The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 07, 1872, Image 1

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    The RwblM.
Tbers'i a Mil upen th# housatep, •> **••*
fram th# plat*,
Tbara'a * wsrbte In the tanahiße, * twlttar ia
And thn.agh my baart, at sound at thesa,
Tbnra come* a namelts* thrill,
As aweet a* odor to tha rote,
Or vardurw to (ha hill;
And all the Joyous morning*.
My heart pours forth Una atraln ;
" God bleat tha dear old roVme,
Who hare coma back again.''
l"ar they bring a th aught of surnmar, af dreamy,
precious day*.
Of king-anps in th* anmaier, making a goldan
A longing for th* flow blaotna,
For rose* all agio#,
For (Vagrant blossoms wharf th* l>***
With droning murmur* go ;
1 dream of all Die btaalica
Of simmer's golden reign,
And aing, "Q<v 1 ksap tha rob.ns.
Who hare eome back again."
Farm 1 u*lc.
In the morning, dim an 1 sweet.
Slanting gliuu the *un ;
The milkmttd trips wiih hurrying feet,
The farmer's day is begun.
Hark I 'tis the mower blithe.
As he sharpens the trusty aeytha—
Crink, erank-wink, crank !
In the dewy morning air.
In the summer, near to noon,
Flaming climb, the sun,
The acythe-bladc* sweep *e a pleasant tune,
And the task goes merrily on.
Hark! shrill and tine.
The locust's hot-weather sign-
Orcc-ae. eree-ee!
In the blaring momtog air.
In the summer <tav at n<vw.
Right eavr glares the ana.
l%a mower* sweep to a slower tone.
And wish the task were done.
Ha: k ! a chattdHng loud,
Tia the awy crows iu * crowd,
Caw, caw, caw, caw *
Through all the haxy air.
The primroae wake* to blwtu,
tfcawriward roll* tha snn.
The west is lire, th* east ia gloom.
The mowers' trak i* done.
And hist—hark:
What wrida throajh the fragrant dark?
Whtppoorwia, whippaofwiß!
Throug i aU the evcu ug air.
last and west are gloom.
Bat the ma*& ia rauog fair.
And the night is warm, and the clover blootn
Swaete is a3 the air.
AsdhM, bark!
Who ca ts through the silver .lark !
Hoo hoo, I*® whit, to boo I
Through all tho midnight air.
" Have von heard the n#wrs about Miss
Temple, Noli" said Charlie A-ddoa, a*
he sauntered leisurely up to the desk
wbu-h E-'w srj Farid;a-' u occupied iu Smith
& Jones' office on Wall street.
The warm Wood colored Ned's face in
•site of sH his struggles to prevent it, and
he re'-Urdt—
"Xo ; I hope no harm."
** Wc 1, I should guess it wasn't. Come
Pit on your books, and as we go up town
11 tell you "
"No; I cannot leave yet I have not
finished my balance. •'
•* Oh, pshaw ! finish that tomorrow be
fore tea o'clock. I wouldn't work as hard
as yuu do tor aay living, and much lew fir
those bankers, who think all a follow'*
marie W m to work aud make money for
tb- m Coma, slon g„"
Xo - r araptt go." *
" Wen, tidft, the tale is short, she's had
a big f eHf#?- left, her, some say five hun
dred thousand dollars."
An tirvohintsry sigh escaped Xed, and
be rathermuttared than spoke:
" I'm sorry to hear it."
" Why. what's got into vou? Sorry f
Why. I haven't heard anything that pleas
ed me so ranch in many a dav. I aiwavs
liked the g'rl, but I am not philosopher
enough to marry her for love alone. My
doctrta4e. when poverty cmnes in at the
window, lores me* ot at the door."
" 1 am afraid that I don't agree with
Jon in augh tldngs, bnt I have no time to
iaeoss it now. Miss Temple, in my opin
ion, .be a fortune for any man, did
the nttt jtoese** a cent of moqev."
i. - Pvfivrr. XM. that's <>bi f< gr. Love
In a cottage! ha! ha! Well, I liked her
pretty wed before, but f can't help think
ing her attraction* very greatly enlarge !
•no* { bean I that new*. I never should
have thought of anything hot a pleasant
aeqnsintanre— cness I'll go Tor her now.
Gooffby. old .fellow, and doa't hurt your- 1
eelf workiiigOver th>w book*"
Ned nrwle no refdV, bur felt as if he
would like to grind beneath bis heel one
whoiMmld speak so irreverently of her
who. in bis idea, combined every grace of
heart and mind, ami perfection of form
and feature, which should make np a per
fect woitiap. Hi* thoughts turned to ac
tion, and he caught himself stamping his
heel on the desk stool with such force aa
alnfbst fo dent a hole in it, and looking
upacw Mr. Smith's steady gate fixed on
him.. ......
Bark to bis work he tried to bring his
thoughts, but they were not subject to hit
wfll, ajvl he found himself iu great dart
ger "of writing the thoughts passing
through lit* mind. "She is lost to me
t><rer.- Oh. how I wlh rr bad never hap
peced-?"-" lie bad dosed the book, put
•wjpMtflri papartf. and. with that dreary,
lost.ifi away kind of look, pasted un
beedingjy among the throng on the money
mart of the world.
Charley Ashlou lost no time in improv
ing his opportunities for tligt night found
■ Jim tested' Tete-a-tete with Mi** Temple
' h wevrey-httle room In Twenty-first street.
Miss Temple was an orphan, and for
ytara lived with her aunt—lier father's
sister. Air inoprpe of four knndred dol
lar* areecr Kad been left, which at least
sftpplild all heeewsarv wants. She wa
not wsbamed tosssist her annt about many
things- ai would call menial; and in
form JHBI feature, heart and minit all her
*" arqqginiaaces said, fully sustained the
high opinion we have seen Xod Farobam
bad or her.
Erd'the evening was over Charley Ash
ton "hwd snaeeeded hi appearing deeply in
love; -anTd hot many days passed ers he
had proposed and was accepted. Of all
ber uiafa acquaintance* M.isa Temple had
always preferred the two young men
mentioned. It xvaa true she had rather
leaded to the quiet Mr. Farnkam, but of
late he had ceased to visit lier. while Mr.
Asltfoa'V ftre-ence bad been almost con
stant. Hence she perraaded herself that
she btfced him, ar.d accepted him.
-5s Gbariey urged a speedy marriage, which,
- cauie shout iu a conversation too king for
me to detail, wlierein it appeared that
sowig f|f " boys" on the " street" were
fixing up a pool to buy a certain atoek,
ind our friend Ashton wanted some of the
flhdflurtidriMl thousand dollafs topat in it.
Hiss Temp"!*) preferrgdji longer time, urg
ing£lggiHgfti g-oullf jmdttetiliein know
bqr bettor, inti- j
3tH*n they Charley
roftod that he knew that tiisqooild nev
er tfovolop any faults in her.
"Hut," said Miss Temple. Vthere is an
ofß# Ybason, ami I think I can be free
*si)fv you BWTV ; J have spent ao mncli of
mjf little income, and annt has no spare
money—that 1 have no sparaiaieaaa of de
fraying necessary expenses."
sot' received it, your agents will certainly
thouaht It was mine, but the fortune to
. I S*kiil yoi irMbiblyrfliule was left to my
eousin, Miss Tompsotf Temple, to whom I
introduced you at the Philharmonic."
u Ah, it was indeed ! She is a favored
young ; but bow touch does she re-
MltsT" J' • 1 " w'l I*'
a. -'l"&op*rt said five .hundred thousand
ddn&ra, Mt onxtsin Nan has been informed
by |}ipiagent that there js but ten thou
sand dollar* in money—the rest iu houses
and loth at San Francisco, valued at ninety
"'"thou-and dollars."
T Ji&hkwell. really, how these things
do spread. But to our matter. I guess
kiisa Aim a; yen. had better hare your own
. •MT ' - -
Tm> hosrs of that evening dragged
heavily along, and as they lengtbeied,
Charley Ash ton's manner became more
FRKI). KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor
and more formal. Ho lett and Anna'*
warm heart wa* and a* alio thought over
the cool manner and ti e cH>ler parting
No deep came to her eye* that night.
