The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 09, 1872, Image 1

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    Jaaette., i
• I wis VM Oi village tMtctl girt,
lL wlt ths hir. Ifns ? * ehurl ;
Hat into our live# thi r# dropped t pes rL
■v drove the kJne by meadow and dale,
And searched the hollows in every vela.
For a lower of lore, to tall the taie.
A daisy, waieu white,
Lay on my b resit when fell the ntsht.
And the stare shone down with a teuder light.
• lie to the plow, and tto the loom -
Tilling and Vailing yet love may hlooiu,
And fill oar heart* with its sweet porfeni*
• Heart of mine. I have watted long ;
Ufe and love aw a p.Mt's aottg ;
Life ia Seeling, but love la atrong.
Twaa lonely waiting, bul God kuew Wt;
Lay me now by my love to rest,
A spring-u two daisy np-va my breast.
Why f
Berth, thou art rerfect and fWir ;
Ltfe, thou art rarttewt and sweet ;
Heal, thon art rightAtUy heir;
Is not thy rapture complete!
Why, ftvmi the motnfeld jay*
That hn< to the morning of day,
Front sorrows thst strengthen snd sate.
Turn'it thon, e\prctaut, away T
I stand in the frvih morning Unl* ;
Dew-stirs in the gran at my feet;
Ituda ami white (doom in my handi: * 1
About vja awer-t soug-pulsce beat.
Front jte far depths of the sky
A. twywl and roseate dawn
Tinting the hilts at d the aea.
V*mtb with Its whore,
Time with its treasures untold.
Toil with its promise and cheer.
Love that wid never grow oold.
Tet out of this sweetneee and srwrmth i
1 tad*, and I fellow afar
A voice that is vague as a dream,
A hght that ia taint ts a star.
Mystery waveth her wand
Over the knowledge I crave.
And the shadow that atayvth her hand
Howeth ®wr a grave.
The Old Couple.
T3sry aat in the son together,
T the day waa aha wt done.
And then, at wa ekwe. an angnl
t*t#pped over the threshold atone
He folded ihwr hands together,
He kxacbed their eyelids with halm.
Ami their last breath dotted upward
Like the duee of a solemn paaim.
Like a bridal pair they traversed
The uneeen tuy-tical road.
Hist leads to the Beautiful City.
Wbuee Bander and Maker w God.
Perhaps, In that mirwrle eenntry,
Tbsv wid her loot youth back.
And the flowers of a vanish* d spring-time
Shall bloom m the spirit's trash. t j
ttae draurht of Ihe Bring waters
Shall reetorr his cur.hood'a prime.
And eternal years shad measure
The love O-X owtfiww time.
Bwl the shape* fbey hit behind them—
The wrinkles and s'lwr hair—-
Mle sacred to ns by the'kteee*
The angwi imprinted there—
WVII hide away ia the meodew.
Arisen the sun ia low in the West,
, Where the moonbeams eatmct find them, !
Ivor the wind disturb their rest.
\ But well let no telbtale tombaton.,
With ita age and date, arise
O'er the two who are old no longer—
In their Father's House in the skies.
Two women sat together at sunset in
the porch d->or of n white cottage that
stood under its " ancestral tree,** among
ita fields of wheat and corn, like a poet's
vision of a quiet resting place tor some
weary raftering human soul.
And ne <>t tbsro tw women had eyes
to see.enrs to hear,and a heart to feel and
appreciate it all. 9he waa a tall and
stately lady, apparently some thirty years
of age—not exactly handsome, hut with a j
grace of air and manner peculiarly her own.
The careful toilet, the nagneleas air of.
elegance and luxury, the jwde cheek, the
a.#t white hands betrayed the city dame. I
While the weary glance in her dark hint
eyes, which evert tire quiet of that sunset j
boor could not drive away, showed that
time had not dealt gently with her and
her hearts'* idol bat hid thrown them,'
Mattered aad ruined, at her feet.
Her companion waa some fire year* her ,
junior, ami many times prettier—a little
• round faced, apple cheeked woman, with
dark blue e es and dark brown hair, and |
a rounded figure that was set off to the ?
best advantage by the afternoon dress ot
tinted muslin that she wore. ;
At present the pretly face was almost
spoijwf a sweraio* diHrttfemed ex-i
press ton. She wa* contrasting her own
hand, pftWjp ami small,but certainly rath
er brown, with the slender white tinge:s
of her city friend, ail glittering with rings.
41 Just look at the two!" be exclaimed
" That eomee ef making batter and cheese,
and sweeping, and dusting, and wrehing. 1
dishes, and making heds all the time
That man told the troth that said that j
woman's work was never done. I know *
miqe never i*. deal! T think ,
that yon. Margsfet, shptld hat* married!
a cfty merchant and be as rich as a prin
cess in a fairy tale; and here 1 am ilaatn!
for life, pli Mrs. Iliram Trk. and '
nothing in the worldxo compare with you. {
1 am sick of tiring oply a farmer's wife." t
Margaret Von Howtl* looked down at
her grumbling liule lriend with a sad ,
smile. • •
" Jenny, It seems to me, as we sit here l
in this qaietplaee aad look ot over all
these pleasant fields that are your own—
it seems to me that you are almost wicked
to talk like that."
"I dare say, you woald never like U>
Margaret. Ton would never wish to
change places with inc."
"Perhaps not. Would you not like to
change with line?" , <
"Yea." / I'
" And be Mre. Vou Howth instead of
Mrs. H train Parke f"
Jennie hesitated. She dearly loved
her handsome husband.
"Well. I don't mean that I want to
give op Hiram. I enly mean that I wish
he was a city merchant instead of a far
mer. and as rich as your husband is ; that
is all."
"And that is a great deal. Jenny, if
your wish could be granted, do you know
what your life would be?" said Mrs. Von
Howth, coldly.
" What yours is, I suppose. What any
lady'sis in your position."
" But what is that life ? Do you know?"
" How should I ?"
"It is a weary one, Jenny, with more
genuine hard work in it than all your
making of butter and cheese."
"Oh, Margaret!"
"A nd oh, Jenny! believe me, my dear
there are no people on earth who work
harder than the fashionables who only
have their own amusements to provide
for. A long, long life of mere nm •-
ments ia a dog's life, Jenny, at the be -rf'
" I should like to be convinced of i by
actual experience," said Jenny, doibt
"So I said and thought once. I hare
been so convinced. And it is ill vanity
and vexation of spirit, my dear."
" But how ?" persisted Jenny.
"How? Indeed, ten thousand ways.
If you live in the fashionable world ,
you must do as the fashionable world
doe*. You must rise and drees, and (
hop and lsnoh, and dress again and ,
drive, and dress again and appear at cer- ,
tain balls, parties, concerts, exactly as ,
your friencs do, or be veted bizqrre , and ,
out of the world altogether. Tod, my (
poor Jenny, who are by no means fond ,
of dresa, what would you do at a fash
ionable watering place in the hottest
days of August, with five alianges of
toilet between morning and night, and
a French lady's maid to tyrannise ovei
yon all the time into the bargain ?
" Hovroral" ejttcula'ed Jenny.
" Bolls that you mu-t go to in spite
uf fatigue, parties that you must go to
ia spite of th* heat, ealls that: you
must make en people that you detest,
•h, Jenny, I would far rather be at|
n J T U *- rTI "/ 11 - lL - 1 ~ I •i* i 1* • 1 W „ i* ■ •
i♦ is- ■ 1 " * rf' o " .''* ' *e - -'site , "'limtb oct wl Ui • u * •' * a > r i f #.
' 11 *' , lu. *ItI <lt vtlHl ftftf If? TT 'lftl ' ' ti '■ , ' t i • wl*m
FRED. KURTZ, Edifor ami rnprietor.
j homo with the bettor and choose if 1
were you.' v_ 1
I Joniiv waa silent. Here was We aide
of the bright picture which she had uev.
or Mot or druatued of befbre,
• You love jour hps l .*ml. Jenny?"
Said her friend after a time.
Jenny opened her eyes wide.
"Live him! Why isn't he my bus
band I" was her reply.
Mr* Von Howth laughed.
"Some wotn-n in sovietv tuighl think
( lhat a rowana why you sWuhTn'i love
ihlwl" aim said drily. " .Vnd tja loves
] you also f"
'* I should die to-morrow it' I thought
he did not."
" Tut, child! People leave this world
w hen Ukl wills it, uot before, ldarc aay
yon would survive his iutid<4rif. Many
women betore you have livfil through
such thingw,"
"IXiu't talk of it, Margaret; 1 conkl
uot bear it. Why. lie is all the world to
me! How could 1 lear to lose BP*
"Then don't wish hiui to be a city map
| chant, my dear. 1 dare say there are
many good men in the ctry—men who
love their wive —hut, on the other hand
■ there are so many temptations, espoctally
in society, tlrnt I toaelituce wonder, not
' that so utany go astray, hut that so rnatty
, remain true to themselves and their duty."
Site *|M>ke absently, and her eyes had
a faraway glance aa if they dwelt on oth
er things.
Jt-nny ventured a question.
" Margaret. yours a happy marriage?
