THE CENTRE REPORTER FRIDAY April 11, 1872. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL W*WB.-Our friend*, every where, will oblige ut by sending u* local new* of interest. CIBCULATIOff.—The circulation of the RKPOHTKE, on this side tha county, I larger than that of all othar papers in the county. Business men will therefore find thi* one of the b*t advertiting medium*. We invite all interested to como )ad in spect our list for themselves. HEM ITT Alt CIS. —A 11 monies for tub tcription will be credited on tb* suHtcri ber's address, tiota weak: by referring to *• which our patri n* can at all timea ee bow their icrnutti *t*nd, and a receipt is by thi* system carried upon each copy of the paper. On acount of the leugth of the Trensureris Sales, a number of adver tisements have been crowded out of this win k's issue. George Page, who was injured on the raiiioad, aomc weeks ago, by an eubankment caving in ou him, died of his injuries on the 27th March. 11c was Tit the 42 year of bis age. The ) eople of Pennavalley are re minded that the old Livingstou Book and stationary establishment has been •old to Mr. H. Y.Stitzcr, who carries on the satue in the saute room under the Brockerhoff house. Mr. Stitier is too well knowu to our readers to re quire any thing in his favor at our bands, as his strict honesty aud integ rity have loug ago ewtabliehcd for him an enviable reputation. But we wish to make this tetnark. if you need any kind of book, auy thing in the line of stationery, go to Harry, he keens any thing you need, and sells as low as Anv establishment iu these parts. lie keeps one of the largest and bsat ■ksaortiueut* of wall paper iu the county. I'KrKi.TY.—Our readers tuny nut be •ware what constitutes cruelly to an imals. Under the rule* and regula lions of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the following constitutes a violation of law: Overloading. overworking, or overdriving horses or mules ; driving lame, sore deceased or badly fed stock, beating, inconsiderate stopping, cruel check rains, dx ; cuttiug mouths and tongues ; beating, bagging, abusing in drove yards ; starving in cars and else where ; cruel modes lor killing, mus xling ; piling in wagons ; skiuiug alive mutilating, Beating, kicking and abus ing dogs ; fighting in pits, suck as cock fights ; burning with oils ; shoot ing insceliverous birds ; shooting pig euns ; plucking live fowls ; cooping and tying ; cruelty to turtles ; burn ing rats ; vivisection ; unsafe condi tion of streets. Impecunious people ueed not mouru as tboee utterly afflicted, for it is now asserted that from too much handling of greenbacks and fractional currency people often become subject rto most dreadful disorders, one of which, small-pox, is now rapidly epreading in this country. The the ory is that this disease is propagated by formitiee— under which category . '*tampe." perhaps, may legitimately f a jl All wbo come in contact witli w . wr nonet which has been in the possession * to lbe disorder. In ■PWor of this Act called at tention to that in continental Europe since the recent larj® production of paper money, small- poi ' ias become prevalent, as it aiso has he."® J while in England, where specie is ce>w®onJy used, its spread is but slight. A lit tle carbolic acid might he earned about in one's pocket and shaken on the fractional currency before it is re ceived, and this is doubtless the auly precaution which eveu a very nervous person will feel called upoa to take agaiust the danger of infectian. REMOVED —After April Ist, 1872, the Boot, Shoe and Leather Store of Graham A Son, will be found on Bishop St, next door to Keller's Store, where they will keep the lar gest stock of Boats, Shoes and Leather tn town. 4t. great store at Pole Cat City, Mr of Philips A G las cow, is ahead! just received a tremendous stock of Goods, which are oflered cheap for Cash. Look out for their advertisement next week. Ninety-one divorces have been granted in Erie since the first of Feb fy 1 2 KILLED.—Last Saturday, Mr. Charles Slear,(tanner), of Dry Val itv, Union county, was killed near Shamokin Dam. 'this county. The horse. which be was driving tn a sul ky, toak fright at a dog, running out /taw * yard. Mr. Slear was thrown r rn , the sulky and sustained serious iniuri. from which be died shortly XSarJ- H* tova. * l"ge fe-Uy atterwaru. . u to mourn bt * mu , ' **a tu 45 years. — J. H. Keller, oi* twp has obtained a patent for a * tUch * nient for harvesters. A Chance to Will *sso,<Xh\ **, at the Same Time, Aid the St."* Destitute. —The sale of tickets itf W® Grand Legal Enterprise at Omaha, 10 aid of Mercy Hospital, under tbeau. v picea of the Sisters of Mercy, will be continued till May 30th, when the drawing will positively take place, in open public. This charitable enter prise enjoys the confidence of the Gov ernor, and the beat buainess meu ol Nebraska; also, the Mayor and Pres ident of the Board of Trade, Omaha. Highest prize, $50,000, Total, $150,- 000, in cash. The Tickets are $3 tach, or two for $5. For full particulars, address PATTEE A GARDINER, Busi ness Managers, Omaha, Neb. We had several showers of rain since Sunday. On Monday and Tues day there were copious showers; and on the afternoon of the latter day it became auite warm, and thunder was heard. The grass and grain are start ing up and are looking green. New is the time to have your build ing! roded. Geisa A Ce., of this place have the agency for one of the best rods out, and are now ready to attend to orders. See adv. Sheriff. We are autboriaad U> announce the name of Job * Spangler ofCaatre Hall, as a can didate'/** Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. A journ ayinan blacksmith wanted— liberal wages jpaid—apply, at Church, ville to HENRY P. LICHTE. 12Ap. ot. TRESSPASSERS NOTICE All persons are hereby cautioned against walking across or otherwise tresspass ing on any fields belongiug to me: A recent act of the Legislature punishes all ofl'ences of the kiud, and all persons not paying attention to this notice will be delt with according to law. . • JNO. B. LEE l2apr 3t. Potter twp. UranlN Nfpotl*ra ■■ Greeley Sayt "Gtme on Mooinff* (From Friday'* Tribune.) 