Farm, Birdrt and Household. PKTPFIW.— Start in hot bed; the Sqna*h variety for pickles, and Sweat Mountain far stuffing, PAfcsirrm. —The? those left in the ground. Sow Hollow Crown in drills 15 inches apart, eariw. M ELO\-S. - -Trout tho same as cucum bers. Ward's Nwctitf, Ski llman's Netted ami Caasaba are l>est. K ALR sowed last Fall should have the soil well worked around tho pioutw. to prevent the growth of weeds. l,vTr\ia|BfawMd last Full should l*> un covered, snlt (he soil loosened between the rows, t nrled Silesia and Tennis-hall ai e valuable aotto. ONION®. in drills 15 inchea apArt, as snryj'as thiv ground oau he prepared. Eirlv R.>d ana Yellow Danvera are good for thw gfijjvjhl crop. SI-OAR C'Attßt. —Ooe jyund of sugar, six egg*. threo-qtttrh>tA 'or a pntiini of butter, one nutmeg, two teaapoonfnl* of so cupful of cream. To be baked fn ft quick oven. FRIED HAUIU-T —Have tlio slices sea soned si me hours Ivefore frying, as it will lie lesn hable to break in turning. When roiylv to fry dip it in eggs beateu up, aud roll in bread crumbs : fry in hot lard. HAW* (TiHtUUiffWUD.— o# q*iart of molasseaf I stroke this season. It is reported, on good authority, that Jav Gould's net profits on the Erie "fiiirrv" were two millions of dollars. Thk motiou to remove the capital from Humsburg to PbihuMphi-a was lost in the Pennsylvania tlouae, by a vote of &f> against to 37 for it. ! Tift Tichbowe estate will have to pay 1 £l-20,000 in lauyers's fees, and this fact ♦alk attention to a grievous blol in the Saplish legal system. Tu* Tiehborne claimant, now in New gate, has app.Wed to Uie public for aid 14 make his defence against the charges i# perjurv sua forger v. A Yw;*ixxa paper advocates s tu* of sixteen cents per pound en tobacco, i liquors, dogs, old tehelors, and uteiu : ben of the Legislature. I* tlie Ohio Senate, the bill to provide j for monuments to Ex-President Harri 1 son Oeu. Thomas L. ll.uui.ui and Si f uon Keillor was defeated. • ON* hundred and twelve boxes filled i with the bone* of deecus.-d Chinwr have Keen received at Port l'ownseud, from : British Columbia, for Cliitm. Thz amount of U. S. ISCJ Bot-ds redeemed to date is as follows: Fust .*ll, ®1,860.850 ; second call, 810,497,. •250; third call. $!1,557,500. Gzokoi: N. Kxapf. Postmaster at Or ; lt&us, Ind., has diaapfa arel v Be is charged with hiving swindled the Gov eminent out of $5,000 through fraudu lent money orders. Th* trial of Mrs. Josephine MeCarty, for the murder of Hcuiy U. H ill ui a street cpfr-, in Iftien, has been put over t# the £9th of April, to enable the defense t ti> tneure the testimony of distant wit nesses. A Bostonias calls the attention of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to the storekeeper* who neglect to provide seats for the female clerks while not engaged in waiting upon eus i tomers. Th* five eheeee factories of Jefferson County. Wisconsin,manufactured'23l,2fJ pounds of cheese in 1871, which Hold at un average of ten cents per pound. 'Hie business becomes more extensive every year. Gex o jsoox Has suspended the cam paign against the Apache Indiana in Arizona, on being informed of Geo H.>words's mission. The Indians arc now masters almost of the entire Anion a country. One Waltz, a German, w;is aliot at six times at Ehzahethport, by a German girl whom he had refused to marry, and who had tailed to get redress by au ap peal to the legal tribunals. One ball took effect in the thigh of the obdurate lover. Major Gen. Hancock, commanding the J>?partment of Dakota, has addresa eJ a letter to The Siou.e City Times, for publication, announcing that a the ill uk HCi fieri.* -8 an I' djfcn, Kcner vation, nc shall prevent by the us& of troops, if neees-ayy, any prospecting parties entering. He odJa that an official letter front Gen. Stanley, tu command of that region-, states that no gold baa been found in the Black Hiila. A Little Romance. A case somewhat res. rutimg the fa , moos Tichoone trial, and, m one respect |at least, rvniudiug one of Charles Rcade'a " A Terrible Temptation," ia I soon to be tried at C< qu> tun tin up le. The I story is romantic enough for a noTel or j play, aud runs thus : There ia now in ! London a Turk aged about 25 years, call • iog himarlf Mnstopha Djehad Iter, and r claiming to be the lawful son of the late I Kibrisli Mehejui t Pacha, ex-Grand Viz ier, .md uliHofa the BaltnuV ihe herein named Fatmah, was merely a suppositious child, bought or borrowed. But the first-born