The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 02, 1872, Image 4

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    Farm, Harden and Household.
am* powfh-re l chalk. Wet the cloth,in!
en o* ra x nre, md lav it iu the sun.
F*. TTSTAWB.— B iling wnterwiil tak
rut thestHtus of neurlv all fruit*, but >i
tie j lice <-f some, such its peaches, nec
tsrnies an I bl -ckberries, it sivms to liavi
but little effect.
IMMAS LOAF. —Ona qna*t sweet milk
half cup mola-ses, wne teaspoon of suit
Oi.e anncer of fi-uir. two suuoera of null
steam two hours, and bake fifteen miu
ute*. Eat warm.
FRAMCS. -B<>il three or four onions ill i
pint of w.iter, then with a gilding hru-l
wash over yonr frame-, and the flies will
not nliwht ou the article washed. No iu
jury will awult to the frames.
pecs I "oiled a few momenta, and quick b
drieil. ottee or twi.-e a nv-nth, Uvonu
ni'iiv fl. xi -le and durable. C'othe>
liues will last longer, and keep in bettei
order for " a-h-dax M-rvict", it oocasion
allv treo'cd the same way.
WHITE HAIXS. — The unaighUy white
hairs on horses cause.! by tiie wear of
aa-hlle .xr h.rtie-s, may lie p>nn"vil t.
mnk- way for those of nalural eot--r by
at>p!yn.g laid at tbree or four d ff>-r tit
tim-a and " robbing the same with the
h <nd until it lw**me- right hot." 8o
a.v* The M i-s.toliu*otts Piua.jlistoa.
Brx.tM BROWS BRFAD.— One enp oi
Indian m< -al, two oupa of rye, one cup a 1
molasses, two cup* of milk, half te*-
spoot.ful sod*, the same ot salt. Stir
well together and st>am three hours,
taking care that the water do a not atop
boiluig. Add boitiug wterasthe water
bono away. If you wish it hot for
breakfast, si earn the day before, and in
the morning >et in the oven for half an
hour to form A gooil crust
YRA*T.— In a quart of boiling water
stir M ffieient wheat fl-uir to make a
smooth, thick batter; while bo*, stir iu
it four ounce* of white sugar and a
te*-poou'ul of salt. \k hen cold, put in
sufficient yeast, sav near a tenenpful, to
mo*e the nia-s to lerment. Lav it by
iu a covered jar for use. Half a teacup-
to make two loaves. T
renew ihe yea-t whet, nse.l up. leserve a
t*lC'ipfiil. It is simple and . ffieient for
rai-ing buck wbeat cakes an ' bread very
light au.l very white if the flour is pood.
Goop FRIED CAKES. Take one-half
eup of sugar, one cap of suiircream, one
egg. °ue tea*iww>ninl of cream tartar,
one tea*piK>ufiil of *oda, and a little salt.
Firs bett the egg. then a.'d th- augur,
atirriwg to a creamy consistency ; dis
solve the i-ream ol tartar and soda to
gether iu a eup of cream aul add to the
egg and sugar, stirring in the flour until
the I•-comes quite *ttfl. Then
flour the moukUng-lHwod. turn up ti it
the dough, work in as little extra flour
a* jowsiWe iu get it g the ma*a to •
pro|>er c •nsisteney for frying. Swe t
cream or milk maybe used a hen sour
cia .no: be hal.
WHS* TO Crr TTHEAT On tlm sub
ject Thr CiwMiim Tdtgraph remaik*
that it sb*-uld he rvw.etnneiwl (bit w beat
H composed of gluten, starch and brjm.
Gluten r* the ronn-hing qualify of tb
gram. the flour stick logrtbet in tne
ha f"s ol the fu -r. and sin* we : pit to th.
ptain -am tbrre is ibe greatest quantity
el gluten tn the at am just when the straw
is >e!'ow two or tb'rc joints fiotn tne
-ground. tbe nwl turn- now mvard, aid you
'ran masb 1 cram between your tb mb an-'
finger without ptoducine any milk. I;
mar tbctelote hoH down asan ind-souta
b'r truth tint carry day the wheat stand*
after tbw stase of it* ript ne>s, tbe gluttrti
dortease* in quantity and the bran in
creases in thicktes*.
LIMING HAT Tbo-t Ecklew of Minne
#o who ha- 40 acies in meadow*, says be
starts ibe mower* two nr three day* he
fore the ti moths blows for the first time
ami continue- cut tin* and stacking uroil
the work ri oomtd*ted, putting up wbt
he cut* the svntc day. ;ovi.-tng it not
wet. lie stack* while lie cut* green an"
rover u-a *a!t kot imtesd ibrevor fnir
qaaits • f nr-ila-kcd lnne to tmt ton of
b*v. His hay is mver mu-ty and his
horses like it rpuch he ter ttian bay that
has bien salted. Tbey have never bad the
heaves, or cv.* a cough srace be li.m-d,
and be believes that it a horse that La- tiie
heaves is fed on timed bay he will get ria
of tbeui. In tact be has known such
convspob-leDt -ays:* If a cow in eh- wing
her co.i, thrown op nit she eats art!
chews it over agaii:. I do not see w! era
the advantage is iu getting corn around
at ali to f-ed ruminating-nimai"." Tli
proot i f that hasty-pudding is in the
eat me of the com by the e--w. Feed h
on whole corn, and you wi'l find that,
even iii twice chewing, she doe* Imt in
diflerent w--rk. and ninth ot the grata in
her f.,d i* passed in whole kern- Is.
GI 'Dt her corn for her, and a smalle
quantity will nourish her as well. Moo
bop* can le fattened at r animals fed
on whole corn tha> aft r the ran}-- num
ber fed o<i meal. Liwfc, try the com
pranve exp- rinieii' (aider exactly the
snme ocQaiostauces) and you will satisfv
Daoy ru ii c--niplain that they cannot af
foid to rai*e tln-ir calves, tbit it is cheap
er to buy cows io reph ni*h their stuck
than t- raise them. This may be a>
wheD they 1 -ok a' the matter of pnsent
ex- cditnre of dollar*- and rents But it
is qnestiona' le whetlier the rule hold*
gnod to the end. and whether the dairy
na- 1, or inde t] farmers generally, could
not b* ' ifiending SSO in raising a calf -
p til it Iss-otne a cow. start iton its pr
duc'ive in an improved courii
tio • so as to make a profit on the in
vestnirot. Aa it is true that an atiims)
starved and stunted in its early life
never regains what lias b en lo*t, so it
is true that one f#-d and enconragid in
it* perii-d ot powth may be mane let
ter and more productive thonghont life.
If the pri-sen* destruction of calves for
the market ia~eri*ted iu, the present
sca>ei y of pood cows must ii crease,
and the supply to which the dairy m*n
look to r-plcnnh their stock mast de
crease, and a-a o-ni-eq uence prices must
advance. Fur her. as the best calves
are t. ken for the knife ami the poorest
retained, another element ia added to
those which make up the sum of the
HARVESTING WHEAT —Cut as soon as
the kernels cease to have auy more milk
in th-m, Imt not earlier, says the Atjri
tu'tvritt. Bnd carefully, and set the
sheave* up firmly, so that th-'y will not
blow down. M cb wheat is lost from
careless shocking. It ttie weath-r is
threatening, it ia a good plan to cap the
shocks with ac u le of slseavee. If ibe
whert is to lie thrash- d tut it i* drawn in,
i' sh-'ull oe allowed to stand in the
shock until the kernels are quite hard
and drv, otherwise the wheat will be
sure to beat ta the granary, and in any
Cu*e it will beatece-vsary to turn it over
occa-i- nal'y. Wheat that ia put i a
stack or loon, mav be drawn earlier.
Thrust the hg*d into the middle of the
sheaf under the, band, if there i no feel
ing of d impure*, draw in at once, pro
vi-ied there is no dew or rain on the
sheave* and the bulla on the ground are
dry. If the bulls are damp, push over
the shocks and expo e the utts to the
s-n or win-1 for uu hour or so ahead 01
the pitcher. R you are short of barn
room, put two good men on the bay, and
let every sligal lie properly laid in
omrses and prea-ed firmly together.
A man who understands Lis l>u*inee*,
oan get one-ffcml more wheat into the
l-arn than if Otm work is done carelessly.
When whestls ono safely in the bun,
it is a great ntfstake to thrash too early.
The straw an.t wheat will both be betrar
if all >wed to ftuuin for a month or two,
or at any rate%ntil the wheat is through
sweating. The -most economical way to
draw in wlieut $ with three wagons, one
man to pitch, que man to each wagon,
to load, drive, and unload, and two on
the bay. Ti# " weak spot" ia in not
having the horses start promptly the
m -m nt the last sheaf in the shock is on
its wav to
ly happens more time is occupie i
in g ttingthe wagon from one shock to
another than,in pitching the shock. A
g Kj-1 i-itcher 4 if the I ad-rs understand
tneir work, will send home a loai every
fifteeu or twenty minutes, or If to 2
acre* an hour of a fair crop of wheat of
£sy to 3d bushels per acre.
Item* or Interest,
A UODICST man in Memphis, shot a Ixiy
>r bathing iu a public place, killing him
A FILE ocnrreil In Alpena. Mich., iu
vldcli four lives were lost nud $150,000
worth of jg-operty deatroyel.
CATtREOXAWs. in unusually large num
tH-rs, h .vc npiamre t nil through ttie
'otton belt, three week*. arli>'r than ever
b- fore. The weather which daveloj-a the
worm continttca.
TH Berlin OMciol OnarHt promulgates
't.e law providing f>.r tlia Iwni-hnu IM of
Jesuits from Germany. All e-ta 1 lih
ments now Under their control must
completely broken tip in six months.
Urea of the whoit CMP j i*t h*rv.steil
has I wen injtireil hv coqtioued and llU
timely rtiiu*. injury hiia also been
.lone to the growing cotton crops in
Mid-lie and West Tauneaace and North
ELEVEN person* wen- huinvd to death
and iwilve other* wi re vert senoi.slv in
j ired by an explosion in a th nr null ai
tilancow. The buihtlng a entirely de
lroved and no caus" of the di-otri cn 1h
THE Apaches fp"m the Great Reserva
tion, who made a treaty wi'h G-li. Hew
arvl al*>nt a month aco. have left the
re-ervtioi> with the avowed intention of
goiug on the war path, and the trvwqv
n in pursuit. Mauy depredations arc
A SIR IOCS accident rcenred uear
it hitc Sulphur Sprinya in W. t Virginia,
by which M-ven persons n* iustsutly
killed and the muue tutmher injiit**l.
