The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 09, 1872, Image 2

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Centra Hall, Pa., Aug. 9., <'-
■— "W
TKRMS.—Tho RxroaTK* I*
Wssklv at fS rer vc*r, In advance, or
whs* not psliiin advance. For six months
ceive the R*ro*r*a one year free.
For President
Far Vioe President
For Governor — CHAS R. BrCKALKW.
Supreme Judge— JAMS*
Auditor General —WM. HARTLEY.
(Vneresmen ai '>
Jas. H. Hopkins JRieh'd. Vaux | H.
B. Wright
DeUfoU* it Lorft to (W
eew#on •
Jeremiah S. Black, . W Woodwarvl.
Wm. Bifler, £ m J- Bai.
Wm. H. Smith. T. R. Uowan.
John B. Campbell, 8.-H. Reynolds,
James Bills. X' a****.
George M. Dallas, H. A. Lam he rum
A. A. Purman, Wm. LCorbett.
Sam Mr's Latter
Senator Sumner has vritten the
promised letter, in reply to oue ad
dressed him by a large number of
colored poeple, who ask his advice
upon the present political situation.
The letter is rather lengthy, which
precludes us from publishing it.
The tone of it is just what we would
look for from Mr. Sumner, and is ia :
accord with his liib as regards the
colored people, and, of course, could
not hare beta otherwise as addressed
African element He pronounces fer
Greeley unequivocally, and proves
him deserving the support ef the col
ored population as their life-long
friend with him, when Gen. Grant
> was nobody, and unknown, and who
only espoused their cause since he
(.Grant) left the democratic party and
joined the radicals to be elected presi
dent Mr. Susanor goea on in thia line
of argument in the most powerful and
convincing strain, and hit letter will
have a tremendous effect with the col
ored voters, for whom alone it is in
tended. He sbowa up Grant's moral
character, his promt-taking, nepotism,
and also his otter incapacity for the
high office which he fills, his outrage
ous San Domingo job, and the many
other discreditable acts of which he
has been guilty.
Addressed to colored men, we re
peat, Mr. Sumner could not bare writ
tea differently, te influence that class
of people, and advise them as to the
stand it is proper for them to take
in the pending presidential campaign.
Under these circumstances DO demo-
crat will quibble at Mr. Sumner's let-
ter and find fault with it. The color
ed people will be guided more by
Charles Sumner's advice, than by that
of any other living man, and the tone
of bis letter could net have been dif
ferent if those people are to be gained
te the support of Greeley.
Nffrtk Carolina
The old North state has repudiated
the white-house smoker. The demo
crat* and liberals, eo Thursday let
iust, made a cleaa sweep of this State,
bj a majority which promisee to roll
up to 2000. Last year North Caroli
na west radical by 10,000 majority.
The democrats elect Mem man gov
ernor and seven eat of the eight con*
grcemen, with a legislative majority
0f73, which aeon res a conservative
U. 8. Senator. This is a glorious result,
and a deserved rebuke of the Grant
dynasty at Washington, showing that
the people are tired of nepotism and
plundering. Grant tried every thing,
fair and unfair, money and promises,
to keep North Carolina in line, but
her people gave him en emphatic re
North Carolina is good for 20,000
majority for Greeley. Let democrats
and liberal republicans take fresh
courage, and give the Graat corrup
tionists a dab in Pennsylvania in Oct
ober by the triumphant election of that
good man, Chas. R. Bockalew.
And this is the way the Tribune puts
it to Grant's besom friend,the affidavit
maker, Carpenter.
Mr. C. 8. Carpenter is the person
who made an affidavit that be had
seen a positive declaration in fsvor of
the payment of peneiens to Rebel sol
diers in a letter from Horace Greeley;
that he road the letter several times
over, and was perfectly positive that
this was its tree purport and intent—
and who next wrote over his signature
that be was net all clear ia his recol
lection about it, that on the whole
probably be had formed his opinion
from what other people told him
about the alleged letter iather than
from what he saw himself, and that
until further notice he withdrew the
statements in hie affidavit! Since
than, we believe, be has turned one or
two more somersaults, and the last we
heard of him he was writing a person
al letter to Mr. Greeley, demanding
of that gentleman an autograph ans
wer to toll whether what Mr. Carpen
ter had sworn to was true, or whether
Mr. Carpenter's retraction of what he
had sworn to was true, —the answer
to be promptly forwarded in time for
bis next imne, and nothing abort of a
foment to be exeeptod.
This foolish person a mistake.
He has no business with Mr. Greeley:
but ho has with the District Attorney.
The trouble with him ie a matter of
peijury. Either he lied in his affidav
it,or he lied in his retraction ; and he
ia altogether the meet wonderful per
son ever heard of in this or any coun
try, for proposing to suspend the oper
ation of his affidavit until the man he
slandered decides for him the locality
of the lie. This is a mess of your own
making, young man. You got into
it yourself. Now pet out f
The picture of Grant, which the
Lewiaburg Chronicle floats at its head,
is an awful terry and sour looking
concern, and the North Carolina elec
tion does not seem to have gladdened
it a bit. Take it down, neighbor, and
pttt it in a corn-field to scare crews.
Addition, Division and Sllcnco.
The radical papers think of mak
ing a point against lluckalew, by
charging that by holding office twen
ty years of his life, ho had drawn
$70,00(Y Well, that's immense, and
divided by *2O makes $3500 per year,
for the services of a statesman of the
honesty and ability of Mr. Huckalcw,
and he remains n poor man to this day
of course, as he never enriched him
self in all thattiuio by stealing.
Hut take llnrtrauft, he, with Evans,
aud Kemble who wrote the "under
stands addition, division and sileuoe"
letter, robbed the people out of over
$300,000 iu a few short mouths, which
they "divided" umoug themselves, and
kept "silence" until deputy attorney
McClure exposed the gigantic rob
Now, then, honest voters of Penn
sylvania, choose you between Chaa.
K. lluckalew, with tweuly years of
useful service, at the beggarly
sum of $70,000, and Hartranft, who,
in a few months, helped to swindle our
state out of $300,000 in the Kvans
- • •
S.J. Bowen, a radical, and ex
mayor of Washington aud ex-post mast
er of the same city, under Grant,
charges Grant, in a public letter with
having cheated him out of $26,000
like a regular blackleg. J/rs liowen,
iu his letter says :
1 intend to prosecute Grant before
our courts, and have made arrange
ments to commence suit against htm
at the next term, when the whole mat
ter will be showu up to the world in
evidence that cannot be disputed.
This affair is only an index to Grant's
private cbaractsr. He is a miserly,
sordid man, and will resort to any
thing else that an honotable person
j would depise, or put money in his
j pocket. By his speculations in Sene
ca stone rings and other scandalous
jobs, through his military coterie
: about tbe M hite House, his presents,
! and farming out of official jtoaitious
\be will leave the Presidency on the
4th of March next as rich as a jew
J • JL _ _ I - _L _ L I
I intend to prosecute Grant before
our courts, and have made arrange
ments to commence suit against htm
at the next term, when the whole mat
ter will be showu up to the world in
evidence that cannot be disputed.
