■ VHjTSfru JUA Hoaaehsld. ElAJgPS#fr-cm Dow *. iss Addie McLMWft'lrtipfCllb if slips f eur rants, aftfl givusc vines would grow if v piolgd'Mbp i>a> down. Mr. TV>dgi-aaid Uwj would ; hut as the> would also gflrw wliep planted right end up, w% "Ho#jijf ioiwrting them 1 Hooa" Vamwiips spintncndod by a farm er for hcmfj£p4U &-**** cattle will not disturb aipee they dislike the smell of swine, aliooeoauac hens sitting on suchMMj t wgfln*t |Mome fnfosb-d with licuj Hiejjrii rgJbn * the l>sb~ cattle access to hans' nest* fl rm ,< r ORcitußs —Take care not to ptwot trv*#too deep, but make a broad ApewW aud spread the roots in a natural jKwitton, then cover with the fine soil, down. When the trees arrive %Wt>r ou as the buds com mence * U,,gr*(unß may be done, but do 6St MUWnenpo too early. &**- f/btfp, -rr rhitit in nursery rows as soon as Gragtonud frit|-projwronier. Stub of frmk kwd ornamental trees may be plantssl MtwnMWaiw rows or in beds. /usee-*.—Coqlitrao to destroy ail it jnriona .nccts w foiiml. in the egdianahiVfa or grubA*t<- If the tnva liAvo not bean wf*hed with soap suds, their f-bonhUre gone over with a moileratfly Hfftf 1 jirijsh as soon as con venient. t . ! Farrr Tki fririt is not ouitfrideft- Wnfltably in th open ground north af Maryland, but a few trees ma¥" bt#g*iwvefor tle sake of va riety, siwj dapiM ha sorter rawy be eu up and a*oro(i in uie ei*llar, or laiil j down sr.! om.-ifd witli earth. —lfaaaV*ir>ou.* fail to secures givul torm | anl j instead oTome pyramid is ususl ly seen unshapely tttv... which is r Tiom Wing.oni*mtl. I' | tin y may be traiued into verrhautlaiMua pyramids. (>rru ika. .Vgeod supply of cnrr.int , bashes ohght to-be found in every fruit j garden, fed ft diven proper care, they ' mav be AB/toyieM largo crops of flue | frnit. rib TY-reulK* and While Grapv j are the hotd Cutting* ought to i*e planted if fobs two feet sport.and j the cutting an; iitebes tn the rpw, and in two or thvad will produce bearing , wim *' ■ one-year-old vineg ii> well-drsiaad tdrf, euricned by ashes aud tarnew ; heating -manures are not proper for a vineyard, *- R tsftfytrirs OMJ it'fd&srrics. — out new plaut* of {hgsa valuable fruits, al . lowing four fsat ech way formspberriv* and six by eight feet for the blackberries. Strati j wriM. Sst out new- lasi* ami, give the rows a good mulch. Hill cul tare is the neatest, and the plants ought I to be set out in rows, eighteen inches apart, and the rows two feet apart. No I fruit should be allowed to set the season the vines are planted. UmOSK 9AXDXS. Asparagus.—Remove the coarse litter an-t fork in the fine manure. Make uew beds. Parsley.—Sow seed# in open ground. Parsnip# need to be sown early in very deep, rich soil, to get a good start; sow in fifteen-inch rows. Peppers, like egg plants, should be set from bot-bed late. Potatoes.—Plant in well-mantired soil in rows three feet apart Cut the pota toes into sets and plant these one foot apart in the rows. The sprouts may be started earlier if the potatoes are plosed in a warm room for week or ten days be fore cutting. Radishes.—Sow in open ground once aw eek for a succession. Salsify and Scorsonera are both ex cellent vegetables, and need the same culture as carrots. Spinach.—Hoe over the beds sown last fall, and sow seeds iu drills fifteen inches apart. Seeds.-wSat out the roots, bulbs, etc, for producing seed?, selecting only the finest specimens. Cue. iin hers.—Plant this month and vratch the bugs. Egg-pknts.—Do not let the young plants get ohilled. Herb*.—Hare a good supply of sweet or pot herbs for flavoring soups, stews, etc. Thyme, sage, summer savory, and sweet minuwi. are the ones usually planted. * Lettnoe.—Seed? may be sown in the open ground in drub, eight inches apart. Onions sown last month should be carefully weeded. Seeds should be sow u in rows fifteen inchps apart, and if a few radish seeds are mixed with them they will serre as to show where the rows are. * f ' Leans.—A few rows of Snap# and Bush beans may be planted for early use, but pole beans and Lamas should be left until the soil is we# w armed. Beets.—Sow early. Sorts in drills fifteen inches apart. Cabbages and Cauliflowers.—Plant* may lie set ot from the cold-frame in rows twenty-fanr by tWAotyeigbt, and lettuces plautejc between. Sow seed! for second ear MP in open ground, and gradually bardbQ onf the hot-bed plants. „ 5 Carrot*.—Sow in fifteen-inch drills, taking care to use plenty of seed to in sure a good stark Celery.—Plant in a seed-bed, in drills, eicht i'ichesaprt, and corer lightly with fine soil. CUives.—Male neg plantings by tak ine up the old clum (is, and after dividing, set in rows si* idenes spirt. Cress.—Sow in one-foot rows every week. t< '* Tomatoes should be transplanted (hi* mouth and carefully hocd.—Otitl-Feffov. A NEBvotrs flrAinw. Physicians say that m rvou?complaints have never been more freqneht then thejrare at the pres ent time. Men axe suffering from nervous exbanstion, women from hysterics and extreme depression of spirits. The cause is not diffieultto be Ascertained. Daring the cold, dry weather of February and March, the ipmospbere was surcharged with electricity to an unnanal and re markable degree." The human system was thus stimulated loan unusual extent, and the warm, damp days of April, in which the atmosphere was almost devoid of electricity,* following immediately af er the diy and cold days of the proceed ing two months, produced a feeling of nervous exhaustion such as the bard drinker feels when he b-eaks his evil habit for a few h'ya. This explanation, which is that fives by one of the leading physicians of tiH eotftttjy, is eertainly founded en fact, and seems extremely probable. _ TEA Onowxso nr GZOBOIA.— An East Indian tea expert has been successfully exjerimenting in Georgia. He ploeked from one tew-plntrt 12 ©z. of green leaf, which next day he made into 2 oz. of tea. This jiet# he ssys is far ahead of that nsual in India, where ortcd to lie safe sad sonud at Zannbsr. TitERB are but tlnce steamboat* on all the navigable rivers of Mexico. THK damage done to vineyards at Los Angeled by the frost is not heavy. Beirut sella in the Itoston market from niuc ceut* to 9L85 per pound. Pnuxo the winter of 1870-71, Kansas packed 30,000 hog*. In 1871 2. 