The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 29, 1872, Image 2

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Centre Hall, P , March 29.,'72
TKUMS.—The HxrowTra i
wssklg st #2 per vesr, la advance .or
when not i*Uftn advance. ri* month
half these rate*.
AdvertUemeaU SUO
linm) tor thres insertion. A.iv ru-eim nt.
for 12, C and S month*, st reduced r * l 7
Any person sending a* the .. . (
new tuoseribe*r, with the esjh, will re
ceive ths R*roaT*a one year t>ee.
In the house, ou 20th. Mr. Moore,
reported a bill to incorporate the Sun
hurv, Centre and Clearfield railroad
Judge Daly has dismissed Mayor
Hall's case for want of jurisdiction.
The democratic senatorial conf.r
euce met at Huntingdon ou 14th inst.
Centre county was not represent* d.
Why not?
John B. Selheimer, of Ijewistown,
was uuaniinously elected s< natorial
delegate to the Democatic sUte coe
Bogus Diplomas.
In the tate senate, the business ef
manufacturing doctors has been
getting a rap. Mr. Kanda!!, frvw tl> c
committee appointed to investigate the
alleged sale of diplomas by the Phila
delphia medical colleges, preeeuted a
report showing evidence directly
against Dr. Paine, of the Philadelphia
University of Medicine and Dr. Bu
chanau's Eclectic College, and recom
mended the repeal of their charters.
Bills repealing the charters of beth
these institutions and their supple
ments were passed immediately.
The house has also passed the
New Capitol
A resolution favoriog the erection of
a new state capitol, was introduced in
the boo* last week. Should it carry,
it will be a fat "plum" for somebody.
We think the building* at Harris
burg are good euough yet ior ten
years at least It is only a few years
aiuee their was a uew wiiig.'for tpleud
cd committee rooms and nisguificent li
brary, was added, at great expense.
The foilowiug is the resolution for
this new job:
Rooked the Senate ana lluuM oj
First That a commission, consisting
of two senators and three representa
tives, be appoiuted by the speakers of
the respective houses, whocs duty it
shall be to obtain bids for suitable de
signs and plans for new capitol build
ings to be constructed of fire proot
materials, as far as poasbile, and lo be
of sueb grandeur ol design .and of sucb
capacity, convenience aud durability
as to answer the purpose designed, uini
endure for. centuries to come. /Yori
tled. That those furnishing plans diall
be limited to buildings costing nut
over five millions of dollars.
Second. Thai said commission be in
structed 1m inquire of tlw authorities
of the city of Philadelphia on what
terms a suitable site for *lale capitol'
buildings i*u be procured iu that city
of uot less than thirty acres in ex
Third. That each coairoi*.iouer
while in the discharge of his official
duties shall receive H compensation of
$5 per day and the necessary traveling
expenses, to be paid by warrant on
the treasury drawn by the auditor
general after the amount is properly
audited, and that SIO,OOO or so much
thereof as may be necessary is hereby
appropriated to pay such expenses and
for priniiums of appropriate designs,
and said commissioners shall make
full report of their proceedings and
hand over all designs and estimates
procured by them to tbc legislature at
IU uext annual sesatou.
Curtin i* coming home to lake a
hand in president making. Andy is
not iu favor of Grant's renomiiiation,
and it is expected will favor the new
Cincinnati move.
Congressmen Beck, Sherwood, Mc-
Clelian, etc., have our tlianks for con
tinued favors from Washington.
Representative Meek will please ac
cept our thanks for 000000 from Hwr
Mr. Brigham, whom Gov. Geary last
week appointed as Auditor General, In
place of Stanton, dee'd, has already
Tha governor has reutived Wien
Forney, as sUle librarian, and appoint
ed Rev. Miller, of Alleghany.
From the senate proceeding* of 22nd.
we extract:
Local Option Passed. —The bill allow
ing tbo people to vols by countim ewerv 8
year* for or against Ik-snss. trs* pa*cd fi
nally, tbc firt election to take place on tbe
third Friday in Marcb 1878
A Swindle Killed.—The Millord iof
MaUlnoras repealing bill, repealing the
act by which tbe Dt-ioick*. one of whoin
was a uu-inber of tbe l*gilalure that pair
ed tbe act, are allowed tell thousand dol
lar* a year for ninety-nine year*, 'ihe
Detnick* aud their relative* are the only
stockholders in this company.
Geary --ore Ovvr Wallace'* \\ wr
Claim Resolution.
A message from tbe Governor wa* read
in reference to the joint rolution recent
ly posted to ret lO vet from tbe Uniti-d Stat
es the money* paid to, and kept by George
O. Kvan*. He mid the bill bad not hi*
approval, but be refrained f*v vetoeiug
it in deference to tbc wisdom of the legis
lature, thougbjbe doubted the wisdom, eg- j
pediency or policy of making this demand
when tbe Sb.ta bad appointed a State
agent, who received tbe money. This rev
olution in effect repudiate* such appoint
ment, and the State could better afford to
to lose tbc money than piece herself in this
moet questionable attitude. This bill is
now u law.
Wateriug Slock.
In the state senate Mr. Nagle introduc
ed a bill giving every share of stock in in
corporated companies one vote, any in
crease of shares to be divided pro rata
among the stockholder*. Passed.
liotMßTlf, in one of iii aeries of pic
tures of "Industry ttiul idleness," v
reseuls the idle apprentice wiut
courvc rails at lln aliow,. gambling
ou Kundiv, ,ii u lomivtoue, during <li
vine service.
Mr. Dillon, of New York, Hut
Washington urging llui passage of
• law making the penalties for th#
publication of obscene lileiature more
•overe than they notv are.
Judirc Datis unit the pioioe... \
The I'oailUli <>f a Nia.iMt. i.
Washington, Man■. 2>'. 1•>
friend* ol Judge ntleo it il
following ntateim in* : lie u • i>! I >
i Columbus itoniinntioo in * i. i • . u
di.-patcli, which h:* h cli a..f - y | i|t
liidnd. ainl ha* no <thri -* ir< -i -no
• lav on that subject, puhho or ptivnte.
"He ha# not sought, direct l\ or iii
directly, hy nnv agency whatcv* i.nod
will not seek the nolo in id ion of tiny
convention for the presidency, nnd In
decline# to enter into political corrv
|n>iideiice or arrangement# concerning
a nomination, a# lieing iuooiuUttnt
with the pioprietic# of his pro-cm ju
dicial trust.
His position is plainly this : If the
people who wvk lo bring alnuit refiun
in the government, who favor annui
ty for jwditical oflenees, a cordial r'.-
toration of the I'nien in all iu intcgri
tv, the tuprmacy of civil over miliiHiy
power, hostility to centralisation, and
integrity in the adnunstratiou of
aftsirs, desire hiiu to reprvwent tin m a
a candidate for the I're.-ob ncv, l
will accent that hoimr, bvoau*o thso
principls accorvl entirely with hi* en<
■ ■ I. ■ ♦ •
The Engineer corja engaged in lo
cating the Lewisburg, Centre V Ty
rone RH, #av* the Tyrwue lleraU,
complete*] their lalH-re <>u Monday
last, and departe*l. It ia stateii tb<
the preeetil line is the Usl vet inn. am!
that it will lie adopted. He survev
connects the L. C. *t Tyrone U. K ,
with the main line of the IVnii. Cen
tral, a snort distance below Tyrone.
When the estimates are completed,
letting# will le made, and it i* confi
dently predicted that work will be te
next month. All ctwfiictiiijj in
terests seem to have been harmonised,
and that was all that was required to
ensure the building of the read. It i#
probable there will he a change m the
tuftuagemcut of the L. t ■ A T. Iv U..
which will be a vaf improvemeut over
the present.
♦♦ • ,
Return of the CownllUf frotn in*
Oil Regions.
Now York, March 17.—The CoumiiUee
of the New York Petroleum A*o*-iatinn
returned from the oil regiou*. and report
the producer* in earnest in opp.eing the
attempt) d monopoly of the Southern
Improvement Company, and each district
esmmittee, of which there are Utaoil, re
fute* to furnwh oil to that concern, even a
contract having heen broken in one *-ae
by the producer. The producer* can, it
i* claimed, hold out four month#, hi t need
more a#*iUnce from capitalist#, and offer
a# security the oil in the tank* which i# #e
cured hy i#yr*noe and guaranteed againt
leakage. Th# *'t>i<.t of lb# Southern Im
provoment Company i* iaid will fio tp *"*-
tain the Cleveland refiners, and nontrci tht
market by raising freight charge* on all
producer* not selling to the monopoly.
