The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 31, 1872, Image 2

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    FIXS.KVITZ "iter
Centre Hall, Ta., May 31., '<2
TKRMS.—The RsroaTxa i published
WWkly at $2 per year, in advance, or
when not paid in advance. For tlx months
half these rates.
Advertisements $1,60 per square (ten
lines) for three insertion. Advertisements
fer 3 6 and 12 months, at reduces! rales.
Any person sending us the name* of six
new subscribesr, with ethcash. will re
ceive the Rxronrxn one vear free.
Tom Scott is president of tweuty six
railroads, the total salary of which
makes the snug sum of $176,000 an
■ually. And Tom was ouce a po<ir
The strikers in New York have suc
ceeded, and eight hours is a days work
there. The employees have yielded
in nearly every instance, aud the great
•triks of the working mentis now at an
The municipal reform party, in
Philadelphia, has nemiuated a full
city and county ticket, composed
equally of democrats and republicans.
If that don't eleau out the radical bed
bugs of Philadelphia, we do not kuow
what will.
A National Workingmen's couveti
tiou, held in New York ou 23rd iust.,
nominated Grant for President and
Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts. for
Vice President. There were over two
hundred delegates present from differ
ent states, of which Grant rcoei ved 204
and Greeley 5 votes-
The national present takers con
vention will soon meet in Phil
adelphia, when the great smoker and
present-taker now in the white-house,
will be nominated for re-election.
The following from the Pittsburg
Dispatch, rad., is good—the "lead
mines" means Geary :—Now there is
something up! The great John W.
has been moved to transport the Gub
ernatorial lead mines all the way from
Harrisburgto Washington to'consult
the President" We shall await de
velopments with profound anxiety.
Greeley's letter of acceptance, will
be found in another column. There is
little iu it thai any democrat can
find fault with, only, that it docs uot
read like Greeley of old—it is a vast
improvement upon Greeley of the past,
and had Horace cherished some of the
doctrines he now advocates, years ago,
when the democrats were doing battle
for them, he might have been instru
mental in accomplishing much good,
instead of the bad effects that have re
sulted from the heresies of which he
once was the advocate. But, let Gree
ley of the past rest, and if he prove
true and sincere to the language of his
letter accepting the platform and nom
ination of the Cincinnati convention,
let democrats and all true patriots re
joice that one sinner has been convert
ed, and that eue mighty head has bow
ed obeisance to the living truths of de
Mr. Greeley is opposed to Grant's
bayouett election law, by which the
usurping Tycoon of the white house ex
pects to force his re-election. The
democrats welcome Greeley over on
Greeley sees danger in the attempt
that the senate is making te give the
President power to suspend the habeas
corpus, by which such southern state*
as will not obey the voice from the
white house, may be placed under mar
tial law, and a hair election prevented.
The democrats welcome Greeley over
on that also.
Greeley goes in for restoring good
will and friendship, and tho wiping out
of old hates between the north and
south, and favors general amnesty.
The democracy plead for this Jong ago,
and take Horace by the band on that.
Thus we might enumerate other points,
but the letter, is plain and speaks for
itself, and we need follow it uo farther!
But all this will not make the demo
cratic mosses desire Greeley as their
Presideatial candidate. Tbe old pre
judices are rusted in tbe rank and file
and bis good letter of acceptance will
not wear them off just now yet. We
have always giveo Greeley credit for
honesty and sincerity, and wo believe
that bis letter expreses his bonsst
convictions, but still the past—the fa
tal past —can uot be forgotten by thou
sands of democrats when asked to
adopt him as their candidate, no mat
ter how often we may quote the
phrase about letting by-gooes be by
gones, and about forgiving and forgel
ing, all fine and sound sentiments, yet
democrats are uot just now ready to
ray that they wish Greeley to be their
candidate for President. And that is
all in ail.
As between (Jrant and Greeley, few
democrats would hesitate, but the mass
ea of our party are opposed to narrow
ing it down to that. If the Baltimore
democratic national convention, which
is the body we look to, and by the as
sembled wisdom of which all demo
crats should be guided, should unfor
tunately, io our opinion, leave us no
other choice, why democrats will look
upon Greeley (to make him bad as
possible) as not being any worse than
Grant, and with the certain knowledge
that Grant has proven bad enough,
and disgraced the country by his pres
ent-taking, imbecility and utter unfit
ness to be the chief magistrate of our
great country, and may as a dernier
resort, as the only thing left them, pre
fer that the philosopher of the Trib
une, should drive out the hero of bull
pups and horse races from the white
house. Greeley would make a states
man President; he has brains, and
Grant has not; but democrats think
one of our old and time honored lead
ers would be better still, and tbey ask
• standard bearer from their own
ranks, one true and tried, and for whom
they will enter the fray against Grant
with a will.
The follow ing is Greeley's letter of c
--ccpUnce, addressed to Cwrl Solium, und
others, committee appointed to inform him
of his neminstion :
New York, Mi; 20, 1H72.
Gentlemen I have chosen not to ac
k now lodge your letter of the 3d Inst., un
til I could learn how- the work of your
Convention was received in all part* of
our groat country, and Judge whether that
work was approved and ratified by the
mas* of our fellow citizens.
has from day l> day reached me through
telegrams, letters, and the comment* of
journalists independent of official patron
age and indifferent to the smiles or frowns
of power. The number and character of
these unconstrained, unpurchased, unso-
licited utterance* satisfy me that the move
menCwhlch found oppression at Cittcln
nail has received the stamp of public ap
proval, and been hailed by a majority of
our countrymen as the harbinger of a bet
ter day for the Republic.
I do not misinterpret this approval a*
especially complimentary to mysslf. nor
even to the chivalrous and justly esteem
ed gentleman with whose nam* I thank
your Convention for associating mine. 1
race)va and welcome it as a spontaneous
and deserved tribute to that admirable
platform of principle* wherein your Con
vention so tersely, so lucidly, so forcibly,
set forth the convictions which impelled
and the purpose* which guided its course
—a platform which, casting behind it ihs
wreck and rubbish of worn-out contentions
ind by-gone feud*, embodies in fll and lew
words the needs and aspirations of to-Jay
Though Thousand* stand ready to con
temn your every act, hardly a syllable of
criticism or cavil ha* been aimed at your
plot/arm, of which the substance may be
fairly epitomized as follows:
I. All the political rights and franchis
es which have been acquired through our
late bloody convulsion must and shall he
guaranteed, maintained, enjoyed, respected
11. All the political right- and fran
ohise* which have been lost through that
convulsion should and must be promptly
restored and reestablished, so that there
shall be henceforth no proscribed claa.
and no disfranchised caste within the lim
its of oar Union, whose long estranged
people shall reunite and fraternize upon
| the broad-hasiz of univcrial amnesty with
impartial suffrage
111. That, subject to our solemn con
stitutional oh'igation to maintain the equal
rights of all citizens, eur policy should aim
atllocal self-government, and not at cen
tralisation ; that the civil authority should
be supreme over all tbe military ; that the
writ of habeas corpus should be jealounly
upheld at the safeguard of personal free
dom ; that the individual citisen should
enjoy the largest liberty consistent with
public order ; and that there shall be no
Federal subversion of the internal polity of
the several States and municipalities, but
that aach shall be left free to enforce the
rights and promote the well-being of it*
inhabitants by such means as the judge
ment of it* own people shall prescribe.
IV. There shall be a real, ami not
merely a simulated reform in the civil
service ofthe Republic ; to which end it is
iadispensible that the chief dispenser of iu
vast official patronage shall be shielded
from the main temptation to use his power
sallishly by a rule inexorably forbidding
and precluding his reflection.
