The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 31, 1872, Image 3
rE Jri-iTSS REt>OttTKR FRIDAY May 11., 1*72. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL WW*. -Our frienJ*. every* whore, will oblige U by sending u local new. of interest , , , , CIRCOLATIO*.- The circulation ot the Kkhtktkk, on thl. side the county, is larger than that of all other paper* in the county. Business men will therefor*' Snd this one of ths best advertising medium*. Vfe invito all interested to come and in ►pect our list for themelve*. RXKITTARCEt. -All monies for sub scription will We credite*! on tho subscri ber'* address, tach week: by referring to which our patn.ns can at all times see how their account. >tand, ami a receipt 1* by thi. system carried upon each copy ot the paper. Pkuioatiox.-The Lord willing, the new church, in Tylersville, Clinton coun ty, will be dedicati-d to the service of lo*1, May 19th. Pi each or* and friead* arc in vited U attend. K. Bta*M>'H, Pastor Also, on lhe*2nd of June, tho new church near Abr. Roc key's old homestead, about 4 miles north-west of l*g*atv dle, wtllbe dedicated. * s Fourth Aunu*! Convention of the Cwntrw County Saliliath School Asao ciatioii, to he held in the M. K Church, at Mi!wburj, IV, • loca lity, Wdoead*y and Thurwlay, June 4th, 5Ui and 6lh. 1872. IVlcpKtw, on rvachiujj Wilostiurg, will l>o aaaigucd to hotnea hy calling on the Committee, in th Lecturr Room of the M. K. Church. Jam ks A Bkavkk, Preaident. J Aft. F. Wka v Kit, Cor. Scc'y. R. Ckittkxiikx, R c. Socy. - - • Smith, mine boat of the Old K>rt ifotol, a I way* ha* a nice Jih of ice cre.M for you. Tb# railroad suite bate been discon tinues). The Attorneys on the two aides after holding a consultation, came to the conclusion that the stock-sub scripliona were valid, aud that pay ment could not bo avoided. Some of the |Wtrtie* who wished to test the mat ter hav accordingly paid their stock, and tho others, also agm? to do tha same We are gtad this conclusion was arrived at before much litigation ** bad, as the attendant heavy <x*is rane avoided which burden all matter* * law now a days. S | OELUtrosTC AND LkwistowsK. ( IL —Tbe Board af Directois of this Company, says the Republican, held a special meeting on Kriday eVeuiug last to receive the Report of their Cbetf Engineer, Alexander Worrall, Esq. His inatromeuul examinations were confined to tlu? autilhern slope of the 'Seven Mountains,' aud he report* a practical route from a point on the Summit some four miles west of Feuat's ria, tho Stone creek Gap, and thence across Buck Ridge and out through Cooper's Gap into Kisbaco ijuilla* Valley, deoending the slope by going west and crossing the valley at IJenry P. Taylor's; and thence rid, the valley ofthe Kishacooui 11a* creek con necting with the Mimiu Co. Road at iteedsville. By this route the whole distance from Bclkfonte to Lewiatawn, will ba about fifty-ooe mile* a* against the present Railroad diataoce of eighty-nine miles The first trial line iu t te Kishacoquilas valley, ran aa far west as Belleville {Greenwood): but this, made the whole distance too great. The Engineer i of the opinion, that the (ine may be still shortened one or two mile*, by going into Kishacoquilas Valley, thence to Reedsville around Straley's Knob, via Patt'* Valley,and at less cot of construction than his estimates for the Cooper's Gap route. Iu view, however, of the increased traffic inaured, the larger Subscriptions promised, and the greater accomoda tions to the public, the Board of Direc tors teem inclined to adopt the line, out through Coaper'a Gap, crossing the valley at Taylor On the Western slope of the moun tains, tne ef the former surveys will ibe adopted, if, upon more thorough (examination, nolhiug better presents. The Engineer, however, incliues to the opinion, that a better line than either, can be found by passing eut from j •Wlitul's knob iuto, and around the "The Loop," and thence, struui ic.e foot of Tussey's mountain to Hen thence to Bellefoute —from t be of Tuaeey's mountain construct, og * ^ rt ruatJ t0 Potter's M "I*, t® 1* worked in connec tion with tl'' main Hue. Tha max; mum gradiwiit* will be GO feet to the mile ascending, and 86 feet per mile d#ctoling, goingJfcUst with maximum curvuAure of 90,0 L, feel radio*. The Bo ard af Directors are now, we under*tan d, endeavoring to make tali* factory with the Penn sylvania kUifroad, ,vt>d with the other connecting road*, in J* traffic, rate* af charges, etc., etc. This ac complished, the preliminary v -ork,will all have bom put iu order for the' ■ ror * to begin. Now, let the whole people of Belle foute aud Centre county arouae them selves to the magnitude, benefits and great business ana financial importance of this work. Horses. Prof. St. John is in town, staying two weeks, giving instructions in Iforso Edu cating and curing all disease* horses are subject to. The partnership of Zeller & Jarrelt, in the drug business, has been dissolved and the basinets is now enrritd on as heretofore at the same stand, by J- Zellor A Son, Give tlii|i a call. Purer and better drugs than tbey keep, can not be bad. Bellefoute would like to sell iu Are en gine to Centre Hall, and then buy for itself a steam engine; What say our people? we should have an engine here. Mias Annie .Shannon, member of tee gneduaiiag class of Lutherville, Md., Fe male Seminary, v/ill accept the thanks of the adUorand finally, for aeomplimenu ry to ootnmenciaust eaercisesoftbcclass, June, 20lb, next.. Fire.— On last Saturday night, the store I of Kreamer A Co. >ke, t Oak Hall, was de •treyad ty lire. 'j?hc fire was discovered about 10o'clock, v rhen the alarm was giv • en, but had already r gained such headway that it was impossil le to put it out, and entire t oek of goods was burn ad, causing a loss 01! about S£UOO, on which there is an insurant m af S3OOB in the Penns valley company, an id S2SCO in a Philadel phia company. The* building belonged to Messrs. Steiaui, and upon it thero was no insurance. The caus •of the fire is not known, aad is suppo. led, K> have origina ted between the jartitu>ns, probably through rats having matches. Harris llro's, phot ographers, bavo our thanks for a lino pict' arc of the Reporter office. They rarnain only about • week yeti; which all should make a note of, that wish good pictures. " The Phreholook tat. Jocrral for June, —Conspiciout aim mg its contents are, ] Wm. Orten, President Western Telegraph Co:; W hat is the Tariff ttnestiou 7by Hor ace Greeley ; Steal or Starve !' Sir Fran is Orussley, M. P. ; I Unticello, Famous as the Home of Thomas '/afferson ; Expres sion : The Chinese in t the Philipines; Preachers and Preachii ig; Hoy's Library; Carbon and its Differen' ; Forms: 1 aul Du Chaillu, the famous Traveller ; Life Insur ance ; A Bad Pen, etc. Terms, $3 a year. 3. B. Wells, Publisher, Mew York. Muniugo and the l>taih rate. The death-rate in the married and un ! marriodj* a* the subject of a | a| er recently road by M. Ilertillou before the Academy f Medicine in Pari., There.ulU are baa ed on .lati.tie. derived from France, Bel gium, and Holland and are a. follow.: Of married men between tho age. 25 and 30, the death-rate wa*4 per thousand, unmar ried 10 per thousand, widower. 