ymiP.lTOTg ... Witer. Centre Hell, F*-, J ul . v 1 '- > ' TERMS-The RarowtK* le weekly at *2 per veer, in ' J not peid in adranee b orei* montn* Advertisement* st.."*l per sspuie lei lire*! for three insertion. Advorlvn menu Her 4 C and 12 month*, at rcdueinl rati Anv person tending o the name, of si x new mbscribesr. witn elheash. w. . oeive the BsroatKit one rear tree For OTRMOR~CwAs K. BPOKALKW. Buprm Judyr— J AMI* TIIOMVSOS. Aud\tv Cmrro/ — WM. H IIAKTI I:Y. Congrt***™ of Lt nvc • Ju. H. Hopkins | Rich'd. \'aux ( II B. Wright fWeth-t** f Lory# to Go*Miimtion*l O ' rration ; Jeremiah S. black, tt Woodward Wm. Bigler. Wm d. Baei. Wm. H. Smith. T. K. Qowen John H. Campbell. S JJ. Reynold*. James Kllis. 0 \ d ; Ueorge M. Dallw. • A. Umberton. A A Pur man. Wm. Lhorbett. The radical party in Virginia ha* split in one of it* roogreeaional dis trict*. The bolt was made by the ne groes. who accuse their white radical brethercn of having act up thing*. The blacks withdrew from tic twnvcii tion and nominated an independent ticket. Gov. Parker, uominee of the labor reformers for Vice President, has re signed and says in his letter he will support the nominee of the Baltimore convention. Judge Davis' uomioee of the same parly, for president, has also resigned and favors Greeley. The Baltimore Convention. The democratic national convention met at Baltimore, on Tuesday. It is competed of the very kt rneu of the party, and aa uch, we have full confi dence that its doings will be solely with a view to the welfare of the par ty and country, that it will be govern ed by purely patriotic motivee, and as •ugh* we am .reaolved, aa every good democrat is in duty bound, to give its nominees an earnest support —surren- dering our own opinions aud preferen ences to the superior judgment of the constituted authorities of the party — any thing also would be disorgvmia tien and plating into the hands of the usurper Graat. Greeley and Brown, as was evwieut beforehand, are the choice of the con vention, as over two-thirds of the dem ocratic delegates were thus in*tructeJ ; Delaware, with six votes, being the only state which iustructed for a straight nomination. All the great men of our party had pronounced in tavor ofthe Cincinnati movement, be lieving that it would lead to the de feat of Graat and the corrupt horde who surround him. All the prorui uent republicans who are free from corrupt practices, have left the Grant party, and are willing to joiu hands with" the democracy, upon the Cincin nati platform, which is thoroughly democratic, and with Greeley for pres ident, bring about the greatly needed reform in our government. The libe ral republicans are giving their sup port for the election of such nob.e democrat# as Buckalew in our own state and Hendricks iu Indiana, aod lend al! their aid for the election of democratic congrcssmeu, while Gree ley, if elected, gives democrats a due •dtare of consideration in the formation of his cabinet and in the distribution of official patronage, and above all this, he has given his sacred pledge to administer the government upon the principles laid down in the Cincinnati platform, which is democratic euough for any one. There will be uo other democratic ticket. Davis has declined in favor of Greeley, so has Gross beck, aud none of our great democratic statesmen will accept a Domination made br any cor poraL guard outside the democratic national convention, hence it is redu ced down to choosing between Greeley and Grant, and looking at the situa tion, we trust no democrat will hesi tate to come up fair and square to the support of what the Baltimore con * vention in its wisdom thinks is best for the party, and unhesitatingly give his support to Greeley as far preferable to Grant, and this done by the demo cratic masses, the defeat of radicalism in certain, and we gain a foothold to power. Martrsnfl ltd Alien, who bead the radical ticket, must be bad eggs in deed, —one third of the radical or gans will not ewallow then). Forney's Press, each day comes down upon them heavily. The latest broadside is from the Lancaster Volksfreund, one of the oldest radical organs in the country, j The Examiner says: Notwithstanding the assertions of the ringmasters to the contrary, it is evident to any intelligent man who ksepe his eyes and ears open, that the dissatisfaction with a portion of the re publican state ticket, is steadily in creasing. The Volksfreund, of this city, one of the oldest republican news papers in the state, having the largest circulation of any paper in the couu ty, and wielding a powerful influence among a large class ef our most solid and influential citizens, coiues out this morning with a strong protest ngainst Hartrauft and Allen, declaring that they "are politically dead, and the re publican party must get rid of their carcasses,' and that "the republicans of Lancaster county almost unani mously demand the withdrawl of these nominees." TLe following is the trans action of the editorial referred to : "There prevail* here in Pennsylva nia a growing dissatisfaction with the nominations of the republican state convention for governor and auditor General. "The primary cause of this diseatis faction is to b found in the cloud which both the nominees have brought upon tbemeelves by errors in their Eublic iif'e. Hartranft especially, bv is complication in the Evans fraud, and Alien by his vote in favor of the ninefmillion steal. "Viewed in the most favorable light these gentlemen are politically dead, ana the republican party must get rid of their carcasses. The republicans ol Lancaster county almost unanimously demand tho withdraw] of these nomi nees, and the nomination of new can didates. "With new and unblamable men for candidates the victory at the October election will certainly be ours—in the other cage we muct expect an irieooti-1 citable internal strife and a certain de- i feat. "We, as Grant republican!, call for i uewcand idates for governor and au jjiter genwU." (iov Seymour on (ho Situation (iov. Seymour was iusdalled a* mclinu at the mooting of the Tani-j many Society on Friday eveuing. lie made Rli addre**, speaking in it j pleasant and familiar uaaunei of the, , Ire*! trait* of the Indian character,! i the Intend of St. Tammany, ami the! object* of the society which had adopt ed the name of the great Indian | Saohera. lie then apokc oftliopo jlilieal situation, raying thai ihe IV mooray, trtie to it" tradition* and in atincta, always had adopted, an I al* : wavß should adopt such a coins. 