V. That the raisiagof revenue, wheth
er by tariff or otherwise shall be recognised
and treated at the people's immediate busi
ness. to be shaped and directed by them,
through their representative* in Congress,
whose action thereon the President must
neither overrule by his veto, attempt to
dictate, nor presume to punish by bestow
ing office only on those who agree with
him or withdrawing it from those who do
YL That the public lands must he
sacredly reserved tor occupation and ac
quisition by cultivatots, and not recklessly
squandered on the projectors of railroads
for which our people have no present need
and the premature construction of which is
annually plunging us into deeper and deep
er abysses of foreign indebtedness
VII. That the achievetnei* of these
<rand purposes of universal beacflcencc is
expected and sought at tho bands of all
who approve them, irrespective of past af
VIII. That the public faith must at all
haxards be maintained, and the national
credit preserved.
IX. That the patriotic devotodness and
inestimable services of our fellow citixens
who, as soldiers or sailers, upheld the flag
and maintained the unity of the Republic
shall ever be gratefully remembered and
honorably requited.
These prepositions, so a'-ly and forcibly
presented in the platform of your Conven
tion, have already fixed tho attention and
commanded the assent of a large majority
ef our countrymen, who joyfully adopt
them, as I do, at the bases of a true, bene
ficent national reconstruction—of a new
departure front jealousies, strifes, and hates
which have no longer adequate motive or
even plausible pretext, into an aUurs
phere of peace, fraternity, and mutual
geod will. In vain do tbe drill-sergeants
of decaying organizations flourish menac
ingly their trunchions, and angrily insist
that the files shall be closed and straight
ened ;in vain do tbe whippers-in of all
parties once vital, because rooted in tbe
vital needs of the hour, pretest against
straying and bolting, denounce men no
wise their inferiors as traitor* and rene
gades, and threaten them with infamy
and ruin. lam confident that tbe Ameri
can people have already made your cause
their owa, fally resolved that their brave
hearts and strong arms shall bear it en to
triumph. In this faith, and with tho dis
tinct understanding that, if elected, I shall
be the President, not of a party, but of the
whole people, I accept your nomination,
in the confident trust that masses of opr
countrymen North and South are eager to
clasp hands acroes the bloody chasm which
has too long divided them, forgetting that
tbey have been enemies in the joyful con
sciousness that tbey arc and must h< nce
forth remain brethern.
Tours, gratefully, IiokACKUBKxi.Br.
The Venango Spectator, the den*
cratic organ of Venanpo county, says
Greeley supporters, if we take the
uewsyapera for evidence, exist in spots.
The democrats of the west are almost
unanimously in favor of Greeley, while
at least four fifths ef the southern
democrats have the same feeling. As
a general thing the leading democrat)
ic papers of the east oppose any coali
tion with the reform republicans and
vehementlv insist upon a "straight
ticket," while a few congressmen are
more bitter than the newspapers in
their denunciations of Mr. Greeley,
one going so far as to say that Grant
was a more acceptable man. If eve
ry community feels as the one we live
in does there would be no trouble
about Mr. Greeley's endorsement at
Baltimore. Nine-tenths of the demo
crats we have met—and we have
made it a business to discover the real
state of affairs —declare that the wisest
thing for the party and the best thing
for tne country the democracy can do
in te support Greeley.
The Massachusetts state democratic conJ
vention endorsed the Cincinnati platform
nd elected delegates to the Baltimore con
i entiou in favor of (ireelay and Brown.
The coffin-makers of New York are sow
ulse on a strike. Lot people refuse to die,
and soon the coffin-makers will come to
The miners' strike in the Luzerne
region is spreading.
Deaths in New York last week, 700,
marriages, 192 ; births, 378.
Truo Story oflhe llnll Pup.
lladrr lite a bow caption the Cin
cinnati r<)im|Mn(lfiil of the Si. Paul
l)i*patch contain* the subjoined stnto
inenl, which wo may consider our
wive* ns omlUh! upon lo H|y. from u
due regard to "the Irtith of the histo
"Kvorybedy ia familiar with the sto
ry of the hull pup sent to President
(.rant, which he refused to except be
cause the exprce* charge* were not
paid. The actual oflhe story is,l be
lieve, new, and at nil events ) will give
it at a venture as related lu-re by a
"man who knows." Soon after Graul
bad refused the pup, he learned that
it waa a valuable animal, and greatly
regretted he had not paid the idiargee
$(,4. r >o.) He accordingly eriit one of
the IkmU down to the express office
the next day to secure the pup.
Judge at' his liorrur when hc|learued
that a colored tuau had |utid the charg
es and taken the pun home. Dent
was directed to hunt the colored 'uiau
and brother,' and see what ho would
take for the pup. He finally suc
ceeded in finding him, and the price
was set at SOS. After a good deal of
haggling the price was reduced to $45,
and this Grant paid. The pup is
new said *u be worth $-'OO. but Graut
has never forgotten whereby lie squan
dered thirty live dollars and a half.
This is an o'er true tale, and shows
the calibre of our model I'resi lent.
■e. ■ ♦ ♦
Greeley l'leasanti lew
Our fellow townsman i*ave the Gin
cinnati Enquirer), Mr. James W.
Fitzgerald, is enthusiastic for Greeley
and Grata. He addraaaed Mr. (!mi
ley a uoto a few days ago, iuforming
him of his intcutiou lo stump the Statu
ofOhieiu his interest, lie received
in reply the following hastily writteu
"J. W. Fitagerald, Esq., Gel a
wheel-barrow and go West.
11. G."
There was an old farmer who had
taken the Tribune fer thirty years,
rode twenty miles on horseback to hear
Greeley lecture. What do vou think of
bitn ? ask a neighbor. "Wall, I don't
think much of hiui as a speaker, but he
would make a datuued good singer."
Some of our citixeus, who head Gree
ley's address before the Agricultural
Association last fall, labor under the
appreheusion that iu case of his elec
tion everybody will be compiled to
eat mutton! \Ve are assured by a
prominent "dolly" that this is a mis
take. This question is to bo referred
to the Cougrtosioual districts.—Lafay
ette Journal.
This ia one of the congratulations to
Mr. Greeley :
Denver, Col., May 3, 1N72.
Permit me to congratulate you hart
ily, and to hope that you secure a four
years, lease of the WVite House.
Cor nt Mi kat.
• Fame," *ayE Dr. Greeley, U an ac
cident In proof ef the aeaertiou read
the following fr"iu the Binghaiuiou
Republican <
The person aho Mgn* himself
"Count Wurat" was formerly a barber
in Denver, and shave*! Mr. Greeley
once. I,ater he was in Moutana, where
be kept a saloon. After he left there
it was discovered that he had kept
false weights for weighing gold, to
R. M. Hagaman, of Hiuglutmton, we
are indebted Cor these facts.
The Springfield Republican, which
is cooling down into a scriptural frame
of mind, says that Horace Greeley is
the Juhu the Baptist of the Republi
can party. We submit that that (s no
reason why the Cincinnati free-trader*
should cut off his head.—Hartford
When Horace get* into the Whit*
House, won't the Presidential garden
catch it ? "What I know About
Farming" willj be illustrated at the
government expense, iu away to make
the White House gardener's hair stand
en end. As Mr. Greeley cannot be in
augurated till March 4, it will be too
late to graft encumber trees, but just
in season to transplant baked beans.—
Detroit Poet.
It would be curious to speculate up
on Mr. Greeley's disposal af b> find
rears salary as President of the United
States. It woald be a prolific subject,
if it were not fe* the fact that ha will
probablv discount it all belore he as
sumes the office, in advancing money
to young men "going west," and in
dorsing the notli of naw-found friends.
—Chicago Timas.
H. G. was writiug an editorial de
manding a duty of SIOO a ton on pig
iron when the news of his Presidential
nomination reached him. Hs stopped,
friu ned, and said "That's funny!"
'he man who denies that H. O. ex
pensed therein the sentiment of an un
divided people, is "a liar and a vil
lain." —Chicago Past.
One "humor of the canvas" has al
ready developed. A despatch fram
New Orleans announces that white
hats have been adopted in that city,
and the demand for '.hem on the day
succeeding tha nominations at Cincin
nati depleted ihe dealers'stook. From
Cincinnati we read: "The entire
Louisiana delegation went home tbut
equipped, and tha Won. John Went
worth has appeared in the same
speck less head-piece on the streets, and
announced that white hats are going
to be the fashion in Illinois until after
November." In Mr. Greeley's bio
graphy wa are told bow, as a boy, he
had read everj book he could lay bis
hands on by tha light of pine knots.