•Do yon love your husband? And does he
ilove you f"
Mrs. Von Howth started aad turned
"Jenny, 1 woald have loved hitn, I
would have been a gmsl wife to Uitu, but
! he never hived me. He brought me to
' place at the head of his bouse because he
' thoucbt u> ladylike and interesting, that
, was aIL He told me once, thongb net so
I plainly an this. Am! since then we have
each taken onr own way, independent ol
the other. I seldom see hint alour&inse
in town. 1 have my carriage, my dia
monds and my opera box. In the seutson
i go to Saratoga or New-port, while he
favors Long Branch with his presance.
We are perfect strangers to each other;
we never qnarrel, and I suppose If I were
to die to is or roar he'd • an ife-ousolalde
wide war tor- a \m-k. Jeffny. you will not
wish to change places with me agtun.
Change a# Ifiifte has
•lone, ek(Mied to the same temptation.
Thank Heaven, you have him as he is, a
gisal true man. who loves you and nfver
siind the butter and cheese, Jenny so
; long as yonr happiness aad his i made
up with fhem.
She rose from her seat and strolled
up the garden path.
Jenny did Dot follow. She sat on the
step lost In thought. The riddle nf her
friend's life was at last made clear to her.
She had wlten wondered why Margkret. in
the midst of all her wealth and luxury,
should seem so sad, she wondered no
longer now.
To be the wife of a man who hpfl no
love for you. What "lower deep'' can
t here be than this for a proud and sensi
tive woman?
Jenny turned with tears in her eyes to
meet the stalwart husband as he came
from the field.
"Yd. little womtn." he oried and then
she gd the hearty kiss for which she was
! Ya. Margaret was right. Th# hotter
'and cheese were of little consequence
while love like tlis made her task easy to '
| And the rnav cheeked little weinan
lient fondly down over her "Hiram" a* lie j
dung himself down on the porch seat and
fanned hint, brought him lemonade, and
made Mm thoroughly bappv and at rest. j
PoorMArgaM! Happy Jennie! N'ev-'
er again Wouid she wish to be more— ,
, only a farmer's wife.
A Singular Monarch.
1 The cruelty of Neda Kant, Ring of,
\Or a, towards hi* female subject* wa*
qptable A strict *nurrvis : on wa* iu-ot
woM of hiMraj|iifi,'tiMn>i- s
crucify mi them was ultimately the cause
.of his death. J' seems they were forbid
den t4 upjH-ar at the windows of their
own homes or to walk out even iu their ,
own gardens after sunset. The Murk'l
makers were forbidden to make coverings
for feet, in order that they might |
not be aide to travel abnut. ■
1 Towart? the last of his tomliJe reign
when his eomwpe was to pass through a
sea[i<t town n feiu ile cfti iy w is ported
, in one of the ptinripal ftrm U.
.standing in his very ore-ence, in groat!
orderisl his guaras to mlvance and
'sever her head fr, m her body, Upon
approaching to execute this order the
, imposition was discovered, and the
cuards conveyed thin fuct to the ocou
of rqval carriage Xhpw
•ThgAl Ncda Kant tliat be ordfrSl the
town to be leveled and its inhabitants
put to the sword. „
It was fired In several places, bat the
frantic inhabitant*, goaaed to despair,
defended their homes with nil the fury
of lunatics, and thus the battle lasted for*
uearly a week, when having gained but
alight advantage, the king (a onward at
heart) withdrew from the coutest Tritb
the lam of nearly half his lorce. He
even sent word to the besieged that he
bad not ordered {ullage to commence and
endetvMrcdvt* nraiviuco th-m Of the
trnfti of his assertion tiy slaying the com
mamlnr of bis guards: but injieality
fttftn dagrii at Ixfing (Rfi-fltil
in his murderous at'nck.
K<-tki.ig to his eauitaj tli'ymost
inglhnotts struggle. Ire ftswirr ntpimded
; his own wife, ni.egiug ttiatvlie with all
her sex were to blame because the tiflhir
was first brought about liy a female ofligy.
Well indeed did the queen understand
this conduct of her brutal consort; w<fll
did she know that from that time fortji
her own life wasiti danger,and site deter
mined to avert tlie impending Mow by
being herself the first to strike.
To tbid end idle consulted with an offi
cer of inferior griiric, attached foHhe liexly
gfjard. who had recently fallen under the
king's displeasure, representing to hitn
Uk danger both were in, and promising
if he wonld aid in aendtDg the monster
by " quick transit" to the otlter world,
he should be placed high in {tower lor
(nc balance of Iti* life.
, The offer was accepted, and the services
qf two trusty servants were procured by
the use of a large sum of rcudy money,
and further encouraged by the promise
of future reward. Each was armed with
little vaUej at the tear of Abe palace, to
which tie king oiOti r sorted, tccom
panied only by a single attendant, for
the purpose of bathing. While here h.e
was set ft poo, tbo attendant put to flight,
and Neda Karn kilJeil while in the act of
disrobing. And thus perished, nf the
early age of 42, one of the most infamous
inonarclib tjiat qver sat harimriiMi
thfione. MeanHnie, the soldiery, tne sMp
support of all deqiots. had eitlir been
effectnally weaDea or bongnt over, and
the young prince, then scarcely 12 years
pf age," ascended the blood-stained throne
bf his father. f ,
ft is an interesting fact, not generally
known, that the " sign language" of
all Indians is the same, or nearly the
same; so that if,a man meets another,
belonging to a different tribe, he ia able
to converse with him by means of sighs,
much in the same manner that deaf and
I dumb people converse with one another.
I j A Muhism In * Turkish Hath
M. 11. 8., the qprigltllv lady cwmiv
. j |Hind>ul of the Missouri RrpMw*. Inn
tieeu liking a Turkish bttlh iu New York.
- j and don't like it. Her#'a abut *lu *y
of it : We were divested of every sritoh
of our clothing, onr rings and hraewlwtt
locked up. onr twrk hair taken oft, our
owu special jHf.,vsai(iu of seventy-five v r
a btindrxl bain made into s lillje hirvuht
t! pill and impaled with u hair-pin. That
f 1 was the only token of eivilocuti.m W
, IkiosLhl. The prooeaaion formal. At
j the door we were haudvHl a miniature
! ahes-t and a liltl# bit of s|*mge wet with
cold water. Through a passage wc wentbi
1 a rootn, where wa drooped our slieats
f ' and entered u \ upor that clothed i*
r j decently. 1 wonder the /Vice tfaMtk or
, the /Aiy'* l)uin<f.i havou't hit ou this
bnsinetM for illustration. Wtß, iu this
] 1 tlionght I would suffocate. It
, < {mured up and down through holes till it
was dreadful. The use of Ihe wetj>mgje.
. 1 1 her# ascertained, wu* to )<utou the top
,{*>! your head to prevent tvujuk *'vj#,
,j or sotue such dire ronpUM. Th y
j wouldn't let me out, and the temperature
f got worse and worse, and I Ivgtm to
. think of my mother and an #liitwury
r ' notice in tho R-pWiV<i*. w hou we wore
• (jironoitnevd cooketl entutgh. and let out
i uito a room iu which waa a mighty tank
. iof cold water, through which you must
snolc or swim as you could. Ctwar's
ghost ! I dew through iL My anatomy
( and physic logy were heated to a boifjug
( poiut The waU'r seemed like ioe. Jt
J M>nt kite bled rmhiug to my holkiw
I head (I'm convinced I have no brain*), i
and my heart came kerflop up ftod went
| kerchunk dowu. I made up tuy mint!
this was the worst of it, and tried to be
I had Leu and aereL
' lied iu th# vafior room till 1 waa aearitie-l.
I stood on the brink and watched my |
companions splashing through the inter
nal tank. One of 'em, to expedite L-<
' owti release, caught at my
away went my aoapv, &lippor> fe#t from
, tinder me, aud iu I went fur a scuotiU
time. Hvr very near un ete! wus tie*
'happy oonueeti>n between M. H. B.
and th# St. Lor is R'pubtiw nt At IM>
1 next stage of this truly uwful experience ;
we reeeivevl the "shower," I had tM>
' become couviueed that I should never
',* nome or frien.ia again. Is a caltu
- devqwir I walked under a sdi<l column of
water, that nearly broke my twek. and
I jut here I got mad. Th tl fat atteudaut yet recovered sufflctnfly to make
' a complaint, and when the tiun wouian
I weut L (ore Judge Dow hug, that gen
th-man said it was a conspiracy; that n-.
woman of my aims unaided c#uld tie
such damage. He told the woman to gv j
home and say Hotliingvabout it ; for sin ;
had evid DUy L-eu dnw.l fully drunk, j
and underLtkeu to walk through acwriw t
; cleaning inaehinc. Aud that's th# tirsfcl
and last Husaiau bath 1 take.
Maimers of the Day.
, i A writer in the Chicago Timtt vlq. |
t pi ores the lack of courtesy iu lajw [
and illustrates a-s follow* :
You atop into a jnotice's oflioc. A i
young mau sits near t-noagh a deak to j
make afoot rack of it, reading a paper, j
Yon are nftiw the justice, and yon a-A.-
in a tone, j-reatly moJu!afxl by exf n-'
ence of fviraier rebuffs, if ho ia in. Yon
stuud iu waitiug until the ywung mat
has tintdn-l his paragraph, when he
kindly gives yon th# beuefit of a <ftumai
inspection, and resuntre his mper, ip- j
' chlentally remarking that be thinka not.