This affair is only an index to Grant's
private cbaractsr. He is a miserly,
sordid man, and will resort to any
thing else that an honotable person
would depise, or put money IU his
pocket. By his speculations in Sene
ca stone rings aud other scandalous
jobs, through his military coterie
about the >\ hite House, his presents,
and farming out of official jKMitions
he will leave the Presidency on the
4th of March next as rich as a jew
and as infamous as he who betrayed
his Lord and Master for thirty pieces
of silver. His habits are of tbe worst
possible kind, and his associates of
are low aud vulgar, and he ia never
so well satisfied as when in company
with horse jockeys, smoking cigars,
drinking whiskey, and "talking hone."
Demoralization and corruption are
the order of the day in all sections of
the country, and these have their
origin Jin the White House and at
Long Branch. Examples set there
are followed by their parasites until
their influence has ramified every
towu and county in the nation.
Greeley will end this in a trice.
A. D. S.
j Here is the addition, division and
silenee letter written by Kemble,
i Hart ran it's chum in the Evans embez
zlement :
HARRISBURO, March, 1867.
"Mr DKAR TITIAN : Allow me to in
troduce to you mr particular friend, Mr.
Geo. O. Fran*. Ho haa a claim of tome
magnitude that he wUhea you to help him
in. Put him through as you would me.
He understands addition, diriaion and
silence. Yours, WH. KEMBLR,
i To Titian J. Coffey, Esq., Washington.
J/artranfVs duebiil for S7OOO, te
; Evans, we published some weeks ago.
This addition, division and silence
| arrangement, of Hartranft, Kemble,
I Evans, <{ Co., cest the state $300,-
"Don't attempt to drive f ia the awo
inspiriag language of the Bellefonte
'Watchman.' It ia hoped no one will un
dertake to pick np Meek, tet him down on
hia head, and then with a tack-hammer
"attempt to drive" him straight through
the earth into China !
The above paragraph is from the
Selinsgrove Times. It bad better let
our "Osceola" alone, or we will be af
ter the Times with a stick.
A party of sap-heads in Cincinnati
have organized the "Nellie Grant
Bines." They will cat;h the "blues,"
double-breasted, by the fifth day of
November next.
The Globe, the old radical organ of
Huntingdon, Pa., last week took down
the Grant <fc Wilson flag, and now
goes for Greeley. These things oc
cur all over the Union, and the old
white hat will take the white-house.
The stampede to Greeley is becom
ing so great that it is thought Grant
will be the next one heard from as di
claring for Greeley.
The liberal republicans and demo
crats, of Ohio, last week, united upon
one electoral ticket. This will knock
the lights out of the Grant concern in
the Buckeye state.
Spotted Tail, the Indian chief, is
•till for Grant. Ditto —Moeeby, the
notorious rebel guerilla leader.
The Clinton Republican mentions
that Wm. M'Kibben, of Porter twp.,
stepped upon a large oopperhead
snake, and jumped awfully. Gen.
Grant is abont trying the same thing,
and will be worse "skeered" and jump
clean out ef the white house.
Terrible, terrible!—Holcombe de
clares he saw Buckalew in Canada,
during the rebellion, and that makes
him out a northern plotter with rebels.
Well, that's awful—this tee taw of
Holcombe. But, what is worse, it
now turns out, that Stanton and Lin
coln sent Buckalew over, with two re
publican senators, on business with
Indian tribes.
But what did Holcombe do there?
The rule he tries to applv'to Bucka
lew would also make him out a con
When in the city of New York a
parcel of scoundrels, calling them
selves Democrats, were detected in a
huge system of frauds on the public
treasury, they were instantly stripped
of power and party honors, and were
arraigned as thieves. In this work
formost Democrats, as Tilden and O'
Conor, took the chief labor, and the
whole party and its press sustained
them. How has it been with Radical
plunderers here in Pennsylvania?
Their party press tried te show that
| "Evans had commited no defalcation
at all," and one of his colleagues, Hart
ranft, was nominated for Governor!
That is the way the Radicals reward
those who commit crimes against the j
1). C. Forney Explains
The New York Herald of Monday,
contains a loug and severe review of
the political character and personal ca-j
reer of Senator Cameron from the pen
of I). C. Forney, the publishsr of the
Washington Sunday ( hrotiicle. Thie
article ia provoked by Senator Came
ron's allusions to the Forneys in a ic
cent interview with n Herald reporter.
I). C. Forney's loiter conclude* ns fol
lows :
When I was iu Harrhburg, a few
weeks ago, General Cumerou followed
inv brother, Wien Forney, and myself
to the railroad depot, while we were
on our way to I-aucaater city, declar
ing that ho wanted to see us both, and
iusisting that we call upon him. We
consented to do this, and when we
went wo fouud him in his library en
gaged in conclave with suiue of the
lowest and worst political characters
of Harrisburg—of the old Fagin school
Bill Sykee and Artftil Dodgers—in
stead of, as a statesmen should have
been engaged, and particularly the
chairman of the committee on foreign
relations, with his books, with Vattel's
law of Natious. At this solicited
meeting on the nart of General Came
ron, he proposed to roc to get Colonel
Forney to change his course of epposi
tiou, but I declined to interfere, re
minding Cameron of bow often I had
tried to make peace for him in that
quarter> and how repeatedly he had
violated its honorable compacts. 1
called to his recollection his conduct
at a private diuoer given by Colonel
Forney, just before tne republican na
tional convention, at which he, Sena
tore Chandler, Anthony, Speaker
Blaine, Secretary Kobeson, and others
were present, when he, Cameron, re
slied5 lied to a proposition to make An
rew G. Curtiu the caudidato for vice
president, that "if that were doue he
would knock hell into both Grant and
Curtin." 1 repeated, in reply to Cam
eron's urgent solicitude, my unwilling
ness to interfere between him and Col
onel Forney, while he cenfcaoed that
the Press was a power in Pennsylva
nia ; that John W. Forney oould have
anything he deeired if he only slopped
lighting Hartranft ; that they would
take Alleu off the ticket, and allow
Forney to name a successor "ludeed,"
said the wily old trickster, "we had
almost frightened Allen into declining
but he has been stiffened by some
body, and is now resolved to stick on
the ticket." To all this I merely re
plied that Colonel Forney knew his
own business, and could conduct his
own fights; but that so fsr as I was
concerned, I intended to stand by ray
own blood in all their honorable strug
gles far right and justice.
At this same dinner referred to his
abuse of Curtin and every other inde
pendent man in the state was so in
sulting to the hospitality of Colonel
Forney that even Cameron's personal
friends who were present protested,
and expressed surprise at his arro
gance and dictation. He even went
so far as to stats —backing it up with
a strong adjective—that no man should
be recognised politically in his state
without his consent; that he had con
trolled it so far, and could, if he de
sired, transmit the same power to his
I have made this communication al
ready too long, but give me room for
a few mors words.
The republican party is sure to be
' defeated in Pennsylvania in October,
. | and Simon Cameron's personal rule
■ jand political prostitutions are the caus
■ oe which will produce the disaster. It
. f is the only way for the people to g'
I rid of him and break up the vile com
| biuation which he calculates to fasten
on the state after he [descends to his
* grave. It is the only escape from his
Eollutions and the plunderiogt of tbooe
! e has trained as his followers. It is
the only way to light up the dark pla
' ces in the financial aflkirt of Pennsyl
vania ; to cleanse its auditing office;
j to fix proper guards around its traasu
. I ry, and prevent its chief magistrate
, from being made a vassal of the clan
. Cameron. A republican defeat at this
, | time, I admit, is a fearful venture, but
r | the tremeodous influences demanding'
, it in Pennsylvania are like the knife of
J the surgeon, which cuts deep into a rot
, | ten part to save an entire body frem
II festering corruptien and death. I re
joice to feel, therefore, that the people
of Pennsylvania are moved by such a
spirit, and the people of the whole
country will be glad when this oorrupt
ring is sent to the grave of Tammany.
