Wemuß't Lots. •sit* frsm josr long, Isrg raiag. Ob (lit cm m wild sad rtugk, •obm to mo loader tad loving, And I •btU to bloat enough. Of men though yes ba nnforgivvn, Though priest be usable to skrivs, 111 pray UU I weary ait heaven, If only yea torn* bach alive. Where your eaile bava beea nrurliog, Whit winda hava blown on your brow, I know not, and ash not, my darling, So that you re rue to me now. SorrowlSil, sinful, and lonely, Poor and desyiscd tbtne one below on the rocks, and strolling ou la-can to look for a possible owner. He found, lookiug about everywhere for the luissiug article, a slender little Hgure in gray, with straying locks of damp, dark hair, and cheeks like dripping water lilies —as stainless and pure. Nathan knew that Hgure and the sweet, childishly beautiful lace too well. What should he do I (io away unobserved if he could I So, it was too late ; she raised two wistlul brown eyes, aud Hushed pain fully. " 1 beg your |>ardou —this is yours, I believe," and the veil was awkwardly pre sented. Taken in silence, a great pause ensuing, till a big wave had rolled up in white ( fringes aud subsided, and the brown eve* ! looked up earnestly in the disturbed nice i of the man whose heart just then beat hard against his bosom with the recollection of I old pangs. Nathan Carlingsford. seven years before that, had yielded up his good and geuerous heart wholly to this woman, who stood before bim for the first time since their parting, loved her with the only love ol Lis lite, beheld in her all the virtues and grace* he deemed any good woman should possess, and laucied bis passion not wholly without return. All these things his love, his hopes and apprehension—be had confided to his bosom friend, John Kayne, who sympstbized with his position aud volunteered his services as embassador, a* Nathan felt himself unequal to asking any woman to marry him. He felt his very war of putting it wuuki go against him, and aca>rdingly, as Kayne advised, he wrote with trembling band all that he could have urged, and sent it by hislriend. The letter hid not been notice lor answer ed, and, hurt beyond expression, Nathan had gone away front home for a year or two, and on returning found that hi* love Helen North had become the wife ot John Kayne, who bad been drowned within the year. He longed to take her in his arms, leading that theie could be no other woman in all the world for him. He bad never crossed her since, and heard through Aunt Royal, in a casual way, that Mrs. Kayne was living in New York as a nursery gover ness. •'Helen—Mrs. Kayne , this is a meeting ! I had not expected. 1 thought you were—'" Going headlong to a grand committal, j Nathan stopped, aud colored painfully. 4, 1 came down a week ago with Mrs. ; Grimsby. There she is now; shall we ! join ber 1" " No; at lsast not just now." Something roust come, if be died for it, his heart was I full to oveitlowing with a tenderer** he fancied had been quenched. " Mrs. Kayne, if you could have taken notice of my declaration made some years ago, answered It in some way, I think 1 should have felt more content than ( have. 1 think I could have borne a plain ' no,' hard as it would have beep, better than— just nothing at all." " Answer to what ? what do you mean? Mr. Cat Imgford? 1 never received a dec laration ol anv description from you in mv life." . * • The brown eye* were staring in grand , surprise full at poor Nathan, and the pretty check growing paler and paler. •'O, the villain," Mid Nathan, in a tcr- j rific rage, which lasted but a moment. * Helen, think. Did not John Kayne deliver a letter to you confessing my lore, and asking vou to be my w;le. seven vests aco 7" '• I never had one word from TOO after we parted," the woman said, in great agi tation, thinking bow much pain and heart burning would have been spared her had she received that letter. " Hi I n," the man's voice tremble*! and crew husky as he was about to ask a ques tion which bad leen down deep in his heart uncovered for years," could you have returned my love then? What would have been your answer to me 1" " I should have said 4 yea,! and accepted your love as the one thing which seemed good in my sight." 44 My own love! My darling I" Nathan Carlingsford took her in his arms, bis long lost Helen, with frequent thanks, and felt that out of the store house of the gods he had received the most priceless treasure they had to offer him. Aunt Royal remains at the Willows, sometimes threatening the voung peopfe to leave them to themselves, out of ill-will that they should at last fall in love and marry without aid from her. Sometimes as Hannah sits with her pea cock feathers stirring the dull air and white bed curtains, leaning on her dimpled elbow as of old. Aunt Royal remembered ber caution to her little hiiidmsid and endeavors to reconcile the past snd pres ent. "Things do come sround, Hannah, in their own way, only let tbem be." As VxDrTircL Sox.