The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 19, 1872, Image 4

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    Little Home-Body.
Little Rnms-body is m tier's pet,
Fairest an t swr etest of hon-ekecpert yet;
U r went the rose* ia go'den light peep.
He'pin-t he- mother to sew and to eweep.
Tidy nnd prim in her apron and gown,
Br ght st of eyes, of lire bonniest brown;
Ti-ite-t ri- uro*. and needle so (hit.
Pari cm of womanhood, -town at my feet t
Little Home-body ta grave and demure.
Weep* when von speak of - he wretched and poor
Thongh she can laogh in the merriest way,
While vou sre telling a ta'e that ia gay.
Lilv that hhronis in aome Ume, leafy nook,
Sly little hide away, mows sided brook ;
FViries are flue, where the dews fall;
Homo-f.iirio* —these are the beat ef them all!
Farm, Garden and HonscboM.
How ro QrtKT A HABT. -A farmer.
wh> paswtvl tnnumemble aWphnts night*,
immortalized himself try* discovering a
method of keeping lvalues quiet The
wtole of o jve rati on is ns f.Howa : A
soon a* ihc sqnsHer awakes, set it up.
propjved by s pillow, if It can not si
alone ; then smear its fingers with thick
treacle ; thee put half a doaen feathers
into its hntxK and it will sit and piek
the fe*'hers front one hand to the other
until it drops s-h-ep. A* soon as it
woke* ags : n. treacle and more feathers,
and in pher of the nivrve-atonuding
yells, there will bo silence and enjoy
ment nnspeakabk'.
T-v Ren.rv A CHIMNKT. —The &-isf(fc
.4 -scrtoia gives the following hints to
those who would " build a ehimuev
which will not sm-vke The chief point
is to make the throat not less than four
inches broad nn-1 twelve long; then the
chimney should be abruptly enlarged to
double the size, aud ao oontiuued for
on-* f->ot or more ; then it mav be grad
n -'ly tapere<loff aa deaired. Bnt the in
side of the chimney throughout its whole
length to the ton. should be plastered
verv smooth with ROIHI mortar, which
will h -rden with age. The area of a
chimnev sbon'-l Is* at least half a aquare
foot, and n*> flnea laa than sixty square
inches. The heat shape for a chimney
is cincnlar, or roanv-sided. as giving 1-
friction, (brick is the best material, as it
is a non -e-mdnctor,) aud the higher abov
the r-vof the better.
Hrso.vHi.vN ORVSS FOR lloasca. A
g'-utlem u who has raisel his gras for
many rears, and who finds tha' horse
ke-p fat on it while on Timothy tbcv
grow poor, saya. in T*v F*rm r, "that it j
should tve cut in the blow, before any
see,) i- formed; wilt in the swath same
as clover, an-1 make in the cock. The
stock is nearly a-lnl and the hav very
heave, and if m -de in thia way will bea
gveoti as grsss, t>d a horse will want
little grain for ordinary farm work, ey
ccpt in the Spring when doing heavx
plowing. Give hoi*e& *ll thev will ea
of It, and they will fat with decent usage.
B-it if a'Hwed to tnru yellow ami form
sof-1, it is the same as any other grain,
and w'H. of course, injure a horse th
rvne as if he were fed wheat in tha bun
dle to exeaaa. Anv over-'ed grain is bait.
It i bett r to rke it by hand, bnt on
good oil von will tumid* np * big ooek
ia a small space.
Anthonv, 11 amnion ton. !f. J., akd
about the nse of burned el iy * manure.
I>r. Nab said he could learn all about it
bv consulting the reports of the Roval
Agricu'tural 9oci-tv of England. Th*,
preaent high rate of wages in this ooWß
frv wo dd prevent this practice from
bein- profitable here. John Cane bs*-
tr eti it, and found it did well with
rutalaaws and other tun-pa. Dr. Trim
We said h'sexoeneoee was not fawablp.
Prof. H. E. CWton said ha doubted i'
any good would result exuept with anils
e*vn*anvng lime, or peaty coils, in whicl
tha potash contained would be made
av -t'a >le. M'. Smith said in some pirt
of Eirope heavy ekvs were bnrnedslvw
!v in heaps, or were com posted with lime
and c-v- rse vg-tab!e matter, for tko pur
pose of rendering inert potash available
This was done during the winters, which
were much milder than our*, and during
which laborers were not otherwise cm
ployed. It w>s thus made to jmy. It
was verv doubtful whether, at present,
it could he made to pay here, generally,
under so manv disadvantages as we hav
to contend with.
Sncocuß DEVASTATION —Captain For
syth who was sent to explore the farad*
of India which have been frightfully de
vaststed by the natives, prompted to the
work of destruction by the railway oou
tri .*ri re and i.umerous speculators, who.
foreseeing the value the timber was
likely to acquire, owing to the railway
operations and the closing of the forests,
"wentirto the jungle with bogj of ra
pees in their bands, and spread them
broadcast am ng the wild tribes, with
instructions to slay and spare not-to
fell everv teak tree larger than a sapling
thev could find, and mark tbem adtb
their peculiar mirk." Cap!. Foraytl
thm summarises the results of tin* pro
ceeding:—"Scarcely anything that was
accessible cscaj-ed the axe. Now come
delay in the railway works, failure of the
contractors, and want of money. Tbe
cat timber was alvandoned wholesah
whore it lay. Teak wook is fnH of oil.
ard burns readily sfter lying for a short
time. The jungle fires occurred as usual
in tbe lor.g, dry graas where the log
were lyiDg, and the treat majority of
them were burned. The exact amount
of tbe destruction can never be known ;
th injury done to tbe forests and to tb
conDtrv eaDnot be recovered in leas thai,
two generations ol tbe |>eople's life. The
niisehi, f has b -cn completed and moat
of the rimber speculators h*d bolted
from #beir creditors, leaving their loa*
emnlj-ng hi the f< rests, before tbe for
mation of the Central Provinces, and ere
tbe f- rest Dcjiartment had entered on
their labor of exploring and arranging
what was still worth looking after.
rior Court in Baltimore, a few days ago,
the widow of Lewis Follmar recovered
£2,(XX) from a life insurance company,
which had insured her husband's hfe for
that amount, tbe insured baring come to
bis death ti rough suicide. F r the de
f.-nce it was set up that Foil mar's policy
was rendered null and void through hi*
having committed snicide. as there was
a stipulation to that effect in it when it
w.-is issued to him. But tbe Court ruled
that it tbe jury should find from tbe evi
dence that the deceased killed himsel' in
a fit of insanity which overpoaed his
consciousness, reason and will and thus
acted from a mere blind and an controls
ble impnlse, the company was liable;
when-upou the iary returned a verdict in
ta .-or of tbe widow.
Felix B. Brunot. and Thomas K. Cree,
Secretary of the Board of India* Com
missioners, have left Washington for an
extended tour among tbe Indians of Da
kota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah,
and Colorado Territories. Tbe object
of their mission is to avert the threaten
ed hostility on the part of the wild Sionx
on tlie Northern Missouri rivir, as the
Northern Paciflo Bailroad approaches
their reservation ; the pn ohsse of a por
tion of the Ute reservation in Colorado ;
to effect the exchange of the southern
part of the Eistern, Sho*h*ne and Ban
nock reservation in Wyoming for land
north of it, and a general examination
into Indian affairs in the Territories vis
pEixTEi.s.-It was tbe custom in Qneen
Eliz beth * time,on one day of the year,
for tbe different trade- and artisans to
pass before her palace at Whitehall; she
standing on a balcony and addressing to
each com;i*n'y a few wotcL indicative of
its craft, H* skillful goldsmiths, clever
architects, &c. When for the first time
iu any reigo, a company of printers ap
peared iu tlie procession, the clever old
Qaeen hesitated for a moment how to
a.u bj-s tiiern. iSbe then in a loud voice
exclaimed : " Gentlemen printers, pass
oays tlie Bavauuuh Republican : u An
A'too-ia youtli, to conceal it from his
mother, puj, a lighted cigar in his pocket,
which coutaiued some loose gupoader.
His clothes needed considerable patch
ing. S hss ao more appetite for
cigars. ~
Item* of l#lrrwl,
ENOUSR day in tbe Boston Jubilee
•a* the anniversary of the buttle of
THE Indians threaten hostilities in the
Sevier region. Utah, and the miners are
-ruling thetuaolve*.
TBE piano makers of New York at a
meeting held, declared tluur strike a fail
ure ami left eaeh n.nn to do as he pleased.
A N*w-Orleanarailroad eompinj threw
BMJI in counterfeit nickels into the river
a abort time aiuce. The were rveeiveit
m paymeut of fans.
THE next annual eonvestiou of the
N. Y. State Sunday-school teachers' ns
aoeiatioN will ta- held at Biuahamton,
on the first Tu<wlay in June,
THR editor of a Wirtern paper having
tveeivml a hank-note directory, returned
thanks, and modestly asks for aome
bank-uoti* upon which to test ita aceu
Two train* eame iu eolliaionat Juisvy,
an the Orleans Bailway. France. Thirty
penuina were injured and several killetl
mtright; the%uaber of the dea-l ia uot
TH* local editor of the Covington (Kv.)
bYienil warus roughs that " there * a
iiuiit." He INIUT go in on his mni-de,
but thiuka a Derringer a very g-nsl thing
tu its way.
THE trotting match Wtween tbe stal
lioua Ajax aud Alexander for •JtI.OBO a
ide. iu Oakland, Cal . was won in three
-traight heats by Ajax, his Wst time
Wing 'J :29.
