to stone, thence south 77 deg., west 68 per., to stone, thence south 10 dug., along land uf Mepuy A Linn to pest, ijiei.cb along land of John Curry, south 6 deg , east ffl per., to an oak, theneo north 77 deg., east 4 per., to place ot Beginning, containing 60 acres, anu about 90 acres cleared, thereon erect ed a plank bouse and stable and other out building*. Seised, taken in Kxecu tion and to oe sold as the property of J. F. Strong. ALSO All that two and amtirttory fiaiue house and lot or piece of grouad, situate in Oule ville. Spring twp., containing about three fourths of an acre, bounded west by. land ofWm. U. Humes, and .the twp. road, north by W. Poorman, south east by Isaac Haupts, and south by W. Griffith ' Seised, taken in execution and to be sold j as the property of Jecib Bailee ALSO All lUI ci;rwl I'l tif ground situate In Miletboff, bounded on tho north by the Bald Fagi (.'reek, on lb* south by Water • treet, on the nutt and west by lots of A. I), liahn, remaining i of on acre, more or lees, thereon erected •.dwelling heuse, axe factory with (team engine power, and oth or outbuilding*. Suited, taken in excu tion and to be old a* the property of C. also All those two! certain lou of ground slt uate In Centrellall, Potter twp., one there of bounded on tho north by lot ofWm. Sheope, eat by lot ef Centre Hall Manu facturing Company, south by the Brush Valley road, and on the west oy lot of the Lutheran church, containing about one fourth of an acre, thereon erected a Urge two story and a half frame dwelling house and out building*. The other thereof bounded on the north by rtje I}ruhy4iiy road, east by an alley, south by lot of P. N'eff, and on the west by lot of Samuel Working, containing about half an acre, thereon erected a blacksmith shep. wagon maker shop, paint shop, stable and etaer eut buildings. Suited, taken into execu tion aad to be sold as the property of Geo. B. Harpster. Sale to commence at l-o* clock, p. in., of said day. P. W. WOOPRING, Sheriff, Registers Notices The following accounts hare boen exam ined smJCpassed by me, and remain filed of record!n this Office for the inspection of heirs legatees creditors and all others in any way interested and will be presented to the orphant's Court of Centre county to bo hold at Rcllefonte for allowance and confirmation on Wednesday, the Aith day ot August ISTi 1. The account of Michael Schenck who was appointed trustee to sell the Real Re late of Fredrick Schenck, late of Howard twp . Centre county dec. 1 The account ofaamuel Plotner guar dian of Pavjd Geary, one of the children anu heirs of Reuben Guary, late uf Ponn twp.. Centre, county, dec., in account with the estate of the said Pavid Geary as filed by Andrew Stover, acting guardian. 3. Tho account ol Adam Hoeterman ex ecutor In the last will and teetamrnt of Louis L Kurtz, late of Centre county, dec, i The account of Pavid Keller, execu tor of the late will and testament, of Philip Shenebergcr, late of Harris twp., dec. 6. Tho account of James Martin, trustee to sell tho real estate of Samuel McKee, late of Walker twp,, dec. 6. The account of Nathan J. Mitchell, and Wm- P. Lucas, administrators of the estate ol Thomas Lucas, late of Howard sr account of George Livingston, who was adsainistrator of ail ami Singular, the good* end chattels, ef Elisabeth Stone, late of Bellefonte, dec., as filed by A. O. Purstjbis executor. 8. The final account ef John Rishel, guardian of the person and estate of Geo. Ttunkle Jr. child of John Kunkle, late of Potter twp., said Junior having arrivod at the age of twenty one years, and since dec. 9. The account of Michael Scbneck, 1 Guardian of Joseph, Lydia, William M. and Samuel T. Bechdtd. JHPH Vudm> of David Meckel, o( Tplber(y tirp., dee'd. 10. The account of Adam Hoy, Admin istrator ae bonis non of Ban cy, late of Spring twp , dee'd. 11. The scoount of Adam Hoy, Executor of Rg.. of .Julian Swartx, late of Spring lf.