fdK -lirxrdE R5 PORTER FRIDAY Jims 14., I**,!!. LOCAL ITEMS. LOC4J. NKWfi.-Our ftien.U, *Vry where, will Sihtigc n by *enen u.il therefore find j this one the bed advertising mediums, i VVa invito all interested to conic and in-j -rout our list for themselves BXIIITTARCES.— AII motiies tor sub scription will bo credited on the subscri ber's address. inch week : by referring to which our psttxns can at all times see how their account* siand. and a receipt i* by this system carried open e*ch copy of the paper. Persons in Pen ns valley wanting any kind of paiuling done, should read the advert isment of Adam Hild, who is a skillful jwiintcr. I. \KiiK 800. —Muster J. T. Raricit, of Earlystown, brought a hou egg to this office, measuring 0 by 81-8 inches in circumference. This is a souud, democratic Buckalcw egg. Oi u FIKK INSC I; AKCK Dour AXY Wc hist week published in our locals a notice of tho Danville lus. Oontp.. wltivb led some of our readers to suppose that we were prejudiced against our owu company. That was a mere business matter, and our columns are open to any aud all companies and all business meu to advertise them selves —that is what newspaper* arc for. Bol.iustead of bciug prejudiced against our own company, wc here state that we consider the 1 encsvalley company the cheapest, uiost economi cal, vilest aud best fireiusuranco com ratty t* which the people of our val ley can insure ; we have always thus regarded it, and those of our peoplt who insure in foreign companies, stand in their own light. Its officers are ctwaen by us aud from among us. lis expenses arc less than those of any company we know of, and not a dol lar cau thus far be shown to have been misapplied. Our company has al ways Wit, aud is uow, op the best looting, aud siuce some of our people hove been kd into finding fault with it, ae will append au exhibit as taken frwn the book* of the company, by Secretary Shannon, and thus euable all to sec for themselves. The company isdil.rvingour warmest en oouiogconnt, and its officers our ut mott confidence for their able man- 4 ngcroem. It will be seen by the statement be • low, that over four-fifths of the losses of our company, siuce its organization, have been upon farm property, ami 1 but a fraction upon town property ; hence farmers have been mostly bene fited by having our town property in sured along with their own, as iu ton iu it is rated much higher, and with but few leases so far. The towns have| been for over four doliats for fires iu the country, to one dollar for losses iu the towua, and it will there ' fbrc beseeu thai the U-ot is altogether j upon the other foot : LO** I'AIB BT FARMERS' ilrvrxLi FIKK IXSROAXCK Co., or CENTRE Co , I PA., JX Corxiax. jc* a, i>o. Join it m usscr, ianu-iiouse $ 15 50 Ji'.xf. 27 1861, Margaret A. Wwwlj, barn OOOIX) Jiuu- 16. 1862. Jacob Cndo wab-h<>use _.... 133 S3 Feb. 16, 1863, Will tutu Tbumjwon barn _ - - 1850 00 Feb 10, 1863, Frederick Seltxar farru-hooio- 1133 00 Xot. 11 1804, James P. Co barn barn _ lOOO 00 Jan. 27, 1865, John Svreetwood barn- l5OOOl, Jan. 27, 1865, Thomas W-.lf, bam 100000 Jan. 27, laB&Ueo. W. CampbtH bam 750 00 May 1, lfct-o Mary Borell, uuh hot.-e 4000' Not. 11,1866, William Stump, bars SMOOO Aug. 21, 1)838, M. M Mu.-cr. house fumiture. „ '3OOOO Aur. 21, 1865, Geo. U ramie. 10u5e.... 08000 ' Aug 36, 1805. J W. Shull, storegoods and buildiuK 300000 s Feb. 9, 1868, Batnuel 8. Con do. bam .. 270 00 Feb. 9,1809, John Hurler house 30" ! March 16. 1865. John W. Only barn t&'OO March 16, 1865, Eliza V. Mitchell. barn 980 60 Oct 22,1865, Kc v. P. S. Fisher, burn 93814 Oct 28.1865, William Keller house . 25 00 Apr. 10. 1871. Levi Stager, wash-bouse- - 1000J Oct. 18, 1871, Samuel Krice, boose ... 29000 Oct 16, John Deutweiier, house...-...- 20 00 Apr. 27. 1972, Daniel Durst, barn.. 40 00 Apr. 27.18T2, Uriah Stot er. wab-buse 4OOO Slay 26, 1865. J. W. Stemm, Store bouse— * 50000 Total, $1606157 Loeegs PAID IY Toyrxs. Jan. 8.1%6. Dai it I Mu ser, house. BoalsburK . 44 82 Sept. 'tl, 1809, IsresiJ. Grenoble. bouse. Aaron.-bury6Bo'JO March 8,1572, Diilen & McKinne store Pine GTOTC „ 7400 '0 May 16, 1872, Fred Kurt/, iibrary 4cc., Centre Hall - 12500 Total icMOsi Cock A Kuamtts loss on store not yet trusted. The total amount of assessments, since organization f the company, being 14yearf, is 22 per cent, nn premium notes, while the Lycoming company assessed 171 per cent, in one year alone, 'lake any company youcau find, with any five consecutive year#, nud you will find flieir assessments much high er than tboae of our company for the corresponding years. The percentage of tax paid by towns, in our OWD com pany, is 36i, while their losses are on ly 19 per cant. Now what can be more gratifying, particularly to our farmers ? This is a better showing up than any com pany can make that insures farm property exclusively. In some com panies you pay when you insure, for *up poted lueses, five years ahead—and it there be no losses, you have paid for them notwithstanding ;in our com pany you pay a trifie when you take Jut a policy j and if there fire no fires, J ou pay'nothlng farther.' Look at it s you will,' people of Peuusvalley, and you save money by insuring in j'oUC oyvu hopie company. From I llinois the reports of the win ter wheat are yety good, from Michi poor, frojp'phio fair, from Penn sylvania uu average, from Indiana gootf, while from palifornia we are ill formed