Pnt upon, hut not discoumgeJ, you i
; resume : i
" When ia he likely tr> be in ?'*
, Feebly, "Can't sav,'* dvvmrmg an-
I other paragraph alxmt A hoy beingrdtau--
;ed up by a dog in lowa. J!S ,'chrftbt j *yoq may safely ask another j
J question, you still muster up courage eft-1
j ougli to enquire,
" Where would I Im> likely to dud him/' i
Without looking up,
i "In Milwaukee."
• Irritated at this cool trillljifj with ymtr J
1 time aud patience, you d-m.and;
"Coulifyou uot have ani l as mtu-h at <
| first ?"
Imperturbably, "If I'd been asked I j
could, old boy."
[ And you, who had thought yourself'
[ aide to stand before king*, retired fhmt
i the prt-seuct! of this biXd, bruasy Liy, !
! diseoinfit- d.
i A genxlt-rnan of my aequaintanco of
the very finest sensibilities, and one U> i
whom a word is severer thrm a blow,t
weut with a lady friend toft great depot |
in this city to help her off on a journev. J'
lie weut first to ht.Ve her baggag# cheek ,
j ed. Foiating out tier trunk to th# mau
ui charge, the only reply made was tin
"Ticket r
Not comprehending exactly what was
muunt, bo stood a moment, as one will
who is in doubt, expecting an explana
tion. it etune :
"Go and gel your ticket if you want
to get your baggage checked !" roated
thi-man, Tn the coarse, bar!! ton# of a '
My friend got the ticket and returned.
Thai trunk was put ou the hcak- aud
pfovetl to hp over weight
" Dollar !" ejaculated the man.
My friend, you kuqw, innocently snp
p-jeft.l tba: Jmggag# weft with the pas
scngdr Without extra charge, and there
forethought he wu* being defrauded. .
rio lie said :
" I think TH not pay the dollar, I'll
fake the trunk back and send it by ex
press. "
" No you wou't," said the baggage
man, "yon'll pay the dollar."
And he did.
Robinsox CRrsoK-What a stranfce thing '
it fnitte! Few persons know the names ot
the great men and crowned Leads ot En
rope in 170*. Yeteveiy child has heard of
Alexander Helklrk, a Scotch sailor, who
was wrecked on the island of San Juan in
that yeax, returned to England in J 709.
and told his story* t# Defoe Out or these
tales of a traveler grew the marvelous ro
mance of " Robinson Crusoe." On thp Ist
of May of this year Prof. Agassiz visited
the isLipd He found prelweperaoaft, inclu
ding several children, living there. They
are bountifully snpnlied with meat, vege
tables and fish of all kiuds. Yet thev must i
at thnes feel themselves prisoners in their j
little continent of ten miles by four.
Srwoota.—The total number of schools
in the United States and Territories of
the year 1870, according to th# returns in
th# last census, was 141.f12ft; and the total
number of pupils T,200,938, The income
of all these schools, for the year ending
June 1, 1870, aggregated 8i>5.402,72fi.
The schools in New York State the same
year numbered 18,020, with 28 918 teach
ers and 802,022 pupils. The income of
the New Yorkglho< ®rßl
at $15,03fi,788.-VrfrilrfiWiWftfl tT! Wfa fie
ri we 4 ff*s e p4Awinti(*fcfjr>l.o29 from
tftfsiinn and pnhli<- lunofj mni ■><*>. 111,028
from other Son fees; inoindfng tfffrion;
A new plan of dealing is - behnft Mntro
duc#d into the retail grocery irado of
England to indue# cosh payments lor,
groceries, and also to mako pew custom- !
ers, which is said to be a dccidhdsuccefis* i.
It is styled th# " bonus system for cash
payment for groceries," and consists in
allowing a bonus of two anQ a ball, peg
;cent., payable at the end of six montuij, I
on all cosh purchases made during
that time. Here is a hint to some of our
own entm-primg meiphtnta.
■ " 1.'... i ' " -
The fust of Yachts.
lftnpsfiuiHtciJ by yachtsmen of promi
nence and experience, ray* a wrtb-r, tlmt
tho pleasure tftchfct of th# New York
Club alouc uuiat ftav# c##t ncftriv t?2,fi(ld,-
(IVU, whileU>o flcot- of tho vritob- countrv
vail alojut ftJ-UtAi.tAH). I'll* yachfa of
; thr lln-.Uyu ClebcoalßJi'.LV. Atlan
tic. 84PO,OtKi - Hud uQ otherv, iu Now
i Yprk Buy idmot The Eastern
f ftitli,"of Boston flarigtr, i very walllty,
owning tfe-Ms vulHl' r t s4t#h(w.
The I Wat cjuas of tln-ftt* ve#sefti ewunot L ,
luult and *-i)iiipprd fur Lim thaa a
ton, or about 65.U0U for a sloop of X>
Pmus lb# suioUeot cmft whteh uan L
son-trm t-d with due regard to coiaferl
,'0%4 convmyqpo# IU a eiuu#. Yaclit
.' builders declare that a roopiy cat't. large j
' enongli to accommodate th# avigg^c.
grown {H-reop, cannot be attaint J in j
vmmm-L ot Mnaflwr ftiujiag#. A crew pf j
; tiv# men in netvanary tu man sitcti n
Jachf, and tlu-n# rt>t, during the Sum
?h#r cruLo of four months, at least ftlBU |
a uioutti. ft ft necessary to employ onu i
#f the crew on at eft-aril during the u L>k
yswr, in onter ttiat th# yacht ugy Ih> ,
iakru mm of. TO# -x]*##!•#.- far food ,
are to L- iwkk-d tu oil this, so that tl#- j
oßiUM*ucut is dc irly LtughU
. Thtwa figuroa gj\# only an iudiriinct!
ii#aul liwowt oi Lrg#r yachts, ill#!
famous HmriotU wassohl, oftorJnw u-i-i
uaiph in ILM. ivh*n qnit# an <43 vwywi. j
having mm it rough s-rvu-# in th# oivd,
, for Hr former ogtwrJ
Aatiu-wGtirdea Hematft, Jf„ ltniuAdlab Iy ]
ftoftj-M the Fhxt*ing, on# iff tli# ves-;
ii'-L which te had l>o#4#n to tU# Amnms •
dead-<ff'iriiii4#t ih-wwo rso#, fur ftlS.tsitt I
and h-cbrisU-nril h-r the D.iuuttcaa. It I
va this Magnificent vesael wlth'h was i
tieftt' n in the ocean race of 187R by tlw ,
Engtieh-buitt Cotuhrta, which ago. sold i
the mmo year Cr KJO,OOO. Tlif Jt-w.lute
j of M-. A. 4. il oak. tl* auuiUrot and op
or tli# waet iff tjm sfhomfer-!
viwlrtf of flic New York Club, Long 1 If* >
thus bflixktt. <**t Lit sh# vw I
built in War time*.. Th# Lev cat eh oooer i
voolit in th# country, the Hupph# of Mr j
Dougift'fe. eosft much less I bun this pro
; tiorutiiniiiy. Yaehta built in thft excel .
tliftit utauach stvl# of the## endure for'
BMiiy yeaift. 'tlify rq#r grow -ml of!
fashion, or mt|bc'(S>tlita by new-mod
els, for art of jta.-Jit-liuil.iiug im
prove.-* with rook yrar, but tbor am- j
rot il cared for.
'* " J"* ff" *i -•{
Ffalt.—l? isftokthe fact that, liecauiu
vtiipc inu are rnort oonaLutly cnwwfd '
to danger than others, tlu-v ar# cons#- 1
qucutlj fi##r from Umx ihsu th# gen.- -
ralitt of their kind. Warriors nr.- no!
' so nhdSttrtohlytinive as t?w world gives t
j Uit-iu c:relit for. Let it Li rem#u>Lrtvi,
J that in battle they are penetrated with I
i a Jv, pruaficcts
■>i 4< pry* |nifi#4 on from
tcfiffexo ia their fury am! ex
citement thev become utterly forgetful
of the great slaughter that ia going ot>
, and tftc <aim>ocot danger
I <Ma*faeßmMmly tiiVfero-tift them. The
strong |#reaiou* and the excitement flo j .
•'X{ieri|pqn mp. riftk oftd suspend fear. ]
But w fiei tnc'r paasTons are at rest, and 4
their ardor i 4 ftot ftrocaed—when they '!
becac-a calm, Jnaeiise aueqtfttnrs of Um* 4
; IftftrMnimtcli-s dq u-.t see. I
' or, at wait, do not liear of thir stifbng I
the pteMoupp r tw swifii a very great |
| dcgrwK
:im<-|ui lafeJukn4.Sii ww Aiave alrroty .
: iwnl. men have been known to die aftner '
I tbn infineui#- of ft. A couple of French '
tncrebaotM smv ftwipht a durJ in th*
I of Hordi aitl. On the i
j orx4 tjrw {)*# of tiic paxftgs fWI, ami the i
I -econds imnu-dist. I v approached sou- |
posing that he, w:w.up tt '4a , wunnJfd. .