The dtsa-tcr was caused by tie- givinc
w y of a tenqwirary bridge over Uie
Griwnbrier river.
A CuBAX privateer, heavily artned a'nl
provisioned for a long cruise, was hmuclit
into Newport hv the I n ted State* rev
enue cut'er T'r vrwl was timidly the
it-vrnuc cutter Rmolute. but wa* bought
and armed bv Cul<ana and acting as a
oeciy for Spanish men-of war.
A TraaiaLK accident i"ccurrel in W*<h
incu.n, D C . by which three men wete
killed and five others '-adit mjurel One
ot the MI -potts of three huge derricks give
war and the w hole nl the oondetous ma
chiuerv I*ll, cnt*hing s. vrnl o! the met'
to a literally unn cornizahle tn*ss.
THE New Jrrscv l*.urt el Par TONS has
ann -unoed it* d.-cts-on to commute the
death -emetHV of Lil be Garrabrant t"
imprisonment for life Tae girl's counsel
has telegtaphed the re*ult ot tue ih-lmera
tioi.s ol cbc Court to Paier-on, and the
news was given to the ptison,r She ap
pcared to take liti e ui'ere* in themattei
-avinz o !y that be should not like to
leave the J til where she i* now eonti ed.
She will prohablt be taksu to Tienton.
Is a shooting affair in % billrootu ill
B'g litpida, M:oh., Charlesßrousoaand
J. Sweeney acted as priiK>i|l*. The
former dispute.! ilh the latter his right
in the ro>>m. The t*o qitarr-llr*t, m-d
Bionsou drew u revolver, ami tn quick
sueci.~-s-i.iu 'lie six charge- into
Lweei.ev's In sly, some of the shots b •
mg fired af'er he w*a down aud tup
dto be dead. Bronwon is wea'tln.
aud it ia sup{Hi**sl with some exfendi
lure ol morev will get sot of the scrape,
tie is iu confinement.
THE Sopora D mtocmt chronicles a nbu.
for s- caring chernes frcm the rav igea of
bio's; which ia as remark ble for its sifh
plicifv as its effectiveness : A sin.ple
contrivance, consisting of a c-w bell su--
jN-i.dnl in the middle of a ero-rry tree,
connected by a rope !<>ng enough to reach
the cw sheil ai-d atfachtwl to a cow'*
tail, will scare iff the binls roost eflecfu
a'ly. This trick is in successful ojiera
tion in Sonorw, nd can le seen at J.dra
Binman's place. He ha* not lost
cherry this year, and his trees arts full of
Will He' erne Back!
There is *cntt cutiou* club talk in regard
to the grvtt explorer Livingston, ay* a
Ixipdon letici. It i* coojec'ured tha'
Stanley do! not tell all he know*, or ei-c
that Livingstone d"d not pcimit '-tin to ai--
cover zil 'here was to be found out. A
story is revived that w*s curr. Nt some
yi-vr* since, bat which, when it oar fa
light, was so vigorously ptoh-pN lied, tb*"
men fancied there was no f- nodxtiun f*i
it. Thi* ory was o the rffeci Inst the
riav.n whv Livingston did not come bom.
in* that bo a< happily marin~l in Cential
Africa, *D<I cauld neither bring hi* dcai
princess whb him u<>r tear biro-elf aw ay
fiomherfascinsiingcmhracis. The (t- rv
it wi'l be rvii.cnii>er~<' wa* said to have
een brought down to Zarzihsr by Arab
trading with Uz-zi. It will he r-ntcm-
Iwrrd, moreover, that lonr liclorv Kirk or
any enc chumeil to have lining* of Living
dene, ei hrr direct or indtiect. the late
Sir Rodeiick Mundicon wa* :n the bahit
of cxpr.-ssing him-elt a* lie rig assuicd of
the tiavtiler'* vi-ibility. and (noting at
tbe notion that there wa* anv trutti in
the report of hi- bavins I* en murdered.
Go- ip {mint* to the well-known im
•wtience of civilization manile-icl bt
Livincs'onc on his former vi-it—hi borro'
ot lionizing, hi* <li*gut with l-ook c i t—
and quotes his dpcbra'ioo tb*t it wa*
easier to explore Afiict than to tell about
it. There i talk of hi* natura'ly m<ma"lic
dispo-iiion, and the we'l-aacertjined lac*
that haoits ot life such as he bad fvbowed
lor so n.anv years, joined to a roving spirit,
become inveterate and uncontrollable.
T'ie quid nunc* hake tb-ir heads and till
o* Rajab Biookc. Hester itanboj*". Lady
Elleiiboiough, and many other Englinb
wotnea and mc.i who. crazed from ' form
-ickne**." have broken bends and fie I to
savapiiy far life. Livingstone, they say,
expect* to come back "-otneof tbe-eday*,'
when tbe LTyssea *pint ha*quitc w(rnouf
of Llm. bu* lie has n- definite intin'ioii*
o return at any par icular time, and hi*
fixing two yi-ars a* tbe period ol time
necessary to complete bi* d'coverie* by
ihe exploration of l-"0 miles of river. w- a
iuen- übteifuee to g* rid of Stanlcv. It
i* fmthei in-innated that tbi* exparna'i'-c
ol htmseli i an old plan; that he lnmse-f
made up the story of his murder brought
back by hi* Makaloroattendant*, and that
he has always prevented !>r. Kirk from
getting new* of him, and declined to com
municate wiib him until the pur*uit grew
*o strung be eonhl no longer keep his ex
igence a *ecret. 1 send yon this go* ip
for w hat it l wurtb.
A report n rhe n* of the severe flog
uing of the Bear, Thorn m Callahan, near
Onterville. R ynold* County, Mo., by a
(mud of diagrniwd men. Callahan says
ihat while he was watching hi* kick wife,
men wilh b'ackened face* entered hi*
house, aud dragged hi* wife from bed,
plnndered the house aud bonnd and
took him half a miie away, and after wt
tempting to make htm fell who set fire lo
the conrt-h<<ii*e. which bud been twice
bnrued, gsvs him seventy five leshe* ou
tbe bare back with switches, end thru
ordered him to leave the country on peu
alty of death. He say* then*is ncoriupt
court-bonse ring in Beynolda Coi ufy.
against whom lie was sti'mgl.v oppom. d,
uud who were inb-retcd iu the deetrue
tion of the county records to cover np
their finuds in titles.* United Stab *
Cotnmii-sioucr Eaton ha* ivued warrants
for the |M-rj>eti-alor*, und United Stales
Maishal Newc mil baa sent depniie* to
Reynolds County to arrest aud bring
them to St. Lonis.
STORM. -Mr. JUCK*OO, who made an as
cent in a i-allooh from the Derby Ariio
letnm during a thunder *b>rm on M'm
day evening, send* to tlie Derby Mercury
an account of what he saw : "i b. lieve I
witi-e-i-ed a sight that has never vet '-en
seen liefore. In one direction tbe blgek
storm was raging in all its fury. At
imea the lightning ran from top to hot
torn in zig-zag foira. Thi* produc d
rolling thunder. At other times the
great block hlock wonM split open, and
a loud clap of thnnder would follow.
The lightning npp ared bluer ami the
thnnder ap{s-are<l more hollow than is
seen and heard from tbe earth. Over
those parts that the storm had pa**ed
there app- an d light c oud* moviug in
auother Direction, aud looked like white
amoks issuing from u fire without flame.
Women are not allowed to wear either
hats or lion net# in' tbe London theatre*,
ihey bavs to leave their three
deckers at home or nttrae them in thc ; r
lafis during the p- rf'oriuftnces, to avoid
Wing "bonneted."
Tp la a RftHo n.
The Boston froeWlff f (he follow
inn liwlv account ol 'i tivagu through
npiat Mir mads by w of ft* report©**:
T1 e danger of a joum y through the
cloud* in company with two lunntic*
wim experienced hv wrilor loot eve.
niB nl *n hour pn-t 7 o'clock. In com
l>snv with friend ho took tM**iige in
tho bsilonu "I'N'H# in tli Air," iiwlrf
♦h* charge of Prof. Allen, of I'invtdcitct*.
11 I. Tbe pMwnper lt*l eomiiriwd tho
Professor him*elf, tho two parti.-# above
1 winded to mill * pair of thick-akulb'd,
' drunken Irinhatw with a bottle of whin
key Tho fact that those twii wore ilruuk
' niiil tho presence of their bottle of Mq
i nor. howrror, wa# not know n wutil ntt. r
I j tho to evasion had o- •rouienced.
At rtmt owe of tho mow, a burly follow
, jof 180 pounds weight. r ftia.d to oliev
tin* order# of tho aeronaut, inaiwtimj up
, jon sitting at on* cud of the tie kot,
where lua weight enwol tho haul to ca
reen in very dangerous mmrer. Nt
' mil* fled with thi, ho opened tbo tmttlc
of liquor ad drained it* eout *nta at
| draught, throwing tlio *eol at th.
crowd owe thousand fot t lah>w. He j
next attempted to dance n jig, and tr •*!
to gatu iHiwowiwi of the cord at'aeheil i
• to the safety in've. but wa finally in- j
duces! to *it still for a moment. The ;
' i wind wa* blowing atronglr a' that time
' and it was at the last a difficult task to
• i preserve tho proper equilibrium. I'o.f j
Allen, therefore, decided to iloss'inl and
j m lilo tho usual siclial to the engineer |
•' The lunatic, f->r such it would be char
, I liable to -all lion, couuterm onlc 1 the j
i orders of the PuifcsM r to the orowil le
--luw, and did nil he could not only to • u- j
danger his own worth less life, bur to ini- i
• j oeril the safety of all the pasaeugurs in
■ the basket.
I A thrill of horror ran thi utgh the
. spectator* aa thev l>e ran to malum tin
. • horror* of tlio situation. The ha*ke' 1
. swayes) liithorand thither at the merry of
a drunken idiot, ami it w is apparent to j
, ill that sudden death was imminent to
the nnfor'uuate balloonist*. Prof. Allen
! himself fully realiz nl the dangers of tin
i position in which we w re plaml, anil j
i it was difficult for him to pre-rrve tin
I necessary coolness with which to noper ;
; intend the working of the lniUoou. F
| i nully, he managed to eonv his oral r
j to tiie attendants below, and the balloon
was slowly drawn down through a owlui
'| cr region of air to the grontnl. The oe
' enpunts diseuiliarkisl unh irmed, and
' Wire ahowt-r.d with greetings be the
• ager rowd, who had, mane times
S given up all hopes of ever seeing them j
' j alive. _ _
Ie>troied by an Earthquake.
