The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 09, 1872, Image 4

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    • Wind.
He kaewt the mam** MUM, for now
The pleassnt sonth-mnd seeks hie brew |
lie heere the twitter end the eoEg
Of but diag-birdt the whole day long.
T<i him the violet odor Mows ;
To >nj the breath ot budding rose ;
And hint of the MagnoUt's bloom
To him forever In the gloom.
Bnt not for him the dewy morn
Hangs heaven upon the idle thorn ;
Rat not for Jtira the splendid day
Dazzles Ihe aim* on ita way ;
And not for him the awful night
Wings upward her eternal flight.
But to be blind, and be like him
When far awa theee shadows awini,
While God's bright lihea to and (Vo
Shake softly all their goM and snow.
And firat he satisfies Ma eight
At the great fountain of the light,
And eeea ill glory ami alone
The emerald rainbow round the throne.
Farm, (tardea and Household.
COFTEK STAIN*. —Pour on them a amall
stream of boiling water before putting
the article in the wash.
FOOD FOB Uthci Cows.—ln Holland,
■which is famous for its butter, rye is the
common food for milch cows. Dairy
oow* fed daily on five pound*of rye tuonl
end a sufficiency of good cut straw have
been tested to yield large quantities of
good milk. Iu our beat farming and
grazing districts the patch of rve is con
sidered one of the moat valuable croj
of the place.
recommend* the following treatment lor
the cabbage fit: Take the water in which
salt fi>h have been soaked over night, ami
with a brush or broom sprinkle plentifully
over the plants. This is all. One liberal
application, it it is '-fishy" enough, wilt
elear out the flv entirely, so that not a
corpxaTs gaud of them'wiU be lett and
the salt will be stimulating to the plants.
W ATEK Yora HOUSE* —During this
excessive wsrrn weather, horses, espec
ially those st work, should not be allow
ed to drink too much water at oae time,
but alioutd I* given a little at least every
honr. A wet sponge or a handful! of
grass or green leaves tied to the bridle
or headstall between the ears to protect
his brain from the heat of the sun, will
enable the animal to do more work with
less discomfort than it were possible to
do without socio such protection from
the heat. Be kind to your horses and
cattle, for through them you have profit,
prosperity and good reward.
Per UP JA* "WHILE HOT.— It is said
that ordinary iatu—fruit aud sugar wltich
have •seen holed together few some time
—keeps better if U>e ot* into which it ir
poured are tied np while hot If the
paper can act as a strainer, in the same
way as cotton wool, it mast be as people
suppose. If one pqt of jam he allowed to
ceo! before it is tied down, httle genus
will fall npoiKil from the air. and they
will retain tnetl vitality, because they
fall upon a coo FfiihlgUiicg; they wilt b"
shut in by the jasper, and will soon fall
to work decomposing the fruit. If
anotht-r pot, pcrfrciiy auuikr, be filled
with boiliug htdpu.ii t are aud iuuaediatelv
covered over, course, some of
the outside air must be shut in, any
genus which M iLmthiar in it will be
scalded, an * waft protaafeslity destroyed,
ao that no d t i.<fofriHiun can take place.
el's method uf pnasere mg mi'k and cream
is as follows : "FSrefthe milk is scalded ,
then it is surcharged with carbonic */iA
bj mean* of a and afterward
diawn off into strong ana me*l barrels.
By the aid of valve-cock attached to a
pipe lea liug to the bottom, the exit of
the liquid, as may be wanted, can he
managed. Tb milk may be placed in
the barrels first, and the gas forced in
afterwarel. and this doubtless is the
mo*t conTetiiewiphin to be adopted when
milk is to be preserved under this method
Another nit-tiled recommended is to
sweeten the milk by adding clarified
sugar at tbe rate of 4 ounce* to tbe gal
lon of milk. Tiwa lo curdle the mass
by means of rennet and separate the
solid from the liquid portion of the sieve.
The whey is evaporated br dryness and
the residue mixed by tbe aid of heat ami
a little bicarbonate of soda, (1 part to 30
parts residue,) with the curd previously
washed and pressed. Wheu the amalgw
mafion is perfect, sufficient tragacanth is
added to promote tbe solidification ol
the mass.
HOW TO SLEEP.— V?e are often asked
for a prescription for preternatu rally
wakeful persona. The " high pressure
principle ou which , many of. oar busi
ness wen work their brains and abase
their bodies, begets an irritable condi
tion of the nerves and morbid slate of
mind, very antag>inistic to quiet and re
freshing sleep. Such persons will often
go to bed weary and exhausted, but can
not sleep, or sleep dreamily and fitfully,
or lie aw.ike for boors, unable to sleep
at all. We have tried many expedient*
to induce sleep with move or leas success,
and have read many recipes which prove
better in theory than in practice. The
vary best method we haTe yet ibscoTen-1
is that of counting. Breathe deeply
and slowly (without any straining effort!,
and with even- expiration count one,
two, three, *e., up to a hundred
Some (tersons will be asleep before they
can count fifty la this manner. Other
will count ten, twenty or thirty, and
then forget tluaoselves and cease count
ing. In snclr cases always commence
again at ©noK Very few persons can
count a hundred and find themselves
awake ; but should this happen, repeat
the dose untificured.— Sdmrt Health.
To BOIL A HA*.— This is ordinarily
deemed so simple a process that most
bookkeepers trill esteem such a recipe
j-uperfluous : fcut in our judgement half
the bacon eatea is underdone, and there
fore salty, t iwgii, and, in a word, nn-
Ealitable. It in always beat to wash a
im the evening before the day von
wish to have ft conked, and let it soak in
watei all uight If jrou wish it for a two
o'clock dinner, put H on the fire by five
o'clock in the moroimr. in an abundance
of water to cower it well. Keep it slowly
boiling until you are ready to dish up
your dinner. Tou may ascertain if it is
sufficiently done by the readiness with
wlueu the boneou the underside may be
removed. If it conies out easily, the ham
is clone. Yoff*miy remove the outside
skin or not, in you choose. Some epi
cures think a bam ruined if either skin
ned or cut until perfectly cold, esteeming
it so desirab'e to retain all the juices. I f
time allows, the prettiest way of serving
up ham is to take off the skin after being
thoroughlv boiled, to grate bread
crumbs th'ckiy over the top, and brush
the whole over with the yolk of eggs.
Now put in an oven and brown nicely.—
Remark : If during the process of boil
ing it be found necessary to add more
water, be son#n it is boiling, for cold
wafer will iu#ritabfy render the meat
k,oßb - in
A WoxDiHftffc ESCAPE —A wonderful
escape is reported in South Stafford
shire. A miner was shut up in a pit,
where there egy a tremendous fall of
coal, and soon after the pit was quite
flooded with watnr, Itwtw thought that
even if the po<j£follow had escaped suf
focation from The coal, hi* death by
drowning wawffnratable. Yet, after
many hours irtterisonment, the man was
taken out alitVbiftt unhurt. He was
strong walk home to his
wife and childßrfl which he insisted on
beiog allowed f> do. To those supposed
bereaved oneal his appearance seemed
literally that oLone who had risen from
the dead. TkStr &oj and amazement
may be readilyipoceiyed, sinoe no case
of deliverance under like circumstances,
was ever before known at Bilston.
" HAZING" AT Wkr POINT. —In con
versation with friend, the U. 8. Secre
tary of War declared his intention to
pat a final the practice of hazing
at West Point. . The news from Wash
ington to-<iay show a that the Secretary
is a man of his word. He has issued an
order suspending Cadet Scott, a member
of the Third (Xss at the Military Acad
emy, for one year, for the offence of
"haling" one efthe "Plebes;" and the
lr-on will probably prove salutary,
The NathmS Workmen.
The " Tablet el ©ecupstloE," whVah
have Jttt been completed at tho aenu
office. Washington, anew that the number
|ot person* pursuing esinful occupations a
' the Ist o( June, 1970, Was 12 5u6 923 sot \
1 three $48,068 were males and 191 1(3
fern ilea (Vein ten to fifteen years of age ;
j J 486,30$ were male* and 1,594,059 female*
! Irom sixteen to fiitr-mne years; 615,041
I males ami 50.885 female* sixty year* and
I upward*. Of the total, 9 802.038 were
i born In the United States, 826 502 in tier
many, 949.124 in Ireland .101,779 in Eng
land and Wales, 71,933 In Scotland,
1109.681 in Sweden, Norway and Denmark,
i 58,197 in France, ISO 307 in British Amer
! ica, and 40.300 in China and Japan.
Of the total numbei 5 922,471 were en
!gaged In agriculture. 2 Tin,42l iu mauu
-1 tactures, mechanical and mining pursuit* ;
1 191 288 in trade and transportation, and
2,684.793 were rendering petaonal aod
profes*k>asl service*.
Of the Oarraau* returned, 224 531 were
! engaged in agriculture, 308 231 in mauu J
: factum*, etc, 112,297 rendering personal
| or professional service*,96,432 of the latter
I being elsased as laborers, and 42.806 as
domestic servants.
Of the Irish returned. 138,425 were en
gaged in agriculture, 264,628 in manufac
ture*, etc., 119,191 in trade and traus
i (Hirtation. 425,617 tendering jeraonal and
profcaMonal sen ice*, of whom 229,199
were classed a* laoorent, and 145,956 as
dtnnestie servant*.
Ot the English ami Welsh returned,
77.173 were engaged In agriculture,
1142,631 in manufactures etc., 32.086 u
. teade and transportation, 49. B>9 in pro
tessional and ptrronal services
Of the Scotch returned. 17,850 were
engaged in agriculture, 32.960 in manu
facture*. etc., 8440 in trade, etc., 12683
in personal and ptofewsional services.
Of the Swedes. Dane* and Norwegians
returned, 50 480 wet* engaged in agricul
ture. 21,283 in manufactures, 9,564 in
trade, etc., 29,354 rendering personal and
professional services.
Of the natives vf llritiah America re
turned, 42,288 were engaged iu agrienlturv.
76,457 iu mauulactuns, 16 585 in trade
and transportation, 48,003 in personal and
professional service*.
Of the Chinese and Japanese returned,
2862 were engaged in agriculture, $1,702
in manufactures, etc., 2,250 in trade end
transportation, 19 486 in personal and pr>
fessioual service*. 5.421 CI the latter being
classed as domestic servants and 3,657 as
taunderer* and laundresses.