\ftcr a close iugfy Mt- •% VUj| tiud .
b# had not *!st3inrel any injury, his I
I ,V a \l)ft TlU K glanoeil" aside f
}MI Height ki -.lift think of a tree.-bnt!
be wo, nevertheless, dead, haviv ? it ts I
i conjectural.# ahftrifisiteJ by bit U-rror. ji
'tltaiftite wMeh'he might have other- <
| wise reaped. *, 1
k (*)- .' I : • - 1 1 1 - -
A CitTxr-gr KrrcnKS—A CbiuesJ- kit
! (-heii.Trom v. hi li such good things are |
'up-iu d <piVfV MiC table, is a wonder iu {
| itl w:iy. There is nothing hi it hut a j
! "-ooking stovroif ltro, nit loiprea than /
jour Atnericnn vrnh-r pall. wifl/a few' 1
i Mid gouty chopaticka. l'rotw -!
whicJi few tldOgftOiuiir |Vie ivny courses I,
fvf flic tab!/, .-'D v*i 11 .xHikrel and iwr- k,
( airln-d—nay, eveu ti'# l hl L-cfutraJtn, , 1
, HO duScult to lou-e re ok ml wait at home. , ■
i t'iu- in *c 1 gi> over UiewwrW. the more |,
J am ritmvhieed thot .-Vmericnu* aOd'
Eifglirimrcu are far behind the rent ft! J
crreitjon in preparing their food to be '
eatcxi. Our "eivilixaLon ' in this is! 1
OVur a liuudred years behind the age; >'
and in this ruspcrt Hi# Chine e are far ; !
onr ->npriorfi. That devil's invention of .
ours, the kitchen range, ought to be 1
kicked down where it cftmd from, the '
lower regions—an inrention which, fu
Mimmcr, roaats us uu; of our house*, tad
iu winter cnuaomcg as much coal iu one I
<Ly. as a Cbiuawmn woo Id need hi a 1
month, or a Frenchman in a week 1
Some rich man in America, aotce comiug '
Pefer Coopor, in lieu of tuacbiug u:-,'
how to draw, would do well to t. 0.-ft ns' *
bow U> Isiil potatoes, cook bevfatfak*. j'
ro iat runtt in, and bake bnxul, for such 1
a P#U-r C'pojM-r would l>e. tin) ft-rv grand- '
v*t oDAfttrrfcißii l.ntuau iMiiefflct'irs. j<
tieftncfenlfi-sint ji
er produced a clusbT of grapes upon | <
the canvas with such perfect skill tbftftii
the iiittls cam# and jiwkeil at tbein. |i
[Tills sueec*s greatly elated the urtist,! 1
' whose fame went abroad (hcrent, reucli j i
ing the ears of one ParriinSms, a rival i
| artist, who ro> kmg an op|xirtanify' (
I jminted a curtain Lfor# u porii-m of flic ' i
picture. Boon ftffer Zeuusajiproaching ]
the {minting to ox dbit it to Farrhnsina, I
deairret him to remwvc the curtu.u ! But ■
bo was compelled io acknowiixlge him- f
I self defeated, since h# I tad only deceived .<
j birds, but his rival bftd deceived a fellow j r
j artist. |]
Another story is rein fed of Zotixis, rif' t
| rather n novel character, and which is i
well authenticated. He {minted a boy (
j with a basket of grH|Ms, to which ttie
[ birds lis before resorted. But this gave
I the*ist great dissatisfaction snd'very '
properly so, leading him to declare the '
painting tvff*ifcife./ftml*fcd the simili- '
tude Li n irt lmtft T ensl refua). the tiirdif '
would most Certainly hoy# been ij.-t. rrt d ''
'7- Mfrfj/H w<* wp- 1
{wotcftlug fne picture!
Had 'jW-eapxF.-Ki BOod peculiar [
aocldSrMiappr-iWd tri"a child at lvai-hi10,,-
Wis., recently. Th# mother etejuied in- J
to u store to tn iks fi pnrchiisc, lpavjfig :
the baby in its enriiago on th# sidewuDc. '
A gust of wiud struck th# carriage and
p ihbqftjttfcriiri tho street again* a Lam ®
of ' ImrsOa. The* horn s, becoming'
[ frightened, kicked over thn aoriage and J
iyjuiid the liabj so sorioual.y -that Riere
ia no bo{>e of it# reoovery.
The latest railroad tnirsde waa per- 1
formed by a nagro, who happened to be J
sUuidiac in the wgy of a flying train '
near,ThiWelpkia. The engine threw '
2Q feet iu ,t he air aud tore his etuth- 1
XDgOlklu ilituh. The tram waa atoplfe-d, '
and the horrified speetaton went HSOk to 1
tod htm on bis feet qgain resuming Ms j
march upon the track. The '
locjpviefiv# probably struck him on the 1
b ®d- .i i x ' (*.-!
4 * **
Aft Albany minister, referring to hia
record of iO year*, finds fewest marriages
in summer. 1 1
| ■
- •* — *• ■ - T 1 "
A l>irh>iariw fctorj. *
j A Fvuweh i*. 1>• r. kite J-'iifurf, gi*l tliP
j fuUowlPK Uerrthlentory from tkm (JBWI
Statra. It is pleaaaut reading tor U I
[weather: *
It U Known that the railroad loan Han
! Prunciaco to New York 1 piuws through
1 the reeervatiou of several tribe# <J. la-
I dfcms, wb* invariably regwnt ttte lucygier
livea us terrible arnirfH* create-1 by. thy
Mnigtun t iixtenniuate the hsl weii,
S!V rl Ujimm* already the Indian* hnve
,itt* uiplcd to throw ijie tram* AlFklif
track, In these i-ntorpri'Mvi w*ee
ran by *A(e of the tletcrat uf uwji chiefs,
ti Cherokee named Jfuhfi. and su mossed
\l*ckiig Bird. All their attempts hav
ing lulled, N'lihu resolved to change lit*
jUctiuf. * v
, \> <I J].Uukl> MU the fidcf Juur lit
, com-, .dd Luioelf iiuur tho raiL*, and
, with extraordinary tttriivUy Iwttnded
f npeu the footboard or tram No. 'l7,
from Hiu Francisco to New York. He
! then along th* tniu until he
trenched the toooniotive, whore ho killed
i ilit fireman with aiiiow of bw tomahawk.
, stubbed iho vugtura i with w biuwmf hw
, kuilc, u%l after sculping Ibtau, juui|M-d
|on mo UuiW lruv'liuuig tl*
anil bowling 6u 4 wr soitg.
j'* The Vcttlorti along the line Inviutic her
! riied n< thev fcwr the tjwin. which nek
dashed alutiir at a fearful driven
t l|y lli* feronows engineer.' The piwaeti-
I gtiia U Ofivtl Ht lor help. Therewith*<
jUuii #1 uIT. iaely perilous; in feet
I Hjfiv wrrv running tight into the jaws of
' Finallr an otlleer of'(be navy, Mr,
! fleery Fist+e„ flekriAyinea to
I htaiMrif to care |w fcfow pwtM-tiger*.
1 Armed eith long dirk knife hp ran
, along b> (oo'.txMud of the train antt
j jump J upa the ugtoe. lie* t'hiefnib
t r*-l a wai v'fi *nl UrwululieJ JU teto-
Mii'l a baud-to U*'il atniKtto
! cortrnt>npcd oter ijie l>odie| of the rugt-
I neer nnfl firpman
II The jvuwiet>ye<> jntt their lu-ad* out of
i the waainwH and < iihtii n*i.-ty which
I uiviv wu-ily he imngueti bied to are the
itiliL. lu )>ont w laiuut# Mr. Pierce Ml
'who in the, UuiLlihg of an eye ivwlpe.!
1 hiw. ynt while fic wiui (humjiheatlv
wnringth* wwlp of tfte rictim in the a>r
i Mi*. In wee. Who ttu ti!l Hring, ha-1
i tnflkw. at atreny th to jump np atnl hmg*
, tiiakbifOJu tha lodtani* bronnt. kilUug
, htm lualeut)v. lie thru (Wwwlml to the
ruleu lotudle, ahnt utf tie* atoaiu, rnvl the
train * topped.
Th.pAOn'!igery rnii |o fhc aaMslapcecff
1 iMa Isnrre oftci r. but It *raa too late; ht
1 died tw hour* afterwwrd.
j '
,V NAUHOW EaoAKB.— A new atorr of
J.Kujuin Mdh-r 1* toU hjr the I'ortland, :u>d it ha 41 the form
1 • imia featnrc* iu<*id< ut to hie in the far
I Went. Two brother*, twins, Sam ami
: Henry IjOekhart, were mmcrs of a tony
i acwtHW tli* Kit ltivwr In IK.VI. Tito w tn
. ter toiiow vng Into 9MU win abet*ni iu
SliMta, the Indiana made a raid am!
killcsl Hi nrr .util all the white aettlnra
'in the Ttfinitr of tli ferry. Thiaohock
tn the *ttrriring brother *e'ved U> tnuta-
I form him tnto a li|, .Me ivvaane a
1 hael drinker, add rowed to tb*rot hi*
1 life to the dpieorere and daughW of
: ***ry Imiian that be budwuiv roaaon to
I Indievi* had anything to do witli tlui
Klanghter ul hia brother And he ear
-1 rtesl out that purpow till hia vry niniv
1 1u ;t-rror tv Il the In .torn* within
1 hundred* of mitea. ITe waa u w anden*r,,
! ntM could not to* restrained br law r
the entts ivUMof tbo wbitaa. On one uf
i hbi-a|M*ditw>Di Iw t. t Jonnnin Mdler,
) whutn ho auaprrtol of c*>mpnitr in bis
1 brothA'g muniut. Ue had not frt
: pel**! enough, to ja*Ufy (tie'
Übnottpg <f aim, OIL night WhotUcr
' Miller r.-4nt d la n<i( tated; Tmt ewp
! tolttle made bits a priamuw, aad
I mar.-bad him to IWeka, where a scrfrats
cunnnitati-in aa had with Jndge R<bo- |
rough in who*e j tho ar ngtr'
Iml ur.wt contidi new. '* It *m with
nut difficult v.' OUT* the H'uUtin, "that
the judge then only a practising lawyer
in Yrekn, rtmhl ra*r%nadc bam that he
r*n miaHketrin bin snapiduni, hia onK j
remark being, 'if b- w pufty, T ahall
kill luiil etwe." After qiieati,>n)nt and
•irons aauimuifig thnt wonM bare itooai
exrslit to a tuemlier of the bar—Miliar
luMibg K-tu dir<vU'<l by the jtvlgo ti
lie perfectly |riui\ and Lruthiul—barn
at 'l itl with tn'a ioooocnee
ad penhlttwl Idtn to m> nnihohwted.