2*2 per thoutnnd. Of married and unmarriod women the rate was tho samo, vit: 9 per thousand, while in Widow* it wa. 17. In perron, from 30 to 35 the death-rate among married men wa. 11, the unmarried 5, and tho widower* 19 per lh*uaud j Among the women it wa. 6 for tho mar- j riod, 10 for tho unmarried, and 15 per; ll.ouaand for the widow*, from which we obtain the following table. ASK. MK3. 25 to Sit. Mar'ed 1 I'll mar 10. Widower* 22. aotoao. •* it. " &. " iw Total for decade 15. 15. 41 AUK. WOll KM. 05 to3U, Mtr'ol, I) I'nmar. 9. Widow., 17 30 te So, " 5. - 10. " 15 Toul for docadall. 19. 32. Which demonstrate that while in the case of men the death rate wa. the lame throughout the decade lor tho married and unmarried, there wa. a great falalily arnong the widower*. W 0 may, therefore conclude that while the married .late dor. not actively improve the sanitary condi tion in men, the relapse into the unmar ried .tale i. attended by a great fatality. The apparent rsplanation o thi. re.ull i. the reduction in the tone of the system from the meuul affliction that follows the wife, and doubtless a critical eiamtnalion into the diseases which carry off widower. Ib .uch targe proportion would .upport this by pot hes!. The .ingular fatality ameng widowers might be advenced a* an argument aga'*'t the married stale fer it i* not attended by any correalonding advantage, since the rate is the mus both ia the married and unmarried ; but tbU is only a superleia! view of the case, tor it must not be forgot-, ten that the very iucrea.e in the death-rale! among widower, show, bow much bate lost in losiiig their companions, and that lose Ueu indirect but no le certain evidence that Uwoi ir a gain, although it may appear to ho ob>ours Among women, on the contrary, uas riage reduced the death-rate nearly one third during lha decade j ii had, therefore, and eacelleut sanitary effect. On relaps ing iaU> the single state ot widowhood * ercat iucrea.e in the death-rate i. again seen .''hough in a lets degree than in men Apply ing ' the thU instance the) same argumeut as in the i**o f the men, J wo are driven to the conclusion that the low. of the companion iacrc**-t the! death-rate among womuw, tho rg.ulu are not a. fatal as aiueng men, in the proper j lion, as the table shows, of forty-ono in the; men, to thirty-two in tho women.—-Vrrid w's/ec J* . Dkatu or tuk Oawsian, f>w**r.- All will read with interest and h otior, tbi* ar ticle frem the York l>*ijy of tho loth in stance : "Barnum's museum, menagerie S&4 hip podroiue met with quite a less yesteiday in the death of the notorious Cannibal dwarf, whichiiccurcd at tho Pennsylvania hotel, in Ibis place. Tho little Fiji exhibited symptom* of indisposition several days ago, and the manager, Mr, W, C. Coup, sent the 'Cent ral,' as he is called to lw York, to be cared for by Mr, Barnum's family physician. But the little savage becom ing restless in the absence ef his associates bo was rturned to the company. Lilts ail p| bis race he had a native hor ror of shes sad clothing, and ever, in the wel, cold days that came upon tha cowpa- > ny in New Jersey, the manager was un abla to force shoes upon General, and dress with sufficient warmth Yesterday the man in charge uoticcd that hU fingers were Constantly in motion, while he muttered continually, the only w>rJ he ever pro nounced intelligibly, 'Fiji.' He ro fusod everything like food or nourishment and up pi rently thought ol nothing but hit native island. —Dancing or violent ges turing of any kind was always a source of. great merriment to the General, but now the keeper could not provoke even a smile. Tin- minaturc being wit* dying, and while hi* keeper wss doing hi* belt to cheer him up and make him take medicine be rose in bed, muttered 'Fiji' in u whisper and fell back dead. Hi* three native com panions who up to thi* limo were wholly iadifffrent, now exhibited all the symp tom* of genuine grief. They howled in-, cessantly, aao >ueb fearful phytieal contor tions ware probably never before witness cd in a civilized community. The death of this snvaga dwarf was not; an unexpected event. The scene subse quent, however, sent a thrill through each of the very few conveiant with the fart* Shortly after the corpse v*< placed in the coffin, last evening, Mr. S. S. Smith, the keeper, locked tho door Upon the three companion* ia an adjoining room, and left the building for the purpo*e of consulting with the manager at the National hotel, iia states that he wa* not absent thirty minute*, but that upon returning, a scene! presented itself too horrible to detail. The two male associate* had gained ac cess to the corp<, and wcro biting and knawing at the fleshy |*rtofthe body with all the eagerness of their Cannibalism ! i i The female stood aloof in one corner, and sign, word and gesture wa* entreating them 1° de*Ut. It is uudersood that this woman * convert to the teaching -of English MU*h>naries, arid look* with ab horrence upon 'U tb • uncbri.tian habiU of her tribe Mr. Smith promptly { Olerfcrod and the two miserable being* weiit sullenly to their appartnuat. All regret the unnatur al affair, and none more than tho parties directly interested. The remain* wore qui etly buried in the evening." Stokes Still Holds lite Winning Card —Beauty of the Law's Delays, New York, May 24.-Stokes was ar-J reigned yesterday but by instructions ef counsel refused to plead. The* court ord ered a pica of not guilty to ba entered. Tliu District Attorney then moved to pro cccd to tiial, but Stokes * counsel asked for a commission to go to England and ex amine Doruiau 11. Eaton, said to be an im portant witness (of the dele rise, and read a long affidavit in support theruef. After soma discussions, court decided to adjourn the case till the third Monday of June, to give counsel time for the issuance and re turn of a commission. The special pica prescuted by Stokes' counsel yesterday was overruled. Suspension in Ibt Lugprne Htf ion The miners of the Spring Mountain coal company, at Jcansvillo, turned out on sus pension CII Thursday on account of the dis charge of John t'ary, a prominent mem ber of the union. The company ha* issued circulars to other operators, which prevent the men from procuring work at other mines. This causes a high state of feeling among the miners, and it is feared that the suspension fevcr.willcitend throughout the whole Lehigh rogtop, if ne| beypjjd 'b the whole action of the company is declar ed to be iu direct violation of the decision of the umpire under which the long suspen sion was settled. Thereat present scorns to be no prospect* ef cither party yield ing. Grant's Friends Vainly Using Soft holder uu Jefleraan Da via. Correspondence of The Sun. Baltimore, May 20—Thero was a llitle social gathering here a few evonings ago. A number of Philadelphia!!