The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 10, 1872, Image 4

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    Pepping the () irotion.
I reeolkwt, in burner div*,
I loved A mmdwn with eye• |
H<* sty E WAS pentle, ki d her hand
Exactly for.ned lbs proper eiac.
Her voice ia csdetx-o had the sound
An eddy nukes iw mossy nook.
And when she spokw oo me. I ttianght,
With sUphllJrMtra interest shook.
Thus dawning of sweet love began—
l>'iphifnl tremblings in my cheet
p. 'retold the bliss to cenie at no-ai.
When all the truth had been eonfesssd.
One charming day when larks were high.
And we were on the walk alone,
I thon hi that Providence had marked
The h<wrr especially our own.
I told her in few worda my love;
She answered with accepting tear ;
And just before lhe v aline toes.
Sighed, "Wt atV your tneeme, dear T"
- i.
Farm, Burden and Hoaveheld,
CORN Con ME AN.— A writer in a rural,
snv* of the vahu- of eob meal for stock,
that he would as soon have ashes as tin
Praoioal Farmerjm&*i —" After the corn
is dropped and covered, and brtor* it i
up, apply on the surface of each hill,
about one tahlhspoonful of ground salt.
Unless it is edHvdie acid, nothing makes
worms squirm like salt."
CORK BREAD. —Take four enps soiu
Riiik, one of these jvartly filled with cream;
\|Me egg, a little salt, two even teaspoon
tnls pulverised soda : mix the soda with
a vcrv little corn meal, and stir all togeth
er till it foams ; then add corn meal till
thin batter is obtained, aud pour into hot
tins, oiled, an inch deep, and Wko in a
quick oven.
SOWIKQ CLOVER SEE®.— Fanners who
glow clover seed are recommended, by
£ writer iu the Hwrnl Wariti, to sow the
feed* in tliochsfl wjthout hnlli-g. aiuee
it is actually worth more and will bring
a better crop than the same quantity of
seed will if hußed. He says many of Un
seeds are injured by bulling, and the
ehaflf is a protection to tha young and
teuder plants.
al years since I was much afflicted
with nervous headache. Seme oue told
me it was occasioned by drinking green
tea, it acting as poison to some constitu
tions. Alter li at I drenk Mack tea, aid
have never been troubled with such head
aches since. Other cause* ma,!- produce
nervous headaches, of course, but I be
lieTe this is one.
Klipetd, Cln ton Co., Ohio, wnds t>
li*r*l Nrtr Torlrr a few kernels
of hat he mils "mammoth y#)*
eon:." The editor savs : These kernel
are. certainlv, splendid. He obtained
it, he isus, ov planting large kinds of
corn mixed together ; then selected the
finest ears to plant for a number of
Tear- 1 , uo'il he has what he asserts to be
" A No. 1 variety of com." " Fie select
the best ears, and the best grains out
of the middle of these best ears tor
-with success:—Whenever the disease
appears let the feet be washed and the
hoof pared off as mnch as possible (and
not cause it to bleed), and let the sheep
stand upon a dry stable floor, sprinkled
with lime, for four hours. After this
keep them in a dry pasture, and there
will he no further danger. Or, after the
foot has been pared, apple spirits of tur
pentine and blue ritrol, in equal parts,
bind a cloth over the foot, and let it re
main fonr days. Sheep that are diseased
should kept from the flock as the dis
order is infectious.— E. F. W., HARDIN
P.OWING. —Start the plows the mo
ment the gTound is dry enough, but not
before ; and where it can be done, har
row and sow as fast as you plow. Do
not wait to finish the field. We know
there is some loss of time in changing
work so often, but its m thing compared
with the extra time and labor required
to prepare plowed land that hai been ex
posed to heavv rains, and then bad to
lie for several ilavs until the surface wa
crasti-d over before it was dry enongh
to harrow. Our springs are so short,
and the weather so uncertain, that our
rule shon'd be never to leave the field
nntil ad the land that has been plowed
is harrowed and sown.
Sorr RECIPE. —Put four pounds of
fresh beef in six quarts of cold water,
and let it boil slowly for five or six hour*.
(The lady correspondent who furnishes
this recipe usually boils her mest the pre
ceding dav.) Then take it from the pot
and partially skim off the top ; grate, or
finely slice, one large or two small car
rots ; slice two or three onions, one tur
nip and two potatoes: salt and black pep
per to taste ; add one-quarter of a red
pepper, one tablespoon of summer savo
ry ; let these ingredients boil slowly to
gether foi nearly two hours. Ju't before
taking up for the table mix a tablespoon
of floor iu a little cold water ; stir into
the soap, letting it boil up twice, and
your soup is done.
POTTED BEET.— Take eight pounds of
lean tump steak, put it into a stone jar,
with a teacup of boiling water, a level
table-spoonful of salt, a tea-spoonfnl of
pepper, and a few allspice, with one on
ion chopped fine. Cover with paste and
bake for three hours. Turn out 11 the
liquor, and take ont the meat into the
chopping-bowl. Ponnd it fine with the
pestle ; season with half a teacup of cat
sup. Taste it, nod if not highly seasoned
add more salt and pepper. When per
fectly fine press into mould or small cups,
and if desired to lie kept for six weeks,
cover the tops with melted butter so
thickly that no meat is seen. Wet the
mou ds or ftps with water, and the beef
will turn cut in form.
AND OIL-CLOTH. —Wash it twice daring
the Summer with wilt and water, say
about a pint of salt dissolved in about a
pailful of warm, soft water, drying the
m ithng qnickly with a soft cloth. The
salt will prevent it from turning yellow.
Far away, and from quite an opposite
quirter, we hear another friendly voice
begging us to say to onr readers ibat af
ter oil-cloths are scrubbed and dried,
they should be rubbed all over with a
cloth dipped in milk. "You've no idea,"
says our frieod, "how brightly the col
ors come out Husband says it's the al
bumen in the milk, but I think it's the
v ry thin film of gree*e deposited.
Minntime our oil-cloths shine the whole
year round."
BT MFASURFM EXT. —In answer to a corre
spondent, the London Fiefd says : Take
tlie length of the back from the junction
of the cervical and dorsal processes to
the tail, and the girth immediately be
hind the elbow, sqnare tbe girth", and
multiply the remit by the leDgth, and
then by one of the following decimal
multipliers :
Oast L Class 3. CUM 1
Half fat -33 -238 -23
Modeartsly fat -34 -34 -28
Prims fet "25 -38 1
Vary fkt -263 -26 • I
Eiu w<inr:ly fat. -278 -27 -28
The dimensions to be taken in feet and
inclsw, the hitter reduced to decimals ;
the result trill give the dead weight in
stones of fourteen inches.
—To be of any value whatever, ground
bone mukt be placed where it will un
dergo decern position. It will not ret
under the influence of heat alone. Both
heat and moisture are required. Its
efficiency is greater or less in proportiou
to thft greater or lees rapidity with which
it deoomooees. Placed in a dry soil, in
a dry season, its effects will scarcely be
perceptible ; whereas, in a moist soil,
having sufficient warmth, its influence
tipqp auy crop will be strongly marked.
intermixture with sour soils, no oth
er material is superior. It neutralizes
the .*rids. and warms and decomposes all
matter. The only wav
rWfMifepded for using the Brighton
phiwphate upon dry, sandy fields, is the
- 1
yaS namure, or in a compost of these
articles. These tpannres will hold water
in thagjufl fyi(t"lidwen the decay of the
bo*%,v In thft wrcinity of Hatfield the
most gratifying results were obtained i
from sandy fields by this prooees.
I train of Inter-rot.
A rrNE liny crop in anticipated thin
THRUR are 300 religions NEWSPAPER* in
the v. a
THERE are four thousand Quakers in
North Corolina.
THI RK w on- four suicides ct Chicago
within three days.
THE Ten-hour law haa been defeated
iu the Massachusetts S<nate.
Nt-Murß of deaths in New York last
*-eek, (ITS ; marriage*, IM, and births,
FHE International Typographical
Union will meet at Richmond, Va.,
June 3.
THE Treasurer of Massachusetts i*
henceforth to have a -alary of $5,000, the
same as the Governor I *.
THE French have obtaineil satisfaction
from Madagascar, and the intendeil lnun
hardmeut is abandoned.
THE monument to Gen. Thomas is to
lie placed either in the Capitol grounds
at Washington or at West Point.
THERE ia one beieh tie# at Seymour,
lud., from whioh teu men have been
swung. Judge lynch presiding.
POCITRYMKX say that chickens will be
very poor this Spring. They attribute
it to the backwardness of the Season.
IT is nqmrtcd thst the Pope i* about to
create a new batch of cardinals, the htig
hsk Archbishop Manning among them.
A MORM >N from Salt Lake City, trav
eling with three wive* in Hungary, has
been arrested at Deb retain as a jwilvga
I MP V\", April 36, was observed by the
Chid Fellows of the United States us the
muiversary of the foundation of tln-ir
Ax ludiaua man, tweoty.flve years
old, has caused his grsndmoth. r to le
arrested and trievl for assault and battery
upon hiiu.
