The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 12, 1872, Image 4

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    IT* Village store.
H *** n it a atarlt in the village store,
Wher!> all was sold, and a little more
Pin, and and tea, and mite, A
f-ngsr, and ribbon, and flannel, and palls,
P "ta, and butter, and tope, and tape,
Wh.ting and Marking, m.d asset, aud crape.
And strings of rniioas, and pen*. and int.
And, on', of a deroij >hn, so&rihiitg to drink!
Tva tha grand exchange of scandal and news
And a wonderrel place to Are the bluet ;
For there, from mom till at or ten,
YeuM generally flndjhe leading men—
The men who held oflSeWl sistaht.
fYon'd think indeed they ruled the nation,!
Deacon Dodd, and Father JJobh,
And queer old Uncle Nathan CbK
Tou'd see Utetn all aP> fPhaty tiighi.
When anow < eriap and ateta are blight,
Aa round the red-hot Move they ait.
And smoke, and chew, wnd talk. d Hint,
And p>n their yarns or this and thai,
IVom Dod j'a farm to ObhbV est.
Farm, Harden and Household.
Cultivate the com on flat, and af
ter the last cultivating, say in July,
mount a horse, and with a broad-end
sowing machine sow five quarts of clo
ver seed per acre. If the ground baa
been thoroughly cultivated, and is moist
and mellow, the clearer will soon Mart |
and if it should it t.vgo over the 4> Ul
again after the first rain, and aow six
quarts of timothy seed per acre.
Rick MKT Picfc over one teacup
of rice, wash clean, and boil iu water,
until it is soft. When d.uie, drain all
tbo water from it. Lit it get cool and
then add one quart of new milk, tlu
well-beaten yolks of three eg-rs, thf.-e
table spoonfuls of white sugar ami a
little nutmeg; prwtr into a biking-dish
and hake half *u honr. Let it get cold:
then bant the whites stiff, add two great
•poonfnl* >f sugar, Isntr wi'h lemon
and ran lit, and spread it over the pud
ding. ami slightly brown it in the oven.
Be careful not to let it scorch.
,, %tAi* V WTO impart
to common pine the color and appear,
ance of black-walnut, the following
composition mar W used: One quarter
of a pound of asptufftum, One half a
poundof common beeswax. to quo gallon
of turpentine. If found too thin, mid
beeswax; if too light in color, add
*ph*lttiui, though that mud lay dune
with caution, as a verr little wfll make a
great difference in th# shade, ami black
walnut is not what its name implies, but
rather a rich dark brown. Varnishing
is not essential, as the wax gives a good
Praixtng. —The cost of draining de
pends a good deal on the nature of the
land and the depth of the drains. In
saudy or mucky land a ditch 21 foot deep
for tiles should hp d ; g. with lslor at
51. 50 per day, for 15 cents a rod; 3 feet
deep, 20 cent* a rod. On heavier land,
nearly free from stones, a ditch 24 to 3
feet deep will cost 25 cents a rod. A
good ditcher, at these prices, can make
♦wo dollars a day. An unskillful man
that cuts the ditches nnuece.-sjtrily wiutu
and is fond ot *Mug thi pick, might
work just as hard ind not earn a dollar a
PICKI.CI> EGOS are easily prepared, and
most excellent as an accompaniment for
cold meats. Boil for half an hour three
dozen eggs, remove the shells, and park
them when entirely, eold in a wide
mouthed jar large enough to let them in
or out without mashing or break in sr.
Turn as much vinegar *s yon think will
oover tbrrn entirelv, and loil in it white
pepper, allspice, a little root-ginger, and.
if desired, a very smal' quantity of rsr
lic. Salt to taste. A few tiny white
onions put in the jar some mar think an
imorovkment. When the vinegar lias
boiled enough to extract the spices, Uke k
them out and poor it over the egss, cork
tightly when cold, and in a month they
are ready to use. 1 -
mer in Tennessee wiiies the Department
of Agriculture that he has lately sold
twen'v bead of horses, at from S3OO to
S3.SC6 ah ad, and adds: "If all the!
stock of the country ware the liest of its 1
kind, how much wealth would be added." j
etc. It is precisely "because all the stock
of the conutrr is "not of the best kind
that these high prices are obtained. It
is not in this direction that we are to
look for profit, but in the increased use
fulness of our stock. If all the cows
were of the best kind, their money value
would be no higher thin that of our
present poor onea<; l>at how much non
profit there would be in their produce !
—H-ar'.k and Horn*.
—A German method is : For each square
rod to be planted rater bait a pound of
iavrn grase
and thoroughly with about six ouoic feet
of good dry garden earth and locflfe This
is placed in a tnlvand toft liquid manni*
diluted with about uwo-'hircfc of water,
is added aDd well -Sirred in. a© S to
bring the whole to the consistency of
mortar. The slope <3 to be cltate 1 off
and made perfectly smooth, wml then
well watered, after which fixe aide jmrt
mentioned is to be applied with a trowel,
and made as even an* thin asp ill
Should it crack by cxiw*gre to theair, it
is to be again watered and jnaoottcd up.
day by day, until the graWke rta ap
pearaure, which will be in from eight to
lonrb*en day*/ ami,the whole declivity
•will soon be covered by a close carpet of
green. j,,
THE G srr or Fog* STOCK. — Probably
few farmers think oj what it.,cos's to
keep a poor tow or a 1 ad-pike hog.
They readily underiteifld that a good c<.w,
or a hog that will dms 200 lbs. at ten
mouths old, i profitable stock to keep,
but the fact that thi* gain is really toe
amount of hxw'onil!* poor stock, is rare
ly con-ideied. T'a c'o* yielw 20<* lb-,
of batter in a jenr, wlych brings *6O,
and and'ier yiebleiiitys., which bring*
522.5", tlie lata m> the poor cow is jnst
#35.50. The dairv lwisaurtwof this eoun
try is not on a withtftciftrr ft* ting bv
any means, nnjl soh-lj on liccouut of the
multitude of jmoreowa which ore kept
year after yeac. Wua is a matter wlatrti'
should l>e hxiked after by the Comity
Agricultural Every one of
these associations should introduce im
proved stock, by means of thoroughbred
mala animals, into their localities. It is
a good work to elevate tlw idea* of farm
ers and to fosteri* taste for improve
ments, but to the great majority of their
clients the possesion of such "sto k, or
the use of it, h quite unattainable, OD
account of want of fhe necessary means, j
By making this a special branch of their
operations, the usefulness of these socie
ties would be much increased, and their
importance greatly eaUguoesL—Ajricui
exhibit of exports IOHI imports bi thr
United States fur tttpUi-anar ytor Jfl/fJ
is furnished by of-Wwtistio^ 1
The values are all expressed in specie:
Imports it me■ ctumdtae ...s*?
Import* ot spoctaaad toaiUof..,.. 17.3Mui
Total 1mperii...,.^1.........
Hxperu domeetie Bvrebaarita*... tUfi;
Export* foreign mitctwx<lt*v..... la i3,Q07
Total export* mereJtaa£,...... tMR.3SX.6I4
M. W I tj*.
Xxpor'e dome-te bullion end p eie JAS tSI S4i
Exporta foreign buiiloqfgJtppfpta....... 12j0f,l
Total export* bullion fait, opecio... $77*11,470
Total exports $537,e73.0M
Exoeee of Import* .... 1. /. ■ ■.. ■... JI.S3 ,-.13
ENGLISH ItAorso.— -TLIE famous race
far the Liverpool Grand National (Steeple
chase Handicap woA rnu ower the Aintree
eouise. nrar Ltfvdrftool, England. The
raoe excited much' int resT. aud was won
by the cl eta t mare Ca>e et c, the
brown g°lduigsSc7irringtraund Dispatch
being re pt ctivi-ly second and tl ifd. It
is a singular c<Hoidonee tliat these two
horses were second and third last year,
only that Dispatch was second and ticai -
riugton third. During tho race the
chestnut mare Priinruse fell and was in
stantly killel; several pther horses fell
and weie badfv hnH,
BONDS Kiu>LE*UP.T-Tbe amount of
180*2 bonds redeemed to date by the U.
S. S cretary of tba Treasury, under the
three calls is s follows: First call,
•91,443 00; .Secdgd call, SlO (K'O.OCU;
Third call, £9,l2o*,aft Total, 5110,909,-
lug sir •
AT Ark., John
Hyde rid himseH pWis rival, Henry
Kneeland. by killing lnm and chopping
up hi* body into piMes.
Summary of Jiews,
Thtiiw®ai, April IS. U Fast Rty in
\VtsooN*TX' wrntl clip last year was
1,02(1,(147 pound*.
A (ikrnas writer detlnea woman ns
Iw-ing something belw tea a tlower and an
S. M. 11 tw't.t'nr. the temperance Ice
turer, died suddenly in Mendeu, Conn.,
A crtltßH steamer reeentlv landed at
Oibaria, Cuba, 1,100 •oldtttrt from
A Pknn syuvxnia lady froge her fore
head, ami became i>ermsncntly iusane
Tnit Attorney-General of Ohio decided
that n woman cannot be a notary public
in that State.
Tuner men were seriwdy injured in
Nori It Providence, 11. L, by the break
ing of a ladder.
A mix for a new railroad from Jersey
City to Philadelphia haa parsed the New
.feraev Asacmbly.
Tint appointment ef Admiral Polo as
Sjvtnish Minister to Washington is oftl
oially announced.
Tjik nine-hour system of daily lalmr
is advocated in the large mechanical
works of England.