A corn apondeut of the Hong
Press write* as follows : "VV i b reter-
I cure to the earthquake, I have sh is- j
j !• arued that it almost com lelely de
siroie.l the large #e-i"©rt t wii of H -
mads, the capital of 8 -ki-hu. situabsl
on the we>t isnst of Japan, iu -45- n--rili
latitude and 133® eu*f lougitnde, Wiug
I*l English unles . lnio-t due N of
Kobe. From hut f can gather this ap
| |ein to to have Itreti the c ntre of the
earthii'take. On the Unit shock, which [
was tue most severe, tlie | tropic had !
•mrely time to get clear from their house*
iidfon* they saw them tumble to pi-e--a.
the uiim's-r o people killed is estimated
roundly at stk'. As the earthquake oc
.sirred at alsiut the ho ir devoted to the
eveiiing meal, the remains of ihe kitehen
tires were still smouldering ami igniting
the d brit of foreign timber it tlirisl up I
into a coudagration, thus nd ling to thi j
t rror of tn* mlTerers and computing .
the awful culamity originated by thr
convulsive throes of the earth. Tin
i artliq>i„ke appears to have lusted a con
I sul mule t'me and s< wvere were th>
shocks t><at ti e'error-tricken|>opu!mtioD
were u "able to wlk, au>l were obliged .
to era >l awny on their hun ' and k; ess
is lie*t tliev could, iu search of on<e
• place of a'eti. gen ntllv makin.- for the)
j nearest ham boo groves, as the J - pun s.
fstmddi r tin tn the n-surt- in ueli
! dire emergencies, it beii g their opinion
j 'iiat the complete net-work frnsl
by the inter'ne-d nnits of the Immlts*
un-lergroun-l hinds the artli togeib* r.
ami thus hs*etis its liability to C| n and
swallow them up Mmy large fisstne* f
ind crft'eu ot-eDed up in and alioni the
' town, from which the sea-wuter gushed j
forth iu plentiful streams.
annnHl i xhihition -tf American fnsti
t ite will la opem dat tie tluk. in Sew
Y--rk Citv on the -lib of September, and
continue until th I3th of (V'olvr. The
| O'-ening uddres. will t>e dliversl at two
; o'clock p. uon the ti r -t dav. after whirl'
the first iiistrnmental concert will I*
| given. The closing address on the l'ttl
of X-'vemlwr will a'so lie given at twoj
• •'clock, p. M. and the awards of tin-
Board of Manages will then he an
i noun "el. For the accomodation of the j
exhibitors of heavy m ichi'orv in actual
oisration. all parte o f the building to !
j occupied by tln-m will le np-ned fr>' j
j their use on the lfb of Angn-t. On
I the 2A'h of that month tue entire build
i mg will la* r.-*ly for the r*<s-p*ion of
j "onds to be exhibifel. Ai'er the exhh |
I hit<on is op-n to the pno'ie no givwt* ,
' will lie reei-iveil wit •peejal permis
sion Irr'm the Board of Msnngets. The
Institute will this senrrewnme it*former j
custom of awarding med ds an.l diphs j
mas. The " G eat medul of honor" w ill ;
Jie awarded for a new machine or pro
cess of such a character as will w rk a
revolution in me biam-h of the n-efnl
' arts. To encwnmge effort* for the pr
dnction of snis rior Am riean lei>ttier,
; Jackson 8. Bckultx has offered thre
gold medals; one for the 'sat pure oat
tannage, one for the be-t pure hcmloel
tmmngp, and one h-r the lest mixed fan
! n-ipe. Thi-se med.ils will ts aw-iir-hs! hy
the lastitnto,the leather exhibited la-tne ;
- governed bv the rules to which other ar- i
liclea are aubj's-t.
A CRIME.— N J icksonville, Illinois,
j Thomas Dunn, -napped a pistol which
he supposed unloaded at a Mi-s Lizzie
, Voorhees, shooting her through tb
j bead, so that she cannot possibly live.
' We suppose that, under the law of llli
j noia. Dunn will altogether e*cu|e puu
; ishment for this murderous fooling,
j Umli-r the law of Miehig.iu—fool* who
intentionallv even jaunt any H <-rnis at
snot her, whether loaded or unload e<l,
ore held Qiiilty of a misdemeanor, and
punished accordingly ; and, in easi" id
wounding or death on uccount of rnch
Cure!es!ies the ptini-hment is pretty
jai vere. Since this law was phu-*d up>n
the statute ls>ok, Michigan, which for
merly had a CJIBC of in jut y by the care
less use of firearm- everv little while,
lias been almost entirely free from such
oCitirreneeH. Fooling with firearms hs -
gone out of practice in Mich gau since
: the law pronounced it a crime.
A FOOLISH WAOEIL— Mr. Sicinmeet i
j tells us tout, in lbl3. Mr. Ogden wagernl
; I,(XX) goineiia to one that " seven" would
j not bo thrown with a jrnir of dice ten
-Ut-ce*ivc times. The, wager was ac
cepted, (though it was egrcgiously nn
j IST.) and, ctrnngc to any, his opponent
threw " seven" r.iue times running. At
this point Mr. Ogd'-noffered 47<l guinea*
to be off the bet. Bit his op|uient ile
clined, (though the price offered was
far beyond the real value of his chance )
He cast yet once more, and threw
••nine," so that Mr Ogden won his
guinea. T'IK ''<irnltill.
THE BAKXER. - rout's wa* the incar
nation of gr> fed. He caused his garments
I be repaired -o long a* they could [*>*
| sibly 1> ma 'e t.i bol • together. S veral
of hi sermnta left him o-i this aceount.
Finally * yi-nng woman, Snsun flia'kie
: euteri-d his service, who. perceiving his
■K-culiaritiea, cninv© t out of her iaving
to introduce new stockings ii t • his
| wardrolv, and thi- Hit of eootioui'ziiig
so ph-ased the ancient banker that he
married her.
Is trying Jn..eph Meeker at tho ffew
i York Court of General Sessions, for the
a legeil sale of olmc. ue li culture. Da
1 trict Attorney Fellows is reported a- Buy
; ing "the young ladies" seminaries m
J New York and its vicinity were actually
I flooded with books and pictures of tlie
most indneent kind, surreptitionaly in
tr- -dured —eome'.imes hidd< n in bouqnets
I of flowers, sometimes in paroel* of nuts
; and candy —by such men as the prisoner
I at the bar."
(aster OIL
Breath#* thrra a man with ••ml o t|wt be doc* not twlleot lb# #*#•
tor-oiling which bis jHmr machine n-cd
to undergo lit stated utriiHi of lit* lift* ?
to castor oil a chilil of •*•> it fwi
! vttri of age require* three r fonratronu !
women, n h|xKnt, a m-gnum bottle of tin* I
fluid. it lump of dtignr, 11 towel, a jump* j
| big-jack and ii errnphio temper. The
tlr-t mot.<>ii is to rnJiaTur to ring in the
medicine on tlo< uu*u*uetiDu balm tliiu
Iv di-guised with milk. This maneu
ver foiling, yon parley witli the em HIT
{mill attempt to *>rrii|>t Ha infantile
j integrity with Hriltea of Pe'a gold
wuti'h. iin|x rial revenue* of small ehsi •••,
■till lli ftjiri ilt*H of -mall orwugea. After
hniiiig tempted it thrice to pnl theapoon
of Taiibdu* to ita lijia, It rofnaoa point
t'lank to touch the u-atv thiug. Tb*r*-
IIJHHI your auirhaiv* ii imllgn ation find*
vent in cor|oival ehaarieement of th* n
lieilioiia infmit. It h<>wl-. Pi not* bring
nttnrrd, yon bring nti re-eofororut'-nU.
•mil, strategy ami aiploiunev having
failed, detfitninrd to ai-eept nothing lint
unconditional surrender, ami iwcjwre to
march at ornw i|mn the enemy'a works
V grain! couitiiiieit n'tAck in made. The
1 left wing ll■ mlv hohla the child's hai d*
rue right wing pinches ita mac, an 11* to
■-Hiiupei it o open ita mouth, into whioh
Hie fruU-r pour-* a dend.y tiro from the
spoon. Meanwhile the re*erve bold* up
:.1 lump of eugar. ruuiui-rn #l,r saxiug,
• |sx.r 'itii U-'t*v pooty, wutit ny
tnedioy, eh?" ami keep* "the towel reuily
I'he hahy yells AM! choke*, the young
mother, ufraiil of killing it, lets go of its
! nose, the infant, catching hreuth, dm
charge# the whole do*e upon her. anil
ritiiia all the front ho uJtli, of her Mack
silk, ami follow* up it* advantage hv ao
| heart breaking a yell that the attacking
party surrender ut iliaeis tt**B ami ralla
it "|s*-r, ii jired, uiain-te's own tstcu*.
; anil it won't take any more imsm castor
, oil, if it don't want to.* 1 A treaty of
: peaceia then ratified, whereby the infant
is ceded immunity from ea-t.>r oil, ami
an am j ile indemnity to lollipop*, ami
then the mother enters into a war with
. the infant's grandmother, who vigorously
reprehends (he wenknetis exhibited in
dealing w itll ctiildieu nowaday . People
have tried all *• rt* of oxpcdiei tit. Taken
tt iu milk ; in Mala water; from ah it
*JH>OU; every way. II tuu later Frank
lin has ever been aide to ovcrcusje and
.iiiuilidate the us-tine-a of taking castor
, oil. It has a sluggish eold ap -riant lixii
about it, like au ill otnenxl pool iu a
deadly swamp. it uncoil* its. If into the
fat d sptMin like a boih d ruttle-auake.
:it taatea like molten graveyards, but
the feeling, when it has ISH-U achieved,
is thst one a iu-idc ia lull of larth-woriu*
and cork-screws.
George Elliott's Sayings.
The commonest man who b bis ounce
! of seme and fieling i- conscious ot the utl
crence bet ween a lovely, delicate woman
j and a coar-e one. Even a dot feel* a dil
lervnev in their prraencc The- man ma.
lie no h.-tt. r able than the dog to explain
j ibt- tiitiui-nre the moie refine j beauty ha*
in bun, I ait be leels it.
It's eatv finding rea-oiis why other
folks h- uld lie pvtienf.
Let evil words die a* aoon a they'rwspo
As to people sating a few idle words
aliout us, we niu*t oof mind thai, am
tn<>:e than the uld church steeple mind*
the rook- that ate cawing about if.