that the acreage planted has heep largely increase*), and the appear apca pf the' prop is excellent- From the Sop in the reports are yery favora ble, and new wheat has already made its appearance in the markets of At lanta and Chattanooga. CfBCULXTK THE POCOMRMTS —The democratic cause cannot be aided bet* tpr ' jiy' democratic papers'(tyring the pfesenf campaign. will flEfpftTEH one of the best campaign papers in the cen tral part of the state, at 75 in cents ad vance, until after the presidential election. Friends send us names — every subscriber can be the means of getting us names, and thus ad vance the democratic canse. The locusts are getting uoisy herea bout*. We had several fine showers of rain inside the l*t 10 da vs. The crops are poor, lint half even can le looked for. The hay crop will H'SO be less than we are accustomed to. There is some piof|cct of having a tolerable fruit crop BacksuuJing subscribers to tbeKe poller, do please pay up. we nerd some money. Subscribe for the Reporter tor tho campaign. Hoist ihu v i s arc hcginuiug to give false names when arrestid, tlius en deavoring to throw odium on reepecta blccitiaeii* On the 25th of May a fel low was at rested at Belleville and lodged in our jail, eburged with steal ing a horse from CleuiM-n A La port, of Rock Spring, CcnUe county, lit gave his name us "William Go**,' who is a reepcelable cm ten rf Rock- Spring, but war subsequently ideuli find by Missis. Oemaoii aud W. K. Mi Williitius us a vciMiudrct in.innl J. 11. Daub, of 1- aiuUvillc. Iliintiugdeii county. Huitgtng is too good f. i such a rascal.— Letei*tt*rH Lh m A Snct.i'-KiLLi H CAHUIT.—Ot.w uight a tbw weeka ago. says the L wi> tow.i True Democrat, five slict |> tw louging to Mr. Kucpp, of IX-cattir township, were killed and two badly bitten; and from the fact that cue of them had been carried off bod ily over four eigkt-rwi! fence-*, it was readily surmised that a bear had been the perpetrator of the outrage. Accord ingly Mr. Knepp uaaintid by Dauiel Peter erected a pen with a view to trapping tbe monster; and *ure enough on Monday of la-t week there he was fast in the pen. He was a bear ol uncommon size, beiug 4 feet high and 7 feet iu length. Whan killed he furnished 215 lbs dressed meat, aud 2 lbs, lard. His bide weighed 28} lbs. aud one of his teeth wat 3} inches in length. The Supreme Court of Peupsylva nia has ju.-t decided that "the use by a citizen of public ways is that of trwn sit oulv —louugers who occupy tho public frighway are obstructions of the public right of way, aud suisaucee." WASTKD —A GOOD jour tinner can find a good job in ihu place at gix-d wanes. For further particulars apply ftl this of fice. 2t. TOWN ill IP AUDITORS I REPORT. Samuel Haru-r Supervisor of .->!><) of Gregg twp, l'ur the year enilir.fr JeTi April Blh 1r72 DR. To amount of duplicate sStt2 iii From former duplicate 13 U) Rec'd vf J. O 8-.'. key 27 28 Total '.<32 61 UB By amount of work done on roads 470 24 Exoneration* allowed 3 65 Percental on StSidS B 42 26ft 2 inch plan it 76 Hi* services 83 75 Balance due fes n-h;p 37'J 90 Jacob WhitleatLer your 1872 in account with Greg* twp., April Bth To amount of duplicate 11 82 By amount of w< rk dona on roads during year 567 87 Exonerations • 2 77 Percentage 58 eer of Gregg tap., for the year 1871. To amount <>f jupli. ate in hands 684 90 To cash of Fred Rcnniuger 16 5n Total GOO 40 Credit Rot.ninger lir amount paid for kepping pau-_ pers JS 20 " *' " for 11. P. Knarr 7 IV " " " for S. Brown 1,61 SO " " " to I}, f. V'an Val rah 63 79 '• " " for Sarah J£eigU-r 7W) '* " *• A. Shannon £n suit with twp , 16 79 " " " J Hagen for serv ing supoen* 100 " ~ •' Wt. Hickman Overseer 3D tlO ** Exoneration'' <> Ins duplicate 300 " P. rentage for collection 29 09 • Hi* -ervice* 1209 Balance uyt- township 141 4'J To la I CW 40 Wm. Heckman Oversee r of the poor fur the year 1e72 I)K. To amount of duplicate for collec tion 443 SO •* " RtCeived of Gee Kor man WOO " Received ol Peter Wai ver's i -tatc 21 60 Total 566 80 CR. Bv amount paid for keeping pau pers 479 68 Exonerations 310 Percentage for collection 22ll Ills services 9000 Balance due township 3201 Total 506 80 Audited Aprilßth 1872. W C M COOL JOM.V GaovK Auditors The A,dine for June is the uiott Amer ican oi nil magazines It contain* three pa£o original illustration* of American Purest Scenery, by Moran, Nehlig, and ii IWJ. Morau has selected tho primitive forest, and given us a ctiinp*-- of ft* wilder ness and grandeur la is subject is "K wa -itid. The Strong Mail. 1 ' in the "Song of Hiawatha." nnd he handle* it mugnificent ljr, Willi all the strength and noacofthc eatravngnncc of Dure. Nehlig has select ed Colonial forest, so to speak, and ba< given us a giimpto o! its suii-iy opening-, roofed with foliage. Jra*.cd with vines, caipvted with flower*and moss, and peo pled with happy birds. Jiis subject i* Campbell's "Gertrude of Wyoming, ' the spirit of which he ha.