FEED Centre Hall, r*March 1.,'i2. Oex. CAifcff-At our county cuvcn (ion held last week, it a a* nut deemed necessary to toetwet the rvprmmta tive delegate for any f " r Kt,vrnior thepreference of old Centre being*) de cidedly for Geo. Cass, uf FUubur*, that any delegate would deem that i sufficient as to whom he should wp port, without special instruction. \V e think Gcu. Cass should be the nom inec—the Reporter advocated hi* claims thro year* a;u. an I the party mode ft mistake in not taking hitu l>.r their standard bearer theu. We hold him to fhe best ami strongest nun in the state, and bcridtw, it is doc the gallant democracy of the west, that her nable son be nominated a* the next democratic candidate for gover nor. The llellefonte liepHbtifian crow* over radical victory in Utcir warvl electioM, tiiul Us brought out a detul rooeier atnl lousy coon. 11at patmr has alaays gone craiy ever the little local elections aud ever ■ advi#el it* parly to drawjthe line* iu lowushiji* where they lusve a majority. Demo crats should make a note of thi-, when radical* came bumming around and ask them to givo them a little township office, aud draw the liue* un them too. The lominiltcc A committee iu the contested case of M'Clurc vs. Gray wa* drawn in the senate yesterday, says the Patriot, 0f22ml ult". atkl the ring Mnalan lost the tos* for its seventh member. The committee consist* of Me*r* Ruck •lew, Davis, of Berka, Dill and Broad head, democrats, Messrs. White, Filch andMumma radical*. With hi* in sensibility to decent public opinion, Senator White insisted on being made member of the committee and in obedience to hi* own demand* and those of tho silting enali>r, he was selected. The failure of the ring to secure the majority of the committee prevents White from being chairman, a jKwitfou in which he would have ample opportunity U> practice some of the nets with which tie ha* grown familiar. This then is the end of oil the scheming to secure a partisan committee in the Interest ol Mr. Gray. The case is before a tribunal which will subject it to a rigid and impartial examination and decide in accordance with the law and the evidence. It is certain that noiw of the carpet bag governments at the South, not even the South Carolina ring, more corrupt and debasmd than that of Loiusiana. Under it the taxes have risen front thirty-seven and vhftlf cent* on the sue hundred dollar* in Itltiti, to two dollars in 1871, and it has raised tho State debt from fourteen thousand five hundred iu 1888, to nearly forty nine million* in 1871. Tho following bill pa**ed ths state sen ate, on 15th ult., it should pas* the house also. All law* of this character cut off legislative job*; Ths*. from and after lb* |ssage of this ! act, the several courts of cotuwou plug* of! thi* commonwealth shall hare power and authority to grant charter* of iwcorj>r*; tion* to water companies and ga* compa nies ; and when satd companies are so cor poral*!. they shall have all the right*, powers and privileges, and be subject to ali the restriction* and provision* of the general law regulating gas act! water com panies, approved March litis, HOT, aud the several uppl*uioU thereto ; and the •aid court shall also havo power and au thority to graat charier* of incorporation to soctetie* or association* for the protec tion of birds, fish and game, and to (.Mark et companies, and town hail aud market companies. The Columbus Couieulions. On lfc 22nd ult.. two Nations! (V>nto-n- Uoas so-fallvd, couipk-u-d their labors in Columbus' Ohio, by pWing I'rosidentuil ticket* in the field. These were tbe Ns tioi)ul)Pruhibition Party. The candidate* of the former ara, for President, Judge David Dmvif, of Illiaoi*. on* of tha Judge* of the Supreme Court or tt.e United Htatos; for Vice President, Joel Parker, of New Jersey, and at precent Governor of that State. The former gentleman U contarva tire in polities j the latter a pronounced Democrat. The nominee* of the Prohibition Con Ti-ouou are, lor President. Jamas Black, [ of Pennsylvania : for Vies Pro-ids/it, , John Buxsell. of Michigan. Of the politi cal views ofthe two latter we cannot >p<*ak 1 with any degree of certainty. The Labor lie6riucr put forv. ardan elaborate platform, wbiek toay generally be regarded as one against which but lit tle objection can be urged, escspt i{s *p aparent imprscticabihly under .etirtlng ctrcumitnnce* .' starling *ti a criminal, it is said that the rogue escapes be cause Ihe detectives will not help rack •ther, least they loose the reward which they would hope to get if ihey worked singly and caught their n*nn. 11l New York city, as iJic Custom House revelations show, e o Olil Mtiuirr. Th Mill<>nl hil Miilamora* liuil wav act, i un M sinner, that hay been rubbing the state irca-myl 000 manually for n number of yewr*, j Kepentctl nltempt* have Ikm it made In hill this fellow, but always failed, li I cause lie is a tat chicken, and tin riii); in the legislature heretofore, ul ways voted against n repeal. L' week this steal ntvivid another lease bv motion to postpone, instead of cut ting it* head right off. All the ring member* in the lloue voted for |h,#i ponenunt. We clip the proceeding* frout the Ayr and call the attention ul ■ UX-puyei* to the little job, it needs no comment ; Frvm thr Ayr irl>. 21 The llouse lull repealing *> act relative to the Milfbrd and .Uatauturn* Ki *v, which takes SIO,OIO yer aitnuui from tho Stats Treasury, vvas eotuMered. Mr. Meek titoveil a pot|.uhoutetU f..r one week on account of the absence of lh Pike county mouther. Mr. Hewitt declared that the repealing, hill.ought to he passed at eltce. because the ongtast Milt.-rd atul Matainora* aet had been a sqtmrv seal of slo,tkk> per an num. ... Mr. IWrdslve aid an effort had bona made tat year to obtain a repeal of this outrageous act, but the repealing Mil ns.l boon delay ed ny "tricks that ate vain," aud| by uttderuaud measure*, until the close of the session. It appeared it some such tactics were again to be resort cd to. , ~ The repealing bill was finally |Ht|K>ueu for one week, oslenstbty U>awakt|Ute roturn ,'t the sitting member. The vote was 47 in lavor of postponement to dft against it. Our representative doe* uot scud us the Record. f*r fear we may see what he is Joing, but the*e things leak out through other paper*. The Aye, say*, a* will be observed, thi* motion to poaipoue was only o*teuible, of course it wu*, and the steal sliouhl liave been stoppevl whether the member front Pike county wa* in hut seat or not—he wa* out on purjniae uo duuht. *upjKie Mr. Meek, cau explain, a usual, to the satisfaction ofgreeu one*, —it* only SIO,OOO a year, of the tax |wtyer'* rnouey. Kx-Congrtswtnnii Stokes ha* been ! convicted of collecting fraudulent ! claim* against