The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 15, 1872, Image 2

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Centre Hall, P., March 15., 72.
TKRMS.--The RveoßTra I* imkli.hsd
weekly at $2 per ywr, in sdyanee- r 5
when not paid in advance. torsi* month
half those rates. . SM P*' H"**'
line.) for three Insertion. Advertree.wests
for 12, tt and it month., at reduced rete*.
Anv person .endin* u* the mama* of .it
new inbecribosr, with the cadi. Will re
ceive tho RvrotTKa one year free.
The bill apportioning thi# state into
congressional district, as reported in
the House, at HarrUburg, maker the
18th district a? follows: Clearfield,
Clinton, Centre, Mifflin and—all
democratic counties.
There is no spot in that district big
enough te cover the white of a nig
ger's eye.
% #
There is a discrepancy of over o.0
million dollars between the reports ol
Secretary Boutwell and Register Al
len ! This meuey—all belonging to
the people—is somewhere. \V ho stole
; t — it perhaps go to help set up
Grant's renomination and election
The Lebanon couuty Democrat*
havoinstructed iu favor pf Gen. Han
cock, for Preaideut
The Williamsport Sundard pub
lishes our new rules entire, in it*
last week's issue, and recommend*
many of their suggcetmtw '> the dem
ocracy of that cauuty. Diefly. pf
ty generally, goea right.
As belonging to the Evaus endiex
xlenient, we furnish the following in
teresting little chapter:
a UfAO.
As 1 have said, Uuise who are now
Crsecutiug Evans to ahield tlunnsel ves
ve suddenly run against a M)*g.
This snag is iVoctor Wtliiam Paine of
the PhilidMphia University.
Paine is a warm friend ol Evans
in fact, the only ooe b( pn>mineuce
who believe* in his entire inpoewee.
He is, moreover, very rich and very
energetic. He got Inu a row with
the Pennsylvania State officers be
cause of his warm friendship for
Evan*, and they in turn want for him
on charge of selling bogus diplomas
from his university. ( •
And now comas Dr. Paine s turn.
He is shrewd, energetic, vindictive,
n.l has the weans to carry out his
.ends. He has put on the w*r paint,
seized his tomahack.aud declares that
he will have the scalps of HartranA,
Ma.kev, and Kemble before thirty
•lays. He is already well armed.
He first proposes to show that the ap
poiutmeut of Evans as State Agaot
was a conspiracy to make money out
of the war claim*. Tho other ihy,
when Kemble was before the commit
tee. he testified that, although he was
Stale Treasurer at the time, he did not
kuow that Evans was agent fur the
claim*. This is a rap at Gov. Geary,
and Dr. Paine says, is fklaehnod num
ber one in Kemble's testimony.
Again, Kemble says that Ktraus
came to him and asked for a letter of
introduction to some one iu Washing
ton who could help him get a claim
through. He said he gave him one to
Titiau J. Cofley, a lawyer there, but
that Evau# never used it, "t>r the rea
son," said Kemble, "that he did not
want a letter to a respectable law
yer, but one to some one who could
take hiin into Grant's deparimeuts by
the kitchen way." New raiae knocks
snots eut of this statement by exhibit
ing the original letter given by Ketn
ble to Evaos to present to"tbe rwpcet
able lawyer." Here it is:
STATU or PaaxsvLvaxia, )
Kx. Dzr'T. TazAscasa's Orrtca, V
llAKßisai ao. July 7, 184 C. j
Mr DKAK COFTXT : Allow me to intro
duce to you my particular friend. Sir.
Geo. O. Lvnas. He has a claim of ome
uiajrnitude which he withes you to help
him in. Put him through a. you would
inc. lie understand* addition, division,
and silence. Yours, ae..
To TITIAS J. COTFKT, Esq.. Washing
ton. D. C.
Paine says that Evans never used
this letter because be was ashamed to
present it But Paine has another
tomahawk which he says will go clean
through the political skull of Hart
ranft. That is a sworn transcript of
Hartranft's private account with his
brokers in Philadelphia. This shows
that at the time these claims were be
ing collected that worthy had specula
tive transaction* amounting to #6Bl,- j
000. He also has letters, checks, and
other documents (a! I originals) proving
conclusively that not only Hartranft,
but Mackey, was using the funds of the
commonwealth (money derived from
these war claims) to speculate upon
and to pay their private obligations.
Paine also has the dead wood en the
following transactions. Hartranft
and Mackey not long ago used the
funds of the Commouwealth to pur
chase $189,500 of the 5 per ceut. bonds
of the State, and $31,000 af the 6 per
cent, bonds. These bonds they sold
back to the Sinking Fuud under au
thority of legislative enactment at a
profit of $5,643,42, the whole tiamac
tion occupying but a few days. Paine
has iu his possession a copy of their ac
count with the broker who made the
The indefatigable doctor also bas
documentary proof that Mackey. the
Treasurer, loaned the money of the
Btate to private parties, reccing for
the same interest as follows: Aug. 25,
1869, $677,50; Feb. 9, 1870. $3,900,-
50; May 16,1870, $314,50; and Oct.
14, 1871, $5,000.
The doctor is going to llarrisburg
in a day or two to lav his proofs be
fore the Legislature and demand an
investigation. J/ean while there is
quaking in Harrisburg lest Evans
should tell the whole truth. If they
fear him so much the effect of the ar
rival of Dr. Paine may bo likened to
that produced iu the uest ot rats by
the sudden appearance of a terrier.
More Stink.
In state senate on 11th, Mr. Billingfelt
made a statement concerning the bills for
refitting the halh, saying that rutnors had
roacbed the committee which led him to
offer the following resolution :
Retolved, That the>uditor general be re
quested not te draw his warrant upon the
state tieaturer for the payment of suid
bills tor the present, and that said com
mittee on retrenchment and reform be in
strcuted to investigate and require into
the matter, and report without uelay.
Messrs. Strang and 1 Davis, of ThHadel-'
pbia, said this matter had been fully dis
cussed before and was opposed to further
waste of time
Mr. Billingfelt said the information hud
come directly to the committee, that part
of the material puichascd for these Pull*
had been used to fornix" other cstubii-h
--tr.ents in Harrieburg.
Murder ut BriM'outr
A man by uamoof I latum wi* mur
dered in OHO of tlio holt I* MI !$> lU'foiiio
la-t week Fnwi tho
hr I*l thin week, bv the prnjicr i Him i*,
m illing ban come to light llmt g w in
show who struck //*mm on the look
of the head, fracturing hi* skull, ion
ih ring him uneoiisciuu* until ho tln-d.
sotue two >lny after. M • #iip|iose, ul
course, that nobody i g"H'g l "
hung under delvopvincnts thus (sr.
for we hitve known teal nitiubm*,
proveu guilty,end in lln clulche- ol
our couits, to go unhung.
The circumstance* attending the
crime committed h**t week, n* related
to US, arc briefly as follow*: On lb
Monday night aforesaid, there wa* a
dauco iu the dining room of il public
house kept by Mr. Gates, a> hinted te
us, a eort of jollification over the to
jH-al of the law-library (?) which put*
an end to collection *1 fine* against
iaw breaker*, and that //anna, wme
what under the influence of liquor, en
tered the hotel and forced himself into
the hall where the dancing was going
on, u|HH which other parties also fol
lowed. A run followed aud tier*
was a rough lane gvucrully ( finally
quiet and order were restored, aud the
people belonging the houe" retired;
Hanua also assisted to bed iu au
intoxicated condition; during lite
night someone entered hi* room, and
toully dealt him a blow upon the baek
of lha brad, as the doctor* think, with
a billy, fracturing hi# ahull. and re
sulting a* above atatrd,
This crime i* no ciedit to ilvilefonle
and we trust the MKN of ihat towu,
the morality aud Christianity of that
place will become aroused, and that
they will see that it W purified of
it* iniquities, and au effectual curb
be put upou the vice* of that place.
Bellefoiite has many citizen* of whom
it can feel proud, and who roooru over
the lack of morality aud wickedness
that egist t|tT® a n d which seem to
overpower all eflorU tor tils better.