- reuii/.cd in his fig ures ef Gertrude and Aibut, who were rambling through the wood* in fanciful Indian garb, flows has selected llse for ests of the Adirondack*, and ha* given us n glimpse of the pines of the Kachutte. The rest of the illustration* are of various degrees of merit, the most noticeable being Davis's ' Ku.i.y Day, ' of Longsfeilow's poem of that name, and a characteristic design. Stephens, tor one of v£>op's tab les. 1 lie publishers arc dames button A j£o., 20 Liberty Street, A. Y , and tho price is Sj.UO. Including Oil ejifomo. "Godey's Ladies Book," for June, is a handsome number, us usual. Oodey i* deservedly the standard ladies magaaiue of America. The '•Nursery,'' for June i* received, and while all proceeding number* were pretty, yet thi* p-c ahead, a* i* attested by the delight with which it wo bandied by our juvenile*. Only $1.40 per year, published at Boi-ton. The "Little Corporal," f" r June, i very attractive in Stories Poetry and pic ture*. Among the leading article* are The New England B<>y Parmer, C'harle* Dudley Warner, of the Hartford (Jourant; The Down Hill Principle, by J. B. T. VI ur-h, editor of the Advance ; and Poem* by Susan Cooiidge, G--e. Cooper, Laura W. Ledyard. the illustration* are nu inerot# and -very fine. ■ Hereafter every subscriber is to receive a beautiful new Cbromo, entitled "(herrie* are Kipe. ' Teinu, SI.OO ayear, and 10 cent* for pott age on Chrorao. Add re*#, John E. Miller, Publisher, Chicago, Illinois. THE SCIENCE or UKAUH, a usw first class magazine, li devotfcd'to all that per tains to the Preservation of Heslrh and By gienic Treatment of Disease. It will teach the right use of nature's remedial and hys gienic agents, etc., and will save many times its price to any family in which it may be read in doctor's bill*. S. K. Wells, publisher, New Y orlc ~"" if.onthly, $2 a year. Appeals will be bold at the Commis sioners' office in Bellefonts for the differ ent townships, on the followingdsys, vis:' On Monday June 10th, 1872," Miles, Haines, Penn, Gregg and Potter town ships. -••••• On Tuesday June 11th Harris, Fergu son, Hulfmoon, Tattoa and Walker town ships. " 1 ' ' - On Thursday June 13th, Boggsand Miles burg Boru, VJriidrv and union' tbwnth p, Umouville Boro, IlUstdn iirtd H'ortji town ships. burg Euro. On Mondav Juw 17th, EU#£out Euro, j. a. BANKET, 8. F. FOSTER, Attest: Com'rs. WM. FURY Clerk. mny24-6t. A Bill to KMublish A Military l><* poUtn. No effort will lw spared to pniw th bayonet election law, which still hag tire in the hoaer. Grant's noiuiiiatioi at Philadelphia will b the signal fori new attempt to whip in the Kepuhlii-ni member* who have thu tar objected t giving hiiu the power to re elect lum relf. Among the modes of doing tin business, the billowing is mentioned in the New York Express • "It is reported in Wnahiegtou thai Senators Kellogg, Cnnkling,Chuudler Pomeroy, Edmund*, ami othar Grant men, have decided to intimidate tin South into the support uf Grant by a resolution to tegiettl the rule heretofore prohibiting any amendment* to any measure nut germane, from being placed ujiou a bill at any time. It t the intention of ad tuiti tat ration Sent.® tors to place upon the Sundry Civil Appropriation lull what is kuouu as ; the KII Klux bill, so heavily detested ' in the House. This move will succeed in theSeuaie, and, if the House refuses and allows the Appropriation bill to i fail, the administration eanal will in sist upou a new acawiou to l> > ailed by tbe President. It is supposed by Sen ators that the House w ill be o anxious to get away Unit, under the whip aud spur of the adiiiinisiratioii nnd the Sen ale, it w ill accept theKu Klux aiuend nient and |>OM the bill. If the bill fails, the Senators think that tlu< blame I will attach to the lower House. A trick like this needs but to be ex posed to be denounced ; but it shows the despeiuliou of the C rsui men. No more conservative rule was ever adopted, norone more ee*ouomical than this which forbids extraueous subjects being forced upon the i'ivtl aud Diplo matic bill. If there was ever any doubt before, is must be clear now that tho Grant men simply mean to re en act the Ku-Klux law, in order to se cure the reelection of their chief. Aud herein,is another proof of what is ineaut by Civil Service Reform." We Imvc no doubt that this or sotue other device will be resorted to by the a Jhereu:s of the adtuiuistration. The true aim of the original Ku-Klux leg islation was to get tbe control ol the elections. The proviso that the act| should expire with the session was a mere blind, as is showu by the attempt to extend it, in a time of profound (ran quilily, when the only exciting event in proapect is Grant's own canvass. Let every Democrat, and every oth er man in the House who is true to free civil government, staud tirmly up fur it now. We remember the time wheu the Democrats aud Conservatives of the House, lod by Jobn J. Crittenden, passed one whole nighi jn roll calls, lather t ian submit to injustice, aud fiually carried their point. The pre rut oue is a thousand fold more im portant to tbe country. If the par tisans iu Congress of Grant'? election are able to say to him, "do us you please," it is equivalent to having no election. It is, substantially, the es taoli-huH-ut of a military despotism by act of Congress Are They Mud? Gram's camp followers in (A u cress act as if they had been struck with iu sanity, says the bun. in the Senate on Friday night lipst lite lyontt Elec tion law, was eulatgcd so as to be ap plicable to every election district and parish in the country, was added by the majority to the Sundry Appropria tion bill, it could nut under the rules of the Senate be attached thereto This objection was overruled by Senator Anthony of llhodc island, who ana in the chair, and on au appeal Anthony's ruling W£; sustained. Afterward, Poaieroy of Kama* being in the