ImpravixkUon. Through tba leaaly halls af the night • lltfawfakliytoßisa: Through the lonely halls of the night, Alone, |cry to than. For the wtars bring preaagea Of lova, and of lore's delight: Let them bear WIT messages Through the lonely halls of the night! In tbc golden porch af the mom Thou eom'st anew to me: In the golden porch off the mom, Bay, art thou true to we ' If droama have shaken thee With the call thoti oanat not aooro. Let Love awaken theo In the golden porch of the morn! B ryord 7bgb*\ To a latdt. 1 think of thee when morning springs From sleep with plum*go hsthed in dew, And like a young bird, hfta her wing* Of gladness on the welkin hi us. And when, at noon, the breath of love O'er flower and stream is wandertng free. And sent in mu* o from the grove, I think of thoe- I think of thae. I think ef thee when soft and wide The evouing spivsd* her rolies of Nght, And, a young and timid bride. Sits blushing in the artne of night. And when the moon's sweat crescent springs In light o'er heaven's deep, wavelee* sea, And stars are Kirth, like bWsed thing*. I Utmk of thoe—l think of thee. 1 think o! Thee; —that eye ef flam.-. Those tressee (kiting bright and free. That brow where " Beauty wrin-aher name,' On fancy rush I think of thee, Driniug Away. Drifting away—drifting away ! Baby is having me every day, Baihng far oat on the treacherous tea Wberv the bright glories af woman-life txa Vas. on the komr-rrpph-a, day after day. Baby, my darling, is drifting awsy! Driniuc away—drifting away I Every morn loses a golden ray, Every sight twineth a shade, less fair, Over the tangles of clustering hair. Pea. on the hour-ripp es, day after day, Babr, my darling, is dnftiug away I Drifting away—drifting away I Hailing and surfing i O. bright httfo fay ! Ail the true strokes of thy silver-tipped oar Float back to echo on jaeuoryh shore. Yes, on the hrmr-ripples, day after day. Baby, my darling, is drifting away! Drifting away—drifting away t Woodcrftr! words can the dainty lips say. Wonderful tasks can the busy hands Jo, Wonderftrl journeys go tinj fact true; Tee, an the b mr-npp <■*. day after day, Baby, my darhng, is drifting away 1 Drifting away—drifting aw-y I Baby is leaving me every day ; Bieering far out on the troaeheroua sea Where the bright glories of woman-life be - i Tc* omthe bonr-npplee, day aftvr day, Ifaby, my darhn;, is drifting away! LMVHUW n srerriT. ~ IT MBS. A A rrowa We were in disgrace, we boys, and the res son of H was this We bid laughed out in meeting time ! To bo sure the oorxoion ra a trying ooe. even to more disciplined nervw | hrw* Lothnvp had exchanged pulpits with < Par-ton biunmeial, of North Wcarem Now. Pameo Sammeral WB a man hi the very out- j set likely to provoke the rWWe* of unsplrit- I nalisedi oven ties. He was a thin, wiry, frisky little rutin in a powdered white wig. black rights titnl silk stocking*, with bright knee- j buck las and shoe-b-rckles, with round, dark. ' xaapptiuE eye*, and a curious, high, cmrkof.' sqaeaaitig roice. the very nrxt rones of which ! made ali the children store nnd giggle Ihc ! new* that P*r* >n Sumrneml wa- going to j preach is our village, spread abnwvT among us as a prelude to something funny It hal a flavor like the charm of circus acting: and : on the Suudav of our story we *: ; to the house of fled in a very hilarions slate all ready to set off In a laugh oa the slightest provocation. The rxrjsb-n we* not long wanting Par w LothrT'Jti h-vJ a favorite dog yclept Trip whose behavior in meeting was no'.ifior.jiv : far from that eiifymg patteni whkh befits a rauiistri's dog or. Sundays. Trip was a j nervous dog ami a dog that" never could i taught to conceal his emotions or to nugget conventionalities. I< anything about the jer- K*nunc- iu the -dnger* roat dkl not pleas him hs was apt to ex|*eas himself in a logu brious howl. Jf the sermon was longer thai,' aßtlted him he would jr*i< with such a loud ] crvak of his jaws as wonid arouse everybody' a attention, li the ffios dUturboJ his after • aor-n's asp he wonld irivv sadden snarls <>r •raps, or if nnythiug troubled Lis dreamt, he would hark oat in his sleep iu a manner hot * only to ill-pel his own slumbers, bur these ui! certain worthy deacons ami old hulks, wtirtir 1 •xnctaaiy veporc woe thereby sitrelj broken ! aud tiwitded. Few all these ivasdhS Minium ■ I/khrop had been forced us a gencial b. j deny Trip the usual sauctuary privileges id i good family dog* in that ags. "and shut him! up oa Sunday* to private meditation. Trie, j of course, was only tho J"re aut on attend, anil wonld