MATOR GASTON, of Boston, has vetoed
the order paaaed by the City Council for
-p-'iiing the publio lit>rarv Sundays, ou
the ground that it conflicts with the law
of the state,
THOMAS QCIKLAN. aged acveu, Charles
Walter, agi-d eight, Thomas aud Jaiue-
Ktieahan, age-1 twelve and thirteen, were
drowned in the Hudson Biver at Albany
while bathing. Their bodie* have leeii
DANIEL FBAWXEV, recovered $2,000
iamages in the Supreme Court, New
Yrk. from the Flushiug aud N-rtb
Side Road, fur hoing run over at Win
Decembi'r, 1
A MAN nani\l Eilwanl T. Ilarilv of
Sew York, shot another named W"m. L.
Davis, engaged iu bu-iuess in Waahiug
•oß, for an alleged iriaparii-le wrong to
he former's daughter. The a-saalt was
committed in the City of Georgetown.
A LADY, vrbo asserts that her opinion
is based upon a eloße observation for
rears of the hemale. says that men, as a
rule, regard their wives as augela for just
two months, namtly, a month In-fore
■uarrying her, ami a mouth after burying
AN dd seat'email of Ba'timoro rev
'ntj -two yean of age. visitel a cemetery
m c tmpsuT with his daughter on Sao
lay afternaon and while there pointed j
-ot a spot where he would like to 1-e
•nriril Soon after returning home he
waa seized with ilhies*. aud witbiu three
hours of the time of selecting his grave
he waa dead.
0N tlie 4th af Mir the steamer Rous
wUided 'the French steamer Avn near
Shanghai. The Rons was aunk. .Measr*.
VfcMeekin and MeQtiade. tlie second
ind tknd engineers and M-aara. Hoole
tad Boyle, tiie chief and third officers ;
Dr. Thonpson, and fifty-five Chinese
gjere drowned.
Daring the performance of " A Strong
Cattle in our Lord," at the Jubilee a cor- ;
reapondeut weut outside the building t<-
liatcu. standing in the o|>eu rpace that
-urround" it. The 20,000 voices and 2.
■XXI iuatmments, he says, produced uo
>tber effort upon the ear than that of u
muffled rumble.
NEWS from Monterey, Mexico, repre
sents that General Treviuo has exacted
mother forced loan from the people, and
oil foreigners who ore unable or refuse
ta pay are put in the fortifications to
work. The American Consul protesteii
without effect on tiehalf of the citizen*
of the Uuiteil States,
THE Mobile Register publishes llie fol
lowing personal: A young ladv who ha
been greatly annoyed by a lot of yonug
simpletous who stop under her window
at night to sing -4 if ever I cease to love,"
wishes to say, if they will cease their
foolishness come in aud talk "business,"
they will confer a favor.
TBE sale of hl*ofio<l and fast horses in
Chicago, belonging to the stud of David
\. Gage has closed. The celebrated
trotting mare Clara G. was sold to S, C.
Chase, of Boston, for 15,000. JohD H .
a trotter of fine quality, was sold to Col
onel Luke Berham, of St. Louis, for
7,500. The entire amount of the sale
foots np about 50.000.
Uses of the Coeoannt.
It would be no easy matter to enumer
ate all the a*eful services which the co
coanut, and the other parts of the tree
to which it beloogs, render to mau, es
pecially in the East. The kernel is not
■<aten as we eat it. ns fruit, but is pre
pared in a variety of way* for curries and
.other dishes ; the milky juice is relished
as a pleasant beverage ; the oil ia used in
matt tug candles and marine soap, and, in
tropical countries, lamp oil, ointment,
aud an aid to cookery ; the rain from
the trunk, mixed with the oil from the
nut. and melted, forms a snbs'ance for
filling np the scams of ships aud taint*,
covering the corks of bottles, aud repel
line the attacks of tho white ant; the
root possesses narcotic properties, aud is
-ometimes chewed like the areeanuk
The b-rmtnal bud is esteeuu d a delicacy,
iltbougb not easily obtainable without
cutting down the tree. Tlie sap. or tod
lr. is a beverage, and is also fermented
to produce palm-wme UD-1 arrack spirit,
the dried leaves are used for thatch,
and for making sera n*. mats, Imskeb
xnd a kind of plait; while the mi J-rib of
the leaf serves the nativesasau oar. The
wood of the lower part of the stem ia
very hard, take* a beautiful polish and i*
mown to our turners and joiners as por
cupine wood ; the flbro.ia centre of the
older steins ia worked like coir into cord
age and similar articles. Tbe bask of the
ripe nnt, when cut aero-s, is used for
polishing furniture and scrubbing floors.
Within the nnt is occasion >lly found a
-mall stony suh-tanoe of a bluish-white
color, worn by the Chinese as a kind of
amulet or chai in.
public of Switzerland has just passed
through a reform agitation. The pro
posed new constitution contained the
Mlowiig points : 1. " Military central
ism military service to be univers-d,
and all the arm age-meats, war materials.
Ac., to be under th* ©o*trol of the cen
tral power. 2. ** Unity of kgislation ;"
involving th* abolition of much local and
conflicting law, 8. "Free exercise of
trad* ;" involviaw the abolition of local
restrictions, whhm make a Swiss from
one canton a foreigner in another. 4.
" Freedom of conscience with guarantees
of the right* of the state against the
encroachments of the church ; right*
which have always been upheld by the
state in spite of excommunications." 5.
"The protection of the right ol mar
riage." 6. "The co-operation of tb
confederation in secondary AS well as in
pnmarv education, without whfcli liberty
we will have no root in our soil, the
country will only nourish ma*ters and
slaves, and our republic would no longer
have any cause for existence."
MRS. Loomis, from the East, while
lecturing in San Francisco against Wom
an Suffrage, was interrupted by the
hisses and jeers of the leading female
suffragists, who were prefect. The Hun.
David Meeker insisted that the disgrace
ful conduct be stopped, or that the of
fending women be compelled to leuve
the bad. Mrs. Emily Pitt, the editre-s
of the Pit inter, the Suffragist organ, drew
a pistol on him and demanded an apolo
gy, but was fored to put the pistol in
her pocket by the bystanders.
The heatheu Chinee in Idaho flies
monster kites, which in sir pe resemble
huge spiders, Icps and all, and after
reaching a considerable height mesaen
gers in tbe sbnps of butterflies and
paper birds are sent up ou the stiiug.
Eighty thousand acres of laud are ad
vertised to be sold for taxes in oos
county Of Florida ileus.
Disinfectant* In Mel Ron**. ;
" Doctur, arc not diaiuhotiuit* better
than fumigator*?"
••Tbfrj sre far rndr* 1
"What is the hew one?"
•• Chloride of lime, I ia inexpensive,
awl can he had of any ilr-ggiat."
" How shall it Iw uiedf"
*' Mix the chloride of lime with water
iu the promotion of oue part to forty ol
the water, in a flat diali or basin. ao a* to
expose aa large n eurfaeo as way he to
the air. In eaao the sick patient oee
pica the room, set the diah to the lee
ward of the bed. Hega or elotli way
also tie saturated with the mixture and
plaeeit about the room."
" SupjHiaa, Doctor, that the putrid
odW of the tick si|>artmot w eauaMl t-y
ulcers or sores ou the patient?'
"The sore* or nleera ahould l>e wosh
ed with a aolution of the ehloride of
soda, whioh operate* to destroy the
fetor aud improvea the eotuhtii-n of th*
" la there any objration to ita tiaaf"
" The only one arise* frout the fact
that theehhiride escaping from tin-dishes
or saturated cloths mar eauae the tint*
Lion of the lungs."
" What, then, ia to lie doue?"
" L*t the nurw nae a lew* quantify of
the biatenal at that, and thru gradually
increase it aa the patient may lie able to
i-ear it. The lungs will gradually lieeome
used to it "
•• Are there other good disinfectants?"
"Berermlof them ; but it would be use
less to name tliem all. Bul|>hat of iron
(copperaa) ia a very good one. This ia
teudered more powerful if mixed with
double the quanlity (weight) ot well
powdered charcoal. Two or three table- j
-pointful* of the mixture are to be placed
in the dumber vessel uaed by the sick.
Recently, oar la die acid (readily obtained ,
of the druggist) haatn-eu much used, aud
with excellent effect."
'• Let me impress upon you the great
importance of keeping the room* of the
aick thoroughly diainfevted. All infec
lions matter adhere* with enrprUing te
nacity to the aulwtuuoe* iu the aick room.
Every article of furniture, aud every ar
ticle of dotliiug, ami even the walla and
ceilings become affected. Whether iu
the time of aicknem or in that of health,
every dwelling should he frequently sup
plied with diinfectanta. and theii tht-r- I
onghly ventilated. llememl>er the old
ad.igo, * An ounoeof prevention is worth
a pound of cute.""
Secret C'orrrepomleiice.
A young lady. Dtdy nun ad, tsting obliged i
to show her hust<*u-l all the letter* she wrote,
sent the following to an intimate frien i:
" I can not be nthtinl. my dearv-t fricud.
ble-t as I am in the happy matrimonial slate,
tmle-a I pour Into TOUT warm, rrtend y Iwetn, '
which has always t-cat in unison with mine,
thevariona sentiment iBO-l farmings which w.-l|
with the purwst liveliest pleia-ri •
my aimxt bursting heart 1 tell you uir d-ar
husband is the kindest aud most amiable man
I have now been married some seven weeks,and
have never found th leaat reason, my dear, to
rvpent the day that joins! us My husband ts
both inpenson and manner.tar from resembling
ugly crows.old,sillr. disagreeable, and jealous,
monsters, who think bycootiuing ihustoweure
a wife, it is hw maxim, I must say, to treat a a j
Uaom friend and companion, and not as a
plaything.or worse, a tnenialslaei.the woman
of his choice. Another thing neither party,
he say s<observelahould alwaysobry implicitly,
but each yield pleasantly to the other by turns.