43.004. GKKRN CO., Mo., promisee 500.000 bushels of apples aud peaches this ye#t. Tus area of public parks at St. Louis Is 1,893.83 acres, or 296 squire nulee. TMRT have a shark skiu tannery at Galveston, which is doing a good busi ness. THR tobacco plants in Vuginia are lat er and fewer this year than ever known before. FIVE hundred million postage damp* were issued last week by the Uuitcd StaW-s. A* Illinois farmer got 870 from the County Cleik for seven baby wolvve found uuder a stump. Tilt Stokes trial will probably proceed BOW— the court having vacated the order for stay of proceedings. A item contested election in Eng land coat one of the candidates 853.629, xnd the other §42.168. TURKK is a female patient iu the Stock ton (California) ostium, whose insanity was caused by tight lacing. Tue English farmers are much (gainst their inclinations, compelled to recognise the importance of the agricultural strike. Gloves ought to mark the darkest *huoe in the dress, or else to be of some harmonising rather than contrasting col or. A paring attempt was pisdebt a fang ©f burglars to blow up the aife of the [ New York aud Erie freight house at Buf falo.^ THXRK is a r rest scarcity of hsaetl ' the island of Sumatra, in the Indian Ocean, by soino arrangctuents with the Dttkh owners. A raiTATB letter states that our naval officers ui the Jupau station havo been received by the Jajuiueao officials with many honors. Tits vomito, generally considered a stuffmcr visitant at Ilav.uia, was com menced tliere, off and on, all through ib® past winter. A farmer in North Carolina has had Janiin cl>ver grow ing on his land for 49 years, and advises his friends to shun it as they would a partridge pea T HX.RU nre said to bo TORY valuable oil land# in Tenueasee, which for develop tiicut await ike opening of railroad#, some of which are now building. A #\S in Howard county, lud., the proprietor of a well which flow# both water end gns, irrigating and illuminat ing his premises at one and the same time. THE house of John William*, a colored man living near Fort Norfolk, Va., was burned. Two children whi were left in charge of the houso were burned to death. STEAK E, Florida, has but one chnrch. in which officiated on successive Sundays recently a baptist, minister, a preacher of the New Advent, a Methodist, and a Catholic bishop. Two highwayman robbed the stage from Volcans to Jackson, Atuador Conn ty, California, getting 910,000 fiom Wells Fargo Sc Co.'a Express box and es caped to the mountains. GHAT'S elegy in a country churchyard contains 991 words, of which 821 are de rived from the Anglo-Saxon, 125 from the Latin, 15 from the French, seven from the Italian, and 23 from the Greek. Mrrra,nB*>roH is one of those spot# in the North of England which, within a few yeais, has sprung from 40 inhabi tant# to 40,000. The minerals recently discovered there are the cause of its growth. NEAK Florence, Ala., the other d \y, a bolt of lightning instantly killed a steer without breaking a bone in its body. Another steer, yolked -with the one killed and standing just by if# side, was unhurt. A uENit-EMA* near K*ohnh, la., has a colony of \CB hives of bees. Ha sold last year 4,o pound.* of honey, and S7t)o worth of I****. He cultivated 40 acre# with special reference to the wants of the been THE British mercantile marine con sists of 37,000 vessels, representing 000,000 tons. Of these 4.000,000 tons are steamers. Altogether, the EngUdi have more ships than all other nations com tuned. ADVICES from Zanzibar, brings new* of the visitation of the island by a terri ble hurricane. The town itself was very tjadly damaged, 150. vessel* were sank or stranded on the coast, and the ks of property estimated at SIO.UOO.fWf. A XTMDEn of planter# in Louisann are setting out willcsw pants, a* they find that, in almost every cats, they grow into trees, answering a double purpose—mk ine the most durable potts, and at the same time giving shade and furnishing fuel. ; A TEC no in Mississippi the other day climbed a tree to saw of a limb apo'n which a swarm of bees were settled. When the limb fell the whole twarm set tled upon the head of the unfortunate man, and stnng him so severely that he died in trn minutes. SrrPLresof grass seed are pouring ifttn the fire devastated region* of the North west. Besides that which baa been sup plied ffom Green Bay, one thousand bushels have been sent from Milwaukee bo Cdy Barks, and ninety-four tons from Ilaciue to Ahnapee. IN the United States Court in Charlea iown, S.C., fifteen Ku-Klnx prisoners who pleaded guilty to conspiracy were stnteticed to imprisonment for terms ranging from one month to eight years, and fines ranging from 810 to $500." This concludes the Ku-Klux trials this term. THE goternment troops at Matameros have been reinforced by a - j rations for thm or four years he was ipprentieed to a printer in East Pultciiey in that Htato. After working in llrio. Pa., for a few months as a journeyman printer, bo wout to New York City. n|d ! entered upon journalism as a profession. Asa whig he entered into polities and j published a nnmlierof campaign papers, all of which failed. In 1836 he married . Misa Chensy of North Carolina, lo 1841 the New York 7ViA*t# was started by Horace Greeley ami it is with that paper, now in eiisteuee, with whieh his name is considerably known. lu 1843 Greeley Wits elected h the House of i Representative* to fill an unexpired term. In IfffW he published M Hint* Toward* Reforms," partly lectures nud liartly essay*. In 1851 he visited KurO]W,j , and was eh.< chairman of one of the i juries at the World's Fair, luistt he strongly supported Clay far tl> rrrai deucy ; iu 1652 Scott, and in 1856 Fre mont, In 1860 he supported l.iitc-.ilu, aud ' published his notable h-tter dissolving : the tlrm of Seward, Weed and Greeley, In 186?Greeley became pari lutil for Jef- j feraou Ih*via, of Mississippi, arraigned ; Itefore the United StatesCiieuit Court for levying war against the Culled State*, j Greeley op|osod Johnson's oduiiuis- j tratiou throughout. He supported, on the iui(>e*t*limeut project, snd sustained Secretary Stanton iu his refusal to resigu his portfolio at the mpiest of the Pr.wi- • dent. In lHiiis Greeley and tke THAuae supported General Grant for the Presi dencv. lie is a protectionist. Greeley is iu his hid year, aud has been promi nent in the polities of the country for more than thirty year*. B. URATS PROWS. The nominee of the Convention for Vice-President was born iu Lexington, Ky., Mav 28, 1826. He graduated at j Tranaylvaman University in 1845, and at Yale College in 1847. After studying law iu Louisville he settled at St. Louis, aud was a member of the Legislature of the State of Missouri iroru lso'd to 1858. It was ukiut this period that he uuled iu establishing the Missouri Drweemf, which journal he edited from 1854 to 1859 in opposition to slavery. During : the war he served as colonel of a regi meat of Missouri voluub era. lie was elected to Congress, as Senator from j .Missouri, from 1863 to 1867, and in 137t). was elected Governor of the State. At though onlv 46 years of age, he is well kuown in Wcstrru politics. A Strange Discovery In Florida' During the heavy galea which prevailed la-t fall, the tide, u out occasion, wu* driven so low in the North River, that a remarkable discovery was made. AboiU seven rniMi north <■( St. Aoqastisg, ca i the west snore of North River, the re mains of an ancient city were discovered. 