The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 07, 1872, Image 2

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    - '"| "•
sy w Y. S£NTHK
Centre Hall, Fa., dune 7., '< -
TIRMS.-Tho H*ro*T*ab published
wswklv at ft per rear, In advance, or -,>*
whan wot paiiFin advance. Fovstx nioni >
half those rates. _ ,
Advertisements sl,lO per n
lines) for three insertion. Adverticm nt
far H, A and tt months, at red...--I rate-
Any parson sending us the name* <i *iv
new snbsoribesr, with etheash, will rc
caive tha KKI-ORTISR one vear lev
The rum of #250,000 was realised
last year by the spongc-gathercra on
tha lower gulf of Florida, so says an
exchange ; but that is cothiug comjutr
d with tha millions that are sucked
ap by the radical sponges at Washing
tos, which arc eoting up tho earnings
f the people.
Boston is to have a great musical
jubilea, this summer, aud is em-ting a
mighty structure in which to hold
it. Singers from ail parts of the
world, nndabtedly will be iu attend
anco. A Boston paper, shaking of the
jubilco, expects the crowd ol visitors
to be so great that the streets wili
hardly be wide enough. The proceed
ings so far augur well for the complete
carrying out of the colossal pro
gramme. Mme. Leulner, of lasipsic,
a celebrated German prima donna;
the Grenadier's Guard Hand, from
London ; the Korai Prussian Band*
from Berlin ; the Garde llepublicaiue
Band from Parts; Johann Straus? ami
bis famous Vienda orchestra, and the
Irish Constabulary Band, will shortly
atari from Europe to take part in the
jubilee. The coliseum is rapidly ap
proarhing compleiioa, aud tlie chorus
will uadoubtodlv be twenty thousand
Our BUte Ticket.
The democratic -tale convention, which
assembled at Heading, on Ukh ult., placed
In nomination for governor, lion, t'ha*.
R Buckaiew, a standard bearer of whom
every democrat in this commonwealth
may well foel proud. slr. Buckalew is
one of tba noblo men of cur country, o*
whom too few, It is -ad to **>" now -a da> s.
•ccupy the tigh and important position
i* the land which, for the welfare of the
aaaie, tbusy should occupy, to the total
exclusion of the brainless tra-h and rogue
who, by trick and scheme, have gained in
to place and power, aud are -lianu fully
plundering the people and bringing (he
American nation into discredit.
la Charles K. Buckaiew, tho democra
cy •< Pennsylvania have a sound and able
statesman—a elr< im ca a did air, who never
war an league with tbe rings, bat always
the terror of the political jobber* and
thieves, whoso sol* aim is to fatten at the
public crib. We repeat, we have a
cfctiu candidate ; lor Mr ltuekalew, dur
ing taany y oar# he has so nobly and faith
fully served ttt important petitions never
could b aecw-od of venality and eorru |>-
tion—honest, pare, upright,'and devoted
to the welfare of the masse-, gained, as be
deserted tbe re-pact ot his political in
cmios, and such purity and integrity can
iwt be overwhelmingly elected o?or that
prince of jobbers land implement of
rings, John F. Hartrarft, who is the
nominee of Came(ua and his gang of
thieves, then the peoplo of this great com
monwealth show little appreciation oftrue
and ability, and should not
complain that ycnality and corruption fill
all the placva that should be tilled by
the honest and the virtuous.
Mr. Buckalew Las filled several itupor-
Unl positions. Some fifteen years ago he
was a member of the state senate, where
his sound judgment and abilities at once
attracted attention,mod gave him a national
reputation. He was afterwards appointed
by President Buchanan, a* minister to
Peru, which mission he filled with great
credit. After his return from South
America, he was elected to the United
State* Senate, for a term of sis year* ; here
again he distinguished himself; as a states
man, and serred out his term without a
blemish upon bis record, and leaving a va
cancy in that body which has not since
been filled—-the worth, the sound, safe
judgment, the unselfish patriot, tfco man
who bad dignity which lifted him far
above the tricking, scheeming politician
is not to be found there, either jn Simon
Cameron or John Scott. Mr. Buckalew,
two year* ago, was again elected to the
•tale senate, where his devotion te the
fmblic good, and bis opposition to all cor
rupt legislation have endeared him to the
people as one of their noblest champions.
He did not wish the nomination for gover
ns, as we remarked in the KEPO&TEB
three weeks ago, but the interests of the
state demanded him, and the people
pointed to him, and he yielded—and at 1
Beading, last week, he was nominated.
Democrats, buckle on your armor—!
great and good man is your leader. Let j
us all go to work with a will for the eke -1
lion of Charles K. Buckalew, and the de- '
feat oI the Cameron ring candidate, Hart- j
tmnft, whosecomipl practice* bare brought
dew* upon him the apposition of the ban- j
est men of his own party. The democm-i
are united and enthusiastic over the
lamination of Buck a!**-, became of his
purity ; the radical arc divided on Hart- j
ranft, becau.-o he is notoriously corrupt.
The duty of every honest citizen, as be
tween these two men, is plain.
The Beading convention did its work
Bohly; never did a convention of the
democracy of Pennsylvania better deserve
the thanks of the party and of every other
good citienn, tor doing good work, than
the one held atTteading lat week ; and
•vory democrat rejoice* over, nnd i* proud
ofthogood, pure and upright men placed
in nomination by it, for stale officer,, con
gressmen at large, members t constitu
tional convention, Ac. What a contrast
between our nominees and those upon the \
Ciaiical Vcket J Lot honest republicans
place the name* upon each ticket, tide by
side, and their lamest conviction* will be
that the democratic ticket deserve* the
support of every citizen of the KeynUne
state. Our ticket cannot he-lp hut win.
Democrat*, to work, victotrj is certain.
H MiOrt republicans duty calls yau to the
support <sf the democratic ticket.
Our ffenirl democratic friend, Ed Perks,
of PhiLipsburg, will represent this emigres
tional district in the Baltimore convention.
His bat is inclined to slouchy white, ud
no ape daro knock it off. Perks .is for
smashing the Grant concern without be
ing particular as to .the timber of liis club.
The treaty, between our government
and that of England which the Ala
bama claims were to be settled, is dead,
and the Grant administration, after all its
bluster about making England pay conse
quential claims, has completely cowed be
fore the British lion, backed down to the
disgrace of our country. England has
withdrawn from the GeneTa conference, at
which.these troubles were to bate been
adjusted) and the amendments to the sup
plemental article, a few days ago, offered
by Grant and tbe senate, have not been
accepted by Etgland and ;the arbitration
has about ended.
lfw let's see what Grant will do about It.
Bah, wW.J n wo have atJWa .hing
ion, and the people will #o#n he a-kc.l im
J i-tWs t Grant!
Trntli Well Spoken.
Tho Fit tahurg Gur.eUe, after •
terienoo extending Almost a century,
has this to Bay on tbis subject: Does
it ever lor an instant occur V> the busi
ness man thai it in his solemn duty to
support the !ocu) pros* of his weigh
bornood ? What is it but the well
conducted newspaper that tnnkes his
city cr town ? I'lutl constantly and
gratuitously advertises it to the world
as a place of interest or importance ?
That daily or weekly makes known to
the whole earth the simple fact that
such a place as where he strives to
tuako a livlihood has existence in the
atlas? It is the local paper. Now,
wo venture to say that not oue-tenth
part of the business pevplc ol any Icily
in the country spend any money m the
way of judicious advertising. True,
they take the paper, but it is not be
en use they feci any duty devolving
upon them to award its support.
Their subscriptions are mensurenbly ol
uo account. If advertisements were
not given by others, the paper would
cease to live, despite the j vompt pay
-1 merit of subscribers. Show us a local
1 paper well fillet! with live advertise
-1 menu and we wdlst once taktutock in
, the enterprise and busituss tact #1 the
i |ioople who live where the journal is
published. The outside world judges
5 mre of the place by the uawspaper it
* publishes than troiu any olhct sign,
i it is therefore a matter of great mo
ment that the local journal of the city,
town and village, should bo well sup
f ported, for it, above all other things,
" contributes to tho general prosperity.
a A l\irtUil Hill— ll'Ao i* Ercepted and
I'l who /Wifcol,
The act to remove political tliabilt
ties, missed by congress on \\ e.!n l*y
provide*"that nil political disabilities
imposed by the third section of the
fourteenth article of the amendment to
the constitution of the United States
arc hereby removed from uli persous
w bomaoever, ox cent senators and rej>-
rescntativea of the XXX\ Ith and
XXXVIIth congresses, and officers in
the judicial, military and naval servi
ces of the United States, heads of tie
parttueuU, and foreign ministers of the
United States." The number relieve 1
bv this act will probably reach 150-
000. There arc yet from 400 to >OO
persons in the south still under disa
bilities. Among them are ex-senators
('lav and Fitxpatrick, of Alabama;
Robert W Johuaon, of Arkansas; Yu
lec and Mallory, of Florida ; Iverson
and Toorubs of Georgia; Benjamin, of
Louisiana, now a citiaeu of Great Brit
ain j Jefferson Davis and Albert G
Brown, of Mississippi; l'olk, of Mis
souri; Chestnut, of South Carolina ;
Nicholson, of Tennessee; NV igfail, of
Texas: Hunter, of Virginia, and the
following named ex members of the
house of representatives; Pngh and
Curry, of Alabama; Bust, of Arkan
sas; Scott, of California ; Hawkins, ol
Florida; M J Crawford and Jacksen.
