The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 07, 1872, Image 4

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    Parta, tainted and Hansrhiild.
GOATS v. Bv**.—-An Indiana firmer,
after trvmg to tr.<p, |ot-<.u and *bootthe
.1 d gavßiiJfea the range of yard*
and stuhh a. Whbiu a week a vary rat
emigrated and i-tafd Until the goata
trow aoli], noarlylwo ?£ afterward*,
when tliey nil came biok with all their
Mam's, A secoatf aditioa of goat* were
procured, atul ih then not a rat lias
b.-en aoeu on the prnnlwa.
Cows,—Wofintitlio following iwn-iblo
suggestion* tlAriWg ahonk, and 01 edited
to a Mr. SheiJford : Every spring farm
er* lose c <w* lif fttmint; thrtn njxon young
clover before have become neons
t moil to Mich de<ul nt fiHxt. L t tliour
heed th *e five ruin* : Firni : Never |)lt
any tiling; into fresh elovor on an empty
stomach. S<-oou<i; N*<ir when the giw.-s
is wet Third ; Jfevur put them iu when
the weather ia changing from warm to
eol'l. Fourth : Da not give them any
salt for at least twenty-four lioura before
Sitting them iu the first time. Fifth :
o nor l~t theip remain iu than 20
minutes the first time, after which they
may run wet pr dry with perfect aufe
FORM or ROOFS -The jimrricu 77i.V/-
trtt,M : — M l' rhaps uo part of the build
er's work icquiitv* more study than the
roof form. To ntilii v the largest amonni
of space, and at the *me time teenpe a
certain piqmxaey of efleot with the least
ontlay, is bv ia means an easy task,
however easy it might mu to the
nniniiiaied ia the mysteries of ludJ
jag, Too groat care oaauot lv used
iu choosing the fgofier number of
and variety of angina which ao lit Ip to
break monotony ami aeenre graceful
contour. No where are theee salient
point* seen to great, advantage as iu the
country, where the reaches of distance
may he rendered the more pjcturesq le
by certain styles of building.
Mr. Gamptoa, author of the priae essay
on the eultivatiou of the potato, Tory
remarkable results are obtained from
plaster bv dusting the vines with it as
*oou as they are through the soil: again .tely after the last plowing and
hoeing ; and at intervals through fla
w-hole growing season. The first appli
cation may lie light, the second heavier,
and after that more bountiful, say 2CO
pounds to the sem It readers the
plants less palatable to insects, and ap
pear* to be fatal to many of the fungi
family. The vines retain a bright, lively
green color, and the tubers continue
•welling until growth is stopped by the
frost; Ixeside, jioUtoeu thus grown are
•o sound aud free from dlseue as to be
easily kept tor the Spring market, with
out loss by rot. Mr. Compton savs he
has seen a field, ail planted with the
same variety, at the same time, on one
lialf of whieH, that had received no plas
ter, the vit-ld was but 60 bushels per
acre, aud many rotten ; while the other
half, to whi.di"plaster has been applied,
yielded 363 bti-hels per acre, and not an
unsound them.
CANADA Tjaiaiixs. —J. C. Felr, >'ar
tinsrille, N.J.. ia ;.fflict<sl with the thia
tl- put, amCasked tlie Club what to do
to clear his fields. Mr. Crane—Ex'-cutr
ibe thistlewbr catting ofi their heads
with a sharp hoe whenever they appear
above the I hail a patrh, and
kept a sharp hoc on the ground, and
whenever I was iD that neighborhood I
went f..r anv and everv one that had
lifted its bead since ny last visit. Thi
is a tMnble"n:e way. bnt I have found
it -hi ape.-t intl^i,vruil because mirot. Mr. j
Stcwait— vronlj do for small sur
faces. In large fields, I would plow
tbree times in ie.-t wtalLcr. not deep, for
that w-.uld seatterlhe ro-t, and make
matters worse, but just enough to cut ofl
the top®. If the plant* are deprived of
breath, as they are when the portion j
above the gUennil is removed, they mud
die. Mr. Bergen—Farmers in a neigh
borhood omriif in this war
against thanes? else individual efiort
ill in a grs)t uiea-ure be thrown aw ay. i
Thistle seeds iftv light, and when tbeo
is a stifi brikZa-they don't stop for linC
fences. ,
ris Lewis, Frankfort, X. Y.. says : First:
There is that will make better
butter tkaKßlm i-U dauber-thorn, bni
there are several which will make good
butter in less time uad with leas labor.
The churn tapwn as the revolving-bar
rel. or the revolving-box churn, I regard
as pood cbwroe. Seeond :In using any
of the workers, care must be taken not
to work the butter too much. Third :
Cream wit! rise through a shadow mess
of milk in IssMime tl sn it will through
a deep mess, and where there is no cold
water, or no! a sufficient quantity to CO<>l
the milk and control the temperature,
shallow dishes not over two and* one
half or three inches deep will furnish the
most cream and better. lint where an
abundant supply of cold running water
can be had. by which the temperature
of the mdk f aii be controlled, and kept
rweet A 1-rg time, there is quite"* sav
ing of lal ku: and money bv betting the
mlk in deep or large "dishes. A large
per, capable'of bedding one mess of
milk, i- Ir vbnJ question the most econ
omical of jury rrrangemeiit we now have
for se'h'n^ iuJk. Fonr of these pans
are any dairy.
THE SxqpMiso SYSTEM CnjtDKirvrD. —
I f i* of itfL use denying facts, >av* the
Country ywew<w, and the truth i*,
starting fJrW the MI(, the land is robbed
of more than half its fertility, and stilla
popu!atim moves on so does tbeexhan-t
--ing syatetP ft. when a parish, a county
or s Salmis half impoverished, a stop
can be put "fo the debditaling process,
why not ttop at the beginning ? whv not
the stan ? Land ia sel
dom too licb, and when it is what is said
to i>- •' highest state of fertility,"
what a ptfifto bring it down ! Yet this
is the etrijpto. the fashion, the example
S't by This kind of policy carried
into other lines of business would cause
men to say tbe guilty parties were insane
or fool-', jjarod cannot throw np immense
crops off 1 water snd air ; therefore, if
tbfs crsps are sold off, the land is tbst
much tl#4>oorer ; bat science and even
commomsnperience proves there are
stapes atowhiob some of the prod actions
of this earth can be taken away wheD
been abstracted to cause in
jury, auj lf at this period of the crop's
growth wis turned into mannre, the land
i< benefitted without any foreign aid.
Tbns, bv haviDg intervening crops of
this tLere may be things sold one
year wlijjb ilf be replaced the next by
this re'taeathiD. This is why the fonr
ponrs# !jor some other suitable ro
tation. is insisted upon in Eoglang. Poor
land is mduglit to be rich, and good land
is kept im ou the l-est estates- yet there
are aniHpy gr-at quantities of fat cattle
and si yt.'wold from ihet|r farms, and
w°"J, Jaii', Imttes, he., continue to be
producflkTk'cause there is an art ia'doing
this sow* to improve and iooreoae the
the aoiL
ixshtdtz FAXXCB S CLIT.
mmi _,.
gm, StJcmeph*, Miob* asked whether
the of Mr. Fuller thata peach
tiee ussde to flourish on the
site ot vi which Ji&d diid with vellowa
war. on experience. Mr." Fuller
said KMX ai*l that he bad taken buds
from tHrteSgihg with yellows and
'* uealtliy tree by inserting them
in a Wkkfa* stock. But the soil should
be thMtoahly renovated. Yellows was
prod u<§4 ! byanything which weakened
the of a tree, as poverty or
c\l anqWn \A the soil or cold. Mr.
agree with Mr. Fuller.
D . i rfflufc iMotigSt fpw peoch-growers
would ayij'Uh him in these, tiewb.
Yarmocth Hwbet-C. >bk. —J. Mapes
hed see Ma jain-i on some cans of sweet
corn 'fiiiif the im-enption "Yarmouth
SueeujyuL.' Was there each a variety ?
He w'feied to know how to can oorn.
Mr.jFiuiar said Yarmouth was the place,
doutjlcsa, where the corn Lad been
Own should le boiled several
hours, and nqt into hermetically sealed
canamtAghtss Juts will not do. Dr. Trim*
was a mbtake, twenty miti-
was sufficient The Chair-
tm had found it impossible to
can i tit all successfully. Several other
speakers were in favor of drying the
corn without boiling it Thus the ques
tion romnined just where it started,
; Mt'ctimooMs. L O. Wiboo, Monroe
I Co., Ohio, asked what aorta of nindi
• ! roi-m* were goo,! to ill, and bow to rais
' them. Mr. Dodgw cxplaine.l that th<
• aatuble ni'i.l ixtom a* shoit and thick.
k smells sw.N't and turns black soon aftei
1 gathering. Mr. Fuller said there were
' several aperies of . dible tnushrooms, ot
which the Aa<r'e oimprsfrw wa* the
: one chirily ruliivatcl. A Unctby |pcr
' would batvqnirad to t-ll all about grow
' b>g then), and it would be best to invest
1 $1.50 iu the purchase of a book on gar
, doniug.
. nrd Oormley, Law-n-nee County, I*a..
