;\iK C.CNIRE REPORTER FRIDAY Juno'it., t7± LOCAL ITEMS. I.OCAL KKWi—Our friends, cvery wheeo. witt oblijcs u by sendlm* u* local now s of interest. f CIRCULATIOII. -The circulation of Hie lUronTicii, on thi* aid* the county, i* larger than that of all other jjapcij In the county. Buxinea* men will therefor.; fiml thi* one of tiia beat advertising medium*. Wc invite all Interested to come and in • poet our liat for themselves. KEMXTTAHCE*. -All monies for sab- M I iidioti will he credited on tbcuhcri her * loldrw*. .ach week; by referring to which our pair. n can at all um.* ••'* their account* stand, and a receipt i* W this system carried Upon each copy of Uie paper. See card of Danville In*., Cos agent in adjoining column. ♦ ♦ ♦ Tyrone is to have a fourth of July cele bration and Rratnerd i* to read the leo!a --ration that is, if he doc# not gel 100 much (hie) "how cum you so." Geo. A. Achenbnoh, of Lganvillo i* recommended for the nomination for as sembly, in Clinton county. Ri S Orr—On Monday night of lat week, pet ween Rellelonto and Milohurg. the passenger train ran over a cow which threw a coupla of car* off the track, one of them a |ui**euer car. Fortunate'.)' no one was awrioualy hurt. A negr.. man is rvpor tel to have had his hand nushed. A trout party on board w ere pretty badly dished, their crockery having been sma*hed by the collision. Smith, of Poller's Mills, knows how to sell good* cheap and ha* the knack of pleasing customers. Remember this. The Outre county Normal, will com mence U seeeion *t this place, about the la-i week in July, l'lenty of goed board ing places can be had, at reasonable rate*. We Mould ad viae student*, however, be fore engaging board, ta communicate with Superintendent Macee upan the subject. Our town being ple***ntty located, with on* of the finest view* of natural *cenery in the world, and easy of area**, student* we know will be pleased with their stay here. Stece the burning of the Linden bridge, the through freight train* on the P. A K. raihoad have gone around via Lewistown and Tyrone and thence to Lock Haven via the Bald Ragle railroad The bridge wa* nearly a quarter of a utile iu length and Cit sl(W,tttk The R* t wmrau nh-ation of Constant Connuanderjr N*. 83, -latioucd at Bcllcfonte, Pa., one of those pleasing, delightful, truly Masonic, ocoa -ions was enjoyed which always warm* the Templar's heart, and binds the mystic tie if knightly fellowship in closer bonds of fraternal union. After the work was finished. Sir General George M. Yoeuru arose and said : "P. K, Commander. I). G Bu*h, to me has been given the pleasant duty of presen ting to you this jewel a* a testimonial of the respect, appreciation, and knightly re gard which this CotnmanJery bears you. long ago, when you were installed as lb* presiding officer of the Commandery we w ere fair in numbers, straitened by pe cuniary ewharrasraents, with but a meager outfit and illy prepared to perform the work of Templar Masonry. But our hearts were warm and our enthusiasm unb fund ed. K.very Knight did bis duty. You took the sept re ot authority and through your energy, care and financial ability ire rejoice to-day in our strength, our elegant ly furnished hall, freedom from monetary /•-trainU. our ability to perform the work of a Command cry, and our well-tried con fidence in each oilier. In the accomplishment oi this, we claim no praise, we simply tried to do our duty. No one labored more faithfully than your self, none so carefully guarded our every interest. To you we looked for counsel and instruction: from you we received those examples of knightly and Chrvtian virtues, which have so endeared you to u*. Accept, Sir Knight, this beautiful jewel! Let it remind you that there is one place where your virtues, wisdom and integrity are known and appreciated. May it be to you a talisman, leading you on to deeds of more exalted usefulness, and w hen vour warfare shall be ended, and you are about to enter the Higher Asylum, may the kind wishes of those who now present jou this badge icsist you "To ungird the conqueror's sword, And bear the conqueror's palm." The happy recipient wa* so overcome with emotion that it was with difficulty he could do more than express his gratitude. After the Commandery adjourned, he in vited those present to jtartake of a colla tion, prepared at hi* residence. As wc gathered around his hospitable board, -proad in the most princely manner, and so gracefully pre-Lied over by his accom plished lady, we felt that "it was good to be there." The jewel is of fine gold, in form of a shield. In centre, with enameled ground, with cross and crown below, with the mot to "Be tliou faithful unto death." Above, in centre, are two Knights on horse-back ; on left upper corner, rassion Cross, and opposite Maltese Croat ; below the centre - are square and compass, double triangle, and letter "G," elegantly enameled. The whole is -urinounted bv double loaded eagle and crown. On the reverse side is inscribed "rRESEKTEU TO "P. E. Commander Daniel Griffin But-h, BY "Constans Commandery, No. 83, as a mark of their esteem for the courteous and knightly manner in which he discharg ed the duties of K. Commandery for A. O, 762. at Bellefooto Pa. "I). 11. H." Col. Jno. H. Stover, a native of Aaron*- hurg, now a prominent radical politician of Missouri, paid "our kanctum a viidt on Monday morning last. He look* hale and hearty, and is of huge dimensions—bi* weight having grown to 30' i pound*. We are pleased to learn that he is getting along finely in Missouri. At a ineccting in Philadelphia, it!ker were elected for the Lewisburg, Centre and Tyrone H. R. as follows: Paics.