*Tbe account of Adatn QosUrmanand Jeremiah Vanada, administrator* of all and singular, the good* and chatties, rights and credits which were of David Vanada, late uf Hainos twp., deo'd. 18. The account of John Hoffer, guar, dian of Jeremiah Mays jr., now dee'd, Ju nior son of Jeremiah Mays, lato of Spring twp., dee'd. 14. The administration account of Wm. P. Wilson, administrator of the oslate ol Samuel L. Barn, late of Bellefonl*, dee'd 16. The account of Conrad Singer, one of the executors in the last will aad U?V' CENTRE HALL, PA. The undersigned havo opened a new es tablishment, at their new shops, fur \he roanufaclme of Bibles, & Spring Waboue. Slkiobh **n SLKpa, Pt-ain a*v VAUVX *y Sea are warranted to render satisfncl'wu, and a* equal tp any work done eUewuero. They use tWO but the beet wstonal, Sldletnpmy the most skillful workmen, ence tney flatter tliemselves that their work can not he excelled for durability and finish. Orders frotn a distance'promptly altend ed to. Come and examine our work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kindaof Repariog dope, 2aug.y. AMTTgM'to *PATZNT QOOAKR For esle by lgpr.t£ WM. J. M MANIGAL. ShfHITK Nile. By virtu#of sundry writ* of venditioni „ esponat levari feci** iuuad out of the , Court of Common Pleat ef Centre couety. I and ta me directed will be expoeed to pub ■ Be tele, on the premise*, in Heine* twp., I on Friday, the IMb day ef August, 1878, , the following property, via t All that certain tract of unseated land, I situate in Heine* twp., Centre county, . which wa*urv#yed in punuanrs of war t real granted to Namual Ileum, and James 1 1 tartar, dated Dec >l' M,containing two hun . drad and twenty acre* more or la**. Beit f ad, taken In execution, and to be told at . the property of F. 11. Haunt, Hermes Haupt, Samuel B. llaupt, D. B. Boiteau. , guardian ad. litem of Anna K. llaupt, and . Ida M. llaupt, Kuima M. llaupt. Suss a . Moore end A lli.on llaupt. Bale to com mence at 8 o'clock, p. m . of —id day. D. W. WOODBIND, MheritT. ' ; THE ON Ll' PLACE TO BUY good Boots Shoes. BI'KNBIDK A TIIOMAB Have iu*t received 50 case* of Root* and Shoes. RUHNSIDK A THOMAB Sell the cheapest ami beet Boots. ftod Shoes. BUKNHIDK A TUOMAH Are the only ones in Centre co. that have Ijeatcr Bro's A Co., Boots A Shoes. Lmter Bro's A Co., BouU nud Shoe* are warranted. Ut'KNsIDK A THOMAB Sell them at Cash prioes. BUKNBIDR A THOMAB Boots and Shoes never leak or crack. BUKNBIDKA THOMAS Boots and Shoe* always give satisfac tion. Thousand* in UtU cgunty and out of it have Died these Boot* A Shoee. They have been tested and Died for 16 years and always have given Extra satisfaction. If you want to save doctor bill* buy your Boots and Shoes from Buraside 4 Thomas, You o*o buy the beat article* of To bacco aud cii far* at half price at Burnsidc* A Thomas. The reaaou you cau get such bargains at Burnsido A Thomas, they sail for Cabb. july!9,tf. BOSTON Boot 4 Shoe Store! A NEW ESTABLISHMENT With New Goods It New PHcm ! Usv ism determined i* -aa**o in huineJ st this place, we hare opened up in i Room NO. & BUSH'S ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA., the largeet. moat complete and cheapest stock of BOOTS, SHOES, UAITKIiS, SUP PERS, AC., that has over hoc® opened up in ibis part, •f the Slate At our store yon can And in the 800 l and Shoe tine from the finest boot to the cheapest slip-' per, and we knuw if you once call and! EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICKS. you will concede that it W to your internal • to purchaae Irani u. WE NELL AT RONTON BAT** Bisalrlst Neatly Dear. B. L. BATCHKLLKK A CO. I July mr. T M PORTA NT TO FARMERS I WE OFFER FOR SALE the following list of UNEXCEPTIONABLE AND RELIABLE FERTILIZERS: PURE GROUND BONE. PURE BONE FLOUR. SUPERPHOSPHATE, BONK DUST. AND ANIMAL COMPOST. They are the Great Generator* and Nourt*her* of COW, OATS, US ASS, WHEAT, other WMJ**. BEING QUICK, PERMANENT. ECONOMICAL! It BMN Labor I It Prevents Weed*! It Increases the Yield I It Restores the Land I SHORTLIDGE A CO., |ulyl92m. Bcliefonte, Coatre Co. THE PEOPLESDRU6 STORE. Next door to Wilooo A Hicks' Hard* ware store, Allegheny 81., BKLLKPONTK, PA., S, F. Rankin A Co., (Successor* to Linn A Wilton.) DEALERS IN PURE DRUQS AND MEDICINES, OHRMICALS. PAINTS OILS. DYE STVPKfk BHl'Sll- ES. I EHFUMKUY. N6TIONS, ANIJ KANCY ARTICLES run THE TOILET,*®, for medicinal purposes. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great varioljr Alto, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other articles u*w*ll* ktpl W a I"* Wee.SCr&. R,t,UU ' T t(.llun n r. RANKIN A OO Valuable Farm at Private Sale Tha uaderied offer* at private aale, valuable Farm, .itualed in Gregg lowa hip, Ventre county, near the railroad da of which 00 acre* are wel I timbered. M Thereon are erected two dwelling houte*. with Barn* and all nace*ary ontbuilding*. Fruit of all kind* andl an abundance of water on the premiM*. Tlio land It under a blth iltU if cultifilioß, and among the beit in the valley. For further information apply to Jaa. D. OSHTCBLL one of the Adminittrator*, near Spring Mill* Juna Contracts made on Sunday cannot be epforv e d. A note obtained by fraud, or from a parsou in a state of intoxication, can not be collected. Principals are responsible for the acta of agenta. HKLLKKONTKM AHKKTB. Corrected by 0. I>. Ktiller. Whit*, Red 100. ..Rye 76 Corn 00 Out 40. Barley 00. 70 Olorerteed 6,00 Potato## ,46. Lard per pound 0. Pork per poundO# Butter 30. Km*'JO Platter per ton |I4 Tallow 8 Bacon H llant I*2 LKWIHTOWN MA BEATS White wheal 1,70 Hd wheat.Rye (HO Corn 00 Oat* 86 Barley 60...... Cloveraeed 4,60. Timothy teed, 860........ Halt *6oper tack,.... Bacon 10c Ilain 10 Butlei 80... Egg* 16 Platter 9 60 u TWfWS'W * ii. Un ir Pita, km, Vmfe u4 (jama. BUY ITT TRY ITf for . . . (Jm Mo Cm Ml For NkffdbU, . , . . Uao Mf CuainJlL For FovflkScro,. . . . Uoo Ma Cjh OiL For ChouXtlorbiu, . Uoo M| JTro Oil. For SarainiV . ... Uoo F OiL For MtsiscMV, ... Uoo Pw Curs OiL For BraiMo, .V . . UaoXi; Curo OiL For Corn tad Bu\ms, U/Piit Cum OiL For Asy Sere, . V/i M| Com OiL For {ay Utpoaeoi, .YrtJss Mq Curo OiL Par Pm/tWdiun* 6*4 *r dallwp ptlwi It* egaaL IM mttmJtj aaal iWnwlly Wr 41k fcr U It a*t jfcu *■***>■ pipnlliLil at—lo - laa —lull a—tafewa\ M v—whUli, Mara* erf hwa f aad t r**aa aat mUa n —a M by all PreggMt aad lt—>an la IMw. raici, u tim < BcauX A EATOM, tamng Bold wboieaale and retail by F. P. Ureen. Just Arrived. Just Arrived. Call and See Call and See WOLFS Magnificent Stock of New Goods. Come and get Bar gains. Assortment ftill and complete. Dry Good*. Groceries, No tions, Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, and thousand* of other article* A. SUSSMAN LEATHER A SHOE FINDING. in lower room, No. 1. Bath's block, where | he keep* on hand a stock of WHITE and RED LEATHER "and HARNESS. Blips and Calf Skins French and City Finish. STRING LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS OF FTERT DE SCRIPTION. Raw Hides BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trunks and Valises OP ALI. KINDS. RAW FURS, of all kind* bought and highest price paid. Clover and Timothy Seed always bouaht and on hand*. WHEAT and OATC specially bought and the high est Cash price paid. tio to Simmon *, there you ran buy cheaper than elsewhere, a* everybody know*, who erer dealt with him. He 1* no on# off without a good bargain. Nest door to Su**iuan'* i* the cheap dry good* establishment of Isaac Ouggenheita or. apAtf. ADAH HTLD, PAINTER. offer* his service* to the citizens of Mifflin Centre and adjoining counties, in H*m, Mica gad Or antenatal Palnttnff. GRAINING Oak, Walnut, Maple. Ash, Mah agony, Ac. Plain and Fancy Peixrbanging. Or der* respectfully solicited. All ftne work done for other painter*. Juno 7 jr. The Champion of the World. The new Improved American Button- Hole Overeeaming and Complete Sewing Machine —The great est machine of the Ago ! Simplicity, Durability A Cheap ness Combined. This machine being the litest, ha* many improvements overall other, in a word, it is a perfoct machinefwhich is acknowledg ed by judges andagcnts.of all other machine*. Call on