, asked about the value of Ihe 1 ireh as *
timlier t<ee. Mr. Fuller saiil a great
, ' deal had heen published in the pn|ers
lon this snbjict—he was surprised to hear
• ! the qui stion a*ked. The Enropeun 'arch
, j was a very valuable tree, grew rapidly,
, I was not subject to attacks from unmet*,
, made valuable tiuibcr, and cfluld be pro
.'cured from the nuroeryiuen at a very
. I low rate. F. D. Curtis adviaetl locust
. j trees to l>e planted on rOr-ky-*oil. but
| larch on fair land. He had a verv Inch
• opinion of the locust, Frof. H E. Col
. ton smd in the rocky parts of Connecti
cut hvnst !N-e8 grew rapidly and were
1 very valuable,
SDNDB* MATTK!.— Hon Harris Lewi*
said the best box for shipping butter iu
' ; was a refrigerator made of proper siae
i with convenient handle*. That there
I I was no churn that would make butter
bettor than the oi l dash churn, but tome
that would make it quicker. He thought
the Bhitioliard was a go>d chum- Shal
low pan* were ou the whole be>t for
t settling milk. A poiaon weed, o calle<l.
wa* sent from Color*ib. whu-h Mr. Ful
i ler will report on. Mr. Fuller *tat , sl
that Oa*£v Orange would not *o<"oeed on
wet aoiK A bushel ooutaius dfty thou
sand needs, and the wed should be
planted in row* aud dropped ix inches
j apait
A Sorrowful Life.
I The Kansas City Journal says : A re-
? rotable attireil woman, namej Ruth
maid, about fifty vanf age, made
application to Mayor Huut Irr a JWASS to
ML Louis. The story of her life is, in
detaf, a sail one. Twenty-four years ago.
in the city of New York, she met and
i married a gentleman who wn* connected
! wifh one of the Methodist Episcopal
Churches there as pastor, and shortly af-
I ter their marriage he accented a poaitiun
as missionary to lud'a, whither she ac
companied him. AfWr several years of
labor at the missionary station, tier hus
)<and di-d, she having' mom time become
the mother of four children, all bova.
Being left almost destitute in a strange
land, -mil having some relation* liviiigin
Chicag\ she aud her fiuiily moved tMfire,
j where her father died. She anloequently
re-married, and her new husl>aud came
to reside with herself and mother. M.-au
time the children by her first marriage
bad almost grown t<> man'* estate, and
hml gone to the far West to seek their
fortune* Bv her second marriage she
had three children, who were residing
with her at the time of the great fire. Iu
that conflagration abe barely escaped
' with her life and her young family, losing
i her aged mother and husband tu the
flame*. Helpless and aloue ouoe more in
the world, she started to discover the
wherealioiits of her four boy*, who were
at Lone Pine, C-diforxiu, employ til as
public teacher*. With them -he founds
t.-m|Kirary home, together with theyoung
members of her family. SHE was at L- me
j Pine at the lime of the recent terrific
e irtliqn#ke. Here she lost her four boy.
and for the third time was friendless and
alone. She made her way to Ccu itl
Bluff*, Tutrd, with her tbree youngest
I ohiklren, and there *lie left tbein in care
of jsirtie* who, seciug her lb-solute state,
kindly car*d for them. She has seme
friends at St. Louis, aud has made her
. way thither.
—This question lias mvtr ben sitis
fueturily answered by geologists. They
cin see as far into a unllstoue as any
body, but whete tlie gri-at depot or quar
ry from whence the gold comes that has
been rasped iu particles and thrown to
ward the surface to be rolle<l iu the sand
by the action of running water, or caught
as prisoners : .n quartz rock, while that
was either in solution or in the condi
tiou of pulverization, is the problem
Occasionally such enormous nuggets
are found, quite solitary, it seems, to in
dicale they were broken off from a large
mass somewhere and driven away in a
torrent of gravel whose onward, upward
force was irresistible till it met with
counter currents. That old theory which
supposed the precious metal was existing
in combination with others in a gaseouo
form, ami occasionally precipitated by
electricity into lumps which worked
tbeir way like moles from the interior
through strata* of the earth's Compact
crust, is DO* quite obsolete. An im
pression is gaining advocate* that gold
• iocs actually exiat in great bodice, some
where, not verv far d >wu. from whence
fragments and particles are gradually
brought up by a equal ie agency. This
piTes a more reasonable explanation of
the diffusion of gold iu small parcel* all
over the glolie.
Is a Caisson.—The density of the com
pressed air in the List River bridge
caisson is equal to two atmospheres, the
pre* an re, therefore, Wing thirty |>oanda
to the square inch. No difficulty is ex
prrierel in btfeithing, but there arc *rane
very sißgnlar phenomena connected with
this highly compressed atmosphere. A
foot gas burner gives n light equal to a
four-foot burner. This is due to the
double amount of oxygen in the air. It ia
possible that br< ati.iug twice the amount
of oxygen rcqnircd by nature, aided by
dampness, may be the cause of the vio
lent cramps and pains to which the work
men are subject. One poor fellow de
scribed the agony as "like tearin* the
flesh from jer bone*." The voice has a
far-off sound, and whistling is impossible.
Puckrr the lip* and blow as mnch as one
will, a slight hissing sound is all that can
be produced.
A SHOOTING A ream.—ln Carthage, N.
Y. t A. 11. Cleveland and John Clark were
both dangerously wounded, the first
named being shot in the breast and tbe
other through the head. Charles Ford
was shot in the back, bnt the wound is
slight Cleveland wa spending a few
day* in tbe village, and paying more at
tention to two of the village Wiles than
some of the young gentlemen of the
place liked to see. It is stated that Ford
ami Clark were appointed to administer
s pummeling to Cleveland, which they
proceeded to execute •as the latter was
returning to his hotel after serenading
tbe iailies. As soon a* Cleveland escaped
from his asssilante, he ran to the hotel
and proonred his revolver and returned
to the scene of the encounter, and alter
some word", Ford shot at bim. Cleve
laud retnraed tbe fire ins'antly, and six
shots were exchanged, with the result as
above stated.
PcPDirso Isoy. —The operation of pud
dling iron ia the moat laboroua part of the
process whereby caat iron ia converted in
to wrought iron. The eotnmbrion of
tnnnnfxetiireiß from England, who lately
visited this country to examine the pnd
dlipg machine invented by an American
iroa-maater, have reported so favorably
that a number of English firms have con
tracted with the inventor to pay him two
hundred and fiftv thonaand dollars for
permission to build two hundred furnaces
on hi* plan within six months the money
to be paid at the expiration of that time,
whether the [furnaces are then in opera
tion or not. Until this invention was
made, it waaeenerally believed that time
rhmiral method equal to hand puddling
could not be devised.
GAVE Ur —Every new nostrum mnst
have its day. The day of cundnrango
seems to be about over. Tt i* now stated
that the London Chemical Society, bav
| ing determined to give it a thorough
trial, for months treated the patients in
the cancer wtrds in the Midd esex Hos
pital with the different preparations from
the root. The board now declares that
the drug has no possible effect whatever
on cancer, not one single instance of im
provement having been observed in the
cases treated.
A citizen of Judiui apolis, who died
lately, bequeathed "8500. to purchase
ammunition, to a Kentockian who had
frequently threatened to ahpgt him.
Ilrta* of Interest.
OTKB 4T.N00 person# did annually in
Englatidof consumption.
A rran in In Sacaioento, Ivy, nearly
dONtrox ed 'ho wliok village.
A MAN Frauciseo e uirt In* decided
thut opium roting ia not intemperance.
A CU'AR lUpiili Elitor envies the
census for embracing 17,000,000 women.
THE NOW Yoik Democratic State Con
vention endorsed the tlnoiuuti resolu
ASOTHKU bridge i* to ba built iu-ro*a
the river at St. Loui at a exist if fl,tKK>-
: (Kk>.
Tlia recent earthquake inerea*-l the
tlow of hot apriugs generally in Vl|-
i fortiia.
TUB "B>g Woods'* of Minnesota
•tn-teb over a region two ltuudrvd mile*
loug tiy forty ' u width.
Tu 11 publican State Convention of
New fork iu their resolution#, advi*el
(he renomiuatiou of Grant.
A KJ*M fann h* licen eaiatliaheL
within five mite* of Halt Like t'ily that
will grow OO.lWd fish annually.
TUB Catholic TeiniH-raiiee Soetetie* of
Wisconsin are to bold a State Conveu
•iou in Watertown ou the lsth of June.
A rtKMiu: in North Carolina ha# had
Japin clover prx>wuig on hi# land (or
forty year#, aud wdwca hi* fro nd to shun
Wii. I, BAKJIT. of Nashville, Trim.,
i* the oldest printer m the UuitedStaU a,
having just entered his ninety third
AT the Presidential election of IS6S Un
vote stood : Republican, 3.013.1NS ; !>. ui
oeratic, 2,71*3,600 ; llepublieuu majority,
THE erojia throughout Utah nre re
jiorted to be in flue condition. There i#
little or no fewr thi# year of a gruoshop
per plague.
TUKKK is a great rush from the United
States thi* spring to Europe ; iu fact, it
is difficult to secure pu-vsages on any out
botuid atcauicr.
T*a pacing horse Longfellow won a
fin-mile nice at Sax-ruaj'-nto, Cal. 'lhe
beet time wn# 'Jtlbf. This bus never
been beaten iu California.
LKWISTON, Maine, is -aid to lo grow
ing more iapi ily than anv other tuaii'i
fucturiug town in New Eughnul, with
the exoeptionof Fall River, Musi.
For** null ou# of brick, 180,000 cubic
feet of gruuite 3,5t | 0 tons of iron and
19,000 J KIII mis of cement have thus Lr
been u#**d upon the new post-office.
A JCEOKO in jail at Carthage, Teuti..
charged with rope on a white lady, wa*
recently taken out by live men and buug
to a tree, and afterwards shot with pis
THE Republican State Convention at
Kltnira endorsed the administration o!
President Grant iu a aeries of resolu
tion*. and elected delegates to Philadel
Oitts S. FupjiT wa* re-elected for a term
of six years from March, 1873. by tlie |
CoßDectiint Li-gislaturc Tl>- ount<>t
was lietwei-u tne sm ceisful cainlnlate and
Gen. Haw lev.