-Uon.Oeo. F. Miller. Di KpTOßk.—Kdward P. (Jay, tieo. B. Huberts, Win. If. Howard, Kdward Siuitb Jas. P. Coburn, K. H. Duncan, Wm. Phil ip*. The contract* for grading the balance of our road, were not awarded )at week There were over 100 bids, and ume of them so clone, that it was thought bet to hand them over to Mr. LeutTerto figure out the lowest and bent, and the awarding of the same was postponed to Thursday of tli is w#ek. Sternberg, who carries on the great cloth ing store of I.;L. Kcizcnstcin. at Bellefonte, has a tremendous stock of clothing and other goods on hand, and beat* anything in 4he county for selling cheap. If you want anything in the clothing line, call on Sternberg, who has supplied this county for nearly twenty years, and always at low figures. Burnside A Thomas have made extraor dinary reduction in prices for the special beneiit for all buyers, who pay cash. It is a very rare thing when any business firm makes such sweeping reductions in prices alorgthe whole line, which has been made by the well known house of Buriuide A Thomas in their magnificent slock of goods. They have set at defianco the old logy system of buying on credit and are saving dollars for their customers. If you want real bargains and save thirty per cent, which you pay for credit toother firms, go to Burnside A Thomas' and see the wonderful repuction in prices. The K. C. iS. 8., of Cliurchvilla, inform* the public, that . on of John Kortney committed 034 \ erw* Irom the Union ljue lion book, in one weak by improving hii spare moment*. Hero boy* i* an exam ple. H. 11. Woiser * property, at Millhvim, wa* partially destroyed by fire, on Wed (to day of last week. BUCKALEW HARI.KY.— Mr. Jaiuca Swectwocd, of Centre Hill, baa some barley that keeps grow ing like Hucka lew'.* chancre for governor, getting larger nil the time. Soma of it, on the 1 ltli of June measured .'{ foot 7 in., on I4tli 4 fret '2 in . ami on 17th 4 feel H inches. If it keeps on growing at that rate, it will soon get so high that it will take two men and a boy to look to the top oi it. Specimen* of a black atone, found upon the farm of Peter Kcrlin, iu the Loop, whete they are searching lor coal have Ireen sent to thia office. It looka a* if it might In n near relative of the black diamonds, and arc ouly sorrv tbcv are not the genuiue article itself. 1 lope Mr. Kerlin will g* on with his search, and that a coal mine may lie his reward. IA'VI A. Miller, of Hellefonlc, aud ex-sheriff Geo. Alexander, are men tioned as radical candidates for SIMMM iff. | Jacob Haker, of Howard is meutiou e.l a* a radical candidate lor Register. ( • ♦ TROY, Ohio, June 121872 ■ I'ditor Reporter : I wrote you some time ago, that the prospect for wheat was good, but that is all a dead duck now, as thu fly bar played hav-! He with the wheat in the last two weeks, one third of the wheat will nev er be cut, the balance will average a Bout leu bushels per acre; the cut worm has taken a thousand acre* of; corn; the fall barley is almost an en-' tire failure ; dry weather aud high winds are all the go here. The wiud sets on its hiud legs and how ls from morning till night. There is old barter enough to have beer pleuly ; we can't get raiu to set out our tobacco, wbeat aud corn we can do without, but to bacco and beer we must have. DOLLY VABDEK. N.IL Grtelev and Browu is all the go here. 1 ! * • - I>r. liiconls Pain Destroyer is sure to kill —that is kill pain. >Ye tried it —and it killed [rain for us We saw it tried by others —and it killed the paiu for them. It is the best pain kill er outj aud uo fail about it. Try it reader, for all kinds of trains and aches. Ask your storekeeper lor it, and if you cannot obtain it front him, send te J. IJu-sel Cross. Alexandria, Pa. Ou WedatnUj' last the member* of YeagerlowiJ congregation yieited the residence of Kev. 8. G. Shaunou. at Milrov and left provisions of vari ous kinds, wearing apparel, books dec., to the amount of ueuriy lIOU. After diuuer the party repaired to the church, spending a short time iu free conference, and then to the house again where a few* short speeches, songs, Ac., completed the happy vieiL Mr. 8, is making a favorable impres sion in hi# charges, and cannot prove otherwise than a useful pastor— (ia tftie. If a cua* ia menu U cause he i* low, theu we are completely surrounded by low-cusses, ( locusts). The Harris Bro's, photographers, are doiug 8 brisk business at Boals burg. Our neighbor*, up |hj-re, know how to appreciate good work, and they permit themselves to be "taken iu" right handsomely. Our people herea bouts who neglected to have photo graphs taken when these artists were in our town, should remember, that it is not Lm* far to go to Boalsburg, in oi> der to secure a duo iikm-ss. In another column appears the ad vertisement ofßynder's Music Store, to which we call the attention of our readers. There are rnxuy homos in Penusvalley which can add to their cheerfulness ly the sweet strains of music, ami liuider oftlrs ]o Bfill first class instruments at a less figure tho* auy other house, so as to bring an or gan or melodean within the reach of all. Wa direct the attention of our reader* L> the advertifiucnt ofofß. F. Kankin A Co'* Drug Store, formerly Linn A Wilson's. They ke*p the firMt and bett drug*, med icine*. Ac.,and have umo of the hindsam est and most complete store* in the state Call in, one door below Wilson A Hick * hadr ware (tore, Bellefontc. Moffer Bro's still keep on selling at low prices. They keep up their reputation a* being the .farmer'* best friend and tbe stand where good* ere sold at price* tu*l are fair to Iheir cuitoiner*. Their (lock never goe* down, always keep ordering a supply, and thus have a fiillline constant ly on hand. Remember, lloff.