The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 02, 1872, Image 1

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    Re Thnr ngh.
WhatatH'er yyn bmhU ft 11 ill 1
lki It l> tya. b nh all vwr ndsc*;
Merer be * littU true,
Or a tflf'e' ths rltfht.
Trith a evw-i
Lead t h'treu ;
Trifle* mi>ke the lift of tnh.
So is all things
Ms aa thorough >e you can.
Let do one sjtesk the surface dim —
Spotless truth and honor bright!
rd not jitu * fl s f r him
Who says ottv lie 1* whit* !
H whix falters,
Twiais or allot*
Little atoms wl en we s|K>ak,
Mar d< eeir* me,
Hut holioro me,
To Atmae /'he is a sneak.
Mj Utllr Lborer.
k tiny man. with Angers an and Under
As any lad* 'a 'air ;
B*wet eyes of Uiuo, a form both frail au-1 dea
Aud cnrl* of ennny hair.
A household rev, a fragile thing ot beauty—
Tet with each l iaitt • *wn
Begins hie round to I—a solemn duty.
That must be daily done.
To,*ay he"a bnihltnc castle, h ntse. and tower,
With wondrons art and skill,
labor* with I is bsuimer 1 y the hoar.
With slro ;jt. del. rnttaed wtH,
Anon with loa h-d 'itUe cart hx-V pl.dtw
A brisk and ilritti.g trade;
Again with 'honghtfol. rrnet brow, is trying
home book s dark hvrv to read.
Auw, laden hkc some little beast of burden.
He drags himself ak-ixg, >
And now kis lord y little voice is beard ta
IVwstcem* sh'-ut sed song
Another hour is * petit ia t#vj txHltxtg
With hoop ami lop and ball
And with a pvtie co that ia Brvu MWn t -
He triia and <v>njttere lair.
But aVep at leaf oVrtakoaner litlLkiar,
And an hta tuathetV hreat,
Joy* thrown aside, tlie .bty'* hard labor over.
Ho sitike to <pwet rest;
And a* I foid htm to my la<ei>m. siee-tr
I ttunt. 'mtd gati.-erieg tiars,
<kl what the di-tanl ftttare ma* be k*pim;
Aa work for niauhood e years.
Must he. with tail hia daily bread he earuats.
In the vttrtdV Uuay nsagk, yg
Li lb "a hitter Ir-aous erenr day t<a oa'ttl'lg.
With pattei k atrnguting heart t
Or ahal! wy little imnwi be h dhhitg
Some m aante-t of lame.
On which, in b-tte-a hii.-Ut withgl-'gyagi) ling,
The world may read Ins 3aaut ?
Ikrhape a.wse hs.n be lowly occupation
for: shared arth sws-ertvrrt*ent;
IVrbapa a life in hdis-r, proud r statiwe.
In ae Ash picasu w >prut. <
Perchance. t> eee hide h-ct may enws the portal
Off aming's lofty fame,
Hia bfo w.trk he to scatter truths immortal
Among the sou's ef men f
1 had serred twenty-five year* on board
An East Indtansnn and for last tcp
Vrar- had eonitnsrfled the "AS?:*.* one of
the HaM rrnfb that er. r ft-cited. : 1 wa<
an oH ea dog. an I had dwelt wo long on
sal; water that I felt almost a hatted to
the land.
On the 2>th ol October. 1824, I rtceiTcd
order* to put mxaelf in reatlinewa tu ail
for f'avenne. I s t tr.wport sevontv-
fire sorters ami a eonrkt. I bad orders
tnt>eat t bis individual well and tfce'etter
I had rece'Tfi! irom the direc'oiy enclosed
another, with * huge r*d ml, which I was
not to wen until between 27 and 2S de
grees west longitude; that is, Uf ,rv we
were about to cross tbe !r.e.
Tbe letter aas a tons packet, so well
alovrd on eve.-v side that it wasimposstblc
to catch tbe slightest glimpse of us oo i
tents. I am not naturallv superstition*,
bat there wa Mjroethtng in the look oi the
letter that I did not altogatuer like,
though 1 could giTc norsas-wi rky. flow
ever. I canhd it into tbe cabin, and stuck
it under >bclsol a little slmhbv On;
Hsh ekwk. which was .aste.wW al *c m v
head. 1 was bosy fixing the lettdr tindi r
the dock, when who should come into my
cabin but t e convict and his wile ! Tlus
was ttie'fiit time I had fc<en cither of
them, sr.d I msy say that a more pa epos- i
*cotng couple I never m-.t The we an
- was scarce!v more than fi teen, and as
hawlsome *s a picture, while t'e busbtrd
xras an iDtell'gent. magnilicentlv torine I
man, on whose Teatuies tut.rc had uem
written " villain.''
His crime, to 1* plain, was the am or
tune of being a huoared v. ars aitea.l ot
bis age. He and o'her* had attempted
something which our gormmeot ca'fed
" treason, snd which t* pmiishtsi with dtrsth.
* It. 'heretore, occsien.-d me cor'dttable
wonder that be should be placed under n. j
charge; but more of thi* afterward.
He bad as 1 said, bis wile banging on
bis arm. She wa* as merry a- a biri; bf
locked tike a turtle dove rurnttg ami mst
lins beneath bisgteat wings.
Belore a month hod j -wrdjhver our
I heads. I ln-kfd upon them a>m own
a.children. Every u*<>m i warl tocail thrm
- into mv >rabin. The toonc-arlfep xreald
sit writing at my uM"—that m-t* soy. at
mv che*t. which wa* mv bed. fie would
often help me at reckoning, atjd vooti
learned, to do hett* r than I topjj},< I wa '
aieazed at bis ability. His young wile
would sit upon on" of he round stools ic
my caotn. aorking at ber needle
One dav wc wety all tiiM siuin; in
this wy when I sari: fl 11 ()
' Do you know, mv young ones, as it
seems to me we ma'tea tt* *-tty family 1
picture ? Mind, I don't maif tolitii q*-" i
tion*. but may be you have not inucL 1
Buiney to spare, and you are, both ol you.
as I tbink. too b*n<w*.c to dig in the
burning -un of Cayenne, like many a pool
wretch be'ore yon. It's a bad count n
a ld country, tase my word tor it I.
who have roughed it tbmpgb tempest ano
sunshine, till I've ttie skin of tboMirero*.
might get along taeny but you--1 am
atraiJ for yen So if you should chan-e
to have a bit of loolish lrien<wbim/<>y your
Pior old ca> tain. I'll tMI yon what 111 do
II get rid ot tbt* old brig; she's hot much
better than sn old tub. after all; so I'll
settle myself down there with you, tf you
like. Ynuee f have not a living •oulin
tbe woild to care lor, or that cares for me.
I want relations, 1 want a home, I v ant
a family. I abould like to make my home
with you, my pretty young one*! What
gay ye /"
They said nothing at all, l*ut gat look ins
at each o-her ai.d thin at as. as it they
doubted whether they understood what I
At las', the little Hfrd threw her arms
around mv neck and cried like a baby.
''But," Mid see suddenly pausi.ig, >'yoo
haven't locked at the letter with the b : g
mi ea).''
' Hang it'"l exriaimed. "It bad slip
per! my mind entirely."
With a cc'd dreadful sensation, I went
fo my chest to see where we were. I
found that we bad several days remaining
before we should reach the Dnoper longi
tude for opening the Utter. >
W, 11, there we stood, all three of UK,
looking np at the letter a though it could
have -poken to us. A* it happened the sun
was whining full upoD tue fa-e of the elorW
case, and (ell upon the great glaring red
seal of the letter, i omm not. uu.p .
Ingit to ked something like a '<fg mon*frr,
an cere's face, griniihtg from the middle of
the flic; it lookt-u boind.
' Gould net one fancy." said L to m*k<i
tbem laoeb, ' Jt* big tjts trpre star
ing ont of it bead f"
' Ab my love,'' said the wife, "it looks
like bloed."
• Poob, poob !" said her husband, taking
her arm under bis, ' it look* like a letter
of invitation to a wedding. Goaae. come,
!• ave that Utter alone if it troubles to i so.
Let's go to our room and nrepere r or bed "
And off they went. Tier went upon
deck and left cue wnb that ba-Att pt a let
ter. I remciulier tbat ( kepi looking at it
as I smoked my pipe; it eeraod-4 ti* its
red eye upon mire, fascinatmaflike the ye
of a* t.erient It was red, wide, raw,
staring like the maw of a fly-ce woff. I
took my great <-oai and bung TtSrver bctb
clock and letter and went upon deck to
finish my pipe. , a
We were now in vicinity ¥f Cape de
Verde L4at.ds—the Bell* w*a Xttiing be
fore a fair wind at tua rate of fee rniba an
hour, Ir was a sjjl( n.nfi"trr.p:eil n gbt,
the stars large and shlninc; tbe yioos ris
ing above tbe horizon, as large at a sun ot
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor
silver, fbe line xl' ocean pairing if, ami
long stream* ot liare. shimmering liytlit f H
the waves. utucU, ** (kv bo>k*,
->pri-h-l M> last ui*>i tba xlv*
sr. rliing n:v pipe *r-i looking if (hm,
All xxa* aiill. ricrpt tbr L>gt|a|) of the
ofli -er gi ik,- xvatrk i< 1 1 paced tba deck,
c*a na a- 1 tv*. upon tbe aha>it> t the
vessel. tteaLne ow the silent water.