Perhaps the pine knot will come into
the present presidential campaign
along with the white hat, the whole
somewhat grotesque, perhaps —as the
coon skins and log cabins of '4O were
but a sign of the times, pretentious of
political movement. Adapting a line
from Macau I ay's "Battle of Ivry," Mr.
Greeley might cry to bis followers:
"And be your oriflauiuie to-day tbe
'tile' of Cliappaqua."—Baltimore Sun.
Balloting fur Bishop*
Interesting l\ocetding* in Ihc Metho
dist Episcopal General Conference.
NEW YORK May 21.—T0-day was
set apart for jbe election of Bishops in
the Methodist General Conference,
and in consequence an immence audi
ence was in attcndence.
A resolution not to couut the bal
lot cast for less than eight candidates
was tabled.
I)r. Sloan said thirty years ago at
the election of Bishops there had been
ballot stuffing. He hoped no such
thing would be discovered here. If
se the vote shgiild be takeu over
An Indiana delega'.e demanded that
the laity and clergy vote separately
for Bishops.
The motion for a separate vote was
lest amid tremendous cheering.
A delegate called attention to the
demonstrations af the audience, and
I moved that the gjtlleriea be cleared.
I [Hisses from the galleries.]
Bishop Ames asked the police, ifl
any present, to clear the galleriss.
A delegate staked that a great por
tion of the disturbance came from the
delegates themselves.
The Conferenoe then proceeded to
vote by ballot for Bishops. The pro-
ccas wtu very tedious, •u>l alter the
(ellvm had retired to couut the vote,
Bishop Kicliaidson, of Cunnd*, was in
troduced mul addressed the Confer-
lieport* were received and adopted
from the Committee eu the Baker ( 1 ni
vereitv echool* iu Ueriuauy and Hwits
erlam), and the school* iu the United
Stale* and ou the iniavhiet caused by
the mulliplieatien of Seminaries ami
Dr. Carlton then moved that the
rule* he suspended I* receive a reply
from him to Dr. !*anabuu's report.
Toe iw|K-r was then read' It de
clare* that th report #f Dr. I*anahan
seek* to convict Goodenough *f com
plieity with Porter in the purchase of
paper, and that said report i* a wicked
•lander on an heurst man.
The paper refer* to Dr. Ijutabau's
report as the creation of tha feverish
dreams ef the assistant agent, and de
nies that Dr. Lauahan was aver refus
ad access to tha paper* of tha Book
Concern. Tha juper further declare*
that the allagationa that the-oftoer* of
the Concern were engaged iu oil spec
ulation* are a* baseless as they are
base. It further charge* that the ac
countant* whom l)r. l*auahau employ
ed to ferret out the alleged wrong* of
the Book Content wera of doubtful
reputattoo, and that Dr. I*anahau had
conference* with the editors of cartaiu
secular papers the evening before the
publication of the offensive articlaa.
At 2:40 P. M. the teller* returned
with the following result:
W L Harris, central Ohio, 270; K
S Foster, New York, 232: Thomas
Boremao, lowa, 203.
These three are elected Bishop*.
There were 408 balbu cast; necessary
to a choice 205. Duly the above men
tioned had a majority.
The following received vote* a* giv
en below.
Kcv Dr Wiley, 170; Hev Dr Merr
ill, 170; Kev Jee T Peck. 161 ; lUv
Gilbert Haven, 143; Hev KG Haven,
130; Hev J M Head, 111 ; Hev E G
Andrews, 111 ; Rev T M Eddy, 105 ;
Hev J P Newnaw, 100; Rev J W
Wnideu, 90 ; Rev C D Fae*. 85; Hev
Dr Fowler, H4; IUA Dr Crary, B*2;
Hev Dr Cutumiogs, 56; Hev Mr Ken
nel, 57; Hev Dr Bru*h, 50; Hev Mr
Pershing, 48 ; Hev Mr Martiu, 46; Hev
Mr Hamjin, 43; Kev Mr Huut, 32;
Hev Mr Null, 24; Hev Mr Matteck.
23 ; Hev Mr Brvwu, 23 ; Rev Mr Ful
ler. 23.
The confervnce adjourned to meet
again in the tlWliooti to complete the
elect iou.
Ou the re assembling tbe Confer
ence after adopting the report of th*
Committee on Freedmeu, proceeded to
vote for hveadditienal bishop*
A resolution was passed that the
teller* sit with closed doors.
Tbe tellers returned and gave the
foliowtug as the result of the second
ballot for biabeps.
Thß*MHMmb#f *•
ceesary for choice, 201.
J W Wiley. 15^;elected , 8 M Mor
rell, 223, elected ; (j Haven, 182 ; J F
Peck. 178 ; K G Andrews, 148 ; KG
Haven. 119; J M Heed, 112; T M
Eddy, 104 ; J M Waldron, 96; J P
Newman, 84 ;C D Fo, 61; N E Cob
ley, 66; B F Craray, 51 ; Meee. Hill.
31 ; C fowler, 51: W Brush, 37 ;
A Martin, 25; A J Renwgtt, 2Q . J A
Cummiugs, 34 ; and several others lew
than 20.
Oq the report of the committee oo
the etate of the church being read, Dr.
Slumr, of JWHWert, preset} ajnioet
it at a milk ami yaw report, m|pdef-
Suite aud uyt providing far bringing
the young people to church.
• -■ ' ft •— ———
The turns man uf Qut)tl#f my
yet prove to be * genuine fuaail—the
petrified remains of aome foladiluviaii
giant. Among the foeaila diaoavered
in the clifli of Patagouia by the A gas
aia exploring expedition were oyatera
e foot in diameter, with which
the Chesapeake bivalvea are
are but puny in compariaeu. If oya
tera have degenerated, why net men ?
Beetle#, jt ja in iost bptq|u nature \a
take oyaterf ottiururiee than jrhole, and
the men who swallowed a half dozen
raw in the days when those eyatera
fiouriabad muat have had throata pro
portionate to the aiae of the shell*
3 Bellefonte, Pa.,
-r (Suppeasor* t> Igwix b Wjuo*.,) >
r* Kesuacituliy inform tha ciUaens of -
Centre and other counties, that they •
< have one of the largest and bast se- 3
a, lecttd stock of Hardwars to be found,
. ( consisting of Iron. Steel. Nails. *
. carpenter tools and builders hard-
* ware, locks, oils. paints, glass, var- jj
2 nishes, brushes, cucumber pnmps and >
5 tubing. Lamps af all kinds, scales, _
m "cutlery, 9}
Pull line of saddlery and coach "-
kers goeds, wood WB'k ft" bttM 1 /?
_ and wsgons, ploughs, harrows, culti-
O vators and grindstones.
<g glasses and mirror elates, ficture -
- frames made to order. They also
3 have the celebrated cook stove.
as every one warranted to potfpet r
H satisfaction. All kind, of parlor
stoves We are determined to sell £
< at the lowest prices for cash, or on B
ft, short credit-not to txseed three e;
months. Call and sea us. as we take
marl6tf. Bellefonte, Pa. jj
- M
< K
37 IH
I have for sale a much larger
stock of
this season than heretofore.
12000 Bolts just received fiom New
Prices Ranging from
Oota. to $1 per Bolt-
iuar22.3m. Milrny, Pa
Caution— All parsons are hereby oau
tivned against fishing upon the promises of
the undersigned. Persons not paying at
tention to this notice, will be dealt with ac
cording to law. UxoaoK Korman,
lUuiay ut. Gregg twp,
Just Arrived.
Just Arrived.
('all and See
Call mid See
Magnificent Stork
of New
Come and get Bar
full and complete.
Dry Good*, Groceries, No
tion*, Hardware, Keadv-msdc
Clothing, and thousands of
other article*
iMf.fc* at*aa. lAat la >a*n<* ul a act a* lian >'U.