chair,: Mr. Sumner moved to add an addi tional amendment to his Civil Eights, bill. This not being a jmrt of the conspiracy! Poioeroy coolly ruled that it could not be admitted because it w*. notUfermanc, and on a new appeal the majority sustaned this ruling! Thus the bayonet Election law was sent to the house of Ecpresentatires a? part of au indispensable appropriation hi I. There ou Saturday the Oppoai- "* r v 7' tiou members made u gallant roie tancc to all attempt# to carry it for ward toward its parage; ami fiitull\ the subject was refuted IJ a couf-|*wrt commit ice, on the- grounJ that thetwc House# could uot agree. We trust that it this coufi-rrr.ee com mittee should rt-commcud the paa#ag of this appropriation hill aithsuch a rider, the struggle in the House will b maiutaiued to the latest moiueut by every parliamentary nit aim. It is s thousand time# better that an appro priathn bill should fail than that tin whole people should be bouud banc and foot, giving Omit ths power to re elect himself by the help of bayonet in 1872, 1876,1880, and so forth, ai he lives. It is possible that this atrocious, odi ous, revolutionary iuw may beenactcc and put in force in spite of all opposi lion; but it should be fought in Con gress uncompromisingly to the end Alter that we will try the question be fore the people. If these madmen think that they can make Grant President for a aecoik term by such a method, they will lean better before November. This elec tion must be decided by ballots an< not by bayonets. The endeavor t< establish in this country a system o voting under military control wil arouse in the people a flame of iudig nation that will soou appall Grunt urn his subservient followers in Congress Let them try it if their desperatioi dares to go so far. It will give Hor ace Greeley a hundred thousand ma jority iu New York, and secure to hin the electoral votes of at least thirt; Btates. Important iJecition Loncrrniny So! dim' Bounty. Washington, June 2. — Uoa. KB. French, the second auditor of treasu ry has decided, in the case of the ap plications of discharged soldier* be lougiug to the Pennsylvania reserves for the SIOO bounty uuder'the pro : visions of ihe act of April 22, 1*472,! that'they are not entitled, as it ap pear* from the records of the adjutant general's office that although the re serves enlisted and weie enrolled in the state servjec (U oomuienecment' of the rebellion, yet the auditor, in the adjustment of claims for bounty | under the act referred to, must be gov erned by the date of enrollment and! into the United States service it a ob tained front the records of the war dc-l purtmeut. This decision is contrary to all the previous of the de partment, and by thisarbitary declar ation the bulk of Pennsylvania vol unteers are cut off from the benefits of the act referred to. An attempt will be made' by 'feiinsylyatjia con-! gress.aeu probacy to' overcome fhe difficulty by legislation, but the close of the session approaching sei near will in ail probability! prefluqo any reme dy. ' T~t -W-T _ Kven among the Shakers strifes and; euvyiugs agitate the huinau breast. Here is one ex-Elder F. D. Blateiuan who baa just seceded from the Shakers after a communion of twenty years or go, and who has brought away with him a very contemptuous opinion of ■ li* remit colleague*. He woe|w hi* Woe* upon the faithful lioauiti of Ihe r 11utlson Register. The cx-ehlcr'astyle „i not Aildinninu, atul ore not en , tirely elenr, even a Her he hit* *tnt**l , them, what hi* grievances are. For , one thing, the community paid him , 1100 for leaving it, ami this V Mr niwackuitt, "i* the prologue to u play," and it maV he that tl v uluind utit euutiou ol the Shaker eldera de teefa dangerous tendencies in hand shaking. Their caution may nct tn to ' the uuregeiit rate mind rather over ( strained; hut clearly man who i overwhelmed I y a chruuic or even an joccasional yearning to -luk. hand* with the finale of his specie* ought;; not to join u Shaker comiuuuity. Ol • j course ngid rule* are iiece-mtry to', jmaintain so rigid n system a* that ul - the Shakers, uud if the yoke gall* the neck of any tuetubei lie tins the right which Mr. Btukrinau has exercised to t retire from it. Hut we Jo not see that lie has any businees to make nil ado * about mi oppiessioii which it is always j in his power to ti rniiuate. fhe more amply lie prove* that the organisation \ is an and UII j natural body, the mure plainly be writes himself down an tia* tor having | oitied it and remaining so long in it. Henry Wilson's real name Is Jere miah CoiUtlh, ami he hmi it change! by no act of the legislature to Henry Wilaoo. Terrible Toi undo in Ohio (juim-y Nearly Destroyed -L<*N of Life. CINCINNATI, Juue B,— A terrible tornado paused over BelleUintiiuc lust night, tearing treua ami unrooting houses in tie towns of Dvgrulaid Quiucy, Ohio. The laller pluce was nourly destroyed, aud fifty penwn* were injured. At Degrnf tcu or twelve btiildiugs iuru dvelroyed, the Melho ulist church being utterly destroyed. Mrs. Roll ami two childrcu were kill ed. Storm in the West Chicago, Juue P.