THE Cork correspondent of the Bos
ton Pilot ssy* thst more people are now
emigrating from Ireland t' uu at any
previous time. Not less than foil thou
*aml leave the country every week.
THE prospect of the apple, pear, peach
ami cherry crop In Western New Yok i
-till exc- lient, though the jv-nr* urn not
blooming as fully a* uauaL S-uiill fruit*
have U'eufiujuii-d by tlie weather.
Drnr.xu nti itlnev* of the editor of the
AMmque if*eieic. his w fe, who-e name
i Li-ouora .Mc Gaiiw-**, s-t the type, did
the press work, got out every i-sue of the
;>aper in pool shape, and had a ha'>y.
A MEAN feUow named A. P. W d ' ron
has lie- n sent to the Albany Penitentiary
from Whitehall, for four years, for sled
nig a child'* tin hot containing about
eight dollars in pennies and small coins.
CAtiroHNiA paper* say that within the
ra*l few months half a d sen men iu
California and Nevada have made an ag
gregate "clean up" of fiity or sixty mil
lions of dollar*, and tliev aik who lost ?
IT is shown by thetabhsof the-elf
recording rain-gunge at the Out ml l'ark
Heterologies! Observatory that the rain
fall of I*7l, UP to the Ititli of May. w is
hardly one-half as great as that of 1872.
WHILE a batalion of the Sixth U. S.
Infantry. on the way from ludian T--rri
tory to Kansas. were in enmp on Bear
Creek, the Indiana ran off 12 • of their
mule*, under a tire of musketry from tue
THB Emperor of China, though not
Tot Kixteeii Teara of age. in about to I*
married, lie signalized the anniversary
of hia ascension to the throne by lib"-
rating all but the first criminal? of tic ,
NEWS has been received of n fight >tt
Manacia, Sjwin, and the defeat of the i
Carlisle, numb, ring 5,0(X, by the force*
under Gen. Lett. na. 'J he insurgents
lost twenty-one killed and a large num
ber of wounded and prisoners.
A LETTKH from an officer in the Itus
aiau fleet at Shanghai. China, wys that
the Grand Duke Alexia will return by
the way of the Sandwich I-I.uula and
SanTPraoeiaoo. He i* expected to reach
New York in September next.
AT Hagerttdwn, MB, Alexander Smith.
Wesley Ftnnepan and Frederick Fridiu
ger were killed by the falling of tlie wu.!h ,
of the old Court H<wwt\ wlnclt was Inir. oil
last December, and which the workmen
wore engaged in taking down at the time
of its falling.
Or tbe two thonsand minora engaged
in the recent strikw in Micliigau, over
twelve hundred are a'.fll idle, though
keeping quiet. Tiio dripln of the move
ment ia attributed to two of
the International who had just arrived
at the mines.
THE ateamera of the Inman lino are
named alter cities, tty' White Star line
after oceans nud sen* the National line
after nation", the Williams k Guion line
after American Slates, the Canard afu r
inlands and colonies, uud the French
line alter eminent men.
AH Oregon correspondent describee a
candidate for CougrcNa aa a plain, windy
haired man, " not advanced enough to
wear n white shirt, though he succeeds
in surmounting his woolen ovyr-birt with
a paper collar, which shown that ha be
long* to the present age."
THE French Committee on Capitula
tion report that they are incompetent
(o pronounce upon the surrender of
Paris. They exonerate Generals Trochn
and Vinov from nil b'anie in the eapit
nlation, but say thai grave responsibil
ity attaches to M. Jnlec Furre.
THE Boston Traiscrijjl points out a
queer blunder by Parton in the April
Aliunde, when he describes how the liv
ing was to bnry lite dead thus : "Mind
ful of the romsnrio agreement of their
youth that, whene'er died first, shon'J
bury the other under the giant oak on
Mouticello," 4c.
THE next annual convention of tbe
Sew York Editors and Publishers' Asso
ciation will le held ir Wntertown, Jef
ferson county, commencing on Tuesday.
June 23. Tar address wifl I* dtlitflrtd
by Mr. 8. H. P.irker, of the O-.-ueva G'i
atlle, and the po'-rn by Q. C. Jtragdon, of
the New York F-nancitr.
THE master carpenters of Berlin have
resolved in a b-idy to join the associated
ma ter builder", in order to resort to
general lockout which shall last till a
definite basis for the adja*-tm.-nt of fu
ture trade disputes has been "greed up
on between employers aDd workingmcn,
and a court of aibitraii ju appointed.
KANSAS.— The investigation into the
charges of bribery in the election of the
Kxnsas Senators is about to go on, au
tb .rity having been given to send for
persons and pnjiers. Some of tne evi
dence already submitted shows that in
one of the cases ?'2,00J was off red a
State Senator for bis vo'e and accepted,
but that when the election came off the
bribe-taker was too intoxicated to reach
the Station house.
Several surviving soldiers of th
Mexican war rending in Minnesota, held
a meeting in St. Paul, and voted to have
a reunion in the same city on the 14th
of September, the anniversary of the
capture of the city of Mexioo.
A Nwlss Festival.
The gieat festival oI the year in ear
tain Swiss ditiio , i that to do honor
to til-h and In rdmen that sa<end
the Alps lor the Hummer,—the former
to fatten on the rich, A pino nrn**. and
tin* hitlor to care for their ff< cks, and
turn !t:e milk into cheese for the nations
of the earth. The cows that are to go
have already In* n selected, tho ln**t
- j milker* being mainly OIIOM-11, and frotu
among tluvu* the lineal of the herd i*
selected to lead. Iter neck is adorned
i Willi a broad embroidered hell-band,
. from which hangs a famous s(*>ciuieu of
eowdtell, whose deep ton*-* drown those
of nearly all the other* of the baud—
I for every cow has licr bell, that she may
la> f.'Ull t it lost in the mouutain*. Then
In-r liorna Iwnr gnrlnmU and flower* an t
' other ornament* that clearly distiuguish
' her as the queen-cow of the herd.
The pr.H**n*iail ia led by a Couple of
the fairest shepherd pirls *f the region,
I who are decked out with nil their finery
'of sTSowy skirt and brilliant rorsoge au*l
| . rusUc h w elry and hata crowned with
u.itui J fh.wer*, aud carry Alpine cane*
baring ribbon*, wreath*, and garlands.
, .Scattered along the hue are the hrrds
• mtfti iu gsla costume, and young meu
and woman who form an escort to the
train on its passage through the village
The streets are filled with a festiveernwd
in holiday attire, displaying the quaint
and picturesque costume- peculiar to the
surrounding region, uud thus affording
a fine opportunity for studying the
unique dress of the Swiss |K*a*uut*.
A* the march pr*>eeeds, the Iwdls of
the town peul out iu loudest toue*. glad
Iv the alngihrrda strike up their favorite
bt mi locAe*. IUI.I all iudced goes
, nisrry as a iuarriage-bell.
At last the farewell salutations are ex- i
changed, and the procession wends lb*
way to the mountain ascent. Fart way
,up the steep declivity it stops to ex
change dicers aud gre-tiugs with tin
crowd te*lw, anil when these can no
longer b heard the Bi*s horn send*
fortii its pcalk in answer to Uie church
bells of tho diidaiit village. By this
time tho day is waning, anil prudence
warns tho shepherds to hasten to tnor
uiouutuiu retreat of rod * cabins which
ar- to forty their summer home. Th*e
art* usually k>w wooden huts, fram<*d of
logs or heavy timlwr, sud cver*Hl bv
shingle roof*, which ajo weightral will
very heavy stouv. to protect them from j
the force of the wlpd. Having arrived at
these, tlnir first *lnty, after homing
thoir hid for the night, is to place over '
the eiitßUnH) some pimii word-, sgch as ,
"(W|>ntMtnl* aufi adorn <U>il I
circle tbeui with tin* flowers audwrtaih* .
that decked the prociwaiott.
Thi*se mouuuin henl-ntrn have
log *e.i<u of severe and frying labor
after thiN day of festivity. la summer
! they seldom indulge in m<*r>* ajothiug
than simple pantaloons and "birt. exctqit
for an occasion*! vi itto tin* valley on
burine**, when they in addition a 1
dimt jacket, and invariably lake au urn- j
hrrlla and a pii*u. They *arry milk, as
.it is collect*.l Jrum tho different c ilnn
|tt r cleese-uAking in grout barril-Uk'
ves-e's oji thoir liack*.
All the uu-maN for their dairy lal*or
m l rluf manufacture of cheese, ai well
iv their provisoes for the season must
1* carrie! UP OIJ fho back* f MEN <>r
hi-aat, —mote frequently the former ; and
the s&uity furniture of their e.iliius i
tikcn up iu the same way. A few j*4
uiul kettloaij dipperi, with a dish or
two, will furni-Ji their modest house
hold. They h-arn to do with mo vc iotisly
little f->r tln-m-elvea, nod expend all their
means and eflorts on tn'ia for butter ai d
clwt The extra out tit of the women
is confined to their knitting utensil- and
vant. a prayer-liook. and a few crucifixes
to act up in their cabins.
New York CsipMtr'i' Strike.