I like breakfast time better thaa anv
iother moment in the day. No du*' lia
| -cttled on one's nnud then and it prr*ent
' a rtesr muror to tire rata of things.
When what i* go *1 comes of age ar.d i
j likely to lire, there ut ream u lor r joic
No man can be wise on an empty (to
A man can't very well steal a banknote
unless ilie banknote lira within convenient
, reach •' httt be wont n. ike u* think bnu tin ,
h iK-t nitn because te N-pin* to bowl at
| tbe banknote for lallitig in his way.
A man can never do anything at van
a nee with bis own nature, lie carrns
w it bin biui the ,-e.m ol hi* must excentiun
at action; and if we wise people make
| emmim nt hxlvot vorsebva on any partic
ular occasion we mU't enduic the li-gitimate
conclusion that we carry a few grains ot
!olt\ to our ounce ot w i*dotn.
vVhen I've made up my mind that I i
1 cgr/t *Hoid to bay a temp ing dog, I take
■no no* ice uf uiro. because if he took a
. stro g fancy to m<*. and l.xiked lovingly at
me tbest.ugglc l*twes.o arithmetic ami |
tnclinatHiu u igbt become unpleasantly
*-vi rs. 1 pojue tnyseJt on BIT wisdon
i there.
Cot*ixjueDCes arc unpitying. Our deeds
ail) their terr'li'e con-sspjeD'-es, piilc
vfMirt frxitn any tlucuat'ons that went
oef re—ct.nequeiices that are bvrdlv ever
ron fin d to ouraelvi-a. And It is le*f ii
tlx our minds on that certainty, inatead of.
i-on-idcnng hat may be tbe eiemrnts of
1 eXCII-c lor us.
There iv no sort of wrong deed of w hicb
i man can hear the pnnmhment alone : you
! <-an is<>lats yonraelf anu say tbit Is# evil
which iaoii yod shall B3t aorrad. Men'shees (
ue a* tb Hougnly blemlcd with each other
ia the air ibey hre.itlic; evil spreads as
•lecessanly as disease
USINO n> SBOKK.—Several officers ol
the Auatri in Uuvul nereics* hare united
in • X|h rimeulH which have nwnlted lu an
; invention promising to bo of greatest
in port aiice to war atenmeraand to steam
wonda generally. It is a met lust or
c Dvcving away under water the -moke
| from the SICHIU enuine. thua dis(M-uaing '
with the use of a funnel. Tl ey make
use of doiihlc Ventilators, which cotupri-ss
• lie atnoke and force it overboard. For
pro|adiing these ventila'or* they employ
•II large ships the pressure ol the water
I't ween its surface and the plooe where i
hia apparatus i* fixed ; for -mailt r v a
-eia, ste.iui |>owcr. Oue gr*-at mivautagc j
of this invention ia the additional seen- 1
rdv ita adoption will give to iron-clad
hips of war tl rough the ah-cuce of
what is now their most vulnerable jmrt,
i the fuunel. Othr sdvantages claimed
| for it are the anving of space now occti
pitxl by t! epnssugei'f the fuuuel through
every d-ck, le-a dantn-r from tire, mm
plete regulation of the draught, a saving
of fuel, and lietter ventilatsnn of the
' imiler. It is anid that trials have been
made of the appnrntus, resulting success
fully even to the smalleet details.
Tnn SitALt Pox I'HKOBT.—'The curious
| theory is propounded by a physician iu
! Germany that small-pox origiuaUa from
HI excess of albuminous matter in tlu
| blood, and tliat this ia to le prevented
j bv tbe administration of eomruou salt.
The habit of childon indulging ovt-r
trcelv ia sweetmeata lie oonsi.irrs one
great cause of this undue development
•if albumen, and coffee and tea, if Ingli
jlv sugared, b-nd also to excite it in
a hilt*. An organic acid, such as lemon
I ltncc. lie couai. era the beat means of
| beeing the blood when clogged up with
UK) much albumen; and he alh ges that
by taking these simple remedii, in the
way of precaution, he lias, for upward of
twelve years past, frequented or taken
up bis a'xide in the most |m*tileutial
, srnull pox b nap j tab in Enrono and ;*
j America with entire impunity.
Tur. BAWOS.—The New York
Envng Port says: Oompan-ntts will be
made, ol course lietween the foreign hands,
and tbe sapermrity will he fenneied to
this o'- that, in many rases, acrordinc t> a
national |artiality. To n the one we
have Just beard erms always the be#t;
hnt mo-t judges, we think, will award
warmth snd mellowness to the English,
weighi and richness to the German, vivac
it v. dash tUtn to the French, it may be
doubted whether a tlnei military hand now
exists than the last.
TAXK CARE—JOW-ph Ilarna gives this
M-nsib'e advice. Take care ol your health,
nnd that ol tour family. See that the
cellar is sciunulously clean. Whitewash
Irvipiently. U*e chloride ol lime trei ly
about the sink, sewers, etc. Reoolleot
that dry earth is a cspital disinlectnnt,
and i cheap in the conntry. We lnve an
idea that there are nut-houses that wßiild
not he qaito so uff, nive if half a load ot
earth vvrte shoveled into tnam uvory law
A Fort Warren, N. Y., man who din
-1 spja-arrd from his home twenty-wven
years ago. returned a week ago, having
| in tlie meantime wandered nearly over
I ;ha habitable globe as a tramp printer.
A Thoufh t-fiugjca' lug ricgt amine.
WPh Ilia Idea of inciting to ctoaar
o'sei v itlou, and !•• eocouraga eximid
UHMit. the t'eutral New York JfenrV
Club, iv wide-awake an iety of intelligent
Imab tuduicn, Appoin'rd a pommittec—
O. 11. Gridh y, Cliairmaii—to projovc
a programme of auggoatioua, and here
urc wiiu of them ;
Teat whether new ntnl rich land should
have more grass wclssown than |onror
much worn noil*, by sowing the same
•lay a like crop and treating the same,
except the quantity of seed
Harrowing Winter wheat in the spring
with a suitable implement, alien tie
.-rass se<d* are tu lie sown, for the pur
pose of getting better aecdiug, and to
improve the wheat crop.
Application of pl ot, r.snperpbospbatc,
Ac , iu the F.dl and Hpriug.
Whether it i belter to sow gin** seed
(except clover) two or three weeks after
owing Hie Winter wheat, or at the time
tbe wheat is sown.
Application of lime piaster and fcrtil
.is r* for the jntrpose of allowing their
l)rdling in wheat aud other gru n* ulid
bro-ule ot sowing.
When gr*-eii sward is sown to fine prnin
iu the Spring and it l to l*f -eeiled wiH
j giasa 10-xf Spring, should Ibe l*ml be
I plowed •(sin after taking off the orop,
| ml again in iheHpriii f, or hut once, aud
• wl en ?
| lii-tance of phi tiling in the row to get
tl e urente-t yield
! Quantity of seed of s> vcrnl best varie-
I ties,
Wliether a piece of Potato will germi
j na'e where no eye exist*.
Harr .wing as a part of ctiHivnting,
Applic itioß of planter, aaht-a, lime and
t other ferriliz r.
The unm ar of Stulka in a hill growing
the gr ate** weight of potatoes.
Vpolvii.g ooAise and raw manure in
the Fall on greensward and in the spring
; of the year.
Plow the hind different depths, apply*
! ing raw manure, fiee <rom straw, before
, plowing, an 1 after on adjoining land.
Manure in the hill, or the like quauti
tv *preud broad -ast if woiked iuto the
1 soih
On land that grows * heavy crop,
three stalk* in Hie hill ; f-iur stalks iu the
! lull; five stalks in the litll; six -talk* in
I Hie hill; giving the product* of each row
; coat of hill cubnre.
i Cutting the C iimda tlibtb* in a wav to
I dealPiy th- m, and such other rx|>eri
uieiits as mnv IK' uf value to he kuowu in
! growing *"orn.
The npplicabiin of p!ater. at diffen-nt
tinnei.f the y• tir to different cro|v
The (Niuiutra'ive %■ due .f
Bullivan and NovaHc'ttia pla-tt-r.
i The jdow ing, cropping and re*ecfing
part of old or what i- Ci'led permanent
pa*tllie, or meadi'W. where the • w er is
not sniisfl J with the cop of grass
! ipt'ying ou a jmrtion of the plowed 'and
•liff. rent manure, and --n a part no man
j nre: giving in the r ivirt the weight if
cup of hay on eseh alike in the quantity
of )mi; also the kind aud quantity of
j grw-a se*d sown
1 he application of lime for the pnip-wc
of exteruuna'trg mo** and sorn-ll on Lnd
nn 1 it* application in rari<m* wars.
R-Dnrtißg the cst and tbe value of
anv crop* grown on the farm.
Sown aoru in drills aud rnltivated, a*
i tyon|aired witJi Uie use of the grain drill,
j Curing it* va'nc for feeding in the F.dl
md Winter. Miuiier of curing and
w. ight and <-nai of crop*.
The testing und Si jsittii'g the v lue of
C*ikc el"Ver. Ilium#, orelmrd graiw,
moadow f,-.*c'ie. Ita ikii rvr giuaa, icd top
.md other valuable grans..
The eo*t of pr- diotng a |*>ntid of port;
! th- bret*l and aire of hoga ; the kind and
quantity of fo d given.
Tin* cost of producing a pound oft>,*ef;
'ha breed and age of animals; alwo the
kinds of food used, and the quantity.
The S|>lnning Jenny.
Snddrtily hetjome* Ilcrgrrnvra) drop
twd u| u Ilia km***, and rolled on the
■done fliHir at full length. He lay with
face toward the floor, and made liu-s
• ml i*treL*a with Hie end of a hut tit stick.
He rose aud went to the fire hi burn hi*
-tick Then he sat tijtou a chair ail
placed hi" head In'twien hi* hand*.
i lb*tr* on his knees, and gnr.e<l intmtly.
on the floor. Then he sprang to hi* fret
and replied to some fi*-hle ipie*ti<>n >f
hi* Wile, who had not risen since the ilay
she gave birth fo a by a load
AAOiraiiue that he had it, and taking her
iu lit* sturdy aims with the blank* ta, the
Itnlivin her aim*, he lifted her out and
belli In r over the black drawing on th<
floor. Those he explained, and sh
joined a small b"pful. happy laiigliwith
'*i higb-'oned n**nrance that -he should
never ngtiin toil nt the a|4nttiiig wh. el:
that he aliould never ogaiu "piny " ad
have his loom -tanding for want of weft.