I love sllenxv *t>d hate noise
and cunffoion The light* should all bar*
tx--en ixtinaued-.ed hv this time; lint when
1 looked uion the deck I thought I t>w a
hule ted hue el Ucbt l>enf*ik ait A* t.
A* Mt.'titer imte ami (tlaae :bts xvoukl bar*
made me angrt; bit knowing that the
light came from the oahtn • f rov l-t'le
ilt/iartn 1 tiflrrtuivel to are what tiny
i M at<unt.
I had only t > look down—l could see
intn the cahin fto-w the *kx Hgb*.
The vising ctrl * as spot her knee*;, she
wa saying her praxer*. A lamp axrintm"
form the ret fin* lijhted her room , She
hat! on a Kmc whrt. nist dress, ami her
Apr, golden hair floated orer her shoulders,
ami alntfst touched two little ban- leet
which wete peeping bxm un<ler ber tvhite
die**, so pretty. 1 ttinted away*, pshaw'
M*l I. lam an old sailor. What matter*
It f So I >tav d.
The husband was sitting upon a Ijtth
trnnk. his head resti ig iu*m his ham's,
Kxekiu-r at t*r a tide she prycd. She
ri'-rd her face to binvtrn, and then I saw
kcr crc wcic fiHe • with tear*. She
looked like a Alagdalcnc. As tbe roav he
sal •;
"Ah. mx- awcct Laurctte. a* we approach
Atm-rie* | cannot Wing anxo—I
do not kn.>xv whv—hut 1 feel that tixe
*v*re ha* been tlie happ eat part of onr
'So i' seems to bu." she auaxvervd. "I
onlv wish it might last hnevcr.''
Radden'y clasping hi* band* in a trans
port i.f love be *aH:
•'An I act, my lmte angel, 1 see cm
wh. jo® say your prayers, and tlia' I
cannot stand, for 1 know what cause* It.
aud then I trar tu must trp.nt what you
iiave done."
'• Rep. n'. w she aid. in a ad, n-bnkiog
f.inev. "Repent of bavin* come with you f
Do von thmk because I bav* been ro#
< nlv *uh a reiy, *i rv abort time. that 1
should not love voul Was I not yonr
wife? How can rou besom that I should
he °t'b von to b# tviji you. if -a on livo,
ami foH#i witii t. I'wai at* IB #• P
The yon re man Ix-gan to stgb. Mrikin:
tb-p{* Wta >.* *l. Mrti.-
be ti*>ed repea'rdTt the little Band and
arm she was holding ou'.
"Ah, Diorette. I/tdWtte! When 1
tbii.k if our marriare had been d.taynl
*mly five days, only five day*, that then I
should bare been and transported
si,me, f cannot forgive tnvselt."
At this the little one stretched out her
roi.inl wh>te anns. c!a*j* 4 bi head
ir ed bis forehead, bis hit. his eyes
-militie like a ebe*ub. and murmuring' all
sort* of woman'* fbnd thing*. I wa* quite
aße* tt*l. an i coDid-red it nv of the
pteftkef seines I had eTer witnessed.
"Ael liesidea, we are o rich. too 9* said
she bur*ttnr out laughing. V Look at pit
pur^e! one gold kuisd'or—all my wudfdly
He Ueg n to laarb t*o.
" Yes. ikur. Ji hare spout .v last crown
I eave tt to the fel'ow who carried our
trunks on hoard."
"Ah. noor'oriatl ape,, 44 what,,matters
t X 4 d* n tuerfv a* tbw>c Who have
nothing at. all*. IwsrJta I hare my two
diamond tines thai me mother pave e;
thev ar good lor something an the world
| oven we can sell (hem when you like;
■ amf boi<le-, I am -tire (hit the captain
to.-an' kindly by yp. and 1 SUM* cl be
! know* Terv well hat iyfti tlir letter It
i a n-etmitnendarhm to the ft.fvchaor ol
i Otyenne."
'•P-*baps so; who know* 7"
'To br sure its cent mow i the charm
ing little wife. "You mv so goad. I am
i ure the pcrrr.TtJiefir b* bWbtnhed you
onle f>w a short rue. I know thev Lave
I no feelinsj against t ou "
It was high time that the light should
: be -tncken out, an I now I rapped on ttw
I cvtk and told the o to do so.
They bi*i#ntU ot*yw',*u<l I betnl them
• laughhtsnnd abatteriog like two Inanwnt
One morning, when I awoke. 1 was
surprised not to bet the slightest motion
of the vessel. flurrying on * ck 1 IUUJMI
that we were brenltned. latitude, BK*
degree worth; between inentv-seven auo
twenty-eight (Wittt west.
1 waitid until Utah', when f descended
to my calun and >;*me<l tbe letter, with a
doll, awful feeßng. 1 held mv bieath
whtl* I broke the big ivd eal anJ reed:
4 Captain Fountainlileau—The convict.
H.rectory order that bo t* shot ir mi t
oJtui, and urn are hereby instructed to
isee tbit these orders are carried into
I read the letter bark wan! and forward
I went on deck. There tboy were, a lie
lookr* apon the on *r. ami be crrne upon
her with an expression of unutterable
londness. Catching hia ije I signed for
lum to come into the en. in and. bi.idin.-
j her good by, he came down, his (see all
I was bathed rn • cold sweat; I felt as il
deadly sick; I baaded him tne lettirami
e riwd it. t'*p*ttier with the dewfi war
rant, which we drawn np in doe form ami
attached. 1 uatbercd voi-e as be finished
Tie coloied slightly md bowed.
"1 ask nothing. Captain.' he Raid in the
lame jjfit t lfc<|rc al wafsc eiircit
hi* *perl • "fto flfrtr <Si fh* WtprPted to
swerve Irom Ut* duty 1 only wili to
-peak a %tf wfirts loj Laud We. itm
tieat yoil n> tike care of berll shrwunites
—1 hardly think she will."
"AO that KJair; my good ffU*w.'' I
cried. 'lf you request it 1. will carry her
back to Fiance to tertomfly. Iwilln-ver
leave her unril she wMna to be rid ot ne,
but do not think she w ill survive it.'
lie took ur hand and pressed it.
''Mot kwid captai i, I ate you suffer
: more in tbi* Ka>uic*a than I do—but there
lis no help for it. I trust you will preserve
what little piopeity of mine i Kit lor
ber sake, ana that von will take care she
nets utiat hei p< o!4 mother may lean
I her. I put ber life, her honor in vour
1 hands. She is" (and how f ndly low bis
| voice became) 'adelicate little creature
' —her cbi-St if often aßectec; she rnast
| keep ft warm; and if she eonld kern the
two damond ritias her mother p*ve her, I
should be glad; but, of Com 'e, if money
is needed, rney nmst p.. 31/poir Laii
ret'e—bow pietty be looks."
Tt was petting too much for roc, and I
began to keif my biows.
■ One word i s pts-d a a thousand." I
"Sta.v a moment, let megivc yoaa word
of adv ce, Don't *ny a word to her; be
eaay: that is n>y bos inert. It shall be
managed in the lest manner."
"Ah," he, not understand;
yes, niu.h be tter. Besides, this leave tak
ing, this leave taking."
-Ye said I, "don't behave like arb>ld
—roach better. No leave taking if you
can belp hfo* you are km.* *
I kept my seat- 1 saw them walking
arm in arm upon the deck for about an
I hour. . t<i fca .
1 called the mate to me, and when he
bad read tbe letter, I said:
' Gailey;,tbat js had business—bad busi
ness I vat ft fd your bauds. I o'*y
their orders, but remain in the cabin until
it is over."
"How do you wiMi the tMug dotie ?" he
asked in a nonchalant manner.
••Take htm In a Rat—otit of sight; do It
as quick at p **ible; don't *ay any thin?
about it till the tune cwut-a *
Wxrlvy ttat live minute* luok'ng at tne
triihiHit saving a woid. lie was a"au£c
follow. I didn't know what to make •!
htm lie then went out t I bee* but with
out saying a won.
1 Migb' oi'te at last. "Mau a boat; go a
j quarter of a utile; he quick.
T.t oltey a *l'p ol tw;<er ' for it was hut a
, bp ol paner alter all. Something lit the
j vere air mu-t have uttisl tne on. I saw
the rmnig man kneel dntrnbe'otv hi-
i rottc; bts her kttoea! her feet' her goara!
I cmxl like a tuatiman:
"i'ari thvin I Part them this instant!
: Part them—curse the republic— curse the
dirv-hkory—the directors! I quit the *-r
I vice t eurc the lawyers! you may tell
, the it it you will!"
She xx tv> dragji vl into her lwrth, and the
lxat rowed away in the tfarknss.
Some time after a dti'l trolley came over
the Re* to the vessel. It xvns all over.
f'Hl, madman, how t paced the deck
am! cursed myself. All night long I
|iace<l hack and forth, and all ni„'hl long I
hrattl the moMtt of the poor atrtckeu
! bird.
Often I haltex! and was tempted to
throw myself into the sea and so t ud this
; Uorrid tv>r'Ure xt briin and lu-arf.
Days passed; I saw nothing of Laurettc.
tI would not see her. Site a voided me. anil
I waa glnd of it. I couhl not bear the
' sight of that woe-stricken fee.
The mate. Garley. how l hated him
i lie w a* as oxd slid uticouoerueil as though
he hail no remembrance of shooting lite
poor wivtrh.
At Cwxenne I resigned myahip. Going
j to the city, I tnsde all my arrangements.
