REPORTER, niD.KU*TX o Centre Hull, IV, April 5., > TERMS.-The RxroaTia is published ' lines) for three insertion. Advorttteincuts fer 12 G and S months, at reduced rates. Any person sending us the mantes f *u new subscribesr, with the cash, will re ceive the RKI-OHTK* one year free, aga .aii———— From a circular, published iu an other column, it will be seen that Greeley and other promineut republi can* are takiug a "new departure namly, to depart from Grant and hi* rotten, plundering crew. Every de cent republican, whose tkirU arc clean of robbing the government, ia in favor of defeating Grant aud for the Cincin nati convention. Will the boucat rank aud file in the radical rank* ba governed accordingly? The M'Clure-Gnty investigation has ended, aud the committee hat re ported that M'Clure is entitled to the •cat by about 1,000 majority. After this report was read in the Senate, Mr. M'Clure vu sworn in and took the •cat previously occupied, through fraud, by the virtuous radical Gray. Gray then packed up hi* trap* and left ilarrisburg, without wailiuf to be shaved er getting hia boot* blacked. The fact ia. Gray ought have a teat, with shaved head in state pri*ou, for occupying a seat that was obtained by the most shameftil frauds en recenl. Since Gray left Harrisburg the sen ate now stands 16 democrats to 16 republicans, and one independent, M - Clure. M'Cluro hereotfore belonged to the radical party, but so far his votes in the senate are not of a charac ter that democrats might complain, he fought a bold fight against radical fraud and corruption and with the aid of democrats, right aud justice have for once triumphed. - ♦ ♦ The Mifflinduig Telegraph is badly posted when it asserts that Mr. Jfiller was in favor of the railroad bill with the stupid proviso mortgaging the road to the stockholders and then authorising the issuing of bonds to other parties in order to raise money to complete the road. Mr. J/iller and every friend of the road {looked upon that as killing the enterprise, which was the intention of our men-ber of the house, a secret enemy of our road, and it was tacked on in spite of Mr. Miller's protest By virtue ef a special act of the Legislature, tha citizens of Shippens burg took a vote an license question, and the result was 133 vote* for li cense and 264 against license. Philadelphia is aroused and work ing hard far the removal of the cap ita to that city. Meetings have beeu held and oammittees appointed to fur ther the project. The dwelling bouse of Uriah Moyer and Jacob File, ef Beaver Twp., with contents, sod that of Jos. Koons of Centre Twp., Snyder ce., were recently destroyed oy fire.—Times. Msj. C. H. Shreiner, is a delegate to the Cincinnati convention. A SZNSIULZ BILL.—The bill securing to married women their separate earnings came up on third reading and passed—yeas IT nays 13. The bill gives a wife sole cen tral of her earnings, whether wages of la bor, salary, property, business er other wise, so as not to be subject to any claim af her husbands or bis creditors; provided, that she shall first prove her separate title and ownership. Local Option. The following ia the new local op tion law, as signed by the governor : SXCTIOX 1. Bt it enmeted etc.. That on the 3rd Friday in March, 1873, in every city and county in this commonwealth, ana at the annual municipal election every third year thereafter in every such city and county it shall be the duty of the inspectors and judge* of election* in the cities and counties to receive ticket* eitherVrritten or printed for the legal Voters of taid cities and counties, la be- led on the outside ''license," and on the in side "tor license" or "against license," and te deposit said tickets in a box provid ed for that purpose by taid inspector* and judges, as is required by law in the case of other ticket* so received shall be count ed and a return of the same made to the clerk of the proper county duly certified as is required by law, which certificates shall be laid before Judges of said court after taid election, shall be filed with the other records of said eourts, and it shall be the duty of the mayors of citiee and sheriffs of countiev, or of any other officer whose duty it may be to perform such ser vice, to give due public notice ol such special election above provided for three weeks previous to the time of holding the next annual municipal election in every such city and county, and also three weeks before such election every third year thereafter. Provided, That this act shall not be construed te repeal or affect any special law prohibiting the sale of intox icating liquors orprohibit the rranting of licenses : Provided, That when the mu nicipal elections in any county or city do not occur on the third Friday in March the election provided for in this section shall be held on the day fixed for tha mu nicipal election* in said city or county And provided further, That all licenses granted after day of January, 1873 shall cease, determine and become void on the first day of April, 1878, if the district which they shall be granted determine against the granting of license, and the Treasurer of the proper county shall then refund te the holder of said license the moneys so paid therefor, for which the said Treasurer shall be entitled to credit in his account with the Common wealth. Sac. 2. That in receiving and countin) and in making returns of the votes cast s the inspectors and judges and clerks o said election shall be governed by th< laws of this commonwealth regulatini general elections, and all the penalties o said election laws are hereby extended t< and shall apply to the voters, inspectors Judges and clerks voting at and in aseord ance upon the election held under the provisions of this act Sac. 3. Whenever, by retu ns of elec tions in any county aforesaid, it shall ap pear that there is a majority against li cense it shall not be lawftil for any license to issue Xor the sales of spiritous, vinous melt or other intoxicating liquors, or any - admixture thereof in said city or count} at any time thereafter, until an election ai above provided a majority shall vote in favor sf license : Provided, That nothing contained in the provisions of this act shall prevent the issuing of liquors for medical - and manufacturing