1 Several wells, walled in with coqmnu. are now visible, uuder -water ; but the j foundations of the houses can bo felt I with a pole. On tue occasion of the discovery, a gale had prevailed for four or five days from the north—driving the water out of i the river to an extent uavrr lie fore known Further investigations have also brought to light a eoqninu quarry on this anno " i site ; and what is more remarkable, the quarry is in the midst of a dense ham mock—and which any one can s* now bv taking the trouble to go there. The ■ ruck is of a quality equal to any on Anos ' tasia Island, and the quarry has been extensively used, doubtless for the pur pose of bniMing the city or settlement of St. Augustine—for one or the other it certainly was. The question which naturally arises is, by whom was this settlement m.tdc—by natives of this continent or Europeans ? All historiographers agree that POMS de t Leon, a companion of Columbns. in his second voyage, first touched on this New World nt a poiut three miles north of St. Augustine. Say they, cue and all. "he found the natives fierce and implacable." l'.nt at this period—lsl2—all liistorv is silent, and we hear nothing more of Flori da or America until 1526, when Narvaex ' arrived on the western or gulf coast. Who will solve this mystery ? Perhaps it may throw light on the history of America, hitherto concealed. Fur let it r.-maailx red that St. Angustine was the first city settled in Anu rica. ' To COLLEGE. —To yottng men pomp t college or desiring to go there, tle! question of eij*>nio i sometimes an im portant one. The last number of the ! I'-oV*/'Conrant has an article on this cab- j jeet, jn which it gives figures showing, what students at Vale bare actually paid for their tuition and substance. In tb class of 1871 there were those who lived at 82V i a year and others whw sjent dents themselves, of course. It is easy for young men to spend a larpe amount of monev if they have it at command : and, on the other hand, an indigent and ambitious youth can approximate to the •cale of expenses of an ancient philoso pher to a surprising degree if lie tries. A Tmsmnn SPECTACLE. Officer E. Eatop of the Jersey City polite fotce n-w | toftXftned tbnt a woman lay dead at >M. i 190 Morgan street, doing to the place j he was confronted with a teirible sight. | In onoeornerof a scauty-fnrni lied room j lay the lifeless bodv of a woman. In srotber comer the dead nod hakfldvxxlr of a recently-born child was seen lying in a bnsket". A little girl about seven i years old, a daughter Of the dead wo man, said that her mother's name was -Sarah Welch, ami that she had been sick ■ several days and had no phvsirian. The infant alio had never seen befora. The ' only furniture was a bucket and some i straw. . . ■. - j NEARLY LOST IT.—A curioua alary ia told about a SI,OO0 bond belonging to n lady boarding in a house is Twenty third atreet New York. The lady put the bond for safe keeping under her trunk, and the chambermaid in sweep ing the room removed the frank and sw-pt away Hie treasure. Shortly uTter wnrda the lady miased the bond, and up on asking the chambermaid if she had noticed the paper during her sweeping was answered in the affirmative, adding that she had emptied the sweepings into an ash-barrel on the sidewalk. The lady ran to the barrel and there found her bond lying half way ont of the fn—- lope on the top of the ashes, whifrir it had been lying unobserved over an hour. CATT. HALT, S TOLA* EXJEOITXO* —it is reported in Newfoundland that the steamship Polaris, which conveyed Cap tain Hall's Polar expedition, put back to Greenland last moijth. Ho particulars of the occurrence hud reached St. John's np to the date of the transmission of a dispatch to a firm in this city. The Dews was procured from a French trader, who says that a vessel which ffiilnd from Greenland and put into the harbor of St. Pierre announced that Capt. Hall had arrive! in Greenland on board of the United States steamer Polaris. As the trader understood the news, he believed the Polaris was net homeward bound, but had only returned through stress of weather or' want of coal or provisions. All on board we reported well. THE BED SKA.— All lorta of tales are told of the Bed Sea navigation, says James Brooks, some of which are true, among them, one—that at times it is so hot hi re, passengers on board the ships drop down dead from heat, apoplexy, or exhaustion. Now and then so hot, that steamers running down the sea with the wind are obliged to change their course, and go backwards, to catch some puffs of sir, both to preserve the lives of their firemen and passengers. The hot air of the deserts—the simoon, it may be—actually melts people, when ■hut Tip in this Roil Sea furnace. King Anfldfas announces that he will xjot quit Mad ri eukably mean; you know > they ure. God he thnuked if you haven't done them ! hut somebody do'-s them. ' I ak that somebody whethsr ha always ' meaustp be a m< an fellow. Have you gaiabletl or slunk into iufa motta dens the past week? Nobody is obliged to tell me. Hut many do go ti vile places every wesk. Bun.hi v included. Whst will twvnty years of such practices make of a uien ? Have you cheated anvt>ody in the last ten days? Have you tfcqjv—l auy it 1 lover or Iro* hack tbe iust pay of any I workman? llave you advertised decep tions of any kind? Ikies any money *tick to yon, which belongs to auttesly else? Are you going to make a ja-riiia neut cheats your—lt? What's to hinder, 1 it you are cheating bow ? Did you j>wear last week? Dou't you swear rather mors thap you useil to, when your mother tauglik you? Is there auy particular benefit in it? Let us see if you can stop fur a week! Art you smoking too many eigiira-mn niug up debts which you douN know how to jay, makfog a larger swelldhaii your capitnt justifies- and gettiug rtvbily for a siunU up and inn? It strtkequs, that an hour on Sunday of cool, lieaHhv consideration vf the ac tual status ami doings of our werk-duy lives would bo eu interesting employ ment, whether sstisfsctory or not Tuke another hour on feundsv to do Muuelwuhr soiuo good fur wiu U van haven't the time on snv other day. Write a letter to your mother, or brother or smter, whopi you buvu forgoUeu tor a lonfi t iges ttuutoßtfi ffiul .