; i K . : i:\ir: RtSt'Oß'fSß FRIDAY, FKB. 43., I IT* LOCAL ITEMS. .JC.iL MiWi. -Our friends will oblige • >v *etJigln any items of local inter -v. including deaths, marriages Ac , a, •ch arc road by fnuml* in ;i,„ west, malty of whom get the Reporter. We trouldmtMm it a favor ifour kind pa tron- would occasionally malt a copy ot l 'to Reporter to relatives and acjuaintau • < who formerly lived in Centre county ci I removed to other part*, which would t.i luce utan.v to become subscribers. -, I, 1 -—0 IM POUTART TO BUSINESS MKN.— p ltf circulation of the Rrportkb, on this si hof the county, i* now growler thtan that of any two pap<rs in the ('•uintv, hence business tuen who wish to retell the Ponnsvalley trade, wilt advance their own interests, by ad veil tUin- in the KKCOHTKII. Our stihsciir ti itt is open to the inspection ot nl, who wish to advertise. • -0 "*"■* Sales in the Newspaper*. Advertise your stiles in the newspa pers I land in lls slick fast upon hotel walls or smith shop door*, win) wait tor jteoplc to come and read but newspa pers go alter the folk,—-go into their dwelling—and everybody reads news p:t|vrs. Hence, the host way to let everybody know wltHt you have to sell, and when you are going to sell, is by advertisiug in the papers Nature's Hair Restorative is the re sult of four years study and expert ment. It is now perfection itself, and no marc to be compared with the oth er preparations BOW flooding the mar ket, llian "tanglefoot" whisky is to pure Bourbon. See advertisement. 1 feb!6.2t Freak Cianlcu, Flower, Tree ami Shrub, Evergreen, Fmil ami Herb Seeds, Prepaid by Mail, A complete ami judicious assortment, 25 classes, SI,OO. The six classes, ( 150 packeU) for $5.00. Also, an immense stock of one vcar grufted Fruit Tmx, Siuall Fruits, Fruit Stock*,, Young Fruit. Ornamental and Evergreen Seedlings, l>ulta. Hoses, Vitus, House and Bor der Plants, Ac., Ac., the most com ldeteassortiu nt in America. Prepaid t>y mail. Price*l Catalogues to anv address, also trade lists, gratis. Seeds on commission. Agents M anted. II M Watson, Old Colony Nurse ries aud W archoiisc, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. feblb.ot to the REPORTKK who change their Poat-cdßca this spring, will not neglect to notify the publisher, so we can make the change of address upon our lists. feb23.(t On accouut of a pressure af other matter, no are oblige*! to lay aside several letters and communications. sent for publication. •*8 o'clock," all hare *eeu this mys tcriow line in the newspapers through out the country, and have beaa won tiering what it means. Hsrc is the meaning: Bur your goods at HoflVr Bros Belletbnte. they soil cheapest, and always keep a full stock. A bill has been introduced n the legislature declaring a part of Elk trek, in this county, a public high "*'•- . NN Mr. A. S. Kerlin, formerly ot Pot- Pfcr township, is no** clerk at Mann s axe factory, near Lewistonn, in place of John Jloyt, killed recently ou the railioad. (Had to see our young friend Kerlin get so good a position —he has all the business qualifications fur place. CRIMORM FALLS. KAXS, Feb. St"h. JB72 —Mr. Editor: —Iff your column* of ihc 2ud insL, I sec at) ar ticle, ia which the citizens of Grass hopper Falls, are charged with being ashamed of the name of their tiara. This however, is a mistake. It is >n- Iv a few of the floating population, jaiucd by a fickle minded editor who accidentally located here a few months since, w ho, by allowing himself to lie led by the former frty —published several articles on 'this subject ; but finding the old citizens and all relia ble pnrtics were opposed to charge, so the gentleman droped the pen and was eilenL We propose Grassbopper