! slid took the steam r for NVw York. I
i plscetl ample funds in tlie hands of a trusty
j friend, and told hint to sritd L-otrette to
i tne at the end of six months- l could uot
j see Imr until her grief hoi bad ita etlge.
Wf-wrr, wick and ear!-* my life, I
wandered oil Into N w A' State, and
j finally IsHtght a little place where l hoped
I should li.* dnwa and d e.
I at-ut for Law-ette. Poor bird, 1 must
I see her. [ could waif no lot g-r.
One snutmc- niglit I sn' in the porch ot
J my lo'U-e, smokiug my pij>e ami gsring
[down the road. S'-n the rumble tl
i wheeia wo heard, and the stage hailed.
The Beit wioim-nt a |*air of aoft snn
were ronad nty nts*k. and the head of my
! sobbing l.sQrvtte was on itn hoamn.
"OIC you denr, excellent Ciptaiu—"
J '"lleaVelisl who i* that behind you!"
There SUMS! GM- manly term of Autoine
lUindsciear, the rsmvict.
'•What dov-s-this meanl r f demandel,
. liardiy knowing xxhether 1 was dreaming
-tr not
''Are yoii glstl to te rnc I"
• "Thank G<sl! thank God P was all
t that i could riacltlalf.
I nndersTotd Tt aiL The mate Garicv
" hat! read my heart better th->n 1 did my
| s<lf. After leaving the hrtg lo the W>at.
| lie arranged the whole affair. The volley
, was tired, but no bullet touched Autoiio
t litndsch-ar. He was smuggled into hie
tiertb again, ami took care to avoid mx
' i*ht- Tbe whtde crvw were in the plot,
I add, thank G si, I was duped.
, I seat Gat ley a thousand dollars aa a
I reward.
I am now an old man; bnt I am happy.
■ My ehHtlreti wnd my grandchildren t! cavil
' 'hetn nothing else) sertu t< think old
' Captain Fontaiubleou is uot such c wrvtclg
i iifter all.
1 A Resatis UtfonGt T*l*l —The
1 Ru-ln ptptr* pnhliahett a enrious account
|of a ttial xxtjlcb, cutqnn fourteen
xear* ago, has jn-t liecn decided. A |mo
: pit tot, of tlie CriDica. namexi SaboumtT
was entrusted soon alter the xear be* ween
Rtela and the allies xvitb a sum ol nnmey
lot nfetrilrtttiun arpong the pca-antry ol the
rmntly-occuoied lTritory. The mjn.y
doappcaicd, Sabcmiotl was accu-tsl o( m il- j
vvrition, proci was coaitnenct-d
him, a d alter all sorts nt acts of wecusa
tion, r*jm n**, and uur-rcjottiers had lie n
rfoltrcttd, the (unrfrona ol the court tu
which the action had been instituted came ,
to an t-ud Tin- laxrs ot Huwia bad I teen i
rvfonnid. and it was necs-Miaty to proceid
again t SabouroM tuoier a new system
At the hfinmn; < I the pr>aent month
the erttH-al ninncnt arrive'; * bourn IT
wa* indicted it: open mutt, and, callexl u|sm
for hi dch-nse. p'eatlcd that, though the
(uomy coolin tl to him had disappeared, it
x*'a* not be bat - those arouttu hitn*' who
had apetit tt. "I apftcai to Tour tnercx,
g nth mn of the jury," he continued. '1
leg you to take in:o consideration that I
bare been lor fourteen ytait ttudt r a crave i
a cu ation, that I Lave is en thtec years <n
oriwtu, uud seven v-bj* under tbe surveil
lance ol the police. I bare loet all I ps
sensed, ! am reduced to indigence, I am
old, m b*d bciltb. and have not long to
Itve. Hare pity on me." Guilty or inno
cent, the man had already been severely
puiiisiit-d ; and the jury ( which was com
poaed of aert-n Greek*, two Russian*, at.d
thiee Tartatsol Crimeai, alter a shot t cftli
sulration, acquitted Lim.
Istekvatmsal JJabies.—The World # tx b>-Td ft) Tin.n . to TR73, is i<•
iiut© a novel but uilmirable h-attiro.
There ja to l>o a department call© ! ' The
Obi Id.'h Aiat at O'dvt to tintk*- thi de
pjirtmont tt C 'biplete and useful rm ]k>h-
M'lp, Baron Ton SHiwarz• nhoran, the
Preen cut ul Uit> Direclivu, wishes U> rr
c4h from Aafeiira, vbdre, a* o \l the
world knowa, very fine children are
rawed, all pos-ibl© information e no rn
ng the h at meana of preserving elnh
drm'i health, nod of attiring them
a lien left alone 1T their wo-kiug |rent*
(a branch of child-mre with which we
are not, iterlmps. us well Rcqnainte<l n
wo should la ) lie would like to have
samples of the toys and thing* of too
kind with which our very young chil
dren are amused and instructed, and any
informa'ion in regard to our p'ann and
methods of physic dly and morally edu
cating the young creatures oefore they
are old enough to fe i-cnt to school. The
B.iton wants in format ion about every
thing referring to Baby Pedngigv ; be
wcmkl like to have sample* of our Infant
Literature. The furniture of an Ameri
can nurery would I* gluuly accept e I 1 y
h m for the Exhibition. This inter at
in the welfare of the child argues well for
the welfare of Anatria. I'wo heads are
bitter than ou. as Austria evidently
thought when she put a double bead < n
her national bird, and if America and
Anatria can put the ir heads togr ther ai d
benefit the ri-ing generation,try nil meat a
let them do it.
Linen LAW- r Otno. A dispatch
from S.iliun, Ohio, states that some three
hundred iienmna assemble,! last mailt
and took fr<mi Hie jnfl tlnee of the tour
men who wre arrested lost week for
murdering M iry Hoonr. a girl aged fonr
teeti, and hung the.n to a tJ-ee near (be
julf. The men who were bung were Ab
salom Kimble, Jacob Kimble nud Alex
ander McCJoinl. The ,'o irtU one, l-a
napaed KiniWe, was not interfered with,
as it was through his confession that the
othe/p were arrested, and an examina
tion proved tbut be hud not been directly
concerned fn the outrage nud murder.
The mob surrounded the j til, and after
securing the guard and jailor took the
three men and proceeded with them to
the spot where the girl's body was f •imd
and hung tin in to the tree under which
the terrible crime was committed.
A Ml'waukce pap*i tells about a tat of
clothes found at tbe foci oi a tree, fioin
which tbe occupant appeared to have been
eliminated by a flash ot lightning.
Nothing in uiore charming tliau In
IIMppV Ix'dltll V, Slid to M-#' tlx ut
i aUt xoutly mill tastefully ilmwrd. But
simplicity i tin- charm of youth ; *
freili young face need* little gOoruuicuU.
Rich gartneut*. mi extra uuia
iH-rot' ribbons, fl mnee*, ruffle*, and pttfli
ixl<l nothing to (lit* lieatltY of childhood.
1 M >thet* nowaday* lut'line to Ilro.ll thou
■ children lEo uiiutaturo won and women.
In no doing thev in t only u.akf h grvut
mistake. hut they wrong their children, j
particularly their little girls, who ut ten
lire often <MK U decked out iu a* uiueh (
rluerv ai 11 lu'ikiutlilr women of fifty. 1
I In the first | hioe, this style of ilrossiiig
1 makes Ihe voting girl |ra old. nml rulm
her of nil tlnit fieih simplicity win. h is
so natural nn.l pleasing. Nhe appears (
irtifieial, ettustrainwl, nod disagreeably
. self -conscious Her thoughts art' nee-1
I t-ssmil.v much upou her uiloruux'iit", rind
slie litis out yet learned to coix'enl the \
fix t. What mother has the right thus
Ito uupair the beauty of her eliild ?
' Flien, acaiu. the hrulih and roinf.-rt of
the little girl are wriou-ly interfered
with hv the grre -he 14 oxpe.<tit to five
to her fine gsMMlIk ft he i*ft Wot run
and jnm|> and nap about an she long#
*0 do. 1.-st she f.-aV them 'i ohe must seat
herself circumspectly. leant she crush the j
trimmings ; she tmxl t>e constantly on
her guard lest -he *il Uiedelic.ite /auric*
j At niio.T fashionable aiimmer AW .rta it
! is posiiir. ly iniiuful to uonec bow absurd
ly thin system of ig-iiatiieuting childtan
jin |i|Mtiml. It is to behojie l that aeu
sible mothers doritur the rowing aeaon
will uo| interfere with their children'#
rights in this reword. Oive them siui
pie el.ithour, for tltis doe* not prev* nt
the garments I" ttur pretty atnl tasteful, j
B it let the yon g folks have a chance to
i>ey.aiug. In Atnerica we all gr.uv old
jtoo fust —iHt i 1 veura but iu thought, in
1 feeling, and V '•if*.
EVPCKUI "JITU A physician of M.ot
|ielier, in Frsuce, luia lately been timkixg
j experiments aith fowls to he what effect
| wite, brandy, and alaiiiithe would have
]on them, i'hey took to the liquor*
naturally', and soon gn w very ford of
tlx 111. Two month* ilevotnl to a'wiuthe
killesl the strongest eojt or hen ; thoae :
all tell lUS'll ditsl attbt' elld of
moutlui and a half; winch
' wine tiveil ten month*. It waa found
that nnder the developing jx.ver o
strong drink the svk'crests increased
Ito three or fotur Uui*s their original
I sixe. and Isvauw tier* ml, a* tlie uo*e
| of old topers c>me in time to Idooiu and
i lilowMim like the rw*e. In viiw of these
j experiment! the /*<**/ .VoV' 6aran?