the Government bv hi* own letter*, furnished l>v one ol j hi* confedrates, who turned Stole'* i evidence. These letter* show th*t ! Stoke* had eUntr aud full know ledge ol the fraudulent character of dm claim# ' made, and collected such sum* with a clear purin.se to deftpud the Goveru nient, 110 will be*etti> the peniten tiary. |t i utterly astonishing that he should have at-toxl iu this manner, He I once stood high in political circles. I mid had sufficient energy and ability 'to secure ft good income bv honors j W.e pursuits. Yet he deliberately chose, first to lobby a bill through Congress, whilo vet a member, on the lusia ot fihich t)e frauds were alone l**ible. He lluu JaJjl>crtvlr pro ceeded to cheat the Govermueuu out| ! of large um*, and followed it up per ! shrtcully for a time. When first ar I jested, tt will Lfi) rfljieniberetl that he ; wore an air of ianooMicn, and nffirm ;ed that if these acre frauds, he was I utterlv ignorant of thitii. J/e also said tlint the bill that was carried I through Cuugri** hy his influence | vvas, he be thought,' perfi'elly logjtj I mate. It now turn* out that till (hose 1 statements were deliberate falsehood*; ! aud that, if possible, Ktoke* was the guiltiest of oil pis Jiarty. Wc regret that a trau of his ability sjiUH.fl have so grievously fallen. Act he htu- The evideoc* n f.lctr. Let his puu ishtucut be com mens u rat* *tj.hscnmr. Important to TRAiELi-Kiov ahp ; Married Women. —A case involv ing the somewhat novel and hereto fore unsettled point, vvhctLer or int tlio tiut to the tmraphcrnalia of a married tyoiugu reside* iu her or her husband, tuts lately he*iu dpfjJed by the Court of Appeal* of jk'ta t'oik The plaintiff was Doretha Run suit, who brought suit in her owuuanielo recover $4,000 for the low of clothing and jewelry by nn accident on the rod ofdefeiulauU, the Pennsylvania Railroad Co|Mtuy. Thft (letrudai'fo ciaiut that lite bulk of the propertv having been received by plniultil frem her husband, belonged to hint, and the suit should therefore have been brought by him BT| d that the terms of the contract (the tickci*) limited the Company'* liability to SIOO. Tin plaintiffs counsel*, ciaiut*,! ipat lite prejierty was her*, Imth as against kapj husband and nrdinnry creditors, and] that the carrier cannot limit his liabil ity except hy express contract The Court of AppeaL. in a/firming the judgements of the courts belog , {.eld, first, that though at common law the wife's paraphernalia,during coverture, ordinarilv belong to the husband, nud he cau dLpasu of them, except by will, ilia statute* have .-*i*md ilicru t-/ her even as against creditor*, iu equity, the given wolul be treated J a* the wife'* scjtaratc estate, and rite w'uuid be protected iu its enjoyment and potuaowiou even against the inttr-j ferencc of hor hod.and. This estate, if not absolutely .? legal ut*te, is clothed with all the incident* thereof,! and rite i* therefore the proper pr*ou to sue, Hecoud, the word* printed on the ticket do ;>ot cmbotly the contract of the parties, 'fitey rc ft mere no tice, but only by contruct. i'laiijtifTs attention wo* not called to these] wotd* wheii the ticket wa* purchased] by her ; and evtn if she read them when rite entered on her journey, *he wus uot obliged to submit to ft eon tract neviy titOflrt, of Jeavc the train. > I[t-nte tl.a carrier*' Jf>y Hh bility remaius unchanged. A personal paragraph concerning ex-Bci:ufor Jyimund G. Koss, of Knn sa*, states that ILtfl ptl, a weekly paper, from wJiic.fi he lirriytv hi* spp port. The cx-acnxitor is a poor man, and jt is and to reflect that, iu this age' of official corruption and roguery in high places, the very fondest means af this ex-Senator of the United u one of the best recommendations to the title of an honcal man—a species of the gcuus lionw, which uiifortuuutely, has well nigh diup|e'orrd from the arena of American public life. It is entirely clear that the same kind of a struggle is destined in take place over the case of Stokes, the murderer of Fisk, as occurred at lln trial of McFarland. ThecoiiUst will be bitter, ami will involve every in genuity that can be devised, to delay ' the trift), ttfid befog the minds of tin jury. Graham im* ppl, how ever, thus j fur received the pons 4'T'ifimi j|e did ut the McFarlaud trial, and may fail utterly. Still he has immense energy mid great ferlilily of resource, and will do all that is poasjlilg ijt behalf of his client. G. O. Deise hHf. liern elected rcj>- resent at ivc delegate from Clinton county if) state couvtti tion. A good cibote*. Dctuori'ttHc ('tutit(,t foittcttliou Tltc nu'itdn is • t he lute d niociatic rot'lilY t'otiv* nt<'it no tul I'.clh u.iitt, on uitHi I'uisliullt- l it cull, hv the cbuimot ,h. I'. !•'< i nicy, lot ibt |lirporc ul xlxtlkg, ho cftt< • ami h.l'fotfis. (v. Jol'll I I Stilt I Was cull td to the chair; Wto Alt \ ndc mid J. U, Orvi, wciv t h*cii sc. tciiiii'- l> |\ KoittfV nun If t' Kclht wo t. placctl in muuiti dit-n I i -• i- it rial dv legate*, the first butinl t.rulltU;.' in favor of Mr. Furtney. Air. Keller wit* dun pr- pt>od u repifscntntive delegate. which n agreed to without opjawuimt, and in structed, on muti it ot Mr. tltvis, lot Justice Thirtttfoun. t-r vttpretm judge T, N. Wolf. Witt. Alexander ami G, W. Mcgnfl'cv, wet - upp'ttiitcd senatorial confortH*. Mr. Orvia then i< tol t cn s t rules for the govvlllttteltt "I tile stent- t liUi. party in this county, which w.rc lead, ami tituititmoiislv uih'ple-l. follows The democracy oft'-ntre eoutitv I'.-t n lit county conventinit no t, the following arte rsi' be adopt.,l tot tlu* future government >'• the party lit si. i county : , , Ut The etevllous for dels aah - to re| - re.ettl thedifferent districts tt, the annual democratic county coiiveiitt. t , shall be held at the usual place ul folding general election* for each dt.trti t. .-■ the Saturday proceeding the si.wid lues si in August, in each and every v. or, In-jiit-i i„g at taoo .U-ck IV M sir-aid day. and continuing until tire clock , •.'ml. 'Hiesaid delegate elections be held by an election boaru, to coimst "t Ut member of the counts- committee lot sucb district, and two other democratic, voters thereof, who .h g f.ts and all instruction voted shall be evltlncu by said board, to the Cmurty Convention, upon printed blank* to te furnished by the County Committee. Mb Whctev. r Irom ai,v : • ■ i£e*l dcwecraliti so'vsS, ijt •iitn-oer. v to five time- tt.e de!; - ga'. • wutch such Uts tricthaslu the Courity Convention, -hall complain in writing uf Hit undue election A>r false return of d. legates or of iustruc ti.is.s, in yrhich ciniplainl the allege,! tact ihall be ipuiUcsllr >u lurth and '< ci • by the affidasit ol ope or more jr- n\ such cwuiplaiiianu shall have the right to [contest the teat of such delegates or the • validity of -uch instruction*. Such t m ; plaint shall be heard by a committee ol • tit delegates to be p|iointcd by ti.