What town, according to population,
ha* suffered oftener from incendiary
fires, £ rid none of the villaiu* brought
to justice, if the prfmplp there wtb
to be safe in life aud property, iua
tiiug ha* arrived, when they should
sternly euft>r proper measures.
We publish elsewhere, from For
ney's Press, what that sheet has to say
about tho radical iraud* in Philadel
phia to elect Gray over M'Clure ; all
wc ask of ii, ibiuk
ing the democrats are telling lire when
they charge fraud* and rascalities
upon the radical*, in the election*.
These frauds to eb?f"t Gray, are not
the first, by that party—it hwbeeu *"
only too successful game for them
since the days of "loyalty,'' and these
practices fully accuuut for their being
in power so long.
It is now pretty clearly evident,
from repent developments —based
upon radical ewidfnp/s btft —lhat An
Packer was honestly elected governor
over Geary. This the democracy as
serted at the tWue} b'jt radicalism, iu
the pleuitude of its power, puni Jpwn
on all complaint and prevented inves
ligation—but lime is attesting to the
DrivlQg tbf Ring to (he Hall.
J/r. Wallace, on 7th iust., intrwluc
ed a joint resolution authorising the
State Treasurer to ceilcct from the
United Slates certain monies, herein
fore iinprejierly paid, as follow*:
Whereu*, The GovernuiriU of the
United States, through its accouutiug
officers, did on the 28th dsy of Octo
ber, 1868, adjudii-ate and settle the
claim of the elate of Peunxylvanis
against said Government by which the
sum of $405,651 46 was found to be
due la said Hftttc, and ou that day a
warrant in favor of the Governor of
Pennsylvania for that sum was drawn
by the Secretary of the Treasury upon
the Treasurer of the United States;
Whereas, They did also, on the 27th
day of August, JBJQ, adjust and set
tle another account or said Btate
against said government, upon which
a balance was found to be uue to the
State of $13,684,709, for which, on
that day, a warrant was in like man
ner drawn iu favor of the Governor of
the State upon the Treasurer of the
United Seates; and,
Whereas, For both of said warrants
drafts were drawn in due form in fa
vor of John W. Geary, Governor, or
order, which Mid drafts were not en
dorsed by said Governor, nor were the
moneys paid to him by the Treasurer
of the United States ; and.
Whereas, The moneys aforesaid
were paid to George O. Evans, alleged
to be the special agent and attorney in
fact, and he alone endorsed the same ;
Whereas, Said moneys have never
reached the Treasury of Pennsylvania,
but have been embeulfd by said
Evans and others acting with him ;
Whereas, The acts of Congress, reg
ulating the payment of claims upon the
United States, require that all powers
of attorney er other authority for re
ceiving payment of any claims, shall
be absolutely null and void, unless the
same shall hie made ami executed after
th t allowance of the amount due ; and,
Whereas, The issuing of the war
rant for the payment thereof, and the
moneys aforesaid were paid, in plain
violation of the requirements of said
acts of Congress, and by reasons of
such payment the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania hath never received the
moneys aforesaid, therefore be it
H&olved, That the State Treasurer
be, and he is hereby authorized and
directed to demand from the United
States Government, payment of the
moneys justly payable to this Com
monwealth upon settlements herein
before named, as ascertained to be
due and payable, and to take such oth
er steps in regard thereto as will so
cure payment of the moneys aforesaid
into the Treasury of this Common
Mr. Bellingfelt suggested that this
Legislature could call Evans an em
bezzler, as his case wus now in a court
of justice, where that question would
be adjudicated.
Mr. Wallace responded that he wa.
iu favor of pulling things by their
right names.
After luther diteutsioit the resolu
tion passed finally by a viva voce vole.
This hill also passed the house on
same day, and will give new interest
to tho Evans swindle.
Tltc KIIIIMIS !• ilnry.
f h ,> i ."ut SftmUHt Arenred
f/.. ,V .V . /;>'••< .i"' /Acr f br
rn/d Mem* l'*< ftrht9 ( tHutU
/'ni/uiy S6O,(HHI
T<q>. ka. Feb 24 ihe Rriberv In
\etigntiug Committe i.p. it.d (r> tln
11today. Ibe rejH.n says, re
gaiding the Senatorial elcd mil <>l
IKtil, (bat inii. lt u•• . t>- med by
Potiternv, Caitiev, aud Feiiy I'lillir,
but the committee It*.l nut lb time •<
make a thorough investigation.
Regarding tlie elcti n -f l*t win
ter, the committee reports a nt* ol
evidence rbowing bribery ami cvirup
lion on t'.u- pail ol l"i! Svimtot t |d
tvell nml rvC.myri-M>HiNU( Inrke, Ibe
proof i* |w#ilive that Chldwell raid ht
election >wl hint over anil
dial lot |tai.l of thi* oer IHi |er cent,
to ex-Gov. Canny ; tbut he veral
times offered t- rvluud to Clarke all
his ex p. n-t > if he d lai ke > would with
draw fr in the context.
The r. |*II t als.iwtii* that Alexander
Ca Id wall used biibery and wlhrr cor
rupt and criminal practice# by himself
and hi* friends, with hi* full knowl
edge ait.l consent. insecure IM* election
to the Flitted Stales. There wa aU< j
an orgauixial effort made front the Coin
turnerllirul to keep iin|HitlaUt wiliies*-
. out of die way, and that it ba Imrii.
imiM4isiblo to prcure their rvidviice. !
Fifty Ihotuatid cvpi.s of the report'
and i v(deuce have been uplrml to lw
printed, and a copy ► ordered t> Iw
x'Mt to each Kansas Senator ami to
die Vice Prewideiit.the latter to lie lui.l
before the United Slate* Snate for
it* otiiifirmation
St. la>ui, Feb. fid. —The J)nio-1
erat'* Topeka iH-eiai, referring to the
ref>ort of the Hiilmry luvretigwtioiij
Committee made to the House to-day.
says thflt reme curious fact* have
coiue to light,* Jl ir:tiu dial Senator!
Poutcrey and Sidney k lurk# gave M.j
\V. Reynolds, al thai time reliior oil
the Lawrence Journal, their note for
81,000 iu March, 'O6, in roiisiiierwtioi.
that that journal should support I*oi
eroy fof revlevfi-u to the Slate and
Clarke to t'* Reynuija wenti
liack on tlieur, and liny refuel to pay
the note. Suit ** brought, and
Poiueroy and Clarke put iu a* defence
that the uote was given for au im
proper purpose, and judgement w s
giveu for the defence. Reynolds had
the jjaoers all rnaJe out tn carry the
case before ins ptprf at iu
next term ; but just before ihe mreliugj
of the court Reynolds received the ap
poiutmeut of Receiver of the Laiud
Office, and the appeal was immediate
ly dismiss*?. '* now the alitor >f j
a weekly pa}er which spppo):t| ioui .
eroy 8 for a third irrm.
ft also came out that the president)
of the Kniuu* Pacific Railroad prom- !
ised Caldwell flau.udO to heip to elm',
him to the Senate, and after the elec
-1 tion refused lw pay any more than he
had already paid, which was 810,00 ft
J/r. John Anderson, agent of the Kan
sas Pacific road al this place, and
through whom the 810,000 were paid,
and trtio il*o paq ol he
side, as testimony dm**, hw* übl bedu|
before the committee. He, with Eben
Smith, 1 usintss jmrlner f Caldwell
And John Fletcher, and another |er
ey —to ue tlie Worn* M lie i,poil — (
w'ere fugitives from the Sl#U.-. The
refa.rt wl I oau* great pommulh>ll it)
the State, aud will *how that money
has been spread like water for year*.
A Sharp Arraignment of Grunt.