—A curions case which recently came before the Thames police court is thus described by the Poll Mall Girzette : " A mother prosecuted her son, William Mnson, aged fourteen, for attempting to commit suicide by throw ing himself from a window. Mrs. Mason said her son came home one night, after being out all day, and asked her for money and food. She declined to give him any money, as he was a had boy, but promised that he should have some food if he went to a situation she had pro cured for him. He rushed on to the window-sill, and was about to jump off, when she caught hold of liim and drag ged him back. He" then tried to clioke himself, but she pulled his hands from his throat, which was quite red and swollen. He tried to iump ont of the window again, but she kept a tight hold of hirn, and, calling a police constables gave him in charge. lie had thrown himself down stairs once before and in jured himself seriously. She had done all in her power to correct him. but without avail. On one occasion she heat him until he was black and blue. Mr. Paget sent the prisoner to prison for a week, and said he would see what that would do." CITT ADVERTISING. —That portioh of the Corporation advertising of New York city, which lias, during the past few years, enriched the proprietors of the Transcript with the annual sum of about 8250,000 of public money, has been assigned to the Register, at an estimate of 9,500 tor the year. It will cost $35,000 to do the com position alone, and how the paper, which is a Hotel advertising record can make money out of it is a mystery. If the con tract is carried out faithfully it will make a saving. All the New York journals bid for the advertising but the Register won the rose. THB Tribune says New York drinks 1,800 gullons of swill milk daily, and that the total receipts of 74,800 galloca of milk are awelled to 93,500 gallons by toe addition of water. EXTRE HAI.L. CENTRE CO., l'A., FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1872. ' Whipping Horses. There are persons who think that tbe spirit and temper of a horse m i*t be broken to make hiut valuable. I'rofe* or Wagner, in bis work ou the " Edu cation of Horses," savs : " 1 would caution all who train or use horses against exciting tbe ill-will of tbe animal. Many think they are doing finely, and are proud of their success in 1 bors* truiniug, by means of severe whip ping, or otherwise rousing snd atimuls ttng the passions, aud then from lteees j aity, crushing the will through which the resistance is prompted, ho mistake I can be greater than this.uud there is Both ! iug that so fully exhibits the sbility, judgment aud skill of the real horseman as the care and tact displayed in wiuniug instead of repelling, the action of the ; mind. Although it may bo necessary to use the whip sometimes, it should always . 1h applied judiciously, aud great care should lie taken not to rottse the pas sions or excite the will to obstinacy. " The legitimate aud proper use of the whip is calculated to operate on the sense of fear almost outirely. The af fectionate aud better nature of a horse must lx* appealed to in treining, as well as iu treiniug a ehihl; but if only the ptmioni are excited, the effect ia depruv ing and injurious. This is a vital princi ple, ami can he disregarded iu the una agent of sensitive and courageous horses only st the imminent risk of spoiling them. I have known many bum** of naturally gentle character to be e|K)Ucd by being whipped once, and one horse that was made vicious by being struck with a whip one* while standing in his stall. " I have referred to these instance* to show the danger of rough treatment, and the effect that may tie easily pro diuvd by ill-usage, eajieciallv with fine biaod horses and those of a ii iff Illy uer vous temperament. I!any other eases might bo cited, as eueh are by no means uncommon. Sensitive hums should uever lie left after they have been ex cited by the whip or other mean* until calmed down by rubbing or patting the head and neck, and giving apple*, sugar or something that the animal is fond of. Reuiemlier, the whip must lie used with great care, or it is liable to do mischief, aud may cause irreparable injury.'' How TUB LiTrL* OXES FABR. —lt does seem that in a large city like New York, a better method should be taken to have the children who daily stray from their homes returned. A child is lost, say at the extreme cud of the Twenty-ninth ward, and instead of taking him to I'olics Headquarters, where it is known they are eventually taken, the policeman who finds tn* child hit* to drag the jxnir little thing to the station house, where he must be content to stay until six o'clock r. M.. ami then be removed to headquar ters, where he i* kept forty-eight hours, and if net culled for iu that time handed over to the tender tnsmr* of the Com miasioners of Charities and Corrections. A few days ago kind hearted Officer O'Byrne picked up no leas than three of three little waifs, one of whom he had to walk and carry to the Twenty-ninth pre cint station house, a distance of quite two miles, and when the poor little f i low reached the house, he was so ex hausted that the good nniured doorman had to make him a pallet on two chairs, ami with the eiy of mother on his little quivering lips, he fell asleep. When th m children are removed to headquarter* they are kindly cared for by the matron, aud washed, fed and put to" sleep in little cote, and there ia no reason on earth why they should not lie token there in the first place; it would save much iucon venieuce to lioth officer* aud |>ureuta, and the children who are eo unfortunate as to be lost would fare tnuch better ; or if this cannot las done, why nt ereet a house expressly for the purpose of ac ct mum dating the jH>or little creature*, and make it publicly known that all of th< m found straying in the streets will be taken there.—A*. F. P>tpcr. SHOPS or COSSRAXTTXON.IT.