Ay ituyd fial decree reop n RebasUv
pol as a commercial and military harbor,
with fortifications restored.
' Tits r. R. chief signal officer announ
ces that the display of cautionary signals
at all tins lake porta begin ou April 1,
. I >72.
, j Two-Tnißis of all V- ?. Presidents and
three-fonr:h> of all the Seeretariryi ol
State h tve been member* of the Episoo
; pal Church.
Fiuvck having renouneed the Oom
i meitsal Treaty with England, a tax is
likely to be impoa.,l on raw material* ly
the utl'ly.
Ttu: officer* of the I'. S. uavy of high
11 grutin, h ,v# petitioned Congrew- for a re
■ adjustment of the rates of pay allowed to
; he oflieers of that branch of the govern
1 Or the 50,000 illegitimate children
1 bom annually in the United Kingdom
' of Great ltritaiu and Ireland, 30,0(10
1 perish In-fore the cud of the tirt twelve
1 It is contented at Washington that
",over 11,500 mu been paid during the
ia>t thirty year* for the printing in the
[ Congressional Glob* of the single word
Di'RtN,; tltc snow blockade in Nov*
Scotia, ctui! became so scarce that the
* manufacturing establishments in Ilali-
J fax were compelled to suspend their
t operations.
, As unusual nnmber of disasters ou the
Atlantio are reported by vessels arriving
3 tn London and from Amorieau ports to
have oocurml during the recent tern
., pestuous weather.
a Is the Virgiuia Senate the joint re*o
. JutioD of instructions for the United
(fsiauai Seoutois from Viiginia to rote
s foo the repeal of the duty on tea and
coffee was rejected.
J THK Davenport (Iowa) QurrtU says a
resident of that city has made a discov
ery whereby sugar can be produced from
corn, and afforded to the purchaser at
3j cents per pound.
I* throe States of the South the ne
groes outnumber the whites by large
majorities. Iu Mississippi the majority
is 61305, in Louisiana 2.145, and in
South Carolina. 120,117.
A SAD occurrence is reported from
Cold Spriug, Mass. A culpably careless
man named Clark, shot and killed his
sister, aged 23, and shattered the arm of
'his daughter, aged six years.
As Eastern paper expresses the opinion
that, if some of the seal shown in its city
in growling was turned into new chan
nels, there would fce most surprising re
sults from increase of business.
A mono was rescued alive, at Cliar
i lottesville. Va., recently, a'ter Iving at
' the bottom of a well, covered with at>out
fifty feet of earth and stones, for nine
hours, lie was but slightly injured.
TNsrccEssiTL contestants were paid
SI 13,000 in the last U. S. Congress,
equal, at the rate of S">,000 per meiulwr.
to the payment of twenty-three more
members of the Home than allowed by
Dm A. W. HUDSOS, was eonvirtod at
S'~ Louis, of manslaughter in the aee
i end degree, for procuring an abortion on
Ann E. McGill, about a year ago, and
was sentenced to three years' imprison
A' ol sonvict. named Dunn, lfi rears
of age, as he was being 1 >ckcd np in his
cell in the House of It-face, R indall's
It-land, N. Y , stabbed and killed his
keeper, Samuel Calvert with a shoc
i knife.
A DirsKEX blacksmith named Joseph
Nelson, near SedmHa, Mo., abused his
wife till she left him, and when she re
fuse i to return he shot and killed her,
and then shot himself, inflicting a dan
ger •us wound.
MES. ANNA C. RUTH, charged with
' being £n accaßwiry liefore the fact in the
murder of her httlaiid. Isaac M. Ruth,
by D-. John J. Mediicott, has been dis
charged on a writ of habeas corpus by
i the authorities.
Evtor. the Communist incendiary, and
seven of the reurdrmwof tue Rue Hare,
have been convicted and condemned to
death. Many other Communists pro
nounced guilty of siilar crimes are sen
tenced to transportation.
TUB revolt in Manilla was general j
tLr mghout the bland, and hut for a
fortunate accident but few Europe-ins
would haw been left "dive. All the cap
tured insurgents were bayoneted or shot,
and the prisons are now full of suspected
A TRAOKDT, most sad in its details, took
place in New York. William Trcvert, a
Oi-rman citizen in comfortable circum
stance*. accidentally sh it Lis wife with a
pistol, killing her instantly. Trevert bc a raving maniac when he saw what
he had done.
THE proposed constitution for Utah
was unanimously adopted by the Mor
men voters, and Ful : er, the candidate
lor Congress, was elected without oppo
sition. The Gentiles put no ticket in
the field, and abstained from voting.
A large number of Murmon women
THE OLD story of the irun who hastily !
i married on ugly vnmtii b< cause lie bup
i oosed she hsd a lottery ticket that bod
drawn tbe big prise, hoe jn*t IJOCTI retold
in Doylestown. Penn. This time the'
woman hnd exchanged the ticket for a
; set of false teeth.
GENERAL Brownlow, io command of u
I delaljßfit of the English Loosbai ex
pedition, telegraphs : •• All tbe •outlirru
I Hpwjotigs and fifteen chiefs have stjb
■ftiTtfed, and many captives have been re
; leased. Twenty -villages were destroyed."
j Our task is accomplished.
A So UZBEKS newspaper snys : " Five
j brothers sleep side by side on a little
i mound right in sight of their mother's
! little white cottage, that stands down by
( a mill about twenty miles from Appo
mattox Court house. She pointed them
(to us while the tears gushed from her
| eyes. They were her aIL"
| PRESIDENT BAEZ has again lost tbe
, toun of Savaneta. It is reported that
i he was defeated at San Juan by Cabrftl,
who was unable to advanoo for want of
, money and ammunition. The people
object to support Cubral because they
1 still have hopes of annexation to the
j Unit d States, or an American protec
THE Cuban insurgents under the com
mand of President Cespedcs, attacked
the town of Sagua de Tabu mo and by a
f> int succeeded in drawing off tho garri
! son. TVbili the Spanish troops were pur
suing Cespedes body, another force of
insurgents entered the town by a difler
! ent route and sacked tbe place. The
movements of the insurgents were suc
A SOCIETY, to be known as the "Mis
sion for Anitnnle," was organized at a
meeting of citizens in Boston, based
upon considerations that the publio
health, economy, and triors la nre to a
large extent injuriously nfftctpd by our
present modes of treating live stock de
tined for food, clothing, uufl other qses.
Offiaar* pf th* rf ekw^d."
A fUbltl Ilrldc.
The Pitteton, (Penn.) fam** tolla the
following : About el< wu week a ago, t>
voting lady named Cox. daughter of
Mti.e Cot., of Stoddard ville, went iut>
the rerd to kill tome chicken*. Th# doi
followed Iter, end picking up one of th.
chicken*, ran ofl with it. Rhe aliased
him with n attok to recover it, and com
ing up witlt hint, he turned upon her,
and bit her in the arm, lacerating it bar
fully. Her mother and brother coming
t una irm'tie, were olao badly bitten by
the infurinted la-ad. The wound* healed,
however, nud nothing more wit* thought
of the matter. The young womau was
engaged to l>e mart'ioil to a young man
living at Gohhdtoro, nameil Alfred Ker
rick, and the wedding wa* appointed to
coate off at the place alHuit two weeks
On the wedding mermni?. a* she w.i*
•bout to perform her ablutions, the
water stmt a shiver thtoigh her whoh
system and frightened tier, and at the
breakfast table the cofl"<*t had stteh an
effect upon her that she spille I it ovct
the table She then complaiued of
finding unwell, and her fnetuli
her to remaiu at home, but slut atid
..he did not want to disappoint Ah. and.
accompanied by a * t. r. proceeded to
Oohtsboro, wlure thewedthugceremony
was jH't formed.
Immediately *fh-r this she was sciaad
with, bearing all the indieathio
of hydrophobia, lu one of her lucid
intervals ahe warned the company tliat
hlte would bite them if they did not keep
away frnut her. " ll'.it," .-aid she to her
husband, " Ah, TOU need not be afntid,
1 won't bite you. ' In one of her par
oxism* she bit a lady who was endeav
oring to soothe h< r. after assuring
her huslsiad that *be would not bite htm
she was ceis .1 with convulsions, and
laying twek iu his uruts, died.
The other mem bars of the family who
were bitten by the dog have not. as yet,
displayed any symptoms of the iltwaaae,
but they live in hourly dread.
Tie h llbag of lo'va Hand.
Rosa Rand, the actress, w u shot and
killed by her husband at Oineinuati, a
few days sinee. Her husband cays of the
affair ; "Rosa hat Ixt-n out shopping
ami bad come iu and gone t > work utoOe
of her costumes. We were sitting iu a
couple of chairs iu front of the grate,
pretty clone together, she was on tuy lett.
She pointed to a revolver on the niuuUl
and said it was cocked, nnd that 1
lvtter uncock it and put it away. The
chambermaid had noticed it as she dust •
I'd off the mantel and siKike about it. 1
bail the little dog on my right urui. took
the pistol, and was unc irkitig it a* 1
stooped down, and (sobs and tears' it
went off aud killed her ; and (choking
ut>) 1 wish it was me that was dead in her
place, t'an't Igo down U> where she is ?
" Was she sitting when the accident oc
curred ?" Yes ; she fell over. I caught
her up aud asked her if she was hurt ?