Tfie tort-r* and admire. I*f Mil-.
ief'a |*H try mar thatik Judge ll**d>uroiidli 1
that lhair favorite did not reM*e A|M
livaltr fruai Sam L* okb irtV unerring i
rifle neatly fweutv years ago. Poor iisia
contiqih-ii hi* hurle** canrss sntil he tnrt
s bloody death in Idaho, while eugagwdi
la one of those rhfhiag di*pi|tc* sdikh
wvre deeided by the law or tlie kaifk aad
pistol.'' •" 1 * ]m * jt** l
o . in t [ afi'T" sir Oil' W* l
Faaairn Norm. Among the iaaay
pretty tiovekimi of tho aeoaon at# tbe
tloralseta uf juwelry. <-oaMdingof brooch
and eoxtiaga of urtifi ua! flower* band
aomclj luounted. Stri|Hl graaa clod) is
a farorite and cool uintoriul fyj trawolu.K
ere to me*. Small MeplrMi jackcU of
knight Polorkd sHkii hare b<ven rw*
rirad, mid are extremely prettr wr. rn
with ligtiti Hutnnier dsrwima. PaAa-ol*
are made la/fe* this *o.n<in than eyrr.
lho*o of black ailk finished with fhtigo,
nud lined with aome pretty bright 4oi a
are fitahldnabfe, ana mubible for. bag*
drea*. nro motinded on obiom*
abwflrs. Kwo'cy Vunlm t.firthe h.nTsAre
tatMh worm Sua summer in tortoiseTlir*l£
rmbher, km* Tlmy Hplrteti the cfTdd of
the heavy braid*, and help gn-stfy to
piiatoiu the weight of the hair, iibdiag
fiun'o o( htiiped "taaao" d<dh form* on#-
01 tho rplbc*t cofltutaea of flic -seneotn
Lcrta'clofh lit cheap and serviceable,
barwge is pretty nnd cbnlUe light, sort
k rvic* sblo. The first two win bd oh
l iined for fifty oente a yard; Hie last at
sixty five ecu to. Fichus and boww a/
eohue*! exnpo do cuiue. trirunud with
lure, nro a deiutr liniih to a summer
toilet.. Tha b(>w for th hair
in still twr fatbionahte,
41* t* #H> *l3* ■ R
Nsw TIUCTH TX Angjo I'ttfrno.-* in an
article <>n longevity, I'rofoacor Owen has
• XPHl fried how it is that aged jiersounaro
ssid to hnvo cut new teeth Into in life.
MM* ruder* will remember to W"c
bonis) or rend of snehuocnrrctlbr*, whu h
atv Mgmrdra) M nttranrJfnaty. Tbe fsetg
urn thu { it often luqipoiw tluit toith
lyealt or clvcay, aud luavo a stnmp in tbo)
nn I I In- in* hit nt is forgot ton. Ah v.**ir*
go by, the hw and the gums shrink , tin*
1-mg'hnriM stump larn
bare, end is bailed ft* a now tooth, uTid is
so me timet mentioned in the n< •wspirpers I
aa a kind uf woudar. Tbna a*" fiartr ia<
aiiown by < omprtcot fiuthority to bfi an
wroa; and it is fdwnya .goll tor public
opinion to of on, rt . f
J . a 1 ill s4 >v*. rt-jiif w ■is a
LoMirujjyOW,—A \ai* to the etablos of
the noted he|o lamg/qlluw, l\y a reporter,
shows that fie wo* hudly hurt, lie wa*
lying hi a well-.-trn wed "box, with lus
tinkle Yery badly ir#ollen, no ranch BO
tkat it Is yet a disputed question if the
tendons era broken or md. or whether
tha aukldis puly swollen Ir im Mir effects
pi a sevure sprain., Cooling lotions are
King conatantly applied, and the old
man, Cuplftin Moore, and other horse
men hope that Longfellow will be able to
ran again. " J ' ls
A Georgia gentleman died from tbe
effeota of a dog scratch. .
V LIU' i-J 1 - 1 11 -
I'hc H(r) #f a Bero.
f ' A party ot xqut*iwtuu had tu# owt
t fWun rbtlftil- ljdla tu ikr ldlU o#m Nuarie
t town. mVs a New Yuik paper, aad hist
tiefore dmdc'gttbervd about a statbm callrel
> Sf#iu|r MR?, hi o/dr to retarn home
f'ti# track ut this point (topes (fhtrply
r i a boat Xk# futk Willi a tonk on one d#
r smi a declivtty <mi It* other. Five o4 it*
L wpiMMSWift uo ibis track, when the whi#
yle vj>thu approaching ex ( <a ns* braid
4 sWA-ypipa ruuuil fh# curve M twvmy
1 yan% lioiu thrm. '*Vy iu*u*k it for
tram up (be otiire- aide of the river,
. trhirtf Waf just niatTng, and did not move.
TtretH-Xt iuvttnr the #xpre* Jlavhev Into
; the erowd, lerriiU-d, shuak LeV
s roth a dry of terror; all except una man,
who throws tmnroll in the very tr<atof
' I lb# engine, tin u#i on# alter cne uUirr ui
' | lb# lite d#wu the <*nbauku#tßMiUj safety,
' and is csngbl up and ds*U#d to the ground
• Ist their Let-—dead.
f j During th# war wc ciowncd alth our
' | liqrel and our praivc those {.allaut vounp
1 ; fcliovni whoflqnp life away tor sane *rcatr
• I good—th# rafetT. of their country—tln-
trerelonr of a rsc/. BeeauM.- the ;*
1 touched our own ronvietiom and turwrei
( in <asr owa blood we th -uxtii it • (.hat,
-.which bad tr -ail*ue.l thsui fbr (he tac
• gjlce. Uut Lu#i than any eaose H lb#
' laiiij. ub Lsivrv ut Moo<i iliat lore-t*death
1 a .* uoni<*uip¥- R>t-' quhrt. just r<ttM|M
" of Iff# sink ft vigl'cd aganut tbesnnpi#
• duty ot iuau!i-kj. Philip Gould llted uu
? Inoffti tmd ihmoricxd; he had rwcivttd,
' is#i probably, nl-uher pft* of iut!Uct
wnr cahure to ctain any special troard;
w otdv ■ pWii. Wwwt mail, wijo—of tbrt wt-
ilDSia-biwii ma fi tends, l'be wwnen
- wr<% s arqesiutaaros; tbcic waa sk
1 calj (jpr a* uti.4- i bhu uur than no any
' •itljer uf,4h# iiowd who s'yod aLoit u reu.
' There ft*a po ywac-'U wbj Ls aLotydfi ng
• swsr If* roung file. s full of pMtuus*. *
1 strtiuff asm to hitn a* that ol any
w afftft, WtMrf the tart fb*t there sre e^rtam
Men amnnr ua ot royal Mood who Itve otv
I Mjnrvis until roroc cireumstane# lnfs tn#m
' prow tb- ir hittft.
We hope the story of tiro ma who
dp-vl so HMofully will Wu ld. sunplv I*-
■ . cjqjr w a wholfeonte mm! cttu
s4o|J{ Ui Us all. I'ialw cantiv-V benefit ban
i#ift,'vV fyvc cyinLi t to wsoevcr h left
' HfchifM to Rive oi care for hip.. The quiet
' bfe iff uch men l* worth uoivtotftonv
who know tftem tbsn any act of sorritlnv ;
l I'ftribflraitkiril (Mr Iwl the
' do, l ' Wo ftefieve, too, that the owe-1
- cbnvting part of tb st. ry is aim fact that
•IMb turn at# nwHiton about ua. l hytc is
not a railroad aewlbti( o-i
any kind which dw,mt bring to fixbt
droda q{ I'qtohm. o< self sacnficc. of ftm-el
fi-hncs*, that stir the polar aud l-nng tfcr
wwfer tr tuc ores. We rhtuk God for
1 *neh nieti ar thl gallant lad, and thank
millmo rim more that we find so mam ol
fbun an every side of u# h Mack sk'ns
j *arf in white. Wo do not mourn Eatj
Percy dead the leas L cause we know that
we dure a * lismdreii Itripg uU a* gftltant
kcigLU ar bt"
i llajuL or tiu. Baal.—Tlx habit# of
>. Ui# swi arr very peculiar, and form an
- loMrsHißg study, in tlx spring of the
i yosr, In either nortbem or southern henri
-1 sMu-re. they leave th# water ami resort u.
type iaud hi roaurtcsn thousand# remaiaiaat!
Uiath; tiieo, on ike apf-roswh f
■ *(titer oU depart for ucknowo h-cahtke.