purposes. Provided, The citixens of Lebanon shall vote upon the question on the third Friday of March, 1878, on the tame day and time when the townships of the county of Lebauon hold their spring elections. We have the authority of the Cam eron Herald for the statement thai Senator Wilson recently wrote to IJor •ee Greeley inquiring the most ap proved method of cultivating t bocta The philoeopher's answer was short, but to the point Persist in your ef fbrta to have Grant renominated. The 1 toshiest lkwh. The hero of the "stock-holders mort gage proviso,', ha* crept into a hole and left hack the following ; which wo reproduce for the amusement of such as have not teen it: From th* H'ateAiwon. AXOTtI r A "HI NO" NROKKN. We know that our Pcnnsvslley re*Jer sad especially those who have invested their money in tlie 1.. ('. A S. ('. railroad, wilt he gratified to learn that they are to have the kind of a rail-road they sub scribed their monov to build- ill be pleased to know that the little "ring," for which our friend (?) Kurtaof lhrlteporUr. acted as spokesman, that had arranged to have our people pay lull rggpa a half built, —half gauge rvwd. Tn order that its member* might steal the difference, in the cesl of construction, is busted, tho Reporter, the director* and a few others to the contrary notwithstanding On Tuesday last in the Legislature, the Conference Committee, t* which was re ferred the dififereno* existing between the Senate and House on the three million mortgage bill unanimously Inse led a proviso that th* act thou IJ \e inaperatir* unlet* the r\w<( t* ci>nstruct*il th* ecuiaery * xliis prevbo we suppose, the would-be leader of the "narrow gauge ring, wilt denounce as another effort on the part ot "our member" to delay and defeat the - uccoss of th* eutcrpri-e Very likely it will dsfoal the *ut*rprl>c as he understands it a i *ntsrprie that was to rob the subscribers to the stock, along l'ennsvalley. thai his pockets and those of on* or two other parties might be Iu place of the cry they raised last tall of "narrow gauge or nothing,' it has now been changed to "nothing tor lbs narrow gauges," and while th* eiii*nt of I eons vller, who have acted honestly, earnestly and liberally, in the matter can rejoice, that tb.-ir stock is not to without having some return for it, ourorother chip of the Reporter, cbn wash hi* head and try to invent some new sohem* to defrsud hi* neighbors and friend* out of their money. Th* hill •* it pasted busily authorised th* company t* issue mortgage bonds to an amount not exceeding three and a hall millions dollors, and made it compulsory to build • ordinary gauge road, or is*u* no mortg* gs*. Mr. Meek haviug attempted to kill the railroad with his famous "stock holders mortgage" which we exposed and settled for him so completely in the Reporter, week before last, we now give htm the ben6t of our col umns in trying to show what a saiut he has been. The above article we are nat afraid to have read by the people of Penusvalley, and it needs no Comment from us, as our people have already prououuoed their opiuion up ou it and him. The "ablest" is careful to keep sileut on the "stockholders mortgage" pro viso, sugar coated to kill the road, in which infamy he was exposed by the REPORTER, and tha eyes of our peo ple opened to what Meek was doing to kill off the road three-fourths grad ed. The effect of Meek's proviso was that all contractors aud bauds iu this valley were making calculations to quit and go to other port* for employ ment ; and that is what weuld now be the state of affairs on the road, had net the REPORTER exposed the infamous, sugar coated proviso, and thereby aroused our people to their danger, and/ores our "ablest" on a hasty back track. He must feel pretty sensibly by this time that he did not succeed in April-fooling the people of Pennsval ly by bis sugar-coated, but deadly proviso. By misrepresenting the sugar-coated proviso, a few unthinking were led to favor it, honestly thinking it was iu the interest of the mad, until the fraud was exposed in our columns, a ben a committee of indignant citizens from this valley at once called upon the author, Meek, and forced him to con sent to have his pet scheme to kill the road stricken out. We ask our readers to go back two months, and they will find the Watch man week after week pouriug slime over the bill and bellowiug to our peo ple to petition against its passage, so as to kill the road and then hide him self behind the remonstrances and throw the blame upon our people. But no remonstrances came at his bellow ing, which silence should have satisfied our officious legislator that our people had no objection to the 3 million bill as it passed the senate. Our people will remember, that tha Watchman then threatened if ao opposition came the bill would pass on "the following Tuesdav." No opposition came and the "following Tuesday" did not see the bill passed as promised, but, in stead, it was choked off by our officious legislator, in regular legislative roos ter and pincher style in order to force a corruption fond te grease its passage. What then/ Why, when failing t© call out opposition to tho senate bill, by misrepresenting it in his newspa per, for weeks, he prints remonstrances in hia own office, unsolicited, and has them sent out Now, why, if he was a fair representative, did he not also print petitions for the bill and let the two go out together? Ab, that did not suit this hidden Bellefente enemy of our road and that would uot help him to kill it He then, failing in his tricks, tried the famous sugar-coated proviso, insulting the intelligence of the people of Pennsvalley by assuming they would swallow that, he knowing it was death to our railroad ; really, how nicely be laid a plan te finish the road right speedily, and had his trick not been exposed, our read would now be lying tu state iu its coffin with bis sugar-coated proviso for a shroud, and while its Pennsvalley friends stood around mouruing over its demise, the outside world would be laughing down at them from the top of Nittany moun tain for again permitting themselves to be gulled by said Meek. His insinuations about defrauding, need no reply—it is the stop thief cry to distract attention from his own bad doings—Meek put the finishing touch es upon bis own character, ours can not be stained by the base insinua tions of one whose word when upon oath honest people weuld hesitate to take. Meek's trick having been exposed and thwarted, the friends of our rail road maj now look for an energetic prosecution of the work. EA RTHQUAK E IN CA LI FORNIA California had a terrible earth quake, on 26th ult. In Inro county thirty lives were lost, and n chasm was opened in the earth 30 miles down the valley. San Francisco, March 80.