>- 1 res ident ol lbs uM*Se:,t'-.>n: which said com ' mittec shall prcc< H tJ hear t,m i irH—. : their proofs and allegatloii', and as • ■on at may bei rcjort to the tS-nv < niton wuat lanlggstes are entitled t-> seal, therein, *nd ! wkaf lprtruetMr,* are binding upon such 1 JcVgatp*. "tVliCreupuii 111* convention j.ha!, proceed ittiiwediaujls'. up>'.' 1 ••> v*; jof the gee* and nay*, to adopt or fcjnct [the report of the contesting partus. In I which call of tho ytnt and i ys, the nam. • of the delegate, whose -eats are contrtt. - or whoso instructions arc disputed, shl 'be omitted. • ill, All dpltgalc* IHU-.1 reside in the • district li.'jrtopisevi.s Jr.Mseofabscnct or inability t' attend, jjpsl:lulio. •>• made from citiaen* of the district. 9th. Delegates iniist obey the In-tru.- tions given them by th.-ir respective dis trict', and if violated. It shall be tho duty ■ pf the President of the Convention, to east I tbO X'etS uf Kp-'l df'.-o'"iiv Of )eleL'itC in accprduiigo v. ill. ifto l)slrugtloiis ; nnu tho deb-gat." or delegate* *o OfTending shall be forthwith Crpclled from the C'onven ' tion. and shall not be eligible to any office olar- oflru-t in the jmrty for a |K-riod I of (wo years. Itkli." In Conva*Uior gon witii a vuv t' ipilpping, or securing tiic votes of d' b.gaU'', 'i if vi. m> i -'wlf he done hy any other pcr-un with the ktiawledge'and consent oi such candidate, the name of such candidate' -hall bo Im mediately stricken front the list of candi dates, or if such Inct bo ascertained after his nomination to any office, mul before um final adjournment the nominal on shall b* .trirclt fto;., |)i; ticket and the vacancy supplied by n licw iutni*aiiop_, and in either cae, such person -hall be insllgtulsi to uny noiiiinntioii by a convention, or to an election tw a delegate thereafter. And *u case it shall he alleged after the ad journment of the convention, that any iai)J{jj£t9 put in nomination, has been guilty of such sew filiy other fraudu lent practice* l obtain sutli (...Mip.atiun, the charge shall be iiiVistigHlcd by the County Committee, and such steps taken as the good o! the party may require. 12th. If any delegate shaH receive any money or other valuable thing, or accept the jirumiie of anv consideration or re wttsv U> bo p*iJ. dbllVerod, or secured to Mlu orlapy' person f>; f'teh caiididnte, as an induceiiioni for S>is vol, of the fact to the satufactiou of ttio Con vention, such delegate sball be forthwith ex;velled ; and shall not be rcceivct us n any future convention and sbidi be ineligible to any party nomination. pftsc* arising under the 7th, 11th am] 72th rule*, shfij precedence overall othJr busiiil.- in' c 'nyvlitldn, uu-. til determined. From Fusion. fiv* la.j.oiitlvnco of tlie ltuportur. limi. l'a. hi-fc. iitii. -M* Mi tor:—We are li'l Woet by the orajigi bay*, with orange* at "four for ten cent*" land "three for five ccnU." A few (•ven ting* ago -oine enterprising' gentleman Ve?r York bronchi a wagon load ol oraiige* to college and bt.itioiuid |ti* wnt'oll convenient to Uiu buck >f|> from liiu pimp college building where pe vijH'ctcd lit in tercept ilia atudciiU coming from evening prayers. dirpote of hi* little *"ur orange tfbrfliilV' 11 fortune. The Student* pned out in jBlt; jtyiti ly llu Ut'Pf i*tOwtiinenl alld disappointment of the oritug' man, did not buy one. The gentleman'* (Mi niate of the atudeiiU'propeiikitict wo* ( V idwdly ill fault and hi* |Hicket minus tin tuce little aurpltu. Wp *pirie know how he could have attended (o the tula of t.'ir orange in cave any had been di*|>oc-(i to buy, for lie found about all ill* attention convuiiied in holding the atiiiuitl attached to the vehicle, which persisted in obeying the iiumcrouv advice* it received fioiu the vtudent* to move forward. We promised to give a synopsis of tin* rotitine of college Julie- for a few day*. Wii itiit iuk YMI' #c.*.l**k to iinegiop they hear a great bell rilifeing'on tl/o bolfega tower ul i.x o'clock iu the morning, which announce* to tint vtuiicliU ill the laligtiage of '-Coblw' First Header" of which wc Ijaye s* IIIC rceollcetb.ii: "James, the sun i* pp, it i* tjny ijsjv Tin* lijtlc I limb* are ekippftig mi the groi'ii gliim"j do. IS either the Faculty nor the nludeuU espouse the notion* of the Fird Header at tothe time of rUiiif, ; for theforuier reipiiic the bell to be rung, a great porti* n ol tin year, before tunri*e and th latter do uoti M*i' g in tally ti'it ii lit" *llll hi< been up I'm suiii" mo in ii'ii 't u]i u iili tin* lir*l i bell, Mi" aecttruiug to tbe viirei lion* | ti..- Itimli'i, l.ut vv" val.HOt *"u in w bat 1 way ill"! afe H>lviilltu:"d, mile** It be I" ,eoiMUtio. iu the winter the oil 11 c.i *iivnl the night hoforv At U flft.ovU 11. ."iniiJ 'hell I Iftg wlllub ind.i-ale that brei.Kt.i-t at 1 'tie dltfbuut cltib. J. ."iidy, u Si n. io ! U '.lev e tb" v*ii,tub* ■ I"* vVli • *ii- on get there m lil buhic | i.,lt*|.,ii ox i mid it i vur. vi" tin Im i*. i tut ' . tti in uuy one ele, S mo li w ju to i*.i il i.i*t ! then, lull unite n numb. < only at ti. .1.*I• | "iiluie how long they have to *• audi .ml 0 time lo get Up, '■ MUlvy .lllvMlgii! (tio ir ilevotioM*, ! ;bl v!.fti ( iiid **lllll-.*! • liapel" at 71' lii .II n H" tw. !ol ilielili'Uied Ii >U.*, >IU 1011. , long at I ll>.rt, thick and thin, 4ri • Utl Utoi half ilfi i t, IIIBV bo eoll Hi 11 ■ t Mo. W elolllig U..U way acro-s (be e.iiupil* to (l.i llall slue they hceakfa-t Wo wot Oei.r tlieiuli ii.ry *-tßblibmi. nt-, tiieir apjnM'tvman.v* 'rtluf peculiar .m ~ ouf ■lo Mime irtb™ .a tin." \t cm v.i e. i . ii.. I i! ii i .ap ol ling* al.d Hie sluden .1* ii.i I Iftg *l*ll a tin .1 in ffoui Iwoto il!!"> u iniiiui' •, hui r v Hway, witli books in aisil, t" ibo I'Mpvl Some ti a d> i.'t "ll l >> i .pei Biol ot eoutsc 11.. uUiiiiu kiiiili.. ta * 11. to U* met • it*, irhieii tiny are u ■ lo ~ t it the cl* oiiseer i- pieniit Ail the l*rfe soi, or a* many a- liaxe g>tt' •• up in time to malm a i>a*t,v toilet, Collie l vllHpei. I'rev the Student* a bi.v iali nl i Vren.i tit) |. ois i a chapter fiom the Scr ptui. *, iiiinotiiice* nml -ud a hymn, often a tuuiiliar one and the >:udc.l join Hi • inging it, led by loliu of their Itumber itlg iVil be gi.in.ii i liiaii to it ..1 ti.. tu It I.U ins ing w.th l!:e ,.| iit and it'll, n.g i* to" -s* number, with lit" umlei•lamltug aso "some good old tuuiiliar liymu such * "Hot'k i i Aj.i- What a i..ntr, t there i* betw < elisueh ttlU>le and the plMtb -*, Cllt (tv.