$K£ SENTRE SEPORT£R. F&1D.KVXTX........... „Iditer. 0 Centre Hall, Pa., June 21., '3 | TERMS.—The Rarest** i* rhlub^l Weekly si $2 nor year, In when not paid in advance, rorsixmont ... T . - tt ARR.. £3 Any person sending us the names of i* new suCeribesr, with rthessb. will re ceive the RsrosTK* one T >co. For Governor —Cham R. Bccxalkw, Supreme Judge- Jamkm Thompson. AUDITOR General —ML *■ B- Hartlky, Cbngreemen al Laroe: Jas. H. Hopkins j Rich'd. Vaux | 11 B. Wright PWcynle* *( Largo to OmoWslsmwl the w-HfieN ; Jeremiah 8. Black, O. W. "Woodward, Wm. Bigler, Wm. J. Baet. Wis 11. Smith. T. R. L.owau John H Campbell, 8. H. Reynold*. Jstues Ellis, 8. C. T. £>odd. George M. Dallas, R. A. UmberU-n. A. A. Purmsn, Wm. Lterbett- Tho democratic delegates from South Carolina, are in favor of Greeley and Brown. The democraticcouveutiou of Flori da pronounced iu favor *f the Cincin nati nomination, but agree to abide by the Baltimore convention. President Grant has cleared out to Long Branch alnmdy, where he will spend the summer, as heretofore, iu attending park-races, playing cards, drinking whisky, Ac., like other fash ionable folks. Wm. H. Bu tasted, one of the Now Jersey delegates to the Grant conven tion, has siuce the meeting of that body been sent to prison for twelve mouths, for a conspiracy to defraud Jersey City ef 115,000. He was a great Grant man of course, like some more, who, if they had their denerts. would go to prison for lifo. Bums ted voted for Grant in the convention, but it is doubtful now whether he will have the satisfaction of voting for him at the poll*. Would it not be better to have Grant issue a proclamation poet* peuing the presidential election, until his friend Butnstod has served out his time, so as to make sure of that vote ? Under Buchanan's administration the Indians in the United States num bered 44,021, land on them was ex pended $2,991,121,64, or 67,92 i cents per head. According to the last cen sus the Indians .now number 26,731, and upon tbem the Grant administrm- tion expends 17,426,997.44 or $28d,64 cents on each Indian. And now it is reported that Curtin has writtea home that he intends tak ing the stump against Grant. So one after another the beet meo in the rad ical ranks are deserting the Grant crew. Curtin never had great love for the present-taker aad he will take thousands of radicalrwith him against Grant. George W. Woodward, who took uch a prominent part in the convaation which formed the present Constitution to daprive adopted citizens of their acquired rights, and may therefore be said to be the father of tha knew Nothing Party, is placed at the head of the ticket for delegates to the Constitutional Convention by the Reading democratic convention! The above we find in the Lewis town Gaxette, and is going the rounds of the radical organs. It is an old slander against Judge Woodward, and his action in the convention referred to, is grossly misrepresented, and be sides, his record since that, is that of a warm and true friend of oar foreign citizens. He was opposed to the Na tive American party, which favored 21 years to acquire citizenship, and be de tested the Know Nothings, who were for denying foreigners all the rights of citixenship. This alone is proof that . wJudge Woodward bore no hostility to our adopted citixeoa. But now these same radical organs are supporting Wilson for the Vice Presidency, who was a bitter and an original Know Nothing aud tbe father of that hated organisation in Massachusetts. He j belonged to tbe order that mobbed Germans and Irish and searched tbsir dwellings and which favored enact ments to deprive them of the right of holding office; even the sons of a for eigner born upon our own soil were to be outlawed because their parents hap pened to be born upon foreign soil. Henry Wilson was one of tbe origina tors of this prescriptive order; let the radical sheets mention this fact in con nection with tbeir slander against Judge Woodward, who ever denounc ed Native Americanism and Know Nothingism. Henry Wilson, tbe arch enemy of the adontad citizen is on tbe radical ticket wt th CAUL FOOLXD.— Some in tfaa interests Grant, has played a joke upon the Morn ing Patriot, in a telegram, stating that th< democratic county convention ef thiecoun tyhad met and passed a resolution with bu one dissenting vote, instructing tbe dele gate from this tbe 18tb distiict. to the Bal timore convention, to vote far a straigh rout nomination and against any endorse nient of the Cincinnati movement. Thii is false. There was no meeting of uui county convention ; and if there hed been it would have been e piece of impudcnci of which that body would not have beet guilty, to pass such instructions, as it hai no more to do with instructing the.delegati aforesaid, thau the howling dervishes of Persia. He is not the creature of anj cpunty convention, and the despatch re ferred to reflects upon the intelligent de mocracy of this county, aud we correct it, so that readers from home