hide behind door-. jump out. of w-iiSiwws, sneak through byways and and Ue bUI till the second hell hail! done tolling, when suddenly be would Sfrpea. In (he broad aisle, innocent and happy, and ! take his seat as composedly as any member ot the ooogrsgatkiu. Imacine us youngsters on the ysi wv with] excitement at seeing Parson i-ummeml frisk up into the pulpit with all the vivacity oi black grasshopper. We looked at such "other j and giggled very cautiously, with duexespeat j to Aunt Lois' sharp observation. , AA fimt 4- ie was only a ndld. fluirt rim- j wring of n giggle: | within the bounds of propriety, andas pursed I onr muscles U{> if|h lti;ig :t rtwiutioi. ( whenever WD NUJRHT the rq.i rehi. arit,- Ave of our eMcrs. . ' J ftfftjwlurg. dlretdly} gftcr the I bring notes I of the tolling front bellr-Master Tripp walked ] gravely up the centre aide, and testing htm- j •elf squarely in front of tbo pnlpit. raiseil HISL nose with a crtthal air tow ards the scene of! the forthoofainx prrb nnsnc.j it was too much for us—the REGRESSION was nlmot convulsive ] Trip wore up alert, atlentive ear, lefittin* a sound, of heresy sad deems it bis duty to watch tk'e ] performances narrowly. Evidently he fek calle'l upon to tee who and what were to occupy the pnlpit in hi# master'* alwcnce. Up rose Parson Hammers], and up went Trip's nose, Tibratlng with intense attention. The parsou began in liis high cracked tmlco, to intone the Lynn "Hiag to the Iced iloud." when Trip broke into a dismal howi. The parscn went on to give directions to the deacon, in the same voice in which he had been reading, so that the whole effect of (be performance vw as follows " 'flto* So the Lord aloud.' " " Please to torn out that dog)— And auto • joj-fUt nobw.'" The dog was turned ont, und the choir did their bet to make a Jeyful noise, but we boys were upset for the day, delivered over to the temptations of Satan, and plunged in waves and tillows of hysterical giggle, hour which neither Winks nor frowns from Aaflt Lois, nor the aw/nl fear of tire tithing man, nor the comforting hits of fctmei and orange peel passed us by grandmother, could recover us Everybody felt, to he sure, that here wur a trial that called for sotne indulgence. Hard faces even among the stoniest mints betray ed a transient quiver of the risible mnsclcs, old ladies put up their fans, youths aod maid ens in the singers' seat laugned outright, and for the moment a general snicker among the children was pardoned. But I was ate of that luck lee* kind whose nerve*, once set in vibration, could not be composed. When the reign of gravity and decorum hod re turned. Harry and I set by each other, shak ing with suppressed laughter. Everything in th subsequent exercises took a funny turn, and in the long prayer, when everybody was still and decorous, the whole scene came over me *rith such overpowering force that 1 exploded with laughter and had to be token out of meeting and marched home by Aunt Loia, as a convicted criminal. What especial ly maved har indignation was the more she rebuked and upbraided the more I langhea, till the tews rolled down my cheeks. Which Aunt Lois construed into willful disrespect to her authority, and resented accordingly. By Sunday erenicir. as we gathered around the fire, the reaction from undue gayctv to sobriety had token place, and we were in a pensive and penitent state. Grandmother was gracious mid forgiving, but Aunt Lois still preserved that frosty air of reprsfattion which she held to be a salutary means ot quiekening our consciences for the ftiture. It waa, therefore, with unusual delight that we saw our friend Sam oome in and sit himself (juietlv down on the Meek in the chimney THE CENTRE REPORTER. FREI). KURTZ, Editor anil Proprietor, VOL. V. ) soiaer. With Sam we felt assure,l of Imlal , geme and patronage, Air though always ! rigidlv moral and instructive in his turn of miud, he had that teik. vji tnotrslv. in view of owrpef Aflrft Tuffs thrust*. | " ye ought never to laugh nor cut up in meet in , that sues ss but then theie is (intra when llit hrJ tu u| gets k,>V down We gets look utiaw-.iVH. ve sr Yin. WJI. you know there an't no ploasiu' evervUxir, and ef Gabriel himsell, right down out o Heaven, was to come and be a minister, 1 expect there d be* pickin' at kts wings, and sort o' fault finding. Now Aunt Jeruahy Scran and Aunt Polly Hokuu they saiJ lVrs.i* Morrel wa'n't solemn.enough Ye see there s them I that thinks a minister ought to be je*i like . th' town hearse, so that ye think of death, judgment and eternity, and nothin' else