. ge*ta the propriety of introducing the
n ti-js't into tlx* hennery iu otder to a
1 certain tiie truth or fal*en<H of the opin
1 top that the frwtrmut hurt* i" lelgt<*riui
I to men and • )<./ A f * MBitflrimenta
might also lie in xle a* tbeeflWt of keep
ing lute hour*, and a number of well-'
-elected cocks uiid hens, might be
• taken out to* bad or |k thu.w, and
' not iiCowrd to go home tfll toe time
when ordinarily th§v J ijjip from their
most* to I•cri* tlx-bib-re of the ilay.
This might be cruel, and would uud.nibt- j
• xllv have a sad eflect on the morals ol
I tint joatpt fowls* who wmlti he aegleet
tod iii'l vna vacantt ii die *Ntnivard
while their parent* were alccping off the
fume* (>t!iotyr t iW nt hi ft eh piling ri <wM j
; and uiapditn Kmin- ii f lettjreckle-tiUPw*
, anddi wuutiery Oti tin- whole, it wi.uld
• lie lietU r not to try atteh exp- ri meats a*
' thev, as thinking and late lioni* might
liecome habitual amotig the bird*, and
. prvxluce blighted lieu-boa-es Binl de
graved eggs to ueh an extent N s to
j threaten the vent foundation* of the
' once happy lmroy ard. . . ,
fV i|ik ir ' t t
A iouowp Fat. —One of the run*.
X'morihimry facta invealed to u l>y Dr.
; Livingstone** exphw.ttitm* in Africa is '
; that the high tableland of the interior,
with it* ricn agricuhwral resource*, it*
fine terojienunn', broad inland seas, and
in xbaustiblw store* of mineral wntHh,ij
rendered nil htitirinen.-truble to civilirtsl j
man, certainly Iwyond all r> ai-h of colo
i nutation, by one of the moat apparently |
! i uMgi itiivnt of raaiM-s, a fir. This tern
ti'eiu*cl is a Ht'le brown,yellow tri|>cd
tlv calle I the t-cfze, scaroelv larger than
; onr common hao-eh.'ld iets. but *
sting i* übsolutdy fatal. So deadly is
its |H>i*on that it ia suid three or fonr
(lies a ill kill the largest ox. S<n alter
tlia late which gin* little or no pain,
*t iggciiug uml blind it ess coau s on : the
laaly swells to au enomoa* sixe ; the
coat turns ro-.igl, ami in a few hotirs
follow coiivnUmia and death. And yet
this deadly poison under the fleet of |
which the horse and ox. the sheep and
the dog fall aa il plague-stricken, ta per
fectly liarmlcsa to man, to wild animal*,
to the pig, mnle, mm and gout. Here is
au achievement of science that would
bring glory to the discoverer—th dis
cover j of wtne antidote to the sting of
this Tenetnous fly, which would open the ;
treasures of Central Africa to the use of
the world.
BOTTOM op THE SEA.— Explorations of !
the roost eurefnl kind have e-tabliahisl
the fact that hill*, dale*, ravines atnl
mountains churnctcrixe tlve Imttoia* ut
u-cans and HCOM. Five miles, pcrfiendic- i
niar depth, prove there mual he some t
exceaaivnly rbtfk, gl<>tny pMuvs. Btit i
even there life aliouuds. Strnnge form*
broufht tip hy sutinding There;
-ei-tns to be no Ws*te plan's on'the gfolie, '
since animal and vegetable lives are'
everywhere fitted precisely to tlio-e iff>-
acure local ties where they ure louud.
t>n the highest peak of the A talus, the
Cordilleras. Mount Lebanon or the lofty
ranges of India, ir. ri in nhella alai nu. j
t hey were elevated from profound |
depths in primitive *ca\ 00 the mod and '
dfltiris of a vastly remote js-riod, to their
present ]aiaition. Marine shell*, then- 1
fore, on raouutuin tup*, are chronologic*
al evidence of the mighty revolution*
through which the earth has passed. The
n-mains of curious things in art, the j
fabrication of liumau hands, many of
which will resist the corroding influence ■
of time, may vet lie lifted .-nt of the deep !
to li ins ectcd miles above the level of i
fnture sens, a* marie shells are iniieet- i
iti by travelers, who in their in v. liga
tions wonder bow they came there.
Dr-AT* ru<N Uw"ruoßiA.—A yonng
geuUeinkrt naufd lit us, aged twenty
years, wuo resiiK's al hi* 'atner'a conn
try *i at at Wbit' stoms L. 1., waa bitten
on the hand sAmotnu day* ah.(> by bia
setter dog. The flits* Seemed to be only
the result of a passing irritation on tlie
part >4 |||io Eiiirtnf, whii-li neither before
nor ainite gave Buy kigns of rubies. The
wound sat promptly cauterized, mid
henlcd quickly niitl natmally. On the
evening of the 21 inntant young Mr.
Titus, while in the act of driukiug n glass 1
of water, wo* sehmd with a *pn*in, and
after forty-eight hours of agony died.
Ftsnnro.—There is a new invention iu J
fishing. Out in West Virginia they sink -
a tin cartii.lge containing a pound of
uitr xgly ccrine to the liottom ot the river,
explode it. by au electrical battery, and
then pick up the fish, stunned but not
killed, ou the surface. At the falls of
Kanawha, the other day, one fellow, with
three pounds of uitro-glyceriue, took
three bun. Ire I n>i fifty pound* ol fish.
The tropical heat of the last far data
lias in'used new lile luto the alligators in
Central Park, the largest of winch snaps
its jaws with great unction whenever a
fat baby looms in view.
Patrick lieury far lh-' Itefcure.
In the early religions excitement in ;
I Vir Itiia. Patrick Henry wa* called upon ; |
to defi-ud tllu lk.ptista arrested ami cull- . (
■ lined in jd. Even at tin* day, il will
IHI inter* '.tiug to uoto the temurk* made ,
. by tin- speaker 00 the ncciuion. !,
"May it phase your wo.ahip*," he
said, " I think • beard rend by lie pro i j
aeaiar, us I entered the house, the .
paper 1 uow In Id in tnv baud If I have ,
rightly nndemtissl, the king's attorney , |
■ ha* ft utucil au indictment tor the pur- i (
|Hue of nriaigiiiug ai d puttiahiug by (
itu|iri*oiiment tlie-a three luoffV-uaive (
' [lernous li. fore the l>ar of this court for {
a crime of gi'cul magnitude —as disturb- 1
era of the 1 race. M-y it please ibe
court what did I hear read? Did I hear j
jit, or wa* it a mistake <4 toy >'
own? Did I hear au expression a* of a
j crime, that these uixn, whom your wor
ship* ore about to try for misdemeanor,
: are charged with—with—with WHAT?
Hiving il. livered thcie wonU iu a
halting, broken meutier, is if hu mind ,
j wit* st iggeriug uutler the weight of * |
lUiUistroin id< a, he lowered bi* voicsr to 1
it* die pest I si's, and aaiumiug the pro- \
tound* t solemnity of m iauer. answ -rwd ,
, questioo; " Prti huty thr U<t- ;
; ptl •///>' & 1 / (ht/"
'Tlx ii he pause I. Every eye was now
I rive'eil upou him, uud even mind ;
iin'eut; for all this wa* executed aa a
K> an or a Sid lou* Would have per j
lo.meil it on the stage.—eye, voice. J
attitude, geaiuiw, all iu accord to pro-j
the utmost poaatliillity of efiu-ct j
Amid a Mleuce thai could lie felt, he
.lai.-.l the iudietiueut tlir time*
' round hi* bead as though still amazed, '
| slid unable to comprehend the charge, j
I hen he rai-ed his hand* and eyes to j
heaven, atnl. iu a tone of jwthatio eu- i
i eruy wbollv iudcscriUtblc, exclaimed,
"tlreat Oisf!''
At thi* point, stich wa* the pow- r
of hi* delivery, the andienoa n'hetcf
, the ir feeling* by a bur*t of atgh* and
, unr*. The ondor coutinuod:—
" May il please Votir wuiahip*. iu a
day like this when truth is alio >t to
burst her fetter*, when mankind are :
alum! to lie aroit*el to claim their nat
ural and inalienable right*, when the
Nuke of oppressmo that ha* reached
the wilderness of Araeric 1, and the un
natural alliance of ecc'e.*iasrical and j
i civic powrr arc al out 'o lvdi v -rod.
■ —at **'.A a p-i iud, wheu hbei ty, htierti
. <>t eoii-cieiic-, is about to wake from her ■
slumberiug*, and inquire into the rtwAofc
of such charge* 1 find exhibit. ,1 here
to-day iu this iu.lietnient —" Here oc
curred another of hi* Appalling paoM*. 1
.luring which lie cast pieiciug look* at
the Jxdges and at the three clergym> 1
arrsigoid. Thin rrsaraiug, be thrilk-l
! every tiearer ly hi* favorite devie • ol i
repititiou: "if 1 am not deceived,— ,
accotdiug to the cunt cut* of the jmper I
i uow hold iu uiy hand,—these men are
j Aiwuclof prea* I. tng the (fatf-M v/ th• Sa
•/ Hod!" lie waved the document three
timea round his head, a* though still loot
in wiauder; atnl than with the sauio el-c
trie attitude of pj*".il to Heaveu, he
gapped "'llriat G<l!"