An ancient maid- u aunt, aged ab.)Utseveuty,
a cheerful venerable and pleasant old lady,
lieew in the house with us. She b the de
light of both young and old She is very ci
vil to us all, also to the neighborb-<d round
generous and charitable to the sick and poor
laai convinced my husband likes n--thins mure '
than h# d>* me. He Hatters me tatk h mure j
than the gfwa and his intoxication my dear. 1
(fur such I must call tlie extern of his lovel
oiten makes me blush for the nnwortkiness
of ita object, and I wi>h I w.ui more desrrving
of the man whose name 1 bear. Now, to
OJUIC to a clone—to my all in one word -to
ctown the whole, dear friend, my former barer -
b now my iudulgrnt husi-and My fondness
b returnetl.atid 1 you know have had !
a wealthier man. tart not the A lieity I hud ih
him. Adieu ; iua you be aa blest a* lam un
able at present to wish that I could be more
key to the above letter i* to read the
first and then every alternate Ut-e only '1 he
reader will then see the p-int of thb " secret
eorresjKiode-nce "
MEADOWS. Thousands of meadows
and nplatifl postures are producing less j
than one half the quantity of hay aud j
fewd which the laud ia capable of from a
deficiency of plants of those ktuda which
ore most productive and suitable for the
act!. In some cases, where the pasture
ts very foul with weeds and moss, it is
j advixable to pare and burn the old HW ml.
and reeow the laud entirely, as above di
rected. In some other instances it may
I be desirenble to drain and manure the
jland; but in most cases great improve
merit can be effected by inert Iv sowing
renovating seeds (which should consist
I of the finest aud most nutritions kinds of j
grasses and clovers) iu the following,
manner. Heavy harrows rhould he
drawn over the turf early in the Spring
*o loosen the soil for the admis-ion of
seetls, which, if sown freely, will oceti
py the numerous small spaces Wtween
the grasses already growing, and super
cede the coarse grasses aud noxious
weeds. After the seeds are sown the
laud should Ire earefully rolled. It is a
good practice to sow these seeds at the
same tune as a top dressing, if aDy is ap
plietl; but this ia by no means nereMuy.
The months of February, March aud
April are the most proper for sowing
the seeds the earlier the better, as the
old grass will protect the young from
frost It is also useful to sowr in July
aud August, immediately after carrying
in the hay. Should the okl turf be very
lull of uioss, this is generally an Indica
tion that draining would Ire beneficial.
The following is, however, u alwrost iu
falliable r. rnedy for the mo-s, not nly
destroying it, bat preventing the growth
in the future. Mix two CH t loads of
quicklime with eight cart loads of good
light lonm, turning the compost rev rul
times, that it mny Ire thoroughly mixed
aud the lime slacked, and spread this
quantity per acre over the pasture, drag
ging the turf well with iron harrows.
A WOMAN EXETCTED.— Tbe execution
of Mrs I'll CE be Campbell, wnvicted of
the murder of her hns'iand in the town
ship ot Nissouri, Ontario, in July last,
took place recently. The condemned
woman walked from her cell to the scaf
fold. pinioned and without assistance,
ber step firm, her countenance ruddy
tod healthful, aud her whole demeanor
that of a person in good spirits, satisfied
with herself and all around her. On the
scaffold her clergyman made a statement
corroborating ler last confession, and
bidding farewell to all. and advising all
to take warning from her position.
She hoped U meet them all in Heaven
Tbe drop fell at 8:27 A. M. The rope
was apparently too long, as her feet
nearly touched the ground, thongh her
neck was ins antly broken and she died
without a struggle. Her paramour and
supposed accomplice, Coyle, is in prison
awaiting trial. In her confession she ac
cused him *f committing the marder,
but admitted that she bad been his ac
RING vi. A a SUICIDES. —Two remarkable
suicides recently took place in Paris. A
strong able bodied mar, who wished to
shuffle off the mortal coil, took a long
rope, re ching about balf way down
from tbe fourth story. He then secured
one end of the rope firmly, and tied the
other end not about his neck, hut about
one ankle, Fastened in this manner lie
made a leap from tbe window. Of course
when he reached the end of the rope he
c&rne crashing against the wall of the
house with such force that his brains
were scattered upon the wall and the peo
pie be'ow. The other sought death by
tying his hands and feet and then sticking
his head down between his bed slats, lie
was found upright, but reversed, and ap
pears to have made groat efforts to escape
from the trap he had so carefully pre
SEA-SICKNESS.— A preventive of sen
sickness is to he down ; but it must lie
in the proper direction. The sufferer
should lie with his head toward the bow*,
when he will be, during the descent of
tho ship, iu a position in which there is
a tendency to reduce the natural supply
of blood to tbe brain. Ou the other
hand, if he reverses his position then
the blood will have a tendency to mova
L'om the feet toward the heed.
Execution lu se Jena).
John W. Awry. found guilty of UP
rau-der of Jaenb ErlA, tH txecnted '
llsckensnck, N J. Tha gallows wa* eroc
ted in the main corridor of the male |>ri#
on, only n few feel from Ma old coll. Tin
corridor ia about fifty feet l"p, eight* *i
fret wide, mt<l hits three Uera of uella.
The mmD'olil was ruined f(W (rot frott
the floor, UN. 1 WHS right feet square. LL
I lie center of the pisiform waa inmh.A *
p'scoalmut twelve inches square,on which
Avery wan to ntninl. A small imam wie
braced serosa the corridor, nt the second
tirr of cctU, through whicit the ropi ■
passed, then up through the floor nliove,
j over pulley*, and down into the ch i
; 'hat hid the drop. The weight at file
lend of the ro|ui wot 250 (KXIUU*. Th
1 hangman wu* concealed iu the closet in
which waa the drop. The strength ol
the apphanera were repeatedly tested,
and great care waa taken that no tianU
ahoiitd occur at the dual moment. Tin
J COJH' need waa a common hcuip liue our
tn> h iu thiokneaa, and the uooee waa at
tached hy a metal eatehanap. Tim IMMIS*
•* a strong eon! of five atranda. Avert'#
mother vi-ited htm the night lieforo tin
execution >md hade a final adieu. Both
were vary much diatreweed, and were
closeted alone iu the call for aome time,
The stepfather and toother were the oulv
j relatives who viaited the coudcmued
man nu Friday, lioth rtunonrd with
him up to a few unuute* la-fore lit oil
led to the acaffuld. Avery would fra-
J quciitly hurat into tears and eitibrace
hia hiotber oonrnktvely. Bharfly lieforo
twelve o'clock Sheriff Pell vuited his cell
and rami the death warrant. During the
reading Avery's brother gave vent to a
| loud aetdani and fell to the floor in a
fainting condition. He wa* removed for
a f< w momenta, although Avery begged
hard that be might lie allowed to remain,
-aviug that it waa only a fit from which
he would soon rtcover. At the cutu lu
-ion of the reading of the death warrant
the prisoner lade Imth hi* father and;
brother good by. The brother was com
pletely overcome by hia emotion*, aud
wu* w ith some difficulty induced to leave
the cell.
Aa the mournful cortege entered the
corridor Avery gave a short, nipt) glance
at the gallowa, aud immediately riveted
hi* eyes on the floor. He walked up the
*b*|>a to the scaffold with a Arm atep and
took his position without uttering a
word, although hi* cheat heaver) and hia
hps quivered with emotion. He wan
dreaaed in a gray tweed coat iltid vwt,
dark striped wooleu pants, and wore a
>mail black tie Kvery voice waa hushed
and every eye wa* riveted on the culpri'.
The noose waa fastened to the snap at
tha eud of the rope, and Avery shook
hand* with the clergymen and Vlp-rifL,
bidding each good-by in a low broken
Ibnci Kev. Mr. Rotneyn then made a
prayer, during which Avery aot.bed
aloud several times slid exclaimed
"Christ ht lpiae, "and "Gh <kxl," and
at the close tf tlit prayer ret water) the;
amen of the raiutster. The haud-sbaA-i
tnga aud good-hya ware roper tad. tiie'
clergy meu ai.d assistant sheriffs left th-
Nt-aff. lrl: and btier.ll IVdl said : "John. ,
is there anything you would lika kiv?'' |
Avery r< phed "Ys," and raising bis (
houd. said in a voice quivering with .
emotion ;
UsxTurMß* i You are here to day
see my ■ locution. I am placed upon !
this ac'iffold to die this ignominious
death (or murder. (Hob.) I feel that 1 i
tun guilty of murder, but I had uu gitru-1
Uon to kill the man. 1 hud feeling* j
against him. hut 1 had no id** I waa.
going to kill him when I struck thai
blow. (Sob. J I have repented for this;
I feel that my sins are forgiven by the
Savior w hose mercy is equivalent hi par
don all sin. I had no more intention of
killmg him than 1 have of killliigypo.