—I hav# •{xtkeii of the shops. They aro funny little boxes, with one half of tbo cover turned np. the other half laid down as a counter. The purchaser stands outside, the merchant within. No goods (ire made a show of ; there teems to lie no anxiety to sell; no anger at having everything turned topsy-turvey; no offence at an offer of just half the ask ing price. The bazaars are collections of * shopkeepers in aome particular branch—gloomy abed*, often odorous, f morally dingy, crowded and stupid, he number of tobscoo-pipe merchants and manufacturers amazed one at Con stantinople as at Damascus. An amber mouthpiece often cot ta hundreds of dol lars ; the long chciry tulie is beautifully wrought in gay silks, and jewels often glitter along "the sides, because the pasha expects to pass hia pipe round among his visitors, and has no better means of displaying hi#wealth. Hia wife cannot receive strangers and make her parlor r museum, because the harem is forbidden ground ; her slippers out side the door prevent even her husband's entrance ; and most of his leisure he is glad to spend anywhere else tliau in such monotonous stupor. A genuine Turk sees hardly any Turkish ladies; he never beholds his wife till after marriage, and does not commonly marry more than one, unless he is some grand official who j is expected to live in style. He never alludes to his family in public, or as pect* it to be ; to ask after madams'* lienltli would be tbe worst insult. The French ambassador's wife suacceded when she presented some silks to Mrs. Redschid I'asha through the prime min ister, by saving—" Please sceept thc-e, sir; yon will know how to use them."— Lijfiintotl't Mutjatim. CAR* or HORSES. —A celebrated writer snyg; "AH hows ranst not be foil in tbo name proportions, without regard to their ages, their constitutions, niul their work, i>ecnnse the impropriety of such s practice is self-evident. Yet it is con stantly done, and i* the basis of diseases of every kind. Never use had lmy 01 account of its cheapness, because thi-re is not proper nourishment in it. Dam aged corn i* exceedingly injurious, be cause it brings on inflammation of the bowels and skin diseases. Chaff is better for old horses than liny, because they can chew and digest it better. Mix chaff with corn or beans, and do not give the latter alone, la-cause it will make the horse chew his food more and digest it lietter. Hay or grass alone will not sup port a horse under hard work, because there is not sufficient nutritive body in either. When a horse is not worksd hard its fowl should lie chiefly hay, harass* oats supply more nourishment and flesh making materials than any other kind food ; hay not so much. llow IT HAS BEEN. —Fires have been raging in the forests, and on the moun tains and plains all over tho country in consequence of the long continued drought of this spring. An examination of the table furnished by the self-recording rain guage at the Central Park Meteorological Observatory shows that the supply of rain is scarcely more tlian one half that of last year at a corresponding date. The difference in depth of snow was also great. In 1871 being 30.11 ins., and in 1872 9.87 ins. The frost, penetrating the ground much deeper this year than last, which was doubtless the chief cause of the de struction of to many trees and hedges in tha oouotry. * Marriage and the Death-Kate. Ths death rats in tbe married and un married waa the subject of a paper teccnlly read by M. Bsrtilluo before the Academy ol Mediciu* In l'art*. Tbe results are hosed on statistics derived from France, Belgium auJ Holland, and are as follows ; Of married men between lbs age* of 26 aud 3J, tba death rate was 4 per thousand, uumarried 10 per thousand, widower* 22 per thousand, (jf married aud unmarried women ths rats was the same, vis.: V per thousand, while in widow* it was 17. lu persons from 30 to 36 the death rate among martied men was 11, tbe unmarried 5, and the widowers 19 per thousand. Among the women it was 5 for ths married. 10 for ths unmarried and 16 per thousand for tbe widows, flow which we obtain the following table*: I **■ Ml. JlloH ktsrriad. A I'mmokJ. IX Wtdo*rt,ll. ' JO to s. •• it. •• * •• i , to *1 An >Wad* U. !L U. ux *..** k> SC Harriot, V. I uiuarited, t Widows. IT. au lo M •• 1 •• 10. •• 11 Total for dscad* IX. i. *t Which demonstrate thst while in the < ac of uitii the death-rite waa the name throughout the decade fur the marriedaui unmarried, there was a great fatality among the widower*. We may, therefore, con dude Put while the marred state doc* not act he) y iuijuote the military Condi tioti in mAI> TRAIN—The DeeMoinee ilowa) RegUttr says: A ain j gular case of railroad obstruction, and •me for which no rrmedv is provided for by the siutui.a, occurred a few even lugs since on the Valley road in Green* Coun ty. Conductor Livingston's train, when about three miles this side of Grand Junction, in i>aasing through some low country and near a jmnd, ran into an immense flock of swan, hrtndt. gre&e. and other wild fowl. The birds ware i just about to alight on the track a* the train drew near. Their number was so great that the sky waa completely til ltd with them, and those above pressing | down on the lower strata forced thorn to dight ou the car top*.. The engine, ten der, and can wr* covered with the | fowls, and some even clung to the bars ■f the cow catcher. One stately swan had a wing injured in the crush, aud found a resting place on the head light, from whence he was taken by th* engi neer. Tbo bird, however, managed to escape from custody near Ferry, and jumping from the tender where he had l>eeu tied, disappeared in the gnu*. The raid continued several uuuutea. quite a number of thenerial army being run over by the train, and some half a dosen be ing captured by passengers and employ era. As soon as the birds on top of tk* flock began to realize the situation they soared away, followed by the cut ire covey. Livingston myn it was the biggest crowd of dead-heads that ever tried to board his train. FotrxD Ihuo tx His BCT>.