" Can it he I" *he said to herself a
thousand times; " and yet it must, for
his mautier changed almost frotu my tell
ing him of Nannie'* fortune,"
The next night came, and Charley w *
not in his usual place, and the next also.
About a week afterward, a short note in
formed Miss Temple that having Kwi !l
Ida savings in a had singulation, he should
not think of holding her to an engage
ment which would he out of his power to
consummate in years.
To say this did not grieve her would be
false, but it did not require mail* days to
teaeh her that she had not loved Charley
Aahton as site should the man she w as to
Again our two young men met, this
time on Broadway. Charley, gaily saun
tering along, hailed Ned iu the old famil
iar wa*;—
*• Well, old boy, off ear'* to-day."
*• I've been promoted, aud am not obi ig
to work s>> late, though 1 often do; I aiu
going riding in the park ; my head has
ached much of late, and I am mere uex
von than formeely."
" Shouldn't work so hard; don't pet
an* thanks for iu By the by, that fortune
of Miss Temple's turns out to be all in my
*• How—what's that 1" was the eager
♦•"Well, aM i-* SomelMwly Temple had
about one hundred thousand dollars lett
her, but it wasn't our pretty little friend."
" But 1 heard you were attentive, some
said engaged."
"There's no telling what might hire
been but for the fool of an aunt making a
mistake in names. However, it's all over
now. You know that. lat least can't
afford to marry, if she is a Peri. I know
von entertain some sort of a foolish notion
that love, etc., will do, but it's all bosh.
Give me the dimes!, my hoy. When pov
erty comes in at the window, etc., you
know. Take my advice and drop all such
foolish ideas."
Ashton might as well have talked to
the lamp-post for all the hearing Xed
Famhaut did. What he was thinking of
we cannot say, but he did not go to the
park that afternoon, and the evening found
him in the little parlor which had so often
been graced by Charley's presence. Ere
the evening had passed he had explained
his long absence, told her of his better
nrMpect*, and offered his heart and hand.
She asked three weeks to consider, he to
visit her as often as he pleased. After
that time he was accepted, and Anna
learned what true love was.
Here my story might end, but there is
a sequel. Some months after the engage
ment Mr. Smith tapjesl Xed on the shoul
der, and motioned him to the private of
"Going to marry my niece I" said that
" I am engaged to Miss Anna Temple,
sir, and we expect in a quiet way to he
married, one month from to day. Hut I
was not aware that she wa your niece."
'• Neither was I until a few days since.
As for your quiet way, understand me,sir.
the child of my only sister can be married
nowhere else hut in ray house. Come,
now, no flinching, I've heard all about it.
Bat she's poor—poor as Job's turkey ;
and I've too many children to give her
inore than a decent wedding."
Ned did not understand the expression
on Mr. Smith's face, but he felt a little
angered, and replied:—
" I should never have addressed her.
aftd I would release her this moment if I
"knew she wa* an heiress."
"No you don't. I know yon. am! I
know the whole jtory. You can go."
Xed pondered Jong over thia singular
conversation, but no satisfaction came
from bis own thoughts or from Anna
She replied by a smile or a kiss. Not
withstanding all the urging of her new
found uncle, Anna refused to leave Ijer
aunt until the-time for the wedding. The
event came, and the ceremony was over,
then Mr. Smith called the young married
couple into tbe library, and. drawiug fioui
his safe a strong iron box, said :
" Now young man, you're tied hare! and
fast, and I'll tell you that you've got an
heiress, and a rich one, too. A foolish
brother of her father's, one who would
go to California, took it into his head to
die. not long since, and left such a botch
ed up will has taken six months to
get the straight of it.
We were his agent*, snd kept the mat
ter to oar*e!ve*,becau& it was a large sum
and might create impostors. We soon
dl-posed of the one • hand red thousand
dollar* to Miss Anna Thompson Temple:
but the content* of this box, five hundred
thousand dollars, in bonds, we used more
scrnntiny in assigning, and in the course
of our investigation, I not only tound the
rightful owner of oU' trust, but the child
of my only sister. Sir, you are worthy of
her, and what is less, her fortune. The
morning papers will announce you as a
partner ia our house."
A* Aunarrrsrso Srrr.—ln the Su
preme Court of the county of Monmouth,
N. J., a suit fur over 81",0W was com
mceeedagainst the great huchu man, by
Hudson & 31 (-net, advertising agent-", of
New York. In June, 1870, the Doctor
BJiuie two large contract* with the plain
tiffs; in one of which it was agreed to
print the Doctor's advertisement, a col-
UUJU in length, in one hundred and fifty
papers in the Territories of the West
and tbe Sandwich Islands. In the sec
ond, to publish one of equal length in
I.2^onewsp:-pi raiu various State*. Each
of these ndvertLscnn-nU to be inserted
fl'ty-two times in the papers mentioned.
The amount to be pni<l on these contracts
was over 850,000. Dr. Helmbold be
coming unable to pay before the close,
they were discontinued, and a bill for
some 834,000 rendered, on which there
had 1 teen paid $17,000. For tin- balance
of this bill suit was bronght The pros
ecution was lie gun in this court because
the Doctor has considerable property in
the county on which they hope to exe
cute. The plnintifls obtained judgment
for the full amount claimed.
ROASTED TO DEATH.— A singular and
horrible accident was recently invest ga
ted before the courts in Cologne, Prussia.
One day last fall the house of a peasant
named Franr Bucher, was deserted; lie
was advanced in years and crippled with
rheumatism. He had been in ths habit
of crawling into the large oven where
bread was cooked, to sleep. On the day
in question be went into bis accnsfomed
sleeping-place, where the warmth soon
alleviated his pains and sent him to sleep.
Toward evening the servant entered, and
seeing the old man in the oven, told him
to come out. or he wonlfl get warmed up
too much. He refused, and retired to the
rear of the oven, pulling the doors togeth
er. The servant thinking the heat would
scare him, allowed the cooking to go on.
The result was that toward evening the
man was found baked to a crisp. The
servant, when brought before the court,
declared she had completely forgotten the
old man, and was merely condemned to
twenty-four hours' imprisonment.
LOST. —A Texan tells the story of lost
oDportunities : "Now, you see," said
he, " land was cheap enough at one lime
in Texas. I have seen the day when I
could have bought a square league of
land, covered with fine grass and timber,
for a pair of boots." "And why didn't
you buy it ?" asked his companion.
"Didn't have the boots," said the
A Bevrlrd t him h.
Went more land County, the btrthji'ace
of Washington, Mulisou, Monroe, unit
Marahall, culled "the Athens of Virgi
nia," * M till* moat polite and w**lthy
region of Yirgiuu when Thomas Jeffer
son was a youug lawyer. In thirty yearn
it became v*d<tiu>l 3 solate. A piokel
guurd, iu 1813, peated on the Pototii c
to watch for tlie exjreated British fleet,
were seeking one day a place to encamp,
when they eatue upou an old church the
condition of whteh revealed at ouce the
oomple'eneMi and tha receutnesa of the
ruiu. It stooil iu a lonely dell, where
the ailcuoe waa broken only by the breeze
whispering through thepimsaud cedars
and dense shrubbery that eloaed the eu
tranee. Huge oak* standing near the
walls envelo|Hsl th® ntof with their long,
interlacing brunches. The doers ail
stiHHl wide open ; the windows were bro
ken ; the roof waa rotten aud had jmrtly
fallen in ; and a giaut pine, uprooted by
a tenijicst, was lying agwiust tlia front,
choking up the principal door. The
churchyard, which was extensive, and
enclosed by a high brick wall of costly
structure, was densely covered all over
with tombstones and" monuments, uiany
of which.-though they bore name* once
held iu honor throughout Virginia, were
broken to pieces or with bram
bles and woods growing thick and tangled
between them everywhere. The parish
had bees important euough to bare a
separate building for a vestrv just out
side tho churchyard wall. Thi* hud rut
ted away from its chimney, which stood
erect in a mass of ruiu.