A. L. Bartecs, saadisonburg, who is the authorised agent for Centre county. Also keeps the best Hewing Ma chine thread, needles, and repairs all kinds of sewing machine*, clocks, watches, mu sick boxes Ac. I will thoroughly canvass the section belonging to me, and I shall be very much pleased to soil every person a machine, on easy term* ; give it a trial be fore purchasing any other—it has no eaual. Parties wishing tho machine, will pleaso address the undorsigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly attend ed to. A. L. BARTGKH, Agent for Centre County. MADIBONBUEO, PA. JOHN C. MOTZ k CO. BANKERS, MtiutftM, Co-. Fa Meceivo Deposits and allow interest. 'Discount Motes. Maka Collections. Issue Kasteru Exchange. And a general Bauking Business done. JOHM C. MOTZ, A WAIT**. PansiMirT. Cashier. marZStL : RYNDER'S : MUSIC STORE, LOCK HAVEN, PA. The proprietor of Rynder's Music Store dot ire# to call the attention of the people of Centre county, to the furl that they Can Save Money by purchasing their musical instrument!* ot Rynder's Mtioic Store. Wo are oelling Double Reed, Six Stop, Five Octavo Organ*, at $l4O, {.superior in tone and finish, to those that arc hawked and peddled throughout the country at $176 to 9200.) These we warrant fur five years. We give any reasonable credit desired to responsible parties. We beg leave to call your attention to the following instruments, sold in Pennsvslley this year, which you ,would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere : CENTRE HALL. a a WOLF. Evader Organ $236.00 WM, OA LBRAITII, Ryuder Organ 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. Y. DALE, American Organ ... $375*9 PETER HCHRECK, Rynder Organ 140.00 AARONSBURG. WM. ETTINGER, Rynder Organ $240.00 BOALSBURG. Mlßfl E. E. HUNTER, Melodiou $130.00 In a few weeks we will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by writing a letter to us and getting our prions—we deliver all instrument*— You Can Save From S4O to S6O on an Organ. Address, RYJVVEITS MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! C. D.KELLER, BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, U MOW prepared, at the Old Stand on Biahop Street, to sell Zhtsz&h pp*ts, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, AC, AC, at greatly reduced price*. ll* U Unprepared to purebate ALL KINDS OF GKAIN! FOB WHICH lIE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! AU PUBCHABERS BILL FIND SUPERIOR INDUCEMENT THERE ipi im/. v. L). AKLLKO I. Guggenheimer. ARRANGEMENT I , ISAAC GUGGENHKIMER, HAVING purchased the entire stock of the late firm of Suasman A Gugonbeiinr, ex cept the Leather and Shoe-finding*, ha* filled up hi* *helve* with a lot of SPLENDID NEW GOODS, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, URNS* GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, AND FANCY ARTICLES, and it now prepared to accomodate all hit old cuatomen, and to welcome all new ones who may favor him with their patronage. He feela aafe in say ing that he can please the roost fastidi ous Call and see. ISAAC GUGGEXHKIMKR. P. 8. —Mr. Sussman still continues to deal ia LEATHER AND SHOE-FINDINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where he may alway," be found. COAL, LIME, and POWDER! 'A •* • COAL—Wilkesbarre Coal, Chestnut Stove, Egg, ftirnaceand foundry. Coal--orb est quality, at the low est prices. Customers will please note that our coal is housod un der commodious sheds. LIME— Wood or coal-burnt Lime, lor sale at our kilns, on the pike leading to Milesburg. POWDER.—Having roceived the agency for l)u Pont's Powder AT , WHOLESALE, we shall be pleased to recaive orders from , the trade. i ! Office and yard near south end of Bald . Eagle Valley R. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. SHORTLIDGE A CO. BUTTS HOUSE BKLLKFOWTK, PA. I. B, BUTTS, Propr. HM first clans accommodation; charg es reasonable. 