The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 26, 1872, Image 4

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    Mc.lern Weddlng-lUte*.
"Wilt then take this brcwn-#tuttoat,
Taosa enTtafß—this diamend,
Ta 1* ti*> husband •[ hv choioa,
Fast looked in bonds of E;a T
And wilt tliss Icqve (hy boms and hitads
To He his losing wits f
Ad.l h<dp to pn.l hater** fncotu*
bo Icng • urpl*
"1 will!" tle modcM maid replies,
Tits lovs.light beaming in her eye*.
"And wilt thou t*Vefhii**<Vrfiftl.
This ostentatious prid*, * * -
And all tleMf9t||titt<*to>Hhl,
1 o ho thy chosen bride f
And wilt thou love snrt cherish hor
While tlion bv4 nke ah.lhealth ;
Tut die as sec* It A *dbl<S
And leave her ag iky woaiih f"
" 1 will!" tha Ibarteaa twain replies,
And eager waste the nuptial-HM.
" Then I pronounce wiAvhka* MM Sdte;
And whom I've p.nod topstiwr.
The nest brat man may lU^U'.uie,
And the flswi lifvoroe Court sever."'
IV.rm, danloii and Household.
STOCK*. budded last year, should be
•at luck to witliin three inches of the
CAn.rpte)iufty~ Elrig Tapo ami lauly
the same as cabbage.
ROOT OUAFTINO ought to bo GOT out of
the way ns aw possible, so that no
delay will occur in grafting tma in the
open ground.
WASHING AND SraartKO. — When the
weather is suitable, give the trass a thor
•ugh scraping, aud afterward* apply a
wash, m. do with soil soap.
SIMNOB J ciiv CAKE —Take three EGGS,
•no cut> of eogar, oue eup of flour, two
teaspoons?si of wkugi*ivrdvr, three tie
bkepoouafattof boiling wafer.
POTATOS CAKES.—To a scant half-peck
thick eu w
tpider. or bake. Boiled grated jiotatoes
may be used, but are not quite so nice.
AsrAKAom.—tlire the beds a good
cosriug of w.nure, if not applied last
Fall ; spread also a dressing of suit. 8 t
out new beds 01000-year-i ld plants, two
or three feet, after the ground has been
plowedaudi£pyiptl.„.„ A jMbi
HOGS.— A strange disease lis* appeared
in the hogw a? FLunvitle, Minn., and
vicinity. The disease operates to j*r
Bee iu tht ir hinder parts. The
lest remedy so fur discovered scents to
be saltjw tre raived in their food.
Bsrrs ntsy lie vwn as soon as the
ground can be worked. The Wet early i
beet, the New Egyptian Blood, is from {
one to tw,> wee".* earlier than the Basea
no aud EM-IT Bfcrad Tnrnip, which are
both good, tsow in drills, one foot
CABBAGE plants, wintered in a cold
frame, or started in early hot beds, may
be set out as soon us the grouud opens,
dwell harvleucd off. For early sow Jyr
sev Wakehqjduor WwmsiJMdt. Spdj
MarbVheaJ. Vroatas *ana Flat Patch
for Winter.
BEANS.—DO not plant in t.hs open
ground until all danger of frost is over.
One of the curliest sorts is the Valentine :
the Dwarf Wax is the best bush for &nap 3 ;:
the asparagus is a j>!e variety, excellent \
for lata snaps, as is the black butter, j
Large Lima ie the best pf alt beans.
SHEER.— Sheen in Colorado HAVE long
fleeces, in which the dost and mud of I
the swmnier accumulate. The eoods of j
grass are wafted into them by the wind.
When the rains of winter fell, the grass
sprouts, and thousands of sheep are now'
to be seen on the plains, currying their
pastures on their backs. V * .... >
Mirrors sometimes csst nnpleassnt re
flections. One did in Boston the other
day, when a voung woman, seeking slyly
•to appropriate a pair of kid gloves while
the clerk's back was turned, was thus '
detects by Liu, but when she handed
him five doljars topsj for another pair
she had bought, he smiled and said,
"That will par fer both pairs." The
maiden blushed and hastily retired.
Coco AX CT FTOOINO. —Soak for two J
hours in a pint and a half of milk, a tea
cupful of flne breed crumbs, aDd the
grated meat of a cocoanut, then add the
well-beaten yolks and whiles of six eggs,
a t> cupful of sugar, the grated rind of a
lemon, an !'j pj|.s jpid a half of, j
Stir well t-*wtxM bjrfe.ralllnSbvfhi. -
Like ail other custards, this mast not by ;
allow It) remain in the oven lobgenougti
to become watery.
THE KCJXBE is rot used as much as it.
should be in the spring, though it is
sometimes used where it dots mora harm
than gotSd. It is easier to break dod*
when wet, l<u| s lon 4rj- 4 itLe jMvrriz- {
icg effect is far greater. Clayey land
rolled when wet, forms a haid crust,
handy soil that needs' jJWwilin, may
be rolled wh<4> qnito moi>p- WMgukont j
of rolling will ipjnrio*ahb|£3k or gun- j
solidate n perfectly dry toiL—
tt acupfuls of f))itr|nilij'>iie • onfui
of oda, a liltie adt, flour to
make it quite or it will be heal^.
Beat this Jboth.Val sherries, rss
berries, currants, or any dried fruit you
may hove. Steam two hours, taking
care that the water is kept over the
pndding or bag ids the thfit it
does not utoo beifing. Eat witli ( cream
an d so gar, hap r .-Auce, oe any' liqu id i you mkjpreßp-.
Pios.—LaSt fall's pfgs should have s 1
libend allowsnee of ebrtt-tijral and tnan-
p<>, io growing rnpiury un
ttwy can get cloTer. Breeding sows
should !<e kept .in good turning condi
tion. Sn 'ockifit food, and bran or line
middlings, *w better tlma corn. It is
de-ireabie tewmp the bawds somewhat
relaxed. Daily excuse is very deara
ble. lIH ehouhlbe taught
to cat fr >iu a samll trough, separate
from the Kj*. as early as p.**ibie. or at
any rate wixn ♦hnpe week* obi.
To Mn vscie COKK nt THH CBIB.—Add
the width of the bottom of the crib in
inches to the width aero* the corn in
the upper purL also in inches; divide [
t-be sim by w# aad multiply it bj the
height at. J length the cum in the
crib, also in inches, and divide tlw pro
duct by 2,7A. 'iiie result will give the |
heaped earn, two of which
will make aMm of shefled corn. By '
multiplying tUe average viltli, height, j
and length, jp iaeliM, logelhtr, the cubie |
contents ia.iojclie* is found, and 2,750
eubic ircLee make a heaped bushel.
SHEEP SKIN MAT.— The skin shonjd be j
taken off carefully, and no cuts or gash
es made in it, *i#Bad cm a taWo, and
scraped from odlgriff fieeJi or fat, end j
sprinkled on the flesh aide with alum
and 'alt powdered fine ; it should .J,e \
folded iu the ccnWf, and rolbd np a*r"
tied tightiVTulhii# wllo*jL '
to remain forty-eigntliojirs, tn£n rubucd
with a piece of eliajk uiitU 3ry and sofL
The skin shonld tlitirbl rarnVrwrrh the
wool outwards-co to a board of the sice
the mat is degirecPfo be. The bnbh of
dye is then' the wool washed
in puic o.rp pijjLffjtter moderately warm,
until freecT from all dirt and grease, and
the mat carefully dipped, in the bath un
til the wool is inyn£ru;d.butpot the skin,
ii which positifimit is allowed to remain
until it hat taken - tfie dye suffleiently,
which will viiy : witlj .jlilfcieot dyelug
material-. prevent a streaky or
cloudy appearance,- th mat should be
gently mowed to a*t fro in the bath oc
casionally without lifting or depressing
it. A dyflj -that will "color wool maybe
used. Sc-ifMvblue and yellow may be
used to advantage, aud are the favorite
colors for mats. When dry, the akin is
cut from the Iwsxd. and the mat is fin
ished.— Hearth and Hone.
A KICKIWO-COW.—When one becomes
possessed ol u.Jacking cow, says Hearth
and Home. ,yr has byen unwise enough i
to raise one for liinuwlf, what then ? If i
the owner*o& s*cb n beast is not a good
tempered, TWdtenAnnd reasonable man,
he had lter'at once; but if he
can coalself, let him take the fol
lowing vrffipUQßs; Never milk until
the cow i*yr<i'dp, Piu' the pail at n
safe dim cow can not
reach it wtMluMMtto 'RokkMie left arm
against 'wfrife "rrriikftte^so
as to Dotit flit,
but stand iffuWiSfwlig position, with the
head pressed against the cow's flank.
Thus guarded, onruusp jnijk mi ordtnS
ry kicking cow frith sJfety M Ivik pAiwan I
snd to th# jmil. We do not spprove of
ties, ropes og ipfnflfls. winch iwitatt|c
eow, aqd vfrT bi'tan nle tlfr inaih*i
worse, BHL tifill the spune. iis s i much
uso<l fhst the term bns fmnd A "lns in
Uie dictionary both as a noun and a verb.
It is a loop of rope, one end *t which is
parsed nround the leg of the ot.w, and
the othar cud, drawu through it, em
braces thai W tiglitlv ; Ihe loose end is
ln jviaflod luouud tlwotlier leg and fas
ienc.l witli a wvnulen pin, so toonibrwe
tho' leg, Tfau two lv:s #w Uuu sotiglit
h' '"together Hint the cow cannot
in. l l - 1 f
Itcius of Interest,
lirs lasuruuxg eolor of tho Turks is
Is the V. B, wudlftn riii'.'.r sfo,hW,ooh
is investo*!.