They already begin to feci the opp*>it on
gs oil has been earning here for several
day* whiefc Ihey feart-d to interfere with
owing to the the oil re
gions it is quite pussiblo the compvy sijl
be ordered to close up the lank* and leave
the oil regions altogether. During th*
present contest work is dull and thous
ands of workmen are idle.
On Friday morning !a*t a lad PSMKO
M illard Youtay, aged about 16 year-, *n
of John YeoU) - of Bretton townrhip,
killed under the fiiliowing di*trcing cir
cumstance*. He wu #m ployed si #aw
mill, iu the mountain#, aud wa* riding
a mule, with a bagofcorn and a tin buck
et upon it* back. The rattling of the ket
tle frightened the mule, and it *ct "if *n a
run. Some men in tha road aUcni|.-lod n>
*top it, when it broke into the wood, run
ning down the mountain peli-mell over
rocks, timber, sod one fence The boy
ft'll #©on after the mule took to the wood,
Ul bis foot (tuck fast in the girth, anJ he
wa* dragged all fhi! ditance, head down
ward. Hi* Load wa* bMisfiJly battered,
and ho wa* of course dead when the mob)
stopped.— Democrat.
The swamp angels, or Lowery outlaws,
says the Lock Democrat, whom
our fellow-lownsinsn, A- B, Hrdcr*#n,
went to visit on behalf of the iow\urk
Herald, as we last week stated, have got
the correspondent in their po*j-iun, and
intend u> hold him a week. A dispatch
from him to his triie tells ot his safe arriv
al at Moss Neck, the place m a;,d around
which the outlaw* gather, and a dispatch
in the Herald ef Sunday, purporting u
Come front two of the Lowery* anil wit
nessed by Henderson, says "\V e have cap
tured your correspondent. Will not hurt
him, hut will keep hint a.week." "Jia
was seen at Moss Neck depot on the 18lb,"
says the Herald, "with btepben Lowery
and Andrew Strong, and appeared to he
guarded by them. He had on of their
rifles strapped to his back and said he was
their prisoner." The Herald of Mondny
con&rms his gclViug olf at the rendezvous
of the gang, and have* no room to doubt,
if they are correctly informed, that Hen
derson i* among tne outlaw*.
These Lowery* and some of their kin.
named Strong, have committed a great
many outrage* and murders. The leader,
Boss, is reported to have killed over twen
ty men. Their acts have niado them out
laws and a price has been set upon their
capture, hut all efforts so far have proved
unavailing, resulting only in disaster to
those who have sought to rapture theui,
They inhabit the vicinity of Moss Neck.
North Carolina, and held forth at a place
called Scutth towii, on the line ot u rail
road, at which point the correspondent was
seen. The hatred of these outlaws is
against the citizens of that vicinity, other*
wlio may undertake U> catch them. Asa
reward is offered every one it liable to sus
picion froiii them. That suspicion remov
ed ty>d lbi-y would have nothing against
this correspondent, This we think he will
succeed in removing, and nod'Hlbt accom
plish the purpose ofbit mission and return
The following telegram from Mrs. Hen
derson was in the licrald of yesterday :
I received a communication by telegraph
from my hpshitnd yesterday. The tele
gram is duLtd North Carolina. He says
he is considered a* a prisoner by the Low
erys, with whom bo is sojourning in U)
swamp*. No allusion is made of the treat
ment he is receiving ; he only stales lie is
"with the bandit* and perfectly safe.''
The Approaching Crisis in Spuin—
Auiadeu* Throne in Jeopardy.
Washington, March 23. —Dispatch-
es received here from an official
quarter at Mudrid lntc that political
affair* in Spain are in a veiy priticul
condition; that Kiug Amudeus is
determined to strengthen his position,
and that a roup d'etat has been strong
ly urged by hi* adviser*, who say that
u'ultw he acts quickly there is*dauger
of hi* being coiupelltd to abdicate the
throne and leave Hpuiw. The di'
patch adds tliut a crisis is at hand,
and that persons not familiar with the
secret hietory of political affuirs in
Hpain cannot know how critical mat
ers W:
KIVOHKO Kxu.t uiip PaOJKCT.—It i*
said the lands of fJh'ist, ftf Lock
fluven, lying east of Kylertown, are
looked #fU.r by a party of New Yorkers,
and tha| a rtdroad ) contemplated down
the Mothaniipnto it* ffioffli,, |/ien.ce down
th* riser to the mouth of the
jng, Uignes Ut connect with the P. <Jc fi. j
road, This road, starting froin Pkuborg
or itt vicinity, and rnoning down
Moshannonto the mouth of the oifln.iMr
boning, would be some fifty or ity miles
in length, and would follow the bat ill of
this coal field, which extends from Cant'
briic county to Tioga, passing through
Clearfield, Centre and t linton icuntio.
After you leave the Jdorrisdale mine,
until you yet to Karthuure, the tcr iPuy
has not been develo|H'd --that U, mi. („
hayc not been opened, except in one or two
places ; but geology defines the coal down
these streamcs, and all that is wanting to
devclope it is capital and energy.
We have assurances that the rail
road bill will pass with the damaging
proviso striekgu out.
'I hrT Millions Against Forty.
Economic ignorance ue dense a*
i lint which apjicari in the votiai t>f
monlifrt of the Hsuse in liivsr of the
removnl .f diiti*# on ton and coffee do
mniitU no education beginning nt the
nljlutlwl. In order to instruct men
nil.i <niiinii understand why duties on
ten should liot he removed ti long im
pig-iron icinaiu, we >hnll endeavor to
give an explanation of certain rudi
mentary (He Ist,
The eminently l>ynl Jones owu* a
salt mill. He complains thnt it i# ab
solutely iin|Mis#ihle l*i him to tlourish,
or *veil to continue lo produce that
highly necc•.iy niiiclc, doim #tic salt,
without a protective duty Accord
ingly Colig*#s hn# imposed one, nlid
the salt which 00-t IT cents in 1839
iml 18(10, Kiel 13 evlils in 18111, lots
now I is* U 111 cottscoiicitca of that lnty
lo over HO cent*. Doiin-stlc salt, there
fore, has Uvit increased in r*wl ou the
average folly 13 cent* jar hnshtl, nod
lint! iiurease constitute* a in* every
e-nt of a inch hu been paid hy the
CVI.MUOCI* of salt, ;in not one cent ol
which has gone in the lressuty of the
t'uiinl State*. Joins |#H*kel# hi# part
of it a a reward tor Ins enthusiasm in
salt-boding. The United States gov
era men t meanwhile obtains euly its
revenue up#ii so much snit a# is im
ported. which doting the li-cnl year
ending June 30, 1871, #1,8it,807.
But tn > t< tul consumption of domestic
-alt in this country w># not less than
thirty millions bushels, ami the lux
;.aid hv the increase m cost ol the do
mo-tic product was #4.300,000, It is
by meafi* of this particular swindle
that the Onondaga monopoly lias in
creased the value ol" its stock, which
was worth $160,000 in lBtlU. to not
Ices than #4,3(H),000. The small dif
ference represents the profits winch
this |uiitictilar company has pockettd
and which the consumers of salt have
been paving. Touching salt, there
fore, the account will stand tints: paid
United States goTernmeiits hy the
Consumers, #1,176,837; pai<l lo mo
tmpoitcU, $-},*>oo,ooo.
The liMijoiirbm gt'iillcman from
Pennsylvania is llie proprietor of a
pig-iron furnace- In the year 1860 he
was very g!*d to sell his iron for 172,'
17 a ton, ami in the year 1861 for
#20.09 average prices for the year.
