The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 26, 1872, Image 2

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Centre Hall, P-, Jufr 26 > T '" >
TERMS.—Tho HaroaTM i. |mb*b*\
* .v-fcl v st $2 uor vear, In advance, or
linos! for three Insertion. A JvertnemcnU
for S, 8 and 12 months, at reduced rules.
Any person sending us the name* of six
new suDseribesr, witn etheash, w> • I ro
reive tho Rxroavxa one vear free.
j, • •
For President
Far Vioe President
For Governor —CHAH R. BITKALMV.
Supreme Judge —JAM KB TTOMWON.
Auditor General —WM. HARTI.I:Y.
Onyressnten at Large :
JJU. 11. Hopkins | Rich'd. Yaux | H.
B. Wright
Delegate* of Large to CO*stit*tiQ*at (Vs.
ventio* ;
Jeremiah S. Black, G. W. Woodward,
Wm. Bigler. Wm. J. Baei,
Wm. H. Smith. T. K. Gowan.
John H. Campbell, S. 11. Reynold*.
James Bllis, S. C. T. fbwid,
George M. Dallas, K. A. L*ml>erton,
A. A. Purtuan, Wm. LCsrhett.
The Two Ulysss*
History will tell the readers of the
REPORTER that there was an Clyases,
a king ®f Ithaca ; ami every one
knows we have a modern notoriety of 1
the same name, Ulysses the Ist, ol 1
Ulysses, of mythology, when lie hail
gaiucd the hand of Penelope, daughter
of leanua, returned to his own coun
try, when his father resigned him the
crown. The abduction of Helen by •
Paris, however, as this pretty story
goes, did not long permit him to re
main in his kingdom ; and as he was
bound, in common with the rest,
to defend her against every intruder,
lie was summoned to the war with the
other princes of Greece. Not wishing
to leave his beleved Penelope he pre
tended to be insane, he yoked a horse
and a bull together, and ploughed the
seashore, where he sowed salt instead
of grain. The artifice was soon de
tected by Palamedes, by placiog be
fore the plow of Ulysses his infant sou
Telemachus, and convincing the
world that the father was not insane
because be had the foresight to turn
away the plow and not hurt his child.
Now our Ulysses has also gone to the sea
shore, with horses, jackasses, aud pups,
and is pretending there to be plowing
for civil service reform, and is as loathe
ts leave the presidential chair, which
he disgraces, as was the ancient Ulys
ses to go to war. But the test of Pala
medes has been applied, and Graut's
profession has all proven a humbug—
he has placed all his relations in office;
these have been robbing and plunder
ing at so enormous a rate, that the
people have become alarmed and
cry for reform, and, in order to help
his election, Grant has new joined in
the cry, but when an outraged people
hold up to his ga his plundering
cousins, be will not carry out civil ser
vice reform by removing tbem, but
takes good care not to harm his bat
talion of Telemachuses. And as
this test proved the affected insanity
of Uiysafs of Ithaca to be a hum
bug, so it now proves the civil service
reform cry of our Long Branch Ulys
ses to be a humbug.
Our Ulysses is swsrn to protect the
treasury against the thieves and plun
derers whs are bankrupting the coun
try, as was bis old namesake to pro
tect Helen, yet when he comes along
with bis plow, under the pretense of
(fc. civil service reform, he always turns
it out of the furrow, when he comes
across one|of his stealing, office-hold
ing relations, and not one of bis plun
dering tools is banned.
• m ♦
Many of our readers having request
ed us to publish the Cincinnati plat
form, which was endorsed verbatim
by the national
tiou, we comply withihsFfegucst, and
it will be found io this issue. We
ask for it a careful perusal—every
democrat will find it good ground to
stand and fight upon ; it is io opposi
tion to the bayonet rule, tyrauny,
nepotism, and plundering of the
Grant administration—these are the
issues of the day, and upon these Hor
ace Greeley has been sound ever since
he traveled through the south and saw
the tyranny aud oppression that was
practised upon those people, and by \
which they are still .tortured. Mr.
Greeley from that moment, when in
Texas, cnmmenced writiug letters to
the Tribuue, exposing the wrongs and
outrages comruittrd by Grant's carpet
On bis return he made a speech at
the Lingcolu club room in New York
in which (as we find on referring to
the newspaper report in the next
morning's journals) he used the fol
lowing just, rough and characteristic
words :
"I allude," said he, "to what are i
known as the thieving carpet-baggers ! I
(Applause.) The thieving carpet- I
baggers are a mournful fact ; they do .
exist there, and I have seen them. 1
They are felUws who crawled down <
south in the track of our armies, gen- i
erally at a very safe distance io the t
rear ; some of them on sutlers' wagons, \
some bearing cotton permits, some of i
them looking sharply to see what c
might turn up, and they remain there. 1
They at once ingratiated themselves (
with the blacks, simple, credulous, ig- t
norant men, very glad to welcome i
and to follow any whites who profess- t
ed to be the champion of their rights.
Seme of them got elected senators, ii
others representatives, some sheriffs, a
some judges, and so on. And there q
they stand, right in the public eye, u
stealingand plundering, many ofthem b
with both arms around negroes, and o
their hauiis in their rear pockets, see- u
itig if (bey cannot pick a paltry dollar a
out of them ; and the public looks at
them, does uot regard tbem as honest
northern men, but calls every carpet- t'
bagger a thief, which is not the truth "V
by good deal. But these fellows— a
many of them iotig-faeed, and with
eyca rolled up., are greatly counroni
for the education of the black*, aud
the sa'/Vation of their souls, (tireat
[ le/.ighter.] 'IAt us pray,' they soy !i
but they spell prav with no V ami,'
thus spelled. they obey the apostolic
injunction to 'pray without ceasing.' *
They got into the legislatures ; they j
went issuing state bond* : they pre
tended to use them in railroads ami
other improvements. Hut the im
provements were not made, ami the
bonds stuck in the issuer's tkeU.
That is the pity of it. * * * What
the southern people M® of US are three
thicrts, who reprisent the uorth to their
jaundiced vision, ami, representing it,
thev disgrace it. They are the great
oat obstacle to #>e triumph aud |*r
manrut ascomlaney ol republican prin
ciples at the south. ami aa such 1 de
nounce them." [Applause.]
Grati Brown, himself a Southerner,
both by birth ami life-long residence,
and an eyo-witneft of the abuses which
he denounces, corroborates lreeleys
testimony against the carpet baggoit
as follows:
"At tho south," ays Mr. Brown,
"the spirit of dominion has been the
svnonvm of federal authority in thr
shaping of all K<cal organisations opea
control of large bodies of dependents,
interference to sustain worthless offi
cials and ruthless violatiens of the
rights of persons. There the sulwlsnee
of entire sections has been plundered,
debts and mortgaging generation* of
labor contracted, taxes levied to the
point of confiscation—all done under
agencies upheld by the national gov
*M> W K Go. —Col. Freeman of Mc-
Kcan county, and ouo of the Graut
•lectors from this state, has reign*!
that positiou, aud conies out for Gree
ley and Buckalew.
Hon. D. W. Vorbecs, ludiaun'si
talented democratic congressman, who,
before the Baltimore convention, was
opposed to the nomination of Greeley,
made an eloquent speech a few days
ago, at Torre llaute, in favor of Gree
ley ami Brown.
D. F. Glasamier, of Potter county
member of the radical stats commit
tee and ehairmau of the county com
mittee, sends in his resignation, and in
his own language, ays he is "from top
to toe for Greeley, Browu and Bucka
lew." v
Hon. Isaac Benson, another prouii
neut republican, of the same county,
has gone off iu the same direction.
Hon. Thomas Marshall, the elo
quent republican leader of Western
Penna., and, also Gen. Morehead, have
both pronounced for Greeley.