" Out fortune i* made when that is
made," he -aid, tqicakiug of bis draw
ing- on the fl.wir.
" What will you call it?" naked
"CSdl i'? What an we eal! it after
thyweu, Jenny? Thev called thee * Spin
niue Jctiuey' alore I had t'o*--, lccu*e
thou Wat eveiy his- iu Stadcbill Mor
at the wheel \Vlnit tf We call it ' Bpiu
uiug Jem y?'"
The spuming Jenny <vtiM *pln twelve
thread*, itisfc ad of a* by Land spib
I'he populace broke the machine to
pii c*, and {wor Ilurgreuve's heart ut lh
same time.
liirhard Arkwrijht, common l*rbcr.
cuughi the plea of liurgroavea, impnuro
ment ti|Hiii it. n alixisJ a fortune of half
a roil'ion sterliug, iiud liecame Sir Ibcb
ard Arkwright, whose son, m 1H44, died
the richest commoner in England.
Two MAKKS AT EWXTTT.— Mr. Thotnus
Rilpairick put (us t*o roa<l m; re* to tbe
poie early in the spring. A* both are strpp ra they promised to mike a
rapid tmin. Both sre a little high
strung, and each seems to have a gotal
opinion ot herself. The two w re eonrte*
ou-ly jKlite t<>neh other, but tlu-r **
no strong display of uffection. W bile
geutlv diiviug in Gentrul Park one day,
the sorrel mare made mi awkward step,
mid cut ttie bay mare on the ankle.
Toe accident appeared to stir up lud
Uiod. Maddened wiHi tmin. the lay
mure hit the sorrel, ami this act of
lioatiH'y wa* quicklv renenh d. The
mere* now forgot their |Mdit< ncs*. and
each struggled U> iuflict as much iiijnrv
upon the other a* |*mstble. On arriving
at Uie Stables and being detached from
the wagon, iu stead ol walking quietly
to their stalls, they turned upon each
other with gtent lurv and engaged in J
severe fight Tbev were separated with
some d fficnlty. But now it i* out of the
question t<i drive tin m togi ther. hen
lltey come within "ight of etch other,
the eye* flash and the uostriL snort de
tin nre. It left to themselves they would
sue ly engage in a conflict bitter and re
morseless iu the extreme.— 7W, Fld
and Farm.
AJIVXKTISINO. —Mr. Bennett, in claast
fling hi* ndvoitiscmeiit* so aa to indn- e
people of every ••eeujuiHon to seek the
Herl<t, charged the higher and mo e
piotitable hnaiuew-eafS a line, other 91,
mid so down to 40 cents. BCIMW tin se
are tlie advertis-m*na of pers<in* seek
ing.mployment. The skilled mechanic,
or a hon*ekeejM r. pays 50 rent* ; n uins
cnline laborer, 25 Cents ; while Bid' y Hie
eoiiiison servant, P'.v* Hnt 5 cet ts a line
for three lines, the present daily cir
dilution ol the B rnhi vibrates be.ween
75,000 mid 105.1 00.
LANRXS' FA IIMINO. Opinion ss to the
best mode of raising Dolly Ynrdeos:
• 4 riant two row# ef hoWnrtte, hem
stitched, snd inserted with double seeded
raffle* of ead bipe. with A qnilled
at esch end. Then lav off half an aere In
blue organdy, with double-rnfiled bias
catting* rnnnlng trsnsverwly scros* the
Arid, with the whole lined with polnt-sp
plfqite finted ticking, an! with proper
care anil no cl inch hug* tbe crop will be
a -plendid one."
Tm Bridgeport (Conn.) St mdard haa
been told that " when tin afternoon • X
?re-s out. of New York wa* nem -rwalk,
h'ltiwlay ufterme —a heavy shower
prevailing at the time—a Hall of fire
entered one of the cars and exploded,
filling the oar with the.' nmea of a ilphur.
The Jnry In ths Ntukas Caae.
Th< jury iu Ibe HtoU#, case in New
York, ntter being itiiMSiiarged, weru fol
lowed into their rMim by a large audi*
enoo who plied them with questions
couoetniug their delitMirationa and the
rewult. Oue of tlo-m replied iu au-wer
to a •pierv that On the first ballot, taken
mini- diatoly alter they retired from the
Court, they atoml seven lor rauider in
Hie first degree, two fur manslaughter in
the third degree, and three for ac piittal.
" Well, ir ; w hat next f"
" We ttKik off our route ; we drew our
chairs together and sat down to diacui-s
the evidence, or rather some of us went
in with a determination hi euf orce our
own views, wlueli, of course, we con
sidered the e irr ct ouea. There were a*
uua) "•ilwtinate juror"." There were
thr-e who could not be peruaded to
think any premeditutiou n-u'd have rx
tatsul iu the prisoner's miud when he
Ilr l Thev ri-fiindt.i hear any "Uggea
tiou whatever on the subject. But thev
hail to hear the discu>si<iu, and it mnde
■in in.piea- tun on them, ami finally d--uli'
were raised in their mimUaud they talked
freely a'ait!t the matter."
" On wliut ground did thev at first hold
• •ut iuiain*t prem-ditntion ?"
" They eunsidero I that pn*me<litation
iiivolvtsl time for thinking, that the in
tent cannot tie foim-d well in a minute,
•ml thev a creed that thei*9 wa* no tiuit
fur pr. moditation ts-lawu Fi-k's enter
ing tin- hall door aud the shooting. You
nniainVr huw we c;<me iubi court and
asked lor Fisk'a clothe* f Well, it was
considered by some that perhup* lookiug
at the co*k whieti hail been |M"rforated
would throw some light ou th matter,
and we at once aeto I on the
and u-ked the Judge the vuli-e, and
gut further iuatruetiona a* to the briet
ue** of time iu which intent con be
" Was the cloak of much use t"
" There were aouie uf ua who firmly
iw-Iteved Fia • Invd a pistol in hia hand,
but other* did not, and thev wunUid to
prove from flu- bullet mark* that the
dec*-a- -il bail the cloak folded around
huu when shot. Que of ua {the fullest)
put ou tin* cloak, aud from the position
iu which Fi*k'a arms must haveltcen. we
were satisfied that he could uot have had
any pistol. It was *t*B that the cloak
wo* folded iu the ordinary wny. For my
pot, that waa my opiutou oil through.
I never thought the Colonel drew a pis
tol. The clonk gamed converts, aud on
the next bullol. aim h took place soon
after, there w* re seven for m irder and
five for manslaughter iu the third de
"Ou what theory did the juror* act.
then? The Di tiict-Alto uev put in
evidence tending to prove tracking and
lyrng iu wad."
"Oh, we did uot IMIHVP Hiatal all.
Not oue of U* thought that Bloke* iu
tended ahistting un>body until they
•uddeuly en*ortered each oth r in the
narrow stairway."
" What waa the chief ground of differ
ence a* to the ?"
"ttulv the quca'mu of |r-me*litatiop.
We ull He •ughi lis) iu etiog accidental ;
Uot, while seven thought a moment's
premeditation sufficient to make it mur
der, live d.d not."
" 1 heu itoue of you thaught that
ftioke* |.ur*u*t F"-k ?"
•• Non- ot u*. We nil fc-lt sure that the
premedoation w. oulv inomeutary..'
" TeU u* what aUut tint medical
" We -all te!ieve.l the wound mortAl
from the first, bit some thought that
tile might hi've burn prolonged a day ol
'• How atsrat tbe insanity?"
(BiatUwg) "We hadlv n-ferrel to it
we MERELY roo-idered the pii OJCT ui
au excitable tcu|K-rauient."
" Wio. 1 hene nv chauoo of your agree
ing from the fir*t ?"
" None t-atever. After the second
I idiot on Saturday night we n-vrr varied.
The ballot on Sun ay morning atiU
toutid ua 7to 0. Some of ua would nev
er hang liim, nat Inhering ih'-ra wa*
premeditation. Some Wheved tliere
was the design being middenlv formed.
\\ e could only acq iH, or convict of mnr
•ter or m.ibidangUter ia the thudd gree.
If theve waa uuy iuterui*'iuli degree
between munler in the fir*t aud man*
slaughter 'o tin-th rJ d*gree,we probably
would have compromised ttie matur;
but the Court h-tt ua no choice, aud
we never could agree "
" Tticw has lie u talk of iinpnqx-r in*
fiuettci s brought to Ix-ar ou some juror.
Do you know auytbiug of the sort?"
" Certamly not. I dou't believe there
wa* anything of the kind. 1 don't mind
*ayfligT voted for a verdict of murder,
hut 1 don't believe any of the others
were approached."
It ul-o Mated yesterday that <mc>of
the joroiw v-ting fur acquittal said that
he aid so kccau*e of conscicutiou* op
poaitioa to eaptbil puniiLmcut. and that
he wonld rh.iugc hi* vole to tunnU-r if
hi* a**oci.ito# would, which offer wan
not taken.
The Last of latngfellow.
Harry Buwsett retrit v-d hia laurel* at
Karatogs by witiuiug the S.irat gi Cup
nnd Until g L •iir-MIOW in a dnah of IWu
mih-e and n q lorlt-r, making thodi-tmice
.II 3.59. rut a sinew j i*t
aliove the fctl.H-k sometime duriug tbe
raee. hut the uprec< dented time *howa
that, ua he cumr in only a length lieuiud
H.U-M t . lie could not have Urn greatly
retarded. Uowever. raring mei. pr>-
uouiiCe hi* carina days over and he will
prot>alil\ go to the stud.
After tits sticreastul effort at Long
Branch, tha cotirae which he o|wn-d so
biilliautly is cut -hort. A visit by a re
poiti r to John H.wjier'a stable show
that Longfellow is very aeiiouaty hurt.
Duriug the race be Blenched the plate of
hi* m-ar fore foot aud double*! it com
pletriy tip. His ankle f* also ba. 1}
*praiu*l and the laiek aim-w broken.
During the race the top ol hia ankle was
also hit by one of ni- hind feet, aud Lul
bears the mark of the blow.
The horse w* evidently in much pain,
andeotiid n.)t put his loot to the ground ;
all the mn clea of the leg wen- couataut
ly twitching with a quick, nervous move
ment. Longfellow ia. iu the opiuion of
many harM-men, hopeha-ly brokeu down
a* a nice horse, t>u Mr. Haqwr hopes in
ajwr he will agon be ot some use. If,
as is ebduied by some, L •ugfellow made
the la-t thr e qu.irter of a mile on three
leg* it shows him the pluckiest annual
ou the turf.
