THE CENTRE REt^KISH FRIDAY July 12., 1*72. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL KIWI— Our tViend*, every where, mill oblige u by sending ua local news of interest. . , , .. CIRCOLATIOK. The circulation of ine KtrotTU, larger limn that of all other papers in the county. Business men vv.II therefore find I hi* one of the l>c*t advertising medium*. \Vc invite all interested to come and in *pjt our list for themselves. REMITTANCES -All monies tor -ob rii.tion will be credited on the suhscri her> address, ach week: by referring to which our natr* n can at all times see how their account* stand, and a receipt ts by this system carried upon each copy of the piper, Mr. p, Keriiu, i* Mill prosecuting tlto search fur coal, upott his farm, in the Loop, and a lew days "ago aent ua further specimen* ot stone which hear a close resemblance to coal. May he soon find the genuine article • ♦ ♦ Mr. lieuffer is of the opiuiou thai the railroad will be in running order from Mitfliaburg to Iaarelton by the coming fall. The work on the Tyrone end ol otir road commenced ibis wek. Mr. Mill er. of Tyrone has the contract lor 4 miles • ♦ ♦ Mr. Kurt*—l Vat Sir.—J. B Hecktuan, near IVtni Hall, ha* corn stocks, that on the 22J of dune mea* ured 4 feet and 71 iuehes ; also. pot* toe lops that ni*-asurd 4 lc*t 3} in -h ,¥ and still growing—He says they are Democratic and indicate Buckalew * triumphant election in October next, lie says that neither coru or potatoes will givw for Hnrtranft on his or any of his neighbor's farms. A SIBMRIBKK. —Oc Saturday afternoon, 29th ult." during a violent thunder storm that passed ever this section, the roof was carried off of the lutrn, on the W m Keller farm, near this place, and lodged a shot t distance in the adjoin ing orchard, line ut the sheds near the hart: was also blown down by the storm. Hon. Win. Pinonidied at his rcsi denca in Ix>ck Haven at an early hour last Sunday morning, and was buried in Highland cemetery on Tuesday af tetuocu. —Bellcfuute is an enterprising towo —at least its editors try to make it so —it now has one illustrated paper, the Rrpubiican, and two relipious journals, the Ckrirtain Virion Mori - and the Ita/cArnaii. —Buruside A Thomas' cash store has proven a grand success. People found that by paviug cash and patting * goods at almost Vest, they could save from 2. r to 40 per cent, hence the rush is constantly to Buimides A Thomas', the only store in the county which is carried on upon this system. They keep many articles too, heretofore not * lootid ia any other store in the county. I hose who buy of them once, aiways vo back again so liberal are the in ducements. The /trsf SliCtr of the Seaton —; Klecli-er t Co'i Monger Cirrus,' Jhiewß, and Menagerie. —The first show to * : sit here this season, luckily happens to be one of the best taies now traveling. Kleckner A Co'i great uiaMadon menagerie, gigantic circus and colossal caravan and museum, to m gether with the wonderful M'ile. Fon tninebleau, will exhibit here on Fri day July the 19th, for one day only, afternoon and evening, with an ascen sion outside atone o'clock on a single write 360 feet long, by the great M ile. Carrie Cordon*. —Speaking cf this; great company, an exchange says : -We arc free to say that we wtre more than pleased with the entertain nu'ut throughout. and we have yet to meet the |> who attended either' the afternoon or evening exhibition who did not express themselves in the highest degree gratified with the per formance. There was nothing attempt ed to be done that was not done in the most artistic and perfect manner, and many of the feats were not only entire ly new, hut tbejr were of the most startling and wonderful character.j t The performance ot M'ile. Fontaine 1 bleau was excellent beyond de-scrip tion, while the trapeze acts, the jugg lery trick, eijuestrain exercises, cannon ball feats and other performances of the several other members of the trcupe cannot be excelled, if approach ed, bv any arenic artists in the country. The hat tricks of the clown, something entirely new, are the most amusing nod ridiculous "torn fooleries" wc have ever witnessed, and they cannot fail to 1 produce the greatest merriment. But we cannot speak of the performances ia full detail, but solicit for the grand combination a libera! patronage wher ever it may exhibit, for it is not only find-claae but euiirely unobjectionable in all its features." For the Reporter. The cloning exercises of the Aarons burg High School conducted by Prof. \V. J\ Linn Kieffer, Friday afternoon June 21st, were a perfect success. The worthy Prof, did not allow the stud ents to spend a week or two of the school time for preparation, but in-1 ;ead, had only regular Friday after noon exercises, with the exception of the music of the day. The essays were well arranged, the subject and words well chosen. Every Lady had an evsav well worthy of considerable com mendation. The declamations deliver ed by tie gentlemen were a good se lection and remarkably well delivered. Select reading by Prof Kieffer was very good. Prof Win. T Meyer en livened the exercises with music, and amused all present by singing a com ic song "The dutch barber,' he also plaved a few instrumental pieeesofhis' composition, pleasing every one pres ent. Dr.Sahin and Mr. Tbos. Yearick, * *. made short addresses, giving cheerful, words for the future wellfare of teacher! and pupils. The students most agree ably surprised their Prof, by present-j ing him with a very beautiful study ing gown. Prof. Kieffer closed the exercises by: delivering a very able farewell address which made every one sad to thiok that we must part with one who so abler performed his duties as a teach er. After the exercises quite a num ber of the young people of