Xo soouer hud A vary ceaaerl speaking
than Sheriff Fell rlrewr the black cap
over hw face, and exclaim*! in a low* |
tone, " Ready." Instantly there aooml
cd tlio blow of the axv that cat the rope,
atod Avery was jerk*l into tlio sir. The
rope slacked but little, atul the body fell
buck aud hung motionless for a moment,
when the 1 g* moved slowly backwards 1
and forward*, and were slightly con
tracted. A few seconds later there wa*
a quivering of the hands, and the lingers
w< re i-nunpcd and pressed tight to the
; palm*. Tlu-ti the arms were drawn tip
ut the sides a fur us tbo pinion* would j
, admit. This was followed by a qnrvW
; ing, shrugging motion of the shoulder*,
and the U-ga war* again slowly contract I
ed. The drop fell at fourteen minute*
past twelve o'clock, and at twenty-tws
minutes pant twelve a slight tremitding
iof the html* was the hud *vnip:o:n of
life, and Dr. Burdett, who felt of the'
i pulse, detected but a alight heating. At
iwentv-*ix minutes past twelve the pulse
ceased entirely, death having ensued at
precisely twelve minutes after the fall of
the drop, 'lhe body was ct down nt
forty uiiuutes past twelve a'Mock and
given to tbo charge of the step-father.,
who had a coffin brought to the jail
early in the morning. The neck was,
not broken, death nstflfitog from n#-|
While the body was hanging, the
brother Thomas was pacing an qtitside
hall, almost bereft of hi* reason He
screamed and tore his hair, aud de
manded that he tie admitted tt* the eor
tidor. In hi* frenzy be would strike the
door with hia dtnehed flut and creaui
"My God. why don't won let iue in
there!" "Let me in, I say!" "Mi
God ! oh, my God !" Sheriff Pell finally
detailed two officers to care for him.
The hearse wbicli ounvcrml tbu remain*
to tliiscity leit the jail-yari!, A few mfu
ntos past one o'clock. The crazed
brother would not believe the remains
were iu the coffin, even after la-ing so ■
asstm d by his H'epfatlier. As the i
hearao was leaving the j.iil-yatd however
he canglit sight of it. and rush; d uia<llv
down tbestraet. He overtook the hear-e
ut the corner of Main street., A few rmls
from the jail, and gotnpon the sent with
the driver. The remuins will be interred
in this city.
The ami ty to sec the execution was
HO great that a field at the side of the
jail, from which could be seen, through
the opcu jail-window, the hatifftUAn's
rope, was tilled with spectator* Bo
! desirous were they to catch a glimpse of
the dead body being aiisoeiult'd, Miat
many of them wnded nearly waist deep
in A muddy pool, from which was afford
ed the tet view. A* the drop fell they
*lion(erl and whistled, aud lu-came so
twisterons that a posse of officers was
sent to drive them away.
A Prnuc-SnrniTED WIDOW.—A widaw,
living in Fmnklin county, N. Y., recent
ly nt tempted to apply Ljnoli Uw to a
bull-dog that worried liar childn-n on i
their way to and from school. The dog j
wa* noted for hi* irritable temper and
aggressive disposition, and had been a
terror to the children of the neighbor- ,
hood for over a year. The widow, arm
ed with an old borne pistol that had be
longed to her husband, and a stout rope,
set out with her children—a boy and
girl—for the scbool-house. On panning
the abode of the owner of the dog, the
animal rushed out at the children, as
usual. The mother levelled her pistol
and fired. The ball took effect in the
dog's shoulder, and he fell yelping to
the gronnd. The mother then threw a
slipping noose, at the end of her rope.,
over his head, drew the knot tightly
around his throat, snd began to drag
him toward a roan-side tree. By this
time the owner of the dog had come out
to see what was the matter, and prgeavi
ing thr* peril of hia favorite, ho rnfhvd
to hia rescue. The avenging mother did
not condescend to enter into any contest
with the owner of the dog. but allowed
him to remove the rope and carry his
t>et into the house. Two days afterward
he carried the dog's liody nnt of the
house. Tlio neighlKirs overwhelmed the
widow with thanks for ber spirited con
duct, and the children now go to and
from school without molestation.
Eastern farmers little appreciate the
attractions of cultivating the soil iu the
West. Iu lowa, for instance, the son*
of toil are fighting the potato bug, chinch
bug, cut worm, wire worm, grub worm,
army worm, gophers, gronnd sqnfrreV
mice, rats, meadow bole, caterpillar, j
curculio, blackbird, mischievous neigh-!
borsaud stock, rambling
A shower of fish bones fn the interior
of scw York la the latest recorded aatuai
i'lrltom Trauma Terfwmanaa, M
The Indianapolis SmUud give# tha f<d
'••wlng aqppnui ..of a bajloon aarsnthin of
• young *fe| hftiutfcl
Utoua Dure, who dots inarv|oiw |,t
■lata tl|* trapete In the circus. Th* trial
rip was made at a point about nine tnllea
>nltieat of onr city. The hsltoon wa*
'itfUtcd and at a iptarter to h waa net
loose, and the fine formed henna, inctrcn*
1 clothes, dangling downward from the
1 tratu-ite bar, holding In her teeth a au*n
which encircled the waUt of Tommy Half.
1 tier companion for her flr*t voyage In die
|r, U-lk terra limit. Everything was
1 *lll a death, and It was observed that
llnll Weakened a little, hut the pluekv
"(juewn ot AnlllW*,"!'*""*. w*> prffcftfv
■and. Jurt as aoon aa they left (he earfli
I .eona coniiiienced spinning llall around
antil It luade ua gu' 'v. After Hill peg
fonnanee, and aboQt three hundred feet
in the sir, they commenced their hilalutin
nerfonnance. and known in show language
0 the don big tr*|v*e, aud ti*ry
toily who I tea attended the rimtrTan
imagine much better than we can deocritie
' <heir various evolution* Add gyrstioua.,
They perftireied aH of the dtfflrnh end
hazardous feat* at an altitude of a half
mile, with the same reck lees daring that
charactrftfes their performances under
the pavilion, where, if they were te tnm
1 ''le, tlo-ir fall would yii't exceed thirty
fret. Up, up, they went, nnrfl they were
' scarcely larger than our hand*, and when
we looked at them through a glass pro
vided for the occasion, we breathed free
and felt a relief to ee that they IIMI ,
climbed a|-on their trapeze bar ard were
apparently enjoying a Mt-n-M* while rest
ing from their exciting and periloas exer
cises The balloon doacended very rapidly
and landed about a half mile from the
starting point in an o|>en field, and our
party rode up In time to witness their
alighting. Hall waa silent and oobcr.
while I.eona laughingly aaid to Warner,
'• ilow was that for high I"
A Fstrrxx t?f A ilAT.—Abont the year
IHffi (says a letter from C-dmart a po< r
journeyman turner, of the name of M tilde,
badly shod and with a wallet on Ills back,
entered the vtU>c in *hivU stood th
machine (Snttffxjf JIM. Wpfl A fktQfrotu
and appliwt for w->rk. His raggedextrrTor
did out speak much in his favor, and M
Weil, to whom he had applied, refused to
engage him. The workman sorrowfully
turned on his way. All of a sudden he
wa# recalled by the voice of the owner of
the manufactory. "Slop: what sort of
a bat is that yon wear F' " A wooden
hat." >"A wooden hat f I.ct me look at
it eloaerf When* did you bay llff' ♦'!
made It myaelt. sir." " And bow did jrou
make it t" H Olk.M the isrning-lalbwr'j
" Hut your hat Is ovat, and the thing#'
made on the lathe are round." *Yee,
that is true," answered lh workman-"but
n ayMe of that 1 made the liak I dia-
MlneMst the centre, and then turned it as • j
| pVrasfcd. 1 required a hat what would;
• answer the purpoee of an uinl>rlla, and
as 1 had tu> money U> tmy one I was
.obliged to make this for myself." The
■ poor workman had instinctlvtjy discovered
I the /fact hod of eccentric turning, which'
, wgs to prove of so tgueh iraportanne in i
' gipdern mechanic#. M. W'eii jierceived
i w{th the keen sightcdnra* of a clever
j mannfiirtorer the imwwnse importanee at
the diacovery. He retained the man with
i Uu- wt. den hat, and found him not mere- .
(Jy a skillful workman, but a gi-uiu*. Uiat
on! * wantc! opportunity and a small de
j grew of culture tor its developemeiit. The
, workfian Uuhle soon oktaiaed a sliare in
' 'he protita of the business, and i-ecame.'
1 it.-r on. andgr the nmne ot Moulin, the
I proprietor of it. He died a abort time,
| since posseaird ot a large fortune.
The California Mustang.
p The native CaTilbrnia horse, like the !tt- i
-11*11, will anOQ be nuniU-fd aiuuug tin
thing* ■>< tin) pact. With aH W dekrctsdM-.
ha* qualities and points ot raw- value, that
should bu prtkvrvi-l. lie can thrive and
,wi*wae the wr kngbah
bluoils neid srarvc t r* Mec% atwl swrw
. looted a* the mule, while hia power* of:
endurance in the harm--* or under the*
-addls are uoequallcd. lie M small of -ts
lure, but a-symmetrical as the Arabian;
, • ild by nature, and often vicious, but al
' wa> s *|Mritt, and. with proper training
fiitl kind tnaipient, Itequtftiy exhibits >.