The largest number of persons returned
as ot any tingle specified occupation was
under the head ot planters aud farmer*,
, 2,982 573 being reported. Tbe numtw-r of
latm laborers returned was 2,880.045. In
addition lo these classes there were re
turned, under the general head of agri
culture, 138 apiarist*. 3,603 dairy men and
women. 3,6*9 tartn and plantation over
seers, 1.110 florist*, 31.793 ganiencra and
nurserymen, 3 238 stock drovers, 6,064
i stock herders. 6 614 stock raisers, 375 tur
pentine farmers, 2,103 tuipcutine laborers,
( 1 127 vine growers.
Under the bead of manufacturing auJ
mechanical oecupsk-m there were re
turned 344,596 carpenters and joiners,
152,107 miners, 141.774 blacksmiths.
1171,127 boot and shoe makers, lnl 820
; tailors, tailorevsesand seamstresses, 921<84
I milliu-rs, dress an 1 man tun makers, 85.123
j painters and varnisbera, 41 789 coopers,
44 354 butchers, 42,835 cabinet makers,
42 464 carriage and wagou makers and
trimmer*. 32 817 barms* an I saddle
I makers, 54 831 machinists, 80 710 brick
I and stone masons. 41.582 milliners, 23,577
1 pla*tercr*, 39,880 printer*, 47 298 saw
mill band*. 30.524 tinners, 20 942 wheel
• Wrights, 26 670 brick and tile makers,
1 cigar makers, 27,880 bakers, 28,702
j tanner*, curners and finishers ot learner,
| 27,106 fish and oyster mm, 25,831 marble
and stone cutters.
The number of persons returned as
! manufacturers ws 42,905; operative* in
cotton mills, 11166; tn woollen mill*,
58,836: in mills and factoi ics not specified,
j 41.619; in iron works of all kind*. hl.OoO;
|in tobacco factories, 11,985; in paper
' mills, 12,469.
Under tbe head of trade there were
retnrned 326 368 trailers an 1 dealers of all
kinds, in to addition 16,975 peddlers and
17,362 hucksters; 222,504 clerks iu
stores, in addition to 14,2u3 sale-men and
women; 31,117 bookkeepers and ac
countants. and 7,262 commercial travellers
and exclusive also of 14.362 barkeepers
and tenders; porters and laborers in
•tores and warehouses. 1,513
' Uuder tbe bead of transportation, there
were returned 1,902 officials ol railroad
companies. 7,374 railroad clerks, and 154,
027 tatlroad employees, 75 officials of ex
tires* companies, 767 express clerks and
8,554 express employee* 88 officials of
> street-car companies and 5,103 employees.
. There were also returncl 56.663 sailors,
7,338 canal men and 7,975 steamboat mn
and women.
Tbe number of draymen, hack men and
team-ter* returned was 120.756.
Under the class "personal and profes
sional services" the principal return* were:
Labored*, 1,031.666; domestic servant*,
1971,043; teachers ol all kind*, 136,570;
physicians and surgeons, 62,383; laun
i ieier* and I*UDdre**e-, CO 906; clei gvoieu.
43,874 ; lawyers, 40.736; journalists, 5,286;
dentists, 7,844 ; restaurant keepers, 35,-
241; hotel keepers, 26,349: barbers and
hairdresser*. 23.935; employes of hotels
| and restaurants, 23,382; clerks of hotels j
and restaurants, 5,243; hostlers, 17,581;
'livery-stable keeper*. 8,509; nurses, 15,-
, 667; boarding and lodcing-honse keeper*.
,12,785; musicians, 6,519; officers of tbe
army and uavy of the United States, 2,
286; civil officers of the government
national. State, or municipal, aud reporting
DO other occupation, 44 743; clerks, do.,
! 9,762 : employe*, do., J4,4''7.
PKZTXIUXG TO I'LAT.— Oliver Wendell
Holmes says this is tbe way women pre
pare to play on the piano: "It was a
young woman with HS many wbite
flounce* round her as the planet Saturn
baa rings, that did it Hho gave the
mtmie-stool a whirl or two, and fluffed
down ou it like a twirl of soap suds in a
hand lia-in. Then she pushed np her
cuffs as if she were going to fight for the
champion's Wit. Then she worked ber
j wrists and hands to limWr 'em. I sup
pose, and spread out ber fingers till they
looked a.* though they wonld pretty n.nch
j cover the key-board, from the growling
end down to the little squeaky one.
Then those two bandsof hers made a intnp
, at the keys as if they were a couple of
tigers coming down upon a flock of black
and wbite sheep, and the piano gave a
great howl as if its tail had been trod op.
Dead stop—so at ill yoa could hqtr your
: hair growing. Then another how!, ns if
the piano bad got two tails and yoa had
trod on bo! h of 'em at once, and then
j a grand clatter and and -triug
of jumps, up and down, back and for
ward, one hand over the other, like a
! statnjwde of rats and mice more than like
; any thing I call music."
A MIXED CASE. —The Cleveland police
picked np a maD a day or two ago in the
streets who appesred to lie laboring nn
| der great mental disease, but on applying
j soothing remedies he came to himself
and explained matters. The Ledger says
j that when he left bis happy homo early
; in the morning his wife kissed him good
| by, as is her custom when she wants any
' errand performed, and then askad him
:to "go to the dressmaker and tell bar
that she (tbe wife) had changed her mind,
land wenld have the watered silk made
i up instead of the poplin, and he snre to
i tell her," said the wife, " that if she
j thinks it would look better with ten bias
| flounces without puffing, and box-plaited
| below the equator, which should be
j gathered in hem-stitched gudgeons and
down the seam.*, with gusset stich
between, she can make it np in that way,
instead of fluting the bohinette insertion,
and piecing oat with point applique as I
suggested yesterday.'
FJLTHINESK. —It is said by eminent
scientific men that " the decomposition
of a single potato or wilted turnip will
breed disease if the vajiors of the deoav
ing substance are confined to tbe walls
jof a house." The same is said ol deuav
, ingsabstuncea in alleys, streets and yards,
i Tbe vapors arisiug from manure and
rubbish piles will so impregnate the at
mosphere as to make it unhealthy, and
there!iy spread diseases and death. This
is ths cause of so many diseases breaking
oat that baffle tbe skill of physicians. <
Fiitbinas* causa* destruction wherever i
It exists. -'
J 1 "
Item* of latere*!.
THE dty debt ef Jot k t*
'ood,nc<v * ,
ftKvmuL horses have died of *nu.*trok<
i in Indiana.
WOR* iu the underground railroad in 1
New Vork is to begin tn Haptomber.
Aw Indiana woman wa* run over aud
kilbnl on tlte railroad in trying to save n
jet gosling from a similar fata.
THE valuation of Boston ia stated to I
have increased $46,060,000 in real estate. •
'and 90,600,000 iu |Hronai pro|erty
during the year.
The Tayhw Orphan Avlnm at Bactne,
Wi*.. has been toimalif deilw'atoii. tbe|
Waalbui tie making tile opnltm* #'
diva*. The lustitnttou lias in endow j
uieut fund of $137,000, which with tli*
coat af the building wa* left in a bequest
by Uia late Mrs. laaac Taylor.
TNK sister of Allen Jordan, who wa*
chiefly instrumental iu the capture of
ihe Indian murderers of the Cook family,
waa killed a day or two aino by her
hualtand, an lodiau at 8b Paul, it ia '*>-
lieve.l out of revenge for the part taken
by her tirotbar in bringiug the Cook I
family murderers to puuialuuent.
Mas. Onxre BROWS is said to tie ft J
btly of fine presence and of very aw.v!
{am! gracious manner. It ia related of
tbe Governor that he married purely for
love. Gu one occasion, when strolling
ont of town with two or three uicuiber
of tile Missouri Lrgislat ire, he first saw
hia wife, who waa at that moment occu
pied in swingi"g ou a gate tu front of a
country farm-house. They have six
children living, the eldest l>*iug only j
fourt* ou. aud five of tbeiu girls.
Tu* WOOL Cur or ri* WERT — Tbe
FttHtncutl Cknmidt iu a sumiuarv of tbe :
prospect* of the wool clip for 1872, say* |
it ap|>exra that the clip of the Northwe-t
promise* to come in late this season, ow- |
nig to the backward spring, which ha* !
retarded general farm work and h- nee I
made it ueceaaary to tH>at|K>ue shearing
very geoefolly until other work ha* beeu
di|Hw.*l of. A* to the amouut of th<
clip, tliere is reason to fear that it will
not txived, if indeed it d*ea not fall !
somewhat Iwlow that of last year. In
Wiscouaiu the flocks are not oa targp a*
at tliiatime last year and iu Michigan it
is estimuteJ that there will >*e a falling
off of at least ten per cent. There seem* j
( to have been no general effort,made lo .
keep up and increna- tbe fi olca iu the
Northwest, owing to the moderate pries
of wool last spring ; while the drought of
la*t f ill injured the pasture* and corn
pelled tuany of the sheep raiser* to lsqin
foddering a month or more earlier fmin
usual; c iusequcotly dock* were r. <W*i j
in number to save fodder. whi<-|f $ a|
neither abundant or cheap. Tbe advance
in the price of wool later in the season
cams too late to atiiuulale production. <
and there iwems, therefore, to tE RHHI
ground* for the Mief tlwt the UUUMIUI of
tbe clip iu the Northwe-t will lie some
what, aud possibly considerably leas tbi j
year tbau last. In Ohio, the large.t
wool growing Stato thi* *i le of th-Rocky-
Mountains, the condition of affair* l*
1 reported to U* pretty much the same,
Nor ia there any good reason for believ
-1 i ing that there will tie any couaidemblr
increase of pnaluction in tills or the New
England State*. Ia Wet Vlhtiuia, |
Kentucky, T nueasee, Mi**ouri, Kansa* '
aud lowa, however, the clip is likely to
be in rices* of last vesr. though notsuffi
eieut to offset the deficiency reports
elsewhere, while the prodactioa of lib
uois, Indiana, Wivonsin, Mtam-wtn,
and other State* i* *o small a* not to
affect the *npplv materially.
survivor of DM recent disaster to the to*
boat McDonald, on the Mississippi,
thus tells the store pf bis xja n.noe ;
I was awakened from sleep by n besvy
conenssion, followetl immeiliately after
ward by a second aud heavier one. Ev-.
vt) thing seemed to give wav. There
was a rush of hot air, and I found my :
self going tlirongh the air. Somethiug
: struck me in the side and broke my
rib*. I knew in it moment what wit* the
matter, aud I had all my senses about
me. It seemed to me that 1 went up a
frightful distance. How far, of conrwe,
I cauuot tell. 1 left the hot air that star
ted with me. and struck a cooler correal.