* belonging to the Lwyul League dined with Jeffersen Davis, the eg-President of the Confeder -1 ate States. The My* l Mguers are warm I friends of President Grat. AfflPPff them ! wa* M. I). Doihtrl;, Mr. Uoorgc \V. Child., and Mr. Morton M.-Michael. Th. v ' nil fell fur Mr. Davis, Thry drw [ (rations to provo that wm never very magnanimous toward tho South Mr. Davis tipped hi. champagne and looked it I " tho Laagucr. with hU piercing gray ev<\ but laid nothing. Thou ona of tho*e g. u -1 tinmen poured out all tho eloquence of li • toul in depicting tho deep and vamo-l ! sympathy fell fr tho South by Urant from the timo of Lw't .urroudoi up to tho pro- ■ out. Mr. Davit still sipped hi.rhampagn* and ww silent. Alter li.tealug twciit.v uiiauto. longer to tho loyal Leaguers, h< ! assured them that a friend in need a.a friend iudood, and that thoy might take it ' for granted that a. far it. ho and hi. buu.t wore concerted thoy *ould auppoil (lid I iluui .lv. Tho Loyal Leaguer* then diap | peared iiko a Hock of blackbirds. • -*- • A Ku kluv Fiction KipltMlitl. The following letter front OenentlJ. | it. Cordon tella ila own story ; New York, May 20. Hon. John Scutt Ihi fed State* -Vnu for/row J\rnn*ylvani<t: Sir. My atlontion ha. lecii called t > >OlllO rvuiarlt. uiaco by yu .11 tho I'niti Stato. Sonata on KriJai. tho 17th in.l ' ii which you allogo that "General J 11. tSol don, of Georgia, am among thaorgamaor. and earlic.t loader." of the Ku-Klus. Not .atiaiod with the prompt denial t>\ two of your hrothar Sonator., you .ought, in furtherance of lha political ohjoct iiich 1 1. apparent throughout your remark., .till 1 Ito iuiproa. the idea that "General Uordor j refused to tell nil ho know upon the .lib jeet," and you nfoct to believe that 1 had • | concealed fact* withiiwuiy knowledge fot di.hoiiot purpose.. | It is not for mo to contrast mv motives, ; iuy honor or integrity with yours, but your J par.iU-n| feneration ia your place in tho Council Chamber oftlffl nation of a state ment already .tamped a* a ulmiluhh], Je . maiidi some notice from me. You cannot 1 1 be ignorant ol the fact that I distinctly stated in my testimony that 1 knew nwll ing lof gi)y uch order a* "Ku-Klui," save j what 1 had sueu Hi thy ffew|aper>; that 1 , had helongod to an orgaiiUalleo ul gsi.tle ' uien, the nature of which wa. that of a o lice for the preservation of the peace in the disorganised state of our society , that tier*- wa. 110 political idea in it; that it had m-tvr within m k'juw ledge called a mooting of iu u/eiuter., that 1 U<j4 <fi>tgr teen or: heard of a di.gui.e in (jimrgia u.*wpt th>iae { worn by tare gaplurcd robbers, who wore {member, of aud B( ruprcenLtjte. ufyvpr own political party a* tt oalata iu many per : (ions of the South, and these two, 1 believe, are now in the Georgia Penitentiary. Thl. ji* my impression a. slated ia my UMtimcny 1 before !'e Xuvc.tlg.ling CommitUo ia I Washington. It your vision, ir, had not I'ton ilutort |ltU by yvhich 1 respectfully üb j mil i unworthy of the high you hold a* a reprcscntativ uof a great nation you would have teen upon jour Southern lour what every hoaor*bie Northern wan who goe* amongst u* ees, via,, that what ef e* (ifin).** have been com nutted in the South are the opigrowth of the wrong' perpetrated hj the iniameu* Stat, government you have vet up oyer Uf. I challenge yowr denial of the following facta: Whatever apprehension* were fujl at (be cessation of the war for tho peace of 1 society and aafety of citixons in conse quence of the overthrow of our local gov • veinmenU, the disbanding of an army sud denly *ia<)e pauper*, and the .-mancipation of a wliolo tage i)f .'()' w, these apprehen sions were all toon allayed. The kindliest relations existed between' the two races; pcaeo and an observance of law were everywhere found. And never, *jr, until your carpet-bag governments,, through the fear* u'J cupidity of the po..r deluded negro, had <uttbiUcred hun against us, and by his aid and yours bad robbed our, treasures, plundered our corporation*, blighted our agriculture, blasted our hopes, and hung debt like a millstone about our necks— sever until then, and uti-' til the administration ef law became a mockery and political subserviency a pass-' port to Executive clemency for crime, was, the peace in the South ever broken. < r ill will engendered between tho races. And it U this diabolism you would con-' tinue in the South. Like the tormentor in the Spanish bullfights, you continually ling tbo bloody flag in :hef*ce of the negro,' and goad the white man to desperation with the bayonet, that the inevitable con flict may ftirnish the oxcuse for tho per petuation ef your de|li*m. 1 pray that the American people may rebuke this spirit in the coming elections, and let the, reigu of constitutional government ba once more inaugurated. But b thst a* it may, 1 •bsll not ,per mit you by my silence to buNter up the fortune* of a political party by thu* urag ging my name into notoriuty, without ak ing you t*>carry al*o the responsibility of the wi.lful falsehood you have perpetrated in the effort I am, ir, very respectfully your*. J. It. Gouoon, vfGeorgia. Doom of ihwCuiumuuist*—Threo No torious Insurrectionist* Execulod. Paris, May 25.