1 his was followed by another burst of
feeling from tha spectators; and again
tlti" muster of effect ptanged Into lUc ,
tide of hi* tliseourwe;—
" May it p't-aae v-otr worship*, there
j are periods in th* lu-torv of man whett j
;<s irrupt too and depravity line • h<ug
. debased the litiiuau character, ih it man
sinks under a eight of th* oppre
uir'* hand,— lwcoioe* his iwrvile, his al>- '
ject slave, n* licks lliv hand that'
unites him. He Sow* iu pa-Aiv* ola-de i
enw to the mandate* of the despot; and j
in thie at t* of aeevflity, he r i*is iu*
i fetter* ol ]K'rf**tUßl twiudage lint, rosy (
it plra-e vour <n>hi|m, such a iXty has
|iasa><d. From that peiiod alx'ti our fa
ther* lift I lie iuttd ut their nativitv for'
; llieac .lmerieaA wild*, —fmm the mo-'
tmnt they placed their feet uj*n the
Arm-riciui continent, -from that nioret-nt j
h-siHtiini w.i* ere abed, the felt, rs of
darktiews were hrokeu, and Heaven de
ereisl that mini sh-mhi be free.—free to
; worship (Ji*l according to the Bible. Iu
rain were oil their sufferings and blood
. shed to sutqugale this new wcrld. if we. j
their off-pring must irtfll lie oppress, d
and persecuted But may it pleoaeyour
aorsuips, |" me to inqairo oner
more, f r what are these nu-u ab Hit to
be trie. 1? Tin* paper no. for frfwhmq '
tht Ciittpr' of thr San'oir to .-t.Aim's falJrn j
rarr } 1
Again he puusod. For the tl ird time |
, hu slowly waved (be indictment round \
his head; and then,turning to tlu- judge*,
lonkiug them fu I iu the face, exclaimed
aith the most impirnaive flu-It "NThal
lawn have tliey violated?" The whole !
iweahly were now paiulnllv mov.d and '
. .'Xcited. The praeiUiug judgi' ended the )
-oeue by nayiug, "HUerilT, dinclukgw
these uieu."
The Story of a Sailor.
The Boston Aitetrlioer tell* a story of'
an American sailor "shanghaied'' *'H>ard (
; an Engliwh ship, which shows that the re
-01 nt law of o<>ngre* ujioti the *ulj-ct j
wa. swlly needed. It ap|xiars, seeorilitigj
to the -tory ■>f ltie vietmi, that in Deerui-'
tier, 1871, Willi .in Kelly wu* diuggnl iu '
j the saloon of one MCi*ty, a rather no-i
. torious characteroftiaii Francisco. Wlw-n 1
Kelly recovered hU senses he found him-1
sell on board the British ship 8k Jatm-s, !
then lying in the hnrlsir of that city.
K lly and two seamen, ileserters from the
United Slates ship Caiitortiia. deinaiiileil j
their relxa*e. Kelly alleged that he had '
not sigtu-d the armies id the ship and had 1
Hot received the usual advance pay, ilia
captain acknowledged that hu Inid not,
seen him ign, hut produced a regider
i hearing his name, atte*te.l hy the signature
:of the liritih Consul. The man-of-Wnr'*
I men, who were *oler at the time they '
"hipped, *;iy they never saw the Ihilieii
; Courul; that all the signing and ••• earing j
wan done by the British shipping uisater. i
Kelly wus not released. Tlie Mt, James,
'cleared for Man'iln. and he worked as il
; regularly shipped, whan the ship reached
1 (iort Kelly, laid hi* case liefore the Auierf-j
loan Consul, who advised him to see tlie*
British Consul. Hu saw the latter under
protest, as he wa* an American citizen, j
' and his case was disposed of hy the Con- I
sul's telling the captain he might discharge j
: luin if he chose. Littering on hi* way to
; the ship he sa* arrested hy a Spanish p j
' liretouu and conveyed back to the St.'
Jutile*, w hen refusing to work, lie wa* j
confined iu a narrow apart 1 tie nt—a hutch
Ixmse —so low that only two position*
were possible-—the horizontal, snd on the
knee*, with head bowed low. There was
an old nail iu the Cell, which, while it
served as a bed, reduceil the height of the
apartment. The isi! was kept there ;
al*>nt a month nn<l a half and then re
moved. After the sail w* removed he '
bad only an old tarpaulin to lie upon. Iu 1
, tills cell lie wa* kept during the entire I
, voyage of four month* and six da)*, on |
I bread and water. Only three times was 1
j be allowed to leave Id* cell.
The Bt. Jame* arrived ut Boston, nnd a 1
! day or two afterward* he obtained Ids re- I
h-ase, but without receiving a < ent of p*y I
for hi* six month*' voyage or the discharge *
to which lie was entitled if he was re(.u I
larly shipped. Kelly tiled to obtain it- I
dress in 80-ton. lie applied to the ofii- '
cers of the law, hot in vain. He tried a I
lawyer oidy to he deed veil. At last, when I •
the Ht. J ante* and her explain had left t
port, the legal adviser of Kelly, told him
he was sick of hi* case and should throw .
it >i- J
•ft RA.FI* STAIHS.-W ush the stained places n
in cloun, ooid, soft water, without soup, t
beforo the garment is otherwise wet v
In the tkwert.
The following interesting deacHption is
fr .in Palmer's foot Journey* in the desert
of *bt*l:
o Titer* is lut liKle variety In esmp-llfir
in liie desert, snd a description ol one
day a journey may *l>wef fur all the rest. !
At tutirtM* every i.ue i* alir; a *itr.ple to I-,
letio, a still wore shnpls inesl, and you
pack up your thing* in preparation for j
the start. Then comes a repedlton of the 1
noise and clamor incident on loading, you '
misint y.Hir dromodary. and, when once,
r'aidy umlec-way. the while csravan,
trails noiselel) along tl.e ",!, Follow- ,
ing the psth tiurked out • y tV skeleton*
of caturls wide lie bleach tig in the sun.
you ride on until the n.*uid*y heat and i
glare compel you to seek a little rest tx j
neatti some friendly shade, if th.-re is suy ,
to lie had. though very frequently you ;
tans' pat up with such shehrr *• a white 1
: umbrella r the unsavory virinitv of a
kneebng ramel can afford. la Lng'tnd
, one know* nothing of the luxury of shad*. 1
I atnl cannot appreciate what It really
[means. l!.w often, when reclining, five
of us, beneath a drbd up furre bush tx>
bigger a gta.d-siziil geranium, have ,
' we cnnrnfind onr lnttcfi of dste* sixl bis* .
cnits wasiied down with Just one drink of
j Inke Wriu water beautifully flavored with .
goat skin, and envied the hapo* terrier;
that laps the cool puddle ol his native
I laud!
After lunch the inarch is resumed nntil j
' -tinset. anl then commence* ihe really
' enjorable fiart of tne day. Tlie tents are
j Hitched, and dinner is prepared. Thr
Aral.* settle Uwmaelves czily ronnd the
1 camp fires to prepare their atrions Itieal
, ami for n hur i-r •" before retiring for
j the night comfort and re|io*e reign around
Tlie ti .t night in ihe d**eit was an era In
my life: it -reined a* if all the vague im
age* of inv cn-ly dreatn* were shout t.
sainiue a life like nudity wtiicb tl* had
never worn f-r me till then. A frreb
bree*.- blew into the tent causing no ap
prehensions of nightly chill* but >u!U-ing
I new vigor into ts*(l* bisly and roid. The
fii.-kvring cmnx-flros shed a lurid glow
..ver the little knot*'f swarthy Bedowin
as thev rejawefl after the fativties of the
day. and produced a wo dre.n"v picttir
e-que and Remhrawdt like The
( hti-hed tones of thoie who had IKt! }-
fallen aalrep. the whtrring <d a had-mil!
' here and there, the half-pleintiro, half
surly groaning of the camels t her
. were the only • mnds wbkfltd.-fnrbed the
"ttllnrs* of the night. I roi template It he
"Cf-ne around me with mtnglcl feeling
of delight and awe. 1 was reclining per
chance upon the verv sp.4 where th#
'children of !***! hod encain|ed when
fl~i"E from their Eg'ptian
and I cotfM not help comtusritig my sitfia
| tion. to some extent, with tliei.s I had
iut lett the noisi hustling crowd .4Cairo'*
-1 ret*, and had escspnl into the freedom
>f the great lone wtldernr*# and 1 too
lelt that sense of special divine
which ren*i have bees pre-era to thewi.
t for never • • much as in the dewrt d as
•me feel that Hod is nigh. He I' is that
(tables man to pas* in safety through
'his dreary wa-te, and whether It lie by
direct miraculous intervention, as in the
t-vse of the Cbosuo People, or hr the
scarrgiy' lca wonderful ag- reason
and foreVght s'iH It !• His Imxl alunv
that guides him ou.
shixsix AgpSrrxftstrrtos —At a re.wot
asaeting of the Polytechnic Club of the
American Institute, Mr. B>yle toM the
! follow irig incident;
At a newh erected light boas© along
the Sew Island Hound an old astlor w.\-
'recently ippfatw) * keeper On one of
1 tlui ffr-t evening*, when trimming his
lamp, ha neglected his it.structiow to
draw the curtains down, and the aettism
sun. alfinlng through one of the large Ui
•es. had. of courec. Iu rays con cent rated
iin the ft-ens. and as lore the lamp is
i placed, the heat was sufficient to light it,
to hi* utter amatvtnent. He put I: ont, \
hqt had heroine so ecreous f*r the whole
night, that his own image frightened him
a* he WW it reflected in the plate glass of
the lantern, with the dark skr outside
and the strong light inside. The rw-xt
morning at d*vbreak he pnt f.ut the light,
when at sunri*e the snn lit it op again,
for the same reaon as it happened tlie
. evening iwfore. This was too much fr
the obi salt. He Immediately packed hl
trunk and lett, without notice to any oi#% 1
I and was only nilseed when st night the
lighthon-e remained dark. When found
i ir the n'-ightw.ring village, he declared
that the lighthouse was bewitched, that
) Aatsn had lighted his Ismp twice and that,
he had seen him in perw-n during the
whole night outside the twi r. looking in
at hitn. It was, of course, hla own image
'hat he hid seen. His *uppoitinn waw to
lu* sure, not complimentary to himeW in
regard to hi* own appearance, Img he WAS
not to be induced to return at any price.