—Further reports con- i ocrniag the araat storm of Thursday night lip jCej.irul Illinois, show thnt r.u immense amount ot tUningc wa> done in Peoria. Knot, and other iouulic* IN llial section of (he Bute. The destruction of biidgc* oil country roads h: be. n ur,ir.l. It, the city of Peoria, leuee. and tr< es were blown down, tip! cellars {illcil with water Every railroad out ylibut city .Liferod more or leas, and no trains left yesterday. The Chicago, Burin gloii and (juincr rail road had about four uiile# of It- trail, and many bridges swept assy. The Toledo. Peoria and Wabash road also suffered severely, losii gut.e bridgo of liu net in length. The towi: Hilton r almost entire ly under water. Ttib ml-st singular cir cumstance of the storm I. the running up stream of the Illinoia river. The uu- , nense Volume of anter that passed, into , the stream ha* created a bac kwater, and there is a strong current running north ward. The riser last night was still ris ing rapidly, and fear* aye entertained of -eriou* datnage. An ioiioner of ;t uul* i* exempt from liability if not served with no tice of its di.-bouor within twenty- four houis of its non-payment. A ploi idn jstii 110 l having had an iuriiate in four years, the commission ers haw turned it into a corn crrb. DEATHS On Bib int., at Aarontburg. Mrs. Om da. widow- o*" JosepJ. Coudo, uted about Tt , years MARRIAGES. On the 2 June, William Krepps, of Centre Co., to Miss Mary K M ilanamv, of Mifiliu poanty. ATIAW HILD. PAINTER, M,oo. r.. offers hi* service* to tiie iiliteni of Mifflin and Centre counties, in llouwt-, Sigii ami UriimeiiHtiil l*alif lug. ulm>. ALL KINDS of GRAINING. Orders respectfully soilsited, oti-fuction guaranteed, or n< p.y. June Tth .y. Valuable Farm at Private Sale Tho undersigned offers at private rale, a rain ible Farm, aituated in Gregg town ship. Crntro county, near the railroad dc fotat Spring Mills, nnl belong!: { t<> the e>tat< of hloubeth Noese, dee d. This farm contains tbSt ACKEs FA KM L AND of which fiOncrws are well tiinhered. Thereon are erectsd two dwelling Jttß hou-es, with Barns and ail necessary outbuilding* Fruit <>f nil kinds and an nbur.d tnce of water on the pri iiii.ps The land is under u high slate of cultivation, uwaaaoegth ■ beatn the vail, j. Forfurt.ier information apply to JA A. 1). UKNTZILL one of tire Administrators, near Spring Mill*. June 14. tf. LIGHTNING SAWS at -Manufacturers prices. For rale by W. J. MMANIGAL, inay 31.8 m Aliiroy. TlfASXll'. We will ,;i\i energetic Ty mcu and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from St to $8 per day, can bo pursued nt your own homes, and is strictly honorable Sen I for samples that will enable you to go to Work at once. Address J. LATHAM k CO., 2H2 Washington St, l>.ton. Mats. June 7. &t Just Arrived. Just Arrived. Call and See Call and See WOLFS Stuck of New (MNMIS. Cuine and Bar gains. Assortment full and complete. | Dry Good", (Jrocyies, No tions, Hardware, Ready-made (Uuiliiiig, and thPH'OtlPo of atbT articles Cflfiff RaL HuTKL. Corner of Third / and Chestnut Street, Mifflinburg, Fa, John Showers, Proprietor, It* Central Location make* it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Ltvery Attached. jun23,ly U KKCANTILK APFK AISKMINT , ilvl kiit uf Ihilen of fonl(ii lid Do me tii Mert linndLe, liquors, Ac , la IVn ' Its county for the year IKT'J, uhj#et to . payment of ||i vine. I IIKI.LKPONTK BONO. ■ iti (*•( era-* it.. oh May A I eH>b #uu ui to , John Hoffer I"<" II j loaepli A Bro Kill) tl J .till U Awl . j 14 I ohii Montgomery ... 7UU 14 (Z")lr A Jsrrst ll)l*4 I>L Fiank l' Blair 07 uu U | Imau Ouxttikslinrr. i> V Thoiaai ... IfiUt II K l* (irei'ii . .. In u l.i J A J Harri- , uju lu J 11 .Sand* TH 14 liiilil A Oiult .. 10UO |a J \V CcHik Lf.'S) IV II V StiUor. 7ul I; 1 to org* O llrit-u 7 it' 14 It H \ eager . - 7ui I) *1 \\ agnar A Son .. . SOU in , Frybcrger A Uriin - lUto 1: . John 8 lain burger .. 7 Oil 14 Jamc* Welch 1UI John IVmr. 7 '■*) 14 1 Wstaler A Twitiuojcr 7" 14 ' Sehroyer A Sun 710 H ' Sochlur At a loin )1 N Buck 7 O.i 14 , M L* Priet 7 UO 14 Mr. N K Dare 7U 14* J m Parsoiu 700 141 Mi Mary 1. M* Bride 7Ui J4 J 1. Keiaeii'tein 7 4a* 14j< WiL.nA Hah* BfO 10M P MoUaflhity Too I4|t ■I K A C T Alexander 7l*' 14 1 Shortlidge A Co 7 un 14' YY H WiikLou ACo Billiard 6000 tv U li Aline do 40on ®j IIF.N N tR TWP. . Lswii. Has* fl&ttl 11 Bt'BNSIOETWP Uccrgu it It oak $lO 00 IB UOUG3 TWP, I J It Curtiu s:k'&o H , McCoy 'A Liuti I'd 60 12 CI'HTIN TWP. Webber A Singer STOo 14 FKItfaUSOM TWP. 1 1 Shorb Stewurd ft Co f'JOOft 10 Tlo nia* Uoliuger lOUi IB \ J Milltelll £ Co lOUI IB ' J HuiiUp ft Co 10 Ui 13 t John L Mu*er 714 , A Sample ft Son 12/* It' t;J It Smith ft Son 7 00 14 UitEGP TWP. 8 Philip Shook $lO U 16 It H Duncan U'U li S J It Fisbei 1260 IS 11 AIRES TWP. Philips Gross f lOnu IB KFFilip* 10 uu It: ' M M Mu.*r 10 00 lit Sbcui Spigt-iftiyrr ft rops 12jo 1". IIAKIIIS TWP J U llab n Agent S7OO 14 j UP Taylor 7 00 14 ' A Ktneir 12 60 12 ; Cyrus Wason 71*1 14 i ft t. UouMt 7 Oil 14 ' Cook ft Krcafner lOUI 14 S II Stover ll'lO I.! ' J J price 110 14 | George Jack ft S *n 7 tn 14 Shiobcrvvr ft J rdan 7 00 14 . Da,del lies* lOUU Id lUU MOOR TWP > IIS Thomson Slum lit 1 J V Gray 12 60 12 James Love 10 00 Id HOWARD TWP K C LoathClt ' S7OO 14 HUSTON TWP. LH'N*E CLASS John I Thompson SIOOO Id J 4 Williams lOUU 13 Lvi W omcr 7tki 14 Hoover, Davi- ft Co 7U' 14 r E Griaatft Co Too 14 ÜBLKTT TWP. John liricklv ' $7 0 14 Jnnics Si KoOk* *7 (( 14, Jan.es yuiggly L'UJ Id MILES TWP T X Wolf 7 Oo 14 is >' Frank it Son R'oo Miller V^ka;ft Pp fuou id MAKIuN Twp. ' Ycarick ft Son 70l' 14; H K Wiltou 700 l4i PF..VX TWP. Kersteter ft Krtle $7 00 ll! j Alexander ft Br s IblA* Idl K C UempUll 700 141 J snook 1000 It, I Jacob KLenhuth 7 00 14 John D Fool 7 00 14 POTTER T W P Hnrlacbcr ft Cronmillar sloof 14 I Win Wolf 12 00 12 jStrom ft Nwnrt* 7 u> 14 Wm Arimigost 7on 14 i Philip- ft Gla- goo 7U 14 it K Kliiith lOUU id K 1 Bii-biu 7 00 II ' Grail ft Thompson loOU 1 . IGU Dmningir ji J A Keepmun KBSH TWP. John Xuttlc a Co sV. Bros in 14 PUILirSKVRG IVH'.O DG Hirliugor $71 If 1 D C Jamison 7 o>* ; Irvia ft Munaon 12 75. 