On the day the carpentersof N.-w York
city inaugurated their utrike, it it could
ful if tliero was ueceauty lor a
one being idle. So bri-k w a busimas
and so great won the demand for m -n.
enrpetiters and joiner* were readily com
manding 63 50 p*r d iy, and wlieu thej
•tiuck for the enforcement of the 4gfc'*
hour law. there was every prospect of
success without anything Tike an extend
cl struggle. When the strike commenced
it nttuils red alKJttt one thoiiaatid uivn,
but b. fore the first evening over four
hundred noti society uicu joined them,
and about on.* hundred and fifty bos**.**.
acceibii to the Jein-nJeJ terms with
oulv a protrst. A great many licviriw
eothil perwonalltf at the headquarter*,
atiil, after giving in their adln**in to the
reqnircnieuU of the men, requested to
U> fumirh'-d with so many hand*, and
fnarctwKl ofl with them. So great was
the demand that, if fiie *trike had born
fot double wrrgei nod half-time, uiam
of the Wises who had contrncts on baud
would 1..H0 sulwniMi d. The bosae* at
toe start itcfc wTlfing to ticce.le tc eight
hoar* work, but tliey wnuted to pay £2. -
so instend •■! 53.50 for it At this wri
ting there is little qu-tiou of the wnvi<
of the met! in ritaining their present
wages for eigiit hours' work.
SMALL-TOX. \ lioeuthito of the Lnn
Itu R yul College of riurgrous, Mr. R.
C. FuHrjr, tavs that lie ia able to prose
ibat v .celuutinn iaimt only preventive,
but a cure al stuaU-i*>x. lie has luwcr-
Uuu#d that when a |(ersnn liable to take
snail-pox is exposed to the in'ect>u the
poison circulate* in the olond eight day*
tefore producing llj fl*ile ►ywptOißv
The general pmctire Is nrt to raretnstr
(luring the febrile state that f -How* ; but
Mr. Furley says he can show from ease*
tinder his care at the prescut time that if
cue in vaccinated during the febrile #*ge
the fever ts slightly increased, but the
eruption does n< t raske its ap|>earunce f
and if vaeohiafed during the eruptive
stage the criiplina is immediately arrest
ed. The mature lymph overtakes the
immature poon, and ilia disease termi
nates. If the eruption exhibits white
torn, there is danger of infection ; if not,
it dies away as pimples. Mr. Furley feels
cnifldent that it every doft<r were to
vnrcinate each ra*e of small-pox that
eouies under his care at once, tuuujr hun
dreds of lives would be saved.
>f the leaders of the strikers in the cop
per region, were arrested and placed un
der a guard of sixteen armed men, to
lo cinveyed to the jtvil at iioogl.t n.
Mich,, ttiirtecn miles distant. The dis
contented mint rs rallied nnd overtook
the Sheriff's party a mile from Calumet,
and rescued 'be prisoner*. The strikers,
who numbered fully fix hundred, made
threat* of forcible risiv'enee in ease the
authorities attempted inter'erenee with
tin tr>. Many women joined in the at
tack upon the guard. The total nnmlier
of persona engaged in the strike, and
who will not work themselves or permit
othcra to do 80, is two thousand.
An Irish servxnt girl having finished
her (lav's work, including the "washing,"
obtained a hal'-bonr'a furlough, "to aec
u gentleman friend." The half extended
to the whole honr, when Bridget appear
ed, bla*hiug and half smiling. " M vou
I laze, ma'am. T must lciive ion to day,
for I'm to be married, if you jdaze, to
night, ma'um." " Why, what does tins
mean, Bridget ? " inquired her mistress ;
"1 never heard you were engaged."
" No more was I ma'am ; hut a boy jiut
now from the old counthry wants me to
have him, and mo cousin think* I had
lietther, and so I towld him I would."
And bhe did.
A Missouri couple who couldn't agree,
agreed to disagree. They live in a
double dwelling, and one daughter, of
cightecr, l.eep* house for the father in
DUO side, while the mother and two chil
dren live by themselves in the other
part of the building, the kitchen and
pantry arrangement* oulv bciug need in
common. The husband provides the
provision l , fuel, &•., and the cooking
is done ou the some stove.
ACQUITTED. —Josephine MeCnrty, the
woman whose trial hus lioen in progress
fur many duy*>tt L'hoa for the murder
of a inun namedßull, was acquitted. It
will lie rememlwred that the shot which
killed Uatl was tired in a street car at a
man named Thompson, and killed the
wrong man. The woman was immedi
ately rearrested on a bench warrant for
the intent to kill Thompson.
! II W \ tilth MAKKET -Bin-hly ttovltw.
iJmtAOWrrrrn.- I'lte market for wa*t
■ cm fl-omia tlu'l. lV|trlw< ifeinhtdr
fti-ier mi tit" four Grade*, mid tha bitter
grade* f tinclmug**! iu value.
SmUhero Flour.—Titer.* is n mmluratc
1 j obhiug trade nt former rates. Tin* "aim*
i are iv.T.^ll. F> for exlrua, 11.1&<J513.3tl
1 for goo.l to ehoio*.
Itjre Ploiir i dropping. Kale* liari*
j Itreii mailt* at I'wili.'iu fur ouiuiuoii u
1 j flm*.
Wheat i* a ahndo stronger. We qu<U
No 2 spring in *breat $1; No.
1 in store at 91.74tf1.77 ; winter roil west
-1 rrit at 91 IWofiJ.'jn.
Hit* IN quiet ut IWc.
Corn in quite active. There is a good
delimit I from ri|xtr(rti and the home
trade i fair, and tor auutid parcel* prioe
are well maintained.
raov&toNa. l'ork.—The market f r
meat on the in irregular. The very
large iec< ipta of hog* in the West weak
en* the feeling* of holder* material!*.
For furwuid delivery the market is dull
aud pricca are heavy.
Drettaed Hog*. -The market ia lower.
We quote city at f>|ifije. as extreme*.
Cut Meat**.—The market i* very steady,
, though the business is cot large.
Smoked Meata.—There is the usual
trade ut old figures.
Lard.—The market for western on the
-.pot i* dull uud heavy. lteullv ehoioe
stock is held ut 9 3 H.i 9 7-16r., \>ut tea
truct laid is offered for the balance of the
month ut fi b-lfic.
Steuriue,— The market ia steady, with
a fuir busioexa doing.
lh-ef.—'There in not much doing. We
quote plaiu western tin-** at $7.50059.5",
and extra uie-s ut SllW>sl2.
Ih-ef Hum*.—The market ia rather
quiet. We quote western at s'2doVd7.
Tierro B. ef.—lteimuus quiet. We
quote prime m.aa at slsnSl7, and ludia
hi CM ut sl7u92t).
Hatter. the market is aabade better,
l'he leeeipta continue to In* inadequate
to meet* the wants of the trade. We
quote State iu Welsh tubs at 2Ua3oc.,
and in half tubs at 31off2c.
CheAc.—There i* a fair inquiry from
exporters aud pricca are stronger. The
supply continues to be light. W quote
State at 7u10c., for inferior to fair.
Fctroletun.—For crude iu bulk the
market is quiet. There is a fair amount
of stork t ffering and not much inquiry.
'We quote ut 13 l-9e. Crude in shipping
order is a fi art ion lower, with moderate
•tale. For retin* d the market is without {
animation. I'ricos art) steadily held,
with a moderate amount of tto~k cn aale.
Oulfeq.— The market for lime da i*
firm, but bardlv so active. Iu West Iu
dm then* is not much business, but full
prices are current.
A Momaa to he lla i;rd.
Lihhie Gnrrabrant, the murderess of
Patioreou, Sen Jersey, was Inf.. re the
court tr sentence. During the lime thai
111..1 intervened since tier trial rli hail
,.eiit h.r tune gossiping w iih other pris
ouers, and with the occasional visitors
wlio had dr<ipje<! in pi see her. She
stiuw.d hardly unv sensibility, and did
nut seem to tear or expect a aeuteiico of
1 lie Oourt-lumse was crowded, and,
. lieu the prisuuer wn brought in, the
-pace around the building was parked
w tilt a surging rrowd, a ho had made vain
efforts t<> gain admission, 'l he prisoner
an site appeared at llto tmr Waa paler than
when site was tiefore in the court, and le more emotion, bin* UHIK from her
P<K kel a handkerchief, holding it to her
eye*. She was i rally attired in a brown
• Ires*, black shawl, and h]a< k velvet hat.
She was told to stand up, and Judge lb-die
akd, "Hate you anything to say why
Sentence ot' death should not he pronoun
ce! 1"
The prisoner rcsponed " No,* 1 with
J ntgo Bedle then said: " A jury have
found you guilty of the mnrdcr of llan
totu F. Burroughs in tlie month of lbr
cot it t>er iu-t, and they have fixed the de
gree ot your guilt as uiurder in the firt
degree. The court i entirely satistiid
ith that Verdict, and think thnt from the
evidence and the te*!iinnny the jury d:d
their work faithfully, and that no other
vrrdicl Could have been given. The court
do uot intend to make any remarks on.
or to rehearse, the tastunoay, as they
think nothing ran he gained by it. It is
enough to say that in the judgment of
the court your crime was deliberate and
most wicked. Your moral sense has been
much d and you have fallen very
low. nnd tu .hig' t are bitli legally and
morally responsible for your act. You
either alone, or with another to help you
administered poison to Burroughs, and
allowed him to die in the very house with
yog without giving him that medical as
sistance which might have saved his life.
The court se<* no reason why the penalty
of the law should uot lie enforced. Your
example i a terrible warning to others.
When once the female charact. r is debased
and she allows herself to become a prey to
the most vicious passions of her nature,
terrible consequencaa may la' the result.
You se m to tm h-st to shame to a certain
extent, and instead of abiding by the dic
| mti* of your con-cienoe you took counsel
'from the violent impulses of you nature.
Nothing now remains but to pnasaenteuce.
; The sentence of the court ia, that you,
Eliralietli Garrabraiit, b<- takm from this
; bar to the prison of, Passaic county, and
. kept in close confinement until the nine
teenth day of July next and tliat be
I tween the hours of ten and three on that
: day, you to be taken to the place as pro
vided" by the Sheriff in accordance with
the law. and then and there lie hung by
the neek until you are dead; and may
I Gel have mercy tifmn your soul."