\*ko !hi Ji—ppoare.l from your iutereat, and r tu who are work ing hard to make rich. Help to put *owe kind of home feeling lutoevorbodv who is homeless. There are plenty of good acts, which are uot common—and •n Mutidays you want to do something niicDiuumu. That ia what the day is mile for. I'm talking to people who ffufl ttie day dull Ido not waut to drivo you where YOU do not wish to go. But we ought afl of us to make of Sunday a filter day thau the rest of the days, iw cause we have the chance. Our daily toil make us dulf Sunday ought to wake us UP. Our (cxutatte*ns make us deceitful, hard ami selfidi. Sunday ought to loosen out the cords of a flec tion and givw in hvaria w fledi. 'Hie laily life of men ia burdened vnli sin and ugliness, streaked with deceit, fotih-d with lust ami appetite. It deserves to bo improved. Sunday ia improvement time. I believe when any one be gins to improve their time, he will soon find what good a church Sunday will do, and the vsiuo "f u. I'rituds, my sdvico n little The Htra— sf a *ap(M*#d FUtel. The scene of this item is laid in San Francisco, ou Washington stre.-t, near Lmvenworth. The h >nr was late—ju.t midnigiif. A gentleman was wsudtng his way homeward, Uioaghtfaliy calculating how much was left of the money he col lected >luruq{ the day. "Fifty cents (or cigars ; theaterßm! extras ftreatxconuhil in), four dollar*; new hat, ten dollar* ; fonrtecu dollars and fifty cents —yes. fif ty cents for those extra car Uckete. That just makes fifteen dollar*. Eighty dwllur> polh* Ual -yea, lie re's two •wenties and w fire in this |>ock<-t —hers's a roll of half dollars in the othor- that's ju*t right— sixty-five dollar*. I'll juit give—"' "Sixty-five dollars ! Wi'lJ, bußd nArr the cash, sir, and don't lo long about it I" The capitalist was startled from his reycrie by these word*, nttered iu a M-rt of growling and uetenniued manner by the iuidiiigli/ stranger. It was like the nightnuire. He trembled from head to foot —stood stock still and looked with terror at tlie robber. " Com", now, hurry np! Pork over the cash 1 No fooling ! Now you can't 1.-ave here, sir, until you pass in the checks 1" This second appeal to hi* pocket and end his life awoke the victim to a con sriousoens of his dreadful situation " Au-h. h-mme got T—yon—what do you want ?" ho murmured, while trying to para on- One hand was clutching the dear twenties and the five ; the other was fast to the toll of silver. "Come, now ! out with your pockets ! Come down with the cash f" It was evidently a case of life and death. Cash would nppcase the villain. A lucky thought: " Yes, that's it I'll give him the roll of silver, and he won't tliiuk I've got any more." Then to the robber with excited tones ; "Here's what you want—take that." The right arm was suddenly drawn from the IKx-ket, and the roll of silver was extend ed toward the robWr, while the unfortu nate man shrunk into an attitude of holy terror and hope only. The roll was [wonted at the robber's breast—the poor fellow who was yielding liiajparnng looked desperate in the dim light. One look, and that was enough. ?" *"Oh! Don't shoot! Don't shoot I I don't want your money." The brave roail agent wns skedaddling down t*c wtfnr t and was soon around the corner before the gentleman could realize the aiteicd position thai affair* had lakeu. With the muzzle of that ominous roll of silver cxteuded before, hs safely reached tritrhoine, and ha* since oonchided that hi* preseocc of mind vnu wonderful, *nd that it. was a bright idea to frighten off hia assailant by good strategy. A DOG STORY. — The Reporter, of Lynn, Mans., tells this of a dog belonging to a of that city : "One day last pe-pr Hie dog tva* rfbserveiT by hi* mis ter to be approaching him with .•ome thing in his mouth, which he laid upon the ground and endeavored to attract at tention to the a&ine. The genthman, thinking it to be a bit of leuther or aomc article which the dog waa pl.tying with, took no notice of it and passed on. The animal repeated hie movements, and again laid the parcel at the feet of hia master, who was induced to pick it up, when to hia astonishment he found it to be hia owu pocket-book, which be bad dropped. COBTLT OHTOrrr Mrsi<\—Mr. Spur groo and Bishop Littlejohn think alike abont the extravagant sums paid by the Protectant churches for music. The bishop stated recently that oneebnrch in his dioceae paid more money for music last year than all the churches combined paid for missions. And Spnrgeon, in the course of a recent sermon, " came down " 011 those fashionable eongregrationa who leave the praise of God to four or five high-priced professional vocalists. LEABKIRG MADE EASY.— Here is what they sing at public schools in Vermont to the tune of "Yankee Doodle," visitors all joining in the chorns If anything on earth can make A great and glorious nation, " It is to give the little ones, A thorough education. Chorus—Fire times five are twenty-five, Firo 1 imes six are thirty Five times seven are thirty-five, And five times eight are forty. Plans for the fortification of Paris in clude the construction, in the rear to Chatillon, of a great work parallel of MontValfiriec. OCR NEW YOltfc I.RTTKR. Burn In* sf a Theatre Sailors and Their 111 Usags Room for One Mors. ste. TIIR araxtio or KIALO'S OJADXS, Have yoti ever wi a thestwhuni? I have. I saw Pike's o|>era House In Cin cinnati burn, and have just witnessed the burning id Niblo's Garden, and the grand scene of destruction i worthy ol dracrip tion. It serins that scsreely any othsr I building burn* ss rapidly ss a theatre which ftoiu the light aisterisls of paiutcd ! scenery snd gaudy pt|>cr tinsels of the ' sisgs sfibrds the most dainty hsxl for the | voracious snd mocking fire-Mend. Hearing the alarm sounded at half-past seven in the miming, and tbe exciting I rush of steamers, hose-rarrlsges, ladder : trucks and the clang 0? the warning-belle, I hastened sway up toivn to the