It is believed, Igtwevar, that they spend,
the intervening lung at ve* in a under {
latttude than liioirlshifidJioipe* would be
la J ftjkfwßriv-e. fflftiPfti fhey got b*
•urn l.e#it asked but new r satLfoctority l
Mssreved. H is well that k toss!
.t. % if yurq#d in tlx water as a#U a*i
on lire land, loUl anuihilaUvn wouW en i
sua, Using filled shy nataro to inhahi||
squill# well th# shore and oroati, it it.
prolMH>le t)M* after their visit to tba land
the?# viyag to sea 1 on# of rest and re- !
j Tldj are known to (deep oft I
] the surface #f th# *Ur, and their active
i and p'xylul habit# whan in tins element
i have often breo ohaervert by * -amen.!
i While at wro they become quite fat, aad .
' when first lauding on til# beacft tu tias,
' spring their sire ,often xeuders them uo j
! wifldy. but thi Lr sire gib L proportion-,
I attdy inorrorod. In their habiu iff Iff -'
i these animal* are eomplrtvly gregsrioas.
: but in visiting tlx land they separan
jthrmariftes fnto drtsaea of different ogr-J
1 and rekea, Fcul* ro particalgrlj attacbei!
nj*rt, god if uaibsturbed i
rvtuio u- it wifch uu!ning regularity,
iibay aama hi hwa to enngrepate fhgether.
,©fte, when many Islsodsare roongnns,
' they "fleet oqe or two, iroft db g apon 1
j tU<m to'ihe neaU-cl of others {iparaUy
Jas good. Wo# V> tlx aval if his roobwr> i
Jk-afaoaaibljr aad is not gaanied by laws ;
and ixaallisa Against the rapsrity of man. .
The 1 utt of greed, the desire to make tti
tnrot tnoner '.la tlx ahortast time, ha-1
caured lb# utter destruction of these va! '
ttfU* aoimala in irony localities No I
•onhevy of large #• now known in the
Southron oci sn. The' eupMlty of man i
has roused Ibelr destruction in almost ali,
of their haunts South of the equator
'k Br<umuetTT.—Ttie fellowtng inguir
instance of reeeritrieity, illrmirating the]
clOA# connection of this condition of the'
mind Vltif Insanity, is r.-Lted by iVftft'* j
a>r If*iunion• I in bis work on diseases of •
Rio uervocv syeletn. A indy had since 1
her ohiWiiood shown a singularity of eon-1
dact as regaAlod her tabi* furniture wbioli j
rim would Hare hf no nther uatrl*l than
ttmpfir. She cartiod Uii* fanny to such an j
•Hwai ihoi vi-wi'tlie knives were made of
• qipftr. People laughed at her and tried
to aaaahb bar <xt of her whim, but hi i
void.- tq wo a. thri-frepect was there aav j
avi-iAcc of nXntoi aberration. Bh was
jo iiiUAU* exriuble, and ua j
Uif tiU#; UM-nt of elo4l#nt health. An
uool# Jtad. diowewr, dieil insane. A |
tritliag rirsumxance started lier la a new .
train of tbougtit, and excited emotions
which rite con Ml not control. Six read
in the morning |xp#r Uiat a Mr. Kopjxr
man had arrived at oa# of the hntela, and <
she annuoiwed h*r determination to rail |
on liun. Mar frisnd* endcarored to dio-1
-nadc )wr but without avail. She went j
10 the hotel tyid tvas told he had juat left,
for Cbßago. without teturniug to her.
home she bought a ticket for Uhiwagn, and '
aUrU-d on the next train for that city. I
The ietearaph, howerer, overtook her, |
and she vras brorfjrht back from Roches
ter raving ot her love lor a uian whom
she U*d *mm-i* seen, and whoso name
alone kml be#n associated in ber mind
wMtdrng haer lor nqijxr table furniture.
BtMdted of acute mania within 4 month.
lat a-iaJsne-O f*l; * "
'?Ta*Towsbu*o ißtioaxx.—ln apoakiug
0? the flood w lieh row *o disa-trous iu
roveml antUsnf Virgintn, the Lynch-
Hxirja? papers ffiw tbefnllbwlug aad event:
A hiMhorand several little children were
mnkStg their escape from a narrow neck
oXJgnd* which lux In*ween tlx river
aud rfhu canal, when they were amaxed .
to find Unit the bridge was already gone,
and that their only hope was to cling on
tft'the abntmciit of the brhlgo until the
arrgQ-' f avos should Hutwide. But as
they, stood there clinging to the abut
ments the watt-re .continued to rise high- i
er and higher, while in tbe deep dark*
ness ttifev mm id hear the cruslting of
trees .iml tbe Ihuudt-ra of bridge tim- ,
ber* that were wildly diwhiug aii around
them- They had been in thie deeper
alp oonditioii for some time, when the
little girl felt that her strength was gone,
and with a wild shriek of terror Ua ex* |
ohrireetl, *" KhW ynv, motlier, for I c-n't
hold any longefr* Afid with the warm
preesure of that mother's lip# upon ber
chMks, she waa swept away and was seen
no more.
The Making of an Orangeman.
t The Urang# iiMtltutioua oay* an ex
• vhangD, rr** m*l th-ur name from John
t (11 third, of Mnbtin, though they existed
I K tore he tiatneil them. The anmda of
. tbe period ftoui 17W up to ltf'JO show
that eititena were uniformed then. Tbe
- (kuholic wore green ia hi* cap, green in
r f hia sluM-ti,, or, if all failed, a green
-1 ribbon in bis butloa>bol; while the
II Pro Umlaut, in uteuuiry of the fnmona
f vvUu'uw of MUM; William Dl., wore "or
t angc" aa consptouuusly aa punsible.
, Home of the ceremonies of the iattia
. j Hon of Orungt-meu wt i Uwrowed frotn
> tbe i'reemanina. Tbe sppliiwnt for ad
, mission wan required to deny that be
, I had ever been a Catholic or should em
j) liectmi# one, aud that be etontld nleaya
1, do all in bh j*wer tu maintain th* Pmt
, j vaUnt ijmm inkmcy. Tho ritual waa
t adopted from the sixty might l'saitu.
' According to Sir J<>nah Barn np tori the
rlChTkSginnan'a toast a oopM after that
• of the "Ahlwincn of likiotl*P Alley"—
r11 ii<* famotM in their time for <ie
- fring King Jams* and detfriag King
c j woiiaei The Umot wan drank on the
i j Kte Lnuea, after thnit pons had
t,*lined on alierp'a Uotters ig iWicate al
ntlitou to J sum's ft-at of ruuning awar
p'ftora Dnblin. This "unparaUed seuti
11 mmf; wm m folioWa•
t i "Tlie glortoua, pi>ms, and imm -ital
11 niemocy of tbe vreet and good King
William; no) forgeuingOhrer Cromwell,
,t mho iurusted to tvdoemiM ua from po
1, pety, slareiy, ariwUwf power. bm
;: ui >uej, and woojett sho a May we
r| pmrer want a W7llia to kick a Jacobite,
1 laud a for the bihoj of Cork.
> > Ai d be Ami won't drink this wKdhnr be
rlie a pneet, UhAjop, thweon, Imlkiws
., Uos.-r, gra-vt-dipg. r. or any othar of
l, th" fratergitßT of %b* ctongy, rnav * north
1 j wind blow him to south, and an rat
wind blow him to the oaati May he
1 bare a dark night, *k t-hotc. a rauk
• - stum nod a leaky to arty MB
1 j <mr tbe river Btyx, May Hie dag Cm
bents make a rami of 4is (trad. BMI
i Plato s Miuff-h mof luaskAU; and may
, th# devil jump dram km thraat ait U a
>] ml huX harrow, with every taa tear out
ua rut blow bus with a viean carcass
tf to lieu. Amcii."
•T ; ~ , ' *
' 1 Kxu.m> Paitara ut Uswroftwu.—Among
• the )*eengtyw lhut arrived on the Bteam -
'' ship Sacramento al San Tntuf-iaeo, were
' . tldrty-nirc Dondnicau and Fraaemrvm
frnra of the Cipnchin order, vrb were
' i banished Iron tkutwmll by the Grana
,l4ue rnvohttiouary *>,-rnnumt of that
oouatry. Fur entertaining anpposed
design* against the existing order of
ft flairs they were, without * manaeot'e
notice, hurried awar from their houat*
rinmt placed on board tbe Sacramento.
I The ringutar apjenrance of thia !>ody of
' men iu their religion* garb attracted
marked attention in Han Francisco,
t a hero they were hospitably received by
( Archbishop Ahmmiiy and the priests of
their orders raublishedia the uu tropolis
of fhe Pacific. Among them ia one
clergyman who vru* the original founder
of the infusions in Ouatcmala. and who is
now 1* ven ty-two years old. Hix of tl em
wont very sii-k ned bad to be reenoved to
tho uoepiul. It appears that on the
availing of the 7th of dune Ins) th* coa
- v t uts in nhiili they wen* qoarterv d were
entered by a body of soldier', while the
friiin were engaged at fhcir ntoal roca
-1 Hone, wwd they wer*Taken into eustody.