She smd, 4 Yea, I'm dying ; kiss me,
good-by.' 1 laid her on the bed. Can't
1 go there now ?" When our rcjsorter.
after a talk with the prisoner, visited
room No. 3G at the Madison House, hi
found Rosa laid out on the IHII. 1 hert
was blood on the sheet and pillow, and
on hex face ; and immediately under the
jaw-bone ou the right ride was the ugly
red hole made by tli# pistol bail. Only a
corpse was left of the once sprightly
woman who had often risked her life on
the trapeze to gratify perspiring, shrink
ing, wondering thonwiuda. A plain black
dress covered the sh|>ely limbs that so
often, in tights and spangles, had attract
ed admiring glances when displayed in
mid-air, On the foot of tins bed aud on
a table near by, were the close tittiug
garments and gay fringes ou which her
lingers bud worked industriously but s
few hours before. The awful reality of
death had come rudely iu upon the work
of preparation for the fiction of show
life. I'oor Rasa had been hustled, sul
ilenly indeed, into an engagement of
which she had not dreamed. There is
nothing iu connection with this affair,
so far as we could learn yesterday, to
throw doubt npou the man's statement a
to the manner of this j>oor woman's uu
tiniely taking off.
The House R-'solutivin*.
The following are the resolutions intro
duced into the U. S- H>u-e by Mr.
Wood, I Democrat) of New York. Th-
Hou*e by a vote of 88 to 87 refu-id
to suipeuvl the rules that the resolution*
might come up at once :
TV/km/*, According to the monthly
statement of the Secretary of the Tre is
ury there n a cash balance on hand in
the Treaanrv on the Ist iash, oi #124.-
868.745; and
Wftirrraa, This large sum wna with
drawn from circulation by tisation ; and
WJtertt is, Neither the public noet-a-i
--tiea nor a sound j*olicy of finauce can re
quire a cash rta nc of aach macnita le.
i which not only produces uo interest, but
prevent* income by its disastrous effect*
upon trade nud commerce ; and
II hrricit, There is a dearth of the
circulating medium and the necessary
i moneyed facilities in c-inscqin-n ce, which
are retarding business, distressing isor
rowers, ncdoppressing industries; there
, fore.
R tolrcd. That the Secretary of the
Treasury be requested to extend relief
to the jie.qde by the disbursement of
such a proportion of the cash ot lnuu'
ns will be consistent with the safety and
the immediate liubiliticjtof the Treasury
and its accruing resources, to the end
that trade and romtnrrce may be revived,
ami the industries and interests of the
people be promoted.
Note* on the Fashions.
The large-flcured Spanish lace is to be
used this season for bridal veils.
The newest stylo of lace parasols has
tortoise-shell or carved coral handles.
White muslin, lace, and siLk neckties
are the most tashiouable at this season.
The combination of blonde hair and
black eyebrows is considered by mnnv to
be a mark of great beauty in either
A new style of house shoe is a sort of
high slipper of the color of the dress,
bu*toned on one aide with six small but
A woman's head, with the present fash
ion of wearing the hair, and the high
bonnet, is saul to be as large as that of a
A new style of loeket is made of a five
dollar gold piece, which is bollowod out
large enough to hold a hkouess, and
opens with a spring.
Dark green cloth riding-habits ere the
m<mt faaliionable at this sca*on. and are
trimmed across the front with wide sen
tache braid, a U mililain.
Many ladies express great dislike for
the "Dolly Vanlou " cosfumcc, and con
fidently assert that the-v will never be
seen wearing them. If the fashion bint*
any length of time, however, we would
not be too sure that they would not
change their minds.
JOSEPH LEMETTRE, the murderer, WAS
guillotined on the 6th inst. at Marquise,
a small town situated half way between !
Boulogne and Cu ais. This notorious '
| criminal committed, during a period of
j eight years, a series of horrible criinei
without being detected until the 251 li of
last Jnoe, when lie was taken in the very J
net of robbenr. Ho was tried . Inst |
I December at the assizes of the Pas-dj
Calais, and condemned to death on tbe i
several charges of robbery, arson, and j
murder. This arch crimiual, though old
in crime, was young iu years, having
been on tlie 15th of February, i
16411, consequently ho had only just com- j
pletcd his 26th year.
CARELESSNESS. —An employ nt the
Hazurdsville Powder Works, in Connect
icut, upon going, jntoa tor> house wh re
ldO open barrels of powder were waiting
to be headed, put a pipe ho was smoking
in his pocket. Hi* sat down on the edge
ot one of the barrels a fw minutes, when
.he was culled out to see visitor. Arriv
ing outside the door, ho discovered that
his coat was on tire, the pipe not having
• been extinguished. A moment more and
the whole esfaiblishmout would have been
1 blown into atoms.
> THROUGH IT tub and Idaho, ou tbe Al
| kali plains, tl>e water is so unpleaxant
to the taste, tba| tho inhabitants seldom
I n**i jt tamp t' purpostf of ablution,
At Verona—Tha Tomh ef Jultet—An An
cient Amohttheatrw—The CetSedrel . f
Milan—A (tali,t In bla Coffln—A.Cliurch
Tieaeuro, etc., eto.
For an hour before we reached Verona,
we were continually pawing lintiiritAe for
tificatiotiA, at a distance of a mile apart,
(mt aaw very few soldiers on any of them.
Ihe last few inllra the train dragged it#
•low length along, and we were fairly
tired out w hen it utoppcd at tbe At.ition
A few moment* later we were rattling
over the poorly paved treet* uf the oily
(that put UA AO much In mind of New York i,
and tn a ahort time were comfortably 1 ma
te.l on the neeond tl-or of the Hotel Royal
dea DeU Tour*.
The flr*t viit we made tlio following
inortiing was to the Amphitheatre We
found it i.early as large as the OolUcum
of K-iiun, and in an excellent stale of pres
ervation All the archc* facing the street
are occupied a* shops for the*a!c of vegu
tallica, fuel and *tuall war**. The t p*
or *cnta are of granites and look a* though
ihc. weie only bnilt a few year*, iaatead of
over a thousand year* ago. It i* *aid to
he capa! !o of seating 25,000 apeeUtore.
riicrc W a small theatre wrecteil in the
oentreofthe Amphitheatre, ia which op*n
air concert* ami play* are given iu plca-uiil
From there w* drove to the garden
which U aai-1 to contain th* Tomb of Jn
livt We stopped at a door in a high brick
wall and rang a bell, aud presently a la
boring man made hi* appearance, and tfu
ing we were tourists motioned u to follow
biui through a vineyard, till "* reached a
alone building where we were given in
charge ufa stout-looking female, w ho, we
•appose, was a descendant of Juliet ■
bite unlocked th* gat*, and we were Iu
the presence of a huge stone trough, said
to be the tomh of the unfortunate tJiullet
ta. The tomb and its surroundings w, i
iu) exceedingly commonplace tlial w # could
not get up a bit of sentiment, so buying a
photograph of the building from the cus
todian ot the plscv, We left it without re
We next went hurriedly through the
Cuk- Miihcnni, iu which tlicro were niany
inferior paintings, and from there to the
I'omb of Sc.thger*. stopping on our w ay to
-< e the hou-i-i of the Capuleta and th*
Montagues. We afterward* ha-1 a ph.v
.uit drive through the city, reanhiug Uie
hotel about noon.
After viewing the Clinreh of Bt. Ana-ta
■a*, wl.icb i# ncnrtli* hotel, we had dinner,
fttd at 2 r . wc Wft by th# train for Mi
Between Ywron* ami Milan is lh* I ago
■li Garda. of which wo had an exorileiit
view from th# windows of the car. W*
also passed the f--rtress of Peschlera, on
nf the corners of the famous Qnailri! iterr.l
itutcd near tli# elbows if th* Mmcio
The lake continued in *i*lt lons enough
to enable us to get a good idea of its seen*-
rv a# lh# train cro#ed tb* flat region into
which it open*, after lraviug the moun
tains from who*# recesses it serin# to come.
\Y a* but liltle of lb* fortress, wave the
ramparts and ditches that w *r# intersect#-'
bv th# track, with her# and there th* far*
of bastion. &n l on th# ootvid* of the
main fortification smn# tvu thre# !*•
inched foru. Tb# train went very quick,
and being in th* la*t car. we were coin
plrtcly covertd witli dust by tb* lira* we
reached our destination.
We drove to the Hotel de In ft, altn
ated on the antue atrevt *nd in ii:ht of the
famous Cathedral f M ian The followinp
morning we went, nith a'ine frienda whe
resided in the cite, to the Cathedral. I' is
an immense edifice built of pure tnerhle.
and with two exceptions the largest place
of worship in the world. The bu.ldmg i
adorned with an incntcolahle numi>er of
pinnacles, each of which it surmounted he
a statue. The length of the building is
about five hundred feet, the width tw
hundred, and the height to the top of tin
highest statue three hundred feet, wh-"l
will give you a good idea of its vast pro
portions. After walking around it we
went into tiie interior, which i rerv
posing. It consist aof a nave with double
aisle* and a transept, snl is snpportol by
fifty-two pillars about fifteen f ok in di-.m
eter. the top* of which are adorned with
niche* containing statue* instead of cap:
tils a* i* unal. Thepavument i* entirely
of mosaic in marble of various color*
While service vvaa being performed, we
walked nil over the eburnh, viewing the
works of art in the different chapels, and
after it we* finished, one of the priests took
us down into the crypt benenth the Ca
tliedral to view the tomb of St. Charles
It ia lights! by an opening is tlw paye- j
ment Above, but ran*]!*-# were u*i-d to in
crease U "ght, which *as not strong j
enough to allow a* to #*e the object* ilia- (
tinrtly., The walla are covered with illu*- ;
•j-atnn* of (belies in the hie of the Saint <
in has relief of solid silver, but tarniriiei'
by age ami the dampneas of the place.