of Georgia; 1-auiar, dingle ton. and
M'Kae, of Mississippi; Smith and Van
ce, of North Carolina; Miles
Bon ham and Boyce, of South Carolina
lieagau, of Texas ; DeJarnette, Pry
or, Bocook, Lenke, Smith and Bold
er, of Virginia. Judges John t \ * ®P*
bell, of Alabama, and Waljrburton and
Brockenbough, of Virginia. Jacob
Thompson, of Mississipi; Governor V
A Graham of North Corolina ; C M
Conrad, of Alabama ; Henry Ii Jack-
SOD, Georgia, and Gouerul \V Preston
of Kentucky, are also among the ex
ceptions, and others. The exception
of the XXXVilth congress was made
expressly to include General John C
Among the officers of the aria v and
navy who resigned to go into rebellion,
the exceptions ioclud* General Sam
uel Cooper, Joseph Jonstou, Beaure
gard, Bargg, S Jones, Hardee, Pembcr.-
ton, G W Smith, Hood, S I) Lee, Lo
vclJ, D J Hill B S £ well, J A Early,
G W Custia Lee, Dabney |I Maury,
Fitxhugh Lee, Colonels Ii B Leo, £ar
irin. Smith, L B Northrop, Myers and
others. Captain Semmceof Alabama-
Pof. M F Maury, Captain Brooke, in
ventor of the Brooke gun, arc the most
noted exceptions among ex-navy offi
The folly of retaining these esc. p-:
tions, i* exhibited by a glance at the*
number and character of the persons
who are relieved. These embrace not
only many of the most active advo
cates of secession, but also some who !
since the war have been persistent j
'"Bourbons," and in one or more case?
persons who disdain a pardon. Of
this class we notice A H Stephens, of
Georgia ; Henry A Wise, of Virginia ;
General Forest, of Tennessee; Govern
or liCtcher, of Virginia ; General W !
Hampton,of South Carolina; Hon. B !
| Hill, of Georgia ; Herschel V John-!
| son of Georgia ; K B flhett, of South !
Carolina : James A Seddon, of Virgin-1
ia •, L P Walker, of Alabama Robert
W Barnwell, of "south Carolina ; Col. j
G A Henry, of Tennessee; Hon Allen
T Carpenter, of West Virginia, Con- j
federate senator; Lyon, Chilton and j
Ilargan, of Alabama; A W Garland,;
of Arkansas; A R Wright, ofGeorgia: I
•1 W Moor, of Kentucky , Duncan F !
Kennt r and John Perkins, jr., of Lou-}
I ana ; £ Barksdalc, of Mi*issi|>pi; 11
II Brigers, of North Carolina ; Henry ,
S Foote, M P Gentry, G W Jones and j
J V Wright, of Tennessee ; James Ly- i
on*. John Good, jr., J I* Holromhe,
John li Baldwin, Walter It Staples,)
Fayette M'Mullin, of Virginia; Chas. ! j
G Metmuinger, of South Carolina ; G !
A Treuholm, of Sooth Carolina ; Hon. j
Thos. 11 Watts, of Alabama, George j'
Da vis, of North Carolina ; ex-Govern- 1
or P H Bell, of North Carolina ; L K i
1 Harvie, of Virginia; Messrs A I
- Dickinson, Charles Bruce, W \\
- Crump cud other ex-members of tin
t Virginia legislature. All the mem
' hers of the secession convention at th<
• south arc relieved, save a very fev
who may be embraced under "othei
head?, and thia fact, added to the fore
going list of persona relieved, allow
1 plainly how indviioua i the dintiuc
lion made by thia law between differ
eut classes and individuals of the late
confederacy. When such as Ilolwri
Barnwell Khett, ex-Governor Wise
and Alexander II Stephens nre reliev
ed of their disabilities, it is hard to see
why others still linger under disquali
fications for even the humblest local
office, who fullv accept the results of
the war as set forth in the-Cincinnati
platform. The extension of amnesty
to 150,000 persons is claimed as a tri
umph for Greeley, and one of the good
results of the Cincinnati convmtion.
The Itndical Hot It oral ion :
That old white hat, subject to the de
cision of Ac.
The Bayonet
Tim \V nthintliin Vlri"t indulg. - in
iLe following gratulslfons over tin
o' the Bayonet bill Bud the S.n-tal K.piali
ty in the It . use, n (V=w ili,V aie 1 ' very
honest man will rejoice with u in thi*
glorious triumph "'W tytnnny and negro
tuioni equality ;
The counts? hn- ores-ton l-r exceeding
joy since one of the most wicked and dsn
porous scheme* f r the subversion <1 pop
ular rights has been emphatic*,!) delr.i'.od
in the li ui-e of it* f. ritier friends. the Kit-
Klu\ hill 1* (lead for this * >Un, and *'*ll
not be resurrected. It gee* t a dishoa*
Set grave without r. peel or reft rot, t \eept
on the part of desperate demagogues, wh>
hoped to make ihl inlfou* law a weap
on of new oppre*i u and outrage to ttio
Southern people in ike approaching I'res
idontial sleet ion. The nsck of the South
in now out of the ludlor. It breaths* again
freely. Let u bo grateful, and |><.estnl
| in this day of triumph.
Mr. Poland, who was Instructed by the
Ku-Kluv tVuun.itlee to report u hill simi
lar to that of ihe Sell atA now on the Spt-t.k-
lahte, pn-p.*.-.! T.i e-i the sense to tha
latter. Two-third* worn required to *u>-
pend the rule*, but in*tead ot mustering
that strength, a mtjority of fourteen record-
ad thcmsalve* S|f*!n>t it! A number of
Republican* contributed t>> thi* remit, for
which service we gladly reader them all
honor. Their position U fur more credit
able than thut of the del indent Demo
crat- who failed to answer at thi* rruirl*!
The .K-il cjuality bill r tho Senate
failed also, although a Hiajority wa* re
enrded in it- favor. And a similar fate at
teu Vd tho rnforeemer,*. 'ill, fbr ap|H>int
ing Federal inspector# at all tho election
preciucU inthe Tailed State*. It u hard.
l_\ either of thsae vote* can
be reverse.! But in order to make ***ur
ance doubly ure, every D* inocral aut
act a* it the responsibility devolve.l
on him persenally. and be prepared for
any sacrifice that duty may demand.
In eleven lons and dreary year* of trial,
privation, and p*r!i*ri tyranny there ha*
been no such day's work a* that which it
is our heartfelt pleasure to record. The
hour of deliverance beftiu* to dawn, and
the chaines of bondage srs dropping *-
sunder. Bight is at lat asserting it* just
autherity, %nd rca-oii i again heard in the
chamber* where pas-ion and power have
ruled with undi>|>ule*l way Million* of
; men s'.rlckuii with sorrow, puUied with op-
I pressioa, and e\i! J from the fraternity
; for honest heart* yearn, will humbly
| thank tlod for thete glad tiding*, and wel
come the return to paaeo and good will.
Wendell Philips on the Uamimge
Again—Greeley Another -Amiy
Johnson —A Horrible Secession I'lot.
Wendell Philips has written the fol
lowing letter to S. P. I'ummings, u la
bor-reform politician, on the |>o!ilical
situation. It is characteristic :
You know I in neither a Republi
can ncr a Grant man. \\ horn I shall
vote at all, Ido not know. But cer
tainly ns against Greeley lam for
Grant. We have bal one Andy
Johnson ; I will not rut; the risk in
getting another iu Horace Greeley.
I want a man with some decided prin
• ciplca. Greeley never had any. Be
sides, I consider Greeley a secession
candidate. I believe the plat to nom
inate hini was hatched by Southern
white relu ls more than a year ago,
and lias lioen mainly nursed by tlu-ni.
I advise any one who means to vote
for him to lin.l out* first what agree
ments have been made by Mr. Greeley's
friend? with Jeff Davis and his staff
as to office and patronage. lam per
fectly certain that there is a distinct
inutal understanding, if not a iwistivc
contract between them. It" Horace
Greeley tutors the White i/ouse, Jetl
Day is will be as truly part of the ad
ministraton a* .Seward uas in Ein
, coin's day. No negro can vote for
• Greeley who values his life or proper
ty or cares for his race. Ii", by a frown
of Urovidence, he is elected (shall ad
vise every riuullicm loyalist (o load
' j the revolvers that Grant's arrest of
North Carolina Ku-Klux has allowtt)
bo laid aside. 1/ he is elected, let the
negroes live in squad# pf fifty, whom
uo cowarJ will uareshoot down, and
show no propel ty after sunset. Ix>nc-
Iv men will In? shot and no black will
onii > male forty-eight hours it any
rebel knows the fact.