42 Margaret Condo 7tti 44 J S McCartney 7 UI It WCMcCutchM loon Id ocar Adams 700 14 Daniel Ayre* 7 W 44 J J Wig tinmen 7 \f > 14 I M is* K Peter* 7 00 14 J A Lfthr 7 ID 14 i M G Rook 7 00 14 W H McCau-Uud . 44 llunkin L Williams 7 At 44 Allport ft He rring 7 uu 44 T It Hwitr.er 7 14 W a iron ft Miller 12 60 12 Gil Deiglcrft Co 1260 Mi* C Dureoss 7 00 14 James A Gnnoe 7 on 14 Kmaiiuel Bolinger 7 00 14 i James Morrison Tiki 14 i Kepler, Dubre gL'o 2600 V ' T J Meyers 7 Uti 14 4'rwiik A Hutten 7(JU i 4 IJ U McKinney 10 til lit GSFlagal toon Id Mr*. L Mauley 100 14 ' Josephine fa'li.gal 7 00 11 E T Gray 7 wt 14 K T lUrber 7 00 14 | Kurd S Dubrce 7tW 14 MILESCrno BOROUGH. John Hibhler $7 00 14 MrsllOHyinnn 7 00 14 J I! Hnhn iOU) 18 4 Brady 7 00 14 I* II H'.upt 7 lHnui 7 *>• 14 J II Crlssman 12 fill 12 Nicholas Bower* ItMXI 18 David Ret. 7 00 14 Nnrah II Crbsman 7 00 14 TAYLOR TWP. John Coponhaver $7 <<• 18 J S Fink 7 00 14 WORTH TWF. VOnty 87 00 14 11 \V Hoover 7rt 14 WALKKRTWP. Houston & Rodger* $lO 00 18 llenrv Brown HI 00 18 S U it Tearirk ICIUI iH An appeal will be litdd i*l tip' OiMptni. ►ioner.'otHwy ip iMlrfojite, n JuneWtl IH7J HKMRV NULL. Appraiser. d\ A UTUlN*—Having purchased the V.y following articles at eun.liible sale, oil g&th of May, last, a. the property of Jonathan Beehtol, of Gregg twp., the im der.igned hereby lets the same iu the pos session of .aid Jonathan Bochtol, at his pieasure, and therefor* cautions all per sons against meddling with the same, namely, 1 cooking stove, 1 1 cup board, 2 tables, 2 beds, cb&io, i oh est, 1 bookcr.se, \ dcughthty, 6 thoats. £ino7.*t. V J-AMESTOMAS. ComnilNNioiinr W* am authorised to aanouncs ths iiame ui (George Meyer, of Ferguson tw|., a a candidal* for county comiiilioni r, •uhjaw't to the dei'Lioii or ths deiuix'iatie county couvri.tion I'rolhoiiolniy. | \\ v ai i.uihoritrd to announes the 11 Bun-of .1 ohii Moran, of Bidlcfotue, a* candidate tor Prothonotary, xuhject to jdscUion of the democratic county eon*ca tion. Wo are authorised te anomiice that ; Aawm William*, of Itcilefonts wilt Im a 'candidate tor Proihonmnry, *u'ijwt tothe ,'decision of the democratic cownty conven. | lion SlicrifT i \V arc bU'.horietai " announce the nam* of leo S Iloy. of Marion twj> . u> a Icaii.ticate ft r Bheriif. luhjeet to the decis ion oi iln* d<< w<>cr to- uiumy convention. \\ o uie iiUilo candidate for aherilf, rubj' et to the Jo eiion uf the dciiiocJatic county com oi lion. Wo are authorised touniiounce the moitr of ltmry Noll, uf .wpring tp., a* i n-r lap at a caiolidulo lor Shot id, uhj. el lo the ileci*- loii ot tho deiouviatic county en nvoiition We aru uUlltoriscd to Miittounc e the aaine ot Alox. Shantii'ii, of t'catro Uail a a can. didale for Nheritl, auhjeel to the d.wi*iOß uf tlic d in our a tie c> unty convention. We nre authorised to anuouio .the name ot John Npansler, ofC'eatre Hall, a- a can didate tor bhelifT, tuhjeit to the ilta itiuii of the deuiouratie ewunvy convention. BXLLIFOIf I KMAUK F.'IH • Corrected by C. D Keller. tVhite 7heat Sl.'Jp, Bed ..Rye Tfx Coin tit) ... Uat* fit) Barley Go ! 70. Clu /ereed 6,00 potato** 46, < laird per (town>• A Pork per pound Oh Butter V 4. ..... Ktfs 16 Platter perton sl4 Tallow H...,. Bacon h ..... liaui IV LEWIBTOWN MAHKKTS White wheat V,llf ..lltd wheat 1,76... Hj'C 76 Corn 00 l>au 66 Barley til Clove raced 4,00 Tiinuthyaecd, H6O Salt V 60per sack,. Bacon lUe Ham 10 Butter 34 .. Keg* |Pi Planter V fit) US El iMOTHfW "faiqt u uu ir Wo, Sara, Vomit ni Laaeaeu. x BUY IT I TRY ITI cd fcue, . UM fan Sure Q JT Far MHJURASTIM, . . .UM HI? Curtim. For IFLBILTPA, . . . . UM fci? CuafOil. For Fev\SOß, . . . .UM fais CJH QiL For CholriV tyorbui, . UM Pai| mitt Oil For SprunaV . . . . UM Oil. For HtatiadieV . . . UM jm Cure QiL for Bruises, . V . . Use Curt Oil For Corns sad Bultat, (Jaffa r, Curt Oil For 4ny Sore, . X. U(e fa* Curt OiL For Lameness, JM Curt Oil ABD FT gram LU -*O.l M/Vl* Jcairo Ask far FAIII/ODIE OIL Af M sU. far WRFUUMT IT TO BEIT |l U twt IJ*( HIMII I-- r# iMwkU'l • MUU y^rU.TVu'Kir^TY. Jr s&d H rfaaa u,.( 01. to tea. y4u bj U DraagMs aaO lwaln is M-b rn :. m rura. IkttUM 4 tATO. hamiioH. *M*ia. r N'f\vClolliingSt(i|-e A. STERNBERG, engaged to manage for 1 1.. Kei/.cnuUiin. in the corner buildine VJlioffi-r - . •tore, BeljefwSUv ha* HUtlbM am Clwihiog store where the l->t bargain* in the county are offered. $7 50 to 815 for Sulf* uf the fin ost Casslmero. UATS, CAPS and a fall and w**oiiiuent of ev ery thkg in the line of Clothing. • Turn lulling (ioads dl duvilly from their own manufactory. Alo. Jnwclry, Halvhea, At. Tiiey have engaged their old clerk, Mr. A. M< rubcrg. so well ki, iwn the people, ait J who wilt ln hand*. WHKAT ami iI.