After looking at the different objects the
priet o*ked u* if *• wished l> ace the
biolv of the Saint, the price to *ce It being
five iivrea ($1). W #aid " tbat wn* what
we came to ace," ao after putting on a
white laee garment over black clothea. he j
made the aign of the croaa, knelt before ;
the tomb for a moment, mid then proceed
ed slowly and laboriously to torn a crank.
whifJh',caused the arr<>phgn to separate
in two part*. dirh>ing a eoflln of rock j
crystal (it may be glaa in which lar the
body, arrayed io splendid robe* and glitter
ing wiUl fern*. The head or face reaetn
bTeo tiiatof a mommy, over which bang a j
crown of gold, thickly etudded with dia .
monda and precious ato:.ea. The priest |
also pointed ont to na string* ol finger
ring* of great trains, tbat bad been pre* J
seated by Indies At various times during the J
pan' three hundred year*. On hi* skeleton j
fore-finger was a diamond ring, ami rep<>- j
ring on his breast lay cross#* of solid gold j
that were brilliant with emerald*, rubier !
and other valuable gems. We could not j
but think how much better it would be to J
*dl these costly article# and give the pro- j
ceeds to the poor people whoawann anuiid '
the doors of all the churches in Italy.;
After leaving the vault w# met another
priest, who was anxious to show ua the
treasure# of the church, anil being desirous j
of seeing everything to be seen, went w ilh j
him to a room opposite the entrance to the |
crypt. The room is surrounded by tali j
wooden closets, in which are kept all the
various paraphernalia used in oolebrating
the different eeremonie* of the church.
We saw candlestick# nearly eight feet high
of solid gold and decorated with jawelt ol
groat value. Also croxiere and crosses,
cups and vases, and other articles, all ot
solid gold or silver. There were statues
of the Virgin and of two Bishops full Hfe
sixe and nil of pure silver. The attendant
told o* the treasures in that room were
worth S 16,000,000. After which piece of
information he naked us $1 for having ex
hibited them, and then politely bowed n*
ont of room. (Hose by the entrance of the
room we bnd lett we noticed the statue of
a man without a #kin, and cut out of some
dark colored stone. It was a most singu
lar and fascinating piece of work, represent
ing in the smallest detail all thu various
muscle*, nerves, arteries, vein* and ten
dons of the human frame. The statue is
attributed to the hand of Phidias, lime
hail passed ao rapidly in viewing the Ca
thedral that h was lug after novo betora
we left it.
"We drove to the I'laee Oavonr, In the
centre of which is a splendid uiimiiiuOflt to
Count flavour, the greatest man Itnly has
produced the last hundred years. It is a
statue in modern garb, in bronze, on a
pedestal of several ctepe of granite, on one
of fitch a classic figure of great beauty.
| representing Italy, also to brOnto, was
I sealed, and forming the last letter of the
iriugle word "G'avour." There was no
I other Inscription on the monument, which
I in its composition as well as detail* n* as
' grand and beautiful as it wg* liitiple and
' effective. At the Hotel Oavonr we had an
! excellent dinner "td fresco " in the beau
j tiful garden attached to the hotel.
Having sufficient tuiio before dark, we
! drove to the church of hunt* Maria dello
(irazie, where on the end wnli of what
was once a refrectory, is Leonardo du
Vinci's celebrated painting of The Last
Supper. On arriving at the !eor of the
refrectory, we found it locked, but w ere
. informed that the female who kept the key
lived but it short distance, so we drove to
her house, and after a little persuasion and
! the promise of " boona raano" ia addition
■toitieumftl fte given to m ttopMare,
Ihdneed her to step intA th# *nrrl#f* and
di ivw to th# church, * hero wa arrived in a
fb* mnminli,
Th# old familiar piatur# was reengnlted
at oiioo ni mnn m tv* filtered thn roon .
It lm Won greatly injured by time And by
lb# u-.# to v hMi tb* room *• ono ap
propriated, nud )|M been so often repair* d
And rtUmrlind that probably tiirr# <• not
finale spot nf tlio origiuiil |aittitm left
In •pit# of a!) tlilf it is Uo##ibU not to
nee how fully it sustains its world wide
reputation. Tharoom was Allad with easels,
on which wcra eople* of tin painting of
varioua sire* *nd In different stages of urn
gre*s. 'Jhere were also *t#*l engraving*
and lithographs of the painting which are
•old by th* janitor of the plao# Th* pic
ture is about thirty feel in length and
twelve in height, the bane of it being about
ten feel iVont the floor of the Apartment.
The inonka connected with the eburch to
which the refreetory U an appsndage, cut
a door through the wall, rutting away the
teet of Our Savior, and it * dew-crated
to a yet greater extent whra Napoleon had
possession of Milan and ucd the room an
a stable and the monastery a* a barrack.
in the evening we attended a concert in
the Cora Harden, e!o*o to thu celebrated
theatre 1.4 Seals. We remained there
till 11 r. u. enjoying the excellent muair,
and then returned I • mtr hotel aomewhat
exhausted with the labor* of the day. It
wn* now the titfth of June, and the weath
er began to be opprn-idvely hot, o much
m as to prevent >ur going out between
tlie hours of 12 and 1> o'clock J*. ■ B. M.
RiacxMAU.eo to Rtt Dtum. —A few'
mouth* ago a ni ui iii-il in a little town >
OB thn Canada suie, who in early life wua
ot* of tbe most promising clergymen in
tlw oily of New York. H#<li*dsbeek*n- -
hcorU-d man, and tbe victim to a meu-i- ,
le#a uttcmpt nt blackmail, w hi-'ji luui j
I-ecu tried upon him aoon lifter hi# an
'triuic* upon parochial dutica. He was
I ! tuuimoncd one dav to pet form i* C'hrta
tiau clergyuiuii'b offices iu a house where
lie hal bad no previous acquaintance,
j The story told by tba parties who # ■ j
monctl lutn was a vi rv plausible one, and
be went without hesitation into the trap
prejwrrd for him. As so.m ft* he orrivi-l
at the sick chamber, he was confronted
i by two meu, who nuuubiined thut he hud
visitisi tbe house with im|iurv motive*.
■ and threatcnevl to expose him iinh-sa he
! paid over a certain sum of "liu-h
j money." The man in his bewilderment
took precisely the wrong course. He
, fell that lie Collld In-tter submit to pccu-'
i uiary extortion than to allow hi* uame
to be usel in connection with a disgrace
ful affair, no ms'.tcr how innocent he
might have been of the charge* brought
against him. He therefore jmid th* sum
demandol. From that hour lie wa* a
doomed man At regular iuk-rvals hi
perwi-cutors culled for money. If he re
fused to pay they held Iho old throat
over him, and it was now doubly strong
from the fact that he hnd paid" once to
keep th# matter a secret, llis life be
came a torture to bun. 11# r#sigW If' 4
paiiah iu the metropolis and tried to Is
concealed iu a more humble j-arih iu
another part of the coiiutry; but go
*hr# he would, the relentless blacknuu •
,-r were ou lit- track. Finally lie tcW
lo his friends th* terrible secret of bis
if*. Tbi# thwarted hi jM-mvutora, to
b* Ante, but their wretched victim w
ilretulv a ruiued niau; us we hsv# mud.
b* died a few months ugo in a quiet out
•f-thr-way Canadian town. ltufalo
; CummeiX'ttl.
The I. bor
The Boston J'.otht Ho tr Iteacuapro-.
tosta again't f!)epMt6rtn of tfjoKati-uwiWl
1, iU r pai tv, odop'tsl atColuinbas, Ohio,
for the following reasiua:—First, be-,
cause it doen a< t •outuiu a aU'emeut of
the tuiih rlynig prthfiples of the wove
moot not propose any mm sum that will
remedy exi>!in| fvi|a; weoai Iwt-ruit
it deals niartily with fimaies. urrejuis
md tavntion or dce-reaiiuig luterv-t will
remit in a c >rrepouding reduction of
wugea, aawjg naj*paerrw!itfngtilaled
by the cost of living; thud. Iw-ciiitse it
• lid not deu l the eufon* meut of the
F.phl Hour law, and jw'i i >u for it fur
sbt-r extenliou to the I'ateut laws, itstea.l
of adtiug for a law alrcfdy ui ctistence j
fourth, bccnu-e it .Hi! tiorleiiounoo tk
>arbnrism ot the North, the factory eya
torn, lliat forces tens of tbou-auda of
children from much to fifteen years of
age to toil in overheated reews eleven |
and twelve hours a .lav—a y>t tu th;it is
dwarfing their niin.K, cripjdiug their
founts aud rcnßgao2*j whoae. tistence
endangers the jwrpi tuitv of our govern
meut ; fifth, because ol its neglect to
thank the lion, (hurge I*. Hoar for hi*
hill for a NuthmnJ Bureau of Lvbor. and j
bis dematid for its paa-age by the ftviia'a <
utd the sultseqnent appointiuent by the
Senate of a majority of tlie (fotnnus.iuyi- 1
era from the r.inka of the friends 6f fa
bor ; aixth, Im.-c*'WP it hulrd 'o < xt*d
its friendly fueling U utir hndhep. In
Europe, of every nationality struggling
with u* for htbor rod.Mnjition—hircl';/r.
hows Favor# Suti*#.--The Boston Ad
rrrtiHT n recounting lh hi*Ury of the
Great Bripnblio, which was built at I'onald
McKay's shipyard in lioriou *ay; Here
have been built more fat dipper-ahipa
than in any other shipyard In the world.