—Perister, Uoinand llu i dier, three notorious communists, who during the reigu of the commune, inado themselves infamous in connection with some of the worst crimes then perpetrated wura executed this morning, in accordance with the sentence pronounced by tho Ver sailles commission, . Tho execution look placo shortly after two o'clock. At an early hour the prison er* were brought from their cells, and un der a strong military guard, conducted to tho camp, where the tiring party was drawn up to receive tbern. A hollow square, opened at ono end, and the prisoner* placed in tho centre. The three men exhibited the utmost forti tude and courage Pi tho last. Tho com mand to tiro was givca, anj the commu nists, shouting "Vive la commune,'' fell, riddled with bullets.The tripplo execution was witnessed by only a few persons ex cept the military and prison officials. - ♦ • The most complete bault down, is that ot the Grant administration in the treaty ol of Washington ; it made a great bluster of forcing England to pay all the expenses of the war since the battle of Gettysburg and a bill of indirect damages largo enough to pay off our entire national debt. The Age remarks that the Senate has done what it can to rescue the administration front the ridiculous position in which it had placed itself. There was no creditable esit frogj it; and the|disredit is lightened by bring ing in the Senate to ..hare it A preposter ous claim was advanced, which the whole wo:Id pronounced U> be ridiculous. It was advanced without any warrant or in the treaty, but it was slipped into the "case" fur "Bttocntpbo." No "political capital" has been made by it—tJH'tP Iha contrary. Tho hat king out, for such it ia, thinly sugar-coated, is ibu most igno uiinous strait than any government wna ever reduced to. So much for imbecility iu office, and too much thought about Buncombe. Had the administration tak en a straightforward, man y course it would have kept out ol this scrape, or got out.of it with more dignity. As it is, Gen eral tirqpj puppot repeat the dispatch of! the old French King • "A'i U M gew* our honor." Wo lose all tho cpsl of the war taftor Gettysburg), which the admin- Miration all iu organs swore wa wore on tilled to, and wo lose our credit into the bargain. We hope our inerchanU will now get their long-delayed claim*, but for the payment of these neither Treaty nor Supplemental Treaty provide*. Great Britain, flushed Wtfo H<Wb ®V l " the arbitrator* with a total denial that she owes anything. Surely this has boon a terrible ill-managed business. The weather is fine, by spells cool, on Mondty some localities had heavy rains. (By telegraph to the Now York Tribune) \Y a-hmgtoii, Way 17.—-The event* of this week have >|>oiiutl the eves of the President in regard to (he polith-ui *ilualion more limit anything (hut ha* previously happened. These 'event* have been (lie re-election of 'Senator Kerry by the co-<>|Mralinii o| .'the Liberal Republican* and Demo jcreU wl the Connecticut Legislature, and the other i* the action of the New York Mate Democratic Convention Having the greatest coiilideure in Col. Forney'a judgement, the I'raai dent a<-nt |ur him, yesterday, ami he ariived hero this morning, prepared to remain h week. Thi* evening Col. Kuril ay wan invited to dine at the White KOUM*. and a long conversation | eurucd uii the great )K>ltlical topic* el the da v. Hie President it u grculiy surprised l find thai t'oloiiel Forney rlid nut think that the nomination of Mr. lireel, y nt Rnltimore would Ire u good tiling lor the prcr-elit admillietration All of It * friends liad told him that he was -.-ire to g*t more Democratic volts than Mi Greeley, and he hard- Iv km-w how to take it when Colonel hoiin v lold Id lit that it was it delu lion which iie had Utter rid himself of a* soon us pos-dlde. 'Mutvo beet) iu the Democratic party," raid Forney "anil I know that those who eouijioae it always vote solidly together. Men may laugh at the idea that Horace Greeley klmuld he a candidate, hut they know little of the strength and popularity he has with the poopla." Colonel Forney rejwutnl to the President, that if the Democrat* con eluded, at Rultimare, to support Mr, Greeley, Geueral Grant need expect ' no assistance fiom that party. Mr. Yoorheea, ami the few who go with liim, he aaiil, will have no influence Itipon the nuuM-a of the people. Colonel Forney re til rtieii to I'hiln* •lelphin tonight, itml the l'res ! Frrsiilriit greatly fear* thnt he ia'pr* ptatug (o announce that he shall atije | port the Ciiicinunali ticket. Senator t'arweioii tolJ the President recently that Colonel Forney would le uti the other side before the October electioits ami General Grunt begin* to thiuk that tin re may (HI some truth iu what Mr Cameron told him. The Jtistoii l\ist jay# of (lit) recent meeting of Colonel M>l>y and (jt>n, (J ran I ; lit wu* altogether a joyful inter view, ami one may easily imagine that Mushy, aa he expressed hiiuHclf, ["docan 'l feel small in Grant'* presence." I iiut wh:!: we may admire the wurdly wisdom >f General Grant iu securing . lfee allegiance of the must notorious huahwhntker at itie rebellion, t,ffen at! the sacrifice of official digiiilv, it i* to Ite hoped, now tliat the President ha* taken Me-tiy to It in besom, that the iu of Horace Greeley in signing Jell Davis's bail-bond will be in n men-, ! ure oobdolicd, ~ t T t —- MAKKIAGKS. lin th.< Slhl Ht the KafoMni'ti Par !ouag in lioalshurg, by Hv. \V. 11. (irub, I Mr. Kmanuvl Fyc, *n<t ilm Julia A Mcv* r k>-lit of (tenner la j>. DEATHS. On My 17lh, in PUinlK-1.1, 111., Samuel ' K-ufk, e0 of Jacob and Mary A Koch ot (Voirecounty, IV, g< J V >„.%. 1 month! and l'.i day>. On'J&th. in Milo twp., Peter Klitiofel i tor, aged 4>> year*, 3 months. ■ UGHTNING SAWS *t M.niuU tewtpticti. For >4U by W. J MMANIGAL. , may 31 3m. Miiroy. I — A two jmt old iur, with! J whit.- fiK-c, ut..l wlrtt-- fort, Lwinn |o t.*i proinir of the undr-riiirnwt. litiu on Jerry Klint-'* farm, in ltru*hvalley, about two week* ago. The owner t. rciuolml to! pru*e property. pay charge*. and removal tie am, Licri 1/D.U may J. ZELLER SON DRUGGISTS No B HrwckcrhofT Row, lb llefoiite. pa. l)r:lrrH In Drnipi, < UrinlniU, IVrtuinrr), fiuic) AC., dr. Pure Wine* and Liquor* for medical purpose* always kept. may 81. 72. TTrick of A I'FKA t>.— Appeals will be held at tho Commit •ionur.' offics in liolletunLa fur lb dilfw* ent townships, oil the following days, vil; On Monday Junj loth. 1872, Milea, Haines, I'enn, Gregg and I'otter town •hip* On Tuesday June 11th Harris, Fergu •on, Ilalfmcoii, Fallon and Walker town ships. On \V<-dncsdav June 12th, Marion. Lib ert*-, Curtin, and Howard tow n*hip, How ard It-ro. On Thursday Jun<tl3th. Itggand Miles- I burg llorn, Union and I'nion tow nth p. I Unmuvillc Boro, Hu.P>n and H'ortli town | liip*. I On Friday June 1-Uh,. Taylor, Iturn -ide, .Snow Shoe, Rush p>Wn*liips, Fliilipt ! burg Boro. ' On Monday June 17th, llellefonte Boro, 1 llenneraiid Spring township*. JOSKI'II MCI OSKKY. J. tl. HANKKY, S F KOSTKIt, At/eat; Coin'r*. | Wl. FURY Clerk. y24--'.t. VHMINISTUATOIts NoTU'K 1..7- ter* of Admisisi ration on the e*tnteof Suialiiiah Neese, late of l'eitn twp., dee'd, having been granted to the under.i ned, he requests all person-, knowing them •elve* indrhlod to said entate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the *mc