Hon. Austiu Blair, a Republican
member of Congress from
is on the stunip against Grant, and
his speeches are producing good eflect
in the west His comment upon the ad
ministration arc of a peculiarly telling
character, especially in relation to de
falcations on the part of the Federal
Six members of Grant State Central
'Committee of New York, have declar
ed for Greeley, making a nasty rent in
the present takers committee up there.
PBILAMXTIUA, July 20.—Galusha
A. Grow, as well as Andrew Curtin
and his Secretary, Coffey, are coming
home to stump for the Greeley tick
Ask a radical, why, if be could swal
low Ben. Butler, the spoou thief, who
voted 150 time sfor Jeff Da vis, for pres
ident, in the Charleston Convention,
why a democrat should uot be able to
swallow Horace Greeley.
Very singular as it may seem,
many of the radicals are trying to
make out Horace Greeley a bad man.
They cai't succeed —the democrats
tried that for 30 years and failed.
We see it announced that Peme
roy's La Crosse Democrat has been
sold out, and now goes for Greeley.
This leaves only one bolliog paper,
Ihe Watchman, a religions sheet. We
think our neighhor will take the advice
of the REPORTER, and get over his
balk soon.
Tbe Morning Patriot speaking of
uch subjects remarks:
The ambition of certain nominal
democrats to be noticed_pd patted on
tbe back by ihc£ssr{ editors, is iust
now prelU-#rre*of gratification. The
of the Great Nepotist are
sadly in need of the indirect help af
forded them by such democrats as pre
fer the re-election of Grant to the
manly and patriotic sacrifice of their
prejudices in suppmt of the uominees
of the Democratic National Conven
The liberal republicans of the 16th
Illinoi's district, in their convention
resolved to support the democratic
nominee for congress.
Hon. Carl Shurz has gone to St.
Louis where he will make his first
speech. lie will then speak in North
Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New
Sumner oa the Situation
His Opinion of the Contest in Penn
• sylvania.
Ex-Senator James J. Stewart ha*
written a letter about bis visit to the
politicians in Washington. He used
to be a straight republican, but now
goes for (Jreeley. What he says is of'
interest, and this is a part of his let
"The administration forces in Wash
ington are fearfully demoralized.
Cameron was over last week, and is in
great distress over the Pennsylvania
situation, having endeavored, as 1
know, to invoke the services of a good
friend of mine for a reconciliation with
Forney. He was told "It is too late."
Robeson, also, puffing in distress, ask
ed what could be done in heaven's
name to save Pennsylvania, and wan
told 'Nothing.' They ar* at their
wits' end about Pennsylvania, aud
have lost head as completely as they
did about consequential damages.
What will they do when Cover nor
Curtin arrives, as he will shortly, ami
takes the stuinp for (Jreeley and
firowu ? Colonel M'Clure assures me
this is a fact.
"I mentioned it to Mr. Sumner in an
interview I had with him on Fri lay,
and he exclaimed, 'That settles the '
question.' I had a long and frea in- j
lerchangc of opinion with Mr.gumner, ]
being an old friend, and I think suc
ceeded in removing some embarrass
ments he expressed as to coining for- ,
ward. (
Vote for Hartr&uftaud you vote for [
.he chief of the Camerou plunder ring. <
Vote for Buckalew and you vote for '
i statesman of spotless character.
The l'lntform. * * w 1
The Baltimore platform wa* made
at Cincinnati, hot it WM made to lie
offered to the Democracy, it was tiir
renunciation of Radicalism ty the Lib
oral Republicans. The Grant party,
one vear ago, determined to bolster
their sinking power with the bayonet.
They frame I a Ku-Klux law to make
(•raiit a military dictator. When
Butler offered it, Republicans revoltetl
at it, and refused to |MIS* it. Then
IGrant count to its aid with a special
j message, and made it a paitv queatiou.
Hut to quiet opposition, this proviso
was put into it: "That the provia
ions of this section shall not lw in force
after the end of the next regular see
siou of Congress." As soon as that sc*
siou came, the Radical slmgglo liegau
for the repeal of this proviso, so a* to
get military ooutrol of the Presiden
tial election. Hutler's dodge was to
call ths adjournment a recesa, and pre
leiid there was no end of the regular
session. This failed, aud then the at
tempt was made to repeal the proviso.
Thia struggle for s tree government
united all its friends. It was the re
volt of the Liberal Republicans agaiu. t
Radicalism ; it was their acceptance
of the aouml lkmociatic principles ot
free government now expressed in the
common platform. Muni o| theplauks
in it sre acceptable to all l)einocrats.
The expressions about the Fourteenth
and Fifteenth Amendments are taken
from the Minsulin and Virginia p'at
forms of former years, ami the I erin
sylvauia platform of last year. Pre
pared with an rye to its acceptance at
j Baltimore this platform has been ac
icepted as a matter of course.—Age.
An OmittotiHCirowl From Forney *
[From the Philadelphia Press of J
l'erbatw President Grant has truer
fritnJa than the Tress, but we don't
know it. Perhaiw Pop# Cameron iuay
drive us out of the Republican party,
bet we don't think so. He can never,
at any rate, drive us out of our Re
publican convictions. These are a re
ligion to be followed even to the stake.
Aud now ooe word of business. The
Press is a news|aper. It wins by iu
worth. It is in uo one seuse a party
organ, though it is iu every sense a
radical, progressive Republican paper.
It lives ouly by iu enterprise, aud if
: it ever loses it is because it does unt
fear to attack public crime and error
even in its own party. It would sup
port Senator Cameron to morrow, in
any cause that was right, aud de
nounce Grant iu any cause that was
wrong, but the Press, like "any othe#
man," owes something to itself, aud a
great deal mo're to truth. So, gentle
men of the Grand Comiuanderv Mr.
Cameron, Mr. Russell Krrelt, sod the
rest —if you can do without us this
rear, why, "leave off you damnable fa
ces and begin."
Selling Oflires.
Why do uot the moralloned radical
journals, say something about the
sale of the Consulate at Callao, Peru,
for $2,500 cash, by Grant's brother
in-law, Lewis Dent, and of the ap
pointment by Grant of the person who
made the bargain with Dent and |>aid
him the money. This is a much more
important subject than nicotian taci
turnity, and we should be glad to know
what the respectable advocates of
Grantiare have to say about it
The buyer of this appointment was
ene William D. parrand. He brought
from Peru a present for Grant worth
S6OO, a fine carriage robe sent by Gen.
A. P. Hovey. Having delivered this
gift he proceeded to bargain with
brother-in-law Dent for the Callao
Consulate. He paid Dent the 12,500
about two months after Grant's inaug
uration, and soon after received his
commission from Grant and sailed for
Callao on June 9, 1869, to enter on
the functions of the office thus acquir
These are the simple facts of the
case, and the people would like to
know what high-toned journals, which
advocate Grant's rec foe lion solely be
cause he has got tha Republican nom
ination, think about keeping a broth
er-in-law as an office-broker around
the Executive Mansion.
"Doubt not, whatever scoffers may
say or doubters doubt, that there is a
moral goverumt-nl of the world. Tbert
is such moral government; and to an
. enlightened, instructed people, the
, fact should always be a source of lispa
and consolaliou in the darkest hour.
' When men in public life arc suspected
of being evil, and unjust laws are en
actsd and free institutions are men
aced with peril nod destruction, let it
be still remembered thai there is a
moral government of the world, and
that* people, true to iuelf, can rescue
ita freedom, its liberty aud iu rigbU
from the utmost extremity of danger.
I invoke your friendly and earnest aid
in the elections of the present year.
Our cause is just. We appeal to men
who have been classed with various
political organizations heretofore to
uphold our hands and bid us God
speed in tbe good work in whhh we
are engaged. If you 'render that as
sistance great gotid will ensue, but if
you permit the political managers to
betray you evil will result. 'Choose
ye this day, which cause you will sup
[•on—justice, and right, or degradation,
evil and wrong. As you choose, so
will resulU oomo to you in the future."
Chrtrlct R. Buckalew.