1...M,| Ta. Is Am Jj.*., IU. A t> . laialji. "Aa
S.i la SaiaaS aa Al diraaUaa Ik# awl* ai aaiUaa
a Ink la Caalfa aaMi," aa4 IS* h*ml n>
alianala Hull l u>* ||lA* il nil la eaklla aal*
a* aal a>v. UM lauaataa uacU J laiilil laa 1 n.
•aid waaalf, 6a IS. uim 4M aad aa|*ald ISn al
Ik* Owl Hea* U Ik* Smm|l al tlalMaala. aa Ika
>< nad MaaAa*. la*t tha lIIUI al J as* S.D., WTI
Bcnucr tuwuship.
Arm. y*r umrranUt mim .
hi ASHmiUm • I su
Bugg* tuwuship.
- .... . VWata* liaaa— * "
" .... - Jaaslhaa Karvae IS Is
- - Sad**a Haulm ** SI
IN ... f>*il uiw u a
I S M Kubaa* W
m ...... Uaaash fhthham .A. W
ss Us HMUiMIa. t W
a*.... . IU Jafca lOah*aa... S U
lis at >lUls*a Uaaaat 1 U
1811 TV Mall Ha.aal t a
•aa thitdiMMilaa SI *
5.... m. Aa fi
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Us *1 Aaaaa K*aaa * "
M.... 1*1.........0aaraa AMaa " "
Ml Ja* t&ataaA la ss
S J aha Heidi It *
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5 "
US Jobs Ktsaat IS S?
•CI MS ihra Waha S hi
35.... t WuiiaaiH—d a mi
las Jaha M*t lata I M
fit J>Va S I mas U a*
mm.... US ./aa*iV*a H*na. M M
... .11 HI ill I 111-. t SJ
IU Saas IlaaU. I M
Ms Balhaslal litth S a*'
Us... AtpshSMi pants "
- ~f* UUaa - -
US Saia-l UUaa - "
jh Wth Ohaaaattar " '
I:: Err •; iS
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M WUUaa* Las*
OS Ml U c.^dlta,
s 6L26L
M M Mjr*Ua* I •
h WlUlsw Witaoa S >
Bunuide township.
431. 141 Kubyrl Giay
•• .r .:;:::::;#iUUhi Ddwan v. just
"... V :Jkme* Tewcri2....L... " *'
" ... " WlTliam tlr*y " "
" ... " ...John Dewart " "
416. ...Juhn Weitec! "
411. .'..Ja# Black.. .1...... IV 61
416. Jos J Wallace _ *' "
488... 120........Wiiriaui Cook - " "
" .120 John Cowden. 1........ 2034
" „_Wm P Brady " "
" _ "
" ." ........John Hound " "
" . " John Lyon " "
•• _t: „„;;;.:CjmWfiohe ". "
" " " .... ..John Bradv
" _ " ...22..J0hn Ridl ... " "
" Henry Donnelly " "
" .180...... Kbert Brdy " "
" . 12).........J0hn Donnelly " "
ai..:*||...... r .vy*lur buyeri..........
4JD..^M——Paul Cox —— " "
Juhn Vaughn 1 94
4 or
108.. 83.......Jeremiah iVtnf
" ... W m fl Kcrrtft -
.:. ••Tcucti pTancU
George Harrison ... " "
" ... " ......... John NicboUun . ...... " "
" .., Malhawlryln ...J. 18 48
" ... "• George Meads 32 96
413™ " ..Char lea l'.Uit 24 67
461... " ......... Pearson Hunt 32 86
George McUlanahan.. " "
" ... " ..........Polly MeCianahaß—. " "
" ... " Andrew McClanahan. " "
" ... " ......... Francis Johnston. ...... 24 67
433 I.VI. Charlos Slowert..„ 24 07
" ...162..„ John Donaldson—.- " "
Michinl (>' 8rien......... 14 08
283 Andrew PeUit 2170
38 la*id Lewie............. 18 CO
416 JehnShyn I 8 60
388... Richard Wain l7 87
433... I 7-KHCnnrby 3033
" ...168 John 1tugg......—.... " "
416... Mollie ■ harton.— 17 30
60. Unknown 10 14
216...1<K~ Jere Parker—.— " "
140. —of Henry Harris.... 2 12
100. Michial p'tfriea...'....". .706
liff ...... David Lenbjt.6J)l
433 .163W'ro lllngham 30 34
John Barclay...—— "
388 86 JaiUall 36 4(1
76 Unknown 236
30U Krancia Ourncy 4 70
Uykr.ow(T fW
100 of Henry Harris 2 36
140 do do 3 28
433 163 Charles Hall 33 60
" 161 Samuel Kwing 681
" " Alexander KullorUn " "
" „ Robert Gray
" " Thomas Grant
Washington Hall
IH SjwSeWluil Sftl
433 161 William Gray Owl
418 140 John K Hall 668
433 161 Thomas Hamilton 681
Jnrcmiah Jackson
424 128 Francis Johnston
433 161 JHnirl IJposo
\7 ThoinM Hedse ••"
410 " Joseph Wallace 644
416 Jesse Wain I 8 60
433 161 George W Hall 681
Nancy Hall
44 - William Brady CBS
" 44 John Itrady
4 44 - John Barron Jr 14 44
429 tyilllinii D*vl*mi u 70
408 96 James Davison 042
4tM John Davison 6 31
448 Kobt Davison 7 (K>
433 151 William Davison Jr 097
44 44 William Swing 681
44 44 James 8 Kwing 44 * 4
44 44 John Kwing
44 41 llannsh Kwing 44 44
• i Jo|ii' Rttlftf |
483 •• Anna Swing 6:6
Curtin township.
438...163.. Tho P Hale 36 64
" Cottinger - 17 06
424... 80 Thos P Wharton 60 00
E; ~4lkttais ss
41i... .........John McCalloy 18 26
" ....Charles Allen 46 66
207| Caleb Launs 16 86
" _ .........Isaac Longstreth...... 20 24
416 Jos Tayler WOO
448... 99 ....Andrew Epple 13 20
392... 8 Kohl Irvin.B2 40
489...188 N L A1w00d., 8|66
800... 19 N L Alwood 23 10
804... 4 -..Job W Packer 20 40
160... 82 Job W Packer 11 16
168... 98........ Job W Paaker 13 20'
433 ..168 Fishburn Wharton... 60 00
194... 85 John C ilyleman 16 95
416 Peter Halm... 59 40
"... Suseti iiaiin.29 70
Jos Thomas...,, |6 79
"... Jac Wahln 86 79
•' Nathaniel Levy 80 09
•• Thomas Humphries... 86 80
" Robert Gray 86 62
•• William Gray 87 29
461 William Vardiey 15 28
876 (jamuel Baird.. 46 20
41 Richard Tuni5..,,,...., 28 98
atHl N L Alwood 686
2071 Kobt Annesley 82 46
88Q| J..s Kelso 62 71
387 Lindly Coatee 86 31
41 William Gilbert 59 13
2074 | of Caleb Lac us 16 36
| 2074 4of Isaac Longstreth. 16 04
488... 168.. James White 69 78
488... 168 Abijab Davis 2900
483... 162.,, Joseph Higbeo 24 90
416 J ease 8r00k5..,, 72 60
481... 187 Martha Godfrey 49 66
100 of Peter Smith 6 26
1 C 0...142 Mary Lane 9 92
896...196 Jot Kelso 8107
40... ........ htnl Burtin 1014
147 Jmtt Hull 44 U)
483...1U8 Tliultiar Hale V. 4'i
4H:i... 160 Hat mm I tk-01l 14 8"
811H... 90 Ki tn ri Irwin 17 W
•J> John Palmer 18 20
4'JU... 48 Philip Meyer* 'J 4H
410... Hlmeoii Meyer*........ II OU
421. 4* Valentine Meyers...... 17 17
420 " Michael Meyer* HI 26
416 IC.lherlt.tdy 47 611
" Carper Wi.tar 26 to
200 190 David Car., addon.... V'.S)
818... 4 4 716
W0... *7 14 W
4(11.. William Vardy 16 1M
86... If.iiry Dunticl .. 204
484 Mary 83in
483... 188 Tl.uiua. M.Kwiu 16 24
6.1... 14 CUtis (Juigley 170
3d) ....Mat lie* 4 ■ .... 440
416 ...Kit-hard Tunia 8 8"
210...1<CJ KUlihurn Wharton.... 1004
60 ...J W3t L C Packer... 628
1 of
434 Job W Packer 8 07
4 of
434 „..WIII 1* MtUhell 0 80
4 of
4l' .. do . 6 87
4 f
2*l do ... 270
434 J'i |di I'evlilif 6 64
4 of
898 ....Job W Packer... 4 06
4 of
NO Jno P M ill hell 2 44
434 Fnhburii Wharton.... 820
4 of
63 .....Cliin- (Juiclev 86
144... • J W Parker Iff
204... 81.........Chari0t llurre 1808
" ... " Martha Godfrey....... 17 08
" " John Meyer* 17
04 .. 12.........J0hn Curlin 7 46
71. .181 Poland Curti ll M- 686
160... 142....—. Farah Pane. ............. 12 32
260 J no W Godfrey *167
1M8... ......... War P Brady „. 16 61
160 Klrhard Tulii* 7 <W
•ill .... d o
144 ...J W Packer 6 10
433 .160 Hamnel Scott 11 44
Ferguson Township.