Nevertheless, Protection being abr.aul
in the land, he put in hi* claim for a
.hare in the division ol plunder, anu
by an all-wise Congress was granted a
protective duty of #9 a ten, gold, re
duced during the lest ycar to #7. In
consequeucc of this duty the *anie pig
iron which sold for #2O in 1860 .-ails
now for #4O. It is very true that
pari f this additional price is dm to
increased cost of pnrductiuit cau#*-.! by
otjicr heavy taxes, but upon vvery l>u
of pigriroo produced iu the Unit-d
States tluro is an tucrerue of prru-e--
more than equal to the duty paid upui
each ton of foreign irsu, vi : #7 rer
ton. The Treasury received from du
ty on foreign iron in the year ending
June 30, 1871, only #1,434,137; tut
tfycre were consumed of domestic iron
1.900,000 toti, ayery tap of which, a
has been shown, was inprcas# d in price
more than the #7 duty. Ihe eom-uni
er of irJn therefore paid $13,300,0(Hk
Uthe Atnericau producers and f 1,454,-
157 to the Treasury.
I jet us next lake copjicr. The l-'UI
consumption of copper produced in
this country is spout 25.000,(MH>
|K)IOIJ*. and of fbul jue coiupany, the
calumet ami H#vU, produce about 10.-;
UOO.OOO pound* Its aft Ha I mst to,
that rofiijmny, with fair profit added,
does uot egmil 12 rvjits per pound,
anil its copper .ells at from 22 to 23
cents. The 9,000,000 pounds produc
ed by other companies are enhanced
in value at least to the amount of tin
duty —namely, 5 cent* a pound. Ihe
consumers of domestic copjier, there*
iha, pi)y to the Caluiuet and Hccla
Company at In**! #1,700,000 yearly,
ami to other copper prodped* ut IfM't
#450,000 ; so that the total plunder rc
.ultiug from the duty ou coppor i#2,-
210,000. But the duty on foreign
copper, including all forms unmanu
factured, yields only fliis
sum, and not one cent morr,g>ts into
the Treasury of the United Stat* * ; #2.
210,000 go "into the pockets f monop
The duty on bituuijuoua nop! J'ipM-*
to the Treasury of the l T iiiled titwU*
$538,135. By no uiraii* all or the lur
per purt of the cool pr< ducvd •
United States i* In any re|-ct unliau
ctl in value ill consequence of tin* duty
Much of the bituminous coal delivered
for consumption at j-oiuts more thitn
one hundred miles from tlie sea-coast
wud untilracitc coal delivered at aitni
lar points, or for uses in which foreign
coal is not applicable, suffer* no in
crease of cost ill pxinsetiupiiop <f the
duty. Hut it may be safely estimated
thai at laasl 4.000,000 I<D* delivered
for eoiuuuiiilioii i>( jniinta in New
England Mini nl.dig the sen coast is en
hanced iu price to the extent of the
duty, viz.: $1.25 |>er toll. 'I he IHX
paid by the consumers, theralore, is
not less thau g0.000.b00 mid every
cent of this g<ca to the owner* und
worker* wf coal-uiine*. while the I ni*
ted State* government gelfl of revenue
on foreign coal imported only $538,-
The five articles already named
yield to tbp Treasury of tne Uuited
States $8,212,5851 but tbo duties upon
these same articles impose upon the
consumer* of this country a tax of not
less than $40,005,000. Of the $40,000,-
000 cyery cent goes to the monopolist* ;
only $8,000,000 go ii|to the Treasury
of the United tale*, Tlo-#o illustra
tions might lie continued almost indefi
uitly. It is tiue we liave selected those
articles which forcibly illustrate the
effect of mum-poly duties,hut we re
speclfully submit that any member of
Congress, IK.* he Demi>cral or Kepublic
14(i w in* m*kes the slightest pretension*
to desire tariff reform lius no business to
remove taxes which yjejd fifteen mill
ions (o the Treasury of the Uuj ed
Stutesand tax the people only fifteen
millions, when it is perfectly possible
for IlifD, by removing the duties on
*all, coal, iron, Copper, "d blankets
alone, to diminish the revenue u ' 'he
United Hates only $3,212,585, ui)d to
lessen the burden now born by the
consumers over $40,000,000 World.
Many of the nowspapers referring to the
Tichborno case, (peak of it as the longest
trial on record, and of the Attorney Gen
eral in opposition to tbe claimant as the
| loiigcst tpeecjj. A* a matter of history,
this i* not correct; Too tyin I of \\ arrn
Hasting* upon articles or for
high crimes and niiaTtumalr'.' bafore tnfc
British Parliament, was much longer. and
(he addrw> fit Kdniund Burke upon pre
sorting the ari-lU/f# impeachtueiit i*
probably the ldngeikt lejpri frtjUfff)}?, ol en
j-ccord. This remarkable tjjur bc/an by
tha of article* of impeachment
tp tne IHopsp v* I/oniinqn* April 4, l(tv>
The luiswer, reply, rtifmnUf, con
summ Ins tim hnff' frvntH'S ft'
of February, IJ't "l>
House nejfllfl F'Vfjit\Fl/ •
ITW. and cmli-ii M:.,
lliirke i-oinrin need I,is opening
the ITmli |mv of Pcnrunrv, I7MM. slid elose.i, i
eleven week* later, on ti„. ;tl, ,|,.i .f Mtiv j
Wo don't see why'Or nt's s|M>eehes arc
not also brought in I,ere, for ihcy are m,
long, that a mall standing on a church
steeple could not reach the top of them.
Evan, the embezzler, js raid to bo dy
ing in Npw York, of chronic diarhoea.
What lo must In- HIM *•
Ircaiuly interesting tvlii' ufuhl Hay* lia*
jiiat now Imtii liroikli t" Ug'H by Mr.
.Itiliii 11, Unit, i! Btlleloiitr, I'M .ainl
nublbhrtl in tlu' Heading Tinice timl
HLpntoti. 11 ii **m of lli taur
between tin Lutlmwtni nml Moravian*
it Tul|HuliM'kn, in tin' ttiuuiy n(
U< i L*, I'M., WILLI opinion tin nl
TI IH'II Francis, I'.MJ , ilitltl '.'•> H
April, 1766" uml it win hound by Mr
Ltllll among the |.u | i ol Hon.
IWr Sjnkvr, I'miilrul Jinlgt ol
liotka Coiln(y during tlw Hi voluiion,
It in a IIJU'IIIMII ol t'*i i.tin flmii h iltlli
ctillic* brought iiln'Ml lo soiiic rlluil
hy the imiiuiu founder nl ihf stcl uj
Mortiviitca oi Uuitnl ltnllu in when
oil u visit to this country. In 1725
1 olpi llhokl'll Wit* st 1 1 It'll hy IIIHJUI
ti'ty Albany ( oun
tin* Stale, NIHI who wriv ehn 111
Lutherans mid Kcfi.ruod, nr Col vim
lots. They built a eh inch aud a hotim
tor the minister aud school-teacher,
ouo laMllicckcr, but in 1765 one Casjmi
Stover, a pretended Lutheran clergy
loan,made strile against Lcttbockor
and caused a division aiuoug the {MM
pie. l.eitbeeker'* party had poasossitiii 1
at" the church aud locked the new
{tarty out, wtioreuuou Stover's party
"cut a door through the logs ol the
aaid church, " aud the ipiorrei contin
ued afur Leitbecker's death, neither'
|>arty living willing to relinquish it*
claims. Towards die end of the yoai.
1741 Count Zu kcndorf ra.i.e into llivj
county, styling hiinaelf a Lulehran
minister and iu*j.-ctor of the Lutheran
coiigrcgii'.ioiin o| IVniisylvania. An ad
herent oi liia was acceptid us niiuitcr.
and, pretending in ho a Lutheran ob
tained a died ol ibeehurb, whereupon
Casper Stover s jimty sveecded in high
dudgoou and built a church of, their
own. it was soon diecov. rod thai'
Count Ziuseudorf '"had ensnared die
people," aud tliut his adherent was an
iui{MMitor. A deelaralioii of trust was
demand d hy the people from l is trus
tees and was given, hut the Moravians
"secured the trustee* and elders ol liir
congregation in their interest, mid by
that means got tin declaration uf trust
in their hands and, p. rhu|<e, .1. strut ed
it." Thev l.ieii tore down the old ed
fice and'built a new One. "lhu n-.w
(1755). there are hut lh renvoi at iun*
in all Tulpeubockeii, ami they claim
a right to the church aud schuni-hoUrs
and are supported by five or six dia
turhers ut the pnro "Moantiiae the!
church SUMMI idle, fir the Lutheran*
had built a new one, and "the Mo
ravian* must u<>t co ue again." Hit
IM'ople of Tul|>etiliockeii and lleidtl
lutg wished to use the building as a
school house ami ollered the Mora
vians £SO to settle the mutter, hot
these'"did mk and laugh at thm.'
