The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 01, 1872, Image 4

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    " mmm m 1 lr
A Valentine.
I/rca, it it winter ?
How cm I tall,
While thou act n*r roe.
Weaving thy spall T t 1 It tl
iw * Mar-time an flowery tod tweet,
Never wu June to with Music complete,
Sever did snmmwr to linger *§fln>t*T, 1
At now on this bleeaod Saint Valentine"! Dev.
Onee—www it summer * —
How <vM I tell,
Never was autumn to withered and sere,
Never M winter to ernel tnd drewr,
Never wu night-time to gloomy and gray,
As tht morning n June when my hope
away. iiT< -mill I
Winter* tnd tummert
Mty come and may go ;
Soow' >1 rifle may deepen
And roee<. tnay glow ;
Rivers mav <>b in their prison at ice ;
Brooklets with •parkfoand eS may esJpcvs;
Oaisiea may sraiigV the flsid e thgv w ift. I
Or the heart of the rear maf be silent atMehifl :
My winter ftw ever fa driven away.
Ami summer it is on thia Valentin*"* Day 1
Farm, Harden and Htitektld.
Thk Cost or Diursrso. —" O. W,"
vranta iruformatron about the coat of
undrrdraining. Draining by roewua of
tile*, put four foot beneath tho sur/ao*
nod (<>rty feet apart, trill coat from £36
to SSO per acre. The ditches will coat,
50 cents tier rod or lea, aecomhtig tetk*
nature or ground, the tilca, 'JO ecnta ) - i
rod, including the laying, and tilling tl>
ditcht * 10 coute, in all 80 cent*.
C ABjuoa-IiorJUL —A * * Suhsertlier, **
Snceasnnna, X Y., haa had nearly all his
turuipa destroyed by Hee, which oonsnw-1
eil the leaves. How ahtul he dgatrqy theiu ?
dissolved, one part, tud dry ait aWttd
lime threw jvirls; mix together and
sprinkle on the lcavea, while wet with
dew. Where they *M *4rf tawtneroa* on
a leaf, it is bettor tp return it aud dea
troy them by burning.
Cms or Fuxttuwot.—A writer in
the VoA imic. in treating of the
not unimportant subjwot of flatulency,
aays that of this Mfi*a a I#q Vi
In health the stofnflAt lua
always contain a moderate <jAotftr fjf<
gas that is nearlv pare Thrs
appear* to be secreted by tuo wucoy*
miubnuie of the stomach end iuteothew,
aud, in excessive uu eut, is one of the
most troublesome kind* of flatulence.
The other kind arisen front (efuKSttstion
or put re fact ire chance of the food, and
eo:j tains carbonic acid, and sometime* sul
phurated hydrogen, a* veil * nitrogen.
Both these "forms of flatulence are best
treated by using pure veutdablc etoirvyai
finely powdered—taletftnflieMirff nrer
with each meal, and in the second a*
soon as the symptom* apuear. The dose
may be a te.w£oui fulfill nJpnil.j
be continue! for ionse tflne. Tliw wifl
usually correct constipation as well a*
looseness of the bowels, boaide relieving
the disease itself.
FATTEXINO POVLTKT.—Corn is in this
country the obvious proper feed for fat
tening fowls. It makeS flesh of flrir
quality. Oatmeal give* a better flavor
but less fat. Cow should predominate,
and be fed for the mot part ground,
because more can he digested than when
it must all be minced by a slaw pro -ens
in the gizzard. The latter is a perfect
mill, but if employed too much the mtis
rular exertion of working it taken some
thing from the rate of fattening. The
com-meal should, for a few days, b* cooked, but the mass will
soon pall upon the appetite, and then
the may be merely scalded and An
ally fed raw, since fowls Eke it the beat
and tbev slxmld be induced to eat as
much a* possible. They ahu like va
riety; give as oeemoouai iced o# boek
wheateorn, and wheat whole, and oats,
which last should be ground and screened,
so as to remove all the Larger fragment*
of the hull*. Boded potatoes and fresh
cooked meat shouldbe allowed sparingly,
and every other day s little pgyenne and
s.ot must be added to the doagh. Feed
adnlt poultry, for fattening, three times
a day and chickens four. . It is especial
ly necessary, when the days are short, to
give the first food at the appearance of
light, and the last as lata as possible.
.After they have-eaten to satiety, alwars
remove whfil it left. Feed at jstatel
boar*, and always keep the feeding
titragh clean and sweet. It is best to con
fine grown fowls in rat her mall as
exercise prevents fattening. If, however,
individual* acquainted with each other are
together, there is no gain in clotte quar
ters. lor they become uneasy ; sod also
half-growti chickens ought net to beoknt
np, but rather induced to eat much
that they will roam as little as iw-.-übJe,
for if taken from their ooeust ip* d ran
they are apt to worry OPttlaptly. Sh'
out ligut from the coop, excepting at
feeding time, to promote qmelness.
There should be no perches. Cover the
floor with dried earth, often renewed.
Paris Fashion*.
The drees walking suits most in vogue,
just now, and which are seen every where
and are worn by every one, are mod* of
ae laiue—an inexpensive material, grace
fully draped and trimmed, and even
embroidered with acwtoche, color tm
color. These suite ara always composed
of a skirt more o* leas tnouced, an own
•Irirt nf tVia- fimo to o tM.l
skirt of the same material, or one har
monizing therewith, macb longer bel>ind
than in front, almost as long, in fact, as
the skirt, and looped Terr high on the
hip, a vest basque, and a small doable
talma, or mantle with cape, either of de
laine or of black, bluiah-grav, or bottle
green cloth.
Lingerie caay be divided into two ilia- 1
tinct classes ; that for morning, and
for evening. The first uof plain linen ,
the second is of muslin etnhnndered and
trimmed with lace, bias folds of crepo de'
chine, and moss fringe either of the!
same or a contrasting color. For even-1
tng lingerie there are flowing sleeves,
and chemisettes with plastrons ; or, in-1
stead of chemisettes, crepe de chine
fichus trimmed with white lace are won.
Handkerchiefs are verv small, and i niml-1
ed for the most part at the corners-'
those for evening are trimmed with
open-work embroidery aud wide lace.
Notwithstanding this elegance, the hand
kerchief i* not longer an object oPvlis-'
play; it is not carried in the hand but
is left in the pocket c Tjlr V J
CiLrroKiiu oAheae
herdsmen, says a writer, was seated Cook
ing bis little embers<>f W-,n ia*{ryinty<
Can. over a bed of coals; while his shep
erd-dog and two or three sheep loafed
on with a good appetite or wondering t
eyes. These herdsmen have strength an d I
health in abandonee. Ther speak to
their sheep words ofkindnesn- While their'
sheep hear them, know the Sound of their 1
voices, understand the meaning dfiheirt
words, and look upon all these herdsmen
as very proper guides. Where the sheep
are, there you will find the men. AllJ
the season do these herdsmen stay with
their flocks, guarding them by night and
day. Not that obe man does all this'
work uninterruptedly and alone, but!
each does his share. When tired, he
rests, and another takes bta place. So
the sheep are never left without wmf i
one to defend them from wolves or socfa*
enemies as travel around this or other I
countries, looking for a chance to live 1
without work, not caring what they steal''
only so it will support life. . n
COLLISION AT SEA. —The sfepmahip
Colorado, which sailed from Liverpool
for New York, .when just outside the
Mersey, was run into with grant violence
by the steamer Arabian, inward boand.
The Colorado received severe damages,
and was run ashore to prevent her sink
ing in seep water with ajl on board.
The Arabian, which was comparatively
; uninjcnd, reaoured all tike passengers,
\of the Colorado, except five steerage
Vasscugere, who, it is supposed, pimped
Vrerboaid in the panic which followed
jbe 6hock of the coHtrfrm,-and WPrelost.
T\e passengers were Ijftmght back to
Liverpool. where they, will be .trans
feral to another steamer. The Color
ado grounded off Crosby, at the mouth
of the Mersey, where she lies full oi
water. it
- • ' **■ ■.l j.. I ft iV* I /.
Disceruine child (who baa beard some'
Child— ■•''Well, t one of those
boys who can only be managed by kind
ness, so yon had better get some sponge
cake and oranges at onoe!"
7? " * * }
Item* of Inn+eat.
Got. Bam. of Florida, has been im- j
Tnjt 2,000 troopa naked for by Captain
General Vflluiaacda, have soiled from
(hnlii tvfhiliA.
Thk famous Mariposa estate was sold (
E sßoo,oo#, to tlie Mstriposa ljtnd nnd
ting Ocipnny.
Mn. Mkvkh has been appointed Con
sul for the North-German Confederation
|t Philadelphia.
'flnwt-fwo citircna of Los Angeles,
indicteil for murder in the anti-Clnnese
| riots, have pleaded not guilty,
i J KrrncY CtTTßth of Chicago. the
, murderer of James Tow use nd, has Ikku
!<Aitcio<iT to imprisonment for life.
inondr. w. Walkm. *W aeuUuiocdat
EtausvfUe, Imla u> fourteen year*' im-
for attempting twjie last
Tan W1 to |mt the Missouri lhate
bond* in currency passed tho JUBMuhly
r j over thai Oovnrnor'a veto by a vole of 71
i. It is reported from Hayti that an in
-11 anrTeetiou is expected to hreak out in
~ that thrifty COtVHftry us noou as the coffee
11 i* harvested
IM* aotiou of the Supreme Court, in
ifmnOog * 4icw trial to Mrs. Fair, is
nevtevfy oonmiviitod on by the Pre**and
j IHr of Calif or uia.
Tt has been judicially decided tu Eug
' land, that a married woman living ajiart
j (com her husband is entitled to vote at
Um utnuieipal elections. • - j
w"l child at Savannah reccifluM Kicia
l UiWr aha chin iu a fall, which contiuued
to bfead in apite of cverv remedy, cans-
Gcx. Axukkson's remains were
bnaigbt to New York. They were de
posited in a reeeiving-tpmU imp; thi
vault at West Point was readjr tm ik-cMve
owl ufoaatfaefnrer or palm -icni hats in the
■ iu that city, aged sixty-
* i nine. : ,
the f his fatberrei-law. John l".
