THE CENTRE REPORTER FRIDAY Auk. 2., 172. LOCAL ITEMS. . LOCAL HEWS, —Our Mend®, every where, will oblige u® by tending us looa news of interest. , CIRCULATION The cir of I Kki"otkr, on this atdo the county, i larger than that of all other county Ilusinea* wen wlh theroioro nn.i this one of the best ml vert ising medium* We invite nil Intcrwnlod to come and in spoot our list for themselves B.—All monk- for sub scription will bo credited on tliesubson her s address, each week: by reform* to which our patron* can nt nil U see how their account* stnml. ami a receipt is by this system carried upon each copy o! tlw paper. Stone Wax© a large assortli ent of every ll*C hnd de scription now on hand, cheap, at the oh. stand of Wm. Wolt. Democratic Delegate Klectiou- The Detiiaeratio voter* of Centre county will meet at the regular places of holding the ioloction for ouch dUlrlct or SATURDAY, tho UXh day of August 1872, to elect delegates to tho Deiiiocrwlu County Convention to beheld in the Court HiUise at Rellcfonto, on Tuesday the Ist? day of August at 11 o'clock. The said convention to place in nomina tion one candidate for Assembly, one can didate tor {sheriff, one for Register, otu Recorder, one for County Commissioner, one for County Auditor, one for Coron er, and to transact all other bw-tnesa that may be regularly brought before it. The said delegate election beginning at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day and continuing until & o'clock p. m. D. F. FORTS* h\ , Chairman ntmoemiic tewMjf <>*. The foHowins persons have been chosen by the County CXunmittee, to hold the do!- eglUdtctkms in tho >*verml dltfnet*, in tccor<lt9C with tht rule*. tho tri itttmc of each comtwilUH % beinf the chair mjui J BaHalhnfr, H, W.-D Z Kline, Bert Galbraith, And Motritoa. S. W.—K 11 Foster, Jas Dobbins, Win Fuery. •• V W.-8 A MeQttWUaa, Olin Meek, C M Bower. , . Milcahurjr Hero—J no U Thomas, Jas A Wee her, Pan'l Boileau. Howard Uoro—J N\ Gradner, \\ MiU - ..- #IL M N Leathers. Philipsburjr Bore-t! 5> k legal, Levi Muusoc, WKiddle. I'aiotivillo Boro— J A Bint;, Bk. Loath era, Wn Hall. Banner Tw P -Dan I Grove, Kieh Cou lee, Wm Zeiijler. Bone Tw p—Kd Johnson, Jos L Son, Vmnrb. . Burn side Twp—Wm Askey, lluMpk Malholland, Barhart VeMefbr. Curtin Twp— Henry Thiel, Joe MoC los kev. Furwuaon Twp—H U Brett, P F Bott orff, Geo Bckle. Bnm Twp —S J llerrin?, Henry Kruiu riae, Jo* Smith. Haines Twp—Tho* Yearick, Saw 1 Bur rell, J C Stover, Half Moon Twp-J II Griffin, Jas Me- Diviu, A T Gray. Harris Twp—- FerjfUS PoUit. Saw Gul iland, Dan'l Kimpert. Howard Twp- -£> B Leathers, J A \\ ood ward, K Glenn. Huston Twp—H G Cronister, JVi Miles, Dan 1 Irvin. Liberty Twp—Thos J Lingle. Dan'l Bii ner, J D Gardner. Marion Ta p—J no S Hoy, luncS Frain, Adam Yearick. Miles Two—lien CV>rnian, Geo V eavcr, Dan 1 Roust). PaUon Twp—G \V Rumbarger, Dr. J M Bush Jonas Si ion. IVnn Twp—J 11 ileifsnyder, J Karstet ter. Hen Smith. Potter Tu p—Geo Stover, J K ltunklo, PeieV Buffer. Hush Twp— Geo McGaffey, Peter Seig fried. Wm Askey. Snow Shoe Twp—J 11 Hoh, J C lUnkin, D H Yeager. Spaing Twp— C T Alexander. Jll Barn hart. Kail" D Noll. Taylor Twp—Wm McCoy, John Copen haver, Sam' Hoover. Union Twp—G L Peters, Christian Hoo ver, 1! V Bn.-bin. Walker Twp-J T Nixon, Michal Shaf fer, A C Geary. Worth Twp—P Williams. George Kel ly. Wm Walker. The number of delegates to which each district is entitled b as follows to wit : Be lie fonts Boro. 8; Howard 1; Milei burg 1; Philiptburg 2; Unionville 1; Benner 1wp.,3; Bogg> 2; Burnsidol; Curtin 1; bergusoa4; ©rcggC; Haines 4; Half Moon 1: HarriiS; UushS; How ards; Huston 1; Liberty 2; Marion 2; Miles 5; I'atton 1; Pcnn 6; Potter_7; Snow Shoe 2; Spring 3; Tavlor 1; Union 1; Walker 3; Worth 1. The delegate election in all cases to be conducted strictly in accordance with the ruler-: The bursting of a grindstone at Mann's axe factory, says the Watch maD, in Spring township, on Wednes day,* killed one man and wounded another. The name of the dead man is John ADI and that of the wounded one, Patrick Pearl. Mr. Apt was killed instantly, and leaves a family to mourn his loss. Mr. Pearl was badly hurtly, but will probably recover. The Commissioners of MitHin coun ty have been fined SSOO each by the Supreme Court, for refusing to obey its former mandate of building a bridge across the Juniata at Kewton Hamilton. The county court has is sued an injunction restraining the county commissioners from building said bridge. A verv pleasant position for "county fathers" to be in ? FIP.E. —The large Bank Barn be longing to Thomas Bower, Esq., was destroyed by fire on Monday afternoon last. The origin of the fire is un known. The loss including contents will not fall short of S3OOO. —Middle- burg Post. The Reporter is the only paper iu Centre county which supports the nominees of the democratic national convention. Wednesday morning, 31st started in with rain. Boalsburg has made a iaise—a show pitches its tents there on Mon day. Read the charge of Scburz, in his St. Louis speech, against Grant of nn attempt to bribe bim to the support of his San Domingo job. Grant de nied the charge, when it was tele graphed to hini.Scburzhas furnished a tetter fioni Pleasonton, Grant's Inter rial Reveuue Commissioner, proving the t'barge. Thus Grant is proven guilty of falsehood by Sehurx as he was by President Johnson. Spotted Tail, the Indian chief, and Susan B. Anthony, and her brigade of petticoats have declared forGraut. So has Moseby, the notorious rebel guerilla chief. The arrival ofbridal parties at Sara toga, averages twelve daily. TII K NOKMAL. -The County Normal we are pleased to say, has commenced under the most favorable auspices. The first week opened with a larger attendance of students tftari heretofore, Which is quite flattering to superintendent Magee and bis ablo af? sistant, Prof. Meyers—proving that their labors of the past have the merited appre ciation of the teachers of this county. A course of lectures will be delivered during the term—one each week—be fore the Normal School, and which will be free tothe public. Among the lecture!s who have already signified their intention to be present, are A. O. Furst, Esq., D. F. Fortney, N. L." Atwood, Jlev, D. M. Wolf Rev. J. K. Millet, and others have been invited. - The first lecture will be delivered on w elt Tuesjla'y evening, by D. F. Fortney, Esq., and