recovered, Paehu having already been told that heaven • had bhwaed him with another son. Tb>-' mother was caught in the toila she her- J self had woven, for Fatmah and the cn nucb used their knowledge of her deceit to override and rule her. The mother. Melek Khairum, became wtury of this j a'ate of affairs and confided her troubled to Bcshid Effendi, the Pacha's man of t business. Fatmah was soon dismissed, j and the eunuch was smothered in his bath, i Madam Kibrir.h waa tried for murder, but ♦he charge was not substantiated. The I'acba came to Constaotiuople dnring the progress of the trial, anl finding things in such a state of imbroglio di-l vorccd bis wife. The queation of the, legitimacy of the first born then arose, and Melek Kahnnm, actuated, as* be now says, by a feeling of revenge for the di ' vorce and the Pncha's vtfltsequent mar riage, averred that Mustopha Djehed 1 Bey bad been borrowed uleo. Then the boy Djcbcd became a wanderer, served as a menial in Egypt, joined the Papal I Zouaves, became a lay iomnto at the Convent of SL Lazarrc, and when liis father died last September went to Eng l*wi and there proposed to defend Lis claims to Kibrisli Pasha's p. operty. THE LIOXE OF LOKD FainrAX. —The first zeal business which General Wash ington undertook when romwenciug life was a snnrey of the possession of Thomas Lord Fairfax. He entered upon this work when he had just completed his sixteenth year, and continned it for three years, as it was rery profitable employ ment, receiving, when actively employed, a doubloon, and sometimes six pistoles a day (a pistole is $3.60). While thus employed surveying lands beyond th* Blue Ridge, ho was often an inmate of Greenway Court, the residence of Lord Fairfax. * The house of Lord Fairfax is still to IMS seen near the village of Millwood, in the Shenandoah Valley. In standsgreen knoll, ovcr-l>aoeecssiott) never could be worn again; also, that any they might then l>e making, hy the aid of dsli-boni needle* and reindeer-sinews, would be use less. So the sole notion of the supernat ural they entertain distorts their usually gentle naturae, and serve* to leeu the interval of their removal from the brutes by establishing tlie trait of desertion of the dying tn common between them. No wonder Captain Hall was aeixed with horror when be learned the existence oT this custom; learned it from his favorite Tisudtroolit*, too an KequiiuauA woman, who, with her husband, bad been In Eng land, and had seen men and cities, but who had just abandoned a dying woman, and gave Iter ren-ons #Vr doing so with perfect good faith ami enrneabtcss. No wonder he rushed to the igloo, and tore away the ice-blocks, and remained with the dying woman, even at Uto,vi>k of his life from the fearful cold. He induced one man, a relative of the woman, to bold a light for him while he reverently laid mil the dead body ou its snow-lmd, with an ice-block under the head, the hands, already beginning to freere upon the bosom, and lumps of frocon auow u|H)it the eyelids. Then be carefully sealed up the aperture, that the dogs might not ea'. the remains, and left her to the rest, which one thinks must be most welcome to these people, of all toiiiug, suffering j humanity. A FIUOMRNT or AMERICAN NTOBT. —At the last mooting of the Hiatono- Gf|aloginil Boolsty in Boston, Mr Samuel Ci. Drake read a paper UJKIU "Sir Samuel Cuuiuing among the Cberokes, or Facta in tie Early Histo ry of Georgia." n>r paper he was about to preseut, said Mr. Drake, eviue into his possession by purchase in Lou don, and was written !>v Kir Aloiaidur Cnnnnng in tle \*ar ITfJ. Sir Alel wilder Ihiuiuiing was one of an expedi tion aent by the English g >verumeut •bant that year. He seemed to have been au honewt, thongl) vhienary tusn. inasmuch as he usoerlcd that tbci cuniary results of a settlement in the CMierekee country would pay the national debt of England in, twenty J ear* Failing in sererAl iitUnnpti to seeuiosonse royal appointment, on the accession of George 111. he tnude a diree* appeal to that monarch, and succeeded at Isst iu obtaining the appointment of Aiuba*sa dor to the Clnrokets The exuot year of lua departure from England WAS not definitely known, tint it wa shortly before the breaking ont of the troubles but ween the English and French, who were fighting hard to ol taiu a foothold in the new country, to the exclusion of the other. The docu ment gave an account of the adventure* of Sir Alexander and hia company among the