M CUrkq, to * #3,TM> check, was sentenced
j 'at Boston jr-ars iu the &ate
t,), ALTKKJ'
it 'flist.nftor * theological soatrovermy with
J , hi* wife, who is a Catholic, Wat 'her so
L#VERELT with a brick, THAT her iifv i*
s J spaired oi. •'
e Tax two Grafton. Mass., bank-rob
I I?# RSI were found wiv sttn;
■ tßnsarChtflM' 'ummo to fourteen
* years, and Daniel Docker* y to tlurtstn
S, j|>* in-State prison.
THE body of a yaang MM named Engel
S was found -in CUE of the tap SHITE of the <
. 1 Eagle Ofl Works, in Cleveland. It is
R; BET tewed that he entered UM still toclvsu
r the tube, and bv the gas.
*I, Apvu NS from the Cape of Good Hope
, REPRESENT that the colony ia crowded
) with strati rare ; that murdcim and rabber
* ire arw of daily ooenrreneo ; ami that the j
whose patience war ex HAW ted.
- fbava lidum the law Into their own hand*.;
'land are summary justice cn '
* i oflendcrs. . , V'
J'* TPK troops who wore sent after TIN
' | Apaches who captured two stages near
'iTuscon, Ariaeaa, and ROORDERED the
" I drivers and passengers, found the MAILS
■ cat up and deetroTfd. THE TROQPX bvirnsl
the dead bodies of those who were mur
dered. THEY were unable to OVERTAKE:
5F QM savages. N M v |
' * THU tiau to ugh -who, in aft of rage
| mused ty drink and jealousy, brutally
L 'SLABBED and killed his wife at Richmond,
Ky. , WIL lynohed. A number of masked !
J . men treat to {HP lail, overpowered the J
[ Sheriff, UOOK the leys from Lim, and I
,' marched oui THE inurOerer to a tree,
upon which they hanged him.
J Tax Prr**t. of Vienna, Austria. in an
; article upon the claim* of America be
. fore the arbitrator* at Genera, say*
~ Enaland has probably learned that th>-
| iotKfif n of the Board will bo twfavor-.
. able to tli* TEADTIKL IF j nat/ii dnr-t
. | tng the civirwar in .fnfenca. anfl
S the consequences of her course tow ard-*
, the United Rtates.
" THE New Orleans jewtnals tnC* tlmt
- in that city there are ix cateblisknunte, i
> wixli an aggregate capital of fSI.SUA.bOU.
Mwngageil in the manufacture of oil and
Ij oi cake from'cotton seed—the product
if one hundred thousand tons per '
T ia whipped to tlio'pkiututaan far FEEDING .
; c *^ p - , i
Bisterioas Harder Conft v-iun.
.] i The Erio l>*pat -k states that one John
Q'Oqnuor, recently hung in Buflalo for •
!a roqnh-r perpetrated there, CONFESSED to '
! atiolher mnsifir, CPCwaunr was for a
J cinMk but Uttmly was employed AS *
J, farm laborer. IILNAI MAIED (M*l NPM
RJ at Meat Girar U? trConuor AND Pierce
*! wefe BOTH feared by their neighbors,
' Last Fall. Pierce's wife died, AND then
j Last Fall, Pierce's wife djed. and then
, there was circumstance that excited I
the saapicious of many. appeared
to he in great mental distress, and whan 1
she knewdrath was approaching, atie mid
she could not die without relieving her
} mind of tarriMe thing. Pierre stood
ovSr her artd prwditedlier from telling'
I what it was, and so she uuk] witli the
secret unfcvnaled.
I After Her burial Pierce went away and
| has not been seen about there since.
''John O'Connor's confession revealed the
( secret, though it did not reveal the vio-:
I tins lie said that Pierce and himself
had murdered a strangsr between F;ir
; view ami Girurd. and disposed of the i
body. No one knew who he was and |
there never was any inquiry after him ; 1
j but Pierce's wife had learned of the
i facta, and wanted to reveal tbem. Pi,l-1-0
bus not been beard of since hi* wife's
death, but it is rumored that he went to :
Wesutso SUOES.—" A curious ohvtrver ]
. Louts ho* discovered Wist men sod ,
i*artaUy ma the heels of their,
s N'V and shoes over ontwsrdlr, while
wflrflln lOd-fMa always rarf theirs over
mwsrdtw. Otrt of one hmidred and furt'v- j
1 seven then' sftd botg that passed the ob-'
Aert-er u| g gu^en,point, this foot -<* tyoe '
in every iustancs; out of sixty-sewn
j women that passed, rt was rm in every
•inifahce but one." IJo long a* girl* and'
/ wqm|n wear high heels tb> their shoes,'
I with a vvy •men bsse. isys the Phrtnolo
'ffical Journal, their ankle* will twit In or'
lont, ami the foot kuH ltd] over to one
t side. TvY often see on the streets a flock !
of school-girls, their sliort drew-es perruit
l ting observation of tlieir feet, and we are
| pnined to notice that every ankle twist*
[one way or the other: Ml of them being
j made more or lew cripples for life.
i " AovaansiTG PAT*."—Oftentimes it
j pays the printer better than it pays the
H merchant. It is a groat mistake to sup
i pose that all the adveTtfsjog done, now
a-days, pays. It dop't'pay to fell the
i community with a flourish of trumpets
| that yon have wares to sell, better,
icheaper, nnd more of them than von?
| neiglhbr in "trade, whtm it's a He,* ton
'haven't! It don't pay to attract people
| to ywjr place of business with promises
j truth in it! jit thnl pay to play upon
i the credulity qi the public. "He who
spite against the wind, spits in his own
! face," said the author of Poor Richard's
1 Almanac, aad o it is to-day. A fraud
may succeed for a while, but wait and
tee—little and big, the whole troop of
: falsehoods, bY-and-bye, will " come
i ho'-ne to roost. *' — Erchangp..
' | —— -
LEAF YEAR 'lViCTies.—The following
are the lea£ year ball room regulations
established by the ladies of St. Louis:
** Gentlemen are expected to be as lady
like as ponsibLav therefore : No gentleman
will be allowed to enter the ball room
except om*he arm of bis escort, or one of
4ks homager* ; no.gantleman can dance
uiiljks invited to s by a lady ; no
gentleman can enter the supper room
unless escorted by a lady; the lady
managers will see that no gentleman is
The Complaint of thfl I'ltlfbd Ntefba,
In the eoura* of the long dicuaion*
iMwfwmUte United Hlstoa an.LEngliah
(J^ v jh"iii#iita, which fpllnwd 'it*
•of flic insnrnvdon. It became the duty
of Mr. Adams acting for hi* government,
! to make a aumtnarv of the point*, which
lie maintained bad been established hv
the United State*. Tlus he did u> the
Itollowing language, addressed to F.url
ltus*i-ll : i
• It u my wish to maintain J, That
the act of recognition by her Majeaty'a
; government .loia as lu lligereuta
on the high *ca* had a single
vessel afloat was prvci|iitate and wnprc
>l cisleutisl.
'4. That it had the effect of creating
these pnrtioa beligenuit* after the reoog
-1 union, instead of merely acLimwbnlgiug
! an existing fact
8. That, thi* creation has bes-n auice
eflrs-tisl eieluaively from Uiepoit* of her
Maiejtv'skingdom and its dependcuoiaa,
' ivilti tlie aid and uo-o|mratiou of her
Majostv'* Mlhjeota.
4. Tlmtbluring the whole course of the
strupgie m America, of nearly four year*
in duration, there ha* been no appeur
ance of tho iusurgcut* as a heihgeuwnt
on Uie oeuau evcepUug iu the shape of
llritikh i-sacla. rviiistruotssl, equip|Hd,
supplietl, manned, and armed iu the
lit itiah ports. '
ft. That during the same period it ha*
been the constant and pemnteut endeavor
of my gevuymnrut to remonstrate in
every (H.snible form against the abuse of
the neutrality of this kingdom, ami to
cull npou hei Majtvity'* government to
exercise die tieceisarv power* to put an
riJWiLip atop h> it.
• ai|P|at although the deaire of her
Majesty's minister* to exert themselves
iu the .sup|>reaiou af tinv-e abuses iy
freely ai-kuowledgesl, the effort* which
they made proved powerless, from the
inehicieiiey of the law ou which they rt<-
lied, aud from their alukdute lefusul.
w heUy Jad'citevl. to procure addtUouul
' attain tlie objects.
' i, xriuf. by reason of the failure to
check this Gagraut abuse of neutrality,
the issue from Drithdi [>ort of a number
Brit tali vessels, writ li the aid of the
recognition of tWirbelligervut churngter
in all the n.n-ts nf ht'r Af di-stl's ih-IM'U-
deuciea around the globe, has resulted
in the burning and destroying on the
ocean of a Urge number of merchant
vessels, and a very large amount of
property belonging to the people of the
t nif id States.
I S. p, in additiou to thihrect ' B
jury, the action of the i:elifted tffeot of
driving from the at a a ifrftFpurri.iu of
the commercial mart no of the United
Hsates, aw l to a eoi cetpomlmg extent
enlarging \liat of GiWtt Briuuw, tlw
enabling oVia portion of the Uritndi
paople to derive an unjust advuutege
from the w roug eotumlfted oa a frieteuy
nation tj another portion.
9. That tire itijurt. • th'P rec. vad by a
wnntrv which ha* mean while sedulpuiiy
f endeuvonul to perforin all itaobUgnhon
owing to the imperfection of the lagfl
mean* at hand to prevent them, *a welGoi
the unwillingnapsto seek for mere *uftte
gent power*, art of *" gram an ture as
lin reraou and jnatira to roi.rtrtote a
i valid claim fofT-epar.ition :Jkl mdcnttfl*
' fleation.
End ef a Noted Criminal.