Aaronsburg and Millheim went to a spring above town, to enjoy a few more hours with * their friend K. We had lots of cakes and things to eat And lots of ladies to make them sweet. Mr Z. A. Yearick, a graduate of Fraukliu Marshall College, will open the school at Aaronsburg about the tirst of Aug. W. —TheCentre County Norma) will be held at Ceutre Hal!, commenciug July 24th. Board can be had at froiu £2,7& to $3 per week. Tuition wiil rang® from $5,00 to SIO,OO. All the books used can be bad at Centre Hall. A course of lectures by competent lec turers will he delivered during the session. For further particular ap ply to superintendent Magee. | —On Friday, 28th ult., a young mau by name ol Cox, from Spring township, was taken to the insane as sylunt, bv Sheriff Wood ring and com missioner Sankey His insanity wa* of tuch a tvpe as to render him dan gerous, ami we are told, wa* brought on by disappointment in love. —A qmury of cement rock, of ex tra qualitv. has been found upon the land of Ilenrv Meyer, near the fork* !of Elk and Pine, in iVun twp., and a kilu for the manufacture of cement will soon be erecttvl there. —Mr, Geo. Livingston, an old and rwpnlnl cilitcit ol Bellcfonte, diial on Saturday evening. 29th ult. Mr. Livingston had U*cn unwell, and con futed to his room, upd uu the morning of that day a note written by him. was | found upon the bed, saying that he feared he had taken the wrong medi cine. The effect of the medicine he had taken, rendered .him speechless sud he .was very low when found iu j the tnorniug. —Buy your goods at Hoffer Bros, the farmers best stand. They ell at a little above cost, and give you wares iu which there is no deception. Re . member, hoffer Bros cheap stand. —Maj. S. Frank, of Uabersburg. i informs us that he has a timothy stock measuring ft feet in length, /fe pro pounces it a Buckalew stock, and is a had indication for Hartranft. President Miller was in towu on Wednesday, going over the line of the road, lie speaks of having the cars running through here iu a year. Lko Brokkx. —Mr. John 1). Deck ir, while engaged in rolling saw -logs, st his miil, near Potter's Bank, ou the 4th. met with an unfortunate ac cident. Missing his hold upou a log (which he was about to turn over, it i began to roll and striking his cant hook hurled that implement with such violence agaiust his left leg, as to cause a dangerous Iracture below the knee, and partially doubling it around. Two of his bovs were the ouly ones present with him, and he lav in a painful condition for sow* time be : fore medical aid arrived. The broken | leg ha* been set, and it is feared am putation may become necessary. —Albert J. Wilcox, an employee of the Pennsylvania lightning tod 'company, was killed bv iightuiug iu an often field, near Milroy, M iff in Icounty, ou Monday last. He had been gathering chcrrit-s, and was kill ed while passing from the tree to the road. He was a citizen .ofMeeaapo tarnia. Ohio, unmarried, and about 24 years of age. - ♦ Shot. —Wta. Wiugatc, of Tyrone, aud who has frequently been serving Mr. of Harris twp., as a hir eling, was shot at Tyrone, on the ' John Seillinger, during a ' row. which occurred at Troutwine's I hotel. Seillinger tired Iwo shots, the first taking effect in Wingate's hand, laud the .second shot him in the abdonieu, from the eftecia of which he died a day or so thereatler. er haii ht-en lodged in jail at Hallidays burg. Mr Fierce, of Laurel lon, while seat- Ifdon the porch of his home, iuLaurel too, no Sabbath, lfith inst., fell from the xteps and broke his neck by the fall. The deceased resided in I*ewis ,hurg for a few months, to which place he came from Wilkesbarre. He was at one time a Minister, subsequently practiced Law, but became the SUTC ofintamperance, which provedhis ruin. Hu'rcmaiua were eaut to Wilkesbarre | for interment Our town and neighborhood were *ome ' what alarmed by a isse ofsmail-pex which made it* appearance here, a week ago. Our worthy town*mr.. Mr. John Shan non, wa* the victim. The phystoLn has • informed us that the case wa* a very mild 1 ; one ami that M r. S. at no time wa* serious ' ly ill and, we arc plea*ed to be informed. iiton a t|ieedy way to rccurery. A consul tation of physicians was bad, and Uicy give it as their opinion, that from tho pre cautions taken by the family of Mr. Shan non, it !* not likely any of them will take the disease, and that it will end with this lease of Varioloid. Mr. S. was at Baltimore a short time ago, where th * small pox are t raging to some exleut and tnay have taken the infection in that city. * t I —Nothing adds more to the pleasure of home, than music, and Itynder's orgwni Wing sold so cheap now. they are within the reach of all. —Go to Hiram Buffer, in the Conrad Honsc, for your tobaco and segat j. he *l - keep* a;lass article ; al*o keep* pipe*, pouches, Jto,. and sell* cheap. ' ->*>£. Balk —I have three late improved Bat' Reapers, with ;:-|!-rkc attachments, I which arc offered for R.T. M Maxiqal Milroy, Pa. ♦♦♦ ■ ■ KriTRA Y.