8 would, taking at! thing* into coiwider- I a ton, heat tend to promote the -tnvi--- ■ of it* t ardina! principh These principle* were substantially ! embodied in the Cincinnati platform, am) the'tantHtlatt> ol tin- t iucinuali ! Convention hail unrrservedlv commit - i wlphemselves to tarry vut tot lie U-t of their ability, the principle* thus mini ciaied. If theacYamlidate* could thus embrace and pi* dge themaelvi* to support 1 democratic principle* it. per hap*, would ba splitting hair* to cavil about their antecedent* A political crisis had arrived, aud when honest rucn met the IViuocrn y more than half way. and extended ! their hand* with the expreswd pur | vcee of endeavoring to cenifu* anew the ties of true nationality, baaed upon lite principle* of brotherly I >ve and justice, it "appeared to him more than , "churlish to refo*e the olive branch thus tendered. A large majority of the Democratic leader*, and of the paper* professing to be exponents >l * I Democratic opinion, had, a* had been . aptly staled, accepted the situation, • and it seemed to bo a foregone conelu t siou that the work commenced at Cin cinnati would be endorsed at Balti more. If such should be the r#uU i he had uo objection* to make, but, ou * the other hand, would heartily co-op- I erate to make a success what fr*w t present appearances seemed to be th spontaneous determination of the i Democratic masses, the election of tbt I Cincinnati nominees in the Cincinnati platform. The Campaign in Indimiu We take pleasure in copying the !'<•! lowing extract from the speech of Sen ator Heudrieks, ou the occasion of his 1 accepting the nomiuntiou of the Dent ocratic Conventien as its candidate for J Governor of the State of Indiana, j' That he will be elected, no one can doubt. Where such men as Buckalcw and Heudrieks are put forward as leaders, 1 the people can follow not only with , confidence but enthusiasm : i Always the position of Governor of the State is one of importance and re sponsibility. but in these times greater lhau ever. Now that the rights of I, States have beeu denied, that those ; rights are being infringed by a central < power ; now that they say the people ' shall have no longer their rights to a ; domestic State Government, those , j tbiugs make the Executive of the State i> ofwtul greater importance. The State of Indiana, should Ibe elected, must i j maintain n friendly relation toward the -j Federal Government. But at the same time, ail the rights and powers of ' government which are reserved to the • | State of Indiana, as well as those which i i are secured to the United States, luu-t 11 be respected everywhere. [Prolonged '! cheering.] Gentlemen, we have he ■ fore us a sad spectacle, the result of ' i the interference with the State Govern i tnent. We have a set of States south I of the Ohio Kiver whose Governments • have been given over to those who - j have sought to make speculations out si of their affairs. The men of these i States who have been placed in the I condition of boukruptcv appeal to the t j State of Indiana. When we hear their • cries shall we refuse to go to I heir sup -1 j port ? [Cries of "No, no."] Ido not [iropese, gentlemen, to address you oog. I have only two subjects to which I will refer. •. I will first refer to the subject of Civ ',il Reform. lam earnestly in favor i' of Civil Service Reform. lam in fa i vor of it iD Indiana as well as in the ! general Government. lam curious to ■ j know whether the people ofthiacoun f! try will be satisfied wi'h pretenses in ■ i this direction any longer. They have I' been assured in a platform lately j formed at Philadelphia that the party ', now in power is in favor of Civil Ser •! vice Reform. That party ha* had an ' opportunity for twelve years and that • reform has not been brought about. We have the spectacle of a President ! saying that he is i:i favor of Civil Ser vice Reform, and the leadcis in the 'j House, confidential advisers to the • President, denouncing Civil Service 'j Reform as hostile to the Administra ■ tiou. The present session of Congress i has closed without any effort at reform. >. Now if the men who have nominated me are sincere in their desire for re ■ form, let them show it in November, j Let every ballot be an assurance that . offices are to be administered only for a government of the people. I believe I that ray judgment, in respect to the ac- I tiou of the Convention to meet at Bal j timore, is in harmony with this Con | vention. [Cheers.] I desire to say, ' , as the representative of this Convcn- : ; tion, and of the Convention at Balti- ! I more. [Applause.] j believe that I this Convention will result in such ac tion as will secure a Reform in the ' State of Indiana and in the govern- . ment of the United Stales. [J/Oudj ( , cheers.] I believe, Sir, I say it her*, „ I hear a rumbling that will lie heard afar in different States of this country,L which says that the Administration of * Gen. Grant will close forever on the B 4th of next March. j ♦• I The following are short extracts > from the old Kuow Nothing speeches j of Henrv Wilson, in Masa(diufetts, in i, I*> 4. "The time has come alien the uni-|t< form of the stale militia should no b longer be disgraced by being seen on g the hack of a Catholick irishman or (< an Infidel Dutchman." 