Yours, D.C. FORNEY.
Gen. Banks Declares for H. <.
The Reruha of the War MuM bo Edab
lithed by a Union of Men of All par
Boston, August I.—The rumors of
the defection of General Banks from
the support of Grant and Wilson are.
confirmed by the following letter :
Borrow, July 31.— Dear Sir : I|
have the honor to acknowledge by this
note, in addition to our conversation,
to address the citizens of Lynn onThurs
day morning in support of tha re-elec
tion of General Grant and the policy
of his administration. No invitation i
could have greater weight with me
from any part of the country, nor from
any portion of my follow citizens, and |
it gives me great pleasure to assure 1
you that nothing could be added to 1
your suggestions as a representative of !
the citizens of Lynn to induce me to ac- '
cede to the request. Their kindness to
memanyyears since is a continuing life \
remembrance, and nothing would i
give me greater satisfaction than to !
renew the associations with thsm, but i
I regret to say that I am not in ac- <
cord with them in regard to the presi- 1
dentin! canvass. Against my wishes •
and my personal interests I am oom- I
polled to believe and to say that per
petuation ef the present policy of the j
government is not for the advantage of)
the country and that it will not tend' 1
to establish its former good and *
prosperity nor to promote the inter- i
est* of any class of citizens. No per- '
sooal feeling of any form orjcbaracter \
enters into this judgment. is in r
view of general principles and public i
interests alone that I am led to this
conclusion. The uniting of the mass- r
as of the people of all parties, sections "
and races in support or the ground re
suits of the war is indispensible to the •
permanent establishment and general i
recognition of those results. It can J
be secured by no other means. We i
shall all be forced to this conolusion 1
sooner or later. This united action
upoa this basis has been the hope of '
my life. I fervently desired it dor- '
ing the war and in the reconstruction '
of the states after the war. I believe t
it is now tendered in good faith in the
Domination of Mr. Greeley, and for '
one I cannot reject it. It was what I
desired. Its consummation, although f
sudden and startling, does not alarm I 1
me. My duty to myself and my i
country require me to' give him my s
support. I cannot advocate before *
your friends a different course, when £
neither my judgment nor my heart 0
approves. It grieves me most deeply
to separate myself in thought or act £
from any one of those with whom I tl
have been so long associated, to whom f
lam BO greatly indebted ; but I be
lieve that the result wjlj justify my b
notion in giving to tbe country peace
nrni prosperity which ia th* object of
nil our Inborn, and secure to tvery
loitiwo tbn civil nnJ political equality
and freedom which was won by tht
sacrifice of M many valuable liven
Accept the aiuranee of my laatiag
friendship and esteem, and believe me
youm, etc. N. P. HANKS.
To Jamee 8. In-wit, eej., Mann.
Houcnt Volm, Do four IKily.
It is a consoling fact that, though politi
cat life is alarmingly corrupt, there still
are well-meaning and honest v-ters In beth
parties Tliejr mean to wield their ballote
tor the go- H! of the country, It Is to such
that 1 appoul.
llonesl voters, upon you has (alien a sol
sum duty. Since the Republic was organ
ised, there never existed such a singular
conjuncture of public affoirs. It I* a pain
fol picture for the iwtriot The chief of
Uie nation, by his greed for pratewt*. hlw
mysterious conneetion with lbs "Rings, '
military and Senatorial, his Inordinate de
sir* to sma> wealth, has set an aaamplsle
hit subordinates all ever the load, to per.
niciuus and dlslructiv* te the public good,
that it is tints for honest voters te pause
and think. It is te this example of Oraut
that I trace so much of the official ourrui*
tion in ofilec. Every where the peoplerry,
"Down with the party thieve*." Every
where good men doubt the eeatiausnoe ef
the Republic, btetes complain that their
debts are enormous, cities groan, tewnsam
leaded down with taxes, and the peer ri*
up in strike* against thalr employers.
What it mean 1 It means political
robbery by party loaders Beth partiae
are doubtluea guilty. But the party in
power always feeds upen the public. Thr-e
constant takings of public meeeyt increase
taxation, make the poor poorer and there
for* strikes The example of tirant reach
es te the meanest office in the gift of the
poop's. "Ifthe president holds* office t*
amass riches, why shall I be honeat and
stsy poor? I'll mnkt the most of my of
fice. This it tb* solution of the moet of
[official corruption.
Then the simple que.tien for honest vo
ters is to chuee an honest man for office
whether it be great or small. Let office*
he stations ef |Hiblie honor, a* in former
time*. Once again the privilege ef pl*
ing upright men in office it ours. Will w*
doit? Ye*. But, you ask, who are they ?
There is tbe difference. At thie point
come in our prejudice*. O political pre
judice ! What a host ef evil thou hast en
tailed upon this country I Hew lender* of
! parties have uut in slavery their adhet eats.
How independent man has b*#a merged
-into the abject slava Do you not eea,
I honest voters, whe are th* guilty ones?
'can you explain tbe cause of Grant* can
any one account for his conduct except up
on the dishoneety and avarice of th* man ?
Contrast liuekalew and Hart ran ft, who
*is the honest man ? Who is clear of sus
piciens ?
Buckalew, in office for twenty year*, bos
in character for honesty as clear a* sun
; light Uariranft, in office as Aadilor Gen
eral, is accused, by men of his own party,
of conniving nt th* Evans Swindle. Free
from prejudice, 1 read his record, hat I
cannot explain how he, Hartroaft, could
deliver to Evans, the swindler, n million of
dollars to collect from th* government
nt the enormous oomra lesion of ten petvent
j urn. 1 can not explain that he knew of
Kvan* s swindle, audited his amounts, re*
exited a loan of seven thousand from him
through a Philadelphia baa her, and yet
did not bring him to lust ice until he was
j compelled to do so. 1 have read all tha
j vindication* that I oould lad. Bui this
man Hart ran ft cam net be cleansed of sus
Oa the other hand, Buckalew is. to my j
certain knowledge, poor. Public oficee
never made him extrevagant or rich. He
(is poor. That is more srgumeat to me than
a car lead of • perches and document* He
is an henest man, the nosiest work of Ged.
Experienced in office, learned la states
manship, a lover of hi* race, boeeet above;
suspicion, be should receive the support of
every hone*t voter in the state Let us on
ly have two parties—one for hoaeet men,
tne other for rascals and blackleg*.
Honest voters do your dot*.
For the Reporter.
A Trip to Iwtor Cltj.
