THE CENTRE REPORTER FRIDAY April 36,, UTS. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL RIWI.—Our friends, every where, will oblige u by tending u* local newa of internet. , . CIECULATIOH. The circulation of the KKroBTMt, on thi* side the larger than that of nil other |pcr* county. Btisinsea men will therefore And this one of the beet advertising mediums. We invite nil Interested to come and in spect our list for themselves lIMITtAIWBI.—AII mortice for •in scription will be credited on thesunecri ber's address, inch week: by referring to which our patrvns can at nil Unto* see how their account* stand, and a receipt by this system carried upon each copy of the paper. To Hiram Hoffer's tobatco store, in the Conrad houae; is where all should go who wish ta get nicely fla vored cigars and smoking tobacco, aud elegant chewing tobacco. Tbe heat in that line always kept there. We are indebted to G W Carlctwn, publisher, New York, for a handsome copy of Greeley's Book, "What 1 Know about Farming." This work has gained a great reputation, aud uo farmer will regret having purchased it. Send for a copy. Why don't you use Nature's Hair Restorative ? It is perfectly free from Kisous aud will restore gray or faded ir to its original color. -t. By measurment, taken by some af the young gentlemen belonging to the en gineer corps, stationed at this place, tbe summit of Nillany mountain low-, era 465 teet above Centre Hall. Now pile 36} sucb mountains on ton ofj each other aud vau have the j height of Mt. Ararat, which is 17,000 KVt, and well might Noah have exi'laimed, "How is that for high." •-*.- —a ICK CHKAM.—The lovera of ice cream % will beglad to learn that Charly | Smith, landlord at the Old Fort, will be piepa.'ed to accommodate them ■ with the delicious article, next Satur day and on every Saturday from that) on! Call in nd" S** * a Mrs. | Smith knows how to suit your The R-Road O K^f 2 MILLION DOLLARS ON HAND. GAL'GK TO BE BROAD. GOOD NEWS. —The result of the re cent meeting of the board of director! of the L. U A 8. C. K K. is a very gratifying one tn the friends of the road. The work is to be pushed right ahe.fiii, with energy, to u cooioletton, and Xr- Thompson, the president of the Pa. RR- has already negotiated 2 million dollars of bonds. The gauge will be of the ordinary width, 4 feet 8 inches, as the president of the Peuu'a railroad had several weeks previous to the passage of the mortgage bill, chang ed his mind upon the matter of gauge giving op some of the opinions he had farmed in favor of the 3 foot track. As the prospect of having a narrow gauge aid not meet with the approval of some of our people, we trust that now a better feeliug will exist all around, this objection being now re moved. Two million dollars worth of bonds re already negotiated for, and that ameunt of money is now Beady for! draA, and to be spent in the comple tion of the read. The western end to Tyrone, and thei eastern to Mifßinburg as well as the Bellefonte branch, wul be ordered un der contract in abtwt a week, as we are informed. The ruad is now be vend a doubt, and safe from any in terference, it bad its enimise, but will outlive them. We know that our readers on this side will rejoice with us, that Penns valley is certain in getting what we so much need, and it is exceedingly gratifying te as, that the Reporter has uot labored in vain to bring about tbie great wotk. The certain prespect of (be early LMaspletjan of our railroad, does not suit some.f our neighbors at Belle fonte. who. were secretly chuckling over itsdeath, which they imagined to foresee. Cant help them, Pennsvalley was in dead earnest, and we get the road, after a long and bard struggle for it. The grading has been going on all tbe while, ana tbe contractor tells us Le expects to finish in a few weeks. Tbe railroad, therefore, is a sura thing, ami bound to go ahead, thanks te the friends of the enterprise wbo have so nobly stuck to iL Ueriacber it Cronmiller are now unpacking tbeir new spring and sum mer goods, comprising a full line of dry goods, dress goods, notions, groce ries, Ac., which are offered at priceajo suit the times. Customers will now find what they want, and at a bar gaiu. For the Reporter. Hon. F. Kurtz, —Dear Sir —I have keen a subscriber for jour valuable paper for tbe iaet year. I thought it would not be amiss if I would con tribute a little, in tbe way of saying a few words on a subject that mav prove interesting to some of the readers of the "Reporter," although I am not now, yet 1 have been a resident of Centre County for many years —and what I bare to say, will be concerning the Fenns Valley Methodist Circuit and to ministers. Tbe Central Pa. Conference of the M. E. Church met in Williams port, March 20tb, 1872. Bishop Simpson presided. After a pleasant and interesting seaaion it closed on tbe following Monday. The coming year the Peuus Valley circuit will be sup plied by the Rev. I. W. Lickie, and I sincerley hope that good seed may be sown on good ground, and that be may be blest with a bountiful barvest. This circuit was once a part of tbe Beilefonte circuit. Then Baltimore Conference, Northumberland District, afterwards East Baltimore Conference. In 1842, 30 years ago, if I mistake not, Penns Valley circuit was cut off of Beilefonte circuit. Tbe following were the senior Preachers that supplied the Eulpits during the last3o years —some ave departed this world for a better one. Rev. John W. Haughawout, 2 years " *Jaraes Stevens, 2 " u *Wm. R. Mills, 2 " " Elias Welty, 1 " " Dant. Hartman, 2 ? " * Wesley Howe 2 " " Geo. Berkslresser, 1 " *' Allen Britton, 2 ■* "* A. Mcßarnetts, 2 u •* Juo. Moorhead, 2 " " J no. A. Dsmoyer, 2 " " Geo. Warveu, 2 " " Thos. F. McClure, 2 " " Henry Wilson 1 " " D.Cttstieinau, 2 " " Juo. W. Haughawout 3 " The last thirty years have not only made changes iu our (church affaira, put also with us, the wheal ef time will soon roll us from tbe stage of action. Mifflinburg Apr. 19th. G. 8. •Are gone to a better laid. A meeting was held in the court houae, on last Tueaday sveuing, in ac cordnnco with the instructions of the l>em. Co. Convention, which met in February Inst, and adopted a et of rules for the government of the demo cratic party of thin county, and to be ratified by the democracy in main con vention. The rule*, which appeared in sove ml issue* of the Reporter, were rend and explained to the meeting, by Mr. Orvis, and on motion of Mr. Mitchell, were unnnintoualv ratified by the meet ißg - Woll'* new goods i* now on hand, and a real show it i*—one of the won der* of the market, lit* tock i a heavy one, and largo and complete, and hi* style* the latest and best. The public are invited to come and exam ine for thetn*elv, as we are certain a more carefully selected stock ceuld uot have been made, o fully answering the wants of our people, with no room for complaint. We call thcalteutiuuofour reudeta, especially those of I'eun aud Brush Valley* to the advertismeut of Deiu inger St Musser, of th* Millheiui Marble Works, iu another column. This is au old establishment, having been carried on for the last thirty years, bv A. E. Deininger, IVininger A Son, VVeioinger Bros, U. O. Detntu cer and now by Dritiinger .( Musaer. We feel satisfied that this uew firm will bring no discredit upon its prede cessors, aud |ieak from jwraoual knowledge when we say that we know these men to be first class work men, aud meu of strict business integ rity. It has often been a matter of won der to us that people go away from horns for Tomb-stones for their de parted friends, when they can be furn ished as well, if not hotter at home. Our motto i*. support your owu me chanic*. Thi* uew firm deserves suc cess. Let them have it. The May number of Bailout Mag aiine is out, and a capita! number it is, filled with good atoms, choice poetry, and some elegant engravings of iuter est. We kuow of no Magaxiue that surpass this in real worth, when jjk** price is taken into consideration, twelve numbers in a year for ouly $1,50. Thomas <&- Talbot, 63 Con gress Street, Boston, publishers. Wood's Household Magaxiue under the editorial management of Gail Hamilton, it is said, has more than doubled its subscription list. The Household is a first-class Magazine, published at one dollar a year, by 6. S. Woed Co., New burg, N. Y. A specimen copy mailed free te any ad dress. The Phrenological Journal, for May, is freighted with valuable reading matter. No magazine furnishes better food for the mind than this monthly. Price S3,U) per year. Eanoa.—ln the obituary notice last week, on the death of two children, in fourth lins the word "Saint" should rrad Lamb, an error of our compositor*. "Goday," fur May. like the month of tame name, it full of loveliness Fine en graving*. fashion plates, asitcrtgipinf read ing matter, and patterns, make up l)se Book. The Sailer Z uavrs L niont, on 4th of May. next. Sewing Machines Among the astonishing modern develop ments in the industrial sphere, none are more remarkable than thetewiug macbine business. (foip*rtT#ly a tew years since its first inUodfo-'tipp, it hat already aasumed immense proportioi.s. froni re turns made under the granted, it appears that for the year 1872, the tale* of the Siager Company alone amounted to 181,200 machine*. It is noticeable that while the Singer is oae of the oldest, it* sales lend the list of ml the other* for the past year, in the ag gregate returns, a* alas in the recent report ofthe Special Relief C<>uiiiiiU of fhica go, where every applicant designated the kind of machine desired, ana where of 2.944 which the Committee had provided, Z427 were Singer machines ! One indica tion of the prosperity of the Singer Com pany v the recent opening, at No. 34 Union Square, nv'pnr of 17th Street, of n new building of In* proportions and splendid finish, for their city salesroom* and office#. It la one of the tine-t build ings, as it is one of tbe most eligible busi ness sites in tbe city. Tbe extent and prosperity of the sewing machine business extends douhilea* to-day far beyond tbe bounds of the most san guine expectations ef its original project or*. And the cud is not yet.—.Vei# York Satiunol Milliard. MY POLICY," Results of Grant's Indian Job. ?L Louis. April 'JO.— A men on trial for murder st Tmlaquah yesterday, was ac quitted, whereupon e relative of tbe mur dered man shot the defendant dead, and then the Judge on the bench. An Indiscriminate fight then commenced in which eleven persons were killed and as many more wounded. Among'be kill ed were three United -Stats Marshal', named Owens, Hawkins and Wilson. Tss CACII, In order that tbe circumstances causing the terrible fight above alluded to may be fully understood, we give the following : On tbe Utb inst , e white man named J. J. Keateson. living in the Cherokee nation, near the Arkansas line, about fifty miles from this city, came to this place and filed an information bofure the I . H. Commis sioner, Colonel _ James O. Churchill, against one Ezekiel Proctor, also a white man'married to a Cherokee woman, for eault with intent to kill. He stated that while he was in his saw mill on the IStb of February last, tbe aforesaid Proctor, came in, walked up to his wife, e Cherokee woman, and, without provocation, shot her dead. He then pointed his revolver at him and fired, the hall striking just above the left eya. Before he could fire