when ye see him round ; and ef they aee a ma a rosy and chipper, and bavin" a pretty | nice sociable sort of a time, why lhev say he an't spirftOoAl minded. Rut in my times l'v, saeo ministers that th> most awakeniu' kiud i in the pulpit was the liveliest when they was! out on't. Ihere i a time tu laugh. | savs, th< * some A>lk. nevef seem to remeailer that are." " Rut Sam, how came you to say that it was Ike JiuUUt'a fault t What waa it about the shi-epf" "Oh", wall, yi* I'm a i-oiuhi' to that are. It was alt about theiu shccp—l ex;t to work to teinpt Pardon Mbrrei to laugh fc [vayer time i "Ye w there wa* Old Ifick, Ike's bell , wedii-i. v. as the lighten *t old cxittur that '"ver y--r see -Why I>Mt weuM but t his own shoddcr and citryhody said it waa a shauic the old cri'tur should 1 left to ran | loose, 'cmsaeheren at tlie children and • oared | tfis women I Jill out "f their wit# Wall. 1 :ei to dre out in that p.uih iu tL ra days j iad lero 8 a doc and I n sf to go ont * parkin' | Sum tar nights to see the lairkitr gals -and wc hod to" go right 'cross the It* where Itick waa I —fo wc u**i W go andUuud l>v the fence and i call, aid I'fHt WSuVrlre nil And put down hi* | head and ran al on mil obiwl, ami c uss j tmnt agin the fence and then I ketch him by the Lores and hohJ blni while Ivrtn rtn and got over the fecoe t'other side the lot. ami j then I'd let-go and Rem would holler and I shake a kte. k al hiin and awnjr be'd go full i Imt at Lrtrt. nisi Ix-m won Id kelch his horns | amj hold biti till I emne over- that wna the | me nailed Diek last f h# sattcj'iid den up bchiad a fellow, be'd give nitn a butt I in the small of hia back that would make him run on all fours one while-he waa a great j rogue. Dick waa IVall, that Rummer 1 re ; member they had olfi Deacon Titkim for tith | ing man. aud I tell yon he give it to the lioys ; lively. Thar wsrn't noSleepin' nor no play in'. for tbo deacon had eye* like a gimlet,and be was quick aa a cat. and the youngsters hod to look out for themselves, it did really >eem as if the deacon was like them four i Lwasts in the-Ik-relations, that waa/all ot | eye* behind and before, fur whichever way he wa* stondin' if rem cave onlv a wink he wa* down on yon til hit yws a tap with his stick I know once Lem hudnc jist wrote two wonl* in the p-alm book nod posted to Kesiah Lar ktn, and the deacon gave him sacli a tap that Lem XTCW red as a tet and vowed he'd be up with him for th iL >' Well, Lord MUST, folks that is so chipper and high stc;>pio' ha* lo have their come downs, and lb<- d< >oou he inui U> fcv hw ' That are >ufffiaf 1 KMBtfi ft now jest !as veil IM if ' twae yesterday. Lite parson he give us hi* grct sermon, reouncflin' decrees and j free agency said that are sermon i was a masterpiece. He preached it up to Cambridge at oinimencenwrit, but it so hap- I pened it was one of tbem bilin' hot days that o.m# in August, when you can fairly bear the huckleberries a sissiing and eookin' on the bushes and the locust keeps a prat in like a red hot saw. Wal, snch times, decrees or oodecres, the best of tw will get sleepy. The | old moetin' house stood light (loan at the i foot of a hill that Urp off til the jrind, and the *|M blared assy ai iheni gat wr-t wind . <*w.Whd there wae pretty sbwpv Krtk-* there Well, the deacon he flew round n spell, and woke up Itie children, and topped §<• bay* on thc.bcJitL'aiiA jfopt Iverpbßg straight as he could till tire sermon was most through, when hciaiilygot urast tuckered out, and he took a ehirfr and he aot d®w n In the door fight op posite the minister and Wrljr got asleep him self jest as the minister-got np to make the last prayer. " Wal, I'arson Morret bad away o' prav in' with his eyes open. Folks said it wa'n't the best war, bnt it was Fanon Morsel's way anyhow, and so as he was prayin'he couldn't held seem' that Deocst litkins was a noddin' and a bobbin' out toward the place where old Dick was feedin' with the cheep, front o' the mee ting bouse Apr. . . |' '• Fein IM IM we ha* si Km' where we could look out and we just sees old Dick ! stop feedin' and look at the deacon. The dea con had a little round bead a-smooth as an ' apple, with a nice powdered wig on it, and he sot there makin' bobs and bobs and Dick begun to think it was suthin sort o' personal. Lero and roe wussKti.i' jest where we con Id look out and sac the hullpktcr, and Lero was fit to split. " • Good, now,' says he, ' that crittefll pay the deacon off lively, pretty soon.' "The deacon bobhed his heatl.a spell, and old Dick he shook his horns and stamped at him sort o'threatnin'. Finally the deacon be gave,a great bow and brought his head Meirtdflftvif dtbtm, flMrVld I fdf he set out full tilt and cant" down cm him kerchunk, and knocked hlra head over tresis into the broad aile, and his wig flew one way and he t'other, and Dick made a lunge at it as it flew.