Letter Front Horaco Greeley.
[From tbe Hartford Tiiuss.]
The following is an extract from a
private letter to a gentleman in this
State. Though it was never intended
for publication, the gentleman to
whom it was addressed has deemed it
of sufficient interest aud importance to
justify its publication :
NEW Yor.K, June 11, 1872.
* * * 1 have no possible claim to
Democratic support aud never made
any. The Democrats will, of course,
be governed by a consideration of tbeir
own interest. It is nowise proper or
probable that they should tie influen
ced in making their decision by any
consideration personal to myself, and
if they oould be I do not desire it.
Henoe 1 have said nothing to any
Democrat unless he first addressed me.
And even then I have gone uo farther
lhau to say that if I should be elected
I would treat all those wbo supported
me alike, not asking whether thev bad
been in the past Republicans or l>*in
Tha Merchant Prince Goes Back on
A. T. Stewart, who ha* beret ufow been
supposed to bs in favor ef the re-eleotion
of Grant, has manifested a substantial
preference for Greeley by sending his
check fer $20,000 to tbe National Demo
cratic Kxccutive Committee.
Byway of bringing Graut up in the race
with Greeley, the President's friends have
got for him the degree of LL. D. from Har
vard College Grant likeGreelo.v, is now
a Dector ef Laws < What laws he'is doctor
of, it would be difficult to say. Few men
la the world are, in a literary or academic
nense, more unfit for this degree than eur
military Presided.
tun 1 A Ik'iiiorrut. Vote Far Hor*
are (Jiwlejfr
7Y.f- A/nal Sittij\ Th ire A>lt i
lion ill l/ttrtiont; tl'Aal il Hit
1%1/orm t M'Aaf it A I Vmoeruf f
M'Ao it Hot lire Ortrlry f
l.Vnetrnlng fhe first 1 know In. unquall-
Disl approval ha* been given P> the plat
form of principles declared bye eonven
tlon of Liberal Republican* at Cincinnati
Hut that du< not surprise toe. HP could
consistently endorse thp principle* of a
Republican co.avviitloii, Those prliicl
uli* must b eminently Democratic Ufure
my judgment t an yield aurnl.
What lh<-n U a Democratic platform?
Four yoar* u>< 1 was iurl that thr g- -a
ulna principle* of my party wpra emlx-di
ed In the platform f -railed and announced
by a Ibrmoomtip o.nvntion in Naw York
t.ast work another convention, chosen and
aulhoriard like the former, met and declar
ed that the Cincinnati platform wa Dem
oeretic. Since formar platform* of my
imrty have been detertuined by the high
j ost'lribunal.the National convention, and
recognised a* sound Democracy, I
! elude that the Cincinnati platform ia essen
lially Democratic and any principle declar
ed and sanctioned by that convention i
equally Democratic lltMice a Democratic
platform Is a set of principle* passed and
announced by a Deuiocmtie National con
vention. Hut it may well be aeked what
mean-ibis harmonioua anion of Kepupli
cans and Democrat* * "It ineen," aid J
It. IKHilittle to Ibeeonveation, "a union ot
the living upon the living u*ue* of the
i present." It mean, what i aoforcibly put
in one tingle sentence by M I*. O'lViitW!
•'the wbole nation U at present in a criai*
ahen all lne* hould be merged in one
great anj o*ershadowing i*oe the defeat
ot the present national administration
that the republic may no longer suffer any
detriment". The hour demand* that tnvnof
honest heart* should come forward and
lay on the common alter of our country all
past iolilical antagonism*. The two con
vention* have arranged a common plat
form of principle* on which hone*l Demo
crat. can unite with honest Republican, to
redeem the Republic from iminent danger
of del ruction, llvhevelng now a* in the
past that he i* a true Dwnofral who rocog
iii.e. the binding force of the National
Democratic coavention, I sacrifice neith
er honor, coni.tency, nr sound Drawers
j cy by giving my adhesion to the Cincinna
ti plalferm.
But lastly, who represent* the plat term ?
Horace Greeley. What have been hi* an
tecedent*? 1 know him a* a ferocious ene
my to the Democratic party when slavery
and the manner of prosecuting the war
were the dividing issue*. UU pen wrote
word* of Ore against any class or party
that opposed his view*. His party and
mine fought hard aad long over slavery
and the war. When, however, the farmer
was abolished by a successful issue of the
latter, I found him humane to the con
quered South. Since he has differed on
•vine thing, with my party hut hi* vigorous
pen teo ha* demanded pardon for the rrbel
iou* and peace to the whole country. Al
though an inveterate enemy U> nay party,
I always knew him through men I believ
ed, a* honest and pure. When the Sena
, torship of New York was within hi* reach,
j he sacrificed il to de a simple act of justice
—bailing thecluef rebel of the South.
, For a year or uioro be bas strenuous y
• opposed many of the measure* of tho ad
ministration. But what ia he now? H*
i I claim* still to he n Republican. Can I,
then, a Democrat, vote for Horace, a Re
i publican? ¥m. Why? Because the high
. est tribunal known to my party bas declar
, ed the principles on which he runs Drmo
[- erotic. 1 think there is still another rea
ton. Parties are organised to meet pros
( ent necessities. I read over the platforms
> ef fid. 60. 00 '64, 08, in vain to find those
| steady principle* that know no change.
There is but one local self-geeurninent
which tba platform of TJ secures forme.
But every succeeding platform is framed
' i to meet the issues of'the present, not th*
' pwsk On these Horace Greeley and my
party agree. Therefore I can endorse him
But still 1 cannot freely endorse bjoi, I can
' units with him in the platform of priori,
pies, think he is democratically sound, bul
I still I should prefer another man. Ah :
' there * thr rub, I am prejudiced, I dislike
: because 1 dislike him.
II Ho ha* been able to say bard tilings
I about any party. But 1 just recall now
i J that wc paid him back in equal coin. I
• am sure Lyman Trumbull would havedis
. pleased me less, bul then I merely dislike
. I Greeley because he turned his pen against
II us when be opposed ut. But now that the
! question, over which we fought, right or
1 wrong, are the accomplished facts of the
, | limes, and Liberal Republicans and Detn
{l ocrats mainly agree iu the measures that a
( > good administration should adopt, I glad
]ly cast nay .ballot for Greeley. His party
( ! and mine are now alike in principles,—
! alike in opposition to Urantism.
1 But one thing remains. Let the Liber
| al* tboqr ipp that they can divert them
selves of prejudice by pledging them
selves for Bucku'ew and olhar Democratic
nominations. Such a pledge I have from
' McClurc and other*. They are earnestly
1 proceeding Pa make it geed.
Therefore, I ana preparing to cast former
1 predjudico aside, vote aad speak for Hor>
1 acs, first, because ! think the two parties
substantially idontical In principles ; sec
ondly, because I yield to the superior wis
dom of the party coqrt *t Baltimore which
has hitherto determined my Democracy,
and thirdly, because I think Greeley emi
nently fit in intellect and character fer the
office. As between Grant, the exemplar of
public plunder, and Greeley, the philoso
pher, there can be one choice for an Hon
aat man.
I>*.nocrt of Centre, can jou do lika
Hart ran ft and the Frans Fraud.
Hiding out ot tight the stock-gambling
operation, of Ucnaral li art ran ft with the
fund* of the State, all honet men will con
cede that if he wat ooinplicated in an/
many with the Evans fraud, he it untitle
be Uoverner of the State.