I went up head first, and, as I stopped,
I tin ned over and came down head firat.
The thought passed through my mind
that this was unfortunate, for I might
strike a piece of the wreck and injure
mvself. Just then a stick struck me and
whirled me over so that I strock the um-1
ter feet firat. The blow left a m.irk on
my riuht leg about eight inches long, !
and crippled it sc that I could not use iu ,
I took in a full breath of air a* I touched
tbe water and soon Itegun to rise. The
: thought struck me, what if I come up
jast in time to be hit by a falling timber.
As I came np 1 thrust up my hand over
my head to protect it, and e.inght it on
a piece of the rtH>f, cutting it somewhat.
My theory is that it WHS a part of the
roof over me. I had followed it np aud
bent it coming down. I looked around
and saw the wreck had already sunk.
" i
THE LOST ONES.— Has it ever occurred
to yon what a commentary upon ortr 1
' civilization are those loat women, and the I
attitude of society toward them ? A little
child stravs from tho home inelowure, i
and tbe wbolu community is ou tho alert
to find the wandeter and re-store it to ita j
mother's arm*. What rejoicing wbeu it ■
is found, what tearful sympatny, what j
heartiness of congratulation. Tliere afc
no harsh comments upon poor, tired feet,,
; tie they ever so miry, no reprimand for
the roiled and torn garment*, no lack of |
kisses for the tear stained face. But let
the child grow to womanhood, let her be
led from it by the scourge of want—what
happens then ? Do Christian men and
women go in quest of her ? Do they
provide all possible help for her return
or if she returns of lier owu motion, do
they receive ber with such kindness and
delicacy a* to secure her against w.mder-,
ing Hgnin 7 Far from it. At the firat
st- p she is denounced a* loat—lo*t ! j
echo friend* and relative*—we disowu
yon ; don't ever come near n* to disgrace
ua ! Lost ! says society indifferently I
! How ba<l these girl* are! And lost !
; irretrievably lost—is the prompt verdict
of conventional morality, while one and
all unite in bolting every door between
. her and respectability. Ah, will not
those lost ones be required at onr baud*
hereafter.— .\frt. Burleigh.
" ' I
THE STOKE* CASE.— In the ease of
! Stokas on trial in New York tor the mnr
! der of Fisk. three ballot* were taken, the
' second and third standing Keren for mur
der in tbe first degree to three for man
■ (daughter in the third degreeaDd two for
acquittal. It is re]>ortcd that one af;
I those voting for acquittal stab d that he
did so because of eon-ciention oppo- ■
sition to capital punishment, and that he
would change his vote to murder if hia
associate would, which offer waa not
taken. The jure, being unable to agree,
were discharged. 'lhe verdict took no-
Ixxly by snrpriae, u Now York paper
; says, and was accepted by the counsel
(or toe defense as a substantial victory.
Said Mr. Tremaine, Stoke* counsel:
| "Ye*, we think it a substantial victory
under tbe ciicußrdauee*. We had been
followed by detective* employed by tbe
prosecution, and we felt that the judge'*
charge was against ns. I do not mean
that the jndge was nnfair by any inten
tion, but some of liis ruling* seemed to
n* rather hard on onr client, snd we were
very anxious as to the result. On the
whole we think it a victory."
is well known that wat r in a close ves- 1
sel under pressure, and in a quieacunt
! state, can gradually be raised to a tem
perature fur above the boiling point of
water wi k hout converting it into stonm.
But on the least disturbance the who'<>
of the water is instantly converted info
steam, with force Buffici< nt to rupture
the strongest boilers. All the<e coodi-S
--tion* exist in our ordinary kitehen boil- j
era, and tb-3 explosions sometimes oc
curring are doubtless thus caused. As a
precaution, it is well not to allow tfa
water In the boiler to remain for a long
time undrawn, but occasionally to draw
i off a small quantity to relieve ft,
roßKius coußHrevpgHciu
W loft not DAY t 8 A. M., Air fttrs
burg, on th* express train, and, after n
l-uqi rulo of thirteen hours, arrived there
*t twilifrht, quit* tirwd out.
Earl/ next morning wc UNM carriage
and drof* rennff the city to view the rnln*
untile by THE O-crtusM during the WAR.
Ruin*. ruina on cvwry hand. To begin to
the bulldinga that were cle-
T revert during the aiege, would take col-
U nut aof T hie pager, T'HM-ehes, Library,
City 11 all, THM'RC. Uidwrily, lUrrska,
| AND ptiv.RRA ANDD.UGT vtthfiuf mnaber,
could tie aeen iu every direction one niaaa
OF ruina. , m ......
You could get a better idea of the hor
, rorg of W#r by riding through thi TOWN
for an hottf:, than you could obtain BY
READING a UT>Mrjr I'D' lookaon the #tih-
Jnct. DELHI* AT* . JMMJ*
W drove U> THE OntUedral in TIME to
witoeaa the PERFORMANCE# of the cole hrated
CLOCK, which waa EOCAATJNNTF like the one
we liad eeen at Iterfle. but I>U A much
more magnificent SUSLC. IT HAD a COCK T4
-trike the hmira, a PMCES-IIM of APUAUW.
and much uturo of the aitia* deaaription,
The clock U situated ON THE ULU;' o
the UA the eouih TRANSEPT, AMI
waa erected AHONT dhlrty JOURF LJ
Sehwilgue. J-* £ X
Luckily it WGA not Injured DURING THE
■iege, although the CATHEDRAL WEA hit in
many places and URAEMIA were at work re
pairing it wbiia we w ere there. Thu CU
the-lral ia bofit of a reddish -colored E'one
which IF not pleating to the eye. WC
think it ia not to be compared with the
Cathedral at Cologne, and others that WE
have eeen In (iertuauy. The height from
the street to the lower IS 524 feet., BEING
'he highest building HI EUROPE. S£l
Peter's, in Koine, being only 455 feet, aad
St. I'aulV, in Loudon, MW Lwt MERlUß
urard drove to the PLACE Ootenoerg.
where a handsome hroute statue to ihe
great printer, who conducted hi* firaLrx-
L>E-imeuta in thia W MV< TGD in
TS4T), The four TON reliefs ARE crtlMXrflsf
iral of the blessings EF the YIVRFI'IM V
fonr quarters of THE TDUBRT, aid ECIATTRISC
the likenesses of tnanv celebrated men
among whom. I was pleased to C® that ot
our own Franklin. The N*T W*EFU*
object of interest in STM*'ltrg V HIE TOTTH
OF MARSHAL Saxe. in the CtluWli ot St
NIOTBIA. It ia a no'de sculpture and on.
of |he most beautiful UJO'IMN
•W*n. It IVIIREREATO THE Mur-baf. CALM ind
•Mlbsrsts Iniiis Waring, stepping down
ward to the grave, which L'eath is ImMiiu'
<>|Kn, while a figure REPRESENTING FRANCO
se ks to detain him upon tart#. I* "
Leaving Straaburg on the 10.20 ju U.
traiu, a journey of two HOORTFROTO KFFHL,
■•n the opposite side of the Rhine, with a
CHANGE OF cars AT AJII>>-nwt IUF station,
i drought ■ 10 Kakn Baden, (rim* co'tt
| tnrtalde quarters were VWUM in tl>e
| Hotel Holland.
During the afternoon, we FBOK a WALK
, to tlie "C-mversatiou Hnu-E," which is thq
( iismc given to the 1 off #H xtlgam 144jMwn i>
pie. AJconversation, except in WFll#|>er,
IIA fbrhmden iu lite IRNBIMUTG-REITU, we
considered the NAME IL-qtpv-oprfnte. THE
hull. ling is a model of architecture, sculp-
J turc and painting.
j The splendid portico is adorned by eight
corinthian pillars. On the south side is a
restaurant capable OF accomodating THREE
hundred guests, and ou the north side la a
read "fig- R.ioin for cosmopolitan vldlors
The great assembly or danoing room,
which connects w ith the gambling saloons,
fx treacle AS large as Apollo Hall, in New
York, rod ITA polished waxed floors, gor-
Us Jfi-ry, elegant pier <?U#E*. and
litfurfoSk sofas ART. M the LEW STYLE OI
J European art. In the gstnbliag-rootus.
I the ggimacouimences at 11 a. H. and c.a
tiguea vltlioat intenapti.'u till midnight.
Sundays not excepted. Tlie three iuotn
we visited liad in the CENTRE of each a
table covered with green hai/e, ABOUT six
| feet wide, and fifteen in length, around
which were a crowd of MEN and amen
BUSY watching the movements oj" the gam
biers, who >iait Uu> CARDS * BIG of lire
tables gbd turned THE RSNTEFFC WHEEL aftlie
I other t** ; Tuere were FOUR dealers at
ETCH table, two on each side, WLUUP? duties
are to deal the cards, RA-tufii t! rooloftc.
watch the various |dsy*tusd\ rercivv UW
money that is lost, AND p?T D CUT to THO<-
who aro fortunate mong|l to win.
With bat few etccptiuns. THE playing
WAA wry light, the most '!ar|g player
, tjeing "Larry O'llrfen, OF VEW Y.>FK
who was (da ing T 12<-0 a Let. I suhse
ouently heard that before he left Haden
Itaden, ho won nearly firuui THT
The inajoritv f the players were evi
dently old hands at TLW fiCeiness. and
looked hurt!, imp'aftshe AND calculating.
At each table WORE a NUMW of female
•letters, but thrr RISKED hnt very little an
"the hazard of Urn die," while we ware
We noticed one old wpman, dressed in
a seedy suit of black, who di 1 BOL !! IML
WAS const ntly watching the gam* and
! pricking off THE result of EACH turn, OA a
card aim. BEL ■ IA her ha ml, ghirh WAS
printed in bffc-k and red Knes. Tt seem*
1 that in the early part of the NNA*ON. she
had rorpltienced playing against the hank,
1 struck a run of hard luck, and "cdftMn'T
win a HET ivhetber she coppered or not."
land the resilt was that in a short time
I she was * broke."