A SBOEMAXER named Nichols, living
with his familv in the suburb of Londou,
uitir tersl all lis four children and then
committed suicide.
THE Louisiana Democratic State Cou
ventiou has adjourned to June 3, aud
postponed the nomination of the State
ticket till that time.
NEXT to R >ths--hild, the wealthiest
banker in Vienna is a man who MI lb
vouih startt\l us an errand IKIV at a sal
anr of oue florin a week.
Two new lines of Atlautie sU-aniers are
proposed, one to ruu betaoou Glaagow
and New Yoik, and the other between
Liverpviol and New Orleans.
THE I jegi-latuw of Minnesota npprtv
priatevt $30,00 for the distribution of
eed-wheat.and application*have already
lieen wade for $330,000 worth.
tLuumviosia, in onler to avoid nil sec
tarian squabbles, has decreed that
••Religion shall neither be taught nor
practie-vl" in her public schools.
MISS RTE is now on her war from
England in charge of 115 . migrants for
Canada sent out by the Society for the
Relief of the Poor by expatriation.
Is the United States Senate the Texas
Pacific Railroad bill w a* passed, after the
adopticu of an amendment limiting the
issue of construction bonds to $4.,0 K)
per mile.
THE Rhode Island House refused, by
a vote of 10 to 17, to restore the death
penalty, but adopted a provision that
life prisoner who committed murder shall
be banged.
Is a list of claim* presented to the ref
erees in a New Hnuipdrire town recently
was this : "For time spent in Wilton in
coaxing Mr. to go home when
drank, So."
ACCORDING to the census for 1870, dur
ing that tear in Massachusetts t> girls
were married at 14, 33 at 15, aiul 181 at
16. A woman of 25 was also ma.ricd for
the fourth time.
WHILE tho snow ploughs were in us* 1
at one end of the Burlington, Cedar
R ipidsaml Minnesota Rnflrond,thefarm
ers were sowing wheat at the other end.
The road is 22U miles long.
ACCORDING to the prospectus of the
new "American Atlantic Telegraph Com
pany" issued in England, the rate for
messages will be about one-third of the
tan ft of the present monopoly.
THE Pennsylvania Fi-h Commission
ers, created under the new bill which
passed at the late session of the Legisla
ture, intend to erect large hatching
houses in the vicinity of H.irrisburg.
A man who has been confined in the
Rhode Island State Prison on a life ser
tence siuce June, 1863, under conviction
of murder, was pardoned last week, it
having been shown that he was innocent.
GOT. BBOWX, of Missouri, has com
mote! hc sentence of death paswsl upon
Max Klingier, ihe boy murderer, to ton
year's imprisonment. It has been kept
suspended over bis head for several
years. *
THE jury in the Fanny Hyde case were
unable to agree aud the judge discharged
them. Ten were for acquit,al and two
for murder in the third degree. Ihe
case cannot come on again for trial until
next J one.
As earthquake shock was felt at Meri
dian. Miss. It lasted half a minute,
cracked some plastering and broke some
glass. No other damage was done. The
shock passed from northeast to south
west, taking in York, Ala., and Enter
prise, Miss.
IT is stated that the laborers in mines
directly nnderneatb the scene of the re
cent earthquake in California felt noth
ing of the shocks which were so severe
on the earth's surface. Scientists nre
already beginning to speculate upon the
alleged fact.
A RCSBIAX printer has invented a type
setting machine which,the St. Petersburg
papers assert, tar snrfmsses all similar
machines that have hitherto feen pro
duced. It sets in an bonr thirty thou
sand letters; it costs five thousand ru
bles, and oe thousand letters set there
by cost only five cent".
Ix tbe United States imported
73,260,000 pounds of rice, and raised
20,118,600 pound*. The ixwt quality
teen retailed for 13} cents per pound.
In 1871 our home production bad raised
to 92,000.000 pounds, and the price of
the best quality had fallen to 9 cents per
AK English gentleman ha* leased a
water lot in Palatka, Fla , for ten years,
with the de-igii of putting np a moss
and paper factory. The moss will he
manipulated into such things a* hair
cloth, etc. The paper mill is intended
to manufacture pajier out of the sage
palmetto. Paper made of this uiatcrinl
is now used by the Bank of England
for banknotes.
Ax Indian Prince, the Maharajah of
Bullorampore, has given orders thnt all
E supers in bis dominions who apply to
im for food, etc., shall be taught to
read and write, and that, where the
children of poor people nrs studying,
and the parent* lose by the withdrawal
of the children from labor, the loss shall
be made up by the State.
WEND ILL PHILLIPS delivered an ad
| dre-s be/ore the International Grand
L'dpe of the Knights of St. Crispcn,
on the labor question, lauding the efforts
of the working-men to organize, prom
ising them if they stood by each other
faithfully that they could elect the Pres
ident in 1876. He wanted to see the fi
nancial condition of*the country s<> re
constructed f bat money could be had at
3 percent instead of 10, and gardens and
books and beautiful things given to the
working classes, who in his opinion,
ought never to work more than eight
hours a day.
The Magazine-.
contains among its many good •bines a deeply
interesting chapter from '-Three Years in a
Man-Trap," by the author of •' Ten Nights in a
Bar-Room " now attracting so much attention
as one of tbo most powerful and aggressive
temperance stories ever written. Tie number
is a specially fine one. Tiiia magazine onght
to bo in every household in the land. T< rms
$2 a year. T. 8. Arthur A Son, Philadelphia.
THE CHILDHEN'S HOCB for May is minimally
rich in its pictorial Apartment; and an pure,
good and attractive as ever in the mental food
it offers to the little ones. If you have not
yet taken this beautiful raagazme for your
children, do so at onoc. lie influence upon
their young and tender miuds will be lieyopd,
all price. Pablished by T. 8. Arthur A Hon,
Philadelphia, pt $1.25 a year
Country Head*.
One of the greatest grievance* that
landholder* have to hear. narthe .twr
•COM Par*ft, I a the want of good road-.
Tuxes are generally high for the very
purpose of koepiup the country roads in
repair, lnt there in a -runt of capacity
on the part of thorn- who undertake tin
work to do it systematically, or with any
degree of soioutiflo skill. We do not
know that we can throw any light upon
the Mibjo-t in the brief njauv whish we
loan at preneut apare to it. and we refer
to it now to put upon record a hint
which we find in the (Jfrmmtoim Wit*
</cir/>A, from Mr. \V. Browu, of New
llamp-hire. whioh we hope mu\ he taken
| hold of and in)proved upon ly public
spirited citiseun in every locality where
there in an opportunity to ahow human!-
i tarian priuciph-a. We will tell it ia Mr.
i ltrown a own wools:
"A stouo which had baffled a number
of highway surveyor*, being directly in
the horse |uth, and Wing of such a shape
that a horse was liable to sustain icriou*
injury, vet no one en red to attempt ii*
removal. A great dent of labor wi*
sjw-nt iu covering it up. but in u short
time it would reappear as bad as ever.
The land around was underlaid with
lodge, and here it aamo to the surface.
Duly by great expense it was thought
could it be removed. One morning I
took a man with me, with powder and
drills, atul a firm resolution to remove
it at any expense. We succeeded in
our undertaking. At a cost of en/A/ tvf
to the town we removed a boulder of
slab- stone weighing about Ave hundred
pounds. I give this instance to si ow
how little lalor will remove some of the
worst obstructions which have IHH-II al
lowed to reiuuiu Iwcause no one had
ntb-uipb-vl removal in good earnest."
A crowbar could 1H used t> advantage
iti r-ui-iug a stone out of the bed of the
road, but uo one seems to consider it
his busiuess to </u it; the road mender
never dreams that it is in his contract to
attend to it and, consequently, year
after year the stone remains, endanger
ing the lives of passengers by the stuui
bling of their horses ; and the wear and
tear to carriage wheels is veiv serious.
Another very serious grit vance i noted
by the same writer as prevalent iu his
State— that of the runuing al large of
cuttle upon the highways. This is a
sore evil elsewhere, as formers iu this
section can fully prove. All roads are
made on laud either donated to lhe poli
tic, or sold or condemned for that ex
{irvas purpose, aud it has beu decided,
we believe, in our courts of law for that
purpose only—the landholder from whom
the body of the road has been takeu is
still the sole owner of the soil for all
other purposes; and, whilst he cannot
do aught to interrupt the freest trave
npon it, vet any er all other privileges
lieloug to him, and no one lias a right to
turn their stock upon the road to feed
it upon the grass which la-longs to an
other. The evil would not be so griev
ous were it not for the fact that the
cattle, l>eing thus left to roam about,
when finding their supplies becoming
scanty on the roa 'side, Iw-gin to jump
or knock down the fences to get into the
more tempting fields before them, while
the hogs rooting under the l>et of post
and rail fences, will, iu a single day or
night, do more harm to the crop than
their carcasses are worth.
over see a woman throw a stone at a hen?