Here vn Launched the I.i •btning. the
fa*Ut ship ever known. Mie made the
trip from Melbourne/.• J.i\erj>oolin*ixty
ddit days, a line tit*! ha* never boon
equalled by a sailing ship. The James
Bawea ami Champi-m of the Seaa were
Iter sister ship*, and at the time of the
great Sepoy mutiny nailed from IWte
iiiouth, England, with troop* on the same
day, and after one hundred and thirty
eight day* entered Bombay on the tuiie
evening and at the asme hour. Here
originated that fnittoas aerie*, the Sove
reign of the Sea*. Kmpres* of the Seas,
champion of the Sea* and Glory of the
Sea*. Mr. McKay line built one hundred
and fifty ships, and in the year lfi.'ih and
1 *.*>, within fourteen months, fitmrteen
were launched from hi# ynrd. Those
were the palmy day* of tlii# now neglected
branch of American industry, when our
vards were the glory of the nation and
the envy of the world. The last ship
launched by Mr. MeKity **• the Glory of
the Sea*, in 1869. She is of two thousand
one hundred ton* and thelarget ship now
sailing under the American flag. Since
then the yard ha* been silent and deserted.
Origin of riatits.
Pen* are of Egyptian origin.
Celery originated in Germany.
The chestnut came from Italy.
The nettle come# from Europe.
Tlio onion originated in Egypt.
Tobacco i* a native of Virginia.
The citron is a native of Greeoe.
Tho pine 1# a native of America.
Oat# originated in North Africa.
J{ye originally caino from Siberia.
Tiie poppy originnted in the East.
The mulberry originated in Persia.
Parsley was first known in Sardinia.
Spinach was first cultivated in Arabia.
The sunflower was brought from Peru.
The waluut and peach camo from Per
The borao-ehc#tnut is a native of Thi
The cucumber came from the En*t In
Tho radish originated ia China and
Mb. Gladctonk, in the English Ilonsc
•if ('ominonp, acknotileitged tho receipt
of tiie American note in -n that ot
L'lrtl Granville. He was gratiftml to state
that it wa couchetl in friendly and cour
teous term*. It did not adopt the view*
of the English government, and it teemed
to call for a reply. Thi* would he sent
to the Amniidnn Minister immediately.
Tlte eorrcwpondi Bce. howevei. would not
he laid before Parliament. The mutter
also came npin the House of Lords, Earl
Granville promising to give the corre
spondence to tho public At. an early date.
At f*n inquest upon the Ixnly of a girl
in Vermont, the evidence proved con
cjuctvely that tho girl rame to her death
hy eating arsenic to beautify lier com
plexion. She had been in tho hobit of
eating ploven, pickle*,clmlk, Ac., for the
Knine purpose, and haying seen in a
new*paper that some ladies in the old
eonutry ate arsenic to whiten their
she took seme of the poison lor that
purpose, and with fatal results.
AjroTHJOi English ram, the Thunderer,
line ln bwmobed,
Tn the Senate the Chieage Relief WU
wa* taken tip, and Hfter *onied#bnt* th*
hill a* rt<|Kirli d by the FiuMh# OoaOAit
te* waa lattwd—yea* 20, nay* 17. Th*
Tariff bUI wna th* taken tip*.
Til* bill to enable honorably di
charged wildier* aud tailor#, or their
widow*, to acquire houiesU-wda on the
public latxla wua taken up and paa*od.
Quit* a uuuibur of bill* were intio.
due*J, among them one to couetmet nud
md in rohiiddiug the leveea on tha Mia
aiaaippi Levtu and T-icgraph Com|Ntny
wiUi a MpiUl of If 10,000,0U<1, to Roitnu*t
leveea aud a line of telegraph.
Hit) authorizing the employ went of
surf men at alb-mat* life-anting etuttpni
on the New Jersey enaet (r the yewr
1N72, panned. It appropriate* SIO,OBO.
Jtilla to auiciid th* act for Ui* protec
tion of American ciliteua who may dis
cover depoaita of feuano, and
a mail ateuin*liip aervir* l*twp*n New
Orhana and certaiu Idesieau jrU.
Mr IHivi*, of W*t Virginia, cdlcd ap J
the biM for th* r*li*f of the purrhaeeni >4
real estate from the United M its * at Har- !
j pei'a Ferry. l'a**d. Tli* bill authori- j
j rtM the tiecrctary of War to pa*t|iotio th*
on forced collection of purchase iuoi y fv j
such titue aa be may duvni leaauuelde, Uut ■
OXcoetltUg tlirre years.
Mr. Howe called up tbe Ht. Crix aa-i
Iluvitebl Ruilroud bill, and after uoina din
j cu sioii, the ilouae iiuiftbduieutA were re !
p clul, by n vote of ycua 16 to nays 3'. ;
, Mr. Cuaaeily offurrvt un iMMndmeut pro
viding that rettb-rs along the line of the
road shall l* entitled at theii option either J
to receitr* buck from the United hitatcs
the moneys paid on or for fheir boola, or
'to receive eighty acre* fio*. iu ad.UUun
' to the umoiint now held by theiu.
| In d acuMug the taritf qmttton, Mr.
; Carpcuter said that if th* tatemt-ut from
the Oiiamlago Sait Company wa* trnc, it
wax quite ciidi'iit the ja-or salt companies'
had aiidcml enough in their jjatrioticen
detiv-ww to maintain American iudtutry,
and a* nulmdy pp.pflsid to increase On
duty on milt, and as it waa clear that if
tin* companies should go on for two or
J three v ars mors- at the pram ut rut#, they
must be ruined, be thought, iu mere jua- |
tic* to them, salt ought to be put on the
free list. (Laughter)
Iu th* Kriuate the bill fur th* repeal
of the dutv on tea and oolfco was taken ;
up. The Beuat*concurred in the IIOIIIM
aiuendiueut to the t lucngo Iteitef bill. {
exempting bmiKt-r from the operatioa ,
of th* act. Amendmeut addmg sted'
i rails lost 25 to 2K ; reducing the 3nt|cs (
ion cotton wool em-, a. las, uu. usjrthetl- ,
• are, glaa-ware, Ac. 10 per cent., *ou
cur red iu Teas, 32; Nays, 17. Mi,uu- j
faeturra of silk, now sut j*i-t to a duty !
of six per cent, struck from the f-con-1
section ; reducing tliu duty on salt to
oeut* per lb., hog—l*< as, 15; Nays, iff. !
Mr. Bcolt (Petiu. 1 ; offered nn auoiid ;
meut rvpeshug all internal taxes except I
those ou whisky, tobuco and malt ti-i
ijuors. Iu answer to a question, be acid 1
he meant to include the income tax for |
tbe current year. Ho modified bis
amendment to provido that all iub-rual
LuXtj# on lliumi -Stllig gss. the lU-oUio
tax, the taxes imposed by Hectioa lltl of
t the Internal Revenue act of June 3A, '
IHG4, except the tux on bank- and tink
ers, aud all Uixc* b.v sUt|M, exo-pt sucb
aa relate to distilled spu its, fermented
liquor-, snuff, tobacco aud cigar*, be n
pc led, said refteal to bike effect July
1, 1h72. Amendment carried— 28 to 11.
Sherman then cxpreasd hisopiD-
ion that the I>:11 wonld be killed by the
. nilvpttun of thia pmentliutnk ami ii W
i Iks %ed it vav w> intended. The bill was
then passed, amkl great oon'inct.ui. by a
vote ot X> to 4. It now goea to the House
for concurrence in the amendments.
A bill was rcj>ort<*d br the
og Ooißti'. rwe authorising the apuoiut
ia<fiit of eonimiaviont-rs, to
penntebd the shipping and discharge
of aogmen on Ain.ncau mercimut ships,
ami for (lie protection of seamen, llu?
li mic in eoinmiUec of the nlioie on the
Pital office Appropriation bill, defeated
the atuendmeul giving the l'aeifie Mail
tit smship Company SI .OdO.ttW as a
\ for currying the China and Japun
mail*, by a vuto of 92 nay# to 87 jiA*.
An ani< ndnient prohibiting employee*
of the d'-partnumt acting a* agents or
t (dionitvs for the proeecutioa of cioima
within two years after lemiug office, M
agrvevl to.
A bid seeming hoincstaadk on the pub
lic laud* to h auorokly diaohargtsl aolduars
and railors, their widows and minor
children, waa jsa.-ed. Bill anlboriaiug
the Secretary of the Navy b on tract
for a statue, to be ero-ted in Waehtagtcm.
of the late Admiral Farrsnit, at a tost
Uot U raceed 92H.000. I'aa-eJ.
Mr. Hill. N. J , preoen!-U a meinonal
of cigLt hundred frceholuors. mcrahanta,
itorekeejHTs, Ac., of Barb mm. Nw
Jersey, ngninat any reduction of the
preacnt duties on foreign manufactured
i silk goods. Beferrcd.
i TheCotumiU > c on Banking and Cur-
I rency presenti-d tlieir r|ori reiprouag
the failure of National Hanks, with a
! exprvsomg th ir opinion that
the sucreaHfui woikmg of the Cnncney
Bureau ret|uiml a chunga in th* ■ >fflcc of
i . omptroller.