Hence the suit for rctmveiy, at the
termination of which Tench Francis,
qiagistrate, advised to "enter into the
land and edifice, and lo apply thereto
i such use as they think heal and m l
agreeable lo the prime itislituliou."
The Peonsvlvauia I-cgirlature Ins*
pawwd a bill, which is now u law, |ht
milling every producer in llie oil reg
ion to send to market in l.i*
owu way. 'flip oj| ppM{t(ccrs ape
jiledgou'liol to *c!J oil (u l!u t'np, pud
it i* now re|Kittl thai they itre organ
ising new Mutes of laipl and water
carriage. Alluding to lit new law,
the "moury article,, in the I'hilmlcit
phiit Ixilget >4) | •'"j ht* cinj of the
whole bueji.cta v* f*| probably be a ppii
prouiice, but the ring ill oil u (hot
otighly ImiUii Parties ill the iut.-r
--rsl ut the combine.) carrying tuiup.wi
ic- have Ik-h in the oil region Irving,
it is said, "to allay flip excitement,
ami |o prvveni ih't bit iMi tig iff any
new railroad outlets for the oil uginii{
hut (imiing every attempt at concilia
tion ineffectual, the director* of the 0.1
Creek Valley line ulfirnl tu sell a con
trol-line interest for Sii,UtH>,UOO. The
director* of the lius Imtween Cwrry
and liroclon, under the ruanaganici.t
of the Vanderhill clique, at ouct
made the ,jru' pruxitiou Both
offers were rejcctC'u.' A rajltnad
me. lu g was held at Tiluayilfc,
at which ware present one huu
drcd delegates froiu Buffalo, filly
tVuitihh r ' tid twenty from Janies
tpwn. T|ie Mayor pt BufTalo. in he
half of that city, pledged VJ.b(i|).FUO
toward a railroad over their rule ;
gild the Erie delegation, through cx-
Scnalur Ivwiic, lwtnd their pity
to build oue-balf of a road to Tilns
vill * - The Buffalo delegation ain
pounced their readiness to begin work
in fire dpys. I/Cttepi were rend from
.Senators Simou Cameron, and John
Scott, denouncing the outrageous rail
road monopoly. The passage of a free
pipe bill regarded as forever destroy
lug what thicalcned to become a val
uable adjunct to the Southern Im
provement Company."
• •
The oflfer by flic Stale ifflkVw Y u, h'
of one liuniiird thousand dollars re
ward lor the invention of u form fur'
the application of motive power to en
nui bouts, by which they may be pro
jielUd without injury to the canals as
cheaply us by horns, has brought the
attention of the Canal Commissioner*
to over MUVeil liilU<l|vJ tniillliu:iicaliim
from all parts af the world. Tin-
Co ci iris* io ue ra have also received
many models of invuilioii* designed
to supply the requirement* of the off
er, some of which are valuable, hut
iiiiuiy more the results of visionary
ideas. A number ol women haw been
among the applicants for the prize,
which i* still open to competition. It
does not appt ar to he generally under
stood that neither a model nor uiiraw-
ing will lie s-iifiicis-iit to gain the ic-
Wfd f wlijcji, by the Urf.ii* "f flic offer,
call milf be j;iV'ef! l!ff njttl ufn
boat 1., ituluul -l vim>,
lli fui nuT* ut Dimu'r.
This delightful bit of auliro is from
Warner's "Llack Log Htmlier," which
will appear in Ocribncr't for April :
Mumieville 1 attended a protract
ed con yen lion of reformers of u cerUiiu
evil oupc, un r ) had the pleasure of tak
ing dinner with u tableful of lht|ii. It
WUM one of tin e country dinners qc
campanicd with green tea. J'lverv
unp (jjMiurced pith every •ue elae, and
you wouldn't wonder at it If you had
aeon them. They wore people with
whom good (nod wouldn't agree
George ThoiU|!an was expected at
the couven Hon, and I remember that J
there via* allium! a cordiality iu the
talk ahoul hint, until one -allow
brother carnally mentioned lion.
George took MJU if, — when a cliorua of!
ilpprvcatoiy groana went up from the;
taple. l/i.c Jprg laced maiden in)
spectacle*, with j.ftiolo ribbon* in her'
hair, who drank five'cup*' t/f* fi-'a by
inv count, declared that she 'was'pei-
I'eCtly fclpfJt u,, d didn't want to
hear him fpcalk. jii l|, ( e of the
inenl the taik Vap ppop |hc ijftciidln.
ff 111 ft'!/, how to adpiiilirtei
/■mifh/Hcuh I d.' ♦iHJfi- IT
Jtti rwioiillt of it 11.111, ll'ill'
-—•wad up tU mutter lir eh'tr:
hua.. " - . kwW vuua.,
og oil io a inuMi, it. ij,
I'uniali cm in lt.v ! It Mutinied ut;
il he liudaaiil, "Hlinot Yin on the s|mt."l
Laziness grows on people: it begins in
cobwebs, and ends in iron chains. Tlio
more business a muu lias to do, the more
bo is HIIID to accomplish ; for he learns to
economize his time.
A I nlci t icti ATltli Miinjuiu tll.
Aildititmal I>ctuih — Tht In<[ucM~The
jl/owine's Story — H ilekrry and Spir
in ibc ItiruXlkk lasl week was publish
nl K ga. 11,1 hi .lory "of the great tragedy
i<< .r Is*tyt>-ii. 1 lie following interesting
|< tails toe furnished by a correspondentoi
ib. I' n. Commercial:
I lay t'U, ti., March II Alh iliis morn
ing your c|e it. r vi it. U Smith Street Sin
tion-hotov lor a interviewing of
Ml.rpini<ll I bei. wt>. ii..|long in tin
manner of ibis man lo indicate the lury and
rage which naturally e-s.-. tale themselves
WULI LLO- holing of n ris. HID C IL. lron under
Itcnsie.i excitement ; loir ould any sim
ulate uncollect I, H< detected. tie
spoke I'rcely te all who addressed Itilu, '
and pit.. U-! T denied killing his < hll.iri a.
or even knowing where they RA to bo
round, 'tins condition ol utind under
which lie has been I,.borilig seems lo bare
prevailed only during tin part two week..
Alter tclbng of a light he had with his
watch dog, he said :
I I ON I * to I II K uupag I us. \
I .aid TO MY wife, 'Mary, y..u AIE just act
ing like FOOLISHNESS ' I"he .aid, 'TIN.
wile lo t are ill the childten.' I called one
to me and Akod if he was witli witches
She said, "Papa, if you won't whip me, 1
am a witch." Here the man began crying,
and said, "1 don't know where my chil
dren are now. 1 said IK Mary, 'Mary, did
you pray L.-r ma ' SHE -aid site piayed
like everything. THEN 1 -aid, 'Now I
gue.s we'll go to hea\ en.' I took t O two
children out of the bed, aud th. ti we went
on to the branch in the WO.KI*. When 1
cams t-> tne fence 1 .IradJled it. holding
the two children. 1 said, 'Mary, you give
me your child and go back lor the others '
1 said, whi-U we came to the smalt road,
Ail must come to this narrow gate.' "
Here the <juesli> n was asked: "How
jceuld you hold three children while J .HI
sal on the fence T" Here the father re
plied, with an effecting gesture of parental
leudernea-, "OL 1 held thctti t" my breast,
the little ones held on toe, and 1 held litem
nicely. They held themselves ON MY
wife went back, aud 1 went on till 1 tame
tn THU water by the thorn bushes. 1 let the
. hildrett fail. fr 1 said, 'Here is the
and got to the hole ef the tree where there
was Water 111 It p!enty. Here 1 gut in aud
holiored lor Mary u> come. When 1 got
to the luud lalie 1 wanted God to take me
in hand, for here was the place for thn Ere
WNGKII that was to lake us up to heav. n.