again, be (Kesieron) escaped. Ho further stated that tbe said Proctor we> now un dergoing his trial for the ruurder of his wife at the Court House in "GuinrHnake," distent about fifty-seven miles from this plscs. A writ was also issued end the Deputy Marshsle were instructed U) go to the Court House and remain until the trial was over, and if be was not convicted te arrest him on that charge. Proctor was known to be # desperado, and it being in tbe neighborhood where Deputy Marshal Bents was killed over s month ago, and owing to tbe fact that a deputy Marshal is shot almost on sight, it was necessary that a strong posse be sent. The parties had also writs for the murderers of United States Deputy Marshal Bents, who were supposed to be in that immediate vicinity, ana it was proven that they intended to re sist arra-t. On last Saturday morning, April 13th, Deputy Marshals Jacob G. | Owens and Joseph G. Peat cy, with Win. Ward. Joseph G. Yauney, James Hawk ins, Paul Janes and Eugene Bracket as a posse, left here for tbe scene of action. At Evans villa they were jvinod by Riley Woods, Win. J. Morris, and at Dutch town by a niaa named B. ck, wbo is part Cherokee The Indian Court House is about twelve miles west of that place Tho party proceeded, and at about three o'clock on Monday, when within fifty yards of the Court House they dismount ed, hitched their horses and quietly walk ed towards tbe east side of the Court House, filed in twos and stepped at the corner. Beck stepped around to the front door and looked in. Seeinga laige num ber of people inside armed to the teeth, be turned around to coine away, but not be fore he was fired upon end dangerously wounded in the act of turning. The ball passed in near the left shoulder blade, and lodged against the collar bine. At the same instant a volley was fired from the Court House upon the Marshal's force witbou', who then commenced to re turn the fire. They were at a great disad vantage, as the attacking party was under shelter inside of the Court house. It ap peals that Beuk, who isaCheioke*, had some ftieuds inside, who, when they saw him fall, opened fire on his (Buck's) enemies inside, end presently the fighting became general between the forces inside and outside of tbe court house. It was brief, however, but terrible in its result. Of the Marshal's foice seven out of eleven lay dead. Of the assailants only three. Some sixteen or seventeen are reported wounded, some mortairy. • | From Kaston " Oorrespomiotics of th* Rsporter. ' Kiirox P *., April 18th, liTll—Mr. Rs i porior Our * •cotton boinf t#dri wo find i- ourselves among tbo •cone# of former times; our mind turn* unconsciously, though ' boro amid th* bustle and multiplied dutlc* I of an opening tctMlon'a work, to (bo place . w* have so lately* piece ourof child hood, our childish sport*, our early eduen lion and tbo old ttono school homo now •• • natural a* avar among tbo reohv, to our ) youth'* friends and acquaintance*. aonto of whom bar* pa*od away Oom tbo plaoo • of th* Uring to a placo, wo trust, whoroia , a greater and a moro hallowed *lat* of . friendship, and whoro, if w* aro latlhful unto tho ond and krop that which i* com miltod unto u until Hi* coming, w* thai! mod thorn and know no parting. , Wo believa Tully war tho trsl who ebsarr . od that friendship double* our Joy* and di vide* our irieft, although many bar* ap -1 prvpriatrtiil to thrms.-lv o Surely tharo , u nothing like a good friond in time of , tiouhlo auJ need, otto whom w* may roly on in r**et*o* a* well a* pro*p*ri|y. In that anient Apocryphaldocument. call* 1 i Wisdom of tho Sort of Sirach, we And ttu l merou* heautifUl nlluaion* to friendship and th* ntannor of making friend*. "Sweat ■ language wilt multiply frtendi and a fair i speaking tonguu will increase kind greet ing*. Be in peace wiih many ; neverthe less have hut on* coun*elor of a thousand. If thou wouldst got a friend prove htm ' trst and b* not lia-ty to credit him for hi* own occa*ioit and will not abida in tby . day of trouble. And there t* a friend who being turned to enmity and atrife, will die -1 corer thy reproach." The mo*l unchari table thing. I lake it, of estranged bosom . triend*, i* the revealing of mutual secret* or matter* of reproach to the other. Nev- I er ihould any n* reveal th* *cr*U el a j ' roukdeut because ho ha* c*a*ed to ho a conkdaat. Tbo vary fact that a person wa* one* esteemed sufficiently to bo cur bo som friend should tank* us res poet him auf kcently however much estranged, to shelter him from the poosibilitia* of an ad vantage gained in friendship. Th* same author *aye—"lf thou hast opened thy mouth against thy friend, lear nut, for there may b* a reconciliation ; aicopi for upbraiding or prtdo or ditciuaing of se cret* or a treacherous woaad. for the## thing* every friend will depart. ' Again— "Whoso dttcovoreth secret*, losolh hi* credit, and shall never knd a friend to hi* mind. Love thy friend and be faithful unto him ; but if thou batrayethhi* secret* follow no more after him for as a man both doslroyclh hi* enemy so hast thou loal the love of thy triend. A* for a wound it mar be bound up and after reviling there may "be a reconciliation, but he that be- wravelh secret* is without hops. ' Although these writing* aro no: iaapir ••J. yel they address themselves to our judgement and experience. a* truth, and truth elegantly and forcibly expressed Wo hare wondered sometime* whether true friendship ha* enttaace in the*e day*, for when we mingled with young men and women who *eem to hate been on term* of confident intimacy, whan together, when we met them alone, each had a recital for u* of the moat profound secrets concerning the other. We were