may not think we are so dull as not to know our own business. The talegram is the work ol some otu who thinks he is smart, in dealing in deception. There was a meeting of our county com mittee, numbering ouly 12, the full num ber being some 3, called for local purpo ses, a ltd under misrepresentation such a resolution was passed. It is uncalled for and out of place at this time, the com mittee has ne authority whatever in the The democracy of Centre is lor abiding by the decision of the Baltimore democratic convention, and has ne desire to dictate to.tbat body, even if it bad the right. The Baltimore conveaton will he composed of the moat eminent democrats in the country, and when they stand in need of instruction from a minority of a couty committee, they will send for it Above all others do we prefer the elec tion of arogular democrat but such trifling aa referrea to wont help defeat Grant. "The War Spirit Revlwl." The Washington Chronicle has among iU conspicuous heading- of the j proceedings of the National Rcpubli- j can Convention, "The War Spirit Re vived." Aud Mr. George H. Stuart, of Philadelphia, concludes hit note of congratulation to Mra. Graut ou the nomination el her husband as fol lows ; "M*y (led ble** him, ami prunrvi liis vnlusbls life till every vestige of rebellion U crushed out." If this Is to be the key-note of the l'ree dontisl campaign, it discloses a Spirit to be greatly deplored. Surely the better instinct* of the American |>eeple revolt at the ides of reviving the war spirit now, soveu years alter the war ha* terminated, and raking its ember* for spark* to lire the Northern heart. What "vetigo of rebell ion" i* lelt, except the ruined survivor* of the Confederate struggle, to all excepts few of whom Congre** has just granted amnesty, and though grudgingly, perhaps yet shewing that it no longer would hold them to be rebel*. And the Convention tUelf claimed .lor the Republican party that "it suppreeeed a gigantic rebellion. Then let Republicans be coasUtenl sad talk no fUrlher of the uosseaee of druhing out the "vestige* of rebellion.' If there were nothing better than that to conduct the campaign os. it would be more hottest to retire from.the Held.—{Baltimere Sua. The Philadelphia Press of yestcr dav had auolher double-leaded "hall leader ou the political situation iu Peuusylvauia. It chargea that Cam •r*u (is again intriguing for reelec tion : The old game is sought t* be played agaiu.iu utter defiance of public opin ion. Candidates far Legislature are te be chosen in Philadelphia, Pitts burg, and Chester, pledged to coutiuue the persoual rule under which Penn sylvania has suffered iu both parties tor a quarter of a century. • * * A great peril hangs over the parly. It cannot be averted by wleuce. It must be aggravated if it ia not arrest ed and if disaster crowns the refusal te respect public opinion, our duty has been done. Concerning the strikers iu New York the World of the 12th inst, says : The failure of the working men's parade on Monday might be consider ered as an omen. Already there is a break in the strike. The employees at Singer's Sewing'machine Company have gone back to their work without getting anything* The sash and blind makers are apparently successful. All the men are at work wu tbe eight hour plan. Tho bakers are about to demand ten hours. According to the Cincinnati Com mercial, our member of Congress, Henry Sherwood, thinks Greeley will take a large republican vote up in his section. A co res pendent writing from Wabs ington, 7th inst, says : The Hon. Henry' Sherwood, Repre tentative of the Eighteenth District of Pennsylvania, has just returned from a visit to his home, where he spent some time informing himself upou the the political situation. His district is composed of Centre, Clinton, Lycom ing, retter, and Tioga counties, being tbe aortbern tier of the State. The district went Democratic fur tho first time when it elected Mr. Sherwood to Congress, and has been regarded as one of thejjsurast Republican districts in tbe State. Mr. Sherwood says that "folly one-third" of the Republicans of the counties of Susquehanna, Brad ford, Tioga, and Potter, all being strongly in favor of that party, have already announced themselves for Greeley. He was also at the Reading Convention, and by.a careful count satisfied himself tbat considerable more than half ef the delegation to the Baltimore Convention from tbat State would sustain the nominations made at Cincinnati. The democrat! of Indiana have nominate*" Hendricks for governor, and a large majority of the conven tion reported in favor of Greelejr. The liberal republicans promise to support Hendricks, democrat, for gov ernor. This will kill tbe radical roacbes in Indiana. The Vengpnt and Indianua demo crats, in their Sute conventions, have eodorsed the Cincinnati movement. The Baltimore domocracy have also prooonnced in favor of Greeley. Bribery. An extraordinary rumor it currant ac counting for the marked distrust with