|62...110 George Kohlmyer. 32U0
136...127 J <• Harnett 8 M
323 John An<lt-rn......... 26r
116... US .........George Nice - 9ttol
•juo... ......... J a.oC Lite 7 7'J
g22 .. 14 rater t ropin 4 Ml
4UU... 61....... Samuel Duncan....... 84 3U :
36... 47 McCullough 2J'
70... ........ IK-..nsrd Hawthorn... 21 SO
i 0... 10........ 1aac Worrell .......... 2H I
388... 4*J Alfred B Crew it 23 2"
*Ot... 1*.........T1i.'iiia* Ki-rguoii...... 116"
41M... 3t. MW ,AtfWi Levy .„ 12 So
*"4 ..115.......Jame* Moor* v ...._ 12 08
382... ......HuiinahTuriier....... II 36j
SUB 122 Daniel Turner 12 0"
l&I... ........ Dydia Fowler 1600!
VI Jacob Way 8 1i
16 Henry Medler 2 70i
16U Kit-hard Gintee 6(JOj
225 Richard M0*1ey......... 18 50
117 Henry Manley IpW
31*1... .....Berry Horner., 880
40 ...John McKe*it.......... 2 40
3UO Hubert Kan kin........ lltlkl
337 Buckle I*oo
*OU Ja*Baker ..... 600
#ii .....John Pctherbridge6 0"
300 ~...diah l.uthy 18 00
j 125 Caleb North 3 70
63 John petherhridgc, BUI
U0„ John Ikkttr 3l>
| 60 ~.. l ->au,uel Miles "00
1 26 mm... Moses Thomson....****. 310
I 60.,, 1 nmi--L'hn Pattoli... 600
1U.,, A brain 111ck*.......... ®
I &U Samuel Bry*n ....... 18 00
I 150... ..... .Unknown.... "
Gregg Township.
872... 81.. William Hepburn—... t
I 382-.. 12V..M..J0hn Cowder 7 0V
! 4.U... 127.... Andrew Carstin........ 762
S 380... .....Bernard Hubby 846
1330... ...Ales McD0na1d....... 62V
! 200 Kohl Gray. 4 74
" .. .....John Carson —-
"... ...Oonmliu* UUbop.3 80
232... ....'.Jacob Mirkley BGO
244... ...I..Daniel Keese 4 t*<
25i... 1 uc Richardson.......
228. ...Michael Zeigler
•- —• ; f r^ b
6i4. . .....tlr,known 206
271... ....t'hkhowti 14 00
1U0... .... do 4 01)
213... 66 do 1216
1(10 do ....... 6CD
60... do - 500
118.. ..... do 618
J00... .... do ... '."JO
Si tl
Halfmoun Township.
H8 William Ring 12 2l>
174 Samuel Bryan 9 47
John MrKissick 27 74
417 10 Henry Floyd isleJl
3U# 3U Ktvhatd Whitehead
4dD 9 Wiftfltß Umbbm 47 hoi
210 Jibob Vndcrwoed 26 46
136 116 Jacob Pyle 1710
400 120 Richard Joliff 64 40
200 John Henna 21 "¥l
238 Josl ? h Lamburn 0o
SJobn T7imp4on 20 79
It.dend Curtin A Sop* 810
236 77 Kobt Shew *> 44
44 114 t'nlnwa 6£2
147 do <2 26
4(0 javob Baker U> 40
Jno Beker
18 C F Deligo 2 24
Haines Township.
406 88 Michael GreU 400
406 141 Simeon Gretc
436 John Simpson
368 Henry Art's *<*>
HQ Hepburn A Harris 2 20
422 116 John Mackev k(6
277 86 Peter Sa ineford •> 00
186 f John KeJd 2 46
401) 00 Christian Dceling 341
4(1) Jas Rowe 4 U>
■' ft) Thomas Barr
106 22 William I-owry
168 80 benjamin Yonig 2to
3jJO Pelcr Oanrvr 6 10
282 I|o S Snyder A H Oilman 240
262 do 2 40,
418 89 George Kramer 4 00'
382 163 Peter KnJcr 3 60.
438 Adatn Kplftr J 00
43i i!ha< tful
400 60 Mary itarr
170 Stover & Wolf 8 40,
228 160 Wm Mackey 4 64*
160 Unknown 1200 1
126 do 100j
Harris Township
34 Mi JCPisher 34
0 peter Wilson 8 o
40: 92 Kearney Whar.on 'J 72
400 Richard Parker 46
412 124 Thos Parker S3
4(11 William Harrison 68
4*rj>| Kloner McCormick 4 32
ITJO \\ illiam MoCandless 1 '.14
iM John Smith 2 '22
152 Jcreurah San key 1 22
277 Samuel Kdmmoft 2 24
Jno Bell'
•• Thomas Johnston 10 80
• 4 Jnolrvtn do
" Wm Irvln do
44 William UroffO do
44 jas Hoed do
•' Ahtolem Andre do
•• Kobt Patterson do
•• William Hoffman 5 40
• Daniel Love do
44 Daniel Smith do
•• Samuel Young do
1/oward Township
-50 AD Harris 2 86
40 11 A Jostlin 2 24
80 Henry Anli* 8 48
199 16 C B Welch 22 67
144 Wm C Welch 1168
186 92 j D Harris 1122
174 AD Hart is 9 83
100' of Jonathan Willis 9 06
40 ofde 12 72
4£ 122 Alexander Uunter do
•' 190 John Buyers do
432 " Samuel\ suing do
483 " Benjamin Young do
•• •• Thomas Hamilton do
4)6 Jacob Weidner do
130 J J Lingle 4 72
438 168 Semucil auciHut 12 74
390 40 jHFurst 1111
206 John W Godfrey'
866 112 do
164 Joseph Green
250 of Jesse Even* j
142 23 Roland Curtin } 44 20
40 Paul Curtin
00 jos Taylor
120 Jos Kelso J
25 Jacob Bakar 66
235 William Ramsey 4<> 16 ]
25 JosGrevsburg 2 66
160 James ureen 17 10 !
900 Samuel Curtin 11 40 :
100 Unknown 67 .
KM 68 John Brady 22 60 ]
Hunion Township.
76 Kuhnes 10 64
400 John Friend 86 40
464 Adam Kuhnes 19 44
114 Andrew Kuhnes 7 42
230 Unknown 24 141
488 16 John Price 27 7c
" • John Wheclund
•* ' John Rollington
366 10 James Baxter
131 Andrew Kunes 616
I7 111 Charles Kunes 461
40 Jacob Burley 2 66
Liberty Township.