As the last word* fell from the judge's
| lip* the prisoner soMkhl violently. The
i eonrt immediately ordered her removal.
The general impression in Patterson is
that the prisoner will never l<e hung, and
there is already a |H-tilon in circulation
asking the Court of Pardons to commute
the punishment to imprisonment for life.
T< Regulate Time In Caufterj.
Mutton—A leg of eight punnds will re
quire two hours and a half; a chine or
•addle of ten or eleven pounds, two hours
and a half; a shonldee of seven pounds,
one hour and a half; a loin of seven
ponnd* one hour and three quarters: a
neck and breast about the same as the
Beef—The sirloin of fifteen ponniK
from three hours snd three-qnaners to
four hours; ribs of beef, from fifteen to
twentv pounds, will take three hours to
three hours and a half.
Veal—A fillet, from twelve to sixteen
ponnd*. wi'l take from fonr to five hours,
•it a good fire; a loin, upon the avcrnge.
will take three hoars;, a shoulder, fmrn
three lionr* to three honrs and a half; a
neck, two honr; a breast, from an boor
and a half t< two hours.
J.amh—Hind-quarter of e'fflit pounds,
will take from an honr and three-quarters
to two hours; fore-quarter of ten pound.,
about two hour*; leg of fire pound*,
from an hour and a quarter to an hour
and a half; shoulder or breast, with a
quick fire, an hour.
Pork A leg of eight pounds will re
quire nhont three hours; gri-kin, an hour
and a half; a spare rib of eight or nine
t.onnds will take bom two honrs and a
ha'f to three lion's to roast it thoroughly;
a bald spare-rib of eiglit ponnd*, an hour
nnd n q"arfer; n loin of five rounds, if
vers fit, from two honr* to two hour* nnd
a l.*lf; a sticking pig, of three weeki old,
AWH n hour and a half.
Pou'rv-A very Urge turkey will re
11 re abent three honrs: one of ten
p> n l fwobonrs; a small one, an hour
and a half A full-grown fowl, nn hour
and a half; a inodera'e sized one, an hour
and a quarter. A pullet, from half an
hosr to forty minutes. A goose, fuli
g owi, two hours: a green goose, for'y
minutes. Duck, full sire, from an hour
a-d a quarter to one hour anil threo-qnar
ter .
A SCTCTOE. — K wouiaii oouim tted sni
ci-le in France not long ago becmae si *
thought the devil wna nfler h-r. If
everybody in this vicinity who wis trou
bled by the same pursuer was to commit
suicide, thare would be a verv percepti
ble depletion of the population We
su'pcet H>nt the reason they do not, da
it, is bocau'c they know it would not be
a means of escape.
Mexicans ride well and gracefully, and
sit their horses in such a manner that
the rider seems a part of the animal.
LMIKB mTaTKn (DflliKKHh.
The Senate paaeed the Supplementary
Apportionment hill, providing for ana-l
ditlonal ropiesQutativu for several speci-
Ucd Ktatc*. The stia|>euaion of the habeas
our pus net was discussed at length.
A resolution offered by Mr. Beck,
making one-third of the custom* duliua
receival.i.* ill legal irudtr notes, waa
passed. Ijmnitie was placed on tho free
The House of Ib-prescntntivea jwsM-d
the Tariff and Tux bill as it now
slauil*, and immediately after resolved
to concur iu the Senate's resolution for
adjournment on the 29th. A motion
was made by Mr. Butler that the Fresi
dent tie requested to inform the House
who had made the protniar, referred to
by Sir Stafford Norlhoote in his recent
speech on the Washington Treaty, that
the olaim for indirect damage* would nut
l*e pr. N. nte.l if the Senate oould have
the opportunity of getting out of the
scrape wiihout ai-grace. The resolution
wni rcf.-ried,
Tho House parsed tho Senate amend
ineut to the iFoat-nfllce Appropriation
bill, known as the Pucifle mail sulisidy.
Mr. Banks reported favorably Butlers
resolution asking for information about
the promise of withdrawing the uulircot
claim* n> which Sir Stull'onl NurthcoU*
r* fcrral in his reoest |-*< li. Oa takiug
the floor pieliuiiuaiy to a long speech on
the treaty, Butler said tho British Coiu
miNsionrr miiNt have been iuire|**rte | or
lacking in memory, He had every reason
to liehivc thut no such promise had been
Mr. CJrerley Accept*.
Horace Greeley has HMMilftd the nom
inatioii tendered him at Cincinnati. In
his l.tter he said, after ref* rring to the
platform, the substance of which we given liefore.
These pro|*ositiont. so ably and ford-1
bly pr-seuted in the platform of your
convention, have already fixed tho atten
tion and command the assent of a large
majority of our countrymen, who joyfully
ndopt them, as I do, as the box* of a
true, beuefleient national reconstruction '
—of a new departure frotu jealousies,
sti ifos, and hutea, w hirh have no longer
adequate motive or even plausible pio
text, into au atmosphere of peace, Ira, i
termty, and mutual good will. Iu vain
do tht driil-aergeauts of decaying organ
izations flourish meniM-iugiy their truu
cheons, and angrily insist that the til s
shall be closed uud stivt-g'beud; iu vain
do the shippers in of parti, s once vital 1
I* cauc rooted in the vital need*
of the hour protest against straying and '
ladling, d.-nouueiog meii nowise their
inferiors a* traitors an I renegadis, and j
threaten them with inhituy and ram. 1
1 ntur uifi.lent ihatt'*e Am- iu*.<u fieoplc !
have airtody made vour cause their own,
fully resolved umt their brave heat ta au*i
strong artni shall beat it <>u to triumph. ;
In tin* faith, uud with the dislioet un
derabmditig that, if gfected, I shall lie!
the president n,*t of a j*rty, but ot the
whole I accept vour nommation, J
in the confident trust tJuit the nuwucs ol
our countrymen, N vrth and K .uth, are
eager to clasp hands across the blo-aly
ehoNtu which ha* tco long divided them, <
forgetting tuat they had been enemies]
in the jo) ful consciousness Chat tln-y arc ,
and must h ncei'-rth rt rnaiu brethren.
Yours, grab-fully,
The Electoral Ante.
Tlc following table exhibit* the elec
toral vote of the United States 1q the
contest of 1k72, with a statement of the
{Mipulur msjotirv in the am < B'ates in
1866. It should 1m kept lor reference:
Hrt- .f AC**. Abu J> rn wns.
t+*. ura. IK*. \x*
A'a1'ttna........... 9 4 290
Arkansas 4 3.074
Oilitis 6 614 —-
O'OSkrcticot G 4„<v'r4
D. is ware 3 —-
n.ild. 8 8 357
G..r it . ..II 45.C8H
Illinois 21 41.150
Ituiaua 14 9.7J7
low* 11 46 350
K.n*B 5 17,030
Kent* IT 12 C 4 S
hwiln'i 7 49962
Mute 7 35.030
Mirr 50i1... 8 31.919
Miwwlia*>t.i 13 77,009 —■
MnhuraO 11 81 4*l
M'.r.t cso 6 14,470 ——
Miauxtppt. S —— ——
Mio-ou'i 13 2*> *9J ——
Ncliltill 3 4.2*1
Kevsds 3 1.302
Sew Hampshire 4 6.967
Now Jero * 9 2.290
New fork" 34 lU.OOO
Xoith Csr.lina ..... 10 11130
Ohi., 22 41.439
Oregua ... 3 164
Pennsylvania 23 JS.S9S
]U> Island 4 6 4IS
■Hinib Cw<4a 7 17 M —-
Tcnnrwee 11 #'.446
TrX 8 ——
Vermont 4 32 123 ——
Virgiiiis 11 -
WUMI Virguiia 5 8.719 ——
Wisconsin 10 24.447 ——
Tutsi. 357
The total vote for Picsidont in JSCS
was 5.623,661. ot which Sveymuur hud
2.64.5.K4U, and Grant 2.865,031, a major
ity for Graut of 1136,201.
ACnuotr* Ami TKSS.— I Charles Wa
ters. of Springfield, Wis., has some trees
which produce apples that have neither
seed nor core. Tilers it no waste to these
after the outside skin is removed-noth
ing hut clear apple. The trees do not
bloom. He lis* some trees large enough
to bear fruit, and expects to get some toll
grown apples the coining Fall, and will ex
hibit them at several different Slate fairs.
The sc'ons from which he first started this
fruit in his orchard were brought from
Virginia a number of years ago. and pre
sented to him by a friend. The tree from
which the scions were taken is said to
have been the only one of the kind ever
known. Some two years ago. a half bush
el of apples from the Virginia tree were
sent to Horace Greeley, and lie made a
uote of the fact, considering them as a
very valuable kind of fruit for culinary
purposes, as they certainly must be, from
the fact of there being little waste to them,
and hut little labor to prepare thein for
g*fr*RAILROAD BONDS —Whether
vou wish to buy or sell, write toClunil
W., No. 7 Wall St.. New York.
BT TTAI/O, N. Y., DEC. 13, 1870.
1)R. R. V. I'iancc:—For the past six
months 1 have u*ed yonr Golden Medi
cal Di-covery in my practice and in that
time I live tested its meut* in severe
coughs, both acuta and chronic, in
clirouiml disease* of the throat, wtvac
cases of bronchitis, general derange
m nt of the system, constipated condi
tion of the bowels, and wherever a thor
ough Alterative, or blood purifier, ha*
ben indicted. Iu all cases I have found
it to act gently yet thoroughly and ef
fectnally in removing the various dis
cased conditions, and bringii g alxiut a
healthy action throughout the system.
Yours fraternally, H. L. HILL, M. D.