Cherokee*. interwporwed with cxplanatii ns and remark* by the reader As a fragment of American history from the direct hand of a prominent aitor iti the scenes described, the paper is a valu blo acquisition. The Liqcob Qr*sTi<>*. —If the expense of drinking spirituous liquors ever had . power to deter * toper from possible en* joyment of the cup. or if the bibulou* man thought or eared much for the future when hi* pa**on was on him. there might J be tome hope of lessening hi* drunkeßeae I by imposing heavy fine* on those who drink. Bv.t *l*' the recent action of the Liverpool magistrate*. * hereby they thought to stay the fiery tide by fining the swimmer* heavily, ha* proved a fail , ure. They gave dne warning to all whom it might concern not only that they *honld be mulcted in heavy sum*, hut that their name* and addre*es should be published l in local newspaper*. The dreadful day came, aud on it ISO persona were convict ed and fined in the aggregate amount of SI3P; afterward* on one day 115 person* were fined, and then 14*. The terrible threat of exposure and lo* of in"tie* had ' not the slightest effect; and the Pall Mall , GmeUe hope* that the mnpi*tmtes will I not persi-r in their experiment if they are not convinced that it is not a success, which, apparently, it decidedly is not. In New York the fine i* $lO, and the al ternative ten days on the Island, yet •' BntoraarV Hall 1 ' at the Tomb* is crowd* 'ed every Sunday morning. Levi.abau is not so tamed. The Rorrauv—The Fan Francisco Pott sa*s; ' Soma experiments bare been tried in crowing buffaloes with tL* mestlc cattle, awl the result is highly sat isfactory. a brew! of animals being pro duced which retains many of thevaaahb' properties of both breeds. The animals are large and strong, ths chief objection to them being that no ordinary fence atopa, : them for a moment, and that they lore the water so mneh that they will swim in •r>rt in when it is full of fl nffhr ice. Wo have heard of a cow and calf whose love of athletic exercises was so .Treat that they would jump from a hank ten feet lijgh jitao doep water, when thi* J was an easy path close at hand. These j personal peculiarities are drawbacks to ' the Introduction of buffalo blood into the : veins of family peta; bat on the ottier ■ hand, when properly cacnl for. those ani mals make most excellent beef, and their j tildes, when sott-tanned are as mnrh sn- 1 j perior to the buffalo robe of commerce as wo#l Is to shoddy. The writer saw the I pelt of the cow mentioned above. It is inneh larger than any buffalo robe which he ever se.w before. It was covered with mat of soft, short, curly brown hair there being none of the long, shaggy bait ordinarily seen." Win Impi.evevts.—The Ix>ohai tribe* have a fashion of fisrhtirg which reminds one of a story in Livy, A Roman Conn snl at the head of an army was penetra ting a forest in Gaol, when the forest fell on him. and he and his iren per ished. The barbnrinns had previously cnt the trees nearly tlrongh on one side, and at a preennrerted signal, gave the final to thoe on the nntk?rt of the forest, tbns involving the fall of the whole. The Looshia pile huge stones by the roadside to let down on the troops, holding them up with a jnngle ereeper AS A aort of stringer. They also cnt the roots of treea at their stockades, hav ing previously fastened them with jungle creepers so that they may stand till the right moment, ths main ereeper holding them, all being taken a tar as the stock ade. On one occasion, on the enttlng of this creeper, a tree fell on one of the men. wounding him severely: hnt. on the whole the Looshiaa have not been so snrressfnl in working the plan aa the Ganls of old were. FISB GKOWITSA. —A Washington corres pondent reports a hearing of * committee of gentlemen interested in fish growing, who desire the National Government to aid in the distribution of salmon, shad and other fish in the wntera of American rivers. They base their application mainly on the fact that the rivera of greatest im portance pass between or through differ ent States. The magnitude of the busi ness -pringing to his feet he made a long speech, beginning : "I think that this woman auflrage question is au out rage. One woman has ccme into this Convention and kioked up more fuss than all fh e other delegates, and I don't go a o#nt on letting her talk m much." TV fklifeinln Fprthqnpke. Petaila ef the great esrtbqnaVe in Onliforoia make it appear one of the tn<*t gigPttio tihea*ula of modern