-and carried it 'off on bis horns. " Wal, you may l*lieve that broke up the meetiu' for one While, for Parson Morrel laughed out, and the gals and boys they stomped imd roared, and the old deacon bo got up and began tabbing his shins— cunse hedidiFFreethe joke onT ■ '"Yea(lent ortor iangh,' says he, 'lt's no laoghin' matter—it's a solemn thing,' *ty he. ' I might have been sent into 'tfrnity by that darned oritur,' says he. Then they all roared and haw-hawed the more to are the deacon dancia' round with his little shiny head, so smooth a fly would trip np on't. ' X believe, my soul, you'd laugh to aee me In my pare,' says he " Wal, the truth on't was, 'twas jist one of | them buitio up (teen that nature has. wbeu : (her* ain't nolhiu' Kir it l>ut to gi\o in ; j I was |rat like the k break lu up in the I I'luu IM rfvar -it ail corns* at I*K amino wh<* to't. Sunday or no Sun,lay, ain or no j .in, the Hiiwt on 'in laughed till they arte,l, and (Mihtu't help it ; " Hut the deacon be Men! home larliy' pretty wire atout it I<-iu fcuibx' he picked up hi* wig and handed it to hlur Savs h, i -Old IH,k WM plarin' Hthiue-uran, wan't be, deacon ' Teach you to make allowance for other folks that get sleepy,' " I ben ilia. Titkins .he went over to Aunt Jptusby Hrraii'a and Aunt IVilly Hokum's, ami they had a pot o" tea over it. and 'greed i it was awful of l'arou Morrel to set slch an | example, on I suthia had to Isf Cot dene I about it Mi-a Hokum said she alters knew tiiat Parson Morrel hadn't no splritooality. ! ami now it had broken out iutoo|x.-u siu, and ' lot all the rest of 'etu into it, and Mr*, Tit kins -be MUU stall a utau wan t lit to preach, ami Miss Hokum said the ooaMn'tlievor beat biiu a* In. aud the next Sunday the deacon am) bit wife they bitched up and diiv eight mihwover to Parson l*throp'san they went to a chopping miuce, and tuakia' I up putikin pies t|nd crnnberry UrL, ami b'il-1 Iu doughnuts, gettia' ready for the ruhiiatcr* { and delegates—'cause councils always eats 1 powerful and tbev had quite a atir, like a i giucral I raids', 'lbs houses, tbev was hitch'-,! ail up and dowu the stalls, a l unpin' and I awitchin' their tails, and all the wimmin was a-taikiu'. and thev bed up everybody round for witnesses, itu.l dually Parson Morrel, he say* ' Brethren,' saya he, ' jes let me tell you the story jest as it tiappeueri, and if you don't every one of TOU laugh as bard as 1 did, why. then, I'll give up. " The (tarwon he was a master hand at set- > tin' off a story, and afore he'd d-ue, be got Yin all in rich a roar they didn't know where to leave off. Finally, they give sentence that there hadn't no temptation took him but such a* is common to man , hut they advised him alterwarcls alk-r* to prav with his t-yus shot, and the p>ir*ou be confessed be orter 'a done | it, ami meant to do better in future tual so tbey settled it. "So. boys," said Sam. who always drew n moral, "ye see it larns you you must take, care wtiat ye look at. if you want to keep from lauglan' in meetin'." A WIC*EI> TYR-VST.—Ned a Karti, the King of Cores, was. by nature and train ing, bigoted, cruel aud fickle. At one moment he would raise on humble serf to the highest office; in a day or two thereafter tins aamo whilom favorite would be seen standiug upan the execu tioner'* block for some real or fancied offense. The kiug'as|iaamsof generosity towuixl hi* own subject* were iuvariably i followed by acta of oppression towaid j those nnfortnuate Christians who were I endeavoring to flmt means of subristenct* within the realm* of his kingdom. Asa solitary in*tance, I will state the fact that its Xcda Kuril was ace day walking ' alone pas' the public batlia of hi* capi tal, he suddenly professed to be nuuoyt cl : by the conftiaion within, and n|>oulH'iug > informed it came from the female bother* there. M ImmrtHlUfr nlered every i means of exit to be walled up, and thus miserably perished all the nufortunate inmates to the number of al>ont three -core ! During hi* bloody reign of some thing like thirty year*, BO K v than 1 thirty thousand jJeople were put to death, while nearly one hundred nud fifty places ol worship were destroyed ly liia orleia The most fnmdish outregea were ilaily , practiced npofi aR foreigners. 