How ittbit matter? General 11 art ran ft
was Auditor-General when Kraut wa* se
lected to collect certain war claim* for the
State. He made the bargain with Kvan*
in relation to the corapcnaation for collec
tion. He knew Krant wa* receiving mon
ey and holding it. And yet, knowing
there fact* he never looked after thi* agent
of the State, and utterly failed to make
any report in regard to him. a* required of
the Auditor-General by the law. A loan
of $7,000 brought directly homo to Hart
ran ft the knowledge that Kvane wa* tuc
eeufu) ffl h| collection of the claim* of
Pennsylvania at Waspiugtop. Butirutaad
ot awakening hi* vigilance in behalf of the
public interest*, it cau*ed him to neglect
them, and Evan* gat possession of ovar
fdUO.OOU of the money of the State, which
waa divided among the war claitu<"Bing,"
Had General llartrsnft done hia duty in
relatieu ta the Evan* matter, had ha refut
ed the acven tboutand dollar loan, iba
State would not have loet a cant. Da not
thaea Cad* connect General Hartrauft with
the Rvaa* fraud ? Doee not thie atate of
facta ahow simplicity with wrong-doera ?
But, aay the friend* of General Hart
ran ft, tha report of tha inveatigating Com
of the Saaate exonorates him from any
connection with the Evana fraud. Not *o.
Op the contrary, the condemnation of hia
silence if fpwf marked and significant.
Look at the following p**#4|Q from
that report r
"Your committee have nat language
sufficiently atrong to expree* their disap
probation of so bad an outrage, ar fitting
terms in which to characterise those in of
ficial position who seek to palliate or ex
cuse the wrong.
"Evan* collected $184,168.34 and retain*
the whole. State official* knew thi* fact
for three years before it became public,
and tba ueglact to report tha transaction to .
iho l.egitlalore, I* regarded bv u •• a grt>*t
dereliction of offlt ial duty
"Norcnn we perele the iut#*ity for
ouch abiolute *iletica,ln regard to (ho whole
tubjcol at teem* (o here prevailed in o£*
rial circle* at IlerrUhurt, uulil the *cru
ttny of an Intelligent atihurdinate drag
ged the whole Into thi public gate.
"We cannot hut r*|>ru our dltppoinl
menl of the looaei e* of ofllciel.routine that
placet in the hand* ul Kvitn* over a mil
lion of dollar* of t aluahle' a<el*, without
ie<|uiring from him any *ecurity what
ever "
ll.mot men will fail to tee in tliH* utS
cial utterance- any releatc of (leneral
llartrantt Irelu the Itvali* bondage He
wa cogniaant eflh.ik de transaction,
from flrt to la*l. lie made the bargain
with Ktao* by which the Slate wa* fleec
ed ; lie knew Kvan* wa* holding the
meiiuy inatead of |>aying it into the Slate
Treasury, and lie neglected te inform the
Legislature of llirae fact*. If thi* doe*
net put him in the tame ditrepulabia cate
gory with Kvan*, then evidence it wflc
account iu flting (acta and determining
(tenaral Hartranft i* complicated, badly
complicated, in the Kvan* fraud, and that
will prevent him (Vom being (iovcrnor of
the State of I'enutylvania .
• ♦
In an articla entitled "The War Again*!
the Uing," the /Vr* ait-laim* We hart
attarled tint Auditor tieneral John K
Hartranft end ex Senator Harriton Allen
would he defeated, and with meant for
bnarfing whereol wa *peak, we inaka the
• Mtrli.ii again. Tliwt two men, if they
continue in the field, will be the wor*t
beaten candidate*that ever ran for uAcia!
position in l'enu*> Ivania. In Iheuisel va*
they are had enough, but a* the repreteu
tivrt of the unscrupulous ring that hat
ruled the n-publtcanparlr, they have con
trolled the legi*lature, and accumulated
in ill tent of wealth by fraud, tbey are
doubly odiou*. The liifamou* ring that
oant them at lit slave* ha* influence.,
every ean>|aifn of the la*l half doren
year*. Malty of the be*t and ablcal repub
can* of the dale, under a mistaken t*n*t>
of duty, have tubmitled to he ilt tlavea,
but tbey have at lat rebelled, and the
rule of corruption and fraud in Pennsylva
nia approachet itt and.
(iuttiu ami Fish.
Tha following it a tynoptit of the game
and fl,li Igwt of the Slate, which it will ba
well far perron* laterotted to proaerve for
reference :
I'rrr —lt tball not be lew ful for any par
ton to hill, bunt or lake by any device,
meant or contrivance whatever, .ell or ca
pote for tale, have unlawfully in hit poa
•oation, or worry or hunt with hound or
dog*, any doer or fawn between the 3it
day ot December, in any year, and ttia let
day of September, in any year; /Verufmf,
tbal nothing in Ihta taction thail apply to
lama deer or tboee kept in park*
Any perron* violating the foregoing pro
vttion of thi* act thai I be deemed guilty
of a mitdemeanor, and hall likewtte be
i liable to a penalty of fifty dollar*
I'ktntanl*, piirfrofy** Turkey, 4*. -No
prrton hall kill or have unlawfully in hi*
' po**eatloh or egpote tor tale, any ruffed
grout* or pheatant, betwaen the :Dth day
, of Di cember and the I*l day of August,
or any quail or Virginia partridge between
the TAli day of l>ee*mb-r and the Itl day
' of October, or any wild turky, between
. the !*t day of January tad the Dt day of
. October, or any fo tquirrel or gray tquir
rel, or rabbit, ItiVMn the Itt day of Jan
uary and the l*t day of August, under a
penalty of five dollar* for each and everv
• birJ ar *-}tiirrrl *•> skilled unlaw fully and
, in poa*ai>n, or eapoaed for tale
Waodrofk. —No p*rtn tball kill, rapture
' 1 take or hara in bit or her poateaaion. any
' < woodcock betwaen the loth day of Novetn
. ber and the th of July, under a penally
of Ave duller, for each and every bird *o
killed or bad in hit pomeetion or rtputed
" f*r tale.
/**rrfitrrv*i lUrtit —N* perton thall at
. nv time, kill, trap or eipot" for tale or
have in hit poe***ion altar the tame it
' killed, any night hawk, wbippoorwill,
B finch, thru*h, lark, partow, wren, martin,
i. twdlow, woodpecker, dove, bobolink,
! robin, or *Urkling or any other inaectiv
•rout bird, nor dttlroy or rob the na*l <>f
• any wild bird* whatever, under a penal
i ally of live dollar* for aach and every
a bird to killfed, trapped or eipoted for tele,
and for each neat *o dettroyed Q { row bed.
Hunting an Sttruiof.- Tncru ha)l he lit}
i- shooting ef bird*, hunting or trapping on
it the Aral day of the week, ceiled Sunday,
and any perron offending against the pro
' vi*ion of thi* act, thall, <>• coovictkm, for
-1 fait, and pay a turn not exaedtng twenty-
I five nor lit* than five dollar*, or be tin-
pritoned in the county jail where the of
fence wa* committed, not le*i than tan
day* not more than twenty-flve day* lor
'• aach offence.
v Tmpptng And*. —Xo perton thall at any
| lime /ted. bait er build blind* for the pur
po of killing or to trap or tnare any wild
turkey, ruffed grouse or pheatant, quell (
• or Virginia partridge or woodcock, under
k a penalty of five dollar* for each and
e every bird to takea, trapped or tnared
r /v..rider/, that nething in ihit act thall be
construed to prevent individual* or *-
* sociations for the protection, preservation
>• and propagation of game from gathering
i alive by net or (rap*, quail* or Virginia
partridges, for the aula purpose of preserv
ing tham aliva over winter. from tha fif
f UN-nth day of November to tha first day of
- January, and for no othar purpoaa what
Mark Kan—lt shall he unlawful for
' | any paraon to taka, catch or kill, by any
- mean* or device whatsoever, any black
. ba* in the Delaware or Susquehanna
„! river*, or any of their tributaries, until
C 1 the flrt day of August, A. IJ. 18711 fro
-1 rufnf. That the accidental taking of black
v ' ba** ahall not be construed a* a violation
I of thU act if the same ahall be In> modi ate
! ly returned alive into tha ai<i river* and
r tributarie*. The tact of any paraoaa hav
* ing uch black ba* in their possession
* thaii ha accepted aa primm fatit evidence
of their having bean taken from said riv-;
er* or tributarie* in violation of thia act
* Any paraon violating the above previa
i ion* afthi* act *hall upon coaviction there
of before any justice of the peace, pay a
' floe of |vr dotlai* far each and every flah
' ao taken or kad in possession, without bj
* ing abia to prova that they were not tak
l en from the said river* vr *treaiu*, and in
default of the payment of uch fine to un
dergo an imprisonment in tha county jail
* for a term of ten days.