The 1 mops were commandod by (h-nrnai
Kofi DO Bsrrioa, Gonsmaader-in-CTilcf of
I the army, ihr (nam were not permitted
; to tuake any preparation# lor their de
iKtrtone, with the exnenttoa of a few
, idnnkeU, liaaUly jvilimd up by .some of
' them. Tney were then conveyed into the
I street, jnat' tv tltov were found, and then
i placed in line bctwewe (Ilea of soldier*.
| who had oivlera to Are tijxui any one
: attempting to leave, or upon anv citizen
atUinpting to succor tbt-ra. Thus uta
ftted tl-y acre iuar<L-d to Ohampericc
liiatd the team sod lamentations of tbe
' JKVI|4C. The picture drawn by Uic exiled
! priests of tbe consternation of the eati
rena upon being the* mthlcsslv dfqirived
; of their spiritual ad viae.-*, and the out
; cries againo! their iwriishment, it una of <
I deep interest lint despite these pro
teeta they were placed on board tbe
steamer, and in one hour from fbt time
I of their arrest werr being eiumcd away
j from their homta and their people.
OaLxornco CnuTi*.—Mr. Anthony
, Irqltope i* greatrnt in depleting clerical
chaxucicra. Mat we do wot remember,
, in all hia novel*. *ny mcatiou of "gal
loping curates." Forty years ago, taw
' a ri'vicwtw. in lately diacnosing the dia
-1 estnbltfAmu nt (|nestion, there was a staff
[of "gallopingcUiWtan*" in almra* every
j county town. Tha smallest parishes
;had no resident iiwnrabent; aud the
Sunday "duty" waa done. In a most
' perftinctory manner, by these clerical
1 perambulator*, who took two, three, or '
1 even four service* In as many pariahe*, j
; but never drramed of "bestowing a tingle
j hoar of week-dav labor on any of them.
: i bis ia worth following up by an iUua
! (ration from the name source. In some
j parishes there was no service for weeks
' together. It once happened that a non
' resident iociUuVut came into the neigh
) borbood and exptoaaed a wi*h—perhapa
t not altoge(b'*r unreasonably—to per
i form service in the chttrch of one vt hia
p rishea. Word waa sent over to the
i principal farmer, who m also church
warden. But here amot cm bar earning
circumstance presented itself. It wiw
! the tteginuing of harvest; the weather
j had Iweo sliowery and nncertain, ami tbe
I etntrcli warden w 'a obliged to reply thai
i thor would beve had much p'wuttire tn
1 seeing their clergyman among them, but
I uufortunately there had '*eeo a defirirncy
. of burn accommodation, and tbe ehnrch
J WOS/M U pta*.—Owc* O IIW^.
KILLED T A BROTHER.—The town of,
' Boluiout, Forlnge County, Wis., wus the 1
I Hccne of one of the must horrible mm- '
1 der* that has come to our knowledge i
• for ninny a day. Two brothers n imed
Thomas* nnd Richard Dolling, living
1 neighbors to oneh other, bad had a diffi
culty Umt some eattle belonging to
rhoiaaa which had broken Into Rieb
urd's fields several times. Owe Sumlav,
Rielmrd weut to his fields and fouvd his
brother's cattle in his crops. Ho bad a
gnu with liim, and started for Thomas'
bourns it i* thought with tbe intention
of ktlhwg him. He met Thomas on the
read. Hot worda tollosred. and Thomas
areatened to thrash Richard, and atari
toaard him with a club iu kia hand,
wheu Richard drew up his gnu und fired
killing him iustantiy. It is reported
that n young man cntnr* along the road
soon after aud found Thomas lying dead
iu the road and Richard Ntanning near
by. Richard remarked that be "wasn't
a bit sorgy" for what he had done. He
went to Stevens Point and delivered
himself up to the authorities.
v r 1 V"*' V ' v ' J fc ,' < ,
Says the New York Bun ; We nay it
boldly, this promises to be the fun men,
most'interesting, curious, complicated,
lively, and blessed Presidential oafivaan
ever known. *
... . ~
Tbe Freeport Jtumal vaya, "Pairs
are abundant at that place, and front
gates are loaded down with them oq fine
. „ ■■ l
The despondent looking man who
suddenly started on seeing new apples
for sale, and oried, "Now, my children
ahall have bread." waa a doctor.
TERMS : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance.
English Amy Lift.
tiuiuv recentproceeding* in tbe Loir
0 i dao Court of Bankruptcy dim en ink
J ; ling of the • ilraraff&nt habits indulged
' I ly yoang men tn tun British army, nn
> j lor tb* Hi** that profane expenditure i
nnrnanry in order to MMt lhair poei
r>! lion AND rank. In MM OWE of on* young
B | officer it was shown that in the eottrae of
Bj a lew mouth'a arrvioe in the Grenadier
• Guard* be had DiaMi to ran up debt*
• to the amount of S7&000. Thi* perron
had bat recently com* of age. A b
--lieu tenant in the British army under the
a new omuicatiao get* about three shilling*
totd sixpence per day, and • Lieutenant
ei di shilling*. With thi* pay they art
r peeked to jute the regimental meaa,
• i which in voire* an expenditure of at Inaat
•" fifty dollar* a month for dinner! aldfe*.
• j together with a share in the expaoM of
u keeping up a wit of room* splendidly
e I furnished, including a dining room
t capable of holding a hundred or mere
-1 per*on; a share in tba coat of Ike rwgt
• (taental tiaod ; a abate tn numerous other
K i ttpraa* common to the British army,
c ueh aa entertainments to ofto*ra of
1 otlu-r regiments, regimental ball* wad
: (be like. Tba extravagant habita at
t * British officers form ibc great obatacle to
the success of the army reform whirls
!bna been attempted by Mr. CprdweU.
d | Tba purchase of eoiutuiwrnma ha* been
g j aboliaiied in the anujr, with the intra
-1,, tM>n of opening the terries to Men ep
- pointed for merit atone. and acm-pur
• jctiaes men axe being app..,tut**l : !-•
e j unite* they am w*Uh\ .nl disposed to
. I jofn with the old school of ofltoMßJu
'• keeping up the repntation of the ragi
emrat by Mpwadering money, they dad
>- f their posst km* extremely wneemfer abia.
fj In never*l matanoe*. oflen aaiettfd
a i without jmiwhaas have bran bullied and
t treated in an ovwbrerusg a auwmer by
B the purchase men that Urn war offitfe ban
K >•<- forced to take cpgntxaooa of the
> 4 matter Very different is She practise c'
• t the PrnatJan service There, every tann
i lo* himself fa the rule, where pnpmg is
f I concerned ; and all vqmww that owl
a | bo ttici. • r wito annnnon by officers of a!!
i, rank*, have been carefully rvdnotd to a
• 1 minimum, w that no pour man ran haw
a ptvbxt for saying to hia oomrsdaf
• I that fffey lead him Into ontfav which he
j cannot afford. A correspondent of the
l tmndun TdsyrepA gives an account of
' | MM awa* hie ..f the Twenty fifth Braerve
j IwttoJion, atotiooed at B-*rtin, wbtcb i
stronger in officer* than the British bet
battalion is in mra, earn prising yearly
, right hundred commissioned officdre,
, representing evrry division of the upper
j and miodic Social clans, the nobility tn*
eluded. And yet they do not possess a
k c lub homo or even a mam room of their
own, bnt meet to sup or d ue together
r at hotel* or restaurant* In England the
•j richer officer* of a regimuot sometime*
I-ay mora than their sharu of theregl
' mental expense*; bnt thi* would Buyer
, i lie permitted in the Prussian service,
b and aa the large maiori y of officers are
,' really poor, the small wealthy minority
, KM kept within bournls, and forced to to
, ] economical whether they Kke it or not.
. Even the present of a few tuKi of
i ekwtapegne by tbe wealthier offoer to a
meae would be deemed anlnsult. Thorn
(who did nut fed themselves rich enough
to buy champagne would, feel offcn ud
tbat it shonld fie offered them a* a gift,
n >d WfUiJ refuse todritk it TUaebowa
3 cvimuModable pride very diitoeet from
I. the pretentioosneaa which chanaetariam
,' the Britikh service.
. j flrrxnE of FOHTCXE.—Th* White
- Pine JVinrt recently related this do
fjenrrraee, showing up an expel liMto
, | which maybe said tow by no meaa*
, i uncommon, among tba early rwddenta of
the Pari Ac coat: "An old man, wfth
gnssly Iteurd, gray hair, and shabby
dress, arrived here the beginning of laid
week on foot from Eureka. It was after
, nightfall when he entered the town, foot
i usee and hungry. He entered a restau
rant, took a seat at n table, and asking
for aametktng to eat, saying he bad no
money, bat avast eat or die. The pee-'
pie of While Pine are no way back wand <
when a deserving object of charity, be
it man or woman, comes along ; and tftr
keepemof the restaurant* are paiajew '
, laity noticeable for their liberality. A
meal wa* promptly act oat far the old
man's discussion. Before he had fin
ished. a certain man who is connected
' with a mcrcanttl* house entered and
reeo;i>i*ed him a* an old aoqnaintaoce
from Vifginia City. He paid for the
old man's supper, procured a bed for
him. and gave him coin for present oec-
Mwittes, telling him to call am! see him
ths next day. He did not make any ap
pearaacx, and on inquiry it was found
that he had left the lodging-house iu
the morning. A passenger on the hart
Ptoche stage informs us that a man an
swering thi* deamptiou waaaeen a! Pat
terson, on the wgy to Pioehe. Tbe fol
lowing is a portion of his history, as
obtained trom the merchant alluded to :
The old man (we will so call him) was
among the first to reach Washoe after
( the discovery ml the Cuaatook mines.