which all the propoeals ef the United States with reference to tho Washington treaty have been received by the English government. The story is to the effect that secret negotiations have been under taken bv this government with some of the Genova arbitrators ; that very large sums of money had been drawn by the United State* foreign'ofice from the Japanese in demnity, er some ether secret-service fund that this amount was paid by a London banking-house to one of the agents of this government, who tootst with him to Gene va. Last 'night the dissatisfaction with the treaty was expressed in unmeasured terms by the opposition members in Parliament Karl Granville end Mr, Gladstone both made explanation in regard to the propo sbat she wanted, after all. She tried to get the colonelcy of Jim Fish's regiment, but the boys didn't like it. But, we are curious to know bow she , 'will seat herself en her charger, straddle or sideways. General Graut Against Free Klw (lons On the Wth, when the Knforceuieut bill was being conaiderad in the Sen ate, Mr. Caaaerly, of California offered the following ainendmeut: "It shall be unlawful for any civil, military, or uava) officer, or any person connected with the aervice.to attempt to exercise directly or indirectly any undue influ ence or control over voters, or to dis tribute ballot* marked in any way for the purpose of ascertaining how voters have voted, or to use any meausto de stroy or impair the secrecy of the hhl lot, and providing severe penalties for a violation of this law." In the course of an able and telling speech in 1 support of bis amendment, Mr. Caa aerlv presented some slartliug tacts in relation to governmental interference iu elections in the State he so fearless ly re prowl* iu the Seoatr. He pic tured upon reelection. It appears that the Navy-yard at Mare Island was crowded with tueu, ou the morn ing of the State election, operations were comuicucod by moving a gang from then?* to the |r>ll*. They swept away all resistance, aud theu com- J me need. The Navy-yard men, paid servitors ef Gsueral Grant, matched ' up in gangs, each gang with its head, , and each matt with his ticket iu hi* , band, marked with the!uutuber of his name on the Navy-yard pay roll, the foremau checking otfthe names on the - pay-roll, which he had in his hand. • In that way there were 1,300 or 1,40G ( votes cast, under such circumstances of duress aud coercion as would hav< ' been a disgrace in any country on tht w globe where evatt the semblance of i Stir election is tolerated. The ticket . used ou the occasion referied to b) Senator Casserly was marked ou tin back iu the haudwritiug ef ous ol e General Grant's beuchmeu in (.'alitor uia, and was a thin strip of peper * with the State'ticket printed oil tin face of it solid, with the smallest typs " that is ever used, so a* to make ant alteration impossible. The ticket baj ' also a peculiar priuted pattern on th< 1 back. The Grant spotters were thui 'j able to see how their men voted, am reward or punish them aecorißtogly. The rceult of this outrageous system was to'put hundreds of improper vote* iu the hose* aud impair the purity aud significance of the election. Fol lowing the general Slate election was one for judicial officers, aud the same conspirators against the freedom of election, the dignity of a laboring man, got up another such ticket. Thiuk of the degradation oflbcae poor men, compelled to walk up lo.tho polls like cattle, their tickets numbered by the number* of their names ou the pay-roll, their obligation to vole that j ure|Mired ticket (hus couuecled; directly with their daily bread,! aud all under the eyes of the government officials, aud* of course with their full kuowledge. All these facts were set forth iu defense of the amendment offered by Senator easter ly, forbidding officials from interfer ing with elections, aud securing to Americau citiseus entire freedom at the polls. Yet the administration took the alarm, issued orders, and it was defeated. This is a bold, impu dent declaration to tbe people of the country, that henceforth elections are to be managed by office-holders in their own way. That way may be op posed to the Constitution, to the per petuity of our free form of govern ment, to all tbe interests of tbe people, but it is the only way by which Gen eral Grant can be reflected, aud hence iu adoptiou and enforcement Elec tions, such as that described by Sena tor C'aaaerly, are dangerous to the sta bility of a Republic. They accustom people to infractions of tbe tarrednese of the ballot, and open tbe door for other departures from tbe true Repre seuative system. When a proper point is reached, some scheming pol itical knave, or bold,dashing roiTitary usurper will seize tbe reins of govern ment, and reduca the people to slaves. Tbe Graut system has that extent He would be re-elected by any means, aud tbe tide of Reform, now to be seen in all parts of tbe nation, has not risen a day too soon to arrest the evil and save the Repuplic.