A few mornings before we bade fhrewell
to Gettysburg, its historic hills, and elas
tic shades, w* look a drive to "Little,
Round tap,'' "Devil's Den." "Gulp's ;
Hill," snd the "Nations! Camelry," about
each of which we may hate a word to say i
i hereafter. We took our departure on the
morning of the 6th ult.a beeuttfol hut'
" warm day. Maw hare and lb are t b rough
York and Adams, busyf farmers reap-'
ing an uausually slim harvest- Many
ilelds were destitute of every vestige of
what had been sown—naught but weeds
could be seen. The scenery evrywhere
through these counties is attractive, often I
grand and imposing. The country is roll- I
mg, and on all tides are mountain range*
hounding tho view. Cetuetry hill, smith
of Gettysburg is noted for the beauty ex
tended sn>l varied sceaary which it afford*,
and for tho -nrpatsiiig grandeur of its sun
>eu and sunrises, boutn lueuntein, run
ning in a north ea4 ami south westerly
direction, allows tha sun to aet full and
clear behind it without being intercepted
by any apposing hills er trees ; aad Pig
eon Hills on the eeetTgive e beautiful sun
, rise—specially grand and heaulifol to on#
who rises only aetimea to see it. Wear
rived at York n little before noon. Dined
gt the city hotel of which a Mr. Rom is
proprietor- Judging from observation
aad tha anu>uat of dinner WP ate, this eity
can boast of one good stepping plaee at
least which it more then can ba said of
seme towns. We would like to speak of
the enterprise tod business spirit which
characterise this rapidly increasing town,
of iU many due dwelling* SAD IUOWIWI
churches, iu workshepe end the general
wealth of the piece, hut spec# will net per
mit. On leaving York lee acxtdev for
Leofiesler city, sew, ea we peaeed, the
(hop in which tgo bey* bed been burned
to death by being knocked upon Iplalee of
red hot iron, which *u occeeioeej |y the
bursting of n Urge fly-wheel. The shop
itself we* half blown sway. Hie
country between these two young cities
pghibite unmistakable signs ef rich uses
sad fertility. The crops ere good, and
everywhere you behold Urge end hand
soino barns and beeutifui fx>y*es. Land,
in consequence of the fsoijiias of market
end trade, cemauads the riri hjgb-;
price. Both these ceunties an thickly set
tled. We crossed the "bine Susquehan
na," on the newly rebuilt bridge between
Wrigbtsville ana Columbia which was
barnsd down to present the rebels from
crossing. Columbia is fktll of life and busi
ness—will soon bass a quarter of a mile
of rail reed shops now building by the
"Pa. Central Co." On to Iwnoastsr at a
fearful rates where we arrived at 2:80 P.M.
Wo here now penetrated te the heart the
"Warden of the State"—are in the eity, see
iu centfal tjfp sf}d suburban beauties, for
here a number of the aristocrats have
built themselves line mansion! Oft |ha out
er portions of the city, visit Its plaosrof
of interest and attraction aad come awav
in hot weather and pronounce it "splend
id." Lancaster is an old town, out a
roung city. IU founder dates book to the
lays of rovalty, for its streets bear the
James of "King, (Jusen, Duke. Prince,"
J:p. It now numbers more than 26000 In
abitf&U. bfsU ef tbe flnast court house
n tbe state, has UMf Una churches—fur
jishes considerable support'jfc Franklin
ind Marshall collage, and prepare? sfu
lunts for oollego la the fiign Baboo)
rhere are alto two beautiful cemeteries,
'Lancaster ' and "Woodward 11111.'' one
in the Northern, the other in the Boutk
irn part of the cky. In the latter IU the
■•mains of Ex. Pres. Buckanaan aad Rev
W. V. JUotwald aad la lb# former Use
[levnolds, who fell near Gettysburg in the
IrSt 4w> tight. Te his memory is roared
i beautiful merlin atysft around the base
n which are ngraved tfcf MMRM "Fort
Brown. Monterey, Hum,a Vista, Diiajurl
orsvil/e, end Gettysburg"-Urafewar*
jtbers too. Tn an out-of-the-way oetne
ery, Hon. Tbad. .Stevens is buried. Here
ire said to be ao restrictions oa color -all
Jury here. By his side should be buried
he negroes with whom be lived. Our vie
t was made thrice more pleeaaat by out
Meads who reside here. Oa lbs 9th, a
tarty was getton up to go to Litis, awater
i>g place of somo note, • miles north of
Lanjbfftor. flora we spent the afternoon
it croquet and fouipg ml that was to be
een The spring fuji jhp grinds for
nc-nics and promenading ira Ida sly.
)ur trip back to Lancaster, was a delight
hi one—plenty of foa and some singing.
Next day at 8:10 we tiide adieu to Laa
■aster and hasted away toward BellefonU
tearing with us pleasant recoilectioas of
be place and peeple. We rolled along at
, rapid rate; soon a storm arose and passed
saving everything refreshed aad considsr
dy cooled. Oa, oa we hurried up aloug
asks of the Susquehanna, whose scenery
t* equal to that of almost any other in the
UH , Hudson excepted. Tlie high knoba
( mountain which Jut out Into the river,
[ha deep gorge* that Ha between, and the
[eng. blue line ef water that mm* In tbe
range of vUlen ran srareely be uasurpass
d But the .hades ef night are thicken
ing and the MM and comfort ef n greet
arm-chair i* a "Pullman ?parlor" <ces
tioaed oms aleepy sensations which era
mora attractive for the prevent than a
dark Indistinct icene without. Ho here
we go I Good night. I). W. F.
Homer Urtelry
J/i a I Alter Atctfiliny the Haltimorc
NEW YORE, July 23. —The follow-'
ittg ia Mr. flreolry'e letter accepting
the Hnltiiuuie nomination, in reply to
the letter of the committee eppointed
to notify htm thereof:
NWW YORK, July 18.— Ueulletucu :
Upen mature delilrtralion it aeema fit
that 1 ahould give to your letter ef the
10th iuet, tome further and fuller re
sponse than the batty unpremeditated
worda io which 1 acknowledged end
accepted your nomination at our
meeting on the 12tb. That your con
vention anw fit to accord ita higheat
honor to one who ha I been prominent
ly nod pointedly oppueed to your par
ty in lb* corneal and sometime* angry
courteveraiee of the leal forty*yeera te
essentially noteworthy.
That many of you origtanly believ
ed that the liberal renublicana ahould
preeent another candidate for Pram
dent, ami would mere readily have
united with ua in aupport of Adama,
Trumbull, IHi via or Brown, ia well
jtnowu. 1 owe ray adoption at Balti
more wholly to the fact that 1 had al
ready been nominated at Cincinnati,
and that a concentration of format on
auy new ticket had been proved im
Gratified aa 1 am at your concur
rence in the Cincinnati nominations,
certain aa I am that you would not
thua havo concurred had you uot
doomed me upright and capable, I find
nothing in the circumatance calculated
to inflame vanity *r nouriah aclf-cou
ceit. But that your convention aaw
fit in adopting the Cincinnati ticket,
to reaffirm tbe Cincinnati platform, ia
to me a to u roe of the pro found eat sat
isfaction. That body waa cooalrain
ed to take thia important atep by no
party necemity, real or aupnoaed. It
amy have acoepted the candidate* ef
the liberal republicana on ground* of
ita own, or it might have presented
them, aa the firat whig convention did
Harrison and Tyler, without adopting
anr platform whatever.
That it cbuae to plant itaelf deliber
ately by a vote nearly unanimous, up
on the fblleat and clearaat enunciation
of principle*, which area! once inooo
leatibly republican and amphatically
democratic, gives a truatworthy assur
ance thait a new and more auepicious
era ia drawing UJMQ our loug distract
ed country, some of the beat years
and beat iflhrt* of my life were devot
ed to a struggle against chattel sla
very, a struggle none the lees earnest
or arduous because respect for oouati
tutiooal obligations constrained me to
act for the moet part oa the defensive
in rebalance to (be diffusion ratlier
than in direct efforts fbr the ealiuUion
of human bondage.