to nrctcnt llieni, duly au thenticated by !nw fur settlement. WM. GROVK, nmy'24. til Administrator. Gift <fc Flory's New Shoe Store ! AT CKNTKK lIALL. Tliey have now opened, ami will cunstant ly keep on hand, M splendid rPak of new fill OKA, G AIT Kits, ,k S|, I I'I'KHS, for men, women ami children, from the best manufacpiries in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Pricos. HOOTS and SiIOKS made to order, upon short notice TMy inylte the ponplu ol this vicinity tp give ibclu a call, as they will strive to merit a share of their Pat ronage. mylOtf Good News for the Ladies. NPItINU OPENING OF ItonnolH, Trimming* Xlll ill MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE'S |n C'fntro Hall, Mrs M. K. Sboupo, has just returned from Philadelphia, with the LATEST FASHIONS, ami complete stock of New Bonnetts, New Hats, Elegant Trimmings, dec., which will he sold or made up, as usual at reasonable prices. Also, old ladies Dress Caps. The new styles are very pretty. Ladies call ami see them early, First eoine, first served, inayO 4f. Qoautiful Toilet Soils, Chnmbcr Pull*, Ac., For salo by apr2o. tf. WM. J.M'MANIOAL. ) TKKHIIILE DISASTER Slilpw recked off l*nbrndor. Halifax, N.S . May 20. —The llar horjtiraee paper* contain detail* of a J fearful disaster which occurred al Labrador. On the 11th of March la*t, the hrig Huntsman, Captain Itoliert Da we*, nailed from Harbor Grace with a crew of ixty two men on a Hruliug voyage. When off Cape Charier, Labrador on Saturday, April I'2oth, iu rotnpauy with the ltcwcue, Vesta mid laml Clyde, and near Rat tle Haihor the HunUmaii wa* farced ahead, a gale from the northeast *ud Jdetilv sprung up and the //uiitaman : wuadriven UJMMI the rock*. Theuighi 'wa* pitch dark, llelore tho ve**el "truck, three teamen saw the ruck* and jumped overheard to try and aave thcmelve*, but were instantly killed by the ruh of floating ice. The re uiaiiiiiig lißy-oiue took the rigging ; and in five minute* afterward* Colli iua*t* Went over. Only aeventerti o| j the crew e*ca|M>d. Of these seventeen j all hut three were vuiiously injured by having their arm* and leg* broken tnd bodies bruited. They managed •' to reach the Rescue by crawling over ' the ire a di*tauce of half a mile. | Forty-live men mre lu*t, mwt of tlioat I leaving families al or near Harbor Grace. The ether veatel* Of 3a | fid with little ilamagv. New York. My 24 The striket ainung tho different organlaatioti* ountinua. The kiglil Hour League held s ii>au meeting st Teutonic Hall thi, morning, at which one thousand men wire present. About two hundred slid tifly bottt'i have acceded to the demand, ol the men up to this morning. Tha eolSii maker* have struck work. Tlx builder* will follow on Monday un lets their demands arc acceded to h_v the bosket, and the Herman painter* sre still pressing their deiinv lid* tor eight hour*. The (iorinaa striker, passed a vote ol centure on the Herman newspaper* of j Now York. A communication has just been received from tho Kight Hour Leaguo in Boston siinouticiiig that a general strike will take placo thero on the aoth, and asking*thc Herman cabinet makers of New York i| send a committee to assist the movement. S|rrl IPs Sale By *ntue of sundry yni* of venditioni <•1 l-ruut- levari fin ia issued eut of the Court of Common I'lra* of Centre county, and te me directed will he r|p<osd to lie ale. at the Court House. lit llcilefoiite, >j on the 16th day of June, A I)., I(Ci, the i ! following property to wit : All that certain lot of around situate'n! the thorough of Hi llefoiite, Centre county,! IV, bounded on east by—-street, on south i by high street, t by lot of C. M Cafft r ly, and on the north by lot of Mi*. A rater,j and an alley containing J of an acre morel jorh thereon erected a Urge 4 story a well-1 big boim. stable and other outbuildings Also all the right title and Interest of (Te-! ; fondant in and to all that u rtain tra. tor piece of land situate In Hoggs twp , bound ed n the north by land of llavid Lucas, ,et al on the east by land of John Ncimau! on south by land of Miltcn Neiman, con-' mining l acre* or thereabout*—K> acres ideated thereon erected a dwelling house ' i barn *iiJ ether outbuilding. Seiztd, tk I en in eje< utin and to be sold a* the prop erty of A Sternberg. ALSO: All that certain messuage tenement and 1 lot of ground, situate in the borough of' ! Rottofonte, known as the old Masonic Lodge property, and in the general plan, of said Horu., at lot No. 6?, bounded on the north by Pik* alley, on the east by' I'enn street, on the south by ILgh street. , and (in the weft by let op which fhp old [Centre county prison i* erected, being thai same which Jobu I>. Wlngato, and Calb urinc. bis wife, by deed b<xiring date 22nd March, INGN, recorded in deed book, page it®, together with a large 2 story house, [ •table and other outbuilding' thereon j -•reeled. Seized, taken in execution and to ! b-* sold at the | roporlv of A. Sternberg. A u4t| i Ail that certain tenement or piece ofi land situat 'in Itsnner twp., or tne b0r0.,! of Hellefente, beginning at a |>sl on the! •outh-west corner of lot of Junatban Mill j or—thence along the line of said lot south: 41 drg , east 'JHU frot, to a l">st. thepc* cast 39 degree* along the line of Jonathan Mill -r's lot, .VO It-el to a |iu*l, ibonco south 41 degree* 3t<) feel to a post shrnce by land of Keuben Valentino south 06 di g , west IUI : feet to a post ihencc north 41 dcg., west 60l) feet to post thence north IW dog., *t along 1 the north tide uf the road leading fram Belli fanto ( • Hoopsburg to the placo of i beginning, containing about one acre, ■ thereon erected a two story plank frame | dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to b- sold a* thai property of John W. Campbell AII tho* *< veral tract* of land situated in Ferguson twp., Centre county. Pa. One thereof bounded on the North, by land ol Win M. Lvon rt, al. on the east bv land of lloutx, on the south by land of John llrrtl and o the wost bv land of Vaac a Vinos Harper ct al containing one hun •lred and ten acre* more or less, thereon erected a bouse and barn, and having *!