It is one of the most ludicrous scenes in
everyday life. We recently observed
tho proc >9*—indeed, we paid more at
tention than the hen did, for she did not
mind it at all. and laid an egg the next
dav as if nothing had happened. In
fact, thathn will know for the first time
that she served in the capacity of a tar
get. The predatory fowl had invaded
the precincts of the flower bed. and was
:udustrio"-ty peeking ami scratching for
uiritous seed or the early worm,
onssfuilv unconscious of impending dau
ger. The lady now appears upon th>
>crue with a broom. This she droj*
and picks up a rocky fragment of the
Silurian age, and then makes her first
mistake—they all do it—of seising the
projection with the wrong hind. Then
with malice aforethought, she makes the
further blunder of swinging her arms
perpendicularly instead of horizontally
—thereupon the atone flies into the air,
describing an irregular elliptical curve,
of the earth as far from the hen as the
thrower stood at the time, in a course
due west from the same, the hen tueti
tearing by the compiss north-northeast
by half east. At the second attempt the
stone narrowly missed the head of the
thrower herself, who seeing that any fur
ther attempt at the kind would he suici
dal, did what she might have done first,
st tried alter the hen with on old and fa
miliar weapon. The moral of which is :
Slick to the broomstick.— l'roridtHcr
Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Aswn
elation has decided to proceed imm< di
atelv to indicate the positions on the
fiii I occupied by the Near York void Min
nesota troops during the ha'.tle, to the
extent of the appropriations made by the
L-si.slatnres of these states. Proposals
will be immediately invited to erect gran- j
ite obelisk*, which are to bear indication
inscriptions The latter are to be super
vised by committees of New York nod
Minnesota military officers and citizen*.
The New York appropriation is nearly
large enou'-'h to complete the indication
of the positions occupied, and the im- ]
portatit part performed by the New York
soldiers and officers. The indication of
positions occupied by the troops of other
States will be commenced as soon as the
requisite appropriations are inada by the j
different legislatures.
A Novelty in Telegraphing.
Do you want to know bow the news
papers succeeded in getting the detail"
of the Cambridge boat race so promptly
into tvpe ? says a correspondent writing
from England. Well arrangements were
made by the proprietor of the Cenirnl
Ntrt to pay out a cable from one of the
steamers which followed the racing boots.
Permission to place the cable and pay it
out from the Cambridge steamboat was
readily uccorded. There i* no novelty in
telegraphing through cables aa they are
lieiug jNiycd ont, but there is no prece
dent for performing such a work at the
pace of the racing lx>ats. By such means
n pretty full report of the race was pub
-lis bed in London witniu a few minute* of
its termination. It was terribly cold re
porting—at times almost mil ramble to
we for tbe falling snow. On a more fa
vorable day the boat-race cable will prove
even a greater success.
Inox.—The following is believed to
have Wen as neatly a* can W ascertain
1, the total production of iron ia 1871J:
flrrat BrftUn MW\fllW
United State* !.! J."*>
Franrw l.SiW.ooi
o-rmuj Xollwretu 1,050.000
la- k am SOS 0 0
Au-trte 450,000
N' rwy AD SFlcn SSO.IWO
Ru%u .... wo.oso
TUIt ... 75.0 0
Spain 71.000
OUwr coontriM. JOO.OIO
Total 13.315.0d0
THE* AXD Now.—Bj an act of his
Majesty James 11. the penalties attach
ed to witchcraft were declared applicable
to every woman who, by me ins of cos
metics, false liair, padding, stays, hoops,
bigh-bea'ed shoes, or other feminine de
v.'-es, should seduce and betray into
matrimony any member of the opposite
sex, snd a marriage contracted tinder
such circumstances was pronounced null
and void. Were such a statute in force
now-a-duys there would be little need
for Inuiana divorces, and mothers-in
law would become the most transient of
life's fleeting ills.
A TEJUUBLE VOTAOE —A coal vessel
arrived at Halifax recently which had
been a month out from Arichnt, baviug
encountered Rales which drove her back
ward nod forward over the ocean from
Cape Ilatteras and Bermuda to beyond
Newfoundland. Seven men were washed
overlioard, of whom three were drowned.
The crew suffered great privations.
THE first theatre ever established in
America at Williamsburg. Vs., in
Sept. 1752.
Mottoes for 1871.
Bo vigilant.
P*y * yon go.
Trade is money.
Rtrnl your county |*Mt.
Never " fool" in bttsuieM.
Learn to think ami act fo*yourself.
Do not kick every stone in the path,
i Do not stop to tell stories in business
j hours.
Pay strict sttcntion to your ow# sf
Keep ahrad rather than hchintl the
I times.
Have hut few ©onftdeuta, ami the few
i cr the better.
U>e your own brains, rather than those
I of others.
A man of honor respects his word as
| he .hunt his bomb
No turn can get rich who lounges iu
! stores and saloon*.
If you have a place of business, l><
found there when wanted or iu business
t hours.
He who areks to bnih! his reputation
on the weakness of another ha* an unsafe
I,earn to say "no." No ueccasity of
snapping it dog-fashion, but any it re
spect ftdly. as you ought to.
H-lp others when you can, but nsi r
■ive w hut you cannot afford to, stinply
because it is fMb tunable.
Never bay an article yon do not need
simply I vocalise it is cheap, and the man
who sells it will take it out iu trade.
A Ctmitut Stoitv —A t 'oiiadiau httn
bcrmaii tells rather a dubious atorv of
catiuilmli-iiu among the Indians >f the I |-
}H-r Ottawa, which is giveu for what it n
worth. He savs that, owing to the enor
mous (plant dies of snow and the terribly
severe weather, the Italian* who inhabit
the more remote localities arc literal!)
forced at et .tuin seasons to satisfy the
cravings of appetite by devouring one
; another. A* uu Instance, he relates the
proceedings of an Indian ftuniUy In ex
treme circumstances. The squaw, so the
story goes, slew one of her children dttr
tug the protracted absence of her lius
baud. and the family hud parti tllv tie
▼ourcd the child when the old lu
lian returned to his home. Ho then
joined with the re-t iu tlje horrible re
oast. Winn the food w*s gone an
other child was sacrificed and eaten iu
like ut inner. The tin practical tic weather
continuing, the Indian tomahawked tin
squaw n xt. and he and his only remain
m : son. after this additioal supply gave
out, starbsl to make another attempt to
j reach a settlement. This failing, the
son killed the father, and proceeded to
satisfy hi* apjvetite with his fleli. Arri
ving at last ut a setler's shanty he told
his awful taio. which it is said eouU
hardly be credited hy the listeners, on,)
which it mav tte also said will tiiul littl
credit ebewbere, until substantiated by
I indubitable proof.
Dois Adxt:btiu?io Psv. —The question
is answered iu a oeusilde, praetible man
uer by tbe Moquoketa SrM/i aW. A gro
cer of that town kept a column adver
tiHement iu tbe Snfimei the rear rotted,
but wut to tbe i fticc saying lie mu--teu'
don it, ns he didu'l nee a* it waspiyiug
him ; hi* neighbor iu tbe same bustne.-*
didn't a Ivertisc at all, end be claimed
that he sold a* many gran!* n* he did.
The SmfiMrf man doubted tbi* anil pro
(Hsexl to settle the matter hv having the
ailvertiaer go to the railroad freight offie*
and get the nttmlwr of pound* of goaxl
rec ived by each curing the past six
tuotith*. This was done ard resulted in
the following aggregate result: Nutnlmi
of pnuud* received by tb* mlvertmer.
307 800. Number of pound* received
bv the dealer who didn t advertise, 159,-
03.1, leaving a balance in favor of the
advertiser of 2W.2C# jvounds. Tbe ad
vert iiw-r didn't take out or cut down ki.-
TUE CAUCASIA* HOOD. —Says a letter
writer, you uy erumph-up in your hand
what will cover th* bead and shoulder*
of a tall man. They are of a color un
like any bide I know, being a little
lighter,'and infinitely inure rich thai
of the color known a* " Ri'inarck oi
in n rage.*' The hood protects the shoul
ders as well as the head, aud baa also
long lappel*. which can lie erauvd on
thebreiiat and tie<l round the w.iist, oi
else gatheri d coly round the uirk, and
u any case it looks graceful and well.
If the bash!uirk —for tins u it* name—
be tip, the face i* shielded, and uo cold
air from without can |ci!ctrntc. It is
tbe very thing for soldiers and beauties
alike. Kv. ry lady iu Russia thinks she
i* bound to have one. It serves not ouly
for tl.o day, b it for the o|wra —tin-*,- fur
the op'rs are geuerally white ; but w hat
Ver the C dor, the point dt rirptrr is that
they must le of('siica*i;.n materials, and
above all, trimmed with Caucasion gold.
HOLD ON. — Hold on to tour tongue
when yon are ju*t ready to swear, or
speak harshly, or u*e any improper
Hold on to yoar hand when you are
| about to at rike or do any wrong.
Hold on to your feet when yon are on
the point of kicking, or running away
from Htndy, or pursuing the path of er-
J ror. shame, or crime.