the following Tuesday evening, 13th, by Rev, D. M. Wolf. As these lectures are for the edification of the pub ' ie as well as the we trust our people will manifest an interest and prove * it by a large attendance. Letters From India. CI NTKK HALL ABROAD. Lkttkr No, 11. ";-";inJ to the wheel," shouted jolly old Oapt. Jones of the steamship, City of llro. klyn," as hi* burly form disappeared up :ho pilot's ladder, and the last coil of the ; nder>-us hawser was folded on deck, p;e; aratorjf to standing out to sea. llur ridly the Inst farewell* were spoken, the I.i t ford kok of affection interchanged i bctw en husband and wife, friend*and re-. ! Uit and then, amid the waving of] hand i.erchieft, and shout* of the bvstand-j er*. • ■'ropped down the Hay of New \ and om into the trackless waste of tkc broad Atlantic. A* we got thirty un- 1 tier way and pa** by tho fortification*, Sta : ten 1 and, and tinally out through thai nntUi 1 gateway, the" Narrows, wo all' mount tue hurricane deck to wateh the .1 appeal ing land as it gradually recedes i , t:i sight. H awl-bye, glorious, |V>- •, America, we mentally * ejaculated. Wei li,i you only** temporary farewell, for me day, when we are tired and weary, j nuv hap we want to come back k you. Sat what YOU will about being a eosiuo noiiiati. talk largely a* you may about l> i- i-it i on of no particular country, but' ot ' w id iii general and all that sort el. p 1.. vaporing I'll venture there arei I, \ u on,."with souls so dead, whoee eyes! do no: gn w brighter and step firmer at the] thou; lof their native land If there ars I ar\, I know the blood about their hearts' > dr\ a> dust They are devoid •!' one of tho ighotand most elevated principles! which c\alt our common huiuan nature.] Mcrethau one half-suppressed sigh r.Nsoh- j od i v ear, as the last projecting headland j sunk below tho distant noriton, and one I' bv oi . we sought our cabin below. hi. always a source of amusement to me t>- watch the process of Ucit scrutiny which *':*)• likM pliet when passen f, r* are brought together the first time, fvi.. are at il| a close observer. you uin.v >pe nearly every one casting about him to •iboi ver what fort of companionship he has I ecn throwa^inU>for the voyage Nor is this to be wondered at, particularly at ,*, since the enjoyment of a tw voyage depends almost entirely upon the degree of . , lability and good-fellowship inher ent in the passenger*. Providentially thrown '• ({Other, ana shut oat trout all the rest of the world, by thousand* of miles of rolling, r. sties* waters, they constitute, tor ilio tint# being, a sort of family. And the different member* of the "family" :;re deposed to contribute their proportion to the general fund of employment, a voy age . % en on the notoriously turbulent Atlantic, need not, bv any means, he the most unpleasant experience in life. The "family" that gather around the tabic on boakl the good ship "City of Brooklyn are ry mother's child of thetn. Let meat tempt a little description of themj a* with knives and forks in hand, and filled with thoughts of destruction, thy are grouped around the table. And fir>: and iorvuioet is Capt. Jones ; as royal a spirit as ever tread a deck or bat-, tied with the storm. By virtue of his position alone, the Capt is always the uost popular individual on heard, tut our Capt. has no need of the prestige >f official i distinction to add to hi* popularity. If is round, jolly, good-natured face is a Joy all the day long But ministers of grace dc end uV ! What an amount ef brandy that man can drink in a day '■ I'll put hint up against old Bacchus ln'mself. Next coau-s*lh Doctor and young Scotch man, a faceas big as a barn door—more or less who is making love in a most desper ate i. s to twoyoung tuisse*. whose father i- taking them to some Roman Catholic I- tit ution in England to be educated. The tender "parient" is munching his roast beef and potatoes, seemingly obit? i- ; > us of the amatory little scene enacting be fore him, but 1 am very much mistaken, if bo is not keeping an eye on the "condi tion of things." Then we have a few more Scotchmen, merchants from Canada, 1 who nr C going to Loudon to lav in their scnri-nnr.ual stock of goods. They assert' that their -took landed at kjuebeck or Montreal, including cost of transportation and all, i- still at lower rates than if laid in the I'niteu States. Put thst in vour pipe* 3*eu advocate# of frw iru4e, W#H ! fir the- down the table we have a demure looking yankee from "Boating.'' lie looks demure but let me warn you against pre suming upon any inefi'ecsivnea* you may think you discover in him. Under that unimpacstonesl exterior is a spirit born of nitro-glyccrino and lightning. I discover ed hL ancestry one Jay when bis oppo nent, ut a game of whist, attempted to cheat him. He is discussing the relative merits of screw and side-wheel steamers with an English Capt, who has boon round the world, and is internally weeping that there me no more worlds to go'around. i To my right is an Irishman and lady from Belt's*:. They landed in America about a fortnight>, and j re already on theiri retrur.. 'She* is tired of travelling,'she urges, but the motherly little soul can't fowl me. It is the "childer" that are drawing Lcr—true woman that sha is—to the old home nest. Farther on is an Eng lishman who has lost everything in the. great fire at Chicago and is going back to Manchester, with bis new-made bride. He bears hi*misfortune rather philoeopbical ly, tl • ugh I don't exactly see the propri ety of l is whispering to everybody that he .'ts married the day befo'e, and spread his nuptial couch in a cabbage garden. Oppo.