I'fflt) W*H Mary she came, and vt both
got into the water, alter we undrvi* ed
A got up, aud, both of Us naked, we
walked all liiu way H-MIA. WE played so
funny, 1 tell you. We danced so hard,
and then we prayed so very hard. Then
Mary said to me (hat she must kill the
WITOLIAS that wer.. in tue. I told her that 1
wa> strung, that she COU J cut mv head oil
aud it w ou Id II t hurt lite. Here the cars TD
mau sl d up against the bar of the cell
and held his head to one side, and in this
position, wait A simple, unetcited manner
lie CONTINUED ; "Bhe took a knife ami cut
MV collar and came to my neck. 1 kept
lelting her to cut ever *■< iu.UL, and it just
.ut my skin, v>u sec it Then she gave it
up and went FUR something -it must have
boeu a hatchet, and she hit mu ou the back
of my head 1 told her to lrikw it harder
yet ; thai it would kill the witch, and
W.>uldu L kill uie SHE struck me thive
or fuur times, and it didn't hurt me at ali;
then I . licked bet a iilUr, every little
1 hud choked tier three lilue before, aud
it never hurt her. This time she w.-NL off
"I eay. Her# the man b. g ß ti cry ing f.r
Ha call. J hr hi. Mao "ii u tg" v e
way to her all the time, hhe was always
stout—stouter than 1 was—a B' M -d, hard
working w..inan. I always (.ragged on
her ''
Upon one side <.f the bed 11. * the mur
dered mother of the, slatk, stiff and
naked, with only an o.d sheet thrown over
A babe til months old. lies face down
wards on las disscs tii.g t.oaid. The do.-
juf* In n discovered th*t the yltils hrp-k
lyrt jtj .kqll Ijad b.. a broken, and re
lnßrk(.u it had either Weu Laktlt by
llie lu-.-ls and its head dashej against a
r.<-k or tree, or struck on the head with
souse blunt weapon, "the other two us -
dn.U lie u the other best.
)Hi*al.elh Maiquardt. g-d ' y--,r*. tot
11first tbrs.UKii tli l'llcrpretsr . kl.uher kili-
J tax of till vhiilirtfn and father killed
j.i ah J they killed ihs-iu it) llie Woods; al
ter they had kdied them they came in and
lay vii lbs* IHJ ; they talked a little and
mother died ; she fc.l tsul of the Wed ; lather
then went to ihr *. .xi. t and 1 did not see
hlili -la's'f'. until ho Wo* hri'tignt limnvyess
u riluy tPuiiiiay); | ami npHiiur ran und r
the IHSJ whi'li fhry took the "<i|ti|uk|ldrea;
we slept under the bed the niglit oflh
luurder and alto the next nighl; lather
was la the house and slept on his bed dur
ing the day (Saturday i; they hit the chil
dren on the hi ad with their hands and
"loved' them around the lieeh ; didn't tie
anything around the neck ; don't know
how they killed the baby , it was alive
when they look it from the house ; we
Went under the bed SO tllr-y roUidn I kill
us, apd did kill both ol the youngest; allied |.i..-.ii (lbs eldest) i laluer a. .j
l.ii.( .ante n.P> Ui. t|Olisa h .ki j, a*id
'....(her w allied to eate). lis. but fall., r to d
her 1.. gw to bed and rl; mother dit-d of
herself, did not see father kill mother; al
ter mother was dead he still railed her by
name (Mary) and wauled her t>> gel up;
)*ihvr dressed himself in hi*
".lack clothe} and arent nguy; *rw tl|C
lilile.hiiJren lying In -.wood, yeytpr
da> ; ih.-y |.mk the children ou| in thoir
arm. like babies, and kill.d them in the
woods; we fearad uiy father and mother,
bt-Tf)ue ihry wauled to kill Us, Pk> j llp-y
tujkad ofgi'lug tu lii-avpn; niother said tl|e
liitlc cliildrsii srj tSiu |>>dt Would gu to
heayen. but that tfigy (father ami mother)
would n*l. father and mother vrere a!*i|j
k|iu| to ogtli other) nofcr quarrelled with
each other.
Father • <ro, and aft en scolded the
children ; father never whipped mother;
father and mother prayed when they went
. to bed, and when they got up, and also
when they ae; they never wunt to
ilubiikuk Marquardt (aged <1 years)—
Mother Ui kill me ; fqn under lb*
. bed ; (]on I kpow'how long I was under the
I bed to sleep; mother wanted to catch me ,
run under ihe bod j they took the chil
• dren in the wwdt in Itieir arms: killed
. them with their hands; hilth'iu; children
tried ; 1 knew they wanted to kill us, for
' they tried to get us out; it was dark hut
' I hey liad a light [ they wanted to tks us
i nil out together; they took throe out, and
after a while tame hack both naked and
went to bed: pit kill id Leah first, and
m -llicr killel the othor two ; killed baby
dr>l and allurwards killed Samuel: tooth
er died in bed of hermslf; she fell on the
floor; father hit her with his hand ou——:
when mother was dead and in the bod,
father called her ; the dog was in the room 1
hut not under tho bod ; we were at the
straw-stack Sunday morning; wo wont
them after daylight; only saw them go
, out with the children, and did not see
what happened afterwards; heard them,
cry out in the woods and mother came
back to the house; did not, hear tho chil
dren cry and thought they were dead ;
. when they came back they called on Fath
er in heaven, Ac,; father got Leah first;
' mother was It) bed yet and K ot U P and look
ihe other two; we went out and looked,
ipid mother and father yrore standing at
flip branch washing themselves: their
Uuthps wcrp on thp fence; the children
wore lying ou tho ground where they wore
John Welsh was the only one of the wit-j
noses whose testimony differed from those
already reported, eliciting anything new.
Itcing duly sworn, he testified as follows :
Msr,|uardl canto to my house last Friday,
about 4 o'clock in the afro noon, and asked
|pp if J hai) soui) much ol' hiip this winter j
!nd if I ligilsscn anything wrong with him;
nl)swcrcd no, ifiicf asked it he ir his fgui-{
ly were sick ; lie said i|o; that they were
all well and at home; he said lie never j
-thought the like of this; 1 asked what;
lii> tuiwend his wife was a witch ; ho took
! off his (<out and said his wife mid her com :
pany tried t> kill bint |. he took an|
old knife out of his (socket and said
: tliey tried to kill him with that; he then
j look off bis vest and showed mo where his
• liirl was cut and hi- kind ol
'pricked or scratched like, and deep
| enough to darw blood; he said they
{couldn't kill hiui; that he was like iron;
that ho had seen (soil, that Oud was with
i him, and hv couldn't he killed ; he wanted
jute Us go with him homo; that his wile
' wanted to kill hiiu, but she should not, for
Ifjoii was with him : ] went home with him
in datttfy"Wini'J thb family were nil there
ami alone ; Mrs. Marge anil Was sitting on
the bed rending a testament ;4ie asked her
if she would do better, and would promise
tv '}rivc the witches away; if so, he would
iiaY With tu-r; stre told him she was not n
Vwelf.'itnd l|i#t he the tup* that was m
fhc'vl'idbii';lie Wanted hyV tq kill him it she
leuuhj; shu i*itl s|ii> did iti'd want'to Ljll
li'ltl'i h""l" Vijl hj'ri'lip : 'otl o{
i I tvtifl I, iltitl -Hid )" tfp'd 'o sul
luij and t Hum til sf f'lili l/iy *lirii .nil • t . ,tl
Iho wauswu her to cut It I 111 tllid kill t'l'" I
• • --.a on him | they talked ill .
witches * ' ho'
this way some time; she w-m ■-
couldn't k.JI loir; that alio would just *
sleep uWay and go to heaven; he then '
asked the children it the.v did not w ant to t
go a mug to heaven; 1 tried to talk thuui ■
out of this delusion, but to no purposo; *
1 started to leave; he took mo down to the
woods ami said he wouldn't stay, that (sod j
told Idut not to and he couldn't disobey :j
Iter* lie showed mo two old crocks and
turns rsas down at the woods ; he said he
(tried to burn a witch.*but that It wouldn't
burn j had triad, at his wife's request, to
(turn the deck and looking-glass, but they
wouldn't burn either. he went with me
H* fur as my gale: he thou went down to
Miller's; idwml U o'clock heard him going
home, singing ns he went by: next I sw
iof him was when they were failing hiru to
jut); have know n him for setue time; be si
ways trusted his wife well, sad seemed to
Ills *per; had not been to church but few
jtimes in eighteen years, but of late bad
, hocu reading the Hible a great deal.