19apr, tf. /"4BNTUAL HOTHL Corner on-bira V> and Chestnut Street, Mifflinburg, Pa. John Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location make* it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. U. A. Taylor's Livery Attached, unpil ly WAR! WAR! I I On High Prices, j 1 1 GREAT EXCITEMENT. j j n. R. SMITH, of Potters Mills. NEW GOODS! We would most respectfully .infrom hi* ' friend*, customers, and the public fnor ally. tut be bat taken possession of i Thompson's old quarter*, which have been remodeled and improved, and is BOW pre pared to ireommodate all who may favor him by calling. NEW GOODS! He ha* just received one of the largest slock* of all kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county, which he intends to sell at tcuh figures as will make it an ob iect lor all person* to purchase. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac., should not fitil to give him a call, as he feels confident his prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. His stock of GROCERIES consists of Coffees of the best quality, Tee*. Sugars of all kinds. Molassesj Fish. Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spices, Provision*, Flour and Feed, Ac., Ac. Our stock ofj DRYGOODB ( is large and varied, and we will just say S can supply an r v article in that line, with- / out enumerating. READY M ADECLOTHING I ti a large stock of ready-made Clothing fbr Men and Boys' wear, which we will dispose " of at a very small advance on cost. * Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hard- [■ ware, Ouecnsware, Wood and Willow t, Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil- 0 cloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac., . orUfiUy. c a • __ f 1 m|: * j Graham & Son, i Boot & Shoe Makers Next door to D C Keller's Store Bellefonte. 1 We manufacture to order. Our work is neat and durable. Our prices are very moderate. We warrant to give aatisfaction. We have the LARGEST and BEST stock of Ladie'a and Children's shoes in town. We are receiving gooda every week. We wish an examination of our goods. The Pennsvalley trade is especially In vited to call and see our stock, we tnink wo can ploate all who call a* to style, quality, and prices. Wo study to render] satisfaction, and although we havo had an extended trade for years, we have never given a customer cause to complain. LIGHTNING SAWS at Manufacturers prices. For eals by W. J. M'MANIGAIk may 3).3m Milroy. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar. d lO YEARS Jk | -OF A- Public Ted lias proved K DR. CROOK'S vlg| WINE TAR ttsß otob^^iSCSS It b rirh ta the medtrißalfMb ft tic* Of Tar. and unequaled for ilif m of the Thiwsft Slid Lun |> forming Use moat iisrkahfti sums. Übss haaa pronouaead a specific for tbaas ocmpisma For pain* in Breast. Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Disease* of the Urfaair Oraao, Jaundice or any Liver Complaint, It haaaaaqial It is also a superior Ttntf®, Rtmoiyb the Appetite, Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Reftnoves Djjje^a- Prevents Malarious Fever* Gives tone to yonr System. TRY DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TA R NATURE'S Hair Restorative \fsm m Contains no LAC BULPHUR—oM SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from th Poisonous and licalth-deiattoyiuf Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and dear as crystal, jft vffl not soil the finest fabric. -m rfrctlv SAFE CLEAN and KFKIdIKNT-dcaidara tums IjGNG FOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents the Hair frets becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is refreshing to the head, chocks the Hair from falling off, and restore* it to a great extent when prematurely lost, pre vents Headaches, euro* all humors, cutaneous and unnatural heat. A3 A DRKhSIM* FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST AIL TICLK IN TUB MARKET. DR. G. SMITH. Aysr. Ma*. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS. Gloucester, Mans. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly tor It, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Na Ttrax'e UAI* RKaToaxuvK, and taka no other. _g