—One peacock and three pea hen* came to the premisa* of the under signed, 1 mite south of Aaronsburg, about two weeks ago. The owner is rpqueslpd to pay expense* of advertisement and re move hi* property. W.M. 11. BARTER. Stone Ware a large assortment of every size and de scription now on hand, t haap, Xt lb* old Island of Wm. Wolt. Aaronsburg High School. For the Reporter. The sumnier session of this school will open on the £>th of July 1£72. It will lie under the management of Z. A. Yearick A. B. from experience and success, will doubtless obtain the pat ronage of the school. The school ha* for a number of years maintained a good reputation of academic instruction, an.i has uniformly proved it self worthy of the patronage of iu friends. Its location has given it advantage* evpr many other schoel# of the same kind ; for there arc very few towns whose record shows so great :i degree of morality and general good health as Aaronsburg. Nor are there so many allurements, as in larger town*, to draw the attention from the prop er course of study; and yet, the society and the place are such as to meet the so cial expectation* of each scholar, which make* it pleasant fot all. The course of instruction embraces all that I* usually taught in Academies and High Hchoob. .Special attention will be given to those who wi.h to prepare them selves for public school teaching. An op portunity will also be given to such who wish to take Music lessons. Boarding and Rooms can be had, in pri vate families, from $2, V to K3,t® par week. Teruu will be aa follows: Greek and Latin K8 00 English Branches 460 600 No deduction made l'r absence except when caused by protracted illness. For further information address. Z. A. YEARICK, Care of P. T. Musser, M. D., or Rev. C. H. Reiter. July 12 3L From lllinoU. For the Reporter. Dear friend Fred,—Jake and I left the town of Davis this morning and came to spend the day with Mr. Wm. Bike, form erly of Aaronsburg. Pa. His residence ia within one mile of the Illinois and Wis consin line, and his home is truly a beauti ful one. All who know Mr. Bike know him to be a genial companion and a gentleman in every sense or the word. .... I would fain give you a description of the country here, but must wait until my next, and return now to where I left off in my last- , , I forgot U* tell you of Kd, in my la*t fet ter, Fal. lives on the prairie, and he i* a good boy, G. W. Spangler, of the Loop, know? all about him Ed. visited his cousin on a certain vaca tion, and, as thara was n* ona at home when he arrived, he proceeded to get dln>, 1 ner for himself. lam told that ha coekad 1 an excellent dinner, sntisfted hU appetite ;; and went home. I t hope he will excuse me for telling this - but then It will be an Inducement you . know, for men who are good cook* are in great demand hare. Sorry I can't cook. Joliet is a tine elty, and, a* a manufac turing place ha* no superior in the \N eat t But as i have so much to wilte 1 can give her but a passing notice. Here 1 met our venerable friend, I Sel . t*er. who ha* become wealthy by invest. ing in lands and town property. f C 1.. Spangler and 1 visited the priori i pal buainess places- also Oakwood tVnie | j lory, one of the most bcautlftil ceineterias in the Western Country, ' In memory of their departed (Vteiuls the people of Joliet have erected some of the most handsome monument* that I have I seen west of I'hiladelph* | Some of litem are also very suggestive. For instance. The trunk ot m decayed tree, ' broken ott a few feel fr>m the top nd the ■ severed piece lying on the ground. The r trunk is interi period with representatives 1 of knot*- the whole carvod out of solid rock, ami displays architectural skill rare* 1 Iy. if ever surpassed. If ever there was any thing calculated to ( inspire one with solemn thought it is a stroll tbrough a churchyard. 1 j There all merriment, vain and idle I thoughts cease, and, although the earth be I filled with the bones of departed friends, we instinctively exclaim "how lovely all ; this." 1 am under obligation* to friend ! Spangler tor hi* kindness iu "showing nte 1 around," and, as he ha* the boat of horses, i the rido wa* a rare treat. The farmers ue no sacks in hauling grain to Joliet. They sell all by weight, a in the Kast, and, atsoon a* the wagon, load, and driver are weighed, drive on the ' "dump" takeout tho eud-gata and in two minuet* the grain is off, and being carries) to tho upper *tory by the elevator. Corn aa* worth 4d cU., at tho liu*.# Your friend* Jordan, and Klir.gler and, in fact, all the IVntny Wan uns ill and around IMilt are doiug well. But Joliet,Ukathe King t-ird or bre bird, a* it is sometimes 1 called, basils "drawbacks." The King i bird, although small, can put almost any other bint to flight, for which it deserves . credit, so far a* i-oursga is concerned but, oa the crswn of its head i* a tuft of feath ers resembling a flower, which it can close or open at will! \\ beu it desire* to feast upon hoes it will sit upon an elevated place, spread the variegated feather*, which attract the bee* and they are very readily captured. Juli et ha* a name. The visitor is attracted by the beauty of her streets and building*, but like nearly all cities, there is much of viceand immor ality. Many of her citiseus regard the Sabbath just a* if though there wa> no Sabbath to observe, and this is a "draw-back."; But this ts, however, no reflection upon the good citizens of the town who are try ing to do what is right Hut my letter is already lost long to tell vou of Chicago, j Freeport, Lena, and the Mississippi. I Jake rays no town in the WVst can cow j pare with"Spraeetown lot good singing. fours, Ttaaar. The Editorial Excursion. Erie—The Oil Regioru—irrand Re ception.