The Nation, which in clearness,
candor, intelligence, and nijartiality.
is an liouor ft> i"oioli{.ni,
does not care whet.ier President Graul
smokes many or few whether
l;£ is taciturn or laquacious, whether
pups or flfj faverite i eU.
whether he has or has not taken many,
gifts, or has or has uet appointed all
his relations to eflice. It insists thai
ever so suoooafol a Jafenpf op these
points would uot shield the Prreideut
from the mare weighty charges which
have been made against him. It pro
pose* a list of questions which wc sus
pact that Grant's apologiot* will be
iu no haste to answer. \\ e insert the
incujpatlops of tbi* Jble Kepublirau
The questions which candid men,
who liave n. prejudice* against hiin
and no personal end* to serve either
by opposing or supporting him, would
like to have answered, are these —and
if Harper's Weekly will answer them
fraukly aud fairly, it will either do
him or tin pgbjig a ercjit service:
Why did he apimiut such a man as-
Sickles minister ta Spain ? Why did
he select uew judges to the Supreme
ourt with special reference to their
opinions on a question already iubju
diet, or. in o'her words, pack the court
I procure u judgement on a question
of property fuvoraole to his own
of political expediency ? Why has
he kept and does he sliil keep a man
like Caesey in the New Orleans Cus
tom-home, in spite of grows ami uotori
ous misconduct, and this his
brother-in-law? Why does he keep
a man like Kramer minister to Den-
mark, in spite of his recent display of
incompetency and misconduct, and
this man also his brother-in-law ?
Why did he appoint to the New York
and Philadelphia cojlectorship, when
meditating a great measure nf civil
service reform, two persons whe were
notoriously opposed to civil-service re
fjrro, and one of whom was, at the
time of his oppoiiitment. actually en
gaged in denouncing it in his |>aper ?
Why did he appoint a man like George
11. Butler consul general iu Egypt?
Supposing him to have been deceived
in Butler's character, how is it that a
year after Butler's abomination* have
been exposed he is still retained in of
fice? SupfHising the President to
havp innocently given Leet the letter
of iutrodctioii to Ifr. Grinned, which
we believe he did, how is it that on
discovery how hod abused it he
did not insist on his removal ? How
is it that, one year after Leet's mis I
conduct had been exiiosed by a Con
gressional committee, he still rcmaiucd
iq utice, and that it took a second in
vestigation ami exposure to make his
removal even talked of? We might
multiply these questions, if necessary,
but satisfactory answers to these would
break the back of the opposition.
When the original admirers ami
supporters of Grant are constrained to
ask answers to siicli a damaging series
of questions, it is toe eyhjent what the
country ought to think of him.
l)r. tirtelpy on Reform.
Sow York, March 7. — Horace
Greeley, in to day's Tribuuc, auystho
following is his note declining to have
his nume affixed to the call fur the
Philudelphia Convention :
attach my name to the call for the '
National Coiivtutioii. I stayed away
from your meeting on pur|Me to keen 1
my |x-sitioii of iiuhqieiidtnor. If wo I
have trustworthy assurances of reform
from the White House, all right ; but
! um got jpplippd to help our ls-ets A
Stockings to another nail million of,
"ifon. Wm E. Chandler." ij
I 111' :ff i|,e ol tic S>|| lit.ll I In
vest 111 Up t 011 l illee 111 ('III u
l'l|*iun cviiililitlv U* tint art | t... on. t
a>loiindiiig lruiiiia. iVmMo 11s tl imv,
In en ilr.ol tor jceraarv ieg -t> ini **
lutvinji vuliil for limy, while a Imgr
mull Ik r who did nul vote at all wur
innrkcl uti the list n* huving v. tnl
apauist M'Clurv. Oil Kiolay it vvu*
inn veil (lint iii the twi'iitn ill iliv tsi n,
N i net ecu lb ard, M flute liml SH
Voli s tlistea.l ol'.t.'i only ll lllilie.l u il
II |KiitotialioiP, In I lie Kiplitii uv i
lon.N tiieli < ntli waitl, UN M'l itin \,t>.
instead ut 47 .flurucd, and 1,1 p, ri-u
it I lolls lu tkia divieioll Id Votes liaVr
brcti proved lu lit' tallied Iwtweeit one
and (wo o'eliak, during which In ut
no vole* were returned for M Vlure,
I'toin llie re|>rt ul the inveetiga
linns oil Friday, w ap|iud the follow
ing ruerely to give un idea ol Imw
licurriil t Irani'* candidate was voted
ui :
lhivid Powell resideDl at No. i'.KMI
Camtria alreet on the day of the last
Senatorial election, ami vaLd in the
Seventh division, Twenty At\h wxrd,
sand also voted in Twentieth dtviaion
[of the Aineteciith ward, thurv ton
scentlotisly believing he had a right ;
waa iKTMiudrd to vote in the Twenty
jtilth ward , voted lor Colonel Lira) in
jtkdh places.
Joseph t*iahum, No <th r > cast Cum
berland street, sworn —Voted for -M'-
Clure ( No. j| on the list), Ixm. (Irani,
a jHiliee i.fticir, caught wit tics* by the
back wfthe neck nml tried tv throw
iiiru, and told huti to get away, and
struck witness in the mouth ; wa* a
police, othccr, 1 waa talking to **er
geant iluiuphriea, of the Nineteenth
ward jmlicc, at the time ; lie wue not
; m uniform ; he waa Judge of the elec
| lion.
Chae //. C'arter h reeallel —Wat Ke
turu Insjvector of K'ghth division,
Nineteenth ward ; between one and
two o'gl vlt thnr V"|v wtup pulletl
I for M'Clurv; at the eud of the hour
:hee three l>allot* were aut in the
box ; Mr. Scl.aeflTir and inyrelf count
cdptbe balh.t* at the end ol that hour;
there were Uo M'Clurv ticket* in the
I (rug i either Mr. Humphries. Judge ol
cieetton, and Sergeaut of Police, ar
Mrfcw'hacffer, Limy Inapector, put the
tickets in the bx ; during that hour ;
the three McClurn volte werenrv owu,
and those of two other inside officers,
Mr* Knight, the other Inspector, wm
ibaeut during that hour.
L'rta* examined—The Democratic
and Hepublican Inspectors left the
box in charge ofShaelfrr and Humph
ries ; there was so much irregularity
(hat it waa impoasibile to keep the
track of it ; I saw my vole d*| oa.ted
.in rim bo? ; Mr. Ifuugherty's and Mr.
i Kcvelbuck's lick'eU dej<otttl in the
I box. At the end itf the hour Mr.
! Humphrjc* o|w-ned the la x aud einp
' tied till' l ink el* Oli tilt' table , 1 hel Jwrd
'count the tickets arid waa aurpri-ed to
svtf no McC'lure ticket*; their 1 told
my cleik, and he told nie to keep
ijuict, it wa* no use to protest agaiuat
it ; McSorely was my clerk.
The Fourth Phtrlrt Frauds
|()from Jt'wrcey * radical, March wbj
The investigation hiU' the cunte-icd
• lection rasa in the Fourth Senatorial dis
trict ba* brought to ligbt as targe and ia*
.•ally fraud* a* were ever practiced in the
i'„ufth ward ul tbi-pitr. by ibsi peume
facy jviertion o|cn disregarded all
latr ; pcrvonaflon and repr-atiilg were
coiintrhanced and abetted h> ibem, and
rssptn-htblp fltiieii*, fil 'bfOf dIH bj.
were drtven frm tire poll*. Uoiunel Me-
Clure'* positive a*ertion# that lie wax
elected are very likely basest uoon truth.
But thi* is a matter which the commit
tee and Senate will decide, and which w
foreign to our purpose tat ailing atlenll-'ia
U the diagraceftil proceeding*. Vk e con
cern ourselves salefy with saving the Ke
, pubilvap pjt r fr~iii Ihf docp diabotior
wliieb tbist oUXrsgtfx, wr.'stf.sjr (ktnod
upon it, would couil.' Fortunately the*
have been exposed by a Republican and
denounced by tbe entire pre** of tbe party.
Our organization ba* not and never can
J:jY awe avmpatbv with fraud* on the
'biflbtt>*\hrsmwi wfeu u.-acPvS HsH- ft
haa been oUrfsoast thai It' wax hilMfirwp of
the best elemenu of society that it em
braced the intellectual and moral culture
tbg puuttnußity fvHindere, repaater*.
and not revwguka*d aiftutig )G
The party la to be congratulated that
this expose has been made, and that a rev
olution ia following It. A* thing* have
' been drif ing for a year or two, the patty
wa*becoming tbe taere tool of bad men,
who were attempting to pro*titut it* **c
rod cause to the basest end*. They have
i.ftjj.4 tuelf bKd w "pv'i'U, /(fud.
