The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 12, 1872, Image 2

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enthe Reporter,
FS.SD.KCKTS......- tiiUt
Centre Hall, Pa., April 12., '72
TERMS.—TIic RaroatKa is rkli.)uHl
waakly at $2 per year, in adyam-e. or Vi ]
when not paid in advance, hor Ml* months
half these rates.
Advertisement* ftH.O per square (ten
lines) tor three insertion. Advertisements
fer 12, 6 and 3 month*, at reduced rate*.
Any person sending us the mantes of st*
new subscribesr, with the cash. wil. re
ceive the Rkvortih one year free.
Cincinnati hn Wen swept by the
democrats by 2,(KM) majority.
In Louis the democrats also
madtfTTclean sweep, at the election.
x In Connecticut, ou Tuesday, of last
week, Jewell, radical was elected giv
ernor by about SO majority over the
other candidates. The radicals have
31 majaritr in the legislature in joint
In Rhoda Island the radicals elect
ed their governor by 1176 majority,
while the democrats elected the lieu
tenant governor by 140 majority.
Grant had 6000 majority in the same
state four years ago.
The Labor Reformers of this State
will hold a convention at Williams
port on Tuesday, May, 7th to nomi
nate candidates for State officers.
—M— O ♦
Horace Greelev savs he still stands
for protection, hut asks that the Cin
cinati Convention shall simply leave
the people free to decide for protec
tion or free trade, as they shall sever
ally prefer, in choice of members ol
Congress. He says this is the ground
the Republican party has always
maiutained, and sees nothing iu con
trast with this is his letter to Mr.
The Philadelphia correspondent of
the N. Y. Sou. tells of v "couuter"
who was employed to count the five
cent nickols in the U. S. Mint, ami
who carried away 13,760 worth of
them in less than threo weeks, filling
all of his pockets each night. He
was found out and discharged but nev
er was arretted. The reasou why he
escaped was that he was a Grant man
and a good worker. Another official
defaulted to the aruouut of $20,000
while a third carried ofl* $20,000 iu
mall silver coins, a pocket full st a
time. All these losses are accounted
for as "shortages." The extent of
these "shortages." can only be conjec
tured by the public. The circumstan-'
tial account given by the correspond
ent of the odd way things are done at
the Mint, is worthy a more careful in
The state senate adjourned without
being able to elect a speaker, ad inter
im. The democrats, 16, voted for
Davis, of Berks: the radicals, 16 voted
for Anderson, and M'Clure voted fer
A Harrisburg correspondent of the
Philadelphia Post says that Mr. Mc
Clure refused to vote for Anderseu er
any other man, for any position what
ever who interfered to prevent an in
vestigation into the frauds practiced to
defeat and him that —
Several Republican Senators fiud
ing that M'Clure was immovable in
his determination to oppose Anderson,
requested Anderson to withdraw, and
permit Strang to be chosen Speaker
ad interim but this wise counsel was
opposed by other Republican Sena
tors, aud Anderson declined to give
way. Seuator Buckalew proposed a
compromise to Anderson in order to
save his dignity. Buckalew propeeed
that if Anderson would consent he
wonld offer a resolution declaring Mr
Strang Speaker ad interim, and pass it
unanimously. Mr. Anderson would not
consent, and the result is Mr. Anderson
is defeated, aud the Senate without a
The call which was published in
last week's REPORTER, signed by
Greeley and a large number of other
prominent republicans, is thus refer
red to in the Tribune, editorially :
"The letter of certain New York
Republicans to Col. Grasvenor, here
with printed, is the first unequivocal
response from the East to the overture
of the Liberal Republican of the
West for consultation at Cincinnati,
on Wednesday, May Ist. Otkert iri U
jellou. There is no longer an excuse
for doubt thst the Convention will be
held, and be respectably attended. Ws
presume that should auy important
action betaken at Cincianali, those
present frera each State should desig
nate a portion of tbeir number to cast
the vote of that State in Convention.
But no one is excluded from attending,
and the invitation is so broad that
many will doubtless be present who
have not been invited. Cincinoati!
proffers all a generous welcome.
Whether the Convention will de
termine to put forth a declaration ofi
principles, to present national candi
dates, er to adopt some ether form of
appeal to the country, no one is en
titled to forecast. Whatever it shall
so propound will necessarily derive
all its force from its accord with pub
lic sentiment. This convention speaks
with no authority, claim* no power
but that which will be accorded Lo the
intrinsic werth of its acts and its dec
The Cincinnati con rentiou just uow
keeps the Grant organs busy sneering
at the liberal republican movement,
and they try to make light of it. The
▼ery fact that they are constantly try
ing to eneer it down, shows that the
new movement is sorely disturbing
tbern inwardly. If the movement
were really a harmless one, we think
the Grautitea would net betray quite
as much uneasiness as may be noticed
daily, and give it less attention. The
fact is, the houest masses in the repub
lican party see ibat honor compels
them to cut loose from Graut's adminis
tration , and try to prevent his relect ion.
The best and ablest men of the party
are in the movement, and it will turn
out not to be a trifling concern.
The apportionment bill, as passed by
the legislature just before the adjourn
ment makes this, 16th congressional
district, as follows: Union, Snyder,
Mifflin, Centre, Clearfield and Elk.
This district is democratic by a decis
ive majority.
A Harrisburg correspondent of the
New York Tribune in alluding to the
Congressional apportionment in this
State by which the Republicans have
sixteen and the Democrats but ten dis
tricts says: "This wan done on eon
trad with certain Democrats for person
al reasons." The matter is i eferred to i
in another column.
(*rn( Didn't I**) Hl* Whisky
Hit IN.
Wi'tidell t'liili|w uyt:
lU'oonllv, while an a viail to the
Woai, in llio vicinity ofCirat'a former
j home, I naked n friend ot mine, at
whoae house I waa stopping, what the
people there thought of the President,
ami he replied that they had u very
jvioi opinion of him; they did not
tbiuk he was au honest tuan. My
friend asked me to ride around within
the neighborhood and he would show
me at least five grog-shoos where the
uow President of the I uited States
has yet whisky bills staudiug against
him. the acore uot having been wiped
When Mr. Grant was charged with
Wing in debt to the Uuiled States
Treasury ou au account dating from
the time of the Mexiau war, the chaige
was as fiercely scouted as this atate
ment of the great agitator's w ill no
deubt W. But the aocouul was cor
root, and under pressure Mr. Grunt
liquidated it, and the iucenvenient
clerk who huntfrl out the item recaiv
evl his discharge. What is to be done
with the whisky bills remains to be
seen. Perhaps from their
nature it would W politically more
profitable to ignore than to pay. —
Aw York U'orltL
♦- ■— ■ - * •
Grant and the Poh-rvd Men.
One day last week, says the Pitts
burg JWi the colored people of the
State of Massachusetts held a meeting
in Restou for the nurpose of selecting
delegates to attend.thecolored people*
National Convention to W held at
New Orleans on the 10th of the pres
ent month. Among the resolutions of
fared was one endorsing Grant ami
favoring his renomination by the Phil
adelphia Convention. The resolution
was defeated by a decided majority of
the delegates.
During the discussion ef tke rrsolu
tiou a uuiuWr of {minted and decided
hits were made at Grant, and lladical
leaders, by the speakers. Oue of them
Mr. HoWrt Morris, of Boston, declar
ed that he was opposed to committing
the eolered poopie to voting for the
nomiuee of the Philadelphia Conven
tion. They were entitled to their
own choice. He was not piepared to
say that he would vote for the present
j incumbent of the Preeideutial chair.