Brmn# AT IT. —The clasa of people
who. in th' ir iudulgcnce of what i* callial
, practical joking, seem only to take d
i liphi in making "Uiei people aa mt-crsble
as they can, arc somesituoa taught a good
harem, nnd never* better one t'.otn in the
1 folh.w.n? ca*.*: On the evening of the
j Dcrhv day the redlieknig oceiqwnta ot s
! fcmr-Worw drsg. who bad lieen enjoy ng
j thetASxlvce ou their return freun the ra<m
cvHirae hv pelting tlie crowds f peiletw
, trian* with bag* of fionr, pea* nnd other
I iniasile*. pulled np in the Cla<-h mi Roed
for refrcsbtrenls, leaving tbrce of their
nnmlier in charge of the vcltiele. Theae <
three frllow", strangely forgetfnl that
their vehiele was Ftationary at the time
and not dashing along therotd a ife fnan
all retribution, reeonim. need throwing 1
their flour at the n.jiaera bj, and one of |
the bog* liappi ncd toatrik* the wif 1 of a
radwav porter wh.*e hnbnod wa* by her :
Fide. The latter immediately Allied on
the crowd for uFsi-t ince, which wa* readi
ly given. Tiiey linage I the offenders 1
from their seatii, dtioked lliefn tlu.ronghly 1
in a hone-trough whieh wa.* Aiiivcuieotly
at hand, rolh-d them in the mud, and,
then—l trap the climax of |aietic justice
—oomplete'y covered tb.ra with the con
tents o 1 some twenty bag* of flour w.iicli
were found ooticeobd in tbe drag tor fn- '
tore atanrewient Tho wltole sffiir did
not lake more thin five minute*, but w.m
mri*t dran.atica ly Aimplete. In t .is d. -
lectable condition Ihe young blood* wi-ie <
allowed to reanror their luuneward jour- 1
ney. donlillesa revolving for the first tin e j
in their mi'.da the relnc of the gold, a J
preccjff, " Do unb> other*," he.
"Oi.n niOKonr."—When Andrew Jack
•on left his home in North C irolina foi
TnntivssvA hi* mother gnVe him tht* ad
vine, as related by himself: "Andy"(she
always oalleil me Andy). "you are going
to a new country, and among a rough
people ; yon will have to depend on yoer
sell, and cut your own way through the
world ; I have nothing to give you but a
mother's advice. Never toll a lie, ner
take what ia not your own, norsne any
body for slander or assault anil battery ;
alwara settle them rare* yourself I" I
promised, and I hove tried to keep that
prom!*#. I rode off some two hundred
vards to turn in the path and looked
btck. 8li" was sttll standing at the fenoe
and wi|flng her evea. I never saw her af
ter that
" When I naked," said Emereon, "an
irotima-ter about th* a'ag axd ciudi r in
railroad iron, "oh," he aid, "there la
always good iron to be had ; if there's
cinders in the iron, 'tis because there
waa cinders in the pay."
Sbw lurk (eiueUirfoai
New Yotk city baa rix pnblio wmc
l#ris, lndc|Ktidcttl of tbe Potter"* Piebl,
which ta noder the charge of Ghj Com
miwinm-n of Cbarifica ate) Correct ion.
Of tbia number, however, there ia only
one where the Iwnly o a poorjperwon can
be interred without usk Tiii* sluice
exception i* tlwt of Calvary IVmetery.
(Hutoau Catholic,) but the liberality fd
the trustee* of that place doe* not eitcfd
Is-voml what ia called the Emu (li'ttud,
Here tbo bslim are piled together in a
'ditch, *ud in a little while all traces of
identity are loat Manv a aorrow-siiiekfti
mother baa wmgbt tbia ebeerlena ajiot
with tbe hope of flndtng a clue to Uo*
exact location of tbe 1 tones of a"We
clnrUhed one, but only U> go u**
heart-br-iken by failure Tbe l>*et
pr oa for a finale grave t $lO, and Ac
liigbewt for a plot -0. A plot oonsiat*
of a piece of turt aistetu feet long and
-ixttvu f*et wide. Hm'f a plot can lie
twilight a low tut eight feet lv dx
eeu at 175, anil aix feet by eight at #s'l.
l<iteruim>U oosL for adttlU, 87 each J
ebildrs'U aeven to f'lUiteen yera, ki;
tiudi-r seven year*. fS. AttarlH-*! to tbu
' ceroeL'ry ia a receiving vanlt, where
botli<s "are kept, without eitrw charge,
irom five to twenty daya, at the end of
; which time they are removed lo graves,
1 aud niav ho found without difßculty.
At Greenwocwl Cemetery, cech lot
contain* 878 aiiperfMal feet. The form
of Uie lot* d jx-uda in a gn-t uivwanre
U|M>n the iwculiar surface of the ground
and tbe character of the improvements
contemplated. Umay be circular.Mjuare,
oblong, oval, or it regular, according to
rimimatflueea. The prieea vary from
<kMM) o although in *o*ne instance*
lot* am values las high S| B*oo. Qnarter
lola, nine feet by ten tret a<x inches,with
room for three adult grave*, ran lie hod
aa low a* Si'*'. Oue third lota, twelve
feet by ten six inches, containing
fmir *dult graven, bring hl3" ud uje
ward, aaoorxliug to location. Half lo'a.
ten feet by nineteen feet, containing til
adnlt crave*,, range from ftlMO npwanl.
Full lota, of the ordinary a.rt, fourteen
leet bv twenty-seven, eun be laid oat
iubi fifteen tuh graves, u> Lhie* bvfa of
five grave* eueb.
The Coal line Disaster.
Th* Atwater Coal (N.mpany ia • CWv
land corporation. Thia company baa re
cently tv.iprned a new mine in At water
ion*bip, two i<d a half milaa fiota
Lima, on the Pittsburg Railroad, to
ahkh at*tion it Its* budt a |irivate r il
w*v for transportation of it* eoal. Ttie
coal ia rmehed by a *loi," which
; i* uei rates tie "hank" for ICO feet, and
which ia protected Imm "caving" by
wonlen suiqiorta and root, like tbe great
majority of mrti mines. Bclaretn one
*id two o'clock on We-'neaday afternoon,
while fonrteen men and one mule were
t work in the mine, tlie cotiwuee to tlie
■lope ww discovered to be on fire, bat
from what cauae we have no means of
nseertahiiag. Fonr of tbe alarmed men
ia tbe mine rushed out through the
-lope, getting cousidcc*bly burn ml in so
doing, but all of tbcm anil recover in
due course of Gam. The remainder o
ibe turn could not effect their i-*cape,
and were of eourae *tnotbe*l in the
slope. A telegram was ~ent to R ivenpa
for ataistanee ia exUajro*hiug tbe
flatac*. aud the eutirr fire department
4 that tdaae, acoompauiwl by thcM*or.
promptly r-}*jud' d lo Ibe suciod*.
Hie PreaiJrti! of he o>mpanv was on
the way to <')cvl*ad from tne tn're
wbi the flm'ifV'keoiit, bnt ww* r -otlled
by a telegram which reached him at
H iTetiaa, hue h> en coutu ntiualv at t'-e
acne ever atacx. and ha* li- en doing
eviythiag withiu the iuuit* of pvis-i
--biii'j wbu-h duty and humanity demnnd
el in the ;xremi*a. TU* of the
entire snrronnding eonntry, with eytu
pathies keenly alive to the requirement*
Uif the occasion, ft• wired to thn scene by
■cores and by bnadienla. a> d also ren
dered timely aud caergetie acsiatauce iu
aucb direction* aa U wa* needad. Aa
soon na the c*ae w mid admit effort*
were rvolately made to rich the im
nriaooed victim*, hut so much miachi' l
bad hwn wpnugbt by the flattca, wn icb
sr.-rr not fnlly anbdnrd until ThnrwlsT
ailerno m, tluii the progress wa* necea
sarilv *]os *nd diaoonraging, aadit was
n-dnntil Tliursilay n on that thd first
b ly w* rcaclwd. By Thuiwdsy night
six more w.-re recovered. *ncc whidi
time we are not aw*re that anv mora
have been found. f rreWStf Paper.
—A lott.-r written bj the vfrerable
Father Cleveland, wbu retvntly died in
! Boston Ht the up l of nearly a c utury,
i in the ffrrtild Hratik for JDIT,
Mr. Cleveland describes hi* mode ol lilt*
. tii da :
1. My time of retirement ia at an early
horn, not beyond tan o'clock, and of
rising a aoon a* awake, and l*fore the
sun throughout iheyear.
2. At meals mr food ia aimple and
' nourishing, avoiding whatever may be
regard**! r luvnries.