11l the etUwtlmiiteaar-lkilbtfMaf tlaafost I
hrceds. It is no unroißnion feat for htm to
cartr a good rider ltK) miles in a day, and '
it i* clamor! that many ot them can go
lunch further m that time. We have area
specimen* that, at the age ol aixUrtjn years
were a* cay inA fiery a* the best bfooded
five year-olds, ami (bat would kill the (
most •-nduriag ol tbrra on a short or lung
journey. As saddle hor*es they are pro
(erred "by all w ho know tbem bi-vt, aa thev
ate also lor tbeir tight work. If ha* a'-!
way* sretned to us passing strange tbal
no attempt ha* ever ywt Iwa-n maile
.iu California to preserve the admirsbU
iqnwfiri*s of this ancient stfle of horses in
i their purity. To permit tbem to ignobly
perish, as nowr seems likelv. would w a*
-iiigwlar a* unfortuuate— l'fH/um SigooL
THaMAtgaLAW.—ThefollowiDK. from i
a Western correspondent, has the merit
ut trntti, and shows bow sly and*hwinor
twin are Ihe methods adopted to airotim
veut laws enacted to prevent the vend
ing of alcoholic Is-veragen : Daring Ihe
brief existence ot the Maine hd' ,or l* w •
live showman (uot ArUmna Ward) made
hia ap|>earanoo in , with a null, ;
dirty, Uttered cavna knnt, n Imlf-ttart- j
(bl vt'ilf, and a stispicioua-looking krg. •
The adtniwum fl Un Ui#* wa*
, cheerfully pail"by a iftiftilk* fit
sports." tfno manifested a pectlHarly j
strong ! cat re to see this very oummwu i
and villaiDaus-lookiiig sjiecimen of the
animal kingdom. But the oddest part
ot the show to the bv-standefs was, that
one particularly haru old cnae had prei
ned in to " lo take guother look at flizt
wolf" no loss tlisu seven times during
the afternoon, The aeeret waa at last
revealed. After several unsuccessful at
tempts to start for home, he approached
ne tent door with an utmUaily step, I
and handing his last dime to the show
man (!), bioootighcd, "I b-blieve I'll
tnke atti wore look nt tbnt irotf.' *"
Hrwwrtt SitoWk**- —BednchoTi of pa-}
caaiß.tbe order ot fbv day at the large
dry-oood don# in Xew I'otk, a ta.L
ionniile lunTnal aava, and < otnai nn.-h
eatHff tliau nsuak Gagt-ful alaf>pcfw
thai, seromtmble fr* d- ur#
alrendy te*;jier cent T>trer (ban thay
were in tlt sprint. Btofty pribts Tift;
new dusigtis arc aold for IP cent,-. (Fygrd ;
piques in the new satin strfpaa. Lhough 1
! Bot of heavy qnaljli?, are from lo To T<),
cents; mid Dolly Viudoa rd|iarafi *Hh
buff and Rray grounds stamped with
! brilliant floweiu, are I2| coots a yard.
American oimbrics and pcrmlea, in the
even strips that moke up so effectively,
are 25 cents ; and for a triflo more can
bo hnught those 'loft-finished percales
with wtylisli dOve-eolor and buff grontKl# j
with bold stripes ol white. These wash |
gooda are now so simply made that {
they no longer require a French latin-'
drea* to do tliera njs aad eonseqttentiv
can be worn with more comfort
Our fntnre la always before tts. The
paat is Iked. No tear# Can wadi away fu 1
fads. 1 bet u waste no vain regret* upon j
it; bnt from tha wiadorn lU mistakes and j
sina have bequeathed as. start afresh on i
the race. Themrh yesterday we were -
weak, selfish, Indolent, let. ns to day—at
this moment—begin to be strong, brave,
hopeful, just, considerate, generon*, teu- j
det\ trntiifn 1 , pure, patient and forgiving.
"Now r, fck* a glorious word. "Hcnoe-i
forth:" is always within our grasp.
Wuv A \fcfct. W J'¥ W r
sistin rnilr<id |ars|il§r
they ll4C|##W3# Tfy. P'' f 1 # 1
-day,"a |ta;Mgflon|tp trA jt Ac
civ (were Aim llfcivilt-d lomC p" 1 I
wbaat)it9tHn.Aun§yl llJk' vm m §p- p
poitiuii'y not to be lost, and he rushed :
Zt anrt Hn.ped tigfit akrfn* I
pillar of the depot, and nearly knocked his
I gram* out. Better have waited till anoth
j or time
i a. " " I,
The advertisement of a Western atone-!
ontter reafiaX,*!' Thoae *ho buy tomb
attmat ol ua laok with pjide and eatiafao
tiba on the gnvM ol their friaada "
. Ti,L I'AMMI. j
Wa bar* just revived liom rel ablc
aolhprity, aajr* a Now York fashion jour
nsUth* earuent Information ahmit the
fabric* bvluf pVcimred fn tha Lyons
faelorlrw for fan atwl winter eoatnmea.
Aa miiiiy *f our fnr-dmtant iwrotera viait
New Yo'zk in tbo suaituer to aaka pur
ebnaeM for tbe Beit aoasou, w* uarrate for
ttu-ir ln-neftt tha hint# we lmvo gathered
Of the fall fashions.
Kudi dat k uobira, such as nut brown,
cyprcfw green, and plmn oolor. will again
prevail for day drew***, while, on the
contrary, Hght.'alinoat Inviaible tint# will
continue to be worn for evening aUtre.
There wilt also ba new afibcta in tha un
decided shadings now ui vogue ; now
gm-na tliat by varying the light are made
to look blue, aud green* that have gray
widjßlive abiding, ...
■ watt,-au and Pompadour broewded
figure* Will roeppaar )B very rich falllaa
aud valveta, to lie usnd a* ports of cua
tumea, either aa over dreosea ur traina.
will lie retained, though few en
tire txwtumea will he atripedT Bilk* nt
aobd ivitoe will MOB aa tlw foundatAou
nf Ae dreaa, with tabliero, alavetaas
basque*, and fhmneea ot atri|iea.
Embioidered <!re*e* will be the first
eh<iiec of the next Season. Tlieae are so
COM ly that tbvy can never bctxnne com
moti The upri.ii, flounces, ami basque
of rich silks will be elalf irately em
broidered with aitk of the same color—
tone opon lone, aa the French aay. The
apron, which t* to do duly a* an over
skirt, will lie entirely covered with Una
Hue work.
Iu woolen gooda tbo fall importations
am already arriving. Among these i a
new silk-factwl poplin, twllod the Lorne,
of goat's hair, slightly twillal. with]
smooth ami glossy surface. It ia nhowa
IB rich dark cloth oulura of variona
shade*, ia nearly a yard wide, aingla fold,
aud costs 65 cents a yard.
Woo) cratonne in soft gray, aabes-of
rofx-s, aud wood brown tints ia being sold
for dn-*wo* for (be present soa*oa aa well
aa tlw uext. This is "imply a fine rnotta
selim- da lame, with even, round, cluaeiy
twist el threads. It ia almost as heavy
ta eU|ircMH detb, yet ia as aolt as cash
no-rv, aud ia tuiod for traveling and
giurafaig suit*.
• ■ -1.
The Man That Didn't Like Tripe.
Lmton, the actor, delight-d in peculiar
sort of praoticid julung in the atrowta.
Walking on* day witii Mr. Miller, a
theatrical bookseller, bo happened to
neutron case ally that be was going to
have Iripe for dinner, a dish of which bej
was psrUcaluily fund. Millar wlro hated
I it said ;
"Tripel beaatly rtuff! How can i
yon to eat it f"
That waa etiongh for Liatou. He'
stop|>e*| suddenly in the <-o>wJo.l tlior
oughfsre, in front of a liwiw, aud bold- j
I Ig Miller by the arm, exdaimed in a .
! Uwd voice :
I "What, air! Do vow mtvnlo aaaert 1
that yon don't like tripe t"
"fiumT mutbaml Miller, " don't (
talk oo laqd ; people arv staring at ua." j
" I a*k yon air,' continued Liatou, in
i auU louder tooea, *do yon like tripe f" I
" For heaven's sake bold your tongue!" i
cried Millar ; " Yon will bare a crowd '
atoned as."
And naturally iieople began to atop
and wouder what was the matter. This I
wa* exactly what Ltaton wanted, and 1
again be aboated :
"Do yon mean to aay yon don't like
tritw ?"
j AliiW, makitig a deapeiafe eflort, broke
fruui him. and hurried away io oonaterna
tion, f alltHve,! by I Aston 1M W ling after
1 him !
" There he prwa! That's the man that
. .loeeo't like triiot !'* to the immense
| amusono ut of the irunoruus wayfsns,
many ot whom rwnguiaed the p<ipular
. conacdinti, till the liorrittt-d bookseller
' took te bis h"e!s and nn as If for life, j
pursued to hw very dmrstep by a pack
'of young logui iffius, who U>jk up the
cry :
" There he goca 1 The man that don't
EH Perkins fn Hostoß.
I found Boston jammeil with people,
nays Eli Pertrins, aud having owe of the
irrandtwt ißternsriotia) mumrwl triumph#
of this or any "flier country. She was
iliai tag I Hitter mnaic and more of it than
I w di£ll e*'- r toe together
again ia tkm generation. I found thr
Jubilee a musical and financial ai*ereas. I
1 found a akßpßuftoww four arte CoHaeum,
ciwtinxr, with musical appoint men ta, up
1 ward ol SSCfIti I OPO-W feet long and 350
feet wide. 1 saw 20.000 people, aocom-
I pnnie<l by a balf-dezen louids, aiugißg in
chom# to an andietice of 40,000, 1 saw
a gigantic otgwn equal to 10,000 httniao
voice*, and blown by a ven-borae power ;
steam engine, f saw- an orchestra of
1,000 instrutuenf# Inl by such men as
Straus*. Godfrey. Franz Abt, nnd Gil
more himself, i row 165 New England |
cburrli choir#, which had been drille<l
through by Mr. Tonrjeo for five months
singing iu ntiiaon ; then in the evening
I saw 20,000 beautiful women and brave
men covering four acres of waxed floor*,
lighted by 2,500 gaa get*—an annv
i dannng to the king music of two hemt
. sphere*, preaided over by the moat dis
(ingnihcd music roaster# of the Old
World—then I picked up some jealoma,
narrow-minded New York papers, filled
with disparaging account* sod ungallant
thnuts at the only city in Ann riaa which
1 can, or ever has or ever wjll pnt through
| to pefffeat aueorws such a magnificent aud
juwlofkal muricad triumph.