With some difficult* tlii* soldiers foteed
their way through the fine old porch i>e
tweeu o!biT doom into the bhorrh.
What a picture of desolation was dis
closed ! The roof, rotte 1 away at the
corners, had let iu for years the snow
aud rain, stamina aud spoiling the in
terior. The galleries. where, in the olden
time, the grandees of the parish sat, in
their square, high pew*, were doping
and lenniug down njion the pews on the
floor, and, on one side, had quite falh'u
out. Tbe rem linsof the great Bible still
lay open on the desk, and tilt tattered
eauvas that hung from the walls showed
traces of the Creed and Commandments
which had quce been written upon it.
The marble font w.u* gone; it w.n a
punch-bowl, the commander of the
picket was told. The communion-table,
which hud leen a superb piece of work
of antique pattern, with a heavy wahtnt
top, was in its pla'*e, but roughened and
stained by exposure. It was afterwards
used as a chopping-block. The brick
aisles showed that the church was the
resort of animals, and the wooden ceil
ing was alive with squirrels and snake*.
The few inhabitants of the vicinity—
white trash—held tue o'd church and its
wilderness of graves in dear, and sea re
ly dared enter the tangled dell in which
they were. It was only the runaway
slave, overcome by a greats r terror, fly
ing from a being more awfnl that any
ghost—savage man—that ventured logo
into the church itself, and crouch among
the broken pews.—Annex PtirOn.
—We quote the following from an ad
dress delivered by Mr. H.L Jones, be
fore the Farmers' Club of Walnut Creek,
Saline Co., Kansas, in which State the
subject of co-operation continues to be
agilateJ. with what result remains to be
seen : " I will suppose there are in Sa
line county 2,oft I formers who raise an
uually 500.000 bushels of wheat, which
amount will probublv soon be reached
and excelled. N-w. by the present pro
cess of marketing, fully 20 per cent, or
100.00U bushels, are lost to the farmer,
and go to make up the Vealtli snd prof
its of the middlemen. How to save this
is the question. I would have a joint
capital formed of S'iIXLOOO, made up iu
shares of 830 each, making an average
of two shares to each former, and only
twice as mttch as the annual loss on
wheat alone. With this money I would
have built an elevator and store, at n
coat of, say 8100,000, leaving 8100,000
as capital to do business wtli. I won hi
have this money used in the foundation
of a luutk. especially and only, in the
interest of thb farmers who were mem
bers of the nssoeiatn.n. I would hare
it under the eo; trel of directors elected
annually by the farmers, and their duties
limited and prescribed by law. I have
a place where bumer*Vnid deposit their
funds and seourea fair interest, and also
where they obnhl "borrow by paying no
higher rate of interest then JO per cent,
per annum, iu ench manner as should
bo prescribed bv the rules of the associa
tion. I would have it a rule that hi*
►hares should be deemed good collateral
security for two-thirds their value, and
that a warehouse receipt of 100 biuhel*
of wheat should also be good collateral
for a loan of one-half its value for n
bunU-<1 time. Storage on grain should
be fix.d at the lowest possible rate to pay
exjx-nses, which will not exceed 1| per
SEA-SICKSESS. —I. Have every prepara
tinn mnile at lea*t twenty four lioura be
fore starting, an that the system may not
be exhausted by overwork am) want of
sleep. This ''i recti on is particularly im
port ant to ladies. 2. Eat as hearty a tnenl
aa possible before going on board. S. Go
on board sufficiently early to arrange
ancli t bines as may be wanted for the first
day or two, so that they may bs easy of
access; then undress and go to bed before
the vessel gets under way. The neglect
of this rule by those who are liable to
sen-sickness is sure to be regretted, 4
Eat regularly and heartily, but without
raising the bend, for at least one or two
days. In this way the habit of d'gesti' n
is kept np, the strength is preserved, while
the system becomes accustomed to the
constant changes of equilibrium. 5. On
the first night ont, take some laxative
pills. Seidlitz, or citrate of magnesia, tak
en in the morning on an empty stomach,
are had in sea sickness. 6. After having
become so far habituated to the sea as to
be able to take yonr meals at the table
and go on deck, never think of rising in
the morning until you have taken some
thing, such as a plate of oatmeal porridge,
or a cop of coffee or tea, with some bis
cuits or toast. 7. If subeequent'y during
the voyage the sea should become utiuan
ally rough, go to bed before getting sick.
THE CACHE. —According to the Pall
Mall Gazelle there exnU in England u
widespread suspicion that there in om<-
hidden reason for the accidents which arc
now constantly occtirring to British ves
sel*, and especially to iron-e'ads. Offi
cer after officer is reprimanded or dis
charged, but still the iron-clads |x*rniet
in capsizing, dritting on rocks, or run
ning on shore. Lord Clarence Paget at
tributes these disasters to orders of the
Admiralty, which restrict the use of the
engines in order to savg coal; since with
'out steam power the vessels are not safe
when near land or each other, or in had
weather. Still fucb a reason as this
would hardly prevent an efficient com
mander frorti using coal enough to save
his boat in time of danger, and further
explanations are deemed desirable.
THE SIMPLE TBCTH.— A gentleman was
staying at a country house, when, hear
ing a great clatter below one morning,
he looked oat and saw a couple of grooms
holding one of the servuut mauls on s
horse, which they led with difficulty
once round the yard. Ho asked them
what it all meruit. " Well, you see,
sir," said they, " we're going to take the
bonse to market to be sold, and we want
! to be able to say he has carried a lady,"
VENTRE II V 1.1.. CENTRE CO., I'A., I'RIOAY, JUNE 7. 1872.
Varieties in Fashions.
Some of the newly imported batiste
costumes are making their appeumuce
in fragmentary state, says a New York
fashion j.uirna), being used us frill* ami
flouncing* U |Hilt costumes of silk. i'hey
are s cuttingly combined with the *iik,
that ocecnuuot cry out against the in
novation, and especially not when the
furore seems universally to be for nov
elt v.
Dolly Varvleti is rushing headlong to
her fate. A fresh dress exhibited m the
shop*. t tperraluof untold colors, with
a Imrderiug still more brilliant, and a
fringe eotilhitring all the shade*. An
other noveltv in this department of ma
terials i* • D. V. cost una with a deep
ecru plaiting on a ground of bright
chintz, the parasol being made to match
Guipure laces of the name shade a*
tie dress material are among the novel
ties of trimmiug, and a great deal of
white silk guipure is appropriated also.
This, hewever, t* never aecn in the
street, though very dressy toilettes for
carriage-visiting and receptions, are of
black silk trimmed with black lace over
wh to.
I'nrurtoN of plum-bins, almost black,
arc very rich, are among the favorite* o(
thi< nciutiiu Thews have bamboo lmuilK't,
with carved tups of itofj nr buui
beautiful |w>louitiw> of er*]><>!tH of
white, huff, and the" sifter tint* of wni
hrowu. are being made to wear over half
worn skirts of black silk. These are
trimmed with of silk or with bia*
folds of the material, bordering with a
deep flue fringe resembling that on Can
ton crape shawl*.
Some very graceful toilettes for spring
are ot taurine rloth, trimmed with alter
nate folds of p/i*-e* of the tamise, and a
light quality of black silk. Theaa ca
tiimes are readily adapted to the street
by uddiug a little fichu cape correspond
ing to the dress, such capes being very
becoming to slight figures.