I she BAA been a constant
vim tin to th* rooms from tlie time they
WMMFICI plsvtng till the gntne cloee*.
and doda nothing hut |fick off the TURNS
of th wheel on her card, not having a
sou I* BUT wiih F Who glie is, yliarewhc
caine Irota, or how she livea, M> Ctif
knows, AS she never speaks to a soul. The
crowd that aAetubles touad tlie tables are.
after all. hnt a small portion of the visitors
to the place, AND of that crowd even, THE
proportion If players is small COMPARED
with tI)G NUMBERS that idleness, and the
FEPNTAMM of the plate, and curiosity at
tract only to look on.
The town of Baden Baden Is in itself
interesting in ita ancient honEA (sur
rounded on every side by fine inountei"
scenery) with quaint rnral AVENUES AND
modernized streets,AMl huHdJngain which'
curious wares, IN wood JUNL crystal, are
The town owe- Its attrncHon. nodonht,
in SOME measure TO the hot springs which
gusli from the Mill UA which HE town W
: huilt, hnt it is indebted also trrtlj* toveli*
; nesa of Its SCENERY, the BEAUTY of its puei
tlon the EASE with which L{ is REACHED
and last hut not lonAt. to LIB fas'DON that
proclaimed It to be Ihe Hatering place of
Europe, , , *"
I n the evening the great centre of attrac
tion for all visitors is the promennde in
| front of the FONVERAATLO House. Every
1 pleasant eVening honsandn of visitors oe
enpy seats a- near the music stand as they
can get, to • listen to the MOST delicious
music from an orchestra of over sixty ex
perienced mnriclnna led by the celebrated
oomnoaer and leader Jokatin Bfrans.
We returned to the hotel at 10 R. X.,
THOROUGHLY delighted with the musical
treat WE had BEEN enjoying.
At 9 a. si. Oext day, wc drove to "Jfiew
Soblosa" OR New (' stle, which ia the
summer residence of the Grand Duke of
The road leading to the castle ia kept
in admirable order and the d< ire np the
mountain wa very enjoyable. Winding
along the mountains, we hud commanding
views of the surrounding conn ry from
varinas I-LGVATINIM, AM] when we reached
tlie castle, tlm pictures, seen from the
terrace on which It ia situated, of the
onfspread valley, with the neighboring
rivers and towns, are beautiful In the ex
treme. The porter took as through the
variqns APARTMENTS in the palace and they
TOOFCGD VN y comfortable and home like.
There was a large number of modern
pa|ntings, handsome s'tduary, and family
portraits, scattered tTirohgh the different
rooms- WE went down into the dungeons
which wore AS dark and OOUL AS th* cat*.
oomha in Rome, and snch as we had often
read of, but whose existence was hardly
credible ufitil we had seen and been in
them, SJIV doors to some of th< m were
IMMENSE BLOCK* of atone, awiogiog ON
pivots, in the rill and io the LIR.TEK the
V#TY cfftelnft FCFEWHWLI ON a p i-otier mutlr
hate been significant of an early demise.
We also went Info the torture chambers,
in which were remaining some Instrument*
of tri arm, uswl in the "good old days,' 1
and h id pointed otil |o us til* ouhlietis
lallbg IWo wlilidi, mihappy wretcha** th ' name of being forgotten for ,
my |- ' . V fil -
' ' ft wax a tnctiul and physical re- i
(llf to eeiuv from Umcokl (lamp dung uns
j of the past, into the bright sun shins of the
' twrsgpt,
| The drive h#ck to the town WM very
I pleasant. We stopped a few uioiosuts at
I the <M>! rhbrch ym l, where there is s curl
mis rapnssvautioi of the Mount of < Hivss,
with Clirbt gray tag sod the sleeping d
•s*yh - 0 Hsar the entrance was s lofty
I pajfKtnt, mi •which wu s.quslnt old flgun
' re|Weeiit!ng" a graviiigger. The artel
noun wns spent wander lug round the
place and si the Triokhalle, whore the
| waters ar (gspor*.! The evening wss
' j passed the same ss tlie previous one, in
i trgH( ot ih< Conversation Horn*, atehtng
Ike c'ouds at nil tougu.s and aaffduslU
tics, psaaing to and fro, ss if for our es
pcClil Irencfit, while we listened to the
chCffre Music of Hlvsttss. Wo left IMrlt
11 B*lsn Oil the 20th of July on the rt.lo
! j A m train, and after a wearisome ride ot
i e'ght hours, arrived at Frsnklori. We
' < Mf'* l hours going right/ miles.
1 | lh*y cslldl the train the "aohnsllmg," I
i , vTvUgbl it the "snsilsug" from lis speed.
U M.
i nrw* |
i This disease of the tucntory <r impair- j
1 'U--UI of gh* hi. aor power of expressing 1
' ffnguago may Im ilbistrutwl by tire follow A gviitletuan of seventy i
Uu-ars when wishing for anythiirg. con •
'lboitly *i ployed eotiH< Inappropriate
{st Ml. If h* desired bread, bp asked fur.
1 his ' boots, yet would be furious when 1
these worn brought. If he wished a turn
j hh r to drink trout, he would call fur tut,
. utterly unsuitable vessel, and ri<* rtrta , |
Yet he waa that lie used the
wrong word, for if another person sttg !
' grated the p* |>*r word he at oncel
i adopted it. CHioiftituea tfi* substitution I
I is applied to dugls letlrr. An IMCnOee I
; gf tiiis iu n Usrned p*unt ot
Hi mT. I'riomou'- Who substituted tlie lvtf*f L.
1 i for f, sud if
4 Inked tor (Kifr) a cat. A siugular ess*
was tlist of Madame Hennert, wl.o asked
i for a table alien she wanted a chair, and '
■ (for a book when she desired a glass, and
I * veil when til* p super word wussnggeste.l 1
' she con'dnot prom a nee it, y*t rie ron
i fueled her household sfi'siis witii aocurnry
I j and regularity. Not only docs the defect
i in qitesiiou uU.4 (he power of spveob. >
i ton it slat* eittiel# to tlm act of w riling. (
The pcrsou, uuty ariiculste fiuently and j
. rapidly, osftt| mange words that he has ,
coined, or suVumuug unsuitable words,
j he may fVvu krtura' that he is talking U'-u- *
liTßfitJh* tftciapts to egptesai
I . his tdesu by writing he WiU t-Uhsr write
ma words in conformatum to his use of
■ (Item or he will writ* an unintelligible.
• scrawl. Among Other mid example* id ,
this defeat is otfe rdsted by Professor
Hammond Iu wMcii the person always
. made the the answer .'<** to any quest io* j
> implying the w*o ot figurvs, though i
, would nurreut ! tnveli Jy holding up the
' rkght umbar *4 fingera. For example,
• if h meant two, hs would say u4s sud
hold up Iwo fiticers ; if he meant seven,
lie would ssy (on and hold up m.*WU fin
• •■> ■( afc.|f*l'oir. he *#uld^
■ siv toi*. liold up cfgWt fitigers and then
• four. Another geulleinsn could not re
• c.Jiect the ot l*h imnks liUt <)|iir-|
> m<trd thenf hr* tt.Plr afef. —SvhWrV]
PIOEOU* vs. EixcTutcrrv.—Mr. Tyget-j
, m*ler. thc-r.nt English authority w.ocb
. mailers, writes th* hallowing letter to the ,
i 'cililpr of the IjomtoH Timtt, >n pigeon |
' dipatches t Af'ih* (voaiotcrv ot the
tern of clef trie lelegraphy inist on its im
mense superiority over the older plan of
pigicon dispstuhw. How far those pre
. i tensions ale founded ou facts is shown by •
| i the results of the pigeon race to Brussels,
i >vMch started from tit* Cryst*! Pulsre.
! when seventy-two birds were down at,
o*:i. luiiaeatstely on-heir <i. partre I
, ! tvlegtbsklu'd to the tfecretary of the Soei
. ety why** mam hers had forwarded the
i'bUDa, riinattuHnp thrlr departure. The'
; ■ arrived in Brus Is at 5 '2* P M. ]
[ i* d the t. l. gri ui at 5.30 P. M. Aiuotlu-r 1
i ■ example and I have J..tie. During the
war the intelligtßcc •" Con
> toTlolotubo. Ceylon, seventy miles
. ft. s|lioM;'vSLoi <le lisllc. where the s)ii|M>
: Iti4 India lauded tlisir dispatches, and the ■
' *J>lpU on the news of the fall of
1 fi. kass.vs.: iud ftwtp ibforn >tm#
Aui'sl't hy.tbefk TlWekmtrie telegraph I
was etahlishcd and the pigeon pst itlud- i
Mml. I bav* reoetilly hern requestsl to i
..ra stock C'okmiljo with Belgian 'voya
j g. nra.' as the iufortnation brwuriit by the
electric wiru* ia iieitiHrr so s(<ewly nor so
jnoTect s that ctnveyed by the birds.!
I'.-.- iits, via* is tbrr gencrati .a. J
?. bat* t.-rk-ti K .sMtmitt tlm Parhoans, and 1
wtahnstoil pigeo* p#t Into Melt and
other fortified towns. In the cveut of a
I war in which we may be engaged, what
would be the value of bird* thai would
■ convey messages to Jersey, Guernsey,etc..
i when the telegraphic wires had leen cut
i by tboelftuy."
I MASK AM DU.RST.— 'Were any argu- 1
meat tended t<> prove th* wisdom of cve-
I ! ry nA* learning a trade, it might surely :
i, Ie ftutnd in tlie cam-r of car conductors
i and drivers of New York. Ihese m.u
. work daily—Sundays as trull as week
t j day
weather*. The former rcftidvo from B*2
to !*.♦ a day ; the latter fil Tfi, neither
arc iHtUiitteil to 'k>wo doring the;
' j hwrtyi bf>hor; indeed, if the authorities '
ao|'lucU r even resting on die]
splisdi-bonrfi of the car, he is likely to he
tain;ntrffy suspended, and should the of
fense be repsUsl, dismissed. 1 lie long j
i* at vadiiVg, especially in hot weather, per
rjlMnnUj breaks down the stamina ot
■l jl tfi.- wwa. It is well known that
'dole .•>#"■ movement i desirable for
those who h.sve a tendency fo varicose
j vein* aumding ia the best mode of devel- ■
, oi.ii.p L.yi A lew days aro on* poor
• gsve way, nnfi the flooring
! ' where he stood was drenched with blood!