California's wino product in IS7O was
five milhou guile a v
i MAST yonng men nrs remoTing from
j Alabama to Texas.
I It is asserted that Rml on C.viboit is
'still liviug in Caradnn,H. J.
, Sixes the Illinois Legislature eou
, j vened. six of its members have died.
| Fowa-Firms of [ t|4
-. t(a<;.w \m ia Ma.vs iWirtseiN trtv women.
' THKRB are 2.C00 rsg-piekers in New
i York streets, some of whom are well
f j off.
A MARKTETT. !*.•'# note, nvfebee
'j to the ruling of 4tie court.-, has no h'gul
I force
' | Tu* T. 8. public ipht hv boon re
I due 1 Si:.,i\b>aB dultt.' it> ulcsMr*
' mouth.
| SEVERAL bruach socieuea of the Inter
national* have just been orgauised iu
. Washington.
j BPOTTEP fever \% prevailing to an
alarming extent in many of tha village*
! of Western New York.
!U aTdgnt is a woiuaa in W.iihiugtou
Terriuu-y who s!;ot and killed eight In
, diaus with her own hand,
j JOHS MCKKNNA has Iven elected ly
' the Atlviny uriutcra, their representative
| hi the National Convention.
11 DIBBM the past four years the Erie
i Railway has brought W>.l
itna to N>v \ir* IMP J
j Goojp FUIDAT is a legal holiday jn
i reutwylvania. but the lA-gi-luiuro of
j that Statu held a session on that day.
BI T for diseases, wars and famines,
; there would not bo standing room fox (
| our people on il'.is coutinurt bv the year
1 3000,
j Tnx U. 8. House Committee of Ap
propriations recommend an appropris
! tion of £>o,ooo to observe the transit of
. Vcuus.
IN the beautrfol climate of Oak Lake. !
Minn., a little child recently had l>oth
hands frozen while it wua :ulvcp iu its
| cradle.
TRAVELERS s av (|jd Ru--ia is now'
au immense camp than ana- 1
tion uikTis rimjdy roMM-kxr-ti dIA pa:'i-i
i footing. • *
| THE Toronto Gi.'bt is verv confident |
that Kiel and Lepiue were tallied with
Dominion Covwrnuicmt money to laave
PTUCSUMTNT THIERS has abandoned his
, project to transfer the Government to j
I Paris. He will, however, hold his re-;
eeptions there.
IT is positively announced that nego-1
. tiatioES for the complete evacuation of
French territory by tae Garman troops
are about to begin.
* THEEK thonsand s-ven hnudred and
thirty-two ti<Hnekat uer%ou arre
nished lodgings by' the p 4iee-t>f Few '
York in one we k. , 8
R"v. YITRAM D. WOOD, who was ean
vietil o! seduction, at Atlanta, Ga., was ;
s- ntenc d to ten years imprisoamcnt in
| tho Penitentiary."
tr Jersey City a mix- d jnry, comiioeeU i
of six uegroea aud fix white men, was
j empanelkd to try ae*:-e wiiewotu a negro
j sued a white maa for wages.
MR DrLLox, of New York, is at Connefl '
1 Bluffs endeavoring to secure land enocgh
i in Western lowa for tho eaUblishat. at
of an Irish colony of hut 1 iandiie*.
THE people of Hvfik.-ensin, at the'ir
j next general election are to decide
. wtathyvthey will increase the nuailit'r
|v>f Jid*s of tlhdr fktpfltnl tfoiui fribmi
[three to fivol - ' "
i ITUE new members of tho Spanish
j Cartes sto classified thus: Minister
j talhda. 229 : coalitionists, 137; doubt
j fuls, 18. A few other returns have y#t
to come in.
THE French government has just been
j fioXiWil imit several Gtimau <J9ceia have (
• BeHi*fwr "me time baek hnsiiy e a gaged
; in taking plans of tire fortresses and
stratfgic.'l routes in Savoy aud Francho
A MAS qamed Orubb, with his wife,
i x istef and "three ssnul! ebildren, attempt
rl to ford Lick Creek, nur Tadonia,
111. The water being very high, the
waejMi !x>x floated of!; the three children
Were drowned.
THE fanners of the Sognenny region
below- Quebec. Chnada, are in great di-'
i tresa, and relief by a loan of BiC,oo*.) j
! from the Government is snggested,
otherwise they will be compelled (o leave |
j their farms aud come to "the Slides." I
THB mortal remains of Aaron Birr lie
i ill Hie graveyard at Princeton, N. J.. \
j whbjc.'o few years ago, a monument of |
I raartde was erected by stealth at night.
I by whom, it was unknown, bnt other un-
frrrflitMATjoj; of a shocking accident iu
• Cornwall, England has jut been re- .
leejyd- An explosion occurred in a safc
ty-fuse manufactory, where a number of I
feroolea ware employed, marine a km*
of life. Seven women jrere killed and |
one i missing.
' Accnrntxr, tn Ofbbon, the nopulrdion !
j of ancient Borne, in the height or its j
J magnificence, was 1,200,000; the popu
latum of p. kin in ftuppoaed to be about
j 2,880,008: of Loudon is over 3,000,-1
j 000, one-twelfth of tlie population of the
! whole United States.
THE M xican revolutionists slill hold
Sal till*. Montcrey.Camargo, Mier, Guer
rero, Knevo Laredo, and Piedras Ne-j
j gras. They are endeavoring to concen
trate their forces, now estimated at 12.-
i 000 men, and will probably try tlie for- 1
i ittoe of war once more.
AN explosion occnrred in n eevl mine
|At Athcrtou *en BoKon, England. by'
which twenty-eight men were killed out- 1
i> right. Eleven, were rescued, out they
jure fearfully burned, and afl'yriln
• pro!>ably <1 ic. 1 here is grctexcitement
j ia the vicinity of the mine.
iDooia Mauve* a-d Samuel Bovd. of
eb,, have been fmnd guilty of
c the death of Miss Oliver, of
woiif Rver, brekfi, by producingJ
lan abortion. TJifi fofrner was icatenced J
fwtliree and a lftdf years and the latter
to six months'imprison meat in the pcui-1
DB. WnxiAxr T. th* American
wbo killed a wcrkiog-msu in London
recently, was tried ou the charge of |
murder. The counsel for tbo proaeoa
tiou exprensed his belief that the ]<risou-1
er was insane, and the jury, occcptinc
that opinion, after a bri'<f deliberation,
returned a verdict of not guilty.
THE Lendon Globe, n conservative
organ, states that (be American govern
ment lias estimated in its ease the loss
caused by the Alabama cruiser# at ?14,- j
000,000 an<| lheuv>jpinA't)f thfir cftv
tureat y 'l*e <7/oA-Wf*lV
that Mr. Gladstone will be aahr d. in
Parliament whether this is so or hot. I
A HOTEirCLEi.K in Pittsburg, Pcnn.,
has manifested enterprise, bnt nnhap].v
ly turned it into wrong directions. He
hallpisttmarricd two wives, setup iu a I
I boarding-house with the secon l, viciim
,lXo3 sundry shop-keepers, not to meu
| ticn bis friends, and wound tip with
eloping with one of his sisters-in-law.
THE destruction of c title by fhe I
drought in "Western Texas seems to have !
demoEaliEed the farm laborers of that
: wsction. Tlroy refuso to work on tlie
farms, bat Wc found poumiug over tlie
eomitiy in sqSndsi SRjnclmig for cares
ifts to skin. It is saw t®at the *t%neb-fit I
so great iu tHe vicinity of watering places
that butjfew can stand it, and fear exists :
that sickness will follow. I
1 >
Incidents ef tho |Ka>'llM|uakc.
A geutlemsn who Wl j
the disaster Rave a ceiveapendent tie- j
trils of the California earthquake. wbfoK ■
have probably net been before narrated, .
;m<\ which from their truth seem heart
rowVring in the extrerfie? ITis hboß*. |
or rather the house at which lie hud lecu
1 staying, he said was crumbled lu an
instnm into a eoufusnd mass of broken
furniture, briekix pieces of hoard, dr.,
1 and it tin- by the greatest miracle lliut
he eseuiH'd aa he did, totallv tin hurt.
Tn the house were two inmate* boeide (
himself, a farmer and Ms dangbter. Af
tcr the klinvk ihtv lattir h MW layieg
insensi'olq upon t|< gUmn j *t a ,tfstance
S>f come twenty feet from the site of the
jdwelltug. The father was terribly
Ivruned, ami blood so pouring from a
' i wound on his forehead, wh r r> * falling
hr:ek had atruek bins, Wqaßf it- awey.
I i Uie two began mlddiiß the lam,ls and
jehaflug tlie temple of the aanaeh s girl.
II but it was all to no purpose. bio> hal
ievidently been killed inatanUy, having
'falling on her hack. The groans of the
! anhuppv parent as the rc.ilis itiou buret
u|k>u him, and he bent uvei and ruined
'' tears uptm the fair uptnriusl fae* of hi
child, ware agonixii g even to bor. At
that iu*ta i, aa h says, a umuber of
i men risked by. Seeing the two Dtand
• I ing there tlrny dragged them with them,
' li-truing to no remonstrance*, aud cay
ing that they needed ait tho help they
I could get to rescue a lot of miners who
wcro iu the bowels of the earth, at the
tuficßf the disaster. The re-t 1 give in
•i lainn words, as closely as I can reeol
' lect theui. " I could think of uotluag,'
he sjiid. " The noia and rumbling aud
Wlfu-ion aeoine.l to jw-rfectly Imwfihlrf
>! iffe We hurried along, leaving the joor
! dead girl where the lay, and thi father
with us, moving mechanically, aa U he
! | wo* iH*t in hi* right mind. We noon
I rO4. bed tlie mine, aud to our relief fouud
1 that the epiriuice at leat had not been
dOWil by Uie convulsion. Several of
i tlie parte groped their way down, and
after sailing a Uuie— it Seemed au age, !