abjured by holy thing* to heap silence and we beliero we never broke faith, but often there were revealed to u* unwilling fact*, such thing* a* should never have been re vealed. We do not know whether we have had peculiar experience, hut it has taught us tbi t there are thing* which none hut vHirselve* should or erar trill know Reticence is an excellent characteristic of good frienda To know when to spenk is to know when to keep silent and surely we iuu*t make the former a great virtue, and to the latter become* no let* a virtue True friendship it the solder of society. No wonder society is e disjointed when there are to many tattler*, to many who disclose secret* which is shown above to be fatal to friendahip. hence fatal ta society. It has truly been said that it it not so hard te die fo> a friend a* to find one worth dy ing for. While there are many who pretend to friendship, and call themselves our friends, who have either not the least conception of the nature and strength and durability of friendship, or who have this ceaceptfon but nut the nobility of character to act in accordance with their knowledge of right, yet we must not inter that true friends may no longer be found. There are many Damons and Fylhiases yet to be found. We have a distinct recollection of oae who was at faithful to u* as any aced be, and we pb#r*f h the memory of that on# as fond ly as cur lifo Pf|tb ha* seperatod us here, but through dim wt>u lajil down Uis life for u* all, we hope soujc dfg |u lueot What a friead was Christ to lav down Hi* life for us and should we not he will ing to lay down our lira* for him who to loved ut that he gave Himself for U* ? But we need net—He vast* "a living sac rifice. holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." PAUL WAE. Forth* Reporter. Letter Peon* blanch < jwfleld Co., Democrat. A SALT LICK, ApniL 18, 1872- Mr. Fred KurU —ln these times of corruptive end end deperteres from the truth, ere the de morracy of good eld Centre county true te the principles of the food old deruocrel ic party, support no nominations thel ere about to be weds, t> ut reliable, eld line democrats, as lite osr.4iJl ff of-, flee to be elected by the party at tne fall flectioni, or ere they after atreafe fodt, like some of our leading damocrata here of Clearfield county, reedy to bill end coe with the enemy in the hope of mekinf e compion nest together ? Oeniovfels talking of Tom' Scott, as a can didate op lb# tjrkrl 4i> not ap pear to me the Uepjocniiy of (hf #'d abstain from tbe remotest parocTpiuoii in the proceedings or programme tney are endeeviorng to bring about. The late State elections, any onetoau discover, and the re sult* in them corroborate the foot, that the lingering hatred of repub licans for tbe democratic party as coed - the bitterness of their entempl for tbe administration and n iver will b real ly satisfied until the democracy of tbe country stujtify end dishonor themselrae bye wbo'e>ala >urrandr pf their pasi identity as e party. The f |ly of ''passive* ism." a* displayed in the week end unen thusiestir canvass in the State elections justclofrd, should net be loot on the dem ocratic party. Like Thomas Jefferson, let tbe party take the more honest and manly, outspok en. agxre'live pert ; yielding no point cf principle, sfiticing no instinct of pride, making no indecent propositiens find üb miting to none. If we are true democrats, as one of tbe party should be. will imprest it upon our republics* friends, that so far as praline inery undertakings ers concern ed, we are outsiders and e unit ia senti ment, and can have no union with there. Lot these "passive" democrats understand ihey have ferfeited their claim on the par ty, end gone outside of tbe pale ef the par ty end their suicide debars tbeir return forever. Jvo. GILLILAXb. The ipaniardi have laying that a wife •hould reieiubla litre thingi, and yet dif fer from tbeie name thing*. Firt. ha •hould be like a mail, which alwajra guard* iU houie, but *he ihould not carry the houie with her whenever the goe* out Second, he ihould be like an echo, which i|itlkl only after the other i flnihed, but ihe ihould not alway* have the lait word Tltird, the ihould be like the town olouk, which alwayi ioundi the hour* with regu larity, but ihe ihould not lound 10 loud hat the whole town ahall hear it Dr. o ,of Sycamore, 111., riding In the country one day, aaw a tign upon a gatepoit. reading thui; "Thii farm for Sale." Stopping hi* hone, he hailed a lit. tie old woman who itood on tip-toe hang ing out clotbei. "I lay, madam, when U thii farm going to tuU t" 'Jut a* *oon, ir," replied the old lady, placing her thumb to her noie, "a* anybody come* along who can rail* the wii:d 1" The dec drove on thoughtfully. Kuiuorecome continually that there i* danger of an aimuet immediate re newal of the war between France aad Germany. Paul Kboeppe U to have a new trial iu August, Judge Juukiu having to decided. Court adjourned on Wedocaday af ternoon. A VtiSNfl Wrwketl —Thirty-FO# Llvtm Ixwl—Kxplofcion In the Mersey -Stmu CanuhUlpm. I,oudeii. April 19. A telegraphic dis patch from Bombay ha* been received in this city, announcing that the ship Maria, which led that port Tot Liver pool on tha lftlh of March, was wreck ed, and thai thirty-five jteraons lost thair live*. Livariiool, April 19.