'Slandert," do you any T Let u have no misunderstanding. The Tribuue asserts that our moat illus trious Presidents have uniformly dep recated the appointment of their rela tive* to office at wrong and pernicious, and have acted in general accordance with thia sentiment. We charge that Gen. Grant has in three years appoint ed to office mora persoua related to hiinaelf aud hi* family than all our former Presidents did iu their eighty year* of adiniiiist ration. Aud we are confident, but do uet charge, tbellhe einoluiucnU which have accrued te Gen. Graut'a relatives have exceeded those realised bv all the relatives of our proceeding I'rvaideuU during their respective terms of office. Will The Times meet us squarely oil the main noiut—namely, the uum ber of his and his family s relatives appointed by Gen. Grant to office, with that ef the like sppoiutmeuts of all the predecessors, respectively aud in the aggregate? If issue is joiued on this point, we shall proceed to de velope the facts. We will consider their bearing afterward Persecutions of CkriatUiui. j 7s thie the May the Japanese Hecipro tnte* the Cburteey Shown the-a by Foreign I Were f In Japan the most barbarous iwrae icutions ef the Christians are Doing agaiu carried on. The cruelties of i 1870 are said to be uow in process of | repetition, the Priuce of Saga being the instigator, aud an official from the Mikado's court being the superinten dent torturer. The Nagasaki Gazette devotes a long article to the subject, land gives so many statements of tacts in course thereof, that we feel coa- I strained to respond to his call upon the [ brethren of the press to assist in "ex- I posing to the iudignation of the civil ized world the iuiquilious persecution* which the poor native Christians are being daily subjected to iu Nagasaki; aud to raise their renianstrauce, as in one voice, against wur Christian pow ers toleratiug iu the future such an in ducement to the merciless Govern merit of Japan, as that which the ah sence from our treaties of auy clause protecting the Christian religon now presents. It is said that the number of intended victims is over two thous and, and that they will be seized and carried off in small drafts, so as to be operated upon and improved off the the face of the empire in as quiet and inobtrutive a manner as powihle. The j performance of the latter good inteu tiou of saving the consciences of inac-1 tive foreign statesmeu in Europe and I America has been fortunately prevent- j ed by the Gazette article, and we glad-1 ly aid in perfecting the prevention of | such iniquity. It is sad to have to re- J cord, however, that one batch of sixty seven heads of families had already i been disposed of, aud in this land of the rising sun, which U speedily being enlightened and is advancing rapidly towards material civilization, the sec ond lot was to have been leisurely ' murdered during the first week of this year. From tha privacy with which i effect of advanced civilization was be-j ing carried out, the miserable victims i were being playfully twitted iu this I wise; "This time your friouds, the for- j eigueri, shall know nothing of vour torturing* aud sufferings." Iwakura (the official at the bead of the Weat era embassy) is ous of the greatest j supporters of this enormity, hide by j side, material progress is making rap- j id strides ; the railway is nearly com pleted, the telegraph cable is now in working order; the Government has officially notified that rice may be sold fur exportation on certaiu conditions, aud permission has been given for na tive womeu going abroad. Aotioch in Bttins. DettroytJ by an Earthquake— Over One Thousand Eire hundred, Luxe Loot. Louden, April 3.—A utagrgm from Constantinople brings inteligeuce that the city of Antioch, in Syria, was vis ited by an earthquake, causing a ter rible loss of life. The dispatch states that onarbalf of the city was totally de stroyed, and 001 tbon* ,J d five hun dred persona tot tfefijf Jjyef. Great distress prevails in that portion of the city not demolished. The remaining inhabitants are sadly in need of assist ance. —St. Louit announces that seven hundred delegates from that city will attend the Reuuion and Reform mass convention, at Cincinnati. About thirty thousand dollars worth of obsoena books and pictures, and material used in their manufacture, have been seized in Brooklyn. J.C. Clymer, af Johnson county, Illinois, was murdered near Vienna, on the 29th uit., by an unknown high wayman. THE KEYSTONE ! | LIGHTNING BOD CO. Are the Pfsprieton of the Celebrated T. T. Kipwy Putefit Copper Lightning Rod- Also manufacturers of COPPER CABLE, BODil AMD WEATHER TAMES Of every Deertptiea and ef the moat approv ed Style. All order § for putting up Rod and Vane* trill reeeive prompt attention if given to our Agents or tent to our Office. GEISSdr COMPANY, Agents for Centre County CENTRE HALL, PA. aprl2tf. QKPHANS' COURT SALE. Parsuaat to au order of the Orphans Court of Centre county, will be sold at public sale on the premises, in Miles town ship, in said'oounty, on i-aturday the lfilh day of April, A. D., 1872, at 2 o'clock P. M. the following described real estate, late of George Fehl, deceased, to wit: A valuable message, tenement or tract ot land, situate in Miles township. Centre county, bounded and described an follow*; Beginning at stones on the old road, thence along lot No. 6, owned by John Bierly, south 46 degrees, west 107 perches to stones, thence by land of J. bpangler, south t* degrees, east perches to stones thence by landi of Jtttuv* Auunan, south 27 degrees, east 73 porches to a stone, thence along said old road south d# |je grees, west tiO perches to place of begin ning, eontainig 11 acres 147 perches. Terms of Sale— One half the purchase money to be paid on continuation of sale, and the balance in one year thereafter with interest to be secured by bond and mort- JEREMIAH DAINES, Administrators. THK JEWS. IN HOI MANIA HorribU li*rb*rUl The SirttU if Cahul Marked uith Blood—lktjieratr Hotiotanee —Syn- aooauri Ilemohthed— Women and Children Starving. [Buehamt, PVhroary 34, (orrttponJenc* of Manehntrr o>rer.) A deputation from t'shul reached m* to il* v. lam rnfi|rJ preparing their lt uu-nt and petition to tha government oa which to predicate a demand for their nre toction and idrmuificallen Tha klstery they cave ut U lar more heart-rendinx than that ol I.mail. Their tuflVriug* were horrible. Language fail* me to dewict all they have related. Cahul it a place ef 7,txV) toult, 1,000 of whom are Irreelltet. Suddealy the latter were tet upon, and tor three day* beaten, wounded, plundered, driven out of their hornet, which were hal tered to ruin*. and forced to refuge in the barrack*, where, instead of being defend ed, they were allowed agaia to he beaten, and for teveral day* kept without food. The way along the street* (Vein tunny Jewith houte* to tha barrncki we* marked with blood. Head* were eplit open, arnu broken, beard* plucked out by the root*, hair torn from the tcalp, Ac tine of the delegation who thut gtvet m* (hi* relation (Mr. A. Held) defended hi* houte for three day*, hi* four **n* (land ing hy hint. They had thirty-eight round* of ammunition, tie made hit ton* twear that if he fell they would continue to flght. Band* of dfty uicn mrrounded the hou*e, but the daatard* durt net croee the thre kuld. At length they were compelled to leave, a* the valliah* commenced to burn them out. Ue alone wat robbed of 360 Napoleon*. The delegation It the lower of the Itraelite* at At,OH) ducal*. They were completely atripped of everything, and their home* to battered and ruined a* to be tcarcely recoguitable. The twotya ageguet were devastated and turned into priviea. Jepbibin, Jalitbim and prayer books were scattered in all direction*. The scroll* of the law were early removed for tafety and hidden away But two Christian* came to the relief of ttarviug women and children, and Ihit relief only came on the third day, and than tha Chrit linn* who came wept when they beheld the mi*ery that had been wrought The It raelite* ol Ualati, a* toen at pottible, tent off clothe* and food, and tha local author itiaa gava a few pia*trea to tome. The peo ple cried out that they were instigated by the Russians. and more particularly by the Kutttan Consul The toldier* did not de fend the unprotected, but *uffered the wild mob te pa** through their rank* and un mercifully beat and maltreat the haplat* one*. One ltraelile neighbor of Mr Gold whote houte wa* likewtte eataulled, flrod on the mob, killing one and teverely wounding another. Tht killed wa* a But- I ■tan boy. They are not yet protected, hut are eiputed to aatault, hundred* are lying in tlraw in ruined houte* They tay there it tcarcely a village in tha while ol Bee tarabiaa Koumania where there ha* not been frightflil scene*. The mitery it dreadful. Help it need Ail immediately. 