'lboy were deni'd the privilege of purchasing even tlie common necessaries of life. I Corenn merchants were forbidden to ex- 1 tend to them the smallest favor*. Neither , gold nor affection conld purchase im- j ranuitv from tli® tyrant's cruel maudat", j . nd when umo huudreds of them were forced by the king's persecutions to leave hi* domain*, they were forbidden the use rd animals or bouts, and were thus com i polled to travel out of the country on foot! or pcn>l> in the attempt Death, even, | was swi e!er to them than life, endured under such manifold horrors. And yet the name of this wind, sale butcher, thia releutleasprosecutor,this fiend in human aha|v>, is to-day looked npto by all native Coreans with all reverence and love. PADfTEii Dooa.—A recent traveller in South Auurica, who accompanied a num ber of Jnmnas on a tapir hunt, savs that, besidea the hnnten, tiieir party was com pose 1 maioly of women and boys of the village, together with a score or twoof dog*. Of the latter ,be adds; "These dogs were enriou* creatnre# to loo* at. A stranger ignorant of the custom* of the Jumnaa, would luivo been at some la-* to account for the peculiarity of their color. Such dog* I have never aeen lie fore. Home were of a bright scarlet, others were of yellow, other* blue, others m .tiled with a variety of lint*. What could it mean ? But I knew well enough. The dog* had been dyed. Yea, it l* n custom among many tribes of South American Indiana to dye not anly their own bodies, hut the hairy coat* of their dogs with brilliant colors, obtained from vegetable juice*, such as the red huitie, the yellow roca and the blue of the white indigo- The light gray, often white hair of these animals favora the staining process, and the effect produced pleases the eye of their savage master* ; en BIJ eyes the effect wa* strange and fantastical. I could not restrain my laughter when I first scanned the cure in tneir fanciful coat*. >Plctnro to your self a pack ef scarlet, ornnge and purple dog*. A Hi.Non.AB MEETINO.— A" somewhat singular episode of real life occurred on tlie piazza of the Union Hotel Saratoga the afternoon of tho great nice. A some what noted woman, formerly a singer of some prominence, while walking with her present husband, chanced to pass, in her promenade, directly between two of her former husband*. Tho three men each of whom bad loved the same woman rnd who bated each other mortally, glanced at each other for a moment. The woman,in her beauty,her diamonds, and her airy rammer dress, eyed all three curiously. T here WAS a moment ary pause, then the lady and her escort resumed their walk, the other men stooped forth in diverging directions, ana the episode was over. There are ever and anon string* meetings at Sara toga. GOD.—It is singular that the name of God should be spelled in foar letters In almost every known language. It is in Latin, Dens; in Greek, Zens; Hebrew, Adou ; Syrian, _Af little one, she leant over the cradle and commenced feeding it from nature's own fount, giving unmistakable evidence of being the uiolhcr. We might have known this at the first glauca at that ! despttii itig facc.htid it not been so young. How ahw, evidently so poor, could bo the ■ possessor of such a piece of furniture we, ;•' ? course, could not tell; but it was al j most the only article, except a ft w cook i ing utensils, iu the |>oor at>ode ; but the . young mother had fouml it souiehow, "and theie it was. This child, scarcely i twelve years old, poor as poverty, with a 1 baby—a sick baby at tirat—watching with a dumb kind of despair the little life that was fust passing away. The i poor, iguoraut little mother did not kuow i anything else to do, ami was, I thiuk the j saddest sight I ever saw. -I She looked at us, too, with mute I brooding eyes, she was but a moment in learning we could understand nothing she said, begging us as hard as eyes could ; beg to do something for her lal>e. A* 1 there was not a doctor among us we could 'do uothiug. and 1 never regretted so much in my lift- knowing nothing of the I healing art as I did with those sweet, pleading, sorrowful eyes LNut UJHUI me. j The tleiH-ral silently drw five ruble note from his pocket and put it in her hand, probably thinkiug it was the next beat thing to a doetur. The rest of us did thv same, so that the poor child to her aatonishmeut suddenly found herself the |HM*e*aor of more wealth thau she had probably ever dreamed of before. Htu- thanked us with her very cxprewive eyes, and, looking cautiously around her to s-e that uelxnly was watching her, hid the money in her bosoui. Reel lons. The election* during the present year will be held aI follows : New Mexico Territory, September 1. California, September *l. Vermont, September 3. Maiue, September 9. Colorado Territory, September 10. Dakota Territory. October H. ludtaua, October 8. lowa, October 8. Nebraska, October 8. Ohio, October H. Pennsylvania, October 8. South Carolina, October Ith West Virginia, October l! 4. Alabama, NovemWr f. Arkansas, November 5. 