Throughout moet of tboee years my
1 vision was uncheered aod my exertions
were rarely animated by even to much
j at a hope that I should live to tee my
country peopled by freemen alone.
The affirmation by roar ooavenuop of
| the Cincinnati plalii rm is a meet eon
elusive proof that not merely is sla
very abolished, but that its spirit is ex
tinct ; that, despite the protests of a re
| spectable but isolated few. there re
! mains among us no party and no form
' idable Interest which regrets the ever
; throw or desires the re eetablioament
of human bondage, whether in letter or
|in spirit. I am thereby (ratified in
my hope and trust thai the first cen
tury of American independence will
net cloee before the grand elemental
truths on which its rightfulness was
baaed by Jefferson and the continen
tal coogreas 0f1776, will be no longer
regarded at glittering generalities,
but will bavs become the universally
accepted and honored foundations of
our political fisbric. I demand the
prompt application of ikoee principles
to our existing condition. Haviog
done what I could for the complete
emancipation of the blacks, I now in
sist on the full enfranchisement of my
white countrymen.
Let me my that the ban has just
been removed from all but a few hun
dred elderly gentlemen, to whom eli
gibility to office cam be of very little
consequence. My view contemplates
not the hundred* prescribed, but the
millions who art dromd the right to be
ruled and represented by men of ibeir
unfettered choice. Proecription would
be absurd if these did not wish to elect
the very men whom they are forbid
den to choooe. I have a profound re-
Erd for the people of that New Eng
id wherein I was bora and in whose
common achcob IFW taught. I rank
BO other people above Uietn ip jpfclli
geoce, rapacity, er moral worth : but,
while tbey de many tbinge wall mad
aome admirable, there ia ooe thing
which I ana sure they can not wisely
and aafely do, and that ia tba effect
ing for atataa, remote from and uaijke.
their two, of tha parson br whom those
sUtes shall bp rspressnteu in congreaa
If tbey oould do this tp copd purpose
then republican iostitaUoai ays unfit,
nod aristocracy the only true political
system. Vat what have we recently
witneesod ? L Vance, the unqueftioaed
clioice of a large roiprily oj the leg
islature of North Carolina, a majority
backed by a majority of the people
who voted at its elsction, to whiob be
was fitirly chossn, and thair legislature
thus constrained to ebeoee another in i
his stead, or Isave the state un rep re
sea ted far years. The rotas of Ntw (
England hare thus dsprived North
Carolina of ths senator of her choice,
aod compelled her to seod another in (
his stead; another who, in our late ■
ooutCßl, B'ff, Ijjte Vance, a rebel, but *
who had not served in coagjasy before '
the war, as Vance had, though thelat-j,
ter remained faithful to the Union un-j
til after the cloee of his term.
I pretest against the disfranchise- \
went of a state presumptively, or a .
number of states, on grounds so nar- j
row aod technical as this. The fact
that tho NIW/J £cp&te which refused
Vance hb seat, prt>< t udsd to IMjoyc
his disabilities after that seat had been
filled by another, only serves te place
in a stronger light tha indignity to
North Carolina, and the arbitrary and
capricious tyranny whieh dictated it. i
I thank ysu, gentlemen, that my
name is to be conspicuously associated t l
with youn jp a determined effort to a
render amussty compjaif Ifxj qnivar- 11
sal in spirit as wall as ia letter, lev en
defeat in such a causa oonld leave B
nothing, while triumph would rank b
with those victories whieh no blood u
reddens, and whieh ovoks no tsars but
those of gratitude and joy. Qentle-
men, your platform, whieh ia also
mine, assures me that democracy is not ®j
hstipfity-Ui to stand for ooe thing and j
republicanism foy Jjpefhrr, hut that
those terms are to mean in iwlitics, as
they have always meant in toe diction- ®
ary, suUtautially one aad tha sains
thing; namely, equal rights, regardless to
of creed, clime or color.
I hail this as a genuine new depar- "
lure from outworn fluid* and meaning
leas contentious in tbe direction ef pro
gress and reform. Whether 1 shaft be
round worthy to bant the standard of
the great liberal movement which the
American people have iuangurated ia
la be determined, not by worda, but
by deed*. With me, if I steadily ad
vance, and over me, if I falter, ita
Cod army will move on to achieve
our country bur glorious, benificent
To Hou, J. 11 Doolittle, chairman of
the con vi-ulioß, Messrs K. W. Hykaa,
J. ('. M'Call, and others ef the com
7Vie h\rc at HunUnr't faint. J/ona
New York, July 30.—A very de
structive fire ia raging at //ueter'a
1 Poiot, Long 1 aland, and a number of
. boats have bet* burned. An oil yard
is en fir* near the Loug Island rail
| road depot, which is threatened, to
gether with the depot of Flushing and
' North Shore railroad. There ia a
1 very high wind.
hive large tanks ef Naplha and re
fined mil, each oootaiaing five thou
sand gal iona ; fifty thousand barrels
1 of refined oil, fieor ship and canal
boats, ladeo with oil ; a phosphate
| factory, oil works. Astral ftorka, and
surrounding buildings totally con
turned—Loss Fully #600,000.
♦ '♦ e -
Alexander Johnson, father of Kx-tiev-
I trnor Wn. F. Joknaea of this state, died
at hia residence In Weetmoralond county,
son* day* ego, at the ndvanred age of
, ninety-nine years.
,- —•
L'MICAOO, July SO. —A terrible steam
boat explosion occurred on the Mississippi
river, about on# o'clock this afternoon, two
mile* above McGregor, lowa. The raft
''bunt Janus Mllburn, bound up, etpleded
her boiler with fearful effect. Of twenty-
Ive persona that were on boerd oeiy ten
are saved, ae for a* ceuld be ascertained at
tbe latest account, and several of that# are
i badly scalded sad otherwise Injured.
Mill for Bele - The undersigned of
fers his 10-korsw power steam engine and
Oeyter separator, end Ahorse power **-
- floe and shingle mill, lor tain These ma
, chine* have only boon run two yuan and
, are in good order. Terms easy. The ua
' dersienod will acoompany the purchaser,
i If deal rod, to iestrwet ia the use of the
risamc. Apply to
! July MS fit Aaroiuhurg, ra
Allegncuey Street, Bellefonte, Pa.
D. JOHNHON A HONS, Proprietor*.
The proprietors offer to the traveling
public, and to their country ft lends, first
1 class accommodations and aarafol atten
tion u> the wants of guests at all times, at
, fair rates. Qsrwfot bustlers and good stable
ling for koreea AA esoelleat table well
served. A Bar supplied with fie* liquors.
Servant* well trained and everything re
i awisito in n first class Hotel. Our location
f in the business port of the town, near the
Poet Office. the Court House, the Chur
i chas, the Bank*, and the p incipnl places
of business, renders it the most eligible
place for lhaee who visit Beltefoete on bust
><wS!?32hh will carry passengers
and baggage to and from all trains
free of charge.
; Grand Opening
FOR 18 78.
1 where he ha* opMMwl with a very large
l stuck of the latest styles, both (hocy and
r Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni
, tare.
: qf all kind*.