- — i* Isloobcfkared service"IoUroiu ra |tio e'loir* or llic ol> > f mini purely ar- Uilio vinger such a* ivu lieai •> ■ otl uin our ! city villi i be*. A ter Miigilig the l'rvrideni leads in an imprc >ivi-. pructical, eomprv lienstvo prayer, tu which the "dear hßfi 'al home ' arc always remembered, the I poor, tile tempted, the vlt'graded ufall peo- I pi ii and clime*, e*j.ev ally lor tin# pirit of Christ among the >UaiuiU licit aii learn ing may he .anetitlcd, that this institution may be one "whruct iuill gi torth streatiis , which sliall make glad tho city of aur toul " The -ervicc over, ttt'lcnls and Professors, hasten to their different rvcila* .;tlon rooms whure the latter are very eager U> learn alt tliev can from the-tudelit* w ho .have o recently invust.gated certain sub jje't. If the l'rolossois do not succeed in i, (hiding out ail tbev want apparently b> i know, they do Cud out all the student >1 know*, a* well as what he d"e not know. •Some student- succeed in 11-WI ring all the i i|UC-tion and aro called "gootl student*" . while (|uile as many ha\ ethe happy faculty i of getting every ihing wrong, even when it . i- mute plain and are act ounevd "tiialers " ■ Then the student in Mathematics hear ot the "object-i which imaginary indu id* ual is always well represented in the I'ro iies-'vr or tutor nd is >ure (■ And the vul nerable |Kint in every dcniuijslratioa. The Proies-or of our division in Tuiiik , Sections, permit* the student* i<> demon struto with the l.H>k cpeit tru-ting to hi* . ability, by qu*>tioiis, to flndouthow much lis understood by the student. The tutor, • to whose division we belong, requires llie . ligure* to be drawn and the d"iii. ' nlthougii it is not so ditfk'lut. if the le mer ! know* liow to gra-p It At tt o'clock the bell ring* ami ret ttnlu n . is ver. Two hour* now must IM- -pent on - the preparation of tin- next lesson f..r 11 |! o'clock. Student* who appreciate the val , ue of time ami the opportunities rd' d. burv themselves iu (irvek un.l i*atin l-*re, while the mors* liixurb>u em * who have , Irarmsl that tliere are two w.iy of , 'gelling through college and seek (lie , college walls only for the name, cither JI sit dow ii to lite pipe and euchre, or "ride , through the translaioct bv the act of a , "jMtiiv or "hurt • Tio. i*.!! rittg* IT [ and fi| students Bgniti go to rs,cit..tio|i for an hour; the Pr.tfe-s.'r* b.-ing a-greedy as • sv.i for kt. -w ledge, ihey sC'l'l I n' n 'finding out through sin it students a* are . indifferent, whether tiny give the In or- II (tuition or not The bell . dents agt r iu g*i id t'.-Tc nif.il . kf'.er dln- I ricr soiue tttxe walk-, aopte smoke, HIIHS i read. Some go "'down t-wn" on errant* . and ionic go to the Ueatling r l'o*t . Office. At 11 in the winter, ai d t i , k the rv' of the year. |hsi hell ring* i if tf dy, .iid lite Iti.t* e tner ysfr , I >, , >iit tkc or "tide a* lit.' case tcay 1". At r J| <>r t o'll.ik the Im-II ring* ~n ("• r rec . itathm, and the student* go the ugi. the t same operation* n before. At ti'clook .Itiie IK*! 1 rings and all repair to chapel t >r . devotions. A tutor now loud- ana <'. * in prny r, (.Trie t tin-- Prssfi-•*••-* .firsts tl.vir thoughts i to the Infinite and their cy*e- t-f lit. Nit.hti* , more seats. After pray'cr. Soph. Jt>!tn says to Soph. Bill, -"'Bill, bow oft. n >lt.l Ihe -ay 'Our Father wcpravTlu." 7 Hill jl WftipgrfH ; I * nb his 10-vt neighbor and , answers, "ltai)-ten times. PWT I. WARD. Fire lUSclitmgtovr. Oorrespondvnccof the Ki'i^rlir, 1 Ft . Feb.2Jnd. ib2 I!.ill. I*. Kmt/ I-it.' I Itiglll nil- II! ■ half part t> ii oVI -i k tin- 11 ill I 111 • fir. wan gi vol, and the J*<>ple cause lr'in [ Itll pit I! S •! I III* I' Wit. but 11l h ur horns, f.ur 'i C">\M, nogs and Jul itiiug implements, . from thence to his home, dv*tmy i pari of lite house, hut on account vo and tin 'store, iiinl from tfiein-i t.< eiirut-r of :uain street, Mr Kcharts now store and duelling, a!-o, lb". I*. 11. W agin . -idler'* dwelling, Wugciiscller t* [ Shingle's drug st>re, ai d Messrs [t I. 1/I.i dA' Miller's hoot A shoe slore. The next building Swing brick, the ■ fire was arrested, and If cut there to ; fattier A pi**' dwelling on main street , is one building, in the whole from i alloy to main street, there were but three buildings saved. From the nl- Jev down, ail was destroyed except ' four builitings. IHI (ha <►.#{ side id the square, opposite side of the street on the bank of Peon * Creek stood the Baptist church with it* spite pointing heaven ward, and tin one willing to luppmj pljfj wntph the spark*, j and a small spark wai carrlod on the spire, and in u short time the splendid edifies was laid in itiin-, and with it three other splendid building*. Such is the work d the devouring element. The flup|*Hio!i in, tiiiit it wihSi t in ' fire, hilt a* y i l>y one hrtc !.i, a npnrt , heitcbd. IX W. IJ How lite Skull Pi otta Is Ihe Brain. A caiid hears knocks which would lie futn} i? old age. This is owing to ifhe sk'ti I helng thin, uniform In lex 'tore, ami elastic, in childhood ; and to the I rain living of* a corresponding structure. The hraiu is at this age suit to u degree that would bo noon- ! ituial iniiittlurc yi-ai*. This resiliency of the skull, ami yielding quality of the loam, explain l ow the child is un -1 injured by blows which would he nt 'tendril v,i*h fa In I entsptujijnji ip nf|ur- J life. But there l. also a provision in udnils f i moderating the effects ot ■ such accidents, in proportion a* the j iiraio acquires firmness during growth, • a r ra,|;i|tl elmi <'o lake* place in the |structure of tiom * It) the |ieai|;| the protecting cranium is not simply otrciigthcrcd ; it is not merely thick iciiril , the Qui Ij >;; c iylticl) surpnind the brain arc split Into layer*, an eg ternal and iiitvruul one. 1 ho-e lay ers huve i itch a dilii-runt density, and it nfti r snhstttiice than ither is inter-1 (Kisttl between them ; lit" i-flicl tfj whi.li is, to iiilsrrtij t that viaratiniil which 4-"p!'| otjtpi'W i# ii"j | the skull, and rciu-li every uiolcelue of tho hrain. -- From I'hrcnoluyirttl Journal. ji -i.ii.. ..-ijii'iioi, M'k'iiljly iji Ifiiir, t iiitioo at llari'lslnirg ciimuit reach H climax. What law are really pnssml t'tiiilaiii eht-ii '< wrong In make many iutulci-Ue to the people,, but it up-f, i .it Vv 'I.I I Hid ' It', ill CVIt- I ii • i . llu-n thn! ii t Vv* md ' , - .1 * . I'.tt.od ol l!o Mill ill*!,. i i it (!t u "Mr I 'til ii tit) it Istll i taut i* lOiliiiii m l iplgliog lii . > I . | f XIt "lis W nil WHS H|t .., \ I li, t•11 Vc t itlll (r.glV mi list? i'ii! . 1 t> i, IH7I. As-" u tliunufti-r i i tu!i ii- vvt iv in older Mr. I'tt* ■ it. * to .1 ii re* luti'-n in ic ,i,| ft tin* till," vvlmili asktvi for nn . ,it mi riicivaoluiioiMlcelgrcs , . ■ r. im shows "tlutt ... 