—Age. We copy the following from the Age, and cotnmcnd it to the careful perusal of our readers. It is hard to make some people see the breakers ahead of ua. fbev can not realise the terrible depth and length and breadth of the iniquity of the military clique which now aits in the high places of the land and say to one of their instruments, Go, and he goeth ; to another, Come and he Com eth ; and to a third, Do this, and he doeth it. To all objections made to the enor nioue powers vested in Grant, they re ply that he is a safe rnau and won't abuse his authority. Why the meu of ,89 would have considered themselves as dogs, bad they vested such powers in the pure and incorruptible Wash ington : Last year, wheu Grant sent in a message asking to have Butler's Ku-j Klux bill passed, it was confessed and acknowledged that such a bill made him the arbitrary aud uncontrolled master of bis own electlou. This was so plain, that a proviso was nut in the bill providing that it should expire with the present session. It was passed by lying declarations that the south was in a stale of insurrection, over- ' throwing the carpet-bag governments ; and resisting tbe Federal authority. : This monstrous lie is embodied in the < bill. It passed. Smelling commit- tees ofyelcctcd partisans have since traversed the South to collect evidence < to excuse it. They found no trace or I sign of the alleged resistance and in- 1 surrection. 1 They made a catalogue of every case of murder, assault, and grand aod pet ty larceny that could be heard of. They were such cases as happen in eve ry community. It was proved in de-' bate that they were fewer in number than the crimes committed, within the same period in the city of Boston. There was no crime that equaled in atrocity or mystery, the murder of Captain Colvocoresses the other day, in Connecticut. Such a case would, indeed, have been a God-send to the Congressional smellers who were bouud to find some pretext fer extend ing their Ku-Klux act to the Presi dential election. Pretext there is none ; the true cause and object is le carry out the plot of the imperialists, of whom Grant is the tool, and was chosen as such three years ago, and bought with promises of gills and a long term of office, lie will not will ingly quit it. His desperate efforts to get from Congress a cloak for usurpa tion, in the Ku Klux law, betray his intentions. The crew of desperate po litical gamblers, who cluster round him, have determined to overthrow the free civil government they have failed to administer. Incapacity and rapacity have been the characterbticts of Grant's civil administration. Now his parthaus tell us he will do bet ter, if we only let him turn it into a military despotism ! Let the fate of France, plundered,gutted aud brought to ruin by the military tool of a crew of thieves and peculators, be a warning to u*. Kvety trua American loathed the whiteJ sepulchre of French Imperialism, when it yet made a show of atrength and splendor. Who but thieve* and traitor* waut to imitate it now, exposed and degraded and shamed ? I*l Qraut and hi* llutter held*, Cameron*, Butler*, I-aats, and Stocking* peacefully submit to the will of the people. Their desperate plot to coerce it will couvulse the whole coun try and fail at laat. Imperialism with a (*iant, i* not more attractive than lnt|eriali*iu with a I-otii* Napoleon, Auditor (icn cm I It seem* that the Heading Couven tion ww* peculiwrlv fortunate in aclect tag our nominee for Auditor (iencral, The ltcdfor J Uaielte, published at the home of Mr. i/artley, say* : ' Bedford county waa honored by the convention in the nomination of Win llaitley, K>t , for Auditor General. Mr ilartley'v peculiar tiMalificationv, for the office to which be ha* been named, were recognised by tbe representative* of tha ,State, and it wa* solely ou account of bit [singular fitness for the pot it ion that be wat singled out among the good men iiamad in connection with thie nomination as the'proper ]person la fill thii place on the ticket We have known him intimate ly for fifteen yeart, and we give it a* our deliberate judgement that he will make at honrtt, careful and efficient an officer at ever presided over tbe financial accountt of the Commonwealth Here at home no man enjoy t a higher reputation for integ rity of character, and in the north wettern counliat, where Mr. Hartley hat acquired large butiaette interevtt, he .it immciitely popular. He ha* never been a politician, never before tought an office, though al wayt taking a keen interest in pablic af fair*. lie it a man of refined culture, (a graduate of Jefferson College), a writer of much force, and a logical and effective |>caker. The Ilemycracy of Uedford county owe it to their brethern throughout the State, to thow their appreciation of the honor conferred upon them in the nomination of, Mr. Hartley, by turning out rx ii.i jif at the coiuiug election, and polling the largest majority ever given in the arinaU of