Ul) XW ballot ill til a > citnh uotrUt weie
too g faring and shameful. Henceforth
they must be banished from the trust of the
party ax they have already been trom the
confidence of tbe people. Next fall we
shall present an unexceptional ticket, and
the people, and not the rounders, will
.elect it.'
Seven Steamboat* Hunted-
Cincinnati, March p,—Tpc steamers
burned at tbelanding to-night were the
Abeoua, Kate Robinson, St. Charles,
Argosy, Major Aodcraon and Champ
ion, and the hull of the llelle Yemen,
sunken recently by the ice.
The Fire originated on St. Char lea,
which paj thp third boat from the
wharf afloat, juat above the suspension
ilow the fire originated ie not
known. The captain And aotne olhera
ufi llje Sf, Charle* jumped ovepboarij
and swam ashore. It ia feared ifiai
gome one on board failed to eacatte
The fire eprcad up and down tne
streams rapidly.
The Wharfboat, next t* which the
Abeona was lying, *a about half
AM Amusing Incident
While the Ho use wag in committee
of iho whole,on the Deficiency Appro
priation bill a cjue*lion arose on which
a division of the House was demanded
and the chairniau, Htevcnaou, uf Ohio,
appointed General Hutler and Geuer
a I Funiawortli tellers. Hutler and
FariMWorth are not 011 *|M-nking terms,
and when liter met in front of the
Clerk's <lc*k they did not observe the
usual custom of shaking hujiJs, w here
upon some m< mbcr, wishing to carry
011 the joke; insisted upon introducing
them. Hutler was unwilling to look
at Farnswoith, while the latter refussd
to rt cognise Hutler. liny stood
looking away from each other, with
out speaking, to the gretl umuaemeul
•f the members who ure familiat with
llieir peculiar relations. Each tried
to ignore the presence of the other,
ami each anuoppced the count of his
side without censultaliou or agree
ment Fortunately for Faruaworth,
he could not tell whether Hutler was
looking at him 01 not. He has au
impression that occasionally Hutler
went one eye ou him, but he is not
sure of this ; for sometimes it seemed
as if Hutler was looking ip two or
three differeut directions at opce. The
affair passed ofl without any personal
Kt. l'aul, Februy 29.—The bodjr e|
Clement M'Cnuaeland, deputy Uuileii
btutia Marshal, waa lound on Tuesday,
eighteen milea from Frog Point, Da
kota, be having jierislieil in the race lit
storm while pursuing an escaped
prisoner. Mr. AIT 'uuncluiid'a home
wiit* in Aiassachuaella.
The baud* in the 4lh aipa(orial dis
trict are so ustoUinliug that it la sup
posed the committee will have to re
port no election held.
Fiom 1 unIOH.
t ie p. ..! n. of the I'eperti I
Al.*n. I* a . ft It Wtli, In.a. M. kd
-11.11 \t .* l.aVe just li'inrttt 4 |iiglt II gri
ll tit "ttmilol nbi-Ut - |t. In- I lleii- h.t
lot, Ha llietneli wtek, lint, tor tlltee sue
*• alio r,i n* h lime a-labia and the
U t lime i tgi liver> *-u1.1 In tin* lira
lift week. It l|.*r-e Valued at waa eon*
•limed, 'I lita lift imli*timed live new
alt eh- alnt tome g**ial luitiber All lite
live al h'l lata MUmtcd. Four tile colli
p.tilli* were promptly on Itaml and suc
e.* dt d in i*rt \ t-iiling theeuiifltigfalion from
■ nread.iig to the fi-tuigiiou* build ng*
I liee compaui* liaie (tie moat approved
ateauigi* engine*. 'I hey will forte water
111 II Um in, h lloae, lor olie hall n mile, up
a lull, with aulHeii ill to c to throw it to
I to- tup of a very lugli I oil,ling or, a* waa
lite c'Ha, |o iluy w oli lotcc enough to bural
through the along!,, ut a roof. The
alarma wotk veiy ttllclcnily, and but a
tew minute- elapae* from ilo- time oi the
ory of "111e' until tile utarin bell ringa and
the el gHies are moving ll tin-tut llial
aut h ayalamatie nriNiigemen! la absolute!,*
itsceasary lit re from the number of lire*.
We do not now iv-iall the exttel uuaiber el
Blea, a* by ortlelal report, for llie la.l yeai
in the place, but they were cotiaiderably
over "Mi-hundred nearly all the work el
incendiaries. A man by the name ol
Thomat wa* arretlud, tried and couvicted
fur incendiarism iaal winter and confound
tin,l he hud hvn caiinected with the If
teen lire* immediately proceeding hi* ar
ret!. He offer* a* an attenuation of hn
crime thai a w*a * mania with luin, jual
a* the liu'hr tale in lua laal stage* has an
uiicoiilrullahie in mu for rum Moreover,
the cuurae •■( lliia mania wa* found ill thi
oorrobermte lad that In* mother, a abort
time previou* to Ilia hinh, hail ai cldelill)
hut severely burned herself. \V helbei
thla nrculosUlu would have iat effect up
on the uond 111 llio way indicated, it a uum
lion which might profiuhly be alurlind by
physician* and metaphysicians. Thecouri
however did not permit auch considers
lion* to enter into a general eetimate of the
rriuie of the offender, and aentenoed (how
justly we cannot any) the man to thirty
years impris-nuiei.t. lie certainly could
not have made confession in order to gel
the sentence of imprisonment forestalled
for any man would certainly tee that it
would not be sale for aueh a maniac to go
free to destroy property at will. If, howev
er, hia afatemeiit u true, a* there is no rea
son to doubt, what authority could Justly
presume to define the etlriil of yaauAmrat
for doing whnt was impossible for the man
to reaist. Thta ia proi<ah|y n*t a very pro
fitable uucHivili. " I wc will not pursue
futber the 'faln ofthought it would naiur
ally suggest The fitod of February came
p umptly just at the time it waa expected
by the expectant WaahingtoniMi-, I Liter
ary Society[of College) who e'ehrate the
day by giving an entertainment in the ev
ening. Ihieyegr it waa held in the our I
House. About seven hundred persons
were present including the Frankliaa and
Faculty and man* of the alumni About
-even hundred invitation* were distributed,
inviting on en average two apiece. A* it
aa free, of course nobody had "previous
engagement* and one gentlemen on the
Hilt, of the stingy tort, who would not pay
a dime to any thing of the kind, waa there
before the dour* were open, and when
. turned. atalked with all 111* family of ur
chin* to the ma>l desirable portion of the
house, and gave > till pi hit gratification,
after tha vjerciaes Were over, saying, thai
he would ffothava niiasei it for "teu dol
lar*.'' Of course nut. He It a shoemaker.
The audience Comprised the elite of
Kaslon, and uuite itfi srray of 10-auty and
inte.llgsuice tney display. Ittt an agree
able condition of thing*, at such lime*, te
be a student Xnd have 'a rest t seat for
two'' in a dastrAble plm i- ft)'(no roofti at
leat we found it o W houm lixe te
give yor reajer* a full account of the ex
etcisea, s* lurutshed by your correspondent
to the "Fasten Daily Kxprr**," but we
dare not rncr- ai h on your space. We
Had two orations, a humerons e-sar. a
|Km and a serio cmulc | sper calleJ tba
saltnagundi full ef all tb<r college Willi
cistu, dec., of an enjoyable nature. The.
>opbomore class came in fr their full
•hare of applause It has tba i*mr*l jj
unenviable rcl-ut''"!*'! <■.' ~*•!••■< rgregiottr'
ly pad and- Irimwrigtblc Th<" ei\ im*
lasted about two h<nrra and one half. Ris
*■! * orchestra turniahed the music.