3 My drink at the table ia " Golden
< 4. 1 taste no spirituous liquors.
5. TolarooI abhor in all iUforra* as
I would p->iscn, persuaded its use hat!
! Ieen as an burl linger to " dmng drink,"
hioh has slain ita thousands sni teua
of thousands.
Thus, dear philanthropist, I have giv
en you my " liubits of living," and would
.ju-t add that, prccving a coueeiei.ce
void of offence toward God and roau, my
| lep in ita season i undisturbed and
, refreshing.
I am respectfully, yonm,
MAK ASI> MOKKET —Under ordinary
circumstances it is dangerous lor a
, drunken man to go a swimming, but
doubly dangerous it ia for him to com
plicate a monkev with gin with him and
wtr around him. The truth of this
: wily proposition was proved at Chel-en
1 <tely, when a man name I Joseph Small
wont to bat be io th • Brr entiue, ac •on
puuied bv a tavoiite moukey. Having
.-uixtieased himself he pUcen the monaey
; on bis ahonkler, secured hy a chain,
and thn hul-dy wad<-d Into the w*t i,
| breast-high. Finding itself in aounoon
' genial an element the monkey got
frightened, end rashed frantically al>ot
its mastrr'a bead, tightly twisting the
chain a I suit the man's ueck and pro
ducing semi-strangulation. In a mo
ment down they sent to the bottom, bat
were soon reeeneil, ihe man inNmibh
ami the beast chslterlngat a tremendous
rate. Hereafter Joseph Htnall will leave
either his gin or his monkey on shore.
FooLikn. Charles R la three
£e*r old or thereabouts. The other d y
e became sngry because Ids father in-b
--b-d nn enforelng the parental viewa on
lunu disputed point, and blurted out,
" You'a a fool, papal" Papa looked
grave, and was presently called out of tl e
room. Mttinina embracing the oceario i
to Impress upon the yonog hopeful the
impropriety of his conduct, sa d papa felt
very badly and he mast kiss him and say
he was sorry. 8o when Ids fattier re
turned. Charlie ru>bed up to him with his
little face all smiles, and ki-sing htm over
and over again, exclaimed : " Papa, 1 so
sorry you'* a fool."
A Boston paper reckon* up the coat
of thw Jubilee <-b>ru* to the merahei*
themselves at $1,800,000.
TERMS : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance.
ttemaa Smuggler*.
Women arc <r*qictly tniunleni of Una
I arm, but laldy of jewel*. Oo the Italy,
hftwner, M.IM valuable Jew#b were re
rvatly soled, hiving been lound qo'lted
into to nnart>kifi. A qoW-liki#| Irau.
iwtotlr landed IWw Bn-mt-n, and had s
j IIHNU* qaiM petticoat filled with Sliet
land aha wla, cap* and tor km**, Another
11 ibv Westphalia, bad a quantify u< tbe
finest rtlk binding*, two valuable watch®*,
| |r# aitk'drv** psU-rns. two dattm ailsei
locks, tad right p*w of rtlk galloon quilt
ed Into a ok it t of aerg. A comjianion or.
the ttmr steewier bad aevmtj-three
bundles of acwintvllk and twenty-tnne
pair* of kid i,lui<* secreted am btt person
—Hsarorly cnwralrd. hmrewr, aa ibr I'* 'I -
th fraUhm- bad tind strong rords alo
! b<*r hip*. sad the ttnujqr'ed arwdra were
impended in Midi a wJ that aba waa
tamlf able to reach tbe dock.
The mult is a very ordinary com lor
amttitgieo titers. An English woman, re
eenttv landitig iron on* of tb* fnmtn
-tenners, bad !b* eottm removed from b*r
mull. ar.d iu fdr* filled with valuabl*
iacaa. Tb® miff was iiraojud to ber psr
! ana wbcrv it st od lor §mhmpoii.
Id on* petticoat ot Una lady •** t kau*d
.Urtiw la quantity j in tb® facing® of bat
dn-as. cigar*; and in the volnoiinooa ustti
riaof a around priiicvit *v nwraebsum
pip* in sect am.
A French woman. eitravagamly <1 re mad
aid moving about auapidoualf, wa* invited
1 fa to tbr Mora of tb® inspectrea* roerntly,
ll®/ petticoat pr*d to h* nin® yard* of
•upesiur Hack vcltrt. on* aclrrge bring
lathered Into a watat-band, which alai
hrld • dress pattern o! Puoaou ailk Tor
lactnq of tb* velvet pettiest, which *■
pur mi with th* nioil ear*, waa wrh
paddrd with Chantilly lacea, ctinninglj
run io*tb*r; and tbr ruffle on tb® botu-w
of the Imperial undrr-garnent cousiatod
of tire row* ot rich Cfceailtly fl -onctng
caught together, quit* Itludy, in lb* b'dv
tbat it would b* tak*n for oo* pwee. A<
inorw **i*un Jt Entlrfb "pm-facr/
" atcbe* ha reccn'ly been mad* upon tbr
person of a w*ll-*fip"*ricg America!
witnaa. wb> bad (bem neatly incaaod it
(be tuck* of a hear* flannel pctticwat.
Somen mm th* Orrman women seek tr
wad® tb* tinff due* in tb* mo*t aak wtrr
uaoorr; aa. witness tb* atupiditv of banc
tnz lime watch -chain* about one's twe*
with a valnabl* wateb at tb* end of end
chain. Frwo Sieropf aaid thai *b* bar
t#.n told that watcbe* w*r* worn bv tb*
i...*a*n?er*. and tb® officer* did not uki
A de^icral*- looking woman, cwmiag ot
on* u( tu* English *t*amer lately, an be
■ng riittiinrd rxbibited an amusing specta
c!*, with a #il*wr rake-baakrl las bed •
•ach hip, and two large drew pattern
irwtooned a* "Ullto*," then.* and tber*
stunts. thi bring detectnt. tbia woman
in tiinM* rage, drew a knile on the In
S snc of tb* tmngtUng expedient® are
Of eooree. extremrif amusing. A tpirit
mtUe little French woiuaa had on ber bna
ba.,j • tiinnvl drawer®, and tboac wen
tied in putk. bar* and tber*.
On Umg ' unpacked,' tbera cam* fortl
a Bohemian glaa* toilet ae, two doa v
■all-,-ellart, t bre* doaen poom. Unto
1 doeen ailver fork*. *eveal little article* ci
bijouterie In bronge and etyattl. and *omi
I tli*e Ska wood earring*; all of wbid
Wtiw pot sp in tb® aoftent tiaati® p-ipci
io i paper abavinga, that lb*? migot no
optt* qgainai i-acn otnor. When lb* It'
,Ue bodt waa unloaded, no on® laugbrt
I more heartily than abe.—■SrrHmeT*-
Tut fcnaiav * arnxx.—-fema, iaat year
waa th* very Job aiuung cutitri*a. F*i
five pivwading M-aon abe had Wi
k ffl cited by dniatba. Parturag® waa a!
, m<>t entirely d-atrwy*d, and lb* mesna w
irrlgatln redncod to aSmoat nothing. 1■
men a* kxa of lif by famine ara* on® etm
•rqitrne*. and. more fmrfbl atill, eann*
itaiiara waa in many ca*a re*ort*l to
Orfai and onrlean animala wera largt-1'
Mpaawed. ami tb* unhappy p®or.l® wer*
•n tb* laat afaera of dapair. Nor wai
tbia all. The ailk crop* failrd la Giblan,
Funoman brigand* ravap<d Eborraaaar .
and at laat tlie cholera broke out in all
direction*. An intelligent Eumpeat
traveler aava that It relief did not com*
tbia year. Perria would be d|N>puUtd
F'-ftunatrly, there were very hwvy anow*
in th* |mat Winter, water waa abundant
in tb® Spring and we now hear of an
abundant barveat and com para lira im
munity from diaeane.
A QCAMCU.—A dingiwcefnl aflray OC
cttrred at Alexandria, Egypt, bctarwsi
G. H. Bailor, the United Stat, a Consul-
General, and Wadkagh. hia Secretary
! on on* part, and Geea. L- 'ring and Bey
t nold* and Major Cowptell, *x-Coof*d r
ate offio ra, in the Khedive "a aenrior,
ion the other jmrt Sboka were ex
i changed, and Major Campbell ww®
' wounded. Tb* affair creates great ex
, citemeut, and there are virion* account
jof its origin. Bnllcr'a jtba in jul idea
tion of the imbroglio ia that Mm Khc
.uv*'a offlcers made a premeditated at
tempt to amaaainat® bim. Tbia tie
oth> r* indigtianVly deny, and assurt tbni
Butler waa the nßgtwaor.
—That the Color of tb® eye® should effect
their atrvngtb, may aeem strange; y*t that
*nch ia the ca-e, need not at tbia time ot
da/ beprovrnl; and thime wboae eye® are
brown or d*rk colored should be inionned
that th®y are weaker and mora auscepti
tle of Injury, from various cause* than
gmy or blu® eyea. Light blu® eye® are
generally the powerful, ami next to
those are gray. Tb® lighter the pupil the
tr ater and longer continn d is th* degree
ol te-riou lb® eye can sustain.