Pika. —The specie* oenimonly known a*
. Susquehanna salmon, pike, perch and
jack salmon, shall henceforth not be taken
in any of the streams meant to be includ
ed in thia act during their spawning time,
this it to say between the first day of Feb
ruary and first day of June in any year ;
and the mode of proof of such taking and
, the penalty for tne same shall be the same
as in the case of black has*.
Trout. —No person* shall at any time.
* with intent so to do, catch any speckled
brook trout or any speckled river trout,
, with "say device, save only with a hook
and Una ; and na parson shall catch any
such trout, or hava any such trout in pot-
I session, save only during month* of April,
May, June, ana the fir*t fifteen days of
August, undar a penalty of five dollar* 1
for each trout so caught or had in his pos
session ; but this section shall not prevent
any persons or corporation from catching !
trout in winter owned by them, or upon
their premise*, to slock other waters in
any in-nor or at any lime.
Jfrugging Fi*K. —Mo per*ens shall placed
In any fTeh water stream, lake or pond,]'
without the consent of the owner, *sy,
lime or other deleterious substance with"
the intont to injure fish, or any drug or
medicated bail with intent thereby to
poison or catch fish, nor piece in a pond
or lake stocked and inhibited by trout or
black bass any drug or ether deleterious
substance, with intent te destroy such
trout or bass, nor place in any fresh water,
pond or (tream Stocked with brook trout,
any pike, pickerel, black bets or red bass,
•r. other piscivorous fish (salnpm except
ed), without tho consent of the owner of
the land upon which the pond or stream
is s'tualed. Any person violating the pro
visions of this seotion shall be deemod
suilty5 uilty of a misdemeanor and shall in ad
ition thereto, and In addition to any dam
age he may have done, be liable tea pen
alty of oac hundred dollars.
Pithing with y tint*.- It shall not be law-
All for any person to fish with seines in the
waters of the Kaystown branch of the
JuniaU river and ita tributaries, under u
penalty often dollars for each offense.
JAsA B—ktt*. -The sheriff of the county i
is authorised and required to declare fish
baskets and brush nets common nuisances
in tho rivers ef .Susquehanna and Juniata
and their tributaries and on failure of tbe
owners to remove tnem the sheriff shall
destroy or remove them himself.
A uotff | rajnor in void.
A note issued on fturidiy u void.
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
Ignorance of the law excuse* no one.
A contract that i* made with a lu
natic i void.
The law compel* no one to do inijw*
hi lines. i
An agreement without any consider- :
ation is void.
Loral Opt ion.
Tli# following it the now im'iil op
linn law, ft* tinned by ib# governor:
Wt'TlO* I. Hi it rnmetnt rtr . That oil
the Jrd Fruit)' in Mil roll. IHIH, 111 CVOM
rlly Hint I'uttHlji In thl* common wealth, j
and it It* mi mm I municipal elections)
every third year then aftn in every tuclil
j,'lty in county, ll •hull bo (ha duty of)
lllio inspector* mill judge* of elections mi
| (bo citle. nnd counties to receive ticket*!
cither written or |irintd for the logul
voter* ot ••i.| ciiie. hi,,| ruuiilioi, labeled !
un the outside ' llcen**," nd on the to-j
(side "lor license" or "against licen**, "|
mid to *aid ticket, in ■ hot provid i
lad lor that purpose by .aid iiispeelor* and
(Judges, a* U required by law in the case!
of other ticket. *o received .hall be count-1
lad and a return of the „„„, made to the
,clefk of the proper county, duly certified
a* i* required by law, which certificate*
Ifthitll lif Ittiij Judaof Mild court
after Mid election, .tmirbe filed witb the
I Oilier record* of *aid court., and it .ball
1 j be the duty of the mayor, of citie. and
sheriff. of counties, or of any other officer
,| wHuy doty it may be to |errorm *uch aer
vl< i, t'i (five due public notice of .ucb
special election above presided for three
week* previou* to the time of holding the
- nest annual municipal election in every
ueh city and county, and alto three week*
before .uch election every third vear
thereafter. /V<Wm/, That thia art .hall
uotbu const rued to repeal or affect any
r apecial law prohibiting tha M t of into*-
eating liquor* or prohibit the granting of
licenses /Verufnf, Thai when the mu
nicipal election* in any county or city do
not noour on the third Friday in March
' ibe e'evuon crovided for in this section
•hall be held on the day lltad for the mu
nicipal dec! ion* in (aid city or county
And pnnxdrd furtkrr, That ell he,
r granted after day af January, IK7S
i *ball cease. determine and become void on
f the ir*t day of April, 1873, if the di.trlet
which they .hall be granted determine
■"* the granting of license, and the
! Treasurer f the pruoer county .hall
i ihvn rtfuml u ihn uoiuof of tgid
the money. *u paid therefor, for which
the wild I'rea.urar .hall be entitled to
credit in hi* account with the Common
- wealth.
j B*\ 2 That in receiving and counting
Mid In making return* of the vote* cast,
the ii.*| ccter* and judge* mid clerk* of
•*ku elfvtion thttli be governed bv tbe
i lew* of (Jilt comlib regulating
i r , and all the penalties of
Mid election lawt aro hereby extended to
gild shall apply to the voter*, inspectors,
* ' judge, and clerk* voting at and in aecord
•nce upon the election held under the
e proruien. of this act
j tJgf. 8. Whenever, by retu ti* of elec
j Uoii* in any county aformaid, it shall ap
pear that there t* • majority against li
|cene r. *ba!l not be lawful for any licen.a
to issue tor the tale* of *piriton*, vinous,
malt or other intoxicating liquor*, or any
" admixture thereof, in said city or county
at any time thereafter, until an election a*
r above pruvided a major iv ahall vote in
favor af license : frvriM, That nothing
contained in tha provision* of tbi* net abali
• ■ prevent the issuing of liquor* for medical
.jand manufacturing purpose*. t'ruridrd,
■ Tbe citiaen* of Lebanon *hail vote upon
- the quotum on the third Friday of March,
' 1*73. on the same day and time when th*
i tow milip. of the county of Lebanon hold
t thrir spring election*
■ Allroiicacv Street, Ucllefoutv, l'n
" D. JOHNSON A SONS. Proprietors
The proprietors offer to the travelinit
public, and to their country fi lends, first
class accommodations nnd careful atten
tion to the want* o! guest* at all lime*, at
' fair rale*. Careful bustlers and good stable j
ling for horses. An excellent table well
served. A Bar supplied with fine liquors.
'Servants well trained and everything ro
?uiile in a first class tlolel. Oar location
in the business part of tba town, near the
Host Ofiler, the Court House, the Chur
ches, the Banks, and the p incipal place*
of business, renders it the most eligible
place for those who visit Bellefoetc on bust
or pleasure.
An Omnibus will carry jM*ae timers
and baggag* to nud frotu all trains
free of charge.
(•rantl Opening
FOR 1872.
where he has opened with a very large
i stock of the latest styles, both fancy and
■ common
Parlor, Chamber aud Kitchen Furni
ture. ItS,
; of alt kinds.
, 4" kinds of repairing done with neat
, nes and dispatch having four good wor i
, men at the bench. 1 am prepared to do
. all kinds of custom work, fine or common.
Thankful for past favors, I hops hy strict
p attention to business you and everybody
. else will show smiling farm at my new
ware rooms.
j an 12. If.