11 i I vv, > II"! Ctiii-ldi It'll or pl.Bitl itv . till. I I lie S, n,t |c till I till-c of Hep-1 i. i it*iv. *, mi Iti n! (hi' records re* luting In nt" vv,-' ti i-ciy it ml fiuutl* Irntlv made ni d nitrnil." l'lic I'.tii.tt s.i v * fuillici I lint, *.ll .1 iim ,*it !i, the "iittcuiioii "I ( iuvcrnur (i.nrv itii< cnii.il tu iIt IB pretended ut't I v i pi.ii.iiiu nt St'tiglor, who Us ui >.l l.i iii 11, ti 11 vv a* it li ii tid } tlint it I .d i.ever rt.civ d the Bunrtinn of ih<* i.-gislititiM*, uml tlutt it had not | wen I i t . ,.-.,!■i*.l in tho Senate Tits' * (..Vi lli it lißpolidcd that lie : vviitild I < n no iu -le io *ign the hill, In vilt • until ft \t e*-io|i i" consider ti ' Vc lho old *igti il on lite l'Jlh of : .1 uiie On the iitli iiiataiit, ilin ngh the Ihlttliiirg I'o-i, we It:mi tlu.t— --,M . 1). tln rl 111 v w ullc nlmn to (lie fact loct ii ni.pt Uniil Sc iiMtu auiemlnieiit in t[ i hi'l it ltcMVi tolhejmyol I'hila .iclpii —i ptji -enien, was omitted hy the Htui-eriiu i- In fore lu inj; sent to ll.c ti. v riior, who rijnctl the hill without it. UcioMck ft.lltwed from Mc>r l;tvi-. lhick.ilevv. (iiay, llrcsoke and White, ii which facte in past h-gi.la lion w. ic c'.t. l, showing thut hills be* etinic law* without ever having passer! cither I louse, or were deliberately inuliluiod befoic reaching the execu tive. !i thi- i- not "pilitfjy on the agonv," :i Ib.vv-c rr ns, we would like to know what will dec it l-'nt it mil rage uus ? We are not ottl\ the victims of special iicwe corruptly pa-red, hut rye are un it i iim \ ..kit of those that never have IMC-MII li this is not tht* rlimax cf cudacitv aiu. li}* the ioscwls whe* sjwie nlule itt leyislfltion, what can it lie hat wi'l coiue next f A -pt eoel ir vestiggtiun euiumittee—- 1 \J. wr., I )c*. In rl. IVtiiketi and Gray— •in-h en npjmiutcd. and it is to he ''"jtcl they will jiralg the mailer iln roughiy :cnl i>nng the guilty tn de J e ved p'.ni-hnicnf Sji eeli of Senator Slitttx .Si U of Arm* tu /'ranee. Thr !"lUwing i# the coneluiiing portion • f -01.111.,' Miurx speech, delivered in the ■ n.itc, on lUth ult: After thU ami other ststeweats, he < churx) thought that Senator* should . cue U> la Ik ab.ut the want of |itrt"Usni of lboe. who called tho attention of the .-H-iiate Mid country this matter. It was •piito evident that foreign governments v.cre B well Informed ► their were, or even bcttir. | l.iiughtcr. J These state ment*, made under oath >t* foreign courts; ictt t>.J S' UI-C "t'Vli for tnc I 1 piled States except to investigate 'lid show the- Ule in'lit* to be false if t'" > wen *O, or if they ' w ere to punish the gufttjr. ' The see.md <]'vending *1 doubt* j ful Irr-lii}' to sell breach-loading rtfl.-* at j ' .11. I i.v loliitvi Bi4t!"'riAcd tiin sale of old , j * annua, arms nnd .tbr ordinance stores*, ' i which vs.-is* .Umagcd. or otl" rwisa iin>tiil- i ritde tor tt.c Pijiti,! Mate* ndliUfy mrvics, 1 ir l .r the militgi of die'l r Stat*f ( apd at undc-r-chirf ot oiuinanee iiad a-sumed j ll." rtghl l (ell a largv nuiiibcr of brvach |! icfing rides of the |utTcrn of 1M, and j ibal al the time when tin- cuililla through out the countv were an ivd with old mut- J JtU.-l.CJ.de- s. Mr. Morton wit thai ilic breech ! adsr ...bl were of a discarded pvltcrn, and that j it wa- the intention of the (sovurtimeul to j arm Use ndiitla wilt. impto,"d n#. In j view of If"- la>*l tVat they vvrff JlCcafvt.-d I nflrs. did th- y not propelly come within j the classes of the ordinance strc ncenlion- I'd in 111" statu!' * Mr Scluirr. aid !l>at the S-K-retary of War and the Chiof of (lr.llpanco had souc . .l-übt c.ta.jit till- propriety - f their at lion . lit lim time. Mild It* bad a letter from Hie i,'b..f o' Ordnance tofi ncr*! Belknap sta ting lb t lit* arai* *a sold'wcre fit for the ll.t Tnited>latc service, lie felt kuthor .xed, 110 rcfore, to charge i A Iflupprtpi ap>l klanipsi liitich of Law : He charged it op the thowing of the I'hief of (frdinanea himself, and if there ! va* to Ih> any (|uibhling about the* |"i",l be i w .u|d be w !ad 'si hcr ■ at ont-a. l'o*l- I bly an nltciiipl woultl be ma uittc otficurs of it". UovcrtttMcmt wete in be al | low.sd toft-el that they might dc* regard tlic , iilainest iiruvtsons ofibe law, aud iliat like t'ac-ar Align -tils tbey cnibl always rely njton n submissive nml obedient S. the : anxiety of the Chief of Ordnance to aid Kciiiington in settling hi* account* in Francv. relatinc to the same transaction*, f.o which he, Ucminglon. liatl been osten sihly driven out of thu War Department, tin difference between the amounts paid by the l*rt nph ai.u tiiu# loceirt d by o\ir (fovcrumcnt. the jcopardiaiilg of our na* tmual relation*, thu risking of our internal harmony, the flagrant and confcwsusl vio ' . i lavs Ity UM War l>"|.artinritl and (be mysterious disappearance of large sums of money all llien4 wme ip-ed nHly'fli I into of war, unit Miggesto.l lliul ho should tlrikt! Mil (lint worn fiom the iimviuliiiunt no likely l" be oft'oiislve to tho Krrnoli Government Mcnri. Morion mid C'onk ling ligd ..irvio.t m gross insult to tho Ger ■ 111111 (Inn rnnii'lit by • -inning tlml the ag ile'id. of this i iiti"j| might nmvol (ho iU (■ln In it o| ilie tni-niiiiii Kmperdr all nrbiffa tor between tho t'nlli'd Stales jnid Great Britain, unit now tho Senator from Nciy York wm goii) to in-nlt the French |M aimed at I recper luu, Mr. Sumner, hiaa elf (S- urn) and tho Mnripii-do fhnmbrun. lie (Schurs) *v oil 111 vote tor the HUielnilin til, mul lie w oil hi give the Si nuti! nuine evidence in advance of the i -.ib-atl. ilUlli uV t.lotwtlldht W'rfl ll'h'i Jiy. lie W 1111 II ie legit) advl-or of tho French Legation, i KreiK-h gentlemen of ril-Unguinhcd fiini ily and of iiigh character mul utainnient*. lie hn< not the hum who had iveu liiui Schillv.) the 111-I information oil this sob V|j I J.ahiiiii e.j 1011. ■ • uf \| '■ what )• th )iint hi- mind .If III* mtiiitl fi'i'liUKi vu'ept ill' .iim way, by supposing ib.it I lit Iwlfu iliu'. il iiti Hiiit'iiiliMi-nl directing Im t'i. i mill<* 111 HtqOII *■ *ImI Whl'tlllT nil tl""' ; U 111. |'MV|l ll ltvl" llf IhlfUP'll'MlH. • lll'tll iififii iii Frama. wurc guilty uf wrrupt | |lt m 114*. • ill rul' llMl'lillll Willi lllOlC tmilißl- HUH* Due* lliNi i|.ir wiiiil In know why , I .l|i| ii.it ffef ll nuWultHl 1 eumhlereil it infinitely In-in.ntli me (Applause in tin gatleries.j (.'oiiktin,; liuli Knocked Out of lint*. Mr I'oakling -aid ho Hw.it given Mr I'.'minKl.Mi ii letter uf introduction ti> Francs- Ho hail merely addressed h nop in Iteuilnglnn hiiiuoll iho purport of whlxh ho hail stated tut a former OMWIM. Mr. Si Intra ll the Ki-nalor ha.l given Itouiinirtoii ii n.iiu iuiii.)( that ho invaslU llati'il nil tlii'ti. transaction-, ami that ho M ■ Ml lil bo very glad il the Froitch govern* men! w oulil -stile llit'in, ami llial hn hail a personal Inion >i In therm oven then I a.in 1 .1 not bo thn limn !