Yet with all the#* draw-backs, applica
tions iiy the liuiidred come for these posi-,
i thm* and there arc men ttngar to till,
r ; the phiccriot the flrteeu—Ud* is aboet th* ,
I average—e-who are daily diseharged.;
Why -hould tttiabe so t Th* tsct s*eins i
1; to he that car driving and conducting are j
i the fringe of that larg* claaa who cannot j
I dig atifi to beg are ashamed. — AY* l i'ori
I 'lf, It
TA< IVB\ oniurt■.—A tnovamantls
JatoPtaSive heett made in the flourishing
' Oily Of .Fall R ivcr which is obviously of.
, very gfftat importance. It relates *sp*ci
ally to the operatives under age. One
• | half id tlie week days they aro allowed
! torttieud the scliools, and the other half
I th#v **v employed in tlie factories. This
excellent provision Mnblto tin? children
1 t-. go* t'K-ir livlag and their education
, atMUMna the "Amo Jhns. Tlie latter
I costs them nothing, it lieing pnid lor ont |
Ot the ptihljp ,tr*nsnry; and the work j
I they do whto •baginnhtg the W(*rld prn
' i motes itmong them habits of activity and
' j industry which will last them through;
life. In ways Hkt> the** children soon j
I learn lite of money, the comforts I
' | and leneflt* it confers when properly
1 nsed. ami they are as glad lo obtain pay'
' 1 fir tiirir labors and service* a* grown-np 1
sad With good *xninple of j
•mphAim-at. economy, and thrift before |
j them In Fid! River, and snch timely ri-|
: C 'Uragotftf'tt' as they arccertsin to receive (
' f.oin Us iiihahlunts. the boya and girls of |,
; that plaoo p ill not only swmre a good cdu
' | cation, but noon bars means of their own
' i laid np In <lic aaTings hank.
II s _____— ■
1 DTOT off GREAT BIUT vt.t 1* I^72.—Tlx! I
I national fitl't of Great Britnin being five |
' hun.lrrii nfid HiirtoeigW willioua, three
hnndiftl tmd sdwr-ftv* lffiit*Ai tiro
hundred twrt th e pottwln*, if the fftannnt
were ia sldlllcgs ilTowiug thirty to he
counted in a buunto, for ton hours in a
II day, and tlx days In A week, it wonld re i
| qnire aom4tliing more than one tbonsand
nfitc lititidviAi aul iswnlMi year* to
I! count it. The weight or ft in gold would
> 1 bo five hundrpif bnd Mxty tons; iu guin
eas. it wouWMttrild nfright line, eight'
;thonsaTul anjl ninety-two miloa, and
wholly coter u®ntrdA yf rixty-three
i. acr.-s of ground fft shilbnga it would ex- j
tend ilka right liuty ouo nundred and .
sixty-nine thowatßd, oito itundrcd audi,
ri Ihitt.niwo taitok and one tbon- I
i saui, three hundfed and twesitythrao j 1
acre* of gronnd. ' <
New York Market—Weekly Review.
I'ltortarowi—Pork—Tit* nurk*t far
tilAws* on the snot is firmer, butqoiat.
nibNff U ""ft® *ittl* Jobbing trada. Wa
I,note extra nt tl.6otiflL In print*
iiiKM lltssro in a small JobtdofC trade nt
old ntlos. \Vi> quote western at sl2a
Dressml Hnga—The market la firm.
W t quoie city at (tafijo.
Cut Meals -Th* market ia steady,
Wo quote hams In pickle at lfial4c., In
salt at Ittalle., and shoulders at &|a
riatoked MeaU—There Is a fair trade
lit Steady prices. We quote limns at
lAalOe.; shoulders at UjaOjo., aud cl*ar
ri* at H|aM)c.
Lard—The market for old is Inactive.
For forward delivery prions are nomi
nal. New lard la dull. Lnrd ia quiet
(rtit strong.
Htearine is tihiet, but atoady. Wa
quote prime at Iquloc.
llaef—Th* mat ket la dull. A'e quote
plain western mes at and extra
mess at tbasL2
a Itcef ILitus—There is no ehaaif* to
tmie. We quote old western at bsk'a
Ik) libls. new western sold at 932. i
Tierce Beef—The market is nominal.
We quote prime mess at 9l'Jasl&, and |
India me#* at flfln|KM.
Butter—-The market I* dull. Wc 1
quote Mute iu Welsh tuba at 20a25ti.; j
, fit tlrklim and half-tubs at 21u27u., and ,
' we-tern at I'ialSo,
< t'lmwe Tln> market is stronger and
active. We quota Kia'e fsetories at
; Haltjv. for eotnmou to fair; lluiUc.
i for giHul serviceable atork.and 12a124c.
(or tine to strictly fancy.
I HrrAdsiutTs--T he market for Htate
and western flour la less active, but
mere is no quotable change iu price.
Hawlhern Flour— Theuiark-t isqulet.
at s<i.Hsa#K so for extras, aud |*sl2
for good to flue.
Kyt Flour—The market ia dull. The
Nalv* are at s4.luass for common In
Wheat la a shade eaalcr. We quote
i N*. 2 In slow at 91.44af1.4fi; No. ! In
I stare at 91.47a91.4fi; winter red wes
tern at s!.sfia9t fi4; amlier western at
41.67a91.72, and whit* western at
Rye —Tlie business is moderate, and ]
prices are neavy. Western iu store j
sold at 7Jo.
t Uts—There is a fair businewa, hut (
no change iu prices. The sal-s are 4!a t
t43c. fur westeru, aud 44wWe. for Ohio, j
LoKi-a raog THE HTRIE*.—It is **ti
matcd says a Near York ja|x*r, that ip
i seven Weeks that city lost fifteen millions |
iff dollar* (rum the i-Uikc ! .Some esti- :
, mates make the sum fStU.OOti.OUU. While
labor has lost at least 85,(kW,iUOfl, weak
employers have bct-n ruined. In some
, ivisca.*t he spore earnings of seven months
j * utoVst iu th- seven weeks of ill-temper
au 1 idb-ucsa. Iu th uinu, labor h••
received for wore injury than cap*Uj.
slide hoik snffcrwl as navcr before at
ant One time. Mat a l>et< hitriligener
' anil wiser men guide workmen in the fu
| tare. Th* effect of the effort which has
j failed is thu* stated in th* f'lHoMcial
rhrvuiclt r The nun were nersuwled by
tkeir )vulers that if, iUHtui of working
t)0 hours a week, a million of men work
■\H hours a week, there wftl he room fbr
2u par rvmt more workmeu without de
i pre-sing th* rate of w ages. Tliev would
I <MIU(M-) 1,200,(100 mru to effect tue satur
I iimouut of production to which 1.0u0.-
(XW men are competent, sad tl*y would
k*s*eit#he effective re m of all th* capital,
! the nmehincry and the prodtirtive posvi
of the w hole Country to a fcimilar degree.
Thus tli* nation would Uavs to support
in induatry, < qui ab-ut to
igpivy of 2til,oOU uwn, whose labor would ;
'add Moth ing to the general stock of
wealth. Moreover, to nceomplish thia, ]
ail in tori tn rot of 20 per cent, more raiii
tat would lw necessary, to provide tue
requisite machinery, and to L.- this in
flux of needle** laltorcn to worx.
Arrest n>R Smmixu A Rstumxi) j
PASS —United States D.-tiict Attorney !
, Swcsipc tppeaml lefor* the Mayor and
maih* an information against a young'
man named Janie* Hullivin, charging
hiin with unlawfully selling a railroad )
' puss. It is alleged that Sullivan vwiU-J
the District Attorney'a office aud olhtined
fiom Mr. Swoopa's clerk a paa to Phil*.
Jclghia and return over the Petmsyl- ■
vaui* Railroad, which mai made ont in
Li- own nam*. H* then *obl the paat to!
u weU-knosru in.-rchant tailor "f tlii* (
j city. This gentleman proceeded to ue
! the )**, and while on his trip aud near
Philadelphia he waa r*nirod. the pus
j taken frm him and h* toreed to pay his 1
j fare. The im** was sent mi to this city J
and handed by the rolruad authorities
to Mr. Swooped Feeling that hi* kind
nra had been grossly abused, tbntgrUe
mnu wade the informntioo b*f>ru th* <
My<>r. The com plaint is tamed cm the j
i art of Assembly referring to common |
iroiri< r> which makes tranaariiona of this ;
kind miakmannt, and provides for a
heavy punishment Sullivan was arrested ,
and gave bail for a le*ruig. —l'ttUtmry
Pitfxr. _________
Ax AOCIDEXT TO A Farwkr.— Actxird-j
ing to g Cleveland paper, the following
is the way accidents occur in that lart ol ,
; the country ; Au old hut unumudlv <
; thoughtful farmer, residing near enough <
to this eity to do his trading her*, went
■ into hi* cornfield last wtssk to hoe his j
corn. and. in order to give a crow or two ,
! n salute, should he nee any, strapped his J
douhi*-barrelled .ihot-gun to his iiack. i
A* he warmed np to his work, he caused j
Ilia hoe handle to circulate with more
than its wonted rapiitity alot him : and.
i finally, tlie end of the hoc liandle bitting
the trigger of the gun, touched 't off
| The old fanner felt a gill or two of allot
]tans through his sc,:lp and hat; and,
MippoMug he had been abot at by an
siwissun in the rear. he. tbongh wounded,
wired his gun, and wheeling suddenly
around, blared away at the aupjHjwed
shooter. He wa* alfll more surprised
not to see a mau, but hi* dog. writhing
iin the agonies of dissolution. He is out,
j uow, Iu eing corn ogam ; but hi* head i*
covered with bandage* and nlsster, and
| his dog <kea not frisk abont Vi heels as
Hixorutß.—A singular accident befell
Oapk Orant. of Wyoming, a few days
I since. Rtopping into his garden h - saw
. -otn* ohickena picking at a rare plant.