I it couhl have been buta few monunt-
I they reap;>eared, a half-doaen of the ;
; miners wriih them. These lost hatl been
1 struck nn'tiouU-ot tha fcerribU ruui- j
tiling*, which WriHtiev **re m 1# h iv.-
been heightonia a tuousand fold. Yfd
no! OAsi-braeo come they say tliey should
j 0 ive remained where they were
li i knows ly.ov Lnfiv
helpless wntlf frtgm vri-r* they. Af it
was, tiro poor fellows were missing aud
wo hava beard nothing of them aiucc,
the paasage to the ulacr where tbev were j
lyin ,'completely cMstvl up. 1 lift the i
|Cac •uj s sou as I eqid4 away. J
1 lihve newer been ab'a to get rid of those '
horrible sights and frightful shocks.
■ They cHng to imi. npw. Iu ny - sl,w>
' every ti'gh, I fly|h' *• he's Rbem> re|*at
el. The groans of that poor farmer are
ringiag in my ears yet, and that pule
face of his dead daughter is before nc
J euusuutly."
lashiou Notes.
A new style of necklaces is made of
I Sea siiells and pebbh a
A new stvleof artiflidal flowerssrocall
icd " ClhAigo snioko buds."
Tamenesa iu women is, with most men,
' the most unpardonable offence.
Irtdi*9 are becoming afraid to wear
i diamonds ou the public prome
The new street costume takes thirty
; yards of wide silk to trim it a it modi.
Black silk co-tunies, i icl;ly ciubroidre<l
iu eol.vrcd a-ilk tloas, arc among the rip ring
' uovel ties.
PtirawcLs this year arc trimmed wit!
!acc to faat*h the color of the material
of wlych it is made.
Tlie accidental breaking of a wedding
ring is said to b*> an "oincn that its wearer
i*rii soon Ijq a widow.
f Many ixtrai jrant vouag city Lube*
pay S3O and 840 for tho making up of a
hliy c -at calico.
' A new kiui of trimming Mr loco csrf/
and veils w a lace fringe, which is very
i pretty nd effective.
I The newer t* stylo of neckties are of
j Mack htce intets|>eraed with aiaall knots 1
i f colored ribbon or cr*\w de clnnc.
Tlie Dolly Yarden bonnet# are said to be j
the prctt: st and most becoming head
i gear that h:ts been worn by women for .
j centuries.
.The bU-et fashionable ornaments are of
asil>er, and will, in a few months, com
pletely supercede the tortoise shell jewel- |
; ry, which ho# held its own Lr an unu
' lored cashmere of soft *hales,
f e-p ciulTy mouse and felt gray, are made
jup into tunics and skirts to match. Both i
s.irt and tnnicare trimmed with flutings j
of white mik-liti- There i.utoxgs air ,
ple:it<-d upon a narrow bias, or gWklicreu j
ijver piping Cord, so that tltly art easily 1
removed for waslliug. l uiin ttiutu bias
( are al-o tuw-d for Irii rag*, and art M;U
--' plv tacked upon the i lwnLV
Cotton Raising.
It mav interest one Agritolriwalread'r
to note the coat o| ni ing e ton on a
Southern plantation, as given by a cot
• r of m toy years expcriono.-.
Li vestment t<> jmrcUise tori acres of land,
with 2)0 acres in eoltivatioc, and Hie
| first years* expelifca and incomes ;i : *
• Macrr* of Unl U tßri" rr ' "......... fMSO A"
iotuiO.ti es ..T..,...i.. 1 saso 1
10J.I ,* t aeool
5 4 *t |IS. Wl
ia lifx-nat i ...tT. ; 10 I>e
1" *. t 1 ! j) <■ haru- *t ft.W S3 W I
I UuT > . at (1' SO or
II tn-> liars* iff-as tl0 * W
. i I two-Nor** sff>t> lisns* 1 st S.--5—.. M SO I
MHi-hrtf roitySsaosSti nsr i ust *•
11-oi.osii.i* or wusJrvi ?rt>s jweWirii* / ' at W
| rjhsiiaast s?'. j- r motilb. ton m< DISS ... 3.0>0 14
, IM loirs giuneJ. st ft '*>r tu * S3* 00 j
; >3f bstapi'-s so# ti<s t 13.50 33* O0 1
XO pr i :,t '.> >v-'- •#bulks sad i i
(swain* u:.-3 SLri iT.JJ.. -*t Rn J
lucidenta] nj-ecKt f<W 00
. Int. rc*t on ia.tOO oat JCAT ft 0 j rr C* at... 49U <K>
! T0ta1.......... 0
! 131 Tilr Vr rottnn. 4!0 lb*, i-ath. at 30
I trun. p* in lu.ooe m
i .Wo tnatwbi cotton wi at JS canla par
I bu-h'l 1,003 SO
10>j l,ubrta com crown tn couon u |JO
| prr bubal 1 3-0 10
' Orvi lnrmr tM.tSO 01
• •roa rtpra Utura 13.99H 00
$3M 10
A Terrible Karthqnake.
A telegram received from Constanti
nople, utah* that a moat appalling eartli
qnnlip has occurred at Anth ch, and that
half the City of Autioeh is ileetroyed
The number of lives lot cannot be yet
i ascertained, but a near a. - ; can be esti
i mated (be total killed will be not les.*
than fifteen hundred.
( Tlnrly in the morning an appalling
rambling noise was heard, followed im
: media tidy bj three successive shorks,
which cause 1 the build
■ ings to rock to and fro. Tlie people
rn hed terror-stricken from the falling
hoULsc. and sbrje cd in dismay as they
endeavored to to alio their from th* city
i to the open country.
The river Orontea rose and swept over
1 the lower portions of the city. The two
bridges across the river were carried
auay, and great portions of th* oity walls
j have been thrown down. Assistance was
i rnpidly being sent from adjacent cities
! to tlie scene of the disaster.
I BAD INDEED.— I The incidents of s little
, romuace are thus given in a despateh
i from Boston : " In a boarding house in
this city, tbo wifo of Thomas Willinms,
a mechanic, whom she had labored to
support and nurse during a long and
incurable illness, du d in bis presence
from au overdose of laudanum taken to
' qriirt her nervca and procure rest. _ The
j imsiiftnd was unable to render nid or
! Mr -. AVilliams is sud to have rtuTried
against the consent of her parents, who
an- people of wealth living in Newport,
aud who cast her off; but while both
were dying a letter was on the way offer
| iug tLe assistance too long withheld.
Tu# bodies were taken to Newport tor
| bininL"
WHO KNOWS.—A priest who was exam
i ining a confirraation class in the south
of Ireland, a>kcd the question, "What
|is the sacrament of matrimonv ?" A
. little giri at the head of the class an
swered, " 'Tis a state of torment into
which souls enter to prepare them for
another and ft better wortd." " Put her
down," eaul the cumte, "put her down
Ito the fut of .the class." "Lave her
alone," taid the priest; " for anything
j you or I know to the contrary, she may
I be parfietly right. *
! j
On** ltora Horthwar l NoVa hy tha Way. 1
•Id* -Au Kngllili Sutil Card, .to.
rtnf Aeflrha wx* rut oftftft MTftl Wft •
lit* SurUi. Fjri>in U**r(>tMtl it hud bson
jnathw£ro toward Nnpka, then north
ward to lirrlm by lb* g) ul", Vienna,
thence sgaiu South to Voron* mil Milan, i
suit now once more northward with Aw |
MPrdittn URfTTftltnivd In visw.
Wo it fiut) qt"ftmr ul A run* for ,
j our trip up tn ltiU< to Magadtno. Tin
jdoy wa# lovely *ttd tha aail delightful.
After wo limil been under way half tttt
|j ltur, WO bfltflil ty# tho| K-ft giul I ftt H I
1 lKirt d>USn<w Irmif Uie wka, oil it bd^hl
overlooking the surrounding country, a
coic#**l Maine, IhM wo wsfelold wti thst
of Ft. Carlo Borromeo, wlto wa* born
bor# a'rui iigqe Ituiidrul v 4 fty
S* flf 4 rwat* 4n:
JIJIImt.II vt jdbt * *
lb* head, hand* an>\ feet of tha atatue
ar of bioine, kutl tlw rob* of wrought i
copper. Alter patriug Stroaaa, whore the
boat stopped A tow moment*, wo reached ,
iaoi* M miw, uu um Jj-ummuau ialaiul#-
l'li* Ifturry nt tin* point rival* that of
o i*o •flAtfYPf* VfTi il if
, otftn r *' •twwbwg da
jmlgmMit* vurv more than respecting the
Hurrouiean hluMt* lt'o
llaxhtt aneert a\ leohiWlia fli "'jCpiWo or
confectionery bung about wtlh wreath*
and dower*," and Matthew* glorifies it *
" the magic creation of labor and tato—
a fairy hi) : w Inch might aervo a* a model
for Ui garden# of CUftpao.*' Do 3..tu*iirw
thought it • * magnificent caprice, a *ub
lime conception, a #"rt vf cr#a*li<'# ; " and
to Biumud it suggested a a Terigord pi*
duck round with head* of game." Moat
viciiom will ttssenl to tite truilt ot Mur
ray'• criticism; "To taate it may have
j little pieteh*i, kHAt* | r *lf'f r 'iflp'f l
Iroiu the frigid climate of the North, iitl*
I creattocf *T art/ silk aroisnfta,
, grov**, it* aloe* and cnctmto starting oot
of the rock*, and abova all, n* gioriou*
ituuii*u, Lathed by the dark Hue water*
of the lake, rcileettug lb# *|*>rklnig vil
j lage* on its banks, and the distant anow*
iof the Alps, cannot fail to altord jdea*
i ure "
Lven tlie most cynical and censorious
will admit that the vk w* from the ter
; race coiubiue everything which can be
imagined a* the p< taction *' * r-'UiauUi j
ai-ll (usurious abode. Ihe deep, clear
ilauw water lap* gently round the rock*
V.-iaa of ditoawl, uunv hill# and valley*
open out jri-Ui beneath thu shad* of ta-w-1
era 'f rose*, through ga| in the olive ,
and the cactus. Purple mountain* anu
*oow peak* glimmer from ai-v U*rougl. i
the flickering leave* and the blossom* u:
*n ortniga grove. It may bo a mere piece j
of coijectkotxrr, iu execrable tate, but
the':*!* uo denying that it is a lovel) I
*pot |
After pairing thu island*, the boa",
toadied al several other places, and at
six p. M. we reached Magadino. Wo slop- j
pedal the Hotel fielvhletv to get supper (
before taking the diligence lor llullitotia.