- le me sitsa tall bronze! individual, witn a beard like a Greek Patriarch, who has already spent the best portion of hi* lifoamong the heathen of India and not content with the extent of his sacrifice, is cn his way back ; when I saw the white arms <>f his tearful wife, and mother of hi* children, clasped around his neot in a long parting embrace, at the wharttheoth eraay I said to myself: Here my boy, is devotion to duty you must think belter of your kinn after that! Then wo have a Jew Iron tsan Francisco; a jovernment clerk and amateur opera singer from Wahington ; a young fellow , second or third cousin of the school girls 1 think terribly jealous of the doctor, a worn out politician from N. Y. ; a homespun sort of a rhnp from Centre Hall These are the parlies which make up the -aioon pa>**ngers of the "City of Brook lyn" en her 1 HUb voyage across the At lantic. (Mi the whole, I think they will pas* fair average muster, and one might probably cross many a time, without falling in with so companionable a par ty- I think it was the second day out, when we encountered a considerable gale and our heretofore staid and decorous ship sud denly 1 egjui to roll and stagger about in an extremely improper way. Its effect! upra m was somewhat peculiar. I was; uddecly sauced with an insane disposition to turn myself inside out. And I may say, just lit re, in passing, to those who are unacquainted with the fact, that somehow or other, peculiar as it may seem, nearly every one crossing the ocean is seized with just that sort of disposition. will be conceded, on all hands, that the idea of a man turning hirmelf inside out is ex tremely absurd. The fact is, the thing can't be done. I speak knowingly, for I speak from experience. I know it can't, for bbvc I not worked at it for two whole days at a stretch—aye worked at it until my eyes almost started from their sockets, and the perspiration literally poured off of me in torrents, without accomplUhing the thing ? Yea more : can I not bring the corroberutive testimony of nearly every passenger 011 beard, to the utter impracti cability of the thing? For they nearly all tried it. ar.d not a single one succeed ed. • • * • • • • Hut in all seriousness, sca-icknos is * wretched thing! It it a testation which must a]wava remain, to a certain extent, indeecribaie. The nearest approach to any- like an accurate description, 1 hafo ever rend, is contained in the first chapter of Dickon's"American Note*." But oven that incomparable delineator of every hu man experience) failed te analyze fully the tcmalione of a sen-tick man, I can net ex press what were my sensation*, more for cibly. than in that one expreuive, uni versally applicable, all comprehensive English word, "awful." You are not tick enough to die and yet you are quite turc that you are too tick to live. Your whole physical organ ism it prostrated ; bones ache ; yoiiriemples throb ; and your poor back, on mr! und all the while the ship it rolling and pitching and plunging as if poiettcd with a thousand fiends Oh! the eternal rollingi rolling, rolling ! First to one tide and then to the other; now rearing aloft like tome gigantic liv ing monster as her bowtpit plunges thro ugh the foaming crest of some huge wave r.nd then careering down over its mountain tide with a velocity that threatens to plunge her figure-bcad into the very foundation sands of the mighty deep. In your misery you seek your bunk, hut you cannot lie in it. One moment you are rolling from side to side like a helpless boy, then standing almost upright upon your feet, and unon equally upright upon your head. And then the mental depression is greater than even the physical. Every de sire of life seemed gene for the time being. You wonder where in the world you de rived enough energy to form the plan that brought you to sea. The least xueatal ef fort kazonv TLinklngeven is painful. You wish if only tho mental machinery would stop this excruinting the obsti.iutc apparatus yro9't-stopi a You become ill-natueed and mean. ! I may open up tremendous depths or de pravity in myself, to the public gaze, when I say that the only real comfort 1 hud dur ing those wretched days was tho unearth ly groaningand cries of distress wrong from the fatN. Y. politician in the next cab in. But it is a fact. But my garrulity ha already led me too far. In uiy next 1 hope to get you at least to Liverpool. CKXTBI HALL. ! Kor the Reporter. From Illinois L*KA. July 17,1872 Ywtordav 1 went fUhinjr In ww|'*#,v| with Uo*. Si U Sheldon, MeUtodiat ntln itr, un<l lr. John llowtr, formerly of Selin'* tlrove, I't Wo eauyht aonie line; ttsli, none of your lour inch cnuha, hut lUh ! that are of onio tiwunt SV e tithed in j Yellow Crook dnnt, Stophenaon co. 1 Rev. Sheldon caught a pickerel at thi* MDto place, that w eWhed right pound*, which i not wiulJww a large nh hero, but, in your country, it would ho called I Urj[o. Our exeurtioa to the I'ecatonioa, a few day* ago, rceulted in the capture of! about aovonty fine lUh. There are very few iok hero, out Ihe tinall-pox i raging in oina placaa. Kye and winter wheat are ready to cut, bul spring wheat U quite green Jtt gener ally. I have been over alarge pertien of thi- county, and bul two floKla of |Hor grain I never before saw such |iw|wU lor a Urge i ron. liut it will all be needed if Ue account* of the ftiiluro ef the crops in oiber portion* of ibe world le correct Wheat} l 111, Oat* IK, Corn 'A*. Hutler, (Yoni 510 IOcU per lb They pay for but ter here accordingto the quality ofit Thi* i* right. That woman who lakes pain* to make good ,i-leau butter i on title.! to more than the one who tell* but termilk "strength ' and all. Age doe* not improve butter like wine. 1 ha \ e long since thought that, for the encouragement of those good women, who lake good fresh butter to market, the price should be according to quality. If "rank butter, or butter and old lard mixed, i* worth 6ce. per lb., good butter i* worth 60 cU Thi* would bo the mean* both of encour aging the holiest, ami discouraging the 'Tooe' *ly h< of butter makiug. And then it would be the mean* of keeping Mr. 11*- ger, your worthy, industrious and succe**- fu! produce dealer, in a g-nnl humor,; and .uiglil be the mean* of inducing him te be come reconciled te the "fair enea ' who, he think*, don't take quite pain* enough, sometime*, with the precious commodity. lacorgo ha* left many thousand dollars ill your beautiful \ allev. Although many think he u the means f reducing the price ot produce, yet, 1 will ventuie to say, that if it were aot that George ha* the confidence of nearly all the i cudersot produce in the coal and lum ber regions of Centre and Clearfield, which give.