1 and catching up a atick he made for
j them. Wliileat full speed be encounter
ed a clotbca lines, which hit him in the
month. His momentum carried the
liue back to its fillicit tension, and the
rebound threw him eight or teu feet. Aa
th* line b'ft hit mouth it took out three
teeth and all thai part of the jaw bone in
which they were imbedded, no that they
now remain aulid together in the part as
it came ont.
nt present a number of agitated hua
bauds aud wives in California. It seems
that it ha been customary for lovers
I matrimonially inclined, when harry or
| anything eb made the obtaining of
I licenses )>othersome, to nail out three
mile! npon the Pacific, and there, bt-rig
| beyond the State boundary, defiantly
! get married. But tlie lawyers bate dh*
| covered that Yill the ceremoniaa so per
formed are illegal, and hence th* oon
j nnbial agitation.
Tn* Jmnj®.—The Jubile# Chdrna,
InkwAling to the Boston JVamrcript,
i uuinWred 18.00G, at a coat per head fur
• ach meml>cr of it (they paid their own
. bills, it seems,) of 81 Ot) at least. It is
Stated Unit the total receipt* of the
j Jubilee, from beginning to end, will fall
*b<rl of expenses by about $150,000
| This is less than the reserved guarantee
b iinl tq make up ull deficiencies!.
A DmrrßTrrriVK Fibx —The ahopa of
the Erie railroad in Jersey City were
destroyed by firs inflicting a lons of
$1,500, (AO. Thirty-three locomotive#
were burned and over five hundred men
are thrown out of employment
A arECiAt to the R ilt Lake Evening
Journal auys the Navajoea are not hostile,
but the filk UU-h are troublesome and
threaten a general war in Bouthera
An enterprising Hoosier boa started a ,
stoam ohicKtn factory, with a working
capital of about five thousand eggs. At
hie flflt "baking" ho hatched put four
birds, and roasted all tha rest of tba
Tin Asuno OaotaaA.—A aew thao-
SSaa hero broached in regari! to Adatle
olera, which la that It la not a dlasaaa
of the howala but of tbo n#rv*a, though
III* forms* are generally though not
always affct*d, the axhaostloa or purely
ata ot th* nerva system const itut*s rholtira.
Th# first symptom Is a sinking or shrivel
ing of tha oniid of Uta finger*, by tha small
arteries causing to aupnly tha naual qnan-
Uty of blood to the surfaoe,aad a hlnenaaa
of the skin caused by anch atiaeaco, and a
peculiar shrinking and corrugation of tba
akin, debility and ooldneea. This may oc
cur without aay great dleturbanos of tha
general health, for coma lima at Isaat.
An old phyaialan say# that a man mar
have the dlaaaw tor hours, and perhaps
days without aertously dlstarblng his
health. That la, it prodnoaa no serious
effects until it extends to th* larger ves
sets, aa ft begins In th* minute extremitic
of the aarvea.
Write to CHSXI-E* W UxasLKa, No. 7
Wall Street, New t'tuk, for a copy of hi*
Weekly Financial Report. •
C3ou Rtrnsan Faexca th* well-known
proprietor of French'* Hotel, New York,
: died at ftirhfirlJ Rprings, Otacgo County,
He was a getiuin* New Yorker, having
IH*D horn ill that city iu IMUk He be
loam* known I* the public as a hotel
! keuper some thirty y*ra ago. *bro he
kojt a hotel ou i'lwtbam strut*!, near
Pearl. Twenty-two jeers ago be buill
the hotel so widely known by his nam*,
and then inaugurated what is now known
aa th* European plan.
Nyaaptoms *f Catarrh.
Dull, heavy heatache, obstruction ri
nasal passage*, discharge talbuc into throat,
somet'mcs profuM-, watery, acid, thick and
Ufoactoua aauoua, puruh-nt, rnuco-puru
lent, itloody, fiutrtd, offensive, etc. In
others a drynarn, dry, watery, weak or In
flamed eyes, ringing in ears, deatnesa,
hawking and roughing to dear throat, ul
cerations, mahs lr*i alcera, voioe altered,
ua-itl tHaitg. offeiwite breath, impaired
. uo lt and taste, d,amies#, mental depre*-
Isso*. flckhng c-Mfh, etc. (hity tew of the
I auovr cymptoma are hkcly to be present
lin any'ca#e at one time. No disease is
1 more rotmn >n or less uttdtrstuod by pby
! sician*. Th* proprietor ot Dn Hsua's 43A
| tsauu Kiuio.t wilt pa? 85"0 reward for
1 s ass-- ot C'slsrrti w-hirb b cmuoot cut*.
Sold by Druegists at SO cents. 60S.
I A Chicago girl r. centty wuwried her
j lover ifuv he had tiero sent to jail, and
to ocrtaiu matrons wbo ridiculed b*r
sekio*. #V retorted that abekoea wber*
Iter husband spent sights—which was
more tbaa they can say of their husbands.
PiiTimu* oa AKTHWA.— Those oi our
rewkis who suffer (reus this distressing
romptunt, will find immediate relict in
MH-LOMPK THE RTXIAE! — In spite of
the enormous amount o! espial wveted
In the pxomotsm *f Intemperance, (be
Mi#i<wtarics of Sobriety have n<> M asm to
1M- dibears*wed. The' sxtimt al
raholir drink# H not ronflned to theordi
narv bquora of commerce. It is extending
to all med'.cmos of whidi ardeut spirits
torn, a component part. Ttte hrhrf that
stunulxuta of thia nature are tow yat*mr
c*iu ground eren where. Eminent phvs
tuloaasu |>ivarh the doctrine, and the db
; sorting knifr and the micrascopr sffbrd
! port mortem evidence of its truth. Fcx fu
-1 na'ety at the very Utne a ben our distin
| gutshvd suiveim* were making the vxpen
i mrou winch led to this conrlasioa, a aaaa
] rtou mcm'jer o the protrosion. Dr. Jtweph
Walker of Cabtomta. wa* pertorring a rea
etoble tonic, pww%inc alt the restorative
> properties ctsimed 1-w the spirituous a#-
triugent*, and free trom tbrir deadly ating.
To those drmot&ltring. health destroying
j potions his faosow* VtMCOsa Btrrra* *evtn
to tie giving the coop <U groa. The de
mand fo* tbem declines, while the cow
we*cial and sanitary xaccraa of the new
medicine ia ootnph-U-. And wc hear doily
j of rases of dyspepsia, biliousness, malarious
fever, ibeurootism, oosu-tinatum, general
Slid local debitor, gout, kidney dhease,
etc., that bare sue-umbed to the
. treat if store/m after rcsWtiug alt others.
; -Ore.
Tax partwt sod *weetwt Cod.ljver Oil tn Uw
1 sorld <* Usasa* X Cunu's mode aa UM ses
shore tpxa ftaak. selmard livers, h* Carwaix.
Haj ai> k Ouk, New York. It lsabwteieT pmr
snd euevc. Pstirsts who have once takes it
1 nrr*f*r Nto all others. Physician* hats derAed
I it superior to a*y ot tha ether oils ia market.
J tbm.
A* Irishman called at a drne aloe* to gel a
b<>us of Jooxsos a Aauorxa Ltxmsv for ih<
< Kh< luntUam : the druggiat asked tiim in what
; p*n ot th* bwtv it tronuieJ him moot, " B- me
| soul," mid b*. * t bar* it lo every houl aad
I corno* tv me-— Gam.
torn torn of end, horn ad, red water io rewa,
I IOM of aptoKitf. r<>l, ur muirato in sheep ; thick
wind, I ruke* vriod, sud roaring, and tor all otw
strnetkMia of th* W-tneys tn horses, ewe Kar.Sl-
Ban'a CavsxjiT COROMNX POWOEM.—o'otu.
i If TWO want a ported-fit übr coUsr. bay th*
> R jnwwod. It you want a ooUar to wear kmger
i than auv other, buy the Kimwood. Th* Elm-
I wood collar ia for aide at all OmU' Furnishitig
; Stores.- ftm.
DooleyV Yeast Powder is the cheapest, hot
not iowe*t priced. Baking Fovtkr. Elegant
| ttiM-aita, IhjUa, Ac., prriorwdf tn a few minote*.
. -Oom.
Th* Human Hoof nod Its Thatching.—tJ
th* man huwu w*u oC bw oosotrr who mat" tat
biadn* o I (raw grow whrrv only oar gr*w hafore.
•arrly he who pradne** a gloriaiM cwp ot bar on a
rompsiaUTT r W**n #*a>* (kwarw* tic haorty
(ha ha of lb* obliged party. Alt hcsior. OtsrcAwe
to hums K T Lvos. tar. osqwrnuouabty. hi*
I—>'Wlt*d K.ts4lso# areompltahe# AS otgert. Cteo-
Osoeo wtaoor whhUin are ahr at malung USr ap
learaoce la loro*. or the abera at arbow oxsiatarhe*
diedoee tho** -taagslfteent dlotsocea" (or which
U.ahtwgta* i ltj wa* owe* ao fkiooca. wilt o*d (hie
H.ia l-aaertioa the mm w, aider ful woo rarer of deratapmest thai baa ewe yet b*en la willed
Hot- avxe* are adrleed to uae it, a*, by a I odds H I*
he beet article to Unprovms the growth and heaaU
of the hair, keeping It (Tee Cram aoutfaad dandruff
le*riitla it IMa beooanln* harab. dry and gtur
(trior It a rtrh rtoe# and endow ag It With Be* bull;
-Bid Toilet < ben letr. baa ever rrolred frotu th*
vegetable kingdom - (Com )
Beat aad UMeat faaatq Medicine—Xaa
(hrCa idee* /aewwrWer —a purely Vegetable OttAmr
lie and JW-fcr Ujrepepaia. Conat-patloo. DcbltltJ
•Uck-Headache, Rillnoe attacks and atl decsMMnrnte
of Ueur. Stomach aad Bowels Ask your Druggist
ft* It Bemmet f imilmHom*. —(Owa.