A RTRE in Somerset, Pen*., deatroyed
six sqium-a m the heart of the town,
embracing oue third of Ihe area of tli
place and two thirds of ita entire value.
Lots, |l,000,(i00{ insurance, 875,0i"0.
How to go Meet.
This ia the nnrocof B pamphlet recent
ly is-netl by the Billlinpton Line. It
contains a mass of truthful and reliable
infornvition, and most e< rrcet Rui'-
rood Map in Atnenos. A copy of the
Book should be in the linrd* of evenry
oni who is going to Southern lowa.
Nelrnaka, Kansas, Califonuu or the
Copies of the Pamphlet can 1> obtain
ed/h* of cJ'ftrff ■ by nddre-sing Geo.
Passenger Agent. B. A M. R. It., Bur
lington, lowa. —Com.
Knllistou is cooling, cleansing nnd re
freshing. It in highly recommended af
ter shaving, aoftening the beard and ren
dering the skin smooth.— Com.
Whither for om> on man or best. the Jfer
o,l)ant's Gorg ing Oil i 1 be found an invaluable
Liniment, and worthy vf use by every 'eld nt
in the land. Wo know of no proprii-tarv medi
cine or article now used in the United Stitea
which ab&rea the good will of the people to a
greater degree than Una.—A". T. Jndepmdmt
I ATOXIC AT ino N.nrn CMS -The p-rsons
who have arrtiplsa of conscience against
" perpendicular drinking" at tavim litiw,
can liecome blind drunk qn alnost any of
i the advert lard "tttiltFriif M invigorat's*
iu half an hour. There la however one ex
ception to tbla rule; Nobody eaq ''get
over the bay" on vwctua BITTKNI, for
the simple reason that thla famous renova
ting and regulating medicine contains to
diffusive stimulants of any kind. Yet iu
stienatb-rewervmg properties are marvel
out. It restores the loliwli for food when all
other appitixera tail; impart* unwonted
vigor to the tfi§e*tiv function* ; regulates
the flow of bile; soothes the nervous sya
tern; promotes healthful sleep; snd tend*
to tprodnee thst condition of body and
brani, which is tippnsf to be HKat con
ducive to lonpevi'v and the enjoyment of .
hie. Its specific effect* in acute and chronic
d borders* fleeting the stomach, tho bowels,
the pine, the kidneys, tbr Hesby fll.rt* the
isuseles and the lungs, arc considered by
conqisfrnt Judges the moat ex tram denary
medical ph. notitena of the age. Vinegar
ihtteia haa now a larger sale than any of <
the spirituous sitiingriit*. and its immense
popjatity in a land where the p*ipte
utiserve rloecly, test thoioufhly, and set
independently, is jn itself a sufficient
guarantee of t he raeclleuoa of tha mcdicim.
tVe rvcotiinirnd It to all.—Cuss
IU ITCHZ ran 1> cured without suffer
ing. Elastic Truasea are anweraeding all
' others. Before buying Metal Trasses or
1 1 Happoriars, s(m| for a diaeripfave eincu
' tar to the Elastitf Truss Co., 083 Broad
way, X. Y.— Com.
I j Tbe rwA Ainstslrasnt Is lle ItomsstesA
Act, niKlor which lh> Vclersii* ot <mt Ist* Vimy
• n.t N*y esu s.*curo bmest< s-1. ot Ivi
seres sear lh imos >4 li.e great tsnd g.sst
j rsil .<)-, by om or twoyssr*' rannlaom. nv.
stead of Are, is vary uasural y attracUnx mack
altnitlciO among the a-'ldler*, and sailors. C >t
..u c ne fnrtait.x in maar parts uf lite oooMry
for tile I urpona lit Uiuug advastage uf the It' •
!*•, whila *t ih aan.r time rt-|*!.c 1 fit aA-
of n nw Wt in or. anUi'4 aa
inuniuea. The caustrneooii of tha Nor. hero
1 Pacific H>ilr<d. now cmnpietid through Mm
nrwuta, has opened to settlers s large body of
the tutft land ui Uts We*4. This Company
..Iter* verv iinportaat tsaUlie* sod *d*atd oiv
to soldier* and other* swlang Waatsru home*,
wl,. th.-r tlieyitttend to settle on OovorumsM
homesteads ut put csaac U< Ciaunauy'a land.
' It* anoounr msni 1* pubUchod tWwUete ia
< this journal—Clws •
Tux ( .emsnrso KstsAVscaa Srarao Xnrb
ia the nasi* Uwtuwe i ujwm a msdici'ial *pnax
1 which app>ar - n the )>aiilrfieid>ttletira'airif,
winch is winning s tsnte an war d wtfle a* thai
uf 11,8 rrstr bat b 1. nght around it. Ihss oty
•f its dico*sry t>y lit* wounded in (V battle Is
the projection f one of the ancient kkk* mto
oar tnuder a bntfory. Aimoai equally fai-akmia
*r aoine of ua cu'e*. Even the mo.Heal jour
nal* admit that it i* nwt vniy a rsatedy tor lh>*t funns, hnkfur nearly evt-.y variety • I < UT
, ctuouic .lis. - ist-* Its wstcr* *rr brint sxrriad
to vory jwr- ti tb® worid, ih< nouhm
I.ONe their lai-te or medicn-ai viriue by botthng
jor exposure v> the a'.moiphen . Hoe adrartise
nnytl in another eniaten —Com.
Cums Hasps, faoa, rough skim, pimples,
r ng-worm. wall-rheum, and other culan.rtus
afl. etions, cured, aud the skin mxle soft am!
, Nniootb, by the JCNIZES Tan Soar made
t>y CASWKU.. Uaxaan A Co., New Kurt, it k
t mora ooarvoirui and easily auidinl than othar
I lemedit*. avoiding the trouble of tb grcaa*
compounds now in use.—Obna.
Have you luthunmaiery sore throat, anfl
; Jotuta. or iamo-itrs from any cause h*U-v. r ?
Ha*.- you ihcumatte or other pan* In any p rt
of iho body ■ If as, ua* losnul'i ASuuvaz
' Ijxntzxr. ' thir word for it, u su* iswt gau
j kiiiur in this cuuauy — G un,
Many persona saifer wdb aisk headache and
nervods headache, usually induced by ewtirs
r.os*., Ac. such persona" wd uud
j re lot, if nut cm*. l> kocpi g the U>e open
, sou small due s of raasos's frauirmc Pr. ta.
Vegetable Pu mrmsrr HSIMWI. *• D'ulrttoas
the b> *l COUGH HODSANA UI U • World.' — CVM.
O. Thai I Wm JBoauUful S u th wopok-a
*:). O (I>IHIS>DCS t wnuxw IS mSsiS Ul
4nM lk*(Mmg soars. k6uaapnMaa.
M tea. In |nU) tX w.#U mso', XtsMiiu
tuew ru lotrndtuv-t n* name km or till- aj
hi t hrt-o prooaJlO. •! IMISSM** b) 111, mom a WL.- j
wsbel cb atisu si4 it *■ t!-o l m,l Ui*t ibv r
u t.tiis'f <Hmi was o allbsr lbs alUii ra wall a.a.
jiiiw'jrss li t a.tnraal strrta. Thv Udbw xnin
i. ii(Lt tbr adtrat nf barbal ta4 flo si
y . j .rat**
and artus a tauroalsla and s Ut<( liac
, thai al Um ftatM orirctsl pSart Tbry aooa dta-oa
erad U>U U waa •• Saw (Jmd uadrr taa seß,** ua
"aepstwb a sad uoii pros liai.:# L'nqoaa luasig)
UM haawoLU Bal.a has b<n lbs (TSat totlrt auoctwa
A the |ii and ouUr; . .
rfraitaa *jras -Tina -alaslda advat ha
btM .ibMa aaimi ■. wa| utt < tnibtte iseur If Iha
■iuuj* ...i. rauaika). .araa rt hsirtaraaadl l- ms
e.lar .Sou, k omtaa W Ik* fwnMk aTSw a kk n
tht. i<I|.IH. B rwu-ina uscsaaaed. asd i (h* oaii
tuna IB *btcS vhka nW*kM u< haallhr btnad can b-
H|e<.tia| N()tl<Vi.
(I.oai Uewlth Kttalaal
(Mtf-nastret l*c ths luaadauoa <M ai l bodjf aof.
i* Aa a rata ai-a are mar* asltntaa* la r-twir mad
I raiwna |ht boaaaa. alack is irtde ssd albrr prnah
attU jKopcrtr than M rvpakr ssd fiwnt, Ihau'w'ie*
Tbas esa aaa wbaa a wall a trap, sr a weak
VN-Vare a girimr. tal ap;*sr la ba awcenaeeoae at ar
• eddterwwt to. the craeka aad tin sad swdi-Basa at
dwoar ia ibr.r own IrsJ aad aeaaioaa orsas.aaucwa.
I The rawvtwn at llui waai at ooauaoi pradoou la
:hsl (hoa-aada tall bj lb* wayoda la the priaw ot lit.
■ HI) j-ear aho hare lieed to tejoy a hale aad
trariy old |(*. u lL <* bad rewarlad to the praper aas
|! Itcnuuai ihstr latliac nto at the propri Uaf.
Senna what that (Suoae r.teliaina aad ls*wa*atwc
-liair. Uoatatlsr'a Siaatek Bitten, has done far soasl-
Iru aeloada of Ik, onrerraied and I ml en down, aad
With (be ioar, an broken record af IU rnru before hia.-
il ereme iantt that artj aagrrar f au pieaiiait
' deoay. nerrooa wsaknaea, dyapepaw. Wiwasw. chronic
| eawupalfoa, ar d-eeaee af a rew Uewl or .atenaittoal
cnaractor. ahoald delay, area for aa boar, to seek the
i aid whwh iu ton rf raralattac aad laelforaUac proprr
<iaa have never failed to afford.