As Kiug Aunideu* of S[>ain, and his t on
sort were returning ut midnight from tlie
|talare garden to the jtalacc, five men
masked, w earing large sombrero-and en
veloped in huge clothes, ia-ned fr mi a
sharp turn in AmdstnetaiiJ firmJ upon
the earriage. One of the a*-ea-ius w.m
instantly killed by a mounted cuirrasaier
of the guard, who formed one of the e—
rorL Two of the rest w.-re captured.
The feeling in Madrid was one of uni
versal indignation. Great excitement
prevailed, a;id a sharp hunt wa- kept up
for the two a*-a*-ina who -*e*|ed. Hie
tranquility of the eity, however, was not
put out of joint by ttie ooenrrene*. It
waa the cowardly character of tha act
muted to the youth of Aruadeua and the
iieanty of hi Queen which atirn <1 tbe
popular heart. Cinwd* gather* din the
neighborhood where the attack w.i*
made, and, liv four o'clock in the morn
ing, tlie entire populace of Madrid aa
in Hie streets. Throughout the whole
occurrence their m j.-atica preserved un
common self)osse si 'U. They were
soon after eut-ag**! at the pulaee in re.
eeiving the Mini-try. the civil aud mili
tary autlioritie , and the people. There
was great rejoicing at the Kuig's etc.qe.
R' BATTA. —At the Havre regatta,
twelve bouts started. Twenty hours was
the tin e allotted for the race. It wits
expected that the Gutnevre, L'v -nia. and
Sappho would anil, hnt the Qninevre
wn* withdrawn and consequently the
Sippho wus withdrawn also, became the
Livonia waa the only largo schooner
eut-r. d, and Mr. Pongluss would not
sail with Aslihu'y us the only competitor.
The boats started at four o'clock. The
Ha|pho the American schoouer started
fifteen minutes afterwards, run to the
I eward of the fleet, crossing the bows
of the L'Tonm. ond retnrne<l to the an
•horage an hoar aud a half ahead of liar.
In Calcutta, in 1971, oly th r re en •
ders wer< committed in a population of
4 50, (WH—and all the murdarera were
Saw York Market-Weekly lUvlaw.
Paovtaioxa—Pork —Tba market for
mem on the pot is dull and pilars Hum*
itial. Tor forward delivery there m no
huKinaas. M'pU-tulM-r W quote at 13 75
•i 13 WO. Prime awl extra prime are quirt.
We quote extra at ilti IKMHI. I prime
meats there is no change. Wo quote*ui at fttilSbltl'J&U.
Dn-sseal Hogs—The market ia a #hmle
altotiger. We quote city at & 5-Be. tor
very ueavy to 6 1-i c. for light.
Middlra—Ths market is quiet.
Out Meats—The market is sternly, lint
not very artiv". We quote haras in
pickle at 12fa]4c; ia salt at lOol!., and
shoulder* at &j'jsJc.
Hmoked Alcai a-There is a fair trade
at old rales. We quote bauva at IBalGr.,
ahonldeiwat ® l-4-#6 6-Be., and cleat rib
at HJe—The market for old we-tern ia
•pin-t and the prices ar weak. For for
ward delivery there ia hardly anv Ntai
<ien ami prices are tu the buyer's favor ;
New lard ia out particularly plnit* at the
motm-tit. Iu city lard Uiete ia rather
more dointr.
Hwf—There is no eam-utial change.
I'he demand limited We quote plain
western mesa at $7 .VI Cat, and extra
mess at fy fstuSl'2 ; aale* 'AUO bb'a.
lleet Hum*—lb in do dull. We quote
western at
Tieree lte*-f—II -mains nomiual. We
quote prims m-s at tf12"815. and India
in ss at BltkitiiO ; MO tea., prune moa
have ehangeit hands.
Batter—ia dull. We qnote state in
WeUh tuba at 'iifUfte.; fw firkins and
hall tuba at 2JaJ7c., and weateru at lla
1&-. for common to fine.
Chin K— The receipt* ara light and
small. We quote state Udtories at 9ol<ie.
lor common to fair; 10 1 toh'te. for
good aervieeatde a'uek; 10 54c. for
prime, and 11*11 1 4c. for fancy white.
Mo'.aasva- The ma'ket for foreign is
q-det, and price* ate uoiniuaL Iu do
me-tie there in a small jobbing trade.
Hugar is quid, ami the hlgbteot gra.b
are rather scarce, and are firm. We
quote fair refining at Hjc.; good do. at
v J iS 7-Be.: No. 12 but at bj-*., anJ No#.
11 aud 13 ctutrifugal at lduiojc. In
refiuol the Viuwinews i fair, but prie>
arm bar.lK an Aim. We quote soft fellow
st llkili 7-Bd.| soft white at 11 13u
11 J," ; era bed aud graiiulateti at I'if"
12 5-Bc.; powut red at 12 3-I*l2 7 Bc.:
and eut Ion: a Li#.
C> ■<!•**-'J If luaiket for B'O ia (lull,
and prinw tivloarr. It E*t *o1 West
ludia c> flee* there i • little better j l>
binu trade t oil rate*. The total utnck
of Brazil* in ftrt lutn'a in Urn cotuUv
i Itfl.CiH bog*. di-tn billed a* follow- :
In Mobile. 0,150 bags; in Hompt'
lb ul, 3.500 do: iu Baltimore. 21,387
du.; nml in New York. 1J,154 do. We
quote for Rio, gold prit*-*. Iti ldabfe
Java (guvertiuieot s*m*), 19u:Me.; J v;
(gra<* inula), 'i'lnJle.; bitig|*re. I*l
ltic. ; Ojlou, lTi'ilDtr,; MuliuiutM 17*1
I9i'.; I/jpmn, 18 1 4a 19 l-4e.; Jama oa
K'.j iliv .; St. Ikwniugo 14 I 4014b' 1
P..rto Hi'-o, lHnltHe.. t-' -nta Btca, 17
19-*.; Mexican. 17j18c ;H-cba, TW23c.:
Harani'U, 17|019c.;
llr>-adt'ifl Tin- tu-rkct for H k*l
enteru flour i a aroely ao firm. The
demand ia moderate and nearly all fut
bo'ue turn.
Southern F1 nr ia quiet, Iml we do
uot learu of *tv eh.-uge iu values. The
-ate* are at f6.85n1W.80 for extra*, $8.85
<if 12 for good to ch.-icc.
lUr Flour W steady.
Wuewt—Tl> market ia lea* ar'ire and
-pring ia amrcelv ao Ann. The rail
fmn miller* ia limited, and with the
pre-cut high tariff of frier hta • Z|*orter
a eaniUHi*. We qnot* No 2 in *t*iv
t SI 49 rsl 52; No. lin *Ure at til 530
$ 1 54 ; winter red wi-atern at f 1 7
41 78.
It i e $ steady and the volume of trasi
L>* ia fair
Ahothfji Be*ikkce A notability of
the t'omuiiiue u iaied G >Ktim Dwelt,
was eond* mo- dto ilealh bra court -
maitial at Versailles of Jane 27. Dxro'a
was piirate arCreU) v to the smiguinaiy
Prefect of Police, llaoul Kigali It. aud
i.alnmllv ahared in tho crinna of that
individual. The excuse of the pri-oner
of cour*e *• that he had meiely obeyed
• •rdcot, and eonld not be he*d rrqwuti*
ll for the ma-aarre of the be-tag.* and
the other order* ho bud Mgi nl. A
Iml ice agent, however, swore bat I>a
<Hista *at on the right of Banal R ga;;h
when the fate of the tnartagea wax I icing
decided, and it was also asserted that
the Prefect and hi* eecretary played a
game of iurU for the life of one of tie
victim*, lbera overwhelming evi
deuoe to show that Dafwli took some
thing more than a anhordinate part in
the inaurreet'on. Daring ttie cour-e
of the procecdirgv th- Colonel who acted
a* President nail : "I am well aware
that if a itiou t-<ksa place I alxd
he one of the flr*t per*oos irmtid ; hot
I give von niy word that roa will not ac
complish ymr object, before with my
regime it 1 have stretched a few of you
ou mother earth.*'
[y ftooo Reward nil he paid by the
proprietor "t Br. Pierce's Gold, n Medical
Discovery f>ra in.tlirine ttiat a ill equal
it curing sever* and lingering Cough*.
Rroncliiua and all diseases of lb* luug*.
The Rene# aaya of the recent
international boat race: "I he only
sporeM intertwf in the race lay in the
proof it afforded tluu the Eugh*h at to
of rowing ia the correct one, and that
men who row with their arm* only can
not com|M<t with tueu who row wiib
their whole bo-lie*.
Msweat. Gt***swogx.—The profession
a! treatment of dieea-e i* in a great mea*
are experiments). If one medicine fail*
another i tri d. and nometime* Una hit or
mi** practice ia pursued miril the resouro
e* of the faculty i*clhauted. TM*. in
the truest -enseof the word. i empiric!* s.
Rut when tiie physician ha* made a vain*
Me diaooverv, he i* imllwi by hi* profes
sional brethren an Empiric because lie *■!-
vertine* the result of bis labor and research.
When lh\ Walker of Cdtforni* Introduced
Ida celebrated Vinsoas Hittkr* a* a
(vmcly for all Ul.hkl disease*, he strnrk a
tremendous blow at the empirical gpticm.
a* applied in our hospital*. ai<d in private
practice. It was aon apparent that hi*
medicine wa* not a mere palliative or al-
Irvisiive that only modified the symptom*
of a disorder; but tb t it reached the very
MMom of the malady in the blood and
the secretion*, and literally rooted it out.
The pr>ioe**of renovation and diinfection
went on together, vig >r was imparted to
the organ* trom which the vim* of dis
cae had leen expelled. That such i the
fleet of this popular vegetable remedy, no
one wh-. ha* hd opportnnitie* of observ
ing its operation In cia*s of liver com
plaint indigestion, affections of the tmwel*,
gont rheumatism, and pulmonary disor
ders, can possibly doubt— Cam.
Rxmkpy rog As-run*.—We tlilnk we
are benefitting our readers when we In
form them that a relief for the Asthma
can l> found, in using Jonas Wditoomb's
Kemxpt. - Cam.
Rrrrnt* cnti be cured without stiff-r
--ing Elastic rnu-es arc-nper e<lingall
other* Before buying Metal Trusses or
Bnp|orter*. send for a tleocriptive circu
lar to the Elastic Truss Co., GB3 Broad
way, N. Y. —fine.