Hold on to your temper when yon are
ingry, excited, or imposed upon, or oth
er* angry about you.
Hold on to your good name at all
time*, for it i much more valuable to
you than gold, high place*, or foaliiona
, ido attire.
Hold on to truth, for it will serve yon
wi 11, and do you good throughout eter
EHABT THICK or A Dmnca) Wirt. --
] In tiie Fifteenth District Court, San
] Francisco, the conjugal chain that IKMIIHI
i together Georgians Dahm and 11. C. 11.
' Dnhm, as man and wife, was severed by
i decree of divorce ; nnd now comes nn
j other act in the domestic drama. The
plaintiff comes into court and asks jier
mission to withdraw certain papers irom
the tile, 'i'he request was granted, and
she retired in triumph with the life-in
snrnnre policies and marriage ceitifieate.
It now apjieurs that, prior to the bring
itig of the suit, the defendant hail his life
insured for #10.(1(10, in his wife's favor,
i By the tei ma of the divorce, the policies
j were declared to lie her separate proper
ty ; so that as long as sho continues to
pay the premiums she has a lien, so to
speak, on his life.
stories are current regarding the division
of (lie jurors in the ease of Fanny Hyde
charged with shooting Watson. It is
stated tlmt ten of the iren, for whoso
verdict the Court waited twenty-nine
hours, were in favor of acquittal; the
other two Iwing of opinion that the
w oman w is guilty of manslaughter in the
third degree. The most singular part o!
the stor.v is however, that the former
pleaded hard with the latter for a unani
mous verdict of manslaughter in the
fourth degree, lor which the law pro
vides a fine of SI,OOO. This fine the ten
jurors were willing to pay nt once, HI
order to secure the release of the pri
soner. If this statement 11 true, it in
creases the romance of the case.
AN EXECUTION. —There was a fearful
seen© nt an execuMon in Fentress County,
Tenn. The weight of the doomed man
snapped the rope, and he fell to the
ground. The sheriff and his guard seized
him, put a rope round hi* neck, threw it
over the gallows, and drew him np. He
hung thus a couple of minutes, when at
tempting to draw him higher, the rope
again broke. Onc.e more lie was seized
and hoisted, the blood running from hi*
mouth and nose, and his shroud nearly
torn off. Thin time the rope proved suffl
cient anil the man was strangled to death.
A Persian emigre, recently arrived at
Bombay, slates that his father was 122
years old, and delighted in 150 grnnd-
Hons and granddaughters. After some
years the train extended to such a length
that the great grandpa could not even
make out who it was addressed him by
the name of grandpa. His usual que*,
tion wns, "My dear, which of my daugh
ters' sons are yon ?"
An octogenarian lowan having deeded
all his property to his dearly beloved
wife, to whom he hod been married
twe..ty-two years, the lady showed hpr
gratitude by immediately eloping with
pis son,
Funons Pftcctlve,
Francois Vldocq. wra* a native of Arras,
ami was horn In July. 1771 In a house ad
joining that iu which Robespierre wa
tiorn. lli* father hent a tinker's shop In
the lowest street Iu lite town, mid in this
continental Bt. Giles' tlte youthful VMocq
had full play for all the bsd iptalllies
which seem to tiave been Inbcnted, or at
least, very readily Implanted In Itlm.
W' find hint lir*t a* a mere child, rob
bing the till of a neighboring fencing
room, and next hi* lather *—hi* rider
brother having been previously sent about
his business for similar weak noose*. An
tecedents such a* these could only lead b>
one sort of career, lie tied the paternal
roof, ami joined a band of the most reck
lis. V agabond* to he found in sny civilised
country. He was everything by turns
and nothing long. In prison and out
I again, with tVe most certain regularity ;
i until, being tivaud tu a longer spell of
! durance vile" than was to his taste, lie
n*uiu<Ml the role of the penitent lis wa
,10-gustcd with crime and criminals, sud
henceforth his life should be devoted to
the noble mission of benefiting society
by uiuMtrthlng the vermin that preyed
upon its good tilings. Under tbe weight
ui these convictions, he offered hi* ser
vices to the police as an agent, or a* they
would *y in Kuglaud. eouuuon informer;
mid we haveswn how admirably he went
to work iu hi* new vocation.
Rut the remarkable part is the refresh
ing sir of injured self-litnoeeuee with
which lie related his own exploits.
His success was so great that lie wa
Hindu, ill 1810, Chief of the Police de Bitr
etc. under Delsvau and Frauehtt. He had
under him a l-*en agent* of hi* own
stnnp, the number being after ward* in
,-rcastd to twenty oue. Vidooq had,
moreover, secret funds st hi* disposal, fur;
which he wa# not rciuntd lo m-ouunt. j
lu 1827, he retired with a fortuue; bat
Ids active mind still w anted some emyloy- j
ineiit. He built, therefore, a paper man
ufactory at Ht. Maude, about two leagues
Iroui I'urtw; and here, it is said, he em
ployed as itis work people a number oi
ex-convicts, on the pious but eeouoinicsl
principle ot giving work to people who
might find their old reputations somewhat
* bar to pr,gres with mora fastidiotis j
filling Ilog*.
During the summer season in Now lorV.
a raid is made upon the dog* found at
large.sml they are gatheied into the pound, i
A gratuity of fifty rent* is given to the
gatherers for each dog brought in by them.
The dog* are tied up within the enclosure
with the bits of dirty string by which their j
captor* have dragged them to their "vile
dungeon," Most of them are coiled nw a*
in feverish sleep, shak-ngand whimpering
>n drestn a though haunted l>y lK>-liiigs >t
tlieir approaching fate. At the farther end
of the rooui there i* a large tank. Fitt-,1
to this, in stieh away that it can be |resed
•own into it, i* a strong wtwslen grating,
and the tank is turther provided w ith s
hose through which it can i-e tilled from .
he river below. Two or three squalid
men. In dirty flannel shirts and cow-skin j
b sits, are loitering about the place. At a
signal from the pnlio-tn*n in charge, these
men go in among the do.r*, and. aelecting
iji# commonest a uottg them, seize them ,
one after another by lh neck* and hind
v e*t arid pitch them into the tank, the aide* '
nf hich are i.> t<*rp and slipper* that
there i no possibility of the wretched an
rnsUw-ramiilingc.iit. And now thelainen
vti.uis set tip by them are pitiful to hear,
from their tretnulona whine* one cat tell
that they are pcrlcctly conscious of their |
••upending doom. They *rein to b*a*eer
tain of the death at hand as are the r>aa
wneer* of a diia foundering at sea. ft is
curious to watch the tcrrifud look* tif the
more valnahje dry* (wtih-h arc kept for J
claim by ownerr), while all thia i* going
on They *hake all ovdk like leave* in the
wind ami. lifting their quivering innizle*
toward* the ratter*, give utterance to howl* |
that are most lugnbrloua and heart-rend
ing Wiieti dug*enough have In een thrown
mto the tank, the water ia let in by means j
of the h<>*e; the grating i* fitted to It*'
id*ce and pruaaed hiwn upon them; and
the "job," a* the executlonecr* call it, i
OriCM SMOSIXO.—A recent French tned
■cal journal contain* an iotcriwtin* paper •
on opium -rooking. The habit an prevt-
Icnt in China ha* l>ecn introduced in
France, and it ie alated ttiat a dub of young
men baa been formed iu i'ari* lor the pur
ree of indulging in th.a dangerous prac
tice. The habit suhicct* the l>egitiner to
seriooa iDeonvruteDCt, such a* ngge>,
vomiting, ghldiuetu. and violent headache.
The opium for the pipe i prcpa-ed accord
ing to secret lot inula*, and acquire* a wmi
tltud C'.ui*i*tcncv rtwetublctng a den*e oil,
]irw*e**c* a ->wecl tate. and ha* the ap* :
pearance of extract of juniper. The doe
for a davV nuking, in the beginning,|
amount* to 150 gram*. The effect* of (bit
diug are to excite in the *mokcr, first l- j
quaritv. tlie next stupid joy, ending iu a
profound *luiuber, U*tine for several houi,
during which ttiepula.- t*U* vcrv low. The
opium smoker becomes in<kt#nt, |n*t- the
iuclinatinn for work, and at lat end* a* a |
conflrmetl idiot. In the latter condition .
t he opium moVcr im* no appetite for fo id. i
become* very lenu. ami hi* (vmp!exiou a-1
>ume* a peculiar hue. —Tbecondit mi of thcpco- j
pie in the burut dtiriet* cf Wisconsin ha* J
been made the subject of a rerv interest j
mg report by a Legi*latire Committee, j
't ap|H-ai that kisv 1,580 lam i lie*, or 6,
3u" persona, have Itecn rendered i!nn*t j
entirely dewtitute through the effect* uf
the fiiv which prcad over the Slate laat
October. Tnewe families hve mcc licen j
supported, t<>r the mo*t pari, bv tbe rvlut ;
committee of (ireen lUjr and Milwaukee.