[ All kinds of repairing does with neei
' new and dispatch having four good wror*.
- men at the bench. 1 am prepared to do
f all kinds of custom work, Ino or ooramoe.
Thankful for past favor*. I hope by strict
attention to burin so* you and everybody
I sleo will show smiling them at my new
. wars rooms.
' A not' and complete Hardware Store ha*
| boon opansd bjrjW ItßftjtfCftttl Ipßrock
. srhotT • new building— wheretlsyare pre
' pared toteilall kind* >f'Holding endHoue*
Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Btssl, Nails.
Buggy wheel* la setu. ChampionClotbe*
Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Han*
Siws, Tennon Saws, WebbSaw*, IceCreav
rscsers, Bath Tub*. Clothe* Racks, a ful.
assortment of Gla**andMirror Plate ofal
siaas. Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrows,
Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Hpokaa,
and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov
els, Spades and .Forks, Lock*, Hinge*
Screw*, Mask Spring*, Horss-Hhoet, Nails
Norway Rods. (wis. Lard, Lubricating.
Coal,Linseed.Tanuars. Anvils, Vice*. Bel
lows, Screw Plates, Black*mitb* Tools.
Factory Bells, House Bell*, Dinner Bells,
Gong Bella Teaßells,Orind*toneaOsrpen
Ur Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Can*. Paints, Oils,
Varnishes received and for sale at
Centre Hall, Ph.
Has on had and for *ala at the most rea
sonable rates a splendid stock of
and every description ofWsgont both
warranted to be made at the best and most
durable materials, and by the most expe
rienced workmen. All work sent out from 1
the establishment will be found to be of '
the highest claa* and sure to gino perfect
satisfaction He will also have a Ave as
drtAmt tu
of all the newest and most fashionable
style* well and rarefolly made and of the
best material*.
An inspection of hi* work I* nsked as It
Is believed that none superior can be found
la the country, augSAtf.
• •
Wooden Pumps, '
The undersigned would respactfolly call {
the attention ofthecitixens of Centre county, j
and Pentuvalley in particular, to the foot !
that he is manufacturing
Yi |||? ,
made at home or elsewhere. He uses none a
hut the best material, ax VAIUITI THE* ,
to give satisfaction, a* being tha most last
ing and durable, surßßioa TO THE OLD
wooden pump, being arranged to let the
rater off and prevent Ireeamg in winter. 1
Pine, poplar or cucumber pumps always
>a hand. His matirial for pamp* is all
•wad front larga timber, and are thus
Bocu red against Checking or Crack i ng.
All orders by mail promptly filed.
PIJfJNU, mads of the best material, of (<
Iveinclr ki adtling, joiuad together with a
ioupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and
aairanted to stand any pressure required
'or ordinary use. Prices of piping range *
torn 13 to 18 cents per foot. Mend orders to _
The Deinocrecy of Centre county I'enn'a
in county convention met, Hr-..U,.l that
the following new ruts* be adopted for tin
future government of tbe party In said
county :
1 Ist. The election* for delegate* to rap
i resent the different district* in the annual
democratic county convention, shall be
I held at the usual place of holding the
R •weral elections for each district, un the
aturdsy proceeding the second Tuesday
r In August, in each and every year, begin
lug at two o'clock r. M. of said day, and
> continuing until five o'clock P. M.
i find. Tito said delegate election* shall
be held by an election board, to consist of
the member of the county committee for
such district, and two other democratic
t voter* thereof, who shall be appointed or
designated by the County, Committee. In
ens* any of the person* so constituting the
• board, shall be absent from the place oil
I holding the election for a quarter of an
. hour alter lh<> time appointed, by Jtuie'
[ Firat, for tbe opening of the same, hi* or 1
I their place or placet, shall be filled by an
| election to be conducted firm *oe, by the
democratic voters present at the time,
fird. Every qualified voter of the dis
! irlct, who, at the Instgeneral elat-tion vol
, ed the democratic ticket, shall be entitled
10 * ,oU .£ } he . delegate election*; and
iaajr qualified elector of the district who
will pledge hi* word of honor to support
the democratic ticket at the nest general
election shall be permitted to vote at tbe
I] fith The voting at all delegate election*
I : shall be by ballot; upon which ballot
•hall be written or printed the name or
. names of the delegate or delegates voted
• for, together with any Instruction# which
the voter may deire to give the delegate
or delegates. Each ballot shall he rocelv
. Ed foom the person* voting the same, by a
member of the election board, and by him
I I deposited In a box or other receptacle
, prepared for that purpose, to which box
ror other receptacle, no person but the
members of tbe election beard shall have
; ftlCl—l
fith No iniiructiatts tbsll l*> received
"jor recognised unless the same be voted
I. upen the ballot a* provided in Rule Fourth
i nor shall such instruction* if voted upon
[ the ballot, be binding upon the delegate,
unless one half or more of the ballots con
-1 lain instructions conoerning the same of.
•tfioe. Whenever half or more of tbe Ul
,! |o|s shall contain ineiructin* concerning
Jnny eflce. the delegates elected at such
- election shall be held te be instructed to
1 support the candidates having the higheet
I number of vote* for such oflce.
i fith. Each election board shell keep aa
accurate list of the names of all persons
. voting at such election*; which list of vote*
I together with a foil and complete return
_ orsuch election containing an accurate
| statement of the person* elected delegates
i and all instruction voted shall be certified
, by said beard, te tbe County Convention,
- upon printed blanks to be furnished by
|! the County Committee.
| 7th. Whenever from any district, qual
ified democratic voters, in numbers equal
te five times tbe delegates which such dis
; trlct ho* in the County Convention, shall
complain in writing ®* *n undue election
;or false return of delegatus or of instruc
lians, in which complaint the alleged tad*
' shall be specified ly *pt forth and verified
I by the afidavU of o&e or mora peraeno,
i such oemploinanu shall have the right to
conteet the seat of such delegate* or the
. validity of tuck instruction*. Buch cotn
, ulnint shall be heard by a committee of
.five detente* to be appointed by the Pree
l! ident of the convention; which said com
. mittee shall proceed to hear the parlies
ptheir proofs oad allegations, and qi yr
, a# may be, report to the poaventien what
I! delegate* ere entitled te seats therein, and
,; whet instruction* are binding upon such
| delegates. Whereupon the convention
i shall proceed immediately, upon the call
! of the yew* and neys, te adopt or rgject
. the report of the contesting parties. In
, which coll of the yens and neys, tht Ramos
, ef the delegates whose seats ore oonleeted
. or whose instruction, are disputed, shall
be omitted.
. fith. All delegates must reside in the
district they represent. In case of absence
I tor inability to attend, substitutions may be
made from citizen, of the district.
ffitk Hsilawatas nvsiaf oknw tke i 5..*...
- VUI. l'eiegate* must obey the iriitruc.
tions given them by their respaotiye dis
tricts, and if violated, it shelfbe the duty
; of the riresident of the Convention, to cast
i the vote of such delegate or delegates
| in accordance with the instruction* ; and
the delegate or delegatesso offending shall
ba forthwith expelled from the Cuaren
tion. and shall not be eligible W> ny tdfee
or place of trust ip ike paity for a period
iof twoyear*.
l(Xh. In Convention a majority of all
the votes shall be necessary to a nomina
tion ; and no person* name shall be ex.
eluded from the list of oaadidste* until
alter the *t*th ballot or vote, when the
person receiving the least number of votes
shall be omitted and struck from the
roll, and and so on at each successive vote
until a nomination is made.