1 pray you call • mat* meeting of the lt raelile* of London, or of oitiiaut, without dittinction of relation, to pretest iu tbo nam* ef humanity again*! than* frightful scene*, which threattua, a* Passevar ad vance*, to become ttlll more dreadful. POTTKK TOWNSHIP AUDITORS' REPORT. Supervisor. 1871. Jacob Spanglcr. UK. March To order on U, Grossmaa - " " To cash at audit 76,00 " 23rd 1872, To amount of duplicate -. 062,00 %rn.u Contra CR. March 2Srd 1872, By Us as oneralient „ - 21.98 By labor...- 633.13 " " " By sarvicaa 110.00 ♦ By cash.... 133,00 " " " By order to successor —— IMB Supers i*or. John (iopdhart, DR. March 36th 1871. To a* utitr on J. Ktnarick $ 66,47 " " " To cash at audit 87.86 March 33rd 1872, To amount of duplicate - - 408,66 Contra CR. March 23rd 1872, By labor... 413,98 " " " By exoner ation*.3,76 - -fe ssr. w Ovarteer. Robert Lee, PR- MarchKdh 1871, To order .. 370.30 Ma run %ih 1871, T ueb (Hoffer) f 40,00 March 33rd 1872, To amount of duplicate..-.--781,87 Contra CR. March 23rJ 1M72, By - pvnie*. $4)92,48 " " " By services t£,H) " •• • •• per. cent age —. | W, 00 " •• •* •* exonera tion .... t,lt " •• " " paid Dr. Nef.,„. 7.00 " •> •' •' cash 66,06 " " " Wpiwa Wilton <Jai<dk 81,14 " T "fr.R. Vaa Valsab. M D 6,00 • " J. T. Black, M. D 14,&0 " •• order te iiiccessor 244,21 Overseer. J. C. Keller, DR. . June Sth 1872, To balance on U. Dasher* duplicate - 210,8k March 28rd jgTfc fo SfflWl _ „ of dup1icate.., 644,41 Contra CR. Marsh 23rd 1872, By vouch' ors 60R61 " " •' By aervises 40,00 " •' '• By per cant age on 760,00 41,04 " " " By order to successer 72,66 Auditors DR. March 23rd 1872. Tocaah re ceived from township ofll per;... ~ 363,10 March 23r<l IS7X "tie nils. lions for 1871 4,76 " •• Dr. P. NeW medical attendance........... 101,26 " " •' Kred Kurtx MM day each 6,00 a " clerk 1 day. 2J " '! ft Sworn rant- 1,00 " BkhSVefV) paid J Hos- w terman overseer for 1872... 70,00 • Gilliland 60,00 •• " " Pead Ww. Harkins for keeping and aitsndjpg Mrs. Meyersana sSSTOf >— ,„ r ' Ww. A. Kaaa, Town-clerV T icwre*s.- Natics i* hereby giftP that the follow in* application* for License Ji#vf h*'" filed to April session, 1872- D Johnston ft Son* HoUl, BellefonU bor Wilkinson ft Grice MUbasJ Howard Edward ffsby Restaurant " 11. 11. Stone Saloon Fred Smith Restaurant " John Anders " A Baum Wholesale Liquor " Jacob Kttle " " " Henry Jacob Thoma* Lougbery Halan Hirshler Restaurant " Win. Brown " Daniel Grman Hotel Dawning A Yeager Rest. " Georgp fur lor Hotel Unionrille bor Daniel J. " Mileeburg bor T. M. Hgll " " J no Spangler HfjJ Charles South jr. Martin LeiUell " Gytleib llaag " Spring twp Josaph P- Mulson " " * Jerebwi A Sipkey " Snow.hoe " Robert J. Hayus* „ , Jeel Klinjr " M.%ns>n twp William Bobb " ft ellfaf Alfred Kreamer " Penn It Rebecca Muster " " ' Elisabeth Kuhns " Liberty " John Limbert " Haines " C, A. Faulker " Philipsburg bor J. L. Buwgltfjtopr *' ' *' Montgomery Brewer '* Robert Lloyd " " > S. Smith Wholesale Liquor " " Jno Beczer ft Bro. " Benner twp Joseph Peters Hotel Harris " Patch oil ft Miles " Huston " Jnp C. Mason " Rush " Martin Murphy " Burnside " James Reading Hpfp) gnaw Shoe twp. Frank Button Keslrurimt ruifwHuriglitfr Catharine Fouat Hotel P> tur twp. Gworge Miller " Haines twp. Ilia* Miller " Miles twp J. B. Butts " Bellefonte Bar. Harry Kline Martin Dolan ' BOMS twp. JOHN MOHAN, MARRIAGES. On tilt uH., h Rav. W. II Uroh Mr John A. Kline, of Lemonl, ami Mis* K. A. Meyers of Benaer twp. DEATHS. On tit* 7lh ult., ar Boelsbusg, Frederick# lWthca \V irlauil, aged 78 > vnrs, 7 months and 18 davi. On '/Tib ull , ia Georges Valley, Mr. Boloina, wife of Frederick Sellle, deceased, a god >6 years, 3 month* and ft day*. PROCLAMATION. WWsrsss Iks Ms* ihsitos S Msjst. Vrssidssi I the MX si IWHMS Hssi. lilWßu INs xzxtp Srrvt'OT MsssrsM* IIM.II Out-*. t*Mau J.t|*. lu I'nln s*Mf. Stita* MsusS iluti MMW, luulu Itu Ik. StS it! uI Junto. A t> . lA to ws 1.1 but* *. , MM si Or*. tralSH tsd t.MMsI J ill It* Hun s*S Winirsss Iml s ml Uts (mm I* hlWlu*u, k i IS. ■*# ml i'**u, J I* ua**ts*s* a* it. Ilk ■ ssiss f A|mU MII. M*s Iks MM is* ml A lull IW, s*4 la saasteM ***• lam Is UMI* *!•* to Ik* IWwH) . J MttoM ml Iks fMK. AltOM ■■ Sad I'wMUm ml tlw MM MMSI* ml ('•sun, kbsl IMi k. IkM ut Ik.u to |.c-r*a MMMA SI U.'riwk Is ths I mt M si Mkl OA*. SLLS too* IS. .s4i tu^slMt!.•*>. SkStoISSOUMS. Slot thsif SMS saMSOMsana btaik*. tins*, .tirt u. tbsi. oat.-, srrsitsls. to ks ASMS, MJ tin., shs M* kusad Is rs HllltHS IS !.■■ • SMSISat th* I'LLSS.II tbst MS s. sk*ll a* la ths l>stl ml Csal.s .ussti bs tlws ssJ than to M*u.ii sto sasl*M ths*. s. sks.l I- Jsst Utssa aads. a* bss*. st OsUstseto ths lM Js> ml Aprti I* ths IBS. ml sal 1.-rd l"l. sad to ths stost* Ss*Tk |SU ml th* lsl.|Wso.SM ml lb* I'sllsJ Stalst l W WOOOkINO. MtoftS CKNTRK COUNTY 88. ASSIGN KKS AOCt)U NT. Notice is hereby given that an addition al partial account of T. *M. Hall, assignee, of Jacob Shop*, has been filed injlhe court of CommonntcM of Centre County, to April term IH7V, and unless exceptions are filed on or before the third day of said term, it will he confirmed JNO. MOHAN, mar?i4t. PeoTMY lb KG IST ICRS NOTICES. The following accounts .have been ex amined and passed b> me, remain filed of record in this office fur the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any way interested, to be held at Belle font#, for allowance and confirmation, en Wednesday, th# 24th day of April, A D. 18.1: Ist. Tbr final account of Isaac M and Jacob 8. Carter, administrator* of Joseph W. Carter, lata af Poller township dee'd. nd. The account of the adminetration of Alexander Shannon, and Jehu Ka administrator* of the wrtale af Samuel Harpslrr, lata of Potter towuaptp. Centre County, dee'd. 3rd. The account of John B. Leather*, ei ecu lor of the la-t will and testament of Daniel Leather*, jr., late of Howard twp., daceaaad. 4th. The guardiamhin account ol John L Mu**er, guardian of Richard P Laura V, and Aleiander K. minor children of Robert and Laura Morton, late of Pcrgu- j •on twp. dee'd. fith The firil and final account of Jac ob K. Bower, jr., guardian of Kmeline Harper minor child of Henry Harper, lata af llaines two., dee d. 6th. The guaraianahip account of Win. Keller, late of Potter township. Joceaaed, who waa guarJian of Wm. K. Foater, a* lied be John U Keller, and D. W. Kell er, administrators of William Keller, daceaaad. 