The Chicago IMief bill was taken up,
and, with tiin moon dm out rx-mptiic
j iviuUw from its OfH-mtiotrs, was paase 1
A* F.sot.iii Ca**.—A Bwmentons com
was decided the other day iu an English
court. A little boy of twelve Ihid feloni
ously assaulted a little girl of twehre by
squirting a mouthful of wafer over
lier. For this Urinous offense the har
dened criminal wa* promptly arrainged
In fore a full bench ot Magistrates. six in
o-jtatier. By thi* utign*t tribunal the
prisoner was judged guiltv. and sentenced
to pay a tine of five shilling*. Ot to 1*
imprisoned for w ven days. His mother
profeNsing In-rsolf unable to pay the fine,
the Lilliputian eonviet had to goto pri
on. and was led from the deck weeping
Tint Mitsouri Drm'rmt AVtmyvtyver Wna
sold at nuetion. The htddine was start
ed by Mr. Fiahhaek at HIOO,OOO, and ad
vanced rnpidly to S3-"3,0ii0, after bK*h
the bid* w. re small. .At tb" end of almat
two hour* the pap r wo* knocked down
to Mr. FisLbark at 5t 30.100.
A SI,OOO Railroad Bond, with com
pound interest for thirty years, at aevrn
per cent., will amount to 57,618.30.
Write to Charum W. liAfwutit, No. 7
"Wall street. Mew Yerk. •
The Market*.
ri tab*.
UntOiTM-Ertiu* m>Bi nnllatAat .IS # J*
rirat qu.ut* use .is |
Medium.or or*t*nal. .Id • 13 4
Ordinal* tbln r.atu# .It A .11 Si j
Infr or lowret artoSa .11 • .11
MtixM A®-® •* ?" I
Ht-.e—!.!*• <*\ • "SW j
tour - IS f HH'
wsri .essx
Fb-utto— Eilra Weefkr* # .i m Vct I
state ase tt 700
Weaav-Rrd Weaißra _ LSI f J•* (
•• I • * I .S
Bn-Vpdrra h A .W
K.rr—suie S# C t.W
Onata-MUi-l Wtotarn #* e .St
tUT—Weatarn .##♦.## j
HON. ""a. #■ S-V—"io. IS • SO
puaa— Xaaa... O-tJ *"*!
Loa * X .1*
frntotJCtrw—Crflda...v '*V IteOned M
DeTTtto—Htoto W • Al
Ohio W R St .*8
" Faucy .M m .SS
Wt a tern ordinary ,SS ** .IS
IvnitiajrlranU 11ne.,.„... ,S4 0 ,ST
Oamaaa—bt Mr fSn-lory .IS A .1#
" Skimmed SI * **
Ohio is e as
Eeoa—Bute .At ® -4
Urcy turu S.U ATS
aa.aaaatkhUaele adivea S.Gt# iw R. W
nofiw- livi 4 h a. oo
FlOr'B a 410 fct- 4.40
Witr at— No. S (H>rlnf I.SS 0 U*
— • -Sb A .te
Wnav - I® •!-
Oo**—Mixed 2-2—Plata • LM
Oil*— SO 0 M
fu)t7X....".t SSI 0 TSO
WhßAT— Wealbro Rod. I*o rtp X.7
Wbtla ISO a I.SB
Com—Yellow ft tS ,#I
Mtird M • .OS
PVTBoLcw—t'rtida ?i
Cl/ITXB blear OoU 0 S.SS
Timothy S.VU
Cormt-I'w Middling*. .SHf * .!ljg
run-b—Extra ASS Atom
-6* ® lo
com f. a
OAES.rer.ilrrerr*eetorrr.r*m W f 1
lloHsirrtAM 'Ftf* MhWlaf-iTIi V.
a Senate took nnthoWll to vsato* to*;
•riUdyda)mrgedl aoldiftr, sailor*. MM
fcbr widows and orphan* to acquire
homesteads Aft the finhH<* lands. Tit*
bill pmp.oAn.ln *Mnp bmnetotods lo
soldiers ami aailora, or their ludf*, to al
low the tunc tlwj bare bau in the s#r
vice to stand for tiui# tnwewutfj for the
acttli-r to |jg on n hoiutaU ed l* ot
dor to acquit* Um propel titio to it.
For i-gatnpla, a nau win* a*rvod in tha
urn, j um! navy fonr wa* will b* at J# to
arc urn a title to hia bomeuteod on th* tmb
lio hmdsWfter bring oft ft on year. This
taouoof tin- muni important measure*
before O'ligMMi ami interval* a fury
large 11*10)-or of |et<iua. Aftor uiscus
wug it for an bour th# bill w*l ov*r.
COJOdtltsn* Tb* jailor at
SffwgatiJ'rffoif, tiondou, atotod to a r#-
porttiv that lie f.'innd condemn
ed to dWli gave theiukolvK up lo dc
■pair fr * ( l*y or twp, hot a#w that ac
is-pt,-.l iiio, rarely alluded to
Umir Olive, au*l talk* <lon vanoua aub
jecta - They nearly always ai*-p well
Ui# aifht liefm* *t**trtftD.
Aarcrss Based B(># Jfrrf.
It is s subject ot g#oral remark,
among bulk wlsolaaal* sod ratal! drug
gist#, (lift no medic**# lotnshsood to Ui*
American jmblio has *v*r gained sweh a
|M)puhuitv and met with so large a aal*
m all parts of tba laud, ju tb* am*
length ef time, as has Dr. PriiVs Qoldon
Medical liissuvery, Tbi*cannot deiwmd
upon it# having br#i* nor# kirgt ly adver
tised than any other medbtas, assweh
ia not the case' * The correct wxplwiiatkm,
• e think, is found In Ui* Cart Ibat HAr
mediciuo prodpccH tl|* itiost wondarfnl
and i*rf<ct euros at rqry bail esses of
bronckMl, LSruat sad .king diseSsuA I*
undoubtedlytha most iwrf- ct and effi
cient remedy forall kino# of < Vvughs that
has ever been introduced to "tba noblic,
and at tba saim- timo jiosaessas the great -
i est of blood purifying mnl lrengthenmg
property# thai BMsiicaT Mtiwnc* Un# been
able to produua, tlitnr n-id rug it a aov
ert-iga reiu*dy not ily in tb# our* of
< 'oasuoiption. Bronchitis, H-ara*n*aa and
Congli#.. hut also for nil diacasos of tb*
liver And blood.saa acmfolous disca-oa,
sklu dim.#-v*, I4oU hr. roimh skin, pira
ide#, blsuk • speok* nail diaci-kivmtuaais.
It has the-rvfora a vriJ* rang* of applica
tion Mid nr>fuln*wa, and it not only
girca the tno*t*perfrt:t xatisfaolion to ill
who nte it. bat UT exec, d, the cX|>e<-t#-
U-*iis at tb# mo 4 sanguine-, Uius elks'-
ling the leutlnS pcuso ami waking p*r- <
maurnt Aus# tdv*-rtiaiag #•( duius of all
wiei n*m it* Fr tb*a* te-Mona It ia that
tb#re is notj#-rl ap* a druggist hi all th*
rust domain of the continent,', wbo tries
to pi- wis- his customer* and supply their
nibp, that dm# not k. rp and soil large
litmuuiie* of tills most valuabiogß tali out*.
•s . fAto
A nam, wis# <iw Alt# mfi—n— A
nitraua otido gwa, bad mi oral teeth ex
tgacfcd by a oeubat in N--w York, died,
it is b*to ved, from tbe effects of tbe gas
Colons and t'oui.". —Those who are
raftering froiu ('cmgbs, Cwbkv lioarw*-
fcjor* Throat, 4c., afconlti try
*' hiiiWN'b JUsoMiiui. Twxillax."— Com.
Tux " Douentic " ia l<*s luibl* 1# <kpp
stitchua than any Mhrr machiiie. Cvm.
Tlmib ■■■> iin i <'rme ~ Bvery advance
in Medi'iiic. every *>e remedy has eoeoun- !
UNd an opt*iUan, w bicli t* the test of truth
lr*lee and JetUief ehl* were believed when >
Uiev had l*rr>vetft thctr discoveries against
oppo-iUtai. Hot iflfii are otwerrfßg. and
laMfttlinri brliri'cll No inctsdailty i
can stand Ibe silenj atgutsnsd ©t aoodrasal* i
When f>r Walkrr pmlhiined that ba bl 1
pmdnryd from the medicinal hhs ofCalHor
tda an 13i*lr thai Wmtt lygenciate the sink-'
l'< tjA'C 3 an ' cu fl diac-Jttf not brgvnfr*. the '<a#i tltrfr Tiead* Yet bt Vr**- 1
Ott liH->M it the SlouiMd Restorative
of ih* W*trni WM. Ibe SvMlr owW not
1* rousted Cnd<-frAh**prntln of the new
n iovdv. l>yapcj'ika p-staleed tllefr healUi.
Ippeuu Mid strength. the Hilious and Consti
picd were relievedf 9* rr diUrtVlog ay tap
tern ; U.e Oainglftiprivc and Rheumatic
ratddlf ri-eovereT.lutcnnlCent and ilcinittent
Fevers won- Pr-kcn up ; the faint nf Mcrwfvjl >
'una eradicated ! '"Who could gainsay fatts'
tike thaae? Kot wia Hie Faculty. Skepti
cism • routed All d- uh#a a* to tha claims
of the fcilt ra toMirirlt place in the hr-t
rank of modern mtjdkjors <*er* 4!wd. and
ibt* ai p lrrijilwcpanftlon it to-dsr the meat
ptiptfWTotßev Alterative, and lilvod. I>epa
tent evw advertised in Ammoa ""til *vhiui"n
oiUtaftther journalists, we SBr tree tamhi aur •
to thi remedy. Jt is a domestic
mrdiciuc. and no ftonit ;.d!d should U witb
out It—.[Coin. lt . *
hharnan H*ttna,fasa. rAigh*A<n. pimples,
rnjt-aora, aalt-rmtm. and other cntaneona
affueUoiiK, cured, and the ta Blade soft and
smooth, bv using th*< Jisrrr* Tan hoar aiada
by Ckvr*Jj. UaaaHß ■ On. New York. It is
n.ure convenient and tawip auatied than other
remedies avoiding the i roaUe of lb* (**•#*
componuda now tu nee.— On*.