-r Bro's. Wo the undersigned, eiligen' of Centre Hall and vicinity, having witnessed the handling of several vicious horses and mule*, by Prof. St. John, hereby certify that'be ha> fully performed all be promise* in breaking horse* of bad habit*, and that (here i* no deceptioner humbug whatever in hi* system of handling hone*. The Prof, goes from here to BoaUburg, and we hereby cheerfully recommend liirn to the people of that vicinity : Fred Kurtz, J. A. Llngle, I). C. Keller, G. It. llarpster, Ja. H. M Cormick, C. C. Keller, Geo. 11. Kinerick, J. P. Harnster, Win. Krhard, Geo Holler, Tho*. Lingle, Peter Holler, D.J.Walker. And. Gregg, J. B. Solt, W.H.Webber, J. 11. Odenkirk, S. PHoulz, Jno. Spangler, J. S. Stump, ( H. Smith, and other*. , A CARD To THE FAUMKK* or PES GOVALLEY. In an article in thi paper two weeks ago, we (aid that the coat of the Danvillo rar niera'lnsurance Co., was lcs than half that of any other company. We hero repeat ( the assertion : Our rout it Utt than half that of any other reipuntible company xchatteer, and ice are prepared to pruwe it hy comparing rate*',tith anyagent or officer of any company, during fire eunteeutive ytart, tince organization—thirtee a ytart ago. In an article in this paper one week ■lf", concerning the Centre llall Insurance ce., the Danville company was named. We are ready and wil in* to compare with that company also. The following is a par tial list of persons insured in the Danville company in Pottertwp. : U. Brockerhoff it Co., Jno. P' Runkle, Evan Evans, Jos. Neff, David Hennigh. W. J. Thompson * Bro, Geo. Rearich, W. W. Rover, Jno. Sweelwood, Paul Keller, W. W. Love, Geo. M. Boal, J. Carson, J. Royer, M. Stiver, Jno. Runkle, John KUhel. Jacob Wagner, C. Durst Joseph Bilner, Ac. besides a number of others, while the tow li st] ip is not yet fully canvassed, among oth er prominent members of the company in this valley, are Moses Thompson with 14 properties insured, CbrUtiari Dale with i properties, the McFarlanes with 6 proper ties, Ac., Ac. All we have to say further is this:—lf the Danville Company is net the bett amt the eheapett why (lo well-in formed but ine&e mfcn like lue above leave companies at home and insure in the Dan ville Company ? The charter of this com pany says "no property situated in any City. Borough, Townjor Village shall be insured by this company.' It* 1 resident. Vice President, and every Director is a working farmer. Farmer* of Penmvalleyj will you pay two prices or one lor your in surance ? it is for you to answer sons wishing property insured can have it attended to by addressing the agent at Mill Hall, Clinton Co. Pa C. R. GEAKHABT, Agent Danville Farmers Ins.. Co. >IA Nice NMII for the Foreigner* (o ,! Vole For. [from the Chicago Tribune.! lu 1854. Mr. lleury Wilaon WHS the chief of the Know Nothing organiia tion iu Massachusetts, which party, in , secret convention, nominated a candi date for Governor, who *M elected. Mr. Kdward Kverett, who was then Unite*! States Senator, resigned, and the Know Nothing I/egialatureelected Mr. Henry Wilaon to fill the vacancy. Mr. Wilaon did uol takehiaaeat until the 10th of February, 1855, and on the '23 of the atime month, in a loug de lrate on n bill providing for nu enforce ment of the United Stalea laws. he re peatedly spoke of the Americuu or Know Nothing party, "with which I act" He claimed to lw, aud wa, the representative of that party in the Senate. On the firat of Match, 18(15, Mr Wilaou, aa the Senatorial repreeenta tlve of that party, prevented the peti tion of the ciliaeue of Hoaton, MHSMI chuaetta, praying a re|cal of the nat-1 uralisation lawa of the l uited State* On the 4th of March the session of t'ongrea* cloaed, and Mr. Wilaon did not appenr again until the lXecmber following. He remaiued a reprcaenta live of the Know Nothiug Prt)' unt '' lin 1856, whutt that oiganisation be came a "national party,' repudiating anti-alaverviatu. Mr. Wilaou then , joined the Republican party. Thia ia the geutleman aelectcd by | the Graut party to oflset Mr. Schura. , He ia expected to draw all the old I Know Nothiuga, to take the place of j the Herman*. The Ttu Million Steal The records of the Seuate iu regard to the must stupendous scheme of rob bery ever attempted in this Stale, says the Pittsburg Poet, "the nine million steal," show that Harrison Allen, the 1 ring candidate for Auditor General was the very first to record bis vote in favor of the project. The vote of the honest Buckalew is fouud atuoug the nay*. This makes the ring more |ar ticularly anxious to defeat Mr. Buck alew ; kuowiug that if Allen aud his oosom friend Hurl ran ft, are elected, there will be no trouble to secure HartranfY* signature to the bill, should the ring succeed iu getting it passed ; and also there weuld be no ( trouble iu gettiug the securities from the hands of the willing Allen. The nine milliou raiders on the treasury know and feel that Buckalew will frustrate their schemes. One of the Present*. The OiuuiutJAti Emjuirer publishes the following as the reply of Ljcncral Grant to a preseul of $105,000 for warded to him by General Dauiel But terfield, theu holdiug a commission in the Army, and while holdiug it, air pointed Bub-Treasurer iu New York, iu which hp fffts detected iu fraudu lent complicity iu the great gold con spiracy, but was allowed to resign from the Army without a Court-mar tial. BuUerfield. op the 15th of Feb ruary, 1880, viiiilusaj tin* gift 111 this form; [Enclosure.] Mortgage. $30,437 30. aa.au) 7-ao t\ s. bond*, i: -- ne* <>4.72*00 