1 tela ware, November 3. Florida, November '. Georgia, November 5. Illinois, Novembers. 'Kansas, Noveudwr ft. I/ouiriaua, Novemlier .*. Maryland, Novcmlwr 5. Maaaachnsett*, Novemlsir 5. Michigan, November 5. Miuncsota, November A. Mississippi, November 5,- Miasonri. November 5. Nevada, Novemlier 5. New JiTr-ey, Novemlier 5. New York, November 5. Tennessee. Novemlier 5. Virginiu, November f>. Wisconsin, Noveiulvr 5. Arizona Territory, Novemlier 8. District of Columbia, November 27. Tlie Presidential election will occur iu all the State* on the sth day of Novem ber. PKURONAL HTMPATHT.—-In an admira tde address on Sumhv-*rhool tcsehing, at Indianapolis, Dr. Lggleston gave this forcible illustiation of (he value of per sonal Hympaty with children in every effort to gain a hwld on and lend them: A hulf-xntted fellow or a " natural," a* the Scotch would call him—found n missing horso. when all other search for him had failed and a liberal reward had lajcn offered for hi* recovery. On hi* bnngiug bock the horse to hia owner, the question wa* asked of the simple minded fellow, "Why, Ham, how came you to find the horse, when no one else could?" "Wal, I just 'quired where the horse wa* men lu*t, and then I went thar, and sat on a rock; and I jnst axed ray-sel' if I was a hoiso, wlmr would I go aud what would I do? And then I went and found him." Sam'* putting him self In tho horse's place, in the simplic ity of his feeble mind, enabled him to go to the horse and lead him back to the , right place again. It would be well if every Sundy school teacher, before sit tiag down to a cla* of children, would ask himself after Ham's sort, "If 1 wa* a boy. how would I feel, and wlwt would I waut?" He would thus be far more likely to get a hold on those lioys, and bring them along with him wherever he pleased to go. MKOTAII PownßiN MEN ANI> WOMEN.— Regarding this oft-discn**ed subject, Profewor Mnudsley says : "It has been affirmed by some philosophers that there is no essential difference between the mind of a woman and that of a man ; and that if a girl were subjected to tho same education a* a boy. lie would re nembte him in ta*tes, feeling*, pursuit*, and powont. To my mind it would not bo one whit more absurd to affirm that the untlerH of the stag, the human beard, and the cockscomb, are the effect* of edticafioo ; or that liy putting a girl to tho same education a* a boy she could be sexually transformed into one. The physical and mental differ ence* between tho *oxoa intimate them selves very early in life, and declare themselves most distinctly at puberty. If either sex is mutilated, it approaches in character the opposito sex. While women preserves her sex, she will nec essarily be teebler tlinn man, and hav ing special bodily and mental rliorne ters, will have, to a certain extent, her own spheres of activity. When she ha* pretty well divested herself of her sex, she urny then tuko his ground and do his work ; but she will have lost all her feminine attnetious, and probubly also her chief feminine functions. A II KRoi.vß.—Charles Reade, in his nen novel, " A Simpleton," describes the her oine thus: "Person straight, elastic, and rather tall, mind—nineteen; accom plishments—numerous ; a pi>r French scholar, a worse German, a worst Eng lish, an admirable danoer, an inaccurate musician, a good rider, a bad draughts woman, a Laid hairdresser, at the mercy of her inaids; a hot theologian, knowing nothing; a sorry accountant, no house keeper, no seamstress, a fair embroiderers, a capital geographer, and no cook. Col lectively, viz., mind and body, the girl we kneel to." Placard for a smoking car; "If pas sengers expect to rate as gentlemen, they mast not expectorate npon the floor." A New York Theft. A Now Yurk paper tell* Low a theft in j iLai city WM inaugurated aud carried out i succoMtully : It appear* that a* the agent of a ferry company with a bageoiilainiitg |W walked aboard tha ferry boat he observed a man, drrnaod In the garb of a boatman, clows i behind him. Ml* suspicious were not aroused, however, until he obaervad the ouppowd boatman pull out a handkerchief and, awiugitig it, atrike the bfldgamaa