aesra. Aa ia ttatiul st the ernurreuoe of aurh onteatropbes, the ahoekn were oon tinuoua ever ainoo tlu llrat crash ; and although each euocoaatve one was loss violent that) its piedeoesaor, they wore enough bicrente great plartn uuto'ng th liihtthitnnta for miles around. Ou ae eonnt of the myelertoua cutneidenooe of three fearful aliorka, Kt'iu-rully with vol oattio oruptiona aa trrrible aa their of f< eta, a neiiae of trngue terror jtervadee the wtiolr ItiriydmliAgegtSttrr, npim the loaa nncontfot tahlti ftotn the oontiimftv of the ahorka ami the uuoertainty aa to I w hut wilt hapyieti neat. Vnljkn many cartUquidipP wbu'h have taken pi toe in Kirtper yeprf and In ipois tn |neul dliuu'e, tlu-ro ap bttla warping given of the disaster. No uuttaual np pvanincn of the MUI or ptmo*pheric huee had been noticed, and no stiauga anil uuaiHxninUihle action of brutes rcinat ked; neitber did startling stillness of the air rUCeertp immerttntetT the Rmt shoctr. liM'igCtfci frutil thu llijo distriot any the terrible rpylt rulipyitth pcarclj • "*• mcut'a warning. An awful)plosion suddeulv occurred, aecoinpauiud by a lowl rmnlAag, whifh was heard huudrrds of miles distant ; tho grouud was shaken violently, lifted upward, and thrown forward, the sur face rent in chasms of great length aud varied width. Houses were crumbled into rnina, In the midst of which the inhabitants were buried ; us I tie and Mißtehniea btiuiau Wings were hurled into ti satires of itu meaaurciible depth; loeka*wero torn from their places and thrown violently into the chits tits, carrying death and de struction to every tlimg animal- aud vu auimate liefore them. Whole \ ilhige* Aisd miniag c-unps instinct with life a uiomeut before, and tenanted by uusuapectiug denizens, lay iu oue chaotic mats of roina, while from the mountainous pile of debris on every aide arose the screams of the wounded, the tvrritied shrieks of those wild with fear, aud the agonized groans of the dy in €- . ih scene at this time dcfini any at tempt at ita description. Those who escaped unhurt, by souse niuaottloua means, instantly thought of the fate of i their friemla and relatives. Children were running about at their wits' end, torn from their parents by the convul sion, and seeking them with loud cries for assistant*. Parents half tund with | fear and half wdd with grief were over hauling the shapeless rum* of what an instant before were thru dwellings, iu st-areh of their ofiapriug. A geulleniau whi'-c life wassavctt, he knew not how, and wrbo has at last reached terra lirma .u earnest, relates that he noticed one old woniuu, with white hair dying about tier head, sitting on a broken piece of furniture and guxiog absently into the chasm, at the bottom of which lay her giantism. a boy uf ten \esus ur more, with his face uppermost, having fallen < n his back and evidently breaking u uaumtly. "Why don't you get up, H ury ?" said the crone in a low mourn ful ti>ae. " Why d n't sua come and ta'l me w hat this horrible noise ia all aUait ?" The awful explosion and the sickening aeusc of utter lielpleaanew, the rambling and the diakiug of the earth had eruxed ber. This, said the eye-witness, **' hardly an exaggerated example of hurt dre tin of similar case*. The shrieks of mother* aa the mutilated remains of some child or husband was drawn from benesth the debris, the teais rolling down the checka of wauiher-beaten miner* at discovering some drad com rade lying will) a beam serosa his face, were be ir.-rending. What added not a little to the general confusion and awe was the continuance of tlie shocks The first, which sounded like a itark of artil lery fired directly beneath Uie town, was immediately followed by three other* in quick •accession. Over three hundred distinct shocks were felt Iwtwt-t-n half-past two o'clock and fmari*c. For more than thr.n l onr* indeed the earth in all the neighboring region in a constant tremble. The terrified inhabitant* knew uot which vr&y to fly. Death act-mod to stare tlu.lll in Uie lav on every side. An iiumens® chasm ynwnrd at their feet, extanding some thirty-five miles down the valley, and ranging from three inches to forty fee! in width, into whicli, .