As for Adams, I do not fear him—
an aristocrat by birth and a democrat
from pervcrsetiees —the love of money
makes such a union possible. Ho is a
Democrat, but afraid to confess his
creed or wear its uniform. If any
party allows him to lead it, he will
lead it to its grave, as all the Adamses
have done. Old John Adam's vanity,
bigotry, and hate of Hamilton put the
Federal party into its tomb. John
Quiney Adam's administration was
the death-blow of tho Whig party,
then called Be publicans. Tho light
which gilds the Adamses is that
of sunset. They insure defeat.
Chatham said Sir William Young's
voice was the death knell of his coun
i try. The breath of nil Adam's fume
has the cftill of tho charnel-house in it-
Let Ihem nurse their money hags, like
timid misers, and allow holder and
more unselfish men, whose foreheads
are lit by the ri'iig snn, to help the
world forward, undisturbed by their
greedy ambition or their querulous
crotchets. For a loyul administration
to protect the negro, nwc tho rebel,
and give the working-man a chance,
Grant's little finger is worth a baker's
dozen of Greolcys.
• -V ' ♦-♦* #• • ■
Paris, May 21. —Tl.o Gaulnis pub
lishes a letter from the Emperor Na
poleon, tinted Chisel hurst, May 12,
and addressed to the generals com
mandants of the French army. In
this communication the Emperor
makes the following acknowledge
ment :
I am responsible for Sedan. The
iarmy fought heroically with an army
double its strength After 14,000
had been killed or wounded I saw the
contest was merely ono of desperation.
I The army's honor having been saver!
1 exercised my sovereign right and
j unfurled the flag of truce. It was im
' possible that the immolation of (50,000
I men could save Frame. I obeyed a
j cruel, inexorable necessity. My heart i
wag broken but nty conscicuco was
• ♦
The rad convention met at I'hilad.
on Wednesday, Grunt was nominated,
of course.
James Gordon Denuctt, of the N. Y.
Herald, died on Ist inst.
In the Senate, lost Friday, Sumner
gave Grant a scathing overhauling,
to which the Gruiititcs found it ne
cessary to appoint two senators, Car
penter and Conkling, to reply. In
our next we will print Sumner's spot eh.
For Greeley and Ilrow n
New Orlenos, May 29.—A wonder
ful change in the complextun of the
(straight out) republican convention in
the last few hours. The president and
three-fourths of the mcmners have be
come adherents of Waruiouth and sup
porters of Greeley and Brown.
The Ftate of Michigan has adopted ;
what is known as the Ohio liquor law,
and under its operatiou the friends of j
tctnpcl nitre sei tti ili lri mini >1 l<> pros*
the li<|uor n lit r to ( tip lit iiioft ex
trvio ly. A e:i>o wlii< !> hnajutt been
11 ioI in tho conm of (hut Statu sltuw*
tlio i iliourv of (Im law , It scrtna that
a Mm. Klin Walker, u resi.ltnt of
M;son, in nllliclitl with an iuteinper
uto husband, nlto neglect* bin family
and instead of contributing to ilicir
•uppoit, rolw Iter when bo can of her
hsiiil earnings, nn.l in other way* niul-
Ireatl lor. When sober lie win n
ginnl himtuiiul niul a quiet industiiuna
man. She litta olteu, hut in vain, U--
m.ught the t utn seller in that tonn,
not in 10l him have anv li.jnor, ami us
a but revolt, living advised to do o
bv tbo Icuijk runce men, she ha* aural
him for llm damage* resulting from
the liquor he sold her huslutnd. The
cane was 11 led before n jury, and a ver
dicl rendered, giving #H.O damugea,
which luuit, Ik> paid to her by the
iuni-sel'er, lu ©onaequeitcts ot that
favorable verdict, aevrral ate in prog
ica* in the tow n of Mason, and there
is n fair pros) met that before long the
iuiu traffic will be entirely broken ui
in dint place.
Slcrin-s Sale
By viituu ..f sundry writ* of venditioni
• *|.lias levari lacia* issuetl out ot the
Court of Coinmoii Pleas of Centre count v.
and (• me directed will be C*|a.el to pub
lic vale, at the Court House, in Hellrhinte,
011 tin- 16th day of June, A D , 1972, the
following property to wit
All that certain lot of ground situate >ll
the borough of Itellefonte, Centre county,
Pa , bounded on eal by - --street, on south
by blgli slr.-el, west by 1.4 of C M t afler
ly, and on the north by lot of Ml*. Anner,
and an alley containing 1 ol an acre more
or less thereon erected a large 2story dw oil
ing house, stable and other outbuildings.
Also all the right title and interest of de
fendant in mul to a!) that Certain trwet or
piece of laud situate in Hogg* twp , bound
ed on the north bv land ot David Lucas,
et al on the east by land of John Neiman,
on south by land of Milton Neintati. con
taining 81 acre* or thereabout* -40 acre*
cleared, thereon erected a dwelling house,
barn and oilier outbuildings . v ei*od. Ink
v-n in riri ution and to be sold a* the prop
erty of A Sternberg.
All that certain messuage tenement ami
lot of ground, situate in the borough of
Uellcfonto, known a* the old. Masonic
Lodge property, ami in the general plan
of said Boro., a* lot No. 57, bounded->n
the north by Pike alley, <n the east by
Penn street, on the ssulli by High street,
and on the west by lot on which the old
Centre county prison erected, being the
-aute which Jolui D. Wtngui", and Cath
arine. hi* wife, by deed bearing data 22nd
March, 1868, recorded in d-ed book, page
399, together with a large 2 story house,
stable and other outbuildings thereon
erected. SetJed, taken in rxeeiitioii and to
be sold its the property of A\ Sternberg
A LSI) ;
All that certain tenement or piece of
land situate in ILnuer twp., or the borm.
of Bellefente. beginning at a post < n the
seuth-we>t corner of Kit of Jonathan Mill
or thence along the line of said lot south
11 deg , east 2UU feet, to a post, thence east !
39 degree* along Uu linn of Jonathan Mill
er s lot, 60 feet to a post, thonea south 41
degree* :tUI feet to a post shenea by land ot
Reuben Valentino south 65 dog., west lUU '
feel to a pvwt thence north 41 deg., west st* i
feet to post thence north 39 .leg , east along |
the north ride of the road leading from
Bcllcfente to Roojwburg to the placo of!
beginning, containing about one acre, j
thereon erected a two stor ( v plank frame j
dwelling bouse ar.d outbuilding*. Soiled, j
1 taken In cjeeutiop. _at;d to be old as the ]
property of John W. Cataobell,
All th*e it veral trart* of laud sltuateJ '
in Ferguovn twp. Centre county. Pa. Due
thereof bounded on the North, by land ol
Wm. M Lyon et, al. on the oil bv land
of liouta, on the south by land of John
Brett and on the west by laml of L>.jc a
A mo* Harper pt ul potitai"'ng >'i.p hun
dred and ten acre* tuorc or lv*s. thercn
erected a house and bam. and having
about 70acr-s cleared. Another thereof,
all that certain lot of ground situated in
Pine Grove. Centre Co , bounded on the
north by a lot of G. Ard, east by lot "t I".
. Lytic, south byptl' lie road, ami we I by
lot of Parsonage, belonging to Sl John
Lutheran '-ongrecation 4 Pr e ' roye
Mill*, containingalbut J > i ;u n. rv.then
on crdeted a house and stable An >ther
thereof, situated Iti Ferguson twp.,
ed on the north by lands of H. Snyder
cast l>v land ot D. Ros*. south by land of
T. F. I'atton, and west by land* of J 11.
Mitchell, containing 4> acres all clear
thcruot, situated in ♦erguson
twp.. Is buuttilud "n tha north by lands of
It. Ross, east by lands ot 1> H,u. D. Eek
als, and other*, south by land of Moses
Thompson, and otliers. and sol by land
of T F Patton, eonuining 4tt acres, about
;a acres clear, and having thcreeu erectevt
, a tw story Uamo uwalbuii houe. barn,
and other out building' Htuaod, taken in
execution, and to be*,d,l as the property <f
John Archey.
All that certain lower lot numbered and
designated a* lot No. s 111 general plot of
Sloyjstow n, as recorde<l al Hoi let onto in
Misellattcous book, and being the same
premises now occupied by B. •**. Craine, in
Rush twp.. Centre county, bounded by
lot No. and by C dhoun street, Cass street,
and tjratit ttreo! thereon erectod a two
story dwHing |ionsa. and out buildings.
Seixml, taken m execution, and to ho sold
as the property of B. 84. Cruino.
A certain lot ol ground situated in Rush
twp., Centre county, bounded on the north
by lot of T. Robtson, east by Clearfield and
Philipjburg Turnpike road, south by lot of
C , west by lot J I)a*id Loaan, and
extending along th turnpike SO Feet, and
100 feel deep containing 4 acre, thereon
erected a two story dwelling house. Beiaed,
taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Honry lloffman.
Sale to commence at on* o'clock ol said
day, _
D. \y. Woopntao. Ntieritf.
C BollofoiUi Pt. f p
.j iSuc< o.Mori to Irwik kNN ii*ao>!.,) >
H Respectfully iHiwr.n the wiU*eiu of £
Centre and otlior counlict, tnt they *
have one of the largest and bo*t " 2
lectcd stock of Hardwaretobe found,
• consisting of Iron, Steel, hails,
J Home Shoe*. Axel*. Spnnfl Wsflun •
Skein* and Box©*, Complete stock ol
carpenter tool* and builder. hard- <~j
•Z ware, l<ck. oils, paint., K la*.., var- £
~, bnj.het, pucumber juimp.and £
tubing. Lamps af at! ktti'i*. scalcw.
cutlery, je
Full line of saddlery and coach ma
ker. flood., wood work for buflflics
_ n<l wnflon-. plouflhi, harrow*, culti
zj valor, and grindstone*. I<ookinfl H
JJ klhs.cs and mirror plates. 1 icturc ~
- frame* made to order. They nl<-
2 have the celebrated cook stove, -
•ti every one warranted to give perfect
H satisfaction All kind* of parlor H
stove. We are dotejminod to cll c
Z *t the lowest price, for cash, or on B
£ short credit not to exceed three ~
.month*. Call and tec u. a* we take
5 pleasure in howingour goo<l Q
> marlStf. Bollefbntc, Pa.
? >
t£ X
< 2
a _ H
I have for walo n much larger
stock of
this season than heretofore.
12000 Hoiks just received front New
Priees Ranging from
9cts. to $1 per Bolt-
mar22.3nt. Milrnj-, Pa
Jusl Arrived.
Just Arrived.
Call and See
Call and See
of New
Come and Itar
lull and complete.
Dry (iooiU, (iimerica, No
lions, Hardware, Keudv-ooide
Clothing, and thousand* of
otbt-r article*
bsivbi aitvu, 11**1 lit puraiue u t mu mc l ul AmMul>!)
UM llllt Uj ol J una, tU. A I* . mUUm, "Am
A.I I,' Auirml *l* Act ansl4Ußi I <*• o( MtllliMf i
UbMlll I*3**l* 111 t dttllv * -Hlhl}," *ut| Xh9 *•*•#*] Mil
plm#tiU IbaifUi U*<*l Will Ihi vtiaiMd Uj |M*Dll* **le
ui uwt rr).iblulluiaiii4 U*.l* ol UUMMI*! UimUih
Mill voMttll. Iu Ik* Ult-I slue *ud UUl** I*l laetWMl *1
Ik* IWI H*wW 111 Ik* liftfuugb vf hallcluoU, utt Ike
MMAdtvl Mvtt.Uy belli* lb* Ulit ul Jutte. A l> .If l
IWtuicr ti.wiisiiip.
Atre*. urr. umrrantrr ntimrt. tusm.
tow ail ii|i.
iJ3 ... . ICI ... ..TlWwiol laWM . t*
.... WUis*U*s lIfAJ
- " iVmM I'fMMIVW* ** **
•• * Jvi*lt**i* llervvy U lo
" ... k V. Attvi(e* NiuhUIVM t* *4
\M ... ..... I*** kef f l**o*e II
JOD . I* Alt Kuhttn .. 4
4liS 143 ... t.elitsufb 44
49 Ik Ilrg6fl Hulk#* T W
kb 111 Jubbl mkraii 6 U
4ki 8k HUlkut* UttMwl * 14'
4111 .. 1 liua*rl T S3
AM . , tnitill 3!*s3(lin S3 ,
m... m M
49 .Uj U*kwl Kee** * *>
iw* M J* K*** - - I
ti u •
Ul IP Jubtt Ntfwrfl 14 i
A4 . tt iUW** 14 14
ill , Hm.. Gwffc Mt< bUMIi4B ........ 4 I
v.. \m J*wbWfiM * " j
4IA Jublt Mtt|ef .. !• ST I
413 161 Abfiti Wim m j
41* 4* Wiiikw H*d SA to j
lv* .. JiAtt Hfl'l'Wr ... I U
lik .. .... fwlff 4 lA*♦ u ki ;
19 14! ... JwtklVb llirtp) 14 **
4ii.,;: ... Mu#*ft<*4 ........ li a
1 ItS ... An#* lsr*ll .... 4
! **, N*lh*6iit iktk 4 Ik*
Ik' klniimwfl 15*%1* " **
... r.t*t mh< - -
ik* liAMi'l blllw* " *•
Ik Wi b**tolii * *
9k> k**wel
94*13- ... Jubti Frit* " *'
lk .. WM WlUf 1 *
1 4 lUl'trt Nhw I
ta ffllnuva If*
J|;;; 4. . * *
V .. W Uarl * as
ITS 1* Juhu I'S!B . " "
aw J.J*I *t<"larr "
I It*.. Us 17 tsa. ... *"
\ lis . 11l JssMlanui ...... ~
! IS . Jass Hnli
' as Num. K.s.,
lue WUlwml*e " "
1 n to u 1. JtsTj
j Ww JUi, llir,
I*o Wsa Kclsi
1:* 9! * i wess
as M of Faw % U
IV,, WlUptaWiU-a • W
Uurnsiik' lotviiship.
4 '.3.,.12"......... Robert Gray" ....
William 1 lew art 3034
" ...'* Tower*
" ... " .William Gray "
" ... " .Jubn I ti-wart............ " "
115 Jobn V*
'412.,, J* Ulitk 1961
415 J"> J Wallace
433... 12U William Uook - " "
" .13) John Uowden. 3U34
'* _ " Wm P Brady - "
" Henry Shaoler
" M John Houscl " "
" _ " .........John Lyon " "
" . " „Cbarb* Gotf '
" • • John Brady...' - '' "
- " John Hold " "
" Henry Donnelly " "
" .180 K-'bcrt Rr t' v "
" _I2U John Donm-fly " "
i of
•68. . 92 Wal'er S| t .jgri, V 4tl
i 4
IJU... U8 .Paul Co* ""
13J —John \ aughn 1 94
! 4 of
!(•> .. 83 Jeremiah Parker 2 si
483.. .153 John Irvin.. *< -4
' ... tfuilt Ktrrtn."
" ... " Teuch Franci*.—— 26 ! .6
George Harrison.. - " "
" ... " John Nicholson " "
*' ... " Mathcw Irvin 18-4*
George Mendc ...- 32 '.V'l
413..." Charlc PcU;: *4 7
441., P< arson 11 uhi 32'.G
*' ... " ...George McClatiahan.„ " "
" ... " Polly Mt Clanahan - "
" ... " Vinlrew M< Ciaiiahan..
".. Franeis J.d.ntloii 24 ("•"
WilliamM, Phcr*on._ 46 •'*)
BTV...I'JU .. „„,Willigtn Bctl 222
'433 .I*l Chark Siewait 24 f?
" ...13i1... t John Donaldson
' MuhtalOHritui J409
28.1 Andrew IVttit ..-. 2170
397 David Lewis IMfiti
4io J-hr. Shyn 19 6*l
355 Richard Wain l7 97
41 los Wain 19 49
"... John Ritrron I 9 60
433 EliCaiiby 13)33
" ...108 John Rugg - " "
41 - Mollio wharton l7 50
50 Unknown lO 14
210...1 CC..— Jerc Parker
140 —of Henry HnrH* J'od
JUO —Miehial O'Brien .706
130 —.David Lotto* ***ol
433...153 —Wm Bibghktn. 20 34
"... " John Barclay.. " "
388 96 Ja* Hall 36 40
76 Unknown 2)15
300 Franci* Gurney 4 70
40 Unknown 1 84
100 of Henry llnrri* 2 35
140 do do 3 29
43J 168 Pbatlc* Halt .3 5v
" lul Samuel Kwing 681
" '• Alexander FuTlcrton " "
" „ Robert Gray ""
" Thoma* Grant
Washington Hall
302 100 Surah Hall 474
4'A) 114 SamualU Hall 662
433 151 William Gray Cgl
419 140 John E Hall 658
433 151 Thomas Hamilton npl
.Jeremiah Jack*ori
424 128 Francis Johnston
433 161 Daniel Reeo
~ " Thomas Rec*o
410 " Joseph Wallace 641
415 Jesse Wain 19.50
4)W 151 George W Hall 681
" " Nancy Ilall
" " William Brady 683
•' " John Brady
' " John Barron Jr ""
429 "William I)nvi*on 6 76
408 V 5 James Davison 642
404 John Davison 631
448 . Robt Davison 706
43.1 1.51 William Davison Jr 097
" " William itwing 681
" " J nines S Kwing
" " John Kwing
Haiuiiih Kwing
" " Job" Kwing Jr "
433 " Anna Kwing 6;C
Curlia luwaahiji.
483... 103 Tho P Hale 55 CI
"...153 Garrot Cotlinger 17 Of
424... 80 Thos 1 Wharton 50 01
41|. Joia!i Haines - 28 tt'
2071 of Kobt Annesly - 38 14
41 John MeCallcy 18 2i
" Charles Allen 46 5£
2071 Caleb Launs 16 86
" „ Inane Longitrclh 20 21
41 los Taylor 66 00
448... 99 Andrew Kpplu 1320
392... 8 Kobt lrvin 82 4i
439... 138 N L A twood 84 66
300... 19 N L Atwood 23 111
304... 4 Job W Packer 20 40
159... 32 Job W Pucker II 1(1
;68... 98 lob W Packer 13 20
433... 163 Fishburn Wharton... CO 00
194... 85 John C llyleman 16 95
415 Peter llahn 69 40
" ....Susen llnhn 29 70
'• Jos Thomas 36 79
" Jae Wahln 36 79
" Nathaniel Levy Ho 69
" Thomas Humphries... 85 80
" .. Robert Gray 36 62
" William Gray 37 29
401 „ William Ynrdluy...... 16 28
376 eumuel Haird 4690
115 Richard Tunis 2X93
300 N L Atwood 6 88
2071.. ltobt Annesley 32 48
380j.. Jos Kelso 62 71
337 Lindly Coute 35 31
416 William Gilbert 6913
2071 1 of Caleb Lacus 15 38
2071 lof Iano Longstrcth. 16 04
4:13... 108 James White 59 73
433... 168 Abijoh Davis 2900
433...162 Joseph Highcc 24 90
416 lesse llrooKs 72 6(1
431... 137 Mnrtha Godfrey 49 68
I<\) of Peter Smith ~... 825
1CC...142 Mary Lane 9 92
396... 196 ...Jos Kelso 8107
10 Paul Hurt in 10 11
It; I. u Hull 44 On
i'.; ioa. 'rboinu> fliti*., 20 4'.i
I !:i II Smou.-I S. 14 80
398 Ml lUberi Irwin 17 00
vi*' Joint Palmer... |:| 'J'i
t'JI IN I'lilll|i Meyers '/•'J*
I If. Hilneoll Meyers..., 1100
4^1... 41* Valentine Meyer* 17 17
4"JO " ...Mt< hael Meyer* 10 2'.
11 '• ......... Esther Ktldy ........... M 47 61
"... .........Carper Wisltir 20 4o
'Jm...120,... David Catrcaddra.... '.''.a'
3|8... 4.. d' l ......... 715
300 27 do 14 tw
401. William Vardy 16 If
■l7ft, Haiiiuel Itiiinl #0 00
35 Ilenry Domiel.... .. ~ 2 (II
till Mary "J" 11 in i*i ........... 33 (■"
l>i Ilia Ttooiia* M< Kwin 1624
M 14 Cline (juigtvy 170
It* ■' Mil 111 I'll I.e. ell 4 4"
4I& 111. load Tout* HW)
2H> ioa Kidiburii Wharton.... 1001
.'* I W.V 1.4 I'm her 62*
I *of
4 14 Jul. Wi'a. lur 3 07
434 Win I' Mitihell 0 36
4 ~f
4 •(. do ...... 5 8?
i of
220 do ....... 2 70
4 of
431 ......... J. >eph Dcvling 6 61
4 of
826. Job W I'aeker 4 06
I of
300 Jfio I* Mil. hell 41
434 .....Kithburn Wharton.... 023
4 of
63 dim Outglcv H6
141 1 W l a. k. r 632
201... 81, 4'liarle* Hurra IM \*4,
'* ... " Mxrtlni Godfrey 17 0*
"... " ...John Meyers ...... 17 0*
04 12 John Curtiu. 746
71. .181 ltulaud C'urtin - 6*6
160. 142 Haral. l.aue 12 32
, i'*> Jno W Godfrey 20 67
IHB Win I' Itrady 1661
liai lto hard Tuni* 7 (d
•JUI .............. Olill
144 J W I'aeker 616
■ 4 71.. 160 Samuel Siott II 44
Ferguson Township.
I'i2 .116 tii-i-rge Kohlniyer 320"
136...127 Jim Harnett... 804
823 John Anderson 2 6*
116 . 03 George Nice 2001
200 Jacob Lite - *179
222... 14 I'oU-r Crispin 4 16
41)0... 61 Saitiuol Duncan 34 3d
30... 47 ...Thomas McCul lough 22'
70 Leonard Hawthorn... 21 U>
1u... 10. laac Worrell 2M>,
;ilCi 49 Alfred H t'rewil - 23 2M
4U4 IV Th una* Ferguson mm'**
41* 23 Aaron Levy ............ 12
404. 116 Jama* Mwiw 1200
302 . . Ilnul 111 I iltu r J2 3"|
son ..122 Daniel Turner - 12
161 Dydia Fowler I 6
VI Jacob Way............ H 10'
16 -lleury Meiller a 70
150... .........Richard GinU<#— 600
226 Itn bard Motley.™ 13 60
|l7 ...Henry Manic* Ji 60
SOU . Berry Horner. *(*>
4(1 John M.Kean 2 40
800... [tokrt tUiAni Jaiw
3.17 let. lluckie JHOO
40U Ja Ha' er 6 00
4(ii John l'eiherbridge... 000
jsi losiah I.utby„ J8 (*•
126 laleb North.... 3 70
63 John l'ethcrbridge.... BU)
110 John linker 306
60 Samuel Milan. . t®
26. VI mo ThOlttsoil 8 10
| 60 ....John I'atton 600
J0... Abratn Hick* O 1
J*i... Samuel Br>son JJhUi
i 16tl Unknown—
Gregg Towiiibip.
1372... 31 William Hepburn
;s2-.. 120 John Cwd 71"
! 4 *e.. 127...... Andrew Uarsun 7 62
'Mi Bernard llubby. ......... t> 46
, :sR) U i Mt Donald.. - <5 2'
|2U0..; Hobi tiray 4 74
' " John Ctt m —.
i •• t'orneliu* Hithojt SOU
! 282 Job Mark ley 8 00
24L.. Daniel Ko c 4(10
236... I-uac Ito hardsun...... .. "
j 22i Michael Zuijjicr.... ...
P. .....Jacob itfpiwr 79:
52 ......C likliow ti... ............. 2<*i)
271.,. Unknown lf('
It*)... do —. GUI
JSB... 65 do —....... 1216
I(*J.„ do —... 6(0
50 do 6OO
113 do 5 18
A10... ...... do .. V 90
28 Jo —....
IlalLuuuu Township. .
Nt WUiiatu King 12 26
171 Samuel Bryan 9 47
2U7 John M, KtsskL 27 74
417 10 Henry F! yd SOW
' 3t3l up stwhato Whitehead 80 U9
! tOu VfUlian Lamburn 47 hj
210 Jabob Underwood ->• 46
136 116 Ja.obPylc 17 10
4tlJ 120 Hi' hard JolitT 64 40
jn John Hant.a 3129.
2:59 Jonah l.amb'.;7Ji SfiOo
ki Jo'-n '4'bompsun 20 79
53 Roland Uurtin A Sons 310
226 77 Robt Shaw 2e 44
14 111 Uakm-wa 552
147 do 12 a;
4tst Jacob Raker 601"
Jr.o Bake. " i
iv r v M 144 3 -i
llaimr Tuwuship.
f; HI Michael Grat* 4 00
4iis 141 Mimwon (ill*
4.9} Jobu Simpson
269 Henry An lis 801
|)0 Hepburn A Harris 2'A', ;
'422 116 Johp Mtuikvjf POO
277 SS6 piter Swipe bad 600
185 Of John Kedd 2 46
4(1) U0 Christian Devling 341
41XI .las Row, 4 00]
" oo Tin,mas Itarr
106 22 William Lowry
156 80 Benjamin Young 2m*
.f/9 Peter Cramer & M)
I 'jßa 140 t4 Hnvdt'r A H Uilinan 24"
ii-,3 • do 24"
418 99 George Kramer 4(A)
!582 163 Peter Hpler 360
|.t{j Adam Elder 4 00
436 Cha Hall
Fio 00 Mliry Hair
170 Stover A Wolf 3 40'
228 150 W n Mackey 46C
150 Unknown 12 00!
125 do 1 U)|
Harris Township.
384 2o .1 C Fisher 84"
ps) Peter Wilson 6 66,
407 92 Kearney What o 'J72i
Pal " Hi,hard Parker
ny 124 Thos Parker
4,si William Harrison 69
4trj F.loner McCormiok 4 82
290 William McCandless 194 ;
264 John Smith 2 22
152 J -rem uh Sankey 1 22
277 Nair.uel Kdmiston 2 24 ■
po Jno Bell 1 85
•• Thomas Jobr.stun 101*) ,
" Jno Irvin do 1,
" Wm Irvit> do j,
" William Brown do ,
" Jns Reed . do j,
■' Ahsoleni Andre do
i •• Robt Patlprson do |,
] " William Hoffman 5 4U;i
' Daniel Love do
•• Daniel Smith do I,
'• Samuel Young do ;
i/oward Township.
'H> A 1' Harris 2 85j;
to 11 A Jostliu 2 24;,
80 llenrv Anti* 3 48;,
199 15 U B Welch 22 67 ,
Ul Wm C Welch 11 68',
186 92 J1) Harris U22 ,
174 A D Hurt*• 9 8'- ,
160 of Jonathan Willi* 9((. t
" 40 of do 12 716 (
433 122 Alexander Hunter do
" 120 John Uuyers do
432 " Samuel! oung do
433 " Benjamin Young do
•• ** Thomas Hamilton do
415 Jacob Wcidner do
1:10 J J Lingln 3 <2
4TI 165 Samuel Pancoait 12 74
if.*) 4t jSFurst II II
JUS John W Godfrey 1
366 112 do
164 jo-cph Green 1
250 of Jesse Fvons |
112 23 Poland Curtitt J 4120
40 Paul Curt in
60 Jos Taylor
120 JOS Kelso
25 Jacob linker 08
235 William Ramsey 40 18
25 Jos Grevsburg 2 86
150 James Green 17 10
2>l) Samuel Curtln 1140
100 Unknown 57
104 63 John llrady 22 80
Huston Township.
76 Kutines 10 84
4CK) John Friend 88 40
46-1 Adam Kuhnes 19 44
114 Andrew Kuhnes 7 42
236 Unknown 24 14
438 10 john l'rico 27 7o
" ' John Wheel and
" ' John Rollington
866 10 JunißS Baxter
131 Andrew Kunes 810
76 111 Charles Klines 484
40 Jacob Hurley 2 66
Liberty Township.
406 40 Peter Leilzell 25 96
250 Jeremiah Jackson 3 96
439 Christian Smith 28 08
429 103 ftobcit lirvin 12 62
198 10 of John Potter 12 64
406 121) Stephen Stephenson 12 96
" 126 john Dunwoody "
'• 120 Kenhutn 932
50 Danl Pletcher 6 40 ;
D M Dunlei Knun *216
24*1 do 00 8c
40 Longbolloiii 5t 00
William Have* II 90j
60 *a mo Mcdhee 6 lu
17 jjlid tJuny f 16
*<b W I'aeker 40 80
100 Sarah 4'nrtln J3'3
do Simon Dingle 3 Ml
Hugh Shaw 2 08
f-o do 060
do 6 72
2"0 (Tiritian Ni-tli road 4 *JOj
of Th 1 tune I'nrannt !(*'
6f> of A Hamilton 2 48
70 Jo-M Shaw 214
208 82 "8 tail
■Hi 164 Margarci Hiadfurd J.ißi
1" Stephen ('hamher* 4 m"
2 81 John Ja. 1. on d (a 1'
■'*• D < 11 r. .ohh.n J 6"
* Thoma King 1
4">i 4(1 I'etei I.Vtln ~ nu
B<C Uobl Smith ZU,
do William 4<orfell
'i PU t ' uailr, J •>
20 Jeremiah Sheridan 'J6|
Ml Hoe. Baker ZV2
2* K( .iter. G 4"
4<<l Mwthi-w Leach do
100 Jos Uobcrls 8 •*>
do Cllli Bruce 8 -31
7 162 Dunl Krauze 860
308 M) Hubert lirvin *• HI
176 Samuel 4 ustar ™ V"
.I/11 r ion Township.
'J*' Hubert Young 6 So:
4 mi / M M.Kinney lif i I"
117 Ala* Scott -M 02
I of
100 I'aul ZanUinger 24 61
7" (Jhri*iia ttuhrwr 17 82
I*l Ale* Scott 4630
121 Al'taio 31 (M)i
6<J Unknown 660)
) do 44 (It!
200 do 22 4";
IWI do U -J.
4UI do 1 101
llu do 38.'* I
63 do 5 7VI
47 do 1202
88 John Schneck 22 83®;
ail Unknown 220 <*'
do 6 36.
J*t do sj 0";,
Jfili* Towiiahip.
!U 123 Simeon Grata 644
123 47 do do
106 01 do do
IV. 42 do "U4
116 141 do 614
111) Strohe. ker A Heynold* 34n
A*i Jacob Keigfreid 8
4 of
237 Thoma* Grant 3 6fe
4<*l Ale* Hunter 2""
7*l) Jer.uiiah Jackson ItXM
t2.' William Steadtuan 5 64
13" H-blTaggart "Ob
J" Thoiua* Smith do;
AH Aaron Levy 120!
'AX* Thomas Grant 6 80
4ftU Robert Bradv 7 80
410 Hannah Urady , 7>\
42U Robert Gray do
4"2 Thoma* Grant do
4*t 401.11 Rree*# do
3UO • \V m Parker 8 40
126 John Dorscy 6ti
do M 00re Wharton do
425 Henrv Toland 340
do ( Saml Norton $46,
do * Daniel William <1? i
462 William Urads. do |
324 Uickard Prk do j
381 j. i. : oak Parker Jo!
itk w 11 lam Parker 88
4-ro 134 William Mile* 13 61
125 More Wharton fit
)U0 of Abram Scott 2 64
fat of Samuel Scott 1 0->
PJU Abram Scull 214
00 Samuvi Sc-- 1 ' 1 go
260 I santel Scigfried $ uo '
HO Sir. iieckcr A UwyaoMt I (k.
26 WUitam Parker 86
25u John Brady 3 4"
'.'VI Jc ry Jackson 1 70
170 JotiaiLat. Waif 122
1 140 < f Lyons Meuina 10
424 GcorgwCallioun '4 6u
Pnlfoit Tuuh#u\p.
4>i til L<. Horn** 26 64
Up (7 Jacob Haker 31 'JJ
178 K ibcrt llurllu 18 48
Nkkola* Deibl 18 11
!tl Adam Deihl 17 24
208 N.cholaa Deihl 2560
.JJ John O'Brien 21V4
S<o John White '0 J
166 Thomas Wr* pi#
51 Jam-', 7*uw]-ort 6 2S
>' itobiuruve CTo
:H William WHaon 7 88
182 Wil'iani Kllit 18 *1)
Ktt Henry Gron 17 It"
'.(lf of Robert
Putftr Tonnahip.
aAJ James Brown 1 tti
John Trick jr j 1
177 B. rn aril 11 tib ley MM
Christopher Herring do
Benjamin Pattereoti 2 W
HO Henry U2
too AivaUbdar llu titer
Mniuel Scott do
Ju Atmdnm Scott
J.imes M--re do
Kd war J
William Gauimju* do;
Jattic* d..
*4 a*ires Moons 2 7"
Wui llofiiiiwn 2 ID
Daniel Smith 2 4U
(lauiel Levy do,
Samuel Young do
William Harrison 3(!)
joscj.h Cowrill d ,( '
(ooni McClollan t Vi!
AY ni !'Brad*. " 1 00
UK 01 I'vrrcl Telly 1
1 I h George Kouat 3 (Ji
126 Unknown t2
I'JO Henry II Fullmer 3Of
Ptitn Township
KM CO George Swineherd 200'
liuah Township.
4-13 163 David Re v crag a JO2
433 152 Moitka M. U.'oOei do
i.76 |&3 Ja tilcniworth do
381 do' <lcarge Latimer do!
433 do Kdwand Mayeaton do'
329 10 Andrew Armstrong 4 75!
433 103 Sharp Deiany * 4 ;
'AW WillLoi M< Piimwoh 3 60,
435 lUt tVmGLatimor 240
43J? io3 Richard .Malone 1512]
do de Isaac Britches 1514
da do M ath las Slough IS 09
do do Saml Hankir do'
do do Henry Slough GB4
do do Peter BruUinan 14 '.U.
do do Tlionia* Edward* do!
do do Rv.b| Irvtn do'
do do Tf'oiua Hamilton 7 41'
do do Thoma* Grant dot
do do Tboma* Hra*e 30 29,
do do JUO Gundger (1138,
do do George Slough 29 2!'
do do Michael (iudagar 30 29
18 12 Robert King 660
363 157 John Mover 49 41
433 158 John Allison fit, 4"
75 Wiiliun WIIm 15 To
'AM ot Jauio* Allison 35 84
433 la* Saml Shower* 12 3u
do do Saml J oner 30 31
do do John Bryon do
do do William Grace! do
do do Andrew Urates' do
do do Ruht Spear 1510
do do Christian Lenhore do
do do Casper Schacfticr 30 31
do do Goirge lloofhaglg do
do do Peter Millet do
do do jahn Funk 30 29
KVS 147 Jacah Rush 28 35
422 44 John Weld man 29 52
hC 116 Jacob Weidman 55 27
433 153 CartKT Laurence 1513
do do Richard Lowden do
do do I tan id Fitserald 30 21'
do do David Kckior
do do Ilenry Pmkertou 0062
do do Samuel Chestnut 1,512j
do do Jacob Rudishcll 00 64
do do llenrv Aerr 28 75
do do Christian Stoner 28 67)
do tlo John Stoner do
do do t'hrhtian Hu* do
do do Kobt Reed 15 12
<5 jie (1 arris.'tt 9 IS
KM John Harrison IS S3
[433 153 I !ioina> Hamilton 80 J®
jdo do Klcanor bidden* 15 H
[do 163 Joseph Hopkins 15 IS
do do .tno Hopkins do
M> William Wilton SSo
438 153 John London 15 71
, do do Thonits iirutfi do
do do Ib iij Rush do
I do do Sebastian Gruff 3019
do do Jacob Myers do
do do ltobt Miller IS T'-'
do do Daniel Buckley TO"
do do It K Morgan oj 11(Jo
do do Daniel Turner 1512
434 Charles Lucas do
do Thomas CI rant 3065
270 Hugh McKntire 35 40
100 I.V, Kobt King 12 30
433 103 K J ward ifryun 1512
120 80 John Lylly 2100
433 168 Kobt 1 rvin 62 98
do 152 John Muster do
do i 53 Richard Peters do
33 do John Wilson 1512
do 153 t John Cunningham .2800
do do William Gray 1512
217 Sebastian (Iran 11 02
do John Mussor Jr do
433 153 William Wilson 3019
do do Hugh Hamilton 2600
do 103 Jacob Slough 1512
433 John LoWden 1512
153 John Hover 19 (10
43:1 153 Mary Smith 1512:
do do Richard M alone do <
do do Hannah Turner do :
Jo do James Turner do :
IOC Barbara Snyder 1419 I
UK) 116 Anna Arthur 13 55 :
153 153 John Leo 18 05 I
394 17 .Thomas Arthurs 17 201
433 163 Jas Welch 3019
393 163 Rudolph Kolker 27 49 1
to Hmbrigbt SO 19
l! L M &" l; " i - 16ia
'!" j" Sicttrt do
do d<> Th"i,i Lto g 0
do do Will lm Latiiasr do!
do do Ow l.niiiorr ,].J
J" Hnuinun 7 o*
'•m fi' f •> * Alliaun 1294
■>. I 58 Jo* Pltn 7 (>•
I.iu Mirwy p|,„ j .
;XM 140 (1 corgi l'iui jj ( ,
, 4 .fi '£ VtfT* ao.ii
217 H of Hobnrt lUinry 764
•'{ ThotiißiOntftt 490
; Chrlatian (labor 2<*i
Vj'! ?? Kbwnim 86(11
14* 7o John Khwrnun 10 At)
ill! toV.rld 231
•-I W H Montgomery do
40 minuet <'h*ttiut 414
Ca*pei I.ii* rente 1 <Jtt
•® Jaa*e lilt-hard* fiO
tf" H* il!'" 1 bowdoa 16 12
do do Thomas Grant do
ido do BonJ Itmh d<
jd do Bt>a*ti*n Graff 28 40
' do JnoWliiaun 16 12
William WiUon do
1909 jm Alliaon do
140 253 Kolit King do
* 10 Kit hard Athejton 440
if® Kit hard Mahme 16 12
do do I*ur Itriu licn do
d" do Jno Gumlager 6n (HI
do do 4urm Hlouah 3M) 29
?i*. .if Mlchiel Gudager do
jl. i 184 I lord man Philiua 24 "8
216 168 Thome* Hamilton 784
do do Tb.una* Grant do|
20 Palric II aye* 1 40
40 jno Kad • to
214 Ml Hugh Hamilton 16 16
1 4"i 163 jaeoi. lludialwlt SO 29
1 16) jo* Jlarriaun 105
13)0 Jno Cojieuhaver 28 00
300 do 1400
Boo* Shoe townahip,
, 433 163 Samuel JI Fox 21 76
825 Win Hank* 109
1400 l-'avid Williacat do
Bto Alex Viarliu 12 65
ww Lew 1* Lewi* 13 40
4-' 148 Mary M Wbartun 16 84
<!*> du Jo V Nurrii do
do ITS) Luke M i.ner do
416 Sarah M Kullman 2962
4X3 103 Burd WHntn 17 D
do do Thotnaa MeKwen 21 42
du do Thoma* F W hartoa do i
416 Bit-hard Wain 20 45
418 13 Bohi Water* U47
do do Bfij It Morgan
do do Kearnev Wharton 37 44;
do 168 Henry Beta 67 981
178 Jot lleU 04 701
4 of
_ Faii.uel Dobtoa 2109;
5a Patrick Moore 1924
do do John Hunter 16 64
do do Wmliitigbain I 4 86
do do ja> Hawthorn 2204!
292 N IrU r Bel* SU IO
ill 2W Th.iiaisu Hawthorn 22 96:
a ! ( AU* I Delia* 1816
do Juper Maytan 18 14.
do do John Houaton 10 861
J7i Paul lletx 20 p.
mm ' Ja Wl'.iUabo* i? '.•>
6 (iejfit Puirnat 1 16
'*> j. corra t 38 90
J± f..- rge beeioi tXj-Jj
Hugh Daiton l 4 46
<j" Utu* Daiton 16 86'
do Ja Dobton l 4 45
do Jot DobM>it i 0 ag
do George Dubaon 10 36'
147 148 Poter Iloopa 994
tSu 02 John lluupt 9i
dW Jot Butcher k6 4l)i
3 1 " J a* Slack M)iu|
do Sasit.i.l Uhkck 2016
do lfenry Slack do !
Jaal'ool 0 70
Wm Long well 16 36
Wl> Patrick Moore |3 00
no Henry Moore 770
4-?JJ Suui.ii i ilortto* i7 3*
4-w 108 Jacob (iraly 16 36
do du Patrick Mooaa >6 84
d<> J Ja- C Fi.ber 24 Hit
■* ill Curxwddta 80 34
i i(3 John Taylor 16 85
•lo do David Su-wart do
,|J do Rolit lUitiy 17 35
do do John Hall jCho
do do Thojt-t Smltb do
do do V.":u Jack 1.^14
do do Kdwaai Scutt
do Tlit.out* L Welling do
do do s&mucl ulodgct du
do do *harp DeUuy 670
do do Wm Mt-r-hcraoa 16 36
do dq urtu a i.ilirucr do
,do do Joltu Wtu do
do do jas tilcnihworth do
Jo do Maanel juacphsuQ 13 51
415 ixwis Turner 16 36
do Andrew nioger 15 92
43£( joLu xitlujlsoa 16 36
do do John ewanwiok 6 70
150 of JueopL Harrison 502
433 153 Margaret pear 16 70
3GO 44 JoLu Hut 804
300 120 Job uilcy 670
tOO David carncodden 2 35
433 103 J/a^nuaMiller 16 44
do do win .1/ Smith 16 66
do do Jahu Duaaldaoo 654
do do lilair ni'ClauaUnw )6 34
do do Jacob Wtias 670
do (591 IrUuiUcl whittaker 20 i 4
ido do George whittaker do
!do do Charles Itiak 16 34
<lo do waiter Stewart jr do
do do inary nit tl.auahan do
do do Jtuuca wheeler JO t4
do do Ssinuel |<\rfes| 1W 34
do i 63 {leury HiU 670
waiter stewart jr 166
Tkuruas 1. Moore do
lilair MciAuahna do
Auu Mcclauahna do
ahtaesnr nntxard do
John Aiugcr do
jinics l ogic do
iieury l ugcl do
Peter Fogel do
433 Hpbt walters 15 44
400 peter nail 15 40
196 uenry vacdyke 7 56
433 jos Morris 19 24
do Alexander oeary do
do ucorge Eddy do
do Andrew nayard 15 44
do iturd Wilson do
149 121 urn Lay 885
433 163 Kearney whurtou 49 34
do do 32 86
190 A Henry yamlyko 250
162 Richard join* 5 77
433 153 Moore Wharton 15 80
do do ncbccca Wain 12 00
do do enj n Talimaa 20 24
do do Kjir.abnh Talimaa 12 00
do do A A valontine do
do do MTMiUikeu do
200 M J Mitchell 19 57
433 153 William uingham 22 50
do 143 Andrew tutyard 16 34
415 Harah Wharton 21 80
383 jas T nale 13 94!
433 jamctM'Manus 14 48
do sam'l t.inu 16 34 j
do 163 rhebc Wain do
do do saml W risher do
Spring Township.
, 4-11 188 lion Johnston 19 80
; 250 Henry Tool 11 00
800 Catherine Robinson d<>
do Rebecca Robinson 18 80
I 150 Richard Robinson OOP
i 100 Thoma.- Themburg 4 00
(20 Jno Lone 1 ;fcs
; 150 J J LingVo 0 85
I W0 Knmuol Forbes 4 oo
;| 60 Jm D Harris , 280
>1 75 Unknown 229
150 08 do 718
i 145 21 do 060
00 ofWm Wilton 2 70
117 J> M-niro Ik 40
Taylor Tpwuship.
i'R[7 94 Richard Downing 1211
100 Michael Weidner 5 60
do do do
484 John Lamb 841
do John Sherrick 6 02
217 Joshua William* 819
484 Hugh Hamilton do
A*> Christian Vanpool 10 27
801 Joseph Downing 75 Ai
800 Aimer Webb 0 72
48 James Fox 9180
408 Jo- Drake 25 78
550 Craig & Sherrick 42 84
180 92 Wilnam Burg 19 64
92 Thomas Wallace 4 68
Ant Richard Whitehead 18 70
150 Joshua William* 981
WO 22 John Lamb 13 96
301 Samuel Downing 93 28
A*) Wm Bell 68 66
3tlO George W Alherty 5589
1 °f
AO Jacob Yiinpool 1210
150 Andrew Berry bill 8 4]
AIO Nicholas Hammond 31 23
do George Riter 12 40
800 Joseph Welch 292
363 Elijah Merry man 02 87
180 George An.diuU 6 58
200 Robert Campbell 12 48
160 ofJobnCarr 4 61
200 of Janus Carr 620
100 Jacob Beek 312
80 do 2 72
162 Maria Morri* 9 42
100 Unknown S l6
do do & to
M ■ AM AUkrit do
m do 2 24
At Junta Walk 04
® Jacob Beck S 72
280 Wm Burg 17 28
160 Georgn Mong llld
lttl Tkmaaa JI aru ii 18 00
d Jweph Clark 9 81
20? Aon Art bun 12 44)
434 Kiehard Malum* 28 88
IdO John Sbtnk 16 12
ISO John Hoover 13 20
WW Wn Add I on. aii 80 3ft
SO Maria Morri* 8 6u
do ('lament Ilrckaitb 22 BO
78 JIM Lewi 6 42
• 76 Unknown 3303
•00 Jane* Cowbar 6 20
60 ... Joaaj.h Voder 192
488 168 Joahua William* 18 t
•00 (jaorgo llong 0 2)1
do Jno Copcnhavcn do
176 Wm F Tyton 4k Co &8
40 t Jane* Foi a 7.
Unknown Sal 10 72
>BO do Jfo3 6 60
A>b do Na 18 19 08
:< do No 8 4Si
21(5 do No IS 1002
Union Township.
804 Chariot Wilaon S 08
189 Samuel Phippa 6 90
14 -John Coopar 0 C
256 jokn thin wood jr J3 74
*l7 Boy ca Davit 3 in
ttl Boyea I)aria i 90
170 (ioorjre Hoover 18 40
160 John M endanbal I 0 90
do Kobt Hall 10 so
80 Ira Fitber 9 0S
488 168 Aaron Long 091
do Cnapar Hainaa do
do 108 Jacob Cook do
280 Wm Brook* 12 74
433 108 Michael Or,U 091
do do jokn Hwnaldao* 4 tju
60 annual Hay* 2 (JO
do Boyea Davit tat
381 KobtMorria 0 40
433 108 MaryMorria 91
do do Bobt Stewart do
do da Snnoai Milan jr do
do do Hanuai Milan 1! 03
dv do Francit Jukaoaan 091
t, £ Cb|Oee!ler 11
*2 X V. 361
440 64 Martha Huaton 749
m m Wm StcWartJr 091
(do do William Stawart do
ido do WalUrr Stawart d
62 Wn P Fitber |OT
. 03 of Pour B ana to 4 *k
258 Wn Brwoka 1108
4k U r<jr# s>
a4BoyeaDnvU 190
i *• WnKohnaa do
WJ Samuel Jlaytw 6 M
w 4 : D K i~ >2
438 108 H*Qy Motrin 091
do do DtWtk Btawnrt do
!do do Anrun Lory do
Z ** Job* Bvnowiafc 1137
1 | u Boyea Darin 301
WO Bu i .:>h Mttlbollnn 401
Wnlkor townahip.
92... Jeremiah mtrknr... 262
91 nichard Parka# *• ~
JacmiUr. 796
| " ... 44 viiftam achnrt... 806
.....*oap4 oaeman...... 864
MMrg imogbnrtjr.. 7 87
,435 58 Margaret Man 821
. 445 75 Edward jama 899
400 86 Biit imawhartT 750
: 4 J7 146 jeaaa rrans 788
4iQ Tt reter it aba 804
'| 424 127 (mm wirlraiahnai 780
435 58 William uiihert 818
86 107 John
j " - *** Atkm. 188
! - M Job packer - -
,| " 41 ......MSMO packer -
* * tm*id Johnston M "
327 180 William Manael 643
(387 " David Mtrwr 623
218 joo jacktr... MnH 284
433 120 samuel Miles. 36 30
! 140 christian Jtohrcr 15 75
161 John Knez 3 85
1 33 nichard rnitkm 4 18
175 uachael Bohisoa 6 09
100 annuel MUM 1 69
192 jerankh warden 298
212 aam'l nark man 63J
150 uavid need i 50
U2 Paul caataioger 45a
99 uokanwa 1 fid
; J 9O n Bobison 12 0(1
242... 86 James sutler...... 2 Bft
50 William Aekmt. 74
1 2 s capt ossmaa. 60
15 .Mar
59 *Ol7 enrrieaa.... 140
! 70 joba naker. 1 20
200... capt ossmaa. 3 00
'143... 11..... William achnrt... 224
151... 07 do 9 40
141 ...
111... 42. Marg MQfkwtv. 180
198... 05 Edward jarvia 300
50 wiliiaa uahn .. I 25
69... 39....jeaM truii .... 104
1 30... .....A am* wicketvhaau. 60
43... TO lame* sutler ... 74
1 92... 22 Wb Arkert... 164
1211... " ...capiowmaa 3 42
'115... 13....Margaret Daugherty. 202
219... SO....Margaret lama*. 862
274...155....Edward Jamee. 3 43
1179...110—Kfis Daugberty 2 92
; 100... 39 icne zrraoa. 104
1211... 62 refer Baha 342
4... 22 Area* wisckerehare. 19
124...158...~vi1Hare Gilbert..™. 214
90... (4....jb0 *ercw...„...„ 1 44
I " ... 94 sobt juke* _ • •.
86... 40...j0b racker *• **
89... • ...janxs racker jr. 140
!5 9 " m* 1 Job a* ton 90
327...160 willtam Maunl 4 94
1327...100 David Mercer .. *• *
337.. .154 Bobt 4t JMO waiter™ 602
143...112 Richard aobiama... 224
119.,.120.. ..of Rath aroek* 3 44
22... 47 Elizabeth Hahn..... 34
65... 40 win nabn 96
382...138 David sutler 6 28
484...186... wm wi1ier............ 6 80
Worth townhip.
91... 53 jaoob Cubans... 12 77
180... 40 Joseph xuhnaa... 25 38
119... 83 Abram subnet... 11 ]J
247...150 oeorce Kuhoaa... 34 80
390... 40 uathiaa cuksM. 65 78
1 370 oeorge Lawman... 3694
6 John singer 1 11
1345 John xuhnea 34 18
12 John kim*. 10 6?
106 Henry drmnr 5 29
274 samuel
237 Daniel winter 26 02
25 William winter.... 350
256 wmshippenjr 22 32
30 Holland Richard*. 3 90-
433...153 James Hawthorne 26 78
21 John Mifflin 3 52:
129 Thomas awanwick 1068
300 *rhom Hawthorn* 19 95
330 ..jasper Mayaa.... 26 74
20 john wieUr 3 61
59 unknown- 3 90
Treaaurer's office. Beliefonta, April 4..
On Marriage,
Kenya far Yenaf Man, on OBSAf MUi
us " l w V* k Utert S*
Marriage, and ruin the happiness f thou..
nds,-with sure meant of relief for the
Erring and Unfortunate. diseased and de
bilitated. Sent in sealed letter anrelope,
free of charge.
octi* K ' nth St "' PhiUd *'P kl *i Fa
The Chepast,
purest, best.
On Allegheny Street.
Cdffee, Tea, Sugar, Srrup.Drind Fruit,
c D i E rU ,l' H ®. Dried Baef,
Balt, Pickles, Butter, Flour,
Corn Meal, Buekweat Flour,
and everything usualy kept in a vail regu
lated first class Grocery Store
mar3.6ui RUHL a OUri.T
V d° H * Sraiiauu, PrenrieUir
Stages arrive and depart daUy! far all
points, north, south, east mad veal