WhUe waiting In the sitting room, w<
found a " notice to Travelers " issued by
the proprietor of the house, and a* a speci
men of English Italian, insert the con
eluding portion of it: "M. A. Meschini
proprietor of the Hotel Belvedere el Post
at Magadino in order to b. ttcr jieruade |
the Traveller* to put contldeuco in hint in
making the agreement* Keen* at their
disposal* for iuspecliuii a atnali Al.Bl M .
j full of certificate#, and letter* f thank
received by Post, in which his way of
: dealing iu keeping Ins engagements for
the transport by carriage* by the acceler
; ated means of the fonvention Is proved
to be sati-ftsctory and fair.
" Mr. A. Mesehini nvail* <f thia oppor
tunity to reeotnm -ad to lus ilotrl, boing
tilted np according the requirements ot
comforiability ot the present times with
a pretty cnglish garden, many newspaper
and the The !l >tel is situated in
the front of the steamoocts station, in
. pure air and a hesnttf'jl dgi t are t)oy*d
there families also boarded."
After sup|K-r, a quick drive of two
i hour* brought ns to the Bellinxona, where
I we wen- glad to find shelter under the
j huephiable rof of the Hotel de Ville. It
, being Sunday evening, the square in front
jot* the hotel was filled with the inhabit
! ant* of the place, listening to the " dulcet
! strain#** of a very excellent band whn were
i playing opposito the hotel. The following
imorniugwe awoke rrfjtnbed, and after
! upending the fort noon in wandering round
the village and view ing the walls and cas
tie#, three of which still exist and appear
to be in a good state of preservation. We
set out about noon for the viMwge
lof F::id<>, situ ted on the Bt. (iotUiard
j I'a#-. A Her riding ahnnt en hour we
name to Oreeeimto, near which, we saw
several pietur- que wwterfclla, CHir rv'.nd
lay along#We the river Viria<. and Uir
ride by it* banks was a most delightful
rn. in the pure and bracing air of the
mop mains.
A\ we ucared lb-din, the \ alloy of the
Heine become* wider and is called '"Rivi
cr*." hr rivor -alley. The lux uriaut vines, |
cllestrets. walnuts, malberri'-# and fig
trcsa. remind § of the fact of our clvw
pniximity to the (jarden of tlio earth—
fair Italy. Wsboticed that the vine* ex
tend tKeir dense fid: ge over the wooden
JjiWl>i>rk supported on atone pillar#, tec
•td twel-e f.-t high. I suppose thej arr
ingde so high on account of the frequent
mundati" < of the river Ticino, w hirh
| happen so often as to make the district !
I unhealthy. As we drew tu-ar to Fuido, j
•he road ptfvd Mwjigh ber.utifull scenery. !
I >iHß'Tou W the I'.khao If) I*. I
• Plieur in the most picture#jise manner on
the tirrounditig lieight*. t'a#C*ie* are
precipitated fr.Sn tin ulilf* both |idca
i,d tha foad, and at TVfbwVliina
' re-MipAr,! a veil in form. At six p. ■
i we reached Faido, thoroughly delighted i
j with the ride and the scenery. It com J
menoed raining just s-wa es vre in eight >t
the village, nnd coiitirtrts't *)■ I h''a.'* ;
Early next day wo called on Prof. Joe i
on it u Solari, who is a| V"' the j
Educational Departments? trie Canton of j
To—in, ami with him
various ohjcc's of iiite|t* 'id tie vi
cinity. The village is thhrbughlt Italian 1
in its character, udi|tfe' |>Mie |>hi<
in tho LevrnJ-intf, Id it" entif* V'alU v of
the Ticino i.urmc<l Jft'fl .UtUtld iluUu,
charehe* of tin vilUflk whiih arw unite j
uuafUTi twwiu>4*, at d m oum*W wlitoh |
we were eh own two tnagtiifiot-ht silver
him pa. preaenieil 1y SJati, 'f New York, j
proprietor of the well-knyMMB ruataurant, j
who was bcnrrt %-tM* vHHgw. u* ynt* also
Pelmonico. New York eh wl'] always 1
own n deht of gratitfiffe to the Cantun
of Tc-sin u>r having given tliein n Solari (
and a I lelmonico. B. M.
====—• j
MoMAN Ae AlN.—•Everybody has heard
of Morgan, the man who waa murdered, i
etperlm, spirited away, smothered,
maimed, sua in all possible ways Did 1
treated br the Tree M.wona. Evervhq.
too, h is heard of how travelers in Egypt, j
Malta, and India have found him alive
and well at each of those places, now
living aa an humble fervidi, now as a
knight, and now ns • Irirfcr krmit.
Everybody will thsiffwnfr imFjwisod—
or not—to hear the Ran Francisco Em- '
rrminrr say that Mr. H., a lawyer of Son J
Franci so, told his son long ago that
Morgan was not killed, but was put on 1
hoard a British man-of-war. From th a
son the J'lrAinitirr has learned that in
IMS he, t|cj rwtu 4f JflJ sßh, aveigt to (
Hohartownf fti'Vrin TiieminfV Ethid. and
there met an old friend with whom he
conversed aliont Morgan. The old friend
kindled nnd said, "Morgan is livinp
hew ; I will introduce you to him. ' 1
And so ho took him to the office of the
Hobnrtown A'lrcrlitfr, where he met the
vyiitnble Morgan, who told him that be
eoitlo not return to America, even if he
> would. Bo couhl not get a permit, and
even could he do BO ho would bo killed
on the passage.
FOOLED nr rr.—The organ wna a big
thing among the Indians after they had
reached their village. The chief had a 1
man to ait in front of his lint nnd griud
it every: night. It waa set to piny "Yan
kee Doodle" and " Yonkco Doodle" it
played every night, week in and week
out', without variation. One niglit in
fooling with the mnohino tho ludinn
grinder shifted the stop, atid when he .
resumed tho crank out came "Pop
Goes tho Weasel." The old chief listened
n moment nnd supposing the nuuilijue
was spoiled, seized iris toiualntwk, l< upud t
from the door of his but, and with a f
fierce yell brained the discoverer of the j '
new tune upon the spot.
, in Englltli Story.
At bar M^|s*ty't, QaaanVictoria'* draw
iag-roow, lkfil, ana of ike most alsgant
Udiet presented to the was I.ady
Twist, brlds of th# Queaa's Advocate Sir
Trsvers Tw ias, and understood to b* the ,
daughter of an eminent general f Saxony, i
where Iter husband had recently married <
i her. Again, six years later, in IbfiU, the j
i #ame l*dy attended a royal drewieg-rooin,
Uo that in the interval she mnt have ro |
niained unlmpcached In bar anclgl dignity.
Indeed, it w as not nnril the spring of last!
year that minora began drMHll*g at the j
clubs and ainoiig lawyers respecting oar-1
Usiu strange atorle* of the early life of
fl-nt Twi*., whiuh an old aud nominally j
iespectahle solleitiir named Alexander <
t'bitfbns WM said to tell with unqualified
boldtieae. Jvgt only did C'hatfin# trll
these stone* to fill who plioae tq itosti.B ,
i him on the •nbyecl, but he repeated tbkm
fir and wide with an evidently malevolent
intention, and finally took the trouble to
warn the Uimsu agaluti ret eiviug Lady ,
Twi.* again hy sending a written copy pf
, hi* aoctwabion* in detail to the I.ord fhtim •
berlain raid# ii of recent date
' .bowed Sir Traeera breaking hi* atrangely i
• |'4'Ue' tod fiwbnarnaoe at la*t by aausiog
, rile arrest t>| the daring defamer of hit
wife on cbargu af inalicioti* -Under, bat,
alaa, iu a day or two thepcalter cam* the
'hrupert that,at hiajiraHtuinary rxauiinalioii,
Cliafliu's r#\ elation* iiad been <J audi a
autainel arid datuaglog charytef as to
induce a baatv diatpiprinnaymn of the
(proaeciition. The next wvid was that the
indy had hurried)- left and proU
ably England; and the i:*i that h*r hu
band had iwslgncd hi# hffice wf
advocate and rqlii' J l.evit Li"k'H towtn*
obscure refuge. l'i op the al'idavH ot llu
man w ho ha* wroujri'lall Ibit aodden aud
hopeleaa ruiu il ap|>ear* that Lady T wpa i
as known to the di**ipa'od yoting.r
l.mfdoh of a dor. u yeara ago aa a foreign
,1 adventure#*. Under the name, real pr as
sumed, of Murin (tPltis (fuflh)*. Tfi com
pany with eqnnHy auajdclofl* ntemhera of
Iter owtl Svl It u a* Iter custom to frequent
Creinorne (.iardeua. the liolborn Casino,
the music haUs in she
gyle Uomirt and other rtidVfs of low
; caste, where she danced in the most ex- |
travsgant French style, bandied epithet*
I with the Mb bit aid jeope'Mites dprdt-
It iu in t * that iTi.-Cfi'ms horsvn# ac
| quaiuted with her, and Sovii thereafter he
' learned th*'. TraviaTwiaa, a rising law yer,
had fnlUu into her toil*. From this last
event the elder lawyer seems to have aeeli
, little mote of Maria, and it may be infrrr
! Ed that malignant jealousy actuated him ■
' thenceforth toward both herselt and her ■
new friend. The feeling of Twiss wast
have |rcn of the strongest ttul most davo
ted kftiJ; for, afier an acquaintance of I
i three year* with the woman, he boldly j
I determined to crown his work of remain -
tUun by making her his wife. Apparently. '
i however, he had not the cetirage to do
this in a frank, manly way, but deter- i
mined to practice a fran 1 upon society. !