scene sf (he ronflsgtalloti In time U> wita*te the height of the cieslructioo; (lauits burst | ing fioiu their iuiprisorment st evsrjr win > dow, smoke [touring tbrough every aveuue of escajie, iningletl with the roar and crackling of the the aid the hissing of the strain that rese from the ntsny I streams Af water pouring from the intium- I erable lines ol hose thst lined the street; the frantic and fearful puffs of the steam j ers that seemed every moment on the point jof s tremendous explosion; the hoatse i shouts of the tircmea, the dashing here i sud there of the mt-11, and the scream* ol 1 the |juiic-striekcu Isdy guests of the hotel, the surging of tbe crowd on tbe street, and thee xrv don of police who forced the line back at ths point cf their clubs, until the street wt* blocked with stages sud vehicles of every kind, snd the oaths of indignant drivers mingled with the other sound* ol dire confusion, all seemed to make perfect the excite men t of a New York file. These were the scenes sud sounds thst fmnishsd material for reporters sud eor r*|>OlxifUta at the rapidly buruiug thea ter. Tlie fire spread rapidly and enveloped the entire rear of the famed Metropolitsn Hotel, and reaching tbe rear of Ht-mbildS old stand, soon reduced it to the fate of 1 the theater. A roar broke 00 tuy tar—tbe roof had ! (alien iu—snd a great cloud of amoko and ' steam and spark* sud blrxing (numetit*, ' iue like * shadow u! doutu, snd then the blaze shot away upward and lapped with its lurked tongues at evety thing in reach until five or six house* on Crosby street .-augbt from tlie best. After thi* ihe des truction w*oon complete, snd thetopliug rail ot Ihe once piottd Niblo's Gsideti, had to be propped with ladders to save Jt Iroai falling out iu(<> the street, sud I turned sad ly sway thinking how ottca 1 had sat be ; lore it* foot lights with the g*r throng ol lair women and handsome men, snd It astcd <>n the gleries o! (is "(age wlnrU an hour ol (ormflagiatinn hatl more nithle*Yly swept swsy than icidt of time could have done. The lon is estimawd st fotw.t*Jt, sud include* the costly and msgaiticrutsci-uify [of balls Knokb, which was to apjwsr at ' night t r the firs*, time, and thus has it i vanished •• As tbe ba'fh-ss fabric of s Arcsui And kg net s sroek behind.* ! srixzouzxixu saiLOKa. As is well known. In all our large ras ' I count ports, mid particularly at this port, t the " siianghoeing " process is indalged in ;to supply Vessels. What tliis prooos* M. | j luqy bf understood by iho*e who desire th* iufurmolioii. Bailor boarding-house ; keepers, or luiel-shark*, a* tliey are termed , j in nautical phrase, have an army of accotn- . | j dices, or runners, emjihtvetl. whose doty I it it to scour the street* night and day. fr 1 the purpose of [nckinc up any unguarded I -.juyr that aon.es In their ay. The sailor ' ttiMf have just lauded with his wages for I iTong cruise in his pocket. The sliark induces him to de|Msit hut money, draw ing a* he may uceil it for u*e. S-JJUCUHUS I ttelO or fioOO is so i!ej itw>l. The *adr 1 having hern at sea for sotue montba. U easily induced to drink, and fin- a night or two has a heaiy debanrb, drawing audi -peml.Drf from $-'> to Sio nf his money. It is then Un-ughl time to get ikl ot him. ! Arrangi-mcuts aro made with a ship, and j that night poor Jack's liquor is drugged . j and he is humlle-l off. When he nm the last voyage and from S3O to S"'° advance on this one. Unless the voyage ia t *>e * Tfengt liy one, the probabilities an- Rut Jsek wITI have less money st die eild of it than he hsd before. It will freqnenth happen thst sailors are in demand with tew u> he had. Then the " shanghaviog " ■ l procexi extends to lomLmen. Dockim-n, j laborers, ami stranger* even, are enticed , 1 to the dons, made drunk and drurged, their clothing exchsnsred for sotne mat-off sail 1 ora' dud*, and they are shipped able seamen. Our readers may wonder j j why it is that they are reocived on the aliip, i j but it shooid be understood that as a gen eral thing the erew are broughttetfie ves -iels jut as they are getting ready for sea. It is to b# presumed that nu>tof them w ili l*e too intoxicated for work, snd they go at once to the forecastle to sleep off the eflhets of debauch. The mate, Isiys, Meu - teds sud such of tbe men as ate rober get nic ship ready for sea, snd while she is being towed ontside make ssil. A* fast as the men recover their sonra*. either of their own accord or by the fifta of the mmtes, they are set to work, if snv of them turn out to be landsmen and not sail or*, they are looked upon a* sw indh-ra by officers and Jack tars, and the ship is no pleasant place for them tlnritqt the voyage, in one crew of eighteen men shipped in Boston for an East India voyage, four of the men had never been on a voyage bo fore, nnd one was a lumber merchant from Maine w ho went to Boston, got on sspree, snd was picked up by the sharks. 111* ease becoming known, he was put on n vessel homeward bound which wn* spoken at sea. The other* had no inclination, when that voyage was over, to try salt water agsin. It 1* sneh trick* a* these which have demoralized sailor*, and a re sult w The conntant abuse they sufiVr whtle at ran from their offloera. Jtek i* looked upon as a tricky dd#*nd accord ingly. There are taceptirttis, of course, hut many officers renllr uHleve tiiattogot any good ont of Jaok lie must be kicked, anil cuffed, and curaed, and tTiqgg grt ac cordingly. Jack, in f*tur, lose* all sense of pride of vocation, and lead* q SOrry life of it—on shore the plaything and Ajpe of tlie shark, at sAe the recipient of the %or*t kind of treatmext. If he arrives in import where wage* are higher than be f* receiv ing, he deserts; it wagei are lfwer Rn ,[ aailors plenty, he is "hazed " until he is glad to Bbatwion the money duo him and leave. It would seem that the "sweet little cherub that sit* up aloft" and watch es over poor Jaok had abandoned hi* post, and it is time for somcbodv to commence j the work ef reformation. No better open ing for legislation can befcund than in onr merchant service. ROOM ros OSB MORS. Great fellowa those New York adverti sing agents tre, nnd always ready to make themselves heard. One of their character istic featnres is sign boards, nnd they take to these as a duck does to water. A day or two since fl. M. Pettengill, one of these wide awnko agents, ant In hia office when in walked a country editor with all the freedom of the press. "Is Mr. Pettengill