A PZOJKCTED RAawAt.—The project
of a railway ter the tranvportatwii of snips
{aaua%tbe ethuii* of Hvtnhir#, ketwew
Puerto and Caballos on the Atlantic and
Bay of Fomeen on the Pacific tide, I* now
urged in earnest, and a prospectus for
"The Honduras. Ten I'ee Cent. Govern
ment Sb)p Railway Loan" ha* appeared in
thsLondoa papers. The plan, it wrill be
n-fee*) be red. V |, to rsi-e vessels from one
ocean by hydraulic hit* and then tram
port them "oa a track acroas the istbmua,
alter wbicb it would be aa ea-j matter to
to launch tbem in the waters of the other
ocean. The proposed railway Lack is to
Ibe twentv-*ve fo-t wide, with twelve
rails. A ship weighing, with its cargo,
j 2 000 tfiffa. wontff be supported on MB
j wheels, bv which the weight would be so
I distributed that the pressure on each rail
wooid not j* eftcesfirw The prqjKtfin of
t Iks Compart? Mve Hgared but es.-rtnou*
profit#'or the entorpine, which they ea
tiiasde can be carried tbn-ugh for the
mau*t ate sum of S7S,CKW 1 pOO. for the
uB el this money thet are wilting to pro
mise to pay ten per cent, per annum.
I They will probably get enough subscrip
tion# to remunerate tbem for their trou tile
and ingenuity t bringing the matter be
fore the public; but the road ta not awry
likely to l>e built juat at present.
ployed printer* of the city, aay* the New
Fork Star, have issued a circular for a
; meeting of tha craft, declaring that very
many <>f their craft have long been with
out "work, and that some of them are
' almost in a starving condition, while
many others who have work are earning
from S3O to $35 a w eek on aome of the
morning papers. Those out of employ
ment seem to think thnt they should
bhure in the work of thoae who have
1 good rotoaUona here. These unfortunate
men, so long out of employment, must
! consider the reason why so many arc out
of work here. The high prices paid in
: New York for com|MiMttoti have takeu
one-half of the work formerly done in
j tbo City io Old England New EuglanJ,
, Wast rn New York, and elsewhere. Ail
j through the country we observe that the
i typo on Many weekly newspapers is now
being " set up" by girls. The scale for
type-iottinp in New York is considerably
liighcr than country prices, aud the talk
ft Mill higher prices or nborter time, has
Irfrented a great many publications eou
ftroplated a few mouths since.
I w ERT LIKII-T.— The Khedive of Egypt
win received with royal pomp by the Sul
jtn. It would lie sale to bet that the
Sn'tan demanded hi# presence in Btram
houl and ordered Ismail to bring along
: sinnu stamps with him. The first thing
! Attfiul Aaiz knows the Khedive will whip
the conceit out of him and dwlare the
absolute independence of Egypt. He hsa
not bought all? those Krnpp guns and *ur.
rounded himself with a staff ot
' cttPuwy cttoen for nothing.
. The Mrmorj,
II waa aaid of Thorean, wa beliave,
that be could tak* tin any grvan number
of tsad-prncils without conn ting. A
tvl*' ruled trapper otto* a-it rod ua that
lie emild tell how many lutll* be bad in
hia bullet-pouch by placing hia band on
it and without skipping to count them,
aud added, " 1 can tell the number of
bullet* inatenUy without counting, ea
yon pronounce a word without spelling
It" Bouthey waa accustomed to take
in the eubatance of a book iu turning
the leaves over continuously, glancing
down the |iagea. llouduu the magician
trained hiamelf to quieknaas of percep
tion whim a boy, by running neat a
show-window at fall speed, ana then
trying to tell what was in it We once
met a men on a canal boat, who wae
amusing himself by going from pas
senger t' paaaenger, and telling almost
every one where h<- bed seen tbem be
fore, on meh e train, in such a hotel, in
In euch a street, giving date aud plane
to people with wuom he had never ex
changed a word. Thia training of the
facultiea in particular directions is car
ried to a marvelous extreme by woods
men, trappers, and men wbo gnna* the
j weights of animals Perhaps the most
' remarkable iustaucea are tue markers
who leap from log to log at the mouth
ul a boom, aUndiug on tha floating log
and translating instantly an old mart
into a new one, remembering what eqi
vahmt to give for each of a hundred
marks, and chopping it upon the log in
the time that it float* its length. It ia
aaid that Thoreau knew the relative
order of the flowering of all the plant#
|in the Concord woods, and knew the
note of every hird, aud a thousand other
out-of-the-way thing* besides.
WHAT A Worn* Pi-ixau OCT or A
I VALIM!.—FUIIUV tilings eometimca occur
| iu the roans of a photogniplier, aa well
aa serious ones, and iH-rliafta one of the
I moatacrit •comic incident* that overtook
tlace in a picture gallery, was that which
appi-iied in the parlor'of a prominent
I phouqjrnplu-r in Cievehuid, 0., a few
days since. A ladv, evidently from the
country, breathing hard, a* if fr in se
vere exercise and carrying a large-sized
carpet aark of the otd fwhiuncd kind,
entered the artist'a rooms aa Middi-uly a*
if propelled f. otn i eltind, and cardeaaly
throwing her carpet-coverwd valise ink*
one eorner, tiegsn to inspect the differ
ent specimen* of pictures in the show
rates and upon the walla. After half an
hour sjx-nt in this manner, she approach
ed oue of the attaches of the shop and
asked to aor the different styles of chil
dren's picture#. These ahe" rioaely ex
amined and finally selected a certain pic
tnre of an infant, anJ inquired af the
artist what he charged for taking a pict
ure like thai. The prior waa named,
and she remarked that it was sattxfac
ory, and *aid she wu!d have one taken
ike that. "Where's the child f o--ked
•the photographer. "Hereit ia," replied
the woman, and stepping ov.-r to the
orte-r ul the room where she Lad thrown
her carpet-beg upon entering, ahe pick
ed np the latter, opened it* mouth, aud
from its cavernous depths brought up an
infant that bad oeen dead for twenty,
four hour* at leant. The look of curi
osity upon the nrtis 'a face gave place to
one* of horror, but his customer wa
in dead earnest, and nothing remained
for him but to perform hia work, after
which the woman stowed away the de
ceaacd lathe in her valine and departed
PwrTErno* rom Emaßxjrt*.—At the
lost meeting of the t'ommiaaioners ot
Emigration, hi Id in New York city. •
r<►rr*wjoudne- between Mr. Ca*aeriy.
.Superintendent of the board, and the
Umanl General of the German Empire.
Dr. Rosing, relative to tiie adoption by
the German Government of measures for
the protection of German emigrants in
the selling or exchanging of thoir money
liefure embarkation and during the voy
age, wan hud twfore the Board. Mr.
Ouserly call* the attention of the Consul
to the frsada practiced on emigrants,
when exchanging gold and silver coin
for U. S. currency and the purchasing of
draft* on peraons doing bnaioeoa in New
i York City and elsewhere in the United
State* previous to embarkation at Bre
mem and Hamburg, and other porta;
and be states that the commiaaioncrt are
satisfied that the loan to each emigrant
averages from five to ten per cent., in
addition to which he i subject to fraud
by counterfeit or worthless paper. Mr.
Cassrrly aaka that those intending to emi
grate bo warned against exchanging
their money before arnval here, and that
Mich legislation may be adopted as will
insure them the receipt of the full mar
ki4 value of their money when exchanged
In Germany or on German vessels com
ing to this port Dr. Rosing replies
that the evil referred to has been fully
recognised by him, bu he does not ace
how it can be remedied by legislation
without interfering with the freedom of
commerce, but promises to do all in his
power to bring the matter liefore his
Government, and recommending perti
nent action.
The phytiolocicol action of quinine hsa
lately tieen the subject of detailed experi
ment by Bins, who foond it to have ex-
Laordinory power in arruating the pro*
eeas of fermantation and pnttefacttoa,
and to be a powerful poiatm for low or
romisma, or, in other words, foral! mov
ing bodies conaistittg of protoplasms.
It appears to kill fuagi snd bsctena,
which sooompany fermentation and
putrefaction, and puts a stop to these
proo- anew. It airesta the motion of the
white blood corpuscles, snd thus pre
vents tbem from making their etft from
the b ood-vessels It, therefore, dimin*
isbos or arrests the formation of pus in
11iff*tarnation, pus consisting in great
measure* of an accumulation of whit*
corpuscles which have issued from the
vessels. It also destroys the power of
certain substances to produoc ozone.
The red blood oorpuscles have tbis
power, and, by depriving them of it,
quinine, when present in the blood,
tnast diminish the change of tisane in
the body, and thereby lessen the pro
duction of heat It is also found that
quinine lessens oxidation in the blood ;
other subatanoes, such as snake poison,
inereosing it When putrid fluids are
injartod into the circulation of an animal,
its temjieratnre rises ; but if these are
previously mixed with quinine, this rise
m arrested, or very much diminished.