* A special train, containing the members of the Penna. Editorial As sociation ami their ladit*, from the East, arrived at Williarasport, on Monday evening, 24th ult., the party remaining at the Herdic over night, where a hop ami suntier had been ar ranged for them. Next morning we joined it at Lock Haven, at 8:24, for Erie, and found about 140 ladies ami geutiemeu on board. The heavy rains, l of Monday and the following night, caused a freshet in the West Branch i ami its tributaries, as if for the special purpose of affording the editorial fra ; ternity a good opportunity to watch 1 the great lutuber interests of that re gion. The freshet had brought out the hardy lumbermen, who maned the the rafts and those who acted as dri vers along the streams to set the logs afloat, presenting a brisk scene upon that beautiful stream and its tribute riee. The general appearance of the coun- , try between Lock Haveu and Warten , reminded us very much like the coun- , try between Bellefonle and Tyrone— ] being closely hemmed jp by mountains € on either side, only that the streams , were much larger. The farming in- , teiests along here, are scarce worth , mentioning—saw-logs took the lead, l ( and it struck its that saw-logs were the , breakfast, djnner, supper, as well as , legal tender, of the gvod pgojjp of the West Branch region : at>d when thaiK commodity runs out there, which it is 1 ! bound to do at no distant day, at the t mte at which the lumber has been ta-jl ken out for thp J:i?t decade or more, I the vocal ion of the people of that sec- I tiou will be gone, unless something a new is developed. The scenery along < the Went Branch is highly romantic ; ' many villages dot the narrow valley, ' and rome quite handsome towns are ' met with—all deriving their subsis 1 tano- from the products of their for- 1 eats. Our train made its first halt at novo, which is getting to be a beauli- 1 ful summer resort. Here is a large and J fine hotel, for summer vuifort, #4'* roumle I by a beautiful grouud, which j contains a number of trout ponds, con taining thousands of the speckled 1 beauties. Our party was shown J through the hotel, aud thtu taken to these |ionds. The proprietor, qith a ( bucket-full of miured meat showed us . the feeding tirocess. A rod an I line | was then baited with a chunk of meat!, about as large as a hickory nut, and ( giveu ous of fhe ladies, to show her - -.kill at angliug. hhe threw in ; there was a bite —not upon her head—but f on the hook, and fizz, up went the rod, r all eyes following to see a trout t ling at the end of the liue. But narv , a trout dangled there. A second, t third and fourth attempt, and the MMC| ( result, each failure followed by a round * of laughter. "Here give me the rod," i yelled an educated trout catcher,' Til ; show you how to fetch 'em." He t threw in, there was Q heavy bite—a t pull—and then roars of laughter—no trout on the hook. "The bait is too d large," says our scienced disciple of 11 Walton, and the bait was accordingly J discounted 50 per cout, aud iu flies the i ll hook ; another stout nibble, a jerk, and | ll greater laughter than ever. Other;" hands which professed skill, tried, but always with the same result, excepting 1,1 one, when a whopper was landmJ to u dance a jig upon the sod, but a little r more delay would bnve left him iu his ! native element. We made up our mind these trout were educated not to J Le caught, unlike their uneducated cousins in our mountain streams, or 11 that the hook was made so as to have no draw, and yet to be a sure "draw" on all who undertook to show their skill in the ail piscatorial, for we are not used to have such slips between the * hook and lip, when we go trouting iu t " our romping mountain rivulets. One t of these ponds was about 25 feet long, about 8 feet wide, aud J ieet deep, and ( contained 4000 large trout. "All | aboard" started us for the train, aud c off we sped stopping a few minuits at c Emporium and St. Marys ; stthelat- \ ter place Mr. Armstrong, the gentle , manly station agent, had a keg of , frothy lager put on board the train, aud his health was drank so often as the delicious Teutonic liquid found its , way acroas the thirsty liM of our par- ( ty, that it is astonishing be survived. , At Ridgeway we had a sight of the , second largest tannery in the world, | sud farther on, at Wilcox, was the lar- , gest establishment of the kind in the t world; we halted a few momeuts, to < have a good sight of the immense leath- ■ er institution. This unnerr employs 1 COO hand*. There < can be seen stacks of bark, liks rows of I houses in a town ; the sngius weigh* 90 ' tuns ; the place is a village of tanners, all 1 look and smell liks knights of the vat and < Uather shop, and, no doubt, many of them < would be just as fit for president as tanner j Grant. At Bt. Marys a few butwerv get on ogr[i to train, but tho keen eye of Oapt. May, who had charge of the train, on ►pied the in truder*. The captain i* one of those ever in Jolly ful lew *, who** native wit never run* I out. end who will always keep a crowd in | Use merles! mood, lie declared those in- lerlopcrs were not twenty-two carrots lltu ;and were of the kind who very iweirly I-1 make their signature* w lib an X, and he I ;could not permit then to mix with "hb j. first class hoarder*. Ihe bell rope *> s* pulled, the traiu halted, mid CapL May m| very |Mlitcly l>wed the fellow* off the train. ,o We reNched Kalieut Ito This point l e ihr suiiuuil, aud lie* about -'J*<• 11. higher Lit*it l'hiladelphia. fhu train halted in front of the large a:id elegant hotel built is: by (ten. Kane, of Bucktail uotortely. flu >e general he* been several years building I litis magnificent house, and it l* now t-oui ,. ulttted but not yet ftirni>hed It i inien* , Jol a* i vumuter resort. ll romantic *ur rounding*, iu one of the bet trout and * game teciiou* of the country, will certain s' ly make it one ol the most favorite rworli. e We were met under the door by the gal iant soldier hiiuself, upon crutches, till j suflsring from wouud* receive J in battle, e I We had met Uen. Kane before, and n'l • I who lurel biui once, w ill ever remember jluui, lor his genial and social tpialiiict l .The party was shown through hl> hotel, i. land were I lien treated to ice-cold lemon "jade, prepared for u by the general, when! :we proceeded a short distance to a largi dmnig rooui, where one hour w n given t< 1 r partake of a sumptuous dinner that htui j : been propared for our |>arty. e : At it, 10 we left Kane for Erie, passing 'j Warren, Corry, Union, Jtc., reaching , , Krie at 1i.40 p. m. The country between j ; t | Warren and Krie ia open and very line.' I, M • halted a short time at t'orry to get i> i-, view ol the city. It i a sttring town, uno ' its large aud numerous oil refineries on , ate aQ odor which is not the most agreea- 1 e hie. At Krie a long string of carriage* " were iu waiting for us at the de|H.t, as also 1 a large crowd of citizens, and our party ! were soon gartered in the elegant hotels V of tliat historic town. It is a beautiful city *i with a like harbor of which it may sell feat proud, and located upon the bank of a the beautitlil lake of same name, with iu fine, large residences, clean streets, beauli . At) park* and fountains, altogether make it • a city of which iu hospitable inhabitants • wall dare boast. In the evening, in com pany with some ol the ladies and gentlemen belonging to the editorial fraternity, we i were taken to tee soma of the natural gat walls, of * h ich there are now oil in the city, aud which supply ajortiou of the gas ".by which Krie is lighted at well as fuel , far running some of its manufacturing <-- 1 i lablithment*. and alto used for lighting ' and warming private residences taking t tb* place of coal aud wood in cooking stoves. We had heard of their natural ' gas walls before, but had no idea they ,I were as common as we here found them, -' and that they were thus utilized and made i to Serve so important purposes. These ■ wells are bored ju.t as oil-well* are bored, I aud the gas Is found at about tho satue i depth. Tubing i than used to convey the . gat into the burners, cooking stoves and grate* iu the dwellings ; welts arc sunk in the beauiiffil yards, amidst the shrubbery surrounding their residence* We were shown through one residence, in the yard ol which gas had been struck. There i , was, shading its rays from the burner I like the artifical article ; the grate, fiiics with an iron or stone imtuutioa of w->oJ had the gas turned on, and in the Iwiul ling of aa rye there was a darning lire t< warm the room. The lady of. the housi showed us to the kitchen, where was an or .dinary cooking stove; along the gran was a half-inch tube finely perforated tba gas wa* turned on, and in an instan there was a full blaze, and uiore intensi heat than produced from wt>od, and thf (does their cooking -having neither ashr* | smoae, or bad odor. Think of that y< women. It is notable to remark that ir | sinking their gas-wells, there has been n oil struck yet. One of these well* will fur nithjlighl and furl for the surroundinj j neighborhood. Wednesday forenoon was spent hi an ex jcurslon on the lake, in th.- new and beauti ful steamer China. This was >]uite a tree (to our party. In the afternoon the regulai j business meeting of the association wi I held, and in the evening the pre** ball and ! banquet came off in go >d style. The citi zens of Erie did alt in their power to mafc: our stay there a pleasant one, ar.4 well did they succeed, and leng will they be r,-- nu mbeued by the corps editor.*l. The ed itors from the western portion of the state, had rsaehed Krie in a train via Pittsburg, 1 a few hour* before our artival, and th > entire party mutt have numbered j Thursday morning at 8. our special train | started for an excursion through th I great oil region. The programme being |l) ; l City for dipnpr and back to Tituivillt j for over night. Passing through the lab Iter city, with a few moments halt, we in idite tune reached Petroleum Centre, whicti >is the greatwt oil producing country. Oui 'train stopped at the famous C'olumbii Farm, where the officer* of the Columbia | Uii Co., and their bras* band were in wait j log for u*. We stopped here about ar j hour, und were escorted by tbc band to j the oil (arm of company, which is ]%>eatc 1 ion the hillside to tho west of the railroad. They now have sixty producing wellt. This company Is wealthy, and ha* erected fine churches and school house* far its own men, and beside* keep* up an excellent brass band. Mr. Bolton, tho Superintend ent, and Mr. Bancroft, the manager, had 'the kindness to accompany ui over their | (arm ar d show ut the whole modus oper j sndi of boring for oil and pumping wells, dec., and then placed their band on our train to accompany us through tho Oil Creek ri-gion to OH City. The country be tween Titusville and Oil City looks like vo*t cemetery, tljo derricks representing the monuments—in many* sectiqnt they stand as thick as tomb-stones in • grave yard, and fringe th* very topsoftha moun tains. A short distance bulow Titu-ville the Drake well stand*, the first well that was sunk. It is not n<>w producing We reached Oil City at noon. Our train stopped a short distance beyond, to afford us an opportunity to inspect the Kmpcrial refinery, the iargo*t in the world. Mr. i'ilcairn, president of the company, and Mr. Oracie, superintendent, (who, with Mayor Sowers and a committee of tho Oil City council, had joined our party at Pio neer,) conducted us to the refinery and ex plained tbc entire process of refining oil. Our train then hacked up to the city. As sembled in the parlor of the Tavlor house, Meyer Sower* inn neat speech, bade us welcome a* guests of the city. Our patty wa* then assigned to the different ho tela, wliete sumptuous dinners were >2 wai ting. At Jp. ni. we started hack for Titus ville, leaving to the generous hearted peo ple of this bustling railroad centro our loudest cheers and warmest thanks. Tliu>- on our trips up and down Oil creek, every op|iortunity wa* afforded to see the nota ble sighpi, which were pointed out to us as we passed along, by some of the oil princes who accompanied us. At 4 p. in., we reached the grand city ol Titusville, where live the oil kings and who have adorned it with a lavish expen diturc of money. The depot wa* crowded with citizens; the mayor, cotincilincn and members ot the oil exchange, with twi brass bands, were there to receive us, ami about one hundred carriages were waiting to drive us through jlie town. Tho street were lined with people, and every counte uaucc show ed that our party wus welcome. After our party were seated in the car riage*, the line of march commenced, fob ' lowed iu the rear by the fire companiu i with their bright engines. We had goto but a short distance when a violent thtisi der storm broke upon us, raising clouds o dust and putting a shower of raiu into ihi programme at.this point A v. beel-abou wa* mad* for tba hotels, a few getting i > slight decking. We all felt sorry thatou; pleasant reception should thus I o inter* I* red with | but thai >• more than bal anced by the ovldane* we had that the city of Titusvillc meant to give u* n reception which never would he forgotten. We were proud to he the guests of uch a city. Supper came nest in order, nnd it was finished, tlic sky had elvari'd, the dust l>ad hven laid, and the air wa* hnliny, The tuitrtlia'l nnd hi* assistant*, w ilh the city authorities. determined the programme which trad hem lulorfrrred willi hy the •torui, should he gone tltr ugh with, and the -nriiages were ngaiu ordered out, and ktiolt lined the lrt f Oil City. Titusville and Krie, j I Jor th* kind nenl received at the r I onllds THK WAY THI IMHANS Pottox Til Kin AKKOWH, —Mr. Lu, the Indian j |.sit remarkably ingenious follow in' lbs) preparation of niutcnals of war.i Here is how ho mange* to obtain] jKiisotiosi arrtiws: "With a niece ol j liver, laslcuod lo :t long slick, they i Kthe savagesi proceed to tlic haunts oi, flic rattlesnake, uml a* soon a* OIK* of, these reptiles is lotind the lusiinn thrusts his meat towards hiui, at the j >amo time eliciting and irritating the creature with another long slick, car ried for the purpose. The angry rep tile now strikes furiously uusl repeal-' cs 11 y at the piece of liver, and aoon, the"moat i* charged with the poison. While the ludiau is lint* engaged it i necoa-ary fur hint to In- exceedingly eautious that the assailant doe* not become ihe aa>ailed. If the mate ol the nugry snake aliauhl reach the In dian unpcreeivcsl lie will carry home A charge of |*oisou in it way not de : sired. After the liver is thus charged it is placed aside, and in a few days become a mass of hlack putrid llesh.; In this the Indian thrusts the arrows that he reserves for the ;>urpoc, these implements being specially designed forhuiuan foes. The |Kiisjnel arrow* are not baited al the point, but at the end of the shaft, where it enters the bmb. tho latter being always loosely adjusted to the arrow. When the ar row i- pulled out of the wound the barb remains, and soon intccU thu blood of the victim beyond all |hope of recovery." MARRIAGES On the lib int., bv Rev (' II Itcil .Varo.-itburg, Mr. Jacob \Vliiimtjf a f Northumberland, to'Mi-. rTli-iHt-t > K.-r'l , tricr, ofCentce county ' —— II DEATHS On the morning of the 31 mat., near tint place. Kliza I. ingle, aged about tif> year*. On -.Mil Juiti. in Ppttei tap., Mr> Catheretn ltankin, widow of J.din Kankm, nged 09 year*, 11 month*, and about 'A' day*. On '-'Mb ult,, Oeorg. Dippcrtv, ngl T'J year*, and 39 day*. —— 1 ■ in VDMIMSTRAToR SNoTICK L : lcr •!" aJiiuni.lralion on tho tulatc i to u.ak< iiiiiiiediate payment, and tbote having d< ■ mandt aj**ii.t the -aiuc to pre-. :it lliem •lulv atitneiiticated by law tor **t:lcmif _j the *ubcr 1 her, nearl'cnlrt Hall, on < •r about the 1 fat it Uiv wf June, Isjtt, two titer., auppotod to iu< between two and three year* old, eaeh having hi* ear* tip ped, b"th red, on* having white pot on I•.... 'tile owner i* m|u.t(il to om>- , forward. proTe pro|terty, pay ihnrgea, am' taKo them awny, or utherwue they wilt b* dipo*cd ol according to law. 'jsjune JACOB IIN"G PIRN HALL AC A DEM Y.-The nevt term in the Department of Academical Mu lie- will begin on Monday, July 39:h, nt 9 o'clock A M. The u*ual Academical Court* will b* contlnueil, Ihu* giving the young Student* a thorough training in Special unil Praetic-I id inatrurtion*. Term-of tuition from ? 'to $b lor a *c*ion ol ten week*, with de duction therefrom in cat# of ticknea*. j Student* can procure board a: reasonable r.ite*. \V. C. SHAFFER, Principal. THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next door to \\ ilaon A Hicks' Hard-1 ware store, Allegheny St., BELLE FONTK, PA , R. F. Rankin & do., (Successors to Linn A Wilson.) DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AM) MEDICINES, CHEMICAL*. PAINTS OILS. DYK STI FFS. VARNISHES, Itltt SU ES. IKRFUMKRY. .NOTIONS. ANl> FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. pumwmz&um&M for molicinal purpose*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, ami nil other article* usually hept in a flr-t cl** Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. tf-Ijima K. F. RANKIN A CO ADAM HILD. PAINTER,. ".KE ft' offer* hi.service* to the citizen* of Mifflin Centre ami adjoining counlie*, in Ilottwt'. Sign IIIKI OrtinieiiHlnl I'liint ing. ORAININO Oak, Walnut, Maple. Ah, Mnhogony, Ac. Plain and Fancy Panerhanging. Or der* respectfully solicited. •Ail tine work done for other painter*. Juno 7 y. N5 IHFI EREM P4TTERXS Prices Ranging from 9cts. to $1 per Bolt i ALSO OIL SHADES and FIXTU RES, i PAPER BLINDS, Ac WM. J. M'MANIGAL, " mar22.3tu. Milrny, Pa Cum inks loner We are authorised to announce the name ul tiorgc Meyer, of Ferguson twp., a* a candidate for county commissioner, •object to the decision of the democratic county convention. I'rothoitotnr). We are i.uthori&ed to announce the uame of John Koran, of Hellefonte, a candidate for l'ruthonotary, uhjci to deci*in of the democratic