—Additional details from the volcanic district of Inyo co 400 miles southeast from San Francisco say that on Tuesday last the shocks con tinued Cerro Gordo was badly damaged. Lone Pine appcarc to have been directly over the centre of tho disturbance. Some 30 were killed. The earthquake was first described as like a park or artillery fired beneath the town. The scone beggar* de scriptions, Nearly the whole population was buried beneath its ruins. Cries for help and screams of the wounded filled the air. The first shock was followed In quick succession by throe others. Over 800 distinct shocks wore felt between half past 2 o'clock and sunrise. The earth was in constant shake and tremble for over 3 hours. Humors that volcanic action has bees seen on tho summit of the Green Hood mountains, 60 miles south ofVezo are in circulation. MfXlro. Jttaret Ago* l * nt th Tup of the //run (leneral Rorha Defeat* ami (loo bies* Whole RmlHtitnnrj Army. Cilv ofJ/exico, March I ft, via 11 *- vniia, j/arch 25, —The government forces arc triumphing •vet the rcvolu- i tionist*. General Kochu ha* diiven llu tH out of the citic* of Aguar, ("nl ion las',>s ami Zacatccn*, and re lieved the troo|ui, at Satt !-oui* I'otosi. In a bailie on the second, (ieneral Kocha, with ti.IKHI troop*. defeated the united revolutionary fuves, number ing 0,000 men kilting and wound me 7IH) and capturing 7,000 ineu and all their artillery except three gun* : The revolutionist* rotuated toward Fresnillo and X rex, being pursued by (ieneral llooha. (Jeiieral ltocha * victory i* a death blow to revolution arv project*, but anarchy will prevail for a long lime. (ieneral Negrele, with l.t(Kl men, kcejv the state* ot I'uebla, llidalgo and Tbaacala in constant alanu by his acta of vandalism. He avoid* •pen engagement*, and with hi* tro|* attack* town*, hacienda* and railroad train*. On the 3rd he attacked a working |mrly on the Ap>*aeu rail road. consisting of the paymaster, em plovec* and laborer*, returned ou the fourth and kidnapjxid John Ouiau, the superiuleudenl. On the Hlu and 9th he attacked several puhpii train*, destroying the freight. General Hocha i* accused of shoot ing a nunih -r of prisoner*, l'resideiit Juuret receive* the congratulations o( the pre** at the capital. Ihpvrute Struggle W Itb a Ma wlgc. Attested Murder of Two Hitter*—A Battb for Life. I l'oughkeepsie. March 7. —A terrible affair happened near, ' Ulster County, this morning ui the house of George \N illiain I'urdy who 3 resides seven miles north of Newburg, e near the tirsl named place. W bile laboriug under temporary iuaauity Mr. Purdy made u desperate attempt to murder his two sisters, lte resided with his mother, .Mrs. Phmbe Purdy, and his sister, Miss Klisw Purdy He was ill from uu epileptic attack, and |iartially deranged. Auolher sis ter, Mrs. Anna Coukling, spent the uight at the homisUad to assit in taking car* of her brother. The three ladies occupied a led on the (100t 1 of the silting room. Purdy slept in a room opening into this room. At 4 •'clock this morning George entered the room occupied by the ladies and stopped the clock, sayiug that its tick ing annoyed him and prevented hi* sleeping. A few miuutes after return ing to his room he again entered the sitting-room and threw himself flat on the floor and remaiued motionless. The sisters took him up aud laid him on their bed aud then went iuto his room and occupi d his bed. The mother remaiued with him. Iu a few minutes he started up from the bed, seized a fire-shovel, and went to the room where the sisters were. Opening the doov he shouted : " I'm going t kill you both. The next place I will meet you is at the bar of God," and commenced striking them on the head with the 6hovel. Then throwing that dowu he seized each by the throat and tried to choke them to death. AfteJ a terrible struggle they freed them selves from bis grasp and escaped to the sitting-room. lie followed them and the struggle was renewed. The stove was overturned and the hous* was set on fire. At length the sisters succeeded in breaking away from the | maniac, Miss Purdy ruuning out ofi the front dooy aud M™* Coukling starting for a rear door. Purdy pur sued the latter, and having got a ra zor out of tbo bureau drawer, over took her just as she got outside of the doer. Here auother terrible struggle took plane, the madman endeavoring to cut his sister's throat and she bat tling for life. In the effort to get the razor from him she received two cuts, one in the right aim just missing the main artery and the other in the hand, but he drew the razor across her throat, makiug a terrible gash, laying bare the windpipe and the root of the tongue but missing the main arteries. While this struggle was going on Miss Purdy had run to the houses of several of the neighbors and alarmed them. The first one of them to reach the spot 1 was Daniel Vau Orsdall, who on hear- iug the alarm bad dresMtl himself as quickly as possible and followed Miss Purdy to the bouse. She reached it first and met the brother. Having, as he supposed, finished Mrs, Conk ling, ha attacked Hiss Purdy, and seising her by the hair of her head, threw her down on the ground. Mr. Van Orsdall coming up at this time, he knocked the brother down, and af ter another struggle mannged, with the help of his young sou and Mies I'urdy, to secure the madman. Hut it took their uuitod stre iglh to hold him, and ther feared that Mrs. Conk ling would bleed to death before other help could arrive. At length, how ever, mora of the neighbors came, George was tied, and Mrs. Conk ling was cared for. She had made her way iutothe house after receiving her wounds, and the sister knowing that the building was on fire, was afraid that her mother and sister would be burned up, but the flames were soon extinguished and all danger from