- hiis* a better market for hi* butter, eggs Ac., than the eastern markets, mer chants could not, if they wore obliged to •hip to l'hila'., pay for produce such fig ure* as they have been paying. Some of veur best men will readily sustain uie in this assertion but. you will please pardon thi* digres sion from the subject. It tit so well that 1 could not omit it Same of your readers may wonder how tarm t-r* can raise grain Ac., at s. low a figure, lit i not always so. Oatsiold for 36 eta. a few week* ago. Mr. Conway, a grain dealer, tells utalio has still some oat* in [store that cost him 36 cents. Again land is cheaper, expenses le*s and they raise more bushels lo llie acre than they do in the < Kat Some land, according to location, bring* ftvni S7O lo SHJ per acre. Around Orangei i 1 10. South aud West of Leua, and [South of Hock Grove. ate farm* a* good a* any in the world. They have improve ments that will compare favorably with any in old Cotter twp., and there areiome good one* thero. Some of these farms are fully a* good a* those lying between Churchyille and the Turnpike, on both sides of Sinking Creek, or any between Karleytown and Spring Mills, and can he bought for S6O per acre, provided they are aot to near some enter prising town. Farms like these would sell far SIOO to $l'JO per acre in your country. Here there it only one half that ameunt invested and by ratsiug more bushels to the acre with less expense it pay* much belter to invest in land here than East. I can truly -ay, 1 fuel at home here, and it duty would not call me East I would prefer remaining. 1 like Stephenson Co., tetter (ban any part of this Slate, although if 1 wished to live in town 1 would prefer living in Dubuque, lowa, to any other place, and uiay probably, make my houie in that vicinity, in the course of a year or j an Dubuque b destined to be one of thej loading cilia* of the Northwest, situated on tho Wuatern shorn oj the Mississippi, about midway between St. Loub and St. Paul, on the line of the 111. Cen. K. K., the Chicago, Dubuuue A Minnesota K K , and the Chicago, Clinton A Dubuque H K., the cannot help but bet-am* the me tropolis of the Northwest. 1 have been there frequently, and am always reluctant to leave. The draw-bridge across the Miss, is worthy of npta. After leaving Dunleith the ear* run through a tunnel WQ feet, just before crowing tho bridge. This bridge is one mile in length. One span U built so as to be opened for steamers to pass through. This is drawn by a stationary engine. It b a fine sight to sit upon a hill at Dubuque and see a train passing over the bridge, or to see the '"draw" opened for the passing of a boat Dubuque has more pretty "misses" than any town West However, Lena, for the number of inhabitants, compares favorably with her in that respect The Western women dre&s more gaily than our Eastern women, but not as ex pensively. This may seem to imply a con tradiction, but it does not Desirable styles such as piques, percales, lawns and even calicoes printed in style like they have here, make neater dresses than silks, mcr inoes, plaids or alpaccas. At least they look much better and cost less. Dress good* arc much cheaper here than in the 'Bast But taking it all in all, as I have heard many say here, and at marriage is like a lottery, it b much safer to invest in Penna, than in any Western State. There aru a great many good women in the West, as well as East; but when we consider the great number of men and wo. men that are divorced, we naturally in -1 for (hat there is something wrong. Frecport is looking up wonderfully, and is building a sl4o,tw court-house. It it nearly complete. From the dome I of thb house 1 had one of the best views of 1 the country to bo had in the West. East ward you can sec fully thirt7 miles and te the Northwest twenty miles, you also haya a tlno \ iew of parte of the Hi. C. C. A. N. iW. and the W. U. Railroads. In looking' over the town the tops of the tall poplars look like a beautiful grove. Ho many trees have beon planted that if the houses were I removed, tne whole would present an ap penrnnce of a grove of fine timber. Free port hns some ef the finest church edifice* I in the West. The Western p< op'o are very sociable, g >od manners prevail: literary institutions are flourishing. Selibhneo* among young people is not seen so frequently as in the liast, and all, in common seem to enjoy themselves, but, on the other hand, East ern people, as a general thing, are more devoted, religiously than in the West, so you see that, after all, it makes but very little difference where one lives, there are evil* to contend with ; and, although 1 love to live in this country and tee that the people are prospering, yet he who is well situated in the East is very foolish for leaving there. One who has only a few dollar* to invest, can, of course, invest in land, by going further West, to better ad vantage. I expect to go to Will county next week and then to Michigan. There is neither fun nor humor in wri ting for a journal, but 1 did it because you and many others requested it, I will hardly find time to write again. Tho Reporter!* a welcome visitor in the west, and your list will soon be increased from this quarter. Yours, Ti;b9|y. I'litii.l' SACK.—'Wi!I be exposed to pub lic nab', ut tho tutu residence of Catharine Rankin, at Centre Hill, I'otter twp.. on Thursday the 22nd day of Auguit 1872 the following property vix: 1 cooking itove ami pipe, boiler* <xc., 2 small stove* and pipe, 2 bedstead* bed* and beding, 1 bu reau, 1 bonk ctte, 1 kitchen cupboard, car ped*, 1 lot queensware an 1 glasawure. 1 lounge, coverlet*. quilts, hap*, lookingglas* and a variety of household and uteiiaila too numerous t, mention. Hate It eorr.u.ej.wa ut t o'o loek P. M. of aid day | where due attention and rotoouable credit will be given by ALEX. KEHK, Administrator. 17'STKAY.— Came to tho premise* of the j subscriber, in I'otter twp., about six ! weeks ago, one steer and a heifer, oath about three year* old. The sUur U red With one ' u u*nd font-, rttsf heifer has long bomb kind is of a dark brouui celor. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay charges and remove the cattle. aug2.3l. J. K. 11UNKLK, -t-v Wo have received Science of Health for August—of this New Uealth Monthly, among tho contents we would note the first of a series ot articles on Popular Physiolo gy ; Three Classes of American Uirls; Electro-Therapeutics, by A. D. Rockwell, M. D. The Privileges and Poaallies of Sex; A practical article on the Use and Care of the Teeth; The Uealth of Wo men; Ante-Natal Influence; Waytou*e Wheat; Uygienic Bathing, Isireclians for Avoiding and the Cure of'Bummet I Complaint* ; Sun-.trokd ; Kea->Sickness; The Ruth and Small-Fox. 8. R. Wells, Publisher, 1589 Broadway, Now York. Contracts 0 Buuday cannot bo enforced, A'notc obtained by fraud, or from a person in a state of intoxication, can not be collected. Principals are responsible for the | acta of agents. DEATHS On the 'Mh int., in Uregg twp , Ooorgo Stover, a god tilt years, 11 ntniilli, and V day. SliorllTSaltti Hy virtue f Sundry writ* <f Fieri Fa cia* Levari Facia* and venditioni Kxpona* issued mil of tho Court of Cuiiimiiß Plea* of Centre county, tml to me directed, will b H|Mtnl In public mlo, hi the Oourt House in Bellofonte on Thursday tho 'JSliul ilny of August 187' d, tlio following proper ty, via ' All that certain bouse, tUiro reoin, and tot of ground situated in tlio town of M ill holm, Penn twp., hounded on the north by turnpike, en oast by John 11. Mover, for merly known a* the property of Jacob Bol inger, of Hotlidayaburg !'• Being part of the promise* cunveyeu by 11. A Unutr and wife to tho saidti. Swart*, oil south by mill race. wot by public road, thereon ere, led a lieuae and outhildings. Seized, ta ken in execution and to bo told * tho prop ortv oftioorgo M Swart* ALSO A certain lotofurouud situated in Cen tral City. t'oiilro oounty, houndod on the south by oublio road loading from Mile*- bur* to Unionvillo, east by Hall street, north by an alloy and woet ty lot of Hall* heirs, containing out fourth of an aero, more or la**, thoroon erected a two -lory frame bouee and outbuildings Soil ad, ta ken in execution and to bo old aathe prop# cri\ of John A. W blub ill. ALSO All those four certain lot* of ground sit uatod in the addition tu tho borough of Miloaburg known a* t'eutral city, bouuJed on tho (outh by tho turnpike road, west by- Spring atroet, thence t'JO feet to lJdiug* •treat, thence along a 'JO foot alley parallel with thoturnpikotolot now owned by Jon athan Folk be lug lot* known in the plan of t'antral city lota No. li, 7, 8, and 'J, having thereon erected a large two atory frame Ho tel. basement saloon, kitchen, wash-house, •table and other oulbuilJings. Seized, ta ken in execution to be sold a* tho property of Martin liolan. ALSO All the right title and interest of defend ant in and to all that certain tract of land, ailuatcd in Bogg* twp., beginning at a post at public road thence north 4'J deg., eaat 40 per., to a post, thence *oulh 06 deg we-t 18 per., to a |oet, thence along land of McCoy and Linn to atone north 77 deg., eaat 44 per., thence along land of Anthony Itaney north 6 deg , west 80 nor ~ to atone, theuce aouth 77 deg., nt 68 per., tc atone, thenco aouth lOdeg., along land of McCoy A Linn to poat, thence along laud of John Curry, aouth 5 deg., eaat 68 par., te an oak, thence north 77 deg., east 4 per., U> place ot Beginning, containing 60 acres, and about 3D acre* cleared, thereon erect ed a plank hou*e and *lablo and othar out buildings, Seized, taken in Execu tion and to be sold a* the property of J. F. Strung. ALSO All that two and a half atory frame house and lot or piece of gruuud, situate in Cole ville. Spring twp.. containing about lb rets fourtns of an acre, bounded we*l by. land of Win. 11 Humoa, and the twp. road, north by W. Poorinan, aouth eaat by laaac llaupl*, and *outh by W. (iriffitii Seized, taken in execution and to be told at the property of Jec b Ballet. ALSO All that certain lot of ground aituale in Milvaburg, bounded on the north bv the Bald Eagle Creek, on the aouth by Water stract, on the ciui and weat by lot* of A. t>. llaho, containing i of an acre, more or let*, thereon erected a dwelling haute, axa factory with steam engine powei, and oth er outbuilding*. Seized, taken in excu tion and to be sld a* the property of C. K. Eaaington. ALSO All thoae tWti certain lut* of ground ait uate in Centre liall. Potter twp., one tlicrc of bounded on the north by lot of Win. Shoope, east by to( of Centre Hall Manu facturing Company, south by the Bruab Valley road, and on thu west by lot of the Lutheran church, containing about one fourth of an acre, thereon erected a large two atory and a half frame dwelling house and out building* The other thereof bounded on tho north by the Urusht alley road, eaat by an alley, aouth by lot of 1 . Naff, and en the weat by lot ->f Samuel Working, containing about half an acre, thereon erected a blacksmith shop, wagon maker shop, paint shop, stable and oilier oulbuiidinga. Seized, taken into execu tion and to oc aold as the property of Uou. B. Ilarp.l. r. Sale la commence at 1 o'- clock, p. in., of said day. Li. W. WOODKINU, Sheriff. Registers Not let* The following account* havo been exam ined an.l!pa*atti t>v me, and remain filed of rei or J in thi* Office for the inspection of heir* legatee* creditor* and all other* in any way interested and will bo presented to the orphant'i Court of Centre county to beheld at Bcllefonte for allowance and confirmation on Wednesday, the 2Uh day ot August ltC'd. 1. The account of Michael Schenck who! was appointed trustee to sell the lUal Es tate of Fredrick Schenck, late of Howard twp..Centre countv, dec. If, The account of Samuel Plotner guar dian of David Geary, ono of the children and heir* of llcubcn Uearv, late of l'enn twp.. Centre county, dec., in account with the estate of the said David Gearv as filed by Andrew Stover, acting guardian. 5. The account of Adam ilostcrman ex ecutor in the last wilt and tentaraent of Louis L Kurtz, late of Centre county, dec. | 4. The account of David Keller, ■ x ecu -: tor of the l*to w ill and testament, of l'hilip Sheooberger, late of Harris twp., dec. & The account of James Martin, trustee tosell the real estate of Samuel McKee, late of Walker twp., dec. 6. The accouat cl Nathan J. Mitchell, and Wbj. P. Lucas, administrator* of the estate of Thomas Lucas, late of Howard twp.. dec. 7. The account of George Living*ton, who was administrator of all and Singular. I the goods and chattels, ef Elizabeth Stone, late of Hellcfonte, dec., a* filed by A. O. I Furst, his executor. 8. The final account *f John Ri*hel, 1 .guardian of tho u.-rson and estate of Geo ' Kunkle Jr. child of John Itunklc, late of! I Potter twp., said Junior having arrived at > the age of twenty one years, and since , dec. V. Ths account of Michael Schnock, Guardian of Joaciih, I.ydia, William 8. and Samuel T. Borhdul, Junior children of David Bechdel, late of Liberty twp.,i deo'd. 10. The account of Adatu Hay, Admin iatrator de bonia non af ltaac itaucy, lato of Spring twp , dee'd. 11. The account of Adam Hoy, Kiecutor of &c. of Julian Swarta, late of Spring twp , doc d. 12. The account af Adam Hoatarmanand , Jeremiah Vanada, aduiinUtrators of ail and wingular, the good* and chattie*, right* and credits which ware o( David \ anada. late of Haine* twp., dee'd. . 