-hallow in MUM pLacsa and oimoat bot tortile* iu others, enormous quanti ties of duhria were buried. A* soon an the enow disappears sufficiently to allow uy exploration it is expected that bugs fissures will be found in the mountains, which indeed hardly admits of a reason able question. Although Uie rumor ha* not vet been authenticated, it is reported that" a volcano in active operation has [ been aeen from theaummit of Manhood Mountain, sixty miles south of Vitulia. tin- Indiana la the vicinity have all fled, > tarror-idrioken, and imagining the cataa traphe to bo a ncurrence of the general convulsion of nature, which, according to their traditions, occurred in this re gies) hundreds of year* ago, and which crated w lint is known as Owen's River valhy, the bed of the latter being liefore a chain of mountains. The ton sequences which might have resulted had tlie dia- | tric:ng thrown down and one ran killed. A few name*of those killed have been ascertained, although as yet the greater port remain noknown of course. Lone I'itio appear* lo have been directly over the centre of the upheaval, and imong the killed of it* inhabitant* war a Mr. (iiey, aged 4" year*, and a native of Texan. The remainder wtre all Spanidi Americana. Colonel Whipple, who wr iu the second story of an aidolte house nt the time of the shock aayi he had hard'y irae to jump from bed and get to Ins doorway when the whole bonne, from toi> to bottom, neemt-d to crumble beneath him. 110 wait inUantly buriad in the ruins, from which, with great difficulty and almost superhuman exertions, he fi nally extricated himaelf, after having sus tained several aevwre and painful, hut not dangerous wounds. At Rwanr.ea Colonel Tregniloß, of the smelting works, wasin -lantly killed. Great desolation prevails imong the inhabitants of that phice. The teetiuiony of several jtersons goes hi r.hqw that the enses similar to that of the Ws!et famfiy, in the White Mountain side, were not iinfrequent, .everal persons heing overwhelmed l>y falling buildings und roiling rooks, who would in all prob ability have escaped unhurt had they re mained within thoir buildings instead of rualiing forth in terror. Htill further despatches from Invo County place the number of killed by the earthquake nt thirty, besides one hundred wounded. In the desert country, stretch ing from Owen's Lake hi the Mexican line, are innumerable craters net long extinct, besides several mud volcanoes, and it is supposed that some of the old volcanoes may he in eruption again. A gentleman frnm Tndepandenea asserts that moke and ashes from a volcano were distinctly seen southward from that plaee. rod word has been brought theie that lava was seen flowing down a mountain. Although not ooqtraduitftd, the report has not yet been confirmed. The shocks oontinued decreasing in force. At Tib liett's rsnche, fifteen milca fiom Indepen dence, forty acre* of ground sank seven leet below the surface oif rite surrounding country. Ibg Owen's Lake ha* risen four feet since the first ahook. Owen's River ran over its banks,depositing shoals ol fish on the shore, after which it receded for a distanoe of threo or four miles. Through Long Pint the earth cracked ; one aide remained stnl ion sty, while thw other sunk ncvcu or eight feet, having a wall of earth extending over three muaa in length, where formerly there waa a level plain. Inmuncrabfa cracks were made throughout the valley. Kern and Owen'a Rivers turned and ran up stream for sew ral minutes, loavinc their beds dry, and finally returned with largely in creased volume. Since the famous earthquake of INI2, when the Missions of San Juan Capistrovo and La Purianma, in Southern Ualiior ; nia, were overwhelmed, there has bees 'no parallel to this tremendous oataetro phe in California, tt haa, of oonrae, erm ated an intenaa eiritement thronghont the whole State. Evervbody ia talking about it, and every telegram hringafreah accounts uf new horror* and fatal ditae tera. No apprtiheustoD, however, jg ev utod outside of tbo district affected. UNITKU bTATKJt CTIXUREWt. uum Mr. Morton oflcreda resolution direct ing tho Recretaiy of War to ascertain how the Ei|ht-b"ur A.vat. in worked in the Prtnorwn at tfifringtMil upd Rack Inland. The debate on the caae of J. C. Ab bolt claiming a actit aa MeuaUir from North CaroHtia was j>outpotted. The Indian Aitpmpriation hill was read, and Mr. Cole riplnioed it. T*be entire eiou r*juued by tiie ItiU wowhl be W,T76,(0(k The Bit>ut worn to re ceive half of thai sum. and the Ap*oh< e were alao (0 receive a large auto. Iu lh Hcitnte. after the genejfwl buai ne*a of the morning hour. tli hill giving aasrut of Qongrena for the District of Columbia to mlppHbs to the atock of ibe PiwtlmiUit and l'otguac Railroaotnmittie on Commnrcf. The