politic*," Tall Speechuiaklug. Purtuant lu a nolle*, Judge Settle, of North Carolina, pro idem of tbe National Republican Convention, aad the vlce-prea t idenU for the aeveral State* and Territo rial, mot at the at noon on . K'th latL, to take action in regard to offi cially notifying President Grant and Sen ' ator WiUon ol their nomination* at|Phila ' dolphia. Judge Settle and mo*l of the vce-pre#iJ*nt warepreeant Anarrange ' ment had been previouly made with'lh# Prctident to meet him at one t o'clock tbi* ; ( evening, but a* many of the gentlemen re '! tiding in dittant Stale* detited to take the ' I evening train for home. Judge and teveral i ol the vice-preidenU waited npen the Pretident at lh|Hi*ibili lie* of my present trut, by llie election of a UCce*or, wbethorit be at llie end of tbi* term or neat, I hope to leave to bim a* Kv ecutive a country at paace wilbiii it* own border*, at ueaee with out*idnation*, with a credit at home and abroad, and without embarrassing questions to threaten. it. fit lurr prosperity. "W ilh the expre.ion of a doini to ee n •peedy healing of nil bittei lie-* ol feeling between *ection>, J.arlie*, or race* of citi xeun, and the time when the title of ciliaen carriu* with it all the protection* and priv• j ilege* to the htiuiblci-l that it dot-* to tlie mo*t exalted. "I subscribe myglf, very retpectfull.v your obedient servant, I'. S. Cms t, From New l'ork. New York, June to. The *tnker rc lolved la>t night to prevent any workmen from beginning their uual work ol the day in Stein way * factory, in Ifty-lhird •trcel. Consequently a Urge committee wrvre ap|Hjinted u> lie in rcadiac*. at the fa .'lory thi* moruing at U>'clock. The po lice, however, wen- fully informed a> to what wn to Lake place, and were also in readme**. The *triker> gall.t red in mall •quad*, and tlaried to fullflll their iuten tion of destroying , the building and the machinery within, iteforethem, however tbu police were ma**cd in and around the building,'nndertbe charge of .Superintend ent Kelo, personally. Skirmub line* were throw u out, ami number* oroArar* •cut out in ciliaeu*' clothing to watch llie kotule body The trikcr* assembled "**' ktrung, a couple of block* further down Luxingtoti avenue, but bearing of the pre paration* made to receive theui, hesitated about making an attack. The ottl men employed in Uie factory began their work at usual. While tome of them wore ap proaching the faetory they were a**aulu-d by the striker* who were *OOll driven away by the police. Several were badly clubbed, and other* were taken inle custo dy. The policetlill remain in charge of the building, and groat excitement exist* in and around the ward. The mob have gradually dispersed, and now num ber but two hundred. Tbe Striker* ou the War-path. The police were informed tbi* morning, about an hour after the at Stein way *, that a large number of tlriKer* had during the earlier part t the day had |mm xwtion ot the factory of II B. Phyfe, in Porty-tecond atrcet, between Second and Third avenue*, and that they were pro venting the own. r of the factory iron, en tering IL Officer Tockcr, of the Nine teenth precinct, a lio placed in chargv of the police, aaw the atriker* on the atoop of the factory ami rvfUae admittance to a machinist fhmi Newark, who had come to nurchaae machinery. For about half an hour thia aUU ot' altair* continued, and in the meantime communication tent to the Central office- Superintendent Kelao immediately took a furcc <>f one hun dred men, under Captain* Waabburne, Tynan, Gunner, Walafi and Burden, and proceeded to the factory whereat ho alrtker* were in full po&aeaaion. Anutht r atrmig detachment, under lni>et>tor l>ilk, bciug adviacd by the mounted patrol, proceeded to the Twenty-firt precinct in Third ave nue. and joined Kelao a gang Superin tendent Kelao at firt attempted lay mild meana to get tiro alxikera to depart, hut without avail. At latglht) club waa retort ed to, and a charge **> ordered on the crowd. The police ru-hc-d in i|on the atrikera with uplifted cluba. Some of the rioter* thawed fight,* hut they were toon brought to terma willi a few well directed blowa frem the cluba of tbe police. The mob fled in the grealeat confuaien, luinb- each other toward* Third avi nue, where they were met by Ir*|ector Dilkaa, who alao charg.nl on them at Lex ington avenue, when ll.ey turned and ran towarda tbe factory of Stein way Jt Solo. In the ruth one the riatcra fell upon trail ing in Third avenue and brake hiaahould er blade. He waa afterward* taken to Bel lev ue Hurpilal. Railroad Men ou a Strike--Tho Move- rncnt Extending. Albany, June 15.