in f" asked our friend. "Yes." "1* he very busy!" "Notpar ticularly so." " Well, Mr. P., If yon are not very busy just now, I would like to have you step out with me n moment. I am publisher of the Press, and our business will require but a moment." Pettengill put on his hat, excused himself to the gentlemen present, and accompa nied his new friend outside. YTy myste riously the editor of the Press took the agent serosa the street and into City j Park, nnr u pretty contrasting color, am j now universally worn instead of Uue, luee scarf. , . Colored Ntlk hoen and high heeled kid , or nlk slippers to match Abo drees id the ; fashionable "fool toilet to" for home j wear. Borne very beautiful sar.jiirt are made > of the colored guipure Liens, to Mar. tan, or puik, witu revets aiid luru uref j collar. The latest etylo of parasol has the hsn-' die and top made of RuxXhin leather! mounted in gold. A new style of overdress for full toi j lette is made of the gaily lirocwded ton i lent, having a deep skirt, ttid being cut j low in the neck with short sleeves. The I alt rt is trimmed with deep black lace, j I and the low Oyr&age iota a puffing tutdi , full of lace. A scarf of 01 rye de clriue ; jof any bright color, as Idtfe, pitk or yellow, may bo worn with this polaiuiae, i being fastened upon the right si ionid w and crossing to tbe left side. Tins gar- ' incut it vcjrv drossy lasde of the pre wry ) figured greuadiiir* and U named in tlie i uiuc inauser. as organdie and Unndud , I with ruffles of the saure. Charming little mantels or fichus for , j Bummer may be easily wade by any body , who j ..**r to fall e* cvqtulle, that ta, m spiral | form. A flovuucpf black lace thus at?, ranged i suitable either for the proiucu ! ade or for in-door toilette, while s white ] isee fichu of this style i* an elegant ad j dition to a full dress toilette. A very stylish visiting tlrcaa of blue •ilk is made with the skirt d' frin, and 4 , without trimming. The waist fortfls a t Loiiais XV vevt in front, and lias poatil- j lion ha*qvra at the heck; e hssqfi# of' l black silk. tiglit hUaog, and elaheietely ' 1 trimmed witli wale Cteuatiihr ieoe Haiti I<4 blue tulle, with white plumes emit blue bow, and blue strain* lied under the clue. An styhsh wnikitig dcese i , is made of pale uaua no tern. |hcskirt ; having a deep flounce bound with ma roon. The bakrpie ia trimmed with the t same color. Uitb thin ia worn e Hack 1 silk easaqun. nobly trimmed with black < : ipilpurc, mid bias bands of anlm. ad Desperate Thieve*. A night watchman in Sir. Jri ' slightly ami cautu tndr. iwteauUy three • men. one in the garb of a pckraantn.Mitl. iha other two iu civilian* drria, wuli i inaaka. made a rush and hurst it im The ; rpurioua polircjuan strucfclhe watchman . twice on the head with bis rtyib, while ' bis two esfafeffrratrir cfapjK-d s pair of j ( bracelets on his wrist*, iianug drawn 'tis hands behind hfc hack. The pr. gl.*.r* •heu tied a Wipe ariSunf? hit Ibrtist a g..g into lua month- They car-, nod him to the tniddle of the bttfUtwg. 1 and baiirg laid lntn on the floor owe of J ; them kept guard. Ihe burglar in police uniform theu said: " Wstclttnsn, we' d.m't want to hurt Ton/hnt ary wahkte' show boss PTcama wist wv can Jo. f%O j ' burglar on guard very cooaideratelv i gathered some old nag* iogeUier and put, them under lite watchiaau'e tuwul for*, ! pillow. Two of the thieme then started I >u a tony through the feetory jim-at |cf booty, and carried dress afripnad "ff an lluff die uniform, together writ ha sledge-^ham- J iner and jimmy, Indiind hiai. The thwes-s i , left the door open, and the watchmen 1 , was discovered early m the nwming. Ft! took three hours to file off kit hnmleutfc. J | The polioe think that tills is another job ' [of the Nineteenth TTnrtl pang of tbievtw, ■ nSf. hUvirns was very fortunate that ttiaj thieves did not enH the nif lit ptevinuo. < tii-in that ease they would have secured ' about ?A.OOO worth of finished frvifir. J As it was, tli* Uurglais, in fWir liitet<, jsi*mhl over Sl.so'wrorth of iun.lv wik, atul seciiml the unfinished material. I i which it will be TCIJ difficult for them i to m>IL '' ' 1 NOT FuHTtßJya.— A coruapoml^O'J • who has reoonily mturncJ k* IwigWl i ! from the Soutli Afrioan diauanßl-fi<4ds i 1 gives a very dweouraging aceiwmt ef the place. Thus be estimates thst during I the Kprtng of Tost TP\i* th raluc of the j stones discovered did 119; ( [l)#b per montli. while st the various I camps uo liva than Ito.OdO people .ware i I engaged, cithiT ss diggers, or in sup-1 plying tire wants ( and told that the firth had some| snlrndid ale on lap. The stranger's ggea j glisteneil, and his month watered when , clear, ambcr-eolored fluid. "Drink quick ; the police may be in at any mo ment." cautioned the meat man,*ad the stranger, hastily following the advice, swallowed a couple mouthful* of the liq uid. ''The scene that ensued" can beat he imagined when we state that the , "ale" was old beef-pickle, as salt ss Lite Dead Rea, with a " body" unequalled by XXX. THK Fnwr Coax. Mont.—The first coal ever rained iu the Cnfted State* was dug up near Richmond, Virginia- Bitumin ous coal wna mined there as early as 1700. ad in 177R wgp rxten^tch- uafcl in the vicinity. During the Revolution a Richmond fooralry explored #un cosl tn making shot rwnT shell for the nso of the Ointments! -Hreeee. Flour ss Meal celebrity it oWlincd a nat ional Boston. • ■ - 1 ■ Poison lvr. —What is curious about poison Jyy is this: Some parson* can handle it, nndeyen chew thp leaves,Witt) impunity, and newer expoiienecd any ef fect troui it; while ethers will be hadly poisoned by even walking atncag it, or in the vicinity wliere it grows. An f --llcnoious remedy for this poison is ssid to bo in bruised plantnth IcaTviC'or thtf milk of what is oommonly known as "rattle-snake weed. H REMEDY ran RHEUMATISM. —Tincture of gum Uusicura, ten to fifteen drops, three Sime> a day. 7 bare never known it to ffl Disking a cure, except in cases of long standing when it will aflftrd great relief, UMTKtt NTAXJ* COMRJftttU mm* : The amendment tm She Fat-nfiaa TV fletuqey bdi to iifersoM lb* approprV tjon front t,7OO,OCfi tp IS.fffi.OOtX was agreed to- An amendment of Wr Mor ' ton's, üb,,lulnng tbVfrdbkiag privilege after . faeiwd with slight uiiisudtarnlsu The BeuaU) #leo voted to inur* aee by vagi,us sgms the subtidics for llie mail service with Brazil, for the j line bi-lwtyn Ban l'riuioieco and Aastra fi*. and for tliat fietwoen *sw Orleans and Wrtain Mcifcan jiorfs. An amend inefitßF Oaaaeffly reqidrlng the Pa eifle Mail tine, as • ronfiiitea of the pro ixHwd m cross*, to eontintie He line be tween Dsn Praneiaeci and New fork by wry of the Isthmus of Panama, was also pi •serf, , 1 m . 