This morning we mauii particular in
quiry ol all Marqoardt's nearest neighbor*
... p. their opinion regarding his slate of
mind 'l'hey all corroborated each other
in say ing that they had considered him a
perfectly sane man, aid an extraordinary:
In. uil buyr or seller, ami was generally ;
well posted upon m.>.t any subject, ami
that ti >- id. a of insanity at this time won t j
do;atd, furthermore that tiny believed
till. • HIM* w a.comii.iUed on Friday lilglil.
nd that he had until MumUv noun to ar
rat a*'bis plan# aud prove his innocence, i
A very remarkable feature of the children's
r. iitaiuing in the hou.e and straw-slack!
i" ar by for tw night* and two day* I.
that their large hi null, bulldog acted a* a
guard to them, refuting to leave them, and
when the father was brought home Sunday
alle' main k.V the neighbors, the dog stood
at hi* |ei and actually refused to allow
any one to loueh the ehildre.i until they,
were coaxed mil from their hiding placei
under the slack.
From FUN! oil
Correspondence of the Kepstter,
KABTOM PA. March Pith I(171- Mr. Kd
itor : l't-i mil toe to say, before passing on
to the Technical course* of study, that lh*
Condon AtArnrnm, in a leading critical
review on Professor March's Anglo Saxon
(>iauimr. says:—"it is an invaluable
work for the oiaparaliv e philologist"
I'he Jhitish (fuarttrlg, a very able Eng
lish rei eve, speaking of the classical course
.•I tu I v In loifayette College, and espe
cially the study of Coeiparativ* Philology
a oriaitihted and conducted by Professor
Mafcii and the other Professors educated
under him, say* : "The studies of a philo character t arried en at this com
paratively small American Institution, are
not -ur|His*ed in thoroughness bv thoae we
are acrnstonicd t> as-ociate with the Her
man Universities." Those who are ae
'(UrtilitMl with the celebrity end aulho-ity
oi tii rtean t'niversities and (iernian Pro
le.-or. en ancient Language* and Gener
al and t'nniperativa PL Julogy, will apprw
c te the aliove comparison. "Old
.Shang." a* the students nickname Profess
or March, thnn whom there is none in thel
Faculty so highly esteemed arid respected
by the student*, i- a man of about AO year,
of age. ever six fact in height, thin and
rather slender for his height, black silken
hair, small, piercing, black ey**. very In
tellectual fore-head, with a pleasing ex
pre*lon on his countenance, very plain in
bis dress even to carele**ns, very pelile
' but always plain and simple in his manner,
of a bashful, humble, uiudasl demeanor at
(all time*, and would be taken, by person*
who do not know him, for a farmer ten
time* before he would be taken for e liter
ary man once; although the casui l obser
ver could not (bit to notice semethiag re
markable about him at first sight. 1I docs
net try to show off to advantage and does
not hesitate t say, '1 de not know," when
he !* questioned about any subject, which
is n.-t necessary h .waver once in a thous
and tint.*, • evn on any blanch of learning
■ >r practical knowledge whatever foreign to
lis own particular science. HO is very
einittrit: oi everything. An ordinary man.
>MI rir.l being introduced to him. would
feel perfect')- at llotpe, and might think
! hlipself, un a.count ofthe Professor s mod
. sty h > u je-riwr. hula short conversation
would be sufficient l* undeceive. O lantß
tiow and orrogatice he hales, and if any wishes to be made the subject of the
MOST tutting sarcasm -the more to on ac
count o! hi* modesty and coolness—he need
onltj g . t-> Professor March and attempt
indnp'ay himself.
The earnest inquirer he always Ileal*
with the ulmo' RESPECT alp) wilt stop hi*
studies L A 4 y |LT-t,I to GIVE inlormatiou OR
advtae. whicti tie docs modestly and with
A. few w .|\S. a- possible. It<- T# ready L
ANSWER anr QUESTION on politics, cotistilu
tlruial EF statute law, political economy,
anguagt. mslhemalica, philosophy, litera
ture, iti fact, 1 think he eoulu tell some
■f )<>ur GO.NL country dames how to make
An.ose tb< many thins* by whicli m -n
di-tingu'.h themselves. public speaking
ranks as one of the nol-lest; and yet haw
• •Hen it tbi* (acuity of the orator made the
instrument ufevil. This cannot berharged
1, mm l'r..f-*or, for above all things, he
eschew* puhlii* speaking and hrinkt from '
notoriety and applause with genuine rood.j
ly He never ...ndu..l cit|-cl exarcisea
txci-pl when (x>tu|H.dlod to do so because of the other member* ol the Faculty
are pru.rhl whi< h occurs about once a year
w hen there u a violent l<>rm. Storms nev
er deter him from coming. He is there
promptly. When he d.o* "lead in chap
el" bis prayer, made in the treiuhliae ac
cent* or humility, in the simplest, child
like langu •*<•, yet expressive of the naklwl
worship aiisl of the most hallowed desires
i> listened to by the students in profound
silence. The rudest dare not disturb the
solemnity of th- oecwsion. When he joe#
to church, a* h regularly dona, h*lt* in
••tic |ii-tilioti during lb* whole service
never '.. H.king up at the minister. AH
great men hnvetliese peculiarities. Zumpf,
the great Herman linguist, is eireedingiy
a bunt-minded atul soii.e curious thing* are
told of him During his lectures. In* lelt
f >t i> coiiiitioally rubbing the top of hi*
right, *o (hat it r*.|uire* several palchc
o i that spot 1,. wear uii| one pn.r of shoo*.
If his left foot Is stoppod, i.a lose* the
conn-cthoi ip his di-ioUr-c ami must stop
lie ha- aieavs been so near-sighted that
his !><• <- touclies the page in rending and
he roll* his head from -ide to side in going
back and forth \er the page, yet he hat
read all the book* in ail enormous library
and can rrfrr Ui any paMagu wiU|ou h<**i.
We must couclujo without speukillK of
the T-hnical etiurse* but will certainly do
so neat time. Fact. WARP.
-- ' ■ * -*-*■
A South Wind Loncinpf.
litre in something timely ami de
licious from Warner'# " Black -Log
Studio#,'* in the forthcoming April
number of (Srrtynt/* (
V Perhaps the influence of the four
! great wind* on character it only a
I tancicd one ; but it l- evident on tern
\ pemucnt, which i* not altogether a
i matter of tem|ieratiire. although the
> good ld i|eaeo;: used to av, in hi*
| nuiuhie, aiuiplr way, that hi* third wife
I was a very goon woman, hut lier ,< Unip
era til re was eery different from that of
■jthe other two. The north wind i*
full of courage, and put# the stamina
of endurance into n man, and it prr.b
ably would into a woiuau too if there
were a aor.u# of resolution# passed to
i tha: effect. The we#t wind i# hopeful;
' it ha* promise and adventure in it,
and is, except to Atlantie voyagers
Am rica hound, the he*t wind thut
ever blew. The eat wind, i* peever
ishnes# ; it is mental rheumatism mid
grumbling, and curl* one up in the
chimney-corner like a cat. Ami if
the chimiiey'm.js # it smoke* w hen the
wind -it* iff that quarter. The south
wind is full of longjug am) unrest, of
eftuinitiHte suggestion*, of luxurious
ease, and perhaps we might say of
niodirn poetry,—at any rate, modern
poetry needs a change of air. lam
not sure but the south is the most,
powerful of the winds, because of its
sweet persuasiveness. Nothing so
stirs the blood in spring, when it
comes up out of the tropical latitude ;
it makes men "lungpn to gen QU pil
i did intend to iiwort here a little
jieem (u* it is quite proper to do s in
essays) ou the south wind, composed
hv The Young lardy Slaying with
I Us, beginning :
Out of drifting southern cloud
My soul hoard the night bird cry—
hut il never got any further than this.