Jet begins to mark many of tha im
ports 1 trimmings, and is particularly
conspicuous on co-tome* intended for
half-moiiruiug. On imported dresses,
many of the richest trimming exhibit
jets, always of the uutl cut bead kind ;
and ornaments for out door costumes,
ire brilliant with fine jat* ia / tu men
Very dreiwv polonaises, made with al
ternate length-wide rows of French em
broidery and Valenciennes lace, are In
itig prepared fut summer wearing. Over
silk bodies these arc showy, but by no
means economical, as nobody but a pro
fessional can do the laundry work* upon
toilette* so elaborate, and so full of seam*
to be straightened in the uiost careful
The greenish gray material seen in the
shops, and called *" natural flax," i
honored with much lalnir to bring it
out. It* fvwt trimming i* aguiptire lace,
corresponding a* near as may be to the
shade, but very dressy coat nine* are pro
eared by branding upon it with the
Clrover machine, when the work re
sembles thu imported tambour embroid
ery seen upon eijieuaivo toilettes of
A few ladies are affecting bouse shoe*
of tbe shape of the "croquet shoe,'' hut
matching the dress in color. These
button up at the si Is. after the maimer
of a walking shoe, curtailed, but are not
an improvement on anything previously
Some of the handsomest robes to be
taken to the at-a shore, w here dump*
and fogs will intrude, are of fine white
ihtuncl, beautifully embroideredor braid
ed with shaded colors, or in solid blue,
•carlet or lavender. E>r young ladies,
thene are made in polonaise *hn|>c, and
for whomsoever it may concern, they
are lady-like, promising not a little be
sides as to eumfort.
.Stephen Allen'* Pocket Piece.
! In the pcckelhook of Hon. Stephen
Allen, who was dr<>wed on board the
i Henry Clay/ was found a printed slip
i apiwrentlr out from a newspaper, of
i which the following is a copy. It is
. worthy to he put in every ucw*pa]>er
and engraved on every young mail's
. j hen rt :
[ Make few promises.
Always speak thegruth.
Never speak evil of any one.
Keep good company or none.
> | I, ve up to your engagements.
. Never play st any game of ehanco.
Drink no'klnd of intoxientins liquors,
i Good character is l.ove ail things
. J else.
i i Keep your own secrets, if you have
I any.
1 Never borrow if you cau possibly help
! Do not marry until you ore able to
i support a wife.
I Keep yourself innocent if you would
r lie happy.
r When you speak to a person look him
iu the face.
Make no haste to be rich if you would
Ever live (misfortune excepted) within
I your income.
( Save when you are young to *i>end
when you are old.
' Avojd t mptation, through fear jou
> may not withstand it.
Never run into debt unless you see a
t way to get out again,
f Small aud steady gains give compe
s teney with a tranquil mind,
t Good company and good conversation
> are the sinews of virtne.
Your character cannot ho essentially
t injnred except by your own acta.
> If any one speaks evil of you, let your
I I life be so that no one will believe him.
• When you retire to bed, think over
? what you have boon doing during the
i day.
Never be idle ; if your hands can't be
employed usefully, attend to the culti
. vat ion of your mind.
z Head over the above maxims carefully
and thoroughly at least once every week.
SCMMKR SHOES.—The fashionable shoe
for summer promenader*, say* A New
York fa-liion journal, is the buttoned boot
of French kid. cut three-quarter* high,
with toe* almost square, and comfortable
heel* only an inch high. They are made
simple and plain, without ornamental
-titcliing, depending for beauty on their
ay ininetrical shape and fine material. The
high curved French heel ha* disappeared,
and broader *hoea begin to supersede the
narrow shank that threw all the weight
forward on the toe Joints, and produced
painful corns and bunion*. Sometimes,
byway of ornament, a bow of ribbon 1*
placed at the top of the shoe in front.
I'uinp fox boots, with nppers of very soft
light kid, ere nlso in vogue. From 80 to
Si 4 is the range of prices for custom
made boots ; 81 to 88 for shoes tn stock
not made to order. For country wear is
the garden shoe, a low buskin tied over
the instep like the brogans worn by gen
tletuen. This is similar to the Newport
tie of last summer. It is made of kid or
morocco, and costs 85 or 86. The Marie
Antoinette slipper is still retained for the
house. The rosette worn with it is long
and slender, made of small shells of satin,
with a jet buckle in the center.
WOOL. —The statistics of wool growing
for tbe last ten years in the United States
show some enrious fluctuations. In 1861
the home production of wool was esti
mated at 55,000,000 pounds; in 1868 it
was 155,000,000 pounds ; in 1871 it feh
to 128,000,000 pounds, the smallest pro
duet since 1865.
A limning Ship.
(Hi. that Nieht! can I ever forget it ?
The lire was spurting from every ore* ice
of the black hull, her great mainmast
gone, the luit/.i-u moat lying with several
great white sail* surging about iu the
water, mid *hu wit* dragging it along with
her. The foremast only stood, and its
rigging and sail* had not yet caught A
dead silt nee had succeeded uow to the
couimotion in the vessel ; men were
standing stock still, perhaps waiting for
their orders, and my uncle** were the
only eyes Unit were not strained to follow
the leaping and dazzling spire* iu their
an net.
Every moment we approached. Now
the first waft of the smoke came in our
face*, now we could hear s cracking and
rending, the creak and shiver, aud the
peculiar roaring noise made by £ master
ing fire.
"A full-rigged ship," I heard Brand
whisper to his wife. " Eleven hundred
tons st the least."
" Merciful heaven* 1" she whispered
in reply. "I bone he won't blow up.
Anyhow, 1 thuult the Lord that we've
got Mtster iu command himself."
1 never aaw anything like the horrible
bounty of that red light. It added tenfold
to the terror of the toeoe to see her eomitig
on so ui*j>-srically, dragging with her
broken spar* and greet yartl* and sprawl
ing sail*. She looked like some splendid
live creature in dwtrea*, and rooked new
a good deal iu the water, for every mo
ment the wind seemed to ri*e, bringing
up a long swell with it.
The moon went down, and iu a few
minutes the majestic shin supplied all the
light to the dark aky and black w*ter. 1
saw the two little dark boat* iicartng her,
knew that my brother was in the fore
most, and shook with fear, and cried to
God to take eerwof him ; but while I and
all gaz<d iu awful atleuce on the sailing
ship, tli* flame* burst through the
deck iu a new place, rlitulied up the furo
rigging, and iu one single leap, at if they
had beeu living thing*, they were licking
the sails off the ropes, and, shooting
higher than her to|>*aiia, they spread
themselves out like quivering fan*. 1
•i* e\cry aarl that was left in au iuttant
bathed in flame* ; a second burnt came
raging up from Iclow, blackening ami
shriveling everything before it; then I
raw the weltering fire run down again,
and at ill the w reck, plunging her bows in
the water, came rocking aud reeling on
and on.
•• How near does our old man mean to
go f" whisjiered Mr*. Brand ; and almost
at thai iu-tant I observed that be hod
given some order to the man at the helm,
and I could distinctly bear a murmur of
satisfaction; then almost directly a cry
of horror arose— wo were very near her,
and while the water hissed with strange
distinction, and stesmed in her wake, her
blazing foremast fell over the- side,
plunging with a tremendous crash into
the sea, sending up dangeruns shower*
of sparks and burning bit* of wail cloth,
and covering our decks with falling Un
The black water took in and quenched
all that blazing tophamper, and still the
awful bissiug waa audible, till suddenly,
a* we seemed to be sheering off from
her, there was a thunderous roll that
sounded like the breaking of her mighty
heart, and still glorious in twauty she
plunged head foremost, and went down
blazing into the desolate sta
in one iusiaut that raging glow and all
the flerre illumiuntiou of the fire was
gone ; darkne** bad si-tiled on tbe fw.-e
of the deep. I saw a few lighted sparks
floating abmt, that was all ; and I smelt
tbe firs and felt Hie hot smoke rushiug
past my face aa the only evidence that
this was not a dream. - Frum / ih*
SktUiq*, by Jem lapr/ow.