1 Tim rieuafs de*'ted miieh timo to the ' discimiMtt of the Gleuerol Amursty sad Civil Right* bilU. Awendiocnt after | amendtmyvf wa oflt red, agreed to or re- I jet-ted, most of flic voUe being very ! cloe--. and 'cquiriag the gestiug vote by I the Vioe-PreSlueat. ** Whally is.tli biffs wese ruptetml, nek two thirds of the ! Senate vutMNf in The ttdliuiaWYa, there- J cud steudli't; h- to 22. f aocs*. I Mr, Eldrhlge sent uj a biH entitled, | "Tp iusrnaae tes without adding to | tlie revenue," which elicited a goral deal of ToaglHfer. The lionne *wrded the defeated contestant VrtheseStof Rogers, :ef Nortti ftotfiiaa, 91.500.*, - 1 The minority report of .the French 1 Arms Committee wu submitted. It 1 states Iha* the Wart i>pnuncut must ! have known that the hulk of the anna & .question itve goii,g to Faaaos, sail o,l,antes it far afifnrding a fweteat of ! wliieh a more captions g.ueyuiuent than Prussia might have easily Seken odxaw- I tafias * w tAiedtew k 1' Iu tbe Hooee Mr, McCrary. from Uta Cumaiittee oa iihmteqtM, nported in the j T< x#e con tested seat c**v px favor of Mr. tliddiue'S. # the Luwiocrutic couteetent. ! Tlie ivptureJ cotfou ' Uuus came up for ' diwulsiou, and the Hyuse jiasked a reso )hi tit,u As Secretary of the Treesuty to pay 'fite l.wfid owners the : net proceeds of the sale of the cotton wiUi >ut latesest. On matioa of Mr [ Duwee tbe enacting rlsneeof Ui Tarifl | bill was autMk "Uteud recommitted with , iuatrufilioqa tub ntc it uu-uded,so a# to r ihice dutioa lu p.r ci-ut on prraeat AJ TUe House di-vvi? vl the Turin bill I acraifi. Mr. DuefPs motion to rtdaetbr drtty on salt from fl to 1"2 cents on each I'D pounds was refeited. After having rtwehari the swemseth luw- i>f the bill Urn i uumitn eaea. Mr. Walieoe. tbe .oittiag m*adH ia the hooth Clwuhtm , omfieeted akalma wstn, was sleolared en • , titled U> lh* seate. th JMisut-oeMiftU i-uutosUut dlw4 foyiiu expen L- 11-ke ;i MlMseiiiT,M las - , PraiiT WITH Oi xteiw#.- Deputy Uni ted States Marshal Jo* Pitt*/, of thg j Western DiaUict of Arkauaat with a |K>secuf liismcn, oau e up wPdi the outla# Zek Pnx tojr, at the head cfTttrd Ureek,' t Indian Territory. A terrible fight en sued, n-saliing ftr flVe of fihe * Mun-hal's 1 party being killed and eight wounded. 1 Biz of the oQtlawa w tweTeft dead on the . gn-uw# mf a-eefitl sHßera U tferagfiil jWtre wounded. klamtail Peevy was slightly wouudgd in two plaoot, and had 'hfs uorse killed iu der lilm. Proctor ' escaped unhurt.* The wildest exdte | meat prvtfitfls tbeoug bout (he country. | . i s , THX news hum Up UioQrande. it will l>e a-yv, n of a vt rj Igti JM wftant ehuraoter. The rrip* at Madam ors:. cannot now lie far off. snnfintYf the. blaad as the Hast ever used. OM owaoe esftew dock,. , ene tielf 'MixTiytc Pompxittcc, At a < rt)tjß h'-fi! in ste* Trark Hty, deher rvaioA! to held the next Waflobit lYetno-" 1 critic renvMMtea on the Pth of July | udxt ia the city of Balb—ore. The re t priveidblhin will be da ths ujd be—a |j .. •-,, " 1 * ie 1 .v 1 Tnrravr your spare cash id flrst-fl*— fUiiJtmrf flrrH/t, psyltigrou coed inter -1 cat, write V Oh*RXJ#W. H *WSLRR. Nol (7, WallfHreet, New Tortt.- ' ♦ The Bark tea. | it is. mnrmax; I ***''' 1 Mwism*-itM .u a aH •• - -£CU* a .-s Uriisso eaei—te.a 4 e Ji lofrroir .IS s .ICS } —u-efowt. .til I mm mau* '■ 11 sorUlf i^.jim*,* 4* dJtjgfc—aacaoß> S-"< Si ,TtiV sts Extra rf.tiw v.— e J t*g TJ-J? ! I an W H— .A.. -ss- • tH it : :S f (HS I —ii— ...q ua a. .s*s .®M Usi> .fc^a.a.a.. .• • rtV I rrrn o— w-0r0J*.............. iV ,Usance a ■ n Is ; Ufc,w. JI .a 1 !n* an - itee'wiw—ffi— -tMs *d, aiJ| _QpI MB THrli fiitiTu Si .1H - Kklmm+ft It • X. vest . ecwato. • •! i iidistiimn "if nff iii rr *m • * : -;r:::::::T:r: h" i ' %s % fetei #e >d ei esdks S steed fie*Se tie * s- w qi W m..imrtsw-k "w s 's | B—Mu'.'jt.X.. l >-.Mh.utS.'' .* s .SO j j sr •* r | M • 1 wasevj jpil iw.,u..r.•*. xss mi *2 : % iOUI tUU..st sq ••s%• s • sit • sit firrs- d— ete tsmJSHr.. Son ia....,.vj u S xxe , Wh ts te ll 1 xtMsikifwr—-*wt ~> xu.nsou. Onrrea-txdr IMUat s .SS Wsnx—Znit-sr siM |oiftte ■ ti •* • •*', lUUJS eiL... iiS.l* l Trrc FrcctVm P*ratn*!i.--T>r. J. Wdlker is aehieving n emfbent dWtlncriau ss i beuefscter ef his speeies. Some Sttpmstixe all peteat with tks odioua epithet of qutekerT. But D. TTitxin'i r*i iror.Mi Vi'srejis Btrrtai i hAte the(*nfi„rsement bf the medical pyik Iffiaion. The Sdittr eio rtmspienHouyly andemviiall v teoe—end tbe roedirine.Hts riwtc be knows he ha* found groat benefit Iron ilviur. fpt nqady twenly yeara he has qn%wd (rctu derangement of the atom seh. And though the dura*;. h berome cbroqic, Le has already obtained great re lief from ITils remedy. A physifian left at death a volume, earefnnV sealed, and opposeil eofttirirt ■ frrtid of medics! knoWflgHjH €> bring • opened, H was fouwd iweoßteinwuV Ibiv-erinplo advice : i 1" her g vewr head cool, yourfset wsnnand your bowels open." But there is s whole voigtnt iQ/ba maxim, T1 Ngotß RIITUM act as a mild cjHbaytic, Icgnw? the system .a a bfi|Kfr condition. R. I\. McDonald, nn d drugght, associated with Dr. Watktr. la a man Of integrity anTf pnfctit-fl krthwlcdse of tfceart of tom uuli>frifliig'iiig? Btaotfe Tryuoeaaso Juperseding qU ethera. Before byipg Metal Trusses or Supporters, send for a descriptive circu lar to the Elastlo Truss Co., 583 Broad way, N. Y.—dhw, MT The wnrwt yield* M if by uum-a to the woudgfptl rural*tw power* •I JDr, Fierf* a Guide# Matlieal Diacof ery—6f7. . ■■■"* ■* - " ' Ca*, frernma, If* Cmamk, A*., brvf the true ddirfotia fruit* wbiob they rcproaeilt }fn flavored with Burnett'* Superior Flavoring Ext met*. Great oare aboukl be uaetlic n-hoting the gen mun, both m regard to taato and health. . , . Tot Dyapnptrta, Indleaatton, dpr—tea el •I'WiU auf get*-rat da* lily is their riuo fbrtua, a* a ]prefa%U*a aga-nat frr and •r#. and other infermttMßt iira'.-1 K>ttrofC*liaya." made by Ota wall, llacard k 0a„ Saw York, and auirf by all dryogtMa, la tbr beat toole. and aa a toile tor patiaota raretertn* from (afar ar other aick wan, it baa no aqaal. (imm, jteat S&fiSSg& indue ttatatf. M> Ua* ai* tbia aad MieWa in. la. TWaanda a! mm aad w/>.n la rtrtiiand MuMf, mark ynwb*#r t#aa ta old aagaaira, an I it Waa. • ■ —Pat it aa *w lie." Ua)i>Mawa#) j ( iirglncOd in naalh* oaaana a jauhfwlly ai-p'i.d —caer twrtra a day. la tbr tbera aed ib ■ldf. a m |w aa lafnaAh taut M Mf abeald daour. wMhnr. (all ar baaeaaa baran and farar. w , !