The Voting Lady a aid it was exceed
ingly difficult t. write the next t wo
lines, because not ouly rhyme but
meauing had to he procured. And
this is true; anybody can write iirst
lines, a lid tliat is probably the rcasou
we have wo many' poems which seem
to have bceu begun in just this way,
thai is, with u south-wind longing
without any thought in it, and il is
vpry fortunate when there js gpt wind
oimugli tu finish iheip. I'liis emotion
al poem, if I may so call it, waa begun
after JUrlmi wcut away. I liked it,
" J ♦houtfPi it wiu what ia milled
an.. ( *• ' did uut uti
"sitggcsiivcj;" ftllliotigo .
derstand il, especially what the night
bird wpa ; and I am afraid I hurt the
Young Lady's feelings by asking her
if she meant Herbert by the "night
bird,"—a vt ry nhsttr>l ugptwlion about
two lllWeliti 'm til < I p - Sin - sahl,
"Nolls: ll* ;" It,II she .||L twill* I. tilh!
Tin* Mi tr *• that ti sr. woreetu >ti m*
tlmi <.pc vdii'lr.. t r j-'if ini tr*>nls
wiihour tJc danger "I being ridiculous;
a pnfompl l i.tfi At. I yet I should
not like |o . that there i* not a Un
der t>m SOU,. ~SS in low tint cnii get
comfort out l a ni|f (it bird in a cloud,
if there he *iich u tiling. Analyni* is
file ilculti of Silltilllclll.
l>it. HCIIOKPI**.—The Judiciary
Committee of the House on Friday
reported a Uil favoring the granting
of a new trial ',lo this culprit, who is
lingering in Carlisle prison.
The partnership herelolort existing un
der (he Arm name of Fisher Jk Oetlig Was
dissolved ou 'ho loth day of March, IH7Z
Notioe 1* In r. by given to all in-nom
know ing them.elvus indebted to Ins said
ttrin, that Ibey are i-esp-i-tfifMy reouestod to
call at the old * and at Farmer'. Milia, and
settle their accounts without delay.
J. 11. FISH Kit,
mar-Si ll H. If. (sKTTIC*.
MuLuttu, Cggraa Co., FA.
Baralvc Deposits and allow iatereat
Discount N<rt*.
Make Collw-tion*
Issue Ka-tern Kxchanga.
And a general Hanking tltulnea* done.
Cashier. mnrZfif.
NiHicst is hereby given that an addition
al partial account of T. 7M Halt, assignee,
of Jacob btmpe, ha* been Clod m|tbe court
of Commonideas of Centre County, to
April term laTT, and unless exception* arc
filed <>n ot before the third day of said
term, it will be confirmed.
JNO.MOUAN. Paorut.
D. & C. Luse
Manufacturers of the Celebra
ted Excelsior Cornplantor,
*1 Spring MiiU, Pa. Tbia urn-bine hill*
and <1 riTlf, any desired distance apart.
Phis Planter u awarded lt premiums
at itaUi fair* of tSftli-'tt-'S \ 'Ol, in compe
tition with the Mt.rri-oti, Berkstrcsser,
llartmati and ottier* We also maiiufse
ture Cornplows or (Scrapers. lStnrt*
Thi* sehool, at I'onn Hall. Centre Co
Pa , will be opened on the loth of April,
The cuurm of Instruction will kt a* the
name in J irate* —Classical and Normal.
.Special atu-ntion will be given to Normal
branches and b> *nrh student* a* may look
forward to teach in*. *
Term* io.lU to ♦H.OO, per term of 10
<-<-k*. N<> deduction for absence except
in r*u' oi ick near.
Hoarding can he procured at reasonable
rate* near the school.
Uefvrt-nre, Principal.
I lev. D. X Woir. tuarln. (it
(■rand Opi-niiig
FOR 1872.
sh,<r> he has o|*ened with a very large
I ►!..-k of the latest stylos, bah fancy and
j C*HUllHn
Patlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni
of all kinds.
AII kinds f reisairing done with neat
nos* and dis|>atch having ft)r good woe.-
mop at "he bulich. I an. prepared to do
alt kinds f. axiom work, fine or common.
Thankful for past favors, 1 hop* by strict
.llention to Im-inc.* you and everybody
else will show smiling face* at my new
ware rooms.
join CAMP.
-J.r.p WliJW* THOMAS A link*
3; wiijSoy {• HICKS,
S?j Bellefonte, Pa.,
* | (HuMOsaors tu lawtx a Wiuox,,)
~ Hespwtiiilly inform the citizen* of C.
, /; |C-ntre and other counties, that they *
*Z have . no of the largest au.l best e-
ihx-tsd stock of Ilaruwarotobe found, -
consisting of iron, Htwel, Nails, ~
a: Horse Shoe* Axel*. Spring Wagon
! .skein* and lioxes. Complete st<M*K ol
i-arjienter t< K>' * and builders hard- fi
iS ware. I.wlt*. nils, jiainu, glass, var- ~
Z tiitheia brushes, cu-umWrpump* and
Z tubing. Lamp* af all kind*, scales,
\< .cutlery, w
i Full line uf saddlery and coach ma
ker* good*, w.ed work for buggies
land wagons, plauglis, harrows, culti
- ,valors and grindstuuoa. Looking H
5 glusao* and mirror plate*. Picture -
. frames made to order. They also K
' A 'have the celebrated cook stove, X
'cverv one warrniitod to give perfect
H satisfaction Ail kinds of
jw. |stoves. We arc determined tu sell 2
2 ! "t tb lowest price* fur cash, or on _
- •hurt credit -not tu exceed three"
j .)months. Call and aee ut. a* we Uke "J
SS pleasure in showing our good*.
£ marl&f. IJellefonle, Pa. i
f \>
sl_ _ %
1 txjHvl to keep a tntidi larger
(< ck of
lh is season than heretofore, and would in
vite nil my friends from Centre County, to
call and SOP my stock, before purchasing
elsewhere. 1 will have (Vein
in a few days, of all
And from fljre to sly thousand pjocc*.
I'iiccit ranging from
Oots. to SI per Bolt
I'lcase call and examine for ymirwlvM,
or write inn statlngslaes and kind of room*,
* ' will select and forward, and if not
satisfactory it can '•fUTflfd.
raar'22.3m. Milroy, Pa.'
Tun uridertigned offer* at private
■ale a two Story dwellin* hu*e and
.Lot. on > ain street, Centre Hall.
with .übleand all necessary outbuilding*
and choir# (rult on tha premise*, and wa
ter In tha yard. The hauaa i* a* good a>
naw. For futher part—uUr* *|£j|
lUuf tr. Centre Hall
Wooden Pumps,
The undersigned would respeetfally call
the attention of the ritixeniofCriilre county,
and I'ennavalley in particular, to tha fact
that ho i manufacturing
VMS 8£37 P t
inula at humaor aliraiirr,. Ha IMM num.
made at ho tU e or elsewhere. He uaea none
but the b. *t mutarial, HI WA REKXTS THEM
to give satisfaction, a* being tba moat 1 act
ing and durable. aurxaio* TO THI olu
wuodan pump, being arranged to let tha
water oif and prevent Ireexing in winter.
Plna, poplar or eueuinber pump* al way*
on band, (fi* mail rial for pump* I* all
tawad from large timber, and am thia
Secured agaioat Checking or Cracking
All order* HT mail promptly flllad.
PIPING, madaofthe ba*t material, of
five inch Mantling, jalnad together
coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and
wairanted to (land any |ire*aure required
for ordinary u*a. Prica* of pit ing range
from IH to IS cant* per foot. Send order* to
.epLUftly J TELLER.
and I'OWDKR!
GOAL— Wilketbarre Coal, Chestnut
Stove, Egg, furnace and foundry.
Coal—of beat quality, at the low
ed price*. Customer* will please
note that our coal is housed un
der eommod lou* sheds.
LI MX—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, lor sale
al our kiln*, on the pike lending to
POWDER.— Having received the agency
for Du Pout'* Powder AT
WUOLKSALK, we shall be
pleased to receiveordenifkoni
the trade.
Office and yard near south end of Bald
Kagle Valley K. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa.
dealers ia
aUoall the
A wjr lirrx u
umnul of Tui-
Sop, &c., Ac.,
The fltdt qual
ity of lUtot
K * I R E*. SctAO*a
and IUMX>.
Night cutUXncrs pu I night BELL.
lli*h<pSt.. Rellefonte Pa.
unIS 1
Great Destruction
of high prices!
11l 111!
BQL.nI tbe Old Stands*
at Centre Hall.
Hata, Caps, Boots, Shoes.
also a large stock of
FISH, the beat, all kinds,
the best and cheapest in the market.
apr7l WM. WOLF.