Ca>h 1,837 30 JnUj - fhp reply of &nMf f** words i I Wasuisotox, D. C. Feb. 17. I** Dea* Gexksal : Your letter of the 13, inclosing icc the handsome testimonial of the cltlxcns of New York, with tho namri of all too generous contributors to it, is re ceived. Through you 1 wish to thank the gentle jfjen whose names vou have inclosed to U4V, individually fnrf collectively. I have the honor to bp, yo*r At this time, General Graut wo. Preeident elect of the Uuiled States. It would be interesting now to have a list of these "too generous" givers, to see how and what offices were given to liken. Will some of the Grant organs furnish tls 13pop ? •T * t Chief Justice Tbomuruu's ununr pt-achable record is the despair of the Radical scribes, whose business it is to aasail it. They are reduced to sheer mendacity. Thus a Radical paper of fypdfprd county, the Prcsa, abuses him for '-'deciding figfiifivl allowing soldier* in ibci army U> vole." Sheer iuveu lion! Any body who takes the trouble to turu to the decision which is in 5 Wright'a Report Pennsyl vania), jutge 428, finds it there record ed that Thompson J. l>Uentetl. Now, try and iuvent something else. Solomon P. Counor secretary of the Hartford and fc'eir //itveu railroad died at Hartford Conn., 11th in|. Grant and Colbarli, is the new radi cal firm. An indurxer of a note ia exempt from liability jf not served with no tied of its dishonor within twenty four hours of its non-payment. A Florida jail not having had au iuiuatc in four years, the commission ers have turued it iulo a corn crrb. GREGG TOWNMHIP 4II)JTt)R HKPOKT. Samuel Harter Supervior of road* ol Gregg twp , for the year ending 1872. Aprif Sth 1872 I>K. To amount of duplicate $892 33 [■' rum former duplicate 13 (10 toe'j of J. i) HgnkeT 27 28 Total 982 61 CR fly amount of work done on road* 470 24 Exoneration* allowed 3 66 Percentage on SM*(,4O 44 42 26ft 2 inch plank 76 ifitaervicoa 33 76 Balance due townbip 37® 90 Jacob Whitlculhcr Sunerviaer for the, rear 1872 in account with Gregg twp , April Blh To amount of duplicate II 82 Bv amount of work done on road* during year 6C7 37' Exoneration* 2 77 1 Percentage 68 98 Ilia ervice* 26 Ul Paid to Phillip Kemp for work 14 60 By cah paid this da_y 340 60 llular.ee due townxhip 173 87 Jamea Grove per George Korinan Ovcrxeer of Gregg twp., for the year 1871. To amount of duplicate in hand* 684 Hi To caah of Fred Kenninger 16 GO Total *>4o Credit Renninger Ry amount paid for kepping pau per* M 26 for B. F. Knarr 7 40 •• " " forH. Brown 16160 " " " le B. F. Van Val aali 79 •' " " for Sarah Zeij(ler 700 • " '• A. Shannon in iuit with twp., 10 79 •' '• J. Hagcn for*rv ingtupoena ... ' ® " ' Win, Heckuian Overaecr 99 00 " Exoneration* on hi* duplicate 309 " PertnUfcgy for collection 29 09 ' Hi**ervice* 1200 Balance due lown*hip 141 49 Tola! *> *0 Wm. Heckrnan Ovemeer of the poor for the year 1872 UK. To amount of duplicate for collec tion 30 " " Received of Geo. Kor muri 99 00 '• " Received of Peter n ea vcr'clate 24 60] ToUl 666 80' OK. By amount paid for keeping puu pers 4" Audited Aprillßb 1872. W. C. M'COOL JOHN ÜBOVK Auditors D AN ACT t<> cnablo honorably dischrgcd vlillaro and *nilnr, their widow* anil or. |iltnu children, to acquire homestead* on the |iuhlic land* of the United Stair*. B llr il runt (til by thr Shttr nml Haunt qf ulutirra q( Ihi I nihil .S'fulft i.l ' jMrrite in ftutor*** mnntmbletl, That eve* i ry private subtler and ofllcer who ha* •rrved in the army of tho I'nitrd State* during the recent rrholion for ninety day*. • or more, and who wa* honorably dischnrg l j ed, and li* remained loyal to the govern* | ment, including the troop* mustered inta I the trrvico af the United State* hy virtue ' of the third section of an act entitled "An . act making appropriation* for completing | the defen.esot Washington, and foi other purposes," approved February thirteenth, ' eighteen hundred and *ivty-two, and eve ry eaman, marine, and ultleer who ha* served in the navy of the I'nlted States,orj jin the marine corps, during tho rebellion, | for ninety day*, and who wa. honorably j ' j discharged, and ha* remained loyal to the ! government, .hall, on roniplyanco with j tho provision* of an act entitled "An ad to secure homestead* to actual settlers on ' the public domain, and the act* amenda tory thereof, a* hereinafter modified, he en titled to enter upon and receive patents lor a quantity of public land* (not mineral) 1 nal exceeding one hundred and lixty ■ acre* or o ic quarter-section, to he taken in compart form according to lc gal subdi vision*. in. hiding the alternate reserved sections of public land* along the line of ' any railroad or other public work, not 1 otherwise reserved or appropriated, and other lauds subject to entry umUrlhei' homestead laws of the United Slate. • I'rnrulnl, That said home*tvad settler shall I* he allowtd six month* niter locating his homestead within which to commence hi* , settlement and improvement .! iv. .l or di.nLilili In- - count ofwotnds rvrtinxl, or disability in curred in the lino of duty, thru the t<-rino enlistment shall he deducted from Ihe lino heretofore required to perfect title, with out reference to the length of lint? he mat have served: froritinl, Au - eerr, That n patent shall isue to any homestead -elth i alio ha> aot resided upon, improved, an. cultivated his mid homestead for a peritxl of at least one year alter lie shall com mence hit improvement* a> aforesaid. Sue. 2 That any person entitled iimlci the pruviaont of the foregoing section t enter a homestead, alio may have hereto fore entered under the homcicad laa* ■ 'quantity of land less than