He Wlieved that the leaders of the
Republican party bad Wen merely
makiug use of the colored voters for
selfish purpose* and bad been the bane
and the curse ef the colored race that
they had pledged themselves to any
paity. e want," said Morris, "we
waut some of the chestnuts now, for it
is our turn to have some of the good
things in the storehouse of the na
lien. He had but little faith in the
President, and throughout all of his
denunciations of the conduct of the
Radical leaders he was loudly ap
Mr. Edward G. Walker, who was
elected oue of|the delegates to the
New Orleans Convention, followed dt
clariug that he would not go for
Grant. He had been told that it was
hta duty'to do so, but it was not, "I
will never vete,"said the speaker, "for
the Republican party this coming fall,
if I can find a better party to vole for.
If I can vote with the Democrats and
elect Charles Sumner I wil! do o."
This announcement was greeted with
prolonged applause.
The meetiug which contiuued
throughout the day and eveuing, was
bitterly hostile the party
managers, who surround him, and in
dicated that the colored voters of Mas
: sachuasetts intend to vote indepond
! ently at the coming election.
Dauphin, April 3.—The bridge of
; the Northern Central railroad, over
the Susquehanna river, between
, Dauphin and Marysville, caught fire
from a passing engine at nine o'clock
\ this evening, and in thirty miuules one
half of it was entirely destroyed.
—. # #
The office of tba Lycoming oonnty
Mutual fir insurance company, Mun
cy, was on night of 4th rubbed of
bonds amounting to $32,000. It ap
pears that sometime during the night
parties effected au entrance by means
of the back door, and proceeded to
blow the safe open by drilling it on the
top and charging it with powder.
Details of the Bloodiest Encounter
of the Mexican Civil War—2,ooo
Dead and Wounded—Koch a
Shooting his Prisoners.
City of Mexico, March 13.—At the
date of my last letter General Rocha,
at the head of the government forces,
was pursuing the retiring rebels, and
had nearly reached Zacatecas .On
t\e 3d of March his mirch was
suddenly interrupted by the terrible
fire upon Rocha's advance guard,
which consisted of cavalry, undar
command of General Corolla. This
took place about one league from Zac
atecas, where a stand had been made
by the rebels, who desired to take ad
vantage of the naturally fortified po
sition, as presented by the three bills
known as Bolsa, Bufa and Grillo.
The former was held by Pedro Mar
tinet, Lain Larrsnaga, and ethers;
the second by Trevino, Donato, Guer
ro, Marange, and othsrs, and the lat
ter by Garcia de la Cadeua, Doctor
Martinez and others.
The following is the next of the tel
egram sent by General Rocha from
Zacatecas, March 10, to General Mej
ia, announcing his victory over the
revolutionists in tba battle of Zacate
cas, otherwise called the battle of La
The detailed account of the battle of
Zacatecas I seud to-day by extraordi
nary, In order that you may fbriu
some idea of it before it arrives I will
state the enemy bad over 9,000 men,
all tbair leaders being present, I at
tacked tbem with 5.000 men. They
lost 700 men in killed, mora than 1,000
firisoners and 000 fugitives. The
eaders escaped with small detach- \
ments. All being summed up do aot !
amount to 2,000 soldiers.
We took from tbem thirteen pieces ]
of srtillery, two flags, many wagons •
with ammunition, and a great many i
arms and uniforms.
We had 400 killed and wounded ; i
of the lattsr more than 300 are in the 1
The battle concluded just at night.
This circumstance and trie broken na
ture of the ground made a pursuit of
our cavalry useless. 6. KOCH A.
A German engineer, iierr Humanu,
is prosecuting antiquarian researches
at Pergamus, under the direction of
Prof. Ernst Curtius. He has un
earthed a Doric colonade leading to a
Doric temple, with a spring of warm
water uoder it, which is supposed
to be the famous Esculapium.
Herr Humann has sent a great num
ber of sculptures, nojoi, gems, and
inscriptions to the Reij Musenrn. !
—Cattle stealing continues on the
Mexican frontier but the rancheroa ure
preparing to retaliate.
—The lowa Legislature has passed
a liquor law more stringent than the
Ohio law.
Si Gftfvjypxtir
"i r ~- r - ih.r%ta, I bar* n.l" Wv*' '• I
'7. ih. tllioaiu uwu ■' ' W.n "•
Rentier township.
lertt *r. vmrrante* **•**. '"• '
'BL ~, AM TUWHTAOA • •* |
Hoggs township.
ug MB DMM LA • U
'. " VUIMUIV " "
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MA......ML J"M M
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CM .. IQ -.. . JIBIMA IAWOI . LI ]*
Sr. 27 ..U..ICSSK*E U *
J i'H. •
lIT. : ~.... Xaua Ha*U ... ♦ *
IMA BilMaalaj lS'ii • M
lla MumPhA..
•* "!. ..RAIATTIW " "
I Swa'lMtlaa " -
OS .Was CMaaaallat _ .
Ma ' , iMMghall M
&li ManM . _
US* ......IF-Wiala.
S Dakaava
S . 4 4 M
m ... ""'I * !fi
m'. M LAA> * *!
T .JAAA O*"'" _ _
AA JaAa M.< LUF. _
Ha ||Uq Waa _
5i.... 11l JoaaaCwrOa _ ..
81- .Jaasaa Mmli „ ..
aa Sum.
CD t| M I..Jfr)r _ „
IO J U Uadtraf
||a fcihual Kalaa
a M airnaa • •
BK Wubaat Wilsaa *
Buruside township.
455...130 Rokorl Uray
•• ... •• William Dcwart 'AI Si
" ... " aanoJumnTaatri " "
" ... •• William Ofay " "
" ... " John Dowart..„ "
115. ..John Weittel "
412. .....Ia B'.a.-k 18 M
415 J... J Wa11aM.....~ -
433...1'Jk) William Cook - " "
•• _i'ji) „..John Cowdcn 'JUS4
" .. Wm P Hradr " "
•• Shaetar " "
" _ " ......... John llouiel
" " ......... John Lyon " "
" „_MClirlM Gobcn " "
'• - " John — -" ||
*• _ " „.......John Kidti ... - "
' " .........Henry Donnelly" "
i " .180.........R0bert Hr.<3y " "
'* .120....™..J0hn Donnelly " "
i i of
368. .82 -WilWr Stewart. 940
* of
420. . 68 Pmil Cot
4 of
J,.l)ti Vaughn. IM
4 of
108. 83. ..Jeremiah l'rk.r 253
433...163 -John Irrin ..,34
Win D Kerrin „ " "
" ... " ~Teucb Kranci*.. ,„ "Jo I .C
Ueorgo Harrison..,,
" ... " .........John Nicholson " "
" ... " ...Mathew lrvin ...... 18 48
" ... " George Meade 32 85
413..." Cbarlee Petlit 24 07
458. . " Pearson Hunt 32 85
" ... " George Mcl'lanabau... "
" ... " J*olljr McClanahan "
" ... " Andrew McClanahan "
" ... " Francis Johnston 24 67
" ... " WilliatuMcPherson .. 45 00
878. 120 William Bell 22 62
433...15.1 Charles Stewert 24 67
" ...152 John Donaldson " "
Michial O'Brien 14 69
283 Andrew Pettit—........ 21 70
433...153 Charles Ha 11... 20 £4
397 Da*id Lewi*. 1866
41& JohnShvn 19 50
383... Kichard'Waln „ 17 97
415 Jot Wain 19 49
" ... John Barron 19 60
433 KliCanby -JO 33
" ...108 John Kugg " "
415... Mollie wharton..™.— 17 50
50 Unknown...——...— 10 14
I 216... 106 Jere Parker- " "
' 100. —of Henry Harris— 852
M 0... Michial O'Brien 706
i 130 —David Lenox 6£ol
433... 158 Win Bingham. ......... 20 34
M *' John Barclay.... " "
I 388 96 Jat Hall 30 46
76 Unknown 235
300 yrgncit Gwriay 4 JO
50 barouel Harrs 235
40 Unknown 184
100 of Henry Harris 2 35
140 do do 3 29
433 163 Gharles Hall S3 50
" 151 Samuel Swing 681
" " Alexander Fullerton " "
f •* Hubert Gray
" Thomas Grant
" " WMb'n*<l Holt
i 302 100 burgh Jfall 474
. 42J 144 BamuolCHaU 062
. 433 l&i William Gray 0 fll
' 419 140 John E Hall 658
> 433 151 Thomas Hamilton 681
Jeremiah Jackson
424 128 Francis Johnston
. 433 )5| I>nniel Keete
410 " JosephWallaff 844
F 415 Jess# Wsftl it) M
433 151 George W Hall 691
Nancy Hall " *'
•' " William Brady 683
i •' " John Brady
' " John BarronJr
4 29 William Davison 6 76
' 408 96 J ernes Davison • 42
404 John Davison 6 31
448 Robt Davison 7 06
■• pteSiL7 J ' ?2i
1 " " J.tiles s '•"
" " John Swing
" " Hannah Swing
" " John Swing Jr
433 " Anna Ewing 616
Curtin township.
488.-The ? Hale to 64
" ...15 (irrot <.tottior 17 08
414 . tO Tho* P Whsrtoa ..... 6000
411 Jot iah Usiaet 28 06
2074 of Robt Annctly 38 14
416 ....John McCalley ... 18 26
" ....Chsrlet Allan 46 66
2074- ........Csleb Launt ... 16 86
" _ ltaac Longtlrelh. 3024
416. . ..Joi Ty |# f 8,500
vt. as
439...138 N L Atwood 34 56
800... 19 N L Atwood 23 10
804... 4 Job W Packer 20 40
159... 82 —Job W Packer - 11 16
158...93 Job W Paaker 18 20
486...}ti>..„., v .Fubburo Wharton... 66 00
194... 96......... J oka 0 JJylpman 16 96
41 Peter Ilahn M 40
" Puten liabn 29 *0
'• Jot Thomtt. . 86 79
" Jac Wahln 86 79
" Nathaniel Levy......... 80 69
" .........Tbomat Humphriet... 86 80
"••• Robert Gray 86 52
" William 0re*....,—, 87 29
461 William Yardley...... 15 28
376 gamuel Baird 46 20
415 Richard Tunit 28 98
800 N L Atwood 688
2071- Robt Annetley 82 48
3804 Jot Kelto 62 71
W7T. ...Lindly poatei..... 86 81
415 William Gilbert 6U 13
2074 . 4 of Caleb Lacut.l6 38
2074 4of ltaac Longttrelh. 16 04
433...163 Jamea White 69 73
4313...163 Abijah Davit 29 00
433 .162 Joteph Iligbeo 24 90
41 Jette Brook* 72 60
416 .. ........ Rybpccs Kelto 28 06
481...187......L Rartija Godfrey 49 68
OO —of Peter Smith...'—.'. 826
KG...142 Mary Lane —... 992
896 .196 Jot Kelto 81 07
40 ......Paul fiurtin 10 14
147 —Jetto Hall 44 00
483 .168 Thorn at Halo 26 49
200 John Palmer '... 18 20
120... 48 Philip Mayera - 29 48
116 Simeon Meyera II 66
121... 48 ...Valentine Moyert...-. 17 17
120... " ...—Michael Meyer* - 16 26
Is,.■ Etther Kddy 47 61
" ...-Gawr WjsUr... 26 40
100...120 David CuruudJen..., Q'Jp
118... 4 do 716
tort ■ ,i . it on
461 ..William Yardy 16 18
876 Samuel Baird 86 99
86.. Henry D0nne1........... 264
48-1... Mary Tilman 33 00
433. 168 Thomas McKwin 16 24
tit..'. 14....,„„PJjR9 Quigley 1 70
800 Math em'Luwh.. 4 40
416 Richard TunisV~ A 80
210...163 Fishburn Wharton.... 19 (M
60 JW& L C Packer... 628
I of
434 Job W Packer 8 07
41 Win t Mitchell. m
I of
4UI _ da 6 67
i of
220 do 3 76
4 of
434 Joseph Dcvling 6 64
888.°. Job W Packer 4 06
390 . Jno P Mitchell 244
.:yiuiun> whiten- ? 20
68 Cllne Qulgh'v 86
141 J W Packer 6 32
294... 31 Charles Hurco 18 9b
" ... " Martha Godfrey 17 98
" ... " John Meyers 17 98
94... 12 John Curtin 7 46
71. 181 Koland Ourtln ..... 686
60 142 Sarah loin* .... 12 82
(M ......Jno W G0dfrey......... 90 67
MM Wm I* llrailv 16 61
HO Richard Tuwta 1 U4
811 do 6 0 5
144 J W Packer. - 6 ift •
k'W...160 Satuu*i Scott 1144 1
Ferguson Towuahip.
Ift'i...llfl George Koblntyer 32H0 j
136...117 Jo# Harnett M 64
323 J*lni Atulerton 2 6ft
lift... US George Nlee 30 01
300... Jacob* 7 7V
333... 14 Peter Crispin 4 16
4U),.. 61.........8amu0l Duncan 34 Hi
56... 47 Thoma* McCullough 3 'A'
70. Leonard Hawthorn... 21 Hi
10... 10 laaac Worrell .... 2*'
Ift)).. 49 Alficd B Crew it - 2B 30
ft4... 19 Thotttaa Ferguson 11 54)
418... ll.Aaron Levy 12 H"
404...116 Jam** Moor* 12 "ft
382 Hannah Turner II 36
898... 123 Daniel Turaer 13 90
161 Dydia Fowler 16 00
91 Jacob Way M |0
16 Henry Medler, 370
160 Kit-hard Gintee ft""
226 Bit) bard M051ey......... 18 60
117 .....Henry Mauley - U 60
800... Berry Horner ft MM
40 John Mi Keen 3 40
100 Robert lta.ikin IMU>
817 laaac Uuckie IMUi
ftk> Ja. Baker ftUU
(i*l John l'ctherbridge .. 000
HW... .........Joaiah Lu*by IHIW.
1'J6... .........Caleb North 87"
63 ....John I'etherbridg* .. Mi*'
110 John Raker - 3
60... ....—..Samuel Mile* .. 6111
2ft .. ......... Mo*e Thornton 8 Ills
60 John Ration ftl*"
10... A brain Hick* 61'
60... laaac Buck 1ey........... 3U
" Joaiah Lu*by— "
" Richard Uil*jf.„..~
" Henry \i*ul)r..._...M. "
" ......Samuel Bry*n Iftoo
160... Unknown "
Gregg Towuebip.
872... SI William Hepburn....... 693
382... 129 John Cowder ... 709
4.8... 127 Andrew Carton 7 62
180 Bernard liubby ft 46
880 Ale j McDonald. 629
•JUI Kobt Gray 4 74
" Jehu Carton
" Cornell,!* Itiahop BMU
232... ...... Jacob Mark ley ft 111
241... .Daniel Reeae 4 0l)j
'JU... ...... Isaac Ricbardaoll....
229.. ...... Michael Zvig1er............
AW... ......Henry Antl# " j
" ... Jamca Toner " I
'• Jacob AnJcraoit .. " |
19 ... Jacob Dr*ancr 70]
62. Unknown.— 2t*i
180... —John Merver..... 9ft
"... Kobt A k in.................. "
271... MM.. Unknown 14 in
AW... M.... do 12""
HW... do MMMM 6 UI
233.. 66 do 1310
100 de mm.. 600
60... m..m do - 600
118... do 6 Ift
200. do 9 90
50... M.M. do 102
29 do MMMM MMMM "
Hallmooii Township,
w William King l)|V6
174 Samuel Bryan
•JO7 Jehn McKissick jf7 74
417 10 Henry Floyd at) 6'J
;• at) Richard Whitehead SUIV
4UU 'Ju Wtllian Latuburn 47 fcJ
•Jit) Jabob Underwoed £>46
136 116 Jacob Pyle 17 10
400 110 Richard Jullff 6t 40
•JOO John Uanna 31 £>
£W Jonah Lamburn 'J6 U&
83 John Thompson 'JO TO
tis Roland Curtin A Sons 110
£36 77 Robt Shaw £* 44
44 lii Unknown £>
62 in do 612
68 12 do 4 84
147 do 12 *J
46 do W
63 80 do 1 27
64 00 do 111
67 76 do 280
40U Jacob Baker £4)40
• Joo Baker
18 C Y Dellga 0 24
Halues Townabip.
806 80 Michatl Grata 400
406 141 Bimeon Grata
436 John Simpson
360 Henry Anita 8 00
1 io Hepburn A Harri* 2 20
422 116 Jabn Macks v 800
277 86 Peter Swintiord 6 00
186 of John KrdJ 2 46
4iVi 00 Christian Dealing 341
400 Ja How* 4 ft)
Mary Jtik
;• GO Triem Brr
106 22 William Lowry
166 80 Benjamin Young 260
329 Peter Cramer & 10
262 140 S Snyder All Uilman 2♦ >
252 do 2 40
418 09 George Kramer 400
382 163 Peter Kpler 360
438 Adam Kpler 4 ft)
4 Obat Hall
A 60 jlafy'Barr
170 Stover A IV olf 8 A)
228 160 Wm Mackey 464
| 160 Unknown 1200
125 do 100
liarri* Township.
3 * iitffiU IS
407 82 Kearney bar.on 272
kt) " Richara Parker
412 124 Thoe Parker
AO William Harrison 60
4021 Rloner McUormick 4 S'2
200 IX illiam McCandlnts 1 94
£74 John Smith 2 22
162 Jerem ah Sankey 1 22
277 Samuel Kdmieton 2 24
400 Jno Belt 1 35
" Thomas Johnston 10 K)
" Jno try in do
Wp |r> ( do
" William Brown lo
" j* Reed do
" AbsoU-m Andre do
" Kobt Patterson do
" William Hoffman 6 A)
" Daniel Love do
" Daniel Smith do
Ramtptl d°
J/eward Togrnfbip.
415 Martha Godfrey 22 80
60 AD Herns 2 86
40 HA Jostlin 2 24
80 Henry Antie 8 48
1W 16 C B Welch 22 671
144 WmC Welch 11 6|
186 92 J D Harrit 1122
174 Ap Hants 9 63
li cT Jonathan WiUU
A) oTda 12 72
433 122 Alexander Hunter do
" 120 John Buyer* do
432 ** Samuel! oung do |
433 " Benjamin Young do
" " Thomas Hamilton do
415 Jacob Widnr do |
136 j j Llngle 8 72
433 163 Samuel Paueoait 12 74
390 49 Ullj
208 John W Godfrey'
366 112 do
164 Joseph Green
250 of Jeeie Kren*
142 23 Roland Curtin > 44 20
40 Paul Cprttn
00 * Jos Taylor
120 Jo* Kelso
26 Jacob Bakar 68;
23.7 William Ramiay 40 18
26 jot (ireysburg 2 86
16u jsmes Grpen
200 Samuel i'urtip Jl 40
100 Unknown '67'
101 68 John Brady 22 80
Huston Township.
76 Kuhnes 10 84
400 John Friand 88 40
s msi i
282 g 26.eph.on 36 881'
200 Wm Chancel ler 26 60 '
315 jJHsary 41121'
270 Seely 84 661'
231 Moere 28 02!
iffi ESI Pi
433 163 John Price 27 701
" " johnWbeelaad
•' " John Rollington
366 10 Jame* Baxter " ;
131 Andrew Kunes 8 16:!
76 111 Charles Kunes 484 ,
jg Burley 2 66 J
Liberty Township.
400 40 Pater LelUell DC 00 '*
2CO Jeremiah Jackson 8 00 '<
480 Christian Smith 28 08 *
420 103 Kobeit lirrin 12 62°
108 10 of John Potter 12 64 °
40ti 120 Stephen Stephenson 12 06 *
" 126 John Dunwoody
J?0 Kbencier Honhmu lV32j*
fit) Danl Plfltchor 40i J
g {§
40 Longbottom 2 o<i *
BC6 Wilßnm Hayes 1120!*
00 James Mctihce 6 40 *"
i ear i
do Simon Ltngl# 60,'.,
84 Hugh Shew 2 08 f
CO do 00;f
30 , do „ 672 J
200 Christian Nestleroad 420 j
CO of Thomas Parsons 1 80 T
GC of A Hamilton 2 48 ™
70 Jos M Shaw 224 !
3 t n li|
40 Stephen Chamber* 4 ufl .J.
260 John Jackson 4 00
CO D Carscadden 1 GO *7
30 Thomas King 128 ~
IOC 40 Peter Lytlo 12 80 71
HO Robt Smith 2nd' :
do William (lorrell 2>'
30 Peter Swart* 128 l<
30 Jeremiah Sheridan 96 4;
10 K*a Raker 1 92 4
AW l'eater* 6 4*'
4tW Mat hew Leach do |
HW Joe Robert* 8 30,2
do Cha* Bruce 3 A (
7 103 Danl Kratita 800 N
39ft 80 Robert lirvln 13 M 0 d
176 Batnual Cottar II A' •!
Marion Tuwuabip.
Jll Robert Young 6 60 -j
(10 J M MrKlnnev 138 10U
117 AlaiScutt 2ft 931
1 of <
199 Puul Zantxillgar 2(61,
70 Christian Kohrar 17 82 ,
tW Ale* Scott 46 Hi ,
123 A brain Singer 81 (W|,
60 Sarah Wilaon lA6o||
50 Unknown 5 60 ;
4tW do 44 MM!,
AW do 22 4M
H do II "JO|
Ml) do 1 10 ;
14* do 3ft Ml ,
63 do 6 79!]
M 47 do 12 331
83 john Bcbneck 22 ft" ,
MOO Unknown 220 ll
46 do 6 36
i AW do 22 111
.l/ilvn Towuahip.
i 130 12! Simeon Ural* 641 .
i 123 47 do do j,
i 196 01 do do .
i 190 42 do 204
ilSft 141 do 6 14 1 (
i HO Stroherker A Reynold* 1 ft' ,
11200 Jacob Seigfreid 3 6ft
" *• U
1,387 Thouia* Grant 8 6M],
i ftji AUx Hunter 2U> ,
HW Jeremiah Jackaon 390|,
126 William Steadman 2 64
IH) Kobt Taggart I Oft
i 200 Thomas Smith do ;
HW Aaron Levy 190],
2*i Thomas <>rant ft MO ,
(Hi Robert Bradv 7 3D
I 410 Hannah Brady 7 24
i 429 Kehert Uray do j
• 402 Thomas Grant do
i 44(1 Jehn Kreeae do ,
i sou Wm Parker ft 4"',
I PJS John Doraey 60]
do Moore Wharton do L
1,426 Henry Toland 3 40 ,
I do Sauil Nortou 146> (
I do Daniel William do!,
462 William Brady do ],
TJ4 Richard i'arker do
381 Jeremiah Parker do
i 6ft William Parker ftft
4trj 184 William Mile* 13 64
i 126 More Wharten 61]
i HW of A bruin Scott 2 64,,
i 60 ef Samuel Scott 102!
•129 A brain Srult 2 14!
i 90 Samuel Scott 1 22
i (to Jam** Hepburn ft Wj
i (oft John House! 3 40
, 260 Danirt Selgfried 3 till j
i 110 Siroheckt-r A Reynold* 166
i 2* William Parker 86
, 266 Jehn Brady 3 40|
, 260 jerry jackaon 17"
. ] 160 Jonathan Wolf 1 '22
1 140 of Lyon* Moa*ina Hi
424 George Calhoun 2 80
, PftUotl Tuwhaliip.
• 4tl| 180 Benjauitn Uornai 33 64
i HI) l'ju Jacob Baker 813 D
, |7B Robert Burlin 18 4ft'
! jlm Nichoia* Dei hi Ift 11
) 166 Adam Deihl 17 24
; 208 Nicholas D.ihl A1 00
) 211 John tl'Brien 2194
i 100 John While 10 40
I 160 • Thomas Weat IflA' j
t| 6| jatnot Newport 6 28
I IsJ Robt Grove ft 7ti
> 7ft William Wilton 7••
,182 Wil'iam Klli* Is*<U
> JO3 Henry Grot* 17 l"
\ U0 cfßoVrt McCUlu 20 m
l Poller Towuahip.
) HI) Jame* Brown IMO
John Trick jr 60
! 177 Bernard Hub!ey 1 tL,
Christopher Derring de
Benjamin Patterawu V lU
U0 IJniry Yanderaliee 92
. iuo Aleaander Hunter 00
do Samuel Scott do 1
Abraham Scott do
J Jamca Moore do
Kdward Gamigua 3 00
William Gamigua do
. Jame* Korbat do
. 42 Jamca Moore 270
Wm Huffman 211'
Daniel Smith 2 40
Daniel Levy d,
Samuel Young Je
i T
George McClctlan 1 50
Wm r Brady I OLi
. 10ft 61 Ferret Telly 100
lift 184 George Fouat 3tu
' 126 Unknown t-2
J PJft Heary B Fullmer 3 Do
) Petit) Tow uahip
) do yV ui Montgomery do
Jo Robt Lvon do
do Kick iaf Lvon do
) do Benjamin Lyon do
1 do John Mtt'ally Ju
9 do William McCally do
Rush Towu*hit),
S)6i ttavld Beverage 762
152 Martha McConnel do
ii 366 168 Ja* Glenlworth do
253 do Georgo Latiuier di'
f 411 do KdwarJ Maveatan d.i
.S ?*
2 300 Wiiitam McPheraoa 3 60
( 436 Iftft Win U Latimer 240
J 413 168 Richard Melon* 1512
2 do d* Isaac Britches 16 14
I de do Matbia* Slough 16 UW
j'do do Sam! Kankir do
ido do Henry Slough ft §4
do do JVie, \i ftfl
•H Tjioma, hJward* do
Jo do Robt Iryin Jo
do do Thoma* Hamilton 741
do do Thoma* Grant do
do do Thomas Kreeae 80 29 ,
ido do jno Gundgcr ♦'*> 3ft
do do Georgo Slough 29 29
do do Michael Gujitgar 4u &
il3 12 Robert Ring •U) ,
led liS John Mover 49 41
438 158 John Allison 60 40
> 76 William Wilaon 1610
> 5409 ot jame* Allison 36 84 .
I 411 168 Saml Shower* 12 HI
I] do do Saml joner 80 81 '
'ldo do John Bryon do '
II do do William Groxel do ,
]do do Andrew Gracfl" do
Ido du HoU Bpcat 1510 '
I < w flo (brlatidn Lcnboro do i
!(o So CatptrSchacfnar 303U;
Ido do George Hitofhagla de
do do Peter Miller do
do do John Funk 80 29 >
406 147 Jacab Rush 59135 .
422 44 John Weldinan © 52 .
IIS Jffub Woidtpaft fei 2? '
483 JM i'aiper Uurihcg 1413 5
do go Richard Lowdcn do \
do J* Daniel Fitjerald 30 29 ,
do do David Kckler d*
|do da Henry Pinkertoa GO 62 t
do do Samuel Chestnut 16 12 (
do do Jacob Ruduheli ftO 54
do do Henry Aerr 2ft 76
do do Christian Stoner 28 67 (
do de John Stoner do *j
do do Christian Ueu do ;!
de do Robt Reed 1512 <1
75 Jos Harrison 9 15 l
108 John Harrison 18 83 i
433 168 Thofna* liautllkon A) 32
do do Eleanor S)ddejt* 15 14 1
do tPv JOiC'pb Hop kink 15 12 4
do do Jno Hopkins do
406 William Wilson 526
433 168 John Lov.den 1671 1
Ido do Thoma* Grant do |
do do Benj Rush d" j
do do SebgsUan qrp.f Wti! i
<0 do Robt Miller 1872
Ido do Daniel'Buckley 700 8
do Jo B K Morgan e<j 14 06 H
jdo do Daniel Turner 1512 d
434 Charles Laos* do 4!
do Thoma* Graat 8056 d
433 in Kdwara Bryan 1512 d
120 80 John Lylly 21 at A
433 168 Kobt Irvin 62 9ft H
do 162 John Musser do 'H
do (53 Richard Peters do . I
33 do John Wilson 15 12 41
433 163 Henry Witmar ft 64 65
do 168 John Cunningham 28 00 D
Ju Hu William Grar" MlB V
217 Bebaitiaii Gran 11 02 A
do John Musser Jr do 15
483 153 William Wilaon 3019 HI
do do Hugh Hamilton 26 60 HJ
do 168 Jacob Slough 16 12 A)
433 John Lowaen 1612 ;X)
163 John Hover I 9 60
433 153 Mary Smith 16 It 20
do do Richard Malane do !l6i
do de llujyiah Turner do 20
do du jame* Turacc do do
100 Barbiira Hnydcr If 10 ,**
190 116 Anna Arthur' 18 off] 15?
133 153 John Leo * IB Oft ]im
194 17 Thoma* Arthurs 17 2p Jot
3 i ife lii
lift 80 HugiifhamUtun 754 h,
lit 163 Cha* KUk 1512 162
10 do William Stewart do iuo
lo do Thomas Leo do ,i a
io do William Latimer do! ay
lo de Geo Latimer d>l 3c
04 jo* Rauman 726 •)
04 10 of jhiiicv Aliieon 2£f bO
2 4 UK" If
88 iM Andrew Grulf 80 81
17 80 of Robert Rainay 754 aoo
70 Thomaa Grant 490*483
30 Christian lluber 2<i 1
t6l DA Philip Kharmaa 36U) I
14ft "6 John Kheiman 10 M) i
134 John Moiilgumery 14 22 '.
lit W W Montgomery do [t
411 Samuel Cbcatn ut 4 14
16 Caspei lutwrence 19M 1
MM Jesse Kit hard* 8 U)
411 168 Jbn Lowdan 16 12
de do Thome* Grant do
do do Hj ltu*h do ;
do t|u Sebastian Graff 25 46
de do jno Wllkson 16 PJ
76 Willtam Wilf>n do
Al9 ias Allison da
1U) 263 Robt King do
40 ID Richard AtheJlon 4 flu
I'll 163 Richard Melone 1512
do do laaac Britches do
do d* jnoGumlager flo 00
do do George Slough HO 29
du do Micbiet Gudager do
177 184 llardniaii Philip* 24 7<>
216 15ft Thome* Hamiltun 764
do do Thomas Grant del
A) Patric llayo* 1 40
40 jno K*ed 2l*i
216 HO Hugh Hamiltan 15 16
(13 163 Jaeoh Itudishell 30©
160 jet llerriaun 106)
54 Kobt Kin* 3 77
(<*) j no Coponhavor 2ft"t*i
.00 do 1400 j
Knew Kboe tuwuehip.
433 103 Samuel M Foi 21 76
325 Wm Bank* 1 flfl
4<U David Willinms do
1 -KM Alex .Martin 12 65
"ssl 1.,-* is Lewi* 13 49
i of
433 163 Mary M Wharton 16 34
do do Jo# P Norris do
do I'Jl) Luke Mistier do
1 416 Sarah M Pullman 2002
(33 103 Kurd Wii>n 17 4"
do do Thomas Mi Kwen 21 42
do do Thomas F Wliartuu do
(16 Kit hard Wain A) 46
(IS 103 Kobt vYnti-rt 22 47
Jo do Benj K Morgan 21 77
do do Kearney Wliartoa 37 44;
do 163 Henry Rctx 67 9ftj
178 Jo* Beta 44 76
I of
i 434 Samuel Dobaoa 2109
488 Ift3 Patrick )b.ri 1824
do do John Hunteg 16 34
*0 du Win Bingham 16 Hi
do do Jat Hawthorn 2264
j'JDJ 84 1 eter Betx A) 10
(Xt 163 Thomas Hawthorn 22 96
Je 164 Altx 1 Dallas Ift 16
do 163 Ja*per Maytan Ift 14
do de Juhn Houston 16 3ft
(474 Paul Bel* JD Ift
(49 JaaWhittakrr 18 251
6 George Foireat I IH'
I4U Jat Forre t 90
80 George Wheeler 'M'Ji
434 HughDallon (4 40
! do George Datton Ift 3ft
do Ja* Dobkon 14 46
do Jo* Dubson Ift 2ft
jdo George Dobaon (ft 36
147 148 Peter Hoop* 9 91
186 82 John Hoop* 9 ift
TOO Jua Butcher (6 40
484 Jat Stark A> K>
jdo Samuel black A'ift,
, do Henry Slack do I
(72 Ja* Tool h 7ft]
4-14 Wm Longwell |6 301
UW Patrick Moore Jl 9t,
lii Henry Moore 7 79
pit Samuel Horner 17 3ft
41! nil Jacob G rat* tft Hi
jdo do Rat rick Moore 16 34;
do do Ja* C Fisher 24 ft"
412 44 David Car*cadd*n H) 34
433 |G3 John Taylor 16 36
do Jo David Stewart do
d 4 do Robt Rainy 17 36
do du John Haii tft 16
!Jo do Thoma* Smith do
du du Wm Jackson
do do Kdward Scoß
do du i boiuA* l. Welliug do
<l# tie aamucl Rlodget do I
do do aliarp ix-lanjr (1 70
da du Wm Mcpberaot) 16 30
do do win o Latimer do
do do Juba Wei4 do
do du ja* uleuthwortb do
do do Manuel juaepbauii 13 51
415 (.ewiaTurner 10 30
da Audrew aiuger 15 92
433 103 jubu Nith'V,n 16 36
do do John n wan wick 670
150 of Joseph uarriaan 592
433 153 Margaret -pear 10 70
360 i 44 John cim 804
:0 U2O job wiky 670
lUU tsavid uancadden 2 35
|33 it>3 A/agnuiMiller iG 44
do do wm J/.Smith 16 66
do do Jehn iKsnaldaoo 654
do do lilair m'Clauaban ,0 34
do do Jacob Wciaq 670
do i 53 Samuel vibituker 2014
do t<c.rgc whituker do
do do Cbarlea Risk 16 34
I do do waiter Stewart jr do
Jo do mary incCianabati do
do do Jame* wheeler 90 i 4
do do Samuel fur real 20 iM
do |63 Uenry Hill 670
waiter Stewart jr 1 66
Thomas L Mosre do
ulair Mi lAiiuban do
auu Mci iauaban do
bUmeaar uauard do
John aiuger do
jamce pogle do
uenry rwgel do
l*ter pogel do
433 itobt walteri 15 44
400 peter UU 15 40
l&ti Renrjr vabdvke 7 56
433 j.* Morris 19 24
do Alexander ucary do
do cieorgc K<idy do
do Andrew tutyard 15 44
do nurd wilaoß do
149 121 wtuLoy 235
433 163 Kearney wharton 49 34
do do Thomas ureavs 32K8
190 8 uenry Vandyke 250
162 Richard Joues 5 77
433 153 Moore Wharton 15 80
do do uebecca Wain 12 00
de do nenj UTHmQ 90 94
do do bli*abelh xalloian 12 00i
do do A 8 valentine do
do do MTMilliken do
20Q mj Mitchell 19 57
433 153 William Bingham 22 50
do 143 Audrew oayard 16 34]
415 aarah Whgrtoß 21 BQ|
ui,! jajTßAlc 13 94]
433 James m'mshus 14 48
do sam'l Ltnn 10 34;
do 168 phebe Walu do
do do aaiul W fiaber do
do 100 ucorge rarker 16 00
Spring Township.
AH 13ft Rosa Johnston 19 80
269 Henry Teol 11U.
HX) Catherine Robinson do
dn Rebecca Robinson 12IA
160 Richard Rubinson 0 9t
100 Thomas Thrtnburg 4 OC
A) Jno Long - -N j
150 J J LingVo G'
4(1) Samuel Forbes 4 fIG
60 JasD Harris 2 H
75 Unknown 3 ©
169 G8 d fIS
145 21 (lo ft 06
tfl of Win Wilson 2 7*l
117 Ja- >t oore 18 4"
Taylor Township.
397 94 Richard Downing 12 11
KO Michael WeiJnef 6 0^
Jo do do
tSt John L&mh 8 ift
Jo' John bWritA
jgf Joshua William* 319
tit Polly William* fto2
lo ilngh Hamilton do
&J0 Christian Vanpool 1027
101 Joseph Downing 76 Ai
100 Abner Webb 672
4ft v James Fox 91 K)j
Kit ' Jos Drake ©7B
do Craig & Sherrick 42f11i
w %! Wilnani Rufd r>s4!
92 Thomas Wallace 108
1)0 Richard Whitehead 18 70
50 Jothua William* 9 31
00 22 John Lamb . 18 95
01 Samuel Downing 93 2ft
DO Wm Bell 08 66
00 George W Alberty 66 89
I of
JO Jacob Vanpool 12 10]
50 Andrew Herrybill 8 41
X) Nicholas Uantmoßd glut,
0 Ueonro Kiter nfO
Vi Jtaetffl Wklch *5 9-2
18 Elijah Mt rryhian Q2 8t
10 fledrgo Apshnts o 08 1
1 ' is
n cf Jatiics Oarr 0 20
0 Jacob Beck 8 12
0 do 2 72
2 Maria Morris 9 42
0 Unknown 316
1 do 6UO
0 AM Alder do
G do 2 24 (
3 James Walk ds 1
j tea?- p
1 uoorgo Mung 13 06 /
j Thomas Martin 18 00
J Joseph Clark 931 f
i Ann Arthurs 12 40 "
5 Bichard M alone 26 86 n
lU> Jnhn Hhenk 1 12
\to John Hoover 18 510
HU) W.i. Addlcman MO 'J&
IWi Maria Morri 8 80
do ('lnipnt Drdwltk ISW
78 J. l.nwl. M 42
I'd Unkuown 22 02
It*) Jame* C'owhvr 11 'JO
•10 Yoder 1 02
488 161 Joshua WUtiaai* lMflO
100 (iwirit Moiig ft 'JO
;do Jno Cunenhavcn do
170 Wm F Tyaon H Vo ftWl
4" Jan.*. Fox 8 73
171 Unknown No I 10 73
IMO do No 2 t .68
'JOT. do N a 18 10 oft
! 141 do No 8 4 Bft
•2IU do No 12 10 f
Uuiou Towuahip.
100 Jan* Long 8 4ft
1 804 Charles Wilaon 8 08
180 ban.nel Pblpps 690
I 146 Join. Cooper 0 82
i 266 John Dun womly 12 74
I 117 Bojfw Davia 8 88
818 David Kuhne* 31 92
i 60 Hyc* Davia 9JO
I 170 ' George Hoover 18 40
160 John Meodenball 0 90
I do Kobt Hall 10 80
10 Ira Pisher 2 06
411 188 Aaron l*ng 091
do Casper I lain** do
do 108 Jacob Cook do
3*) Win Brook* 12 74
48.1 168 M (.rata 691
do do John Doi.ald.on 400
60 uainucl Hay. 2 (JO
do lleyce Davia 9ft
SMI Kobt llorria 6 40
413 108 Mary Morris 691
do do Itobt Btrwart do !
do do Batnuel Miles jr do I
do do ftaiuuei Mil*. 1107]
do do Krancia Jobnatun 69]
do do W' tu Chancellor 1107
192 127 Reuben llain*. 661
4ft. 64 Marti. Huatoii 700
483 168 Win Stewart jr 691
do do William btewart do
do do Walter Btewart do
62 Win P Foher 207
68 of Feter Benson 4 fft
268 Wm Brook. 11 6ft
191 Dutiwoody 4k Long 8 78
17 ol Uoyce Davia 3 90
60 of do do 184
40 Wm do
80 Samuel llay*. 6 6C
26 Wm D Kuhne* 1 14
16 do do lift
488 ICB 11. uy Morria 691
do do Deborah Btewart do
|do do Aaron Levy do
'do do Joha Bwai. wick 1167
! 3) Buyer Davia 8 Ml
j 70 J.w Mil.-. 800
333 Wm ( lark 27 16
lUU Rudolph ilulbollan 4 07
Walker township.
92... Jeremiah i-arker... 362
91 Richard i-arker.... '* **j
426...131 ja* euller 7 96
436 Mry carriaui...,,, H 16
i " ... 44 william Ackert„ 809
I M capt 0amu,,.... 804
429.,, Msrg i>augberty... 7 87
435 53 Margaret Jautrs 831
445 75 E*lwrd jamea 899
441 93......*amul Robinson 891
400 85 tlix usuglierty 750
427 140 jeaee Evaus 798
420 72 Peter uahn 804
424 127 a mot wickenham.. 789
435 50 William Gilbert 816
88 107......J0hn wercer 163
M " Kobt Askeu 1 66
M " job packer " *
" ** jamee packer ** "
a " navid jolinstoa ** 44
327 160 wdliam Manael 643
397 " navid Mercer 623
218 joo Backer... n><>> 354
433 120 samuel J8 30
140 ...... ,14 t7' 4 atiau Kobrer 15 75
John a tiox 3 85
[B3 Richard rurdou 4 18
175 uacbaei Kobiaou 6 09
80 John ueary smith 180
50 Beuj pyle & co 112
100 satnuel mcecc 150
192 Jeremiah warden 2 96
212 sam'l Barktuau 634
150 navid Reed 4 50
112 Paul tanlzinger 4 50
99 t'ukuown 1 60
100.. R uobison 12 00
242... 86 J a me* sutler 3 60
50 williara Acker!.. 74
25 oapt 0acma0...... 60
15 Mar imugherty... 30
50 Mary carrican.... 140
70 John Baker 1 20
200 c ant usatuan 3 00
143... 11 williani Ackert... 224
151... 07 do 2 40
111... 42 Marg naugherty„ 180
94... 34 do 1 50
198... 05 Edward jarvis 300
1 84 Margaret Jarvis 1 50
20 ixlward jarvis 74
50 william uahn 1 25
69... 39 Jesse Evans 104
30... M ...atnos wickersham... 60
48... 76....jamea sutler 74
92... 22 Wm Arkert IG4
211... " ...oaptosaraan.. 3 42
115... 13....Margaret naugberty. 202
219... 30.... Margaret James 362:
274... 155.. ..Edward James 348
179...110 klii naugberty 2 92
100... 39 Jesse Kvans...". 164
211... 62 peter uabn 3 42
4... 22 amos wisckerebam. 12
124...158. ..-william Gilbert...... 2 14
90... £4....ju0 Mercer 1 48
M ... 94 Robt askeo ""I
86... 40...J0b packer 44 H
89... " urnes packer jr...„ 1 48
59... 44 navid Johnston.,,,,, 90
327...160..,,.wi11iam Mauasl 4 94
327.,, 100 navid Mercer M M i
337... 154 Robt d JUO Raker... 502
143...112 Richard Robinson... 2 24,
119...120.. ..ofßuth orowks 3 44;
22... 47 Elizabeth uahu 34j
65... 40,,,..wm uabu 96
, 889...138 uav id Sutler.. 628
J 484...136... wm Miller 6 30
lj Worth township.
! 91... 53 jacob Kuhne*..... 12 77
I 180... 40 joeeph Kuhnee... 25 38
119... 83 Abram Kuhues... 11 17
247...150 George Kuhnes... 34 80
) 390... 40 Malhiaa Kuhnes.. 55 78
370 ueorgeLawman... 36 94
. 6 juhn 5inger..,,,,,, 1 U
> 345 ~john Ruhnea..,.,. 34 15
i 12, Jehn Rms. 10 62
! 106 uenry clvmtr 5 29)
> 274 Ha in tic 1 Mi1e*...,.. 27 11,
' 237 Daniel viator..,,,,
I 25 .william lister,,,, 3 50 !
i 256... „„..wiuhippen jr 2232
!, 39... . ...Kollaud Richard*. 390
] 433...153 jame* Hawthorne 26 76
i 21 John Mifflin...... 352
1 129-. ......Thuiuaaswaiiwiok 1066
300 .Thorn Hawthorne 19 95
|3SO, U jasper Mayau.,.. 26 74)
90... juhu wi*tcr.„„„ 381
59 unknown- 3 90
Treasurer* office, Bcllcfente, April 4.
On Marriage,
M"aa wzrxi
Marflag*. ana ruin the happiness of thous
and*,—with sure mean* or relief for the
Krring and Unfortunate, diseased and de- )
bilitaled. Sent in sealed letter envelopes
free of charge.
No 2Boutn Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa
The Chepast,
purest, best.
On Allegheny Street.
Jojlep, Tpa, Sugar, By fup,Dried Fruit,
( unued Fruit, Hams, Dried Beef,
Knit, Pickles, Butter, Flour,
Jorn Meal, Buckweat Flour,
,nd everything usualy kept in a well r*gu
xtod flrat data Grocery Store
aarß.flu RUHLaGAULT. j
lly virtue of writ of fart facto issued
out of tb Court of Common Flans of Cm- !
ire county, and to m directed, will be ex- <
H? d .. lo ?! ,Wle *"]?• '} xU ' House,
>" the Tind day fl
April. 1872. the following property, via J j
A , O*""? dwelling bouse 34
•torla* high, feet In front and M feet in
depths •ileate ia the town of Centre Hail,
Potter twp., on a lot or piece of greund on
the north side of Church ,treet, adjoining
lot of Wm. P. Hhoope, on the north, an nl-
Ice „ n the weet and Church street, being
40 feet la front, on Church etreet, and
feet In depth. Neiacd taken In execution
end to he eold at the property of Oeorge
11. llarpeter.
Alt thoee 3 certain lota of ground, situate
in the Borough of Howard. Centre county.
Pa., one thereof being at Hon# corner,
near Main lUeet, thence along taid etreet,
south &V 4 degree#, weet AO feet to poet,
theace along an alley 84| degrees, watt
1a.3-10 per. to poet, thence along nn alley
** d .T°*\ "** feet to poet thence by
lot of Mid J arob atw d*g r®#t, fftftt
tI.HO per to place of begining couUlalag
, one-fourth of an ecre, more or let*. there
on erected a two atory house. .table, and
other out-building., the other thereof
bounded on the north by lot of J a*. But
i ler, on the weet by the estate of Buttlar
on the eouth by lot of Jacob Meeee, and
on the eae: by public road, conUining one
fourth of an acre, more or lees, Seised,
taken in eeecution, and to be old ae the
property of Jacob Meeee. Bale to com
mence at 1 o'clock. P. M . of said day.
D W .WOODRINO, Sheriff.
Sheriff* ofllce Bellcfonte, Mar. 23th, 1872.
D. & C. Lose
Manufacturers of the Celebra
ted Excelsior Cornplanter,
at Spring Mills, Pa. This machine hills
and drills, any desired distance apart
This Planter was awarded Ist premium,
at state fair* of 1866- ft-'g £ OW, in compe
tition with the Morrixtn, BerkstrasMrr,
ilartman and others. We also man u fas- j
ture Corn plow, or Scrapers lAmrthj
This sebool, at Penn Hall, Centra Co.
Pa., will ba opt-nod ou the 16th of April,
The course of I attraction will be a* the
name indicates--Classical and Normal.
Special attention will be riven to Normal
branches and to snch students as may look
forward to teaching.
Terms 15,00 to 88,00, per term of 10
weeks. No deduction for absence except
in ense of sickneu.
Boarding can be procured nt reasonable
rates near the school.
Reference Principal
Rev D. M Wotf. marllto
Crand Opening
FOR 1872.
where he opened with a rery ltr|
* toc * of the UU-.t atylaa, both fancy and
Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni
of all kinds.
All kind* of repairing done with neat-
He#* and di* patch baring four good war x
i men at the bench. I am prepared to do
. all kind* of curtom work, fine or common
Thankful for peat fhror*. I hope by rtrict
attention to buioeaa you and erarybody
rlae will thaw tmiling face* at my new
| ware roam*.
~1 BellefoiiU, Pa., M
~ | (Successor* lO lAWIV A WILBOS.,) >
H Respectfully inform ihe citixcn* of £
/. 'Centre and other counties, that they "
~ hove one of the largest and boat M- JJ
leoted stock oflUrdwar* tobefound, c
. roiuirtinf of Iron, Steel, NnHa, ®
a; Hone Shoe*. Axel*. Spring Waron -
-'Skein* and Boxes, Complete Hock ot **
< carpenter tool* and builder* bard- C
if ware, lock*, oils, paint*. *l***. ear-
I a nithe*, brushes, cucumber pnmp* and
tubing. Lamp* af all kiadt, tenia*, „
j< cutlery, m
Full lin* of saddlery and coach ma-
I ker* good*. wood work for buggies
and vagaaa, ploughs, harrow*, culti-
L vat or* and grindstone*. Looking H
glasse* and mirror plate*. Picture EC
. frame* made to order. They aUo *
7 < have the celebrated cook ttove,
r every one warranted to five perfect £
H vali♦faction All kind* of parlor *:
/. u>ve*. We are determined tu tell -
~ a t the lowest price* for oath, or oa ~
,hort credit—not to exceed three ®
. month*. Call and tee ua, a* we take 5
5 j
C marl&tf. % Bellefonte, Pa. *
3 £
I expect to keep a much larger
stock of
ihi* teaaon than heretofore, aad would in
| rite all my friend* from Contfe County, to
ail aad see my stork, before purchasing
e whore. 1 will have from
in e few day a af ell
And from IT. to ,j, thou.nnil piec„!
Price* ranging trom
Oots. to $1 per Bolt-
Please call end examine for yourselves,
° r * r . ,te '"l e "totinf and kind of room*,
and I will select and forward, and if tot
satisfactory it cau be reti^rn^
matlftfo. Milroy, Pa.
A lot of land, lying in Gregg township,
on the bank* of Penns creek, between
Penn Hall and Spring Mill*, U wfljtW
private tale. U tttUUun Geo.
and u B. M'Tntiro, containing
more or let*. About 8 acres consist of
first class wbite pine timber, the balance
cleared and under cultivation—6 acres are
For further particulars apply to
C. H HENNICK, Gre|g twj>-
ry ssoLimoit of a prtn kkshi t.
The partnership heretofore existing ua
<ir the Arm nana of Flshsr 4k Uettfg wae
| dissolved on the llth day of March. 1873
Notice is hereby given to all peraoaa
knowing themselves Indebted to the raid
Arm, that the/ are respectfully requested to
call at the old stand at Parmer's Mill*, and
•utile their account* without delay.
Millnxiw, Ckxtbi Co., Fa.
Rereire Deposits and allow interest.
Discount Notes.
Make Collections.
Issue Kastorn Exchange.
And a general Bank Ins Business done.
A Waltbu, Pensioner.
Cashier. martOtf.
The undarsigaad offers at private
Meals a two story dwelling houea and
Lot, on ) ala street, Centra Hall,
with stahlaaad all aaoessaty outbuildings
and choice fruit on the premises, and wa
ter in the yard. The hints# h an good as
new. For futher particulars^.!jJ* Centre Hail
Wooden Pumps,
The undersigned would respectfully call
the attention oftbecitiaeas ofCsnlr* county,
and Pennsvalley ia particular, to the tort
that he is taaau torto ring
rm pump,
made at home or elsewhere. He use* nemo
but the IN at material, atwrntifi mu
to give satisfaction, as being the most last
ing end durable, aurSSWMt TO TBS Ota
wooden pump, being arranged to let the
water off and prevent ireeling in winter.
Piae, poplar or cucumber pump* always
oa hand His matirinl for pumps I* all
m wed from large timber, and are thus
Secured agai net Cfcnek iaf or Crsdking.
All orders by mall promptly tiled.
PIPING, sand* of the best material, of
Are inch scantling, jainad together wtb
coupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and
war ran tod to stand any pressors requited
for ordinary use. Prices of piping range
from 12 to 18 oeeto per fuel Bend orders le
kept. 80. ly JTJKIXKIC
MileSbaia. Fa.
_ - J
Store, Egg, furnace and fnemliM
Coal—ofbot quality, at the low*
aat price* Cmtomen will pieaaJl
note that our ceai ia houaed un
der oommodioua aheda.
LI MR—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, tor aat*
at our kiln*, aa the pike leading to
POWDER.— Hanag reoaired the agency
for l>u Poat'a Powder AT
WHOLESALE, we ahali K
planned to receive order*
the trade.
Oftce and yard aaar aouth vj[ 0 i*,tj
Valley A A Depot, +JS+ZJIZ
nord SHORT V.IDOE * 00.
dealer* la
aleo all the
A vary large as
sortaseat ofToi
lst Abticlbb,
Paver Rood*
Soap*. Ac., Ac,
The ftaeet qual
ity of Baioi
Srxxt, Pocait
aad Raxoas
Wall Parxa it
Gbbat Vaxiktt.
PRRSCRlPTlONS^conipounded hy coatf
potent druggists at alt hours, day or sight.
Night custoaiars pu'l night belt.
Rrbop BL, Bell efmste Fa.
unlS 1
Great Desfructio; o
of high prices!
the Old SUnd^g
tt Centre Hell.
dress goods.
Half, Of pa, Boots, Shoe*.
FISH, •w'&'arasg*.
.. „ a*CKIKiLV3
Iff h~ -Si Cheapest ia the market