13. The account of John lloffer, guar- j dian of Jeremiah May* jr., now dac'd.ju- 1 nior son of Jeremiah May*, late of Spring two., dee d. 14, The administration account of Win. P. Wilson, administrator of the estate ol Samuel L. Burrs, late of ilellefonte, dec' J 15. The account of Conrad Singer, one ofthe executor* in the last will aad testa ment of Samson Glimmer, late of Curtin twp., dee'd. 10. Final account of Michael Harper, guaidian of Diana llusierman, minor child of John ilostvrniHn, late of Heine* twp., dee'd. 17. The final uuuii.iwtiattoii account of L\ K. Mc Muuigle, >diiilnutrator of J. B. Johnson, late t Marian twp., dee d. 18. The account of Menidema Kecse ad ministrator of David Keese, lata of Gregg twp., dee d ; 1. The account of Aamn Williams, ad ininistratar of John Sheet*, late of Worth twp., de ed. J. H. MORRISON, aug 2. Register. J C. PECK. 'XT.UK. PECK & LEE'S New I Coach Manufactory. CKNTRB HALL, PA. The undersigned have opened a new e tabUsliincut, at their new shops, for the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, &. Spring Wagons, SLKIUU* AND SLEDS, PLAIN AMD FANCY of every description , All YehiLi.*' UiUu'uUctured by them , are WurbuitoJ to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. They use none but the best materiul, and .employ the meil skillful workmen. Hence they Hatter themselves that their work can nut be excelled for durability and Unish. i Orders frq,„ tt JUtance'promptly Attend* ti io. Come and examine our work before 1 contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, 6 All kinds of Reparing done, Ojug.y. PECK A LEE. Sheriffs Hale. Ily vir.uoof sundry writ* of venditioni exponas levari fad*. issinnl ut t the Court of Common Nmi f OsntTS count v. unit It nil' directed will bo ti|ntil to pub llc tale, tin the prvmUa*, in Uainet twn., on Friday, the Kit It day of August, IK7V, the following properly, via : All that certain tract of unatcd land, situate in Uainet twp., Centre county, which was surveyed in pursuance of war rant granted to Nainuul llaupt. and Jautes llarter, dated Dec a' M,containing two hun dred and twenty acres more or lust. Melt ed, taken in execution, and to be told at the property of P. 11. Haunt, Herman Haupl,Maniuel II llaupt, It It Hoileeu. guardian ad. litem of Anna K llaupt, and Ida M llaupt, Kiuina M. llaupt, Mutan M.nire and Allitoti llaupt. Male to com mence at '1 o i lock. p. in., of said day. 1) W. WOODltl MO, Mherilf. The Place to buy . * Goods. . BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS Hell tho chuaj>e*t and beat Tea*. BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS | Sell thj cheapest uiul beat Sugar. BUKNSIDK A THOMAS Sell the cheajiest ami beat Moiasstw BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS Sell the cheapest and beat Tobacco. BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS ilavo the largest Stock BUKNSIDK A THOMAS Always give Satisfaction BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS Uive the bigest liargaiua. BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS Hell goods only for Cash. BUKNSIDK* THOMAS Keep uo Hooks. BI'KNSIDK A THOMAS Sell their other articles Cheap If you want to savo money go to BUKNSIDK A THOMAS, ' Bellotunte. BOUOUTON S ADJUSTABLE M US Q U 1 T 0 aud Fly Screen. Will lit any Window. Cheapest and Bet Screen ever Invented. Price, 60 eta, extra quality SIOO. Cah Order* by mail promptly attended to. Agent* wanted in every town. Ad drew* J7 W. Hoiuiitox, I'JLU Cbetnut St. Phiia. |SO~AUo. Manufacturer <>f "Wood Carpet ' Can be carried in a truak. lVjtt BOSTON Boot & Shoe Store! A NEW ESTABLISHMENT With New Goods & New Prices! Haviag determined to engage in butine**! at thU place, we have opened up in Room NO. 5 BUSH'S ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA., tho iargeat, inuet complete and cliaaj>e*t stock of ROOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIP FERB, AC.. that ha* ever been opened up in this part of the Stale. At our atore yon can find in the Boot and Shoe line Any thing Ydu from the tinct boot to the cheapest dip per, and wo know if you once call and EXAMINE OCR STOCK AND PRICKS. you will concede that it i* to your iniereel to purchaae Iroiu ua. WKNEI.L AT RONTON HATE* Kepalrlui Seall) Ml L BATCH ELLER A CO. July mr. I J M PORTA NT TO FARMERS ! WE OFFER FOR SALE the following )it of UN EXCE IT ION A RLE AND RELIABLE FERTILIZERS; PURE GROUND BONK. PURE BONK FLOUR, su p k it- ph ospii Ate BONE DUST. AND ANIM AL COMPOST. They arc the Great (icneraton and yourifhen of CORN, OATS, GRASS, WHEAT, and other crop*. BEING (JUICK, PERMANENT. ECONOMICAL! It Save* Labor 1 It Prevent* Weed*! It Increaetbo Yield ! It Keatoroa the Land t SUOHTLIDGR A CO., |ulyl9 2in. Bellefonte, Centre Co. THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. Next ilor to Wilson A Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., HELLKFONTK, PA , R. F. Rankin & Co., (Successor* to Linn & \V ilon.) DKALKKS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEUIUXm CHKMICAIA VAIWs ° ,us i '?, YK STtIKVKYAHNtHIIfes nitI'SH TEV I KWYMKHY, NOTIONS, ANI) FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. pmz for medicinal purpose*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in grout variety Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, snil nil other article* usually liopt in a flrt class Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. tf.ljuno R. F.RANKIN A CO' Valuable Farm at Private Sale The undersigned offers at private sale, a valuable Farm, situated in Gregg towa ship, Centre county, near the railroad de pot at Spring \*illa belonging to the estate or Elisabeth Neese, doc d. This farm contains _ . 