• Delicate Craaturee. Thta Is Um thraar .p
pre! be His Hl*kness,t>* tt'KW of Vemes. la lias
(sir W.*t f Italr K whs the levsty esaipl • aim of
Itssjswna. sorb a rsdlspt fwtna to hit own. Uul
won hte fetart . and *c.<h < oj. •>*■ an at CJO
fnl seaaUeit a m akin, bkt a tweet voice.
•• an tlcSlMt tb. .o wutnao " Kow this U a chain
wiurh can he acaulttd Tbert It a BStMbiui and
i txVrtltnnit tot let true I *, known tt.rjtlwi at
Utiiae'cklAOW' tot Uiuw.whicb banito uansßawat
t t ctufr or tallow etrn. suffntand toe dltciored
ftce. Oe- k. trtnt lotVtsl wttb t hm reartr tfnee,
tad unptruns u the turf* ,■ annlha—Bal • wt
bit that .if polubsd emtb a. Inttead at '■ i
the nwet. ilka Of rnamtls. or coaincdni
IV<t, tQd t. et ebatmetMß parapimuon. litt the
tetr.ujrm rents etna l cleeee the tblaftwwt ab Im
t uHtta m.I wonderfnay Improeea 'is teatuse. Tbu
perannatp te jw tn pistly aptibertsked hy s<lr Anal
> eilsa. Whs And that tt)S cnertdxHl and rabnaa.
Ktch oountry air isapr • ft-ndef. ars ti>tii!
rr IT fed from their fart*, hands and ansa by Uut
dtnibini preparal ut •
1V Hmi I nkapei Ttrwi I* 0 w-raj* I S|
Heet*.i f.wtjya.*vi ■ C <•'* **"t ■"*# ; b
l "m-- u< *V" ies'H(-*if a®<t **ni- -dj
1 • • ortVi '♦ him Th.. * *l|> I M#i IgjO'M
rettitiu hfnj'v i P'otottdt g*f Itettk lM* W " JH"
; h4t !%♦ •ojJ fey 1% ♦
row dumoxdTV^wifiau.TnoiJliwr
m a K7 H wi-tOO nS**M< *<**• _
sl'uivax Mil HIM. lO_ l It. It
tt-* r* * .
, TVf ntrivw Trw* *erwasiaa
Uteb i .4lynJ itu •]# •<. l#U Stw •#!• <
Tuo. U>* Iw-I T.v* '<a ,
I) W. ttaj.t.CTT a eo . *
StV Taul < UWb*. Vol JSandn. CM
Sl X.IH-es.
! Oar vrrah. nr *!•*. 4 H !#•># t— top,
I a,*apil alik in !•*• a*l**f *il
ll*> li w*lil is wrwis* I" • li#
bmr of li* mma t * let'fc*
|#SI Wrfarr. j
AUr**i teas 11*1***1 raa pratfaea bmw* r>ltoaa* af
ml mrrtl than a olhrr artlrlr f. r la#
parpu*r. It t* *M rrarywarta bj fraf
ft*ta a nil pairi! Uarr-krapar*.
n-a# lb* f ulluvine ralrMl I rum a Mart ratal**# Nam
1 xt*. ft E Po*a, amali*wiaß marabaalai Oatarie : j
limit ra*T Oa*m a *—
ru .%•. lvial antam* I waaafl-eaa ImaaMnn !
raid Wh ~tib-<uo in- Lnuaand |*-u<loue T)li I—
<Tam.**-* Ul'*a lUipn. *hieh I a>u b-re talWaMa
la •'***** Jal num.dial# rrttof. ami parlanma# a
parfarl rur* na a ab. rt mm*. ,
P* A L aC<lVTLLl**bl***aMra(aa*rral|aa#toal 1
pr|>*r*<ma ab>h bar hrarraa VSry e-polar aT bar* !
Mat nnamll* m*t Amnn# M taraaUao* ata "Uair* ' fa* vb* Ln* and "liwmwl am! Tar." fyr '
tn pari lan pa*ra a bau*r ljupf ramadj baa bSrnag rad j
*> tea pubiML Ruad Ut* fuUavtb# taOa* fmm Da So- \
*ii ! r*!*TT *a la it:
! Mm*. J. It Ba*at* A r *
malto tba foT'ow.aa atatonwat frma a parMl '
aanrk "ua aad ImaWMtfa of tbu baaAta at Aija* •
. U so U*lai Iwtil Iba mat deei.-aeatodj'cur -
.All t btat-Mriptp ' a** w.toamad tw Um .
1 tMMto anfl lb# old. and I ran trulr tap Ciat II i> bp lar I
i Iha beat "lib wh.*!i Im ,u*lnto.t.
I o. I umrj.a. 4-ri aR (no a> > alraf tana rvra*tointo
i 1 hgileve li trtb* iifrUincurs snd If •mry *ill 1
by l rtkilf to HmiDi*i(*r uix>n lb#
! i
■..! to*ttor lo r.lto. Without irnUftnc tho-a dtotc.t*
, t s iui- t* lAirnmi. Bad wth'.ul pradtHM Bonat p.ti .B .
' of mabotra a ffii op to.atrrmrVu tovbsaramn,Ho* 1
I th# Bht-nMt. ud rhancaa all thu morbid *ato*l>oO*
to a b.altl.r aaata Vbar*. r*poo<t ltr. _
▲ L Soovnx.
Prnvtdenea, R. I.
Oeseral Agents tor New England States,
i Nor Sale by
A. F. HENRYi New York.
OKO. 0. GOODWIN * CO., Baataa.
Set rrarfanaaaa ba Trt-Klrßl. but *U caa bar MU
VKR TIPPKD Photo for thulr etOltkvn asd ttumrhp
iBtoBB tlmir Sboa btlto Wo thlrda.
Ear rale by all Daataro.
To Consumptives.
The adraitoaw. barln# been p-rmanoßtlj oarud * that
di ! dlaoasm thmeeman*. by a *dmpl* aas
iaoa to m*k* haoam to bit fellow aueterar* th meoaw ol
nirprrnaiini and uatn* th# aarne. which tbmr wtEflad 4
ana i tto* baroaNFPwr in \sr A*™.!' AaasOHXabAp.;
prtoa * :k ys " u " "Idrwa
toraai. Wiilliß.bnrah. N *
. Ilea*. A toman* tb. tepoMited of Jto i
dLB grufw WIEK B-etoead See** I* *>**■*
Tito •***>* to* o*t*U to itoaae. Try tow. L*h
Mtkr W hto( •)<• <1 MtotM mMMm. V 1
M to nito u i*hi* acrid tehee • •*• toae
*f lalei bet t#lto*to-ita* eed debeeto to—the** f the
lieu MliNHiHwtl deafet*ed dto* at jreei
nfxtsi Tto wiilWMllet r)m free* Uw earth —4 ,
Was* i toe tmm to mu| eed *••
Mat *eieto toad **, held* to aelalles, ee to Apee*. Ike
i**p4lS*eleautoleebteli prwdtoeferer end tgaa.romn
leai feme. fta*tn*UlM. had ,hv ftonfta! n#tee* die.
tia.ten m. eed etileb toll*, b.tmueeeto
*ad *i mtm* f token* *f Ue etxaktfh eed the hewele
tbk, Umetoto. Ie * .rtlaasJ )■!< el toe fete. * eee
talen renawetaa*. lelraeblim eel pu riffle* epetoieb
•I to* to-abwolof eft *e*tto!4e Make Mi elUMWtoe,
Hetotoi t-a*b RUiert. n eelrertea to toe net.
ee* toe keel *etort tor toe HMJninel IbetoeMb
end tifu* el life elreta* ton toeueeto Mm
preteet the e*eoi eratoet to* wans ie etlmeet* U toe
-.... - - k..e , a t ato a bMHHf
StotoSMl, MM V I*" Iwl VWW
•npereto't Irttolto mhehrtMht*H"*f A**—-
tea, weedw *d r*e mieieeiei I* awe* toe* A
uh*l tfeMetto* e lUuar. m dan id **w.tot fa*
*u to* ton"** *ae*#a* to MWm Matoto to*
repeetlr *1 &* uaenwl neseet to reato to aearti Udto
t**a.r*fi*4i ttaeb*4to#a4*toa*edl brptodkrtdtteeei
.ebenh*, *•* MireA* b#k fto*NV to ** *k|od#*d
lltolMto wj eeeaielde piurf (eivki ee* lto
! end ** MM/ leetffwtebl* Ie eaeliidieeni tntoeeeeee
[ a* a f! pweto* lee toe bB*e eiraetofWto ba
i -*-• ''
IIOK Tke Meet UWtMIMi Jm* iketo
£?ihr '• YitiA
TPI :•> 1111.1, ettoei to I. leielM**
1 W fcaaetl iiu.u. Soak end —* IMeteto *jkto
("OM.Ei'fi'Ci ofB
/ if.l 4 ted >n toli ]AiU of <l'd
fcs.<, Aim t I <.r f *f /. r fWp
M tor* .ah teeSe ato a* ! ton***-. A'lotoaeb
letatatlaeunia, *re*aten*L* fteee trfied lue"
UtNMIlk Ml|\U o aKMTIM
aatoi%-fi'Ma *iieedreaee-a
itMavrs zfrtum KHZ
ft.Hl *ar war e a#t eeetol •"•Met i kj **•
ken <*•) f>>- i |S* ni
fei.r a ain aE roi>r<
aJ3Ef' Sfc&rEscS
toe. p& feel. Oee., W- g
A rlfk or rt uri*o or'
WATEH Stfi-fLf
M. .*.! Ihtey.: *- ,. ~t • • |
Mil New for Agents.
tout at 4if MUi* •to*jr MV PiMg tot !
too vay oto4t^buia!