Charles llilJalatmd, t'iaiet * u<ad
1 horse-thief, w .i* hung by a mob at Hau
.cock Station, in Pulaski County, Mo.,
on su*|ncwtLyf brui.qor.e of th* gpu£ of
theivu* wfer nh#beeti ropfrimwg *
the Atlantic aud Pacific Railroad. He
was about thirty years of age. Hit
_ mother live* a short distance from Dear
• bort, Michigan. For one of h£a years he
1 luid a bad reputation, arising, however,
oormderably from hi* practice of relat
ing many terrible stories couoeruiag
himself, which, unihmbtedh, had their
' origin onlv in hi* imagination. About
five years since he stole a horse aud
; buggy at Mtlwiiukee, and subsequently
h? waatracetl to his mother's honse by
( .Sujicriutertdent Borgmsn and Drtee
live Stadler, and wits arrested by the
latter, aud taken baok to' Milwaukee,
where he was oonvuted and sent to
prison for several year*.
Soon after being rele**-d he returnetl
|td |i* Ipune. List rumnn r he came to
"tfiis city, and soon got into trouble. He
i-nlled at a jewelry establish meat, and
informed them thut a plan had been set
on foot to rob their store, and he offer
cl, in consideration of a sum of money
ln-ing |>aid hiiu. to give inf. rwntinu that
would semi's Shu aublMMw. Aa raqueat
i®d, be "called again," and wis tnrncd
I over into the cnatody of nu officer, and
effort was made to -oud him to |>rmon
asS vagrant, bnt he proved too " wire,"
and the authorities were reluetantiy com
pelled to release him.
1 He. however, offered to leave the city
on condition that he should he rekvwsd,
and he wout. A week or ao ago he Uiru
'ed up in St. Jos- ph. Mo., where he was
| incarcerated in tin- mlanoore. On the
dav of his release he vi*itrd the edito
rial rooms of th* ff'r-ift/ of that eity and
paw.' one of the rejiorten a highly-<I
--ored narrative of Lis career of crime,
which was in substance the same that be
gave to one oi the nawspnpets here. He
announced, as he did here, that lie in
, teuddd to reform, bnt the uioh rend his
.1 I- !.. ....A I ...1_ 1 1.2
•' biography and concluded that hi*
pretended reformation wus a shatn and
took his life a* before stated. That le
was insane there i* hardly room for
doubt. While here hisuctious were more
those of ail escaped lunatic than anything
else. lktroit /vr/w.
A LAKOE Drew Eoo.—-A Mr. Thorn
hill of t'rumps* 11 Green, near Mum-hea
ter, England, contribute* to the Man-
CnMMr (iuartliim the following story of
lon extraordinary su."d duck's egg. Kc
1 says be "recently found one of his ducks
dead upon her neat She had been oil
ing for some "month*, and could neither
1 eat nor lay. The body was opened, and
there, was" taken from it an egg, which
we have seen, ami which measures ISJ
indie* in i'a great.-at circumference, 151
inches at the smallest cineumfen-nee. and
' ita cam-ity is 2$ pints of water. It con
tained three yolks, and after they had
lx en drawn the rhi ll weighed eight
ounces. The duck wa* a cross l>etwctji
a Muvovy and an Aylesbury, and was of
the ordinarr size."
Thrre wa* publislied some time ago an
acconntof ala-e on the Exeter estate,
near Loesburg, Va ( diacovertil by lalwr
awlio were digging a well there, and
V gone some eighty feet Iwlow the sur
face. A descent wa* made to the hike
recently, and the water was found to
have disnp|>eared from the part of it in
to which the well oieued, and the place,
from the imperfect light of burning shav
iuga, looked like an immense chamber
hollowed out of the solid rock. A party
lias been formed, who, as soon n* the
necessary torches can be obtained, will
make a thorough exploration of this new
At Biddeford, Ma., a great lottery of
! property, eati mated to be worth $50,00(1,
was to be drawn for the hcnefit of the
, el rarity fund of some Post of the Grand
Army of the Republic. It wasn't drawn,
however, lor the simple reason that the
j Sheriff came and attached all the prise*.
' Irecause they had not been paid for, mnch
to fhe disgust of the ticket-holders.
* .At Auburn, N. J., s euchro party
' tbni persona phtyed giunea in the
( last year. If the time of each game
averaged five minutes, the total time
I wasted by the party would be 1811 days
!of ten hours each. E thnating the labor 1
|' at the price of 82 a day, the party have
I! expended 8363 in one year, or al>out u
r dollar a dav npon their little game.
|J •
BAD ROB Lo.—Yesterday a squad of 1
thirteen Indians came into onr tent, and
. the oldest availed himself of the right |
| of seniority by sitting down on our hot
box-stove, which he mistook for a valise.
'He was very much surprised. Cor.
' Chicago Post.
A well kuowu individual being seen in
the ptraets of New York in a Shaker garb'
was asked by friend, " What in the
world sent you into that community ?"
The reply was, " Three good meals a day
md plenty of warm clothing are not to
j be sneered at," [
lac Making In the Tropica.
, Tha nnbvaa oommenc# thair pre par
. utions by (nuking out a reotnugnlar pie- e
l of fgifcnd ISO fet long br SO broad, in
, ativ-ftafiTly and westerly direction, from
which the aoil ia removed to depth
i of two feei. Thia exoavatiou la aiwiailh
. ol, and isjnllowiHl to remain i x|*iacl to
, the sun to dry, when rice straw in small
j sheave* in laid ill all obliijue direction iu
; the hollo*, with Uhwo straw upon tlie 1
top, to thf depth of a foot and a half,
leaving u# sut fiwe half a find below thai
of the gtfluud, Numcroua boda of thi*
hiil are h>nued, with narrow (wthwaya
botwia-n them, iu which large earthen
I water-jura arc sunk in the grouud for
I tha ooiiviwiienee of having water near,
to till thejstmttow ungtarcd earthen vea
, ■ sr-la in wlgch it ia to la fatten. Tliese
" ' dishes nr* nine iuehes in diainetcr at the
. top, diiiugv-Uiug to four aud UirH-tenth
r niche* nf the tHitbnn, one and three
_ | tentli iuflhea deep, aud three-tenth* of
r; an inch it thickness, and are so porous
as to Ing-enie moist throughout when
, water is ]git into them.
, l>urin(| tlmday tho looae strgw in the
las Is nhotf iVm |l|iltA r4 is (WWUloßally
I j turueil np, s.i~lhat the whole may be
f 1 kept dry. and the *ruter-jars between the
bod*are filled with >tl pare wnh-r irgla
'. the neighboring poolw fowtuxl flvepitig
| the shallow' eat then dishes are arranged
, in rows 111kiii theatraw, and by vivans of
r J small eurtlien iHits, tied to the cxtVemitie*
, of long Unifi*' £>d% each ia tilled al>ut
f! a third wRU Wat*. The quantity,
} however, varies aeeotdrun to Uie ox pec
, bitioua of ice—which U knoarit bv the
i, clear jess of the sky, aud the steadiness
with which, Mm wrml blows from Alb
r nortli-uottn-Vsnt.' ■ MTtkii favoraMe.
, alaiut eight oum-ea of water ia put into
, each <Ue|- aW'U-liswJ* < *Mfp ol jp4>
. faint two to ■''£ *- jL "*l*r •.
quantity ;b ■! faul qi tt vis#
. is put iuto tfl iUm-c iiom m tfin' wji#
ern end cf til l#B. flh tha an ftrflt falb
lou that ti Mb 41 a ice t* tltl|t##
easify foaiovcd, from its solution DOtug
, quicker.)
There >re about plates iu each aL
. I tin- beds last made, arid if wo nlluw iiv'
, minces for each dtali, M'bteb jovsootM a
surface of al>out four inches square,
there will bean aggreoiiiß of 430 gsi lons
j and surface of 1.51k) square foot olwuutr
~ in each bed.
t In the cold season, when the temper
f ature of the air at the ice field* ia under
e oic Fahrenheit, and there are gentle
air* from ttat not tie t n and wetnv jii
. ; rection, ice forms in the course of the
t night in each of the shallow -itshey,
f XVnaius t Ob- tp e gfliel
j a small filiilap. re u- oi too i hiia
I the diahsi, iroteh the eontente of reveral
B ' are uuvttd together, and thrown over the
j mbi. i dishes, 'l'hu ojK iaUuu increases
f th veougealing priwutt; as a state j)f
r calmkesa has been ili-e- wcxed by the WW
tivoa U> diminish the quantity of ice
ptodpeeil When the akv in quite clear,
- with gi utle steady aire from the tadflv 1
north-wist, which proceed from the hills
j of considerable eh vat ion near Hhecr-
I jxHiui. ..bout one hundred miles fn-u.
irooghly, the freuzitig commences be-
Vry or about miduight, and continues
[to advance until moruii . when ■'
tee is formed. I liave *oen it
rereu-t<W)tlis of an inch in thickness,
and in a few very favorable the
1 whole at tlie wtU-r is froren. when it is
iwtecd by the native* solid ice. \\'hU
I ,if Ainimeuo-s to congeal In-aween tare
and three o'clock in the niormug, thin
. ner ioe is exiwtt-tl, called jaj>er icc;
L gjid wttou alout four or fire o'clock in
rrtPltfmn.g the thinnest is obtained,
> called flower-Hv. i 111
i V'pw ard of 250 perwons, oFfll ague. aM
■ actively employed in securing the ioe for
' some hour* ever* mortuug tiuO hv is pro
cured, and this form* otic of the most uu
i mated scenes to be witnessed in Bengal.
I , In a favorable night upward gf ten la-,
' dre.l weight of ice will be obtained front
:, unc bed, and from twenty beds upward
I of tuu ton*.
When the wind attains a southerly or
' easterly direction, no ice ia funned, frqm
its not being sufliciently dry ; not e*yk
■ though the temperature of the air be
•tower than when it ismadewitlt tha%iud
• • more from a northernsrthru |oint.
The north northwyat i* kl"' n, °J t favora
ble diiectiou of tttlid tor making ice, and
■ this diminishes in power na it approaches
the line north or west. In the latter e*-
more latitude is allowed than from the
uorth-uorthwi-at to the north. Bo great .
is the influence of the direction of wind
ou the ice, that when it changes in eonroe
of a night from north northwest to !e* :
llseimbli- direction, the change not only
! proufnt* the Urination of moreice.bat
! dissbltes what may have been forturd.
On such occasions a mist is seen hovering j
over the ice-beds, from the nioi-uue (>t<ir |
them, and the qnantitv eoudeimcd by the
cold wind. A mist in like manner forms
' over dpep tank* during favorable might*
' for making ioe. •
I Another important circumstance ui Utt I
-1 production of ice i"th* ictAnnt of widdl I
< When it approaches a breeze no ice i*
formal. This I* explained by *tieh nipid
i cttmnte of sir removing the cold air. ne
fore any accumulation of to hre token
I place in the ice bed*. It is for these
• j reamtns that the thickest ice is expected j
' when during the day a breeae has Ulowfr:
from the north-west which thoroughly
I I dries the ground. —A ature.
--W u ■
The Alslinrm flalm*.
tn the English House of Common*, Mg.
Disraeli called the aib'Utfou of the Hsittav
' Pottle parngrajih of the Ruislmwh re
' furring to the Alabama claim*. Tie ad
; imadrerted at tame length ujwm the
' Treaty of Washington, for the faults nf
f Which he blamed the Foreign SecnAury,
Earl Granville, nud the Premier, Mr.
Gladstone. In view of the develop
ment* which had Wen made by the as
semblage of the arbitrators at Geneva,
Mr. Disraeli wanted to know why the
Government was exultant over the edift
' cation it bad given to Parliament on the
subject. 'llie Koyal speech wa* signally
iuinat-.sfii. Tory, and showed in his opiu
ion tluit the Government still lacked a
1 proper appreciation of the gravity of the
' question nt issr.o between England and
tlie United States. The American,
claim* were greater tlmti three whMi 1
1 would follow a total conquest- —they
were preposterous and impractical, and
, if admitted would be fatal to the power
and lionor of England. Yet, said Mr.
Disraeli sneeringly, the whole aubjept is
I disced of in ojie la-fed paragraph of
>vl speech. Mr. Gladstone in re
ply said the Treaty of Washington itaelf 1
show* that England ia ready to make
every concession aliort of national honor j
to establish friendly relation* with■
1 America, and to set an example to bo
followed by other nation* henceforth.
The Government, said the Premier, i*
n ndy to explain* everything in connec
tion with the treaty, but it will not ad
mit that it lias unwittingly made a mis
tske. The paragraph in the treaty ij
the only fair and unmistakable inter
pretation of tlio treaty. He could, if I
lie fleaired, refer to the preposterous
character of the American demands,
which of itself proved their absurdity, |
for they were ancb a* no people in the
last extremitv of war, or In the lowest
depths of national misfortune, with the
spirit of the people of England in tlieir
hearts, wonla ever submit to. [Ckwia]
Mr. Gladstone concluded by saying the
Government would mnutain the position
it hod taken firmly, though in a friendly
MARIIIAOK.—In England, until the time
Of Cromwell, which extended frotn the
year 1810 to his death In 16.18, marriage
was a religion* institution, having been so
held eince the earliest day* of Christianity.
Under the Roman Empire it was simply s
civil contract; hence we read ot men
"putting away" their wive*, as It they
were piece* of furniture, whose old fash
ion, or bad fashion, did not exactly please
the fancy. When the English Republic
fell to "pieces, and the Stuart* werete
stored in lfifiO, marriage again was te
garded as a legal Forty yean
ago it was enacted that, sfllhe will of the
participant parties, it might bo a civil
contract or a religious right. The Catho
lics, regarding it as sacrament, do not re
cognize its merely civil character.
".M<illMri l *fdtad nlittle buy, "I've got
a bail headache, and a sere tbroat, too."
"Well, sonny, you shall have some medi
cine." "It's no matter, ma; I've got
'em fast enongh, bnt they don't hart
The iUlftltr at He we.
The Panama .<hr end fltrall contain*
the following cheerful gossip about kill
get or* i The *aihr hatea a ehark and
■ alUhiiu a aoa lawyer, in a landsmen's eya
the alllgatoria held In eiiuUar estimation,
and through name mistake in the natural
htetory of the Atiolenta, a woman's tearp
have been ht fotrie case# oom pared tothqae
of the crocodile. The alligator 1* found In
almost all the river* that empty lute tUo
hay of I'auauia, and i* the scourge of all
the cattle farina on their bank*. Cattle,
horses, dogk, deer end all other grain malia
which come to the river to drink kge
liable to he wised by the unc, dragged
below water and eaten in \qttlet place
i nutoitg the mangrove u amp*. There arc t
'certain fording-places in leond of the I
rivera between here and (Tilriqof,.yihere j
. every precaution la n#ceary when vb'v
lug cattle or horse* aero**, that the alli
gator doe* not gefafiia there. About flit
year* age there enme an epidemio among
the alligator tribal ol our rivera, which
carried off great mfiubers ni *b<-m Ikgy
• were to l|e found floating donj every where,
| ftoin vyi at eatiee we know not, utile** from
(file e|drition of some I>nrwinian ' law of !
•election,' However there are |dity of j
them to the fore, and any one toad of try-
I'ftt penetrating jwvirera of a ritle on
1 ikheit* m(ea haa only to taken boat and
enter the Kin GrauJu, in the neighbor-
I hood of I'auama-
We have toon the African *peeh*a wor
thiped a* a god on the west coast of
Africa. The priert fed him every day
erith white chicken*, for which he came to
the edge of the little lagoon in which he
wa* kept with regularity andgmul Uun|>er. ,
i ii<r p a* one which lived iu the uelhisd- i
' up lagoon of A*pinwail for more than |
j seven years. He kept himself in good j
fpnduwm with the stray pigs and dogs that '
tnll'l near enough for him to scire, to
■ml ■> that he lett human biugs ahrfte, (
pul fli looked on aa one of the regular j
iilndb flute of the place. At night bw
% I'iCftiiiiiii out of the water, and take a
short nap on asniall railway bridge, much <
to tlie d'tK'oyifurt of ' diyitlhy railwavj
jcronie' going hotue by that foad to bed
-1 There w* ode In particular, who did not
e very Clear, who happened toetiWnbl* !
over what he took to be a log lying ou
(he bridge: hut before lie could gatheri
c himself up, the log, or rather, tha til. in* i
tor, lifted hi* tail and leal him a whack j
sotnewhtrt about iii* back, and be took
to running. and with a hont of frar made
'h landlady quickly opuu the door.
[' t hi* *f the engineers oo the railroad in-,
' 1 1".■ 1 u* that at night he often mael*.
MmldflKr* on the luie ; although the tram j
KjhnAbout ten miles an hotir, tin-re wae
*** M-tWfc kept ahead of it ft>r s.niehne, i
until he made a apring Into a swamp. *o j
that whoever trust* to lira ooniuiou idcaj
I that it ia saav to outrun one of tbaae r-p
--tilea if he took it into liia head to gva
chase, had better not keep on a straight
line. The Aspinwall aligaforabove men- |
-/lotted might hare lived to a good aid age, 1
but he had >ht iniafortune to try hi* teeth
on a valaahle terrier dog, w lucfc lad to ,
repriaal* and tlte oa nor'a revenge, wkich
ended by lit* being entrapped and —aeul,
(he way of all dealt.
I j A* a meant of offence a* well aa defence
Ute tail weaius 10 be a uafnl w i aj>n. There
win an oldrioiored man waahing luaclothe*,
sitting <>ti the trunk of afallru tree just on .
the edge of a swampy lagoon at the |><tTt
If Chiriqql; an alligator in ttie modify i
tream aw am to where he waa under cover '
!of the water, and with a sudden Mow of!
the tail knocked the old man into the
stream and eeired him tor one knee, lie
had the pretence of mind to inertt hie!
4 jiminb info one of the alligator * eye#, l
| iith wldch. and the aeitance of heigh-1
bora attracted by hi* criee the reptile let
i go and the old man waa dragged on shur*.
i with a row of teeth puncture* on each
aide of the knee-joint. The surgeon who
examined him found a tooth had b*eu ief't
in each wound. Mortification took place
and the old loan died.
A Lively Bear Fight.
The Willi am (port (Pann.i Gasrtu tells,
bdhe following: "A gentleman reached
iwUliamiPOft from a 'logging camp' in
Potter County, whara he ha* bken fur,
tile week* pet. who relate* the partirm j
lara of an exciting encounter with An old
1 bear and two cub*. It appear* that a j
man named Jonas Elmaker and hi* wife, j
had made a email clearing in Jar V*<
|township. They hare a comfortable log-|
cabin, a small barn, several head of caule
1 and a few pig*. About nine o'clock in 1
the evening. Mr. Elmaker heard a great
i commotion among hi* cattle and pig* at
the barn. <>n rushing ont to ascertain •
the cause of alarm, Imagine M surprise
ion finding that an old bear and two etjbe i
had attacked a yearling calf. The cattle
were snoring and bellowing at a fVarful J
rate, while the pig* were squealing a*
lustily n* if they rsjiacted to be dispatched
every minute. The bear had threwn the j
calf down and was preparing to drag it
kout of the yard. The cubf were running
f around auapping their teeth and uttering ,
half-euppreeaed growl* of delight at the
prospect of a 'good square meal.'
Mr. Elmaker retnrned to tlte house, in- <
formed hi* wife, and made preparation*to
attack the bear*. He tcisrd hi* rifle, while '
, hi* wife armed iter self with along Woiied ,
f | double-bit ted axe. Thu* armed they ad
vanced to the attack. The bean* made
t bold and ferocious by hunter, did not
n*tMu inclit**! to ffive up th*\r Ri*
j ing upii4>erJgggon*thrg,|l Hfar*iirod,
fight, and t!* cnb* crouched beVind her.
,<j snarling fiercely, Mr. Elmaker raised his
f rifle and tired at the black monster, think
• j ing tliat if she were killed the enbsdoild
• easily be dispatched or driven off. Hot
• owing to the excitement nnder which he
f i was laboring, he missed hia aiin etui only
, i broke the left fore pew of the animal
With a fierce growl oi rape, caused by the
painful wound, the old bear mahed at her
assailant*, followed by the cub#. They
. stood their ground for a few minutes, Mr.
'' Klinaker clubbing bia ritie. while hia wife
' cut one of the cub* severely in the shoitl
-11 der with the a*e. The rage of the animals
became fearfbf. and the great diutga* ftf
1 facing them at once became apparent.
• ; lb-treating rapidly to the honse, they
i barred the door and prepared to defend
themselves. Mr. K1 maker succeeded in
j reloading hia rifle, ami firing through the
' window, killed a cnb. The old hear now
I attempted t*>' elitah the log tmose. kl
owing to her broken paw *a unable to
doao. Another shot from the ritie tronnd
' ed her aeverely In the head, whenahe get
up the moat hidden* howls of race. Fail
' ing to get another shot at tiiem, the parties
inside remained in a state of siege, pro
pared to resist any further attack. The
animals loitered round nntil midnight,
when they retired and all became still.
On making a searrh in the morning tha
idd t>ear was fonnd dead abont six hun
drcd ynrds from the honse, and the cnb
lay where it fall in the early part of the
engagement. The other had disappeared
in the forest. The two dead bear* were
secured and dressed—the old one weighed
380 ponnda, and the cub 198. The El
inakers have a sufficiency of bear meat to j
' last tlieig for the balanoc of the Musing. I
j The skins will ho brought to Williamsport
soon and offered for sale. The affair
: caused innrh talk in the neighborhood for
several day*. It is seldom that bears are
so bold, bnl their bravery on this occasion
was caused, ne donbt, by the cravings of
hnnger. The ealf was badly lacerated by
I the teeth and claws of the animal, but
will recover. Mrs. Elmaker say* she Is
I rendy for the next raid."
who liaa returned from Plymouth Coun
ty, lowa, savs that three residents on
liomeatonds In that county started with
a team for Broken Kettle for wood, hut
were over taken by the storm on the
memorable Saturday morning. Two of
the men dug their way into a huge snow
| drift and remained there, while the
other roan proceeded on his way with
(he team. The men in the drift remained
there a day and a half before they dared
to venture out, but suffered no mnterial
injury by their long confinement. The
man who kept on bia way. together with
the team, was fonnd, a few days after
frozen to death, near Buttin's Home,
fifteen miles above Sioux City. As far
as positively know, eight persona were
frozen to death by this storm, within a
I radius of fifteen miles of this place. The !
j kmn oi (took within tho same limits has \
fwen immense, and will probably reach
four to six hundred horses and cattle.
When does rain become too familiar
with a lady ? When it begins to patter
on the back.
Mr. flotnnw offered A prcnn,Mc setting
forth (he alleged manufacture and sale of
arid* and nauumiition in the workshops
of the United tttato* government for the
Fruitli. to be IMKI against (iormauy in
JP7Q j and a resolution fotr the appoint
ment of a select committee of seven to
investigate aQ salea of ordnanct< made by
th<> government of th United Ktutoa
during the war Iwtweeu Franco and liar
nutty ; to ascertain lis* txtraona to whom
th<7 were mmb-, the teal parties In inter
est,* ntid the autua nuiwctively iwid and
mwttel by them. Tlie committor is o
have power to tend for person* tutd
j pa pern, and to con luct the oawuiinaUou
[ in pnlilic.
' Mr, Wilson introduced a reaolnUon in- j
. atriicting the (Committee on Foreign 8e
latit'U U) cpnaider the eincdieney of
pnMing a Joint rwaolution authorizing the
Vremdeut to cumtnunicate to the govern
maut of Sim in (ho prutyat of the United
Strtfea aguinat the action of the unthori-!
Uea of Culia towards the rhiucc laborer*
!in that ishmd. Adopted.
Th motion tu rHvansdei Ue vole by
1 wUoh the Chicago Ilcl'.cf lull was jMuoed
was carried—2s to 22.
Mr. Huinuer, in a diacuv ion of It!
Prauco-Ucriuau artu* bill aaid: 'I he sub
ject w aa iuU<rwtißg and importaut tn twe i
sapacta—m 1t concerned mirselvea and as
iiooncernwd foreign poweia. AH must
unit* in a de*ire to rrlu-vc our country
fnm suapirion, cgpecially suspicion of a j
moral obliquity. Ue would apeak not of,
men, but of facta, and if any body should
ho pointed at by (he statement lie was
| about to,make it would be the fault of 1
1 the faU, and not hi* He had brousit J
forward Una subject with great riduelsnce, J
' and after long dtdnv. Tl> mwin fsct ,
! had burn brought to his luiowlodgo bo
(fore Christum*, but he had postponed :
: bringing tbvin into the Senate, lwe*uio
ihe knew they had been hud bnfore the 1
I'i'caidcut and Secretory of War, and be
bad reason to buiio*' (hat tbey would .
institute an inquiry. They had not d<>n ,
! wo, however, but the tsecwotory of War
had inude to the Hcaaw of KeymweiiU-
Itima report npon HUB unique*. The
• oburaoW of that tttporf Wonbl appear BH '
ihe procccilod, aud Uiu <nato would!
l jutlgtt whether it did not fall under same
luf tli* suspicion which attached to th*
whole tmuaacliou.
Mr. Wilton said t The aide* Mumiwtdp
jiu 1865, and continued till Ib7l. The
anna, ke., aohl by the tlovernment from
, tb'* lat ul April. 1865, to the 30tb of June,
I 1871, anioiuOs-u to every
i <vut of which had been faithfully acc.mnt
i <ml lor and psid into the Treasury
Mr. BrownloW propt*-d to make pcr
, *onal explanation ffi replv to Mr. Beck'*
assertion m the lloum- that Mr. Brown
low, u Liln < lovniar of icui*w>< c, wad*
that Hu*n w (MM.druutuium. Ho vh or>
•■e, ding to cvfMstti in wry at mug lan-
I guagt-. when be waa chucked by the
Vo.-a-Jfrcsident The i aphmwUMi wan
tlli-o read, tlu- purpoil ot whinh w.i* that
Mr. Beck's rtntciurul* were Value.
Mr. CVl< submitted a reaoHrtwyn, which
1 w agreed by instructing the Committee
on E location and I.abor to inquire into
the expediency of an amonduiunt to tha
t '(institution ptovpliug some educational
' t-st in the exercise of .the wlcotwnsl ino
Among the bilk introduced were (he
1 following:
For tin- revival of comnurco by he
coustmeism of ten first-claa* iron steam
i era of not low than 3,600 tons each, to
nonuwMibe port* of the fnited BUtc*
wdh §orlgn wirta. ibd to aconite to the
guvcjtimeut the use of the same for post
' ul. uhvwl and other jwiraoae*.
Fur the jwytai ut >M Iw- valurwf cptum
taken by the gov. rnmetit : ala>), for tbe
. ivaynieut n 4 %he vwhie of tbe Odd Fellowa'
lodgea d.wtruyed daring the war.
To amend the National Banking act.
To place printers' material on tlie free
To increwae the circulating currvucv
Itsoojooa ' r'. j; , !
A'biU allowing n-apomlenU in criminal
( caw* ia the Cutted HksUm court*to U-Mi
, f) in their own bohsdl, paw-d—yaas, lAu;
uayx. 43.
A fe*datjmcalltng#oritiforTUati'>nßa
to the m .niitcuire of fire-arm* at the
J Springfield nrmoty ; alao, a* b> the dif- (
• ference U-t ween the <ught and ten i <*ir
'srwtem AihmUwl.
Mr. If ale. ol Maine, in a dtacuwion of
U. h. naval affstra, Mentioned tb<
f& thai the number of m*u to which
, the navy was blasted was B,!kA whil*
the Hritaab ** hail 64.4100, and if the
nation ehottld get into war, it would be
unpowWe to w-ud out three additional
vcwscla, all fully ivrmed, with the pre- j
' sent force to which the navy waa Hunted.
The whole point of hi* argument waa
that the blame -dioukl fall where it prop
erly rented. I f there v* no navy as a,
legacy from the paat, and if thcrountry
luul not now a respectable naval eatab
' Hstiment, Utcy should not now grumble
xt any ex|x>oae that w ioe\ itnbb* The
. uaTy now poxm-ased of the 650 vww-la
that belonged to it during the war. only
, IT'.t vixuudaol all rlaaao* Of Llie Hitk.
wnr had decayed, or annk, or b-en aold.
•of neorc* and fifties of other*, he did
. not know the fate ; he had not lieen able
to follow them ; they w*re not on the
hands of the IK-|iartmi-ahr<| tlwa|l|H ;
, uarUncnf was not responsible for AH,."
• were not to in? found or traced. The
* navy now contained 17V Trawl* in all.
I These he rlnasitled into four olaawa— i
] not of strength, but of utility. Class
1 ' No. 1 cos*i#tcd of vessels tliat were al
1 ca -rotne sailing vc*e!\ some stcumer*
v and sonar iron-oWla; tlily liuniU-nd
SO, Class No. '1 consisted of vesal*
c suitable to relieve those that were at
r sun ; tio-v naiiitxsn-d 14. CWi No. B i
1 i consisted of vessel* that were worth be- j
■ ing repaired in on*. #f an emergency.
p | In the House of Keptesentatives sever-1
•al liills were paam-d for the erection of
*' public buildings at various places.
' j♦' fllie Arm v Appropriation bill was re
- jKWted. calling for 529.54H.000.
1 Bill |>aa#rd that mechanic* and laboring ,
' men at the Navy-vards shall Is? selected
1 by tlie heads of tfio vanons inechauieal
departments in the yards withiMil the in
' terfcrencc of any naval officer.
I li There was an exciting debate in the
' House of Representative# in committee
| of the whole or tlie hgvai ApfWfrtgto.n
1 bill, on Mr. %tlf<4imw hmtiiwv to sirike
out the item fo tlie Brooklyn Naval
Hospital. Mr. Hal* wna in favor of sell
ing both the navy-yard and the naval
' hospital and putting the proceeds in tlia
Treasury: Wink# Wi opposol f® '
sales of fgirernment property. Mr.
1 Sloenm declared that half the interest of'
the monev for vhjaii tlpyiawrynrd could
he sold w4M wajnlr sfi tho vgangb
the navy, or take rare of tlie sick the
whole navy. Mr. Hall advocated tlm
sale of useless Tessels. Mr. Maynnrd
suggested tbst snch historical vessels as
the Constitution, the Macedonian, the ,
Kaarsarge, and tlie Amerk-s should lie
evorptod. Several representatives offered ,
their opinions on thia point, among tliern
Mr. Butler, who said he w.uld have
useless vessels broken up and sold, but
i not sold as ships. Mr. Maynard's sug
gestion was not accented, and Mr. Hale's
motion was adoptee. Mr. Bwann, In
tlie course of the debate, said that in
case of war there were not six vessel* in
the navy that could bexalied on, wid he
felt convincg*t|ii*£thwWw | w ** Jl<# eot
imminent danger of war. •
A TEASEB ros Tr.ACHKi.—Towher.
" (). —Yen! Wiß, what'a the next
Lotter ?"
Willie.—"Ye nex' Letter I"
True her—" Yea Come—make haste
and tell me I"
Willie.—" Oo tell we/ Oo tnm here
to Teach roe, mc not here to Teach oo.'"
FIVE powder mills belonging to the
Miami Powdet Company and located
between Xenia and YellowSprinprt, on
tbo Little Miami Railroad, exploded.
Five men were killed, and another is
missing. Tba ground wasrtrtm with
timlicr and debris for half a mfle aronDd.
"Etery IrePi ia\ piiVjeoT to .di*PA>"
aaid a ispeakcr in n Fruit Growers' Con
vention. *' What nilmont can you find
on on oak I" asked the glmirujan. " A
corn," was the triumphant reply.
A x-ASGE number of Communist pris
oneib—estimated at about three thou
sand—have been reoently set at liberty.
IlnryiNO a ('MM* AW— The British
amhoritU* fan India loursl the body *f
Alxlnoidli, who, It will be remembered,
nun ilrred Chief Jhtsffc* Herman, letely.
lie It a Mohammedan, and
the ronton given by the English Govern
merit for ordering hie body lobe hornet)
'after the execution ie that the hlwliew
medan* believe that immediately niter i
i]ualli every corpae la wished by twe hid
oaua angels, Nakir and MortWr, who et
amino it a* to iu faith—the tool returning
to the body pending thl* eaatniiistjoß.
Hut if the body be utterly destroyed. (tie
soul i tillable to I'md means to spowc to
the angel*. and ie therefore loat. Ilenoe
tin* Government fifed upon this supersti
tion to strike terror Into the hearU ol ita
•object* " Ai'dooiah," we learn, '• fared
hie sentence of death with composure, Imt i
00 learning that hie ehanoe or ealvatioti
w* to l>e irretrievably deatrored, M'
(forage utterly forsook him, and lie died
io de|*ir. H ,1, ,
L* HisiiifKTair*. Uaving
racantly learned that many localities are
now smiurgnt srlth the suikll-poi, iaye a
! riuw*pa|ar Mirnwrvondent, I fae! it my
. duty t> say tnatlf the head of aaj family
will ogly take the tfoubla fn aprlnkl*
•pirita turpentine oo their Carpal* and
bedding in every room In the houea, they
will have rin small-poi. The abeva ia a
j sure disinfectant, ' Kepeat this twice every
week ; also In bare aa wall, evary day,
. both steam aud car*
i hr|'unples on the Face, Ertjp
-1 thins, Blotcliea, Kcrofnlou* dim-aaea, and
' a|) i*>r4* arising from impure blood, are
| cored by Dr. I'itweab (ioidcu Medioal
! Di-H <'vy-ry.— Gm.
WHAT* is ITiuaitx.—'Ten gallons of
throw*.*, three phand* bt pCit-aah, one
obnee [of strycliriuie, uyred with soft
wptcr.'' It %aa according to tbja cheer
ful, u<d to asv r .ovivaul fortuuls, that a
qin.nuly of " whiaky" ecigad Into week
in Newton, Maaa., was ompownded, the
recipe having ulao I even .uud in the
of the onfortunAto dealer. If
Ton want "gin," add yurintmm awflwf of
I oil of h.nipcr! The mratefV fax that men
i sdio <inuk this diabolical fluid do not
drop stone ika ist uuo*.
, ] Thefti are probably a hundred or more
| person* in tlu* fud, ucighV.riug towns,
p, who daily suffer fruin tha disUccssing of
,! facts of' kidney trouble*, who do not
, ld)i>w that Joassow'a Axoutuw Lurmaiarr
ia nltS'Mit a certain cum- In aevewaJ
[ j cases, great relief Dfur le ut-t*m. 4, M
I not a perfect curt.— Com. ?
' ~ C ,rt .
-1 We notice that the Agnoultund ps
i' pen. nil oyer tlrt ommtrv asoummeud
• the urt of ffkSirttH * Caratry Condition
. have loug known and apum-iated the
ndvantage ol thow pokderv over all
> othnr*. —Com.
I XMe rt'BBKT and aweetevt Ood-Liver
i Oil in the w jrld t Tlsard A CaaweU'a,
> I made on the su<diarv from
i let*'d liver*, by Cotxtfl, Hojnud <f Co.,
i of New York. It is slsudwlalF pan*- sod
11 swNt. I'atienuwbc hsv tskeu it
! PtyWr WkaiA>ther*. Phyaiciaus have
d.i idol it wuperiur to any of the oflif r
i oals in market. —(\m.
PaWlt-HTSVeV Ittucw sealber gkv4*u* W***-1
r*(Mucins out, and utkiu* for r tut .♦
I )<*< }. tbr mis.-l.ief sadmpsAr lbs dimssr.. vy'hv
tLi* alarm sad anxiety f Why Uu* rsguc in
„ quary t * " something.'* when lbs w &*•<>
nemtfnt ia within U.e reach of tIL PU tU)S. s ,
1 . CHEMIi AL H tlHJtfiVtOt'RArOß is the onlj
s prAarati >n utxlrr th* sua that iw>Uaielj
' li.e shedding o< the hair, and supplies
m*r stn tigth, vtjror and productive f-oscr to
U.e roqta mat hare |e*si robbed of their mm*
bv disease or derate. It has been doing this
■ for forty tear*. So man or woman. In pent of'
ever apia vsm. If swr drr
cist ha* not tbi* R>*n-blr* amd..aa tor the
bur in stock, hr wffi pv*rurr U for jtosl
Pain and tta Panacea. ~u.,t ;
fc ;a*is a. *■*, * 11 x-i
Wule pa** '* a oiiuditiou of hutuau-,
;Ity, 'every effort U> am. Uarate it* inUn
ity or "remove the tnwdisposing eaaar.
u.n'l* oar * n <-rt grstttwde. ur rwrt-fu: can
- At i si.A-4f- sucoMw <>ur frwuk sckuowl
"j Tliere is s tK-cufiarttt about tbe j
-< IMUm called | *M> Vhtob MMOifiwitsMMrWaa. ,
1 li i* ajimnonttien of ioi pending ill, a declars-
Uou if war against the wril brthg of lbs body
* hi' besm-etbs cAnwamdwhile tha eSMaoessUe.
Ml*a ■. the eauss. Bed lh< rferl wtM eras*,
endeavor to cover Bp the affect. sad the rausr
vifi Iw mm.allied, UM apguisb te3.'-r*iily
! maeealed. brrwk forth again wrfth redoubled
ardor. Msoy r< mediae u*er<l>- do this, sad
after repeated trial*. Mi t* satisfy the j
I uoo* nt*o which only can fbe* tw useful to
huaat.;. Hueh ih.ilicine* hav* s brief p.yu- .
lartlf, sod are ryunal aa unwwrißTof public j
j approval. There afe efbm wbiek U** trie* I
hat <* enhance th<ir v*lue. (o eodo**,. and'
, *|g**d abroad tIMv yMefcwwsa aZd cotomou I
I iiuioauitr, the
u :t exlendcl - •pukuHy andeupaaded saksa.
X these, |Hup> there an o eweb two nota
' n* instance* a* the I>avrs Pain killer and Al
' lea'* Lung Ualeaw. Thf paiu kilo r may h*
•taint the luadi-vauU** at medtdoc, for K
never make* a m.alaAe. If# nadUlftips iafiOMMC
prnrmfi. s the srvtMu, and 6tw UiiJ only i*
mjniwui to uiakyH treasure forever. It doe* 1
j tMSLVnerrh <-■ ir¥yip, if ear**. All the civilised !
aaliooe <2 *h# safUi aJiuil ita ) aluc, accrpt M J
lim afi'i Brafft by fl w. It is o ftrttwy '
* to .an*pare it to the sorcrrtwtrbhb* spifkeu of
m the JM9 tVri*. fob pa lit (He* from H* pee*.
•rywr. ■*• bight a. disMpaSed br the rMing an. |
' Kit- fiiHlgr luteruudy and HersaHy it nrovua :
ita vahie •brrnu tried. Tbe name nM.iagood I
of Altente Lung flal-am. uiuch. Air ail oom- ,
pUitim t f ft- air passage* uf M* lungs, haai
. PKW-d Mmtf what It profeaar* bo b*—S jawitis# j
gAtej!'--. The wrstoni vwU owes a dcU of,
gratiuul* it can never repay to T. H. C. Aflea. ,
slmm.4 wbtsumentality *aa the main apring of;
the iutrudusuon of the** njedidnc*. Fnryoara .
. k sad tbb iirn*Uksnp pioneer tif the PWn {
, Xfllcr and #th-r remedie* we-twxrrd. And the
(old man-led mstTvm, the ttnrde jwonear and
■ his c rathceon* Wiwri.-w* enjoying a pvoa
iM-roua old age. MR bwtif] to lb* aid and omb
ftri tlitev rtceivd \ ,n and wests ago ftmm
thee, mediein> *, when drug *b*v war* few
| and .loctoratfar apart. Cudi r prrwaleww-. they j
Will *ur but- their green old aga. laaty and <
Madly. *n (bur a -quaintaaoe with thee* tail- j
rote*, through the adnumtic ai.mTKXXU E!i
tmiut of F H. C. Allen.
' If yon wi-U any in formation in regard |
(to R<iUron<i #omf. write to Co*rtu
YV. Hskslah. So. 7 Wali&L. Sew Tuck, i
rmomnarr isviitaa
J.i <vmxx A *V>. SH*#(.II#>HWHM4W
• PMGUBU ■# US I.'imwl far *ll CUMHI*. IS* *T#H
Marl#*#* IJW GO) BAN<T *F ll* SC*W ISEISE
UulraU L L| MY, twrlat Srrm *nd TBN* TMUM
par rail. LATF*** ' apr* UV p*r —I. rsrr—W t.
*A,I ■># %T DM sad AOLJF WW*#* • U>* III# 11
Rn*rf HAD QITW**#S "• am* thaa IS.O## ACRE.
•I Leaf to en*T mil* of UwV Or V Am* of L*oJ In
M#l |I.T load TH. <vr*st prK* W.ll H*
p*TD NIF IfIw.T*MLM. U< *ll MSW —S*T*M
grcwrtum rsa*ird Is MN-hsa#*. PhsvMMs. a*#* *nd
bill inf .**■*•* *.***•#> bow l* Ihoaatr**. wIU bo
InnnAld # pplic*Uar. h J.T UMSt I CO . Vhll*-
a.lpbl*. XMT VoHtaM W*ha#Va. b* miwt n**k
•nd n*skr**tfcrao#tMf th* awilrr.
me SParket*.
Has* CiTtM-Mm u ** $ .HW .U
rtm quality 11 ■ .UH
. Mtlum 41 H 4V\i
lofrnor .#• a 40
Mil <m Oom. ■ aTS-SO
I HCKMI— tjrt .<**• .OS
Dr0d..........M<(t 40
Snrlr.... .................... .01 • Ilk
L Ortfrr* Ml-I lUnn 4S<A Ml*
Fvora—Ektrm "'rolwn MO 0 MP
nii'iim . TOO • Tip
Wii aaT —ACihrr Wp*nn............ I.M P 101
•< SUla I.W 180
at*-Wwrom „....! .M A 140
iiiuiMua.. o ■ 110
Clou - Mlunt wttrn .71 .0
O.T—WMrtrru,,,. M • .IT
Pom-MMJ.JX IS4O 14.T1
UH Pit* 40
< PrraoLCCM 01M.J..C. ........ IP LU<VO4 40
BUlMS—Btalx M • -P
I Ohio W. R...„ PP • .
'< .M • 40
WMITO ordinary .11 • .11
J*ntKTl>nm flat .11 0 .18
IT MM (Tin ii nrlrrT ' .11 • .11
" Ski®mod ............ .01 • .08
Ohio - 01 „l
, SO a 43
BrarCiiai - P- TOO
1 HHlff tut —• T.OO
tS tsg
WMT-<'. 3 Spring HP • 141
[ Coijru.Ui .17 • .39
VCUT.... 1-10 1.70
pi .90
p • .T
lUiLir-Slate * • 1 W
W • .M
VlAtOTa—... TOO a 7.10
TVar.ii—WmU-iu Bed 141 • I.M
White l-f-6 a 1-70
Timothy Til
Corna-Low Middling 19 a.;
Watii—Amber;..... I.M a L7O
0ui>—......41 a 41
MDWUBI BT AornriMMnrr! Bsgnltort
h* f*l*o gUt< :n*>utn made eonoeiniog
JJrohtfifl Bitter*, thrm*nd* boy, drtnfc.
and rvVntn*]]y join the tfrsnd •!***& of
i—hrlUNi on it* march to the "pal*
realm* of sliwV " All that ia Bketuiw
doqfel r pr>un*ed r*Gtrdiug tbe* poM-
Attut TUXUAJI UnrtKMu—tutu which nut
one .! rap of tb Matanic bane i* permitted
to enter—ctua!l/ perform. The cure*
of bilibtntaw. WWLIITA,' aattimtiilw,
intcrniittcnt fever*, i idig—ition, rlientue
tiam. few ml proatvatMß, Ac., wrought
by UiU kuiMtimaiilc preparation are nil*
tug the world a ITB woudae.—a>m.
„ nrr i 'ZWfr&SUBBH?
I *■* > .tie.*-
HAT* a late iaauf of the Philadelphia
AFY Ji*m: "Ingenuitybaa bean Used to
Unit the *ure*l and moat direct mean* of
reaching the MhlJe. mad the baatnoa*
man who would advertiae a eoocialty,
and get (he grrateet good out of toe
greatest number. in the shorteet apace of
time, ia (vnn;ielle<l to HO TO Geo. P.
Howell A CO., ofUmtTmfc, for adviec.
Wbv U> thi* lw>u*? Beams* it ta the
bead and Irwwt of the advertising buta
nes*. IjL ia prompt, mrlbcUoal and olaar
in iU trsuncU-=n, and poaamaa* (he
•fonfldapee Of all the HOUEO* which *d
vartiae tn<v4*-L.i%M. 1 " '
5 ■ ■) ' - n'- I I
Hon* THKOAT, FDT'OFC, COLD, aodflfmi
i iar *ffer#D to progress, re
nit ia virions pulmonary affection*,
uUuntime* incurable. * Bro* *'* ffroa
"ATOT reach DIRECTLY the aoat of
the diMaae, and girt aJU&cwt inataat re-
HEF—CTM. JA . ' V.
T— .I.N IN I ri : TI IN* 1 A N
*•• *a* auwi Waarttr MNla>...U>
of Ufae —arii i. i Bo—la. AA lie Drupgtaf
MF* *M* RI-D—
--£J£SSAWTTS*I3 UM T- ,| , < WMTP *ttk - LM BT
WI Urn *U wbarfc IBM oUwrvta* MMNMUKTU
•U (bam CODLL (KM. TAD ta UM oat; UNCI*
IMWATW Ufa LAB TA- -.ptlkrj tab— TBROFGB
s££ SX
— M—L by tba Wt <d Itar U1 ta tba MK <4 MA
WAR. •* LATAIA I to lb* Uam. TU BY Mimit
.AYLOU y aUxacLoa. •.
< .*—. 1M.111.1 AM WTTT. MTKA bit taaa*
'FETF ta. M|, MIAMI IlimWaMia an ta. at.
uaftht alio attain rip. ,IT '
JKU (be V*MR' Will. '"T
AaWta TF ATFMW tbaaaHCtba ATIIM <* unm
IWWT W tb. tw, ta. aaUfH *• aetar/le t mpt|r gr
lp *<yii. aa* tttiati. UM ra# KM* la
•bata tstMbla mala <4 bwM*. ttowtr i IMMU
Btttm, b taaataabl. a.a bn am* ■li'laaAaiaa at all aaa
| NAJNL >a M*N bloait. at AATMOL^ k-nbi
I lacalattaa aad aanaaOa. moIWi aaai antit thaa
I toattrd iba ctaa. M ataaai, abaa tba aaa aa* ta an
t !—>> t. bawk a* ta. atatar >i| aa* tram UM
i mUtaala* aatlarMM tbat Mltbb ataamaa. Vtritk a**a
i > baa. ia*aaW> UaW *t* TMLN a*. aa4 tiaim
L a LAAAATMTL .TWM It ta UM Uut UM mh a irf
imwmmx aa* rmaitwat LAIAA. A itaautUm <A* rbaa
•aalk AAAT, A abniia. UAATAB INMGWIA . a *ta-
K LMWIMK* *T w&totfhh KDFRT F
> ■wWMMiy and —rai gmmpkumtm tur* mm*.
U tan, u* fMft m i* pvim tin
nana A tba Blttar*. II UUa pruaaiaa b* takaa MM.
UMT. vfli *A M AAEN a UA aiiaaaan AN tafaa*
Mta KM *W* aa* THWA af TU ba%. A id BT*M
laatb tanU. (nut ta ta. AVNA*. Voa A ta. tow TW
aaafaMt ta. oima A ilMtaa. aa* tbat HIIM i Imm
ianr°raal WR adMiai taaa*. aatbucaa IUM at
aaa aa !■ IIFY itt A tbaiifa A Mtaaa .PA 'l*n ba*
alaant TLWC pmA baA MTMTUAA ta pmaaaa
aaa— K. I AAA.HI. *N apaaa—jatUt
t— —*. T—<• aUM TP* COT*. In— ta. Maa* AN
—WIT tb naritiiM. wita TA* VA—tabu Ktsv HMB
•a JZTZ weaMM— a a* titan
lU—r—M—t—t ABLE SCREW Wlßßß.anaa*
*b— Mill—w aw —Mtepll * UMr am aba
ly.Mtab*'—ll a—tt*. t—k oat tor tba Tat
—l 'EB itkii* aiV —a Iwltnaiai. ' * .
To Oonsnuiptives.
Tb. a*<—t—r. ba rtaa t—at—ta—Or ntd a* tbai
*wa* e mpt—i. at a rUpM whali. b
Ml In I—ka kn to t Wl. a.ff— tba taaa—
afraw. To aft abu *—w ivball *—4 a capo a* l—
in lan— MM —a*, dna af p—lpUL WUb t— pigtMk—
ft. —am aa* M— tba—aa. whMb tba, ottl M a
.1 MVU forvwK-urt wm. llfnu. ItOKPRa, Aa.
Mi It fiatb No Eoiai
rom-iirnvEs READ I
Ywuld ran ran UMI Ainrmmm pan** uJ bnat
I BaMm M paur bw: Mk fcm mil
IBrtbocraarlaaweh HM. "HI kan MM currd. BMV
W UR IMMNB hara Wat thrur MM* tea. that mi-
V* IMT bnateait, aaa rrud tlmir anWar* and hdini.
Uwk rlmal ill II Tmlliiid ■lianjlil
I rapaot adutd ic. bat UT at MMM tafcataahU artfila.
' it Ma br loaad IB Bar <** *Bte IM U rrnrt Maapl
I* in warranted a ataa mm audHtm la all eaaaast |
lL ami Thrum dtMrullir*
Wb Him of * l Unkblm Drajnrtat.
Mans* < rrt. MM*. Ja'taafc MM.
lor it baa "arod m, Mr 1 teah Bird oald and iMWb.
' ad. Bad aprnt a rir.t Oral of amn. and sal aa hat*. I
had A lira ■ Land Palwa liar aair. bat I Inra iillnir aI
', d i
1 ril t dtal aa. aad to O] crairinJ aufiw dm Brat tab
tir rt.ij.iwd tiij ooadh and Iwf -rr tkr third bnttW aaa
■lt'.i ,T'. iSjjT £&*££*
uaaMtrral Al aa'r Lun Halraa
I roaiMß nan. raapardfallf, L C COTIBBL
Bar It a bar in liar te tkr moat Oalieala tkat
•r tl nauutwriHOaiama
t I rirnos. i.
Call for " Alkaa'a Land Balaam." Bad ahaa lAa aa* ad
na> oabar Balaam : ttnfrtnrtited ami at| Or oat or tar
X OM— aaCOAte
Sold try lidtotM DaJara fr*Hy.
Oenenl Ageiita for How Eagknd States.
FOR sale; BY
JOHN F. HENRY. New York.
FRENCH, &10HAHDB & Co., Philadelphia
GEO, o OOOPWTN A Co.. Boston.
lit Am r KM.-T. amyda mm fdfgM. win
da, Baa nanr atatcUf hooorabir. and adapted nirtr,
lorrlit, Aldrrar
" Bt*iraar. MFMaIBL. T.
l Hrnd raamp for nrr-lar Whitnaf A CW.. KorwtehXX
Biirna, Soatldm. Bpraaina,!
A amctr application alia** Ms pate from a boa* tAa
maumt it ta applwd.
Hrrmrr lVatrrr, Ml m Mdaay. K. T. I
will dtapoaa oiO* nuxoantnasua. as
from At to nil mouth!, until paid ; U.r ramr to iri. am
on •fthibitmn et 41 Braidwty, Nw V*pk
Wo ara happr to annouDCW to Adnata aad otkrrv wh
tod. aad i irrmounoodh, cntioa tbc moat baautiful aaa
writ* OR. cram wwrs UKEA is Hew Britain. 0L
in fidajw~l4 in Wu iuoborf, Mao., in 9 <Ujw no
ITrJ?A2rJrJ2 15351
nil our Agvut txpecu L|VW orom. JSRIP AOQ IOM
Affnta wanted. £d lartr laduoaiaanla off ami. Sao.
for , fiTOX|
<H>jj2 Paps.
Maudtactoeee SiiSSffflE
n. limit 7nd.trld t<wA-d—' Haadtet-M
MuaUl, forall ■fJaßmM°M i
At. 1*
' Wa^gaaaii—, pwiWW* **a a*—■—rtawuil—*
mnif r tMhf dt fMli tfpM
¥ o gaHtPg;
tm Erarfttrnitf of (he H*4
. p¥tb^
iba VMai n aa* • •."< •< •—* r—b— *W*ptawa.
' S* itWftr—T * Oapa-,a la (baa aaaptaatt
Übal..X:Ta a- Wi-ti ana* a baar gui •
■ fC*3lil3i3S*. kp^aSpjaaU-a*tif*aa*r-
I a a a— a
a fair. !—•* ft— Aa —aha aau rftWl
; rue ltd* Bkaaa, KafdfM,, Tata, Ak
. Mb uant uatwet *| aat aatUaWaf A—
[ "oiabaTiM VIMMt* ■!***—ry ?
Aa* aa bapaiiaa baaujap A—apMba t*Ua I* idfepa*.
Biaptuaa awiY; at—a It a— la* it A*
* urirltfl flwl *• ***• tdHMM j |t plfNi ff
; (abipUMlaSiSr—Btaap—ab— —p Ibabi—*
' paw. aa* tba baabb at 4m; mi ■ at* fcUaa
. OtalilU >■**■* Bp twya Via6.*_ ja* :
, raa tba aa u—*w*6f tba —a aatbaaa*
. S2TTs,-SL2stii
■ anctsst JB*^wgtACa
aartb abaa — kpaiauba—
II la aa ap— tba baaMbp liiuala a tW ba*r tlm:
aa— *atM. ba UM UM * 11 lit* *ll* nw aa* Uaajr
——la Mat Maa* ibaa brap—u—ft ft Aaapi.
' h£S3TZ
IM. rbain tea f Ulaaaaa . !*•— aafatu* ia
' ran— aa* Wpaak, at Tppa—*fc
GaM-baaan, aa* Man, a U— a*—c a '.w. <3
. b* UJ U> pa*!—m rfUa la—ja Ta paai* —M
U— ukaaUwaal W.u—a a Via—*a iarouta a—
I I dff twit* A •"*•!. M A a *
BHiiw Kc it in >wii. M 4 linmljimi
!i rptrara, übb an a (—'Uam ia UM ralkyaUw
t m*S ribcrr ib'okAlwl
i Saa *t Um M I iffP. Ob— MM— a— Ik—— T—-
,a— Caad—iaa*. AApaaa, fia*. Caima*... Srya,
' Itfa Qifa A, raart.Al3BAti*bMia'Bw—uuht—u
t .AtilbUAW* "Mar utbavaub tbau ta tr—a
• naa. Ua—fW a— *!■— uiai b j *aap Aa fia ■.
- and AHlin i w Af* vwKadiHKltkf Ml fAw f*t •••••■ i
. taa—al I—.< —l■ *H*—".Wtba?—*
, U— ab*a—lnan. p— a* Unftaa.arla
al^a*aMa—i'aa* eaut ,MI I*l* ilia, bbtakbi—Hp
- iff ■■f ■ ■ ■'" J r'- "la f-tu taa
1 •—at, * —rpaunt. taotl a pau—M Mhaaa— —a
, dm —— a —Baby —a—aar. Tba. a
-■■ " "• "—7lW"*
' *aO-rai.iM* aao* aiw uub kiUl tba b—aa aa
' —H at t! vu— taaa —Mbkuap tba w—i— of
► tba b—f. —* pu—Uif ra—map tba baakbf Aaaa—
lot— taitaMmatiraii t*m.arb AT
' In 11 an a'M S— Ewpnaat af UM Mt— &aa Swa.
I etc.— la iboaa. a a ajlaUma t—l—iaaal D-
I paaaa. t Vi —pa Ifbrr—a ba— U— A—
c uTAtii* J* iwtn ta Mhs
' "'ijr*W .tkrr'i r.llfaraU Tla.psr BHirn
' .ft CM all tbaa caaa a a m—— aa—a. By pailjn A
UM Blaad tba mam UM —a aa* by i<t aaap
tbaa*aci> <* tb. .Uuatta (UM tab. r-nlai *—*J
UM afocM* paw RW. a Baltb. —* a paa—a caw
Tba pup. ft taa af Da Wiu—'i Vn—aa
Btrra— an Apatai. Xb4f*aaav aa* t^waaiattcA.
NatnttoaA Unm, DM— t— Saßatm, Claatir-lm
taxt. Sadnntc Aha—tin, aa* AaU-Btba—
Tbr Ap—taaf aa* aM I—3M nr—ataa a
Dt Vnut'i Vw—.a Btrraa. a..AaVt^ai^
Ac lalwVlk ilMia* TSak*llSs!t'pfi^S
I xsr ' rw Ontituc wopwMf aa J?iS?6iS
Brrv —nKti— aa* r—uiUiap tba •af on— TW
A": B>>m— pnaartaa MnacUaa tha ba— a tba taaa
(a— afbdA aa* IU tbadtarpw tbraap* tix
—* an aapcnoi la an waiijtia' I*—. fa tba caw at
Bibaa. Ft—r. Ft—. aa* Ac— aaa .
Fanlfj tba ba*y apalaal Übatatt by pan*
Armp all ka *ak tnth Via—.a Btrra— K# tab
anac eau uka
UM' _ _ V" *"**
Dtrarfl—ao.~*l akc c* At Blttan an uUfp *aba*
at ipba A—a a iba* ta a— au* tbuka* UMM-klannlt. t—M— rmwt boat aa* nfuckkA aa* taka
' 1 t*aw ttrma Thajr aw canpna* af rantp —pat
abk Mpw*MMtA aa* —atai. aa apnt.
(.VALKCB. Fi—V R.H IcMflLOkC*.
lv—|<MaaUO— Aoa.s >— l —* No* York.
*rT.B. o.fab.* hi
5.000 SISS.'SS'StSDiS
.. t Vkßierr. —— I—.
AO KB TWW—i—4—At—tAj—^l—ja^at
■(Tan?— A OaTll— ASt>|Bl. F——l. M.4IM
\X22* z *S^T?3g22&
|k* M.rrlatt Kaann aa* Bapnta. Ba— Int.
trikx. —amart AM i—■—lia. fbttaAatpbtAlS
1 J-Z*' <l—!*■ W AWUBjat • Am* M——a Uf—twtfwa Ban
Aj7\aT §>■** 4H*W —I Bu P—A _niuA*o*. A* I!** a—
Lfa iy SK—SsssßdrKmZ=ss a bQsl&
'_T b'tkin " tutru; a?.a. .Sfc
Plw 900 Teetll ItTsmtß
la a* tba kiiUn tiau at tb. ti
Ban —*akaapatt aib— al— ktaUkatat twrib Oat
*h**7.'M.orStTKir At Paw Kan, B. V.
AAP tefMNfSt atihaFff
*—N—Apu—Ufa. 3t
Wrt dklyp, B| Y
to— nuaa-ixijur tv i poir* at aCw am——
too—ra >b<—l , *,
Tbwal aripi—l atatp papar lot Iba nillku, —talk*
Br Fttn MfCoaaiT.
Br Truuwi*
DAwnoit, or ontMORK ;
Br Da.*. C. W—M.
B* DA Jctaot Ro—aaa.
Br Daata Houant
BT M— Kuw E. MADISAK ta— Oalk—a >
in^^C?^kS?]nM? r thi,o^or^
•* ba bad a* aH Bo—-
•" "-fc
Two Onjtu, taayMna
yitwl**" *actao ap of atuMa—t
M. 9. O'LEARY A CO., Pablfehen,
*. O. BOX, Lett, BMW TORS.
W* Bp at taa— Oopiat aa— fa—