county conven tion. We are authorised to announce that Aaron Williams, of Itellefonte. will he a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the democratic county conven tion. Sheriff. \\ are authorised to announce the name of Kdward Kreamer, of Harris twp., as a candidate for Nherilf, subject to the decision of the democratic county conven tion Wss mi' authorised t-s announce the name f Thus. J. Decker, ssf Uregg two . as a candidate fur Sheriff, suhje. t to th* decision ssf the democratic county conven tion. Wo arts authorised to announce the iiamsi of Ueo. H Hy, of Marion twp . as a candidate f< r Sheriff, subject to the decis ion ol ilist deniocrstic county convention. We are authorised l announce th* name of Jacob liottorf, of Harris twp., a* s'aiidistute for sheriff, subjes-t to th* Ji cl-ion of the danuxuatic county con vei.tton We are authorised toatinounc* tlic ii sme of Henry Noll, of Spring tp , as candi -at* for stieriif, subject to the decision of th* democratic county convention. Wears' authorised to announce the name of M, K, Mrown, rf Harris twp.. as a i amhdale lor sheriff, subject to the dc. is ion s-f tku democratic county convention. it <• srs< authorised loauie.uncoiii* name of llrntamin Shator. of Wstktr twp., as a candidate for Sheriff, subjes'l to the decis toti of Use dctuoormtu- county ccnvs-ntion. Wc arc authorised to aiinoiim c tbe nam* Jut Alex. Shannon, of t'entrc Hall a* a can didate for Sheriff, subject lo the decision j of the d< uiocratic county convention. We arc authorised to announce the nam* 101 John Hpanglcr, ol Centre Hail, at a rsn didute lor Sheriff, subject to the decision [of th- democratic county (.invention. &BLLBFONTBMABKI N I'u'rertfii by C. 1> Keller •j White iVS'eat sl.ty, Hcd .. Kye 1 7ft Coi nOO „..Oat 6" Ilar't-y Oil. 70 Clo /er*ced &,ui Potatoes 46, | Lard per {MNind M Pork per pound IK) ! Mutter 26 Kggs 16 Plaster per ton sl4 Tallow ff Mac on 8 Ham 12 LKWISTOWN MAHKKTS White wheat 2,7".... K< I wheat 1.06,... Kyi -70 Corn ul Oats 86 Marie v 60...... , Cloversoed 4.1)1) Timothy-seed, A6(J i "salt 2 6" per sack, j Macon Ilk - Ham lt> Multe! 15... Kggs 116 Plaster V 60 TT3~Ej •pjMJtfTOCH. "tsqi is Lin ir ma Ptin, Seres, Wooods and LUMIML x BUY ITI TRY ITI iqd 4gu, . Use Piip Cure 01. For Rfceuajatigß},. . .Um Ptiy Cart ml. For For FfvVSore,. . . .UM PAIQ Cmt Oil For Cholr\ Iforbui, . Use Pa.l' 9 Imrt Oil. For SpraioiV .... Use Oil For HcafccteV .. . Use Cure Oil Fw Bruiiw, . . UKXI; Cure OiL For Corns and Buncos, Ujf Fai| Cure OiL For Anj Sore. . \ JAt Paiq Cure Oil. For Anj Lanpenesi,. Pai? Cure OiL suit a TT^ertU4m, AM . rtti;M|< prudwra It* Mat. t'Md Et-ttJP, lit* Iktu!:; U MAW /WD XIVAST. AO for PAIyOCEE OIL A. M rtkw, far RT TO\IE It 1* aut mjMv*t ma> mU i tp*>uJAw * ...oW- M tft| n*4* le-mX \ m> v ,uU IbU, tU: t uiJ EitVu, JT u4 h ctaaa u4 aft u> at \ tm\ t'j all lirafji.u abd IWJ* u, M*6>dW I'KIC S;, no issTD. McCIURE A UTON, Nonnum, tUadiaa. faa Just Arrived. Just Arrived. Call and .See Call and See WOLFS .\lugniliceiit Stock of New Goods. Come and get Bar gains. Assortment full and complete. Dry Goods, Groceries, No tion*. Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, and thousand* of other articles JT AND AT PRIVATE SALE. A lot of land, lying in Oregg township, on the banks of Pcnns creek, between Ponn Hall and Spring Mills, is oflored at private *ale. It adjoin* lands of Oeo. Buchanan and I*. B. M'lntire, containing 24 ACRES more or less. About H acres consist ol first clats white pine timber, the balance cleared and under cultivation—6 acre* arc meadow. For further particulars apply to C. 11 ItE.N NICK, Oregg twp. , A. SUSSMAN LEATHER & SHOE FINDING. in lower room, No. I. Ilu*h' block, where; he keep* on hand n stock of WHITE and RED LEATHER and HARSEBE. Kips and Calf Skins French and City Finish. STRING LEATHER, SHOE FIN DINILS OF FYER Y DE SCRIPTION. Raw Hides BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trunks mid Valises OF ALL KINDS. RAW FURS, of all kinda bought and highest price paid. Clover and Timothy Heed always bought and on hand*. WHEAT and OATS specially bought and the high est Cash price paid. Go to Susstnan's, there you eau buy cheaper than elsewhere, us everybody knows, who ever dealt with hiui. ue let' no one off without a good bargain. Next door to Sussman'a ia the cheap dry good* establishment of Isaac Guggenheim- I er. ap6.W. RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, MM K IIAVEN, PA. I Tflc proprietor of Rytxlrr'a Music Ktoic dcaiica to call the attention of the people of Offfflrt ffffQDtf, iff Ifcff Jk# I hat they Can. Save Money by purchasing their musical ioslrurarutg ot Ky nderV Music -Store. We ere eel ling Double lived. Six Stop, Five Octavo e, at 8140, (.■upcrior in tune uud finish, to thoec I het ere hawked ami peddles! throughout the country at 1176 te 9900.) Theffl we warrant for five years. We give any reasonable credit deaired to reapeneibie ptr.ift. We beg leave to call your attention to the foilowiug instruments, eold in Pennareliey thiff J FANCY ARTICLE*, and is now prepared to accomodate all his old cufttumers, and to welcome ail new ones who mav favor him with their patronage. He feels safe in say ing that he can please the most la-tidi ous Call and see. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM KK P. S.