If; car b!U for tho ap (•■iutiucnt of n lalv>r coiunUasioii sua taken tip. The Railruiul bul waadiaousa ed, atucudcd and passed. xuuaa. Mr. Sargent presented n petition Rn en by nearly five tiw>neand cttlteui of California in favor ef woman suffrage. A bill repealing all lawa giving por tions of fines aud penalties to informers in internal ruvomw csa>. VSMX yuaaeil Mr. o>* tnide >u ineffectual nttenffit to have it eteud-l to Ctwtom-boaM eases. A bill granting amnesty to several persona in Louisiana was passed ; meui ioUti proposed several lialues. which, ou flic ground that they wer i.bicUutublck *ere autxM<|uenl)y excluded. ▲ resolution was adonteil in the House of Representatives declaring the Senate amendment to the House bill repealing the duties printed, which was agreed to. In the fTouac Severn! bills were passed giving ocrhuti railroad* in Utah and Oregon the right of way through the public lamia. A bill waa alao reporUnl frnm the Committee i* Public Land* sc curiiig the. public domain to actual set tler*. Tbe Ilouao of Representatives passes! the steandxiat bill subatantudly as it left the committee. The bill rejiorlrd from the Committee on P rblic Land*. rewrv- ] iug the public lands for actual settler* unit, weul over. The Horse took up the report on the Alabamacentwlotl alooUon t-aae, declaring I ladle*, the sitting mem ber, ent.tied to hi* seat, and allowing the contestant hi* ex|xi>ses. A long delicto , i sarael o i the bill for the appoiutaiept ' of shipping romml*siei>< nailr acquainted wiflr nineteen f hi* Wives. JbefoTO !• wa* a Mormon he had a wifo sad family, but of tkat lady 1 know nothing. Two of her daugh ters are iu Utah. Hia Mormon family 1 tregins with hi* first legal wife, who i* still living— Mr*. Mury Aim AnH Young, rilie is probably about hi* own age. but ia plivrhaMy lev* preserved, and bark* mild) older. She is a most excel - leotand amiable lady, and bears trace* of having had bee mil share of earthly troubles. (She is the mother •/ tlirusv prominent son*, Joseph A ; llrigham, Jr. ; John W . and two daughters—Alice anil Luna. Each of the fou* has tlinss wives. The first daughter i* |h thirst i of four wives in a polygamic household, i The other dan git Mr is tiw> find Wife of a young malt, and hag for a eolbpanioo wife her father's daughter by another mother. The eldest daughter, Ahee. has also her tialf-siater as an associate ' wife in her husband'* household. Tire legal wtfs at fiOKliam u ; I. Mrs Mary ain Angel Hi* poh gauac wivis wo : IL Mrs. Clara Deck.r, I lit. Mrs. Lucy Ik-cWr, } IV. Mr*. Emetine fW ... V. Mr*. Harriet Cook VI. Mrs. T:w VII. Mrs. Klirv Burg"* Till. Mrs. Susan fylivelT IX. Mrs. Ur> hut*': aw,. .. r X Mrs. IfarnelTiaras* fcwgww . 1 XI. Mrs M sit lis Iloskcw _ XII. Mrs. Manrsrct rw-v Yorw. XIII. Mrs. Ameha Fotoom. Xrv. Mrs, Mary Vsa Cotl 04>t... . XV. Mrs f.iaa Awe J*.V Webb Hi* " oroay" wives srs : XVI. Mrs. F.miJ* Partridge XVII. Mr* Fans I>. llnndaßUjnJscot's XVIII. Mo* Fhaalh Enow [ were fbrmrriy "aesled" to Juaepb bmitl). sod are now •' proxy" wivoa to Brig* bam.] Alao- XIX. Mrs. August* Cohtw [who ass •• s-aletl" to Jnaepb sums hi* death.] 1 Reside* theao there may very likely be other lailiea "aenleil" to llrighr.m, but It my*lf know peraonnlly no more than t the above named.— Mr*. StmUoust, Hew Coal Originated. By far tbo most valuable of all the gifui bidden by Nature beneath our feet, and yet always moat generously offered to us whenever they have been needed moat urgently, are the vast supplies of fixed light and heat stered up below for thousands of vents. Perhaps long be fore man himself existed, in daya of which no other records remain but the silent testimony of the rocks, forests of luxurious growth covered every lowly valley, crowned every inland lake, and fringed the low shores of the great oceans. TLoy sprang up, they grew and flourished, and no baud gathered their fruit, no axe threatened their mighty trunks ; bnt storms cnmc and tempests, volcanic eruptionH and violent uphenv ings, and they were laid low in an ins tant, and covered with ashes and sand- Then new generations rose upon them and their race ; others followed, and thus the work of incessant destruction and as persevering regeneration went on through countless ages. Hence, in some places 150 successive forests, each sepa rated from the lower by n few feet of sand and clav. hava bren found to have grown and fallen in turn, one lying above the other. They did not vnniah, they did not even decay ; but, beneath them the red, glowing heat of our globe, above them a burning atmosphere and a thick canopy of clouds pouring end less rains upon the surface, they changed gradually into vast deposits of coal. And when the fuel became scarce upon the surface, and men cast anxious glances about them for new means to create the heat without which existence waa impossible on one-half of the globe, ana to procure the light that is inde spensable to the enjoyment and the use fulness of life, these immense treasure*, stored up since time immemorial, were R'vcsled to them, and ample supplies of hoth heat and light gnarranteed for ages. The San Antonio (Texas) Ahprss* thinks that largo fortunes can be made in that city, but it ia very decided In the following warning: "We don't want any more lawyers, doctors, or can didates for office, just at present, in this city, unless it be a man of remarkable genius and learning, combined with an extraordinary taste for several of thft lost virtues." The PuMle Debt <* j The fallewing 1* a recapitulation ef the atatemsnt of the pnldfr debt of the United Htnteg: L>*M DSARTAG LUIARAAT LA OMA. Ikm.ta at ail pf *nt t AMJOO Hunda at St* p*r r*ul aia.ii.:.*i tw HUIUTI AL A>AR AND A HALF YW MET... .......... 11.-U-IS AT LUWR PET CAST NIUCMJ... IMERTAT.,.,, U F tH BI LIMWTSU LATER**! TA LEWFUL MANEY T>RTI'IUAUA WL IIIDVKIMLBU** SI LUAR <. VR EEBT GAM,OO4. OFC Navy Hwim Pane St Utr* H> I- O*SL LT IMUWOOO TKRUAOPR. AT Ulß** PER MM !* WV.PK) AT PRINCIPAL |O,L" *.'* *0 Istniwet 'JOc.ytt-ts (MIL WN UEL JATMSST KSA C**E*4 AUU* MMURTUR, FRIET|NIT7. TN HI luiaraat W.MUt ithl ItpgfUU Ufi LUUFFAL OLD DOAAUD AND UAL LEWDER AONE . UII IWO.WCW PRERU U*L EARRASAY <1 I** -W4l TOTU C*IHT.SI** r--m "EM"* RMNIMI * T'NRLALIUVD IUWWEEL . ( LLT U TULSLLWTS. ' FriiMtpal. M A.* itvaaoaim LEUFW UT.VWTI TUTSI. (WAK IN THE TRAAMUFR RUTS... pMnxalßicti PUYRAEV - 10,441,.- * - ■ t, TTT TOTAL L*WWT..D lirbl L*ae CSab IN the Traeaur*. A I*lll. HOI :......"...S.RTO,L.RT M Marat V laid l ija.ets.em *1 1 . (IUM UFDRBT DA>IU*P*T MAUTB CT WRNO < F D.U FROM MURCB 1. ISTS. IC HU. IL I LET) HW.IW.TEI OJ HOPD. L.EUAD W CEEIFTE LU LRO*D COMPANIES TSTERAEL NAYSNIE IS LAWFUL MOUSY, PRINCIPAL OUOTAAD. TUP A ... 4 ,.> TUMRRAT ERCRTWD *; L SOT YRI MID MX|ID AS liits;**t pstd by t*uftSl Sraiea ......... ll,(lt.sttLU LULRRAEL REPAID BY TRADEPORTAUOU UF MAILS, FEE HAKRAO* UF I|IISRAEL PAID TRY URN UNUSD MATES....* RT.... lI.UB.WUI IMG. fill lens. If you fool dull, drowsy, debilitated, despondent, have frequent Hewdacbee, mouth tastee badly in the tnorning, ir regular apjxsfite and tongv coated, you are auflV'rins from TorjuJ Ltnr qr "Jill lounuu." in many iwaen of "JUver CompUiut" only a ]>art ef theee AJTA t' >UTN are ETPCRTCNCITT Aa • REMEDY for ull aueb can*. Dr. I'rtcn'a Golden Motli cat Diacovstry has no oqual. ae it oSaetu (terfeot curtws leaving (he pUength eutnl aud hoailhj- Hold by all ftiaWiasa druggiaU. 6 Wil y* . . Hteed UieMaea. THV FUUOVIBF NRW RITRPRT tr m a liMbWtAk MiClirtM* IC D NEIFA.H. II V. F.L K MLI.A M. P.. < BSN, M~4i- Our r*drr rrtit r!♦ tht leDiMrtatc HEAD. ITUFOWYUXA, FIBUI M)TCHBB, LIX- I NTOH*. lfrrPug Hiur, RCIUT, I'ALTLTTT*- CI.KB. Hcitorrut, ItvEit SOKH, WHITE hwiiLiwoh, kiMuntt. Otn Hoiuai on H ncrna. . a , . ... " The BToVsl it ff\h lite. TliTa 'ia aa irue *a a mathematical or on* other aci entitle prcpmiMaH, and one that elmuid , iuflnence fvory phyaieian. F/pm the blood we derkv ear ftrpgtlf atn^T^iitul ca|mt>iliiie* tvj.en tot'source HI corrupted, the i*duftd and a>rrow-nru>b.airig effect* ate si rang Ui of itieia and hx|vt ' of eu lunuice, and wilh*iai)ilin| di*ra*e-prw ' d icitiT *frncirifwltb fmpuwiti, W]sffid* Mtge ly upon (be coudithai in which ctri hlrkyf is 1 , kept It it hold* U auspe avian <* Motuiiou j vjl# fsatering peteeMl'eU vr*wk ♦ibcti n* arc wo*keunsastw cure it Then I might iai and dmviti*osr tog maahesta tiv*o(U*>l btossi af*earod by unskirtu arsons. | I dsesa soch a cwurw* aonroovary. i bur- { oughly cleanse tnc blood, which ia the grtal fountain uf fit*, and good dweMioit. a Uir: • skin, buovanl sjurit* vital strength, and ' s niudoMs of cxmstrtulioo srlll all return to l us - I The liver i* the gttsal depurating or blood banking organ cf the srviem M the frHit i housekeeper eg our health at work, ami Hit • | foul corruption* which gender In the Mood, _ rot out. m It were, the machinery of life, are! gradually expelled froui the eyttctn. For this purpn** Dr. H*tr'* RMdrn kledical j rwvery I* pra-emlneatly the article nrcdefi. , • It cure* every kind of humor, from tjie wool J scrofula to tl.s cotuurou pimp!