CAUTION.— Notice U hereby given,
that all the personal and moveable
property, belonging to Geoiwe B. Harj>ter,
of Centre Hall was, on the 12th of Febru
ary, 1872, purchased by the undersigned,
at sheriffs sale, namely, all blacksmith
tools, machinery, woodwork, finished and
unfinished vehicles, Ac., belonging to the
several shops heretofore occupied by said
Geo. B. Harps tor. together with tho horses,
harness, and all the household and kitcher.
furuituro of tho same. The same will be
left in tho possession of said Geo. B. Uarp
ster, at the pleasure of the unde signed,
and ali persons are hereby cautioned
against inedling with tho said property in
any rnaner whatever
Tha public that th<
blacksmithing and ooachntaklng hereto
fore carried on at Centre Hall by Geo. H.
Harpstcr, will he continued at the old
stand by tho undersignod. All contracts
for work, in said shops ipust be made with
the undersigned C. F. HKRLACHER,
febJo 3t GEO. DURST. I
J. A J. If AItKLS.
A now and complete Hard it era .Store hua
bean opened by the under, igacd in Brock
erhoff* naw building— aI, pre they art j.r. •
pared to tall all kind* of Btillriingand Ilou**
rurnuhing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*.
Buggy * heel* In Mrtl*. Champion ChtkM
Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Hand
Saw*, TennonSaw*. Webb Saw*, lcvCrwaw
Freexert, Hath Tuba, Clothe* Mark*, a fwl
aMortmontofGlaMand Mirror Flat* of all
laa* t Flctura Frame*, Wheelbarrow*
lot en pa. Coal Oil Lamp*, Belting. Spake*
Kolloe*, and Hub*, Plow*. Cultivators, Corr
Plow*. Plow Point*. Shear Mold Board*
and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Rhov
*U, Hpade* and Fork*, Lerki, Hinge*,
Screw*. Ba*h M iring*, llowe-Shot*, Nells,
Norway Rod*. 'Hi*. Lard, Lubricating.
Coal, Llnaeed, Tannery, Anvil*, Vice#, Bel
low*, Screw Plate*, Blacksmith* Tool*.
Factory Ball*, Ifou*e Bell* Dinner Bell*,
Gone Bell*. Tea Bells, Grindstone*, Carpen
ter Tol, Fruit Jar* and Can*. Paint*, Oil*,
VarnUke* received and for tale at
iin*A' J. A J. If A BR IS
Furniture Rooms!
aeapactiully inform* the citieeh* i
county, that he ba*-on*Uutiy on ban an.
make* to ordar, all kind* ot
flows Mans CHAIB* ALWAT* as seat.
Ulittetk of ready-made Furniture it lav*
and warrantedof good workmanship en<i *
all mad* under bt* owniuimediaferupart -
*ion, and I* offered at rate* a* cheap as els,
where. Tbaakfbl for past favor*, be i*lir
it* a continuance of the MM*.
Call and *ee hie stock before pure bail I
el—where __ __ atdM'Wiv.
wu.uai.Aia, ■TariTXK*
Attorney* at Law. Ballafente,
Ofßc >, on tbe Diamond, neat door to Gar
man' hotel. C'n*u)tationi in German 01
Engl eh. febtffPtf
JOHN F. PoTTKK" Atteraey at Law.
Collection* prom utly made and (pacta
attention riven to tnoee having I* -i- 01
property for sala. Will draw up and have
•cknowlcdgcd Deed*. Mortgage*. Ac. Of
fice in the diamond, north tide of the
court koue. Bellefonte. uetgltf
MXKXY moctuaorr, jbiiam.
PrvtitlroL Cashier.
(Lata Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow Internet,
Discount Note*,
Buy sad Bel
Government Securities, Gold and
apltTtiMf i'-MHMM.*.
JAS M M.t Vt-8 Attorney •* L
Hell. .—iti, ..-i..fHly atten *• to nil Ot
ine* entr..tid to him. juU,A*tf
DP. KOKTNKY, Attorney ot Law
I Bellefonte, Pa. Office ovev Key
told* bank. mayH'Wnf
wAiurrzx & az&yz
Rellpfonte, CeutreCo., Peon'a. apillrf
IRA C. MITCHELL. Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, Pa. tMßee in G*m>**,>
new building opposite the Court Boner.
•Set— en tlie "Adboinn*.
C. H. Gutelius,
Surgeon mid Merbanlrmi Dentist
who I* |H-rmanealiy located In Aar n*bur*
in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Keff.
and who ha* been practicing with en tin
*ucco** —having the rv peri race of a numbei
of year* in the profeaston, ha would cordi
ally invite all who have a* yet Inctdtrr
him a call, to do to, and Unt tbe truthfulnest
of thi* aaeertlon. par Teeth extracted
without pain. maygflitf
ISO. U. oavi*. C. T. ALtlAKpi-a
Attorncys-at-law, Office inConrsd House
Bellefonte, Pa-
with Orel* A Alexander, attend* to collec
tion* and practice in the Orphan', Court.
BOOTS. large iPelt. all style*, tiees and
price*, for men and boy*, lust arrived
at Wolf well known <4d Mat.d.
i) •
between Mtrltftind Arch, formerly HM.
CarpcU, Oil Cloth*. Oil Shade*. Wick
Yarn. Cotton YUM, Crp Chain*. Grain
Bar*. Window Paper. Batting, Ac. Ali
BcuAm, Lwki| Glimm, Ac. dert-lf
Chas. H. Held,
Clerk. \t wtrli maker A Jcvrlt i
Millheim, Outre cw., Puma
Respectfully inform* hi* friend* and lit*
public in KPRcnL that be b jut Ottawa*
at hi* new c*t*blihmcnt, above Atrial
der* Store, and krrpt constantly on hand
all kind* of Clock*, Watch** and Jewelr*
of the latest rtvle*. a* alao the Maranvill.
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with
,-*>iupl*te index of the month, and day
tha month and week on it* face, whb 1> it
warranted a* a perfect time-keener.
fee. Clock*, Watches and Jewel rv ••
paired on abort notice and warranted *
MILLER S lit'TEL. Woodward, Pa
SUpv arrive and depart daily.
This favorite hotel i* now in every r*p ct
one of the moat pleasant country Wb in
central Pennsylvania. The traveling cotn
in unity will always find the best accommo
dation. Drover* can at all times be accom
modated with stables aid pasture kit any
it umber of cattle or horses.
ABAtIM, itrxoLb's saw uiiim
• aoxr, ntalior at., Bellefonle.
The subscriber tespectfnily call* the at
tention of the public to hi* cstablishm nt,
where he t* prepared to furnish all kind* of
Foreign and Domestic Liquors' wholes*lt
at the lowest cash price*, which am warran
ted to be the best qualities according to
their respective ( rice*. Mi* stock consist*
of Bye, Monongahela, Irish and other
Whiskies, all kinds of Brandiea. Holland
Gin, Port, Maderla. Cherry, Blackberry
and other Wines—the beat articles—at as
reasonable rates as can be bad in the eity,
Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger
and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and
New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds.
He would particularly invite Farmers, Bo
te! keeper* and other* to call and examine
his large supply, to judge for themselves
and be certain of procuring what they buy,
which can seldom be done wben purcba*-
ng in the city.
/tfr-Physiciansarerespectfully request! d
o give his liquor* a trial. . aplO
To be bad at Herlacher & CroniJlpr ! .
A lot of good new Furniture on hand
such a* one Bureau, Bedsteads, Wash
stands, Ac.
G I p v e s.
A splendid lot of Buckskin Gloves
driving Gloves, dress Gloves.
Ta lard.
The undersigned would respfplfully ip
form the citiaens of Centre eouuty, that
(he above Tan Yard will again be put in
full operation, in alt its branches, by them.
Toe highest market price will be paid
for Hides of all kinds. The highest niar
ket price will also be paid for Tanner's
Bark. The public patronage is solicited
Satisfaction guaranteed.
dca.9tr MILLER & BADGER.
The Chepasf,
purest, best.
• On Allegheny Street,
( ollee, I ea, Mugar, Hyrnp, Uriel mt
< 'linnet] Fruit, lJanw, I)rie*i Reef,
Salt, Pickles, Butter, Flour,
Corn Meal, Buckweut Flour,
and everything iitualy kept in a well ragu
lated first class Grocery Store