. HBk u o jeenpn* e j
Gomlelfi Musical Litair!
00 op taora Soar* tal Tlaoaa ftr PUua
forte or Beel Olv*s. Worth ft out 1100
to 1400. Bold la back torm tor 4301
TIU WOdICALTBKOUar naWea* Me >ml
3>w:riKMh w
oul^i >£XMLir>Z£~si!r L v .
<>eii or
K' j
mOttfa*.* ■vj.'. 1 ; 11 *" j
U lt eneO MMI tnde, tolA
riAN'|vWuTds. ;
l, lljae CMtle t'M*.
li iMLWn U rZk.l aalJt /WeMU
raer tnr V> rto ■ **r ♦ tM aHoh c oaaa '
•f.e.SBrMSMd s
E?.Crs 4rsa
** att<4 r* to* eueMuaaato* 1 ito toidr c *aai* j
*1 i.met. • , , •
IVtet W eec'i koel, 05.r.0 ie Boerto : 4a* te '
Iteth <3 I■ v>M, BtoeO. baak --!•* tor the .
*>■— pru-et
O. OiTSON A CO., Bolton. • '
to* H. OITSON ACQeJIy Yor|t.
Cheap Farms! Free Homes!
it re* uaa or t*a
* uer aun or
18,000,000 ACZUM
... e nto |
Bet* renalaf sa4 JEUktsl L|i la AtoeHra. (
3,000,006 Acres in Nebraska.
• *• y
j>fow for
ThT.aVTu' 1 -TVIII liieibi' nta<WA
utd mot. aaneml to atrM eae W leaaA eke
elm* ,
TRTE il Wtoall for Aidwat Sctt'arx.
itkabomm ACtea j
rtf* ratoto ie rerrAeem eilaed. |
- ®-^ vvv I
UM Ceaatok.,, V£ [
The rsmmtonSTMr malt** thrweah awaj
aod toprtodltoaee by mppl.Ttn* the blood with
yitrul own vtTiuxiM Ao*jn-—IROS.
CtoetotoM— WfedßTAtod r" Krtrttn ■***&'- |
raaudilcu fire. J. P. PINKJIORK. IToprtrtar.
Ko. M He* St.. S*w York. "•
Bofal by
Wiis!srt tusiriteei omtn
to.*** toll to an* INetoeee toblto BlaH i ■ to.
#.w# defre'lare t IMB Pfga*rte. Prk* fit.
wrrr sarbicr 3
R-" .to HietoHea. )
IT""- "rjtwwsa?: ** ■
fiihiul k. Bert dtfeala*SkM- .. ,
. flto to* (aid. of Medeou ototo
- 11 *"' * tolw llSmseUmA.l
A eworietollireei Uf*p. ttodeuMeeeb
ee aa*
Springfu lcl. Mass.
Wanted This Spring!
10.000 FABHE&B
Te iertT tto toato et Ito lew* Belboed Laad <Jo- .
pee#, B"W l'Wel* fur oh or on lrnt. lieie tj*?
SB*. bAh ikpfceeatlalorret • WMkM*.
The* UotoeetopriM tow | Oa**rnwaTlaM mtole
trel Reilwem. err W r—rtfujod. not eelled. end ere
In the Middle Reprion of Westeni lowa,
JTotml f.r 1U ke'nhrioa. rl'etoMte^rato^'**"*^
Lelf wttwed r* nerfcjOfdtmned
f.r and n<. th.Wt pert of toe tort tdTicul
torel Mel.'in tto Union.
of .tea k^end
5OT T i33^SErr©S& p "'^§
aril tob ofßeemortreble for leud parebeeed. beofl/or
at***deecrlnttoto Br #f * t * nw - T* n ,:
ead^w^TMir^ tbsbindt. bounty mp> ol Wltold
JOK> . CAWOTk, Lend tornwi below.
*lir Sap<*i •www
* i!....-
SMV ftffVCMMPHI. iTtjdeAMtyKN i *|
L RiS>f 4rt r< W
iW* . and thrtMrte Mto-
Titr " Meoihe iwdir ■'*• dtoa*
•C2!n7tof i—
--"■c Mtirt y
•* 21 W khlidtto uAMS M
W |i tor*** M odi a** l *- .i. ts •
-f-r mfisvmm r ,h * • .
ar*Vou rtrtrt'--w"BSunse:SMi.MB.
JffßO-dMW ■¥
% Km* *;f. ' . USL-■!■,
cos rr. is
S%b K mrn*Zm *-■'*'*'**'■ I- 1 -
r 5 S-taat.-iAT; Tt
I twe end •* pewAb*"**.
ejfuitoi.. |£mi smM betotiSAfyi M'jrte saw! |w*m* Ui*s ••■r
SSreHreii w*iAhnp M SPt ttumdie-BJ
K aanttTa^dawwaii
mid'rtoMMt. eeXtjni feeTrMWM.d a p**£Uft 1
rvlNwiSp fmkmm*,
Be-oohly. W. T.
*ST Acl !rc^. zjzz
Jr Atj JpiV rt 8o* /Crt3?"c*tre3
he f;wß ■up Onnoar. oee*de>%. in; -
dtU l r 1-. Am h i Abed tob
• AtoJWtv3to > a*d toedtoeepW*.
7i Bid ♦* iwwtol*. '
i s^^^aea^aa:
rut "UCMT MMIK* | , lA
Barbae, ftooc
, far clurn. C 1 oto^jpS
| '••aoßjmc 4 - s. it os.,tsctoißih—s> ,a tJ
T ttoWeanx A HAMUf oS** A fl ■"■
tto torftoM, Aw to'w. eftofiAArtii rt ewrt rtrte fto
! wt rwewie, * <Ue4.rMe*eeae..a-tolrt<k W e
; toato.. eed-Jh* to| en wnbertWef Ai rr" ""h
ifatotoMtoiato*. vN ■ *
j toert eed ptowirt hj Mr W.. .*, *'*fWM; , .M
' topnlMt ■*.**■#!
| n4u^we>to"< i ' n,|iirt.tto,*w.tiCftotor)
to., renin mete tu u n.*a mi er f* Mtoee 4
' K.Uito to '.
C-tmtiJrnmg tkrtr tmftitj, rtrfawcf, ami fintofl
tjtaUrmt. tit f'K't ff tit it m tor Xyiu art
into (ton tv *rt•' rt(*•* *
Tto Chtot II Oee—t to*t y to Mm 4 flieilk Cn. M. *■■■
Itofto a. Mtoi CI tobam U f wrttj ami hmiy ef tone. pn.
wWjr to leiWti,; eed fanaetd tapmeaeato net
ten, Mton. Tto, tone et|U hi >jwtohlftoM|iinlei etht-
Owe EeMMdato * *m*M ito Pi.w lanenea, to
[ mMman. .manian |an tto eaff iaelnt 0i,.., *44
tof.l, la Mk MtoWlto art * iineawml te to inlw
ktoranu Snm.touto.Taun, a,< *'
i. Ml u . Tt*Tlori4L rowAA* toato Wtu to mu flee I ,
te ee, ellito '-• ee. *w, Wtof eateertt tnm well ami
_"Tto tot ee* Hi W~C iwm irteaee., torn kerne
•""'"irr 4 rttoto.— •• Metoton tin.,— , enit tto to.
rr^£rj3fc~r T "Ti'
—0 tova •' Tto to wixmh" k.7', nieto."-*
-'l* Ml ttoee eeelal*. wMtli onultM. nnlto.
wto—*."-4. •. te Makto* to
t" 1 " M. fetoeton, IW .enleUf tone- *
®M. -r. S l.njoM.-—' fi.rwtor I* ell k an f
toe. to* we -—ir*e T..;. lantai te **!!>,.)
"y'beeeeed toytouto art eeljetto hpenee
to* le*4 la Mhw.--C.iu. fa,,,,, -I*. tor. ntteelle
i7 *• l"b. to ewe Mw
Eton .tie ■"i w tyiwli> eiebl Uato.-—Jvuce
ydrdlanutotoed (* mrr (to Araf, fdaf Cam/any nam
nndtrUk, to „lt at rp.-i A'tVr* Mart /JUt>
OrfKKH aUit dk \
t?nnoMtoaab!jr Cheapest,
totrtrttoeWMelf WMetoel a, *, k, .v. ~ tmm .
Sto ""T*"* Kwtme. to M.r. .**.,
t-- ' Y FnMVto,, One.*., IM to. (to
Cm.) Im-Ototo, lire, |im, <ii,
MMIHOWIIH •. -* fw em
••"to, et f,..llteto prtoe, H Ie
■ I I f MMwh.
afl I NdsTHsstrsled Cdtdlogua
jHEJHH&J. wrtCtoeia... with fen Mrttod
c.*." wm tort.,
H4 Of hVf Niw YN|