Oeed reed aad rteatf at H ptedua** the same
effect a me a PERWE ho Iu- been etereed (bat th* ft
■■eta* Srrap. aa lion Teaie. doe* upon the Weak A*d
Oebilttated : It MKBM them Imac aad isunat. chan
ginc (aeakaaaa aad nftnai lal* etraarth aad baalth.
1 1
mat nare and eomptet* e<w|Mtr*tio ot SW tod la Uw
world, lie effnete are utwl. tl ohaesctar harm last,
iu bote natural. Us qualtUaa eadnris*. —fhm.
I.IKE LIOHTXISCi am the miramdow- eorw effected
with Ftaga'a In.tent Relief Arhea Paiaa Speutae.
Bowel emapletnt-. etc eaooot eaiet If thU (teal
cine leased. R'tl Wai.ant,.t,
tb Muaee Kehmded. —Chm.
Hpeelsl Jfotlcsa,
SanetUeae f*e Uwata**r.
It U ot great important-, that th* ffdeu should ha la
a rigorous condition wbw the hat weather commence,
Th* effect* ot a high temper* I are apes a* ea lee bled
frame ere alwage mora gv leae dhwearotw. Th# leee at
enbeunre aad the decdvweiou at narrow power, oeoe
viooed hjr exewMre beat, eeaoelx he eompeweted bj
the aeuve, heaHhfttl. aad regular ejrermee ol all the
bodilf faneUoaa hg whmb Ihe weete at uwn is replec
whed tad the vital out tgtee renewed. The great atS ty
ol Uoatetaar'e Stoma, k Bttaer* ae a aaeaae nt tontrg.
lavigoratisg aad reguleltng th* *rs*p* ot th* Vodr, to
ualeaaaalhr aekaovtodgad. As s toale it aUmaletes th*
flagging appetite aad aaaeleratw digeetloa ; a# eoor.
reetiee It BeatraUce aetdltg * the Stoma ah aad relieve#
flatulency i as aa alterative aad mtM aperient It regu
late* th* Uv*r end the boweta ; a* aa aaedgae it pro
mole* trdtiqail tleep ; a* a wboleeome etimulent it Im
pe'tell rill neee aad eiaeuottt to tbvrcieaud aad u aihUrg
nervee. aad aa a dapuroat It purifle, the vital
etwam. The vehte at each a tpeafSe te th* Weak aad
debilitated t* beroad all rati met*. To iavalida wilted
down hy tb* ealtrp hi** al mldeammer, Ik to a* iwtraah
tat and vtuHnag aa tb* 000 l aigbt dew to the aaa
aooirbed fl >weaa Oompoeedot ngelahto element, only,
with a beets ot pur* dlffualf* eUaolaat, it to t*f* and
palttehl* aa usU aa medieiaaU la fevur aad ague die
trteta. aad wherever th* aatural oondliion.are oonduelv*
to epidemic dteeeea, it to ooaeideted the beet tetanoid
ngataet maleriooa Weetoow, aad the *P**dlv*t remvdj
(or tetermltteat and taniUeal feveaa.
Vkocmt# to not a atimntoting bittsiu whtoh ceaalaa a
Srtltloue appetUe, butageaU* tetaio whioh aaaeeU am
tore to reetor* the i*maah o a heelUty eaUon
Tha advertiaer. Uering ham permeoeotlr cured of that
dreed diseaae, Ooueamptloa, kg a eland* remedy, to aax
ioua to make kaewn t* hi* fallow .aff erere th* aeaa* of
ear* Tp all nfcodetir* IK be wi eeSd a copy of th*
prrecdoti-'O used, (free (ff CSirgel. *tth th* directions
(or preparing aadaalns
sens i ims tor OO*SPJ|PTIO. Amnu, Baoocnrru,
plena* uldrm.
K, KD JaSsSkilMaatahufgh. R. T
A SATAO Pxt.iAw.—/oha I. Filktoa,
1 tit* vKprtm robW, in Clinton priaog. ia
1 iho Niat dMpntft nrl acinar over gonftstd
1 lhara, if we may baHave an Albany paper.
' Ifa baa been continually making effort*
to aacapa, and ao bold and ofly ia bia coo*
daet tbat extraordinary precaution* bad
boan roortod to to pravant hia anecaad*
' Inn Ip bia effort*. Tba baard and *hi
kar bare been abaead from on# aide ofj
hia face, and the hair dourly n# Prom tba
1 aamc aid# of bia bead, *• tbat on one aid*
1 be ba* hair and wbiekera, and on the other
j aida none. He la alao manacled with ex*
I i tra heavy ebwlna, which will be kent on
' him nntii he *howa a more resigned die
' < poaitinn.
• TIM Mart eta.
raw iau.
i aaaeCartut—Prtatai" M.buiiocLal .If to .I**
rtne aaata,... I*M# if*
wxiad .(u*1.... It I .It'*
' MRMrM tSettto .11 ft .11K
ItTi er kMTMt ran R i w
. I Moral CAM. MM lite
2*5 25
, ssrv
i n*e—XSwm •• aaa a in
e i aaa
we*t-ni Wmm . .. i.u A IN
•• auu lie ft in
, eu-wMmi .as a .aa
' lUeara-etM* *1 5 AO
' rv<ee—Mi* Wmwi 4 1 4 *
I' > * .#*!
, He.o..T7T. 1-44 H .• :
iguar....t. ta • 1.44
• itut* 'lla. 4* 4t a~-.m • w
1 mr— *sj"ftx i
frtwutrcti—Orud* .....If Mraa-fIH,
i ' bant* era* l f
irari. .wii m '
- r*Me.............. .ta 11 .ia
< Viators ru**f........ .14 I I I*
ivtiiurtirtuuaee... ta | .at
1 oraara etwfWor? ii* i If*
. i aMtoiee*... M i i .
1 • oew ia ,:i
. it ma maa. .ft .n
. *'.riuo.
Kara o*m* ... ..... an a a.ta
- aw aaa Aa te
i a tea tie a>e ft t.r>
i Kan ifa ft ftaa
•net-xo. aapr l> ii
, Ouft .* .UN
'Jett........... . A fta
.aa ft tea
, I Iwearr . .... aa 9 it
I • i*ae I. aa A#H
' Rata* tft A tea '
• : a *uia M A *• ]
.•laea-MUfft ft • Ji {
: I turn**- auto .to ft .a*
> j uue-awa A -ea
1 % munti/au.
.. -i- am tftft
' WgAx-Wautors Bad. Itf ilit
r Watte %m ft I.CB
< Ctura-Tallow M m M t
* tailed M ft .40
j ranaucit- crvde —raen* 8 j
j tran Sara am AMA* ;
Ttraxar a. 71 A
r ' mLneuitt,
i j (Vrrts-u< aueeimra- aa • to*
twae-fiw am iue j
f, —...... iw Am i
. ui.M...—. .............. m # a !
( j ..... fti j
, Met fteaut r of folia*, ftftttatft Labor, ftlaiw j
nwefta.Pvabony ft Cheapnera. Unequal#*.
•tan ev *wmna mtano**, ***■ aet
' amora. l.t ra—tara Xxur. ta ,**■* qa actor ft aiarar
. Ma aWutnlH.
i Man art MM ta am*, t* emMw
aa, at l.tir* not* p.i*e4 I"Wy lr. ax-*ftp
, penal l.y **. **Cv.:ar>tf ttaa aey utbar Bwk rultab far
i Vol wee tr* traav* rrtrtL-X* fthaiprwiag
Cton* aad HotW wm. j
t tuouuuim r^aw*
• *•><'> "4 a>m trn. Ua la OaNMI jua| ;
UM. M t*.ah4*Utau par Ik. Tr M.
moatse aoot, Prop're., Canton, maee.
I lay..A*lm.•* tonft. L. ft Wue>e.a>lo O
- ft! W tITH MWM I eOLI.M E -t.ruiwn. ]
8 ftWirij.tx. !•. !W iHUaUM kx MA nt. •
" aaiO r ■ opon M m.M. let Pa* Vhilmm, It
. .eawto. luaweaba MAoinTKSSnr S
| oJaeftto Urai un*. P*. ]
I ! 1 II limit, —a—on ■iwiimtal phpnei— f |fc,
or n*aiibl*t taa*.
mamgm Thea-MTectar
14 A ruae
r ■ lack Tft*
1 r*A AO* two fW flu. .. To*
i; VtoGKt ** Tx* Jir.t.jrtM Vatam.
"*** A"! Iwasle artwleMa net, i
'* WM! juV*ju;^- s - Yort
•! Sal fWITaKr A'Patf
S< mmm
Tho Comfort
AS -■ n t. Tb mil dv<-
of Uu nit**
A?* \ T bl# eliwai4*r om
• I 1 Mtaaaato
| , " i 'U ''''
A4aMa* Ml ■**
eleMaad .aa*,
ii-iui 1 Saaw cat ,
Mm* ta arr
addto— -a-cut. i ' kit'O .a iwipa of HJo*-_
I I fMhuKftr.ftf* ItdWaMW* iftir fte*Yoap.
i Tto Kae ***• to*e *Ui*btwa;Uwa*.WMft
- lOaitaHml:<M*rMii.anim; h* boanUa. j
' tha MdaM end tM iww tta m!**i4K I dlaaioi
mdawenl r* •< n>st' a a atiarbaa at lb* raanl •
1 . nvaatand w •*>■ thoai bwk MtkablrUMn ft aftb
-1 r lA* lb* lOiaWlaft B .r'f>n* tarlrarmito*. nvdin*
. xwtUa. ft Tmm'.Krmvi tr Ktinm An* I
, j utst I rarorolaa th< antra aad raalo.aa l* liaaMi ,
both the Ml >y (M tniM.
I j bOLD BYAti: DftOOOtaTA
: :THe W Fiiof iierica
II Healthful Climate, Free Homes,
, Good Markets.