>ut 7Uner* cleared. Another thereof all that Certain lest of ground situated in Pine drove. Centre co., Itoiimied on the north by a lot ofO. Ard, east by list of I*. Lytic, south by |i" lie road, and wot by lot of Parsonage, belonging to HL John Lutheran congregation of Pino llrove M ills, containing i of an aoro, there on envted aho use and stable. Another lharoof, situated in Ferguson twp., bound ed on the north by lands of If. finyder, | east by land of I). Knu, south by land of] :T. K. ration, and west bv land- of J 11. [ Mitchell, containing 4ti acre* nil clear, j The.other thereof, situated in Ferguson twp., is bounded on the north by lands of j I>. Ko*, east by lands ol D. Kos, |>, RcW [ sis, and others, south by land uf Mo*>i Thompson, and other*, and west by land of T r Patbin. containing 40 acres, about aen-sob-ar, and having thcrceu erected 4 twe story frame dwelling house, barn, and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Archoy. ALSO; All that certain lower lot numbered and designated as lot No. 7 in general plot ofj Sloydstown, as recorded at llclletonte in: Misrllaneous book, and being the same premise* now occupied by II S. Craine. it. 1 Hush twp., Centre county, bounded by lot No. and by Cilhoun street, Cass street, and Grant strooL thereon erected a two Story dwelling IMSMO, and out building-. Seized, taken in execution, and pi be sold a* the property of 11. S. Craine. A I-SO; A certain lot el ground situated in Hush twp., Centre county, bounded on the north by lot ofT. Hobisoti, east by Clearfield and I'hilipsburg Turnpike road, south by lot of C , west by lot >t 1 lav id l-ogan, and extending along llio turnpike 60 leet, and IliO feet deep containing i acre, thereon erected atw o story dwelling house. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Hoffman. Sale to commence at one o'clock ol said day. D. W. WOOPHKO, Sheriff AUDITOR'S NOTICK -In the mattei ofthe estate of William 11. Krise, late of lioggs twp , dee'd, in the orphan's i court of Centre county. The auditor ap pointed by the court to make distribution of the balance, in the hands of Henry Men ton, administrator of the estate, to uml among the parties thereto, respectfully give# notice, that he will meet all parties interested, to hear and determine sueli questions a* may arise In accordance with the nature of tl|e case apd the duties ol Ins appointment, on Monday, the 10th day of June, next at the office, in llellefonte, at 10 o'clock A M , of said day. J. S. IIARNiI AllT, mayl7.Bt. Auditor. I.*XKCUTOKS NOTlCE.—Lettora Toa tamentary on the estate ofSolatuon Rlahrl, late of Oregg twp., dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All per- knowing iliprunplvw Indebted to miu estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them •proncrly authenticated f.u KYSHKI mgylT.M. KxecuUi Oils Common Lubricating Oil 80 per gal. Extra do 00 " • Fish Oil UO " Wilder Ulwtehml Whale Oil I,lft " " Extra Lard Oil 1,25 " Fine Varnlaboa, Japans, Linseed Oil, Lewis & Bro'a White Lead, Paint Brushes, Dry l'aints, Colored paints in oil, Turpen tine, Fire proof paint, iic., &e., for sale .very low at W. J McMANIOALS, may IT 3t. Milroy Pa, I*rotliOiio(ry. W are authorised t* announce that Aaron William*, of llcllefunlu. will be a caniliiiate l'..r Prutbottolary, subject tothr decision of the democratic county run * en lion. Sheriff We an- suthoroisnd t<> annuunee the name of It P. Brown, of Harris twp , a* a candidate for sheriff, subject l> the duels ion of the democratic county convention. \v e are authoriaeii u> tnnounee llie name of Ueiilamin Shafer, of Walker twp , a a candidate lor Sheriff, subject lu the decis ion of the democratic county ei nvetilion. We are authorised to anii-sunr•• the name al Alex. Shannon, oH'ettlru Hall a> a can didate fur Slier ill, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are aulhoriaed lo announce the name ol John Spungler, uf Centre Hall, HA a can didate tor Sheriff, •uhjeel to the doctiiun of the democratic county convention, IIKLLKPONTKM AItKKTS Corrected hy 0. D. Keller. I iVlllte (Vilest $1 9(1, Bed I*s ... Itye 75 Coin (!) ... Oat" U) Bar fry till. 70 o'lu /i>reil A,on Potatoes *6, Lard per pound ft....,,,P0rk per pound in Butler 25 Kgg. 15 Piaster |>cr ton fit Tallow R.... Bsciiii it Usui 17 LKWIMTOWN MAItKKTS White wheat 2,tf> It* d wheat 1,75.... Ry< *5 Corn 00 Hat* 66 Barley iii Clot orseed 4.00 Tim<>lhysed, 350 Sail '2 50 per kaok Bacon 10c Ham IU Butter J0... Kggs 12 Platter 9 50 I TJSB3 „ • -TBTTFT it NORMS uit IT [ MM, Soret, Wwndi iid Untie* v BUY ITT TRY IT! „ i)d fat, . Uie Pti| Cur* 0/ u For BBEUNJATIINJ, . . . Utt Ptip Car* JUL For For FevASare,. ~. Uu Pli| C/o OIL . For CboleVlJorbus, . Uie Piis jCrt OIL * For SprtimV . . . . Uoe OIL I For IjetdteheV .. . Uoo Cur* Oil, For Brunei. .V . , UieJ|i| Cure Oil. , For Cormtnil ( ; For 4 n 3F Sore, .\. X. Cur* OIL For 4oy Liipeneii. VUie Pti 9 Cure Oil 1 Erikl K Tr^r>a\i'.kSASm, l AM k rMUrnck BTiStsfk lb Mi < T'H Ui-iJKi SUA IV WAIT L 4 ¥** / Ask far FAFLYCOEE OIL A. M stk far IT TO FLBTT IL Ik Su< kIBM* |lMi|ltttAk|| lu jl. Y 1 VSAJFAW# ML*, IBITE SM T|J%I S Own Ikt aU. Am SSk sC W* fc | pi M ttndw* is ¥ T'V fun r:. uo i tan. BcCLUtf A IATOII, HortiiTQai, iMliiaa *■ - New Clothing Store A. STERNBERG, : ' "K"K DTO manage for 1 L UT-IT. nuun. in the corner L.uildirr CI|IJsi(C {{utTur'S LUc, liclli-IUPLI-, as I .VABTIKHED a liew T'isthiiig Store WHERE the HC*t bargain* in the ominty arc offered. 37.50 to sls for Suits of tho tin ost Cassiniere, liA'lH CAIVs and A full and complete assortment of ev ery tiling in the line of Clothing. to ut's FurnlnhlUK hoods alt directly from their own manufactory. A I so. ffulebM, They have engaged iheir old clerk, Mr. A. SLI rnherg, KO w I ll known to the and who will he PIEAKED to see hit old' friends. spitif. PLACE good* of every discriplian, sold low to EIISBLV yvorjrbuoy to have hu cloth ing made to order. A. SUSSMAiN LEATHER & SHOE FINDING. in iuwer room. No. I. Bush's block, where ho keeps ud hand a stock of WHITE and UEU LEA Til EH and 11A USEES. Kips and Calf Skins French ami City Finish. STIUNG LKATII EH, SIIOE FINDINGS OFFVEIIY DE SCRIPT ION. Haw Hides BOUGHT AND BOLD. Trunks and Valises OF ALL KINDS. HAW FURS, of all kinds bought and highent price |id. Clover and Timothy Seed alway* bought and on hand*. WHKAT and OATS •peeinlly bought and the high est Cash prico paid. (Jo to .Hussman's, them you ean buy cheaper than eUewhere, a* everybody know*, who ever dealt with him. lie let* no one o(T without a good bargain. Next door to SuMntan * i the cheap do gmata establishment of Isaac Guggenheim er. ADMINISTRATOR 8 NOTlCK.—Let ter* of administration on the ettale of Frederick Zellle, late of Gregg twp., dee'd, baring been granted to the undcr •igned, he reuuunt* all persons, knowing themselves indebted to *aid .-tnte to make immediate payment, and those having claim* against the Mine to present them, duly authenticated by law lor tetllement. FKKDsRICK ZKTTLK, mayS.Gt. Administrator. ADMIN ISTRATORS NOTICE.--L*- ter* of administration on the estate oi Samuel Jameson, late of Gregg twp., having been granted to the undersigned, he request- all persons, knowing them selves indebted to said estate to mako im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them, duly au thenticated by law lor settlement. JOHN OOLDUON, may :l.lit. Administrator. H. P. PEIXINOKK. A. C. MPHHBIL MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS. New Firm—New Enterprac. DEININOER * MUSSER, (Successors to 1). 0. DKINIWUK*) We would must respectfully Inform the public, that they have taken , of this old and successful establishment, and propose to carry vn the same under re newed auspice*. They have on hand, and will make to order, MONUMENTS, commit*, TOM ll* * HEADSTONES, of any possible design, and price. Wo use tho boat grades of marble— ITALIAN, CARARA, AVIKRJOAN STATCART, HUTLANJ) AC., and any with perfect assurance, "Our work i* our reference," Hlion, Ivastof Bridge, Millhoim. aprlHUy. HOUMK AND IJOT row SAL*.— The under signed offer* a choice pro|erty for aale, 1 consisting of a new two *tory frame house, now stablo, and other outbuildings, TUo lot is a line one, lying on Main street. Centre Hal), and has a variety uf vi,uioe fruit tree* upon it, for farther informa tion apply to I'JapSm M UH'HAKD, Ag'V I NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS! C. D. KELLER. BISHOPSTREETBELLEFONTE, PENNA, is now prepared, at tho Old Stand <>n Bishop Street. to sell DTf GOODS, fi OC£J£B,at,ato, SbM,Carpets, CEDAR AND WILLOW WANK. AC.. AC. at greatly reduced price*. He la al*o prepared to purchase A Mi KINDS Or GRAIN! PoH WHICH Ilk WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ASH PUItCUASKRS MILL PINDMUPKBIOB INDUCEMKN IS TIIKHK •prllKf V. D KKLLKIt THE KEYSTONE LIGHTNING ROD CO. Are the Solo Proprietor* of tho Celebrated T. T. Kinney Patont Copper Lightning Rod. Also manufacturer* of HIPPER CARLE, HOIIM AND H EATHER VAN EM Of * vary Dscnpliss and of ths avast ov ad ItyU. AH "r4iA f it# /)i"h and lam* wilt rctwi* prom? l alien/Mm if yiosn to GKISKA COMPANY, Agent* for Centra C-ounly Uutriti HAU, PA. A] H 12 ti JTWD ATpUIVATRSALL A lot uf land, lying in tireggtowr ship, on the hanks uf VcnnA crock, between i'enn llall and Spring Mills, is ofleml at orivala sale. It adjoins land* of Ueu. Bach and L. U. M'lntire, eontaiinng 24 At'HEH mora or loss. About H acres consist oi first class while pioe limber, tbe ha lane' cleared and under cultivation—s acres are meadow. Pur further particular* apply to C.H IIRNNICK. Urwgg twp. I. Gnggeiihejiiier. ARRANUKMKXTt la AAO GpuuKMUKiMLU, having purchased the entire stuck of the late liriu of Suaaman A Gugg-uiheimar, ex cept the Leather ami Shoe-findings, ho* filled up hia ahelvea with a lot uf BILEXI>ID XEW tiOODe, embracing HEADY MADE CLOTHING, DlikX* GOODS, (JKOfkUIU, rsovtaioxH, BOOTH A SHOES, IIATB A CAI-H, ASU FASCT AKTICL.EB, ami ia now prepared to accomodate all hia old cualomera, aud to welcome all new on™ who mav favor him with their patronage, lie fceh* safe in far ing that he can pleaae the moat fiutidi oua Call and aee. ISAAC UrGtiKNIIKIMKP. P. B.—Mr. Suaaman atill continue* i deal in LKVTIIKK AND SHOE-FIN DINGS, , CLOVKKand TIMOTHY HERDS, in the old room, where he may alway bo found. Something in llellefonte! GOODS SOLD LOW For Cash Only!! BURNSIDE & THOMAS tVH.iLH.UI.IU lIKTAIL J.bfc-r. A H. r rhawla. mtrißtf COAL, LIME, * i i I i i and POWDER] ( 1 COAL— Wilkeabarre Goal, Obnatnnt Stove, Kgg, furnaco and foundry, boat quality, at the low cat pricca. Customer* will please note that our coal is housed un der commodious shed*. LI MR—Wood or coal-brirnt Limn, for ant* at our kilna, on tho pike lea ling to Milcaburg. POWI)KK,-l|avin, received the agency for I>l < font's I'owder AT WiIC.LKSALK, wo shall !■ pleaaed to receive orders from thu trade. Office and yard near aouth end of Bald .Eagle Valley R. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. |nov4 SHOBTLIDGEA CO Railroad 0. K. N E W G D O DS. Heriacher & Cronmiiler. CENTRE HALL. PA Have just received, Dry (loads, Nation*, (Iroeerie*, Hard ware, Quoensware, Wood and w illow tin Iron, Salt, Klsh and in fact, a magnilrci. assortbiout of a very thing jaud now offemlat pricca lower thai, the lowest. Drew Goods A most beautiful variety, eunshrting of all tha BovelUi-s of the season, white goods, embroideries, hoop skirt* BALMORAL KKIRTH, All we oak that you will CALL AND KXAMINK OI'KHTOCK A LL KINDS tip HABNKMh, silver plated and Yankee llsrness double and single bridle* and halter*. Apr I WAR! WAR! On High Priced. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. U. NMITII. ofPoUen Mill*. N E W G O ODS ! We would moat reapeirtAilly i- from hi* iri.-nd-, cu*tumer*. and the public- gener ally, that be ha* taken possession of Tiiomivson's old quarter., which have been remodeled and improved, and 1* now pre j pared to aecuuimodate all who may favor I him by oalliug. NEW GOODS! He ha. just received one of the largest stuck* of all kinds of Merchandise ever ! brought to ten Ire county, which he intunds i lo sell al scuh figure* a* will make it an ob ject (or all |KT*un* to purchase. Patuilic* I laying in w inter supplies of (iroeerie*, Dry bond*, Ac,, should not fail lo give ; him a call, a* he feel* confident bis price* and superior quality of good* will amply isatisfy all. Hi. slock of GROCERIES conaisls of Coffee* of the beat quality Tea* Sugar, of all kinds. Molasses, Pol,. c*hee . Dried Pruu, Spices, Pr..vUicnt, PltKir and Peed, Ac., Ac. Our stock of D It YG OO DS is large and varied, and we will just say can supply any article in that line, with out enumerating. READY M A DEC LOT IIINO a targe t<M-k of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boya' wear, which wo will dispose of at a very amall advance on cuet. Bti and Shoee, Hat* and Cape, Hard ware, t^uem-ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notion*. Fancy Good*. Carpet*, Oil cloth*. Wall Paper*. Window Shade*, dte., or I® Jy. (iraliam & Son, Boot&Shoe Makers Next ilwr to D C Keller's Store Ikllefoole. We manufacture to order. Our work i* neat and durable. Our price* arc very moderate. We warrant to givo atifaclion. We have the LARGEST and BEST stock of Ladic'a and Children'* *hoe* In town. We are receiving good* every nek. We with an examination of our good*. The Pennvalley trade i* c*|**ially in vited to call and tee our atock, we think *.• can ploace all who call a* to lylc, quality, and price*. We study to render satisfaction, and although we have had an extended trado for year*, we havo never given n customer cause to complain. septt&tf. g ROCK IRIIOFF HOUSE, " . Allcgnenev Stmt, llellefoutc, Pa. ' I). JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. , ii ■ Kri MKT CLAM nOTIL COMFOETABLB ROOM* J PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CXINVKNIKN- 1 CRS- AND REASONABLE Charge*. The propriaten offer to the traveling J public, alio to tlieir country fiiendi, fir*t i cla* aeeommodalkini and careful attcn- J linn to the w ant* of guest* at all time*, at I fair rate*. Carofhl hostler* and good stable 1 ling for hotaaa. An excellent table well served. A Mar tuppfietl with fine liquor*. ServNiiU well trained and everything re- I quiaito in a first class Hotel. Our location , it in the husine** part of the town, aearthe Post Office, the Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p incipal place* of business, render* it the mort eligible place for those who visit Bellefoeto on bum or ploasure. An Otuuibus will carry passcngotT and and from all trainn R.Road Letting* SEALED PROPOSALB will be received at the office of the President, until SAT URDAY. JUNE Ist, 1872, for the gradu ation, iniusnry and bridging of the Lewis burg, Centra A Spruce Creek Railroad, from MifHinburg in Union county to near the Fork* in Centre county, being section* number 11 to 86 inclusive; and Irom the western termiau* at Tyrone to a [mint al or near the Pann'a Furnace. Profile* can be seen and printed form of proposal* had ' pt the office In LewUburg -no others will He received. ♦ O F MILLER, Prm't L. 0. A 8. C. UK. Co. Lewiaburg. Pa, May 7. 1872. H ( PATENT COOKER Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar, i IO YfiAßfe -or a- "1 dp Pnblie Tmt Umpnn* • -'•. V OR. CROOK'O 4gP WINE TAB. J m har_ M| the piMie. Tt U rlrta la Use medtdaal <aak> II lea of Tar. sad tmoqnalad for dUMMM* <*®f ilm* TbmtMdlMPfa forntieg ibo most remarkable aw. f'oftsbm € oMh, < 'hronle feagha. It OOacUially euros the* all AhDiiua and flronehiila. lis* cured so mumymm it has lm pronounced a ipcriftc for tom Mipkhrtb For paitiH In Hreaat. Kideor Gravel or Kidney Dbeaa% Iliheatte* of the Irinarv Oresa% Jaundice or any IJ ver Complaint, It baa aaaquaL It lit also a superior Tonic. Restores the Appetite, Strengthen* the Syaten, Botariw the weak and Debilitated, fan** the Food to Digest, BemoTM Dyspepsia and Prevent* Malarious Fever*, Giro tone to yonrßystoM. TUY DR. CROOK'S WIKEOFTAI The Champion of the World. The new Im proved American Button. Hole Ovcracaming and Complete Sewing .Machine—The great eat machine of the Age 1 Simplcity, Durability A Cheap ness Combined. I T)iU machine being the litest, Ku man* improvement* over ail other, in a word, it ia> perfectinachine}wbick ii acknowbdg ad by th<bet judge* andageats of all other machine.. Call on A. L. Bartgu, Madiaoaburg, who ii the authorised agent for Coatee county Alao keep* tho beet Sewing Ma china thread, needle*. and rofmirsalilciade of aewing mar hi no*. clock*. waU-hea, mu •k-k bom Ac I will thoroughly can rata the Miction belonging to me, and I okall be eery much pleated to tell every peraon a machine, on eaay term* ; give it a trial be fore purrbaaing any other-it ha* no equal. Paru c* wiahinj: the machine, will pleaan add re*., the undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. All order* promptly attend ed to. A. L. BARTGKS. Agent for Centre Count v. M AiuaoKßcmi. Pa. Still Ahead! Philips & Glasgow's CHEAP CASH STORE Their good* are marked down to Otah Price*, and they t£LL ONW. All kind* of country produce taken in exchange for good a A general aaaortment of good* kept. CLOTIIIMO. HATS. CAPS. BOOTS SHOES. URYGOODS. OI'KKNS W ARE C.KtK'KKI KS. WILIX m W ARE, COJ PK'TIuN AKIES, DRUGS. A full assortment of Ladio'a aty.lea juat received from the city, and for aaie cheap. don't torgct, that Pel# Oat City l the place where you can boy cheap for (kill. - •nriJitC BUTTS HQUSI liKI.LKFONTK, Pi. J 11. BITTS, FropV. Una fiinl class actum roodatioa; charg er icaaonable_ ll*apr, tf. NATURE'S lln i r Restorative Contain* no LAC SULPHUR —oN SUGAR OF LEAD —No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, anil is entirclv fire from lb Roiooiious and licalUt-doaUwyiof Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tion*. Transport-nt and clear a crystal, it *Ol not aoil the finest fabric,—perfectly BAFI CLEAN and t F KIOIK N T-4on>d.ra lutt>* L9NG SOUGHT FOE AND FOUND AT LAST! It raatorwo and prevent* tba Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a toft, glossy ap pearance, naiOTM Dandruff, ii refreshing to the bean, check* Urn Hair fra failing off, and restore* it to a great oitmt wbaa prematurely loot, prevent* lie* Jar baa, aro< all humor*, culaneo*** eruption*, and unnatural heat, AS A DRKSsSINtf FOB THE IIAIKITIS THE BEST AR TICLE IN TIIK MARKET. OIL U. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Maaa. I Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mas*. The genuine ia ; put up in a panel bottle, made espraaaly lor it, with the name of the aiticl* blew a in the glaw. Aak your Druggist for Na rotr * Bit* Knroßttiri, and take no other. 7 it Send two three cent stamp* to Proc ter Brother* for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contain* ia worth SOOO,OO to any perton. For tale at Centre Hall by Wu. of and Herlachcr A CronniHlor. Manhood: flow Lost, How Restored it a, JMi |>ubltab*d, a aawwlittaa t*Dr Ootewr wairm'etebratcd K-uo Ml Um radical najllllill ■uxtisiMl of SI rwi i-oeuKX I. or Hamtaal Waakaaa* . laetemtary ftewlnwl ! ■■■■• IrstnlCT Mawfl u* natal Incapacity, IniHuwttt to Marrtaaa. a**.; atei>, Unmtmrnow. Kf aad ilo. tafcor* bf aolf Imlul*e<- or moil ortraramiaea. la a ihM Hnk*a I cwla Tba octet rated author In Ihlt admirable MHI teat U down—train.- (rum a tklna jroar 1 * ■aijiiitil t*ac lies that Ills % tannin* conasuaouco* oi uUabur mar ' be radically enrsd without Ihs d.rnysrour am of lalcr t nal modk-lns nr tbo ;I1'IkiIIOII oi tbo tolS ; iteM ■ml a mode of care al oaoe atm|>te, certain, lad ***** ' nal. Ur mean* <>t which every n*wr, no matter wba* I hU ooadMteW my he. may cure hlnuielf chaaply. brtrala j 'tth l'*.Hnre should be la lb* hi Bit* a( *T*tf youth and eeer j man la lb* land. Kent, under m*L In s I'Uiß envsloym, ***** addram, ; *B&SgRS&ZSm I Puat-OSc • Iter IS"*. U7 Bowary. imrjma YOUfiBLOOP* 1 For 8crofkloBojft- V lona Dlscam of (Btt b <vV .EyM. or HcnMtll jfi* OBJ form. €3 Any dueaaa or aroptwo aft §jF the Skin, diaeaaa of the linß Rheumatism, Pimplaa, 01# . ® Sort*, I'lcera, Brokan-dow* wv.i/S Constitution*. Syplulia, fit MP !". fi diacaae depending oO • daft Ofejf praved condition of tits Mm# I JS&. 'DR. osoors; ° rtSk'M SYRUP or ■ Q| POKE ROOT. l! tfftVV it haa the inedkianlsmrMP v v&y of Poke combined with a pwf" Itj/y aration of Iron which goaa af lif/' once into the blood, patlw®* it SW* 1 * ing the meet rapid ana ■SO* ~ V derful curat R ia your Druggist for Dr. CbooW OfK pound Syrup of Aoke Boot—tb UM* UI "X