He secured interests in aeveral mines,
and in less than ijrir from his arrival
commanded SAM,OOO in ready cash. Hia
family, a wito and two daughters, were
living in Saa Frsucwco. He returned,
and placed 1150,000 of the amount fa
Iris wife's hands, reserving $50,000 to
operate with in Virginia City. Tan
month* after be received a letter from
Saa Ftmaeiaoo stating that hia wife and
-laughter* had left on a Panama steamer.
That was the last intelligence luoeivcd
of them. In a few month* he was with
out a dollar, and deserted by thorn who
were pr nipt to do him reverence when
fortune areiled on him. He diaap}>.%r<d
from Virginia, and was supposed to have
died in I nionville Such la a brief ao
, const of this unfortunate man as related
ton*" ,
■f • ' '
i iicMixiscxacs or Lorn Qcixtc.—Tie
j fallowing illuiration is given of etiquette
*t the French court in tbe time of Lou s
'XV.—"In the qoeenV apartment there
were two chamber* One dav tbe queen
-aw a speck oi dust on her bed and shewed
] if to Madam de Luync*, her maid of honor.
The lavter sent lor tbe roM dt rhawkbrt
, lied maker to tbe queen, tbat he might
' show it to tbe ri M at cAamAn, bed-maker
to the king. Tbe Utter arnved at tb!
end of an boor, but said tbat the dust was
none o! his business because tho bed
msken of tbe king made np tbe common
bed oi the queen, bnt were forbidden to
touch tbe state bed. Consequently the
dust must be removed by the officers ot
the household. Tbe queen gave orders
that they should be sent Icr; and every
day, for two montha, the asked if the dust
had been brushed ofl, but they had hot
yet found oat whose duty it was to re
move tbe speck Finally, the queen took
up a feather duster and braebed it off
Great was tbe scandal thereof bat no one
dreamed of blaming tbe absence of tbe
officers; tbey only found tbat tbe queen
had been wanting in dtiqnette."
Tui. HORSR. —HaIf tbe people do net
seem to realixe that the chest of a bop •
needs covering quite aa much as bis back.
Tbey think it ouly'MteMary when they
stop (n the street to throw an old
blanket or piece of cStrpet over bis loins,
and leave tbe rot ol bis body exposed.!
It would be a poor overcoat for a man that
only covered his hack, and yet a borse has
a chest and lungs as well s- a human beinr.
It is due to tbe barse, sod it is for tbe
beat interest of tba owner, to provide a
good blanket, covering chest, shoulders,
and back.
TISES Fnrl >.
" TnrtotoWbest coin current. w
A mite, English, b " ope--third of 0
j fartkfig. .■"
The man who stole * pair of boot# tho
other day had B fit.
Shipping fatwrt t— sending gold to
' Emmpe to pay mmptm.
t .KwnHWng naoally •
find it la something to Hva-
A MUmrabea bay fa evdabrating the
Poarth pat bis mra out with a Are cracker.
An IlUaots fttmor baa an 18,000 aera
corn patch and 80,000 acre* of other
. j glata.
-1 "One of those things no fallow can
find out* X good husband after 11
A mfflion dcffinwi in gold, aeeordtng to
tha igtoaa a! the mini, weigh about two
fit lew Hdxkm, a recent vote on aa
toldisfatug fm achocds riood 87 far and
r 5,07$ m, u tot
8U City has erialdlsbad an
1 mffinanoa fining profane swearers 810
i- for each aStmm.
■ la Bwitxcrland R law ,-~< • -d aak
• fag U nnisvr'rt! for any one under 1A to
| smoke toteyOo.
_ Ooodenfaisets observed era ehaiaa to
I grace, which newfactod prove halters to
a strange, nndotifal children.
- Suffering seasons am sitting aramre,
• fa wfaeb tha Christian feae* his cl. ff
and thg hypocrite hia com.
I Apeßtoay bagfaasrftb IMIM ; Hfaadl
4 drawing baek; not rennfag bank ;
; beware Of "ao evfl heart unbelief."
T M'lWlllWßdtMiy war fstth,
1 foHHtt is tdMffw #1; thev know as by
r <m ewt* whioh U visible to tlt-rn
1 Tbe whnw* "srbet difieraws will it
. make ahiUdrad years hence " ha* been
r the een and axrase of much wrong do
fag. R
k A Kense* pmer toffa el ee amy of
I Mads wtuoh Jtxtond* of a
t rpad.
Ao Ohio woman, whose Intohand get
a drank, irai'-ieaoavied tt.ffOO from the
I mee whoaohl!heli<|nur.
II fin Seii Tork Hmrtd/t calls Bfag Ming
* the •" Hudson Itldrfc Thief Manufactory
f N
CinEeldlf G| vfwvfx
pj *c Ortfffadogfft'wavits toltDOw what
a aavS of emrl- fbse the fagtmst Gulden
■ Ldk.
•, 0%. t>fiw ,mii <lfiw
. i Wktt* -veil me* wsry fashionable fa
Peris, audi, of oosir-f, will soon be here.
J ehito tulle dotted
S of fas
- aan- mmv ;
II '• ftraWßwk, -Mm Tost, is 867 acres
U fa w sa, ee4A'tiwue Fsrk, fieblin. one
* <>f the larfWt, 4*i to e world; is
J* a Cmwfa/a galley
r Awmt thfiftr periMfa at lew Wiluifag
rj mi fin | *-• 'poisoned by
. A careful rorifaßOr gffas the lacteal
r miwi'ftl liißg ffiapffallifar yeaia the
i California dcmUins a large*number of
- foreigners prefMfafoMtefy ttrnn any
r ocbrafafawfa toe whoa- Tbe cenvus
■.Sztig**"*—* ***•*"'
r A, WA *pe teiVhbo Mif loSw
i i fag t " A dsei uwn nmned Tsff was run
■ dawn ami falfad by *
■ H* wfc* >ufuryd is a similar way about a
1 "trar sgw '
b itSOU^ 9 6 #
live witfi
J "MSBBwni'aiqoaq me&tl U m "
, Pifnies fa Wnufafaaufa wind ap with
what is celled the Dolfy Varden aianfh
i unaifarf !#■ faeeMt'a oflfae, and
, by the shrewd dedgeeeeaured a husband.
I A Betfaa tfayskisn jwcratly tried to
dissever the >*lioe of two tsrin-gtri*
grown together like Ore Siamrac twia*
Ooeofthe gftik mtrwfwd Hie operation
onedsy. agd the atttor lingtxed Ki Um-e
Ti-e ladles of Augusta, Ga., have '
farmed A socWfto ewfaf tbe early cfae
fag mnTuiiMUhlT Iks members of the
n-rr m-iftblt '•
■k* '•<9Mtgn, ,,: fabedae toaclmr at a Bnn
faj arhnffi dbww T '*bi aboveafi other*
hjl you fash gm to ear when you get
to facehWsibfning up
with anttefaeltob. tte tttle fellow shout
ed, "Oeriiah P *' q V
A situation-aeekißg young hfiynoti W
an advertismarat ior ooe to do light
bousriteeping. She wrote to fbe odver
tsser, asking nfawa the HgbthwwM* was,
sod if tfarawmaray way of getting to
the shora on Monday,
the hunheal gas farttod bis first wife A
very hiedif qr amslty.U himtty, tbe
sister isnga to experience the same
txeatment; ifgrueUy, toavengr it.
published, says* u We are proud of the
isipressiiciy 'aefamn sppearance of our
eodftfnker*. A sr ifaimufafartfaer is a
fadeous uiculius on the growth of a
place." , #l4Bu \ ?nM vi e
Au interesting example of bow a per
son Jrowued may to reeoam
tated oy the adoption pi proner means,
occurred faTbwuto, when a little child,
who bad brio Immersed in a astern for
ball an boer, wan restored tolifle by tbe
skiO ale vhyshnan. 1 '-sw :
f An edttee out West became martial,
and was auate aaptain. On parade,
fastesil twa naoea fa front-ad
vnnce," to uueoaacionaly eecfauned.
"caidi-two dollusaywfa adfance-"
He was court luartmlkxi, and senjenced
'to rend his owt, papers"
wfato the grauari slwelWo be hia
turn is now worth nfan-Pr a Miltiou dol
lar* •; ii raw to crowr ha.-1-*-
k A party of ausical adiwir* to serenaded
syfaW Mf in Alobde last *ek. Bbc
paid the
le to£lTin t to. he >
" 1 w&i Bakaifaw * to he self that I am
indebted to ifarhness for elctoiy; The
same urface refused to fas a besntili.l
woman whom he had. toedn*prisoner,
A celebrated JKsd* writing to an editor,
SK!roa"hany ocawioi?. Jpe rt
plv was practiAf: "fend
dred yards off lines stTOflg enodgh to
fish for congwreffis, and that will b r
s Not long rinos I dyspeptic was be
gulled by ap sdvefrfaement into -vpding
i to a Mew ¥otk fedivldoal a doflfr for
which' wn w 4ure< few ctyept-psia was
promised. Be reoeswed a priirtvd slip
with these worda : " Stop difahing and
hoe in the garden." Tbe man was angry
at Unit, then laughed, and finally Mop
ped drinking and " hoed fa tbe garden.
In a short time he war as well a* ever.
NO. 31.