406 40 Peter Leitscll 25 90
250 Jeremiah Jackson 3 96
439 Christian Smith 26 06
429 108 Robeit lirvin 12 51
196 10 of j. dia Potter 12 64
406 120 Stephen Stephenson 121 *
" 126 John Dunwoody " !
'• 120 Ehenezor Benhain 9 32
60 Danl Pletcher 6 40 I
IhH Daniel KraiiM* 0010
*> do 12 W)
40 I.iigliUom 2 60
ISO William I Inyo 1120
fill Jaiiic Mc(ih< 0 40
17 iobn Onay 210
100 gob \V Packer 4000
Ifai Harsh C'titlin 18 20
do Hlnmn 1 .ingle SH>
H4 Hugh Shaw 2 60
SO do 060
:*) <].• A 72
2UO Chri-liaii Nc<tleros.l 4 20
Mi of Thoma* I'araon* 1 )W
Oft of A Hafnilton 2 40
70 Jo M Shaw 2 24
AJH 82 of Will Scott IM 28
810 154 Margaret lit ad ford 10 H4
#o Stephen Chamber* 4 t^l
260 John Jack con 41*'
AO 1) I t.m adden 100
an TliVrtiai King 1 A(
41N. 40 Peter I.>tl 12 00
h<J Robt Smith 2 66
do William Gorrell
80 Peter Swart* 1 26
21 Jeremiah Sheridan 06
HO K . I taker 102
A Pent era 6 40
400 MalheW Leach do
lUU J"* Robert* 8 21)
do Cba> llruee 8 2n
7 12 1>III Kiauae 8 8(1
at* MO H b. rt lirviii 12 MJ
ITS Samuel Cutar II 2h
Mm on Township.
I'jun Robert Young 6 60
480 j M Mi Kinney 128 16
117 Alex Scott 3) US
I of
100 Paul ZaiiUirtger 24 61
70 ChrLtian Kobrar 17 32
6D Alex Scott 46*
128 A brant Singer 81 Oti
Mi Unknown AM)
4ui do 44 Oil
200 do . 2246
11*1 do 1126
till do 1 16
140 do BMM
S3 do A 7ti
47 do 12 02
tCt John Schneek 2216!
: NUO Unknown 221> I*
48 do 6 V
[3* l do 22 it
Jfi!s Town-hip.
1A) 128 Simeon Grata 644
128 47 do do
105 01 do do
106 42 do 201
186 141 do 614
110 Stfohecker A Reynold* 8 40|
3W Jacob SeigflmU 3 AM
1287 Tli oin a* Grant 3 50:
:460 Alex Hunter 2016
"Jai jcremiah Jaekaon 890
126 William Stcadman 2 At 1
1130 Robt Taggart 10Hi
AH Tiiiuna* Smith do j
300 Aaron Levy It*)'
Aft Tic ma* Grant 6 MO,
430 Robert Hrady 7*l
410 Hannah Brady 7 24
'42t Robert Gray do I
4(r2 Thomas Grant do I
440 John Kreeee do j
iJSUIt Wm Parker 8 40)
125 John Doraey U*
i do Moure Wharton do
i 4'ie llenry Toland 3 40
i do Sam I Norton 3 45
i do Daniel William do j
i 452 William Hrady do
. .124 Richard Parker do j
,;33l Jer. sniah Parker do
il Ml William Parkar MM
. 4M 134 William Mile* 18 64
i 125 More Wharton AC
I 100 of A brain Scott 2 64
, 50 #f Samuel Scott 102
120 AL ram Scott 214
; 00 Samuel Soott 122
250 Daniel Scigfriad 8 00
1(110 Sir backer A Reynold* 168
I 28 William Parker MR
! 25S Jeh ti llrady ,40
, AMt Jt—ry Jackxuti 170
. ISO Jonathan Wolf 122
1 1 140 °f Lyn* Moatin* 10
,124 CI . tgeCalhoon 230
Patfoo Towhaaip.
,MW 120 Benjamin il; met 143 54
HO 1-JU > >b Raker CI A)
IT® p <l< rt Burtin )8 40
$8 Nicholas IMhl 1H 11
!loft Adorn DHhl 17*24,
'JIB N i. hole* Delhi 00.
211 John i* Itrien 21'.M 1
KIO John White 10 ♦>
156 Tiuumu West l;3t ,
fl James Newport "4S"'
06 Kobt titovs 1 70
Wflflam \Vil*o<i 7 s. ]
jlri Wil'iam Elite Im<i
it# Henry Grose 17 jol
-t <■! ItoWt McClmin 'J'Ml'
Potter Towashin
: M) '.immttrowa ' iHO Trick rr 50
!177 I'- rnard Hubley ] (ki
Qiri4U>|>hrr Derrtiif Jo
Benjamin I'nUsrt, • ui
U0 Henry \ trj|
100 AI liutiUr CO
•K> Samuel Scott do,
loi Abraham Scott J,,
M "TO do
K>! ward <iatuifU # ®!
William tianngoa do!
Jan.u> Forbes doj
* ja mm Moore 2 701
Win Hoffman 200
Daniel Smith 2 40'
Daniel Levy do
Samuel Young dej
William Harriaou 8 00
jotcph CowaiH 'do 1
George MctJliilWa 1 6tlj
Wm r ifrady 160
; iup 1 Ferret Telly 1 Oio
138 IH4 G< rg* Foust 3tt'i
VJH Unknown V2|
196 Henry B Fullmer 3 01';
i'mil Township
4UO 00 George Swineferd |<y>j
Ku.>k TowokkifV
t!3 !m I>aviti Bcvcregf 7 tt.'!
414 liS Martha MiOaancl d<>!
CSS 153 Ja Glentworth do
M do George Latimer do
4-33 do Edward Mnvnsler, do
329 10 Andrew Armstrong 576
433 JC3 bharp Di-laay 7C2
AM William MrPherson 3 60
Wo Km WmG Latimer 2 4l>
433 153 Kii hard M alone 1512
do de lnac Britches 1514
de do Mathiea Slough 15 01'
do do Ssnil Kankir jo
do do Henry Slough tf K4,
do do IN :oi Hrutamgn 14 '.* i
do Th. tnaa Edwerdt do
do oo Kobt Irvin do
h'lo do Thomas Hamilton 741
■do do Thomas Grant do
!do do Thomas Kroeac so '£t
do do jdii (tundgcr 00 38
do do George Slouch 29 29
do do M ichael Guaacar SIO 23
13 13 Robert Kino £ til)
; 163 163 John Mo vat 49 41
133 36a John AllWn 6C 40
William Wilson 15 10j
'•* <>t James Allison 36 W
j433 163 Sam! Showers 12 30
[do do Saml joner rio SI 1
jdo dp John llryqj; do j
do do William Grose! do]
(do ao Andrew Graeff do
jdo da Kohl Spear 16101
do do Christian Lcnhore do!
do do Catper Sobaoftier 30 811
(do do George Hoofoacle do
(do do Polar Miller Jo I
|do do John Funk 402t|
UT jacah Hu.h 28 36
122 44 John Weldman 29 62
[402 110 Jacoh Wcidman 66 271
133 163 C'usiwr Laurence 16131
'do do Richard Lowden do
do da Daniel Fitzerald 30291
[do do David Keller U
[do da Henry PinkettM 00 62
do do Samuel
do do Jacob Kuditnoll 00 54
jdo Jo Henry Aorr 28 75
[do do Christian Stonar A<67j
do do John N toner 4,, !