TUB xoKTnr.Kx rftcirtr ft All-
OA.**™tr Lauada la Oalnl aad
rotara Mlaaxata, ••aaS- -B : 1. tb* i*t o
' Wbaot Ml . A I *>■ i).at I<a. Mr lor tho Mft. w*
I'arna and u ftn : A Rub Praiw Poatoia*. and Itw
aral Mrodaar. an-Mb* Mm. lata and rnooin
■ i ttoalUinal Lbonta. aArr ttam- .M4n<> ,
a.rola aa Pdapw* baato bf too to oartat ta
1 ataarb aa burn K>! om loom or Ontnl Into aa. Uan ,
now roe ibroocb Una U" la (two Ui" Hwannr to>
Potaau Hrtc* ft load ftbae U Irak. *1 ' !o> aa pa.
afto ; flb*r owau. 114 to (4 ft *OVOW V owro' I
CTadll I fatwl'c Uwala . borltaa IbrHrfdl <
i ftood". O'Q Mil, at r, ii'tftaod for U4 at *l.l* i
No alitor oMtnoft Mo - nwiummt .oca. adraotapo. to ■
"mi LtM ft* nodar Uio Row tew >Manrti. tiJT tot i !
.*) onr* IRAK, aoor tho railroad, bp no* aod two i
' TftLftfTroftTATlOW AT KRBVCKb \
ftft-rmttumbai loom a I poiota Kaa. w- t
pnrchaarr* of IJailw d leada. aod u> Srltlan oa (too- ]
■ mill HaoaaoM, Cwrrbawwa. tnftr wirao aoC
rkiklrro owrrdr* fywoorrrtb* Nortborw Poei** Rood, f
Now ia ibotim- i<m Mftilorm toil I ,4oowa W rrt Rail- I
i out lacf. aod Oorarmoral Hoioo.treda ctoar to tta •
Kcnd for l*oa>|.blot eoaltiaiac fall infanaftiaa. !
buk aod taw* ot Nw Homoatral lew. Addrvaa f
Northern Pacific Railroad. '
St, PAUL, Minn., or ,
l&O ProjidWdiT, T j
nature'S \
What is Needed.
Bcarroa. Fob. if. I*7l
r MOO. 1 foood -nru a .
feobl# otmdHieii from Oaaieael DeWber. Vroritxtwa.
•In ntj- rvcwiiooarlrd to aa bj a fnaaf *• had taoa J
■naob aoarfttod br tU or*. 1 proearod tta artiole. aod <
attar nainrwrnl, waa lurtori'd to health, aod
diaeoa* la> >1 Ua oar. 1 fori quite ceoAdeot that there
ia no Dtftlieioe tr-rior (o it (or tbiwa oomp air la tor
whioa U t Mpm-albr prair,d and would cl.r-rfubj
ruooemeod it ta vbaaa who M that ttajr aatd Mtaa
(btac ta nwlor* Uu-m to iwrfaci health.
Ro. lOStaWßWtel. Boatoo.
Gives Health7Strength and ,
My dau*ht*r ha* tae**d graat Ornaflt from tta ua* ft 1
tta VBOBTWX. H-r docllniiqc health waa a aouro* of "
rroat artiftr to all of h*r frt*nd> A faw bottlaa ft tta
Vcacnitajwtoi ow ha, taal'h. u*p tb aod appatita.
S. H. TfLDET In uranca and lira Batata Agent,
- No teßoorrßuildtnt, Boatoo. Maaa.
Heextily Eecommeids. - 1
MA WtrvWlta—mar Nfr^-'ltaratafc n Jarwft' liotUaa 1
of your VkactlXA and aaa oon,in**d It ia arahubl
reran' v for fto, A* uiaay ( mmftmi-l end parww ld Mi
S cVu'hranVtftomamft it ta bl tftnlr bratta
abate eompiaintr.
'""mw'mß rft>B PftftKftft WlAtbtae ■
i fttiftia iaa, lepr fto^aiy.gjg
m 9JTuI !Sg— draywmft Cbrraae KbeuM
hjirwm. mouiftA £2:
gsisnssftSSsSsi£ as
ltarara ft tta MJA ft wtotater
ram er aetare. tit liMraij Jmf
■, em ft tte ftum m e toeftftm ijfAyjJg
; Huen. Oaa totod 8 ra* aadft wftl noetmca me
I mm* mrrrdwtoea ftntftr twraftr* dfttoA
: Ba>ft 4b* WMMiaft era wiyymryp;
issssi rwimsss e'raisryS
i a *• •- .*•; m<o ftju-i ii nif |iHnii liIUNIN?
Lara MM btaad prat, rad to Iftibb tta apftem
* uratafwl Tb -*- liirnitato 1118444 *•
TAtaTSara-i e-erartft ieiwetUto ra 4fth
towamr m
I )tfarftot iff •flfM i J aw* itgwm iy
t UNnnniapinlw—l dtoki CJiiff nj*pi ®
: prnou aed Mramft. *e* ••
I arttm, una baftnCA sad MlftWAta *M bfftjn
bl Ml am rabftft <• panifra 2 "■■•••
mterdaxaitot ihft. tak * toft ft * *!*** • w
tuia bimtAa twlcw a wee*. .
Hiliwaaa. Btekifft. ftl UtarawtftftWft
frrna. W4ftb Itr m ptraatob ft. tta mgrf ft
draft Bft MAto. f^Ptral _Aftbme,
Su^'JS* Wftir tta tmftiMMto ttoragtow rar
; utear tmnftail trlram. la t*ftruram*ftC*
pwraatirr. *rtbm*pwft<Bl laftaiawapra Mara
j Ita tatrtft an ftedad- ai Uft ifti —t wirannta*
" Mm ancrrUuoa of ttftiiwr. a*d iraaaftty aamamc
1 HoftA Rnaipoiftt MwftUd tooft, jtotrr
mSSSSte ggr&amnnra ft Oft toto y
j WatsnsfTitftiaa Brrma to*w
.hoan ttadr eraft eraWHd prwen 8 Uft aaft
' otfttmatc nakmmu caaftt
Dr. Waltaft talUbmla Vlnagur Bta
' tn mc% <m mil Nn* nni M • tiriir wsortn
j ra —fNßra toißaftl Bftf m*mma, mii
sta it awaj iba.tAya ftlib laAratftaiara
I (;|*? ttttaprMMtt- lirpawtl*.! OHP fuPNrtmii pmflt iWllTf
"ni raratrairaaftoTum> ▼?*
riir tptrttei awl maUaftw
1 ft A HUflil VBHU Bin— M tta taft
taSjb* iwra bSSrabhlSSM^rad.i■ AHUM
: tra, ftiraarn. atft towabb .baw luaaftftllra.
i uttft,wto.cmwpAr- ,
I TMr Caeftiii IntHil —Aftamaa.
i ;*eoa Otroturbwßt Uft ayatra. Tlbftr Aetl WW lea
Mraetura nbuxiiat* tta Rear, le lta aarmra ft
idtr. MM R dtatonrea t*ra* tta bttoTT AftftA
I awl atreftrnor be MI Ham*
ft BMjutftFraur. Ftara aed Agra, ftc-..
1 Kwrtliy tea wrap taalMt aittaw to
; fHUtmeg aB tU Bunla wtt* Ctiuta* BBlto
PhVraS CM tea* tali ft a
Pinrttraa -Tbta ft tta tow ra gratg to
tad at bight mwo a half to mm rad ran haW eton
gmNto tairaei
BUM. aaanoe chow ntoi. raaft bwft. *ei <**-
uthtaA aad tab* raMrar Minbii ttay *•
oorapcerd ft praft* fto*a*'"i Mglartlteft, bed
i iftiaii uaraara. NrDO|lu) A CO
nrngmataaad Ore. tw-to *
cMr/ft WaWugte and Ohafltra Ma. N.Y
aou nv" • ~ imrtwera ♦ ratdaraib
>f I 8 AtM* :
_ T - a *** , A?fiW^iLwrara.PA
Iron in the Blood!
Mkl •
Ito PfmrriAWimiCP Bwtfdth* was* errimg,
bod rsptdl iftarwa* try nwplytag tta Mor* ailt
Rtmtr* owv Trrautnm MbMtoSl.
Kmwkia'ii frwa."j* MOtRN uow^rt^tZn,
Rn. m IV, m,. Rew Thft.
Sold by Draggt gruaraaT.
DR. wumn, w,^tL 4 ass* i:
Urm aagapaC aad atoft nwtw-ftul nofilata. ft toa
ago tNotaoHat-oa at raia bU* f *• t'a'l <* rt>*.
ta -ywca** ft nauMlt
tam*4 ear* o**b to y*a bap%
uft ft** to tow taarw d|u
WL\ Veo *
dWry H rid ware RrtaVlx J.-
The Cettynburg Kgtaiyama Water,
a> tar < hr .mi Uaraa*. b ■ <*•* aod raot dU'ft from
tta qrtoal O tt.rta.rA Pawn., ta inraJid. wb-rr*ar
radSaT".-' par w wrfa oaaa ft two dasvo qwart *u
tol.M.A Wprtuaat dlreoeet >u law ofjd'ntya™
and niuuiatona an water tot tbair owu a*. Madtoal aod
•luteal arolrmoa total ta mtulM byJh* ooarrat
Ptatraatooratbarnapoo ibi*p*rw>n*. WWudrwc
l.t bawtb Footgtrrft. Fb-Sd-loM*. -a
Tie Bemris if Texts M.
M at LOWELL, Haft., protea Wm
cipaitot to all uttarx. It a*r ra
. ~ a bi(hr partaotag* tbaa .n;
Haratt Watan, <ll Wt taieai.f. 1-
U1 <ta,<xM ot O.VB rti upnru mahoa, Mauioem*. aad
Ota**, el Mi itrM-rtax* eakft*. lacindint WatonV, at
ai'Wiwwfii Wo. tr*. Araadk, dart*# (Mr w.4; or wiß take
from $4 to #h> mootbiy until paft 1 tta aaaa toJft. an*
rat apt.:ml if t. chaaed A aewllnd ft Ptutato
Obmax. (ha Boat taaatiluf twl* aad parlor tos • atw
MM. an* fHiPiSlhcfitA fl Hai'ilit'i wYo L
Btot tall to proton MIL WIX4LOWI
"I'EETH I \.
'rra^^i s ©HS;S
£s££? v^'ssfbt
SHp tag to tha Bwwato ead Wtad CaHa.
*• Mtoan tta BEST aod SUREST REM EOT IN
twtbiag or aay atbar oaanA
upon it mfttaru, it will git* not to founoboo
HaUet ea* BaaKh to Tear tMHUL
Be rare as* aall tor
- Me. Wiratow** toaabtog bmraftf
•ab* to Ei agglato brt>ttgfcattt to* Wrai