\TS specially bought and the high er! ( V-It price paid. Go P> Susinan', there you can buy cheaper than elsewhere. everybody know, whoever dealt with him. lie lets no one off without a good bargain. Next door to Hu*>inan'a i* tno cheap dry good* o.tahlUhnient of Isaac Guggenheim cr. aps.tf. Stoves! Fire IStov's! At Andy Reewnaiia,Gealre Hull, are latest and bent stoves out, he has just received u large lot of Cook Stoves, the l'ioncer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook, PARLORS— The Radiant Right, self-fee der, Um Bitrnar, National Kgg, Jewell, itr. He sells stoves a* LOW a* anywhere iri Mifflin or Centre co. -4*3 TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby Inform* the eitiauns of Feunavalley that ne ha. pur cha.ed the Tinshop heretofore carried on by the C. 11 MCg Co., and will continue the same, at the old *taud, in all its branch en, in the manufacture of MTOVE PIPE A SPOITIMJ. All kinds of repairing done. He has atways on hand Fruit Cans, of all Sires, BUCKETS, CUPS, PIPCEK9, 1 OTSHE9,4C. All work warranted and charge* reason able. A share of the public patronage so licited. AND. REESMAN, i 2*ep7oy % Centre Hall NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS! C. D. KELLER, BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, 1* aow pre|inri pn paicd n purchase ALL KIN D S O F G H A I X ! KOK WHICH HX WILL PAY TIIK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ASH PL lit-HAS Kits M'ILL FIND Ht'PKKIOII IMiUCKMKN IS TPFKK apr.lUtf, V. D. KKLLFK THE KEYSTONE LIGHTNING ROD CO. Are the Bole Proprietor* of the Celebrated T. T Klnsey Patwitl Copper Lightning Rod Also ruanufactun-r* of COPPER CABI.F., RODS CM* WEATHER VAXES Ofevsry Deciiptiea and of the approv ed Ityle. AH urdtrt/or putting up RoJ and I imrt will rtctitt prompt attention if gmtn to GEISS ft- CXJMPAN Y, Agenu lr tVnirv County CUNTKT: HALL, PA. *prl2if A lid r land. lying in Gregg township, 'on the bank* >f Ptnm creek, Wt(M Petm Hall and Spring Mills, is ottered at private sale. It adjoin, land* of (iu. Buchanan and 1,. It. M 1 nitre, containing 24 ACRES mora or law. About fa aire* coatid uggauheime found. 12ap.tf. Something If in Bellefoute ! GOODS SOLD ■ LOW For Cash Only!! BURNSiDE & THOMAS WHi >LE>.\ 1,11 A Kl' l Vll Jobber* TL < OIHIIIIMnly .tt toy-No Books Ko|>t.-b* maf29tf COAL, LIME, and POWDER! COAL—Wilkcsbarre Coal, Chestnut Stove, Kgg, furnace and foundry, D-'ut quality, at the low est pricos. Customers will please note that our coal is housed un der commodious sheds. LIMK— Woodorcoal-burut Lime, tor sale at our kilns, on the pike lending to Milesburg. 1 POWDER.—Having receive,! Ue agency for Do Font's Powder A i \\jHOLES A LK. we shall be pleased to receive orders tVoin the trade. * Office and yard near south end of Bald " Eagle Valley R. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. ILiilroml (I. k. [NEW (I 0 0 jhv. Herlaeher &. Cronmilter. CENTuK H ALL. i'A iiavi. Juu netted. Dry tiiMida N (Jtavni - ware. >/u' , vv... iui"' willow *,. Iron, .it, i, i ;, u d n. t., t, • iUMitii.rt (.fc'crjtliiii,; and uow .tt< red al |iHm lower than tiic loir fat, lire*& (toads Amo t teauiir.fi variety,, -unaafall tin MoVrlUc I the r<-aon, a hue <. rmLro'deiio, hoop akin- DALMnRAL KKIItTK All * ak I hut you will CALL M KX A MINE <>| It STOCK A Li- Kl.Vlt' OK HA HXtSk, silver "'ated and Vauker II an. a*. dutih'e and .in etc. hrid 1 .j,J bailer. ) WAR! WAR! On High PricoH. GREAT EXCITEMENT. H. H. SMITH, of Mills. IS E VV G O OIIS ! I * > M luait rwpnifll)' iofruui bit liicnd*, ruitumm, i ad the public gener | "lly. that he ba ukn tKutlii of Thouint-ou'* od quarter*. whieb ir. been j remodeled and improved. and i. uow |>rc ;|i rmviiHl ..ne of the larger) UliM ko( all kind* rf Men bandisa ever br<-u#i>lt Centre cooaty, wbtch bo intend* u '>-11 at *uh figure* o> will moke it on ob i-el lor oil pomoni to jumbanc. Kamilte. tayiktl wiolrr tupplin* of Oruccrie* , lry Good*. At-., .honld nut foil p> tiir him a call, a* lie Mi confident kit price, and .upcri .r quality of good* will auipjr atof* all. lit* slock of GROVK K I E 8 lcnai*> of ('"iftrt of tbc bwl quality Too* [Sugar. o| .11 kind*. Mla**ea, Ki.h, Soil! lUicen., Ir:cd fr run. Since*, i'rovuu n, j r iutir an and varied, anu we will ja*t tat i-an *u|.|.|y any article in that line, with out ruumi rating. READY' M A DECLOTMING | < larg slock of ready-*nadc Clot birr for Mcnatid Uoy*' * or. whick wc will diopoM) |<"f at a very mail advance on e*t. (loot* sou Shoot, IlaL. and Con*. Ham wore, Ouccntware, Wood and Willow " "fr. Notion*. FaiievtJood*,Cnc" Oil cloth*. Wall Paper*. Window Shade, Ac octShly. ! Graham & Son, Boot ck Shoe Makers Next door tu D C Keller's Store I ti-1 lit o lite. We marufacture to order. Our work i* neat and durable. Our price* are very moderate. We warrant to give tatufaetion. We have the LAIUSKST and BKST stock of Ladle't and Children's fkwt in town. We are receiving good* every week. We wih an examination of our good*. The Peansvallajr trade i* imperially in vited to call and *ee our stock, we think we ran please all who call a* to • ivle. quality, and prh-e*. We atudy to render aaiU&etion, and although we have had an extended trade for year*, we have never given a customer cause to complain. •optl6.tf. HOUSE, Allefinvaev Street, BcUefoute, Pa. 1). J'.)HliB()N A SONS, Proprietor*. t rit.MTCI.AitS HOTtl., OOMrOUTABLS ROOUM I'KOM I*T A i TEN DA MCE. V 1.1. THE MODERN CON VKNIKN CK.S- AN It REASONABLE Charges. •11.0 proprietors offer to flic traveling (wklir, tntl In their country fifonds, hr*t rim - accommodation* and oorofttl inten tion to the it uiits o! guests ul all tin.es, nt fair rale'. Careful hustler. ar.