do do Christian Hut-* do :
do do Hobt Hood J.j V: |
75 joi Harrison 915
103 John RarrLott 18 as
488 UM Thomas Hamilton 80 321
do ao Eleanor Siddcnt 16 11
do 108 Joseph Hopkins 15 ii
do do Jno Hopkins do
808 William Wilton 525
488 158 John Lov. den * ]571
do do Thomas Grant do
do do Ilenj Hnh do i
do do Sebastian (trofl 30 lit
do do Jacob My or* do
do do Kobl Miller 18 72
do do Daniel Buckley 700
do do B K Morgan eaij 14 05
do do Daniel Turner 1512
434 Charles Lacas , do
do Thomas Grant 30C6
'270 Hugh McEntirc 85 40
100 153 Robt King 12 ao
488 183 Edward Bryan 1512
131) 80 John Lylly 2100
488 158 ltobt Irvin 5298
do 162 John Mussor do
do i&3 Richard Peter* do
33 do John Wilson 1612
438 163 Henry Wi truer 664
do 153 John Cunningham 28 00
do do William Cray 15 12
21" Sehastiau Gran 1102
do John Muster Jr do
433 158 William Wilson 30 19
do do Hugh Hamilton 26 00
do 163 Jacob Slough 1512
433 John Lowaen 16 p*
153 John Hover 19 fin
rn 153 Mnry Smith 1612
do do Richard Maleao ito
do do Hannah Turner do
do do sames Turner do
400 Barbara Snyder 14 19
31*) 116 Anna Arthur 18 55
433 163 John Lee 18 05
394 17 Thomas Arthurs 17 20
433 163 J&* Welch 8019
393 168 Rudolph Kelker 27 49
2! f." i Ink bright 90 to] 3
f£ jjt'gh'llamiltnn TM i
488 TSB Clih Ki*k JAI2
*• < J" William Htowatl do!
i . I® Thorns* Lee 4<>
1° ?° HlUhi Latimer di! !
'• 01 l.ntimrr J.J
'®*ihmrann 7 as,
164 JO of Jimn Allison ttM
®fl 0" 2< I'lin 7 (Hi,
34M 130 Henry pi,„ dol'
B®t ISO Gaorg.l p| m Jo
|4 ISM Aiulr.'w Grsff |0l
ril o f . u "o< rt Raima/ 7 64'
Thoma* Grant 400
J® , Ohfbtlnn Rubor • SOOi
Vol MS Philip K burn, as 86 U)
I4M 75 John Kbermna |OM
Sl' Wjssbs* "d"
( 40 Samuel Chr*tnut 414
10 Cac| i Ijiu rt-iu-c I 00
VUO _ je. Richard* aAO
433 108 John
do do ThuniM Grant do
■lo do Mq) K<ih do
do do Sebastian Graff 88 46
do do JAbWlliwn IS IS
William Wil*n do j
280 4a* Alliaon do
11*1 260 tobt Kin* do
#li 10 Richard A thru ton 4 14)
m Ifta Richard M alone 10 14
{do do Irani liritrho* do
jdo do
jno Gutidager fld 01 >
do do ' George Sh.ugh Ml 20
do do Micliirl liudaKcr do
177 IM Ifardman Philip* 24 76
218 188 Tl'<>mc Hamilton 704
do do Thoma* Grant dal
5® llaye* 140
40 Jno Kurd 20®
216 M 0 Hugh Hamilton 1016
488 163 Jacob RudUfiell 80 20
ISO jo* IlarrUon <• 10ftI
4i*l Ji>" ('o|-nhavcr 2MOO
'Jit do 1400
Know Shoe township.
483 168 Sau.uel M Foe 21 76
826 Wm Bank* 1 6
4(li Da. id William* do
6*l Alex Martin 12 65
(HO Lri. Lewi* 18 40
I 4of
488 168 M.rv M Wharton 16 84
! do do jt>* p Nurri* do
jdu t3> Luke Miar da
415 Sarah II Pullman 3)62
433 163 Burd Wiiaon 17 40
do do Th-'inaa MrjCwm 21 42
du do Thome* F Wharton do
415 Rui.aid Wain 3)6 r >
413 163 R"! : Water* 22 47
jdo do ft. jJ U Morgan 2177
jdo du K'-xrr.ey WY.artoa 87 44
(do 158 Henry Bh* 67 86
j 176 J-- Beta 44 76
4 of
434 Samuel DoW.n 2100
433 163 Patrick Moore 1624
(do do John iluntcr 16 84
do do W m Itingbain 16 86
do do jo Hawthorn WW
A r 2 K4 I Her Bet* *) 10
433 158 Tbomn* UawUont fitft
Ido 15# Ai X 1 Italia* 10 16
do 168 Jajer May lati In 14
do do John Houston 16 86
'4474 Paul Bats 3)16
440 Ja. Whittatcr 10 25
5 (jeotga Foireat I 18
iW Ja Flrrra t 3)OU
MO <icurg Wheeler 56)3)
434 il ugh ballon 14 40
! do UcMirja Daltua 16 86
do Ja Dobaon 14 45
jdo J<it Dub*oa 10 26
do ti corgo Dobton 16 86
147 14H l'uter Hoop* 0 04
105 16 John lluo|o tit
I® Jo* Butcher |5 40
434 J a* Slack 3) if)
do Samuel Slack 3J |U
do Henry Slack du
D 72 Ja* Tooj gyg
484 VVu. buugwail t6 86
to® I Btriek Moure t3 06
ijjto Henry Moore 7 79
434 Saoiuol Horner 7 3a
433 108 Jacob Grain, (686
<lo do Patrick MoofO tfl 84
iO do Ja> V Piah.4 §4 68
4l 44 David Car*. ,„Men 30 34
(W • Jhii Taylor 1686
do do David Stewart do
i'dk do K"hi Rainy 17 86
do do John Half 16 36
do do Tiioinax Smith du
do do \N ui Jaekaon
,do do Edward Scott
do do Thoi".%a a. \Y)itog do
I do d tminuei ulodget do
•do tjo hharp Delnnjr • 670
do do Wno Mcpherson 16 Si
do do uwo 1. itim?r do
Jdo do joliu WnU do
- do (fa ja* uleuthworth do
jdo do Manual juecphomt 13 61
415 ix \i ia Turner 16 36
do Andrew ainger 15 92
433 163 John NickoTeoa 16 36
do do John a wan wick 670
*l5O of joaeph uarrima 692
433 153 spear 16 70
•iOO 144 John rim 804
100 120 job uilcy 670
100 David < ar-ceddea 2 35
433 |63 4/a^nuMiller 16 44
do do wm 4/Smith id 66
do do John Honaldaoa 854
do do lliair m'CUaakaa 16 34
do do Jacob Welm 670
,da }SB Samuel whittakor 20 i 4
do do George whiltaker do
do do Charlee Iliak l 6 34
do do waiter Stewart jr do
do do mart uicClauakaa do
do do James wheel*? 20 i 4
do do Sumitel pur net 20 34
do iti3 Henry Hill 670
waiter ale wart Jr 1 06
Thomas L MOW* do
Flair M lauabaa do
aru wet lanakas do
Kbeoezar nauani do
John singer do
jamea rogle do
nenry Tegel do
rcler Fogel do
433 i:obt waiter* 15 44
400 peter uali 15 40
196 lien rr vandyke 7 56
433 jos Morris 19 24
do Alexander oeary do
do tieorge Eddy do
do Andrew Bayard 15 44
>lo mmi wilson do
149 121 wro LOJT 935
133 133 Kearney whartnn 49 34
da do Thomas ureavs 32 88
190 8 m-nry Vandyke 250
162 nit-hard Jones 5 77
133 153 stoore Wharton 15 80
'do do ucbccca Walo 12 00
do do nenj a raliman 20 14
do do Klizabeth Tallmaa 12 00
do do A s valentine do
do do M T Mil liken do
200 M J Mitchell 19 57
[433 153 William ninghaa 22 50
do 143 Andrew nayard 16 34
415 sarah Wharton 21 80
383 jas T Hale ]3 yd
433 jamcsM'Manus 14 48
do satu'l Linn 16 34
do 163 rbebc Wain do
do do saml W l ishcr do
Spring Township.
431 138 Ross Johnston 19 80
359 Ilcnry Too] lit©
©0 Catherine Kohinsoa do
| do Rebecca Robinson 13 hi
!IW Richard Robinson 6'.©
!U Thomas Thorn burg a ft)
20 Jno Long 188
150 .1J Lingle 0 ,
, *© Samuel Forbes a ft)
50 Jas D Harris 280
75 l*u known 3 29
150 08 do 7ig
145 21 do 8 ft)
GO of Win Wilson 2 70
j 117 Jas Moore 18 40
Taylor Township.