Their home* and cat He bare a!o Incnj
provided for. In fact, nothing appear* to j
have beeti left undone to make them com- ;
for table for the present, and give them I
hope of being able to retrieve their fallen j
fortunes in the future.
who was recently tried for complicity in
the murder of lier husband, and was ac
quitted, has shown her appreciation of
what is due to the assaulted female na
ture and depleted purse, bv bringing
suit against the Mound City Mutual Rife
Insurance Company, of St. L>uis, to re
cover §I,OOO on a policy on the life of
her husband, who died April 27, 1871.
The recovery of the money is stoutly re
sisted by the compsnr, and it now re
mains to be seen whether a violent death
is to lie reckoned in the rnme category
with suicide, so far a* insurance compan
ies are concerned.
CHINESE JUSTlCE. —Justice was admin
istrated with careful sciuliny, and com
mercial honor was maintained with unus
ual severity in China, one thousand ycata
ago, if we maf ctcdit a writer who says
the bankilupt w*n thrown into pnaon, his
firo|.crty dtvideii among his creditors. It
ic was f< un 1 to have concealed anv thing,
he was put to death ; if innocent, he was
set free, but was forbidden ever after to
tngagc in I Aide. Only the wise, learned,
and honest were selected as judges, and
the chtcl justice of China was revered lor
equity and his discretion.
The general market dull and flnt and
values weak, though the only change
made Is on Ordinary, which is reduced
jc per lb. The cab has been In Hie
main from spin Item handling jimt
enough stock to carry thorn along fir
the time being. We quote nominally
as follows:
t'pUnd N*w.
AUlsms i)rlv*r. Trxa*
Oraln'rv....lSHo ><....(< 0' W-" 0 !-!
i<io fc-r? i]]<,....aHq ftiVM,
|,.W m14...A79S ... M l sy An*
Middling.. .AtCi <* *i" i
liood dc,...3<i< ....(.it15....31S OJ-7*V
WILL DO IT. —lt has scarcely been
mentioned, for the comfort of the tim
orous. that n sprinkling of carbolic ncid
will disintert fractional currency, before
it appears that tbe effect of the acid is
to destroy the value of the note. The
same chemical power which kills the
small pox germ cuts out the ink, an/1
leaves the "stamp" a mere blurred piece
of paper.
It iii recorded of a venison and turtle
fed Alderman of London that, on being
importuned for alms by a starving wo
man in the street, lie exclaimed : "Qo
away, my good woman ; you don't know
how yon distress me. I'd give ten
pounds to have your appetite."
|% Kiss lis.
f v ffifiiff if itrf im
Nor est pulsing through the sir of Hprlof
I hear the wm<Ung ohimea a-riag.
1 see them jms# -the smiling brlds,
The laughing lovsr at her m<lo.
Tlte world, uew-dresned In rosy troes,
Htstnla still to hear the fond adieus;
And, glatl la youth's gsy overflow,
Alone on happy ways limy go.
Two doves let loose firm nsrrovf cots I
Two hutiortltes that skim sud Aoat,
And idly sip life's royal wine,
And know uot lute hke Utiue and rntus I
Desr heart, onr sodding tolls are dumb.
The wedding mrnlng does not euros;
The patient yesra imtwoeri u sisnd ;
We speak no word, we clasp no band.
Eaeh doing what he flails to do.
With ehteiful *ei and purpose true ;
Hwerter our love's dnpp-iiiddsn pstn
Titan sli the Joys that other* gain I
XVnng M. Jfoore.
Nat able Political liven!*.
May 7—ldaho election.
May 7 Peitnst Ivtiniu Labor Reform
Convention, W'itHaawport
May H~lllinois Democratic Com
mittee, hold uu adjourned meeting.
May B—Minnesota lipnhhciwi Cou
vent km, Minneapolis.
May B—New York Colored Republican
Convention, Troy.
May B—National Dp ram-rat to Com
mittcc at Mr. Belmont's House, New
York city.
May B—New Hampshire Republican
Convention to elect ibdegaU* to Phila
delphia. Concord.
May 9 Delaware Republican Conven
tion, Dover.
May 9 Tennessee Democratic Con-
I vnntiun, Nashville.
Muv i4—Texaa Republican Ootiven
i tion, Houston.
May 15—Tnur*ce HepuLlimur t'on
veutiou, Nashville.
May 15—Nebraska Ihpubbcaa Con
vention, Lincoln.
May 15 ■-Tcwueum-e Reunion and Re
form ' Association Mass Meeting, Nash
May 15—New York Republican Con
vention, Eiunra.
May 15—New York Democratic Con
vention. Rochester,
May Ith -Michigan Republican Con
vent iuu, Jackson.
May 18- Arkansas Republican Con
; vcntion. Clayton wing.
May 21 Dakota Republican t'onven
, tion, U> nominate (or delegates to Con
gress and local officer*.
May 21- Maitiu Tliiid Cougrcasional
District Republican Convention. Au
May 22—Georgia Republican Con re n
tion. to reorganize the party tu I select
to National Convention.
May 22—Illinois RoptiblWnn Conven
tion, at Springfield. '
May '22 Matue tteooqd Congressional
District Republican Convention Auburn.
May 22- Arkansas R publican C<m
| vcntion, Brook* wing.
Moy 23—New Jerary Republican Con
vention, Trenton, to chuoso delegate* to
the National Convention and electors.
May 23—Wist Virginia Republican
j Convention, Grafton.
May —1 Colorado lUowLUcaxi Couvm
' tion, to rhouie delegate* to Philadel
May 38— Indian* Seventh (''ongrcastun
, al Pintnrt Republican Convention.
May 29—Indiana Eleventh Congress
ional District Republican Convention,
M*y SO—Pennsy IvMiia Democratic
Juno 3 Waabiugton Territory dec
J June B—Now Hampaliire legislature
June 3 Louisiana Pemoetatic Con
vention. adjourned meeung.
T June 4 LOIIPMIW Reform Convention ,
(second MM-), Sf* Orleans.
June s—Rcpublirun NationalConveti
■ Uon. Philadelphia.
1 Junr 9 luiliana Wortingtnen'a Con
vention, New Ailwny.
June 12— Indian* Democratic C<*i-
Vi-utuiu to nominate caudulutwa lor stale
. file r* and Congrf*miiti at large.
June 12— Michigan Temperance Con
; vent ion, LatiMhg. •
June 13—Ohio Democratic Committer-,
nd.uiurued meeting
June 17—Texa* Demecralie Convt-n
--tii-t.. Corwicana.
June 18— Arlan*** Lilicral Republi
can (.'convention, Little Rock.
June 19—Arkansas Democratic Cou
vouliun. Little Ruck.
THE FAMIXE IX I'ERWA. —Advice*from
IVrsia state that the famine iu tiiut
.-ountiy ia increasing. In Teheran, the
1 capital city, the dcMitution is becoming
; wide spread j anl it ia fr.arod that with
• the approach of summer, the disease and
• pidemic, which purttally abateddunug
the winter month*. uiav anin apjieur.
Hie extremitiaa to which the inhabitant*
.ire reduced in their effort* to obtain
fixnl arc dreadful, the cottrtnnteat lictba
and roota being frequently used to aatisfv
j the craviugs of hunger. Ntimlieri perfah
j daily froui wunt aud ethnnaHon. Prom
I all part* of IVraia a similar condition of
| affairs is rejxirb-d. Many of tlie towns
and villages have almost an fie red depopu
j latum by the protrachx! famine.
A FATAI. HH< T.—IN Brooklyn. N. Y.,
Willie Wells, wra* shot fatally by luwnlav
mate Richard t'liri*tic, in a w-ood-vnod
in the rear of hi* residence, Christie is
iu custody. He says he did not tueati
to shoot Willie, and ho ia dwplr grieved
over his death. His story is Lftiit they
were playing MI adjoining shed*, ami he
put the pi*tol through a knot hole in the
partition to frighten Willie, and the
pistol accidentally went off Tlie ball
entered the licnd of Wells. He was 10
years of age aud Christie is 13 year* old.
Awrrr. Hiitrwiircx— 5" LIVES ixHrr
! It is now believed that the steamship
Ispahan, which left Bombay In January
for London, nnd which hs not been ,
heard since leaving Malta on the!
13th of February, fotindeicd off Brest,
; France, during a terrHD gale. Fitly
l>cra'ns who were on the Ispahan are
-Opposed to have goue down with the
: steamer.
Large tvpe isn't necessary in adverti
sing. lilitul people do not read newspa
YOU wish to lrny or sell, write to Ciuunxa
W. HAWKLBR, No. 7 Walt Kb, K. T *
The Markets.
asw res*.