—Thirteen hundred machinists, carpenters and painters, em ployed <>n|tho New TorkJCentral and Hud son Kiver Railroad, havo struck for eight hours a day. The claim wa* made on lait Wednesday, and to-day a reply was given that the demand could nut be complied with, on which the men in the shops at West Albany dropped their work tools, marched out and formed in two linos. One of the leader* called out "those in fav or of eight hours step to the right— those for ten hours to the lefl. "All the men stepped Ito the right, and afterwards marched, with ajbai.ner 'inscribed "Eight hour* and no compromise," te all shops, gathering accession* to lhcir|raiiks at every shop until the strike was completed. A Washington despatch says of Andrew Johnson : Ex-Presideiil Johnseu, who is now iu this city, i* non committal on ilia Greeley question. He says he will abide the decis ion of the Baltimore Convention, what ever that may be, and lie iaof the opinion that whoever it nominates wilt be elected and makea better President than General Grant. not believe that the country will again indorse Grant, and if it does the people wi!!|havc abdicated their rights and liberties. He proposes to take the stump for the nominees of the Balti- I more Convention. The democratic oditor# of Illinois held n convention on the 12th insL, and adopted the following resolution . "Rrtol rr< rattation, 1-o.MniK, June J't The details of the floods near Prague -tale that the Water poun d over the country, sweeping every thing before it. The lertilo district* were devastated and a nutuber id villages swept away. Tl.e Ins# of life it appal'ing, Ihe I number ot persons who perished being e timatcd at sSVeli liuinlred. * niiip in, Terrible Cnlauiity at MurKcillcN. it tMtii.LM, J tint* Itl W ili*t t*h •iiaiit-tliip tiuadayea wa* lying In thi* pott to-day, with pa*neiigrr* tin board, her hitler* ii|iliklihl, hiicl the entire upper per limi of I lie >hl|> wn torn|>lcm -a Of (bote on bourd, but few escaped death or injur v. Forty-four pa*ciiger., ami eleven vf the • •Nicer* and crew wort- uuiaiilly killed Explosion til Steam-tug in lowa Fearful 1.0-a of Lift*. Mt-(i Kt.ooß, lows June Jo. The raft boat ti. It M.li.multl, |wfil Imri! tt I I* M ye.lurday, and when nearly opposite Norib Mi (Jrcgor, liar boiler exploded, hinwllig nil above tin- boiler deck* ililo fragment*, iti*l lor bull immediately sunk ill *lXleeli feet o( water. It is not iletiliilu ly known bow many ware on board at the Ulne of t lie aeeidunt, and it U impost jhlc to nieertaiii at present, a- the Captain and owner of the boat remained at St. Lai.ii. About twenty-live peraona Were kilted. A phenomenon occurred 111 I>nke Onta rio, The water rote two feet, then fell, and continued tbi* moveim-iit for tuiau lime. Kib etiut to the surface, and there were other indication* of iubmarine earth quake. Ihe lowu tit uioci utic Rtalc cuuveti tion unanimously ntlnpitxl the follow iug reaolulioii; Retohtd, Thai the jiruicijilcs enun ciated by the late C'iuciiiuati Conven tion, taken iu connection with the letter of Horace (Jreclcy accepting the uotu iuatiun of that convention, coiwlitute a idatlorm on which all the elements ol opposition to the prcseut corrupt acrfcvi marhiiojw hich U acknow iedg til by judge* andageuta of all other maciiinoa. Call on A. L. Hurtgi, Mxdiaonburg, who U the authorized agent for Centre county. Alao keep* tho boat ScWltijr Ma chine thread, i.ecdie*, and repair- all kind* of acwing machine*, clock*, wale hex, mu aick bove- Ac 1 will llioroughlv canvan the aet-tion belonging to me, ami I ahall be very much pleaaod to M-ll every pcrn a machine, on ea*y term* ; give it a trial be fore pure hating any other—it ha* no eoual. Partiea wiatiing the machine, will pfeaae addre*- the undcr-igncd. Sail-fiction guaranteed. All order- promptly attend o*ilo Holler store, Uellefoiite, ha* established a new Clothing Store, where the beat bargain* in the county arc offered. $7.50 to sls for Suits of the fin est Cassintere. HATS, CAPS and a full and complete assortment ofev-. ery thing in the line of Clothing. - CaPUl'w t'liritiwhittK Gootla all dirtily from their own manufactory. | Also. Jewelry, timeliest, Ac, They have engaged their old clerk, Mr. j A. Sternberg, so well known to the people, and who will be pleased to see hi* old friends, a|>stf. Piece goods of every diacriptioti, sold low to enable everybody to have his cloth ing made to order. THE KEYSTONE LIGHTNING ROD CO. Are the Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated T. T. Kinsey Patent Copper Lightning Rod. Also maiiufactuicrs of COPPER CABLE, BOOS AND WEATHER VANES Of every Dccripton and of the most approv ed 9tyl\ All URDRRT fur PUTTING HJI Aw/.< nml Vnnrs wilt rteriwt prompt nttriitinn if g\rm to GEIBS <(■ COMPANY, Agents for Centre County Centre Hali., Pa. aprl2tf. Itailroad O. k. N E W U OO DS. Herlacher & Cronmiller. CENTRE HALL, PA Have just received, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, (jueensware. Wood and willow ware Iron, Suit, Fi.