—An explosion occurred on the etaaiuer Illyrian, in the Meney, thia tnarniiig. Four neraon* ware killad outright and three danger oualy injured. * ♦ * —- Our reader* will notice the advertise ment of Hamaide A Ttionia*, the well known Merchant* of Helleloiile, of long established reputation Their caah ayUrnt and low prict* of every thiajr, i* an eirel lent idea, and is Wvuig highly approved. Common sense tella ua that keeping ao hooka ia necoaaary ; it present* the ttruaf eat claim* to the confidence of the prudent, economical, and saving at lead from SO to AO per cant. Their prearnt popularity and auccraa which ia attendiug lueiil i* regard ed in that light by the community at largo. All aete* reaoit to them to mak* their pur chaaea. Thev turn tali tho beat ijualiU ol good* and aell them foi lea* money than any other atore can alford to. Tho best Cnrnplanter in the world, ia the True lilue, inaiiufactured at this place, by Vau Pelt A Co. No farmer aheuld be witkeut it MARRIAGES. Ob Hilt. Mr. John 11. M'Cool, and Mia' Joaia Kicbardaon, both ut Oregg twp. la Philadtlphia, on Kabtuary 22, 187 V, by Kv. Cbarla* M Carpenter. 1> 1. Pru tier, of Brllrfonte, to Mita Kate M. Woad iag, of McYeytown. DEATHS. Oa 10 inat ,at Spring Mill*. Samuel Jameson, Aged 3d year*, 0 month*, and *1 day*. Shingles I Shingles I Twelve Thou**nd as wed Shingle are offered for *a!e bv the ultdcraigtied, at reasonable rate*, at Centre Hid. 6apSt J.U. KKMP. A journeyman blacksmith wanted — liberal wages paid—apply, at Church villa to Hkmky F. Lk-ute. 12ap. 3l BILLVFONTKMA RK KTB. Corrected by C, I). Keller. White A'heat $1.60. Bed 146 ...Kvo 76. CoinflO ...Own 40 Bur fey 00. To..~..Cloreraeed 6,00 ......Potatoes 46, Lard per pound 0 Pork per pound 00 Butter 26 Kggt 20 Plaster per ton sl6 Tallow 0 ltac.-ii V liaii. I'-' LKWIBTQWN MAKKKTB White wheat 1,66.... Kt d wheat 1,46 ... Kyr 7\)..„..C0rn U0 Oal* 40 Barley 66 Clover*eed 4.00. Timothy aeed, 860 Salt 2 60 per sack,. Bacon Ilk- Usui 16......8 utter 20... Egri 15 Pla*ter 9 50 Sheriff We are authorised to announce the name ol John Spangler. ofCentrr Hall, a* a can didate tor Sheriff, tubject to the decition of the democratic county convention. N. o. DUJitnas*. A. c. WESTS a MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS. New Firm —New Enterprse. DKININGER A MUSBER, to |B. 0. I>*IKIKUKB) We would mett retpectfully inform the public, that they have taken charge of thi* old and tucceatful establishment. and propota to carry en the tame under re-' newed auspice*. They have on hand, and w ill make to erdar, MONUMENTS. CANVHES TOMBS* HEADSTONES, of any possible dvsign. land Pripe- We we the hcJ gradu* of mgfble~r W At I AM. CABAS A, AuaaicA* Sr ATLAS v. KI-TLAXO AC., and say with perfect assurance, "Our work is eur reference." Shop, |eat of Bridge, Mill brim. gsu. —^ lhe undarsigned, thankful fer past fav ors, hereby notifies all pcrsens who know themselves indebted to him by note or otherwise, to make settlement en or before the 10th day of May. He ha* borne pa tiently with many, and would still, but business arrangement* make it necessary that all pay up by that time, v apsllLfc J*ETKR KKKLIN, vlofaa AMO Lor roa SaLK.—The under signed offers n choice property for tale, consisting of • new two story Irani* house, new stable, and other outbuildings- The lot is n fine one. lying on Main street. Centre Hall, and has a variety of choice ffwil Hitps ypun if. For further informa tion apply W lVap3m ' M RICHARD, Ag l. AUESTH FIND AND SONG I* the best telling book ever offered. It combines llie humor of anecdote, the wisdom of essay, the information of his tory and biography, the sweetness and grnndnpr of poetry, the esouisite charm ofwusw, nod gJU facauljlyl |ll||etra tlons. "solid reading for gravor uium*r,U; pleasant pictures to illumine quiet hours : and genu of song for the social circle." An Agent writes, "Sold 127 copies this week. Will sell hUU thi* month easily." Our hewwy-Diu of canvassing doe* away with objections to the business. Particu lars free. A valuable present te every new Agent. INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., W arid Liberty jKreet, Jfp* Ttrk. VTOTICKTO SCHOOL DIRECTORS, il litnUrmtn : In pursuance of the forty-third section of the act of May Sib. 1861,tyeu are hereby notified to meet in con vention. ai the Court Ht use in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, (be 7th day of May ncit, at 1 o'clock p. m., and select rtrn roee by a majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of literary and scientif ic acquirements, and of skill and experi ence in the art of teaching, as county Su perintendent for three succeeding years; determine the amount of compensation for the same, and certify the result to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg at required by law. R M. M AOKK. Apr IV.St. Countv Superintendent. PATENT COOKER Pur sale by apr Mif. WM J. M MANIGAL. Beautiful Tolet Setts, 4'liMiuber I*aiU, Ac., For sale by #prt tf. WM. J M MANIGAL. Still Ahead! Philips & Glasgow's CHEAP CASH STORE Their goods are marked down to Cash Prices, and they szu. mmp. All kind- of country produce taken in exchange for goods. A genural assortment of goods kept. CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS. HOOTS, SHOES, DR YGOODS, till KR N S W A R K G ROCK HIES, W I L L< > W W A HE, CO N - PKtrriONAlilES, DRUGS. A full assortment of Ladle's styles just received from the city, and for sale cheap. don't lorget, that Pule Cat City is the place where you can buy cheap for Cash. apr.lV tf Manhood: How Lost. How Restored Ms Jm pabllsbad, s aawadlUoa oI Dr. Calwr. >aU'#:l.W*l*d Kaaar N, EriLsrsr, rod Mis. tadcuad b adf.