"Wash Hall" It in the ascendancy no# in
numbers and quality. AM the (Voir
county boy* go ••( " Vl*.ill" #uu ntttcnk
except ion 'ipii yd t,\ 51 vcTel some "4 rrtv pees letfctr oT n'.urse
it wa* (lie cutupo*tter's Gulf
S|r Charles W. lilike, M. P., ha. been
mating considerable popular excitement,
in Kngland by addresses on the prevent
co*t of maintaining the ornamental figure
head of a foVa! fau.ilv. Thi* h, estimate*
at five hundred million dollar, a year- -
apparently an enormous .urn, though one;
can imagine how the money gue after
(litpeing ever .hi<
iHr* met *iln Jvuk • lh severtlgh The
• alaric. In the royal household amount to
£ISI,<M> a year. Including a va.t number
of totally u.clc*. offli iai* (laughter)—
Chamberlain*, Controller*. M water* t-.f
Cercmonir*. Mar.haU of the lloUMiliold,
Groom, iu trailing psailgtuca Ushers,
and a few p#Vurfi w hosfpear tb jhrrfthkn
.••r vice*, but who '(.night to ho p*M for
tltoae .ervb-c* a. they perform thftn, anil
nut to be pjaJc pi'fUlaii.w' *.fßvieU eton
great title, of honor— such, for instance. .
the Hist* rlcal Painter to the Uuirlt. Por
trait Painter to the tjuci n and the Lilho
graper in Ordinary. I'nder the Lord
Steward . department, and the depart
ment, and the department of the Ma.ter
•>f the iiouae, we have *uch officer* a* the
Coroner of the llouschoutd. and the
Chi I Kquerry and Clerk Mnr*bl a-nl
vacn-u, uutla* are riqt ot K
very burdi i.somc ur<i riptfuii. (Laughter.)
Nothing I* titute lngujar than the
tuti' nof the medical department. V'>u
would hardly credit the number of tuedi-j
cal gentlemen who are required fur the
•rrvice of the, but 1 am aware
that tonic f them are unpaid. There are.
three Phytician* in Ordinary, three Physi
cian* Kvtraordiiiary, one Pbv tirian of the
llnutehnld. one Surgeon of the Hou.ehold,'
one Surgeon Apothecary, two Chemi*t< of
the )f.tatji*|.inui.( in (i(uin_,j. jn# yv-i
gcon-OcUlwi. ope Surgi-un-T>entt> ona
l)entil in Ordinary, and one other i>hvi
cian—or VI in all [laughter;] while the
Prince of Wale- hat for ni* *pecial,b< neUt
three Honorary Phy*ician*. two Phyi-i
clan* in Ordinary, two Surgeon* in OrdU
nary, one Surgeon Extraordinary (laugh
ter.J one CheiuUl in Ordinary—or 11 more
[loud InughJcr.J utaking *l>.,tur* m oiiaj
tauilly. iLiuighUr ai.d h|vpl4i.e.l f boUIJ
be a till uat afraid of tiring anylx-dy who'
listened to me while I went over the lit of,
•trange office* of which the Hou.ehold U
made up—Lord High Almoner, Suh-Al
inunrr. Hereditary Grand Almoner, Ma
t r of tlie Buckhouml*. Hork itf thof.'h}.k.l
Clerk ol thUli>*l. Eton* in Waiting, and.
lat, but not least, the Hereditary Grand
Falconer, the Duke of St. Albans [laugh-'
tor], who might nerhaiMi, with advantage, I
if he i* to retain hi* salary of X1.5(10 a year,
be created Hereditary Grand Pigeon Shoo
ter in Ordinary. [Loud laughter.) If we
turn te the Ler.l Steward * department, wo
come at once upon a mr*teri*u Board uf!
Green Cloth, a- it b called, at the head of
which are the Lord Slewed, the Treaty
rer, thnOomptrollvrof th Household, ami
the Master "f the Hou.ehold, with a per
fect army of secretaries and clerk*, and
with special secretaries, with special offi.
re* and with special .afarie* each of those,
section* of the department. I Laughter.)
In the kitchen department wo have a chief!
cook and four master cook*, receiving *ala-1
rie* of between £'J.ot4l and X-H,(UO a rear '
between the tire : and a ho*t ol confcde-l
rates, s.une of whom have dulio* that I <
cannot even gues* at —such, for in.lanee,,
as the two "green office" men. [Hoar* of;
laughter.) There are whole department*,:
the duties of which cannot be very copsjd ! 1
erahle, imp wnuld think, or at alt events,
not ouutidumhlu enough to warrai t thoirll
being made into dc|iurtmciit* of the house-!
bold ; for, instance, the c. nfectionary do-!
partment and the ewer department, while,
the duty of table decking employs no le*.
than live pron*— (laughter)-- who have;
a!arir* of between £ol)U and £<10(1 a vcari
in all.
Iter. Mr. Miliar, a Presbyterian clergy
man, of Springfield, Long Inland, ha*
otlurc.l a new cii*allon fur the churches,
lie denounce* tho funaral service aa |>r
niciuua and un*criplural, ay the funeral
discourses are often *a mas* of lie*. and
that dead men'* tneinuriea were lauded to
heaven, when their apirit* weie in the oth
er place.
Cad la ha* a red haired negro. That'*
•ometbirg new, auppoae he he run on the
Grant tickpt for vice-pre* id en V
A Mobile undertaker ha* tbeoorpmof a
child id hi* 'lion, in a inetalic coffin, I)
"ahaw the uperlorlty " of aid metallio
A llelrult wife aold the family cook
•love to pay tho fine and release her hu
band, who had been *ent to jail for brutal
ly beating her.
A Lad}- appeared at a ball in New York
recently in a dreaa of black crane over oilk,
trinmud with flounce* of old Venetian
lace a century old, and worth it* weight
in gold The ornament* were *uperb dia
mond* >et in ailver.
'Die Modem* ell," publiahed twice a
month, i* one of the luoal ciUtiuiyo faa|i
ioh magazine* printed. It furnUhe* more
illu-lralion* of tyl©>, pattern*, fashions,
Ac , than any other fashion magazine in
the woild. Only $8 per year, or monthly
46 cuula. 8. T. Taylor, 8l Canal t # Naw
York. Send for sample.
A Sill Aglnt Civilization.
Ttic Tribune line a letter fr in MI occe
rtatpondenl wltleli It'll* ll * truth
al**tut South Carolina. It *ay* :
W ill.out going Into details. ItU enougl
to -u> lb it lite men who lead and manage
tlo I'.cgi-lature ami the State government
[arc thieves and miscreant*. Tim great
Imdy of the Legislature are the Ignorant
and coirupt Instrument* with which the
leader* work, and though tlo* individual
coinposing thi* ma** are bought ami uld
like i aill* in llm market, their venality in
•nine I*>> I* revealed of murh of it* crilll
Inality by rtusvn of the drtiai neaa of their
ighornioc. Numbers uf (he blacks who
occupy >cat* in the 1-egialuture regard
themselves utllv in the light of employees
of the government. Their pay t* s'■ a day
the session and sfsocial pay for their
separata vote* on every measure in which
there is money. These vote* are bought
and sold without aven a pretence of hiding
the d , villous transaction. The negro him
salf l- hardly conscious of criminality,
while he makes hi* bargain. He owns hi*
mule. He sella it He owns hia chicken.
He -ell* 1.. He considers lua vote Just as
much a |>arl of hi* personal prwperty as his
mula and his chicken Why shuuld he
m*t sell it also 1 He (iocs sell 11, and he
uaivrly women that anybody should
Nothing could be uiure exactly true than
tbsae statement*. Tha piaaaut Stale gov
ernment uf South Carolina it organised
brigandage. The 1-egUlature which holds
the pr |*erty of every man in tha State iu
it* power la made up almost exclusively of
the degraded and venal pauper* mentioned
abov#. Sot on representative in ten
stands lor a (ax-payitig in property-hold
ing constituency. The bulk ofthejurie*
are black, and if any negro be so atrocious
ly guilty that even such a jury must n
viet bim, the vile adventurer who style*
himself Governor ia swift ta use the |o*r
doniiig I sower. The idsi ha* been sedu
lously inculcated among the nagroea by
designing scoundrel* that there is no mor
al guilt in a negro stealing from a while
man—that all the white rpau ha* is tha pro
duct of the negro t unrewarded toil, and to
abtract anything from the while man i*
not theft, literature, but lawful recaption,
and a coming in of the negro, on tbe first
principle* of nature, into hi* own.