A Lirru Too ViomasT. There is a
man in Derbv, Pa , who purchased a
bulldog, which he proposed to turn loose
m bia store at night in order to scare
sway the burglars. The first evening
after he obtained possession of the ani
mal. he locked it in the store and went
away* a hsppy man. The noit morning,
early, he w eut round to the store and
unlocked the door. The dog was vigi
hurt—the man was amp. i*ed to see how
very exceedingly diligent that dog was
—for no sooner was the door opened
than the dog aeitod its owner by the
leg, suddenly, and scenic 1 bo te ani
mated by an earnest and vigorous reso
lution not to let go until it had removed
at least one good mouthful. And the
man pushed the dog lmck and shut the
d<>or on its ril*t until the animal relaxed
its jaws, and then the man kicked the
dog into the store nnd shut the door M
if he was in a lmrry to do something.
Then lie susjiended business for a week,
and Hjx'iit the vacation tirinff at that dog
through the window* ami down tb.
chimneys and tip through the cellar ceil
ing, with a shot gun, trying to extermi
n.itc him. And that mercantile estab
lishment did not open for trade until
the man had paid twice the first cost of
the dog to the dog's former owner to
come nnd take it home; and then, when
he got in, he found that during the
bombardment holes had been shot
through mackcntl barrels and molasses
cans, nnd coal oil kegs, so that there was
misery and ruin everywhere. Dogs bar#
no more cbanus for this man.
Oanprsrso.—l would recommend to
every man, especially in the autumn of
his life, to take to gardening, if he has
not already experienced it* pleasure*.
Of all occupations in the world it h the
one which l>est combines rejwwe and ac
tivity. It i not idtenc *s ;it is not Mag
nation ; nnd yet it is ierfect quietude.
Like all thinga mortal il baa its failures
ami its disappointment#, and there sre
some things hard to understand. But
it is never without it# reward), and per
haps if there were nothing but success
ful cultivation, the aggregate enjoyment
would be leas. It is belter for the oc
casional shadows that come over the
acme. The discipline, too, ia most sal
utiry. It tries onr patience and it tries
our faith. But even in the worst of sen
sou# there ia lnr more to reward and en
courage than to dishearten and disap
point. There is no day in the year
without something to afford tranquil
pleasure to the cultivator of fiuwera,
something on which the miud may rent
with profit and delight.— CornhtJl Alaga
LAC*.— ln manufacturing the finest
kinds of Brussels lace, the thread used
is of exquisite fineness, and is spun in
dark underground rooms, where Ihe air
i* sufficiently moist to prevent the thread
from separating. It i* oo delicate as
Hcareelely to be seen, and the rooms arc
so arranged that all the light admitted
shall full upon the work. It is such ma
terial that rebders the genuine Brussels
ground so costly. • On a piece of Valen
ciennes not two inches wide, from two
to three hundred bobbins are sometimes
used, and for a larger width, ns many as
eight hundred on the aame pillow.
Ar ULTIUUTEL MILK More than 75,000
quarts of water are daily sold an adulte
ration in milk in New York city, according
to a prominent journal there, at a positive
loss in money of nearly, if not quite, ten
thousand dollars a day, and incalculable
cost of health and life.
Pleasant word* ootne bubbling up in
good-uaturr d heart like water in a spring.
It is as easy to speak them as it i* to
breathe, and they make every one bap
pier who utters them.
A Best Virginia Hurler.
The major presented mo to Doctor
Didiwick, a red headed, stuttering eccen
trie individual, ah,, waa going up toward
Yeokem's on a professional tour, and
would rule with u*. Tin* wasfortuuate,
as the road we contemplated traveling
waa very ulnwure mid difficult, and the
country not au agreeable oue to gat lost
The doctor alse counseled ns to pro
vide against all contingencies ou to-inwr
row's journey; so we ordered our hostess
to have prepared a ham, a sack of bis
cuit, and some bottlea ot cold tea—this
last, by the way, a most excellent bever
age for wayfaring people.
Aft-r upier, hearing a mighty aud
continuous thumping in the direction of
the kiU-lieu, i thought it advisable to
look iu and give some special directions
about the biscuit, w hicfi should lie well
lien ten and thoroughly baked to prevent
their getting mouldy.
• Opening a door, 1 stepped out ou the
back porch, aud to my astonishment,
caught the doctor pelting and pounding
at a bach of dough. Tiie dough looked
rather dark, to be sure, and the doctor
slightly embarrassed; but, not to be cer
emonious, 1 said—" Really doctor, tills
is very considerate iu you to make the
biscuits for us vouraeli."
" What b-b-b-bia uit?" he stuttered
mirjiri-ed and offended. "Uo to the
c-c-c-cook. I'm making blue-pills for
my patient* to morrow "
""Iu the name of JSirulapiu*, how
wauv do vou make at a lime ?"
"Ob," stud he, "a p-p-p peck, more
or less. Practice in these meunletu* i*
different from your city practice. I make
my ronnd* only one* * mouth, and it
take* a week's riding through, so that 1
have to-provision a whole district to last
until 1 come again."
In the morning we were on tlia road
berime*, all in fine spirit* exo*pt Cock
ney, who was not a little sore from yes
terday's ride, but did hi* beet not to
miud it
Tha country was wild and rugged
enough, but more jntmlous thsn we
had iu.agisod. Tha doctor calhsl at
every h. <ue, and at bis familiar halloo
all the inmates, from the hobbling con
tensrian to tlie toddling yearling, fl a ked
out to greet him. He inquired after
their welfare, pbytiesi and moral, in a
kind and fatherly mauner, naming such
as had been at his last visit. Hav
ing audited all their complaint*, he
would leave one or two tejeuiifuls of
pills and ride on. Sometime* tie took
the trouble to dismount and enter the
cabin of some bedridden patient; atoth
• re he would inquire concerning a family
living far back 111 the woods, and leave a
measure of pills to be sent over next
.■Sunday. Occasionally be bad the luck
to meet a customer a the road, and de
livered bis monthly allowance on tbc
spot The doctor was evidently honored
and beloved by the whole country, and
consulted on all questions that arose, in
law, agriculture, or politico. He was a
sturdy lh-mocrat, and dispensed gra tui
tions opinion* on this subject ss freely ss
he did bis blue-pilla. He stuttered sar
castically against medical quacks, sua
thought' the lsws were not sufficiently
severe sgninwt them. Some years ago
a ao-cs led herb doctor came poaching
upon bis domain, and was a great grief
at mind to him. 'lb# fellow was civil
and wouldn't quarrel, but secretly un
dermined the regular practitioner, was
setting all his patients, and ruining the
health of the district.
The interloper liad two weaknesses
he waa fond ot backgammon and hated
snakes. Didiwirk cared no more fur
snakes than he did for fishing worms, so
be took ail apjiot (unities to bedevil tits
rival willi practical jokes in which act
pent* ployed a leading part.
One day he challenged the herb doc
tor \r. a gams of Iwrkgammon. Pleased
with the nnnraal cfvilitv, he accepted,
and seated himself at tb" table where
the box lay clow-d before him. The
tavern loungers, aware that something
wae up, gathered round to witness the
"Set tbe board, doctor," said Didi
wick, "while I go to order two juleps "
Tbe doctor opened the board, and a
six foot black snake leaped out into his
face. He fl.d, and returned no mors.
"And so I got nd of tlie cus*ed hum
bug before lie killed off my whole dia
tricL"—lJurytr* for ,V<f.
Po|rtß rab (Hrh-
The little cash girls of Boston, accord
i*V to the bureau of statistics of Mv-ss
chu*ett* hare a hard time of it. and they
receive small pay for tlieir menial service.
In the Urge stores in Boston, for instance
these cash or errand girls haven't fire
minutes leisure at a time. In fancy good*
stores they are sometimes placed at a
counter where small wares are for sale. It
is the practice among some shopkeepersto
deduct from the pay of these girls the
price of any article which they may break,
and the result is that when Saturday
night come* the poor things have hardly
any money to carry home. The articles
generally are fVsgii in their get up, and
sre *uceptihle of being broken by almost
winking at them. Iu one particular in
stance the mother of one of these chil
dren applied to the keeper of a shop for
relief, hut lie raid it was hi* enstoro. al
though the child had succeeded in selling
the injured article at the full price, the
shop keeper thus defrauding the girl, and
getting a larger amount than he otherwise
would have obtained for tha toy. These
each girls are paid from sl.fiOto $2 per
week tor rnnnlng their little legs almost
off in response to the frantic cry of cash,
fn this connection the ronmlamnm **y
they found large number* of chi'dren em
ployed In city stores, manufactories, ofii
ce*. Ac., who attend no school the year
through. Our figures derived from data
given under oath to the State board of
Education for the year ending April lt
IhTI. put the non attendants at over 9,000.
or 20 per cent, out of a child popnlation of
40.300 l<ctweeu five and fifteen year# of
ape in Boston. The pareuta plead nec**-
ity, and the unavoidable pressure of pov
erty—putting tbir children to work a'
the earliest age at which employers will
take them
A Fntenrrn. Pehi*lM*ii*.— 'The pun
ishment indicted on Uie boy O'Connor,
who assaulted Queen Victoria, calls to
mind the attack upon Louis XV. of
France, in 1757, by Crazy IXtwieu*. who
pierced the skin of the monarch with a
penknife, and was put to death with
tort it res inconceivable. The poor wretch
was bunted with red-hot tonga by those
who arreted him ; his eighty-two days
of detention nod trial were all days of
keenest suffering ; the art of torture was
cxhaUHfcit to wring from hia lips the
namcn of imaginary confederates ; hia
right hand was slow ly burnt off, his flesh
was tort: with red hot pincers, and melt
ed load end boiling pitch poured into
his wnnnds ; he was then pulled to
pieces by four horses ; hi* body burned
to ashes, hia hotiae levelled to duat, his
innocent family banished, and hia rela
tions forbidden to bear hia nauie.
OHANC.ES.— TIie crango ripen* ia Cali
fornia, in December, when they to
pica. It hangs on tbe tree, and gets
sweeter, until the next Fall, but is in per
fection in April ; and it increase* in size
as lonr as it remains on the tree. This
eieumstance. and the other that it b> ate
transportation so wet), five it grest value
Tbe orange grower ha* at lrat tire months
in which he may market his crop, and Loe
An teles oranges have been sent to Boston,
overland, and arrived in good order
TERMS : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance.
English Criminal*.
lu Hi* criminal court* of London it i*
th prat-lire logical mercifully with new
offender*, ami *crj severely with those
who hate undergone numerous enuvie
tin. The tuau in the dock who *iand*
up to receive hi* aenteno* for an offence
which, if be ia not known, will ensure him
ail or aeven month*' airnple impriaonmeat,
gete instead of this mild punishment a*
many year*' |*enal aervituda if it ia *hown
that lie haa frequently made hie appear
ance in the character of a criminal. The
important-* to tha magi*tratea of being
ahte to produce legal evidence that old
offender* brought before ihein had suffer
ed under previous sentence* haa led to the
introduction ot a new claa* ot court offi
cer*, known aa identifying warder*.
The** are mm employed a* turnkeys in the
different Jail* of I-ondn, who make it
their business to keep a record of the
criminal hiatory of every convict who
cornea under their charge. They not only
make it a point to impret* on their mem
ory the featureeof all criminal* committed
to priaon, hut they have adopted a *y*tem
of bookkeeping by double entry, with
rogue* for the item* of tlteir account, to
aid them in the work of identification.
When a prisoner ha* been convicted the
identifying warder *tep* into the vrituea*
bit* to testify to hi* previous record...The
warder'* firt care i*to remenilier the face
of hi* mm; the neat to recollect one ot
the aliaae* of the owner. Any one will
do, for a reference to a single alia* i* a ref
erence to all. The wrarder'e book ia then
opened at the name, and be baa before
him the nr.lira career ol the pri#ooer, if
the latter t* a habitual criminal. Then
the warder infuim* the Court, for exam
ple, how John Jone* begun at twelve year*
ot age by dealing a book from a stall;
how at fourteen, under the name of Smith
em, he had been convicted of picking
pocket*; bow *t sixteen, • MeDeraoU,
be had advaured to robbery with violence;
and at twenty-one, was the WtUiam Wil
son * ho, with other*, helped to dear out
a jeweller's shop. Thus tlie warder read*
off the record of the man* crime*, the
particular* of hi* various imprisonment*,
and * description of the mark* on hi* per
son, with such other detail* s* can add to
th* certainly of identification. These
| criminal record* are kept in the mod **•-
lernatic manner, and are of great value in
a citv where the criminal population i* mi
extensive that iti* impossible for the mag
Utrate* to retain in their recollection more
than a email proportion of the offender*
brought b*fore them. At times, hower
tr, the warder*, with all the assistance
bat their record* afford, are mistaken in
their conclusion* in reUtion to indentity.
It ia related that on one occasion * man
who wa* a new offender wa* very nearly
confounded with a very old one. They
bore the same name, and what wa* more
strangw, bad the MUM personal mark*.
Mrange*t ot *ll. on the wune day on which
lb# c*w man wa* to receive a sentence of
transportation, principally on account of
the evil record of hi* double, the real old
offender turned up in tb same court, on a
similar charge, just iu time to save the
The Orange Brave.
Sixty orange trees are commonly plant
ed to the acre write* a correspond cot from
the orange field*of Lo Angela* California
They may be safely transplanted at three
or even foor years, if care ia osed to keep
the air from th roots. They grow from
seed; and it i* believed that grafting doe*
not change or improve the fruit. It be
gin* to bear in from six to eight years
from the sen), and "yields a crop for mar
ket at ten years. With good thorough cul
ture and irrigation, ll ia a healthy tree;
if it i* negl-cted, or if the gopher has
gntwed iu roots, the scale insect appears;
hat a discs ed tree is very rarely seen In
the orchards. It is a tretnendou* bearer.
At l*w Angelas ! eaw two trees in an or
chard, one 17 years old, from which 2.800
oranges bad been picked, and it still con
tained a -few; - tbe other, three years
younger, had yielded t,OOO oranges. At
f-om 10 to 12 year* from the seed the tree
usually bear* 1,000 oranges and they are
selling now in San Francisco fiw from
|ls to f35 per 1.000. I have mti-fied
mvself, by examination of nearly all the
(.string orchards in tha Southern coun
ties, and my comparing the evidence of
their owners, that at 15 years from the
*ecd, or 12 year* from the planting of
three year old trees, an orange orchard
which has been faithftilly cared for. and is
favorably situated, will bear sn average
of 1,000 orange* tq the tr a, Thi* would
give, at #2O per 1.000-a low average—a
product of $1,200 per acre. One mn ran
care for 20 scree of *uch an orchard: and
every other expense, it eluding picking,
boxes, shipping, and commissions in San
Francisco is covered by 05 per 1,000. The
net profit per acre would, therefore, be a
trifle leas than 8900. To show yon that
this ia not an overstatement, I will
tell yoa that I have been in au orchard of
less than nine acres, which has produced
it# owner for eeveral year# in succession a
clear profit of over fS.OOO. An orchard
of 40 acres in Us Angvles is reported to
me to bring a clear rent of tlfi.OdO per
annum; and the lessee is believed to Lave
made a fortune ftw himself. You will
probably talieva after all, that I have
. xafgvrated the profits of th s buslne#*,
but the orange-growers of Los Angvles
will smile at the extreme moderation ot
my statement " People tell large stories
about oranges," a#id one such man to me;
*• but the truth is big enough— at 10 or
12 years trees may be aafvly counted on
to average 510 jse i clear profit, *.ith <lO
trees to an Irre, and thill 4s l.ig enough
for anybody." And, thereupon, Aid* or
ange-grower proceeded to show ma the
soeotin 'a of one li tie orchard of his own.
which so greatly exceeded his moderate
statement, that'l shall not give you the
figures. After 10 years the tree rapidly
and steadily increases in fruitfulneas ; the
the older trees In the orchards are own
bearing, so every owner assured me, very
tittle less than 2,000 orange* to the tree.
The best cultivate* do not prune the tree
stall; but in all the oraharda willow
pole* are usad to prop op the overladen
OLD Maine—l love an old maid. 1
do not speak of an individual, but of the
species ; J use the singular number as
speaking of a singularity in humanity.
An old maid is not merely nn antiquary
—she is an antiquity ; not merely a re
cord of the past, but the very post itself.
She has escaped a great change, and sym
pathizes not in the ordinary mutationsot
mortality. She iububita a little eternity
of her own. She is *'Miss ' from the
beginning of the chapter to the end. 1
do not like to hear her called mistress.
Ha is sometimes the practice, for that
looks and sounds like the resignation of
despair—a voluntary extinction of hope.
I do not know whether marriages are
made in heaven ; some people say they
ore ; but I am almoet sure that old maide
an?. There ia a something about them
which is not of the earth, earthy. They
are spectators of the world, net adven
turers and ramblers ; perhaps guardians;
we say nothing ot tattlers. They are
evidently predestinated to be what they
an. They owe not the singularity of
their condition to any lack of beauty,
wisdom, wit or good temper; there ia no
accounting for it but on the principle ol
fatality. I have known many old maids,
and of theui all not one that 1 as not pos
sessed as many good and amiable quali
ties as ninety-nine out of a hundred ol
my married acquaintances. Why, then,
are they ringle.
NO. 23.
float* ef Richard 111.
Richard received wounds enough at
Ilohwortli to lei out a [mudred Uvea.
Hi* crown bad been struck off at the
beginning of tbo on act; hi* armor was
ao broken and hi* feature* were ao de
faced that bo mm hardly to be recog
nised when, dragged from beoeatb a
heap of alaio—
• Hi* atill • trained the broken f*ed.
Hi* arm* were Mararad with Wood and mad,
Drag*<t fowi nf>g the bar***' trot;
With dia<od Skit-id wd Ulmot beat,
The fttteon areei ad phtmaga gone-
Can that be banghtr Marnnou f*
And can that stripped and mutilated
corpse b the crowned monarch who at
the morning's rlae Ted a gallant amy to
an aaanml vu-tory—who bad recent!?
lawn deecrilicd by a di-tingniahed for
eigner (Philip de Coaamtoetj aa holding
the prondrwt position ever held by a
King of England for a hundred veers 1
Nothing places in e stronger light the
depth of degradation and inaeuaibilitv.
fast verging toward* barbarism, to which
men'a mind* had been sunk by the mul- j
tiplied bo cberie* of terrible conflict*
than the indignities beeped upon tbo
dear! King, witb the aanction, if not by ;
the express order* of hi* usurper. The
body, perfectly naked, witb a rope round !
the neck, was A ting across a bone Uke
tbe carcase ef a calf, behind a pursui
vant at-arm* bearing a silver boar upon
bis coat, and waa thus carried in triumph
to Leiecater. It was exposed two daya
in the town-ball, and then buried with
ont ceremony in the (Iray Friar'* church-
At the destruction of the religious home*
the remain* werw tbrowa out, and the
coffin, which was of atone, waa converted
into a watering-trough at the White
Howe Inn. The best intelligence that
Mr. Hntton, who made a journey ox
purpose in 1758. could collect concern
ing it, waa that the trough we* broken
up abont the latter end of the reign of
George 1., and that some of the pieces
had been placed on steps in a cellar of
the inn. "To what base ones we may
return, Horatio! * The sign of the
White Boar at Leicester, at which Rich
ard alep'. tit forthwith converted into
the Bine B ar. and the name of the
.treat, called f:er it, baa been corrupted
into Blubber lane.
A Few Fash lea Hotel.
Ladies' lion* draw*** are now orna
mented by large button* on the front of
the waist," of oral, turquoise or mosaic,
wbile aotue more extravagant have dia
monds at in onyx for the front of a
hatid*ome black" atlk dinner dram
Lad it* who wear deep mourning usually
have a abort gray crej<# veil over the
face, while the black one ia fastened on
one aide by a large iet pin ; as physician*
conwdcr the dye from the black crepe
very injurious to the health. especially
in warn weathe*. The Venetian filagree
work ia very much in favor for bracelet*,
necklaces, and ear rings of gold. Large
gilt crosses are worn aronnd the neck on
a blade velvet ribbon, and are very sty
fish with light dresses Hashes this sea
; MM are made of heavy bias silk, instead
| of ribbon, the ends being trimmed with
la e or fringe. The high Alpine Hats and
the Leghorn fiat* with narrow brims are
the favorite styles of round hat* this
season. The China erape rhawls richly
embroidered and trimmed with wide
fringe, will be very much worn next
■oason. The sleeves of street cost nines
are anade very short ia order to diaplav
the rix-bnttoned glove to the best ad
vantage. A new style of cloak for young
ladies ia in the shape of s double cape,
one end being made long ornamented
with a tassel, and meant to be thrown
loosely over the left shoulder, a la mih
EMWRIKT Qvnma* —Tba Premdeot
■ of tbe United State* in bis meaaage rata
| tire to the ill-treatment of emigrant*
ito the country, says in particular that
legislation is wanted to protect emigrants
i upon their antral at our seaports from
the knave* who are ever ready to despoil
them of the little they are aide to brine
with them. The menage add* : "It ia
| a source of aeriona disappointment tuid
discouragement to those who start with
means insufficient to support them com
fortably tintiV they can choose a rei
deace and begin employment for a com
(ortahle support, to And themselves sub
jected to iii-tieatment and every discom
fort on their passage here, and at the
end of their journey seized upon by
professed friends claiming legal right to
take charge of them for their protection,
who do not leave them until all their re
sounds are exhausted, when they art
abandoned in a strange land, surrounded
by strangers, without employment and
ignorant of the means o! securing it.
Under the present system this ia the fa'e
of thousands annually, the exposure* on
-hipboarri, and the treatment on landing
driving thousands to lines of rice and
shame who, with proper and bnmaue
11 raiment might become useful and re
spectable members of society. "*
Yon Tnuoi Tarm—We find the
following sensible little article in aa ex
change, and produce it, hoping that all
i he people in this vicinity may read and
note its moral ; " Do the city papers aay
anything in regard to your own county ?
Nothing. Do they contain notices "of
vour schools sod churches, meetings,
improvements, and hundreds of mutters
of interest which your paper publishes
without pay ? Not an item. Do they
ever my a word calculated to draw at
tention to your county and its numerous
thriving towns, and aid in their progress
and enterprise ? Not a line. And ye
there am those who take such contracted
view* of thus matter, that unlera they
are get ting" as many square inches of
reading matter in their own" paper tbey
think they are not getting tbe worth of
their mouey. It reminds us of a person
who took the largest pair of boots iu a
box liecanse they coat the same as a pair
much smaller, but a fit"
OGEE TO Erieor*—Mica Abbott, who
Uave* the petition of soprano of the Rev.
Dr. CI spin's church, New York, to go to
l air tor further musical instruction was
made htppy a few days sinoe by a p recent
of six tl o issnd dollars from the mem Hers
of the congregation. It ia only a few
years ago that Miss Abbott was a bare
footed Wisconsin girl. She was poor,
but she had talent, and, what was better,
she had determination. Against every
obstacle she studied music and worked
night and day. The reenlt was that, from
a poor country girl, she occupied the po
sition of soprano in Dr. Chapin's church,
at a salary of 81,800 per year, and now
aa the protege of the chnrca, goes to
Eurdpe. We shall hear from her again.
Fi.owr.l BKDS. —In arranging flowers
in beds the principal things to be aToided
are: The placing of rose-colored or orange,
dowers next yellow, blue next Violet, or
rose next violet. On the contrary, the
following colors harmonise: White will
relieve any color (but should not be placed
next yellow), orange with light blue, yel
ow with Violet, daik blue with orange
yellow, white with pink or roee, and lilac
with yellow. By observing these rules
the amateur may have bis flower borders
vie in beauty ana arrangement with those
of greater pretentious, and even surpass
many of them.
A QUIET little family circle in Utah
consists of thirty-two wives and sixty
eight children, and when they all gath
er around the hearth on wiDter eve
nings the effect is said to be indescrib
ably cosy.
< '-rr. • .... '\ffiP*
Pacta and Fancies. ~
A atodsai drihee fliiWtuf'** "I -
I tentinn without intnutka." ..
Old maidaure load of^it%,|mtoww<k
i bear nny reference to dales. '
A North Carolina woman was buried
j in a feather bed, according to her
Out West they call ft bride PPjSe#.
j niary compliment," end my no mow
i abont it. ...
An Illinois newspaper law auflered
• from three libel suit* to the ussounl of
35 cente.
The sleeveless jecketo take precedence
| of ail other styles of outdoor &&&*
this SCMOtI. wh 44
" Playing Tew* on 'em " I*'tbo"Ale*
hama veruarnlar for the fine!
of beree thieves. ~A *
When should • dnirf-msn • IV* to*.
I ter ein place of ut When bd want* to
make butter 'better. *
A popular doctor iu Owrgo giw* pre
•crtptions with directions to "take OM
toaspooufnl ever.? three years.
A rural New York fatW has Stoned
one Uaplum child Ajax T-lamoU, god
another Agamemnon Achilise. ,
A shrewd old lady compare* her hum
hand to a tallow candle j he always vput
ters and smokes when he's put oub
A Weetotu editor, in writing theeWt.
nary of a respectable dfiwm, *v* "that
: he has goo# to that uodisnovewd buna.
Mary hsd • Kiti* laroh, *
Kb* had it in th gavdtn, .
And crsry tin It w-v .1lUt*B "
li sputit her Bolif Verde*.
An exchange has found out wben Adam
waa married. Of coniwo it was on his
wedding Eve ; most everybody kjiew it
before. * v
"The prisoner km a Wry smooth
countenance." "Yes; he was
just before be waa brought lit. That
aoeonste for ft." * *
Australia fa n*t ar!f-wpf*rtieg.a* *
eolonv, ah# ooet England about l/OV
000 lad year. Next to gold, Her great
product is wotd.
Fish aie ao thick to CSestr Laka, Sono
ma, Oal, that a veracious cßiwuney* " It
; is onlv necMunry to wade in and canoe# .
! ynTflsMhnifflcuHy t*teg wblph toh
1 to choose.*
i *• Mr arm." said a tutor, *4 doubtful
j morality but severe esp-ct, potting U# <
hand on tfe# boy's shoulder, "I Wlfff
Hatan has got bold of you." "I believe
en, too, * was the reply, . * .w
A western paper psadiebi that one ed
its Htale h-tmum " toll live and be bou
ored and be loved by the State when tha
tall prairie tpww refuses to stgttkaad and
plaintive n qnicth over the graves of
some of bis defamm."
Several people who have answered sa
advertisement promising a " correct
Jikeueasof youiwdf, and yon* fartune
to'd." for fiftv cent*, have rcoaived a
three-oent mirror, aid informed that
they can tall their own fortunes by coast
ing their money.
The Stat# Superintendent of Urine
•ectont (bisque tioo: "Can youbnget
sny amendments to the school law of th#
Htator* The Setjo.d Committee of .Marla
ribe answered: "We psoomaumd the
establishment of a reform •eh#ol Cor
j meddlesome parents.**
An epitaph on a North Csrolinajmnla
is o* follows: '■
! B<we few a atsK Mb*l as s tot. ' "
Ttoawwvwen yosM gtrahim, % has hs'd
I If* £S£dk> tha 1 1111 l lin or etdBTJ Star*
. And mains Hka this wash a*? da# 'spa-
There i* a Methodist church which
' stands on the. 'boundary fin* 'batsmen
<>bio and fronaylnMste. in* sdeh away
• thai the pulpit la ia the former Mate sad
the pews hi the lariat A ffawpsylvaais
i (taper thereupon takes occastoc to state
j that while the bearemsrs in one State
| the preacher is in another State discours
ing on the future State.
A Detroit black lwar got loose the oth
er day, and cautiously approaching a
'man loaning again*! a hitchipg !**.
rose np and gave him a hug. Thinking it
to be a man. he cried out: ** What are
yo doing there? Ota off m* 'beck, or
I'll knock yon into the middle of next
week!" Be'waa greatly •♦moved" when
be found out who the man was, and stood
not upon the orde* of his going.
A Fans*, Faros Swam.—An extraor
dinary branch of promise case ha* been
tried in England The plaintiff was a
young lady of twenty-three, Mdawgktar
of a respectable widow lady. The defen
dint was a farmer, aged twenty-nine.
The peenliaritv of the suit was that it waa
brought, not for the braeek Of a single
promise to many, bet fartaeMuf on#
promise and afterward making another
and breaking the!also. The fieatengage
ment wm made ia Wtt. While tbia en
gagem-ot existed, the ptaatiff was one
.lav startled ly the intelligence that the
oefaadant had actnafiv married another
young lady. She submitted quietly to
this treatment until the fottewmg year,
wheo the wife of -the defatfdart died.
After the tepee of several metrtb* his at
tentions to the plaintiff were renewed,
and die, woman like, forgave him bw
former treachery, and they, became su
gared a second time. After, a while the
defendant again relapsed from his devo
tion to rim plaintiff, and finally married
another. She now sought th* inimffieient *
redrew for wounded affections to be af- . t
forded by a court of inrtie*. and the jury
pave her a verdict of #3.too—mote, we
think, than each a fickle fellow would
have been worth as a husband, although
a very poor oonrotetiou for her disappoint-
Turn WOBLB'S Pairs -Jtaiusa.—This
memorable event in the musical world,
in spite of the recent destruction of a
part of the Coliseum, is now decidedly
fixed to take place at the time originally
specified; everything bwng already so
far advanced a* to warrant i public an
nouncement to that effect. It tibow defi
nitely arranged that the festival will open
on June 17th. to last tilUuly4th. and lost
the grand JuHitee ball is n* take-place on
the 2<sth of June. Invitation* Ipve been
issued to tbe E/vsidentand numbers of
the Cabinet, to the diplomatic, .represen
tatives of foreign nations resident at
Washington, to the Governors of each
State in the fnion. and to the Mayors of
all the principal cities throughout the
States The season tickets, admitting to
all the concert* in the Coliseum, are set
down at *SO each, which is not thought
unreasonable, considering "that people are
willing to pay $5 to bear Kilsaon only
once. Apart from the immense number
of vocal and instrumental performers,
nearly all the heat military bands in tbe
country have thus far been engaged,
among them Dodworth'a, and Do* Ding's
Ninth Regiment bands, of New York;
tbe Marine band, of Washington; and
the American Braaa Rand, of Erovidenoe.
IIU J " ,L 4 <4
Wospisrtjx OBownr.—Hie "State
lowa has. during the last three or four
decades, shown a wonderfully steady and
rapid increase in population. In IsfiO it
was, next to Wisconsin, the most thinly
populated portion of the Union. In
1850 it ranked in population the twenty
seventh among thirty-two States; ut
iB6O the thirtieth among thirty-six, and
now it is the eleventh among thirty-seven
States. If lowa only gods on increasing
in population at the same ratio, there ia
no reason to doubt that at the next cen
sus wc may And her taking rank aa the
sixth or seventh State of % Union.
THB TBKATT—The Washington Treaty
is dead, and the fact is so officially stated
in London, that there seems to be no
longer any possibility of saving anything
of {he remains. With it most fail not
only the arbitration of Geneva about the
Alabama claims, bnt also the arbitration
about San Juan by the Emperor of Ger
many, the arbitration at Washington to
settle British claims against the* United
States, and the settlement of the long
standing disfmte concerning 'the sea
coast fisheries.—JT. 7: Paper.
. '
MB. CBAKB said cattle did not chew
grain the second time with then cud am
ies* it was ground; he knew this, for be
bod carefully tried it-*—-Broom-sedge
was said to grow en rieteas well aa poor
lands; it was want of cultivation rather
than poverty of soil which encouraged
Ota as well aa all other weeds.