' At his instigation Maria went to Dreadeu, j
'in March of Itjfii, thcinc, a**umM gto j
be th* daughter of a Sax on geucrai m the
German army, adopted the appearance*!
suitable to bcr snpposed so<-ial station. In |
the August following, f*ir Traver*, now
risen to considerable dignity at cegrt ami '
in hi* proteaMon, appeared at th* Saxon
capital, aud was there married to the ob-1
bet hi* cLiv*!ron* alfection at the Brit
i*h legation. In the following year, a*
I ha# been show n, the bride was prctenled
1 to the Ijttsen, snd for several years there
after the world knew nothing of the skel
eton in the bouechtfh! i f Us* Quegli'e ad ,
j loente; but it ndwr reason toTiellew 1
that wwm after the marriage Chuffina ap
, preached Bk Trggsrs with tbr<-*p of tlie
Atorte* he could tell of My Lady's pa*t, un
lea* paid to remain silent; and it h anr
renijr reported that he did exact varian#
sum*, until ike victim whom he wm tor
-1 turing refuiK-d to pay more.
How s. kiigxstfß Is>rr a Tvot-*as
I>ou-il -The I/cliigti Valley r.-iin.p
j (JiUtrUt publishew tbie: A wealthy WU
i liamsport gcnUcuiaa became so nmc.h
attached to a Atyyiik of ilmtriky that
he asked him to (irancb hi* funeral ser
mon, uo matter where he might ho. Tlie
1 pastor prmni-cd that no tsifitt what the
' distance tint w-juirwUd tin m. or Die 4if
ticultiea that might, tax jilted hftv.#i.
h>'would, when lufornhd of tri 5! li
of hi* old friend, drop all rise and haaten
to tlio a|M>t that wa* to. lm tlie realiug
jdace of hi* morl i r.-mpiat. 'i ic
afierwaril removed from flihT vlcimtr,
and a ohort time qco wrired the tad
announcement tin t nx* was dea*l
Instcul of keejiihg hi* promise, he re
plied that he was nualde to be present,
:a* he couh! not close his church, Ac
' fhe ftuicml took place in due se#>n.
' but the ja#tor wo* not thera to perform
i the lat mid rite* over the Uinlyr of hi#
i de)kartr*l friend. Ihe eea-juomr*. lpw-
I ever, wcto j# rfornn d l>y aaotlw r, afid
j .ift< rward. when the w ill was ojwmtwl, it
j .ipjK-ared tlmt The Old O>SB ii*4 p en
laitfifiil in death a* be wa* in life, and
tm|ucatlied sl*ooo to his old friend, pro-
I vido.l he pro a.'bed his funeral aerm<>n.
liis feeling* con better be imagined than ,
deacrtbed, we supjiose.
How Wrier fun lUacoAD Omoxu!
Ihi lr. There is ronrb excitement ]
among the official.! and employes of tin j
, Burlington and Nfi-sotiri lliver Bnilroad, !
1 *ll along the line from Burlington to i
i Conncjl Bhiff#. rmiwd by the ferreting |
i ont of n hold nnd successful conspiracy i
betvrem the ucur' age t* mii oomine-j
' torn for iwttulling flio comjKinyViuf of j
■no -i<e# for pnaawaigvr fares. Th* station
agents would sell tioheta to piinw ugm
without stamping the dnUs iukju tin uj,
tad the conductors would collect the*#-
Aithont putting the cnnecUing punch j
into them, aud then return thorn to the {
-tatiou agent* to lie sold again. i hi
i igentaand conductors divided the mou
• i-y between them. The officer* of the
road employed dcteetivea to ferret out
the affair, and the result is several of the
principal agents and conductors have
been arrested and other* discharged.
Among those arrested nre a ticket agent
it Burlington and a conductor residing
it that place. They are now in jail.
Hie ticket agent at Uo other eml of the
*•4 ia also In jail nt Council Bluffs
other arrests have been made.
A Tr.RHiblt fatal accident is reported
from iho West. Ihe steamboat Occanns,
from Ifod river for St. Bonis, when near
TlrC'tts point, twenty miles above Cairo,
i exploded her boiler*, tearing the best
i fore sod aft. completely wrecking her,
and scahliug and drowning a largo nura
• ber of Iter pas-enters and crew. The
I uumler of the crew is not stated, but it
is known that there were sixty-fiTe pas
| sengers on board. Only thirty-one of
the passenger* "id •few arrived at Cairo,
and it ia believed tho loss of life will be
fifty peraona killed.
| Ntanittw EKCAI F..~ The passenger* on
*r English road lately bad a very reali
zing sense of danrvr. At a point on the
line where there was no station, thetrstn
" slowed np " and finally stopped. After
nn unaccountable delay of some minute*,
the passengers finally "grew uneasy, and
one going up to the engine, found the
engineer and firemen both helplessly
drunk and asleep, tho steam exhnujted,
and the fire out.
IN the case of Arthur OTonner, the
youth who recently presented a pistol at
Queen Victoria, evidence wna tendeied
by his father as to the boy's predisposi
tion to insanity, and Dr. Harrington
testified that the prisoner was both mad
nnd dangerous, but the jnry found him
guilfy. He waa sentenced to a year's
imprisonment at hard labor and to re
eeivo twenty stroke* of the eat-o'-nine*
tail*. >
A TERRIBLE explosion occurred at the
Cunnrd dock, Jersey City. Tho tug
liont Davenpoit was towing four barges
out of the dock when, with terrible force,
her boiler Imrated, utterly demolishing
the tug, sinking one of the bsrges, in
stantly killing six men, and injuring a
number of others.
THH New York Republican State Con
vention will be held in the City of Elinirs,
on Wednesday, the 15th day of May
next, at 12 oVlook, for the purpose of
electing delegates to the National Repub
lican Convention, which is to meet at
Philadelphia on Wednesday, June 5,
I next __ „
IN Ohio, if property was eounlly divi
ded, every man, woman and child would
possess over SI, 000.
flflls war* passed for fha r#Tlef af al
--tlers on the public Inntte in lowa nidr
the 11 nM#t'ul act, and grattMhg the
] tight ut way through (hemthhela'idi for
1 a railway from riidl Bake to J'orUaud.
A largo nutidii r of bills upprept iI'UK
i money to coui|>eniaite parties for Iflids Or
j damage to property during tl| reet-tiT
I war, were iwawil. While Uie Indian 1
; Appiopriutn.n bill wna being diacnuad. 1
Ml Windotn, of Sinn., amsl thni Hiei
Teton Htuiu ludiaae w** 1U liy a olauif
called "Bittiug Bull," who aduuttud
that he had instigated iliv miihsacie in
Minneaota in lkfi2, aud If Ihby cpahl 1"'
J got at with iow<Jer and bad b (Win*
ilcqn wmilu infinitely prefer to d*al,
vtilh tham in that way, hut aa Iha aaao he preferred feeding then, a* Uie ,
cheapest way of keeping them qniat, i
and he wonfcS add that if the pence 1
. policy succeeded with thcra it wonld (
j succeed anywTuqo, for they were llu ,
, vgry worst ludiana in the country lie
ifcau a atatement from the War
lno u'- ahowing that the ogjeebtioa* I
'agninat the Indian* in 1*64 mid IHW
| cost mora than SC,OOft,(XXj, and raid 1
that if the nt>pn>]>riatiou ipf 8500,0011
I I would keep tlietn at peace it would
plainly bu much cheajwu: tlnut
The Hon** hiQ confij niiog the act re
, latiag t' the Baltimore and Pb ontar'
j-ult' -id ill Washington was l
1 the fammitteeow the hud let s( ftaluw 1
( hta. A reroou-trajioo -raa jifcwenu-.l
against the rtuiewal w/ the Vt herlgr A
'f Wilson sewipg nnudiine patent. The
* fteiiftic considered the bijl r jnirtod from ,
the Military (Viuimittga and passed ft,
' nnmlK-r of tlirm. Tlta House Lii) j
'jawarding jjl'.Hl.OnO to the oiio-rs ami.
j Oruw of the Kcarsnrge for Ike deslruc
ti-wi of the Alabama was puased.
In the Senate, on motion of Mr. Sher
man, the Hutum nisaagc denying" the (
right of the Senate to amend a tariff bill ]
waa jrfucnuLuiiim. f,',oiinnilUai srit
llagfis II" said that it WO* first time it
was ever disputed that 'the Senate had
such a right. Mr. rrellngbuywn in*re*'
| duced a bill giving the American and
j E s( Indian Telegraph fornpany the ,
right to have and maintain line* of cable
UoXwwu th> Aint rieun aud Astalio cent*. (
A reaolutiou adopt'*! by t'tO Weat Tir-,
ginxa Constitutiomd CotfvcutjOh in favor J
of amnesty waa presented, an advrr.c re- 1
port from the AJorumiiUe on Petitions
ujxm the bill to iwansiop the widow of j
; Admiral Farmgut wan received, the ennP 1
i of Senator Abbott wax dtacuseeJ. and the (
Consular and Dinlouiatic Appropiia'jou t
bill was an.cndcu ad poaatal. I
Iu the Ho nee the bills paawd appoint-!
i ing shipping ctmiiaxaaionera, and the bill i
reported Uv tb*3iav*lC'oumiUe|**ug i
' the officer* and crew of the Kewrmipgc.