Ctxr Cinu-Primt- to Ext** • .!*• Jl
First qiulttr lib* - 13
R*cotid..„ .15 •
Ordinary ibln Cat M*.. .Vqa .IIS
Ini-n0r.............. .PS* ■"
Miles Cows. 80 -'*' , ,
Uims— lava
•!** -Jf,
.<£& Vlddllaa
runrn—F.'trm *im 70S • 7'S
Slst* Extra ... fa*
WSBAI— nl *>•*"> ;•! • { *|
•• 11l I W
RTS— *J? • ®2
HA nurt—SUlO. ®
e.,s-llKva *FVm .Ji s "
ritTs—WMdi'ti 1 - .*1 ft . ij
Horn It's ••*-'. H .
I'rrsoLSCs—Crude ljq Relined .Wi(
Hurras —sui>- -U • -I*
Ohio W. R. SO • .W
•• Fnrv .SI • .M
Wmtvm nntlnary 0* a .13
JViuMvmuis flue.,.. Si a .37
CaXßM—But* Factory .17qs .l
" Skimmml 15 • -OS
Oh<o 10 • -IS
Bisr JOSH **o
Siixxr S3 • ■ .M
H<xt*—Live.... *-70 • 'S3
5 - M> o
WHLAT— No. 1 Spring I.l' a Ul
0o* -SO • *Ol
Br* —-si -J® •
M • •"
!. 01-M
Bvs—auto - so
Ooan—Mlird 70 a .70
OAT-Jiute...i..— .so • .53
Fuic*— 630 a 7CO
Wiinr— Western Bod LIB 800
whit* LOO a flu
Corn—Tolhiw •
Mixed OT a .X
prTK'Lxi v—Oru'l*. ..15 reflned.Jl*
CLOVE*Sibd 000 a 0.35
ThuoUty 3 00
OOTT**— Low Middling M S .V
KLUITW—Extra 7.7* a 8.73
oo*s W a
Oaja. .M a .90
The North Carolina contcaled election
case woo debated. An attempt was msde
by Kenstar Mcoit to paaa the House WU
repeal in c the dnty on tea and coflee,
but it failed owing to the aWnce of Mr.
Mheraioti. ebairman of the Finance Oom
iiiitte,-. The Senate devoted an evening
amnion to the cotiHideration of the Postal
TheHenate < JomwHtee on Commerce
agreed to re|Krt favorably on tbe House
bill for the op)iointment of ahipping
eouimiaaitmers, with a few amendments;
the piiueipal one lieiug a restriction of
the penalty of I.tKMJ against shipping a
sailor while drunk to runes in which the
sailora were drunk when tlicy signed the
In the Heuate Mr. Raraaey introduced
a bill granting right of way to the Utah,
Idaho, and Montana Railroad Company.
Mr. Sumner presented a petition, signed
by more than 13,000 citizens of the
LitiM H tales, against recogniaing God
in the Constitution. The report of the
c< nunittee appointed to consular the ac
tion of the Heuate in utmndiug the
House bill repealing the duties on tea
and coffee expresaes the opinion that the
action of the Senate was not altogether
Iu the Senate the following MUa were
introduced t—To facilitate improvement
iu the poeta! aerviee ; authorizing rights
of way for the use of pneumatic tuliea,
eji ctrie, magnetic, or stationary steam
power ; to lueoriiorata the Helena aau
Northern Utah Railroad, and granting
it ngb* °I through the public lauds.
A set of resolution* were presented from
tba Council of (tongrcgational Churches
of the United Hint,-*, held at Oherlin,
Ohio, apptviviug the Treaty of Woehing
ton, and asking Cougren* to take mess
tin * fur the establishment of a general
system of international arbitration.
In the Hoase, Mr. Wood iutro-1
<ltnH-<l a bill to prevent the expansion |
and contraction of the money market,
> ud Mr. Maynsrd a substitute for the
I Internal Revi uue bill reported from the
Way* and Mcau*. A resolution calling
, on ihc Presnleut for the <Hrrcspondet.o
with Great Bntain regarding the claim
for indirect damages on the American
case was adopted. The Indiana contes
ted electi>>u ease of (boding vs. Wilson,.
ws concluded, the House voting that
Milron, the sitting member, is eutill-d
to the seat
, The resolution reported to exclude ,
from tbe door of tbe House lobbying ex- j
members Was taken up. A prupumU by i
' Mr. Ruii- r to lay the motion on the la-.
'hie via vritlidiawu ud the resolution
I wns recomuiitb'd. The hill granting to
I the Central Pacific Railroad Company
, the use of one linlf tbe ihtnd of Yerha
linens or Goat Island, was called up.
i A very acrimonious discussion ensued, in
the course of which personalities and
nniwiiiMiticuUry language wtmi freely in- f
dulgod in. VVrv little progress was
tirade, but the frictnl* of tbs bill ware er
; identfr in a majority.
The" House Committee <m Territories j
heard Hie argu mcnta of Mr. Frank Ful
ler uu Itebalf of the admission of Utah
or, a* he claims, the State of Deseret- -
into (be Union. He spoke of the credit
due lo the Mormons for subjugating the
wtldcrueas, their honesty, iudastry. and
sobriety, on the stipulations of the treaty
, made (iq the o>-ti*ion of the tcrritoiy,
and of the grass abuse* by irresponsible
; Pederal ofil.Hu* permitted by a territorial
! form of government.
In the Munse Mr. Dswea gave notice
tLnt he would move to take up tbe Tariff
bill at the first oportanity. Mr. Banks
I introduced a resolution calling upon the
! President to demand the immediate n
icse of Dr. Uouard and the n-storation
lof hi* property fr,m Ut® Spanish gov
-nm<tnt. The bill known a* the Goat
Island bill, with several slight mndiflea-
I tion*, was passed by a vote of 101 to 85.
Fatal AcciDtXT.—At Niagara Tails re
oeiitly, throe uien, whose name* are un
known). were wen struggling' in the rap
id* between tlie American shore and
fhiat I-lamd. No help could given
them, and tbey all went over the Tall*.
It is supposed that they were from Chip-
JM wa, Dutirio. and were ou a fishing ex
cursion, and being carried down by the
earn nl atteroptet to land at the bead of
O oat Island; but the boat striking a rock
ww d*hed to piecew. Nothing definite
regarding their identity is known at the
present time.
1 KHIIINUR AITKAT.—A late diqvatcli
from Mitskagee, Indian Territory, sat*
a man ou trial for murder at Tablrqnah.
was acquitted, whereupon ■ relative of
the murder, d man shot the defendant
dead, ami then the Judge on the bench.
An iudiweriminate fight thencomtueneed,
in v.hioli eleven pcrwooa were killed and
and as many more wounded. Among
the killed were three United State* Mar
shal* named Owens, Hawkina, and Wil
Sair Lour.—The ah-amer Nebraska
arrived at Sau Fnuimsco direct ID m Syd
ney, AuHtr.aiui. making the pax-age from
New Zealand in thirty days. She bring*
intelligence of the low* of the brig Maria,
from Sydney to New Guinea, which was
wo rked when thirty miles out from Syd
ney. Tlie Yotrtel and cargo, which were
vrv valuable, arc a total h**- Forty
three poMengcraon lioardthe Maria were
drowned. 'l'wmty-eight were rescued
and ooUTejcd to Sydney.
A new style of Lace scarf is composed
of thread lace over tul!e, *nd i* slightly
gathered at the Iwick of the neck, ao an
to form a cape, where it ia fastened
with a valviet bow ; it i* then croaed in
fmot and fastesed with a loose knot at
(he bock of the waist.
Bravw, and disgust everybody with your
Catarrh irnd its offensive odor, when Dr.
Sage's (Tatarrh Remedy will speedily
destroy all odor and arrest the discharge.
Jolts* W. AVKIIT. convicted of the
murder of Jacob Erbe. near Crssakill,
New Jeraev, wa sun fenced to be hanged
ou the 28th of Jnae next
AN ACT or J CSTlCE.— Doubting Castle
vw i n<l stumbling block in tbe path of
llnnnvan's Christian, though it couldn't bar
bta war to Truth. We can sympathise
with tlis Pilgrim, for Doubt always best ts
us w hen we are asked to believe anything
particularly extraordinary. Consequently,
when wc heard, some elghtein months
ago, thai a physician in California had
compounded, from the juices and extracts
ot cvrtjiu herbs found there, a roeOieine
that cared almost every variety efbkM
disease, we were increduloua. Since theT
we have bad opportunities of testing the
accuracy of the report, and arc free to
admit that our doubt* have vanished.
Seeing what we have s*en. knowing what
wc know, it is Smpwible tor us to qi*es
tior the remedial properties of Dr. WALK
IK'S VISSOAB BirtxKs That thi* famou*
voaetable Tonie. Alterative, and Antisep
tic is a specific for Duprpria, Liver Com
plaint, Cbronie Const i|tion, Fever and
Ague, Biltom Intermittent*, Semfuh.u*
Taint in the Blood, Incipient Consump
tion, Ix>cal and General Debility Rtienma
ttsm. Sick Headache, amd D ; *ea*ea of tbe
Kidney*, aeem* to be a matter beyomi the
pale of controversy— nJUxdfact in mmitcai
hiatory. The atatemcnla of friend*, in
wbaae veracity and intelligence we have
lull confidence, corroborated by our own
personal observation, eotnncl u*. to admit
the Aurpassing meritaolthe preparation.
How to Ornament the Hair.
AO that art can m eomp/mh in beanti
fjiug. strengthening, thickening, and
perpetuating tboJiumon hair, is efleeteil
by the use oi BrßNrrr's COOOAINB. There
is a stimulating property in this prepa
ration, which literally eomiiela a rapid
growth of the fibres, while its emollient
action reudere them silky and elastic.
It is the best and cheapest kair-dresainy
and hiciporritor in the w~ld. So say the
masses who *o it. Yonr drnggist has it.
BTTTCBE can be cured without suffer
ing. Elastic Trusses are superseding all
other*. Before buying Metal Trusses or
Supporters, send for a diaeriptive circu
lar to tbe Elastic Truss Co., 683 Broad
way, N. Y.—Own.
' I * I** 1 * n ' -nr- dfßtriM' r*
Ci *mw Ha*l*, f*ca, mogh akin. pbit|ie*,
rnR-wuon, ait-rl.. u>:>, ami other tmUnaoua
oil. ctioM, mrati, and the *kin made eoft and
•axniOi, using the Jt-inra r*a Hn wade
l.y CaawwtA, A tin , New York. Ilia
mora carrauiant and eaatljr spatted than othsr
remedira, avoiding U>* i rouble of the ft# asy
compound# twwtn aae.-Cbm,
Bottle* Bull of Bawutr.-Udlm. tf ftm *M
have beauty by U>e bntUe Mi. ail yoa b** to d# I*
|a|iwrliMi Ihail'lMMHtUltUl. 1 hat peerh* i
twaubliar of lb* romp.valua net only heights** aai
oral > barm*. but rainier* eve* the ptaiaaad eoeWeo
aner •iMMhagty alr-U*. |i mil* to the peill
rbet the ro#f •!"*# <>( health, rrtue*** ptm|k**
b!u|> i.M.r<ia|huMu. enliowtnw# and ether biawMbaa
ud imparl* to the akin a meet delicate iairnaaa aof
H'lUapee II (BMiit a the ArrwH canard by time at
eat*, and (Ire* Ihe*. neek and arms the flumf am
eogagtar tppMratne of youlhftt! beauty, hit tht* h
■gV'<| ■ piiaU-l by tbe nowt natural en an* eta; b<
eettOy ami nature))) at .mulatto.* tbe rin-*iaUea u
tb' .afiiUrt bleed eeeeeia. KreSde* hem# (be an*
(*■ lual e.<l la leant) knee* to tandsrn aeleoea.
Oerr-liar rt law. wtaee ef body ar leiad. wed***
drtebty ae * team* Tba aanl ie*f*l *to tab* *o*
•n.i *>*> in tb* tv.l .•
Hpeeutl Notieee.
' He*t*ed ...*!** ed prwuadiag la** ar* eat ere# a*
fact vbr** Mtvtk TIM ae# ea Paiweia ran* •
ma Hue, ibe) iaet We* ae teas.
_gef ham tf ail Deatar*.
Teeada 1 meat a ehmh ■■aeuia*. aewah***—al**f
**a tad*). h**t>ii nlet !•* C4ILKIOIIW WIRI
fleet* and Hhaaa are the beat -hat afeeted h) th>
*uto Faeaaera aad aerhaaie*. toy them.
It eitewd* iu mdaeaa* MM *■*■) yert ef dw heater
di**M*'d aatwa. aad reeterta* ettal power*. iirniliag a
yh ______ *—*—
A Wh*l**<M*MlM*l*al, That te AMetala
ly Par*.
Phyantaaa threaghwat the world urn m t* the aa
<*' tttt p|hßi EMM! Vtih fttotj fVSMHL trf StWI W*
ahtaiaieg them par*. To# difteeii) heee *emln
Woeid be a mete— a* tedirnl. if the cteaa g gg* or
Watted to the adaharaied !i<|*er*aad wteerof lead*
It eaaiehaa, hc*r. dm 'Jt* atwehH* ten* andas-
Iraordieary re* (retire prepastMa *t Hoemner'e Wile"
are lakea bite eawatdarauaa. A* • etietalast the arttah
to ab*iutai) fee* treat *rarythl*( aipnliwiahl* | ta
thw I* am* j one at IU rrii—aadalt*** if it no
iMrtii tAf jpiri tfrtrtt ia rirfitml its unMkt IH
Among It mtabt refram and ewriee the ayel*** far •
lew ■met ea. bat eaaW pradaaa aa aeaaw t**t<
The eutaalsttagelm*at a( lb* Bauer* ta it ■**. aa
brngf IjaHw jNBMMNI IIYi Until Hwj HI UNI pff{)hri MV *%"
acaatatbat iwpart riga* aatd rr*olanur ta Ma trraarvaar
and dMotdrrad arpaataataaa. tlx aparttaaaa fnari)*
bHm I'->*** aaalal I* did aatag thaw latlaamr Ihrwi t
MlMmw faxMitttfia* (bk apaiaiaia
VbM, l i(a naraX h*m. WaMn motto a Mad'
dt Maaxutt afcfc* ua apactdaa af lb '
aa*Mab" klwba a r W braarkt a baar apsa M
drbtliiuad aad di-oraaaad arpaat tttt rapatra ratainu
in* an.:
■■ | af rra tasorparttd is HaPaPar'r Emara ia
fiaaa thr at-iaacaa* Ma paralr —dtaal taaradta—a
TO miMNnntt
Tba adraruaw. baaiac kaaa | aianafib aatad flttba
daaad dwaaa. (na.iirotlro ta a auatpW nait, i>
•auaa In Baabe in an ta ha> frltov aadrfan tba aaaan
ofourr. Taa3 wiKaaada oapr at ta.
Pi an if Pa aaad. (taaa at ibripai, attk Mr doortiaa
tar | n'paitaa aad mmmt Mr aaaaa. *b*b Mar aliaadt
acua < raa i< Outwear*** Amu** Htunanv, Ac
Parttar a labia* I ha praarrtffc* adll pliaaa rddw
K-r EDVttDd WUJtO*
IMSafh Third aaaaA ,Utata.Mrc W. V
taattmw * id ?3i>an, hadad MMa
| WMaatat aataaa.
■ *■•> t.r ria-*nt. pniftt 4a aaaki an na ar cat.
ml W'iat L Haa la L. daH Pt bana
llaaa *" *'! ■"•***** Hrtlaia. Hn'Jaad Praao.
BHOrr, oooosowdk ro. f MM. M—.
PaknM "Tin r*J**r tataa. an. PkUM.,
ata>(|| ft '•* a'XKaaaa Paaw. 5a daaooaa- .d.
JAdiaM U. k riAAn ua. A
[HII Tba Oral l.a>t M lir4 Iraa tWaEt
fra ladttntrunia tcopataia ataa ta can ran lot tba
aafc ad Xnraanj btari Hart of r- f-rmcaa raaaurd _
I "VKY —pa. fciilt tiaar. H. T.
fhlnT. • Hal ■* Paid (aataata* Areata
H. 111 aulwitt wrrfin. Sir* ai-'napnr Bah la
If! 111 f"1 lam.lf ta rat It- ■lllldaatHl. A->tmt
ViU H an— I. __ M vii liralh Mtjaba ha. ■ T
l.aara Itnaar t art far
art taewabta. Tbia cot aha-a UP
■nb a M loach Mr aaat <d tbr da
■ aaaa. <AAailipaaaareran ab ta ratrr
aartaar. ar wradtae a tar aaoagli U
praaa IM tartits ar ta rata w ordiaarr
t iaa tart area' led ar anan
fW-1. Add ana Bar. h *tD-
Ulvrov Uvk aant.JJbaa.
Tk* Rama T***raM.-Th* ***• a* tola
t arajA-o Brfa<HM*at*dkrlktaMa.baMl*i*takß>ack,
; tk* irtal ailalikarat tha rt**qi. tadl*ai4*k4. tlk kal
' n*i..motr*M*ttuta pamay alwllrrMl tm iH* t<aar
br.ty 1 AMUKT a Krr ****• IBURM krmmoan
■itvita artm la taaa* of r. >*.*• dotal it anan-f l*a
| 4f. I* jnit, by r>*to..* t-n aiomack la its Mraaal aan
Cheap Farms ! Free Homes 1
o* not ujn/ir mi
a Lain* A*T or
I 2.000,000 ACRES
or T*a
llral Faratlaft •>' llarral Uad* la latorW.
3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska,
Now for- 8li
Tbvaa land' art. m tr* oa tral pjrtM* *1 lb* I'alW
Stitaaaa tba ill dacna J SmU% UM lb- aaatral
t.u* vl ibr c aat Tamj.ra* law af tba Ammoaa Cm
tar I. and for ram mr ■.(* and albeit nan. Mmar
'Tnt:fra"tLaMraTteraWa traiyl*a.
I at* mar* aaeaaamil la taatta t tbaa caa ka loaal alaa
i wbaaa.
FREE iar Actaa! Srtllen.
KaMlwa blllM la a "..mralrad af IB* in*.
I po*•'•Wiru In MiC'inn, lirrwii . r* *** .MB WI **■
■ab, rnaiWd (m**a*a,*rkara. Addnm
O. P. DAVia.
Irtal ('.aaailaal.a, r. r. P. R. K. C^.
OM AHA. Naktaaka.
hrmml Hrduuiicsl Erifybodyl
Q Warr TO
rittaburph. PA. LUP • pa**, AOoolunxn,
areckly. Sent S maattas an trial tmr M
AAOto. WortlkSSS. Cat thin out. Trr It.
A AMuabl* Indian orapoind, to* raatoriair tba health,
and for th. pwmaaant cur* of all dlaaaaaa afbtac boa
mpi rltta* of tb* blood, aaeh a*
Armfkla. a*r*ftaloo* llnaw. CM*ar, Cao flunar. Krpalpalaa. Caaker, Salt.
■k*B. Ptaplea and Hsaaara aa tka
Fan, tlrrrm. Couch*. Catarrk,
Rrttnrhllla. \rarMlaia, Bbra
aanMaat. Pal as la tka Site,
Dyayrpila, ('onallpatlea,
Caatlreaaaa, Pll aa .
Ilrafatk*. Illamlama, 8 frraaiMM, Fatal,
nraa at tba rtmark, Palai la tka Baek,
Kite*7 Complaint*. Peaaal* Wak
araa. aa* G*a*ral Dakllltp.
Thl* preparation ta scientifically and chemically oom
lined, aad *o atrondy conrentntod from rnola, barb,
and hark*, that lis pood cOOeU ara roaliaod taraaadialclj
after oommrncin* to lake M. Thera it no data— of tb*
Human j*t**n for whwb tb* Vrormra ennaot be umd
with mracr atrtrr, a* it do** not contain any metallic
mn pound- For eradioatlu the .rate mof nil Import tie*
at tba blood, it hoe no equal. It ha* noaec failed to effort
a our*, firinc too* and tren#th to thoayatwn dobilitoled
by dianaaa Iu wonderful effeok* upon theao complainto
arc aurprialnc to aIL Many ha** bean cured by th*
VBOBTIME ttiat baa* tried many olhor ramadlaa It caa
•rail bo called v
rairsrr> rrt
Prio* Bl.Stf. bold By all drupcieta
m i.
tjr t&TZjs
L£"Z?Z*'* thee a trngWy . rlliwuaf •
■*< rat ram . IhajMa#trf tk*
-SiSss S'su'-iis rs-ups;
- a-S i^^raEHßs
meirn Iwh, Stwrta, DtmoUrumaaaf *• •**, •-**
it IXaae <* *• bam. *f wfaaueee oam. ■* o*^*.
srsswri-ssai" :*
***• rt< n nw i i. ymqootfrwf * liktm*.
IV. 1.1. ■#* - - '
Her—a Waaar*. • Wramdeay *• V'
ti nn^
Startling But True.
Wiin*. Aa iatawdae* ew tm-dhg *
jkMapmraeeb*ah*Waajgaytyay. _
Add*—, ttrnwa. Kneaatwr d.
Wr wo via.l.acnrthr wamyam
Mi'ie* lie Tltat* Vt-**U Umyifim pat
taatem S* aahUe : *>aeiiia*d ta mm Qkmata Bhaaaaw-
m '.'t woe dt :>^d.eormarni
> gwsafelE irflo
roe mialii PiayWe hw. HhfiStfr
> I r ■ ÜBJIHi* TeS>
Three Yeirs in a Man-Trap!
A eaaayeew.a ta "TB iwanßalthkaaß.* hp
J: tzssr-fft
•a bar* ae ■ •ah. Apfdy lor * •(*#* *aU d*
New for Alius.
Aywmah* *aarMM*t> ~~r ra* aah aethmt ae fnptlif
a* ear aaw aad baatfMal a..-. Bagraetaa.
it to the daeet meo ti m' ** d #■* ato i 1 eaiy
, Jab 111 J- r wee el* eniwdrw** beeoty. :" gulito
t tjm. Arroto who tad the* hettd" giawajta
ila w jwr day wtth to • oetfi of an Ma * *ed
EMMA enu wanted. W( >a# far eowiar* t* HAKSW
OOP t mi towtxc. or. in* ft.
H4 expel* dlmae* by teptt?taffc* Stood nrfck
vinii 1 ! ow VRuam agwp—ibtoc.
I-MBptUru free. J. f. l>&SXf*t&. frt iptMMr.
Bold bj Unmtmgcaeniix.
No* M um tmm tm teaum tooocwra MMaqtottt
tkHflru* ud (ciiCm n mil.* IK *d
rtraUr. *♦. atnAnl cad rimtlitm. BMBU h tank
tm MI.NI> TAAWUM piuxie >■■ i IM MM
IMUUM Iml ntaL KM rMM •( Um lißii
rt. pa rmttrn of laadlnc Makm*m> . laP e eui a I■ * .
rw MARK* a m*iw OSOA* eo. i. i ■ ay ■■■■■
Imwlal |WMV Mr
MUk. aa* Ik* .IfMsnM na.rt.Mlrt af ml pyw hk
Vt I|K *.a#.Wfck ■; ky atafk
Ik* t* tor*** .**. MteaUrreaa Ik* K*y toar*l* da i*k> w Into
Hi. play rty I,'jktnH.i','lrt. < 111 I. I artta Cl Wet .)
km r*mm* i*m *i,n UM MU ir rea MM*. a
CnuUm'mr tkrir /*al>, rirjtuur, *W tkt wyl
RXM'ITWR, tkt frictt ft thru AM- RFYDR* <R<
tan UM <•/ ktftrt tprrtd.
Tk Call*. Quill m ky til M—l a Bl*lk CktaakH.
lißif I* ***•! *ll atkan la y*H| aad Vasty *f ku, yw,
aaruty Ml OwakUky; **l l|ii .in aa*
harukn Tkey keraeafikHaly anakkte*tprtrttoaao*ln
-Alilfrtf>MTl.'TiTlL T'l'*' fcr
Mnuw Kruwemr; am UM mlj Ammrimm Org** mU
b*fly te Bikw f—trtw. u4 M yi winiJ • %• MM Mi—
TMBAM-V rmn MY A—M— • MINOR nirmui T. 8—
k Ik* Uaitm* StitM, (Mum, lum, liuui, tu., j lam
taaay illiai. H*t an a Ik. kklanck Km ir|l.>kaa
"Tka km a*, la aa."—Ca aranaa ffttaees, ima taraa
C,*T. M.a>a Laaa Vrma Ciwi. t, ka, •****, aad
kta- *w* v., art k*a*4 sack fart eiaekai t*ert lw aa*
rtm,"-<k.aa taw Enema, >a at una hnuwa Cm
Tkoaii " taert all laMmanan rt u. it. I kaa* ~*r ma "
—Ol Mu. "TkekeMlartrsiWßlnftke|kmmaO."~Aa.
Maau*. "la all llm* <|aa xls. arktcl. miUwu nrtlaaa.
asntalaJ A. A Miu*. " R* M,.IH la AMYTKLA* RT MA
*l*M I kaaa a***."—L. M. &-naa.u..— Wrtrtadktl. km.
mei.~-P. I Unjmas. * 8 Mini ■ M all kan I
kaaaaaar ma."—Caaaaa TH.*S. "EU-eli.BE la aaalli. *|
tm, (art iluilliam *al ki nallltty aa* aalaahla tayrano aat*
art waad la Mkna."—<*aaa—"The a**e ctltkal.T
Ike* a** tiia*.aa<l Ik* kaa* M iyrtMHlta !**, tk. am nrtoa
Bmmia Tfl> k * U * mm * •>—?"**& aaaM tbaai."-Jtiaca
AtknrwUdgnl tt wuJmt tk* int. tkii Ctmiatn mrm
a ndcrUkt f uU at tnek frit** that tiuir
Or cam tkail it
rnqoeitlonabljr CkrayMt,
akkh tk*y tanalaly *rt*aaai*4 • 4* ky ktjmrt of Irm.
•na Maraiaaav aa* Daa.vai.aa Faciaoiaa V* rlrtraat
•a* tk*y attantioo la kVa.r yomat yriart. atklok will W Umt*
•* ana ha, Ika* lb* yrtm Imaadil ta ruamna aM my
Mkrtar a*l*a*.
I " I Oaaaaa, * aaak. 0m
JJJjjjJJJJJI *■■*. H. |]. |i;s.
tin. aa4 nyaai*. Joatl ciaaa
lhT kt • y*H nilliaiili I*im. ay la
j| mm I Newnurtrated Catalegnea
aa4 Clrttuart, ltk fall II.I|HIMI *|
y7R's*T!tSrt?Tv""} aawi.ylrtaa*lai*aTaa
aakl Clrtalrt, Matin* laaaj M*ram
<M TrwMat Um BwtM •** *m*nr, Nw Y#H.