<• • nor this amend ment Mr. Conk ling Mtid tl.al Mr. Solium had IN. II tlu- man to drag in the irrelevant fo t that he (Conkting) had written a nute Is* Remington, containing statement* which be bad felt oalUd upon la make In Jtulice lo a neighbor, and ill the internal of fair play. Mr Kehur* aid that when the subject Cm (lit inetilionetl hv him, be had repeat edh i-\jireed the opinion that th# giviag of the noM by Remington was the ojtly art of neighborly friend hip on Mr. Conkling's ' ".Mr. Conk ling disputed thi* a!o nd aid thnt lii* amendment was aimed not rnervlv at Mer. Schurx mid Sumner and the Marquis Do Chambrun, but at all who might route within lU amp* and he meant P> tiid by it. He had drawn, it, howev er, without liaving the *latute boot; heforr. him. and if the Senator (Mr Kohurxi found any offeuslva r>bra* in it, he wa willing to withdraw that phrase. Mr. ocbura—Ob I 1 hare no doubt tha Senator i'in earr.et in tlii* matter. 1 have ne\ erdoubled that It look* ]u*t like him. The Senator ha. referred to the *Ulute which be bald up before u yesterday tbreateiied u* with flnu and imprisonment. Ah! Sir, it is A Glorioui Sjsectacle. Here stand two American Senators, not! entirely unknown to the country, whose rarard i* not ntliftly devoid of patriot- * ism atid service, and whose only aim is to! investigaie the abuses and thu violation of j law* and have them punished. Those Senators are met hero by one of tin- Ad ministration. flourishing a statute in hi* hand, threatening thein with fin# and im prisonment. Let it lw Known in Kvery Nook ami Cottier, that he, who it in earnest in setting hit fare against those in power, and who bold ly seek* to d/trct fraud and punish viola lion* of !aw, i* confronted by the power* that be with th" prospect of the dungeon Why, sir, I did not know that the Admin istration wa* ii. ouch a desperate condition a* thai. (Laughter and applause iu the galleries.] They are developing very (asl. flow lung will it be until you cannot even get up testimony against Ieel and St#K-k --ing, the Knigfits of the General Order, without having some statute dug up that will fine and imprison you for it, (letugh ter.] But if the tsenator from New York thinks that lie ran in this way trik* /tor tutu my sun) he will soon find that he t* greatly mistaken. On the path of duty thai 1 have walked, 1 have seen nun far more dangerous than he U. and Before a Thousand nt Them Mr He.ut Will Not Quail. No, sir, 1 will vot- for hi* am *admeist Vole lor It with ail the ***orn which ll de serrc*. !L*>ud a|plau#e in the gatleries.l M r Kylturx then spoke of the charge that tins wa. w move to ali( uate the German vote. The Senator from Indiana (Mr. Morton) ami ihc Bcnator from New York (Mr. Coiikiing) were Very Hwect pit thn tlcrnian* JUG Nuw (l.:.ug!ilv r.] They had .aid tlial no lual. owned the Germans of America. Thai wa* a fact, ana lie was proud of it, for he was one ol tho titrmi.iis. N 0 l"\ n i" u ' itictap! no A ; tv;r, i-ych tkr President of l!,u Dniu-d Slake* owned the German*. Least ufall were owned by that cla*. of politician* who 1 sjwrately clung to the skirt of power through whatever k may drag lh"iii. (Laughter and anptau*# in the galleries ] The Germans had fought Tammany in New York, and they would in -olid array fight ex cry Tammany, great or small, on whatever side it l.i'Usi.t ap|K-*C An attempt bad been nia'de to suppress this illlcstlgafiofl by Cracking the I'arty Whip, but those who made that attempt gri> v p.uslv mi-took t|ie limp and at the pyOl'lg. Tly c.'uld be no loligrr deejved tv the niXsrcpreici'Utusns ol the •Koliv c* of tboie, who wrrx fighting against corruption. When motives wer*called In quest Mil. thry'Vncw that the rnotivos teftt-7 bench UK n of'power were nt l-us* si* nj-in to suspicioi; r.i tun motives ill llue who Opposed thfiul. Ut me tell tli..e gentle men, skid he, Ihkl vee know the rxw lo patronage just as Well as others slid. If we liad chosen to - alk It. The crarV of party whip has bot its l.Uqv* At"*'# time*. Mer, ci'tg 'til lfr Stale und NBUM nling OO the Stoinacli of the l'oofslc. If you think that movement, now spread ing all over this land, i> a mure plot of pol iticians. you will aoon di*eov*r p.qs>"C take (t u N (s-avlnoi agalnH easy polU- Usal morals and the spirit of jobbery which ha* bi*en devclopes! in time* of war and great political excitement. It is the Kuriurt Uprising for liomx-t nui Pure Govern mcuL I'oa raaao) rrjirr#* it 4* />. t> 't**.-sp/s.*, of *y <.( I (jifupi V may fre a ssicrr c6oi m.Ju.H {'nJ/rtokf to rmst it, and jfr u trill tl it grrot and potitimt rerolufutt twmurrotr. \N HXTKVsR oTII KR* MAY tso, II R aAi n. I IIAVK TAKER MT I.OT. IT is TO THIS T.\N THAT MY HE AWT IS lIKVOTKIf AND. Wlril TllfS AUSE. I WILL STAND OUFALL Mr. Morton said that the only new point in Mr. Schurx'i speech was the passage quoted from the testimony ot Lecesne, and insisted that the statement* of Komingtou, and the admiisiont of Mr itr Liu j prpykt-y s.,v>*p spexVitf that Lecwtnffs. ► laieiprnt*' nluU (* Tdlre The Begat ir! irom Misaourl'had'Fhargcd that an attempt had been made lo stifle the proposed mves- j ligation by cracking iho party whip, hut every Senator and ex cry person acquainted , with the proceeding* in the Senate knew that directly the rever-e wa* true. No hodv had pmpoed pi r**it this Inquiry. He bad intended from the first to Tot a for •ft *ffd t'l" ntsolulmn would haso been) passed withaul a wind of debate, hid net, the movers of the IW-olulioil forced debate on the Senate by ftlslsllhg on tho preanl ! lile. Tlio Senator fr nn Missouri had alssi asserted that the Senatorial debate had forced the investigation into the New York i Custom House. Thut 'ji;.. aL*i untrue. li,. ( M'Vit.m) aW all dp hi* side had \wted for tha Investigation 111 New York, aiidtln ironly offence xv a- that they were not willing to organize a committee, a majority of which would have been enemies ol the administration and give them jmwer to lhr*.w mud and -mut on thu President ami his administration, from that time tip ft. the IK's l vis-n0,.. l|e, tMofb.ti,) wa* in dupeiiJuut chough Ui'SapiiArt tho adminis tration which bntild be kstHtllex! iihly on personal rnnind by falsehood, and eal iimnv, ami abusu. The hottest friend- ot the Republican party stood up in the Sen ate to defend it. They were mtMcd. t< JVrljr Jlemliincn. Ho mrnl not for the m>ithcl of tho Sen ator from Missouri (Mr. Sellura.) Tho Senator talked about clinging to the ;LUI of power, hut t't L; tlly tIM wlii*ft lie fell oi 4 t Willi tho AdliiluMnitlon tftkt Senator had made unite na many recommendation mul obtained a* many appointment* to ol flee a- ho I Morton) had, and he had heard lit stated that the Senator'* personal ditll oulty with the AdminLtrufio- had gyod'ti "Ml i'f Itf ted'ytttl 'fntSnd from ,j- Mr. St huri -aid that ho would author ise tho Senator ( Mr. Morton) to to.I ovory bodv who lohl him so that Im lied. Mr. Morton wa* not convinced by that statement. Tho object of those who had force 1 thi* dvb|o on (lip Senate >vws to draw lho.e crowds to tl.e SJuuaW l-laimTinr, afiiVlo hiakf rapltiil'iig!iin*t the Republican party. The whole a al r W* gotten up by a long previous itrra|tttcnuu)t. Tho charge UTM False front I>cginnitijj to Eutl and the evidence brought t>supjioit it was trivial, but whether false or not the major ity were willing to have it investigated. The movers of the resolution, however, were determined to IHnjr It tcwry the i.'