It U aa susseratiaa to say lhal Hodetier", Btaaiarh
Qiue e M the moot tsllhfat at ; af aatara. IS bar atras*
atoa eritn weskaaw aad diaoaaa. that medic. I botaay sad
1 h- no-t heev yrl I Ilea totba a Slid. I
luballs, aitboayh aha loU hrr oowa. a sard to b vary
parUaalar what hlaV af abac aba ovarn So arc all who
hav. oara UwCAMJI MTRSW WtU Boota * bhoaa t
tbay want ao oUaar flubta.d'fsaddnrabU.
JSnTKHUt l-XTt m U> litis of ■ asw P.B*hW a Si
Cscrs. U tnIDM Iks hasrwkl oC a9 IS PlwwdSßts
ol the Co ted Statn. la Ormmi, with
Ihstr portraits. (1 hi H> sarrsSstl svprssdr ** tkh
work. MWMI fas wig ho ml Is UL IMIM bf out
an rvssip* <f I cstit >iaap IMna B. R. wIEVIUtw,
B rinn. Mm
T'xwwrk U> leortb bb4 hrssdlh of toluiOo*.
lirsloS SILVER riPPED Boo*, and Bboo. in -o d b,
ih* ■BHaa. lor psrrsu kaow U>j UM IWKO U low s
...ih -ot Vups Tr liwiw __
TO cosrarnrTrrrw.
TO itwst'wrnvis.
Th Sow (low, hsrlowb— !!■■■■ I qUy vwrod of ISO'
Irood dwoMw roMmism h • rlmpW wmodj. Is
; uiM to mok* known to bis follow .offeror. tbo moons
of sow. lb *3 Oho dOMro IV bo w,u .rod • *ne S ibr I
IworOpOim swod <Ooo of rhors*) odik tbr Ownslto■
I l.<r irop. IBS sad owns 'do -snir whlrk Ibrw Bd s
•car crns lor fowewiw As raws. Racwwwiw.
srd sll TUrosl or LnS H Otooluos.
Pnruss wrnblns ibo t-vwofc.'** rrtl' .V*T.
K . SDWAUU WltSoß.
IN Boos, wrimt Wiltismmnrsb R. V
The Mart eta.
■sw tons.
Oxsr Osmj—frlam 10 Ex HnlJnofcM ,UV# .WK
plrni qu01in........ .11'sf -IS 1 *
jLorndflual II I* • -*
Oi dinar • i Bis cslv.o J1 V,* .11S
InTr or iowvo* srod# .10 M 11M
lines Cows WMCS
Uows—Li *o •<*# e*-
DrnoMKl rt'4 # <*\
FLOSS— F.itcs Wosisra ' ; I # T6S
Sisto Extra tMt St tTV
WsiAV-lUd Wsotnrw J 0 f IJJ
t M Ik 100
tits—Wrote rs H • M
tUßLrv—suae .** * ■'
tHwa—Ntio.l • • '>!<
ta • AS
M a I
Brwsw # s .*
Hoc ...\, 'tis, 'on a*-"..* v, au
rnS Vf-- is w wii-#
u> I US# :M
Pi I norrrw— 1K fusuad.J^H
Bimsa—MM* JJ ( ■
otto w. at% -M
- rum. ... a -jvik
Vules ordinary .11 W .11
fvmirvtvsula Has .Sf S .S7
Owmaaa-auuEafliwr..... ) • -MM
•• Skimmed If A
Ohio >>* .2*
Eosa—(M*U M S .IX
Brsv Csrrui. 'SO e IM
SIIID •00 ff til
Moos—Lire f'O * ISI
noes •* Htw
WHSSI— So. 1 Sprtna ISO ISR
.COM M •
W f 10 j
"T1 ...m
Wsasi —: eo •
Htb— etjnie 100 AH*
I DBS —Mil'd ............ .VI A .T4
Ha blki —Slat. 00 A l
Osr —Slat*.. • A II
— lOO A"'0 .
Wsasr—Wwnatn a 5-0 ft 1 o
*Whlu...7T7. Jb A TH
Corns-tbllow - M A •
Mixed . 71 0 .73
PITIOUJV—CrnJ* ..lfS'ff"**
OLuvam I 1 WlOlO
TlmotOy.., X.7S tf lit*
bALTlltOlta. *
Cowoki—l<ow Middl*ns..f - . f .73hi
ELOCS —Extra T7* c S7B
WHILST—. 33* I !•'
Oam M § .St
Fiona rnprvo ("Hanmr* —Strang thai
p*retita cannot learn—what It would
.arm thst armpethy aid mUundpffenti.H
would tear 11 ih**i—tlmi "it ia not r>nb
<mr-l Imt dangi-nra* to cxpooe a child t
the iiiflttruoo of egircmo feur. It mat
tcrw lit tin whether the fear apriugß ftfott
a real or an imaginary ranee. Mot lon>
ago a father aad mother in Detroit lef
their four-year•<>l4eon alone one craning.
The child begged to 1* taken with tkntn,
eaying he wa* afraid of bearaand woJree.
He arret mod lon dry when tbey left thr
houee, ond on their return tbey found
him ineaut. It ia feared that he mill b
an id hit for lif a
for seaoty of PoUeh. having teaev, Otaaw
lie— h Cfteepneee, Unequal#*.
arviat or vmrraicat rtmwM. •* uta>>
aaaaa. baa m amilita wa i e< a ■ at avtar #f vawrr
inu 4a4U4aaa<M
rin imiu art cm ami* ana, lar n iaif
til arana all trim nail—R* eaaewatac
fc vSc
' kawiNfa iu •.* MI U"i i nm-raatMuaaw
WW. HB#b4£i|b. fci<a,laortlrna Try Ik
MORSE BROS* Crop'ra., Canton, Maai
v Hl'MprO I.W.niHuVr a<u H
I iw aymvfavrwA SpwaaOc. i 1 iin>iMa.e>
B" Lam iftn&vsMto
MA DU T—' r.' - *- aitar aM.. lUm nyiT balksoar. Mtata.*i
genii 2ft eta. for 5 VALUABLE reeeipia to
iL. HAIX k Co.. I'anvara. Uaaa. Boa W.
'II rataau* Mulpaa a4 lip* Makmt
fx, x
tenT w it riß. MO. *m r*mm. Mmt
/R*ew' 4; Imatowi itato • fc"
1 1' m; wie-A. A.La S-nißahßiaa, haaarß.ilOa
Mil fti ft a a*r Mara a a> -vy tMvaWatr. UMyar. 4aa
~l'ni IB (Kr: ) , iaa, *4* f trf aaMlia
Xiawl M ,la tMWna.aiAiai am O
MMIITII,I.I , Fa. ttoa*aaaalhaanal rimm*
iya. 4al aia. p* ■ iraai- aa to lava, num. iw
r-aia AxiaatoM M- Wna-BMCi UaMaav,
I Out aa> t'r*Wil-<aflaaiyaaa
h y^^^t^wßaSSgr
w "C *1 * W aCK aaaaaouad u Aaaaa*. a ara
CrPra >■■ UlrA *• anj viß baw
H <R daeOM-eaf rneStftaa. Writ* aaaMaaßi
r. yt. wrpo ,■ .,t. .rrr.
AM KO* I JO* lULLAi llJaa
'•rraaa.tUa.iaa m i lad. y*a,w<r aaa4* lr
'• ■ aMSLSSK..^.—.b.
Bdjni.SiaO FEAT. '-Bar.ita. ■■ tall —4 af
taad* ta'.< a4 i MmUv. Pdt innian, Aa S-a
FlagaiUv<4a>fc <XJ r .V.rV^a.lJ
' ranaic wmaTLnu •utn
m dn',s';^.
l loa WT. ta.a.w, <i.*tMii|"a "aa4 aa-
Mallklk ia <ma~cAM puhm. Pu iunmm
a*try iaav>i A44* t, a ru t
*• nut *.b fur Uua an rau iwm*' uaa aa,
h s= 11 b -,.fc at MHraat mmi t U> mj paap.
1 "/ taaa ita vva ■Meaimt...' l>>( <-1 u,
aukaaMavy Oa', * .a* i.mlv* taa A<t4n
•"U gi >S notgfcuu. Ka.tla-4. C<nn
*raia >a aati at} a Mlt #Ua. W.AI tortaa ftl CO
if t ft,! • rat Wtm-wt d lr am
uUn by M. aa, tLMt raiA <ty*r vtrar f etoiiiiaf
S " L.r|HM- lMeo aoaa4> aoiA lia no
S* Wii! aoid ku|. aaM taaar apret hua
■>a.a Tl Apr fti. 4<Ur~^
TcTTOtOW. PWla'MU'. Fa. I
Free to Book Agents.
uliat tULiu to aaj IW V Ami. fnt*clfhani
'■te-b'. Krar m -
/fjsij ayiwctKj Tist-iUErfct, spg yL£
> m • —*>* mmp+mpm. —< fit > *'
uJK -I*** s s msamS/saSss:gi
ZJlwLii^Vwlllw* ** *"
Gettysburg Katalysine Water,
I!•mU at tfc* *S" r i°t k*ijfS n AffMtl o*lawi
it ik* Mlmnu rmfe* : nrmr*Mmm Sanltfe** <M>
<rb .U *"£" drMltoi 8., UW wt: at# at
. •*< jjj- Wkd 1*
pR§M' Ik kbr ♦<**• 1W r tara . Ikr
'Yb ifttlaitiw. #-'<• i
. A" i ior W W 'i *l* 'i
A b -b- t>rri AIUMI* i
l V Plrlt#l>l(A, ir<tl
IV F tta** il'jw'k *'" ' S '*
_ " vdftt TVt-A<m naab#,
*2 S T ##*%! W 111 (Mwal
*"■* w ikiNtuw uU * A**
__ ! .■•:■:■.■: .
" IMB Vd Ik' .WBXtll UMMM
• tad ran lb* brat bbibi *iW . 9KS I *V
mar annul Ifi •;! frit*.
a- r bchmiam rt. **-^^2lic*
' r.DSA BR> iVSIMi - A turn **ui tar Hn. VtT t
{ Buitr- . altar af tNaMllMaA* ~Emb
K e,-'"Htta.'m' Mttata.'' -f*. Vrm BUB
%U"r ' HIWiB, nMVB ni W- nWBUPA
• rue DCRATA RU. L V.<l>. Mmm tHa. ••ftfa*
j th rai —Ha HAiHilMa itaaa. aMil at fait
tsr^iZr& Jsf
orri h^^Mrurj-.
™u antiKu.i "LMI!(I."4 Mm
IT:r. -A r*"' I* Aam 4a Unas >h<arl "Beuah,
••*•. "Vatati.*- -HMiV-aas. |
-"• tae* k It'ioilwalu - BUW
A * |3
book -* *--,%?
THH UA-fTS I>K l.OilD #O*TY.~A haad-tro.
4 WWi>.'aafi<if aaao
Tin AKTOK ' UAVt K.-aTIU.V ~Taerh.aer oa.
h-> 10 '>h raaa tM jwotrtorr. VIM
Ow of l)n a I •tiaawel bait |||l
LOt E iL-AMOt'R —Tr.natatrrt the IWa -(
Uar faro.-u M aetata*. aalW "La taaaa" |1 J6.
. ~ TtawkerorU baaaUfai'y ,Hakad nodtatadka
hat. 5 am c. t mrkro. IN - M rfrrh- rr. ami via b*
•rat BmaS, jmaavr/Ha, ncMjX of ite tartar I*
MiVlison Squnm N. Y.
SY^^^sssss^^iiuW ,v
T rr - rYT AS gtKrr wmii'tbr •■e an na. 1
•ad cxpt-l* Ul aaaae h, MpKFtnc the lalooil * lu
Xarcnfa ova Trubh aowt—nuw.
fa.l<—Br kora jroc rr* Prrnvlan Srraa.
nawbteu frro. J. P. lirSSMOKF.. ITPprvCr.
Xv Ttrr BE, Xtar Tort.
Sold hj Ufocßtfta goocraDy. j
WM FiiofAierici.
Healthful <4inwte, Free Homes, ,
Good Markets. j
•OA U nfirr- Pa ut. La.fl la (bairal .of
11 MMra MtM.nfß, Hata r.:•* I l la. am a
WUc.i Ua ■ :*. Eo - -trial T.rotar teeth. \Hi!, in,
f'ank eed * ißrr j * R eh FkHa f'-mnm a -d We -
" •. rata ftt ta-Mko-d kaa-r l>r lake m aaarfen aa
ataaatl* M f 1 am Eaeja. ad°V>r£* ott ? l lUnoa.. liar.
ao rok IhieaCU ttn UwA fcaro Lata Sutarior la
tfekota. PrMaef taajjutoMMi.aok.kS• aka
warr: io-k -• .**>, t- W #f 'A •••%• T*n<
Cl ldl I B'airarlaa Urad>: XoriLrja JT.aifSc AI
■w].,Hlik a> ear. aar-itrad ftrla fat
No ou. r watavuf Lai a. Itaal >aaaa xSr.aiafio la
•o7.illKßAaadarlba SnUwiluAiefiw
<• aorw I tux. aw lb. rat road, or on. and too
At intCEO
MA I 1A harawkaa nam a I rr t.oip.l p*u.b kam a.
of iidio d L%t>d. and f IWilir* oaUcu
Naai. .batno. k fciMJar. .ad tetania.Ui *t Jt-ir
read Laaada and ("..uNintnenl llomwkad. rl to tt
baah. 1 T7 [
Head for I'Mipklrt oontiloiM tklt ir.foraaattaa.
m.p and tH <u in. Lam. fiMw,
Xorihern Pacific Railroad,
St. PAUL, Mln.n.. or
180 Broxiwy t 3>T. T.
lova and IM' Lulls
Burlington & Mo. River
R. R. Co. ;
OB Ten Tear*' Credit at 6 per Ceat. Intereet. ,
Wo part .f Priartaa) da. for tare jaam, aad Ihaae. ,
on .Tth yarlj Ml paid la fntL
Prafarta i pv fir lfd% d impaoraaaeiaU withia ,
tb > 1 jnit i th'. pooerc.iiA tfroalf.
~SJ; "r.M-Sr,"."- —" ■" - 1 ;
SKStAW!tiaaiKa; O' ta form a oolonj. ara ia, Ld to aak for all Uaaf .
AppV t o'so. B. HAKBf*. Uad Cobud' 1
M* ■■■LiOi.iyif Hilt- TSflj
B, t 4.,•. 1-4 t^
rt 'sJrssr &TS6kas
,tK ufeimM W Dr., *-••► In Ihaaa WMpUMW
jsrinssnu ® *" * u "** •"■*"
JZm.T. MM*. *. • fcjwfcr
- r-. iktt •wM imtmmmuM mmm imm
'•ar luflimmiMrr pR CHww<a ■*•••
•sss; rf rt. p -
ZuJZZi a- Cm rni Vaurtl OcpM,aaA m **■
*Kr % kln DtwuM, Ertpfiatii. Tmm, Sab
38.M W 4M kkM. f •*-*— MM. -
,„ I*4,*! , dee Bp *t-l <""*4 "•* *f l * m ■ •
"(Brlim'Mi' tikimii4<i mmm Vmm** km
iT, wm4mtd t<s-U! dm paw -awe*
fV2ufts TmA- *. H. MHWALO *
On** aiw l>. Ak. B*l Eadu
jriun n rv a' ' r>u <*/•.*•**< *
f-JfJA IJjJhMM l_*l __
t3fl CSHB5 i . s Er®i 8 S
# wU tsj-i 5s KWCS" A'- m
■afr.t® WW. < •
tme rontt u• bt i*ntwr*
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Th Im( „
Hair DreiMng and ffastorar.
*• burn c rri n c o coaine."
Your Oruggiat naa it-
h nnn^^
VI I 1111 '-'
Hmm< WMara. UI X. T.
i. I, Imp MM mi aA *I#IM
Tk* Uwl m Hmim BAiri#4 ik* Wtt*
:gia^i ß^OTjraMfe<#''
Cheap Farms ! Free Homes t
tUMiwrar i
(2,000,000 ACRES
m at
■mi hml#< nrf terr*l Luk U kwtttim.
3,000,000 Acres to Nebraska,
ONTO'W Coy Sklo l
r, •*tk, •*> Hii.i— I* ■*# 1 tkjugy *a, <-•-
WBB% UI. far r< anna-wcal Hkiw* k**b
! *MI k*.r* <n Ura ('tarak brat** ; . . J
ft II. ll^ykn,
•'tMSSS. a.> ■ \
REE AcUsI SrtUm.
THS MR issAnsss yoacHssssa
saltan EntWtal kibratakiiw taw. 1
Fttt hbu tv mcvantt cr lass
Swd tar Mb fcmita **•
f%AJI T** VJ |J '■ * ' l*k £' *t* J " |]( |ji" - 5 t
I>A WUf! bM nwlta* A-Mrara
O. jr. BATZS.
lM cikßiinii >. r. r. <*. m. •*
i bXtPRrs ttwars.
▼SaOrtMt ta *<4* <Mte*tr*ten* tk* jctawal
t(i ij niiftai karkb rral# #rf tarta. *b-I n
ft*f os/tt .d tb 1a *W ik'lliill, raadWtt.
•t*tk* gum mg'ii-HiiWteiillWin
Hgair, Tnra,Omw.l a.r*r<MMlfsw.r,
nrf*gwlu,li*U ULraß.STpliUllll ftlwunl,
Duktr. rll*#n tk* *l*-iA, ilta
s t k Ural rata* km <ww ktaaA talßlli*. In.
flemMMaforjr Had CNMPOOAS JRULoossssAASSR# XMS*
raid*, g**i u4 Mutual t'*nl*llA a* vstf
b* < >e#ii*l raid rtuwi tk* kn
ftatlranuil I rndw *c*imi| tta *u*,
I* alu.
>*Mk**tM4 Klfwkrw. VkuKTuntk** —m
<*i d %n Htaw * |*u*Ml cßra
tar r*lM I* Iki Satk, RM**l (kwtetalk
tenf. r<*M • Wan•■■**. l-l*#irk**.
it tram m. n nl .i.mowt, •■ #Ue m$ IMBB
rd fimral tark nty, VMIBItXE aok- linetir
r ierrv
V*te- * *rra*M ran br*er*l pnwnbß *1
*#A~. otawra. all ol tk* art***. *i ,*mw
Wtlroliitir |ww aam tit* W nwnnbu,
Tk* raw.*.Ul. mrm *Sratral b, VEOKTTXB bara
tatad BU# pkrtel am *ad nwhrnrn Bitaw V*
1 fx'E?,
rriir BLOO
•vcy -v . -
1 Mi s ■ * ~ •
'ni," /"nra.
cr-ici: 77 state st
'l m *--. were * > L- Li e rjii biro MM- UU.ii
tuueed iho> , Dd hare mU< Tktn fr a q tab toe M a
mSa,!*?* CUi ™ * thr3r "* *** ood o, 8
_ The ooukinr orfaearnt attract, ere pure end h..uv
The Sacrir of Lnnon* m mad" from the l> nit ad mt
•h cm not readily i iwure thcfici; trot.
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