|s*slflsßo or srsosl ulnn|u> la s saaiad tmrrlop*. oal ( roots Th* soUbrsUd author la this adwlrabu smi rlaar to d—aastratau, treat s thlrtj roar's sarrsrsiul pras Us* that tba aiaradas coarwurarrs o sall sbut* at* b* rsdlrsUjf csrsd altaoul Um daaaarous uaa of latrr aal ssrdlclar or lb* awplloatloa of Ut* kail. ; tataUo# sal a asod* a* car* ai aa*a stoapD, eortal o. and a*srt aal bf ataaos of vblcb rrmrj *af**ar, ao mattar wbat ktosoidlUoa as* b* sr *r. prl.aU ' sbocld b* la lb* hsad* at trmj to mr addra**, •otESSKw iddtßM thg pII 111 Into ft. CHAB J 0 KUM A CO, PosAOAa* Bex M*. VP Bowsr*. aprlt l. A subscriber ill the west aaka ua to publtsh the reported confwaion of the Narrows murder. We have not got it —only rumor, such a* we published. TuiiwtPAtwKKN Takk Notici —All parsons are hereby cautioned against walking across or otherwise tresspass ing on any field* In-lunging to me : A recent net of the legislature punishes all offences of the kind, and all persona not paying attention to thia notice will bo delt with according to law. J NO. 11. LKK 12apr St, Potter twp. TTO3D TWjHWOff ii notmio Liu tr Mft Ptits, Sores, Woudi lid Lioeiets. v BUY IT I TRY fT! t)d 4fus, . Uss Psi? Curs 0/ FsrXirunjstiam,, . . Uss Pais Cars JiL For .... Uss Pll9 CuarOil. For FtvflkSor* Uss Ptiq Cj#e Oil For Chol\ Iforhtu, . Uss Psiq Jmrs Oil. For SprtifisV .... Uss Oil. For HssdschsV ... Use Parj Curs Oil. For Bruises, . . UssXiq Curs Oil. For Corns end Burons, Ujp Piiij Curs Oil. For Sort, ..\ . Jnt Ptiq Curt Oil For 4sy Unjenen, Psiq Curt OIL I'm Uum^isWaaairrß. Ami w* rKalUtig, prU**a 1U i|*al l'ss4 btandl) atU llbraaUy Iw a* azv it is ij liwAaT. Ask b, FAII/bkß OIL ■* as atkar, fw w* I4IKAXT IT TOfchi It la But a awaawl* rr-f-rail Xtvl aaouiß- JT lag Maaiiut. wad* (mw\ W Vag I*U, Oila, Mart* and tilVit, jr sad ta tlwdhA at>4 safa to ----- X jyw by ftll Dt M44UU Uu*ir ia PKIt'B, M t'CNTS. McCLURf 4 (ATOM, fcwar#M, maaStaa. V New Clothing Store A. STERNBERG, engagwJ to manage for I L- Reiaenstwin, in the corner building, opposite store, Bellefonte, hat established a new (.'lathing Store where the beet bargain* in the county are offered. $7.50 to sls for Suits of the fin est Casslmere. HATS, CAPS and a full and complete assortment of ev ery thing in the line of CUthing. I'M Furutwhlng (ioodn all directly from tbeir own manufactory 1 Alto. JrvWr), Hstclin, dr. They have engaged their old clerk, Mr. A. Sternberg, to well known to iheueoplu. and who wui be pleated to tee iii* old friend*. ap&tf. A. SUSSMAN LEATHER & SHOE FINOING. in lower room, No. 1. Bush's block, where be keep* on hand a stock of WHITE and RED LEATHER and HARNESS. Kips and Calf Skins, French and City Finish. STRING LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS OF EVERY DK 9CRIPTION. Raw Hides BOUGHT AND HOLD. Trunks and Valises OF ALL KINDS RAW FURS, of ail kind* bought and highest price paid. Clover and Timothy Seed always bought and on hand*. WHEAT and OATS specially bought and the high est Cash price paid. Uu to Husswnn'*, there you can buy cheaper than olsewhesa, a* even body who ever dealt with Igini. He lets no one off without a good bargain. Nvt door to Sussman'a is the cheap dry good* establishment of Isaac Guggenheim er. ap&.tf. The Champion of the World. Thenca Improved American^Button- Hole Ovcraeamiug and Complete Sewing Machine— The great wit machine.of the Age ! Simplcitv, Durability A Cheap riess Combined. This machine being the liteat, ha* manv improvetfienl* overall other, n * word, tt i* a perfect macbinejwlilrh t* acknowledg ed by thejbest judge* andagcnl* of all other maobine*. •rThe following reasons are piven why this is the best family machine to purchase : I. Because it will do everything that any machine can do ; hemming".from the finest to the coarsest material, hemming, felling, cording, braiding, binding,gather ing, and sewing on at the same time, ruf fling. quilling, Ac., better than any other machine. 'I. Because the tensions are more easily adjusted than any other machine. 3 Because it car. work a beautiful but ton-hole, making a* fine a felling as by hand, ... , 4. Because il will embroider over the edge, and making a neat and beautifal border on any garment. 6- Because it will work a boautifal eye let hole. C Because it can do over-liand seam ing. by which sheets, pillow cases, and the like, are sewed over and ovei. 7. Because you can quickly raise or lower the feed to adapt it to thick cloth, H Because you have a short, deep bob bin. by which the thread is constantly drawn from the contre, making the tension even and doos not break the thread. !. Because the pressor-foot turns back, so lb* cloth can be easily removed after be ing sewed. 10. Because the bet of moohanios pro nounce it the host fin ishod, and mada on better principle* than any machine man ufactured. It has no springs to break; nothing to gel out of order. 11. Because it b two machines in one— a button hole working and a sewing ma rhinc combined. 12. Because no other inachlno can so eoinplish the kind of sewing stnted in No. 8, 4.6 and 0. Remember, it is to last a lifetime, there fore one is wanted that will do the most work, and do it the best This machine can do several kimls of sewing not done on any other machine; besides doing every kind thai all others .can do. The Ameri can or Plain Sewing Machine does all that i* done on tho combination ex cept button-hole and overseaiuing. The American does not rely upon "an tiquity of invention" nor upon reputation won when Sewing by machinery was in its infancy : but the tad that it embodies sub stantial improvements upon the many old machines in market, and hat decided ad vantage* over all other machine*. Call on A. L. Bsrtges, Madisonburg, who is the authorlwd agent for Centre county. Also keep* the best Sewing Ma chine thread, needles, and repairs all kinds of sewing machines, clocks, watches, mu sick boxes dec I will thoroughly canvass the section belonging tome, and! shall be very much pleased to sell every person a | machine, on easy terms ; give it a trial be fore purchasing any other—it has no eaual. Parties wishing the machine, will please address the undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly attend ed to. A. L. BARTGES, Agent for Centre County. MADieovßuao, PA. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! C* Dt KELLER, BISHOPSTREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, I* sew prepared, at the Old Stand on Bishop Street, to tell DHI GOODS, tftQattftlKt,&*•, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, AC, AC, at gea'.ly reduced pricM. lie U elan prepared to pun-baao ALL KINDBUF GRAIN! KuK WHICH UK WILL PAY THK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ANll PC Kt'll ASKKS B I LL FIND StPKKlolt I N DUCIM KN I*B THKRK* apr.lttf. C. I KKLLKK THE KEYSTONE LI6HTNIN6 ROD CO. Are the Sole Proprietor* of the Celebrated T. T. Klnaey Patent Copper Lightning Rod. Also manufacturer* of ( OPPLHt'ABLLHUIM AMl> WEATHEH VAX EM Of every Deeriptiea aad ef the meet apprev *4 Style. .4// order* /or yuttinj) u/t Rvcti and I 'ansa *UI rrcriw yrvmjtl attrmtutm \f pi#< to owr .4 ye nit or aref to our OJfle*. GEISS A COMPANY, Agcuia for Centre County Ckmtkk Hall, Pa. aprl2U. N SALE A lot of land, lying in Gregg township, on the bank* of Penn* creek, between Perm Hall and Spring Mill*, ia ottered at private sale. It adjoin* land* of Geo. Buchanan and L. B M inora, containing 24 ACRES more or lee*. About B acre* consist of first class while pine timber, tha balance cleared and under cultivation—6 acre* are meadow. For further particular* ISocLtf Gregg twp. ARRANGEMENT! IHAAC Giuut.Mit.iwtK. having (•tirchaacd the entire lock of the late tiriu of Suastuati A Guggeuhciinar, tx cept the leather ami Hhoe-findiug*. ha* filled up hie shelve* with a lot of SI'LEXDII* Htw lioOl*, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, URUHOUOOtM, lititK xaity, I'KOVIHIOXfi, BOOTH A anon, UATB A CAPS, AMD FANCY ARTICL.KH, and is now prepared to accomodate all hi* old customers, aud to welcome all uew oucs who mav favor him with their patronage. He feels safe in say ing that be can please the most fastidi ous Call aod see. ISAAC GUGGENHKIMKR P. S.—Mr. Suaaman still continues te deal in LEATHER AND SHOE-FINDINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old roem, where he may always be found. l' Something eYit'lf in Belle/unte! GOODS SOLD LOW For Cash Onlj!! . fiUIINSIDE k THOMAS U'IIcMFAM.KA IiI'TaII, ' Jobbcra chuntt*. i nrCTTTr,!; — 1 maifßtf COAL, LIME, and POWDER! COAL—Wilkesbarra Coal, Chestnut Stove, Kgg, furnace and foundry, Coal—ofb.'st quality, at the low ett price*. Customer* will please note that our coal i* housed un der commodious sheds. LI M K—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, tor sale at our kilns, on the pike loading to MMesburg. POWDER.—Having received the agency for Dii Pont's Powder A! WHOLESALE, we shall be pleased to receive order*from the trade. Office end yard near south end of Bald Eagle Valley K. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. v 4 SHORT LIDGE& CO. AJAHKKTT OKUUH, MKoJciNKs" CHEMICALS al*o all the BTANOAKO PATENT MKUICINKH. A very Urge as sortment of Tot Aarn tea, K a ac r ouoda Soap*. Ac , Ac, The finest qual ity of Ktioi Steel, Pocket Khi VU, Sciaaoaa and Ktuu. Wall PAI-XK I* Gmkat Vabibtt. PRBKCKlPTlONß^eompounded by con* peten t d rugg i*t* at all b ours, dag or a Igbl. Night customer* pu I night bell. ZKLLKK& JAKKITT, Brockerhoff How, Bellafont* Pa. unlM 1 _____ WAR! WAR! On High Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. K. NMITII, of Totters Mills. N E W G 0 ORS ! We would most retpectfully i-tfrom hit friends, customer*. and the public gener ally, that he hat taken possession of Thompson s old quarter*, which havebeea remodeled and improved, and it now prw fared to accomniiAlate all who may favor irn by calling. NEW GOODS! He hat just received on# of the largest stock* of all kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county, which he inland* to teli at tcuh figures at will make it an ob iecttorall person, to purchase. Families eying in wintar tupplie* of Groceries, Dry Good*, dec., should not fail to give him a call, a* he feels conldent his prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. Hi* stock of GROCERIES consist* of Coffees of the bast quality. Teas, Sugar* of ail kinds, Molasses,. Fin, Halt, Cheeae, Dried Fruit, Spice*., i Flour and Feed, Ac., Ac. Our stock ofj D RYGOO DS is large and varied, and we will just say can supply any artk-le in that line, with out enumerating. HEADY M A DECLOTHING a large stock of ready-made Clothing Ibr Men and Boys' wear, which wa will dispose of at a very tusall advance on coat. Bool* and Shoes. Hals and Caps, Hard ware, uuccntware, Wood and Willow; Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil cloths, Wall Papers. Window Shades, Ac., oct2B ly. Graham & Son, Boot o Court House, the Chur ches. the Bank*, and the p incipal place, of business. render* It the most eligible place for those who visit Bcllefoeteoo busi or pleasure. An Oniuibua will carry pwwengers itml baggage to and front all traius free of charge. MUSIC! Subscribers to PCTNAS' MUSICAL MONTHLY are get ting all the latest and bast Music for two and three cent* * Kiece. Every nuui er contain* at least $4 worth of nee Music, by such au thor* a* Hays, Thomns, Gounod. Pcrsley, Abt, Kin kol, Pacher, Allard, Strauss, Faust, etc. Single Copier mailed for SOc. Price $3 per annum. J, L. Peters, 609 Broadway, Now fork MUSIC! The Song Echo contains over one hundred bcautifbl Songs, Duets, and Chour*ea—such at Driven from Home- Little Brown Church —My Father's Growing Old—Only a Little Flower- Ruin on the Hoof —She Sleeps in the Valley—W rite me a Letter, etc. There is not a poor piece in the book. Sample Copies wailed, post-paid, tor 76 cents. J. L. Petere. (m Broadway. New York. feb2.4in. Hail road O. K. NEW GOODS. Herltcher 4 Cronmiller. CENTRE HALL. PA Hare Juat facetted, Dry Good*, Notion*. Oroeeriaa, Hard warn, Uurem ware, Wood and willow war® I run, Salt, Kith and in fact, a magaiftcant aaaortuianl of e •rvlbing nod now offered at prion* lower than Ibe luweet. UrenH * A Hjuat beautiful variety, ronalating of all lb* novelttaa of tha aaaaon, wbilo g mailed foraoc.,Fiv Back N os. for sl. I J. L. Peters, 699 Broadway, New IT E MUSIC! Wherever the Nn PLUS ULTEA Glee-Book hat been introduced, it has been pronoun ce d superior to all other works of its kind. It is the largest, la test, finest, and only collection of new Glees and Quartets, nearly all of which have Piano Accom paniments, ad IH. Sample Copies mailed, post-paid, •r $1.60. J. L. Peters, 699 Broadway, New York. KW FURNITURE STORE. 1 two* ttu* Honifi BELLEFONTE, PA. QEORQE a BRYAN, Dealer in IURD9TUKK OB ALL KIBM, BFDSTEADB, TABLES), CKAIBB, Parlor and Chamber Sola, 80FAS. LOUNGES, BUREAUS, WASHSTAMD3, WAEDDIES. MATTRBMH. As. Particular Attention to Ordered Work. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. VXDERTAHIRtt, la All Its Braoebns, kkta Lie, valsut, sotswoon, axd c o UMOM cask Kin. Atway* on Hand, and Funeral* Atbaded Will an Elegant Heerae. epAtt. Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy Uecaman's, Centra Hall, nr IsUal and boat *twv<* oat, he kn* jul received a large lot of Cook Stoves, the Pionear Cook, tbo Ecliusn Cook, the Reliance Cook. PA KLoKH—The Radiant Light, telLfee dor, (>u Burner. Rational Kgg, Jewell, Ac. osteite tall* •tore* a* LOW aa aaywheiv ia MlHtn or Contra an. TIN AND BHEETIRON WAR! The undrrtigned hereby inform* the citiaan* of Peaaevailey that ha ha* pur chaaad the Tiathop heretofore ferried on by the C. U Mfg Co.. and wilt contmur the tana, at th* old stand, In all It* branch, aa, in the manufacture of WOVE PIPE dt KPOMIO. All kind* of repair in * dona. Ha kaa always on hand Fruit Cum, of ll Sites, BUCKETS, CUfrl, DIPPERS. DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charge* raari 11 abla. A there of tha cm bite patronage **.- licltad. AND. RERSIIAR, tcnpTOy Cantro Hal) CUTIS HALL ♦ Coawh Manufactory. L • y i M u r r s j, at bit eatabllahnaat at Centra Halt, Pa. let-pa on band, and for aala, at tbe ■MM reasonable rates a laege stock of CarrlAgw, Baggies, A Spring Wagons, * Plats and Fan. and vehicles of every deacriptioa made t*> order, and Warranted, to be aaade of tbe beat aeaaoaed material, and by tkn meet |.killed and competent workman. Person* wanting nay thing la hie line are relocated ! to call and examine bis work, they will Sad iit aot to be eicelled for durability asd wear. apr*ly BTTTTB HOUSE BKLLKPOXTE, PA. J. & BUTTS. PrspY. liss first class accommodation ; charg es rsssooablc. tf. NATURE'S • Hair Restoralivt- CDOIUO. DO LAC SULPHUR—ON SUGAR OF LEAD—NO LITH ARGE-NO NITRATE OF SIL VER, sod is entirely fret frost tls Poisonous and Ileal lb-dentroyitg Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and elaar as crystal, it will not soil tbe laest fcbric—perfectly SAP* CLEAN ami EFFICIENT -daaidnrn tum* LSNO FOUGHT I*o* AKD FOUND AT LAST I . It restores aad prevent* tbe Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy ap pearance. ram or** Dandruff, b leftashiag to tbe bean, check* tb* Hair from felling off, and restores it to a great extant wbsa prematurely loot, prevents Headarhas, cure* all huiuor*. cutaneous eruptiaat, and unnatural heat. AS A DRESSING FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST AR TICLE IN THE MAKER! DR. U. SMITH, Palentoe, Ayer, Mas*. Preps ted only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Ma**. The genuine is put up ia a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with tba name of tb# a.tiele blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist im HA TUSK'S HA IS RESTOBAUVC, and tak* no other. /re-Bnd two three cent * tamps to Proc ter Brothers for a "Treatise oa the Human Hair." The information it contains is worth $600,00 to any parsoa. For salo at Cantre Hall by Wat Wot and Hariachar A CronmltW. AGENTS WANTED FOB A Book That Will Sa mm mowrn BIGNOR 11L ITS. This is an original, interesting, and in structive work, mil of rare fun and humor being an account of the AUTHOR'S PRO FESSION A L LIFE, hie wondarftil trklu and feats, with laughable incidents and adventures aa a Magician, Necromanear. and Ventriloquist. Illustrated with 16 Full Page Engravings, ' besidea the Author's Potrait on steal, and numerous small cuts. The volume is free from any objectiona ble matter, being high-toned aad moral in its character, ana will be read with later cat, both by old and young. It givaa the most graphic and thrilling acoeuata at the effects of his wonderful feats and magical tricks, causing the most uncontrollable merriment and laughter. Circulars, Terms, Ac., with full informa lion.sent free on application to DUFFIELD ASHM K AD, Publisher, 711 Hansom Street, Philadelphia. octST.fim. ENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOB* SFAKQLXR, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for ail points, north, south, east and watt. This favorite Uotol has Lee* refitted aadF frirnished by its new proprietor, aad isaew in every respect one of the moet pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovara wilJ always find the bestaccommodatl—■ Par sons trou> the city wishing to speed a fe* weeks during the summer ia the eefidttqr, will find Centre HaU one of the amEo tifUl locations and the Ceatm fia& ShM , all they could detfre for comJWt fiffA Mi vonience. g9IE