.U ' to IVWidlighttaii, (ie | (lit(rib they know that the investigation would iiiuount to notliing. The object of the Senator from Missouri (M r. Sehurn,) was to separate the Germans from tin- Itcpuhlicun party and from the native cilixcn* in o' lvr { • l hal- WtieaofpuVt.'l- 'Y , lp ,,^Cllltt, 'V vv Its attempting til imiVc Kliovv nolhittglsui iu its worst I'm in. Mr. f'ohurr. said that no man >n tho country hud more earnestly or steadily op posed the formation of auy political organ- —■ -f- - —— Ination lim-iml uO separate lut'niit'llliß a* In l hml. Mr. Morton said ho mu*l Jtliit* (W Soil" ator by hi* act*. llnw i Hcspoiiaiblt) fur IH KiiM'it.ti .j* hit ]>r trior rnlto Coili otto. Mr. Itlalr, t-.i th" {tonale. df JJ' i'r was' Mr. Sob lira'* (MiHtk'nl otrVprSii r. {fawtttrti- : tor. J )lr ll'nii oitil lo h .il '.well elected totliej Senate not by hi* colleague, nut by the] people oi M *ourl. lit* colleague, how-; .over, hail Mnlrttii l iii (tire tin people alt opportunity to ham a I ilr flo tluti, and j..f o..iirn tho Hrnntor (Mr. Morton) did I not liko it. Mr. MUIII.II *nlil lurtt w* tin* proton *•*, I hut tho election of Mr. Itloir wax I ronilt l of a coalition uf porta lit Ucpttblk" nt with lit# Democrat*, mi I That Coalitiuti Iliad nut yet boon dissolved, Mr Morton lion "haignd that Mr Sobura wn (laying in iho Kopuhlirttn par-i ty for tho purpose of JrCfutiiir ii, aud road •II extract frum a ►pooch .n 010 by him In Gfeirago, in which in* -ail that if (vlp. lit tilil Won r-to .initial* J ho ifk'fflltj] would not sUp|(ort him. 'Dm Senator had b right to leave the Republican party, ifito. ! plriood, but ho bud no right to *tay in it' Hiril al! nipt to do feat It. Mr. Solium ntko I wlictbor be moanl to ►ay that thoae who wore riot in far or of ) the renominalion of General (irant had INo lluritit-n* iii the Republic* ti Par- Mr Morton .aid he did not. Those who I were uppo-oi to the reiiouiination of the President had a right lo tttimti their op position Uut if he should be reiioinina- < led, ami if their love for the pnrtv and it* principle* were *lrungcr than their pcrsou al hatred they would *ubmit- A man, however, who announced in ad vance '.hat if the candidate m ot like)* to be nominated should receive the nomina tion, he would not support him, placed himself in a xary questionable |>sition in the party. Mr Mrtuit continu. ) kt length, and read extract* front Mr. Blair 1 * iecn<-s to show that Mr. Schurx was guiity of what he had charged. No Vote Yet. The Senate, without voting, adjourned. CI A I'TIOX -Notice u hereby given. ) thai all the personal and moveable property, Wli|fiii|(tuGeor(i H. Harpster. of Centre llatl *>, n the !2lh of Febru ary, lT'i. purchased by the undersigned, at* sheriff t sale, namely, all blacksmith tools, machinery, woodwork, finished and unfinished vehicle*, dec , belonging to tin several shops heretofore occupied by Mid Geo. H. IJarpster together with the horse*, harnaraa, and all the household and kitchen furniture of the same. The same wiil be left in the poateselou of Mid boo B. iiarp ikr, at the pleasure of the undesigned, and all person* are hereby cautioned against mediing with the said property in any tnaner whatever. C. F IIKKLACHKK, GEO. DUBHT. NoTICE. The public aro bortby notified that Ue hlacksmithing and coach making horel>- f-ire carried < n at Centre Ilnll • y Geo, li. ! HarpsU-r. will be continued at the old •tend by the undesigned All contract' for wrk, in aaid ahopa muai be made with the undersigned C. P. iiK.ULACUEK, fab lb Ik GEO. DC It ST. Kl IIMTIBK! (•rami Opi-iiinx FOR 1872. JOHN CAMP'S MILROY, : where he haa opened with a vory large [ aluck of the luteal stylus, both fancy and -! common , i I'm lor. Chamber and Kitchen Ktitui t! lure, CHAIRS. of all kinds. ■ I .\ll k-- and diapatch having four good wor - -: men at the bench. I a:.i prepared p do Jail kind' ofcu'toin work, fine or enigttnit, l 1 Thankful for pa at favor*, \ hope by 'trict , IU-lilkin to you and everybody • 4> will h"W -oniling fare* at my new , j w are roopi*. JOIIX i %>II jjaol2.lt THEXAMUFACTUAE&B OFIHE Reliance Wringer, Have had unuaual opportunities >f gcoer laining pregisuiy what ;* gakad, and of jpnMfucifa* a perfWt machine. 3e.oyT.ave brought < • ■ ; let. The ROLLERS, of largo sixe and | bart duality of White_ Rubber, are all so curofl to their ShnU in the mott perma nent manner, the Moulteti Proems, tank- I ing the best ntHcr ill tu world. •2.1 Tl.w lIKTAL JOUR NAL CASINGS prevent any wear u|">n jtno journal*. ('I he w.Mideii journal* in which the iron • haft> of other machine* run. -non wear, j and the efficiency of the Wrie-.rw here by great I v raducikLl ad. The MI'HLK SPIRAL COGS used ou thin Wring, r give tne utmost ease and steadiness in working, while the doub le *t >p prevent* them from bottoming or being thrown out of gear We fhruish - either single or double ger.r Providence, a* desired, . 4th The ADJUST Ail EE CURVED IC*T..Vn 11 IvadMy AoJudU tnl* Machine to iiuw of any lre of tlifrltn. •, making a [iwrfoct fa'tiwings No wooden peg* or I rubber strati." on thi C amp. nth SIMPLICITY. STItKNGTH and IIKAUTY. are eombit •• J i„ U" Machine, with all t| u, on. ,fa flrU'ias* Wring- Of. PROVIDENCE TOOLCO., Providence R. I. II Warren Street Ny~; Y-vk. nuv hUAKDS. l'lunk and Scantling for alo by luwi.v * Wilsov, aplffOg. o pi N i) LK sKKiN O r.f, at tSj u,, of tho Apvil. apl(Vi< tawis a \Y ti.sov rMlmjKmv VAMEIYTa. IJ kind at apllf.tW lit WIN A WILSONS. JltWlN Sc WILSON arc coustauUy ro ooivi'dg Uh\y gaudi iu thvir Hue II A tt I) W A li E ofovory doaeriplioii at redu.t t prices—now being opened every day aplO'tVb LatlU'it Triiaaea. This invaluable article for females, is now to be had at llerlacher's store, and no ot);fr place in Centre county. 1 .\iUn- .wi-u-tifbor that these trtl.jy hi) "hatl at Oentie M'lU ' tf. 