that source was averted. In the course of the morning an officer arrived from A/arlborough—about a mile north of the scene of tragedy—and George was handcuffed. Ho went to bed and re | fused to sav a word to any one, but lay in the bed as if asleep. Tomor row he will be taken to the State Hospital at Poughkeepsie ■ ♦ • A Town Eiigulphed by an Karth quake. European mail advices state that the town of in the Cau casus, was almost entirely destroyed by a recent earthquake. The number of persons killed was one hundred aud thirty-seven, and the destruction of property very large. A considerable portion of the country was converted into a desert, and the inhabitants re duced to great misery by the destruc tion of all the crops. DEAK LAND. —Messrs. Geo. W. Cliilds and A. J. Drexel, of Phila delphia recently bought a piece of ground, (about oue twentieth part ol an acre,) corner of Wall and Broad streets, New York, for eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars on which they design erecting a palatial hanking house. This is the laigest sum ever puid for land in America. Boston is become so used to being the headquarters for the publication of unquestionable literature that tho onlv way in which tho Bible cun lie made to sell is by binding it in yellow cover uud advertising it in tho "sport ing" papers as choice reading, to bo sent in a sealed envelope to any ad dress oil receipt of 85 CMIU. Such at least, is the course adopted by a spec ulative genius of that ilk whose nat ural bent for swindling has been de veloped by Boston training. The Liberal Republican* of New York to their Itrethrrn in the West. To Colonel William M. (iroevciiot, Chairman of tin* Executive Coiumil- U'ooftho I.ll><-1 it I R|ublictn Conven tion of Missouri, Washington, I> j Sir : We, republican* of New York, wih to oxpriM our incurrence in the principle* lately act forlh BY (IN) lib eral republican* of Missouri: We make this departure from I lie •rdiuary methods of parly action from a deep conviction that lite organiaa lion to which we belong is under the conttol of tboae w ho w ill use it chit fly for personal purjaw-cs, ami ulwtrucl a tree expression of opinien U|ion the ini|M>itant mntteis which the gentle men whom you represent have laid be fore the pctiple of the United Stale*. We believe that the time has come when the |>olitical offence* of the pal should be pardoned ; that all cittieiis should be protected in the enjoyment of the rights guaranteed to them by the constitution ; that federal taxation should lie imposed for revenue, and so ADJURED to make the burden U|HII (lie industry of the country as light as po#-< sible ; that a reform of the civil service should be made which will relieve po litical action from the influence f of ficial patruuage ; that the right of 10-' cal sell'-goveruiuuut, the foundation of American freedom, should be reassert ed, and the encroachments of federal power checked ; aud we also ladieve that at this time a special duty rents upon the people to uo away with cor ruption in ofhee. JJJThe ex|>osurcs recently made in this state have brought to light evils which are uot confined to oue party nor to a single locality, and disclose dangers more formidable (ban any which the republic has yet encountered- Willi the hope that the movement begun iu Missouri may spread through all the states and iuflucuce every po litical party, we accept the invitation lo meet in national mass convent ion at the city of Cinoinall utl lite tint Wednesday of May neat, aud we iu vile all republicans of New Y'ork who agree with us to co operate iu cur ac ting Henry If. Sdileu, Horace lirechy, Fred. A. Cotikliug. William J)orliei tuer, Sinclair Tuusey, Migismum) Kauffman, E. Krackowifer, Ira O. Miller' Edwin K Reynolds. William H. Briggs, Charles W. Godard, Hen ry D. Lloyd, William W, Goodrich, Waldo llotchins, Hiraui Raincy, Freeman J F'dtinn, George |'. JJrad ford, Benjamin A, Willis, Horaoe Bems, Ix-wis Lowenthal. (Juror Story or Superstition. The Berlin, Wiscohaio Journal lia* this story : "A man who rcaided in this city has related to us a strange storv of superstition and barbarity, which he claimed had happeurd in thts city recently. Our iufuimmit wa* a (ieriean, and the parties in this story are Tolauders, but their name* we could not learn. The story, as related is substantially as follows: About the last of November or <|ic (|rt uf December a young Polish woman cave birth ta a child. About two days afterward she dird and was bur ied in the city cemctry. After about five weeks the wife of the brother of the dead woman was taken very sick, and it was thought she would die. "It appears that there is a supersti tious idea among the Polanders that if one of a family dies, unless the head of the cor [we is cut off the whole fam ily will be likely lu follow In rapid, succession. However, if after one ls died, another one is taken sick, it some of the blood is procured from-tbe dead body aud administered to the patient he will recover. In accord ance vyith this (([pef'titian, our ip. formant alleges, the husband of the tick woman went to the burying ground ou the night af January 2, fire weeks after interment, dug up the body, cut off the bead, and look (Vurti it bfood and other liquid, which he ad ministered ta bis wife as medicine ; that shortly after this the sick woman's malady assumed the form of small pox, from whirh she recovered, and is now entirely well. Our informant claimed tht many witnesses ceuld b# brought to corroborate this story, and from what we learned we are led to believe there is some foundation to it. The person who gave us the in forma tion knows the name of the Pulander in question, but wouli) not disc Lac s > s Horrible Crime in Delaware. Wilmington, March 27. —A hor rib'.e case of outrage occurred nbeul two and a half miles south of hers last night. A negro named William Dennia forcibly entered the house ol A/rs. Thomson, a white woman, while her husband was absent. He chased her out of doors, chaught her by hci hair, dragged her hack to the house and up stairs, and there after a pro longed and desperate struggle, in which all the furniture in the room was broken, and her clothing torn otf. he outraged her. He then pulled out a razor to murder her to prevent her testifying against him, when she broke away and lied to a neighbor's house, falling exhausted on entering. The brute tore great piecca of flush from her arms and shoulders with his teeth. An excited crowd of neighbors and a squad of police arc hunting the man, who is still at large. J/rs. Thompson is believed to be fatally injured. Ter rifle Tornado at St. Lonis. ST. LOUIS, MARCH, 30.