J. tfc J. HARRIS.
A new and complete Hardware Store hat
Seen opened by the undersigned In Brook
orhoff s new building where tlieyare pre
pared to sell all kinds ofßuildingandll<-us<
Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails.
buggy wheels in setts, ChampiotiClothes
Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hans
Saws, 1 ennon Saws, WebbSaws, IceCreair
Freeze ra, Bath Tubs, Clothes Hacks, a fut.
assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of al
|sixes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows,
Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps. Belting, Spokes,
Kolloes, ami Hubs, Plows,Cullivntors, Com
Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Boards
and CultiyatprTepth.TableCutlery. Shov
ols, Spades aud Forks, i/ocks, Hinges
Screws, Sash Springs, Horso-Shoes, Nails
Norway Bods.' '.Bis. I-ard, Lubricating,
Coal, Linseed. Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel-1
lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths T<oD,
Factory Bells. House Bells, Dinner Bells,
Gong Bells. Teaßells,Grindstonas ; Cart>en ,
ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans. Paints, Oils,;
Varnishes received and for sale at
jun6'6B,ly. J. A J. HARRIS.
Carr i a g e
Centre Hall, Pa.
: lias on had and fur sale at the most rea
sonable rates a splen fid stock of
nnd every description ofWagons both
warranted to he made ot the best and most!
durable materials, and ly the most expe-'
rienced workmen. All work sent out from ,
theestablialiment will be found to be of
the highest class and sure to gine iierlect
satisfaction. He will also have a live its-;
n sortment of
. oi all the newest nnd moot fashionable i
, iiiy lot well and carefully made and at the .
1 bent material*.
An inspeetb n of his work is asked a* it
' U believed that nonesuperior can be found
* In the country.
Wooden Pumps, jj
> The undersigned would respectfully call 1
the attention ortheeitiaeniofCentroco'unty,
and Pennsvalley in particular, to the fact!
that he i* manufacturing <.
TfW£ #BV ipuaip, ;
made at homo or elsewhere. Ho uies uonei
butthe beat material, BK WARRKXT* THKM 1
to give satisfaction, a* being the most last- '
ing and durable, HUFKRIOK TO TOR OLD 1
wooden pump, being arranged to lot the i t!
water ofl and prevent Iroesing in winter.!
l'ine, poplar or cucumber pumps always J
on hand. His inatirinl for pumps is all|
njrpd fronl timber, and arc thus -
Secured ttfcatnst Checking or Cracking, i
AH orders hv mail promptly filled, i J
PIPING, made of the best material, of! i'
Gvoinch scantling, joined together with I
coupling blocks, thoroughly blinded, and tl
warranted to stand any pressure required t
for ordinary use. Prices of piping range e
from 12 to 18 cents per foot, send orders to J J. TELLER.
Milesburg, Pa. J
Kur tiik(ovkhkmknt or tor Ikm- a
ot KATit Party ofCkntmk Couh-
The Democracy ufCotrn count v Pcnn'a
in county convention met, Hrm-hvd that
the ("Hewing new rutrm he adopted fur the
futur government of the party in aid
i county :
l*L The election* for delegate* to rep- j'
I resent the different districts in the dftriual i"
democratic county ..invention, shall
ip'ld at the uuai place af holding tin "
general election* for each district. on thej
i Saturday preceedtng the second Tuesday
; " August, In ea< h and every rear, begin-11
i ing at two o'clock F. If of said day and
continuing until five o'clock P. M.
<W ; , The said delegate elections shall
j he held by an election board, to consist of j"
.Ilin member of the county commiUee for!
i ueh dutrici, and two other dmnocrstic
voters thereof, who shall ho appointed or
designated by the County Committea In
case any of the persons so constituting the
.board, shall be absent from the place ell
holding the election lor a quarter of ani"
hour after tho time appointed, by Rulej'
j Finn, for tbe opening of the same, hU or!,
their place or place*, shall be filled by en
i| election to be conducted viea roe*, by the i
democratic voter* present at the time. I,
i 3rd Ever/ qualified voter ol tha dia
■ trict. who, at the last general election vet-
I ed the democratic ticket, shall be entitled
to a vol# at tha delegate elections; and
|any qualified elect.* of the district who
( will pledge hi* word of honor to support
- the deiuocmlic ticket nt the next general
•lection shall be permitted to vote at the
i delegate election*.
t 4ln. The voting at ail delegate election*
. shall be by ballot; upon which ballot
shall be written or printed the name or
. uaine* of the delegate or delegate* voted i
I (for. together with any instruction* which ,
j the voter may deaire t giva the delegate
II or delegates. Each ballot shall be receiv
lied from tha person* voting the ame. by a
b, member of the election board, and by htm !
: deposited in a box or other receptacle
prepared for that purpose, to which box I
i or othar receptacle, no peraon but tha 1
- trember* of the election I* ard shall bitt
■ j accews. ,
hh No instructions shall b received '
fur recogniaed unless the tame he voted
. I upon tha ballot a* provided in Rule Fourth :
f nor shall such instruction* tf voted upon !
t the ballot, ba binding upen tbe delegate, I
[j unless one half or more of the ballot* con-'
I lain instructions concerning tbe same of- I
it let. Whenever half or more of the bal
,]U>D shall contain instruct ins concerning
-Jany office, the delegate* elected at sucnj
b election shall be held to be instructed to
| support tha caudidute* having the highest |!
- number of vole, for such office.
Oth. Each election board shall keep an
• 'accurate list of the name* uf all persons
b voting at such elections; which list of votsw
, j together with a full and complete return
/ of such election containing an accurate
r statement of the person* elected delegate*
. and all instruction voted shall be certified
ti by said board, to the County Convention,
i upon printed blank* to be Tarnished by
I i the County Committee,
j 7th. Whenever from any district, qua)-
I, iflcl demecmtic voters, in number* aqual
i to five lime* tne delegates which such dit
i, I trict ha* ia the County Convention, shall
r complain in writing or an undua election
J] or false return of delegate* or of instruc
jtions, in which complaint the alleged fact*
j shall be specifically set forth and verified
;by the affidavit ol one or more persons,
.such complainant* shall bar* the right U>
contest the seat of such delegate* or the
l. validity of such instruction*. Such corn
el plaint shall be hoard by a committee of
, Cve delegate* to be appointed by the Pres
ident of tbe convention; which said com
mittee shall proceed to hear the parties,
" their proof* and allegations, and a* soon
i mmm 11 p "**a* as trgßitunx, arm a Mwr
i>* may be, report to the convention w bat,
delegate* are entitled (*> *e*u therein, and
a hat instruction* are binding upon ucta
lr!-(fau- Whereupon the convention
►hali proceed immediately, up>n the call
!of the yea* and aeya, to adopt or reject
the report of the centreline psrlie*. In
w bich rait of the yrea and way*, the name*
of the delegate* a ho*e *eau are contested i
or hM> instruction* are disputed, ahall
lw omiUed.
Hth. All delegate* must reaide in the
district they represent. I n ra* of absence
or inability U< attend.- substitution* may be
made from citiaena of the di.lricL
Wh. Delegate* must obey the mlru<-
1 tion given them by their r*peetive dia
i tricta, and if violated, it hall be the duty
of the President of the Convention, to caat
the vote of *uch delegate or delegate*
■n accordance with the Instruction* ; and
thv delegate or delegate* *u offending ahall
tie forthwith expelled from the Conven
tion, and *hall nut be eligible to any otter
or place of trut in tbe party for a period
of twoyeara.
loth In Convention a majority of all
the vote* thall be necessary to a nomina
tion ; arid no persupa panic hall be ex
•luded ffw the lit of candidate* until
xftar tbe *irtk ballot or vote, when tbe'
|.-ron receiving the lea*t number of vote*
'hall be omitted and * truck from the
roll, and and *o on at each rucceaaive vote
until n nomination it made.