▼erctstile Pu jn')B i n Italaam. " DonbWs
the Be*t Cough Medicine in the World."—Can.
Hew foolish you art <o be annoyed by flic*
and moduli e vh u you can not on y k u and
drive tliem onl of tlm honse, but keep them ont
—yet pertee'ly bsrmlms to •nhnai lite, ana
*l*o kill ell bugs, rooebe*. invert* on p anf*.
Ae.. by using Oheunor-'a P-t-nt Powd. r Gnn
A Death De ding Powder. Ouu and large nark
•go of Powder sent free by espre-a orfl.OO.
AgeuU WanP d. W'isb MasVo Co., 96 Cort
land Kt, New York.—[Com ]
tor tmpopua, indigestion, depression of
spirit* ami general debility tn tlietr vauiou*
f rota; also, a- • preventive aga nut fever and
ague, and otheriniarmittent fevers.the " Ferro-
Plinsphorated Edxir ofCli*aya," mane by Oae
we'L Haaard A To.. Now York, and sold by *l|
drnggi-ta, ia tb" best tonic and aa a tonic for
patients recovering from fever or other sick
ties*, It has no oqual.—tbm.
Whether fbr u* on man or b aat, the Per
ehnntV Gargle g OU wiUbef-und an invalm lis
Lli lme-'i. and worthy of use by every reside . i
In the land. We k"ow of no p'tipriot'srv med : -
cins or artiote now n-ed in the United R ate*
which shares the good will of the people to a
greater degree than this.-ff. T. Independent. I
YHQ dhoaltl writ* ta MB CHABLU W J
(IAMLRR, NO. 1 Vl| RI. N. Y., If YFX
wish to tiny #r MIL ANY Railroad MO&DI. *
TH* rclaitng Tw#F ..F Jotmon'l ASOOTRF
Idinmcmr >a truly wXdrrftil. C*a> A arc ai
rmuty I UMM rtn* U ra LA-1 and Ktiffrnatl MMB*
ba*n L<ET n HWIX-rrd and •■niwhtaand by H.
Whan NAED IW II I* ptirpoaa. TBR part abould ta
waabfat and rnl-bal IB r nrblf. Apply tb>
liuiinrnt cold, and rub It ta wttb tM baud.. CLAN
A crowd of "llora* MM," and oibara, daily
IBRTIUF IB alotn# In eonn'ry and " FAR
KUBAINT* AC'ATAUTT I U*nmo* rowpKßa. That
oudaruten L that i orat-a cannot U kept in GFAAI
EON NU n wtb -ttl tbrni, aD with tl>E dan be
•M a MTI -b lea- QUAT-tlty of grain — Own.
I* b <at *ll LAW c owly tb* Eluwood DOLLAR
Ittiiutea lifa-n. Elm W OOD dollars ar*> all tb*
ratra in *OO A*y. An E H*ood E -liar makoa tl •
b tnolie-I ma T bxtk atrllab. Aak your FW
ntaber for |L— Oom.
Clan-trap and Onr. -laraM madar. If F*>
art uaafaa Rl.octfb fa Ml TOO)A I' MB da D ay a
Iba MK fad- A faaraaowd fa WATUJU "aa dlSpaivt
.I mulaat. 1 JWW wtll tna* table aom* fa RDRF. Aak
tour ptijr I. tan If an# SQUID F INMATFAW. d*FA tat# fa
*p i-ula laa p— -axfaa, la tawiSf *4 tb# aa-UA at a
faaie. LLA wt I fat Ya aa. Hbea Ml aecAaaseaan*
eaThpantiia* PLAAF.rwiW !••. Ufa M'>FA
ufa.UA .TA* ltovUfor-I t In tb. wortd own# fa* rapid
itr.wt N wb • b It ML #'• Iba TA twdarwd atniwa'D
•adt a a falatad a*r*a* ►. b# DIG M*a mwat wbtol
r un A it* Al*dk*ual I#R* -lU-A to ttw aa* FA tfa
Meuplaiiil a an! lath* fartt af Aa attfa
mam tba nuwl aai ittoaa aad AGRFAAU fa ail tb*
vfatrtt** fa limkd Tba adfaTnat tefradlaau fa
tb* BMa*A raloatda a* thaw art. won d tfa CMMMM
U>*L uartea. wtuwwt ikl# dfafatbwP** faaata Tta*
U.WTL Fru.*U aad *wor*. aa YEW boy* f.#
IMWITH fa tba 80-rtb-* ooatpoaada fa rfauaa dear*
fa A mat* nfttnaaMaitos bi B humb
ORFAF I* total AP. Iba rwbV a* mMtinea - Cam I
H ra YAW A Cocas • ' AD. Pala tt A# CMaW, #
HR wob.EE • la faac. baa. *• tba *#**Mtitty # my
coma FA TB* ' .IMIUTT* #*#• " aaaumfawa f Um>
. aow 11 1 r-LIF W wk * rww awab I* fa# #baa fa DT
Wjatas'A Hatoaw or W tj> Cktoawr WBTDT. fa MAA
CAW* miff bay* be* d-d. ba# eaattbai lb* WW mi fraa
(AW yawataf fra**.— <-#
we t Hl# asd cwayMa fwayaaWaa fa tit ktad fa tb*
uard tea **—u urn wtftaaL U* AKW aattr hanaiaa#
Ha BManl a qaalMA*. aadanaa.-dbm.
LIRE UtiHTbIRH tta mcnttHai war <w< r
•LIT FAFF'* laxoat Adlwa. tUlaa, Sytafa-.
BowW C Wrnidai I, eta. ATAAFA nut S liu* eat awd
UM IS Udaaad Mf4lL ••T/W'T- 1 ,
■ "JLL.. LL
Iftn ''arMr a A> i'Mtwaiy.
Treat t lammaa. ban ilifitd ataa* H wa bandy an
•cwaafa Iba. a mmm CF'Aabl faaia aad aMamtwr. ba*. -
CAT TB* a* ia fa HaWWfar'# Scotaaab B.ltr #. bad baa-
XAX K* lb* Mw fa Prawwuo* aad RAW *fa.tA madi
nan*. Tba madam adaanUamttl wbwb maWad afaa-
T*W fa Iba faopaaauaaauied UW it bad bewaefa wld.
ftuac #a#N# . ayriaalaya WUa. a* A date far *MH'"
It U#A aaaa d>. aaarad tb#T lb# atiL# | I#n mil • ttoe
aidumry yreyeWttt. Tba peayla. fa taaty daw MM#*
to BMC It# a* a TEA la. eat. aarafam tad mWtwa
HAM vd found tba- It- aCcoto mar* ttoaa taUUUd ttorr
heye# aw T asyeetetiee* SVum TAW tlawlalb* ytawt I
iu twit* H*> baaa tyutrd aad aawaadL tad • WAFA 1
ta day at lb* brad fa at- awdwc *a#fa W> riaw. A wane#"
aa Wtyonad. ta lb# NW.ttead# fa ite rata# aad DA try. •
11 UNA a# a far, ft #ab* aad paiaai tt >TF<*ar<T aa.
...aoraiu*. For taanwar aod debitor. Uakfa ayy*Ut>
*od mm*** doto-fouaoe AA. aw woo danas -aa oaa*
HKWUW Mi aba* afoir iaftScUa Indt. aWUa US
dewed r*. #.- ipauo* aarecwtHwa*. A# cub fa wat.
aad all H* urdiaaiT eamyUtat* (nmtal BY a • U W
aad wad T I.c.T,L.<C <aa-ab aadar T# raauaaUafaa.
rucauoaf md**a*. Tata fade mwred. aaaoatwd to
.• uwwfa iat*n ftmc t* t acaoy *l<*#bbaf aowayarto
•DADFTBU a *> atucy aad C wpnbaattaf tb. iiaa a
tbwwoad* fa nll kaer# ctttanw bofoaftaf la aeur
otaw aad aalJaf . la E>y RI- tbwtfl.T a FRML IBU
ta oblai# I* a yaiecwa fa tayalr far a '>wawi MWL
bar I! .otettrf'• Rittar ba# law -poauaatw-TJ
•YYTCXFA TT mill oa. fa tad*|Wd#t acwiuuigwa. aad i
,caat ono-I U in Ikair EODOl— miwt.
Treeim* U EEO arkaauledead by ewrtoafawbyWeta#*
I FA tba ualy aar* and aafo OWF far all aiaaai ■ ana
I * (cow imyar# Wood, aaeb aa wfaaia aad awafabw.
TO tubal MrTIVIA
Tb* adwreww. benaf BE* YEFMEEE tty wared fa tt
ir#oddiwaw. Claaiuii#fa aa. by a wwito* Rmndy iaaaa
WTO wake K# CO M. Wo* a# Sawn iba mean# *
rata. To ato wb* d-WR* A ba >U aaad a AMY fa tb
lUwwrtytMU aafa.dru.fa (IBTTTUI.wwb TTA diraaUaa
i toe ptoyan Y and ana* tba iia# wbirb <b*l writ Sad I
| MA I tax for I ,N.RN.I. AaTUKa BtooaOSßfo,
| AN-1 all tbewl O TURCF <Tflkwit*a .
I fart;#- #NT*c ta* arawrtatwa uOi yiaana addtuo
I* PEN TUN. I iiuw.HU -RB. N R
ata COIR.
tmuma bin X turn t .lis* .U
Al. ca Q .auty........ .1 A .W#
B tuad .. . .HRd lib
OtdUwry IbfatUUla.. .10 .It
tec IF RIOT .0 V
dttra Oowa. . 4 Ad* AUD-w-
Hocw— Lrr# -MBE 04 >.
Drraard ON .D'M TO
ttnt —. ddb
orma Ridtlluuc
IE rmi DD# it*
tnur— M *<•<*...„ ink aide
elite U a 1T
FTIS-Vawsr* N a .TT
1i*UA4ty— <Na1a...................... .# I *
o.r> UvR*ru 4 a **
xnu* .SI a lb)
Boy* TL A tt a DO-TCa H a . •
P-aa— Mto* 11 00 CS.TI
!.*■ '-<• TD)Q
-ttaouiru— Crude US *a#d .XT\
Brnwb— Mat* Id a TO
OUW. V- Uou II a SA
" a ETC- y II a .Id
.M*N triinary M • •"
TO cn* -AI fltm .30 a
nan — sut* Iforlrr* 11 a .lib
•• ibausW S a SB
OTTTA. - FT A .id
rtaoa ktata <ll a .33
RTUCJ I til d I*
H WA—U*a 13* a 4 3
rtfai Tsa A 33K
WWAAT-SO. 1 bprtna ... L* a !