— ln these latter days, the above heading spjaan in tlie daily papers with btartling and impressive freoueucy. There seems hi be no |mrt of the country which is ex empt from ;he sudden visitation of death, in the remotest hamlets, as well us hi the most crowded cities, people who at evening retire to rest in seeming health, sre found dead in their lied in the morn ing. It is little cause for wonder that one whose lied is a heap of rags in tbe basement of a tenement house m the slums of New York, should be found dead in it. The wonder is that any one should ever lie found alive in a lair that so roeks with the atmosphere of death. But it is startling and incongruous that one whose couch is spread beneath the roof of a farm-house* among New Eng land hills, or on some breezy prairie oi the West, and who had gone to rest full of robust life, should be found -lead in his lied. But so it is. The end cometh in sn hour that no man kboweth, on the hill side and in the valley, a* well a* in the crowded mart, and in the alwidrs of virttire a* well as in the haunts of vice. Orators often thrill their hear ers by pictnriug the power of theOieisrs, who oouUl lay their iron hand upon a fugitive though he fled to the uttermost parts of the earth ; but Death has a long er and a surer hand than was vouchsafed to the Roman emperors, and n touch beneath which the last of the t'swars was himself long r-iuee found dead in hif lied.— L-'lqer. CRIME IN NEW YORK. —The carnival of crime, it is hardly exaggeration to say, never rnn so high in New York ss it has dono for the last month. The police calendar is fairly filled with mnrdera and suicides, A jealous husband in Orchard street, whose wife hail deserted his lied und board, stabbed her fourteen times, with fiendish malignity, plunged liis knife into the side of her paramour, and finally killed himself in the aame way. A shooting affray in Christie street fortunately terminated without any fatality, while a man was beaten to death in Houston street by a gang of mnrdervrs. Letters by various unfortunates who have taken Talis green, jumped into the river, or otherwise wound up their careers tell the same story of destitution and desorliou.— N. T. Pnptr, The Bangor Commereial says that at a prayer meeting heid in a church not far from thnt city, recently, a gentleman placed his hat in theaise beside his seat, and was greatly surprised upon seeing it take s start and follow a lady down the aisle, being caught in her dress. He immediately got down on his hands and knees and went for the hat, but every time he put his hand out to got it the lady took a step forward and it was kept just out of his renah, and he did not get it till he had gone the full length of the aisle; by this time the audience were in s titter, and he took his stov pip* and went out in a hurry Locusts are so thick near Frankfort, Ky., that farmers drive the hogs under th J fruit trees, and shake the insects i)mu. for them to devour, The fishing Disaster. Report* continue to arrive of tbe dia asters to the Newfoundland Ftshiug fleet. Up to the la teat possible mail date, over forty vessels, including four ttteau-sliife, had l>een heard front aa total wmitw, having been dashed tu pieces while amid bugli icebergs and plains of ice during a terrific hurricane. Ou au average, each of those vtWMMsla carried about 100 mm who were employed as seal huutors ; ami out of those 4,000 human soul* only 176 have been accounted for. The large majority of those unfortunate* have left families behind cxehiaively di-jmideat on them for sustenance. During the night of the loai of the steamship Itotrterer,upon board of wbioh MSM (apt. Athlon, who furnishes the | shocking iuU-Uig vbre, sixteen sail of j u-tsels were hummed in by high boul- I dera sud bergs of ice, over which tre mendous seas dashed high sud wild, so that it was itupofcdtle at times to discern the ley isluuiis, and charge after charge of the ungovernable ships against these mighty barriers soon cleft bows and bul work* asunder, and oonsignud many stal wart forum and brave hearts to watery i graves. While this fleet lay to. as a last effort to survive the wild north-eastern hurricane that roared and ruled around them, many tossing craft* cut down each other, and one lesrful instance is recorded wperein a vcaed, driven on an iceberg,by a .huge sua, bill back with a, mighty Ash upon a brtg, the Twin Sis ters, which lay beneath the berg. A large number of men were instantly crushed to death, and the Twin Sisters i asa literally burst in two. The readonly BfU-en out of ninety-eight, clung to the j broken spurs, and w ere by chance picked up by the crew of the Itetnevcr. Toward morning the hnrrlcane, which had raged . all night without alerting, began to sub side. la the light of that dreary dawn ■ the scene which (inwanted iUc-11 to tbos*-' on board the only survival of the Act of sixteen—tb* Ifcitri aver—cannot possibly j be described, inasmuch as oue who had | w