shall be what it always has been, only in creasing in all its blanches of business and population as it is now doing. A GRASSHOPPER. ACCIDE.NT. —A serious accident oc curred on last Tuesday morning, at the cut wherethe railroad crosses below the Fort. A blast bad been made for •]>cning crevices in the rock prepara tory to a second and heavier blast. As soon as the first shot was made,one .of the men, Charles Armstrong, pro ceeded with a keg of jiowder under fhis arm to fill the fi-sures made ; but it appeals lie was too early, -the fire from the first blast had not yet died out, and as he let the powder from the iug •un into the fissures, a terrible explosion followed from the ignition of the keg of powder. The unfortu nate mail was frightfully burned in the face, bauds, and other tortious of his body. I)r. Nefl' who was immedi ately cal ed,attended to the suffering man, and has hopes for his recovery. —Mr. E. Motz, of Woodward, has ob tained * patent for an expansion pivot for wheels of sewing and other machine# —A concert of vocal ahd instrumental music will be held at Aaronsburg, on this, Friday, evening, under the direction of J. <G. Meyer. It will he a fine treat, no .doubt. —Mr. Il.irter Bros., sons of Win. Har ter, of Aaronaburg, have purchased the Hartleton tannery. —The house occupied by our friend, Benj. Keretetter, at the Forks, is right on t)t line of the railroad, and will be torn down in consequence. Tho company will build a new house for Benj. in place of the old one. —Lieut. John Limbert will become landlord of the Aaronsburg hotel, in the spring. John will know how to make cus tomers feel at home. —Tlie Evangelical Association are get ting out the timbers for their new chqrch in this town, on tho vacant Duininger lot. —Our C'burchville neighbors are to have a new brick school house near the brick church. —At the recent election in Penn twp., live persons were running for the office of justice of the peace. —Our young friend, George Hubler, ol Miles twp., has trapped fifteen foxes this winter. Bully for you, George. G. 0. D-ftse hits heen elected rep resentative delegate from Clinton county to the democratic slate conven tion. A good choice. A WORK OF MERCY. —8150,000.00 in 3000 Cash Prizes is to he distribu uted Legally, March 28th, 1872, at Omaha, in aid of the Hick, ar.d Des titute, at Mercy Hospital. This Kn terpise is endorsed by the Governor and best business men of Nebraska. The Tickets are $3 each, or two for 85. For full particulars, address— Pattee & Gardiner, Business Man agers, Omaha, Neb. At the election held on Inst Friday i the following vlticcia were elected in Fatter township: Judge AlcXiindvi Kerr. InsjecUr* John Dunhertuiui, jr., John She Hon. K. hol Ditto!-,, Wm. Hover, Sam'l Swurtx. Asseunr —George Stover. SujK'rvisoi* John Goodhart, John 11. fee. Ov. i> era nl the Four David Cil liUnd, John IliwtrriMiUi. Auditor J nine* M'Clintick. Town clerk — Wm. A. Kerr. (unstable-- W m. I'a r>on. 11l Giegg twp,, thc'foilowing otfi ctr> were elected : Justice —Jm*. Hishvll. Judge—Oeo. Ituehnnnii. Inspect ore—Wiu. MVool, Wm. Huiitan Asaesgor John (\ hlen. School Din clot s S. G. Herring, Samuel Wise, Overseer* —Daniel Hunkcl, lsreal Vai.adw. Supervisors—J. T. Heekmwn, Geo. Shade. Auditor—John (.trove, Towuclerk—\Vnt Wolf, mutable—M. 11. Guise. At the cleelioit in i'eiin tap., the following officers were elected : Judge—Chr Alexander Inspector*—H. Haitman, M.l.amy. School Directors—Ad. Ilosterman, Henry Smith. Justice —Jacob Kiueriok. Supervisor*—Sam'l Ard, D.Fuller. Assessor —John Meyer. Oventeera —Sam. Geary, Jno. Braut. Constable —l*nn. W. Zisgler. Tawnclerk —H. H. W ctser. • ♦— • - The following persons were elected in Haines twp , as