one hundred and sixty acre*, shall he permitted to enter under the provisions of this act •>> much land a*, alien added to the quantity pre viously entered, shall not exceed one hun dred and sixty acres. Bnc. S. That in case of the death of any person who would he entitled to a home stead under the provisions of the first sec tion of this act, his widow, it uumarried, or in ease of her death or marriage, then his minor orphan children, hy a guardian duly appointed and officially accredited at the l>cpartuinl of the Interior, shall he entitled to all the benefits enumerated in this act, subject to all the provisions as to settlement ami improvements therein eon tallied: fVuoifn/, That if Mich persons died during his term of enlistment, the whole term of his enlistment shall be deducted from the lime heretofore required to per fect the title SKI*. 4. That w here a party at the datr of his entry of a tract of laud under the hemestca.l laws, or subsequently thereto, was actually enlisted aud employed in tin 'artuy or navy of the United Male-, his , services therein shall, in the administra tion of said hnutc tend law, he constructed he equivalent, to all intents and pur poses, ie a residence fir Jhj satpe length of time upon the tract so entered, /'*srdW, That it his rntrv has been canceled by roa son.>f his absence from said tract while in the military or naval service of the United States, amf such tract has not been dispos ed of, bis entry shall he restored and con firmed: Ami ftrorUtd lurtkei , That if such tract has been disposed of, said party may ef(U>r another tract subject to entry under ;i-l law:. and hi- rijfhj f-> a patent there fore shall l>e determined by tins prouls hutching his residence and cqttivatloq of the flrt tract, aud his absence therefrom in such service. hm . i That any soldier, -ailur, marine .ilfiiwr, or other person coining within the provisions of this act may, as well hy an agent a* in person, witter on said home stead : /Vurufeif, That said claimant in |*-r --son shall, within the time prescribed, com manee settlement. ami improvement, on the tame and then after fulfill all the re quirvmctiU of thi* act. p. That the Cummi-.ioner of the fidget,il Lt,ri| Urtl a thall have authority In jjiake alt lie. rftirrtllp. ail't regulation* to carry into tnpii the pruvnh.-ii* f tl act. MARRIAGES. On the 11th in.t,, by Rev. Salon, D D., Mr. F" red rick Weaver, of Haina lm Mr- Klitabetb Qfwl W 4ir.-gg tw l> ua > yt;r34f .J Jti-"- ■■ DEATHS On (be Mb 111*4 . near Roiling spring* Centre cuuuty. of (.'-on.umpliuii, John Banay, in tbe .V.'th year 'f hi* ago. tin lilth. iti.L, near Centre Hall, Will iam Franklin, infant *onof Thoma* Scholl aged 1 month, and 10 day*. On 14th int-, in Harri* tap . Eli.aheth, u.tv *n Miclieal Meyer, ag-d t'l year. 3 men ti.l tih'd 2 tl*J. Oh 14th iii.t., at Aaron.burg. after a lingering illness of It* year., Sarah, aiife of John Bower, aged .74 year*, 0 month., and 12 day*. On Sunday following her re main* were interred lit the Lutheran Cem etery of Aaron.burg. The funeral .ervir.-i ; were conducted by Rev. P. Sahm 11. 1). very appropriate discourse wa drliter e4 to g large u .dlt nts fropi 1i• • {Lain, 15 verse: "Trrccioli*7ti tHeighl f the IotJ I* the death of hi* Saint*.'* 11. On Till not, at Orangvillo 111., -Mr. Hamuii Jlrtjj,aged 77 yeara H month* and 5 day*. The i liurrh wa. oforfiowtag with people, paving their lu.t re*pe*-t. to the decea.ed. lis in (ortnerlv ftmu Penn On the'JHth uIL, at Rockgrovc, 111., Da vid Mingle, former)* ot Haines twp., fath er of 11. A. Mingle of Aaron.hurg, aged 77 At Pine Grove. on the 2d ln*t., Mr Hugh Louriiunrc, aged 78 year* and 10 month*. In BonLburg, PH., on the 31 at ult, Mar garet L. Dur*t, wife of Win. Durst, Sen. aged 00 year*, 5 month*, and 1 day. Valualilc Farm at Private Sale The undersigned offer* at private sale, a valuable Farm, situated in Gregg town ship, Centra county, near the railroad de pot at Spring Mills' and belonging l<> the estate of Kli'ubeth N e-*e, doc'd. This farm contain* 283 ACBKS FARMLAND of which oOacres are well timbered. frX Thereon are erected two dwelling JOE house*, with Hums and nil necessary outbuilding*. Fruit of all kinds nnd an ahundaiigo of water on the premise*. The land i under high slate 'if cultivation, ind among the best HI the valley. For further information apply to JAM. 1). GKST/.K1.1, one of the Administrator*, near Spring Mill*. June 14. tf. THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next door to W ilaoii A' Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St'., BKLLKFoNTK, PA., R. F. Rankin nvas AM) MEI) 1 VISES, CHKMICALS, PAINTS, OILS. DYK STUFFS. VAIt MS H KS, BRUSII KS. 1 ERFUMKitY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY A ItTICLKS • >l< TIIK TOILKT, Ac. PM!Hi2WI£ & LJQUOftS for medicinal purpose*. SHOULDER 11 RACES, TRUSS KA A SU PPOItTKRH in great variety. Also, Choice 1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO, arid all other article* usually licpt in it llrst class Drug Store. PRKSCItI PTIO.NS CARKFULLY , COM POUN DKD. 2ljune tf. It. F. RANKIN A - WANTKU - A good jour tinner ean.lliul a good job ill this place at good wages For further particulars apply ul this of fice. 2t. CENTRAL HoTRL. Comer ..mUnl and Chestnut Street, Milllinburg, l'a. Johu Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town ou business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. tjun 21. Iy. MKKCANTII.K AI'PltA ISICM KNT ldt of Dealers of KVrsign and !>• >[mo*llc Merchandise, liquors. Ait', in Cen -110 county fur lit* year 187$, iiibjtft to f payment of Ik tftuo. HKLLKFoNTK BO HO. t.