11. If any peraon who it a cad id ate for
any nomination before a county conven
tion. hall be proven to have offered or
- paid any money, or other valuable .thing,
I or made any promisa of a consideration or
reward to any peraon for hi* vote or lain
cnce, to secure tbe delegate from any die
' trirt, or thall hare offered or paid any
money or valuable tbing, or ptomiaed any
-onsidcrstlen or reward to any dele
gate for bit vote, or to any other per
j*on with n view of inducing, or tepuriqg
the volet of delegate*, or if the tame*hail
be done l>y any uthar person with tbe
' knowledge and content of och candidate,
the oame of uch candidate ahall be im
mediately stricken from the liat of candi
■ date*, er ifauch tact be ascertained after
' hi* nomination to any ofice, and before
the final adjournment the nominal on ahall
1 be struck from the ticket and the vacancy
supplied by a new nomination, and in
either case, tuch person shall be ineligible
to any nomination by a convention, or to
an election a* a detente thereafter. And
in case it ahall be alleged after the ad
journment of the convention, that any
candidate put in nomination, has been
guilty of such acta or of any other fraudu
lent practice* to obtain auch nomination,
the charge ahall be investigated by tbe
County Cotnniiftoc, and *ucn atepa taken
as the good of the party may require,
i lihb if any delegate ahall receive any
1 money or other valuable thing, or accept
' the promise of any conaideration or re
ward to be paid, delivered, or secured to
him or any person for such candidate,
us an inducement for hi* vote, upon proof
of the fact te the satisfaction of the con
vention, such delegate ahall be forthwith
expelled ; and ahall not be received aa a
deiegateto any future convention and ahall
be ineligible to any party nomination
I.lth Caaes arising under the *th, 11th
and 12th rule*. *hidl have precedence
overall otjfer buainea* in convention, un
til determined.
(New Clothing Store
; engaged to manage for 1 I*. Reiaenslein,
in the corner building, opposite IlofTer'*
ktore, licllcfonte, hss <tubiihed a new
Clothing Store where the beef bargains in
! the county are offered.
$7.50 to sls for Suits of Iho dri
est Casslmere.
ami a ftill and complete assortment of ev
ery thing in the line of Clothing.
t it'll I'm FurnlMhlng lioodx
all directly from their own manufactory.
AI so.
Jewelry* Watehe*, 4te.
They have engaged their old clerk, Mr.
A. Sternberg, so well known to the people,
and who will be plea*ed to see hit old
friends. apdtf.
Piece good* of every disruption, sold
low to enable everybody to have his cloth
ing made to ordtr.
For sale by
apr.2tf. WM. J. M'MANTQAL.
ter* af administration on the aetata
of Catharine Rankin, late of Potter twp.,
dee d, have been granted to the under
signed, who request* all persons knowing
themselves indebted to aaiil estate to make
immediate payment, and those having de
mands against the same to present tnem
duly authenticated by law for sattlement.
ju)yl2.6t. Administrator.
]\ Notice is hereby given that the ac-
Mini |f Robert Valentine (Committee ol
Klixabeth Stone, alunhtie) lias been died in
the Court of Common Picas of Centre
L'ounly, and that unless exceptions are ill
t'd ac., said account will be confirmed at
August term of court next.
July 19 ft. Prothonotary. 1
H <l. IKIIX<JKII. At C HuatKK.
New Firm—New Koterprae.
(Hurnttor. ta B, O. Dkiri*krj
We would moat ru.pttflully inform Ik*
public. thU they bar* taken charge of
thi* old and uccea*ful lablkhmant. and
propoaa t© carry on tha tame uadar ra-
They havr on hand, and will make to
f any p.aaibl* deign, and price.
Vke ue ib boat grade* of mnrhla
Amkuicax Statu abt,
. EurtAwn Ac.,
and My with perfect a**uranre, "Our
work U our referenca."
Sbop,|anat I Bridge, Mllfbeim.
Nofi HrwkerhaFlluw, lirllefonle.Pa
11^ r ■ l>rH|a,(bemlrnk.
1 rrfunirr), Fry Uaada dtr H
•BMr •
Pure Wine* and Liquor* for medical
purpote* a I way* kept. may SI. 7*
or. a nrrutoa tmomab a. mioks.
/.n ■
BtliffullLi I'm
(Auccaaawra to lawi'x a WiLaox.,) £
J- Kaapertfully inform the ciliaen* of
C 'Ceatrw and otbar count.**, that they *
< i bare on# of tba Inrgtwl and beet *• H
ft. ; tectod stock of Hard waralo ba f.*unJ. ®
• oonakttng of Iran, Steel, Nail*, ®
2 Horn# Shoe#, AieU. Spring Wagon c
< Mkela* and Bona*, Complete <twT of *d
> carpenter tool* and builder* bard* O
£ warn, lock* oila, paint*, glaaa. tar- ®
~ aih**, bruahea, cuoumber pump* and **
< tubing Latnpa af all kinda, teniae, £
s rutlary, 2
Pull lin* of aaddlery and nark ma
kara good*, wood work for buggim
_ and wagon*, plough*, barrow*, cuiti-
C valor* and gm,<l*tone*. looking H
glaaaea and mirror olataa. Picture SB
- frima* made to ordar. They alto "
J beta tba celebrated oook U>ta, "V
x. every una warranted to give perfect 2
f aatUfiactiou Ail kind* of parlor I
* atovaa. We are determined to aatt 2
< at tba lownat pricca for null, or on *
ft. *hort credit—not to eaeend tbrwe 5
- month*. Call and tea u*. aa we lake J
plen*ura In abowing our gooda. _
> marlktf. Bollefonle, Pa.
a ►
x "e
a j
Gift 6c Flory's
New Shoe Store !
Tbay have now opened, and witl omManU
ly keep on hand, a splendid rtoek of now
men, woman and children, from the fori
manufactories in the country, and mom of
tend at ih*
Lowest Prices.
BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon
i-bort notice They invite the people ol
ibi* vicinity to five them a call, u they
will strive to merit a share of their JJat
runagw. royl&f
I oooa BH.O* Horrxa's
Dealer in
Parlor and Chamber SU,
Particular Attaauoe to Ordered Work.
ID All It* Branches,
00 MM ox uum,
AI way* oo Hand, and Funeral# Atteodad
Witt an Elegant Hearaa. apdtf
Stoves! Fire! Stov's!
At Andy Ketnunt, Centre Hall, arc
litest aud boat stove* out, be has J oat
received a large let of
Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
| PARLORS—The Radiant Light, volf-fee
der, tin* Burner, National Egg,
Jewell. 4t
fefuHe aell* atovea aa LOW aa anywhere
ia Mifflin or Centre co. -Met
The undarvifried hereby inform* the
citiaena of Pennavaliey that na ha* pur
chased the Tin*bop heretofore carried an
by IheC. H. Mfg Co., and will continue
the Mine, at the old stand, in all it* branch
es, ia the manufacture of
All kinda of repairing dene. Ha ka*
alway*on hand
Fruit CAM, of ell Sixea,
All work warranted and charge* reason
able. A *hare of tke public patronage so
licited AND. KEKSMAN,
isepTOy Centra Hall
;! Railroad O. K.
Herlacher & Cronmiller.
Have just recived,
Dry Goods, Notion*, Groceries, Hard
were, Quecnswere, Wood and willow were
' Iron, Sell, Fish and in feci, a msgniflcent
assortment of everything
and now offered at pricee lower than
the lowest.
Dress Goods
: A ino*t beautiful variety, consisting of all
j the noveltte* of the season,
white goods. embroideries, hoop akirts,
All we ask that vou will
■liver plated and Yankee Harness double
and single, bridle* and halters. Apr 1
Are the Sole Proprietors of the
Celebrated T. T. Kinsey Patent
Copper Lightning Rod.
Also manufacturers of
Of svery Besriptiea and el the west apprer
ed Style.