1 "By the light of these burning slant- f< ics the Touton ami Celt may read the ri doom that will overtake llicin in the >1 attempt to compete with the i ativc •- born American tor |>oliticil snprcmney ' ou this continent. There are now twentv-five republi can papers in the stale opposed to the election of Ilarjrnnfi. That is rather severe on the Addition, Division and Silence randidulc. A trial is going on in Norlltumber land county, in which a director testi fied that he received twelve dollars from a candidate aspiring to berourifv superintf udent of schools, to be divid ed among directors in payment for their votes. One hardly knows which to most admire, the rate at which these gentlemen hold themselves, or the emi nent fitness they show for the duty of educating the youth of Northumber land county. The school directors of White town ship, Greene county, have been fined| fifty dollars for refusing to publish; their annual statement, a* directed by law. On the 3rd there were forty deaths' by aunitroke in New York. l.otig llrutu'li Arrival of the Gift Itikei wilb hi* 1 Tump* of Horse* nod I togs a (Cor. of the >\ orbl I.unu Uw im ii, Juno 12. I"h* w.rvtil of licnerwl tJrant ni liis nnnwrr vpuirter *s lot oelobratiKl thb.veri by the light*- II J lonrUh. Kx Colln t.'i" Murphy, who vui „ hi constant in hU attention* l■ > |1* l'ro*f. c -lent last year, vsit>- ln-iv on Mmlav hut ~ iv-mill not o\ mi ail', ol iho lino- to ,(HV one , ilay more lar tins -.it- ,-l * < h-.uuii his i-hl ' i-l let' The pre-itlcni, n illi quite a mom f- i j nut <-*-*>: t, urnvt-J l\ 111 k**i i \pios itain t from l'lnlilel|ihtnoi 1 -*h.v ti t* #, i the onl.v i-rtV-i-i hi> udv- . p(---lu*-< 1 v. i-> „ excite Ihe curiosity ofih.* villager- while & hi. horses ami *I-*k- s- n- V-tug rt-iu iiil from the ilt-)M-t 10 th. h- ynu-l the | Wrst Km), This w* lallo-r an interest- , ing .erne Kirt, the l'-..1, •m -i f-, *• , |j . a .eeiupaiiieil by I TttK MM- \,\o iMkti:* i I rials up Ihinu avenue ,u earring*-., nn*l then fill lowed a troop r tin l're-nl-ii i-v he is enabled to keep a farmer -lu-l than last year. Then he brought only mx i hv-rses ; now he hn- el. von, and a jack*— , besides, TH raIHKMI VI J.W K V**, distinguished liimselt before lie had heel in the plaee an hour. Tlie evpre*lun having charge ol ihe l'r- -id**ntia) eltect were convey ing all llc animals unto it*- cottage, when the stubborn ,x,-kn--, tin t- hi* nature, suddenly billed and p -i --ti\i-!v refu-eil t i g-* any -urth.-r Tlie v,I. lag.- boy? were gath.-ring : -und i nioy ing I the sport*, some of ih*-nt doubting thum . elve* with laughter ami holding their bml- 1 ie up by resting their hands on the.r knees, while they shouted "lib ' w hat a 'jackass. At last, while haifntloxen men were wrestling with the obstinate b- v-t, | one of the urchins more astute than if.-, other* made a great discovery, and an- ( nounced it by exclaiming "tb, it aiu tno | jackas* at all ;it a jenny." Th'u pr>. duced such y ells of laughter a> should have made even a jackal or a jenny blush, t'ntil then the nu-n hating the beast in charge had not take.'i her -e\ in considera tion, and they now resolved to treat her with more gentleness. Accordingly a braw ny Hibernian went uj> to and said, "Well, it ye don't chooc to walk ye can just as w ill ride," and suiting the action to the woid he threw his arms around the "jenny" and lifted her bodily into the wagon, where she remained while the horses drew her up Ocean avenue, the peo ple looking on admiringly as she passed. The jackat-was taken to General Por ter's house and turned out to (trass As many of the horses a> could be accommo dated at the President's own stables were cared for there, the rest being conveyed to the stable attached to the President's new I cottage on the oppsile *ide of the avenue* The dog* soon became accustomed to their new houses, hut the big Newfound land, when he gov* up t the cliff just hack of the President's house and !oo'. the beach, take. hi. tat' beswe -n ■his leg. end runt for his kennel I.OXO HR.IM it is alM>ul the same thing it itiw > ha been [since it **•- made a fashionable resort for the summer season. It only lives during two months of the \ ear. and its torpor i- -o j profound that it never awakes until after ' the middle sif June. ltut during those two months it is without doubt one of the must favored >pot. in the l'jii(rd Stats-.. Had air i.< unknown, and though the sun - rat - may be never >o hot it i. only neces-arv to Ueek the shade in order t-> k-ep cool and frcli. If the wind blows from the east it brings the .alt air of the s-a. and it it blow - from the oppo-ile direction it come* loaded with all lh fragran i of the New Js>rs>y meadow .. A person dropping out of the ■lusty Mret t. of the city sr.c landinghn thi. i nohle beas-li feels n-df he w ere transported to heaven, and will immediately take !t" liis hat and, in defiance of all fashion, .land on the brink ofthe ocean a by- - at all hour* .-f the day, letting the breath of Neptun* • aturate his hair with brin . It is no won dcr that gentleman of means and plenty of leisure like General Grant, should •pend as much tims' a- possible at this place. He has adopts J it a- his regular summer residence, and unless hi. defeat in November should cut on his revenue of hon.se*, horses, and dogs, lie may he count ed <>n as a regular eitisen. For the Reporter. Coninieurcnieiit at (jctljslnirg. OiTTTspvau, JIM 28I!I, 1872 Dear Editor.