7th. The guartlianahip account M. T. Millikin, guardian of John R, and W. 8 Key a, minor children ot Thomaa C. Keya, deceaaed, aa filed by Jame* Millikin. attor ney in fact for the executor* of M. T. Mil likin, deed. Htk. The account of William Meyer*, adminiatrator of all and aingular, the good* ohattlea, rights, and credit* which were of George Meyera, late Spring tow nabip. dec'dT 9th. Account of Jame* Oliver, adminia trator ef all and aingular. the good*, chat tlea, and credita of John Baity, (lunatic), late of Ferguson twp., dee d. 10th. The account of Simon* Long, ad miniatrator of Mary Long, late of How ard twp., dee'd. 11th. The account of Henry M. Meek, and Mary A. Miller, formerly Mary A. Cooper, admiatrwtor*. of Andrew W. Cooper, late of Perguaon townabip, deceas- Ed lath TLw xpeuuat of J a met P. Coburn, | adminiatrator uf all end lingular the good*, chaltle*. right*, and credit*, wbicb wera of Henry B Mussina, late of Haine* twp.. deceaaed. l.tth. The partial account of Jeaaa L Taet, executer of the laat will aad testa ment ef Joaeph Booth, late of Kuah twp., deed. 14th, The account of George W Urum- Rrj, adminiatrator of llcnry Treaaler. M of patton twp . dee d. 15th. The accAqnt of Doniel Urumgart suardian*ofM M. KarharJ, miaor ohiid yfj acob W- Karbard, deceaaed, late of Milw twp jtkh. The accottnt of George Alexan der, adminiatrator of Bamabua Shipley, defeated, lain of I'tiian twp i7d). The WWUPtaf A. c. Geary and Adam DecW, adminiatrator* of the estate of David Hoffman, late ef Marion twp.. deed. 18th. The account of William Garbrick and Samuel J. Garbrick. executor* of! John Garbrick, late of Marion townabip, deed. 19th. The account of John H. Neldlgh adminiatrator of John Neidigfa, late of Ferguson twp., dee d. 'JUth. The Brat partial account of John T. Rosa, and George W. Campbell, execu tora of the )a*t will and uatameatol David K**, late of Harris twp dee'd. J |}at. The account of Samuel. Graraley. ipinistrabir of all tend singular, the good*, vbaUlr*. right*, and credit*, which wcra of Jacob Uramlcy, Sr., Utw uf Mile third partial account of George Livingston, executor of Henry Vandyke, late of Bellefonte, dee'd. 23rd. The administration account of Henry Ueaton, administrator of William B. KrUe late of Bogga twp., dee'd. 24th. The account of Jacob LeiUell, jr. administrator of Jacob LAtxell, late of: Ptmn twp.. dee d. and John Irvin. Jr., surviving truatees, under the will of William A. Thomaa. late of Ballefonte, 26th. Ilia adniiniatration account of John Weaver, administrator of David Weaver, lata of FerguaonJ twp,, dee'd. 27th. The account of Jacob Btrohm,, guardian of Daniel and Susan Kerr, minor children of Daniel Kerr, lete of Potter twp., dee'd. J. H. MORRISON. RxotBTKR. April ttyupt—fjnail jrP|t' Pblllpsburg—John Haniok Walker- licnry Beck, E M.rklo Benner—Geo Dale, II L Harvey B<>gg* -S Plctcher % A Fetxer Rusn —Bobt Steven*, Peter Siegfried Spring—Jess Stewart Snowsboe —A Catupble i Moon—J L Gray Bcllefonte— C M'Cafferty, Simon Har- Union—Win H Smith Wortb-W V Berrwllh Gregg—S G Herring, Jacob M'Cool Potter—Jno Hostennan Liberty—Jno Buckly Burnside—G P Zimmerman Howard—£ Glenn, J XV Hall Milea—Satn'l Gramly Traverse jjtyfor? —-fib Monday, 22nd April"-' Philipsburg - H Jones Haines—Sain'l Burroll, Geo iiriht. Thoa MoU, J U White Wtu Baird, M Irwin, Wm Patton— John Hipkf, Q Jiaizer, Jonas Ktine Howard —B F Holler, Mich Confer Gregg- John Kishel, David Barnes, Jno Grove, Joseph Smith Beilefonte —John Haffef, S A Bell, Geo A Bayard, A Mullen, John Me<*e, C Fry barg/r, Wm Ji Adams, I Mitchell Bonner—Goo Jbn*p>nP!oh. A Garbrick Burnaide—Goo Vioduflbr, J H Bpk Huston—Tho* Parsons Worth—J G Jonea Spring—A Stewart, J S Swartz, J M Furey, A Miller Poller—l'ctor Keller, D Fleiaher, Goo Kmerick Miles— H Fidler Hal/moon —T M Way Libpflf— P IJjLnrr. J Pchaa* Marion—Jno Holme# Curlin—Jno Dehun* Harris—W m Lytic Snowahoe—J A Wolf Peon—Chr Alexander gut) week —291h April, Hnowshoe—J Uui.ibu# Potter—A Koch, Joseph Gillilund, I C Boat Ferguson-^W Garner, SGass, P Keicli lein, J Gates Liberty—ls Kverliart Bnh—J White, W Asky T J Batehelor ffaitius-G BUtPtPF Worih—McAlarney Harris—Jno Meyer S Gardner Philipsburg—A Atherton A J Graham Beilefonte—H I) Yerger S J Cook Penn—B Ard Taylor—T Dougherty S Worner Spring—J L Hockey MJl'fitSL. u A> Boggs—John Curry Wm Smith S Charles M H Mackey F M Coy Milea—S K Foust Jonath Kramer Gregg—B Harter Unionville— Jno Bing. Th KvitiiN Fraud. The Invostigatiiif Committee hns aimJc a strongly coodctuuntory report mi the cmo of Htnte Agent Kvnos His tiueil istlruiet), niul his account of the way he disposed of it ia diacreditetl. Kvidence has shown where some of the uiouey went, and according to teati-| mony of 8. P. Brown, Kvnu* told him that lie was to pay SBO,OOO for pub lishing a Life of Governor Genry, and a further sum to cuutrol a news |uiper that was to advocate Ida claims [to the Presidency. The specific charges made in the New York Suit against John P. Ilartranfl, Auditor-] General, and It. \V. Mat-key, Stale 'Treasurer, are declared not true. The whole mauagciueiit of the war claims by Kvaus sveius to have been with a view to obtain a huge commis sion, to which the Committee says he had no right whatever. The couui-) vattce in this, of the Stale officials, is clearly shown ; the Committee say : "The labors of Kvaus covered the time between March 23, IM>7, aud Oc tober 2M, IMS, witls in the first sixty days of which the accounting officers made the necessary entries to adjust the accounts already settled. He col lected f 134,168.3-1, aud retains the whole. State officials knew this fact for three years before it became pub lic, aud the neglect to rcjiorl the trans action to the Legislature is regarded by us as a gross dereliction of official duty." New Clofhin^Store I. I* Reizenstein in tbo corner building, opposite lloffer's store, Bellefonte, hat estahllslied a new Clothing Store where the best bargains in the county are offered. $7.50 to sls for Suits of the fin est Cassiiuere. HATS, CAPS and a full and complete assortment of ev ery thing in the Hue of Clothing. Grut's FuruiMhing CSIMHIM all directly from their own manufactory A iso. Jrarlr), Matrixes*, sir. They have eugag'ti their old clerk, Mf A. Sternberg, so Well known to the people, j and who will be pleased to tee his old friends. a pfttf . A. SUSSMAN LEATHER & SHOE FINDING. in lower room. No. I. Bush's block, where ho keep* on hand a stock of WHJTf: aJ W4WA and HARNESS. Kips and Calf Skins, French and Cilv Finish. STRING LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS OFFYKRY DE SCRIPTION- Haw Ilitlcs BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trunk's find Valises OF ALL KINDS RAW FURS, of all kind* bought and highest price |id. Clover and Timothy Seed • always boughi and on hand*. WHKAT and OATS specially bought and the high astCash price paid. Go to Susaman's, there you can buy cheaper than claewhere. • everybody know*, who ever dealt with him. lie let* no one off without a good bargain. Next door to Suasinan's is the cfaean dry goods establishment of Isaac Guggenheim er. The Champion of the World. The new Improved American' Button Hole Overaeamiug and Complete Sewiug J/achine —Tb great est machine.of the Age ! Simplclty, Durability i Cheap noss Combined. Tbia machine being the litest, haa many improvement* overall other, in a word, it i'a perfect inaehin|which i* acknowledg ed by the'beat judges andagenta of all other fnarfu'pitf fur The following reasons are given why this is the best family machine to purchase: 1. Because it will do everything that any machine can do ; hemming*from the finest to the coarsest material, hemming, felling, cording, braiding, binding,gather ing, and sewing on at the same time, ruf fling. iiuilting. Ac., better than any other i machine. I 2. Because the tensions are more ca|ly *djusted than any other machine. 