22 ACRES FARMLAND of which GO acres are well timbered. M Thereon are erected two dwelling houses, with Ilarns and all nocessary ontbuilding*. Fruit of all kinds and an atiundanee of water on the premises. I lie land is under a high slate ef cultivation, and among the best in the valley. For further information apply to JA. IX GKNT7.KI.L one of the Administrators, near Spring Mills. June 14. tl. IIKLLKKONTKM AKKKTH. Oorrwlod by C. I. Keller. A White §1,06, Red 100 • 1&. (lot nOO ....Oau 40 Barley <lO. '• 70 Olororte. I &,011 I'.itatuni 46, - Iard |n r poun.l 8. Park Mr poundoo • Butler 'JO Kxgt 'JO PlMler per ton • §l4 Tallow M Baron M llalii I'J LKWIHTOWN MAKKKTS ' White wheat 1,70 ...Hd wheat 1,00... By o 1 dl) Corn 00 OaUHA Barley 60 i Cluverseed 4,60 Tinodhyiood, <460 . Halt'J 60 per *aek, . Uacon 10. Ham 10 iiuUci 16... KkK" , 16 Plaster 060 TTB3B "THIJ(I II Lilt IT" lut Ptiu, Sorei, Woofidi tod Luneiets. J v BUY ITT TRY ITT iqd 4&uo, . Um P*l§ Care 0/ ForV t unjitii^,. ~UM Ptio Cur* JH. For NflM*!?!* UM Plq CuVoil. For FrvlhW. . . .UM Flip CJh Oil For Cholcnk Iforbui, . UM Piip jfirt OIL For SpriimV .... Uie Oil For HeadicheV . . . UM Paßj Curo OIL For BruiiM, \. . . UMXhj Cur* Oil. For Coraiud • For Any Bor*, . . Mfc Ptig Cur* OiL For 4oj Lanjenen, .jhJm Ptip Cur* OiL Rvibt IV -rrtVuV'. u. rm>, Aud ww ctuUlsa(* |edar. iu rinl I'M .ad far . AM tor tkltjmu OIU fIL as star, ft* M/IIUIT IT TO Wik It I* mot . *W| unaata |rriwl>iLm a suuU f >n eusaaoaad, auuU fr-saX. I# UUs, llwhs and KilXte. X sad It data aad tafs lu ass \ MKI If all DntcgM* aad itatlsn la Mn<lfa rtiCK, 50 t RHTK. < ■tCLURE 4 EATON, FaoMutoa*, a.stiaa. r Sold wholesale and retail by K. I*. (irocn. Just Arrived. Just Arrived. Call and .See Call and See WOLF'S Magnificent Stock of New t roods. Come and get I tar gains. Assortment full and complete. Dry (• ootid, Groceries, No tion*, Hardware, ltcadv-inodc Clothing, and thousands of other articles A. SUSSMAN LEATHER A SHOE FINDING. in lower room, No. I. Both'* block, where ho keep* on hand a stock of WHITE mid RED LEATHER and HA RyESS. Kips and Calf Skins Freuch and City Finish. STRING LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS OF FVERY DE SCRIPTION. Raw Hides BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trunks and Valises OF ALL KINDS. RAW FURS, of all kiuds bought aud highest price )>aid. Clover and Timothy Seed alway* bought and on hand*. WHEAT and OATS pecl*lly bought and the high '<-tCa*h price paid. 1 Go to Su*man *, there you can buy i cheaper than eUewhero, a* everybody know*, who ever dealt with hiui. lie let* no one off without a good bargain. Next door to Suieman • i* the cheap dry ; good* wtablUhment of l*aar Guggenbeita ! er. ap&tf. ATI AM HILD, " PAINTER, "IP": offer* hu*crvice* to the rilieen* of Mifflin Centre and adjoining countie*, in lloium', Sign hikl Oruiiicmitul Untitling. GRAINING Oak, Walnut, Maple. A*h, Mahogony, Jec. Plain and Fancy Panerbanging. Or der* rcpectfu!ly aolirilcd. All fine work dono for other painters. June 7 y. IS Li • aEI 'MMHINtS || it o. b. Wil ii (mi at f & The Champion of the World. Tho new Improved American Button- Hole Overseaming and Complete Sewing .Vaehine —The great cat machine of the Age ! Slmplclty, Durability A Cheap ness Comblnod. This machine being the litest, tin* ninny improvements over nil ntlier, in n worn, it i n perfect niHchinoJwhloh i* acknowledg ed by tho'b't judge* andagesiU of nil other machine*. Cnil on A. L. Bartgos, atndUonburg, who is tho authoriaea agent for Centre county. Also kcop* tho bo*t Sowing- Mn chiuo thread, needles, nnd repair* nil kind* of owing machines, clock*, wntche*, mu *ick bo so* Ac I will thoroughly auiTM* the section belonging to mo, nnd I hnll be very much pleased to sell every person n innchine, on euy terms ; give it n trinl be fore purchasing nny other—lt has no equal. Parties wishing tho machine, w ill please address tho undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. All order* promptly ntU>nd ed to. A. L. 11A It Iti Its, Agent for Centre County. MADIBOKBURO, PA. JOHN C. MOTZ & CO. BAXKERN. MII.I.UKIM, CKNTRK CO., PA. Receive Deposit* und allow interest. Discount Notes. Make Collections, issue Eastern Exchange. And a general Banking Business done. JOHN C. MOTZ, A WAITKB, PaasiMiiT Cashier. . mai"22tf. RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, J I j LOCK IIAVEN, PA. The proprietor or Ryuder's Music Store desires to call the attention of the people of Centre county, to the fket that they f zSk Tl dCB TrA 11/1 Afl ATP XX by purchasing their musical instruments ot Ryuder's Music Store. We are selling Double Reed, Six Slop, Five Octavo Organ*, at #l4O, ..sp II ' BkH p (.superior in tone and fiuish, to those tiiat are hawked and peddled throughout the country at #176 to #200.) These we warrant fur five years. We give any reasonable credit desired to responsible parties. We beg leave to call your attention to the following iastrameuts, sold in Peansvalioy this year, which you would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere : CENTRE HALL. 8. H. WOLF, Ryuder Organ #225.00 WM. GALBRAI ril, Ryuder Orgau 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. Y.DALE, American Organ #375,00 PETER SCH RECK, Ryoder Organ 140.00 AARONBBURG. WM. ETTINGER, Ryoder Organ #240.00 BOALSBCRO. MISB E. E. H U NTEU, Mebdien #130.00 In a few weeks we will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by writing a letter to us and getting our prices—we deliver all instrument*— 4 You Can Save From 840 to 860 on an Organ. Address, 11 YJWEirS MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! C. D. KELLER, BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, i* BOW prepared, at the Old Stand on Bishop Street, to tell Day SOOD3, SflOC£fi]s3,36i<i3, Shoes, Carpets, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, AC., AC, at greatly reduced price*. Be i* alao prepared U> purchase ALL KINDS O F GRAIN! FOB WHICH HE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET HUCE! ASH PURCHASERS H ILL FINDSUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS THERE C. D. KELLER I. Guggenlieimer. ARUANOEMENTt ISAAC G COOKS it EIMKU, ha vn g purchased tbc entire stock of tbe late firm of Suasman A Guggaubvimor, ex cept tbc Leather and Shoe-findinga, lias filled up his shelves with a lot of BPLENUID NEW UOOl*, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, DRlti GOODS, OBOCE&IES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND FANCY ARTICLES, and is now prepared to accomodate all bis old customers, aud to welcome all new ones who may favor him with tbeir patronage, lie feels safe in sav ing that he can please tbe most fastidi ous Call and see. ISAAC G UGG EN 11 KIM KB. P. 8. —Mr. Sussman still continues to deal in LEATHER AND SHOE-FINDINGS. CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where lie may alway be found. COAL, LIME, and POWDER! COAL —WHkosbarre Coal, ('hot nut Stove, Keg, furnace and foundry, Coal—ofbost quality, at the low est price*. Customer* will |>l©a*o note that our coal i* housed un der eotnmodiou**hed*. LIM K—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, tor sale at our kiln*, on tho pike leading to Mi'.csburg. PUWDKK.