| good -tabic ling for lior-es. An excellent tub.- writ nerved. A Bar supplied with fine liquor* Sonants well trained and everything re quisite in :t first class Hotel. Our location i i in the busiref- part of the town, near tht Po.'t Office, iho Court House, the Char-1 ehes, the Hunks, and the p incip.tl pincfe of business, renders it the most eligible place for those ho visit Bollcfoete on busi er pleasure. An Omnibus will carry passenrers antl lit and from all (rains free of charge. I.A\KC UXORS NOTICK.-Letter, Tes j utnientary M INI ST RATORS N OTUX-- Let ters of Adiuis; .ration v the estate ol Susannah N. t.e, late of Penn twp., dee'd.j having been grantiMl t the undersi. tied, he tt il pcraons, knowing theja selvi s indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having eiauns against the same to present them, duly au thenticated by law for settlement. W'M. GROVE, may 24. tit Administrator. ' " , sst„ ik. w v, i^,ja,!,,.Li. -i Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar. lO YEARS Public Tost ll* prorti JSgB? DR. CROOK'B WINE rpjßkJl §*• A 11 I JpHI "than mnf 'PtfMMHw nimilar premr "SMMH* lion ftfr off*4 (be iwMic. It W rich la tkc aedh hwl qital illm of Tar. and unequl*d (urdlarao* cm ol' Ibe Threat and I.ung*. per forwtirg tha mol rviuarkaMe cum. C'oHgUu, 4 oldM bronte f 'otitcbft. U afaeojally cum Umui alb Amkiuu and Broaehill*. Haa cured ao amy cam it hac bees pmuwncad a * pacific f'.r tbeai complaint*. Fi*hftfaM in HraMtL Hide or Barb, tirnvel or Kidney Dlmmo, IMm hw** of the I rinarv Onntn, J uuudire or tin y Li *r Complaint, It baa soeqoaj. It i* also a superior Tern If, * Kewtore* the Appetite, Bti t itethena the System, * Bottom the Weak and - Debilitated, Cause* the Food to Digest, Remove* Dyspepsia and iiidljredhh, Prevent* Malariona FereriL 01 vet. tone to your Byst#m. THY DILCKOOK*SWDKOFTAK The Champion of the World. The new Improved American Button- Holt- Ov*n-amiii and I 'oiupk-tr Bearing J/arhine- -The great rat machine of the Age! Siiuplcitr, Durability A Chenp ness Combined. ThU machine Im-Idk tl. Ho-;, ha* isty improroai-iit. overall other, if, a word. It <*a |wrfwt inirhiwj* hi-b h a< I .lj. d hv judjffM atuJas-1,! .ft.! other naraiaM. Call "ti A. 1.. Bartro. B who U the authorised afrlil for CaiOilO county A!o keep* the ie-*t H. a ior tf. chine thread, needle*, :>ud Itpairt ait kind* if tewing machine*. clock*, watch--, -■.}. .ck boxe A.- 1 will thoroughly cam aao the aeetion belonging U> me. nod I cbnlt ha v*yy much plcnend Us (ell e< ry jo-V-. r. a machine, ua tauy term. ; gn r it >, tru, v bn porcbotiag ooy other- it ha* noyuual. Partie* wikhing the Machine u . ) --*• address the undenigue l. i.ft> n guaranteed All ord-r pr '- ••)"> -it: nd ed to. A. It 15 \l.T<*K>. Ajf-nl for '' tr> ('"itii.lv, MAiii.< SHOES,DBVGO fintt clone octminimalnitou ; *hor • v* rcoMiuahlo. I'lAjir, If. N A T U HE'S Hair Restorative Contain* no LAC SULPIIUK—oB SUGAR OF LEAD—No LI I II ARQE—No NITRATE OF SHA VER, and is entirely frte from lb Poisonous ami Health-destroying Drugs uses! in other Hair I'repara tion*. Tran|l clear as crystal, it will not soil the finc-l fahrie,— perf.s-tlv SAW! CLEAN and EFFICIENT. T -id-ra tum* 1.0 NO FOITUHT H|i AND FOUND AT LAST! It restore* and prevent* the liair front becoming IJ ray. impart* a -oft. gtos*y ap pearance, removes Dandrutr. i* refreshing to the head, checks the llair fmui falling off, and restore* it to a great extent whuu prematurely lost, prevent* lleadarha*, cure all "humor*, cnwiieou* eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DRESSING FOR TIIK HAIR IT IS THE BKST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. U SMITH. Patentee. Ayrr Muss. Preiani*l only hy PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Ma s. Tin genuine i put up in a panel bottle, made exnre *|y for it, with the nauic of the a tici^h! u in the glass. Ask your Druggist !<•-• Nx- Ttrmt's llxia KhSTOhvuva, and U- uo other. t-fr~ Send two three cent slump* to Proc ter Brother* for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contain* i* worth $500,00 to any person. lseu.ly For sale at Centre Hall by Wm. Wot and Herlaeher <% OrondßtW ManhtHKl: How IdWt, How Restored J u>l publtkhril. > o r Jitwa of Or. Outre* •atrip'*iabru 0 luciumUV) . Imp. Jiuimii t- 1 Mrria, et.; I*>. C.wm wevn.js. Ki nd Fat*, laacwod by •all InUuU . u< e or actual axtruraaancr. rruv ia a walol m.-tetw. calj C COBf*. Ttu> crlrhratod author la this adUiUmUe <*J Woo* Ij di ini*tut\ and radically. Lector* ahcuki lw to Ure luuul* of ••* youth and oraty maa la the laud. Soot, t ~-ai .oapUluearclkkiic. (<> aoy aiUluaa, poatpaul, on rt . .n]d of fi c-nfa. or too pnl atomi*. Also, l>r Cutic.ruali a ' Uairiugu Uutdc," price KLir.Kf CO, rc.Mcc Boi 1,6. IT Bowoty. Now Yoril u pris |y. PUroFY YOUJi BLOOD." 1 for Scrofula, Kcrol'i*- >• lons DiNctwes of lit© ai o tj es, or Sciolula I* A. liti) form. O* Any disease or eruption o jrLjf the Skin, dreesse of the Liver. A4-.1 _ Rheumatism, Piutplea, Ola .i' * Sores, Clams, Broken-do S Constitutions. Syphilis, or any •) £W dkowe dipending on a de jfis?"' praved ooudilion of Ihe blood CROOK'S SYRIP Of VM POKE ROOT. It has tio Miitli' in.vl property VOw/ of Poke i. nil.iiitd with a prtp arnlioti ot iron aliichgoesaS Unf i.stv into tbo blood, perform it) K the aioet rapid arid won* V derful cures. Ask your Druggist lor Dr. Crook's Com pound Syrup of - uke Hoot— take b* heaUd. i.