Tur Evan*cae has taken a naw phase. Mr.
Wallace having introduced a bill in tbe
Stale Senate, directing the Stale Trcasuicr
to demand of the United Stales Govern
ment the motile* which, It i* alleged, wa*
unlawfully paid to him, This will give
Fvan* over to tbe United State* Govern
ment. and in the event of it being correct
that he wa* not lawfully entitled te re
ceive the money, be will not escape the
prosecution that will b instituted by flee
ing to New York.
S^uisx.u tx isoot Woaf A rvpori of
Sabbath tvbovd pork d,ne by Rev. R
Urittendon, S. 8 missionary, in Ventral
Pennsylvania, show* that dufir g the past
[seven years pd eight uionibs, in addition
to censidcrablv bible and tcxnperanpa
work, he ha* |'jf uv fcuhda)
school; In l.ualitio* teal were destitute, at
least nipe-tcth* of these have been sue
cesaful. Mauyuf these have been follow
ed by regular preaching, and several have
groan into churches, having settled pas
ter* ll< ha* addressed and aided 71V oth
er schools visited SI3W families, dcllvrrtsl
1166 addresses and sermon*, and travelled
1914U miles. In connection with t,|* {jpv-,
day school work r jutnbalid 140
|V vpo>* of tw ripturc,' and given away
I through The Amr rican" Sunday School
I UeiOM, to fceb!e *cboota, and needy per
i sons b<K ks, paper* and trae**' -emed at
f 11UU.57 -snv-v.wrw
lUimoitiT.-Wt h# re-
I reived from the pub)taker*. Ith and I*l
: tirand Stri et, a ceu; of Wvisiter's Puck
'it P let (unary, wkh-b U• I real improve
ment over all prrviou* edition* and alt
'similar works. In Ike *rt place to I*
neatly printed, and hound in moracc* 1 ,
* ith gilt edge*. Then it ouniaina MJU pl.'-
torial illustrations, whlrk give a much
c learer idea of the meaning of many word*
'than could puaiskly be conveyed by the
utual definition The little vofuuin. while
! being no larger than an Vlc'reW
' .1, fu.Liev* trr lU'ftnwboMrry a care"
. fill (VllrtifV if ur maOrtf the 11)1 at im
portant wor.i* of th language, with dcß
, anion* .efficiently clear, though nacres*-
; arily brief, to meet the ordinary want* of
any one requiring it* ue. Prefixed to the
jwork are tabic of money, vraEbji end
measure, sbbreriaUoaS. wvfri-xn? phnt V
ituffi A f.Mgl" nm£U*ge>s. i%Tel fof 1 pelting
ekiHacirtlotJ'. ctf. hi in fact a mUt va"'
ugnlc little Wk, and • doubly worth the
dollar II Q**l*, The Publishers, lvison.
iliakcuiau, Taj lor k Co., ISr A I*l Grand
rttrcet, New 1 ork, will forward it by mail
n receipt caf Ox a IkiLUt, or it can be
bought at almost any book iture.
A i; AK D.
At the request of friend* and patron*, I
dosirc to ay In thi* public wuhafv
tU[ i .Lll- fv'ttiaht at- 'Ctbtrc 11*11,1
to teach till J una. The Director*
have tendered me tiir
public *c hol room* for the ue of the utu
rner urui which will begic the fir*l or sec
i>nd Monday in April.
Tbewhool will hv decided intotwepart*:
rritnary and select. A competent teach
er will bv .elected to lake charge of the
Tuition, board Ac., will be made known
indue *ea*on. J. L. SPANGLFH
April rurl"-snuid Juror*
Philipsburg—John Ilanick
Walker -llenrr Beck. K Markle
itenncr—Geo Dale, H L Harvey
Hogg.- -S Fletcher, A FeUcr
Ku.h— ltokl Steven*, Peter Siegfried
Spring— J cm Stewart
Billcfohte—o M CafTcrty, Simon Har-
i I'nion—Attn II Smith
Worth—W V Iterkwith
Gregg-s G Herring. Jacob
Puttpf Juu If *i rtpan
i Liberty ~Jn> Buckly
Hurnside -(I I' Zimmerman
Howard— K Glenn, J W Hall
Miles—Saut'l Gratuly
Traverse Juron—4th Monday, 22nd
Philipsburg—ll June*
Haines-Sam'l BurraU, Geo Blight,
Thus Mots, J H WqUo
Id ilushurg—W lU Uaird, M Irwin, Wm
ii Adams
Tattoo—John Hicks, U Baiter, Jonas
Howard —B F Hotter, Mich (.loafer
Gregg—John Kishel, David Berg**, Jno
Grove, Joseph Smith
Bellefvnle—John Heifer, S A Bell, Geo
A Bayard, A Mullen, John Meese, C Fry
berger, Wm K Adam-, 1 Mitchell
Benner—Geo Johnstonbach, A Uarbrick
Hurnside—Geo Viodoffer, J K Beck
Huston—Tllo* Parson*
Worth—J G June*
Spring —A Stimfiirt, J M Swartx, J*M
Furey, A Miller
Potter—Peter Keller, I) Fleisher, Geo
Miles— H Fidler
Halfmoon—T M Way
Liberty—D Bitner, J Debaas
Marion—Jno Holme*
Curtio—Jno Dehaa*
Harris—Wm Lytle
Snowhov —J A Wolf
Pern—Chr Alexander
VH't k *-luth April.
Snowshoe —J Gun*alua
Potter—A Koch, Joseph Uilliland, IC |
Ferguson—.W Garner, SGass, P Keich
.eln, J Gate*
Liberty—L Kvcrbart
Rush— J White, W AakyTJ Balchelor
liainea-G B Stover
Ilarria—Jne Meyer S Gardner
Philip*burg—A Athcrtop A J Graham
BeUelontp- Hp Verger p J Cook
1 j'enn- a Ard
Taylor—T Dougherty 8 Worner
i Spring J L Hookey
, ltcnner —W* ni Tibbena
Mileaburg— J B Thomaa O Ay era
Bogg*—John Curry Win Smith 8
CharTe. M II Mackey F M Coy-
Mile*—S K Fouat Junath liraiu -r
Gregg—S llarter
Unionville—Jno Bing.
Settle Up!
STKKN BKIIG ha* sold out hi* Drygoodl
and Clothing Store, at BfUe'fmtt*.
All accounts uiunt be settled up im
mediately, to save coata. All accounts
Dot sett led up within a retiaouabUt
time, will be placed into the bauds
a Justio# fur collection. 15(jantf 1
The annual meeting of the stockholders
ufthe Pennsylvania railroad, wee held in
Philadelphia, on Tuesday last. From tti
rvjHTi i| the dlrrrli>n ll ip|>rtri that the
total earnings of tha road, and lu branches
tor the* year I*ll, wee the
expense* were ft I. H!H,438,44, lairing *at
catelngafd.KNldlM.ul. TliU show* an in
rrwM of more than a million dollar* over
ilt. earn lac* of Ilia yaar previous.
Til# total number of passenger* car rind
•to Idctri.taCi, the average distance travel
ed being )12J ittile*.
Tlir number o| u>i • of freight tuovad
upon tlii* line during the year area>,*
ltd again*! I.til l.>" in 1870. and I *4* 041
■ n iwi'.t •ho wing a (teddy annual increase
of iraffit-
The line* of road now managed by the
Pennylvt*itla t-ompany amount In the ag
grealc teS.'Jit mile*.