Abo bill awarding to Mr. It .M. Green
I ilf,ooo for the jrovcroiin-nt's use of hi#
I intent-uuicliiuo for bending chaiu-cibh'
; links, Ac. The Houee tln-n went into
connuittev of the whole gut tbo A rtu ?'
uropristion bill, which elicited a strong
I debate. Tlse bill passed without adtv.a
' ion.
ru the House a resolution declaring
Dr. Howard an American eitireu and
instructing -the President tt* deuisnd rti
j S;in hi* uamrdtuU' releaae and et-tra
tiou ot lue onii*a#t"4 ceteiw VA"
j red to the liewmilwk *. i i M>
jollier adopted instructmg Uie Banking
and Currency Committee ta invctligjite
, the recent cooajiirtey in Wall aUvet,
1 j Mew fork, to lock up t urr<py. Thirty
three of Mio Beuata'a anxeudmcuta t the,
' Li-gislaUvc, Executive, and J idxctal Ap
-1 j propriation bill were dtajMwod of. Mr.
i Cox has introduced a bill into the Homo*
; providing tor tha cxpea*B of lajirg fi
abhU" point fln-ee bundled muea
1 (f ftq|sf antucket to a relief ship, win-uce
timely warning of the approach ul dj*-
Mtrou* easter.v gale# noglrt bo Ule
i igrtPbed. ,
t "Atjiuteroaliur dbcuaaion took poww itk
lln I loose on ih One tV*t Postal e-arda
! re|w>rted from the Post office I'oiatni tars.
\\ ith a view to prevent malt trtifd* b ,ng
made the vehicle for slanderous com
munication* it WW# proposed that a flap
] or cover should be attached to the eft: d,
and although it w m aiaggeu-ted that lb*
l.loplion pf such a plan would lie equiva
) tanfitto * general mittetfOU of letter port
' age fo on- cc-' 'he propoaal wa.* c irried.
An amendn ' quiring the Poatjna-v
t,. r .f 1 'Cili* friv proposal* fox
furn . xirJa and U ooutmat
with U idder wua wieo mlont-.d,
ard the • pmed. The Hcwlao
wenttbroa, even sections of tlie bill
revising and amending the lw relativa
P. the coinage. Sixty-two aei-tions of
Uie I'M! remain to be eonridered.
Mr Peters, of Maun, PTOfosod a,
preamble and rewplution declaring it to
lo the deam- of tlie House that the,
claims against Orewt Britatu fro eonse
<pu utial damage# be waived. The snb
jeet was referred to the Ootamfffee tat
Foreign Affairs.
In the Uoti," tham wat a of
the bill abolishing Hie ftwnkiug privita- j
goaf Mr. Carroll oppustd it a* *nti-rc-
Butler also opjpoacd it, and sxjiliuued lit#,
j former vote in fuvyr of nucha bju by
' stating Unit ho knew Uie Benute would i
i kill it. The bill WM# re-conimiUwd.
j The House passed a bill—P7 to 71—to
prevent crueltv to animals ni transit, j
eonridered a kul to cucoaragi the plant-,
ing of tree# and the preservation of,
woods, and discuaied the S. nate amend- I
men!t to the Evoeutive, aad
dudieial Appropriation bill. An amend- j
mi ml to rvHiticC the sum uf $.70,000 for )
the perfbetidn nfid cnftircement OT tuc
Prewdeot'a raril-seivire rogalstious to
SIO.OuO was adopted by 02 to 61b
The Coouaitie* on Foreign Aflairs
to rejiort to tho House a resolu
tion that in the opinion of the House the
President should demand the uncondi
tional release of Dr. Honard. and the
restoration of his projwrty which hs>
been soufiursted to the Spanish govoru
R. X. Pierre, M. P.. of Buffalo, N Y.,
will send his book on CHRONIC PI*CASES
freo to any address. 893
We mav vet be condemned to hear n
teacher call* herself a teachiat, a Iwrber a
barbist, a broker a brokist
Y-.n rnn obtain a weekly report of the
New York Money Market by eoelosing
a stamp t t'- AIU.ES W. ltA*u.rn, No. 7
Wall ritreet, New York. •
Tlie Market*.
jrrw re**. P
flisr Cma-Prlin* I" r\tr • .lit# .tj
Finrt quality. •
MMhmi .11 •"*
Onllnsrj tWa Csttl#., -1SR •}!
Inltyißf -V
Miltr COW*. •• !*• f- *
TJV* ,.aiA.AU.A 1)5
£ : >5
gl.l-r.xtr. fW
WBEAT-KEA W-PlEßO,.;.*<;{' S
" RU- Itl * vin
*} • -J®
■ .JJ
Onus— Ml.-A W-.U>rn T* • .TS
o*t—W'r.t-m . .„j..-j..- -1#
nor. 't!*s • *&*- # • 5
US' '"2 ....- -*! i*
PrTkOUcr*—Crtirt- It |
MUMI 1 Stkf i
Obi. W. R 1* •
- limi -?•
Wntrrnardlnarr .XI a .1*
rronylvnl fta ,S> -SJ
Prtju Bul -WILH ll,Si -It
" SktmuiMl ... .1# # <l*
i -UHi
B**r J-Jj J!J
i:2 25.2
isST-*' a #prto f2 U A i
o.™.;.*.*— • -i
an • <±\ I
•*2 • -®* ),l, -Ofi a -I#
WBXIT. ~Z:. T.I; I
M A .3
ij# • .j™
B-nssr #lO3
O*T—BUU.. .60 • -M
Piora— 6®o a SSS
WHEAT— Wstlani Bed. J-*8 •
Corn—Y-l low ■ • ■
Mttfd. I*f. •
CLOVEBSWBI ...i.......i... • *
Tlni.Lhy. Ml * J
MiddUag .* ■*%
Ki-.'-E—Extra J. 7* a 8.7J
WgEAl— Amber
Con* JJ a .87
(MXS>— —— .. .M a. 0
t Tjw first tlii-atm gwwri in
Ameriaa waa at Willuuatbtirg, ▼, in
' 17 W- L ' .''*' ' ] ' ' \
W mars a rteiwair Or'siwaa —Farbapa
nw ipsa Hvlng ha# wen mow# goMon ejrtn-
Iv'is than Dr. b'slksr, as the enormowa
ftiij, whli'lr iucreaslnk of his ('xuroß
fnt -"MiaauXii lbrtxn* attaatg Wgjxovsr
: look into etie of our oxoMOgrs, hat vJiara
<i ft iqiaagyrio of Um Bitw-ra atariftg ua ia
Um fftre. Our resd. ra will aaythera mass
\U a reason for all tlita priuse. Thsy are
, right- Tli# .efficacy t,T fljls cvbhratad <
iunaiioiae ia sl4!iahd by ovitleiics VhUik,
it Is iiupowail la l< doubt. Among tba
UiMisaed* who have borne testimony to
its eXrslbiiae, there ia not one <li.eeriei,t
voire. In very malty phase* of inorganic
dUesw* |t eectps to he uu&itHng. All di
en* airivug frmu a - lUftied tr.U of tha
1 bjopd art sorely cradioatad by it. It ia
!m ftfift Mnal remedy for pulmonary oum
tJaintn, bilinn*, remittent and intermittent
irv. •- . mi,•>!)#", ami dyjiep|la I:
purges body pf ill uMjeatky humor#,
' gire# lone,to Um ayauu'i, ami where tba
! vital power* are en far bled, restore# tbrtr
funoiu'W t'Vihi a— ami lataltby mm.
I All this ff *!<*# the more ertbetnftßy Im
! eanSolts cipcfftlon (i'not ih ter fared with
•by ths pm*vucaof alnohol. TlikVfseo**
, Bjvfiaai i* |#wrfqtly fr from ay,sab
'btirfful ingredleat. We Lava alwayabw
iq>ved that plant# eontata tba true rem*
*aja* for disease and nit ths remedie*
' ft#-Ahsury, Dr, TTsfiker i# on the Una of
, rest progress, pud wa la-pe thkl WwllJ
1 net seat on la* prwaest dl#oP*erWs* CuWL
As JUpopTaST JwvrgTt'i*. —Th® won
sir-mi aud ajuiW lU' redlhl# imposition*
U> whieU, rturiwtod t>orsvifr have bug
, l*-rn Mibp-atati in fhsur tff"rta U fiad
! rvbof bavo nulixned ua to iavoatagat# the
J niartt* of ttm new.v invontrsl Elsftttfl Truaa
. auß iupp..rfr*r.''lf ntiy of ottV readers
' will *ud for a Cirenhir to th# Ehmtic
; InuwCy., S c fIHS York,
wa are nouli lent tkuy will thank u* W
'this ihfirmii~r foe W Jarbevr UwU
with this ineTiwiiiurt o** l ba i.
,Xu*U--r atflfering from Hernia, as tb
price is within the ramnx of sH. The
' duy of mot ni spring Lmabc* li** ptet.—
.V V. Mm ftwfrtA _ -
flew to Oraantaut, tbo Hair.