FIXE-ARMS.— It is, perbapa, idle to ex
pect tbat any waruiug, hwevtr tragic,
will pat a stop to the wicked folly o
pointing flre-orms at human lieingi " in
joke," and ouly n sUtut® will provide
.gaiuat it But any one who has ever
imen tempted to handle these instrn
ments of de.itb carelessly, will And food
for reflection iu the killiug of a young
man in Brooklvu, ly a friend in thi*
way. It was a shocking case, and yet
it ii oue which criminal thoughtleaaneaa
makes possible every d.iy.
determined and resolute thief iu Middle
Held, Conn. He removed the corner
stone of a church and stole a few oo'us
which had lieen depositil there for the
cvs of far di*'aut generations, thus sc
rum idishing the entirely nival feat ol
stealing from posterity. An indignant
religious new>.paper compares thi* to
"the theft of acorns from a blind b/w. *
which strikes us as a fresh and satisfac
tory simile.
BnesTßOxx is prevented by wearing a
silk handkerchief in the crown of the hat,
or green leaves, or a wet o!oth of any
kind: but daring an attack, warm water
should b® instantly pour, d on the bead, or
rags dipped in the water and renewed
every minute. The reason is two-Md—
the scalp is dry and hot, and tl.e warm
water n"t only removes dryness, but car
tl s off the extra heat with great rapidity,
by evaluation.
EIGHT HOCHS.— The colliers in the
North of England have obtained a re
daction of their hours of labor to eight
per day, the m aters recompensing theui -
selves' by udvai<oiug the price '2s. per
inn. Th- result will probably be a simi
lar reduction in the horns of labor
throughout the British mint*.
FoUewsd th® eye that pa®sr l the peg* shuts
! With a low, mora Bring a md that we® h<
Tst with ao mock monotwif
la Ita half alnmharißg hamaoay
To* might aot call It aaag—
' Mora bk* a baa that i® tb® nooa rajoiese,
Than an* caetomeil niood of baioao vsloaa.
Facta aad Fandaa.
lowa baa eighty-two connty agriqul
tura! aorioti®*.
Cii'tleflali tie brought by cargo fro*
I the F ihfimat
j if Hwigf Hi'V | """ rh>ll * > " 1
i in New Jersey.
Old John Harper, the owner of Long
-11 fellow never b#t.
Exeentkma for wW will be walk*
he by ahuitiug is Autria.
!! Tha arrival of Wnata by the millioß
11 ia chroaieled in Indiana.
A dark colored. r®dbead*d fly tsMiing
[np th® pots to-bug* in IJlinoi*.
fkwal of the boaU on the Eri® Canal
i ara owned and mo by women.
- Tb® season's *rx>l clip in California
will reach 50,000.000 ponjda.
11 Twelve bankrupt* at Montreal anwika
, I their loa®e® to ooneonitng wb*af.
A FlemWi armv aoFgeon recommend*
' wooden ab'wa to prwveot rbewmatmm.
The total tax tMa property Cslifor
rjia la asana—d at abowt WH,Oi* f OOa
' I Tbgy arrest pcraona for foitnne-k*Tling
' in F .yeti-viß®: IT' C. A good example.
I j Tha value of tb# gold In existence ia
, ! the world is aati mated at §& ,000,000,000.
f Am berat prod need a four -leg nsd dek -
j < th® other day, bat oonfct not keep it
j alive.
* Industrious Oabko*h Udlcw avenge
" four qnarta cf potato bag* Moamkraak
-0 fast, w
1 A triple California 4* by any*emed
tf wuMrior in attractions to a to
r, Europe.
I A ladv of Epriogfleid ▼•..
p bv a eat having two ujdrupbobt* th®
-i tber day.
* A negro ol Calwnbn. Qa-, bef® forty
* foliar* that beoau eat ®evc ponnds off
•' Fa f at one meaJ.
s Never wot over Ave potato*# in a bill
" with a etWKMi, if yon wotdd inaara a
imp o* endS* hells.
■ An ®M ansa at Wdma. N. 8... #ntnr
, ing tb® etr* begins to teay. and keeps it
d up nntil be is My landed
* It coat® a man fT at fbfflow* F/TKVL,
" for refusing to aid no officer in amwtttg
* rioters. . , t , g* aua
A man in Engriod recently died from
of th7flvar.idle he aa* lying
, in bed.
Two cWfdran hree b*m arraated at
g Indiana poll® lor cutting nt a oalTs
* 'ongw- n . : .Aft •
1* T.>pcka employ* a Meariean with bis
t* t***n u which vieMle tha
* The lew* tww ateawboat irev boilt
m laaflh* lanabed
' it Dnbagn*.
I Almost all tb®
h >riea of (he cootrtry now have their
| A Marytod nm km 30ft aare. ot
t. Buttoned tytota oPeera finen to match
, he tnivettiag flimaara a late daaocvery
x in ladig. wear.* *
* we cream a* flb pattl off la hmgn qnan
i tcerihlc A(T*4rDl ocrnired at tba
" 'mtfrntnea is f-ontW 0, hf which
fc rine M* *BW aaotbered to
* balk . ■* ;j d is ~ ,
Tba VosMßtsm in * in *
|! lim& fr.v <&&&***.
i jgriWiPUf <,Mte
< -■ Tb® flitt ttl>iiattin mndikCalifornia
* wifk&wuwA <* "i
i I'tS •"% ana a rural population of j; i <u t
I 1 n New Orieana. IA ttnehc died
• and hm daughter wa. kopela-el* M'" 'rd
! Bnaai i hat ac ihay V* tlfea men.
' j which oo#tt bet anuna'fr *lflU800.nnO;
' , and Germ*" v baa 1.152.000 soldiers,
' i coating iter W9 87*,0(O.
J Heard connty, Oa.. is te*-
'! tifv under oath that it baa beard artn
t* ajwerii from ♦!jc H,w Man ict.Dt
„ nine dava old, s child of ■* Mm. Sprad
j 'in of that ilk.
I | it heteg hWM>d maemtly at aMinnenotn
j trial of a saloon keeper that awn-thinl*
. , f the jorv wee® ridoon keeper*- bn
n j District Athought hnhad better
•' withdraw th# saiL
At a roccat dinner in Rwriey rtreet
' law no means ur of the mot fSmhinn
- iV&j street® la tb# flhwn* and
a the desert cost £2W. the peaches alone
i >eingl3 grnncas n don*W. '
* I A Terre Hante, ttid , paper speak*
* ihnat "TWai* the Hmatifrd yea*. Tbn
w -mail fruit crop as iuiaianr*. tbe wheat
. .wop it huge ; thnott tmp h promiaiiig.
* land the hahy crop is unpaiwllchsd. "
s A Kalamaaoo Judge flmd a reporter for
" apjwartng within Abe Iwr iq, lu* shirt
-iHCvna. The reporkr. however, pnm d
the < -ahL>rii"n of tbe court that be
" had no coat, and the flue true remitted.
No ornament ao appropriate for diu
i ner-table or mantel as a vase vt flowers.
If a small quantity of spirits of camphor
i* placed in tbe wafer ttanfaincd in the
taac,the colornnd freehnroseff tbe flower*
j will remain lor a bung-period.
i The fdWing" i* nOrinago personal
i itew. ? Bar of Corn and Dub Face, two
, Indian besot ion, suiqmd t the Brigga
i liud nicbt, receiving amidoouaattcntions
. from CaiTT Unt-Crown-on-bis-Hcad and
. Afraid-of-the-Eagel. It ia reported that
r the parties am engaged.
A oolored woman at Georgetown
nndcrtiok to make abttV child eat some
i dry bn ad recently, using ber thumb
•o aaaist in *oreiog the ftwwl dwn. As
the reult 11 ber humane cflbrta the child
choked to death, after snfiering terrible
agonies for fifteen minutes.
At East Walnclc, Mass.. Mrs. Smith
i went into ft Aribl near tbe bouse to aee a
cow which had inat given birth to a calf,
r when tbe annual rushed upoa ber na
gored and trampled her ao tb t sjie died
I roe next day. The born of the animal
! passed entirely threttgh-tbe arm of tb*
■ unfortunate womafe. . % s
1 Timrsdav has been tha luck this year
1 in the United SUtre as a holiday.
Washington's Birthday occnmd on
Tbnredfty; Fast day (Agra 4) was on
t Thno-dav ; Decoration Dav. ( May 80)
a* on Thnnrisy; and, !h>t but not least
the Fourth of Jnlv has just Imppebed on
1 Thnrwlay. All this <W have a dep
mihtiaal significance, hut we do*4 think
it has. * - *
Ban Frtmcisrft has originated
1 hod-cartier. As ordn ary j h ddev, with
I aaiiece of each iude wprti-'d
mtocruas-lieams, tfce tbp'ohe baviDg two
' pnlleys, over "bi4ffr'j|kfmM<® # frroe, hav
ing atjtib end a aafig-j Oa tiO cage
tbe laborer placed bja tilled h< a ma bim
-1 self ascend- ibe hnhicr. "Wheo the bod
is emptied the man stepson tb* diwccn i
ing cage and M weight rwaca the hod
in the opposite cage. • ,
1 *. ■■■- t,
Ftn*.—At an Agrinnltural fair recently
1 held st Oxford. D U one ot tbe moat
arousing paitsof tbe programme was th*
potato match. Four bwSbela of p*dtocs
were ulaoed along the trotting confse, in
four lines pf a bash si eai h, and about a ,
fool apart on the ground. The font con
testant# each had a wheelbarrow* and at
the word "Ch|" commenced nicking up
the potatoes and depositing tiieui in tha
and tbe fir** to g*>rithra
loaded np and relnrn to the aborting
p/dnt waa to'he declared tlie champion picker.and rewarded accordingly.
NO. 30.