jlne.vt-d the sight shrinks hopelessly j from the task of explaining its normal ( hurror and gastlineas. * T he ice had wedged in the ajweeinter reu higher ween the position of the vessels and the shore. L'poa the rude-iieajwd boulders and flakes ot ice were strewn m ikto. vardH.ngpuig,clotiung and broken hulls in the wildest disorder. Worse still were hUxfcl-ruaciurt d corpse* crushed lo death by the paua of ieo cloaiug on the rn. Suurn were actually cut in two by the jKjwerful jamming of the floes,asp others, balf-drovued an J exhausted, died from Ihe ititenae frost. The rtiffmed bodies lay strewn around in most ghastly atti tude*. The terrors which mtrrontided their death were pictured u|K>n the blanched lace of every oorpae, while many of them could hardly ho recog. nib-d, they had heea so niauglo-J. Tin* was on the morning of the 12th of April and toward b o'clock the rough weage which the strong *teamUip Retriever had receive*! during the previous night la-gan to tejl upon her. The iuocasaut action of the pump* for many ft>un did not keep her flom sinking rapidly. In the afternoon the ice broke up, and a passage toward the shore was opened. In order to reach the lmd before hiasitip foundered, Capt. Alferton ordered has mm to head her for tire shore. They had hardly nwbtd it letore the good -hip Retriever sunk to th* bulwarks, aud the water being shallow, she " keeled over." All bauds escaped in the bout*. L'apt. Albion brings a confirmatory account of the wreck of the Huntsmen off the ccaat of Labrador; bat informa tion baa been published concerning that disaster. He believes that the conse quence of this wholesale ruin to the seal hunting fleet of Newfoundland will strep that country again in the iiwvtuty ana misery frem wlticb it boa but recently arisen. The dreary news of so many wreck*, and Uie long catalogue of the dead, spreads desolation over the island, and has visited uunv a bom* with bitter grief and despair, lint, uys Cap*. Alb ■ton, the whole has not yet been told. Hundred* of the fleet are still to be heard from, and their fate may be even a* gloomy as that of the forty-one vessel* known to be hart. An Atwrnn CYxro*.—lf I could por wnede all the voting people of Eimita never to In at each nthei, nor be treated, I think on* half of tbe danger from our strong drink would bo gone. If f can not get you to fbgti the total abstinence pledge, binding until you aro twenty-five, 1 would be gl.Hl to hove you promise throe tilings: First never to drink on 4e sly, alons; second, never todrink social ly, treating or being treated; Uord, when you drink, do it openly, and in the pros ' euce of aouie man or w otpan whom vou rosjiect. Now, boys, if you wish to be generous and treat each other, why not select some other shop tie-side the liquor shop? Huppnee, as you go by tbo post office, y*m say, "Gome, bovs, come in and take aome stamps." These stamps will do yowr friends a real good, and will eovt yon no more than drinks all ronnd. Or go by the tailor's store and say: " Boys, come in and bavo a box of col lars." Walk up to tbe counter, free and generous, and say, "What stylo will you have I" Why not treat to collars as well as treat to drinks? or go by a con fectioner's and propose to treat to cboc olßte drops all round? or say, "I'll stand a jack-knife all around?" How does it hnppen that we have fallen into a habit, almost compulsory, of social drinking? Yon drink many a time when asked to, when really you do not wnnt to. When u man has treated you, you feci mean and indebted, And beep sort of account current in your mind, and treat him. And RO in the use of just that agent, which at the verv best is a dangerous one, you join hsntl in hand to help each oilier to ruin instead of hand in hand to help each other to temperance.— T. AL flicker. A BitK;r CHARJIF.P BT A SNAKE.— A sheep, owned by s son of Mr. J. O. Ful ton, at Mongsup Valley, Ulster county, was charmed by a milk snake. The ani mal was observed by Mr. Fulton apart from the floak, standing in a peculiar attitude so long, near a ledge of rocks, that he went to see what was the matter, when he discovered its attention directed to the snake. ll* succeeded in bring ing down hissnakeship. Rut the sheep neled strangely, and would not go with the flock, snd llnslly fled to tha woods, since whioh time it has been neither aaeu or hoard of. Prof. Newman is a wag. The English Anti-Tobacco Society, wanting evidence of the evil effects of the weed, took him into their service. He had never used the stuff in any form, and the arrange ment was tlmt he should take a gi>od smoke, get sick, and then describe his horrible sensations in a course of lec tures. The professor smoked liis pipe about half an hour, but, singularly enough, he did not gst siek at all, and, so far from lining disgusted, just keeps up smoking, and the society folks are a little discouraged. WE hear terrible calamities have oc curred in India, which we sincerely trnst have been exaggerated. The telegram says that accounts of the recent floods in Vellore show the number of casualties to be very much the reverse ef exaggerated in the original statement. No less than a thousand lives are said to have been lost. Twelve thousand persons are house few wl three thousand destitute TERMS: Ttro Dollar* a Year, in Advance. (iliuipsr* sf the FftsfeltiM. Grenadines are very generally admired i fur overdress**, and those sailing at $5 | cants per yard rank* a baudaorao, deli oat* and lady Ilka druM. Vary good black silk fur lining time goods can b* bad at 75 *cnt* and 11 per yard. Jauanes* ailka sr# sought for with -oil aiders Me seal. Tlmj are bandaem* I in teiturs, but vary apt bo wrinkl# and ahhvol in dauip w**tbwry, Cincinnati, 0., elected May, 21. 