3. Because it can work a beautiful but ton-hole, making as fine a felling as by hand, 4. Because it will embroider over the edge, and making a neat and beautiful border on any garment. 6- Because it will work a beautiful eye lsat holp- . , C. Because it can do ovgrrhand saam ing, bjf which sheets, pilloiy cases, and the like, are sewed over and ovei. 7. Because you can quickly raise or lower the feed to adapt it to thick cloth. 8. Because you have a short, deep bob bin, by which the thread is constantly JraWP from tho centre, making the tension even and dons not hruuk the thread 6. Because tbf! prp#ser-fbot turps back, so lh cloth can be easily removed after be ing sewed. 10. Because the best of mechanics pro nounce it the best finished, and made on better principles than any machine tnaii pfui'turi'il- t l has no springs to break ; nothing to gel out of order. 11. Because it is two machines In one— a button holo working and a sewing ma chine combined. 12L Because no other machine can ac complish the kind of sewing stated in No. 3, 4,6 and 0. Remember, it is to last a lifetime, there fore one is wanted that will do tho most jvurk, iipd do it tho best This machine i:an duscveml kigd of sowing not dope un any other machine; besides doing every kind that all others Jean do. The Ameri can or Plain Sewing Machine dees all that is done on the combination ex cept button-hole and overtcaming. The American does not rely upon "an fjqtyity of inventjop" nor upon reputation wftji when-Bowing by maoblnory Was In its Infancy ; but ihu fact that it embodies sub stantial improvements upon the many old machines in market, and has decided ad vantages over all other machines. Call on A. L. Hartgcs, Madisonburg, who is the authorized agent for Centre county. AIP Ifpcw tf>° bwt BpwiHK ¥• chine thread, needlos, and repairs allkinds of sewing machines, clocks, watches, mu sick boxes Ac 1 will thoroughly canvass tho section belonging to me, utid I shall be very much pleased to sell every persona machine, on easy terms ; give it a trial be fore purchasing any other—lt has no ouual. guaranteed. All orders promptly attend ed to. A. L. BARTGKS, Agent for Centre County. MAPMOXBUKO, PA. ltaUh or Prof Montr. A Sketch of tho Groat American Invon tor. A dispatch froin Nsw York announces ths tli-sth, at Ids residence in that city, of Prof. Mamuol Kinly Moris, lbs eminent American Inventor why realised Hhaks* pears'a grand conception and "Put a glr dls round the earth In forty minutes." Within sight of Bunker liill, en April 27, I7SI, Prof Morse was born. After citing Prof. Mors# aminenca as a paintor, ths sketch speak* of him as tba In ventor of the telegraph, as follows: In 19SA* be storied aguin for Kuropa, -laying three years. While in Paris ha Itainted a picture of one of the Louvre gal leries, couyiug tbn chieflv notable paiut iit Ma on the walls in miniature. His elec tion lu the chair uf the literature of the art* uf design in the Pniversity uf New Yurk recalled hint, and in October, 1832, he sail ed from Havre in the packet ship Sully. There was the birthplace uf the Morse electric telegraph. The professor bad beau much interested in t lertro-uiagnetislu and bad been went It* discuss the new discovery much with his friend, Prof. J. K. Dan*. Dr. Cbarle* > Jacksou described a late Pari* experi ment, in which electricity had been trans mitted through a lung length ef wire Said Morse: "If that is so, 1 see nu rea son why message* may not ha instantane ously transmitted by electricity.' He • went to work at the idea, and before the . ship reached *h re had virtually invented hi* telegraph, and sketched upon paper the essential feature* uf the transmitting and 'j recording apparatus. (If course the invention uf the telegraph .was, like all the greatest things, in souie measure a growth, nut the world has roe jugniaed Professor Morse a* at least the contributor of the greatest share ot the origination, and the one successful promo-1 tcr of its realisation. Hi* first idea was to press a strip ef chemically prepared paper in coalact with the wire, decomposing the) chemicals so as to form marks of different' lengths which should form a sign alpha-' bet Next he theughlof the action of elec-j iricity upon a lever as a mode of using j pens and ink, hut this he abandoned fur] the indenting steel point on the end of ale- j ver, which is now in use. In 1836 he com pleted a rude apparatus all made by him elf with an experimental wire of half a] utile around a room, but this only trans-! utitted in one direction. By 1K37 be bad ready an improved apparatus, which he exhibited at one of the room* of the uni-' versity This year he went to Washing- 1 ten, filed bis caveat anj asked for an ap-| propriation for a line thence to Baltimore. 1 I he session passed without actien, and he went abroad. England refused hint a pat ient, Wheatslone having in the meantime fone t<> work ; in Prance he obtained a rcrel if iortntioo. But ho met with little 'encouragement abroad, and came back to struggle through poverty and ridicule for! j tour Tung years. Session after session he j persevered. His kill was amanded by con gressional wits to include experiment* in mesmerism and JMiUerttm, the chair re futing to rule out the absurd amendment on the plea that "it would require a scien tific analysis to determine bow far the magnetism of mesmerism was analogous to that to be employed in the telegraphs." At last came the close of the session of '44 I On the evening ot March 8, the professor gave up in despair, returned to hi* hotel broken in spirit and bankrupt in purse," | ■to start for New York the next day. ."At the midnight hour oflheexpiring session,"! by a vole of 8P to 83, the bill was passed, snd in the morning the inventor knew the dawn which follows the darkest hour I But there were more difficulties. The first plan was ef burying the wires in lead I pipes, Kxra Cornell devised n machine,]; drawn by oan, which upanod the tregch. i laid the pipe, aud rioted H again: but the] expense was great, and the plan failed oth- I crwise. It is said that Cornell saved him'i confession* of failure by "accidently on i purpose" smashing up the machine against: a rock. Only 97.UQU of the appropriation thtn remained ; nut Cornell suggested the , use of poles, and en the 'J7lb May, IM4, | "What had God wrought!" flashed praise i snd victory from Baltimore to Washington. The first 'information given by th* tele-t to the public ssi that of the nomin-! ation of Jamo* K. Polk for the preetdency ]: by the Baltimore conrenticn In lhfj the first submarine cable Was , laid by Kins—across New Turk harbor—] winning the gold medal ef the American Institute. Mr Morse's letter to the secre tary ef the treasury, 