—Long ago I promised to write you occasionally, but, as y<>u arc aware, did not succeed. To-day we leave our Alma Mater, we sunder ties stronger, tenderer and dearer than any on earth, save those binding the numbers of tin* same household To turn away from u 'fostering mother"—to remove beyond the bounds of her tare, protection, and purifyirg influence- is a -erious step in the life of a young iniiti. Her moulding power, like thul of a faithful mother, is felt even if absent fretn her. The old haunts to which our hearts hall ever turn with anxious longing--the scenes with which we have become so familiar. The halls in which we have so often met for prayer, social improvement, and intellect ual culture must all he left behind. Our College days are over, farewell* have been said,the spell iohroken.thef-lass is scattered. Sunday 28. The Bncealaurernte address was delivered by M. Valentine I>. D. Pres ident of College. The Dr. chose for his text the 18th verse of 4th Chap., II Cor. The theme of his discourse wa the putrifying, elevating "power of the I'nseen." This lie consid ered in two giades or stales, in the lower sphere of nature and the higher range of grace. We have neither space nor tiuie to trace thejlinc of argument, suffice it tw say that the Dr. gave us one of his ablest and best sermons, any sine of which would fareclipse those of a Beecher, orTalmadge. In the evening Rev. S. B. Barnitz, of Wheeling, Va., delivered the annual ad dress befere the T. M. C. A., of the col lege. 11M theme wu. • "The improve ment of one* chances in life," a practical topic, and practically handled by this no hle specimen, physical and mental, of the yen us homo. On Monday evening. I)r. J. G. Morris, of Baltimore, delivered "The Ilolmnn Lecture" on tin Augsburg Con fession. The Dr. is neve- dry, always car ries hi* audience tight along with him, so :hey get through as ssson as he docs, which - not the case with not a few ministers. I'uesday evening Dr Bauui of York ad lrc-.cd the alumni of the Tties'l Scmin- 1 j. Piploroasweru thpii eoriferied upon the graduating iiUss by Pr. Brown, Pr->aideul !of the Seminary. ('apt. J. Hnrpster, your r | townsman, who i- now in India, i one of d j the C1H. Wednesday morning was the- junior ex hibition. An appreciative audience was '- present "bright and early." Exercise* - were interesting—speeches well written s and perfectly committed Every body y seemed pleased. I have no room to give - you the programme, but suffice it to say r that the exhibition was creditable to the 3 performers and tho Institution. I was t> agroeab'y surprised, on looking over the . audience, to sea an old familiar face, that j of your enterprising and upright merchant . Mr. Win. Wolf. 1 was soon near enough I to give his hand a friendly shake and in quire of your welfare. In the afternoon j - Rev. MeCroni P. P , of Baltimore, deliv-1 li cred the biennial address before the Philo. | ii Society. Ills subject. Oratory, was ably: handled, and well illustrated in ills own | . style of delivery. In the evening a large .! und altentativc uudience was entertained j jbv Christopher Fine, Esi- of Sew V ork, I ' flu' addio. xx ,i- befolethi* A loom) of Ihe . I 'ollcgc Till- wu mi nl.le review of tie ' ov ami fill <>l nation-, au-1 the prgr> *• ' *1 IISHHIOIM, culuiiiiiiHliug oi the a*l ihll-h- i uelit olA'lir i'*l glci lout lu-lilltioti.. It' l sill npp. ir in 110 ii. \i niiuihei of fl.e 1 Kx angelical ljunr(*'i x Siiu-hiui' ami lic-hm - greeti-d it, tin > t'hur-.lay morning. Jui the w.alh-i w. '■ wcto xx i.hing let l.ili tin - liui. h xx.i. rloxx d.-il xx ilh an . igri au tieiicc Com , mencemei I* gem-rally ate a hore, on ac inic I the mini 0..| I t ill of lilt oia tin. tup go*anuig mx iiiloriiiatiou iioui pei.oli- pre .nl till- w i mil It i- Hue tH. I • xxei. IIIIIIC )*.>•-'.rumii • llixn exei lief ney et I hey xx . - of mil i different, ami i oii-cip|eiitly m .re intero-liug cliar art. i il.it tlie|ic..ph f *..oiineil lllMllgh nl Ah ;L LM-I.il ~ 1..1X5.1 J.ploma fr. II til*' hand, of 111 \ alelili e, I * C--i •lent of l\ dcgc tin retiring Ir on ib •tage i- icli xluxletit might b" k-ou gather- ' nig up bompi. I-, lrphi ol'jlhe d*x ihx gill-of fan hand-. I clip the follow nig in-ill l tu ll"' Star A Sentinel " the I 11 xx nig iiuno* w a*a;. led j fx> eii i'lli'tii ill idiolg. hip I*l 11 oi.ir, John llriihaker, llrrlin, P* ,2nd Hnntir. \N l\ T S i!:! f \ui. luburg. Pa !rd John Friday, Jeiferoii, kid Ilh t< W Ft rtio y, l'lin* (iinvu Mill- i' (irutt P ,c, i.ii be.t * jx on ilia "Cotter - j Satu.'-'ay Nigl.i. John lliitbakcr. It.-clif- Pa ii nU i Qld *'< .!*i. JwnkN Latin, frige, \\ m 8 Preas Barraa BUI, Pa. Krx*liiuai Pri*c th i bet geltcral l'bolr ! -I p, : di. -V| t . ny by, .iettyburg In ilie arti-rna u >•! 'I htu-Uax the K<- ( I ni HI of the alumni and (Vlend* of I lie . . o'b . p. k , it ih> Spring." II 'ti'l < \ ~v , ... .| • tel.ml aft. ) xtli'i I. iillliiher- i t-*- > w ere otleri-d nod ! re-pi -.ib'*! !•. Vt 7 • "t!. kin the ex entng j .me m! til' plcti-artlc-l t vctx i-i - .f the ; , xx!i..|.- wee!, t- -p' • .11 I'tilltyt* chain-j li-r It wa-ao eX.'lci-c of the Senior clu | ot ! ur -jmeclie*, tree ilt-dica te n and tire work- The finest and laig |e*t Audience ua* here in attendance. Kro ry body xxn- charmed. The ttce, tliu* | etutsrera:* d, slniid* -acrx-d in the memory iflST'd. Around it we sang our la-t *ang around it xv • ito.td an unbroken band, | perhaps fir the la-t time. Hood-bye i* ! -an) ami w • baste axxwy. ii. W. F Autiual St-hxMil l(t'|M>rt uf Ontro i ounly, fur tilt* St'Jiuol Ypart'iul i utr June X IMi 111 suboiitting thi* report, I doite to ' thank the directors, nr d friend* of public : sch'sol education, "t Centre county, for I the hind consideration with which tiie sug- gx'ttion* made in my former reports have been received, and tor the earnest effort I tuado to carry out the measure* from time ' to time recommended For u full exhibit of the work of the y ear 1 the reader it referred t-> the aivoinpatiynig tabular tomcat, a brief summary of i which ouly can bo given here //u-ofs i(i,t: -. - - arranged with means Air ventilation in last yr- I