1*72. , Htepbqn M- Merrill, Editor of the ff'aafcrw Christian ifwCStl, ( iaciOßstf. jo., elwted May 32, 1874. Edward G. Andnswu. Fastorhf B#rUi Aveuue Clin rob, Brooklyn, K. 1* , aiactad 1 Miiv 22. 1874. ' ti 1 - Gilbert Haven. Editor of 2W HrroV, ' Boston, Ma**.. ekted May 52. 1872. Jcore T. Peck. of the Central New York. I Oorrferooe*, elerted May W 18*72. IVra ImiKR. —Tbw P. 8. Secretary of War baa received * copy of * letter id- I >UMod to (1. Crook. commanding the military ib jpartuiunt of Aosom*. by Gen. jO. O. Bonn, who recantiy sent out by the Government to pacify the hmfile Apache* Tntflant of Arizona. On 1 his Arrival In Arizona, Cfc-ft. HoamrJ raj quested Gen. Crook to tewi|x>rarily ana pond hostile operations against throe Indians until bo hadan opportunity to trot tbo efficacy of mnj suasion. It would seem that h* failed to entor into anv amicable arrangement with the hoe tile portion of tbe Aimcbro. as in hip letter to Oen. Crook he withdraws hia prevlona request for a suspension of the \ campaign, and advises htra to taka vigor ous Biroanrea at once to punish tbe boa tile Apache*, whom bo designates aa (robbers and murderers who will nM be conciliated. Tn* CROPS WEST —The Chicago pa pers publish report* from a 'arge number of points in Illinois and low* ix rogazd to the present prospect of the crops,, from which it appears the crops aro generally backward, particularly corn,, on account of the coldness of the Spring ; but a large area being planted, and with fine weather, henceforward the prospect for at least the average yield ta good. Wheat, particularly Fall, is looking badly in many localities, and in some comities they are plowing up the wheat fields and planting thaui m corn. This, however, occurs in some more northern counties of Illinois every season. Oats and other small grains are generally looking well, the former acre a] promising an abundant yield. Tun TREATY. —The London Time* asserts that there never has been any genuine agreement between England and America touching the indirect claims. It cuunot hlp thinking that if tha official teh prams on the subject had Wen communicated directly to tit foreign ministers of either government, instead of Wing Altered through a me dium. tho chasm whioh separated tliem would have been recognised long ago. With the correspondence before n*."con cludes the Tune*, we must consider the failure of arbitration inevitable. Wo miiy thank the American Senate for this. Had it accepted the supplemental article without amendment our position would bars been awkward. A TURPATGII from Bilboa, Spain, says the action of Marshal Serrano, in grant ing ftee pardon to all tho insurgents in Biscay who voluntarily surrender, causes great indignation among the residents of that city. There ii pinch excitement, and the inhabitants are manifesting their dis approval of Serrano's leniency. WnxtN* TO PLEAHR.— .Mistress (fo lacy houaemagl.)—"Now Mary, you know I'm going to give a ball to-morrow night, and J shall expeot you to bestir yourself, and make yourself generally useful.'* Mary.—"Yes M'm. But I'm sorry to say, M'm, I cant' dance!" As English girl tarns across tha At lantic, th* othqr dy, to marry an Ameri can whom she had never seen, and only kuew by correspondence. The wedding has taken place, and the parties art said R> be supremely happy. NO. The Stray ef lis rtrat Uw. I Lite in IM*. or early in 1*63 m* tha narrator of fat* Ufa, the lata fX-Prefdant TJncolo want to board at a tavern In Naw Salem, 111., kept by Jame* Butledge. ] Ann Hatledye the third daughter of Uitst|iilf, waa at that Ume about 13, and was brob afaly the moat refined women with plxon Mr. Lincoln bad th*a aver oouvenwd— a inodast, dalicato creator*, fascinating, were it only by furoa of coatraat with the rude people with whom she was surttmnd ed. All witnf*M nuito in praisinf ber. Mia. Hardin liaJe, a weiuan of the fcri/L --hwrbood wli knew her wall, said: r Mb# had auburn hair, Mne eyne, Wr complex ioa, was a pretty, kind, toofira, good- Wartod wonura, beloved by all wb knew bar. McNatnar, fit!!, and Lincoln all courted her at the soma time. Ttw me* ■bo spoke of ber deecribed her wfib yet more entfausiaaw. She bad as*4 atory. Wbeß little more than 17 ebe kfaeaane en rayed to MeMowar. Me iet Ira to go to too aaaiatanea of Ida parent* in tbe State of Now Trail, proatiaMg to rotor* la soon ra poaulde; but peak*grew inoatfia. a*4 even yeara, tod still he did not - come. Ska had loved hitn at first but that love aeerae to have cooled with hie llg b --•ence : and at last she resp-wtdedl to fab* passionate ami fanpetisoae - attoobifaent of young iinoofat. But to* tall that toe tattti not marry safari toe conid obtain a relaswo from UcStmtr. eU Hr to bin) in rain, a* she bad watched in vain lor bis corning, ami ia 1835 sbe died, an •ome ssy of brain fever induced by her anxiety ot wind. In ber grave linooto was wont to declare hie heart lav fancied. A few day* before her death be was sum moned to her bedride; but what happened in that eolrmn conference was kn>e uonly so him and the dyinggfrl. But when h loft ber nod stopped at the bona* *l' John Jone% •* tka way, home, done* aari sigto , of the moat., lerrihiadiaUeaa in hia law and hi* wanner. JSTheu .Ann. •tied end w*a buried, hie grief jbeiaisato ' frantic; lia ftrit all "self-wmtrol. avto tbe .