10th of August, ih4fl,; contained the first suggestion of the Allan-! tic telegraph. Honors were poured in up- j on him In Ihftl a convention to select all nniferm system far alt Germaay adopted his. In IH&7 the representative* of tba ' chief European powers. atotnbled at Par-: is, presented him wrilh 4UU.UXJ francs on ac count of hit invention Yale maJ him a doctor of laws. France enrolled him in ) her Legion of Honor. Australia, the Ger- 1 man Stales, Denmark, Turkey, gave him of their highest honors, lit* fasue follow- t etl the wires till the globe was girdled. |< Since then ho hat beep fr°W'nfl into a. ripe v-1.4 age. dividing fiu timo between New 1 ork and his place on the Hudson, "Locust Grove." just below Poughkeepsic.) During the last few manths, until hi* 1 prostration, the venerable and beloved professor has been working harder than usual upon a history of the telegraph, and t probably overtasked hit strangth in his! wish the leave toiposieirily an authentic' record of hi* magical, invention. Shingles I Shingles I Twelve Thousand good sawed Shingle* are offered for sale by tha undersigned, at reasonable rote*, at Centre Hill. ftapSi J.C. KKMP. ARRANGEMENT! Isaac Glugenheimer, having purchased the entire stock of the late firm of Sussman A Gugganheimar, ex cept the Leather and Shee-fiudings, has filled up his shelves with a lot of SPLENDID NEW GOODS, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, DKEHS GOODS, OROCKRIKS, PROVISIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, RATS (T CAPS, AND FANCY ARTICLES, and is now prepared to accomodate all his old customers, and to welcome all new ones who mav favor him with their patronage. lie feels safe in sav ing that he can please the most fastidi ous Call and see. ISAAC GUGGENHEIMER P. S. —Mr. Sussman still ceutinues te deal in LEATHER AND SHOE-FINDINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where he may always be (blind. 12n|>,tf. Something in beilefonte! GOODS SOLD LOW For Cash Only!! BURNSIDE & THOMAS WM>!,Ks.m!A IiHIaII. Jolslmtm A Com ml mm lis ii Mcr chfinll. f Cash Only."1Sl mar29tf A STKKI.INU ARTICLX. —Nature's Hair Restorative. Bo clear, so (Vagrant, so effi cient in restoring gray balr and keeping the bead healthy. Aik your ditiggUt (or it Hoe advertisement. ijAt Corrected by Keller* Musscr. White (Yheat 91.40, Red ISA ..Rye 76. Coin 40 ....Oats 40 Barley 06. 70 Olorerst id 6.60 ...... Potatoes 40. Ijard per pournl 0 Pork per pound(N Butter 26 Kgg 2o Plaster perton gift Tallow K Bacon 8 Ham 16. Ml I.ROY MAHKKTB. Corrected by John M'l>owell. White wheat 1,46....K d wheat 1,40. ...Rye 70 Corn 70 Oets 40 Barley 05 Cloverseed 6,60. Hmothyseed, 860 Mall J 60 per sack, Bacon 10c, Ham 10 Butter'JO... Kgg* JO Plaster U 60 UO3D •pyviN -QH ■MM U NOMI IG LIU IT sea Nut, Sara, Wauls til IABIBUL * BUY ITI TRY IT I it)& 4fu, . UM Pi| Care Oxr Fir Rh#unjtinj,. . .UM Ptia Care JiL For N\aW U>* P>>9 Cu/Oil. Far FevXstra,. . . ,UM Pii| Cjh OiL For CholrX Iforbua, .UM jfliro OiL For Bartini\ . . . . UM OiL For HodacbrV . , . UM W, Care OiL For Bruiiet, ,\, . . UM JUfi Curt OiL For Corno xnd B, feint, Uy k i| Care OiL For Bore, . V ifif Piiij Care OiL For 4ny Laiptneti, -Vls Pxi? Curt OiL Inn Orn/uVtussns, As* w* rhalls*(* I'ssO TLTOIIGL) UUL IMRTOL; TAT MAIw ytwr*> insA.aT. Ask fbr F ALMYCL'EE OIL TV* a* SUOR, 1m T.LKUIT IT TO OMR K Is 00l •dhsf sauaisito pfustUUsi a s*uU f lag **s>p*s4 toads h*< X Kp VagstaU* Oils, Had* tot * life's, if ss4 I* claaa sad ssfs to eta \ JfH by all PntggMs aad Itoslsn la ■•BICE, M VESTS. RcCLUIC 4 EATON, Pwiswiioat, XMSISS. IW WAR! WAR! On High Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. U. SMITH, of Potter* Mills. N E W G O OILS ! We would most respectfully l"frotn his friends, customers, and the public gener ally, that he has taken |wa**ciou of Thompson's old quarters, which have been remodeled and improved, and is now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor] him by calling. NEW GOODS! lie has just received on# uf the largest stocks uf all kinds of Merchandiae ever brought to Centre county, which he intends: to sell at tcuh figures as will make it an ob tel for all persons lu purchase Families ying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac-, should not toil to give him a call, as be feels confident bit prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. Hi* stock of GROCERIES consist* of Coffees of the heat quality. To**, i .Sugars uf all kinds, Molasses,; Fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spices, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ac., Ac. Our stuck of D K YG 00 D 6 is large and varied, M>d we will just say can supply a< ] y article in that line, with out enumerating. keadymadeclothing a large stock of ready-made Clothing for Ilea and Boys' wear which W? tlttpaw of at % ttfJ vuuil advance on poet Boots and Shoes, Hat* and Cap*, Herd- j were, Ouccnaware, Wood and Willow: Ware, Notions. Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil cloths, WH Paper*. Window Shedce, Ac . octS&ly, — I Hi ' 1 '- i | I) "• S JnR II Graham & Son, Boot & Shoe Makers Next door toWagoner A Son's Store Bcllefonte. Ws wgsufWftoto to order- work it neat and durable. pur prices are very moderate. Wo warrant to give satisfaction. We have the LARGEST and BEST stock of Ladic's and Children's shoe* in town. We are receiving good* every week. We wish aa examination of our good*. The Pennsvalley trade is especially ip< vited to call and seo our stock, we think WO can please all who hall as to styles, quality, and prices. We study to render satisfaction, and although we have had an extended trade for years, we have never given a customer cause to complain. TJROCK ERIIOFF HOUSE, Auegneuev Street, Ilellcfbnte, Pa. D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. A riaaTci.AM HOTEL COMFOBTABLB BOOMS PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN OONVKNIEN CES-AND REASONABLE Charges. Tho proprietors offfer to the traveling public, and to their country ftiendt, first clasa accommodations and careful atten tion to the wants of guests at all times, at fair rates. Careftil hostlers and good stable ling for borses. An excellent table well served. A Bar supplied with fine liquors. Servant* well tralued and everything ro ?uisito in a first class Hotel. Our location sin the business part of the town, near the Post Office, the Court House, the Chur ches, tho Banks, and the p incipal places of business, renders it the most eligible place for those who visit Bellefoote on niisi or pleasure. All OimiiblW will oarry jnuwengers and baggage to* and from all trains free of charge. MUSIC! MUSIC! The Song Echo contains uvvr one j-.midred beautiful Songs, Duets, and Cltourses —sucn as Driven from Home- Little Hr<>w II Church —M y Father's Growing Old—Only a Little Flower- Ruin on the Roof —She Sleeps in the Valley—Write me a Letter, etc. There is not a poor piece in the book. Saipule Copies loaded, post-paid, tor 75 cents. J. L. Peters. 