7 I ' Number of -;hi>l-n>oun decorated with niottoi -. picture, At .in I>7'.' lHi Number of school* in which class-rec ord* w re kept in W7. '.* i Number of schools in whiv h cl---r*-* - ords w ere kept in IK7- 1 rw• N umber 11 -> wore held, continuing from the close ! of the County Not mal School, September i 21 l. until th*|t>p*uinfc oftlie public schools !in November. For w ant of st sufficient j number ol teacher* ■ ight private examine-1 1 1ion* were reluctantly granted,and certifi cute- afterwards ifi* "• •<> three applicant* who had partially failed nt the regular ex h initiation*. Tho public examination* aero attended by one hundred and fifteen director*, and one thousand and sixty-four citizen*. The quolifiratione uf teachrrt were gener ally higher than the year previous, though the average grade of certificate remained about thu hriiic Tlli- in accounlrtl for by the fact that Physiology was introduced into tho examination —a branch with which many of the teacher* were compar atively unucnuaii tod. To the brut of my know ledge tncre are not half a dozen teacher* in the Count v who are not regu lar reader-. of the "Pennsylvania School Journal," and "Educator." I'initatioin. All the schools wero visit- • od once, except two not in session at the time : some r. reived a second, and a irw a third visit. Nninhcr of visits 272, of which lb I were iiuide with directors, to w horn with .proper direction* I committed tho further supervision ot the schools 1 111 directors, and 218 patrons thus accompany- | ed me. These visitations were continued an- i erruplcdly iron tin' l< at■ i'• It t the olid if out -licit term, and illi'll It wn* barely lottililt' to reach ail tho school* i.,p tin.) dosed, ill connection an tl It i lie extra alien ion requited in milir In. untie- I lie ..fileo aor . ill.' Coitiily inatitnto, eel. More liorougli superx l-mn it needed .ii. Ii ay. liervi.nin at a ill Uol "lily > but . ufr/i i-verx |>arl d llie work of every oliool li i- Jilt! It" lieoe-.aiy for the' . liool a. lor lilt- I'll in, 11. wort-Imp, il,e railroad <>r the ni inuUctory, The supef. iiilenJaut i.iniiot 1.. tin-, lor ihcittmo*l lie eali It he a 111 -I elu-- teaeher a prole-.tonal expett Herein i- where ill. Il.lri. I allp, I llilelldeu. x , with il>, llitt failed to a. pi..lt thai lllllollllt ol K'MI I which il lit lie I wi* * would lone don. Such superintendent .'..01 d . vce. -up. ri i-n.u ou rI on .i lift, -> h ml., neighboring dl*- I I. I. jointly rinplox nig extra tcrt 'tiwr f.-r ih* |iurj*., Supci v i.i'.u ofthi-kiud i. Ot an . xpi'i'iiuant; r.*cuuiiil*'iu|c.| for X ca. • hv the >'a!c -.iiperiutciidellt, il hit' h.'ett fairly te.lc I, allil it lloxx in operation iii many eoiuilir- of the S'atc, sir it It the he-l re.nil-. 111. uhjut I i lerlainly worthy oi careful eon* h! oration by direct or* 1... ■t if In*/ ' i t >itr twenty-fifth an nual llltlillllf w ii held at 111 lleVoiite, dtir- III,; holiday *x< k I'wo hunrded and ten teacher- were to -cut a decrease of twen ty allien la-t x ir This wn* owing to re port. of aiiiai!-po\ pre\ siting ill itellefoiite A vertigo attendance <•.' teacher* two hun dred, uml -p.-rtatur>. llxe huiidicd, at cxe ry -et-ion The exerci-c* xverc of a p.ire- Iv practical ai. I |ir*.fe--i -lial character Prominent no tlni instructor- were Prof. -I. >)i. -maker Mi*. It II >' iu:4 r. . and I'rol .1 S It-die.!. Kx clung le. tore, xvare deliver. Iby Jauie- t'alder. Il ll president I "IVltl-x Ix mi la Agri cilltiiriii College, ItcV. Jalliet Mullen, and Prof. ShiHUnak. • .Y-O.HU/ V 1 lie sixth annual *es — i• 11, under the -upei x i-;ou, ami partial in struction of tie -iiprrii.icnd. i.t, rnn held ai Itchcr-loii g pi i. i i in.- fall . xannua ih.ti- Eighty leather- were in tilteiid . * ;-r. v.. ~c.d dally .< x. rv .1 1, .mi ll- l.ord- Pr-x.'t' i. al.-lj i xei x inxtrni'.k' in maiix TVt\\ • live di-te 1 uniform-' ' it*, mill have Ini I ii ■ change of book- fur ' rit V Cit' I*' 'it M -ii . Considerable advance-j tin til lias l/i cli made. In addition to dally t jtt'r* in** in duging, our or two le**on* a mi'L in tit" element* mill tiiti ■ o of mu*ic , wire given in many icbooli, Tin? diftirul- TY in tlir way of iu (I'IINII inUoducliuq w i?. that nniny'i'f our teacher# were entire i !y unacquainted with Mm thii uin>t rudi mentary principle*. It is hyped that *ucli teacher* will properly quality tliriinalvr*, ;iy another year, to trarli alt th.it uiay be niiuirwl of tin in. /'/■•NRIHI/ An etlort bai IIMD 1111111 to introduce liii* branch into the school*, within the last yenr Bartholomew ■ draw ihK mhli we'i' Haiti in about ISU H hvnk Till* branch should he taught aa univer sally and thoroughly a- penmanship. lifi-urati-n. - Many of the school-rooms are very tastefully decorated With niottoea, pictures, dowers, etc , supplied with win dew pa|H-r. or curtains, arid are kept #cru , puloualy clean lam sorry 1 cannot say j this ol all .Mural* and Minner* In this 1 think 1 am rafe in saying considerable improve* in -lit ha? bnti made. More attention has been given to the general out-door conduct and habit* of pupils than former!*, and with the lu<-t ueirablc result* There is no time when the watchful care of the teacher is more necessary than at recess, i and before and after school. Tb< K(uf-tti nut njroirus utude id> tkt public* b I* * arw the-auie a? contained in forni r rr|sorts, and tu-ed not be re| at -d here. Before closing I wetild call the attention jof directors to the ** ining want the e*- I tablishmeiit t.f several new school*, one in lien nor, one in ti.e lower part of Burnside, and on* on the mountain above l'leasalit Gap, (the latter perhaps jointly between lieu per, Sp.-mg and Totter l.i; no >|i| in ( rut re county, however isolated, remain di-stltUP ef propi r fi ililie* tor the edoca t ion of the young It M M AtifcK, IV. >upt From mi official statement of the bit-inea* ol the Lycoming l ire Insur ance company, says the .Muncv l.ura itiarv, their In-*-- are h-.-tru, for the ycti ending ou the Itfth of June, were sl,o.li,oGG.*sfi. Amount prev ious to this date, y">,l • 7,7?7 1 '.'7, inakc inj; a t■> Titer .on are ere. ted two duelling - *■ bou-e*. uith Barn* and all ieco-ary ontbuilding Ft tit of ail kind- and as ] abundance of v. ter on the premise*. The ! land i under a high slate mf cultivation, i in I aniot e the beat in the valley Per further i-. formation apply l-> Ja. I). G.\ r/KLL one •: tin Administrator*, mar Spring Mill-. June 11. it 1.5% f °LI 311-I MACHINtS I>l lift- IfcV ••!