Ijtiullniduiid Truant
The following bill be* passed both
I lloiue* and gone to the Governor :
! Alt Act in rrlalioti to landlord and ten
ant proceeding*, umlar the act of Decem
ber II Ite a
Skctiom I. IU if • •tU4, That from and
aftsir the passage of this act it bail not b
lawful to commence or to prosecute any
proceeding* to obtain possession uf any
laud* or tenement* under tbe provisions
of the act of lh* General Assembly, rmi
lled. ''An act relative to landlord* and ten
ants," approved December 14lh, IMS, un
to** such proceedings shall be founded
upon a written lease, or contract in writing,
or by a parole agreement, in and by wbiea
the relation of the landlord and tenant is
established between the parties, and acer
tain rent is therein reserved
The Legislature hat panned a bill grant
ing a ite for the public ground* fur a
monument to tbe fuuuder of the public
school system of the Htete. The not does
not state to who** memory the monument
is to be erected, but tbe Harrisburg Patri
ot supplies tbe omission by statiiig that
the honor properly belong* to George
Woli, who wa> Governor of the Ktate from
HUP to IKtS and in one of Ms annual mee
sage* wa* the firvtto recommend tba prwa
lent school system.
NgcriOX 1. Be it macteJ, rtr., That the
coinriilsilnner* of public building* #nd
ground* arc hereby authoriMd and re
■luired to select and appropriate a suitable
piece uf ground, in the public grounds of
I the State Capitol, for a sits for a mon
ument to lie reeled by tba Pennsylvania
State teachers association, or other per
sons acting tharewitb, te tba memory of
the chief founders and moat distinguished
promoters of the common school system of
' Approved 271h February, 1872.
The following hns also become a law :
That from and after the |>aage of thb
art, the sevrral court* of common plea. of
this commonwealth shall have power and
authority to grant charter* of in corpora
lion* to water companies and fat oompe
nie ; and when *a>d c 'tupviiiv* ar so cor
porated Vhay shall have all the right*,
powers and privilege., and be subject to
all the restriction* and provUiou* of the
general law regulating re* and water com
|iania, approved March 11th. ltt&7 and
the several supplement* thereto ; and the
aaid oourt aha!l aUo have powvr aad au
thority to grant charti H of Httmrporation
tu Mfii'lir* 'it association* for tne protec
tion ofMrda, |*h and game, and to mark
et uowpauie*. and town hall and mark#
Water Ballad.
"Come hither, gently rowing,
Come, bear me ijuichlv o'er
This stream to brightly flowing,
Te yonder woodbuid shore.
But vain were my endeavor-
To pay thee gUM4 ,
fin" ' tv a 'oft, ever
| i'fi fixv# (Bee by my tide.
"Good boatmen, prithee be*t thea,
1 seek tav 'stbcrieud V
' Pay. *Wl.h I lhf-g kave'piaccd that.
Dgft I iky hand V'
I 'XA uiaidena k al Can never
| .So hard a point decide j
, Row on. row on, for ever
| 'l'd have theft by n\y side,'*
I Tim happy bridal over,
Tbe wanderer ceased te roam.
For, rated by her lover,
The boat b -came bar home ;
And still they sang together.
A* steering o'er the tide.
"Row on through wind and weather,
For ever by my tide "—A. f rWcrtdye.
I'rum Tu X At-UlXfi^ir
P*r*, Mm* 11.—A dispatch has just
been received her* from Pisa. Italy, an
nouncing the death of Joseph Maaiani,
the well kuuwn Italian republican.
Grand Opening
where he h opened with a Terr Urge
stock of the latest styles hfc,fV And
common ' '*
jailor. 14iautber and Kitchen Furni
qf alt kinds,
I AII kinds of repairing done with tent
nee* and dispatch baring four guud work
men at the bench. I am prepared to do
all kind* uf custom work, iaa or common
Thankful Sot past favors, I hope by strict
atUuiuoa to busineee you and everybody
else will show smiling faces at my new
ware roeni*.
Reliance Wringer,
Have had unusual opportunities of ascer
taining precisely what is wanted, and
of producing a perfect machine.
They have brought out an en
tirely Naw Waixoaa,
which they call the
Now 1871. Perfect
L./ |
It Wring* Faster Thau by Hand.
We consider the Providence superior to
all other*, for the following reasoaa i
Dt. The ROLLERS, of large sia* and
boat quality of White Rubber, are all so
cureq to their Shalt* in the moat perma
nent manner, the Moulten Process, mak
ing tho beat roller in the world.
NAL CASINGS prevent any wear upon
the Journal*.
[The wooden Journal* in which tho iron
shafts of other machine* run, soon wear,
and the efficiency of the Wringer is hero
by greatly reduced.!
used on this Wringer give the utmost eaae
and vtcadine** in working, while the doub
le stop prevent* them from bottoming or
being thrown out of gear. We furnish
either single or double gear Providence,
a* desired.
CLAMP readily adjusts this Machine to
tuba of any aiae or thick new, making a
perfect fastening. No woeden peg* or
rubber strati* on this Clamp.
BEAUTY, are combined in tbia Machine,
with all the requisite* ofa flrstclaas Wring-
Providence R. I.
'a Wfcrren Street. Naw York.
The ut>der#igtied iifflr *i private
••I* i lw i ury dwelling li>him and
.Lot. on ' ain (Vntrc 11. 11
> with *| all mewwr; outbuilding*
' and choice fruit mi lb. prriAlu*, and \
• tar In tin-yar.i The hu L a* good a*
r naw. Kur luiher parteeular* to
II f>. II^DAN.
1 Centre Hall
:| Wooden Pumps,
The undersigned would reanectfully call
• the aUanliou ufthr ritiaen* oft Jenlre county,
and Penn*vallcy in particular, to tba fact
that ha ia manufacturing
y>]£ mvr pump,
. iiiad at homo or eLewbere. Ha uaaa none
1 but the b> at material, UKWAaaaa-ra tmkw
1 to giva *ali•faction, at baing tba moat iaat
' lag and durable. aurtuina to thk olp
' wooden pump, being arranged to let the
' water off and prevent IreeaTag in winter
Pine, tuplar or cucumber pump* at way*
on band. Hi* matirial tor pumpa U alt
| tawed from largo timber, and arw tbu*
Secured agaiuat Checking or Cracking.
All order* hv mail promptly Iliad.
PIPING, made of tba baat material, of
five inch acatilling, jeined together
coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and
wat ranted to .land any praatur* re<|utred
for ordinary u*e. Prtoaa of pitdng range
from II to 18 cent* per fool. Send order* to
- Mlfaebutg, fb
COAL— - Wilkecburr* Coal, Cbcwtuut
St-'**. Erg. furuareaud foundry.
Coal—of b.ut quality, at tba low
e*t price* CuoUmier* will plant#
nou that our eoul ia bouaad un
dor oommodiou* *buda.
LIME— Wood or coal-burnt Lime, toraule
at our kllua, ou the pike leading to
Mile* burg.
POWDER.—Having received tkcaguacy
for Du Punt'a Powder AT
WHOLESALE, wa aknll U
pleated to receive order*from
the trede,
Ollkee and yard near couth and of Bald:
Eagle Valley K K Depot, BeUafoata, Pa
dealer* in
alo all the
A very large **,
•ortmettt uf Tut
trr Aaruiea,
F* MOT Boud*
Soap*, Ac , Ac.,
The la eat qual
ity of B Ax o a
'Till, PflCKlto
K * t v aa, Sci*ona*
and Ruou.
Wall Parte ix
UaxAT VaniXTT.
PRRSCRIPTIONS, compounded by com!
patent druggictt at all bourt, day or pight.
Night cuctomer* pu 1 nteht hell.
ahhopSt., Bellefonie P*.
ttlt I
Great Destruction
of high prices!
n ii!
■Oh-at the Old Sundew
at Centre Hall.
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes.
also a large stock of.
FISH, the best,ail kinds,
tbe best and cheapest in the market.
apr7l WM. WOLF.
CAUTION.— Notice is hereby given,
that all the personal and moveable
property, belonging to George B. Harpater,
of Centre Hall was, on the 12th of Febru
ary, 1872, purchased by the undersigned,
at sheriff 1 s sale, namely, all blacksmith
toois, machinery, woodwork, flnished and
unfinished vehicles, Ac., belonging to the
several shops heretofore occupied ny said
Geo. B. Harpater, together with the horsee,
harness, and all the household and kitchen
ftirniture of the same. The same will be
lett in the possession of said Geo. B. Harp
ater, at the pleasure of the undersigned,
and ali persons are hereby oautioned
against medling with the said property in
any maner whatever.
The public are hereby notified that the
blacksmithing and coachniaking hereto
fore carried on at Centre Hall I y Geo. B
Harpoter, will he continued at the old
staoa by the undersigned All contract'
for work, in said shops must be made with
the undersigned a F. HEBLACHBR, GEO. DUBST.
. , ■ ' . tf- P'. at,
A new and complete Hardware Store hat
hrea opened by tb* underrigned ia Brock
i-rholT• naw building -where they are pre
pared pi aell all kind# of Uuildiag and Hnun
Vuniubing Hard aca re. Iron, Htv.l. Mail*.
itugßy wheel* ia eetta. Champion Clothe*
Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Han*
! Saw*. Tcnnon Haw*, Webb Saw*, IceCrean
Sreexer*, Hath Tub*, Clothe* Hack*. a fill.
a*anrtmeat of G!a* and Mirror Plate of el
•i*e*. Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrow*
Lamp*. Coal Gil Lamp*, Belting, Spoke*
Felloe*,and Hub*. Plow*, Cultivator.. Cor
Plow*. Plow Pdila, Shear Mold Beard a
and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery. Kb or •
el, Spade* and Fork*. L-c-k*. Ihtiy..
Screw*. Saab Spring*. Ifome-Sboea, Naff*,
Mor way Rod*, (ill#. Lard, Lubricating.
Coal, Unwed. Tanner*. Anvil*. Vice*. Bel
low*, Screw Plate*, Blackfmitb* Tool*,
Satory Bell*, Houee Bella. Diauhr Bell*,
Gong Ball*, Ten Bell*, Grindatonea, Car pen
ler Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Can*, Paint*. Oil*,
VamUbo* received and for *ale at
luneft'tUUy. J. A J. HARRIS
Furniture Rooms!
J.U. DklN 15UKR,
i*poctiuil> inform* tba ritoten* ol
county, that bo ka*con#taatty op ban an .
make* to order, ell kind* at ,
Home MAVB C*i* Alwat# an **
Hltttock ofrrady-mnd# Furniture 1* let *
and warranted or go- d workmanthipaMe .*
all made und.-r hi* own immediateap*r* .
lion,and U - tfered at rateen* cheap *••-
where. Thankful for peat favor*, he aoi •
j it* a continuance of the asm*. m
Cell and •** hi**Uck before >A rrker i
I eUawkar*. _niMRMIIs.
1 rw. m. blaik, ;Wr fftltiß*
Attorney* at Leaf. Bellefeut..
(Hlc t,on the Diamond, miT deer to Gar
man'* hotel. Cenmhatkma ta Genua* or
Kngl k. fokM'Bßtf
JOHN F. POTtiR, Attorney at Leer.
Collection* promptly made and apeclw
attention given to Use*# having land* •
property for tela. Will drew up eed keva
acknowledged Deed* Mortgage*. Ac. tH
lee ia the diamond, north Ado of Ike
court houa. Bellefonie ocUSf BP>f
MgVKT IMTftUOir, I*ll*l* 1.
Prmidvnt, Ce' - > e r
J Miiiiken. 4 o.J
And Allow U|r <M(<
Diacowat V i-tea,. • t
I „ Bey aufeW
J Gorr a meat Hecuritie*. Gold and
I'pwrwtf Coupee*.
j T AS. R M ANUS, Attorney a* Lew
! O Bellefonie, promptly attend* to nil he
inee* entnwted to kirn Jult.6Btf
|ft F. FOKTNKY. Attorney at Law
I_7 • Bellefonie, Pa. Office ever Bey
' ' -d - l-ai.i. n,j 1* <Jm.l
u. V. M alluyx*. rewga A. age van
Bellefbnte, Centre Co., Peaa'a. ipttif
TRAC. MITCHELL. Attorney at Law
jl Bellefento, Pa. Office in German,*
i new building eppoaite the Cwart Booa#^
Mew en (Ac Aimmmm.
G. H. Gutellut,
Bi*mi And Itrbaakal lUtttki
who i* p<-rmanently located in /.nreerburr
in the oflc* formerly occupied hi Dr. *•/.
and who ha* been pr*ctl£ng Vkb eatir*
•occeaa—having the eipnriomm of a number
sif PT"*hA* ho would cord*
ally invwl all who have aa yet >at giver
him e onll.todotn, gad teat the trmkfuiaeet
of thi# ameitiua, ttfTyedh estttMad
without Pain _ •^may33ftt(tf
111 ■ ■ I —TTiiei ■■■ ■ j* I I a
jh, rwu. c. r. *iuia*f
Aitoraey*-*t~law. office iaConrad H<*uv
Bollofoate, Pa.
j..:p. gkphart,
wtlk Orvi* A Alexander, ettti.d* to eol.e.
tiona and practice in the Orphan** Court.
BOOTS large atoefc. all ctylea, tiaea and
price*, for men and boy*, luat nrSv r#
it Wolf well know* old Stand.
between Market and Arch, formerly MM.
Carpet*. Oil Cloth*, Oil Shade*. Wick
Yam, Cotton Yarn*, Carpet Chain*, Gram
Bag*. Window Paper, Batting, Ac. Aim*,
Brmhe*. Locking Glaatea, Ac. decU-ly
Chaff." H. Hffld.
Cleck, Watchnaaker At Jewel* ,
Millbeia, Centre eo., Penan.
RmtmctAilly inAmn* hi* friend* and Ms *
public in general, that he ha* jeet onenevi
at hi* new *ub!thuient, above Alexei,
dar* Store, and keep* eonvtaatly on kaaa
all kind* of Ctoaka, Watrlw ta* Jewel* •
of the lateet ctylea, en eUo tk - Mermnvitu
Patent CaU-nJcr Clock*, provided with *
cotupiete index of the month, and day w*
tk* month and week on it* fore, which it
warranted aa a perfect time-keeper.
Mm. Clock t, Wat ohm end Jewelry •*
paired on chart notice ana warranted
lepirci ;ly
\f ILLKB'B HOTEL, Woodward, Pa
xvJL* Stage* arrive and depart dally.
1 buTavorite hotel i* now la every re pert
one of the i*wt pleasant country Mte ia
central Peaatylvaain. The traveling com
iuunitywrili nlwajrt lad the heat
dation. Drover* can at all time* be accom-.
modnted with (table* and pactum for auy,-
n umber of cattle or hone*.
JulyS 68tf GEO. MILLER.
• rmoxiT, vivaor aa, Beliefoate.
The subscriber respectfully calk tbe at
tention of the public to hi* establish m it,
wkar* be k arepated to furuiih all kiadsof
For*tan ana Domestic Lieuor*' wholesale
at the lowest cask prices, whkk are warran
xl to be tbe beet qualities according to
their respective {rices. Hie dock comuvi
of Rye, Monuugafaela, Irieb and other
WhLkie*. all kinds of Bread tee, Holland
Oia, Port, Mederia. Cherry, Black terr*
end other Wines— the beat article*—at ae
reaiouable rate* ae can be had ill the city,
Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Ginger
and Carraway Brandies, Pur* J atnaica an d
New England Bum, Cordial of all kinds.
He would particularly invite Farmer*, Ho
tel keeper* and others to call and examine
hk large supply, to Judge for themaelvea
and be certain of procuring what they buy,
which can seldom be don* when parches
ng in the city.
jtt'Physician* are respectfully requested
o give his liquors a trial. aplO
To be had at Herlacher A Cromitler'a
A lot of good new Furniture on hand,
such as one Bureau, Wash
stands, Ac.
A sp'endid lot of Buckskin Glove*,
driving Gloves, drees Gloves.
Tan lard.
The undersigned would respectfully in-
? m . * • of Centre county, that
the above Tan Tard will again be put in
Bill operation, in all its branches, by them.
T'ae highest market price will be pain
for Hides of all kinda The highest Mar
ket prico will also be paid for Tanner's
Bark. Tbe public patronage is solicited
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Chepast,
purest, best.
On Allegheny Street.
Coflee,Ten, Sugar,Syrup,Dried Fruit,
v anned Fruit, Hum, Dried Beef,
Suit, Pickles, Batter, Flour,
Corn Men), Buck went Flour,