-h mid in fact, n magnificent assortment of everything anil now uttered at prices lower than the lowest. Ih •ess Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties of the season, white floods, embroideries, hoop skirts, BALMORAL SKIRTS, AH we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, ( silver plated and Yankee Hurness double and single, bridles and halters. Apr 1 < H. O, KKIMkoKM a. * MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS. New Firm- New xiutcrprae. DEIXIS'UEIx MVSSEH, (Successor* to It. 0, U*l*i koicai We would most r> poutfuily inform the public, th*t they have taken eharge of this old and successful establishment. nd ! propose to carry on the same under ro ne wed auspice*, They have on hand, and will make to ordor, MONUMKNTH. couches TOM IH * UKAIhNToNKfc, of any poasibla design, and pries. We Use lha best grade* ur|io*e* a!way* kept. may *l. 72. f U Wll Man IHugAk a uicKa. < IjJARDWABK STOBK!! z Wll AON A- HICK'S, I Z ltellefssnte. Pi,, \ y iSm-t es.-or# to Inwia a wiuoi,,) > :f" Kcwpeetfully inform the citinen* of Centre and other eountie*, that they * < have one of lite largest and beat e- 5? I ft. lacked st*K k of Hardware to be found, - I.; nuaUting of In •t every one warranted h give perfect 'f satisfaction All kind* of |sarlor ' stoves. We are determined lo sell 2 < at tbc lowest price* for ca*h, or on! la. short credit not to exceed three . rlmottlb*. ("all and aae u, a* we take' >5 pleasure in showing our good*. ' 5j WILSOS A HICKS. ,2 > marlotf. Bellefonte, Pa. i i I have fur sale n much larger! Mock of PAPER mul BORDERS thi* *< n- .ii than h-rr-lofore. Uolujuat received from New Vork. s.T DIFPCRPAT PATTF.ItXM Price* Ranging from 9cts. to $1 per Bolt ALSO OIL-HADES and FIXTI'KKS PAPER BLINDS, Ac. WM. J. M'MAMGAL, mar22.Jip. Milroy, Pa Gift & Flory's New Sluie Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. Tlicy have ifww opened, and wilt cii-tanU lv kwu on hand, a vplcndid -lock of new SHOES, GAITERS, A SLIPPERS, for men, women and children, from the bo-t -iianufacp.ru-- in the country, and now of-i fcrcd at the Lowest Prices, BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon ► bort notice Tl.oy invite the people of this vicinity toghethem a call, as they will strive to merit a share of their pat ronage. inyKnf KW FURNITURE STORE. I uooa MEI.OW Uort fcK'a UELLEPONTE, PA. j . UF.ORGE (TBRYAN, Healer in fUftMJ T u a 2 OK ALL SIMM, BFBSTKA DS, TA BLES, (H AIRS, Parlor and Chamber Sets, SOFA 8, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WARDRTBKI. MATTRESSES, Ac i Particular Attention to Ordered Work, j RKPAUUSU DOSE PROMIPTLI". I'N OERTAKIN4J, In All lis Branches, MKTAl.lt', V AI.NL'T, ROSEWOOD, ANI> COMMON CASKETS, j Always on Hand, and Funerals Attended With an Elegant Hearse. apktf. Stoves! Fire! Btov*si At Andy I tec-man "a, Centre Hall, arc latest and best stores out, he has just received a large lot of Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PA BLURS—The Radiant Light, self-fee der, Gas Burner, National Kgg, Jewell, dee. He sells stoves as LOW as anywhere . ia Miffiiu or Centre co. > TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the eitiaens of Peon*valley thai ne lias pur chased the Tiusliop heretofore carried on hy the C. 11. Mfg Co., and will continue tlie same, at the old stand, in all its branch es, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE A SPOUTING. All kinds of repairing done. He has always on hand Fruit Caus, of all Sues, BUCKETS. CUPS, lIIPPEKS, DISHES, AC. • All work warranted and charges reason able. A .-hare of the public patronage so licited. AND. REKSMAN, 'isepTOy Centre Hall i; x ECU TORS NOTlCE.—Letters Tes- I j tainentarv on the estate of Solomon ltiMiel, late of Gregg twp., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present thein properly authenticated for settlement. DAVID KISHEL, maylT.St. Kxecuto . A DM IN ISTK ATORS NOTICK.-Let ter of AdmisiiMration on the estate ot Susannah Nee.-e, late of l'eiui twp., dee d, having been granted to the undersigned, he requests all persons, knowing them selves indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those havingclairns against the same to present them, duly au thenticated by law for settlement. \VM GROVE, may 24. Ot Administrator. I'I'MPS! V\ oorfni Pumps, • AND PIPING. .uSS w.uld reapeclfullycall (h<>attentionofthecitiaena oft en ire county, and Fonnavaliey in particular, to the fact that he is manufacturing THE JJS3? PUiai', i.Md.nt luw.a or olu.bon. Uo ui" 0000 but the b( n inut.rsal, NI: TIIICM to give satisfaction, as being the moat last nig and durable, aurcnioa TO VHI OLD j wooden pump. being arranged to let the water on and prevent Iraaamg in winter. I Ine, P"plar or cucumber puinpa always in hand. Ilia maUrial for pumps Is all !