897 94 Richard Downing 1211
100 Michael Weidner 6 00
do do do
434 john Lamb 8 41
do John Sherrick 0 02
217 Joshua Williams 8 19
434 Hngh Hamilton do
200 Christian Vanpool 10 27
801 . Joseph Downing 76 20
300 Abner Webb 6 72
48 James Fox 9180
408 Jos Drake 25 78
550 Craig & Sherrick 42 84
! 180 92 Wilflam Burg 1m
I 92 Thomas Wallace 468
i A© Richard Whitehead 18 70
1 150 Joshua Williams 9 31
300 22 John Lamb 18 95
301 Sauiucl Downing US 2b
200 Win Bell 68 65
300 George W Albcrty 55 89
4 of
200 Jacob Vanpool 1210
160 Andrew Berry hill 8 41
200 Nicholas Hammond 8123
do George Riter 12 40
300 Joseph Welch 292
853 Elijah Merry uiau 62 87
It© George Anshuts 6 58 1
100 Robert Campbell 12 40 '
150 of John Carr 4 64 1
200 of James Carr 6 2l
100 Jacob Beck 312
HO do 2 72
152 Maria Morris 9 42 r
100 Unknown f 1
do do U l ®
AO A M Aldar d*
:Ui do
-JO JamaaWnlk
M 0 Jacob Bark
A*) Wa Bur* 17 'At
100 Tk mai Martin Mflß
60 ' Jntaph CTark M l
AW Ann Artbuia
488 Richard Malone * M
160 John Shenk
IM) John Hootrrr
H Waa Addlaman *
•250 Mark MorrU 8 M
da C'lament Reck with *8 "II
1 78 Jo* Lewie 842
176 U aknowa
HI) Jam** Cow bar • 3)
60 Jotepli Ywdar
IiBB 118 Joahua William* !•<*>
100 Gaorwa Kong •*
do Jao Cupeahatraw do
176 Wm f7yn A Ua fttt
40 Jama* Fog
173 Unknown Mo 1 1i72
IHO do Not ft to
AW do Bolt 10 W
141 do No i 486
210 do Mo 12 lolf2
Union Township.
104 Char la* Wilaon 8 68
188 Samuel Phipp* 680
145 joknCoopar 6 82
•256 John Dun woody 12 74
117 Bwyralbtvia IM
AO Hoy. Davi* 0 '2O
ITS Gaurga llaovar 18 40
I IftO Juha Mondeiiball 6 00
do Robt Mali 10 00
80 Ira Fiaber 2 06
488 168 Anion Long 601
do Ooaoar Haiaa* do
>do 168 Jaook Cook du
♦ of
310 Wm Brook* 12 74
488 166 Michael Oral* 0t
'do do Job a Dvtakltu* 4ui
AO naaiuel Hay* 2U)
do Boyaa Dwata <m
861 Ml Mfk 6 40
488 166 Mary Morn* 6yt
do do Kobi Stewart d„
do do Samuel Mile* jr du
do do Somuel Milo* 1107
do do Franci* Johnalon 601
do do Wm Cbaneetter 1107
' 3D2 121 Raw ban Hatoo* 668
446 66 Martha Huston 7 0(a
488 166 Wm Stewart Jr Coft
do do William Stewart do.
do do Wsitae Stewart do
-62 Wm P Fisher 2T
1 66 of Pater Bomou 4IS
268 Wm Brooks 1166
' 191 Dun woody B U| • 78
<M il .r* Difb 8 86
' 40 WmKakoo* do
s ta
I' do do 6tk
fl* H*y Morria 69T
do aj Deborah Stewart do
!do do Aaron Levy do
' do d John 6 waa wick 11 67
m Boyaa Darts 6 61
! 1® Rudo)>k Mill bullae 407
Walker towaehlp.
93... Jeremiah Parker... 86i
91 Richard Parker... *♦ -
4M...1t1.. M ..JMMUkr ww 796
4J6 Menrcmrrieaa.,,... 816
• 44 wUHam Ackm... 809
" ... "......(AH demean K64
JJJ- „ Mar * krty-. 787
&se*e Margaret jamet 831
446 76. idwartl jamee 899
400 85 rib uutbrtf 760
437 148 mmitw 798
430 73. peter Hah*.. 804
434 197 4mm wickerham~ 789
435 58. William uilbert 818
M 107 Jok a Kerear....... 183
" " itobiAtkaa 106
I * Packer - -
1 M uvM jalaMlai *• **
327 160.'*". William mmmm! 84$
.397 • JMVHI iteteet ... 63$
|3lB J so Backer .... 384
433 136 aaaraal Miles. 38 30
140 christian aokrer 15 76
161 ......4oka KBBI 3 85
HMIt Richard pwrdoa 4 18
173 Backaal m.bbne 8 09
100 ......aamaal McKaa 160
193 Jeremiah warden 398
313 ean'l Mrkaw 634
160 DariJ need 4 56
113 raul saatatngar , 460
99 i'ii known 1 60
100 aaobbea I 9 60.
243... 86 James sutler 3 80
50 william JLekmU. 74
25 —ospt oaamaa 64k
16 Mar naagbatty... 30*
50 nary oarrfcaa.... 1 40<
70 jobs Baker 1 36*
300 cmpt oaamaa. 3 00>
143... 11..... William Ackart... 324
151... 07 do 3 443
111... 43. Marf naagkerty.. 180
198... 66 sdward janria. 30#
50 william uaka 1 25
69... 39 jama STABS. 104
30... w ..Aaa wicket-sham... 60
48... 76—jamaa sutler 74
93... 33 Wm Arkgrt... 164
211... - ..enptommaa 342
115... 13....Margaret nangherty. 302
219... 30....Margaret jaaaea. 362
274... 155....sdward jamea. 3 46
176...110—rib neugberty 2 92
100... 39 lease Kvaaa. ... 164
21!... 63 refer uaka. 342
4... 22 amm wiarfcimkam. 12
.124...158.. -William oUbaet 214
. 90... 44 las sum 143
! " ... 94 sate Aiken .. •* •*
86... 40...j0b rocker • *
89... " ...jamas packer tr J 43
59... " maid Johnston iK>
327...100 Willises jcanaal...... 4 94
327...100 David Mirevr....... „ "
337...154 nobt 4 JM naksr„ 602
143...112 aickard nokiaaea... 2 24
U9...120—af Ruth srooka. 3 44
22... 47....jcliiabatb Haba 34
65... 40 was naha 94
382...138 David aatiar 6 28
484...136... was Millar 6 SO
Worth township.
91... 53 Jacob Kukaea..... 12 77
180... 40 joeeph Kuknaa... 25 38
119... 83 .Abrmtn Kubaaa... 11 17
247...150 George Kuhaaa... 34 80
390... 40 Malhtaa Kukaea.. 55 78
370 George La waiaa... 3694
_ 8 John singer 1 11
345 John Kubnes 34 15
12 JOHN 8008. 10 42
106 ....nenry dymer..... 529
sensual Mi1aa...... 2711
237 Daniel wistar 2602
25 William wistar.... 350
25 8 wmahippaajr 22 32
.30 - • ~.*ollaod Richards. 390
433...158. jamas aawthonm 26 78
21 John Mifflin...... 352
129 Thomas swan wick 1066
300. rbom Hawthorns 19 95
330 jasper Mayaa.... 28 74
20 John winter. - 3 61
8® unknown- 3 90
Traaaarar'a office, Bellefaaie. April 4.
On Marriage.
TOJ and AJVtb vklak latarfcea witk
lUnUfw aad ruin the happi.M* ef Uaus
and*,—with sure means of relief far the
The Chepast,
purest, best.
On Allegheny Streak.
Stf war**ud A S7put SaUr'To'l ..
points, aorth, south. %tt we&'