acroaa the eye* u* he passed ou to the boat from the bridge. lie, however, dis missed him from hie thoughts tor lite nouce, and walking forward deposited hi* hag of money In the room of Engineer Kawhe, who wa* standing by hi* engine. A* the vessel moved out from the dork the occupant* of a email boat that was un der the stern of the Barney threw a line to another man, dressed a* a boatman, and aaked him to fasten it iu the riog hook. The obliging boatman complied, and aa it ia a common practice for la Hit men, when the current ia rapid, to hitch ou to the ferryboat#, thia mameuvre did not eicite the aupiciou ol the ferry-mas ter in the leaat. A moment latter the | three occupant* of the boat again called to the boatman and requested him to pass the end of the rope under and over the ccuter of the guard chain to them, that they could drop away when they deaired. Again the obliging passenger complied. About thi* time the other confederate moved forwaid to the engine room, near the outside of which Collic was standing, little suspecting any foul play. Step ping up to the door, the fellow reached into the engine room, and, while lighting hi* cigar, took in with a glance the loca tion of the bag, which lav on the seat in rear of the engineer. Retiring he walked up aud down the deck smoking until the host wa* within a hundred yard* << the Williamsburg shore. Calling again to the door of the engine room, and standing three feet iu the rear ot Coffie, he intently heat hi* view upon the machinery until the signal was given to slow down. The moment Ravche's hands and eyea were employed directing hi* engine the daring pirate snatched the bag, and rapidly run ning to the rear ol the ferryboat, threw It into the small boat. Collie and Raehe quickly detected the movement, and ran to the rear of the boat in pursuit, but as titer neared the thief he leaped into the water from the deck, and jnst as Coffin jumped to catch the line of the small boat it *!ip|>ed over the chain and the boat ■dropped astern. >ue of the occupants of it cried out, "Take him up quick," and within a minute the boatman had been rescued from the water, and before the ferryboat could be put about the thieve* and their booty disappeared out of sight under some of the pier*. Subsequently th# fellow who had struck the bridgeman with hi* handkerchief, but who had taken no part in the robbery beyond securing the boat's hsw*er and haudlag the end of it back to its occupant*. wa arrested by an officer of the Brooklyn force aa he left the fern boat, as an acocroplice. He mo# positively denied the charge, lie gave his name as Willian X rar . T Bn "' WM for further examination. The Wrong Hotel. The Brussels Kcltt Jt tells a pleasant story ot an Kugliahinan and hi* wife, who not knowing a word of German, hut being able to express themselves anil in French, resolved to visit Berlin and Drewlen. At Berlin Ihejr haad of a brother regiment consigned their mangled remains to mother earth, there to rei undisturbed, aa we rapnoawj un til the great day of final review, ftat thh was tnd to lie o ; while the uloseat scrutiny ou our p*rt had IMWUI inaufil cient to enable n* to detect the slightest evideuio which wold aid ua or oUu rs in identifying Lieut. Kidder or nuy ol hia men, th mark- of n mother'* affec tiou were the uiouu of identifying the remains of her murdered sun, eveti thoagh month* ho. No snppor. A little toast aud. tea even, lor supper, will make joor recovery Mry alow. 7. Iu a warm room, bathe your skin with cold water, hastily, and go to bed iu a wcll venUkted room before nine o'clock. Kru-ED IN a WKIA.— Near Laydyille, Belmont county, Ohio, Tho*. Guynn aud hia son loat their lives. They were sink ing a wall. After blasting, the i father descended to examine tlie bottom, he in stantly felt the effect of poisonous gas, and callad for help ; his son descended, tied a rope around him, while those above pulled him otit, but too late, aa life was extinct When he reached the surface the rope was instantly lowered for the son, who made it faat around hia body and waa drawn ont also dead. *f*tua Kf sat ... IIM* HOI !9sOIOB* Dr. HUIMM'* verses ware never Wa* aa ••** ' geratoos: At last two CahrenheiU blew up, And k 111**1 two children email, And on* bsrametor shut dend A tutor with tin ball. Now all iter hug the Incut* eaog Ameog the hwlt-w* treee J Tbn* nee houia warped lastiU out. The pump* ouuJd uuij wheeae ; Aud rijw old wine, that twenty years Had coherbbed li'yy in vain. Came spouting through the rotten Mils I .ike Jul)"* beet chsmpegoe. The W'uTWeeter