699 Broadway. New York. feb2.4m. Subscriber* to PKTKK*' M rsKAi. MONTHLY are get ting all the latest and best Music for two and three cents a Eiooo. Every nuiu or contains at least $4 worth of new Music, by such au thori as Hays, Thomas, Uounod, Persley, Abt, Kin kel, Packer, Allard, Strauss, Faust, e|c. Sipglp jPftfil** mailed for 80|e. Price $3 per annum. J.L. Peters, 699 Broadway, New York. —A jury, consisting of six white and six colored men, in the oum of a colored man against a whit* man, i waa impanelled in Jersey City re cently. O dry wrlU of fieri facias, levari facia* T Mnl it mil I nixiim. Iwued out of the Court of Common I'lees of Centre county, and to i me directed, there will be exposed to pub lic sale, at the court-house in Rellefonte, on Thursday the 18.h day of April 1872 the following property to wit! A certain Tot of ground situate in the town of Keberburg, in Mile# twp., Centre ' county, marked in the general plan of eaid town a* lot No. 8, bounded on the east by •n allay, on the south by main street, on the west by lot of John Reynold*, and on th north by an alley, t breadth ■lung main street '• fact, and in length or depth IWO feet, it being part of the same | property which John Foster and Margaret! hu,Wile, by deed dated May flr*t.lß#9,j grant* d and conveyed unto Samuel Cubes, I and the said Maruuel Cubes end Busan hi* wife, by deed bearing date March 29, 1864.. did grant and confirm unto Philip tiroes, • having thermm erected a two story frunic, hotel, stable and other out building*. ALSO: Two certain lota of mountain land ait- 1 uate in Miles twp., bounded and describ ed as follow*: The first, No. 8, beginingj St stones, Joining land of John Frank,) thence south 171 degrees, east 00 porches ' to stones, thence along mountain tup, south ] 721 degrees, west 14 perches to stones, lhnc ah ng land of Isaac Zeigler, north j 171 degrees, west 00 perches to e maple j tree, thence along land of John Frank, j north 7t*4 degrees, east 4 perches to place °f begining. The other thereof, being 1 lot No. fi, bounded as follows : Begining at stones, corner af land of John Frank ; ■nd Mrs Baker, south 171 degrees, cast 00; frehes to stones, thence along mountain; top, south 721 degrees, west 14 perchaa to j stone*,thence by land of Jacob Frank,! nortb 171 degrees west 00 perches P.i •tone*, thence north 721 degrees east 14 i perchoe, to place ol beaming, remaining verb five acre* and allowance, it being part of the same which Philip Gr>*. dill franl and convey January iilsi, 1867. to taniel k reamer. Beiaed, taken in execu- , | tioa, and to be sold as the property of D. • W I tarter and Thomas P Meyer. Hale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M , of said ' day, D. W. WtrODRI NG, Sheriff All that certain massage teaement or piece and parcel of land situate in the town ••f Mc shannon, in the township of Hnow ' Shoe, Centre county, and known a* lot ! number seven in the plot of said town. j And also the lot nest *1 mining the said,' last mcniionod lot, thev ''tint the easae 4 lota or pieces of ground which P. P. Hurt- | lhall and wlie by indenture dated the 21st! day of September, A. l>. 18891, conveyed to j the dependents M. E. A Wm. Cambell. i thereon erected a large dwelling heuse stable, aod other outbuilding*. Bound, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Margaret E. Campbell and] William Campbell. ALSO: A frame dwelling house of two and a! half stories, baring a front of 88 fed aad a, i depth of 8b feet and a small temporary,l back-building. Situate upon four certain | lots or piece* of ground in Central City, in Hogg. township, known and designated i in the general plan of said town a* lots: No. 27, 'Jf. 29 and 80. Baid lots fronting the township rood leading Irons Milesburg to the Bald Eagle ridge*. -Seised taken in execution and to he sold a* the properly of' 11. L. Wolf owner and contractor. ALSO: All the right, Ulle and lt,tcrot of defend-, ant in and tea curtain lot ur piece or ground. ] Situate in Pcnn township. Centre county, j II di-d and described a* follow*, via: iicginniag at a atone, thence south MS de gree*. west 20 pert be* to a post, tbence south S degree*, wl 41 pcrcbo* to a post, tbence south 211 degrees, east 1.8-10, pert be* to a stone, tbence south 10 da-' greea, east 4 perches to a stone, tbence north 7&1 degrees, east 0 perches to a post, tbence north 6 degrees u> place of begin* niug containing one acre. Thereon erected a tannery, dwelling house bark house, and other out bqildiag* beised taken in execution and u* La sold as the property of William L Musser. ALSO: A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Bush township, Centre county, Fa . on the west tide of and near the Tyrone and Clears eld railroad, nearly opposite the house occupied by Henry Post; adjoining lands ot Wm I*. Orbisuu and others; thereon erected * two story weatherboard ed bo.,aw 18 fed by 2H feet, with e shed kitchen attached. Seixed taken in execu tion. end to be sold as ibe property ol 3. T. Barris. ALSO : All the right, title aad interest of Geo. j U. Hastings, in sad to all those certain j Urin* or tracts of land situate ia Benner townkhiu, Cvafe county. Pa., one thereof, bounded on the South bv other lands or the said George and Knoch Hastings, con taining two hundred acre* or thereabouts, j thereon erected a dwelling bouse, barn, j and other out building, another thereof.; bounded on the West by land of Win ! Gtova, and William Irvln, oa the South; by land of Andrea Khivey and the public road leading from Boopsburg to Fillmore, on the Kast by land of the saidj Andrew Shivey, and on the South by land of John Wagner and other lands of de-! fendant. containing two hundred acres or thereabouts, and baring thereon • rooted a dwelling house, barn, and ulhercutbuild inga, anothct thereon, bounded on the South by land of Dr. Geo. A. Pairlamb, and Juhn Martin, on the West by land of Kdaard Humes, on the North by land of Robert Koeue and William Rogers, and the Kast by other lands of G G. and Knoch Hasting*, containing two hundred acres' or thereabouts, having thereon oreoted a dwelling house, barn and uthar outbuild ings. The other Uwiwof. bounded on the Kast by land of John Wagner, on the South ov lend ef the said Dr. Fairiamb, slid on the North and West by lands of the said Geo. and Knoch Hastings, con taining two hundred and eighty acre* more or less, having thereon erected, a house, bartend other out building*, sein ed. taken in execution, and to do sold as the property of George S. Hastings, Ail that two storied frame dwelling bouse and lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough efßellefonte, adjoining lot of James Clark on the North west, and lot of Mrs. Dolan on the South, en the Kaa bT a street leading south from the Friend's grave-yard, which said street is a continuation of Soring street, and on the West by lands of Harris helra. Seined, and taken ia execution, and to he sold as the property of Janius^Dolaa. All that certain two story dwelling house and lot of ground aiuate in the Bor ough of Belief onto. Centre county, bound ed ny lot of Harris heirs and others. Seix rn, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Catharine Dolan and J. Dolan. ALSO • A certain tract or piece of land situate in Curtin tap.. Centre county, bounded north by land orC. and J. Curtin, west hv land of L Curtin, east hy land of H. Young, and suuth by land of C. and J. Curtin, contain