*. Hvh h or , eruption, lb-at rating uJ.vrs kindly hy-vl , under it* mighty ciualir* int:*r:< Viru-, | l< nt putssui* that larit In tlie *tshwi am by. it of their terror*, and by a |-r*cveo*r . and soman hat protracted use <* is, tha tuaal 1 ulniot otismi may t ooaijdawly raoovwted and built up anew i Enlarged, tumor* ami awclliiw*. < , dwindle away and disappear under the iumi-l ioooe of this' great rrwolvent The tywictn ] (•ring rui under Its mHiicnc* lor a few *c<-ica.' U*c iiin Ivxvnnf* smooth, dear <*t and rt!- vefv. ant! bring iflumlnaierth in *ll Its giyrjr. The effects of all modi-1 l inn which operate upon the system through J the medium of the blood are noCcm-uily, •Otuewhat slow, up matter how Rood the rrmody employed. While one to three hot- j ties will first "the akin of pimple*, a disco, or even a dozen and a half mar he laiviiel - to cure aotnc mx* whara the aystem rotlou with scrofulous or other poisons The cttte ( of all Uiine tiitoaa . bowwer. from the cm-1 men pimple to the worst scrofula. a*. with I the use of this moat potent agent, only a i matter of time. •• l>it. l , nmri'GrtME!tMri>tcAt.T>twvtv- KRT IB BOLD BT ALL Flßgr-CLAIW Dliro-1 OIHTa. flow to Ornament the Hair. All tkat art c* araomplith in heanti- ' (ring, strengthening, thickening, and perpetuating the human hair, is efleetod j by the uae ol Burkbtx's COCOAIW*. Thora is a stimulating property in this prepa ration, which literally competa a rapid j growth of the fibre*, while it* emollient action render* them silky and elastic. j It it thf bent nnd thtajmU luur-drrtfiny j and inriffnriilar m tk* xfiorid. Ho say the masses whouse it. Tour drnggist has It., .... i - "'t.. i-U The Market*. mtw reaa. Sttrfanu-Mmt u> Tito I .IS • -UK nmeWv "*<• -"hi Medlura II Va tllti Inferior • .!•)* -tt j Mite* Oewa WW •a I .SO Boaa—Lira * ft • Sntvr •£'. Corros Mlddllnt . 2's' •! Flora— Kstra Wretart. S.7S a 7 00 M.wrttm AM etl# | Wawit-Bel .;• M | Slai* Lf.s aI IS I nra-WMW" 2 • •*>.' . JUatsT—etal* *. : .11 e .•! , Oeas— Mlel Wastara WH- .* Oiits—Westers.... .I*4 ' M Bors If# *• a as—'ft's 1 a .%> ' Peas— M* !t M siS.OJ La so "V* d rmw.rii-Omits. 11*netltiert .IS Bcrrsa—State,....... .SB a .IS Ohio W. B M a .34 > •• Fancy M • M Western ordinary IS a .IS rennsrleanJa flue.. SI a .17 Cram*—Stat# Paesery Its* .1* •• Skimmed ,rs a .04 0hi0... •* a .11 Enoe—State SI a .IS •OVTAEO. SnrCiTtu SIS Ritrr.r AW I 6.78 Lira *.* a 806 AW a I.U THUT-No. 1 Spring ISO a LIS Ooaa RS a -WH w a .ts 8TK.... 1" a .W Banutt 70 a .80 LAUD... >OB e .to AUUT. WiuT...>„*.*v a s>ee i iu I.H S I*W Bra—State * •..BO Ooan—MllM 73 a .73 BaUAT —Stale. #a>*• • .80 a LOS Oats—State SO a .83 RMULDKLPBJA. Fiom— SIS a 788 Wa**r—Waatera lied. I*> a White 1.80 a 1 SS RRXNUW-OTTKJ* WJTRASNES 11 CLOTSBBKHI T8 0 a 8.80 Ttsteiay . 8.81 Bawmoae. * ' Owrrtß-bow MH M* Pumebta-a 8-3*. aio.^o WatajuOjaher 2.91-s I'* Oob* i- 7W -a .86 Oiia.— .81 a >RS Tk* Meiicnn fbuolntioniM* in the nut nf Tala*e bars been defeated sf tr aMI htmra' hwttl*. P*eflrto DU* i* wid to lav* kit lor Nov York. > R A PHTIK lA* WW HUUT HINIITR. - II i railroad director were la* bad to arafy locoin tiio, there would bu fewer rilr..u i orridfuli. awl if doctor* bad to tako tbslr own physio IwLM adiutaMlamiK it tothoir Gitieuta, fewer POO PIC Would b* poiwitMMf r. Joseph Walker, of California, took tbia ronrae w hen be tint compounded tbo ta | moua Vineirar Wttera whtrb nowr r*ttk a* an inestimable hpuaabold remedy in all | part* of the UnitedKtataa. He healed bim , eel I wilii tbia apecilif •flora be offerod it to | ibe world. ItriotfMikirfn with a simple 1 r.tafemeui ot the manner m wrfcleh be bad i discovered its evfnmMe ingredients and ; bran cured, while waudavinfwff, aiek ami pcor, MnomaioJif<*nia mlat lie at at ' •< what the prciMjrntlpa bad dooelor bim ' #lf and a fpw sullcmni trum J.T apepsio, td \ i idutnewa. rheumatism, lung diseases, and , I many other nrrralcpY disorder*, men be i jifredltim, tided tie new nwtoratlve and warrc more than aatiaflrd with the reaulta. ; 'ls this wnv tlienilepf Vmegarlbttcrvhefwn 1 tad we mention the fart a* a aetdeooathat I I li| thi# a|r pf ial< I b 1 enee end i wp* rv, nolb• , nip that ia really valuable t"> mankind ran i pfoee a |*-< unlaw |a|hMM~etrr i hough it 1 1 may lark the ki-Tp of rlpital, and have to fight its wavacanastpnwerfol opposing io ta