*% f The Champion of the World. I The new Improved American Button Hole Overseaming and Complete .Sewing .l/achine —The great est machine of the Age ! Simplcity, Durability A Choap noss Coniblnod. This macliitie being the litest, ha* many , improvement- overall other, in a word. HI is a perfect iiiacliim-|w hirh is acknowlodg-' ed bv I he* best judge* andngent* of nil other machines Call on A. L. Bartge,*, Madixonburg. who i* the authorized agent for Centre, county. Also keein the best Sewing Ma chine thread, needle*, and repairs all kinds of towing machines, clocks, watches, tnu-' sick boxes A- I will thoroughly canvass { the section belonging to me, mid d shall be very inuch pleased to sell every person a machine, on easy terms ; give ii a trial bo-' fore purchasing any other it has n<> e-iual. | Parties wishing the machine, w ill please; i address the undersigned. Satisfaction i guaranteed All order* promptly attend- I ed to. A. L BARTGES, Agent for Centre County. 1 M ALMSWMIVRO, PA. CKS'TUaI. Hi i i ll 1,, Corner ■ ■mini and Chestnut Street, Miffiinburg, Pa. John Showers, Proprietor. Its t'entral Ideation makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. 11. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. : ly. NrvvClothingStore A. STKltNlttiHG, engaged to manage for I L. lleizcntlnin, in the corner building, opposite llolfer's store, llellefonte, has established a new Clothing Store where the best bargains in the county nrc offered. $7.50 to sls for Suits of tho fin est Casshnere. HATS, CAPS ami u full and complete assortment of ev ery thing in the line of Clothing. (■oiiPm Furnishing Goods all directly from their own manufactory. Also. Jewelry, Wtilrli***, sir. They iuivo engaged their old ulark, Mr. A. Stei nberg, -ii wcil known to the lu-nplo. and who will he pleased to sec nis oliii friends. ap&tf. j Piece good* of every discrlptiou. soliL low to enable everybody to have his cloth- 1 ing mads to order. * I IHJMI'S! Woollen l'inii|is. AND PIPING. 'I lie undersigned would repec|Ail|y call [ hi'niiriitlon.'ltheeltiaaiiA of(.,nit re county, uol Pi'iuuvalley in particular, to the fact hat lie I. inanufa. during -f£ a£37 PUillf, made at home or elti-wlu-re. lie uses none hut the I* -i material, IIK xx xttuKsr* ruaxi to gixe .all-faction, na heing the iwat last lug ami durable arruiim TO Til K Ol.li xv.H.deu pump, being arranged to let the water nil and prevent Imaging in winter. Pine, te.plai or cucumber pump, njwax - en hand lii- malirial for piiMi|ii i> all -w. I fi-un large timber, ami are thtt* Secured igninatCheckiugorCntrking. All . : der t*y inail promptly filled PI I*l Ml, made of the lel material, of fixe inch -.uniting, joined together with coupling block*, thoroughly handed, and wai anted to Aland any pre-.tire re.juireii for. ..linarx u-e. Price- of piping range fro ii I'd to fa cent* per foot. Send order- to ■Mpt-WUy JTKLLKIL Mile-liurg, Pa AyAHKKN S PATKNT I'lHiK Kit tor .ale by apl t \S kt J "M M * SlliAL gHcM IxKKIIiiFK ll * I I AHej*ia;y Slnet, Bullnfuutn, l'n. I>. JuRKSUN xV BONBtPnyridM X ri - at < f Aa- II ol g!., < I. XI t OKI AUt.K MoOM PKO.MI'I A ITKNDANCK. A 1.1. THK MODKHN CDSVKNIKN- I KS ANH UKASiiN AMI.K Charge.. The proprietor- offer to the traveling public, ami t* their country fiienda, fir-t . la— a. comuiodation* alu) careful att.-li- Hull to the xx ant- ! gttc-l. at ail tiliin., at lair rate- t 'arclulhottU r. and good xtabi* ling f..r hor.i-w. An excellent table well -••rxed. A Hr tupplled wit Ii fine liquor*. S.-rx anl- vxell Iraineil and evarylbing re i|UUiUr in a tirl rla— Hotel, (fur loeatmn i in the bu:nei part of the to* n, near th p,..t Office, the t i,urt Hou-e, the t'hur jche*. the Uaiik., and the p incipat place. ..f buainc-*, render* il the mo*i eliriblt place for thc who vitit Hellefoet* oil Du*h or ploa .ii re. All OrunibuA will curry j>Jts*cugcr.• •us I bnggng*! to kuJ from all traiu, free of charge. CICKTKK HALL FOUNDRY •Hit Miichiiit' Shops. Van Pelt and I'low C asttug-? of every description, all kind- of t'a-lii gs made and tiled up for Mills, F'Tgta, Kurimoea, Factoriiw, CT. V i—•, run thing in lilt line of >ll \PTlStiri. PFLLIBs HANGERS, ill iron or liia-s. \V o employ the lir-t Tattcrniuakai Our Patterii* arc new and of the latest improved plan*. \l-omannfacttm- the unrivalled ROUGH & READY Vo r n VI an f e which i* the Ik >t now matie. All order* by mail promptly atten ded to IdecTltf FURNITURE! Grand tlpcning FOR 1872. AT JOHN CAMP'S MIL ROY, where h" lit* opened with a v i ry larg. stock of the latest style*, both fancy and common Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. aunts, of all kinds. All kinds t.f repairing done with neat net* and dispatch having four good wort men at the bench. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of custom work, fine or common. Thankful for past favors, I hopo by strict attention to hu*ines* yon and everybody else will show smiting face* at my new ware rooms. JOHN CAMP. ,janl2.tf. K\V HAKDW A KKSTORE) J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 5. BROCKERHOFF ROW A new and complete Hardware Store hat ' Seen opened by the undersigned inßrock crhofTs new building— wherctheyare pre- j oared to sell all kind* ofßuildingandHous. I Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Noil*. Buggy win-els in sett*, ClinmpionClolhcs Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Han i Saws,Tennon Saws, VVebbSaws, IceCrean Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Backs, a ftil j | assortment of Glua* mid Mirror Plate of al j sizes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, , Lamps, Coal Oil 1-aiups, Belting, Spoke*.! Felloes, and 11 üb. Plows, Cultivators. Corn Plows. Plow Points. Shear "Mold Boards and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov-> els, Spade* anil Forks, Locks, Hinge- Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoe*. Nails Norway Rod*. Oils. I-ard, Lubricating. Coal. Linseed. Tanner.. Anvils. Vices, Bel-j lows. Screw Plate*. Biueksmith* Tools, Factory Bells, Iloue Bells, Dinner Bells. Gong it. ll*.Teaßells,Grindstone*. Carpen ter Tool*, Fruit Jars wndCan*.Paint*,Oil*, Varnishes received and for anle at jtutftt,ly. J. & J. HARRIS. re. HMSIXiIEK .( MOM Fit, , to 11, A at any p..-.i1.1.- de-ign, aiol (.rice. ' Wo ilw tin' l'"l grn.l— of marhlc ITALIAN, CAMAAA, AMI at. IS SI A rt'Akr, HRRT AMI* A< and ay will* |erferl assurance, *'or work i> our reference." SI,. |.r..t rlt ridge, Millhcim ipdfciy. J. ZELLER dr SON DRUGGISTS Nuti ltrucker Imff Hotr, )t llf'ioi.lr.l'a lfiritlerw In Urugx. 