-rwiftrtwntnrvs of hie own identity, ami all hie New Salvia friend* pronounced hiwln laana. 'Ua at* watohed wltb a-eytoclatf vigdwee during storms. Into damp -and gloomy weather, for fear of an acoWefik, At auch times be raved piteoosly. declar ing, arnopg other wild eggrnssioae of id* woe, I can never he rrcoocllcd to have the epow, rafne, and storms healaj-r>B her grsve ** His friend, Ilovrfiu ifarasoe, took charge of Mo, MM! if toss several weeks before it was considered egfe' to let htm m took to bis aid bansU and old em | ploy went*.-lie wtw never prstWy dn same waa agtoN Ua bad stwrfye bee* ! subject toperiods to great tqent*lideprta> lion, hut aftdrtbia thty were mora 'rapwto and luarmlnE. It %a then that be hegra to repeat thirpnem which, pockin itaelf, isimtßcrtidieed fay hi* ■doptfam of it, "Oh, whr ehonld tbe-apk ifcof inert, si be proud V A few week* altar the death of Ann Rut iedra, bra tod low, MoNnmar, na—neA to Nra and be |fM> ** uioarand fot berra detply if nto as wildly as did Jaaooln. ■ ! ,w |J( . * I tit I | ■■ ■. f 4tai .S . ' Hid to.'l Ih;1 oJL _ Pssga or xux 4J*uo STonJS-—Than New Orieax -. PioTytoHUft; A correa p>ndent make* .uue pertinent remarks 1 on fhe tralawfu! Uretiring of nnedeedtnfi dntgririr. As an Wnatvatltoi ef the vital St!|OPMnv of a thramsgii knowledge ot raodioto ebasnitorg tauoalify a person for, cuaspoandiM prasctoptwns, Ik may he. mfißtioned thtottl#oagtonc# fribpaWtoi tried an eijierimant to to use a nautical pit raw, not to inter* • ■ tera with locomotion; while tbstas—wlu ( t. , with disgusting humps upon their backs, i and faig roseUea upon their shoulders, and loop*, and folds, and buttons, and tonspe, ana bow* upon their skirts, and strip* d satin petticoats, al! too abort ttf fa •'< : their Clumsy ankles—and more colors and shade* of colors heaped ap on one'poof little fashkm-ridden body than ever waa gathered in one rainbow—and dU thia worn without regard to tempera!urg, or tirno, or plaee—l aay thia presents a . apactcolc which ia too disheartening to be oomlpah One cenoon swtie at the rouaa girls who are ope day—Heaven help them—to be wives and 1 _______ -* 3 i Quau ifao a Riot.—During the recent 1 riots in the town of Kfaarkoff, In the 1 Province of Ukraine, Russia, tha people were having a holiday drunken bout in tbe square of St. Xtirhavl, and. making a ' rrrtu uhise. Tne police ordcrnl tbenvto dUpfarim and deWfsd them with water, bat litis only incensed tbe people, who . immediately proceeded to atone the pcUoe. . Troop# were then called in, but were re pulsed with considerable loss of life, and tor over a day the rioters held possession of the town and threatened to* 4o great 1 damage to government property. The governor finding himself powerless an pilied to the archbishop to assist him in restoring-order The fatter then address ed the crowd, censured the potiee and the troops, and offered to ee|el>rtu# a fu- ' neral service for those of Alie rioters who. l>ad been killed. This quit ted the people lor a time, and enabled the authorities to put theiaselves in a condition to entorce tbe preservation of the peace. r " " " i Tni Mabch or IjrrfatxxcT.—The late Prince Albert one* paid a visit to a school, , and heard the teacher make one of the i classes go through what i# termed, in the phraseology of pedagogues, an object les son. "Now, can yon tell me anything , about beat!" waa one of the questions. A bright little man held forth his hand, as , mpch as to say that he could. " Well, i now, ray boy, said the teacher. " what i do you know!" "Heat expands," mid [ the boy, in the Jerky style of delivery . characteristic of hia yeara w Beat ex pands—cold contracts." The teacher looked at the Prince for approval. The , Prince bowed hi head, and wnHril appro . bation. The teacher, eager for more each anile*, went on. " Very good," he said; "now give me an example," "In summer ' the days aro long; in winter the days are , short." - v ; , J I Here ia a proapaefna of Oil ®ty hy Titusville paper; A small, gnarl4 lrow ev, knotty, bare-backed, up-aud-doww, 1 humped, roand-shouldered, gulfy, pree ipicy, and generally ahot np, scoopod ; out, ravined, inflexioable, irregular, i greasy, and slab-aidad ihanty town. * tt o Steeps. IR farad *™' 1 ' * ■fW like • fatedt* it* neat— -I*o ttljr tyft-'-f-ffl WU) |faWd, "Love fat gcntl* giMai M| and rset I - Braofbing ear,, ■ * -wii ■ numw -■ - AUita tit** cj}*rm te knar.'' *** Itewsrsso -' " " * floor* ttwrtV gimp i' tbe bud sari gvoW- , pf> and fiw. Facte and Fanelra. Twiatod b< p cnns Mmr. " ffiitaMK, If rait* of bttlfa>oritJf~p|er moanta. * t7atx.ztf >rt*Ue writs to wear—Hfad •oft*. Tbe fa**l style of writing t writing Vermont produce* 72.6W pod ot ' tobacco. The debt of nature should Btri f bo paid if it ara't be paidjrttbout aa " we . eiiUuß," < A toost eta pobbe dinner in OooneoU cnt f " Tbe Nutmeg State, wltere aboil we And * gwier?'" 