—Having roceived the agency tor l>u l'oal's Powder AT ; WHOLESALE, we shall be pleased to receive orders from the trade. s I Office and yard near south end of Paid Eagle Valley K. B. Depot, Bellefonte, Po. * SIIOKTLIDOE & CO. BUTTS HOUSE BKLLKFONTE, PA. J. 11. BUTTS, Prop'r. Has first class accommodation ; charg- I es reasonable. 19apr, tf. CENTRAL fI7TEL. Corner of Third and Chestnut Street, Mittlinburg, Pa. Jobu Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasures. 11. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. unf2l. ly. WAR! WAR! On High Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. R. SVI IT 11, of Pollen Mills. N E W U O ODS ! We would most respectful!/ iufrom bit friends, cu.tomers, and the public gener-; all/, teat he has taken possession of Thointtsen's old quarters, which have been remotfeled and improved, and it nuwpre-j } >ared to accommodate all who may favorj tint by calling. NEW GOODS! lie has just received one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Centre count/, which he intends to sell at scuh figures as will make it an < h ioct for all persons to purchase. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, dec., should not fail to give hiui a call, as he feels confident his prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. His stock of I GROCERIES consists of Coffee* of the beat quality, Tews,! Sugars of all kinds, Molasses,; Fish. Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spices, Provisions,! Flour and Feed, die., sc. Our stock of< DRYGOODS , is large and Varied, and we will just say 1 can supply any article in that line, with out enumerating. READYM ADECLOTHING n large stock of Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which wo will dispose i of at a very small advance on cost. Boots and Shoes, llats and Caps, Hard ware, Gueensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil cloth*. Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac., ocCSLIy. Graham & Son, l Boot <StShoe Makers Next door to D C Keller's Store Bellet'oute- We manufacture to order. Our work i neat and durable. Our prices are very moderate. Wo warrant to give satisfaction. Wo have the and BUST stock of Ladio's and Children's shocswin town. We are recoiving goods every weok. Wo wish an examination of our goods. The Pennsvalloy trado is especially in vited to call and so© our stock, wo think wo can ploaso all who call as to s tylo quality, and prices. Wo study to rondei satisfaction, and although wc have had a extended trado for years, wo havo nevei given a customer causo to complain. soptl&.lf LIGHTNING SAWS ~ at Manufacturers prices. For sale by W. J M'MANIGAL. may 31.3tu Milroy. Br. Crooks Wine of Tar. 4 lO YEARS jj# W —OP A— Public Trt Has proved jy, OR. CROOK'S 3K, WINE TAR i /'xva IIBMP Miffs ÜbririilalheßirdidMlfMt lllrs of Tar. and uacqoaled forffttMMM tm of the Throat and Lain, per forming the sM remarkable euros. Cough*, ( Cferaatc fM|hb Anthma and Bronchitja Has cured ao aasy om U has bees proooescada specific for that complaints For pains in Rreast, Hide or Back, (* rat el OF KMney Dig#*®©, Dimmoen of the Urinair Omaa, J aiindle* 4 or any Liver CompiMßt, It ha> soaqaaL It is also a superior Tonle, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Remotes Dyspepsia aad Indigestion, Prevents Kalariotts Fevers, Gives tone to your System. TRY DR.CROOK'S WDfKOFTA R NATURE'S Hair Restorative Coutini no LAC SULPHUR—oW SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and U cntirelv free from th Poisonous aod Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear a* crystal, It wfll turns LONG FOUGHT FOK AND FOUND AT LAST! „ t It restores and prevents tba Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glow/ ap pearance, remove Dandruff, u refreshing to the lieaa. chuck* the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevent* IL-adarhaa, euros all humors, cutaneous eruptaaa* and unnatural heat. AS A DRhSSINo PGR THE HAIR IT IS TilK BEST AR TICLK IN TIIK MARKET. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, MM*. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mat#. The genuine h put up in a panel bottle, made expressly (or it, with the name of the at tide blowm in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Na tukk's HAIR Restoraiivk, and take na other. jNirSend two three cent stamps to Proc ter Brothers for a "Treatiseon the Human Hair." Tlio information it contains ia worth SOOII,OO to any person. V For sale nt Centre Hall by Win. Wot and llerlacberds Crouuiillw. •e-A lbctUbe TO VOUSeIHt Prkm ta a soalwl anrnkwa. oat, • atrta. aSSaaiS * vnwtu. M U., AuUkjc of Iba "Otaaa BocA." I *Th nrid immol aathor. la IhU admlraUa law tare, cltO proew from hi. uwa < that urn .wlul r SWif Abra fua> ho eflertaaUl r moved without roodhjtnm, and without danwnruaaapa toal opwrmttoaa. lntromnu. or eotdlala, i**V las oat mode of care at ou.- certain aad swrasslif whtrh rrcrr auflerrt, no mailer what Ma condition mar mtdcr anal, la a (data enrntapa, to aaj 11 n •(■■ puaipaid. on receipt of ala centa. or two rat jSamf Alio, Br. L ulvcrwclU. "Marriasa ChUds." prist* , Qgnta. i Addrcm ,ho 1 . 1 .1.Ua il^Ag j c KLrais Poat-Oflks Bt tM, t Bewsqr, Raw Jo*. sprtS if. PlThifY YOUR BLOOD. For Sorofrjln, Scrofh X lons Viseuee of tH ht Eyes, or Scrotal* li oy form. Any disease or eruption W the Skin, disease of this Livmi i &Q' -i* Rheumatism, Pimples, Old \Botes, Ulcers, Broken-do• Constitutions. Syphilis, or sag rs disease dept tiding on aif praved condition of the btoo# !; vgj&L CROOK'S k g@fcnKf SYRUP OP I fg POKE ROOT. >r It haatin medicinalpropeifif of Poke loiubined wiihapmg" f gJV oration of Iron a liich goes lyy . niv into the Hood, ptrforaw iiig the tajdd and WttF derfbl CHIPS. „ Aak your Dru-gi t ior Dr. Crook* U oound Syrup of ±'"ke Root—take USM W healed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers