The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 12, 1872, Image 1
It Sever rj. , t v H Tifrftr pr* to fn t tad growl Whaa fortant seams oar fc Th* hmt will push ahsad And strike the braver blow, For- luok.ii work, And thooe who Shirk She old not lament their dootn, But yield the pity, And dear away That hotter non have roeat. n newer, !;* *w*wlrtl.*hlU H In ffrttifinfij; (tier gain, Aad he it aolJ trhi ttihik* tint gLI la i-h*apc*i I wish t with twin, . • * Al. arable lot ' A coey cot. Hare tempted even k.nga , For aUtioa high. That wealth will hay. Not oft oon'.t utxaetit I nugs. The Wind and the Row. A little red ROM bloomed all alone la a hedge by the highway tide; And the \Vtwd eatne hy with a pitying moan, And thua to the deareret cried, " Yon are choked with dual from the aandy "ledge; Now eoa what a frit ml can do ? 1 v ill pit tee a hole in the tangled hislge. And let the brccae come through 1* " Nay, let me be— I am well enettgh !" Baid the R w 1° 4W*| | t I But the Wind it dfwayf rlJto ftuJrvigi!:, And of course he bad Lis way. And the breeae blew ad on the little red RAbT. r}ifdll|uHH' ' For the uaitghtv tocya—hex ancient ftwe— Caaie through where dm get. aa* made. *'l ece."aa d|fih }^d,jjrfc&j(he^J9ag*ia. Aud looked at the trembling ilower, *' Yon are out of p'occ ; it is WJJ plain Yen arv meant for a lady's bower!"* "Say. let me be!" said the shuddering Roe ; "No M.tfw I ater had knoaq * Till yon dfetfic her. to brnok my rvpoas; No# phase to let uie alone 1" Rut the trill of the Wind is atrorg as dyelh. And tilth? he recked hi r criea; He pfuckod her upviih hi* mighty bread., Ami away to the town he die*. Oh. all too rough waa the windy rids For a rose o weak and small; And eoon her !ares on every side Hi gat. to scatter a lid fall * ** N w, what is this I" said the waudeuug Wind. A* the Rose in tegmenta Ml; " Than paltry stem is aU I find— I am rare 1 meant it well !*' • 1' aasan* Just this—4hst a meddling friend," Said tbri dyiay "is sure To mar the matt, r he aimed to mend. And kill where be meant to sure V The Flown Bird.! 4 ' ** Once a nc:Dg-Uird was mine. And I gare him tends, est care; Fruits and mxLi xndi-yM*l dnnk. Golden *-\bw TWjt * At my coming leaped his wag Lib* a fountain from his throat; Lightest word of mine he met With his mellow, gleescme note. One fad dav, his deer ajar, Sonet roe* from the summer fields ■ Sou'w'.s a sweet and di-tant song— ;HRL Nttes I feel, with hear: of pain. To my own lost bird be!,eg. a precious lore was mine. And X gars so il try lite; • : ■ uad it heart and brain and sou! B Cuag with sweet, persistent strife. ITo my darksome mgfcth brocrht Summer mtcrtse, heavriify cheer; Throuah my eil i t Jars it made Fader-tanas ef mromj dtjr. „ a ..... 4 *M Pfti ore desihfu! day a dan* ■ ' " Opeeod ty a care'e** fate— W UO iov fiy far away, 1 .-And my lit. aids .Waolau*, Scnic.imea far from the outer world Sounds a sweet and Bft*r.nt-Sots<; Notea I (*), with heart of p in, To my on lost lore belong. i>mw U. Jfuore,. 1 .. ....■' FRED'S BIRTHDAY GIFT. di,'' 1 really think I hare the best father in the world. lie only required two wee Its' teasing to consent to take as to Saratoga, and Sophie Lam hutu's rather W6uMn t go at all, though she commenced begging and talking about it last C : hrittn„ . I looked on at her game, but did not connaenee 4rln© until after harvest, and the crops were aold, aod I thought pa felt contented at having such a prosperous yev, ami would like tovpecd shrfte of the money on pleasure, tiro ugh !gg uri there's neither pleasure uor comfort "anywhere but home. However, the dear man con sented, and he, and Frank, and Fred and myself made up t!t party. We had a whole month, exi-ljuiveof the traveling; two weeks and two at Niagara. This mat. kreta a short time to Ihoae who are afarajs "ga the wing."' but to an amateur traveler like myself, the four week* every year, in which we make a littla trip, is tha great >v. Nt, and ao much enjoyrnisM? can he errfwfled into a short space qf time in early jwuiii. ISiild never wen Ni-tguta Ufore. though pic'irrea and descriptions bad lisnntcd and glorified tny imagination for years, yet when t| barat upon nlfcld aft ksgran dear, i was completely oeertfowered. It was Fred's first visit, too, and as Wa saw it together, it is a bond of sympathy be tween us that Cfttmot he broken. of traveling attire, and a hurried supper, we left pa and Frank to their cigars on the balcony, whiie we walked aver to Goat eI tfcAnrf!ge across the rapids, but we knew the moon would soon be out and sauntered along. , ( . the waters charmed us. At last we came to the opening, where we got a view of the Tony-r and *vu the FpQe. i! jV Fred ft aliti+s quiet when he ia happy, leaned over the rai 1 w to me in his life. After aw heard pa'saadFrrinVN voices. Inev were coming out of the door of the Tower to Join us. TJiRy had often btpf: U|a place on#wi%w"visrt yeaf arter year and never weary. It grows npon one so moch. Indeed I doubt if people reajiye its full grandeur the first rMt, How father loved tLis place! It changed his whole nature to put him in aucb stcoca t j l Fred was'iuwayaafyud of liiai at bate but ialoea the olrf "Hkys arir.i' ■wft , , f frut-A all w/ waited back, and 4 spoke with real feeling of the beauty of the night. I began to think he was an agroet}h|p companion, a 4<l lon* we had fl'fc# inenta, that we did not feel the ngefiuity of beifiii RoOtr Vogether. and H Cnfoyed oursdves in our pwn way ) Pa and Frank *mr>Ked tlieir 'cigars and arranged the affairs of the nation togeth er, twice every day-; and yon would have imagined one was President andttiebther Secretary of State, and rhst-notijltig could go on anleis tlify apjiroved it. But at Niagara they tbrgob.politics and gave themselves up to the influencesthgne. How we < xpiored every nook and "cor ner of that cliarmiim jdace, bow we went ever the nenttrd Ifrrahd once' evetf day, nearly always taking the road to the left after the last hridgjf aid V'Mrimrttrfhnd by the ''Tliree Cieltßs" fbAhl Tbwdr and Horseshoe Fail. At the Hermit's Cascade Fred and I spent several hoars each day, thought not t.tiking, for as I said, bo never talked when he was I bad grown into his way of enjoTJng igyfci,J£ and waa qniet too. One doegu't ftiialyge tlieir thoogatl WSYOL) WBFU IS Stfaw, FRED. KURTZ, Editor niul Proprietor VOL. V. fU'hw! thev would hardh he quite clear. To Dibit ot u* It is a feeling of mental Tele vallod, or rm ration for the t'reau>r, a jwcuiiur enjoyuicnt tliat is not t be put in word*. At least, 1 know Fred s ami i wore happy, iwrtVctiy so, and jet iro never ex{vrossed it to each Other. Out-dde wo had Nature in all her guui dour and glory, but the ntomcnt we rutor cd tiss hotels all wo rtiSial. I'here wore many bountiful women at the <■ no i where we stopj J, an<l danc -tg v\XT| t and i'u-d t. w .a? .- wenttu attd danrvd, disk wiili one aud, then with another of them, yet he never aaked me to bo his parti.or though 1 likod , dancing we!! enough, but Frank saw that 1 was satisfied, and others of uiy acquaint-' ance aakol no to d nice. I w oudcrcd it Find forgot I daneed, bntilia: iwitild u i be, fr I was in the same qunrdrilie with him several times, * and how agreestdc hp w aa.making hitusell ' to iliww fashionable l-ullra and how thej j ' smil.-d at him, and how interested they! looked. Of courwe tliey admired him, for he waa very hand-some, aatl cultivated and I clever as could be. I believe I was just a little bit jealous of theiu, though I had no nxhl to be, for jhe did not belong to me. He was only m* father's ward, and had lived with uaj (si tiro he left college, as he had no home 'of his own. and hud not made up bin , mind whether lit would live as a qniet gentleman or take up soma pro j fr*4iuto. Frank was my father's nephew, also ar; i o'nban, and had lived with u< all his life ; ; Uis parents dici! while he was still an "m --! taut, and he became as a son to my father, , aud a brother to me. Fred did not seem |to have much in common with either a.' i them, and I was generally his companion ■ in door- a# home, a- eA O in his Jni-t daily ridc, yet h/vn Pot my lover uor anything ljkc it. U| w udii-isi etiines "that he ' Was married and grftleJ in Hfe ; saul man ought to have a cL-tinito object in view from tli£lJ:r*t sfevriiif, and it hi made a prudent choice could not marry too young." lie was oUtdo Mat ai d fvcyok! eomdTnto | aw tweuty-dnh, ai*l could then do a* he liked. As it soon the" Fills shut hi w-.ia a " cat j|:." n.:4rma l.itaa we r thrown odt; out through the day notli ing uU allure him fnua our jdcasant exenrsious. He would pa>s the moat be witcliing beauties, simply bowing—and " e off with use. or ail of us, as tlie case might, be, and never seem to think ot them after tht-y were out of sight. Oh, tlioae delicious daval . , . < i IVo went twice to he said pleased him almost as much us the Fall A Abe ItfAtUifiJjvck* around and the qciek Wlh"'inthe sh|dy w>oda; but it j was under the that he was happiest The other- did not eare te go, so he said " Well, Mary, we will go togi ther." Mv father called out. "Have a care Fred, that she don't slip." h Yes," was ail he replrd—wh a quie f . confide at "yes!"—and we started for the f "Cave of the Winds." Our fmdt <.A!AI As/holding tue tirtn ly by one hand, a'id Fred bad hold of thr j other, and though we wore danr.el suits with oil-cloth ont-ide. and -hoes made of strong woolen cloth, they did not proven' i ne foul wet and slippery the steps veiv. leading to the cut-arioe, from} thi. -pray continually blowing, like fine fair over them/Aitd we were woon very wet. , notwithstanding our protect>a. Gn first entering, ourhrearfi was qnite token away, and the guide had cautioned us to keep oor faces to the rock and oar inoiitlis open. An iron railway had beet. • i ruk round this wall of rocka. over w hicl 'jrushet the portion of th Falla divided from the main or Horse Fhoe Kail, and ' Vcparates Goat Island from that charming attlt bit of green known ns I.nna Island ■ Tnder this part of the "Cave of the Winds." . Anythirg to exeeeil the awful subiioiity •j igf pepstcg through it eaa hardly be ini " agined. We were taken round from the 1 other side over masses of rock covered > j with rich UM?--es and stood directly in -' front, outside the awful mass of water*. We could scarcely look up, the f>rsy was ?. so blinding, and could not hear our own • i voice* for the deafening roar. ! Fred never let go tay hand during the hiwir we remained. ( j Not wishing the impressions 1 liad re 1 ; reived there iii-turbid by gayety, a soon f ! as wo ha.l JU<hdiv4 tea 1 bade thefii all good night and started to ray room. > Fred said. "Toil are lewriftg us very * early," and Frank asked ; ' " Won't you dance with nie to-night f" ' I said "not to-night," and left. 1 As I crossed the hall the moon was jnst ' i rising over the rapids, so I got a shawl and U .went to the balcony overhanging them, 'lifrhich was deserted, every ono being in " the ball-room. !| - a fi.-Jw kit I <l}d notdpijgt!:#! Jif it or womitp. it Was turi#i rose to go. A* I did the figure stirred too, nnd toward me, who should it be hut' " Why Mary, I thoastht yon had gone i to your room after tea," he said in a*ton j iahment. And I }'J* hW j are you n<ft Tifrfte na!T-ro<mi! The young ;i ladies will miss yon." There was just a shade er teproof in his t, rjp going from the awlul sublimity ot the Cve of the Winds, to the frivelousnesi |f that room. Vou could not do it, and !mt you expect mto be so dead to Na ture's wonderful voice an to dance to light. The very thought of it is distaste | ful." He Ipftyur |Oft .if fcswmonicata more on the rajoJe, and sgid ''good i The next day was to he our last at the f%alk. Fortunately we lied been to fiara j toga first, and Fred said: , i " Tlmt is not for us, Mary. Niagara is . where we n ally ' r f , 1 1 did not think he had hecn particularly ' unhappy w hen he was whirling round the 1 — hall-room at Congress Ilall, every night ■ wjl'le there. He looked contented enough ; nnd was fluttered and smiled upon by j the htkftyijfr as*n* Noni, bo . I nevef-McWnro rouiwec. , i Our last day was spent together on 11 Goat Island, most of it near the Hermit's Cascade. In the evening there was a ri grand ball. | \ 7 8o:ne distinguished people were in the ! house, awl it waa given in their honor, i Fred asked if I was going, and .[ fancied . 1 seemed rather disappoined when 1 said > i Vf**" >' r lt could not be that I interfered with [ i his flirtations, for in the ball room we were as much strangers as if we had never seen I each other. I JJcrtew my father would he displeased : if T was not ready to enter with Frank > and himself, and, disagreeable as it was tA me, I put on iny most becoming gown and danoed several times. After that 1 I left to arrange my box. so as not he hnr [! ried in the morning, fred vai still danc j ing, and did not notice my departure. [ j It did Aot take long to pack, nnd it i [ was toolorely a night to sleep just yet, iio pntting on a dark dress. I wont out on ij the balcony to take my last look at the 4 rapids, those beautiful, beautiful rapids, i Titere was Fred wrapped in his elo&k, , lining his head en his hands, rod wUre- THE CENTRE REPORTER. !y atworbed in hi* own thoughts, t--;' he -lid not see itie. i Soiuelhittg tem|>teil mo to , 1 "p and put my hands over his eyes, a* children sometime- do, 10-ce it lie eouhl giinswho it was. j lie merely raised hi* hand and took mine saying, " 1 knew you would come. I felt you were near uie," lie did not let go, but drawing a chair close to him, seated me in it. and said "1 mi-sed you the moment yob left the* room, and catne out here to wait lor you. i 1 suppose you think it strange, klary, I tie<; -k v ii to dance and rntiirr avoid you in crowds? Indeed it always annoys \ me to ee you there. I know you lo not ' like to be. and yon are too much my friend, ami my friendship for you is t>o pure to fritter it away in ball room chit chat. 1 cannot a-k you to dance with me. any d"ll may do that, hut 1 don't want you to j misunderstand 'he reason. In every way t | that a woman cau be the companion of a I man's heart ami soul, you are mine, and the woman 1 love, and shall continue to love as long as 1 live." lie did not a-k nie to return it, and said : nothing more, hut -till held my hand, and | gazed out on the rapbds. ' The clock struck twelve, and we both , rose at the same moment. Ue leaned , over and kissed me en the forehead, but not aw ord. Now we are here, and U-e brautitul j Indian Summer is U>* ■ Lerv day we have b>-n on long rides ; together ipa docs not approve ot young ' ladie- and gentleman driving!, and every day we have talked of Niagara an.l how happy we were there, but no reference to our lasi evcaiug on the bak ny until to day. Uis Fred's birthday. He is twenty-j one. I wii early down -t-t'.rs this morn* i ing to put tny birthday gift on hi* plate before he rainc in. Hut be was before me, standing in the library, with thedoot I open looking over the paper. He raw 1 had touielhiug iu my bant! aud called out—— " I've caught you, Mary. I suppose I hat's a birthday prvSciit for we. t\>me ! here." I went iu, and he closed tho door ar.d -aid: *• 1 don't know what yonr present ia but whatever it may be. 1 shall prize it as coming troiu you, but I think w hen a turn hat reached his majority he ought to he i allowed to choose, and you might have a-ked me what 1 would like." I supposed I blushed, for I did not know if he was in earnest Slid displeased. ' or not, but i summered, "You're sure . to like it. J "I shall not accept it, unless with it, you give nie the hand that hold* it." I looked at him and held out the box. He took mv band and asked - "Do you give nie thi? Do you trust ine to keep my o*n promise to love yea. i and you • uiy, until death shall separate I us f" i 1 had always been so entirely myself with Fred, and now was uncomfortable. i annoyed aud bashful. He w, nt on. "Mary, are you afraid I caunot male i you happy, or don't you love me enough to be my wife 1 * I rushed out into the air and walked ' rapidly up and down the garden once or twice. He did uot come to the window. ; and when I returned he was still standing | where I left him, reading the paper. The hoi was on the table unopened ' I was more calm, and said with forced I indifference: "You'veuot opened your box. Fred?''| "If you want uie to open it. you must | accompany it with a gift of still greater; ; value—your hand and heart. Then, and : uot till then, will I open the box." . j He laid down the paper ft* he -poke, i and came toward me. d w* gradually ! going backward to the door, but he held J n:t\ and iu a questioning tone tuid : " Don't you love me, Mary I" " < j>en the box."' " Give roe what I ask aud I will." j I ga v e my hand "Is it mine forever t" he ask< d, clasp- j iag it earnestly. " Yes." ! Opening the lox, lie fonnda locket 1 bad prep ired for hiin. with ray likene— I on one-ide and a lock of niy hair on the other, t had written on the outside: "For mv friend, Fred, ou hi* twenty ; first birthday." "T hope yon won't give all your friend* the -sine birthday pri-ent," he Mid. ad miring it.; "for if I hear of any other . having one. 1 -hall be really jealous. You aren-'t allowed to have but one friend, and that is me." When my father and Frank came down, | he received their lieurtly congratulation* • on attaining man'* e-tato, and then said : ' ♦ "1 niut now show yon ray wife, for the first tiling I shall do, will he to marry.'' " Marry," they both exclaimed, "sure .Av you're not engaged ?" "lam gentlemen, and this lady will Bbe my wife," handing thcru the locket. - J ftind adding, " I hope it meets your ap fproval f" I Their astonishment was not feigned. '{ "Bly yonng foies," my father said. II "So tliis c<>raes of Niagara, and your iong ! rides, but as you have lived harraoniotis j ly under the same roof for three years, I i suppose' von ran contlnne to do so." "We am di*pii*ed to try," Fred re plied, looking at me. and asking my father Jjf ho would give mo to liitn as a birth* Bay gift. i am now coovinred ha is the best j father in the world. With a little tensing j be took me to Niagara, and without any | he has given me to Fred. LANDMARKS DISAITF.ARINO. —The old landmarks of New York city are gradually disappearing. Among the few relics of the city's early histcry, the old North Dutch Church, at the corner of Fults©, William and Ann street*, him long been na object of inlriest and almost of vener ation. More than a hundred years Ago it was built; public scrrice* were first held in it in May, d7CO- Duiing the Revolu tionary war, while the city was in the hands of the British, the North Church uas nsrrl at a hospital, and also fc r storage. The internir of tho building was much damaged, thg pewa ami pulpit lu vjpglron torn away. It is said that the pulpit was carried over to England in a British bip, and was finally placed in an English country church. The two camions which .stand within the church incloaure, on Wil flam street, were fiied when the British fleet attacked tho city. A curious bit of history prt tains to one of them. During the bombardment of New York a red-hot ball was thrown into a neighboring street, whero was a blacksiuith'a *bnp. The smith— M> the story goes—seised the ball with a tongs,and with a sledge hammer welded it iißo t!u> inouth of the gonnon, where it. stflj remains. The ?Vl*ult<*i Street prdyer-meetings," which oiiginatcd in this build ng, have awakened tbeiiiiter est of the mm unity all otter tflie country. And now the propectivetcarine doSvii of tbia old church, even though the ■iDnev invested iA it and thedand upon which it stands may be more usefully ap propriated, will cause many regrets among those who cherub memories of old times. RIOT. —4 desperate riot has just oc curred among the miners in Rothschild's mines at Wittkowitz, in Moravia. En raged at the non-pavment of their wages they uttacked the superintendent's office, burst open the wife and appropriated its contents, and then demolished the build ing. The military quelled the riot by killing four, wounding fifty, end arrest ing A hundred of the CENTRE II V 1,1.. CENTRE CO.. l'\.. FRIDAY. 'A'PHIL 13, 1873. Nobody's Dsrlit g. t ll(U Sit,l | told, Slid )- or sl 4 'ii* With dotrii.-sNt lt>"k iu her nuft gtmf eye ; Nfs- i nf-tl toaS of s n toeuly head, llul n Ui • • lx u>i cf the t.itX lit*: (J So riXVjtiitic ftuil as dam-Ins fsct, N. Mult'.le ilt ft, au.l ftliautlon kweet, jt tul* c-,*ily, no i;*iniviits fiu* - She Ift \ s Palitiic --but lUtlt- ! No " lhillt V'snleO " t-tKju Huh Uti; Nohli'ti-ht i le I bo.,:* to throw hi I tlitwußlalia, NoynchUtis jacket and nautical ante, With a aiilor• that site r.vlts lui- "tile.* But " l.adr " i* ttiiiiip - t on her quiet brv* ; An l she ervpi iu ui* h> art I .su't t<-ll l.*s ; Not Uiftdc to tUli't Uut I TU to slime- - No' .tiv'ft Darliu b hut iniant Nosawey, rsvihtug, vullnh tfrs.'e. List a sot'lel caittl UU tlie >t pale face I No tpvikhnjt c!*t(ter an I rrjiart o : Very silent and abll is she. W' si.d null is my |Mt-srl of ifttSr!, Ye: to me a!ie uirtli tlie qn.-. uof stil* ; Why 1 l-tckr 1 eut define. For !. ' uoU-Jy'o—Nohodv'ft l>artti>g hut uu e! Wars rti hcft her*, or s beauty rare, • She wou ■! It **her rliarra atnl I< • uie les* fair Wilt ! • I ' hie oO those fillet r all. They could in t add to tlieir crs> ' at all: She uhl h Alii to sunto snd {*)sh by rule, Iu the foo-i-h hooa of 1 >auit FasUUin's sili Hil; \n I tho world to *{* st her would hM .- uubtue Now she u N.l*odj a DstJltljJ bill Hi lln ! Th-* day has r me when the ft oil th - :n* t Li* uiat'i s soojt cf hoe, When uature tirs, and the copse* ring, lu all the j trance of JJSIUUJS Sitrins The day has c itur when I dare tu *{x-ek. To waUh iht- blush on the once p*U- cbnli. To whisper low tn HftUil Yalsntiiie. " lisrhait! Nobody's lituluiii hui uui.o! * THE DEACON'S WIPE. Deacon Eliot hid decided to mow; had decided to to ('; had doc it) d tnctn mt-nce uioving at precisely ii*i o'clock i Monday moniin™, July IS ; and ■> un that identical Mouday inortiing you might, had vou been an early riser, have aeon the Deaci-n, dive'.d of hi* rest and hi* Sun day digni'v, shvSiirg tue best room oaipet iu tlie ba k-yard. Ttieiv i* no nei-il i f saying win! I.* did iu-*t, of what Mr*. Flint waa doing tarty. They went through the tesrin;; up pro ■ ecu very much av other people do; aud not being endowed with an ov era bund li.f tb:s world's gnoiis, the ls*t loud of fur ; niturev of the Deacon'* wife snd ' baby, the twin* aud tlie be*t room looking giA-N was ou ita way to the depot a. live j o'clock r m. " R!c-eri lie nothing!" aa:d the tiiid littla won an, as the Dcic-.u helj>ed tier out ot the TSMI>< ik " If we hsU been Squini Us JKm's ! *'ks, Ssutuel. we wouldu't have bean more than a quarter thrutigfi now, would we / My ! how my par bciics would have suited, though, ffiis lime te-morrovv night. I'm glsd the L< rd know'* what's bnt forme," she added, taking the baby froai tfte Dea con, and lx'kioff around fur the twin*. It ws* but a lew Iwurs rid.* to G. and just in the coolest dvukaf the Juli rw v- they walked up the st ' lu their new heme, virv tired sr.d thankful, ti.AX.k --(ul ti.ey weK-bot M SJqiiir*>mi>yom'folk\* but jtiit tlii-uisi-hf, il tbey did have to work late that night putt re np the ' ich 'cu stove uud tiet>a kn-s dW>' end wd* 1 (krs. J'uei hiv wo* a dijr of icsnv troiif-las. ; The babies were tired ami frvtlul; 'larhgiit rvrci'.ed a qog:.:.g ol dirt on <!■ -r ami j vritjifow*, tlfe Ufptb of which t! iy knew not before; and fhc best wa* intense. Bu: the Deacon, possessing untiling energy, s)n! b* little wife th- sun -t i tempers, ikejf succ-etird so ar> H, tlist I>\ TUCIMIIV ni :ht s* he catnc into the kitch ; eu with en armful oi wood, where bis wifo nu washing tiisbes, she cvuuncncgd sing ,;l?: — l * Tli- 1 aeon tbuika his wiek is most d us. Hut 1 f! oa ifmine lis-f Jnrt begun!" ' , • Df'l yon hear that, Samuel ?" shesaid, J laoghtup, and taming: around to look at ' bitn. It was plater*wearing night, istid tbe Dcvcon wriit tn prayer*meelinp for the jliint time in tiHik an active p-.rt, and, after mectiug, waited to shako ha:*ii with the miiiit r and some of the 1 reG ogo, ari'-".'cr inquiues. and present tlinr K ftcti. He had the *atfiett.>Ti <*f feel in? hi* way home that he had made agon! luip-rcs. -ino ;• it |leaio-J film t It would have pieOs il os; and ho told lii little wi/c uigbt, n h*j,i.vieway, li*wt he 'bfped, tv-iiuifig; as h? qid, into the midsj of a I strsngw jwopli-, (here might never Ins any ■ unrtsfott of nsrnarli aeaimt him while he remained swam*; tin m." *lhn ftuic 1 ho;>c not. .Samuel," al-e said, looking innocently up in his faec, and adding, a* vhe ii*tled her little I head un his jjlioulder, " I don't feel Very much alarmed about it." The next Hay, Triday, the Deacon wept . Imck To the old heme, having a mo )>ua>i- ] new e to'omenta to make there. "Oaa't toll certain when I shall he' hack; probably not till Monday noon; gin *• there's woo ' en atyh spiit to la*t till ilicn. Good by," he as id, and < rojic. The ce woman wept tinging ia< k |o her hall wa*lnd dinner dishes, and with one loot on t lac omdie ivskcr. idie accural the knives, while ahe told the story o( "Jack and dill," to the twin*. When the last kettle was wahed, the kitehen slotc and tr.hlc brushed and scour ed to the nana) ahade of lack and white, the baby aeleop in her little neat of a rradie, "blest! her !" ahe waahed the pretty twin facta till they binshad like red pep pers,then aettlcd titem in tbeir ttuudlc bed for a nap. Dear little woman! Nhe did look ao aa ahe came out from the bedroom, and stopiied to brush a fly (rem uudrr the mo squito net orcr the baby, it would hate made your bark ache to lock at her. Hut tho cheery heart in the weary body assert, edttaelf, and she smiled with the thought lof all she w ould do before the Deacon came back. •' 1 umat slick iny hair over a little, so f any one should come I wouldn't spoil j tin Deacon's ti potation," she raid to her self, golnr up to the little glass that hung ! bet ween the kitchen window*. I Jnt then a gem of a sunbeam flashed in at the window, and seemed to tangle itself ail no in the wavy brown hair. "Ob, how pretty," ehesaid, with a bluh and a laugh like a e'lilcTn. "Guess if some body M been at home I'd had a kiss, then 1" and off ahe flew to tar work. Ilow like magff the white curtains went np and the cobwebs came down ; how the best room looking glass shone After its |Mi]ishing, and the old dnguarreo type o( u Suinul in his Iwt days," never shone through so clean a sur'ace a* it did that day. So the time flew, bringing the Dcicon'a return nearer. One morning 'ie wakened early - , entire- It Irce from a wrefehed headache alio had tie day before. 14 Now for the washing," abe said to ht relf. "f want to have it all doue, the kitchen cleaned up and my drew changed before Samuel coniei a, noon." Quietly dressing ao aa not to waken the children, ahe alip.ned out into the kitchen, built a Are, ami eommencfd operationa. How ahe did work! every step told of aome tliing done, and at half p&'t ten, spite of all her hindrances from baby, who was cross, she was hanging out the clothes ao snowy white they dar.rled her cyca as tie eun them. One end of the clothes *iu ran nearly out to the front, fence through tbo side yard, and the whitest, nicest clothe* were hung there, of course. I'How many people wo pawing," *i" I to herself, "mil how they alii ftttu- at tue; poet.- It uiUkt h<) the •■lutbe* ■ though, im>U-ad ol me, ' and b< ti-n<leHy j Mtincl t . ioar o( on* <<l the D.-acon * 'iirt to the line, "llsik! wan that I'll front pate f" Belorv he had turn- to Intu vtiuud, the Diweou's euereitic *tridi* ha-i brought him cli> to h<r ; hut What *ti 1 the matter! "Martha—l'mdlctott— Flint!h- px elauaed, " w hat in the wor Id are you <b>iii ß f t'oine Vtrsi.'ht lUtothe h uv' With a link that e|.■ d.-M-ription, the little Iswly itelf up a? high a* it would p--, a* she .vil, " Not till Vim t)ft-nk t i mc rtiffefeut from that aud tell ine why," her Jin quivctiiiir. " Don't you seL Uiy p.-oplc all poiu* to iiieotinp, aud you a uaugiu' out shirtft I It'* Sunday UHWxiita; !'* Such a laugh n* rang out then on the Sunday air I'm sure the ROW! jteojileof C„ 1 never beard before. '• Ob, Sxm.tcl," ale , •iiid, hvldiuc In r aides, " n' *o lunny ! no , wonder the tulka stared at nw- and mv clothe*. "Ob, ho, ho!' and lir sank j down on the guvs ui acouvulsiou ol lauph- Igr. ' T!ie jioor Deacon wa scandalitod. •• .M.srthx!'' he said' in such a sadly anx ious toue sho ui ly laughed the more, and it w .;s not till site looked up in hu tsec that she resh*l how ho w.s touched; then she st> <wl up and wslked in to the buus* vv itJi him. 1 dour t-losed Übiudlhrin. Bho went , up to hitu with a httls caress, and said,} u Sr.tnueL kis snd forgive rue, au-t 111 go to work and ravel it all cut. 1 tfftilv will!* snd she laughed again with th* thought of what she had betu guilty of, till the Dc-acun kissed her ami Uui;lid too, in spite of himswll, Iheu he w iiikod to the window and looked out. *• You're not going to let them clothe* hangout there all day, ar you, M-rtha Flint'' "(ifcourse I am; you don't sups**c. uiivr I've got them out, God's p 'tng to gruii :e uie the sims'nue to dry them ivtth, tftesuse it'* Sunday, do you I Why, It would lie wicked to bring thi-iu in i-vf-rv stutdown. But w here, Mr. Ilea con, tfV about tun - 1 called you to acc winl, 1 think. How came y-u to Lea tr.iv ling to-day ? tiuess tkefe's a little Sundaj breakißß nu both Kle, bnß thitc I" T..e Deacon timed tlowlv around, and i t down. Then jierchuisf bcnelf on hi* j knee, ►he took hi* honest Utown face in! h'.r hands, and sa!d. "Be t good toy,! now, and tell tn all the truth ; reuirmber , Ui* rge Wtshtngt m, ik ar " The Deacon mi!ed, Just a trace of. trouble in his Miuir, aud taking the bandit that held la; captive, iu hu own, said; " Welt, little woman. 1 had everything;, finished up last otgbt, reads to si art for iiosic ou the five o'clock tram. Somehow I must bjvc been uncommon I -r- <l. or doe - it was the'best, Unatwayf*! dropped to sleep rn the C< pot and tunecd the train Thru 1 thought I*J Cak* the nine u' ckwk; train, and ge: bonao at mnfr.ight, so's y n , wvnldii't be so lonesome Btmaay, but we, hruko down. audjnvtg-A kr: hall hour i a/o. Then to th: ik. after walking thrwtgh tow n. from tha cm, ami folk* a look u' at mcou tlu tr way to church ** To t buik. Sunn*!," ii broke in, "after loot dns iful tnal, you thottld walk into , your IroM gate and End yxlr wife htnjp , ig out c'.othi* is your front yard, ir.d 1 jTvii a dcirilft i f gM hfSfiJiiig tu the ; cbur.-h! di:r! What do you supqnse the' Lac! M i'l dp to me I w thinking t! s wa- ' wsuhdav } I don't think,' she sdJod, " hc'il be Ti-ry bard U uio, because yea let day was my Sunday, though 1 LaJucb ! a kick t.f.Kl.ic c it seems 1 didn't kuoor mucfi tbi.ut tiia day. I'll bri! you what, 1 Samuel, I'll stay at hmnc with the bab es 1 t > night end you can go to inwtingi aud then p;ccs out your Sunday to-nnoruw. won't that do I lJu: the ("t-econ couldn't get over ft— Li* h*irt waa heavy; and while IM* wik? * b< ay in the kitcheu he put on 1 <s hat, sn<l with fit hand* clso ped reverently be hind hint ftsia Nundsv walk; siaviy and uj'iCuiuly he walked out to the cl 'lba* line. • Most of the chitbc* wte diy, (or tfe son wis very hot, and one br cue he drop, pud the snowy thing* into the balket. uu eonsciou-ly hommlnr to h '* Have pity, L>rd ; O l-ord, forgive." Slr. Flint wa* washing dwfccs.and near ly dropped her lawt glass die', when the Disarm walked uvwith the *• I couldn't *tand it, Martha,'' Jxr said, in exi lanation. , •'Gins* I tnnvt sprinkle and >ro them to ■!*-, Famuli, v,uld yuu f" tbr .aid an bly • The D .---m merely ei ictilstrd a d *sp pn vitK*, '* Mydrarl' nod went ito the other r< < m to r*sd Ms Sunday ;*a|>gr. By and Hy the jft'opfe began tu c*>tnn (rum cburcli. \Vh.ita auddrn *urp!i*i iniemt they nsghd tu have taken in IIM liiHiAfiiold jirctnUts ; they pnwd andetarcd, and looked back Mid par-l ußiin. But the Deacon uw* a humble man, 't didn't fritter tiim; his pap-r nnd rished, opened his Bible to read and sigbsd again ami tin " fed to thiukiu*-" \ little while after two aim**tbl#softly around hi- reck, ami a-dear votCe sahl, * Fotpet all about it. dear, am! I'll—"a lemft k at the door interrupt- d, snd the iv.-nt to open It. S .e had her brown waoy hvr, and drc?rrd in a awl white muslin dro-s, with far bet veen dotting* ©f pink, end lobked not a bit tike the gtnltr little wa*h wotjt*n *he iva*. She om-ne i door, niul Dea *on Fnwt au4 F.lacr Cununin* u --'- uro l thems'-Ivrs, and n nlkcd in with stately Low*. Deacon Flint ro-e from hit open Bible, and more tntrotluction* follow ed, wbetcupoa Elder (.'ntnmirw ch-arcif lii* little throat and in a pfplng voire said: " Too must exruse. Dcaeoa Flint, our coming; on such a day, hut we thought it best that soraecxj'lanatwDsstnaild Imaiade, before our people again gather for evining >orwt!" " Oh, I know what you mean, I fnes, Elder f'umminr, you wnnt to know why 1 kept.yesterday lur Sundiyr, instcail of to day, 4on't yon ? Well Uio fact iva*, the I) es con was a tiny, aud I made a miscount ui the dm * somehow, 1 was busy s*f tiilip, ftnd so yesterday wa* ftir Sunday, i though I was* in bed all day with as --'k hefidache, and *o didn't IL d mit my mis take at all. Then, wasn't it funny I I got up at fire tbi* annffng and went to walking, thinking it waft Monday, kiwi I'd got all through before the Dcacrm Faroe home; 1 declare I've laughed ft<> about it I fairly ..che," and the little feminine of fender Jnugliad again, and so amtagiously that the three laughed with her. " I've ueen so Rrswl, though, Elder, the rest, of the dav, I'm shre the Lord has for given me for it," and she amilQil ao a>*ct !y they both were completely wn. Nvhco they rU*c to go, Deacon Frost said to Dea con Flint, "It is our missionary maetuig tu-uiglit, bnther,And a little explanation from you tbsro will sst gn*." Upapoke the fetnlatoo volf* again: " Oh, yes, Deacon Frost. Samuel was in tending to explain to-niglit; I only wish I could be there, hut I can't leave tho ba bies." . " If vou bnvo no objections, Mrs. Flini," replied the Deacon, "mv SUSIR will come end May with tjicm, and let you gOj.abe would l.e delighted." "Oh, thank vou I that would he so nice; you are very kind!" aud she boft - cd tiu-m out of the door. "Ain't you glad vou married me, Sam uel, instead of Abigail Howe V 1 said the small woman, smiling up at liim. No matter what the Deacon said and did. As yhe was setting the tea table that night ahs broke out into another marry laugh. "What's the matter now, dear 7 " said 'the Pmooi*. oh, Samuel, I \V*N thinking how you mo-t hsvn limlriw?. iumtfig up thesfrict with yo-tr .*iind:iy vafk, your bauds clasped tslmiil? iHiiild you, till you got to tlu gate ami saw me hanging up your shhl i;i Ue liiuit ymd, liica howsuddaslv vou broke into your week daystude!" lis, ha !• ami they both huwUsil togcth'.-r till the team ran;# Supper over, dl-Ues wished, baby sleep, slid N'u-ie t.-niug t ri-* to the twins, the l>eac<<n and his wife st#rted lor clusrch. "I> u't he Aou t iwlds, >aaiuel," she w lu-p. rod at tk* doae, * work ia a little -pi.-c il vi can, and I'll stepon your corn* when it's tune to Stop." Tin- meet lug was opened a- usual: then Itrosbi-r Pi-a'i w* caihd upo.i (or a repjit from India. A lull* wiry, black eyed nun r<e si.d -aid, ** Brethren, it's nut much use report ing from countries, when ngiit in our uiidkt lac scons trsrcl on Suudsy, and De.iua's wires wash and bang out tlieir clothes bclcre our vrv t vs as we walk to the Lou** of Uod! lcstlto* *u explana tion." liesotui Flint tri*l ti. rise, but soineboiy pulled hint down, snd tkeip xt minuts the hob- Conyr. ,'XUwB was electrified by tbc sound of s -Meet w. nisitly Voice, saying:—. " Now, O Lurd, cst-blib Thy word ualo Thy servant, ao shall 1 hsvt wherewith to an-wer h-m tlat ntptoschctli me, for I tru-t in Thy word." fheu turning tohiia •bv -aid:—" My hruthot, you -ball have an explanation,'' and in s simple, almost child-like way she t J; the ato*y ut h> r iuitske. au.l the desewn'* dbiav. Shell <lJ cd:—**My brwtbcr, judce noihiug before the time, uurH the lxrd vwm. For we snail stand before the judgment-M-al ot I'Lri-t, snd everv o:i shall givesn aciximit of hiin-.-l( to God; lot tiscut. therefore, judge one agutheewuy uyjr*. t\' our lce|>, uiy brntlierj will be ivM fo li'cbt it your heart is at j-cs e with God, a.- mine iv, tor 1 am fb*t jie:ib.r death nor hie, nor angel*, nor pricpabtk*, nor |iwer, tor thi a prwcit, nor tS.,oc- to come, not height, nor depth, nor sny other ores tore, shall be iWr 1O wqwrste me troiu the love • God which is iu t'hri-t Jmus, our Lord.' The next tnortiii-g the Rev. Unity HTUMU aud Li* wHe osllcit very uucsrr siftty • the uew Deacon. "tVe I otv it wouldn't be waul, ing day Leva,*" laughed Mrs. Bnwtl, "an we cvtiu* esrty, I could haruljr wait to p.( here snd talk over the funny aff.iir. Hcnn wnd alfc*-yow al down last inch!, be t.-It like inviting you op into the UUIJML" I " Why. bieift uie !'• arid the esto.nabod little hiidy, b!u*hing Iflte a girl, * 1 felt sc tfttßiianl 11 myself titer T~: ;t thr< ifh. 1 w anted to hide my head uodi r the ticicoo't Iiat! 'tua* IKE FIUI Ll;H<3l.yi'sr SJK.4C in uii-ctra- iftlr.y Ml* * " I hope it swuh tic the fast, Mf< Hist, if you always *pk av mrl to tkf pa.ysnoe u y;>u did" last fi'kF.t," said the miu star, OOtilsti-- fcT* XI4, •' Y*." l-ro'va Jab *%-,' Uenry aaid he'd alwav* auvoesie wusutn's tn tattling alter ftta.? '• it was capital I* said ,Mr. Deovvn, ric rnejiaj the ro< to to ivfcgre tb* dctec-u stood. " Jut what Job Dean bar needed Ar s !--i v toue—a gwtd i**pridl-~ 1-ut u* one had tqt e> si rage to g<ve it to him- Four little nri La* jtuSl do:t what the wlu!" psri*ti 11h*!<k k-r for.'H *'Every! *dr I've teen ince < jut ei* rsptuied wtfa ruu*' id fcis wife to the Ltigbing heroine, w L Lxd been reheaslfijl all tl: funny ro-stgpt toLcr. You have made your- -if furnoux: look uut to-' plenty of call* this wlftrA f ** "Oh, vii-fl." she oif, tOMniR tk** laby, "lbs w-*li j is doic, and I shall httc plenty oftiuis." Mrs. litufn la*j>k !, aadoaid, "1 think I shall send jas word uext Si'ufdsj night, tiat tba uvif day will Iw Sunday, ami vau bad letter not *-u till Mon day.*' ' Mra. Flint," ssh! the istbvtor, * I think yua fully ce upctoAt to msnapc your cau affairs, wiiuoat my of my wile's interference, '* xwd ao, me roily, ttier departed. • *' .Sstml-♦, ,, ftftld his botitiie wife, as she dosed the door, " don't ruß think I'vl fn troduexxt j oh'pretty well? Will you ever call me Msrtha—Petsdleton—Flint again wi-n I am baiighig up your shirt in tho trout yard 7 " Seine XKIV was e;ie*l <wt"t iu tlie kitchen jnst (lieu and DqghtJ >0 hju-i it wakcucd the baby*. * Take lour HAM* Pajver. Tu* foPwsrinif fli liken fffrtti Uie cLto !rl il<*o!uuinof the lAvhfr fr'ool: " What feHi us ao readily U-p stlgiifi.ird of a ton n urr :. ~ jHqftrqliceidf its ]>sper ? tad its youth or it# age ran t| wed bo d-tow ra in ni l>y the olswi-visig as by a pr --! Boasl uotic*. TIM oaUrprto ot its cvti ' xens is depicted -toy lltf advert is* ißclits, their Übcrolity by the looks of th* paper. Sonic pnjHifv slmh a jjoo>l.,9oliil!'b< altliv foundation, pTcutorio jiurtos, ;>uA ;t vmH to-do apixsir.ince gr/ioriuly-; others show ! u Btriving tn contend with ttie gi-aftjiins; ' thou ui nils around tiiem, trying hard to wrench out an extctonpe from tlie close fisted community otwnml Ha ni. An oc cisioual tu* ♦< oric (lkqihiy iu ita columns > f tdcj raph, or IvcjU or of editorials, show what il ('All do if it had tins inc.-wia, bnt it cannot continue iu the expensive work until Mipjiort cotas, which ought to be readily grsnU d. A newspaper e like a cbniton : it xvxutr f#t. ring in the commencement, mid for a few years; then, an a general th'ng:, it ran walk .tlong, and rUjeet moiht ujHgi its looatioß. Take your home prqxsr ; you more news of immediate rater eft than Now ! fork or oilier psnern : ?t Salka for you when other localities belie Vou ; it stAtids hip for your rigito ; yon nlwnya have a i champion it) your home osoai. ami ihoae - who eland np" for youahoulii certainlv be ' well auxtained. lour :nU*n its are kin- Idml and equal, and yon nmfct ris.* or full together, l'hercforc, It tc> our intend to sujij ort your home pj>Ft: not grndg- but in a liberal •{ if il; a* a ploas itre, not lisa disagrcoalilc but a. an iuaußtment that will amply pay the ex penditnrt*." * Tttt Drrruorr Rivxts T' Wtu—TUr en torjtri *e w ill con.ii>f of len ipain .fifty feet npurl, aud aboqtt'wo iniba in j length, with roofa about flifuty fact 1- lu the surfaco of tha river. Itetvsvn ii*d It-low the* level of tlie*a li* fhe snb-tunnel, tlirf-e-fuTHhs of a mile in length, for lirutnago jiurposoa.l The hit ler ia oil lhf thin* far baa bqen nAto'nipt* > od, work en t-ba-Aiuurioiui end of it hnv 'ing been liegan soma three montlie smce. Tlio inauguration of tho build j ing wax the mnttng of n rhgft on cither ; hide to the dciil'.i below tlie level of tho I Htib-Uinnel. Iu llty-W) All) to be Incited wella for the recaption qf the, w.itrr from sub-luiiucl, nnd troiu theui Uio ilrniuftffe tlmsiiceuniuluted will be pumped back into tjio river. It ia nlao pttibublo thai ! thomkliufts will foi the UKO of foot pusiu-ngers, by the placing of spiral stairways w iiliin tliein. All that hiia vrtt been done ha* ln nceom|)lirii(*d by lioriiig. n method which, to a certain degrae, will lie diapeufted With in the oonsb'iiciii'ii of the main tuunela. On tlie Canada side, where the, work hita just beffin, a depth of 120 feet—to solid rook j-d—lias been reochud. By a. nice engineering calculation, tiio bodies of workmen from each end will meetia ex net harmony. The main tunnels will have to describe curves in reaching tlie two points of egress, beeaai-e of tiia ohareeter of the river bed, which eimoist* of enlid roek, overlaid wit%#3lay, The gentlemen in charge of the work aay thai three years will see the "job Jam" TEBUS : Two Dullars a Yaar f in Advance. Hdw to Sp-ak to Uilldrea. It i- usual to attempt the mating, mont. 1 children -i tlicr bv oor Boreal punish incut, or ly i-e wards aJilr<---s - d to Hie seuwoi, nud by ahme. 't here is ooe other int-uus of guvtrninent. tba jHI war! olid rtsuce of wbich aro aehlotu re guilal—l refer to the btttnau vises. A ilow may be inflict**! oa a clilkl, sccoin |moil-1 with words • ntlcreJ u to mnil teract eutirriy its iuUnuk-d i-flect ; or tin p.nvnt may uac language quite objection able in itself, yet fHi|on fti a tone whlcJi more than defeats it* iuflucnoe. What is it tlmt lull* the infant to rcyiose ? It ia an array of mere word*.' There is uo charm to the iiutanght one, in letAtrs. •y llubb— an.l aentrccoa. It i- the which si j ikes it* litth- car that sootlir' and e<'nipaac* it t > Slasqv. A few note*,' hou-frvgr unslUUfuUy arranged, if bat rt-Bii in a suit num. aru found to MSMH* magic iiifluencr. Think we Unit this ia llueiMv. is cvioßneiJ to the cradle ? No; it is diffused over age, and ceases not while the child remains under the paren tul roof. Is the boy growing rude in manner, and boisterous in sproclt? I know no instrument MJ sure to control these tendencies as the gulls tone# of a ciolher. Hhe who speaks to lier *o?i harshly does but give to hit conduct the sanrtiuu of her owu example. She t>otir oil on tlw already raging Unas. In the pruscuca of duty we am lial !• to utter ouiwclvMS harshly to sllihlrcn. Perhaps threat is crjirewv-d in a loud snd imtating tone ; ii -tcad of allaying ihe pas- ions of the chihl, it servos directly to uier.-ave them. fretful exurt-s --sion awakens in him toe same spirit whw-L produced it. Ho docs a plcaoant woirw call up sgieealde feelibpo. Whatever disposition, therslore, we would encour age in a child, the same we should tnao ifewt iu the tone in which we address iL A Joke, and What Catnr af It. rbuk-a Fariwa, a yuatb emid'ye J in one of the ntannffctituringejitAbJislim. ntr of Lafayette, TuJwent home at a fcrte ! hour on<- night LsMy, and thiskia| do give his landlady a oturHittion, warketi i his fao in spots villi rail L<vL He had, walked into the silling mow and Liken ( a awtftt by tba fire before too sj>ou were : noiicwd.* The landlady, all fth-orbed, looked up froht hw vrrrk in a nuunrrtt, ttp.l notitTuf tha spot* on his fieri, asked j iu evident alarm. WLy. Charlie, wlmi l on earth ia the innUet with yo:ir f u* t" j " Duu't know," replied (,'hvriie, " but J gum it's only the varioloid." Thea , was a scene better imagined than <Jw- ' ncriK-d. The landlady waa at fir*t parw lyaetl witli h"rrur, but nctwixf ia a' wJtamt, she rpelind to ttc doo* npeued! it quii-Uy—" AftcS out of this miflny quick," said aha. "Osl out !" he; -cn-iitned at fhg top of her vofrie. 8 ml, f dft.l to all from noot 1 Ckurlie, she L .-tlcd l.*m out hu orrrißfgt* I- luoar-nt ate optnnd the door and . kicked Iris oveiiri-at rind, espnut, as though wfndd to tecch Ii* : clothing with her lmmK Charlie utood unt in the eedd, bewiMerrd with the u:- ( Iprctel turn affairs had taken, wlmn be heanl u wuaiyw raised, and a ciitle TQiee called him by name. " llite. Charlie, hire is wtr taruuk!" 'lTterc was a plunge'in the ffliov, and lure eooagt?, there was fdmAa's new trunk, with all his clotull And personal efferta. Tho piwctioal piker sought the 1 tlrst ahcllenng c>of at l:uid, but look the ]ITC.-A.T:ioa to uruh hit fane in She ••ow. 1 How a Dco Huts arc * Rrtr.*viw. —Th* fiHowmg ttory is told of the Ist* Dr. Solera Ton a and TV tn. I* FlArrar: ia bis (Dr. Towne) wis i toscti rc of youth, OB* tlay, tovcnty odd je*re ago, a IKIV te ui broOgbt to hisi, ot whom the occ.'unl gSwu *s Ihst 1M * iaoorrifrible dunce, that none of but nil* ters had le*n AM* to ptsdto angti ag of him ; and h wax Ur agUt to Mi. I isrn* ox a last expositor I*l, hafwv AjiprmitAeipg Jitui to a ssclniiesl Cnu". -. Che nsst laorning Mr. Towae pstwucJed to etstm tne hiu, preparatory to entering npon Lis int¥r,ctio. At tho first mistake he dodged on etiC Aide, with evry sign of terror. " Vtljy do you do that?" nakcd ( the master. " Because I was afrani yoo were going to strike TO*. " " Why sh- vtild von think oof *'Haoaoae I have aiwvfra )>o*>n struck whswawr I mad - a niistokc." *■ Xoq need nvtvt ff-u toeing •truck toy mc," said Mr. Town*. " That i* toot my wax of tmiting-lxwa who ito a* wutl tu •.hfy can." Tto- 1 this DCM -sreatmcTit, sd Hint I Tqp n* tdvhof hii Ulber lo give him a | liberal education. The talhpxcould hard* ily bcltcTo tiis report at first i but w con vinced. an*! ounplicd wltb the good B>aa ' tor's suggest torn 'lb* (wilt wnv ftef 1 waiiutn I- llxrcj iwtji? an eumttfit j lawvor. one of the supvtoc jndc*bf Now i'urk State,.govpxu v* liutod States aoo , utor. and SecroUu-v of War and of Stoke. How HBTSKXCIV.— Mr. Webb, banker, of Wabashaw. Minn., having failed in ti inws, pnblifthesa ilorc. ! ring uaturrii? iatl.-ir.ecl again*} hint, have threatened to pat him to death. " You had tosttv not," says Mr. Webb, M for the snore help 1 ean give the aarign c* tli* bigger will be yonr dividends." Uo then odl\ witb|A touch e f pathos quib* mtcommoll is commercial documents: •'Jo?'* at preseut, iwrhapa. I ought not to ohjv-cf. ft" it would no donU rslieva we of what now looks likely to be a lifelong burden." <>f course xo WFry depositor will think of klHing this bankrupt banker tu oblige him. 110 will father bid him live aud be luiaernbls. Foowjto Lo. —Lo I the poor ladian is sometimes made Uio Tietim of wicktjd jokes upon tli* We*torn border. A shift .eta sj>ccirast of the gehtle savugc i Winona. Minx., unked a wag to writo trim a ovurUfWato of*h*retor, witft whie . he might net up in the bnameex ol beg ginS. tontowl of (lie desired "good Ii jiln, no MU, no drirrki" Jtc., the wag vsrole : "This Indian has tlie smaibpoL ; lookout for him." He didn't ioc*ed In the begging enterprise worth Acect, and was *nwfti at the sudden avenuotf every body c*meeivtHl /Or tho tu*for-ttug|te rud man. / ■ ■•■ _ *. r— .Vfti'OTO'a FABlLT.—ifrs! Arnold, wift* ot IfeiicdicJ.Aruold, lived till IStH, when she died, aged forty-three years.? A son entered Uie British array in 1788, rose to the ixink <4 lieutonr.Dt-gt ntrnl. and was still Jiving as late &• 18,11,. One of litr grauclchlldryn was a clergyman of Ui Church of England, and, it i* said,- A very worthy genUcmnn, who luis conversed with American vi*itors upon his granff l.itlicr in a rational ntid becoming manner Two of her suns settled in panada, where thev acquired competent estates, and were living in 182' J. . t j , Spittxo BONNETS,— The new Spring bon nets are of more roasonable form than the wiuter ones have been. Instead of berets and toquets, or whatever name they went by, anil which, save the strings, were mere like hats than bonnets, and which, utifoftunately,** were only becoming to vouiift and protty faces, we are how re- 1 turning to something more like what understand by bonnet. The spring nov .]. ties are slightly larger in form at the back, and they descend u trifle at eaoh * ;( ] e 0 j the face. SESTTrxcti).—At Newport R. I >t> Captain IJojd Sutton waa sentenced t „ uDO j ta r*g imprisbnineut for manslaughter The crime consisted iu running J,wn a small boat with his steamer, Rising the death of ooe person, NO. 15. A Romaallc Slory. * Tho Ada <Ja>iforn(a |eakt of a iww aipadilioii which baa just St oat from Mail Frsal*co to seek ami podUy to find tin* IreasurtM ssid to hs*S W'i bjddsa 1 oig ago by pirates in the C*V' < of Cores I!sn<lin tlss South Pariflr. Two organ trod altempts to do thsaatns tiling have •brcAdy lirea mmle—oos In IM7 and th# other in 1-70—bnt both of thsin fsiird; ths first because tha stress of weather prevented tlie arrival of ths iel*el at tie i-.'still, nful th# ssooad 1m t'**' Vrl T good, ruM"U that the explorers did not know j where the Irensores were bidden, and coo- j i''fiienily eould only work at random. Tbe eifMrdiLion which b* Jttstaeliral Is' under the ruiuuiaod of Cspteia Ttiocaas Welsh. * l<> has agreed to claim nothiag if ill# amount of treasure be shall 6nd 1 shall not exceed fSO.hOO.OOO in Talne, lot if it slitd! exceed that ammnt he is to have all the excess. This captain, having Urea iatsrviowed by a r#)>rtcr, has re vv-aled some trsnge eloriee of hi* earlier life, which, should ihej be tron, show him to be a tit commander, lie tale in brief 'snguage Is lie following: Long years *go there dwelt a lovely m aide a In Kent, Kng!snd. who was wooed by a nobleman, Ihgt married a commoner —ths fistbsr of! Oaptten Welsh. The nobleman roved, i and Weeme *o exceedingly wiissothngnc iliat be determined to turn pirate sad ■oour ihetpsnish lUte us a brig, and wreak •• engaa&co on all t*ai>- kind. Ila Lad SOtqsfHs'd to Pi heart's cootcut f basommg the couaierpart nt Black A ten per, hat as years rolled on lis thmpri* he wrmhl revisit Kent and see what bad become of hi* eld love. Thither )ie**at and loand Chat she bad given I birth to a mil bad died end.teft tbi# boy to be cared f<* jby s guardian, and brought ap *ith that guardian's child Elua—the preeotU Sirs, nrisli. Otis day the <3ifl-j <Veo Wert playing togethet when s tall and fierce rnn came, carried them off, ptaeed them on board the rakish looking brig, aad sailed aw*y with tljem. Tlds <Win m wu the uobtenwa-piroU. ead he had 16# trusty men with htm who Imhl ■w ora never to Istkf tlie black flag fri tbe mart. For many years tke.* *oWad th* ira* an !, at length growh rich with 1 plundered vtore they steered their brig for Corns shore, whet* they buried en la rolcaJaWe amount of wealth in a certain cave. But the end of their e*U deeda p-1 (woached, and at last they wat tits way of ail pirat**— aura# were shot and #*tne * ere hanged. Tbe boy and girl eecaned. wer# afterwards married, and now in their ■ ■ld age, tJi#y return together to ths Wc a tlroc* We in sesrth ot what thsy know la ttatefc Willi rilvery heir EM* walks the th-ck an ocean '?aeen. and.' ahkeogfa not fwectsnlf thwpnio of tea ptinie s heart, ■Hit a brie. bart? ukl lady, die* e Jyv-, Drscitarw t-eo pmr A rtoey is of I the Oro®! Lake Alexia, who is ia Utelta val service. A yaer or two ago. wiwaa iinbknf ths febk of tnidabipmaii, the itegrthiP in which be was serving was \iCkod wo the c.-sat of Dtumafk. P* ordered ths life-boats to te low ered, and direetcd Alexis to fctks charge | of Tie firrt Kt. The royal nrulriiipiwio ' -leeliucd to obey the onhw. It w |M-, • •raptor:!? rep.vrt* d: "L ?WW command ing officer, orlw woiviuto the boat" i •'Admiral. 1 can mrt ffibsf yoauT uxkl 11be va-ujif? pnuse. "It w-cridnnitevoa: , tnu son oi tha emperor to be tje Zap, to Via Ibc shim I dull rvatsiii with yon to tbe !at. - •' But"I shall put yow -trndw trrest for diMobedieWce of ordeiw aa soonm trrurn rtacosa will allow * to doao " * "I mean no diaabedienca, but I can ant obty." waa lLoiwpiy- 11 . Fur or five ol the craw ptwiahad in thftn&rit from the ship to shore, and ! tiMjadmiral and Alexia were the teat to i.ud. In liartßy constructed tentk the rigid discipline of shfp-life ww promptly. • mnri. " The young prinre waa pltord i amUsr arvert fa diaobedienon of orders tlx Banian minister at t'openbagen was itnformedol Ujstaei-s awlu lngrapb <h! then to the from vliiio he f rtmgvod "J --,Mm act, (* th#, li-skHg f UUOAII arrs)t *6f 0.-MIH UJ of orders an" J J-r<uud 'kist my ! awn far tLctffr- 1 ' ' / , i •', A iPmrtvcsi. Gwiwwaw -A ceebeal • mimaimr. nith rhymre in tho " Mcriw | uicosa" style, might aid chibirvn to be came /amiiisA. with Ate' übeuiuitiws **" our language. S<*an ft tlvas ucwmimj*** sgefli U> bo Uiririug the altomi t to cuui- Tie toOotrlitf ktalris ar a damplc: RimemVr. 1 i 1* the ; larrt U.w* And iriacmhcr, thoufch fleto* J ' •* !>, the j 1 Ttot the pkinJ of soivc j lui ••goam," ! lH c -" • Ar.J*-.uuWr. ihonxb Uawm t Is ihc araial is r ' • T # p im: arwsiw " ' • • .-iUiHia to sue*. sn<l not "in> a*c." Or the lost rtsicnient t*v tw pre*nt>l ia tho fallowing rncbre: Monro.'<♦ i* tree,' It. lb :• sualbmics;. j it* ■d. 'II ' -('** ' . ... •hmtwrti Ttarirrtb,—An item h gtifng the rnuud* of the exabunpee, stniing that a woman aehool teacher In Ckiea, vViscv Qhin, aiiowstbe pnpttefivamiuntee to go oat and sec, the railway train whsa it paaaea. This is a sensibte hacuer. Id ola tiearo iWe window of sAom bowses were bciit so high as to prevent the little prisoners from looking out, and an ele phant might pw* t by,! gnd lbe i Jftete urdsns W. rompcilml to beep the eyes on thote Vootsjed Vt? J ralgb\ il iy.utn tJfe,' onen dJOr/ <-nh'h a of tT:e animiUj No wondefibrtand tritht oufie tw kntceehiHA bovuW, an.l to loOlrfipM: kbeio as tho dark** of tbe tmrty-Nr. XbM wutusH) in /WiMMUfe is : splU4 ' n hit bead; *\ x b .WVIM* ".ohiect the wotijd gWiJPI,PUf .1 menagerie to DOM Of a cui us bauu to go by. uud the ruildo i would study till ihebrrtßr fohihe mddMnA. Tmt Cost.-*-The rent-rollof the T?eh borne estate is upward of sixteen tfcoit -and pounds a year*. - Assuming that the trial baa oout "two hundred thousand pounds, thin could be easily raised id four per cent, ou the probity,-end the interest payable tluivupon would rf nresent half the income." 'lite present Baronet being a miuor, who will not" lie of ago foe tnany year*, would protuMy ouly be allowed a* thousand a year for eduo&tioMii mM other ospaaaoa, bo thnt by the tinvo Jie attains his majority the property will have full}- recovered the cost* ceased liy " the cluimauU" —r* CatoicK op k Wirx.—Dr. Franklin *> eonamends a young uiau, in the clioioe of a \n/e ¥ to select her from a bunch, giving ss hh rosson, thnt when there are tamuv daughters they improve each oilier, and from emulation inquire more accomplish ments, and know more, 'and do more, than a single child-spoiled by paternal fondness. This is a comfort to jwople with largo families. A fpney iarmtr sent pxthe following truthral renort of hia agriculturalopera tions to the as-istant assessors of (he xev euue tax ; " Mr. K , my farming opera tion" I have to report as follows—' My cattle have e&teu up jny crops, and my i hired men have Mp v cattle, , —v, V&M *<t At u rwsmltuU m 'la lt I. , Uartm nod two & imrfuroi** wars I kilted. ' ' ps "*> Hrienes show* clearly Uiat inn b* ; lived tiyoo thisearth tor taw# thaa ' years. l' Amilliona.iLu the figures at the tok weigh jl ahaui j two tow. Theflretfloor^hcifottetddtejjnf TTTewTdri it* NaMWW" ayssr, without rnrailMT. Tkebotebrre of Oww. bar. hud to abut op tbetr shoj* because they cannot obtsiu any fowl eriU*. A Wrotrrn <*!&£"!£ married, date. editorially. "Wo nre living at Una ■ nuMovut under laolut< utapoitsni. The nwnera of Ameriss* **.> g borw* raseived teat year al&cet a mil j lion of dollars in pom* and prsmmms. A fashions!*!* young lady of Haw i York boasted of bavin}? a drum on which ware two handssA ywidciof teoe trim "lßsw IWfnrd gentlomsnfcfe iMMMd ed in batching fcHS tMot tram LOW) m which tewUto be the greatest yield over known. The Hen Fmnnhco to ®tey with . iliotfi mad** of tiw itiidi roibt*f, Willi which a Im-kabot can be driven through ' a half inch plank. An Oriental proverb t Yon cent pr#- , rent the Hirda at wdtoean from flying over ! year tewd. bat yon m*v prevent tbcm ! from slopping to I mild there. Home one asyi that the boa end the tenth may 1M dean toged** to Una world, lot when tbc Hon gets up tt will be bard work to find the lamb. ' A man airroted tor bigamy in Cteve iland. Ohio, pleaded that lb- reward of I . bin diver <- from bie &t wife itsu*t have been boroeil at the Chicago fire Tbe latest fcabtota in trimming l*m neta is with four pr five small hunttntiff* i birds an the front, with Jaw* rosettes sod ribbons. Tbe next tiling win be to have a bird's naat on the top. U GmitoiM ratals* that s met o B 1 tbe t*,ulrra'ds a fair lad? earning her ! pct dog hi her arm*. *' Look F* cried ?h* "she ramnesbar dogs end abe pay ber children ant to nnate !" Large tecw of nobon or velvet, with t a large beetle ia lb# oeaUe, are worn at tbe btk pf the flock of sU* or store* eortnmes, with ug an J wide amis a bleb reach below tbe waist When ladies wish to have dresses or ' lion nets parch seed alirosd, th*y end a 1 fall trngSSotoeraph of tfa#ma4vs. by 1 wfafeh modistes jndga what vtmM bwtes eommf, nd iorwred it arewrihwgly. The Seranton, Ph., k% df *be < Kul -'hts of Yvthfem recently determined ito dub Fraieir Wdtteas a Pythian knight, but daring the eeremomr f * i itatson t waa dteeoveted that tho Fran j cm aboohi be spelt Frances. In IX3O there waa only ooa artentifle una is Grant Britain who believed that i a locomotive could "work" or. in other " words, that it bad s riifrl—l hold cm ! the rail* to more a tratn of cam, and that was George Maepbenaon. | A Philadelphia woman who had brok -1 en her log. was aomodeat that rim emtld : not permit the surgeon to sat it, and 1 there being no fmaate dooter sroond, , moftiflaatian ensued, winch resnltci in , death. A wretched husband in St Paul ad rerttaea for the recovery of his wife, "a tanl woman with gTfV eys, sod a waanl ! Imbte just beginaio* to wank," who bava approprlbv •% til pok mark feJkr. with red bare." 1 ♦ The meat faririon at wediiiwga n far a ay cwUeman to psesrnt his daugwhi iwitb ; a i heck for a huge amount wiiicb tedia plmt i with the other pteMmie, bpt tak es back by Ue indolgent *t tie . close of the reeeptioa. , WiU some ona pkase wml as that item about the Wicc>i*in prl wbo plow* and ; burrows and ptenU forty-five acres Of ' land wfth her own baumt We cannot realise that it is epriiwrtiine, till wsSs ivand that item. We bav flt read it for ten . i ears, . ■ Aa a stoat old lady m New Yotk got est t a crowded omnibos in front of t tbaA*tor ilouao, theothor day. ahs ex claimed, "Well, this is a reaef, any !l>og. To which the driver, eyeing hm ' ampte' pronortUtea, rsplteu. "8o 'lis "macs think, mate " ' Ajs aristocrstSc after anxiomi in ..rtrrr aa to what would remove paint from her was thifl that ijtmw rrrran"' was the bsri thing known, wbfwrnpoo abe aaivriy gxaWmmlt -X>h! I'm ao iiiad that I have fagad oat I I vandsc u they kocp ii atthe apotheca: ; ryVT gome tempsxaacs psouk in Hartfaad. Conn., in going to work pischmllj by establishing and renning a thmp bnt whulwwis usfsiai* on Strictly tem ' iwrani?e prindph* It fl to be nnd , {the eharc' of a tmnps* nee aomrtw, nod ' may be made to aooompiish mow m the ! way of reform than many tracts and lec ! tnfes. The largest iron swating mrr yrt^at- I tempted was ma te ** , , Uawick Ordnw , ,Tvne, under fhc (b?vcbon of Sir W?n. ' and Captain Ifob,c. It wns f tr, anvil Mock waking In tone. In be •wed with a twgaiy-toa, dodl le-actron funre-hamroor. fur futgteg a thirty-flvo 1J tou Armstrong gnu.' - *■ I Lonttea is the largrwt eatyi* the wocU, l i for noipaaerog aH Urews of dattentey. Acs-ordiag U Giblnm. Ibf .jsaimtettoiKnf ancient Some, in tbe.u?itfhl of its mag- S%ece. was I,W;?!>■ ofPekin m wteWlaWu#2.f®,- two ; that of London Is irilW 'dIPMUD, iw-Prrifth of the popntetoea of the whole Unihd Statna.* , TMR afto, the laift Elifi Log®, I wiiiis phiying in Aogusta. (in.. was sur prised at Veer iving * a present a negro \atot wmth SS,WO. It raw* row an en :ln;-iastie young planter, who pinned U; card to the coat sleeve of. to* Am ru, and thua font him to the artrcs*. Mw L. retained the artietw forone day, and then retwru-id it with tluwkp. A correspondent wishes tbS Ayrictf?- trrriti to expose the manner ia which ti individual swtudleri him in an ejrg tend*. He ordeiwd geetta, dock and hens' eggs, and sent the money to pay for Uieru. The hen*' egg* oanie, and nut * single one hatched. No duck nor aoose eggs were received, nor lias our correspondent been aide to get the mon ey back. A man waa arrested in Lancaster, Pa., recently, who candidly acknowledged that he Lad never done a day's work ia >kikfe, althooffh he waa fri\-ooe jcbb •of age. Alter traveling through tk* [ greater portion of Europe as a profes idonal beggar, he wc to America seco nd vtwrs ago, where i.e ha* mucc pur- Seil liis vocation with varying TOCCi - e boasts of having ohtliiutd ranch yal tmWe information regarding thr kotow houses and jails of; every counry u hp* —"—-K 1 • AmswcjlW Nitwuwartus.—The United States is the country, par &ri'il<, lor newspaper* and their number is legiop, almost every Village having Its local press. In tbe west they start a newspaper ** they build tlie tirst eburcji sad first tchool liou.-e, and plant their first cfini-nelih This national trait was Tnflv illustrated far back m the Mexican war* when news papers were esiabibiied v. hecever oar ariuv penetrated, for there were plenty ot men in the ranks who could hp mile tie rifle and com posing-,-tick w'uli equal dex terity. '' Doe* there happen to be a prm - terherer' asked poor dear old General Scott, on one occasion, when he Tidied to have n proclamation "setup.'' A prin ter! Fauoy his simp-ieity; more thaw two hundred sturdy typoa steppe*' two pa ces to the front at the summono,—-Bottw. Globs. Ann Yor Sqoask wits th* Wtmnx>? —"Farmer" discusses the qjm-tion, and says: "A person in. del>t is a slave to his creditors. No man is truly happy m> long as debt h overs over him-' d?® 1 * mends the Chinese custom of ■ gotn£ around the first" month of each year and settling up squarely with oil with wliottt *i>pj bv hwl dealing* Ihe year.potb -A our jedgooat, so far us it ia is bettor to cud tbe year with no unset \ tied oooounta, and begin the year refcolTOq ! wot to bftve wy it# <