|rKKSX CI. AMU. i l.oub Muv A lo'ub S2UOO 10 Juhu Hotter 16 00 M . loscph A 11 mi.... 16 0(1 John tl Awl 7U> U > John Montgomery * 00 Id , tllr A Jirroi 1000 13 Frank P Itlair <7 00 14 Isuae Otiggcnheimer I6(1 Abraham Sosstnan 7 Ul 14 A Pom-art 7CO 14 Ximmarman Hro* A Co 12 •'*' 12 .l..hn lira, kbill 7 <*> 141 . Kdward OrnliHiu .V Hi ii ... 7 00 It John Sweeney ......... 7'*' 14 I l.yon A Co 10 00 IS il O Hotter 7 00 II Linn A Wilson 1000 13! Harper A|llro. 1600 II ft D Keller 16 60 12 Witt Met'let ten 7 • 14 Itumside A Thomas. 161X1 II F 1* O recti U>u tit J A J Harris 'At IXI 10 .1 11 Sands 7 on 14 Hulil A Limit lout 13 JWCeok 1240 12 11 Y Siiucr 7 Ul 14 tieorge u Itrien „.... 7U> 14 H It Yeager 700 14 l> M Wagner A Son -JiUI 10 Krvhergcr A (irim 10UO 13 John S le-nt.erger 7 Ul 14 James Welch lOUI |3 John Power*. 7Ut 14 Weulor A Twitmeyer 7 CO 14 Sohroycr A Son 7U! 14 Sechler A Ce 16UI II N Beck. 7U> t4 M iss* Priest 7 U 14 Mr, N K Data 700 14 J W Parsons... 7UI 14 Mi.. Mary I. Mcltride. ..... 7U) 14 ,J I. Keixemtein 7 Ul 14 Wilson A Hick 20Ul 10 P Met "utterly 7UI 14 .1 K ACT Alexander •" 14 i Shortlidge A Go 7 ut 14 |W H Wiikison ACe Milliard 60Ut H .11 11 Moo do 4otO f ItKNNKIt TWP. Iewi* lias* sl6 00 11 III" KNSIUK TWP tieorge It ltoak $lO 00 13 ill Hi US TWP J It t'urtin sl2 60 14 McCoy |A Linn 12 60 12 , CUKTIN TWP ( Webber A Singer $7a (iron $10(tl IS: i K K Pilip* lorn la, M M Mm or lom IS .Shetu Spigeiuiyer A Sum 1250 12, HARRIS TW P .1 II 11 alt it Agent $7 00 111 r> F Tnvlur 7 oo 141 A Klnei'r 12' HI 121 I'ynu \Vwn 7 00 14 I A I* lloumt 7 m 14; | Cook A K reamer 1000 IS S II Stover loin ISi IJ J I'rivu 7 m K j (irornJtll A Mm 7 m 14 Slunl—rg.-r A Jordan 7i 11 Daniel fleas lout IS IIAI.F MiHiN TWP II S Tliotiiiofi SIOOO IS J V li my 12 &0 12, Jaiiiri Love lom 13 HIIWAKD TWP. R C Leathaia S7OO 14 ||l**4Tt>s( |.|<'XhK i.|,Ate j J.l,n I Thompson $lO m |S J T William* iom ls Levi Wuinef *l*l 14 Itonvnr, Davt* A Co 7m 14, T K lirie*t A l'*i 7!*• 14 I.IHKKTY TWP. John Brick ly $7 • 14 Janic* S K*k 71*' 14 Jalnr* (Julggly lom is MILKS TWP. T N Wolf 700 14 .■5 F F rank 4i Sulj 40 (Si Millar, OckcrA Co P'oo 13 MAKION TWP. YearickASon 7 00 14 K K Wilton 7m 14 PENS TWP. K<-r*tcl<-r A Krtle $7 00 14 Alexander A Br*. lom IS K C Campbell 7 m 14 i v iinolk lom Kitehhulll '7 W 14 John I) Jr'ool 7 til 14 PoTTKK TWP. llarlacher A Crttnmlller slo4*l 14 Wn. Wolf 1200 12 Strom A Smart* 74* l 14 Win Armagoti 7m 14 Philip* A Ulaugoc 7t* 14 11 K Smith 10 m ti inirisMn ' Lran i Tliiiinjimn 10m 4i 41 llinnintfcr 7**• 14 J A Koepman RUSH TWP. John Nullte a Co SISOO II E M Sturhrant 74* l Peter Smith 7 m 14 1-cvi fiearhart j W J Jat-kyufk moil JOht. Miller A Ss P OO IS SPRING TWP IP 8 llavtfiv $7 00 |j .111 Millar t'•! It PATTtiN TWP. Mini Kale Murray $7 4*l 14 Mnttren llro* 7 m PHILIPSBURG BORO. DO Hirlinger S7OH 14 D C Jaiuiwß " ni J* Irving Munaon V- 5 " I'- ll a rgarot ( '< >it a I W *4 i J S McCartney I < 00 14; W C IIMRI Oscar Adam* if (1 Hook 714' j W fl McCnu.land 7 00 Itnnkin A Williams 7 00 Allport A Herring 7 ' Tll SwlUer 700 4 Wntron & Miller WW }2 GllDcigicrAOo 12 fo Mi* C Durauaa .lame* A Gnnoe Kmanuci Holinger J*mo Morrison < 00 Kepler, Dubre aCo 8500 T J Meyer* 7U> 14 Frank A Hutten 7>W J It McKinney BMW (i ivFlagal 10 UO M r. li Mhii ley 7 00 ■l<>pl*in4 Hugul 1 00 14 K T Gray 7UI 14 j li T Barber < 00 Kur JS ! A T Bogga 700 10 J S Preudfoot 10>0 1 HOWARD BORO. S F Kline U 00 14 Joseph Royer 7 Oo 14 Jenkins & Webber 7 00 13 BaUer Webber 12.l2 Robert Cooke |otlo Luca* Jt lira 700 II UNIONVILLK BORO. 'Orient A Rumbarger s!ot* 13 Alexander & Geary 7 *> Nullum Horly 7 00 II SNOW SIIOK TWP. May, LoebACo S'JMM 1 A ft Sherer 7 00 Herbert William* 7 14 J II Crlssman 12 W )2 Nicholas Bowera 10 no I hiv id Bet* Sarah II Crlssman 7 00 14 TAYLOR TWP. John Cepenhavcr $7") J S Fink 71*' 14 WORTH TWP. V Oray 87 00 14 II W Hoover 700 14 WALKKRTWP. ' lloiisluli & Rodger* $lO 00 ilenry Brown 10 00 13 S* It is Yearick 1000 13 An appeal will be held at the Commis sioners'"tllee in Hellefontc, on Juneß4th IK7-2. HKNRY NULL. ■ Appraiser. CIAUTION.- Having purchased the j following articles at constable sale, on 16th .-r May, lat, us the properly of Jonathan Bechtol, of Uregg twp., the un dorignd hereby lot* the same inthepo*- • nasion of said Jonathan Bechtol, at his pleasure, and thoroforw cautions all tor son* against meddling with the lame, namely, 1 cooking *tove, 1 sink, 1 cup board, i tables, 1 bods, chairs, 1 chest, 1 bookcase, 1 doughtray, 6 thoats. june7.3t. JAMES TOM AH. W* are authorised to announce tho t.ninu of tif..rue Meyer, of Ferguson twp,, a* • candidate for county commissioner, subject to tho decision ol the democratic county convention. ProtlioiioUry. Wo aro i.uihorlsed to announc# tho llama of John Moran, of Belleftuitc. as candidate for I'rotbnnotary, subject to decision of the democratic county convert* [tion. We are authtiriscd to announce that Aaron William*, of Heilafotit*. will le a candidate for Prothonotary, subjoct tothr decision of the democratic > ounly coiiveq* tion. Nlifiiir We are authorised to announce the name of (Jan. S Hoy. of Marion twp., a* a candidate ft.r Sheriff, subject to the dccls ion til the democratic county convention. We sr* authorised to announce the name of Jacob Itultnrf, <>f Harris twp., a* candidal* for shgriff, auhjcct to lb" de cision uf the demucJatic county < un venliun. We arc authorised Imtniiounce the name ufllctiry Noll, of Spring tp., a* caiidiawte for sheriff, subject to the decision of tha democratic county convention. We arc sothoroixed to announce the name of It F. Drown, of Harris twp .a* a eandidato for sheriff, suhjecl to