OCA M a 41
ILAM ............................... .* a tt
Bra - N0... .** a ID*
■ CCUFT .3 • 3
LABO 4 a
Rra— Wat* BO a .to
• -wo— Hired... ft I U
P*tjit-watt Ito a 104
MB all 00
tfatcr- WV.teru R*d... ITS
FAB-TR 1 * a 1
Corn— Talbtw *1 a *J
Mind. a M
IMUI —T nut* .....UB *a -t.#3
CtoursatUiKO SA ALC.OO
Tituotby BT
cctrtoa— Low MIDD.laf 33 A .33
TVMK-DLN A'O *l3 3d
*#.*—AWTW* in C L.ft
0 to* .TT FA
*- ... ... aa a M
For Mwtiuty of Polisb. BAVINS Labor, Cionn*
linwoi.Durability a. ChawpnoAa# Unoqualwd.
totuaat or AWTATM NRRTNOC*. aaWrr MK r
MHT but aura 10 aluF aad twar fa wtuyy I I
lata dedfadacc!**.
Tit* aiaivu wt mttaw 13 wrut. for Wo**aalrtv'
mm. at t*H# rruta y*r C.-uad— Au*MY-A*a aod ifty
Y-MI KOTAA. "Camper tkaa my miter Bulk FaiwA for
aw a IFF.**
TUB *t*ico art trim rreiU-3. Ukarywia
Cbrcpan-T 1 WRUT.W| nedea oCbrr artlctouyar aurytA
tot kitntu tt a tott ■ ucy u witctaa. FuukS
bmrlnf# >nd ANCT-CM. Lax ai* tiwreaalnnfaaail
aiaif*. 34 lb. audkoib. koaea, IJO ala PER IK Try IU
iaC#)OA ,<>R TLTUKLE a ycaao* K* dwroun. H>
Itmcawci . T V.
iTk. TvTiifflK ' "oT^v.^af:"^
Laafwd a* >* D. aad mow wen fui . an falbt
a. A tVwulnicqu oryuuitbtou LOT. Call <U or t*
FATV clttimtlAG OLI.EB IZ,—FC-acthiuorr,
>~ D-lauac. 0.. Pa roc* lu-letutcoa to- tootb tot.
uill * wet Ilk mo., bl . 183 Far I et*taf<i*, A .
KTL'*-.-. RDAIKHH MAOtf.L . *"#-**■
t-OLLICTNIT fa all MARIA* of />. FA IFO>,
/ FO#*t* I KHL TOW, B*U part* fa A<FA ARUNFN Urn
' Ad, r mmm mmi F. UU.y. a -y nal-y of J. F. FRL'F.
AUFF C ■■*•-.'.T - ■OVAIHIA. 1-atuwtfr EN .P.
P.C D I. A* rutoWtocarr
9K "TBFATU 11. ...LI'IL-'M W uitrw mm afa rau aad UI
""ted #ora n# I in Trm Z>.
M-VSHI'. - V-IVMV **C Ik# H* M TMM AS,
W UTTJTWF F U titcwrt ratuodrd : and u 1
W JR-W UOL cbafoor u-arthamaur fa
HL. " FAR nf tb* nmb. For aai* tt Bar*.
diary Haidu#T~ KWabUab
mrtiumi- , .. Hfk-T*-. I'amitaetarwt by ib
y! - ,< J* #n. n AT .T
s: Tie Becords ot Tests JL
R-#T at Id tv aU. Jdww. ytu*o#
FAT *apriar to ail otnar#.
'■> a hurber r-*lCiilaf* tI.AU an
a' I-r uhm* fa oon.mon FIM-I. •WJTAB#KI-E,' J
w nnn^pik
% ■ ■■■■■■ FUA RNMNR fail* to
_ ■ ■■■■■■ eura It la prayarad a*
I I, rawly I" eura TB* I il*-
M*AV V W andla'hlny*'w. Scddfo
a n FYTA*' l *
Hwaw Woeat-a. AM briafway# I. T.
wUldMuuc* ot U lUlias IDPLAT ,AN
# of ata llr T-eia-a aiakura. itodudtn* Wato-U'a, a
ZZZ? a I.~C rwfrot. <f iw *5 tw*. or will fob.
trace 34 to ai' mcmkhl. uatil (WTOL i tb* -ana* to let. an.
raatapyhod if porahaaad AnewkindfaPaaLSßOur.A
-til* moat baaa nul tjrl and peijjtot tone arar mada, toon
oa exAtbifam at 481 Bmactway. W* York.
M— F, ~N N RUN IAI|( |SHN>* BIH'FI *®®SS!!5
UN! m dummem*. f> 1 0
tbrtr bow w **?'"'?' w l l> Tt
other !■—. aad organa wawd '
• India**"*"# "aadfaH
IMRH4 or ataia. • '• „
lb* torn oT life. *<■• If** w
tnriiVrl M ttllWW IM l-ajfw**ob l ■ aetwia
tm %PuSumimßtrr amd thrwwto !>*-
Uth iitfaww* arc raot hf VHtamel Wood.
lu 11, jkurN, J fl*l*w
iumora and Itawafawof
'# yifiurr tr liuiilly it®!, W ,
rf itoTaim* to a tan*
Urotefol Tfc<MWa4 pmrtairt TluMtf Jfil
raw tbu iooh wreMdfaWl >athrouat *a* "*
IMIIIII-' tfcr wokuut ay*#-*.
ii. 11. wpQMUt> w.
HII* •% ftf / * i otcor-* : ft ■.4tjßW1...^
*s mzzr: JKays
•ssziT l
Ys* .Mi A**mu far *.#<. •g'-'rr-r^rrL'y. -
-■ *— JT3? StJSSm?
*v *J%r
■RMH| to at L'KK
-SSBBQaiF 1 black TKA
*b -. '■ *• f" •"•* **•
l ®aE' i Sri ~a-s
ASHE X k> b. M4 AIU.tU mm*
fmrtrnm R. • •_ . . R .•
*,*•> IK. ••?*.
V ct am rAfa,
ECOMOM* 111 toOU*to"C i
CfaiiMHw: Pwraoa.ty I
Nl* *N> WMT
|fa ( lH>M(Vr**laN.|lMl
OyiaMto* frmm Wrmrrr*--
TZZJrnaSsauEid hot to w m-wa*.
Saiit "
• I Ww •• M®fc f" i®"* • l| l* ft *
o*i*t fokA at-t (wo. "*■
miancr t
'I H..MUI M *!bm frwJ<-
rueti. roo* awfow.mfam.ciw
|Ot9 IT
JT M-< dm torn i >bwa. . **. /•-• wfo
• an. uoar- Mun f1 mum If fan *'•
i4.faw> b*y o, iair'>4 mjr *•"' I*"'"**22
*3s£ wsl JS% r-t;.'SI
saKxrS, te^sggscS
UiPfaiiM • OWMfa I* <!•>•■ acfafa Alfaxw*.
l cirl. ■-< b-•■< f ***-
a P^;*;;*"**'aw— wocrfafa
xu oumloi t.
_ _ t tfaar-cfa ••*■
* 114 STEEE EKW"
Snrl.' ? nmm Tot
4K*\tiAf sm.
- Tfalr *•>' •• U<'-Onrl* B 'l'fa'
rat ni arw m . ;to • —> •> Pa'm'Wi Wk
..iiwh. M. MnauM*,' ; • • lucmonwt
Mfa mm. a<in4orM>fa moI •*>•**■■*
# r Omirak Ptrnt—rm
■■rnrnmrtm WltmnTltaWOßfafto, * M*-
cT. *fea n>4M ■> > t tnuio >a bo #W laa
• <t!nMna. Mfa . a ar ioiir • ( Sv* l * aai
! "* "° *omT * c.ron*-* > a
Tup DntAT Blood PmnifUr
E?eryoie Speaks FayoraWy.
fu- Mtwinrut, Aar. H, UN.
Ma Imm-rfa fa . th fawa t>nfai -ita
Ufa J.m rri,1!0,..l raokia.' mm f . 'i'h fa A ~aaar*
Uax* <kt I aa- asab• .*. Hfa ••*• m*ar
ufaifaMk fax wtia j.fart naMl I falrwrT ••
TTOK Atxrr tafctac • • d,fa>v I fo:"d il Kfaul lb*
j ta am* at lh lonark <k>' aHnr> aeenaica la* eaak.
t kamor : and. hr tk. lia I bad taken Ufa Ihira b t
■■r, mm afafab aa- .nltrntr carvd. Kara aa faa
.otMnl a tb It a a a tlut tiaa-. nbicb fatl amntfak
(V I h.rr r ->-ont.. rd nta faail of tar aaqaa n-
UMr *v t
Woald Not Be Without
Tb# front fan-at I haa rrtrirrd from tb* nan of Dt.
a attaint ' Vfattft a.*ao*. to# fa f*• "M taxiaao*
u<n . b* i**r tt tab* not nlr of fjaat T.laa
* roto lac t>• baaltt. bit a t>rconoti*r of dtim il
•<-ulir o tb# .pria* ad -antaur —mm'
I tronld notb* w l ' fa S* tor fan tan # tta efat.
Attomny. and i-rttrra' A rat f r Mauarhn #••# <4
U <-raft, -n' L<fr A mttane* Owapkkf. Ka. T
Sear# Build inf. Bo# tow. Mae*.
Pwrtorad by 11. K. STTTS**, Bofaon. Maa.
* I.T s'l P*n**v*i*s.
Mothers!! 1
Bant Ball la frarafa **. WPfWIP|
Tbta raiaab • |t#rar#tii bw bora attrd tritb NFVEE
II not onlt ra'tara- thaehil < fiom pain but a#i'ta
ttMtbaXea. b #nd bo"l-. oocr-eta aridity aad r!n#
o> n and afa-rff fa tb* wbolo tyafaaa. la ntll aim ba
it ant'y rail#**
Art pins ta Ik* Bawcla aad Will Caltc.
:<IAKRIiEA IS CHILUKJS, akfatwt ari.ina from
##tbin or any uthrr rau**.
JS' p " d ■yin it mothor-. it will ft*a r**t I* yaamahraa
Kcllal Mi He a lib ton Tawr lalbata
A araaadaal) for
" *wa. Wtailow** w*abi— frmT
Ha.ta# ttw rxfadalta a1 CURTIS A PESXIRW*
da Mta oatMd* nr*pp*
•mU *f Brwilfai ttiifabil MM Wtri