— A very ac vcre thunder and lightning storm pass ed over the city about 8 o'clock this evening, accompanied by a heavy rain. During the storm a terrific tor nado struck the large brick market house oil 7th street, bet wen Spruce and Poplar, and leveled the northern half ofit tolheground in a twinkling. Most of the roof and several heavy timbers were carried across 7 street, and strik ing the building op|)osile, knocked two great holes in it, exposing the rooms. 8o far as now known only 5 persons were injured. The long-ex peeled companion tu "TKN NIOIITH IN A BAR Bum" is noarly ready, and will shortly appear. The popularity and great usefulness of this standard tem perance book is evinced by the immense sales that havo been made,—much greater it is believed, than that of any book ef it* clas* ever published. Who has not read lliia remarkable book, so true to nature, so intense in effect, and so terrible in it* mor al, and who that ha* read it ha* not wished for a companion. To satisfy this widely expressed desire, the author has undertak en and just c<>mplot or lure*!- A number of tie* HberilTa mile* Avmr.Ru Kntlinniel Drpue, of [•#*• hwn •ddwl to lh IbUirfjw our liudaoo City, New York mi lnttlli-i 1 iue. Head (nam. pint ii in I ivptitnblp yuting mail, imtde UMae(waln(a A/urv lin;.-;"-. mi utli active Rill, daughter ol" Henry Hiigg*, one •>! the moat active and tl'lkltlt 1* SAI.KH Hy viitue ot *un r . , P dry wrlt*of fleri fu< ia. levari fn IM |i .• ini iit iil IIIUIIIm i* i'l llio hmory vniiditioiil (iijMiiiiii, ikiubd out of llio Court .t/.thodicl Kpiacopnl Church of Her-i of Common Hea* of (Vntre county, end to t en. During the manner the young** dir-ciedlhero will be ' , " , ,I , .1 " i rf ' lU* wile, et the <-t>urt-houe in llellefunle, couple were ennetantly together and U „„ Thur*day the lH.h .ay ..f April l*7'J wna understood ll.iy were betrothed. the following property to wit . fwo tnumb* ago, at the *nggetion ol A""ruin T>t d ground *llll4lO in the II .1 .1 .. . 1 1 town of Keberhurg. in Mlie* twp.. Centre .t/.iry I ether, iltey were married.| C4 ,unty i marked In the genera! plan of aald 1 i lirev wi-i-L* ago M cloud fell upou| town at lot N*. 8, bounded on the ea*t by the doting young husband. H e M . Lan adey. on th*aoulh be main (treat, on ~ru,l .bit lu. if, ... wry fe ZSkUSSSSfc b£dX! to become u mother. lie ccmauded along main air. el ti feet, and in length tin explanation A/nrv wa dutlih. i° r depth !U0 feet. It being |>art of the *ame *■>} •••;•< is. Veal the naiiie of Iter reducer. DejiUe grant. J and conveyed unto Samuel Uubea, lit once abandoned her, leaving lit-J in 'he aid Smuuul I)ube aud Sman hi* *'T : r r" ~r' "J 11, "'r; ,*> lived. A lew day. ngo .Mary, child wa having thereon erected a two *tory frame in*ru. ui.d in her pain, with tearu and j betel, •table and oilier out building*. pruyera for jmrdon. .he made the am' Tw „ cerUin land .it-! loutiding colileaaioli that her UWII uate ill Mile* two., bounded and dearrib-. father, the auiutly Ilrigg*, ia the father p d a* follow*: The tir.t, No. 8. begin mg of the Child. This alarlliug inl-lli- I?.°*! . ii , . , *? , , tuenee *outn 17| uegree*, eal 00 p< gciioe having been cmumuiucatod to to stone*, thence along inuuntaintop, aouth 1 Voting Depne, an overcame hint that 7'Jt degree*, wel It perehe* to ione, iie fainted, and na* carried inmiblf ft** "* land of l*aac Zeigler, north | . ~ , #i-i .1 ii 1 degree*, we*t U> j.erche. to a maple! lo I lit- bullae o| hi* liruther. Ihe hu* tree, tiu-neo atoug land of John Frank. | bond hu* *uod for a divorce, and will north 7of degree*. ca*t >f peri-he* to nine*! pica* lor u .IK. dv legal termination to f, oll ! e , r , ,her £ H"* 1 lot No. f., hounded a* follow*: U*gining .ic connection. I lll'guilty lulher t at tlcnc*. corner of land of John Frank : skulking about Hudson City, Hot dur and Mr*, liaker, touth 171 degree*, -a*t OtJ; iug to ahow liiuteelf. porehe* m *tone, thence along mountain j lop, aouth ,"i| degree*. wet 14 pert hei to . ~ aa.T.r *. a .tone*, thence by land of Jacob Frank. I toi'ly Hays Without hire. Ultd 1* if- north 174 degree*. <>t on percho* to it-I*l i i i * _ liiuutj#, thfiuo north cut 14 tot*ll \\ illKiUt I'OOil Ot W Hl®r. pUco fl beiriiiiiix, An liciirt'nrw which rnnkealh. ™* Ave acre* and allowance, it being , . th* very p trt of the tamo wkieh i'hilip (ir-*. did. lllimkl Ireete wttlilit llie Vein* ef the grant and convey Jantary Slat, IH&7, to' reader, came to light lust Monday Daniel Kreamer. Heued, taken in exwu ..ear in Clin..l. fVIiT \V.* "on and to bo wdd a*the property of 1). over in I llllon, Cwluiuct county, \\ I*. w Hrt..r and Thoma* V. Meyer. tSale llioiuaa Downing, who for eottie tiuie to coinmvuee at 1 e ch>ck 1' M. oftaid ha* lived alone in N email chanty, day, L> W- WOOHRING, back from any ruad, over in that lo- NhanlT. . . i , i- i- AH that certnUi ui*ge toacment or cality, and i|UHtricd *to|ic fur a livcll-i pi.n*,! and iiaK-el of land *itu*tein thetown towl, w taken violently ick at Mcahanwon, in the U>wnhip of Snow , , i ... |Shoe, Centre county, and known at lot boiltd oil the g-ll ol hut January with uun.brr trtm in the plot of aaid town biliou* fcyer, and wit* coiifiueil to lna And aUo the lot neit mUoiuing the *aid Inal from that time until Monday.!'" l "?lio!ied lot. they being the *ie M . , n • .. • lot* or piece* of ground a hieh F, P. Ifurx arch 4. lftiring the long Weary ihall and wife by indenture dated the 2lt day* of hi* illtteaa no otic called— Do day of September. An ISUa, conveyed u> ne ta lend a helping hand in mlmiM-' 1 !"' dnfnadenu M. K. 4 Wa. Cainbell, • , .. ... , /,i ...a- ith*r**un erected a large dwelling houte. l*t-| lug to the wailla of the kuflercl ; .üble, and Other outbuilding*. Seined and all beoauac l|ie lu* n(iuii of lit* re* taken in eset utlon and to be aold iu the uletjce wa* *o secluded thai he l'. r ."l'/ rty r X ,rt>l Oatapbell and had not been tnUted froru hi* daily | ' "A'WO I round of toil. I*a*t Monday, bow- A frame dwelling how* of two and a ever, came the good Samaritan. A l' lf kaving K front of 88 feet *r.d * '• h- rpoudeut of the World is to l*e be lieved, aud allowing to the bungltngof those who bad of (he reception of the Japanese. fhey are said In have managed the affair so as tu uf:; friid nlmqft suvl please uo one. Finst. Mori is offended because the Ambassadors presented their cre dentials directly to Mr. Kish instead ■of passing them through his bauds. The Kmbaiay is ffendgd l>swue the j'rrtijcm did net altcnd the re ccptiep givcti iu it# houpr by the gov erfiuieut at the Masonic Hall. Dr. Newman is highly offended because the Prcsideut neglected to invite (he Embassy |o jifftrl.itu pioaoh oil "The ptacMeiiaflho East." a sermon of great power, prepared expressly for the occasion. The congregation are offended at having arrayed themselves in their most gorgeous apparel in vain. Mr. Colfax is supposed to be jil.u of-' It tided at (his Prvsideniial slu of omit sion. Finally, Kodamo, the Ja|tan-ae law student, who was down iu the bill for an address tf welcome, to ba deliv ered in the church, ta the Embassy, first in Ja|taocse and aftywards in English, it uiotuily oftbuded. lit iia* been practicing his address with great assiduity for some time, and now finds his labor lost. Altogether, the officials at Washington seem to be "progressing backward" very rapidly ill (hp mailer of international court esies. Alexis sit treated with suf ficient coolness, but the Japanese re ceplion is still more deplerably mixed." On. Fa. Conference of ilic liven |Cl Church The thirty-third acasion of this body was held iu Baltimore, Mil., closing March 12th- Bishop J, J. £*hcr, of Chicago, presided, Th Conference numbers, at present about 70 members. The next annual session will be held in LcwUburg, Fa., to commence the first Thursday in J/arch, 1873. The stationing committee reported the following assignments for the en siling year : BALTIMORE DISTRICT, C F Doinninger I' K Baltimore— Green street Station, r Kurtz; East Baltimore Station Benjamin Honest; Baltimore Mission. Jesse filling -r ; Baltimore Circuit, D \V Miller, and U S Bowers ; Alborton Station,'\ Shea* tiergor. Shrewsbury Circuit, CH Uraniely' laretvilla Circuit, J Cs M Hwcnglo ; Glen H11a Circuit L Matliias ; Dushore Sta tion. T M Moris, J W Benta, Professor in Union Seminary, and member of Union Quarterly Conference, WILI.IAMarOKTDIaTRICT.-fi. Smith, P, K Williamsport Station, J. Kreamer; WilliamsiMirt Mission, 1. M. Pines; New berry ami Dubois Mission, Goo. llunler; Lycoming Circuit, A. Kraus, and one \o be supplied ; Liberty Circuit. V. King, C. P. ltuiuberger ; Jersey Shore Circuit, Z. llomberger, J. A. IJuducr; Nitlanay Vallcy Circuit, M- BUat. J. M. Longsdorf Centre Hall Circuit, S 1). 11, •nuinglon, A. Stabletop ; Centre Circuit M. W. Harris, S. Y ariek : Sugar Valley Circuit, K : Staiiibneh. (f. W, Currln ; J,uck Haven Mission, 8. T Buck i Heneca Circuit. A. Mark ley. Fr Stowar.s fortune is estimated at *■ . I ween fifty and sixty millions. t v ' tile amount when there is R A i.llllon. to guess by. ' ar * m " f ton | All lbs rigi.l, title 4.1. J latt-rest of Jcfend-1 ant ir. ami i certain lot or piece of ground, j pitunte iu Peon township. Centre county. 1 Itourdcd and described as follows, vis : lb-ginning si a stone, thence south (So de grees. west 3J perches U> a pott, thence' south & degrees. we>t t| perchwi to a post, thence south 2l| degree*, cast I Sill I h- relies to a slum-, lixutca south If da rt re,- Cast ( |>rcL< to a stone, thence jnurth 761 degree*. east a join lies to s post, thtinco north 6 dugree* tu place ofbtgin ning containing one acre. Thereon erected la tannery, dwelling U<>u*u bark house, -SMI other out buildings. Beisml taken in csseutlon and to b sold as the property of I William L Musscr. I ALSO: A certain lot o* nitre af ground situate; in Hush township, Centre County, l"a , eti| the west side of and near the Tyrone audi - Clear J eld railroad, nearly opposite the , house occupied by IL-nry r feel, with a shod | kilt hen attached. Seued taken in execu tion. and to be sold as the property of 3. T. Karris. ALSO; All the right, title lalerest of tloo li Hastings, ip aud to all those certain iarqu ur Uwcis of land situate in ltennei |lownsbii>. Centre county. IV. one thcrwof b. yudrd on the South Iv other lands uf (he said Ueorge and Enoch Hastings, con laiaing two hundred screw ur thereabouts.' thereon erected a dweiiiag house, barn ! ai d other out building, another thereof, i.oUbded u the West by land of Wm. tiiova and William lrvm, on the South by land of Andrew Shivey and the! public; road leading from Ilooptburg to F.llniore, on the Kast by land of the said Andrew Shivey, and on the South by land! ••I John Wagner and other lands a# de-! Tendant, containing twa hundred acres or; (hereabouts, gt,iLLav tug thereon erected s detailing bo use, barn, and othcrcu(bui)d-i 'logs, aiiother thereon, bounded on the South by land of Dr. (Jeo. A. Fairlamb, and John Hariin, on the West by land Co Edward 11 unies. on the North by laud of Robert Koane and William Roger* and i® C"* l by other lauds oro. IK and Enoch Hastings ~nlain tug two hundred acre* (if Ihervab-uU. having thereon erected a, dwelling hou>e, barn and other outbuild ing*. The other thereof, bounded on (hg Kast by land af John Wagner ua the, South ay land af the said lb- Fairlatnb,' and on the North t&d Wust by lands f the sanl Opt aud noch Hastings, ©on tipptwa two hundred and eighty ui en, taken in axecution and to be sold as the property of Catharine Dolan and J Dolan. ALSO . I A certain tract or piece of land situate in Curtin twp.. Centre cwuntv, bounded north ■ by land of O, and J. Curtin, west bv land of L Curtin, east by land of It. Young, and south by land of C. and J. Curtin, ; containing 2SO arret more or loss. Seven j ly-five acres more or IOM cleared, with a (food orchard and having thereon erected a dwelling house, barn and other outbuild ii:gs. Seised takon in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Nathan L. At wood. | * ALSO \ Tho following real estate of defendant situate in I'oltor township. Centre county to wit; Bounded or north by land* of Fredericks, oast by land late "of Gourde Foust, and others, south by land of Wm. M:iiae, wel by land late of George Foust, dee'd., containing Y£l acre* more or le*i jlhcroon erected a dwelling house., barn, nnd saw mill. Seised, taken in execution. ' and to bo seld as tho properly of Stephen j Garraty. ALSO: All that certain messuage and tract id land, situate in Hush township. Centre j county, Pa. Surveyed iu the name of Casper Lawrence, bcginlng at a quaking asp, by land of William button, south 60 degrees, west 320 perches to a white oak, thence by land vacant, south 10 degrees, east 230 perches to a black oak, thence by land of Samuel Chestnut, north 50 degrees, east 320 porches to a hemlock, thence by land of Daniel Brumer, north 40 degrers ; west 230 perches to the begin, inc, containing 4SB acres 168 perches and allowance, which said tract was surveyed in pursuance ul a warrant dated 16th May, 17U.1, granted tu said Casper Lawrance (ex cepting and reserving 13 arret of said tract ai the maple corner at the pond.) Also nli that tract of land situate in Rush township al'orenaid, begining at a maple or black oak, thrnre by land surveyed in the tiamt of Mary Floyd. south 40 degrees, east 230 parches to a hickory, thence by land sur veyed in the name of Jacob Slough north 50 degrees, east 820 perches to a birch or pine, tlicnco by land surveyed in thouame nf Owen Joraen, north 40 ({parous, west 230 perches to a h> mle t i; or post, thulwa by land surveyed J,i the namo of Casper L- , v renep, south 30 degrees, west 820 ..orchei loth* Pisco of boginiug. Containing 460 teres 153 perches and allowance. Survev. •d on a warrant m the namo of Saw Chestnut, dated May 15th ITW, (ox* UOl tnd reserving 40 acres of tin vest corner of the above J ?"• t ' ,c bo maple or black onk * -' act adjoining :meted two dwclUc corner.) Thereon iud other outh- ~? houses, two stables, laaieti. t*' Jildings, about two acres ukt '" I" execution and >• -,U as the property of Charles W. F -overt. Sale to commonco at 1 o'clok, P. M of laid day. ... D W WOODRINO, Sheriff heiiffs oflico Bellefonte, PH., Mai. 26th. The bill for a new libel law has been defeated iu the Kouatu of ibis State. Any hill on that subject ought to be most carefully prepared, for while innocent and careful publish er* ought to he protected, tiara and hlckguurd* cannot be too cioaoly cir cumscribed. in any case the private atTairs of private cititcns should he carefully prelected from iit;ws|>aper iuliisious. A wide latitude, however, should be given iu afTsira of public concern, so long as truth is udherad to ami intention is not malicious. We doubt whether the Legislature can im prove U|>oii the Constitution on the subject. • ♦" • An old ins id down the valley smokes lo bars*! in her house to insks it smell as if there wa a man shout. This year is locust yesr providing the estreats cold this winter did not free** out jlhe Kgyplian songsters. /"'IKNTIIK i '<>!' STY ss. ASSIUNKKS ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that an addition ul |>artisl account ofT. JM 11*11, assignee, i I of Jseab Hbope, has been filed injlhe court! of Common picas of Centre County, to I April teriu land unless etcepliou* ere! filed on or before the third day of said, term, it will b confirmed JNO MOKAN. marttit.4l. PUOTMT. D. t sickness. Hoarding can he procured at reasonable rates near the school. Wxi. U. SCHAKKFKIt. AII ltefcrenon. Principal. Hev. I>. M. Wutr. marts.oi FURNITURE! (■rand Opening FOR 1872. AT •JOHN CAMP'S 5111. ROY, wfc.iro ho has o|wn(d with a very large stock of the laUwt stylos, both fancy and common Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. CIMIHS, of all kin da. * AH kind* uf repairing done with neat •'ess and dis|uttch na* ing fisur (uad war I t "} n at the bunch. I am prepared to do all kinds of. work, line or common. Thankful for past favors, I hope by strict attention to business you and everybody < cutlery. - WOOD AXD WILLOW U ARB. Full line uf saJdinry and coach ma- | j kers g wsJ, wood work for buggies •*Ud wagons ploughs, harrows, culli- valors and grindstones. Looking jj glasses and mirror plates Picture s . Iramcs made to order. They alt S A .have the celebrated cook stove, • $ SUSQUEHANNA., x every one warranted to give is* rfpot C saliifaction Ail kinds of parlor K stoves We are detormined to sell 3at the lowest prices for oast,, or on w a, short credit—not to exoes J three! ® ■ months. Call and see ua, a < ( take i pleasure In showing our g*oodsL. 3 WILSON A If ICES. C u>arlstf. Usll . fotite, IV ~ ™i ■*! a I > M. "C sl 5| nun * I expect to keep a much larger stock of WALL PAPER and BOJRDERS this season than heretofore, and would in vite all my friends from Centre County, to call and see my stock, before purchit>ing elsewhere. 1 will have from FIFTY TO NIXTY DIFFER* EXT IMTTEBXN in a few days, of all KINDS AND PRICES $1 per 80l c Please call and examine for you* , or write me .Uliugsixe. and kinM r and forward. satisfactory can be returned. * nd " ~ot AYM. J. M MA' jjp * j mu^ L P. IJAND AT PRIV A' t'K SA LE. A lot of I and, lyio gin Gregg township, on tho bank H of I'vnns creek, between Penn Hall an d Spring Mills, is ottered at private sale. It iwlioins lands of Goo. Buchanan an d L. B. M'lntiro, containing 24 ACRES moro or less _ Aiout 8 acres consist of first class wl lite pine timber, the balance cleared and under cultivation—6 acres are meadow. For furthc i particulars apply to C. II HEN NICK, 13oct,tf Gregg twp. r\BOLUTION OF APiITN KRSHIP. partnership heretofore existing un der the Arm name of * (irttPg Was dissolved on the 14th day of March, Fwn Notice U hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said orm, that thrv are respectfully rcqunstod to call at tne old stand nt Farmer's Mills, and settle their accounts without dels*. i. B. FIGURE, B. H. OKTTIO. J —————— o.^. JOHN C. MOTZ & CO. BABKERN. M ii.i.itci u, CaiTna Co., Pa. Receive Deposits and allow luterast. Discount Notes. Make Collections Issue Eastern Exchange. And a general Banking Business dona. . JOHN C. MOTZ. AW ALT", PnaaioanT. Cashier. mariUtf. SoUHE A Nil LOT FoS" HA LB. The undersigned offers at private sale a two story dwelling house and Ijoi. on lain street. Centre llall, with ktableai.d ail necessary outbuildings and choirs fruit on the premises, end wa ter in the yard. The house it as good as new. For futher parterulart apply to U. D. OABMA N. I 1 Centre Jlell PUMPS! Wooden Pump, AND PIPING. Tits undersigned would rc-spectfbliy cell the attention or the ritioent of Centre county, snd Peniitvelley in particular, to the fact that he is manufacturing THIS 3£S-r PUiap. mode at home or elsewhere. Ha tr.*, noliai but the In st material, BiVAtxr < Tt T ,ixu to give satisfaction, as being t\,. nttAl mg and durable. swr*ni', B TO TBK ou> wooden pump, being nr.nged to Ut th# j water off and prevent |„^, t , B minUtr rote, popur or C' . C u, n p f pumps always on baud, ill* ' jm t|risl for pumps it nil "STL i ,in •.* r * e *h"bu Punt's Powder Al" WHOLESALE, are shall be pleased to receive order* from the trade. Office and yard near south end of Bald Eagle Valley K. H. Depot, Uellafonte, Pa. ao *< SUORTLIDCK A 00. I gKLI.RR A JARRBTT dealer* in H'.tUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS also all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. A very large as sortment or Toi- L*T ARTI•!*. se. R. ILAIt, Or ITITttl ILAIK A STITZSR, Attorneys at Lew. Bel I * fonts-, ofic i, on the Diamond, next door to Gar man's hotel. CVnsu hat ions in German et Engl sh. feblffWf T OHM F. POTTER Tttira.y st lav. ♦/ Collections promptly mads and eyerie attention given to those having lands oi property for sal*. Will draw up and hnvt acknowledged Deeds. Mortgage*,.*? Of , lee in the diamond, north side of th. court house, Reliefonte. mllffr i f axxar #xxauorr. jpanoxaT. _ President, Cashier. QIOTW COUNTY BANKING Ct (Late Millikeo, floorer A Co.) RECEIVE &EFOSITB, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes. _ . Buy and S'ell Government Securities, Gold and implOflhtr Cannons. JAB. V'JIANTTA Attorney L* 8e11e..-: , eoaiptly attacks to alt he I >nq*t entrusted to him. iail.ikif T\ F FOKTNEyT Attorney at Law j IJ, Bollefonta, Pa Office over Bey HM A LUST SB, ur d i mus A TTOP %> G YK _ A T . LA WI j lt * n,,f " Pt *' loatre Co.. Pena'a. apfiftr I K * C. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law BoUefoata, Pa. Office is Carman, a> ' j#w building opposite the Court Bouse. mayf. C. H. Guteiius, Surgeon And Mwhanicml Deatitft who Is permanently located la Afcn.nsburn in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Ksf, and who has been practicing with ealirs succesa—having the experience of n uumbet of years in the profession, ha would cwih ally invite all who have aa yet >U gives him a call, to do so, and test the truth (Wees* of this assertion. ffi*r-Teeth eatractod | without nain. msygf u f_ ! ISO. H. oavia. c, T. rmuwe OKVIB A j Attorncys-at'law. Office inConrad Roast Beiiefonto, Pa. J. P. GKPUABT, ' with Orvis A Alexander, attends to eoiloe- in the Orphan's Court. BOoTS! UrgT stock, all styles,: sixes and prices, for men and hoys, jnst arrived ;j at Wolf well known old Stand J P. ODKNKIRK, WIT* 1 A ETHAN, DILLINGRR AOOHPANY No. 47, NORTH THIRD ST., PHIL'A : between Market and Arch, formerly KM. MANUFACTURERS A JOBBERS IN i Carpets. Oil Cloths, Oil Shades, Wick > Tarn, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chains, Gnus ; Bscs, Window Paper, Batting, Ac. Also, ! WOODEN AND WILLOW WAKE. • Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ac. deeply C ha S ; H. Held, Clock . Watelamaker A Javclei Millheim, Centre co., Penna. Kcsnoctfully informs hb friends and th< public in general, that ha has just opened at hb new establishment, above A Wan dcr's Store, and keeps constantly on hasd ■all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelrs ;of the latest styles, as also the Maranvillt Patent Calender Clocks, provided with t 1 complete index of the month, and day oi the month and week on its face, which is ] warranted as a perfect time-keeper s*.Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re paired on short notice and warranted, j sepll'Cß;ly MILLER'S MOTEL, Woodward. P. Stage* arrive and depart daily. 1 hi* favorite hotel it now in every recpect one of the moat pleasant country hotel* in < entral Penntyl vania. The traveliag com ; munity will always find the beet accommo dation. Drover* can at all time* be accom modated with stable* and pasture for any number of cattle or horse*. julyS'ethf GEO. MILLER. All Al'M, ESTXOUL'S XEW MAEBLK • EBOVT, Eiaaor st.. Bcllcfonte WINES AND L IQ U U Rfc The subscriber respectfully calls tha at tention of the public to his establish m nt, where he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Foreign end Domestic Liquors' wholesale at the lowest cash price*, which are warran ted to be the be*t qualities according to their respective | rice*. Hi* ctock consist* of Rye, Monongahele, Irish and other Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies, Holland Gin, Port, Maderia. Cherry, Blackberry j and other Wines—the beet articles—at as .reasonable rate* as can be bad in the city, Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Ginger and Carrawav Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Rum. Cordial or all kinds. He wortla particularly incite Farmers, Ho tel keeper* and others to call and examine hi* large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom be done whan purchat ng in the city. WT-Physician* sre respectfully requested o give hi* liquors e trial. aplO To he had at Herlacher A Cromiller'a Furniture. A lot of good row Furniture on bend. ' uch aa one Bureau, Bedstead*, Wuk> stands, Sc. Gloves. A splendid lot of Buckskin Gloves, driving Gloves, dress Gloves. CENTRE HALL Tan lard. The undersigned would respectfully in fUqn the citiaens of Centre county, 'that the above Tan Yard will again be put In full operation, in all its branches, by them. IIHIDKS AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price will be paid for Hides of all kinds. The highest mar ket price will also be paid for Tanner's Bark. The public patronage Is solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. deS,9tf MILLER & BADGER. GROCERIES! The Chepast, purest, best. OPPOSITE THE IRON FRONT, On Allegheny Street. RUHL & GAULT. Coffee, Tea, Sngar, Syrup, Dried Fruit, Canned Fruit, llama, Dried Beef, Salt, Picklea, Butter, Floor, Corn Meal, Buckweat Flour, and everything uaualy kept in a well regn- * la ted first class Grocery Store mar3.6m RUHL* GAULT.