the tlecia ion of the democratic county convention. We are aulhori*od to announce the name of Iteiilamin Shafer, of Walker twp , a* a candidate for Sheritf, subject to the decis ion of tho deiuaeratic county c< nvention. We are authorised t<> announce the name oi Alei Shannon, of Centre Hall a* a can didate for HherilT, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We arc authorised to announce the name ot John Spanglcr, ofCeiitro llall, a* a can didate lor Sheritf, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. BKLLEKONTKM AKKETH. i.'urr<'(r all OrucrMa ao4 Ii*la la ismi'r KA S vvsmi HfCIUM 4 MTOh, lll*flag g Just Arrived. Just Arrived. Call and See Call and See WOLF'S Magnificent Stock of New Goods. Come and get bar gains. Assortment lull ami complete. Dry Goods, Groceries, No tions, Hardware, Ready-made 4 iotliing, nnd thousand* of other articles TAN D AT i'ltl V ATK^ALK A lot dt land, lying In Urcgglown.hip, on the hank* of Penn* creek, between Perm Hall and Spring Mill*, i* offered at private sale- It au'>ins land* of Geo. Burhauan and 1., H. M'lntire, containing 24 ACREB more or lea*. About 8 acre* consist of flrt da** while pine limt>er, the balance cleared and under cultivation 6 acre* are meadow. For further particular* apply to V. 11 IfRNNICK, I.Wl.ti Gregg twp. j A. SUSSMAN LEATHER & SHOE FINDING. in lower room, N. I. Hush's block, where he keep* on hand a stock of WHITE and REI) LEATHER and HARNESS. Kips and Calf Skins French nnd City Finish. STRING LEATHER, SHOE | FINDINGS OF FVERV DE SCRIPTION. Raw Hides ( BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trunks and Valise)! OF ALL KINDS. RAW FURS, of all kinds bought and highest price paid. Clover and Timothy Seed I always bought and on hand*. WHEAT and OATS specially bought nnd the high est Cash price paid. Go to Sussman'*, there you can buy I cheaper than elsewhere, a* everybody ' know*, who ever dealt with him. lie let* 1 no one off without a good bargain. N< \l door to Sussinaii'* is the cheap dry i good, establishment of Isaac Guggenheim er. ap6.tf. ADAM HILD, i PAINTER, mil.oy.fa.. ■ offer* his service* to the citixens of Mifflin - and Centre counties, in HOIIMC, Sign HIIII 41rumt*niitl Painting. '[ Graining and Paper Hanging. Orders respectfully solicited, satisfaction J. guaranteed, or no pay. June 7th ,y. RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, IJH'k IIAVEN, PA. The proprietor of Ky it tier's Music Htore desires torII the attention of the people of Centre comity, to the fuel that they Can Save Money by purchasing their musical instruments ot Itviuler'a Music Store. We tre telling Double Ileal, Six Slop, Five al SI4O, (superior in tone ami fiuish, to thorn-1 hat are hawked nml |*ddled throughout the country al $175 to S2O I.) These we warrant fur five year*. We give any reasouable credit desired to responsible parties. We beg leave to call your nltenfian totbe following iuslrumcnls, *>ld in Pennsvalley this year, which you u. Id do well to examine Itefure purciiasiug elsewhere : CENTRE HALL. 8. 8. WOLF, Hymler Organ $225.00 WM.OALHRAITII, Rjwder Organ 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. V. OALK, American Organ $37500 PETER BCHKECK, (trailer Organ 140.00 • AAItONMRURfi. WM. ETTINOER, Ryndcr Organ r24000 BOAIXBURG. MIBB E. E. H U NTEIt, Melmlion $130.00 In a few weeks we will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. Iu short by writing a letter to us and getting our price*~-re deliver all iuatruments— You Can Save From S4O to S6O on ail Or^an. Address, RYJS'DEWSMUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa. NKW (loons: MOW GOODS! C. D. KELLER. BISHOP STR EET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, it lu* prepared, at the Old Stand fl Bidi|i Street, to tell DJiY GOODS, (j'AOVZrUlZSxlvviz, CEDAR ASD WILLOW WARE, AC, at freaUy reduced prim, lie IF ila> prepared U> pure hate ALL k I N D S OF G B A IN ! FOR WHICH UK WILL PAY TUP. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! AHH PURCHASERS M ILL KINIASt PRKlolt INHUCKMKNTB Til EKE ,pr iwf. C. D KKLLKK I. fJuggcilheimer. ARRANUKMKNTI ISAAC Gcouemikimlk. having purchased tbe entire stock of the lale tirm ofSusstnan A Gugganbcimar, ex cept the liCather and *4hoe-finding*, ha filled up hi* shelves with a lot of MFLKNIIID NEW oooi*, embracing READY MADPCUYTIUNG, j URUhH t.iHUk*, OIUXkRIM, PROVISIONS, UOOTs A Mlo, HATH *Y CAra, AND FANCY A RTICt.IJs, and is now prepare*! to accomodate all bit old customers, and la welcome all new ones who may favor him with their patronage, lie feels safe in ear ing that he can please the most fastidi ous Call and see. ISA AC OUt JUKN HK! M KR I'. 8. —Mr. Sussman still eotilintics to deal in I.KATIIKH AND SIIOK-Fl NDI NUS, CLOVKRand TIMOTHY SKKDS, in the old room, where lie may alway be found. 12ap.f. COAL, I LIME, and POWDER! COAL —Wilkosbarre Coal. Chestnut Stove, Kik, fhrnaceand foundry. Coal—oibest quality, at the low est price*. Customer* will please note that our coal i housed un der commodiousshed*. LI MB—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, lor rale at our kiln*, on the pike leading to Mi'.eaburg. POWDKR.—Having received the agency for |)u font's Powder AT WIIOLKSALK, we shall be pleased to receive order* from the trade. Office and yard near outh end of Bald Eagle Valley K. H. I>epot, Bellefonte, Pa. aov4 SHORTLIDOK & CO. WANTKP. Wo will give energetic men and women liUKINKHS THAT WILL £AY from $4 to $8 per day, can he pursued at your own home*, and i* strictly honorable Send for sample* that will enable you to go to work at once. Address J. LATHAM Jc CO., IW'J Washington St, Boston, Mass. , June 7. "'I , BUTTS HOUSE Bkllefonte, Pa. J B. BUTTS, Prop'r. Has first class accommodation ; charg -1 es reasonable. 19apr, tf. WAR! WAR! Oil High Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. H. NWITII, of Potter* Mill®. N K W U O ODS ! We would mod re|ttfll/ i'.frotn bi> friend*, l urtowm, ud llir |.ul.lir gener ally. that be ha* taken p.*s<*i>n of , TUtub~>ti' , which have been remodeled and improved. and it a<>* pre- Darcd to hcoimmodaU all vho way fTor hint by calling. NEW GOODS! lie ha> jurt received one of lha largest stocks f all kind* of Men-handiae ever brought to Centrecouaty, which he intend* to k II at o-uh figure* a* will make it an ob ject lor all |M>r*on* to purchase. Families laying in winter upplie of Groceries, Dry Good*. A*'., should not fail to rive hint a call, a he feel* confident hi* price* and tuienor <|uality of good* will amttlv satisfy all. lit* stock of GItOOE U I E 8 consist* tf Coffee* of the beat quality. Tea*, Sugar* of all kind*, Molaa***,) Kith. Halt, Che**, Dried Fruit, Spice*. Provision*, Flour and Feed, Ac., .Ac. Our Mock of DKYGOODS c i* larg? and varied, and we will just say £ can supply any article in that line, with- i out enumerating. RK A DYMA 1) EC LO TIII NG I t a large *bck of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which wa will dispose ti of at a very email advance on eosL I t I I It.mt* and Shoe*, Hat* and Cans, Hard- * ware, Oueensware, Wood and Willow } Ware, Notion*, Fancy Uuod*,Carpet*, Oil cloth*. Wall Papers, Window Shade*, Ac., ocl2Uy. J | * " 1 iiraliam & SOIL Boot &Shoe Makers Next tliHir t> I> C Keller's Store Rcllcfonte. We manufacluro to order. Our work i# neat and durable. Our prices are very moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. We have the LARGEST and BEST stock of Radio's and Children's shoes in town. We arc receiving goods every week. Wo wish an examination of our goods. The Pennsvalley trade is especially in vitod to call and M our stock, we think we can please all who call as to style, .junlity, and price*. We study to render satisfaction, and although we have had an extended trade for years, we have never given a customer cause to complain. septlG.tf. LIGHTNING SAWS at Manufacturers prices. For t\X W. J. M'MANIQA&i may 31.3 m ' Miltoy. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar. 4 lO YEARN J *k -or a- Public Tost IfJftft JftfttTWl jr. OR. CROOK'S Z2M& WINE TAR TO IttTf —w lion • r (lie pnblk. Tt ta Hdi la tle medteliml o J lllrt ofTsr.iod unaqoakd k r ii*av i of (kf Tar—l aad Laas* f formirf U moat wtrtiMt oum fftsiha, CaMafluaaleC—wka It eftactu&llT carm tbwa nil A }j u mred m mrnaj emm it kM batfl pruß: ur>rds ■pacific (or Umh com pi ate*. For pain in Breast, Hide or Bark, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the t riuanr Oram, Jaundice or any Liver Complaint, It haaaoaqm}. It b also a superior Tonif, Restore* the Appetite, - ...d Kwtorw (Bf W fit Htm Debilitated, Cause* the Food to Digest, • ta - 0T " *SC£t Prevents Malarious Fevera, . (jives tone to your System. THY DR. CROOK'S WEXTSOFTAIi NATURE'S Hair Restorative Contains no LAC SULPHI li —oN SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from tit i'owottou* awl llcalih-rlctttroyinf I)rug used in otiicr Hair IVjara tions. Trantjiarcrtand clear a* mild, It will not soil the finest fabric, -pcrfU Uy SA r K CLEAN and EFFICIENT, ~d*i.Jera tum* LANG FOUGHT POK AND FOUND AT LAST! It restore* and prevent* the Hair frviiw becoming Oray, imiiari* a soft, glonqr ap pearance, removes Dandruff, ii refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from telling off, and re* to re* it to a great extent w hen prematurely lost, prevent# Headarhes, cure* all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heal. AS A DHKHOIMS POK Til K IIAI It IT IS TIIK ItKST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DK. O. SMITH, Patentee. Ajcr. Mass. Prepaied nly by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester. Ma**. The genuine it out up in a |a*k Cronuiiller. Manhood: How Ixisl. How Kesloml fc®, J** pnhUnbod. a. oJu ol.lr. Cultw woll'd. MahfaMg KM**) on Ike nuttaal cure laO'toat motu in. of #rraw*T*.Ki*m**. •* HomlnalW Mlho* iaiMaalail fiatlnnl Ism*. ISUS>TKK< T Mental >w sPo. ivi\*i arrHW. Knutiwv. *ml IM. iadrao.i bp Mil iadalaviK-. ur MOM) ritnmrum. S| RAW la s MSLED MM**., |nencw o* wlf-abu* map b* radtcalb rated without th danc-rou* at of luter aal uxxlK-ln. ur lb. amitaattaa of lb. knife ; pointing onl a Mode of core at onoe IUI|-I<-. certain, and rfrct oal. b> moan* of which over* .!, no matter what Ida ooadl.es> mar I*- BUI rare btinaelf rheapb. prtvaM lT, AJMS ndirnllf This lecture should he In the hands of ernj toutb and ••*ery nan in Ihe land. Sent, under aesl. la a plain RATWBWE, to sar address, ouatxsdd, 00 receipt of LT cents, .A- two prat alamiw. A leu. IR "Marriw liuidc," P"*E I ' the J. ~ KUR A Pust-ODU-.R0i4.5M, 1* Moweo. New \ O*K aprlv LR FUitii ? YOUR BLOOD. ] For Kerofulu, Scrofu- H* loan DIM'HM * of (he To Kyw. or Scroftila la A, cny form. Any disease or eruption of " the Skin, disease at the Liver. P Rheumatism, Pimples, Ola 1 (jof . Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down Constitutions. Syphilis, or any jn. disease dcpc-mling on • do* praved condition of the Moo# j DR. CROOK'S SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. •r It UH*. the medicinal property StlisAy' of poke combined with aprep f- / yj* fptkhdi ol iron which goes at if ' tuve intu the biooti, perform igg the IKSI rapid and wen* * derful cures. Aak your Druggist lor Dr. Crook's Com :*ou.nd Syrup of poke Soot —tsks it sod be KanUd. 0 . „ . , . , 11 < 1