4 bi'iulcala, IN'rfkuiiery . I-'MIM'I (*W *IIN dr.. dr. Pure Win*** and l-iquor* for medical purpr.-c al x ay . kept may 31. 7Z La r H tuail 1 IIUMAt A. HICKM. < IT A HI) WA HK STOUE 11 x -tl ... ~ H7/-SOA d UU KS, Z llelb font*-. Pa., IH -/j (Huceeaor to law I* * NVilmoM.,) I- Hespet tfully inform tha citizen* of ft '■£ Centra ami other couniir*. that they " < have one of the largrat and l*-t w- H a. lecUwl dock of Hardware to be found, " i, - ooailillng of Iron, Hleel, Nail*, ® tl florae Shoe-, Axel-, Spring Wagon Skein, and Boxt-*, Complete *toek ol carpenter too', and builder* hard- ft ware, Imlml ml-, paint., gla. var- ® 5 ni.he*, bru*he, cucumber pnmp# and ~Z tubing Lamp* af all kind*, tcale*, £ ia. cutlery, a "" WOOD ASH WILLOW W.tKK * Full line of taddlcry and coach ma ker* good*, wood work for buggies _ and wagon*, plough*, harrow*, culll vator* and grituiUne#. Looking H 1 gla*e* and mirror plate* Picture 3 ■ frame* made to ordor. They alto J* have the celebrtd cook stove, 3 SUSQUEHANNA, > ■i. every one warranted to give |erfeot|2 satisfaction All kind* of parlorj . 2 lovc. We are determined to telljj < at the lowest price* for cash, or on! Z. short credit —not to exceed three! 2 • month*. Call and MM* U*. a* we take- HZ pleasure in showing our good*. * WII.SOS A HICKS > marl&tf Bellefonte, P.v. ' 2 5 51_ _ ij Gift Sc Flory's New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will constant ly keep en hand, a splendid stock of new Mlofc-s. GAITER*. A SLIPPERS, for turn, women and children, from the b<-t manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS ud SHOES made to order, U|m short iH)ti< They invite the people of thi* vicinity to give them a call, a* tboy will strive to merit a share of their pat ronage, tnylWf N'KVS f I KNITI KK STOUK .. . i I bouii UCI.U* Hoi rat; > HKLI-KFCiNTK. l'A. (. eoh <;e (f jui )a x, I baler in f u wJt ua £ OK At-b KIXIK 4 , BKDSTKA IS, TABLES, THAI BS. Parlor and t'hambor Sets, SOX AS. LOUNGES, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WARDR)B£S. KATTRESBEB. Ac Particular fittenlioa to tSrdcred \\ ork. KF.PA IIIIXO DOSE PROMVTL |* INOIItTAKINt.. hi All It* lirancher, METAI.IC, \ At.NfT, RtEWOOU, ASI> <\l M HON CASK ETS, Always "l Hand. and FnamU Attended Wit! tn Elegant ltoarse. ap6tf. Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy live* man'*, Centra Hull, are li'.H and bet siuvc* out, he l:i> just received a large lot f Cook Stoves, the l'ionecr Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PA HLOUS-The Radiant Light, -elf-fce der, Gas Burner. National Egg, Jewell, dec. iSt.He sells stove* a* LOW a anywhere in MitHiu or Ccutrv co. -u*--' TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby inform* the citizen* of Pen nsvalley that nc ha* pur chased the Tin*hop heretofore carried or by the C. H Mfg Co., and writi continue the same, at the md stand. in all itbranch-l < < . in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE a SPOITIXii. All kind* of repairing done, lie has alwar*on hand Fruit Can*, of all Sixes, BUCKETS, CUPS. DlppEKti. DISHKS.&C. All work warranted and charges reason able. A *hafe of the public patronage so licited. ANI). KKKSMAN. 2*op7oy Ceutre Hall Railroad O. K* NEW GOODS. Herlacher & Cronmiller. CENTRE HALL. PA Have just received. Dry Good*. Notion*. Grocerio*, Hard ware, (Jiieen-ware, Woodatid willow ware Iron, Salt, Fih and tn faet. a magnificent assortment of everything and now i.tfeml nt pricea lower than the lowert. Dress Gauds \ A most beautiful variety, eon-i-ting of all | the novelties of the -easoli, white good*, embroideries, hoop skirt*,' BALMORAL SKIRTS, All we ask that vou will CALL AND KX AMIN'K OCR STOCK ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, •ilver plated and Yankee Harness double and single, bridles and halters. Apr 1 THE KEYSTONE LIGHTNING ROD CO. Are the Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated T. T. Kinsey Patent Copper Lightning Rod. Also manufacturers of* COPPER CABLE, RODS AND WK.iTIIF.I6 VANES Of every Decription and of the nioet approv ed Style. All order* for putting up ItuJs and Panes uu/f receive prompt attention if given to GEISB .IIOIbT. President, ('adder. jdiKXTUK COUNTY BANKING C( iLate Miliiken, Hoover 4 Co.) KhCKJVK DEPOSITS, And Allow lnteret, fiiM ount Note*, Buy and Bell Mover mucin flMstiritiw, Cold and ; ".n.por.. j JAB. VI MAMt'*. Attorney • BaiL..-: . uiv sf< • *. ..all be tie*, ei.ti _ted u> him. juio.GHf |\ Y FOKTNKY * Au.rney at Law l/ Bellrfonte, Pa. (itfii r over Itey I 'mid . bank. mayllOif H. K. M'ALLIaTKK, JAM.* A. KKAVM [iamiJßYlH a UZAiZi A TTORSEVK-AT-LA W\ ! Ilellefonte, Centre Co., Perm'*. apdHtf IK A C. MITCHELL, Attm7ie\ m~Law Bellefoiite, Pa. Offii* in Carman,* [new building opposita the Court llcum-, may 6, Si tenet on fAr AJtenet. C. H. Gutelius, Surgeon antl Mechanical IhntM , who i permanently located in Aaron.bura in the ufltaa formerly occupied by Dr. Net. and who ha* been practicing with entirt auccet.—ha v ing the ciperit nee of ar. umbel of year* in the profe**ion, he would cordi ally invite all who have a. yet not giver him a call, to doao, and test the truthfuinew of this assertion. Teeth extracted I *' t^HUt Mi"- _ nay'£2sßtf jso. it. oavt*. r. t. *u)*>uii OKVIH A ALEXANDER Aitorney*-at-law Office inConrad House Beilefout*. Pa. J. V. GKPHART, with Orvi* A Aloudrr, attend# to c ollec tion* and practice In tbe Orphan'* Court. Tjan'TOtf __ |>OyTS. large stock. alt style*, #!*<•# and I>price., for men and boy* jut arrived at Wulf well known old Stand Chas. H. Held, Clook. Bairhntakrr d Jrtrrlei Millheim, Centre eo., IVnna. L.-.iwt tfully inform* hi# friend* and tin public in general, tbat lie ha# ju*t opened at bl* new e*talili*hntent, above Aiesan der' Store, and keep* constantly on hand all Wind# of Clock#, Watches ana Jewelr* of the latest tvb-, a# also the Maranviilt Patent Calender Cluck*, provided with r eoinplet# index of the month, and dar o. tha month and week on it# face, which it warranted a a Perfect lime-keener. vguClock*. Watches and Jewelry re paired on *hort mairernd warranted. *epUM;ly MILLER S HOTEL Woodward, Pa Stage# arrive and de|iart daily. Thi# favorite hotel i* now HI everv ri*peti on.