According to Zuntz, the use of quinine
has s marked influence upon the excre
tion of urea, the amount diminishing
very greatly.
PATRICK Momuasxr, of Buffalo, aged
28, while intoxicated, stabbed his
mother with a carving knife killing her
instantly. _
EntToatAL OputtoK*.— An advertise
moot is, as a general rule, an elaborate
enloginra on the merits of something
which tha advertiser desire# to sell. The
editor* and publishers of the paper in
which it appears are not responsible
for iu statements: Sometimes, however,
highly Important discoveries or inven
tions, announced to the world through the
badness departments of the pro##, seem
to drmand a few words of editorial com
tnendalion. We hsve no hroitation in
saying that the exoellent medicine intro
duced by Dr. Joseph Walker, of Califor
nia, under the name of VIXBOAK BITTKRS,
belongs to tbis category, snd has a Just
claim to a favorable notice. There can
be no dnnbt as to iu utility aa a tonic,
stomachic and alterative. We are cog
nizant of many insUuoe# in whioh it has
cured cases of chronic dyspepsia, supposed
to lie incurable, and know that the esll
ination in which It is held a# a remedy
fur bilious and nervous disorders intero
mittent arid remittent fevers, rheumatism
and general debility, isfoai ded on experi
ence and well deserved. The testimony
of "a nlood of witnesses" goes to show
that it is eminently useful in a large ma
jority of the disorders to which the human
family are subject. The fact that it con
tains no aloohol commends it to the confi
dence of that large and increasing class of
the community who insist that all spiritn
ous stimnlanu are active poisons.— Com.
RrrTTRi can be en red without suffer-
S. Elasti# Trusses are superseding all
em. Before bxrying Metal Trasses or
Uupporters, eend for a ducriptive circu
lar to tha Elastic Truss Cfo., 088 Broad
wgy, V. Y.—Cbro.
I'rovrp ITH Stpuioritt. BarnaU'*
Buoodlb® for tta lf!r hot proved it* anp*-
rioriey ow all oth*r prepxr atloßi. —Cm.
A* * rrmHy for Bronohial Affection*
■nil Chroolo th* Lnnga, nothing
ever before di*r<rr*d rqn*l Dr. Plero*'*
Golden Medinal Iliacoverjr. 604.
you wi*L to bar or **ll, wriu> to Charlm
W. H AMI.M, Na 7 \V1! bk, N. Y. •
How too tub joa ar* to i< adnovo by foe*
and intHHjtiii'w* wuea yoa out not only 101 l and
drive tlx in out of the boot* but koett them out
- <t prfily liaral*** to asintal lite. had
*lao kiu *ll four*. roerbra, Immote an p'tfid,
t . b umuk aumuMk'* PhldtM Powder (hut
A Ileal It Dealing Powder. Clan *n<t large peck
•a* of powder rant free by etpreoa fir 11.00.
Agent* Wanted. *'tw Ulfe Co., M Cbrt*
laud Hi., Ne* York—(Coot.]
Craww Barm, fwa, roegh akht pteptaa,
1 rnR-wurm, *alt-rb*aui, and other caUnaoo*
I tfrrliinx. eared, and the *ki mad* soft and
•mouth, by new* the Jt'vtm fan Hoap mad*
by Ciwtix, Hacaov A Co.. New York. It 1*
more cvmrimtent and really applied than other
mnedtea, avoiding the lrouble of tba gra*y
compound* now in tut*—fto.
WheMier for nae eo man or baaat, the Mer
, chant'* Gargling Oil d I !<> found an invaluable
I.uuaietit. and worthy of na# by every resident
iin the land. W* know of no propnidAnr mndi
r m or art trie now uaerl in the United Hivtee
i which ab area the good will of the people to a
' greater decree than thio.—Jf. T. JWiapeadeuf.
Rave ynaaeew the la'eet Novelty 1 If not,
iCO to the Gent'e Kumirhinf Hlonw and call tor
the Eltuwel Collar. It ha* folded edge*, la a
i<*rfoet At and wul keep c'ean longer than aay
; other outlay. Try it—Cbra.
T have elcrant hrhi Biscuit*. Bolls, Bnck
i wheat Cain*. Prnit Pumt.llng*, Ac., you abould
i nee Dooler'a Y#*et Pwdair. Ask ynwr Grocer
' for it. It to a pure Baking Powder—Ota.
"Can't do Without lt M -nia to whet the
stage and hetaa oar dWRMRItd. b*rry-etal! keeper*
: u. ruber* of the torf.e d all greoraa aad tnlnaro aay
j <>| Iba Kant AM Lumrewt • They oral do without
ia." Aed why I Bcwara M tatatltbty rMaet tb*
11 imaal ai|tiiil iln whlcti, aader variant oaiaa*.
impair th- aarfu-nwa u>4 vahw of the ktag of *u*A.
runada. and aiao because, tor •pra-ee. stratus. rail*
and other tnjartoe to which tin Aaab to la
th* art iraatwo*hy |naparatiaa m tha market
i Vrt thr.c rer mmendaitooe compels* only a yiniae
at It* >'iai te public ooufideuer Paring a pOd
I a# marc than at atom year*, it has ba* rwongalaad
j as a apael*c tor many of the nut aaeniciag Amor
j dee* which aflkd the human toaally-md m ftwa-
I matiam, gert neuralgia. *umbagu. ttedoioraua aor*
! throat earache, toothaehe , and likewise aa a jwwr
toes awpßntti i for euta. bratom. boms and acaldu.
Beat nod Ola rut rurally M*girla*.-ht
tofi tow Je**** refer—A purely tegeuhie OUtor.
tie and Tbefe—for Pyprnaia. CaaewOM. Milto,
! fHcttalMMkdhtflllMir A WHkcJl# AA4 Imt A4Hntft|f4Hßkl^k(Sk
of Ltear. Momerb and Boarela ** year hruckW
lor M. Anear* f lau/ehea* —ICom i
Br. WlrtaCi Kahaatr W'M fkrrn u*i
1 mmtoa** OS and a form * u*f" for hWe *ad eerum
.1 u—ettoitrai laaaaudahaat. Il eate* a rang*
I br kmmetag and rnunuag Ih- laser *d ii*>oa nr.-
I lira; U>— ..n m> go um, ia*l*ad *f drying op tb*
| anagh and laawae ih dmi bah nd.—cam.
*1 eonr th* lifllwat<rm n rubra, uhtoh u <m
-1 irrun 8 lea* -Clnmxe oiarrhoM nf loa r rtaadiag
I u dime* I -V and *ilaualto* iwUim. mi am a a
: ibjr 11 an II '* tits yaw. ea tourdb the am il<dar
j Bib' i of Jduo*. aaod*wr tWaaf. Wa knaa aland
! ra aßrm.—<bn.
OrietaAia* FiimUin* Hair Dy* Had* oa-tratod and
1 dour lb menu baea kan m ummh rnbilrirtpl
kitM ' ratad—ramoelhiai an *
, turthar—eothraa ora bath-Da.
! Th* omhartua rant and MKearad he tha ■hyU-nm
: BU tibd" IMwAMMk' to*BdAChto6Adk4toA BH tA6h
am star eomiwwd*d and add andar lb* earn* of Par
am'* Par> ran Prlla—Ora.
Fiacy r Intaot Relief baa atoud lam'f yaara' Mat b
warranted to ctm iradtm 'Utay teab Chram*tor, Kea
i — —ah. u . KacU aclara.
j ' OtßtrahfoaU -Am
Himoial Notice*.
bra Health hrgalatad.
j ftof-nagtoet tap* th* tuendwam* af ma*b baddy raf
larise Aa a ml* men am map* nitbdlara a* repair and
, gypßhßCV# tiww bwUMMk, wtoc% Ht ffyj* ghlSgsg
j aid* pe*partr ihaa ta repair aad praaarra thamratraa.
Thay era am nam a wmH nt*au a prop, era uaah
•uwetom a gwdar. but a*prar ta be aeaouaaram of. ar
' tadfCaaael I*, th* c*aak* aad ttou* aad eridraea* af
: 4 ma* ta lhatr aaa trail and aaraftma alflmltoaa.
that thoauaifo tell by the weymd# til the pro* af IB
j mmi year ehe aught ham Irrad ta raw * hatoaed
haarly aid tga. 8 tnay had i inrtil ts the propar mma
•f rraratuac thnr failtag tncor at b* proper lama.
Seectif what thai iameur ranttatag aad iarigeraunt
abas. RntrCrf * tupra Bita***. he* den* far sous*
' torn BelWafM of th* aererraand and t rohra dawn, and
wiib th* loo*, aabrahm record of it* asm* tutor* him,
jlt taraw amoatar tha* aay oußerar torn prramtum
deaay. bcvtub. urakaeeo, dyapep**. toboueeem. chrome
' i oomtapatfoa. or dtooaar af a mm-Meet ar fiitm aitiaent
j raaractar. rheuM drday. tare tor aa hear, to aeak tha
wd whaoh Ha Vmtag. mgaJattag aad lartyarMlng preiwr-
M* ham Borer huWd la agord.
H to na asactrraUoe ta*ay that BeUtbr'i flreut
Bitlem to the una faith foil ally af aatam la bar Mra*-
j gto* atln a*A*tin rad lui*ii. thai aiMtnai traany and
; hdomt abamhtcy bee* y*t clrae to the acrid.