11. If any person who is a cad id ate for
aay nomination before a county conven
tion. shall be proven to have offered or
, paid any money, or other valuable thing,
11 or made any promise of n consideration or
reward to any person for his vats or inlu
[. ence, to soour* the delegate from any die
trict, or shall have unbred or paid any
money or valuable thing, or piomisod any
consider*lien or reward to aay dele
gate for his eote, or to any other per
son with n view of inducing, or securing
the rote* of delegatus, or if the same shall
• be done by any other person with the
knowledge and uonsont of such candidate,
_ the name of such candidate shall be im
. mediately stricken from the list of oandi
a dates, er if such tact be ascertained after
his nomination to aay office, and before
4 the final adjournment the nomination shall
r be struck from the ticket and the vacancy
r supplied by a new nomination, and in
either case, such person shall be iaetlgible
to any nomination by a convention, or to
an elertion at a delegate thereafter. And
in case it shall be alleged after the ad
journment of the convention, that any
candidate put in nomination, ha* been
guilty of such acts or of any other fraudu
lent practice# to obtain such nomination,
the charge shall be investigated by the
County Committee, and such stops taken
as the good oi the party may require.
I'Jth lf.ahy defeggte khall receive any
' j money or other valuable thing,' or Accept
'the promise of any consideration or re
?i ward to be paid, delivered, or secured to
himoriany person for such candidate,
las an inducement for hi* vote, upon proof
'iof the fact te the satisfaction of the oon
! ven lion, such delegate shall be forthwith
• expelled ; and shall not be received as a
' delegate to aay future convention and shall
1 be iaeligible ia any party nomination.
' 18th. Gases arising under the 7th, llth
' and Ifch rules, shall have precedence
' ever all other business in convention, un
-1 til determined.
—— 11 - ! I
engaged to manage for I. L. Reixeastain,
in the corner building, ojmoalte'Hoffer's
•tore, Bellefonlc, has established a new
Clothing Store, where the lct bargains in
(bo county are offered.
$7.50 to sls for Suits of the fln-l
est Cassimere.
and a foil and complete assortment of ev
ery thing in the line of Clothing. ,
Ural's Furuiniting deeds
all directly from their owu manufactory.
Jewelry, Walriira, dke.
They hava ongaged their old clerk, Mr.
A. Sternberg, so well known to the people,
and who will be pleased to see nit old ,
flrionds. apfttf.
Piece goods of every inscription, told
low to enable everybody to have hit cloth- J
ing inajje to order. 1
tan af administration on tha estate
... Catharine Rankin, late of Potter twp.,
dee d, have been granted to the under
signed, whe requeaU nil persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having de
mand* against the same to present tnem
duly authenticated by law for settlement.
julyllftt. Administrator. '
Manifhetsrer* sf and Dralen
The Cement is of the very Besl
Quality, guaranteed to be Superior to *
any in the State. "
All orders sent by mail should be addrss-
W P. MMBNCS, Agent.
P. O. Box, 16, Bullefoutc, Centre Co. Pa.
16 July It
• O. NMNH, A. ~ * CTTM .
Now Firm- -New Eotorpm.
4Httociwon lo li. O. Demi MUX HI
Ri li . h * v * t * k n chart# of
nrnan. T,f ÜblUhni..,rM.d
r 0,1 '• m ° ~od,r r# "
h ™ wn hnnl,Bd will make to
TOM 118 *
wl' X and price.
W mo ik e best grades of marble-
... ~T . RUTLARB A<%.
T y P* rfi,el assurance, "Oar
work U our reference."
1 ris^V®*** 4 f Hriettc " l
No 6 llrockcrlioff Row, Belle/ontc.Pa
Pure Wine* and Idqitora for medknl a I way* kepi. may 81. 7*
<n R
O Bellefonte, Pa., 2
g* (Suecaators to IRWIR a WiLao*. J L
r Respectfully inform Ibe clliaae* of <1
£ Centre and other counties, that they **
< have one of the largest and beat to* *?
b leetodstoek of Hardware Lobe found, ®
jr consisting of Iron, Steel, Nails, £
j Horn# Shoes, Axel* Spring Wagon r
. Skein, and Rosea, Complete .t<x * of
u carpenter tools and builders bard- O
S W ~ o c painu, glass, vnr- £
a nithes, brushes, cucumber primps end *"
tubing. Lamps af all kinds, scales,
g BUtlery, 2
Pull line of saddlery and coach ma*
ker* goods, wood work for buggiee
and wagon., plough*, harrows, cutti*
O vetor* and grindatonaa. Looking H
At flaxww and mirror plate*. Picture g
-r frame* made to order. They alae *
j have the eelebrated cook store, *6
ac every one warranted to give perfect £
F aatiamctioii AH Mud. of *pertor *
£ stores. We are deUrminod to sell r
lowest price# for cask, or oa )l
L short credit—not to a a coed three S
m* months. Cell end aee us, na we take J
—'vlaSiTdisfe. a
> marlttf. Bellefonte, Pa. j E
1 i
Gift dc Fiory's
New Shoe Store !
They hare now opened, end will constant
ly keep on hand, n splendid stock of new
men, women and children, from tba bast
manufactories in the country, and now of
fered nt the
Lowest Prices.
y BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upot
t sbert notice. They invite the jpepl o
, thie vicinity to five them a call, a* thai
1 will strive to merit a .hare of their pal
j ronage. myltitf
Dealer in
:j ? u wjyy 14 s
"I Parlor and Chamber Sets,
f Particular Attention to OiSlered Work.
la All Its Bmochee,
- A1 wayt on Band, and Funeral, Attend*
r With an Elegant Henna. apUi
1 Stoves! Fire! Stov'a
[ At Andy Reetmaa't, Centre Hall, aft
1 la teat and beat stove* out, ha has just
received a large lot of
>■ Cook Stovoa, the Pioneer Cook,
1 tbe Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PARLORS-The Radiant Light, self-fee
i der, Oms Burner, .National Egg,
J ewell, dte.
- tiM-Hr salts stovas ae LOW as any when
I la If iin or fc>. -MW
f Tha undersigned hereby informs tbi
' eitisens of Pennsvailey that ne has pur
i chased the Tituhop heretofore carried w
i by tha C. H. Mf g Co., and wilt coatiaei
I tha same, at the old stand, in all its branch
as, in tha manufacture of
AH kinds of repairing done. Ha hai
always on hand
Fruit Cans, of all Sites,
All work warranted and charges reason
able. A share of the public patronage so
licited. AND. KEISMAN,
SaepTOy Centra Hall
Railroad O. K.
HeMfccher & Cronmlller.
Have just received,
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard
ware, Queen* ware, Wood and willow ware
Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magaiflcoat
assortment of everything
and now offered at prices lower than
the lowest
Dress Goods
A most beautiful variety, consisting of all
the novelties of tha season,
white goods, embroideries, hoop skirts,
All we ask that you will
stiver plated and Yankee Harness double
and single, bridles and halter*. Apr 1
Are tho Sole Proprietors of the
Celebrated T. T. Kinsey Patent
Copper Lightning Rod.
Also nianuhciurefo of
Of every Deeriptioa and ef the meet spyrov.
eg Style.
AH orders for putting up Rod a and Vanea
will rtceirt prompt attention if given to
Agents for Centre County
CENTRE HALL, PA. Apr 12 if
; Furniture Rooms!
respectfully inform* thr citicen* of Centre
••••*/. lll k# ha*constantly on Mind and
make* to order, nil kinds el
1 TABLES, Ac., da
His stock of ready-mad# Purnltu re ialar.
and warranted ergood workmanship and .
nil made under his ownimmodiateaupen *
■ion, and is offered at rates as cheap ael*
\ where. Tbankfal for pest favor*, bo soli*
its a continuance of the same.
Call and see hi* stock before purcbaair
elsewhere. _ _ epffTiriv.
."*• 1 ■ * IflftN
. Attorneys nt Lew. Bellefonte,
OMc , on the Diamond, nest door to Car
man's hotel. Consultations in Herman Of
: *fi febu*<*tr
JOHN Fl't.Tl KK. Alternsy SISST
Collections promptly made and spec is
attention given to those bating lands ot
property for sale Will draw upend bat.
acknowledged Dsn* G Mortgages. Ac. Of.
flco in the diamond, north side of tlx
court house, Bellefonte. rwtiCCUtf
iißvnr nnocßßßMorr, j KSIIOKRT.
I rrMid#m, Cubitr.
(Late htlliksn,fluiT.r ACo.)
And Allow Inter. t,
Discount Notes,
*i -.. Buy and Belt
Government Securities, Gold and
ipioasf "aawisi.
| AM. M'HANlffi.
! u Bells r . oseptly attends to nil bu
i ine ** entitled to him. ju!B.itf
DP PORTNIT, Attorney at Law
. Bellefonte, Pa. Ofßce over Bay
acid's bank. marld'CTtf
a rronxKM-A t-la w,
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Penn'a. npdhtf
IRA C. MITCH ILL, Atterncy nt Law
■*%>/<""■ Pu. Off - in Uarmsn.s
ROW building opposite the Court Ht u...
ffsssuar en fAe Admmm.
C. H. Guteilua,
Sargon aad Meclutakml Doalffrf
who is permanently located la Aarotuburg
I la tbaoMca formerly occupied by Ifr. Riff
and who has been practicing with eetlv*
succoft* —having the experten -e of e aumbea
of nwra in the profession, he wouid curdf
elly invito all who have as yet .'not giver
bunin oelt. to do so. and test the tfuthfelaee*
j of this naaettion. gp'Teeth extracted
without oein. mayterwtf
Attomeys-et-law Ofss SnConrad Bows
Bellefonte,* Pa.
. . J- :P. GIPHART,
with Orvia A Alexander, attend, to eeller-
in tba Orpluus's Court.
T>OQTB, large stock, alT*iyles,;aises and
13prices, foe men and boys, lust arrived
nt Wolf well known old Maud.
Chas. H. Haid,
dwelt, Vntckmaker dk Jewries
Millheim. Centre co., Penan.
ResuectAiliy informs his friends and th*
public in general, that he has just epeer.
at bis new establishment, above Alrxaa
der*# Store, and keeps constantly m band
all kinds of Clocks, W atrhe# and iewelrs
of the latest styles, as also the Mamnvitk
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a
complete index of the month, and day el
His month and week on it* face, which it
warranted at a perfect time-keeper
WW,Clocks, watches and Jewelry re
paired on short notice and warranted.
srpll ■♦;*; ly
■ \f ILLIHS HOTEL, Woodward, Pa
" lip. Stages arrive and dpsrt dally.
'y This fsveroe hotel Is now in every respect
one of the most pleasant country hotels in
centra] Pennsylvania. The traveling coat.
"" munity will al ways And the best aocommo
dation. Droverscan at all times beaeeom.
modatod with suites and pasta re for any
numberofcattie or horses
Julyl Gtnf GEO. MILLER.
• raojrr, nrsnor St. , Beliefonte.
Tha subscriber respectfully call* the at*
tontion of the public to his esUbUahm at,
J where be is prepared to furnish ail kind* of
' Foreign and Domestic Lienor*' wholesale
st the lowest cash price*, which are warren
tod to be the best qualities according to
their respective trices. His stock coasista
t of Rye. Monongaheta, Irish and other
Whbkies, nil kinda of Brandies. Holland
Gin, Fort, Maderia. Cherry, Blackberry
. and other Wines—the heat articies—et aa
reasonable rates as can he had in the city,
Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Ginger
and Carre way Bundle*, Pure Jamaica an J
New England Rum, Cordial at nil kind*.
He would particularly invite Farmers, He
ft tol keepers and others to call and examine
his large supply, to judge few themselves
and be certain of procuring whet they buy,
which can seldom be done when purchas-
K ng in the city.
" BF"Fhysicariar.'respectfully requested
11 o give his liquors a tnnL apIO
On Marriage.
Essays tar Tsa&fMea, on 6XXAT SOCIAL
EVILS and ObSSS which tntertare wit*
Marriage, end ruin the happiness ef thous
ands,—with sure means or relief for the
Erring and Unfortunate, diseased and de
bilitated. Seat in sealed letter envelopes
u free of charge.
No. 2South Ninth St.. Philadelphia, P
r octlKly. 1
;■ The Chcpast,
" purest, best.
it On Allegheny Street,
Coflce, Ten, Sugar, Byrup, Dried Frau,
Canned Frail, Hams, Dried Beef,
Salt, Pickles, Butter, Floor,
Corn Mot), Buckweat Flour,
and everything us only kept in a well regu
- latod lrtt claj- Grocery Store
mart.tan HUHL* GAULT.
Vy Jonx SranoLsn, Proprietor.
Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all
poinu, north, aouth, east SndweaL •
BTORE * ' ■ '
Bishop street, Beliefonte, in the Stone buil
ding iorrnerly occupied by the Key-
Takes pleasure inlnforniing the public that
he keep constantly on hand a supply o>
choice Foreign and Domestic Liquor*. „
AU Barrels, Kegs and Caste warranted
■ to contain tke quantity reprceented. |
The attention of practicing phyticians i
I tailed to his stock of
I suitable for medical purpose*. Bottle*,
jug*, and damiiohn* constantly on hand.
WHISKY in town.
All liquor* are warranted to give satis
faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart,
barrel, or tierce. He ha. n large tot <w ,
Of the Aneat grades on hand.
ConAdent that he can please customer
he respectfully solicits a snare of public pa
ttonage myldt
I 1 HE undersigned, determined to met the
A popular demand for Lower Price., re
spectfully calls the attention of the public
to hia stock of
now offered aUho ll'ltJajf ' Designed es
peciallv for the people and thetim-s, tholar
f*t and most varied and complete assort
ment of
Saddle*, H&rnese, Collar*, Bridles,
of every description and quality; Whips,
and in fact everything complete to a Arst
oJaM establishmeßt he now offers at price*
which will suit the time*.
Beautiful f ollet Se^s,
Chamber Path, die.,
Per sale by
aprX. tf. WMt M'MANIGAL.
NfiTlCK —
Notice b hereby given that tbe ac
count or Robert Valentine (Committee of
Elisabeth Stone, a lunatic) has been Aied in
the Court of Common Pleas 0 f Centre
Ceunty, and that unless exceptions are 01-
od sc., .aid account will be continued at
August term of eeurt next.
July ly n Froth on otary.