Ail th'it t&t can eroompW#* in bcawti- 1
tying, atmupUieiuag. Uuckauiug, gad
i the lttimmi hftir, is effooted
IVvttA pioif BtapofbCocoAwsß- Then
ia s stitonlartng |o*p#rty ia thia prepa
i rationj litcrafiy Compel* a rapid
growth af Aha libroa, while xto eaauilieat
' 0 r. r.-b rs th*-m *d efasUe.
i It 'tt Um cAsujttri uW Tart hmr-drcvtmy j
.rod ta,r\m th* troefrf. Ho say tb<
m irurr who use it. Xout druggist luui U>
IfiiMIVEHGTA, witb ft jxipuhitMin of
half :i tailllon ihlwbitant*. lias fifteen
hundred iuil<n ot eojauL-U-d railroad in
,i ojowstion. Bt. F#iJUrn CajxiUl, has a
. pormbtlion of ovos wrtit> -five iLouaomL
' There nn-efightv pohliaWl
4 iu th<- Ht*te, and The t Hani Plow am,
which is tbe*oKkfcsphper fn Minneeota,
, baa an ugyrcgatc cUTulation exceedinp
tbt cmibviMrl cunstlation of iIX THE
- I'irixt IL'ML IF USUI Ul IMK 1)1*11, Oftd lU
weekly edict-mi eiraad* that of any now#-
i - paper iu tba Vt iTli weat- rn Htataa. • ■ te#
] " . * 1 ' : .yiyy .i.iif'
timi. P Rownx A* Go's Advortidng
'lil'ifff J, No. 41 Park ltow. how Tuck.
- [roeeivc*. miwrtwemeat# for all tba ews
!' pa:K-m in tbe HnHed'Htgtea. at the loww
, i i%>. cadi lale*. fnrniSMng ciroolara <u*d
, estim-Hea trip' - BK>ok!yn (E. IP) fltar#
,Itis a mucV-1 bu#iftoM hotmc. Thcj give
| moru fur the ft. juey Lb aft au.v othorbous.
(in Urn worbl.—Cog 7.'<oa, Plnbdalphis.
• Pft.
——™' * a • - ■ * ,
j * pi nuc BrrtiKwns ond #iagara will fiud
I, "Tlr.-raV Bfmttjtf beneficial
] in cl irmf tlx# toioa bafora ajmaking or
ringing, and rcfltring th# thrtHt aftm
, ivnva*witioß of the vooal organs. For
, Cihgl* and l ohls th/ TrocW ar# effoc
• tnaL— Com.. • . M ;• i
HriTt-nscan be eurad without suffer
, ing. rlnrttr Pruasia'Are superseding all
I x.thefa lb tore tmving MeaoT Truawa or
Supimrters. send for a deocriptiire cirem
' I •J * * .ql Elirt-rtl ,
ftftr Pyrpepaii, m.l K<-ti,,n. d*i>rM*i<in of
i atanf* >uT)Vmm) dsbSny fa tbar vwwjWi
, fvrarf. aha# a# a jsevaHWa aaawiai U**J ami
#Uwr mneguiUaal fa* riw.lhr 'grrry-,
Mtw#H*l ktixor >■( tJabaaya* made L* Ca*- (
4 eVnsaßi A tan, Nv* Tak, ##.a ~uUby all
' dni*rgii#, ./U bent tank, and aa
pafirti'# i v n|>gfr& >' v or ntb#r ak-k
--i; ne#a, il ba* uo <qttal - fbm.
A 8> Wam'nw
-ot what, aiWft yaar# a# 0m ah aa trtftaq. M
hair bJ. jrartHM'st# UM
1 hM>n:**S]anrSi / V' <?*••> ly#FT*C
:, fe i
! s Orat tortr-rw* ' ' b ' bar go>HSßßCaew tm<
4 cwotk *<! ft-aaw * urta* pMrwiwq.
' A thi MO# nu* taidrj #aSjrehv*aoa*>
of 0.,f Ibe liTlSnn to Mall
i r-ntat -at. sy #uu#r • at tb* rty'l*# o-re of,
aoMWr* W,..?#*.•#***. to • Wto# ;
-.. i. jj, it,* -nlj- trw Ji >:riS wd TS|K<w>t 1
4 of A-IrUftasS <<ftar naaaMnao tor to#. ww#a <
!,T aon-# w totaoe#*a i SbF bar. * <#*•" i
i IncnM iln iw# Ut3 vf ttn affiir. but l*J
, 4 *l t
"-ITCd w.d Mkyr t*t#ttr- arte* r*KM** v
I!.. '• - ' *. at '* •* I
1 ; - - T3x s*ar-*a=
#-'!-cunl Nolieea, |
Mtrtlir* • #'• ••
jm (• ih. latoa kMK rt
' Uftn.
BOW CAN ruu Sivr 11 r
' UtrS Uw* VtPmm mm *—ar. mm **
ml ■* S" "it* •*
/ Him *•I" gel 4 •'• r "*"* Dr "*'
f gUt% d p*tral U,r-kem.
H—4 tb- MiowSv su*ri In* tjmtf Wil trnm
Sir nr. mm liWI-tm* —OWW l
Mi Fan D S So*: •
,rrlS * •
I Or.t., I. trit.
Da A. U SCOvILJ. i the Swrt-rSf"™! —(•!
So— l&tmOr V**- Attrt-r W hit*#!*"" f -B
ruwtn I"' t.-mr.- ni't- Urrr—rt >M tw."_ V#r
Ml.<—( 1 r<- "N-iftr U*8 S— h**
laJtfpybn*. K—! lbs MB—t— h*t<rfh— ta See,
rifJr f,-Tn* WW!*® *• * * %
Mmr*. J **. n**r A Ca •
niSkSfid. *M> It-iwlt W-rSSM it I#
I M#j ilb< V-rJiln mm. Nil SAtMyS—
■-> K^SKSftCswaS
■atxrinr* rr r, 'MSIiS 1
Ik* o<l rjisomj-' tt ro^tnU
- i ars-
Sold by Jfedirine Dsalsrs fsserMty.
' Proridenoe, B. 1-
Q*n#rl A(fm Iter law Bthtd-
GEO. C. OOODWIIi * Co, Boiton.
new *at • IMf.
Thotumnda full a prr U dtauoT.ot beunuaa the malu-
AM ill | iffMl them iw nMwurlte fhtal, teat hi MUM
thfjr lack lha rrviluito amount at "aetfw ritaßty ta tuakr
a reliant r*i*tane* \a tha enemy. Tt ta a wluo preoau
■mo to|t*p anthlaaf datonaa-al
■rai* prrpared nT' tha rnw ' Wtdama and i
Mhrr ,tworrtaru, anrt to bae tbawrfl mfcaawe of damp
initamuafld inMrtttltwnolwtiW ehaswa Ihareta
no difflaultp tndelkg * ta * tort aa wall uatbeot >- i
j n[ ( 11 that two and two make four. that Houtettea'a i
, M<aacb BtHoai ta opee.ullj adapted to thia porpMa.
and dor tM etmpla taoeon that itainrigoiaMag and raa- I
ulattas |t#*rtlw ara auparier ta tbaaaaf a7 other
mediuli* in tha world. Durtjg thr taaatr raara that it
] Won in general 6ao. amplr iflaltidllt' hart boon
afforded (♦> compare tw mod Waal propel itoe wtttetteoae I
of aila r prepare USw atetmlhg febeaf miliar olem. |
andttonwah haa team tie edaptme hp lha Amorteen J
people aa tha ataadard tonic of the age, ita mtroduatiaa i
jpto every ainlirod portion at tW wtotdrt bemltphere.
Am d is
antttnrt edtototiMh *•>* tateindgtlfleeaee that
demand JaPalltta wdald-bemtie*teia. ! ui .
Tha roeorrt upon which ita popularity raata la a eoriaa
la is medical iiitrttW, foflT aiiuiai ta
ttmttr.l rariatptt hwaWaaaaid dtaatetiituat la
laah no other remedy poaaaaaaa aneh a rar ety of hygi
enic Yijtuer. and it la to thaao oharactarirtloa that tt
owea ita prretige aa a btmaahold tnodleine.
bar * Ito. • mm. rod M III|U bill
•ia a aid ■'■<■ I
, lb*) II ' *••* M WIM babtaatoot* Mat ftp*-
LwfiW t> M*m> —4 #*t ffarabi* mr*u m >• r
< - NatloM.
1 " TO ui>i"Mi*Tira
Tha adaarttaar. tefiof *mm (wmaaMUy w4 4 Mat
M d* Ooiwaaina, b, * .unito rrmadr la aaa>
,Mrt>< *to kimwa KhH fa to* raffarat* Uw maaaato
, aaaa- TvaM ob Hull a it, a* ill aaa* an af to*
>!,<UUua aaad, aa* to iia**', ailb Ito *tractum*
tor anff •- f a4 aaiaf IS* mm Vfcidb 4m* will iad a
u aa <- vfta
r*um PShms be i*BO<Hwi o* irlma adtfrao
* Ii. BPWAJIP A witays.
___ Wise* Tbiwt Hrarl W HMwabnrah St.
>M atari aaa aa* b I'laaHaoi. bat aD aaa baa an.
VMM Tlf IKb Hb~* (ar tto Mitoi aad Itorabf
who i w ffto ton* lainkiaM
baa *toa I* aUJQyijf. .
SfbM *# A uaetto te U lietaa in# mwtotoea a# #
PA MJt l ew Will* Boat* aad baaa w apraadia*
I\tof —alt Ha. laah ar toll ta i>u*t* Tar Una Laafc
mm tor ito fatant atom*. all atoaat ara lailaliaaa
i,.? 1 I ||i J.;; ii J.... ii i.l ii jjii.'l; JIJI
1 i
wa — a,wi
; HASUU. gftfoE. Lminr4l. S. J.
nMkit '** ' Pltaaa S jiMMMUd. R*
y A*..u Addraa. V. k MASOOoTeMa
1 ' MS^aSst
I anrvra WmiM, • iraunaltai m mom a>
awitor-Ma ibaa J mpbi *l**. ffaMtoalaf** l *.