TO tonvgpnTßt.
I The adrarttmr. bariag bmn pansaaemly eumd of thai
dlead dlmam. OaraampOra. kg • aimpl* eauwdy. to
oatioa* lo asahr knows to hto feilea aagarar* tb* m*aa*
Jof ear*. Tb sS wha datom to. be wfR aaud a aepp af tha
: nemcHplloa amd. foe af chore*: with Um durawtoun
1 It* prepense aad M the mam whleh *a ail' bud a
* sSßSrm'ttsraa
1M ISmn. turn. Wain amarth- 1. T
Tke ■urtetb
HBQUIU-Mmlab totoito Ml I -ttii
Pirat q0a11ty......... .Ilit* -life
Second qua) .11\( .IT
Ordinarythla OHtto.. .!•,* M%
InTr er hraast grade. Jla* .M
UltraOowc 4AJW litto
j Hons Lira Athn -tou
{ Dreaaod .-*• k
intt... .Os a .et
Ooriuto—WMdUng to be -*H
flora—Elton Went0m........ ...... dto aAM
State i tlr* gto • *lO
Wat**—Bed Waatiitn..■ LTSS* '.flii
Mala I.** e las
go. t Oprtng. A'* • t *
Km—Wetorrn 8 • H
RiHST-MMI .to s .*>
I Ooaa—Mlaed We-tora .t> s .'1
i nra-Wbamra Mined AIKi dd
j Hat I dh d I.T*
; tr>AW—Hyn to a LB
Nora 'tis. .11 a dO-TUt. .* a .M
' Pons—Mete WIS aXIM
Um —— .rase sv
PamohßPU-Crade ITM
Bnrtoh—foatr f * to
Ohir Yellow U a to
•• Pnnry ... .1* a .1*
VWrra trdiaary 10 a 15
Pennsylvania She . • ti
Derate totiiTiri-r- .IT e lib
- 5kium0d............ .05 a .14
Oktb Jd a .11
Baap Catvu t Id d A'lh
tar a a75
Ron*—lira. a AW
rum .* dluto
WIIAV— No. TSprtn* LM a Ltd
Ooaa -At • IT
Ota If t Jt
Am..... 1M d i
to d .to
d .ITS
WWtAT. If* d Tdd
Iti tokto . d -to
3oan—Ml tad .to d di
BAtunr—fOate to a •*
CUT* Bata... . t •
mn mrt aan
Ptotm—Patut. Extra ■to alLto
Wbaat— Wratrrn Bed Ito
While. Ito IIP
Ooap Tcßew... ft d .to
Ml ted to a NS
iRMLdca —Crude Üb'RaSned.lls
litrcimi <* a Jf
Ctotrii lus TOO *lol*
Timothy in
Oorroa—Low Widllara .to * to
ftori—Kttra IK
RtUT Lto alto
\MP-YdDow.— to * to
into . . *t a to /
d WATCH FMET, worth (R atraa mtu to
•very lira man who will fet aa oar agent- Putnam
aad honorable l ay' ATI par day aar*. No gift
PHtabaryh. Ha.
TUB WSeat Fii ofAnrin
HeuUhfnl Climate, Free Bomee,
Good Markets.
BOA It oifare form!* in Leads In Oaatrel aad
Para* aad U>* Fir* ; X Btoh Prairie Paattuaaaaad ftal
oral Meadow, watered by clear Lake* and ranntny
-t-ekro—in a Bealthful Climate, vAart for aadgp a* u
a.rata out beahtpprd beam hy laka to market ta
obaai'li aa from Eaalera lowa ar Control II loot. Oars
now ran thrtmyh t nam Land* trout Lah* Soparint to
Dakota. Price of land clone to track, f* 0# tofi 00 per
sore : farther away. $2.50 to ft TO ueven 1 ears*
Credit | Warranh* D -ed ; Northern Ptctfo 1j
Bunda, m.a aelhn at r, reoeirad for ia>>d a. sl.l*
No other unoccupied Lag, j pre a act >aob advaataga* to
" hOLDICRN under the New lew (Mtreh. 12) *rt
I*o acre* FREE, near the railroad, by one tad two
MA Tito tu ralahcd from at principal po'"** Btei to
purchaaore of Tiailro d Lands, and to Set tier* on lOT
ernment Homratoad*. Purchaaara. .tour wiriw aad
children rnrrlrd tbee oeerth* Northern Pacific Road.
Bow ia lbs lime lor bottler* and Ookmim to yet Raii
i i>a<l Lands and Uorarnmoat Homaateads okne to tha
"&d for Pamphlet containing toll information, I
map iad oopy ul New Homratoad Law. Addram,
Northern Pacific BaUroad,
St. PAUL, Minn... or
[ aßßsussssslSß
rogton of the IkiuiA and a kgmt^_^l*SK
; ssrs JS
: EsZS^rt&sstts
' 'ldXla in raa In< > nmdi Cllt'Wtold BHew i
• lattimit lovefs, IBs node* of to* Bdnd, Ltvor, KOil-
I Mlmhtof, km d*dL
ftodi ninisw< arm Iy ttu&mi UM
a Tonic, praaraadngtkd ,mt nf a*
r SSSJSfXjuw Oi*MA Mid in
J Par tkla Ptaenaa*. Ernptleara, Tvttdf. BMt
r *f ih* ayutd ia a *twt ttm* of th* nto m totM
3DC"irsss!; •ssspsrst
wra ggai ,.;,„ tw ,
' Drnggtau and Otn. Agfov. •
f cut <M Wadhtmrtnn aad Char Wan Wa, H.T.
II totLO nrTvO tnn"MinT* ♦ hralkba
>. R. Tw. m. u*
i ao ■"
u ifal—T- m. ¥*.
i CrßMßgMSggSfifoggg
• .-^"^G** 6irr ' c Tiwr-K£iyft, , gfg TJ&
[ cdTlt Becerii if Tod
< M LOW AI L. Mm. . praam
72 m. r. BUANHAM 9 -
• mtki. SSZSU 4arn *£ |if J[^Vt ml
Aiiii itiH MMm, If MttfelMHiMr 4*m~
t ghrta 4s mm kmp tvvt<ls Mrlssrl taaft ta mm
: fc-swr^i ttxhir't&szta
- tr sf
• Attention, Owners of Horses {
as wraac n %mm HW m w ■ WHS.
TP* jf# not chaf*' epamrthr mamrng
ofthaaech. Por.ioto ttod
. -"'liwrrjf
mrn rag-im on m Mr rag nil hum A raw M R-mm mi Smi ■ ■ W V
• * dapm dOU It aaco PUx.. Mlb*fo. aa
imearaaf aa tin* Mam mahara. matabma ta>k at
*■!> luwtw m> m-K ftmni Aa eeg. m wilt tab*
g fowtc ft tejyfc i tmhJUeum i*Ucraa
i' tha meAkmalifal UfU amd parf'.m tone erar nmde. pan
raaihlkitiaa al fit Bwnfra. New Vork.
• Qdhtonc raiiiaaugngd
\ ||||sfn K r^rr
i IThea-Nectar
• BftSllrJi, 1 afra $
i the geww foa /torn-. Th*
• PKtl'T.r.
i IhMB '
i Mdhr*rbm-Miiaw fkmata^
Bnn'a (hit to ymrara MBA WITILOW*
It am aaty istuam th* enM foam pata. bat iaetam ■
aim th* stomach aad bowel*, eorrrma aridity, aad ciras
too* aad enemy to the wbake epetem. it witTatad to
stonily relieve
<• rip tag ta the Bawtli aad Wind Cwtlr,
r ft VoTLiJ
DtAKJUtEA IN i HILPBEN. whether anem* tram
toeiota* er ear other earn*
Depend apna It netbam. It will glee mat to yoniaelrm
Betlet aad Health te Tewr faftonta,
Be aarw aad call far
" Bra. Wtaainw'a (aatktag yr*y,"
Haria* tha fafoUmil* of 'XTBTIS * PEBBOIir*
•a the oukdda atappar.
Bad* hy Brggra tkraggkaat the WaaM.
" Their Xerne ta Leatne.**—Dyepepna ts tba'n*.
rent ol mom en., then foa rat at PimVi't boa. to
mam, war atomaeh. hoedacbe. aoraUrattoo, rarrooa
debility, nnm and tnd* ciibehl* mental misery at*
among k* leenble ofcrnna OieeMum all the amp dr
ym* with Takbaxt • Rrvnvi XXIIT SCL,TXKR tpcati.
ROT. which twooeatos and regalata* the bowels, 'em*
ib* atomaeh. and i a tore isaaady tor iadtgaelaoa aad
all it* cooeomtt*oe.
"in ww atv nrwrawa
HEART IIUNOKY —A naw ooral by Mia. Ma'a J.
norcl by
„ 'ta*. t anlie hr Selma Boa* S!.IA
MORMNCi (iLOHIW-Arbarmta* book by MIS Al
i""il author i-f "Little ti Ml.
INEE.-A noral bv Aura-'* K vara, author of !*.< ■*-. •
' St. E!roo," "Vmhti" "Mm-arta," ete. *1 Tg.
WHAT I KNoarAHiatT FARMING -An iatorara
a iSffIHS riirSnxEghm, * f'A
THE ABTOF t ON VCR'-ATlON.—Te**hing aeermoa
■cjrjgagH'jßaai *,41
tha famous Michrlet author "La Femma." sLgfi.
r s?*^Sl ,l '"* u badutifnlly printod andbonndia
1 TMladldtm Bauwe, N. A