All ordrra/or putting up Rod* and Venta
will raeeim proinpt attention if given to
Agents for Centre County
CENTRE HAUL, PA. apr!2tf
Furniture Rooms It
eaapecilully inform* the attiecn* of t'< nit.
county, tbat ba ba*com>tantly on lihml nl •
make* to order, all kinda *n
TAB I. KM, Ac.. A.
(font Mauk Chaia* Aut> on ham
III* stick Purniitire Ll> >
and warranted nf good work uuti.t hip a<
all made under bi own ituim <ti!ir*upri > •
(ion, and la ©Sored at rate* u* < heap n*el.
wbera. Thankful for paatfatot*, fat twin
it* a rontlnuance of the Mir.
Call and aaa bia ettxrk bafore pureb*it
alaawbara. aj.VAt^t
wu. n. m aim, ti v aTitrtr
11, AIH At MTIT/.Kli.
Attorney*at Law, IkHrfanlr,
Ogr i, on tba Jiiamond, neat dour to Oar
man'* hotel. CVn*ultatii in (j*-rtnan
Engl b. feblKOWf
T6SW F. POTTIt*, Attarny *t 'Law.'"
fj Cullwtion*promptly mwlr .n l *|>.-. ia
attention given to tbo*r having land* *
properly for rale. Will draw up and hat*
acknowledged Deed*, Mortgage* Ar. Ot
ic* in the diamond, north aide of tl.r
court kou<*. Bellefonte octSTOMf
i Preaidi-nt, Caahhr.
, (IAIt JUtllika-n. Jlo.tir A Co.)
And Allow lntere*t,
Diacount Note/,
I Buy and Krll
tiovernnu ut Meruritiea, fluid at <i
apxremr .
T Akl M M A NlfiT Attorn,-* 5..
I e# ~ aigaly attei. *a a all i f
• Una* U bitn. _ JulH.tiNf
\ l\ P. POKTNEY, Attorney at I.**
JJ* Brllefontp, Pa. Ufliv <>v,r Key
| R. R. M AtXlal-KK, JAUKa A. UK At Kit
I Bvilwfoaut, Centra Co., PAin'a. a|*>t.
IB EAC. MITCH ILL Att,.i7cTat!.aw
Kallafent*, Pa. Oir* In fiiaitoan.*
• new building thr Court B t*e,
I may 6 ,
Acinar* en #Sn AAmnre.
i C. H. Gutellus,
SaifMß mod Mrduuilral Ureliitl
who la permanently located in Aaroarburg
■ ia tba oAce formerly occupied by Dr. NcS.
; and who ba* bean practicing with eatir*
I *uooaaa having the naarirar* of a numb, i
- of year* ia the profbactua, be would cordi
• ally tnvita all who have aa yet not gitet
• him a call, todoao. andtmttbrtrutbfclaaei
5 oft hi* a**rtion #k~Teetb eairacteo
without paiif wmyareSM
J Jfo. r oavia c. t. utttMo*
• Aitoraaya-at-law. Bflr* inCMrul lluuu
J Bcllefonte, Pi.
C with Orvia A Aleaander. attend* to rvtlec -
lion* and practice in the Orphan'* Court
' TJaaTutf
{ TJOqTS, large stock, ail ityin, aire* and
I la price*, for men and boy*. fu*t arrived
■ at Wolf well known old Stand.
Chas. H.~ Held, '
Cloelt. WaKbmsltrr A Jevrtri
Millhcini, Centre co., lYuua.
Respectfully inform* hi* frici l and Q
public in general, that ha ha* juat opeaeo
' at hia new eatabliahmant, above A leva*
der'a Store, and keep* constantly on hand
nil kind* of dock*, Watche* and Jew. lr
?( the late*t atrle*, a* also the Mat mm ill.
'atant Calender Clock*, provided with >
' complete index of the month, and day o>
[ the month add week on it* fore, which it
warranted a* a perfect time-keeper
lAt'lstki, Watche# and Jewelry re
paired on *hort notice and warranted
Wirdjiy | .
\f ILLKR'S HOTEL, Woodward, Pa
1 ivl Stage* arrive and depart daily.
f ThT* favorite hotel la now ia every rospe* t
* on* of the moat pieaaaat country hotel* in
central Pennsylvania. The trat cling ww
' munity will always And the beat accommo
dation. Drover* can at all time# be aerate
modatad with stable* and pasture lor any
number of cattle or horses.
julyt-ttif GEO. MILLER.
ABAUX, nxvaou-'a saw ssaant-n
• FROST, a tailor at.. Bcllefonle.
Tha subscriber in*pecifully call* tb at
tention of the public to hi* establish w nt,
• where he is pre pat ed to furnuh all kind* ol
• Foreign nnd Dm-t>e Lfouoni' wholesale
at the lowest cash price*, who bare warran
>d to be the best qualities according to
their respective {rice*. Hi* stock consists
of Rye, Mobiittgahela, Irish and other
' Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies, 11 Hand
Gin, Port, Maderia. Cherry, Blackberry
and other WSnea—the host article*—al as
reasonable rates as can be bad in the city,
Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger
and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica aa I
New England Rum, Cordial of all kind*.
Ha would particularly invite Farmers, Ho
-0 lei keeper* and other* to call and examine
his large supply, to judge fur themselves
and bo certain of procuring what they buy,
6 which can seldom be done w hen purrka—
f ng in the city.
JNPPby can*are respectfully requested
o giro hi* liquors a trial. aplu
On Marriage.
Essays for Tsaag Men. or, GREAT SOCIAL
STILT and ABUSES which iatarfor* witn
Marring*. and ruin the happiness of tkmr
aads,—with sure means of relief for the
Erring and Unfortunate, diseased and de
hilitnted. Sent in sealed letter envelope*
k free of charge.
No 2South Ninth St.. Philadelphia. Pa
v octlTly.
t GH(K E Rlk S! ~
* The Chepast,
purest, best.
, On Allegheny Street.
Cofle,T*a, Sugar, Syrup, Dried Fruit,
Canned Fruit, Hams, Dried Beef,
Salt, Pickles, Butter, Flour,
Cora Meal, Buck went Flour,
- and nvnrything usualy kept in a well regu
lated lm class Grocery Store
V.' Joan SrsxuLxa, Proprietor.
Stages arrive and depart daily, for all
points, north, south, east and wot
Bishop struct, Bellefontc, in the Stone buil
ding formerly occupied by the Key
• stone Bakery
Take* pleasure in informing the public that
he keeps constantly on hand a supply o.
choice Korwtgvi and Domestic Liquors.*
AU Barrels, Ktg and foils .carranted
<o contain tke quantity repretcHtrd. |
The attention of practicing physician* is
; called to hi* stock of
1 suitable for medical purpose. Bottles,
Sigf, and demijohn* constantly on hand,
W HLSK.Y in town.
All liquors are warranted to give satis
faction. Liquor* will be sold by the quart,
barrel, or tierce. He ha* a large lot oi
Of the Ineat grade* on hand.
Confident that he can please customer
he respectfully solicits a share of public pa
* roß *E* my HQ
THE undersigned, determined to met the
popular demand for Lower Prices, re
spectfully call* the attention of the public
to hi* stock of
ROW offered at the old stand. Designed ps*
peciallv for the people and the time#, t he lar
gest and most varied and complete assort
ment of
Saddles, Harness, Collar*, Bridle*,
ofeyerr description and quality: Whins,
and in fact everything complete to a first-
he now offers at price,
which will suit the time*
Hoon tn LOT rox SALK.—The under
slfned offers a choice property for *ale
consisting of a new two story frame Ifouae!
new stable, and dther outbuilding*. The
J® 4 * wn fv y ' n * on R*in street,
Centre Hall, and has * variety of choice
fruit tree* upon it. For further informa
tion apply to
I9*p3ro M. RICHARD, Ag t.
Beautiful Toilet Setts,
Chmmhmr Pails, *•
Per sat* by ,
apm. tt WM'f M MANIGAL.