Startling But True.
1 WAVfV.>.-.A|iyu ulradaai aar liM ton a*
1 na IMWa auaa *****>e -HHMHm aaaa.
1 ■***>■. **> j" T* "Jtt ft.
oi n ar*
•sIU m
rvi i C arirKim (trail Waawd,
■ iilato aaJnuatoi "• •# <->uiais UM Off aa*la#
■Mar u -S earewwt-.ia . < • Pitod , from n<
<i iM(ianw|laMf. IP a** <*> aaaaaaaaad- Km
. (wt.Ua atoflmgl. aefoa* Iff* Atatf
33—? <„ lTaalfc. Tm, M. T.
H'mu % ii.i. ai'rren • n * w *•*#.
*w In Taim Vaasrua Uiiaut *v #at
An nniiJMt iurat>*iiVl.linpKilUrTuio*
ij/.DU ill Veetl? levimeri
iciiitai xz,iz2rjxsvsu v isi.
i CM* |tow. • s.
A Watch for sl. 50,000 Sold.
*Gsmc Tisr mn, zrxz *rjz
(• | i " ■■jlliß I MF I
x rfc*4Tr *yp*<pwto < s-s * ■■Miiiiito iv
Timbered Land for Bale.
Hl'taM* I iad UMbrrad aMA f. Hataaa. (to
da.. tJkarra kipclvAr . *!ta*id w rital n o## a Y..
•. MM ai*lawi*mS at f* oaar aaaa i totto mWmi aal
IUM) t# dta ;m tL. atoMr Lawd a*U bllAldW
iaWiawbiu A a ml-fmmtt *a* •' laa##a
y>to#aiwi(X K. T.
SMiit&ii Nev for Aisats.
4#Ml*..r —U. aottuat m ranadta
aaoaraav aad beaatifal Mac! Hfra;ui(
fttottrOaaalMstoratrawMaanacdaad awanaeegear)
tb<A<tor altk ttoiiaaidiiiiaakaa ito'. Urn* ttoM ts. Saaaa
if. VS/HS
LtfttojM k*+n\* Wnls lcf aitokn to tIAJIT-
Offer* aara adrbatac** to an *oi Waal. 'Laiaito a
ara.lla.-l>, rwA**tw. aaud *'<*].. ma/Artr *#■
•aa. tor. cluaata ana# rpiaM affuawir*' fcaaa-a. M
t !****■ aaauaaaitj. ci .trctaa ard aaboala rt(b* aC
art'W* aaa I ila atn (i toraakaaa. radaord inwear
tatlaa, iarwbafb.i, Im aaaW. aa aibar iiawgajja.
lior K. FACE PAVIa. -rl Ar—.
Wllnwdr-. a V
Fknwn I iKfanda! Eiujlwdj I
• ' - 0 WAT
y,sl v jr' Jaw
A>T K rap et
Pltta'i>ut*b, P*. Ui| I p*|%MolaiUL
rrckt)'. Scmlaaaaltoaa trial Ow U
rrnta Warlh . Cat Hi'ji out. Try It.
Cheap Farms! Free Homes!
■* tvcimrtiftu
x t-Ajtp vaxurror
ia f ooo,ooo Aczusa
tod r—4 ftleera! U4% U Aowicm.
3,000*000 Acres in Nebraska.
O-ardon ®f tlio Wot,
N* <> w fur PIM !
Tbaar land, arr to tha eralrto ad tbr (TaHad
, uaaoi. uid l<K (rata amalaa and atack imtotof. M.W
n*.—l br aat p t>' Uaitod to ito.
R Httrui IN J'Kl & awn (aratmtoai taraa# ftm.
abator anarabHtnt to marital thoa raa ta tosod rda*
i PKFi: HorarklPntlt far Artiul Sfftllnrk.
AaMlrra EalitM to ad I*o Aara*.
I totoA for aba ara daarnMira pMapbirr. with aaa
saaa.ftotdibr<l la Koe h. Gorr- - ktoadtah aad Uaa
i to*, aptlrd frra armawbaaa.
Uad UMailaalraar, V. P. R. *. <*h
; MM AHA. t.kra.ta
Iron in the Blood
Tht F+mrian Syrup, a Protect'
i *<i Solution of the ProtoJcMc of
Iron, it no combined aa to have
the character af an ailment, at
easily digested and assimilated
■ tHth the blood as the simplest
food. It increase* the Quantity
of at art's Own Vitalizing
Aoent, Iron in the blood, and
cures "a thousand ills," simply
Toning up. Invigorating and
I Unitizing the System. The en
richedand vitalised blood per'
meatrs evert/ part of the body,
repairing damages and waste,
searching out morbid secre
tions, and leaving nothing for
disease to fired upon.
This ts the secret of the won•
derful success of this remedy '
curing Dynpqisia, Liver Com
plaint, I>ropsy, Chronic Plnr*
rhrra, Bolls, Xervous Affections,
C hills and Fcrers* > Humors,
Loss of Constitutional Vigor,
Diseases of the Kidneys and
Bladder, Female Complaints,
and alt diseases originating its
<i bad state of the blood, or -
companied by debility or a low
stale of the system. Being free
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energizing effects are not fol
lowed by corresponding reac
lion, but are permanent, infill
sing strength, vigor, and new
life into all parts of the system,
and building up an Jron Con
Thousands have been changed
by the use of this remedy, from
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures. to strong, healthy, and
happy men and women; and
invalids cannot reasonably hes
itateto give it a trial.
See that each bottle has PERU*
VIAN SYRUP Mown in the glass,
Pampbleti Free.
J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor,
Wo. SO Day H, Rao Torfer
Bold by Crogflit, goaoxatUy.
ikL. baa.. ..a asr dranoyad tf <.■"• I" * " * '
iHit-g arf d StolJßi.J**!!t
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• 1 W VH.aari RwL #*ak t* sm.'df .
' _ *aal. ,i [ >•■* ito aaaaMw rap* to oat
"atjloto 'ito ls*ar a*
' ' ffrr™Rk, Idaraart, r>rMto. Tto". *U
w£3lisukw*. tfjptlarariaaato to* Jto.K-to
: SlllMatoa'. to Ito StoA towktowrw waaae ntototo
arabinailr Aa. -ff ed-umUmS.-Mtks hum *
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iy?t3. r. KV Airvsvocrrm t nvo rn #
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1 *" "I* jHtoSffJI A YSffittotofiiSliaOto.Sa.
Msr-25ssxT\Ta T
■ '^Erisa
THE 10KI0II win.
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SjtotllltjEjSS: I I. I .1 ■ .
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toa Aai atan b a |i|ir A dmnai iH Apaa^t.
41P ARK te\Y
aa* ar* mm* ad aa<ia*M toct-.ljto tor towtbg
uaa ntoito of edwitoautoota to al Ratopapo.
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Tim .<*.•MMIto tai IM*
HIM< iMi.Hi b* >!• iW ftw inntwrf • _
(MMl%d ll<r hM k* U* inu(W a* ■. SI
rrtnrmnm *t IrkrtA Wti-
TW ftutw mmil- Irrrn 75. ft uTaad jar•
me*t. iJ iinill uU 111>— met *mA m •
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ftIBM UM rS* *M lftlwft*d ' lha !'
a hkat aftM? liyntMik p MilM—wlfc -■
MM dMrr*d nm *ll Ow M Irtwy *tU fod
e*4 Tm *** m ** ma4 m ** **•* " •'*'
TT tt ms^
Cabinet' Organs.
TV MMOI k It AMU H MUUI Cft. i|dn> mmmmm
MM ll, Ckfc M, al MIRIH —MII ft mmdk mm• ta
mi mm} kind 11M an
IxmM mi (wMlhlli fmrwnn. aftaatkk WfM
SaUdn, aad * id| iMd MIMN it nal M*
Mk M Mk. (Am Cn "/<-j unkij
kmM >ad fMMI kj Ml, W. C.Pr, atMMmp ; kj wfcfck
itofKite mmm:> na (k* Atj ftmrl Ik. i „ki m IMV
MlMfk) M• t igWrar VanfHA. (Jk|<iikii fii Clmki.)
lain i ftiaawii — wu m mm mi at ft.a.. *
Hai i> Q|
GmmWmymf thrmr tmpmnty. Htfrnma.
rj.tuim.r. tk, fncn y lk,M MP KfUt en
Irmer then mmy bftn
"Will—|—rn ft lit rlllii ii t"i ktli T aimlnii
Ikdjad I. wii a*l alkm Ik Jiallp kkd k.itjr •( Mm,
mM; .tkfrv TWy bn ikWkiMlj kltkart f ikik—i Mia
ankMkirt i an Ik. **>j kmmm* Am/mm mH
l MM Milnn. kkd M |.ian.ll w k. iMfr
: M ik. I'm. iT.rm, SkkiAkk, ftua, v., yrlatet
Ik Ml Ik a TtSTIMOXIAL CIRCVt Aft .k.k MHnnilM
>"T kddMM llmrn A fc. kMamiak .Ml Mn
"TV Urn m l> an."—OaaMim Kiwi. >.,< Uem
1 Org*** tkmU ft
CmnsiUoßiMy Chtayui,
r i '<• ~A •■• wi in,
<*■> Fftrk-OkiAV,, fin.
•*' kfkkrdA Tkkrr ni
JjJkT' 41 <r H
jB I VavlDutratcd Catalogues
i*ep l aMChckMk. wUk Ml knartpimi a!
w-M l rl*^l*r*..meß™„l w T*l|.
siMilsl Ckmhi, •RRt'dni# to ■mup sd4f#*9
tM TrwMkt et, BertM ■** *dwv, New York.