*aw*d fhmi large timber, and are thus Secured against ( becking or Cracking. orders by mail promptly fllled. PIT ING, madeefthe beat material, of five Inch scant!lag, joined together with ! coupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and ■ wat ranted to stand any pressure required j for ordinary use. Prices of piping range (rm late Itf e it> per foot. Send orders to jaepi.AU.ly J TKLLKK, Milasbwrg, Pa. Carriage MANUFACTORY Centre Mall, Pa. OKO. 11 IIAKPSTEH if a. on bad and tr sale at the most rea sonable rakes a splendid stock of CARRIAGIH, BL'GGIKh. and "very description ofWagons both PLAIN ANDPANCY warranted |a be made of the best and most durable materials, and by the most espe rienced workmen AU work sent out from ! ibe establishment will be found to be of | the highest class and sure to giaa perfect satisfaction. Ife will also have a tfve as suftment of BLJ£HJIIH : of all lita newast and most fashionable style* well and carefully made and of tb# best materials. An inspect!, u of his work is akd as it ; is believed that none superior can be found [ in the country. aug2A.tf. JOHN C. MOT 2 it COL BAXKEBI. MILLMKIM, CKSTII CO., PA. Receive Deposits and allow interest. Discount Note*. Make Collection*. Issue Hasten. Exchange, And a general Banking Business dene, j JOHN C MOTE, i A WALT aa, PaaaincKT. Cashier. mar&tf. jjj K W Il A KI) W A EX STOKRL J. A J. HARRIS. NO.. HKOCKKIUiOFF BOW A new and complete Hardware Store ha Seen opened by tbe undersigned in 11 rock- j arholT* new building—wheretbevar* pre wired torn Hall hind* orbttiidingandHoum Furnishing Hardware, Irou, Steel, Nail*. : ggy wheel* in setts. ChanipionClotha* l ringer, Mill Saw*, Circular and Han/1 ! Saws, Tennon Saw*. WebbSawi, Ix-Crean Freezer., Uath Tub*, Ciothc* Rack*, a fui. aaaorttnent of Ulbm andMirmr Plate of a! six#*, Picture Frame*. Wheelbarrow*, Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamp*, Belting. Spoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, Flo w,Cultiv,-ior Corn Plow* Plow Pointa, Shear Mold Bwud and C alti valor Teeth, Table Cutlery Shov el#, Spade* and Fork*, Lock*, Hinge* (Screw*, Sa*h Spring*, Hore-Shoe, Nail*{ Norway Rod*. Oil*. Lard. Lubricating, Coal, Linseed-Tanaer*. Anvil*. Vioea, BeJ tow*, Screw Plata*. BLo kunith* Tool*. Factory- Belle, House Bell*, Dinner Bells. Con* Be!l>, Tea Ik-U*.Grindstone-, t'arpen ler * ool*, Fruit Jar* andCana, Paints, Oils, j \ ami#he* received and for rale at juoeS'CS.ly. J. A J. HARRIS. FURNITURE! (vrand Opening FOR 1872. AT JOHN CAMPS MIL ROY, whore hi ha# o|>ened with a very large stock of the luted style*, both fancy and common Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. CHAIRS, of alt kinds. All kind* of repairing done with newt no** and dispatch having four good work men at the bench. I am pr--pared to do tall kind, of* utiotn work, fine or common. Thankful for past favor*. I hope by strict attention to hu.ine## you and everybody else will show smiling face* at my new 1 ware room* JOHN CAMP. ijanlßtT •KNTRE ISA LI. •I FOUNDRY an ■nd warranted or good workmanship mot ill made under bis own Immediate *uprr - •ion, and I* offered it rate* at cheap where. Tbankftil for |Mt favors, h -.t ■ iu a continuance of the name. Call and *ee kia stock before mirrhsr.i elae where. s|df'h #W. IT. HLAIA, M R ANTRAL ILAIH 4 HTITZKH, Aitorneysat Law. Beliefonta, Otßc , on the Diamond, nest door to Oar man's hotel. Censultationa In Herman i Engl ah. fehtFlKHf TOHM F PoTTKK, Altera ay at Law " J Collections prom fitly made and spceia attention given to those having lands wt property for sale. Will draw up and have acknowledged Deeds. Mortgage*, 4c. Of* Ice In the diamond, north aide of tin court house, Beliefonta. <-CEf tibu nsasr asocsskaorr, > t SHOSST. President. (Jaahier. jjKXTKK COUNTY BANKINO Co (Late Milliken, Hoover 4 Co.) RECEIVE iIEPOHITH, And Allow Inlercwt, Discount Notes, Buy and Belt Government Heeurlties, Gold and apionmr CMiwa>, J AS. M M A WITS Attorney n* £L Bailee" -.ik* , ineptly attends to all tie inaaa entrusted to him. JulS.fißtf DP, FOKTNRY, Attorney at Us # ftellefonte, Fa. Ofice over Kay nold'a bank. may 11' Out f u tt'AlXtarca, JAUT* a. BKAVKK ATALLiST'SM ft MZhiZ-y. A TTUHSKTH-A T-t-AW, Beilefonte, Centre Co., Penn'a. apfdhf IKA C. MITCHELL, Attorney at U ■ Ralisfonte Pa. Oflrs in Uarman.s new building opposite the Court House, mayt, C. H. CJ utellus, Snrgroii mad Korhuikal l)pi(i*i who i* permanently located is AafMubura in the- ufor formerly occupied by lr Ji*S, and who Ut l practicing with entire succee*—having ike experience of a numhei of year* la tha profusion, he would cordi ally invite all who have m jet 'wot giver him a call, to do m, and tact the trutkr-JW. of tki a**rrtioa. JW-Terth extracted without wain. mjrtftMf /no. u. oavia. c. v. iuinbit ORVIH * ALEXANDER, Attorneyvat-law. OAcc inCourad Houtn BellefonU, Pa J. *P. GEPHAKT, with Orrkd Alexander, attend* to roller lion* and practice in the Orphans Court, j flaa'TOtf BOyTH, large (dock, all jl.;.iii . and price*, for men and hoy# ju.t arrived at WotPwall known otd ma ad Chas. H. Held, ( lack, Walchealter dfc Jrwrlrt Millheim, Centre co.. Penna. Rrapectftilly inform* hie mead* and IS* public in general, that he ha* Jtiot upea**. ■t ho new <-Ublihm)l. above At*tan der** Store, and keep* constantly on band all kind# of Clock*, Watch** and 4*w*b% of tbe Intact *tvlm, a* at*o the Maraavilk Patent Calender Clock*, provided with a complete index of the month, and dav ol the month and week on it* face, which i* * arr!i!<