ing 250 acres more or less. Seven ty-five acres more or lees cleared, with a good orchard and having thereon erected a dwelling house, barn and other outbuild ing*. Seised token in execution, and to be sold as the property of Nathan L. At wood. ALSO ; The following reel estate uf defendant situate in Potter township, Centre county, to wit; Bounded on north by lands of Frederick*, east by land late of George Fousl, and other*, south by land of Wm. Maixe, west by land late of George Foust. dee d., containing 122 acre* more or lea*, thereon erected a dwelling house, barn, and saw mill. Soixod. taken in execution, and to be seld as the property of Stephen Garraty. ALSO: All that certain messuage and tract oi land, situate in Rush township. Centre county, Pa. Surveyed in the name of Casper Lawrence, begintng at a ousting asp, thence by land of William button, south CO degrees, west 320 perches to a white oak, thence by land vacant, south 40 degrees, east 230 perches to a black oak, iheace by land of Samuel Chestnut, north jt> degrees, east 830 perches to a hemlock, thence by land of Daniel Brumer, north 40 degrers, west 230 perches to the begin ins, containing 433 acres 163 perches and allowance, which said tract was surveyed in pursuance of a warrant dated 15th May, 1703. granted to said Casper Lawrance (ex cepting and reserving 16 acres of said tract al the maple corner at the pond.) Also all that tract of land situate in Rush township aforesaid, begin ing at a maple or black oak, thence by land surveyed In the name of Mary Floyd, south 40 degree*, east 230 perches to a olekory, thence by land sur veyed in the name of Jacob Slough, north 60 degrees, eaat 320 perches to a birch or pine, thence by land surveyed In the name of Owen Jordcn, north 40 degrees, west 230 perches to a hemlock or post, thence by land surveyed In the nsme of Casper Law rence, south 60 dogrces, west 820 perches to the place of beginlng. Containing 46g acres 158 perches and allowance. Survey ed on a warrant in the name of Samuel Chestnut, dated May 15th 1798, (excepting ami reserving 40 acres of land off, the west corner of the above tract adjoining the maple or black oak corner.) Thcioou erected two dwelling houses, two stables, and other outhpildiugs, about two acresi cleated< Spued, taken in execution and to im sold ns the property of Charles W. F. Calvprt. Sale to commence at 1 o'clok, P. ,of said day. D. W. WOODBIND, Sheriff, ''hfrjfl'ipflicp Dellefonte, Pa., Mar. 26th. FURNITURE STORE. 1 Dooa axi.ow Horm'i BELLEFONTE, PA. (JEOROE a BRYAN, Daaler la PURHI YUM OB ALL KIWI*, BFDBTEADB, TABLES, CHAUB, Parlor aad Chamber Seta, 80FA8, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, WASHSTAXDS, VAADDBBS MATTRMtZX, A*. Particular Attention to Ordered Work. REPAIRING OONE PROMPTLY. I'NIIERTAKIirO, In All Ila Branchee, M ETA Lit', IfALVUT, BOBBWOOD, ABO COM HOB CASK icra. Always on Hand, aad Funeral* Attended Witt an Elegant Unarm. apfitf Stoves! Fire! Stov's! ! At Andy Became n'a, Centra Hall, in latest and beet stoves out. be kee just received a large lot of |Cook Htovee, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, tke Eel i a uco Cook. PARLOUR—The Radiant Light, soil-lea der, Una Burner, National Egg, Jewell, Ac. 1 BißrUe toll* store* a* LOW a* aaywkare ii Mifflin or Centre no. 48 TIN AND SHEETIRON WANE The undersigned hereby informs the 1 iuxeas of Pennaralley that he ha* mia -1 based the Tiaakop heretofore carried on by the C. U. Mfg Co., and wUi continue , the same, at the old stand, ia all its branch es, ia the manufacture of MTOVE PIPE 4k UPOI7TIXCI* ▲II kiade of repairing done. He ha* ialway*oa hand Fruit Cam, of all StMB, BUCKETS, cuFs, DIPPERS, LiI.MIES.4kC. 1 All work warranted aad chaiwa* rnaeow -2*op7oy Centre Ball Cbitri Haul Coach Manufactory. I>e*i Murray, at hi* eetablixhmaai M Contra Bail, Fa. keep* on hand, and for sale, at the t nuaMkli rate* a lufi stock ml Carriagaa, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Puatx and fancy, and vehicles of every description uad* to ordar, sad Warranted, to ha mad# of the best seasoned material, aad by tba moat •killed aad competent workmen. Fmtai wanting any thing in hia liaa are rsqaasisd to call aad examine bia work, they will tad it aot to be axcallad for durability aad wear. aprly ~ F BUNKS and DKIID~CUBBAHTBe tba very beet quality jut received Wolf* old stand NATURE'S Hair Restorative Contain* no LAC SULPHUR—oH SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE —No NITRATE OF SIL VER, nod is entirdhr first front tk Poisonous and Health -destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as cmtnl, it wfli not soil the ftnest fabric - perfectly SAFE CLEAN and KFFI& ENT-deafdeca tums LtNG FOUGHT FOB AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents the Hair ftan becoming Gray, imparts a wit, giaeay^ap pearance, remove* Daadruff. is refreshing to the bead, cheeks the Hair frees felling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Hsedashss, cures nil humors, cutaneous wssthsi. and unnatural beet. AS A DKInINu FOR THE HAIR IT IS THK BUT AR TICLE IN THI MARKET. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee. Ayer, Mas*. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH* KR>. Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, mads expressly tor it, with the name of the ai tiele Mown in the glase. Ask your Druggist fttf Na- Ti Ri's Ham RxaToaxtivx, and take no oikef. gt*Swd two three cent stamps to Proc ter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contains is worth $600,00 to any person. leap. lt For sale at Centre Hall by Was. "Wol and Herlacher A CronmiUer. AGENTS WANTED FOR A Book That Will Se MT Tag lEXOWVXD SIGN OB BLITS. This is an original, interesting, and in structive work, fell of rare fen and humor being an account of ths AUTHOR'S PRO FESSIONAL LIFE, his woaderfel tricks and fonts, with laughable Incidents and adventures as a Magician, Necroassnesr. and Ventriloquist Illustratcu with 16 Full Page Engraving* besides the Author's Potrait oa steel, and numerous small cuts. The volume is free from any objectiona ble matter, being high-toned and moral in ita character, ana will be read with inter act, both by old and young. It gives the most graphic and thrullng accounts of the effects of his wonderful (eats and magical tricks, causing the most uncontrollable merriment ana laughter. Circulars, Terms, Ac., with full inferma lion, sent free on application to DUiTFIKLD ASIIMEAD, Publiaher.' 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. oct27.oci. CENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SPXNQLXE, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for nil poiuts, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has been reittod and furnished by its new proprietor, aad is BOW in every respect one of tho most plsasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovsrs will always find the best accommodations. Per son* iroiu the city wishing to sMBd a f#* weeks during tho summer in the SOuntry, will find Centre Hall one of the most beau tiful locations and the Centre Sail Hotel all they oould desire for coafwt ihd oon venience.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers