riiK . \ i r.tii Rrit'O.tTs:; FRIDAYMarch, 1., 1371. ~ r ~ f '* "" LOCAL ITEMS. bOCAL REfTl.—(fur friends will oMlgo .< by sending In auv items of Iocs)I inter .t, including dcfa marriage, Jtc-. 4- uch are hy your fricn ds m lbs west, many of wliousgetth-' elH>wr. Wo would astoem its favor If our uni |- tron* would oc-asionsUy M a >>p.V 'l tho Reporter to relative- and aefXiAinUA who formerly P* fr Ci nuoceuuU md removed tootlfct p.W, wlitrti wwuld induce many to Igieufre Aauii. that's right ncighlor, we said *' idong that renu waie Uo high iu liellrfntf>, and the Watchman has sant so time and again ; but, we are inform*! !▼ a Uudlord, that the rente nkid fur the rooms m Meek a brick-hottse, are *• high a* the highest iu that town. Now that's wrong, and our i.eighUr she uhl be iu accord with what he prints. How Uit good neigh hor? Give tbo "figgers-" We slated last week that Geo. Hub lcr hail trapped 15 foxes this winter. ■George sue* that he did lietttr. be lraptid2B, of which six were taken iu one night. That's buJlier tnan bui ley. Mr. Chr. Gingrich, of Harris twp< his iaTßrto Samuel Brown, of Karlvftottii, for $10.3110. Sea how independent the Lyatnhg Standard editor is. He says: "After this iiue we shall give no local notices of balls, theatres, and entertainments other than i heritable otie*. unless j aid for at the rate of twenty cents u iiue, or unless the number o! tickets we demand are left at this office. We .ctiu affoid to jair our way into any place we desire, and shall consider our iselves under uu ob.igatiotis to 'jvull jor anybody or any concern."* KIft'ATIO*AJU— We are requested <0 fsty that I'rof. Win. C. Sbaetfer. f will oj>cn ih •pnigrttriu of th # Academy, in April, i.ixt Jlr i* a student at the theolo gical ?ei sr T #l I* uc * tcr , and is highly m > nnuwinkJ The man tank w Lock llaven, has 6"**. Tto* crat say*: Fiskd.— Htnry Baitleon was triad be fore Aldsnnan Noble last week upon tlir- e charges in refereti.se to in<**inall-i>ox esses in his house which ho /awed to re port, and to which is traced toe spread of the ducare in. L>>cii llaven. On the first count, violating .ection one of carperalloc ordinaree requiring a board or sign to he nut up marktd eiuail-pox, be was lined *1(J0. On the second, in violating the law forbidding him to leave his houac while the Hcreate m as in it and g hack and forth up* on the tr. el# tran.nuttir.g the di#ene. he was fined S6O. On the third, hanging out clothes, 4tc.. worn by the patient. It wtu de .cided that there was no cause fr action. Balhm's Magazine, for March, i* at baud, and i* a valuable number. It* article* jtrc calulated list instruct, it i# fitly illustra- Thi* U a gd monthly. Published hi Boston. ... ~. ~ The Nursery, for March w the delight m*m:*lm is a gotKllo|w and good srerage prices, with a steady de velopment of the general industries of the country, can be attributed only to an irredeemable currency. This past subjects all commercial ventures to contingencies against which ordinary foresight and prudence prove unavaif ing. The result is shown in the for midable list of buaiuoNs failure#, of which each brings in its train a series of embarrassments snd lasses which it it difficult to estimate. At the clcctiou held on la*t Friday tho following office!* were elected in Potter townahip: Judge—Alexander Kerr. Inspector*—Joha Daubcrman, jr., John Shaunon. School Director* Wrn. Koyer, Sam'l Swarix. Assessor —George Stover. Supervisor* —John Goodhart, John B. Lev. Overseer# of the Poor —David Gil bland. John lioalermnn. Auditor —James M'CI in tick. Town clerk —Wm. A. Kerr. Constable —Wiu. Careen. In Gicgg twp., tlie following offi cer* were elected : Justice — Jne. Kir-hell. Judge—Geo. Buchanan. Inspectors —Win. II 'Cool, Wm. Homan. Assessor —John Ccldeo. Schetil Directore —8. C*. Herring, Samuel Wiso. Overse#rr;--DsMirl Huukel, Isreal Vanada. Snjiervisore —J. T. lleckwan, fjtn- Shade. Auditor —John Grove. Townclerk —Wiu. Wolf. (lonstable—M. H. Guise. At the election in Penn twp , the following officers were elected : Aadjtor—Charles Held, judge— t'h. Alexander. Inspector* —H. llartmau, latmy. School Directors—Ad. Hostennau, Hcjirv Smith. Justice-—Jacob Kmerick. Supervhuas ■ Aani'l Aril, D.Fidler. Assessor —John Meyw, Overseer* I —Sam. Geary, J no. llmil, Constahle —Dan. \V. Ziegler. TswneJork —H. H. Weiaer. Tlie following pefWifW Wfre elected in Haines twp., as reported t* I Judge —J.G. Meyer. Inspector —W. 11. Mingle. Supwrviaora —li. A. Mingle, Jacob Bower. Overseer —Win. Stover. Townclerk —J.hn Krcamer. Ccu.-tabie —Jslni Ketnei. f 'he Peacw —A. Dutweiter. - t ■ s - - In Miltw t*p„ mi i' ndu#" l*u4. the following tvwtu>hi{i ortitvrs tsert) elect cS. 11. Stover. School Directors -Daniel Muaaer, Is. Kftup. Sujierviaors —F. Kuoii, Jns. Gienn. Auditor —G. W. Caiupliell. foowrjprk—J. 0. Irvin. Goiutghltr— Will. II Moklc. . -*■ "8 o't'luei," 1| have ebAij this tnys teri'""* through. oul'lbc ,->.1.11/ .ll Imv, U.i, ...P. derinc what H u lb ® ¥ vU,,1 I t . -n, goods H<'dWr iQcatiing: Buy }o. • .. . Hr..s, Hellefoat*. 111., and always keep a full stock. Kor the Keporetr. IleiulitiHcritfe of Childhood. n<>w vivid wo my conreptiaax, • Of my innocent childhood dsy, M hell all was mirth, with but few ex ception*. In nil my innocent childish plays. 1 remember well of my little i*Ur. Whom we all so foully conversed : And how much we did mis* her, When her little'hand* and feet were at rest. Her hair hung in curl* of golden hue And always seemed <> attractive : Her eves were of the mildest blue And always in readinass to perceive. Me thinks I see her lovely form, Standing near by the old fireside, "Where from earth to heaven she was heme. With her Saviour and angels to abide. I well recollect that solemn d*y, When *he wm* placed beneath tbecald sod, 1 wished that I too could be carried away, To dwell in thut mansion with my God 8. T. 8. A <; A u i). At tin* rennet friend# and jmtrons, I de*ir t*> *>.y in this public manner llint 1 shall remain at Centre Hall, to teach till June. The Director* have generously tendered me the nub lie school room f',, Balance in fiiver of Centre County S, 482,C0 OK CBNTKK j County, A. D. 1872 Auditor's and Clerks pay 99, til John Biag commissioner.. 4-Wt, 11 Jobbf j. commissioner 146,(1) Joseph llvidtisikuy k-riomiir loner HOl.tU Win Kurey coininisHotier'SiTt SW[! J X Parson tlpstava "70 80 AhJikw White coyrt crier— 43,00 B Oalbralth Samuel Fittercotuui(isio..., tf),oo l> W Woodring on account... tdU.tsi Coninmuwealth eoats 3,3tV,7'l Premium* on scalps 28*26 Kcfuioi,m ftuiiinu<* lifted 3,"Ait..>4 Refunding uoU* •i.J fj'ad 1ax18.H83.73 I toad views and bridges „ 692.00 Grand and traverse jurors pay H.dti.sa Constables pay tll.W pay 934,00 WsU lunatic asylum 390,96 A set son reg,*{| ;i(ion.. 817,00 Election expenses.634,37 Inquisition on dead Tic dTet .„ 7 41 Orvis and Alexander solicitors 6i*jw Jury commissioners 4*7.f4 County taxes r0fii^dej.......... 108.fl John Moran prothoiiotarv.,... 1 iJ.j,Sj4 P G Meek printing for 1870 and 1871. 867,40 K B Burger & Co printing for 1870 and 1871 438,00 K Kurtz printing for 1870 ' 71- 337.00 1* D Stover - " 370,00 Insurance public buildings.... 78,44 $86,998,60 Smith* Murphy' dOjApu H4.7& Eastern penitentiary......4i,i*i Running county line....' '...'- ),983,8'-' Mil William# painting.........'- '*>6,76 feMf,-CaflertF balance on pub- Alexander $ Go. fo#l,..JftJ,sl Dams! McGinlny parpl r work Eft,7l tt M'Knight gas - tff.Oft "> C Hums* clnrk (06,66 ai * Henderson ooupt reporter 330.00 H A lu>*. - *•> 0 Dugan JIWi.. big-.—tH.^V Teacher's Institu. wv l > Jnc H Morrison bod** "d tUUonary - - JA J Harris hardware —. 77.64 lloffer Brea !-. l)r. J II Dobbins medical at tendance .. ,W Hoop, Jones ACo lumber ~,,, 149.'*' Uoech Creek Lumbar Co fur lumber - 4A> B Oalbralth court house —, 67,80 1 J Grenoble indexing - 60,t" W F Murphey dockets - 68,60 Water Ux - ©.lO J A Knnkiu Insurance 196,11 Contingent expenses 2,113,39 $48,428,76 TAXES OUTSTANDING. Martin Murphey Simon Linglo - ww,jjy Paid since settlemet,t 338,34 Paid since settleinent 268,93 ay Ishler . W F Tibbens - A "SfcS A Wm Askcy .55'L f ! Jne Pownell . 107,60 Jack Hosterman <1 f Wm Cross I aid since settlement. 161,01 I) K Fortney J M Bush... J.W D H Yeager 106.44 D liosterman 238'*' John Bnehdoj., 271,8tt Daniel Derr Paid since settlement )V7,ummoil ing juror. 44,71* l'uilip ltiee'a etpenae - 1,19 Conveying I*. Uice to llarria burg 44,05 Commonwealth coat*, January Term. 1871 24,1 Waabing lllankvla and filling bed*.. 4.76 Aaactiting venire* and aunt mowing juror* 56,76 Notice to juror* nut to attend... 6,H0 Conveying C llutlcr to Wnl cm i'euitctitiary 75,(1) Commonwealth coat, April Term 28.49 Waabing bed*, btankeU, Ac. .. 6,69 Ksccuting venire*, aummon. ing juror* 86,99 Conveying ilamer to Peniten tiary - 76,00 Conveying Lawrence to liar riaburg 82,66 C-omniowweeltb coat*, Augual Tern 84,61 Klection Proclamation 2,69 Kiacuting venire*, aummoning juror* 66,'S Conveying J Taal to Harrb burg......' 70.40 Conveying Gate* and Dalige to Penitentiary 160,00 Common wewlh coata, No*. Term 68,66 Boarding prtaonara BHIJ waeka at 8,00 998.86 Shavaling aaow.. 2.9 C $1L864.76 Balance due D W. Woodriug .1,841,36 DK. Te county order* $1,918,60 Balance 1.041.38 John H. Or via, Kdinund Blanchard and Jaa A. Beaver, Committee, in account with the Centre cour.ty Law Library. 1871 DK- Fab. 13, To balance at fettle mant with auditor* $216,43 March 16, Amount received fToui 11. V. 3tiUr.. . .. 160,00 Nov.. TO.oo —-1444,43 1871 CB. March 9, Hy ca*h paid It. It. Barerr'A Co.. circular* . "A),'® March fit, hy ciuh |ai,K> * j ft!? nub; ;ivi i-W&wfr i prs fur book* purchased in March lat. some $350 which there are new no toads to 1 pay JOHN H OMVUs. EDMUND HLANITIARD. J A M ICS A. BKAVKR, Ihmmitlee. JOHN M BUBII, KOBT. F HoLMR.S JWiton. CENTRE COUNTY, 8. 8. • • We, theunder tignvd, Qomiataalonc r* >•] **> d uouitty, 4 hereby certify, that tjle sad correct latemerit of tbe receipt* and expenditure* of aid county, from the 3d day January, A IV. 1871, to the 3d day of January, A. IV, 1872. IOSMI'II MC LOS MKT, Attest : (ImHifi'i. fVitfrt Ce WM. PUKEY. Clerk. ATfc uy PA., CENTRE COUNTY, We. the uti Auditors oioentrc ootinly. do hereby certify that iu pursu anee of aa Aot of A*seuiblv, entitled "An Aet relating to oountle* end township* and county and township officers." Wviuelat tbe commissioner* office at Bellefonle, eit the let Monday in January, and did audit settle and adju.t the several accounts set forth in the foregoing statement In witness whereof we have hereunto et our hand* and teals this Ist day of Janu- ROOT P. UOLM&, L. H Atu-I : ,4urfQ"'* l and Clothing Slot*. at Bellufonte | All accouuu must be scttlvtl up iiu mediately, iQ say 2 eosts. All account* Uot settled up witliili a time, will Iw placed into the hand# ff Justice lor collection, I'ijuntt CKVTRC HALL FOUNDRY and Mcliin<* Simps, Van Pelt df Co. The undersigned, having |ua*tid fLr ahovs- ctbli*hmenl. announce to the pub lic that the *ame will he carried on in all it* various branches, a# a FOUNDRY. MACHINE WHOP, anil Manufactory of Agricultural Implements, They prepared t(> H". "P*" l shortest no tice, uM *'fd* r* fuf Horse Powers Threshing Machines llaj llakes, • • PL(JH t K jflld l'lour Castings of evory description. l k,<. ij. qf made and lilted up for Mills, Forges, Furnaces, Factorius, ftc. Also, every thing in the line of SHAFT! SifN, I'OLLIEB , it UANGKHS. in Iron or Biaes. We employ the but I'atteriiuiakurs. Our Patterns art! new and of the latesl improved planr. Also inannfiteturc the unrivallud ROUGH & READY C o rn PI (i te r, 'which is the best now made. All ordt is by mail promptly stleu dttd to ldttcfltf ueim TWfWE-qiJ. u torn* 1)11 it* MM Nits, sru t founds nd LIMBUS. BUY ITT TRY IT! aqd . Ui Pig Cur 0/ frXsturuitiinj,. . . Ui Paiij C*nm\. For Ntoaltla Uil Palo CuerOlL Fir FrvX&n Uii Pai CJh OIL For CkolaX Iforbua, . Um Paifi Imri Oil. For SprainiV . . . . Uie Oil. For HridachtX, . . . Um PjHj Cum Oil. For Bruim, , , UmJAIq Curi Oil. For Corniind Buflbni, UyPi\f) Cum Oil. For 4 "J Sore, . .Mm Pi| Curt Oil. For 4y Lanjenni, YJh Piiq Curi Oil. t>ui a>nyiiYiUin>*, AaJ • (hall, of- (HuUk. • IU <-*W*l I wl ln.ruJAf -4 iViull) b MAR iCwn inaAOT. At* be rAHyCUIE OIL. T\. m Maw. br va 9RE&AIT IT TO ORtl b la M a>yFru, aatiauu |>r|iiu<.lk-ul • ub- X lug NM..l* f.U\ vm. v the latter the oppertuuiiy, to which it ia un doubtedly entitled lit equity, to reply, af ter (he lapae oftwo month*. We have no right to call upon the tribunal to reject peremptorily on motion any ctaiina, how ever prepoaleroua, which may be put for ward by the American governaieuL The construction of the treaty, and of every thiag connected with it, has beeti referred by ua, a* by ika government of tbe Uni ted Hla tea. to a tpecial tribunal, and we, like our opponent*, must be content to leave everything unreaarvadly in it* hand*. SALE.— J. W. Zeigler'a tale iu Banner twp., 1 mile watt of Pleasant Gap, eo , Friday, March 15th, at 10 o'clock, a large stock *f home*, cattle and farm ing ulcneiis -5 bead work bane*, 4 milk cow* ibal will be freah in.a few waek*, all of which are with calf to a thorough brwl aldrrnev buil, 1 year old alderney bull, 3 hoed young cattle, 3 breed tow*. 0 head of ■beep, 1 boar, 2 thoau. which are of purr blood che*terwhite, I Ohio mower and reaper combined. 1 lhrehiiig machine and strap, with Fowler haker, 1 grain; drill, 1 hay rake, 1 fodder cutter,.l fanning] mill. • Carlisle corn planter, 2 two horse] wagou*. 1 buggy, 1 t.eigh, 1 pair bwb*)ed*, I 1 siagl* led,Tio feet ofruj with pulley*, j plow*, barrow*, and *bovel plow*, I set new tug harne**, 2 et* of tingle bar • new, 2 let* of wagoa ladder* with a lot of i othei farming implement* too numerous to j mention. Sale. — B. 11. Goodhart'e sale, in j Gregg twp.. two mile* weel of Spring Mills, ou Tuesday, March sth, at lu o'cut-k, a large stock of hor*t, cattle, and farming utensils. | head troik horse*. 3 two year old oolt*. 3 milk cow*, 1 hcifTt-r, ! bull,' 4 beau young cattle, & shoal*. 6 *beep, 1 two horse wag on, 1 sleigh. 1 buggy, 1 sett hern***, lug haruoss, front gears, plow gears, wagon saddle, fly nets, chain*, buckeye rt-aprr, computer, cornscrapcr, cultivator, plows, harrow*, Ac. Also a lot of housvhould and' kitchen fUrniturc. Peter HoOhf'f salt!, near Centre HmU, oa YVedneaday, March, tifh, at 10 •'clock, a large stuck of horses, cattle and farming uteusila. II hoed of were horses and cols*, cows, young cattle, hag* cross of Chester white and Kentucky, hor*e-ge*r* and hi* entire stock uf farming utensil*. Johu Hook's Bale, Hnnis twp., March 15th, persona) property. Bale of |). j. Wetland, near Liadcti Hall, Hayek **tli , (brut slock. Sale of J. L. Bruiwrard, lower end of Milt* twp., on 4th March, farm alock. J. T. iv-e*' i-fftr Linden live Wk ami 'itiipfemehf*,' op stlt March. •Je?qie punlap's sale, near Farmer? Mtilt, 4 UiWs, * fUndiiHc, IJ-trb fttb. MII.KOY MARKETS. Corrected by John M'Howell. White wheal 1,43.... It* d wheal 1,40 ... Ity c 70 Corn 70 Oat* 40 Barley 63 Clovereed 5,30 Timothy seed, £W....~- Salt 210 per sack Bacon 10c limn 16 Butler 2o... Egg* 20 Piaster 9 50 tVhue Wheat fl,tttt, H"d iao..rtyo 7A. Corn 00. .Onw 40....... Barley *. 70 Clovoroed 6,.1*J Potatoes 40. loird pr pound 8. Pork pat poundoM Butter 26 Egg* 26. Planter per tn sl6 Tallow 0 Bacon 8 .....Ham 16. Stoves! Fire! Stov'si At Andy Iteesman's, peplio "T )U*t and bo#l Mom out, bt bw jut recti viml a Urge lot of Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS The Radiant LighL*olf-fiq>- dor, Ua> Burner. National Kgg, Jewell, A. LVA-lte toll* tovc* a LOW a* anywhere j*i yjiJllin or Centre eo. -4M TIN ANO SMEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the cilixcits of Pennsf Alley that he ha* pur chased the Tin*hop heretofore carried on by th*C. II Mfg Co.. and wiL continue tiitf *aum*, at the old Hand, in nil it branch* c, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE A NPOCTinrU. All kind* of repairing done. He ha* slyny* op hand I> ruit Cans, of all Sues, BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS, DISHES, AO. All work warranted and charges rcaoon isepiOy Ceiilrd Hall Coacli Manufao fcory. Levi Murray, estn blisbmeiit at Ventre Hull, Pa., keep* on hand, and for sale, at the most rcatoiiuhle rales n largo stock wl Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wappfh*, PLAI* and FAXCT, and vehicles of every du*oriplioi nooin |u order, ar.d Warranted, lobe made of the best seasoned material, and by the uiot skilled and competent workmen. Person* wanting anything iu hi* linear* requested to call and eaamine his work, they will find it V-f Jp \'.'J f°f durability and wear ap"l*ly. PRUNES and DRIED CUII RANT.So tho very best quality jus roceivcda Wolfold lUnd 111 I'ilUburff n wuiuan 85 ycariald, fall into li< hie while drunk, ami wro burned to ilt nth. A hill lia been iulr>Mlu', aitui| by Ha* M P. Croatliwaiti 1 , l*r. I. M lloiluway. of Jarldanvllle, I'm , to Ui,i Annie 9. Chatham. In CiaaUroviL on 22nd nil., by Kev. M, 0. Karhart, Mr. John T. Jbi.fr. of Me- A levy* Fort, lltintin kt*i county, ami Mi. Anna M Thorn*#, of Ferguson twp., thie oounty. DEATHS. In Gregg twp., on 'J4th ult . Mnlinda, laughter of George Fall*!, aged 8 year*, A month., and 26 day#. WM. J. M Manigal WHOLESALE and RETAIL DKALEIt IN Foreign & Domestic s Mr IN HIS NE BUILDING Milroy SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED in Nails, Kails, Nail*, Nails I Glass, Glass, Glass, Girts* 1 Locks, '•"rtii . Locka, Locks Hinges, IJingv*. "liug, Hinge*! Screws, Screw*, Screw*, Strews! Oil, Paints,. & Piiltu, jNPhp.vial tadu;ii*,cnU-AM>' ImTT" Carriage Maker* 4 Jilttv'khliiUiu, ftr Hub*, Bpukee, Kim*, Carriage Oil Cloth ami Linings, Iron, Iron, Iron. Iron! Horseshoes and Nail Rods, Blister A Cast Steel, llorw Nails, and Steel Toca, and a very large assortment t>rOwriae lioltn a •* • .••"Special Inducement* To Housekeepers for Willpper, Wallpaper, Wallpaper 1 From lOcla to $1 per bolt. Coal llods and Shovels, Tea Kettles, Pans, and Sljilk-u, I*ard Cans, Waffle I ruin, Toaster*, Butcher Knives, Broad Knives, all kinka of Cultlery. LA MI'S of every de scription. £%.Spccial Inducement* "Vtffi to Carpenters for Haws, PIitRCL Chisels, Draw knives, Braces and Bitts, Ac. To Farmers and every body else, for whatever ihey \yqut in my line. 1 keep a general as sortment of WOOD* WILLOW WARE such as Buckets, Tubs, half Bushels. Peck measures, Baskets. Ac. Trunk*. Vslice*, A Traveling bog*. Sleigh Bells, Sleigh Runner*, Ponder* and Shaft*. FARMERS, MERCHANTS, A MECHANICS, Please give tuo at all, or send for prioos. Ton a ill tfud a general assortment of every thing |ierL>ining to the llardwaietrade. Brat-1 would ask Painters •quto give my Varnishes a MTtrial. 1 have just re- MTceived from New York large Stock of Varui- fUfh poarp, WRIT* ULMAU, WKAKINt; BO- I)Y, CAKKI AUK BO DY, DKAIK Kl'llJtlNti, AS||* WIALTUM and JAI'AKU, J. T. I.KWIS • into. WHITE LEAD, nl way* on lini.d. Ordorn Htjnpocl fully Kpllpllp Wm. J. MoMauiga! i UMIO WAR! WAR! On Price*. i QRKAT EXCITEMENT. 11. It. MMITII, ofPotlera Milla. N E W G O ODS ! Wn would uiiMt rwapoctAilly i'lfrom hU friend, tnutoiiier., and the public galiar *Hy, that be ha. taken poaaeaaioN ol rbouiuaoii*. old quarter*, wbiali have been remodeled and improved, and la now pro pared to at-i-otnmodalo alt wlio may favoi aim by catling. NEW GOODS! He baa Jul received una of the iargoat •toeks of all kinda of Mert handUe evoi bruuglit to Centre comity, which he intend* to aeil at acub figure, aa will make it an ub jeel lor all peraona to purchaa*. Kamilie* uiyiog in winter auppliea of Grocurioa, Dry Goo.li, Ar.. ahould not flail to give him a call, aa ho feola ouiiAdent bi price, •nd aupertur quality of gooda will amply all. Hi* atocit of GHOCEUIEB couaUU of Coffee* of the beat quality, Tea*, Sugar, of all kinda, Molaaaea • Fi.fi, Halt, Chreec, Dried Fruit, Hpicea, Froviaictla, Flour and Fead, Ac., Ac. Our dock ot DRYGOODH ia large and varied, and we will Jut ay can auppiy any article in that liaa, with out enumerating. HEADY MA DECLOTHING s Urge stuck of ready-made Clothing for Men end Boys' wear, which we will dispose of at a very small advance on coat. Boots and Shoes, liaU and Cans, Hard ware, Ouecnsware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpels, Oil cloths. Wall Papers. Window Shades, Ac , ocdkly, Graham & Son, Boot & Shoe Makers Kl|t door to Wagoner 4 HonV* Store Bellefonte. We manufacture to order. Our work is neat and durable. Our prices are very moderate. We warrant to give satisfr.ctiqg. We base the BUST stock of Laulie's and Children* shoes in town. Wear* receiving goM* every week. We wish aa exsminalion of our goods. The Pennsvalley trade is especially [t ; vited to call and see our stupe, %* we can ploaae all call a* to style*, quality, apd prices. W study to render satisfaction, and although W have had an extended trade fur years, we have never riven a customer cause to complain. aap4lh.tt VffITWH 11 Office of tho Lc wishing. Centre and Siirtie* Crek R K. Co. Philadelphia J una ISth,'7l. Notice is hereby rtren that tho first in stalment of five dollar* per share, to Il\C capital stock of the Lewuburg, p. n U**u-l Sprue*, Gtffek Re.i Bciad Co.. subscribed lit) lho iown*bip of Harris, Potter, Gregg. Peon and Hainea. Centra county, trill be payable on the Ural day of July 1871, and subsequent instalment* of lee doilaraper •bare, will be due and payable on the Brat Jay ol each succeeding month until the whole it paid. Payment* of the aboee in stalment* are hereby required to be made to the treasurer of the Company, at tb* ! office of the Centre County Ranking Com -1 pany IkUcddnM lta. i JOSEPH LESLEY, Tmaaurer. N. B. Any parson desiring can pay tha whola off at once. If payment* are not punctually made the law allows one per cent, pel month to be charged in addition. IkBOCK K KHOF f RQPSR, Xnegncaey Street, Bcllefoute, Pa. D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. A riaaT CLASS HOTEL, conroaT ABLE BOOMS PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CES -AND REASONABLE Charges, Tha psontluto.pi uffiir to the traveling public, and to thuir country ft lands, tlr*l class apcon\niodatlU and careftol alien lion to the want* of guest* at all time*, at fair rate*. Careful hostlers and goodUble ling ff business, rudors it tho most eligible l.tgcu fur those who visit Bellef.iete on DOSI lor pleasure. Au Omuibus will carry passengers and baggage to and from all trains i free of charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. A lot f laud, lying In Gregg township, uu the hank* of I'enns creek, between i'eun llall and Spring Mills, is ottered at private sale. It adjoins lands of tlso. Buchanan and L. B. M lntire, containing 24 ACRES more or lots. About 8 acres consist of first class whito pino timber, the balance cleared and under cultivation —6 acres are meadow. For further particulars apply to a II liBNNICK, ISoct.lf Gregg twp. BO A LTS for Buggies and Carriage ot sixes in use; Fire Bolls, ditto, at pltfftH lawia a \N ILSOV A CARD—We have removed opposite to the Bush House and are selling out our *tock left from the fire at bantams, We are settling up our books and aooounls and will ho much obliged to one and all to call and settle their accounts. Wt would say our numerous friends and customers, to please accept our sincere thanks for the generous patronage they have always be stowed on us. UURNBIDE A THOMAS. MUSIC! The Song Echo u't)Uiu* over one l.undr<*4 hnamifttl Wongs, Duets, and t;luure*—such as Driven from Home— Liltlu Brown Church —it y Father's Growing Old—Only a Little Flower- Rain on the ltouf —She Bloops in tho Valley Write me a I Alitor, etc. Them i not a pour piece in the hook. sample Copies iqajliej, pOsl-pay such au thors as Hay*. Thomas. Gounod, t'crsloy, A lit, Kin kel, l'aclier, AlUrd, Strauss, faim, cVe- Hi{iglp Cppio iiiaileij I'o.-aOc. Price per annum. J, L. Peters, 4W Broadway, New York. Carriage MANUFACTORY Ceatre Hall, Pa, GEO. B. It A KPHTKR "m ok bad and fur mI at the mo*t ren 'unatilr rate* a apian did atuck uf CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and eeery description of Wagon* both PLAIN AND FANCY aarranlad to be made ot the beat and moat titrable material*, and by the moat *(pe rientsod workman All work *ewt out from the cUbtUbmeiit will b# found to be of the highest rU. and tare to gine perfect •atUfartin He will al*o have a Sea as sortment f , SLEIOHH if all the neweat and moat fashionable atyla* well and carefully made and of the bel material*. An inapectb n of bla work la naked a* It U belle* Oil that none auperior can be found In the country. augM.tf The First and the Best! The Largest & CHEJPES7 stock of FALL GOODS! JUST UNPACKING hi KELLER A MUSSER, In Hrockerbor*block, Blakop Street, Bellefonte, where i tiave jua oueaed the heat, ehaepeat large*. * veil a* the beat aaeorted ttock oftieod* ia Bellefonte. HERE LADIES, 1* the place to buy your Silk*, Mohara | Mozambique#, Rep*. Alpaca*, Detain*, Lant, Brilliant*, Mualiat, Calicoe*, Ttak ing*, Planet*. Opera FlaneU, Ladle* Ooeh ing, Genu' CWuut L|4ie Mnoque., Whiu Fekny. Ltaati TabieClotn*. Couaterpaae* OUh Counterpane*, While aad Colartd Tarlton, Napkins, Inserting. and Edging* Whit* Lac* Curtin*. Zephyr A Zephyr Fat tern*. Tidy Cotton, Shawl*. Work Basket HOOP SKIRTS, FOR GENTLEMEN, Kaodjmade Clothing of Ewery De scription, for Men audßova. Their.tock of QUEENS WARE A GRO CEKIES oanaot be excelled ia o* pfics. """ Call in at lb* PhiladidtihlaStote aad ooa -1 Y ls£f tea' akLLER a Mi's. iSHX hare any thing you want, aad do bu !ine* oa the principle of "Quick Sale* and j Small Profit*." l*pM,fi oaata axn raoDOci aaa taxu GREAT FLOOD! Tuna of Dry Good*, Groceries, No tions, Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, and thousand* of other article* CARRIED OFF AND LANDED ATI C*,th Cheap Store of HERITOR k CFBWMIHER, CENTRE HALL, PA and now offered at prices lower than the lowest. Dry Good*, Notions, Grocaria*. Hard ware, Uueensware, Wood and willow wnr* Iron. Hall, Fi*b aad in fact, a magaiioesi assortment of everything GOODS VERY NMAH AT THE i OLD PRICES. Dress Goods A moat beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties of the Mason, white goods, embroideries, hoop skirt*, BALMORAL SKIRTS. AU we aak that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, tilv<n>fci>g la alt it* branch*. The be* of Cefiln*, a Oeod Hearae at all Umee on hand. Eeery fuaetwi will be attended to by him in per se*. Hi* meny yeera of experience will recommend him a* one of tbe OLDEST AND BINT UMDEITAJLEIS la the State All order* PROMPTLY FILLED. Ordere to* Coftnieen ha left at my More * Allegheny Street. THOMAS LINN, BtllefotH* Pa tdfltly. O w Rlfi.i * ■may* tm Teen* Men. oa SSEAI SOCIAL gVTXJ aad AMUR arhieh interfere wits Marriage, aad rata the happins** ef tbeua aad*,—with care meant of relief far the Erring aad Pafatiueate. dWesaed aad da> biliteted. Seat ia eealed letter escalopes, *AAdrmn'fioWAßD ASSOCIATION. Ma. f Booth slath St., Philadelphia, Pa uctllly. Jaw B. Lorn. P. Bum Wiu* a LUI * WILSON* DRUG GISTS. Hacoaaaore of F. P. WOaoa, Bdlafor.t# Pen*'a. Hare secured the mrcleea ef Jama. H Hteea, of PhlUdrifit in, a druggie* ef thlr lean year* experience, who will ha*e tb , charge of their nreeeriptlou>uiaaaa. A night bail V* attached ta their #Wr door, aad tb**api*ya***l**p*eg within the building, will attend to the waato f the public at alt hour* of the night Liet; ft Wilton knap oaa*taatiy oa head a large atoek uf Drug*, relate OH*. Perfumarr, Trueeee and Modem! Appliance ef all Wad*, together with a *ery largwatoek of relent Medicines. *u*Si a* Viargnr Bittern, aad alee Pm Wine*, and li enor*. of ail kind* fur medical julyltUn UNN * WILSON. f MIIUmiAM PLLTH uMI.I. I* far tal* by lavtx a Wuaov. a a Wit. TAPANITED TOILET SKTT*TAND U other J*pan*ed vara, at the Aarll Store. apKTtt. lawia a Wiuei. i N ATURE'S ' Hair Restorath Contain* M LAC SULPHUR —Xc SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—Nu NITRATE OF SIL VER, —d is ontirriv free from tho Poisonous and Health-destroying Drag* useJ in other Hair Prepars tiotta. Tmn*W> and clear M crvstal, it wlill not soil the in est CLEAN and EFFlClENT.—amider*- IUIDI LttNO FOUGHT FOE AND FOUND AT LAST! It rcrtM* and pwMU tb* Hair from becoming Gray, imparl* a gtomy ap pearance, removes Dandruff. M refreshing to tbe brad. cheeks the Ilair from foiling eft and restores it to a great *taai when . maturely lost, prevent* Headache*, our** all hiunoes, cutaneous CKWIOM, Mid uanatural brat. AH A DRESSING FOB THE HAIK IT IS TUK BEST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. G. SMITH. Patent**. Ayer, Msm. Prwu and Herlacher A CreamlHer. ' AGENTS WANTED FOR A Book That Will Sell! IT TBS UUKKWBKD * • IONOR BEITS. This Is *n original, interesting, aad ia structiv* work,lull of rare fun and humor Wag an account of the AUTHOR'S PRO FESSIONAL LIFE, bis wonderful tricks and feU, with laugbsbl* incident* aad adventures as a Magician, Necromancer., and Ventriloquist. lUustraltd with Id Fall Page Engravings, baaides tha Author's Potrait on steal, and numerous small outa Tb* volume It free from any objectiona ble matter, bains high-toned and moral ia Ha character, sad will ba read with inter est, both by old and young. It gives the moat graphic aad thrilling account* of tb* effect* of his woaderfril teats and magical tricks, causing tbe most uncontrollable merriment ana laughter. Circulars, Terms, Ac., with fttli informa tion, sdtet free on application to DUFFIKLI) ASHMEAD, Publisher. "II Sansom Street, Philadelphia. oetß.ta. RIXNTRK HALL HOTEL, V JOHN SraxoLXK, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is new in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will stways find the best accommodations. Per sons from the city wishing to spend a few weeks during tb summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most beau tiful locations and the Centre Hall Hotel all they would desire for comfort and con vtmicuce. aplCW.tf. KNTRAITHOTSL. Corner of Third and C'l\#*tut Street, Miffitnburg, Pa Bliowera, Proprietor. Its Central Location wakes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure, H, Taylor's Livery Attached. juogg.iy - • . ' 1 * A