1 One man end hi* aati in Winnecoone. Wia., hove aUugbtorad 3,301 muakrala im i mi, HiftiOtff, Smiggieo who 'if fbirwr borrowing money my# beoonHabide babies til they eon •farad o loan The practise H h>beting the •moke of cigarettes iaextremoly dong rooa, oa it is ' Kkely to come eongeation of the Inog*. - J A Florida jail not teasing had an 'in mate in four yearn, tbe commiwrnMnn have turned it into a mm crib. Portugal object* to it* skilled labor cJiiUiratii.'K to "the U. 8., and is taking mraattwo to keep laborers at home. Three who value ftewnselrea on their eaeeetry have been well compared to po- UOona-eil tha| is . good erf tbt-m tetuidra ; Doable Hnk ateeve button* and wide tnraroceo beita are among tbe many old fashions that have been revived thia asaaon, • mm newest' atyje of window ahade* are o* crimson *ilk with tbe monogram In the wmtvr of tbe white ieee and em h mmty otkcM mhm wmt*?4®n §A tog within tbe demesne of an HUaoia farmer, was lately docked In the liver by theT*ra*rr*e wife. * There iea gift Mnneaota, only It aaar# of age, who by herself and twe boss ran* a farm of over two handled one*. 9 put ?500 inn 8t Fbnl bank teat year..* i w a [ geboetmi*tfc**--Jo|uM!g r , I'm eahamed ff wot). When I *h -your age I could write aatrffl •*! do now. Johnny—Aw! but von'd a different Uhabar to what tffWfffcuo* ,„VI is m 4 - t— - mMI ||.|M !>..* WW% MM Ttlft-'lil-Wt waa ■BfSB WPi WmBI ®w mmmmm Hlf W* wiling to ffaW op time meciaaday far ■tarty yaam. a Aasearibiig to Protomot tmag- the deneity of the ran ia ebont on*-quartr that of the efrth. *0 the abler gravity ia - twv*tytei*ht titnee grialor than terree ftiial. gravity. t ah bke a ebaved pi* with a tail, and it onnr after it haa rfhivmgfc' **awfe,' 1 that "iwtae fdiow, by good lock, bold# pa ty it. "Bleeping under* tbe broad, Woe cano py of b*et>. in* ytaleol onfortwneta mcbrieiy" w a VwYork remoter'. Eng !hh for getting drank and lying 00l on ib* park ah ui* , Tbe are raid, to beahont two million innilmh inX whob- world. One of Dieee "1 fhtraline Tfrwto®. f Sanaa, arho WAog dofea CHny 'a noaa, heraaaa ,ahe ttppghl * SvV deoever. diM&su: eat Olafgow, knocked and engauml, *T thia Giaagwwf " and being aoawcred in aaked, M la Peggy in f* 4 The gr*v, of the laie CoL Jaa. Fiak, #3lia3iehom. waa buried beneath a r visa m J .of eoatiy Aowem on Decoration day. A aar had. coating WOO waaaaa* ftwm New fbrk to he piled above his head. A California man requested hia wife in a bsß room to bold the baby of another ..man'* ,wfe while .he danced with tbe baby's mother, bat she didn't hold It iotte WfWr ere toe disobedient to put njrVML • A mania Wrat field, Mara., thought to onnfy his wdlbj t. ready throwing it a half btwhid of Ilßie. Aa there waa bat three-feet of water in the well, ha haa bed, wtMh wrab cheap and plenty <6 r HE9| ! " A Dbiominctont 'ID.., pmn scalped a friend bv ifasefßenttafaHhr, menrfy to abow how it waa done. anti|King he ha 3 the back fraWij of tlm edp* of the knife. The MeQTw now a Uiorotigh eonoep tion of Mae oprrafa'WJ. - Bzparlmenta liawe esrawtty been mad# to moatain the arnoupt of io%that ooal undi-igocs whan exposed to the weather. Anthracite and eeftnl wml oer least, I but ordiaaqrjNtumiaoaa coal keen neraly ono-bj# in gm*making quality. An EuaJifb writwr ad vieea young wo- Wt to ifok favorably upon tbora en gaged hi ngrienlhtralimranito, aaaigning ra mm ixmon .thet their " mother Eva married a gardener." He forgot to add that in. eonaoqaenCe 6f Abe match tha yefaMwiev hair hie aitmtttem. . Tlng m*jr*iatatuteaoC New Hampahira provide tliat any person painting tha names of sn¥ w*n wr mwupation on f,ww or ether private property, or on Wr reek r nnhasnl otrfeet, without tha Iravf mi the owner* ebati be fined f 10, onwlwlf to go to tbe proaccuUc. A "Western wife by her pat evidence lately procured the ineiure-ration of her hitidorad. gtrilty of a violent violation of the law; in durance file for life, and the day the Ibonitrf the priwm dwwd npon him took advantage of the privilege ae crde l l\v that law and married another BUIEL, uirwstwa ia the better part of valor. Tom and Arthur have been rude to their mamma. Mamma has complained to nam, who ia heard coming np etsira. Arthur : " 1 toy. Tom, here eomee papa; I shall pretend to be raloep.' Tom : "I shan't; I shall get up and pat something OB. 1 ' 1 As unlimited nnrabfr of half dead and-aHve trees can be seen now in the burnt district of Chicago. Tbe mdea which faced the fire are charred and i dead from the roofas up, while tbe oppo site aides, where the heat did not pme i irate, are fuU of sap and the brauebea green with leaves Fashion, among other frivolities, has decreed that children between the agea of two and eight years, sbonjd wear ,mll caps, instead of bonnets in their public promenades. These caps are made of the finest lace, and embroid ered and lined with pmk or blue silk, ousting from £4O to SSO. A genrfeman who waa a mighty hun ter was plagued with a degenerate son, who manifested no great predilection for hia father's pursuits. One day he exclaimed, in the bitterness of his mor tification, " CUBS me, Tom, if jon're not gettin' perfectly worthless; yon U neither hunt nor fUh. I'll be lumged if I dont send you to school." A Scotch law lord was .raided one day on the hillside of Bonallv with a Scotch shepurd, and olwerving the sheep repos ing in what he thought the coldest situ ation, he observed to him : "John, if I were a sheep I would lie on the ether aide of the hill." The sbepard answered: "Ay, my lord, but if ye had been a sheep 'yewadhavhad mairsyMe." Bees are exeeetlffigly susryptible of atmospheric changes; even the passage ofahea%7 oloud over the sun will some tames drive them home, ant! if an eat r]y -wind pvevaila, however fine the weather may otherwise "be, they have a sort of rheumatic abhorrence of its i&fiu enee, and abide at home. The cause is said to be the deficiency of ©lecfcrmdf in the air, t