- of tin- iuo*t pleaaut country hotel# it, central Praasylvanis. Tbe traveling com munity will alwayt find the hot accommo dation. Drover* can at all time# be accom modated with stable# and {mature (or any . number of cattle or horse*. julvß6ftf GEO MILLER. A BALM, #ITXLI>* aaw hamuli • i RO.*T. manor at., Brllcfontc, W INKS A N l> L I Q I O R£ The subscriber respectfully call* the at tention of the public to hi# e#tabli#hui at, where k# i. Os pared to furnish all kindsoi Foreign and Domestic Liquor#' w hob-sab al the lowest ca*h price*, which arc warran tod to be the beat qualitm according t> their respective (rites. Hi* stock consist* of Kye, Monoiigabela. Irish and fthei YYbiskies, all kind# of Brandies. Holland Gin. Port. Maderin. Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best articles—at a reasonable rate# a* can be had in the city, Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Gingci and Carraway Brandies, P.urc Jnhiairaani New England Rum. Cordial of all kind* He would particularly invite Farmt:>. Ho tel keeper* and other* to call and examine hi* large uppty. to judge for tbemelve and be certain of procuring w hat they buy. which can *eidom be done when purrha*- ng in tb city, gT Physic.sin*arcrv*p?> ss pivc satis faction. Liquor* will he *o!d by the quart, barrel, or tierce He ha* a Isrrt lot ot BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the flnent grade* on hand. Confident that ha can please customer he respectfully solicit- a snare of public pa tronage mylttj j f |t|| K undersigned determined to met the iJL ponular demand for Lower Prices, re spectfully calls the attention of the public i to his stock of SADDLERY, i now offered at the old stand. Designed ea -1 peciailf for the people and the tim-s, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality; Whip*, and in fact everything complete to a first class establishment, he now offers at prices which will suit the times. JACOB DIXGEA. Centrellall HOUHK AND LOT KOK SALIC.— The under signed offer* a choice property for *ale, consisting of a new two story triune house, new stable, and other outbuildings. The lot is H fine one, lying on Main street, Centre Hal), and has a variety of choice fruit trees upon it. For farther informa tion apply to 19ap3ni M RICHARD, Ag t. Buautifui Toilet Sells, Chamber Falls*, de., For sale by epr26. tf. WMfMMANIGAL. Hail, all Hail the Coming. AIX HAIL TIIK KX KLKCKNEIt A (TTS Monster Circus, Mu seum & Menagerie. FIRST VISIT TO THE KEY STONE STATE TiF THE Lmgift Consolidated Cirtus, MUSEUM AND MEN AGE HI K, Ever organixed, WILL EXHIBIT AT C .'EST RE HALL, OX FRIDAY, Jt LY !*!,.!, K)H OSE DAY ONLY. A luf i.t- entertainment at 2 o'clock. Ktcning it to'rloek. IV or* to upon on# bur previous. Admiaaion 50cent# ;Children lOyenrr of age, or younger. 25 cent#. A FREE OUTSIDE EXHIBI TION Will be given al the jr : -t, at I tiVloel. r. if., before the opening -f the Ii r for the afternoon; perform#: Mir* H. CU* DOS A will snake a pit..s i- c on*ion upon asi ißie wire, *SO (V-u long, from the ground to the lop of the <. ulre pole of the pavilion, yte-1 and weathrr j enuitting First four of tbe Exhibition* on the America# continent, an- riven under FOUR MONSTER TEXTS : Mammoth water-proof Pavilior.s, capable • f sealing s,ttt)spectator*, with seat* so * run god as to yiw *ll an opportunity rf nesting the exhibition. Pros*ntl:.y ail Sr one prke of admission. The mo* c jnplete traveling exhibition in A me: ica, Thisjri gantic ectaUi-kwcat, .r r . ,i-d in MCI, will require 130 men lit hot-.- for it* transportation. A Magnificent St r it ■<. -tou. Of Oriental Sp'cndor, w ill to Rive® u the morninaiof ti.e exhibition, st 1 U r. ml. The Equestrian and Grubadk l Depart ment*Jare undrr thec.ir . nof Mr. HAR RY KING. The groat and .iy M'SL* ADALINE FiiNTAINRLKAI . Lr.dy (i; UiHa*l and* Ceiling Walker, Trap. IN .rtoer ai d Antipodes*. beside 1, • i> >:npasable Comic llut Spinning. hi He CODOSA, thi u rl.l tv-nowed Premiere Equestrienne. vh bold and graceful feat# oOj iiM i n are imposaiMe to rival. M ile GABEIELLE UAI AUTE.U.O charming Lion Knchan'.rs- *• : of the M caw-trie. M lie CARIIIK CopuXA, ;t*c Ftmtla Bior.din. and most Brilliant l ight Rope Dancer or Ascen* tst h- Ibrethe public. Mr. HARRY COIH'NA, tie isrkltt, unequaLcd Sommersault U r, artd un questionably the best gene *1 |t rformee in thi* country. The WALHALLA BRUTU&BS. Ma*. John and Edward, lha Empm r of the Gymnasium. The names of the remain :;r of the ar tist* are omitted tor want JOHN DAVENPORT, Scn'r, aa and Conic Vocalist—the modern touch stone—an easy conversationalist, and tha most interesting and pleask.jf humorist of the day. Mon*. I>" ATA LIE ti.e Mniiof Steel, with the Iron Jaw, lift# a 4J gallon cask, filled w ithqiquid. beside-- a man holding two 50 pound weight# with hit teeth alone. M ile ANGELA, the Fmil# Samson and the wonderful ArtiierUt, who will hold a cannon, a Six pounder. U;HI her shoulders, and discharge it bHore the au dience. l'rof. WILLIAM A. DAVIS, the Lion King, Historical Lecturer, and Superin tendent of all the animals in the dens and cages. T A large Corps of Auxiliaries, Riders v olligeurs, Acrobats and Gymnasts, will be presented in association with the Artis tic force of this Circus. Remember that by attending this Circus, Museum and Menagerie, you get more amusement, behold greater wonders, and for the i*me amount it cot, to attend a Circus only. You hero see the Guest Men agerie ami the Best and (>n*Ktot Cireua in America. This Monarch of Exhibitions will ex hibit at the following pJsccs : MIFFLIN BURG, WhJ . i , July IT. MILIHEIM, Thursday, July 18th nS?i Friday, Juri pjth. Saturday, July 20th. PHILII'SBURO, Monday, July 22nd Remember the Day and Date. FRANK RIVERS, Gencr'l Director.