'pIIK A N Vll. STO it Kis now r7eeimTi P X a large and well assorted Stock ol Hardware, Stoves, Nails, HorseSltpn..Sad dlery, Glass, Paints, Sheet , liny. l!oop Iron also 4,t|<# \Yujdn Stock ol ovnfy iis>erintiiTii, —Call and supply your selves atthelowest possible rates at hp I •'<*. ill WIN Ac WII^SON. BAKU MET Kits uiul Tkoriaotacturi at nffursk IN1>: JIT FOB 9ALK The offer* it private a two -t vry <1 welling h ir. n (H&han. 'lllaug.tf. Centre Halt | PUMPS! | 1 Wooden Tumps, A Nil PIPING. The unt|<'niKiiJ auuld n*. iwctful ly call . tlx- attention<(f llii!citiXaiMufCanlrceqilinty, I and l'uiiii.vallcy in particular, to the fact • that ha i* manufacturing StU UZZ'i VUiAf, IUMJK at homo wr cUewhere, LLO UHW bona " but the b. *t material, ui WA*AR*TI TMKK I in give latufaciinii. a. being the iiniat l*l --ing and durable. aUCKKIc* T® THE OLli II W'.'HIBII j>uiit|>, being arranged to let the water utr and prevent Ireextng in winter. < Tine, poplar r eut-uutbor (iuu|a alway* . on hand. Hi* ntatirial far pump* ia all tawed fmni larg* timber, and are thu* actual CheekiMgor Cracking. All order* by mail promptly Cllod. PIPiNU, made of the beat material. ** five inch •vantling, joined together w.tb coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and wi ranted to *Und any pra#*ure required for ordinary uta Trice, of ti< ing rang* from 12 to 111 eset# per foot. Mrnid order, to Mpt.Ml.ly J. TILLER, i M Ueeburg, Pa. CdAl^, LIMK, and POWRKR! GOAL— Wilkmbarre Coal, Cbcatnut Stove, Kjnr, furnace and foundry, Coal - of b-et quality, at the low. lea prirea. Cuaomer* arillpleace note that our coal i* bound *an d c r com mud iou* abed*. LIME— Wood or coal-burnt Lime, toraale at nur kilaa, oa the pike loading to Mi!etburg. POW UER.—Having received tkc agency for JLHI Tool * Powder AT WHOLESALE, we *hail be ploaaod to receive order* from the trade. Office and I**l neat *uuth end of Bald Kagiti Valtoy R H. IKp.it, IkUcfouie, Pa. noy SHORT 1,1 DCE A CO. /KI.I.KK A JARItETT I dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS slso all the (STANDARD I'ATKNT MRDICINKK A rery large as* ttirimeat IW, urr A*rtMiinet Fruit. Hams, Dried Reef, Salt, Pickka, Butter, Flour, Corn Meal. Buekweat Flour, and everYAhin/r tuualj kept in a well reffu lntod Bmolaits Grocery Store niarS.Oni RUHLaGAULT. BUPPA k,t) fH)A LES, of the best make from 4 lbs up to bs. apices. I*wiK * WllAO*. \t b HL W AKK hTORKI I. A J. HARRIS. -No UltOCXtlUfOrF ROW Alien 1 complete UfftfUMfllofi! bai keen one l "> tlx- uitiir*tfhed in Brock* i rhofT . buibling -wbarj they are pre pared to nllkind. of Build -ig*id UOUM Kmraia)i< Hardware, lrrn, Stool, Naila. Ilugw, •<•! in #cto, Champfi.n Clothe* Wringer 'll Saw*, i inuiar and Ham Sw.Te * Saw*,Webbs**#,lyeCrvan Freezer t" Tube (Jlofbea Ruck., a ful. aaeortmo f a in.ifti.iff Fuiituro KOOJIIS! if. O. UKIKiXtiLK, eclocuk inform* lb* citiaona of county. ft be ha con.Untly cm ban aa , uiaki'*iYdr, ail kindaef „„ BEDtmUS. "#4 WASH STAN US. CORNIUCLPBOAR] > ABLER. A*.. AC HOUK £■ Casta# Aiw* ON Paat Hi* .toed' .-ady-mada Furniture i lar, and warty-d or (tot) workmanship an* . atl mad' Per bi* own iinmcdUtcru} ir< . ioa, andftfrred at rata* aa eliaap *iel*i* whera. knkful for pa*t faror*, ba *4 * it* a romance of the aaint. Call aif e hi# *tck before piareba* > ELAOWHEF JSLL AWPYH''*. WW. H. .t Kngl b, feblPQMf ftill .V^l at la. aj Collpupreir.pUy nwd. and apoci* attreUoßWrn to tW , xm g ! sl ,d t ot preportyt aalo. W ill draw up and ba*# acknowifed Deed*. Vortgag#*. Ac. Of. £ce in i diatuoad, north aid* of tba court Ballofoitta. aetSXWM HIFFT XATISHTIRR, A IT LAATAT. fraaMant. Caabor, 01X4 OOrXTT BANEINti t't. ®< in uare.au,* it now bua y opf-o*iteth* Court Bout*-. II iT r,t„e* um tJu ddeon e*. C. H.tteilus, Bnrsn and Xerhatiical Hrotist 'who i* iiapentiy located ia Aaron*burg ; in the o formerly occupied by Ur. New, and wht. been practicing with aiilir* fuceomsving tb* eipcrlenco of a numWt of year* tb* prufrsaabit, ba would outdi. ally iai all a.ho bava a* yet 'not givor biio a co do to, and last lb* trutbfulae** lofthS pgr Tc lb ulnc'.td ft t; jko. u.vis. „ ws®af?fla3flßFssM G'JS AfA LEX AN DEE, \ AiUTtiui Ur Office inConrad Hi uaa v Bcilefotote, Pa. J. P. GEPHART. ' whh OrJc Alexander, attend* to Co. i# - tbsiunMllMilttt Orphan's rtr'. TJaWf " |)A MO B C TTO K O~V E N ? lor Sti TM, tnd fuarunnof Vt iti rnrrVii i.Uy on t.a>d and far uW S10"l 1 >l\ A Wll>***A HO IS BLA N K KTS AKG sleigH iLLK, *1 low prices, at api Wind* at |>l In* IK Wll If.. OCAS, at wholesale at.d mail, cheat# Mr IBWIH A WHXtS F 51N'ABLE CUTLERY. iiioluiiia bit foik, UkMiiuL dec, at ags jnfeW 1K dVILKyy, BOq Urgo stock, all sly I .W, Maw tVI pn fur ttira and bu\ a it artirod aU'IT wall known ~{• Stand J HKN K'.BV. a itu ! ABTJN. OIL LINGER A COlir* VV No. CNOI'.TH Til IKG ST., .PHILn UclwoUarktl aud Arch, fbfinarty !©l i MAN ACTITitKJtii A JOBBERS IN j CarjK-t il Cloths. Otl Shade. Wirk \ arn.Aoa \ arns, Carpw Chains, Grain ?!?*• nduw Paper. FUtiirw-. A< Alto. J. •!? &? D WAKE, Hrufchf>#oking Glasses, Ac. daciMy ONS PATENT CHURN tba bet n meat Uwiy * Wilso* .s i • Ctaas. H7 Hold, ~ * Aicw-hVat limaker A Jmrlt Metit. Centre co., iVmia. Kespecly informs his friends and ft , that he has just oiato - at his _ c*takli*hinent, shore Alriat, .. r Ar; 55* constantly #a ham | all.krr.', tlncti, V atcbet hl Jca.'Jr t of the It strlea. as also MaranriU-, Patent lender Clocks, provided a ilk complrtide* tht tuouth, and day v., the TOO nad ycck 01* Its (ace, irhkh **' perfect live-keeper, i \v-iks. Watches and Jirh t i Imi rod ihert notice and warranted * aepll't-#;! y Mltn s UiTML, Woodward, Pa go* arrive and depart daily, fate hotel i* now in every rwpoet on- ofhxwl plntist country h*4*i* in ocnlrabuaylvania. The traveling m. munityl alway* find Uv heat accommo dation, rover* rau at all time* be accom modatciih tabW and pasture tor any nuutlvt attic or horses. jutjhf ORG. MILLER, A I'M, Mtxeis'i *t* uaaiiLK A >KT, NISIIOF at., BoUefotiU, wIUS AND L 1 Q U 0 ICS The acriber t expect fully ealls thvat tantiun.be public to hi* t*tsbUhiu ■ . where k prepared to furnish all k J rto*ifia Domestic Liuuura* Vheles.l.. at the 1 Kt cash pike*, urhick. mrv w# ,- r „ ted to fhc best K < C ordh,r o their rwtivc h nX K.hi ffiiu lrish kind*. ®fl*J l'Hieularly Invite Farmers, lie,, tellkel* and other, to call and examine linl Ci! U,>P to Jud *° for theMMhres Svser H, f/ f p T u . nu * what *>•* buy jngta oHv 0 when P®rcb^ j^Sgssssvag*^ To 1)0,1 at Herlaohu I uHutl I in form citizens of Cenkrc- county, that the ah Tan i ard wilt again be nut ii. full oftion, in alii** branches, by them nib AND ftAEK WANTED. Tneheat maekrt uric* will bo paid ! for .iioiallkmda. The highest mar ket also bo paid fur TuaaorS Patronage if auMfited satitmn guaranteed. d SS£!i. __ MILLKK A BAIIOKIt DOLK A-N WSIN GLK BA liUKL-. rltug piece* at 1 •***[ IRWIN * WILSON.