iucoßotivee did ] Their trip in half an huur; J The IAIWI-H car* ran forty mHc* Before they cheeked the pww ; ft >ll brim stone soon became a drwg And loc<-f. cu* Ml, All aaked for lot, batowrywharw Haitpetre wa* to eeiL I'lamp urea of mornings ordered tighu, But ere the neurehing noon*. Their eandK mould* had grown w* Low A* Ceaaaok pantaloons i The dogs ran mad -nun could not try , If water they would chnuw-; A Lome fell d< ad —he yuly left four red-bot, ruaSv shoes 1 And *U about Hie warehouse *U-j Were angry men m droves, Crashing and spthiteriug through the doors I '■fti smath the patent CTIO*. i ■ A -Niaial Fight.' A naval engagement hna taken place 1 Itetw'ocu two uf the noted English wuß- 1 rUda. for the purpose of testing the ' ability of iron to withstand shot Tbn ' first aliot at the fHatfaW srne fired fnjtn j the 00-|ieun'ter of the Hotspur at a dis tance of JOB yard*, ift struck the roof 1 of tho turret and e Streak of tUnne attoef • cl the seventy of the blow. The second I shot wa* fired* and it told. An oeeospt I anyn: The l*aliascr project Ue hAd struck P op tW horizontal joint of the 14-inch 'plates, and had forced then* Migbthr l apart, AS was dearly marked lap the dark line on either aide of the putfeoUy uwiud shot-hole. It vxl noire*! a 4enrt4c 1 lor the turret; it had hit undo* the fifth j rib aa it wore, but its mechanism WAS not hurt; it* gearing wn all sonnd. THW | turret had litjd Ita own. Tl>e bitting force of that huge shot wna over tM*M> < foot-tons ; the W {tonnd* of jwkiblc pew- j dor had hurled it with a spend of more. < th no 1.900 tout per scened. The first sbot had cut away two of the ntnuehion* oila. Th shot-head ruinaiuad in the hole— which wan pfrfcctly round—'bnfc waa easily got out, when the penetration wan fbund to be 13j inches, iuside the tur ret the only damage dope waa tho knock ing off the inward end* of tha two wood buffer* against which the gun-carriage would abut alien the gun wa* run ont of the port for action. The result waa per fectly satisfactory, for nothing could de monatrate the excellent qualities of the turret inoro completely. During the practice a goat, a fowl, and a mhtrit, with several buckets of water, were kept in side it, tka living creatures oomiag ant uuscratclied from their ordeal. Both these rounds wen- moat fortunate, and aa the latter solved tlie problem of the free working of the turret without bml •ng the ship—which waa only intended to bring the junction of turret atul glacis in position to meet the direct fire of the Hotspur's gun—further practice waa abandoned, except that the port stopper* of the Illation's turret were taken ont % and her two guns run in and out with perfect ease, tier turret turned by liana and by steam, and a 600-pounder shot fired from each of her two gnua. A DAIKTT DISH.—Thv mo*t extraordi nary of all culinvry recipe* i* the following diabolical one given by hi* " How to roast and cat a goose alive Tab* a goose or a duet,' or aome suck Irve ere*- turr; pull off all her feather*—only the bead and nock moat I* spared ; then make a fire round about her—not too close to her—that the fire do not touch her; with in the circle of the fire let there be *at pot* of wtter. wherein salt and honey arc mingled, and let there be also charger* full of sodden apple* cut into small pieci-*.' The goo*c mu*t be all larded and ha*ted over with butter; to make her the more fit to be eatun, and reset the batter, (Hit the fire about her, but do uot wake too umrh haste when yon see bar begin to roast, lor by walking about and living here and there, being cooped in by the fire that stop* her way out, she will drink the water to quench her thlist and cool her hear* and all her body. The apple sauce will purge and empty her, and when she roastetb, and eonsu'metb inwardly, always wet her head and heart with a wet sponge; and when j*cd to bv formed I'J a whirlwind of ■ extreme lutcuaity, while others ascribe tt to an electric origin, It oeotiw for j Uio wort pert at era. but sometimes ateo >a ehore, and pnrtlmlarty in rocky fat ummn, though generally in the neigh tx>rhe*&odby thou sands of people with a savage satisfac tion. ** —• The whipping affair at Rihgochiye, haa proved muck more horrible than was at first supposed. One man. it was re ported, haa received one thousand fiva hundred lashes to induce him to make a i confession ef jobbery, and had died be fore the chastisement was finished. It now turns out that seven men were thna i brutally whipped; that one died and i another is dying, while the remainder ere fearfully mangled. „ I *?# NO. 32.