—Mr. Kussman still continues to deal in LKATHRR AND SHOE-FIN DINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEKDS, m tneold room, where he mny alwuy befound. COAL, LIME, and POWDER! COA L—Wilkaabarre Coat, Chestnut Stove, Kgg. furnace and foundry. Coal—orneat quality, at the low e.t price*. Cuitomer* willptea.e note that our coal 1* hou*ed un der commodiou*hed. LI MR—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, tor *ule at our kiln*, on the pike leading to Mi'.esburg. POW DKK. Having received the agency for Du Pont'* Powder AT WHOLESALE, we shall be pl.a*ed to receive orders from the trade. Office and yard near south end of Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Depot, Bellefonte.'Pa. nov4 SHORTLIDQE A CO. WANTED. We will give energetic men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAT from S4 to per day, can be pursued at your own home*, and ii strictly honorable Sen.l for samples that will enable you to go to work at once. Address " J. LATHAM A CO., 2'J2 Washington St., Boston, Mass. June 7. &t BUTTS HOUSE BELLEKOSTK, PA. J. B. BUTTS, PropY. Hit! tint clue Accommodation; chaxg |ud rtMontble. 19apt, tf. WAR! WAR! On High Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. R. IXiTII, of Potters Mills. N E W G 0 ODS ! Wo would most respectfully i' from hi ' mends, customers, and the public gener ally, that be hat UkM (xnMwsion ol Thni|>oir* old quarter., which have bow remodeled and improved, and is sv* pre pared to accommodate oil who ma* favor him by calling. NEW GOODS! He ha* just received one of the large* stock* of ail kinds of Merchandise eroi lp. ignt u> C Vnire county. abich be intend* to seil at scu li tig are# as will make it un on ject tor all persons to purchase. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries I>ry Ooo.l. Ac., should not fail to gist hita a call, a he feel* confident his price, and superior quality of goods will arnpl. satisfy all. His .lock of GROCERIES consist* of Coffees of the be* quality Teo* Sugar* of all kinds. Molasses.' Fish SalL Chewe, l>rjwi Fruit, Spices Pror'tsicn.. Flour and K.ed, Ac., dtc. Our stock oi I> R YG GO DS is large and varied, and we will just sai can supply anr article in that line, with out enumerating. READYM ADECLOTHINq a Urge stock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which we will dispose of at a very email advance, on cost. Boots and Shoes. llat* and Caps, Hard **"> Queens* arc. Wood and "Willow Ware, Notion*, Fancy Goods, Carpets. Oil cloth*. Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac., oct 28.1 j. (iraham & Son, Boot ecial!y in vited to call and see our atock, vve think we can please all who call a* to etyle, quality, and price*. We study to render satisfaction, and although wo have had an extended trade for year*, we have never ■riven a customer cause to complain. LIGHTNING SAWS at Manufacturers price*. For sale by W J. M MANIOAL may 81. dm Milrey. J Dr. Crook's WineofTgr. i 10 YEARS .At ~o a- Public Ttd Has proved BP. DR. CROOK'* -SCe WINE cwr "V TAR tuw^w^KwS the pnbllD. It It itch in the ■ i Uli l—l i—l 111 Of Tar. and uhdM fcr €!,■'— ee ef ibe Three* eed Leufh r* forming the noK rmiriwbb Anl HMtdH*H7aßi Ukae km MMtMrfi span fir for these a^pkime. For palm in BrtenL SMeor Back, Gravel or IMmj Mnaoti Pl**** of the I'rlain Oman. J twdkf or any Liver Coapalit, u ***\ ""■■nsSsw-* Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, PreTenta MaSartau Ferer*. Give* toes to jwtr Hjttec- TRY DB.CIM>OrBWIiyKOFTAtt NATURE'S Hair Restorative j Contain* no LAC SULPHUR—sW SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—Xu NITRATE OF SIL VER, end i* eotirrir free from tk Poitkiioui and ; Drugs used in other Hair Prepare tkma. • Traatparer.t and clear a* crvttal, it wtU .not Mtll tfce flneel fabric.—prr/fitT 3 A FA CLEAN' and |.uir LONG {-'OUGHT FOB AND 'FOUND AT LAST! | It rertorea and prevent* tba Hair from | becoming Our, impart* a i(i, gloaay ap> jpearance. remove* Dandruff, it refreshing to the iaean. check* the Hair from falling off. and rrwtoree it to a great extent when ''prematurely loet, prevent* Headache*, curat all humor*, cutaaeeus rafting, and unnatural heat. A3 A DKLsoiMtft FOR THE HAIR IT 18 THR BEBT AR TICLE IN TUB MARKET. DR. U SMITH, Patentee. Ayer, Mam. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Glouceeter. Mar*. The genuine ia nut up in a panel bottle, made expreaaly tor it, with tbe name of tba ai ticie blows in the gin**. A*k your Druggwt fug Nn- TCAA'A HAIR Rxaroaaitva, aad taka a other. AO"8ad two three cent ttampa to Proc ter Brother* for a "Trentbe on the Human Hair." The information it contain* U worth $500,00 to *ny perton. lep. 1/ For sate at Centre Hall by Win. wot and Herlacher A Cwtwillw Manhood: How Lost. How Bmtoni J—< pobllabod. * aawodtttsa eil Rao -a the radical car* iltbi*> awdkiaol ui tieH**ron*■•. or Aaauaal Waakaaa* lUralaaUp Baalinil lean. Iweutracv. Uaatal ant aloo. ( !OMera" itnlm. aa* 'rwat'taS&afkd jauf ladaterncKut waaol axUm*M*ae*. tS.™ ■ -arakm. at * ma Tba e*Ubar*t*d aatbor. la tbl* admiraU* aaaaj aioac tr '■■ **■>*'. Im a Uurty jaar't cu.ccaaf*] r* tioe Uut UM* kkmlßi inn— iin—in— at mi If ■trii— mum fca radtanlfr onrw* wtthanttß dMmma mTTiiS •! —Jtola* *c tho appltoaUoo of tho knUo ; rnlaMaa oat * Mod* of car* at oao* uiapio, cocUia. aad aSaf aot, by rooM of whiob rrary mffacar. a* aUMrAa jUcoooOitlaeiMr b*. may cur* ktiaaalf abeenl#, prtaa**- ' ibooM b* ta th* baa da at ma jwot- aad oraty au la lb* land. Sent. uodar Mai. la a oUIn aaraloe*. la aay addraWk parteald, ea raooipt of at, or tea paat Maaaen ▲lao, Dr Cut-orwoU-a Minafi Oaldo," prtaaS casta Addma Ibe puMJabara, PemO*aJl FtntLFY YOU* BLOOD. •T •>, r HereAiift to & oy fora. %t2 , A, 7 dieeaee or inmtfoa ft fio £>kln, diwi | the Liter. #5: -ft HLcumiia, Pi m pica, 01 i tsAfj* Soree, liners, Lrokea-d oW* vl.a Oaetitutinne.Svphilia, eroaf a dieeaea dvpeoding on a do> praved oi'bJiUoa of the Um| egSl CROOK'S s IYEUF or POKE ROOT. it La* ike medicinal property Of Pok* COQjlußcd *itkt|>ny ijfir a(atic of Lor w Lie fa goae a ZrZ_ • nc* into tfar blood, perform if f tb* rapid ui nr V darivl v&raa. Aak Tour Druggist lor Ut.CimM Cfato pound iyrnp of i'oka Boot—ftdwkcN >1 Healed ' _