• a tanadnw. i#lr MVrkbad wttb nigtiCi? drwaand ) raiea. an—ld ban—an artd aed barma a' wraan iWe Tbta aaat.'hkaa nmwraMon ut —IT Om | tta hair ahra and b* rbTn af tM baed ta a With? I aad rlaan oeditaaa. ba a—nail* multlpUm th ma equ aad itbfwaf* ta ita—a a but— aealbiitar an* i ar beamy treat—ea*U by any "Par poda M ; feaoH . It dnaa eat >i#a Uta uetaiu* aed —in— 4 not ta ftyikgp, :. , .) t eiiihiaunco bee lanaiy affated aeaaa nai* rk , agi rurw* of grr-jfrila a#4 Utafa-taat.p*. aad M rag.idlr wfai.it * ltd way into r. >r eitb nanaaad p*ejle aa attftat rnlaabt* alterattvw *#4 biaod jntrtAer. , 4 tt ■ 1 ' Kc ' f '' itaru rSmn acaa^k ■mppwpapaaaaaapaawwpai—■a-pap^paaPaaapaaWupPMtMuPMPMfcapMtwppu—MW I HvK>Ual JVottt—e. The meaaenaa aadaaa a< baa a W uaalhwlfr dfr aawi, uewaa.aad ailaiUi<* ar aa Tnr fn eenaOMalaweiet fdatwal aaaUfr tan inttiapiiadu* cwa-aa. U tbwa aaa igaU'wa aaaaaa t&t d—iht'MldrlU J. ,| g|| hf WHi 1 4IH|HL I* i m -it-i ii —rnnrm ifTTifiiin wdnrmar ba ebaalaet by b aa at auunet >HIr IT lb. dl*aid* ■ >!■■ am aaak aa lailearaat Lm . i ne.ubri > If tlx* ft ■ma in dMMtoiad aim irfllia a■ I flai M If IK'Vofrery { W !■ WTw WMRW*| Mi WMHH* M lua aeaUMt ta a I Hid ta dm fawida a wlil U"--di>*l af—*a.ata4 *>t# aMfaalattUaaf a acemalr taea wprnfaat ataaan tar. aad' baaar a waad#r a*at ww |iaud br#v cf Irtita artatag ta— >aalatalaaaaaa tanamna* ■ w4i a. ii i art i • m la *m punai t abas dwaadau at Iba uaawab aad" Wm# bWUaaermelaiataaadaM danaaaa abub adaal 'atawwpa ipabut d tawu abHiaadaabta waU> aAtraUaa 'aad coaraarvabaaaue dwalbaa. aa* aittu lib aaaehat an Wbalrapt betaad ar watar. upaalb> • trw.aatrd. A. tab a eaati wtaeH biwibwi tba dahat*} n a—ld by aaax ta y paabta a tad a aettia peat, ami •. t . *******bf a# nulla .♦ • . h tmnrnsm. ITbr craat aaoaat of n* a—dtarfa) aaopma ;-ft Mrtkaa at ta* root Of diaraa* W #aWfcrtai tbr Moot. rtatoAa* Ow law aadUdarp t • baabbr aataa. aad tarwaeeaawtbe tayVdrjnhaauTimtt^apMLlVllgW via* Bad* aad ftbma am ita baaL—bat a*rtad W tbr voatear. HimoMdn i ilnmiyttaa. Tormiramim Tta aduraaa. bapaa tap a aa filU wad at aant baditaaa. t wa|— bra amata ran 11*. a aaa m to raak. Lan w> Sir flta aOFamn Ua aaa at ma Ifc aB rta daalm It ba wffl aad a mpr at Pa EE& —~ i Ita a—tb Thtrd rut— wjltnmrbnrfb. > T ;• . • ' - "n I rui^iftoffcHi' A C KJITS mm mammM • I sazttzz ' fim MT.uAncimW aaa 7 ff : 4 iitrit i t 253 sv mk ■# mu•< oa L ? PR —■— <>**• trm fritr ■! SfvlSrw y.■#. | ,1 null llaj ml?u3&jfinJPSieu*i2usS, Sroaaa J 'babe, blEb*. CaOwfeO. Fa. >*l? A bbrr* A Tlltkrw fall Brother Jonathan i- fr*.r#. *. n ~ r*.*%*ttrttgaaa aziz-*- A GREAT OFFEKII 1 Uaran H Mtn. Ml rw|wi. s. I, I ' lwn IW nxik. *MM dta. own* . w will tabt .Im*4 to axurt&te .all I ra4 Ah* ■■■ to In. tad mit a word U |*rvh-M A era kittd at FabA— WM • aaaal Imm !at atria awl eat*M mm awa Bt4o.MaaQ oakflQaoa MSB Wro*dQa In T~* The Best Paper! TRY IT II JStSS 1 EtarMWuLo r ■ ta- a> baaa to u ; tura; - tchaa • uatMt, ut MtW baa. All aaiaaaaaa povadtad a t>i>ili tWn Aan wtllw * 'i th-y laaaa. s-eti fca t*n.f l lrl, Utn.CMIU' Mk* fo't toAmaaOroMafetlaa Fat* a*. , Su.. Wa-htaynQ. o - THE NEW BOOKS. Tha batut-A.- Uuai- Ity Odmi't. IklrOaaa. .att.'b r li!W "*** I l-i Mtr. J Holtaaa. IJ? : :&ojvw!viSKSK—w. w loat A ttoral try Vta Krio, abtfear "Unlit." IT fell. * Uoat,—Q? TV Arts tf Wm(, IwtMtwtllufeH. Ml VTW" b--k> ira *U branti'alfe Ml'tad. and bawd m baav* clotk m, aad vet. b ■ >■ TVa W ■ i iia Trlrra pb. —Tba an ia atv üb rraybu fibraa. imat by tbaboaia. bat il tbaataaaab, tt>a (raat rtu'iaar at Uw M tUaardarad. IV whola aun.ui araaaiaatiAa partialT hltarad tor ib* tttaa T|Um CadtiavT'*l rtiimott'T sklimm AItHMT yaS| aSSa^aaat drb. itj iiMatKa dpapapal*. by raawrtoa Hreatwaaaab M hiamHtaaadb *" "- 1 KMCTTS. 7EGETIHEJB The grcat Blood Piwptß^ A —taablr ladtaa aaiayanbd. tar laataafdtbauaatu >ad far Nta yanaaaaol aaraat att dtaaaaaa anaaaa baa isparitna at tba blaad. aaab aa Rrralblv Umblaaa feaoar. taaati. Oaa rrraat Ilaaaar. Kryatprlaa Caakar, Ml, . Ylbruui. l'lrapl*. aat Haban tba Fata. Vltaaa. Caaylu, Catarrt Branrhttla. brarulartu, Bbaav ■aallaa, Putaa To tba Uda, * * By apa pat >. daaatbatlaa. . Cattlramb Fllaa, ■aaaa Dlatlaau, Naraauauaaa, ratal ■MI mi tar btaaaaeb, fall" ta tba Bart, Ktdaey daaplaMa, Ftiaaala Weak, ■aaa aad baaaaal Debility. mwpomt mom k nukcmoAz. Chemist ana Apothecary. loata.Ma lakian. tw nr-Thn ia toeeatttr <*ali brebt It retail. dtty" hrr. doa. l7 boH]" a baauyaafe. Afwtl iar aa Mj' Wtf aa4 4a i DAB"?^ D^y^i^iao.^feflpgfc Iron in the Blood ________ MAKES THE WEAK STTONG. i TV JVrttrfcata Syny, ■ IVtfeKt eti fafafeoß (itutiuuaJ Ylcror, Diseases of the KMnejn and £ Bladder, Female Complaints, and ail disesuies originating in a bad state of the Mood, or ao compatded by dt hit do or a loaf state of the system. Being free from AtcohoLtm any form, its | energising effects are not fol i lowed fey corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and new ( life into all parte of the system, > and building up an Iron Con | stUution. Thousands have been ehanged by tho nee of this remedy, from i weak, sickly, suffering crca £. tares, to strong, hralthy, and i happy men and women; and invalids can not rcaw.aM'/hes itate to give a a trial. See that each bottle has PERU* VIAN SYRUP Mown in the glass. Fsmphlots Free. J. P, DINSMORK, Proprietor, *•. SS Dry St., Saw Tmrb. Sfell by T~i nubia gbnai atlji lovi ni KM Lnis rot uxi IT -rous ; Burlington & Mo. River - R. Co. MILLIONS OP ACRES Ob Tae Tasa' Credit at 0 per Cat. laterat. JSt> partaf iwinr.yJ da fa^t— a yaaaa, aad ft aaaa aafer p^teJTß rnL ; amh'K w"USm aKStTJpKr P Jto Ibam. ar to farm a oniony, ar* laftta4 toad fat all tEv wont m dMrihetdi Aae'y W SIB. a HA KM IS, Load OaM'y. Far Teaa Laada. A Sarttactaa, lafrs Ard fat JMbraaka toad-. aTLOiOoio, brb. Cheap Farms! Free Homna l UNION PAcinC RAILROAD. tun MASTS* I 18,OOOiOOO J AOXUM ■ But Famlag tad Sierra! tub la iat win a 8,000,000 Acres in GREAT PLATTE VALLEY. xn GAJtDKX OF THE WEST. ■ - saroow Cost Sdtlo ( Thaaa Unda era ta tba neutral portion nf tba rwtrd am! man aooaaaiaat to aiarkat **"- aaa ba found rial- FREE Homerteslli fsr Artaal Seltiera. THS BEST LOCATIOKB 70S OOLOITES. SOX.DISBS nrTITLRB TO A BOSS ■TOAD OS lee Ada mat, fraa Pawca Is fatrbaaara r Ua4.