re|R>rted t* ua : Judge—J. G. Meyer. Inspector—W. It. Mingle. Supervisors —U. A. Mingle, Jacob Bower. Overseer —Win. Stver. Towuclerk—John Kreamer. Constable —Jahn Kelner. Justice f the I'eacw —A. Dutweiler. Iu Miles twp., on Friday last, the • following townshiu officers were elect- I e*l : t Judge—Joseph Miller. f Inspector—l). J. Moyer. Supervisors —And. Oclter, Jacob ; Wolf. School Director*—samuel Frank, Keub. Grimm. Overseers — lieub. Kramer, Win. , Zcigler. Assessor —S. M. Winters. Auditor —John Wolf. Justice of the Peace—Harvy Kor man. Townclerk —J. K. Weaver. Countable —G. Kramer. In Harris Jwp., til# fujiavvingot'icvrs were elected : Judge —Henry Keller. Inspectors—J. I. Thompson, J. H. Keller. Assessor —Adam Hess. Overseers--Martin Grove, S. //. Stover. Jy. .School Directors—Daniel Musscr, Is. Kaup. Sujiervisors—P. Koou, Jas. O'eun. Auditor —G. W. Campliel!. Towncierk—J. G. Irvin. Constable —Wm. 11. Mokle. / A CAIt D . At the request of friend- ttnJ 'patrons, 1 desire t> .-ay in this public manner that I >hnli remain at Centre llall, to teach till June. The Directors have generously tendered mo the public school room fr the use of the sum mer term which will Legit th* tir-t or sec ond Xon day in April. Thoschool will be devided into two part*. .Primary and select. A competent teach er will be selected to uU charge of the former. Tuition, board dec., will be made known in due Sew-on. J. L. SPASGLFK. "Godey," f>ir Uttub, h conn- t<> hand and i* a bandsoma number —taking, as usual. the had f all fahb>H magazine*. It is the ladies' favorite. For the Reporter. Foe's Haven Edgar Allen I'oe, w bom in Bsiti more. Hi* parents died when he was very young, leaving him U|he rare of Mr. Al len, a wealthy merchant in Vs. H* was highly educated and had a proud, petulant disposition. In 1838 lie married his cousin, who died soon after. Hi# dissipation re duced him to great poverty anc finally caused his death, whs.h occurred in Balli- more 7t>. October, HUT | |The "Raven p#a rhatlow V, fanoifu £|ocni and strangely facinating Let u* think of it# author, >ilting alone in hl room, at th dreary hour of midnight; the world it burhed in slumber; not u sound to braak the silence, save the wild, mournful music of the bleak December wind?. Thecheer ful fire was slowly dying out; he wu* sad, and had -ought to soothe hi# aorrow by earching for "forgotten love,"—but in vain. Memories of the past wept over his soul; he could not ecape theiu, neither could he turn away from the v-.tltor who came "tapping" at the doir of hi- heart. "Conscience uiake- coward# of u# all, ' hence he u.#- terrified even at the ru-tle of a curtain. The visitor w:# late, perhap# had often tapped before, but was refuted an entrance ; even now hu hesitated, but finally resolved t "open wide the door," aud allow the visitor to • liter and portray to him what was there,— lie #aw the "dark ne—" of >in. Long he pondered in the unbroken till ness of that midnight hour, peering into the dark chambers of hi# soul, as con -citnee tapped at each d.air and opened it to let him see w hat wa within. Now lie .w opportunities negli-ctad, now talents wasted, and now in the purest, most sa cred one ot all, the image of his "lost Le nore," of the maiden who was "nameless here forever more," because there are many fibre# of the soul which are so sensitive that the tenderest sympathy cannot reach theiu. The pure spirit came to him in hi* solitude, and it# holy influ ence made hint long for a higher, nobler life. His heart yearned for her presence, but she was with tne angels. Tun ing from the thought# which clustered around Lenore, he looked once more int<> the dar ker chambers, then he heard a "tapping, something louder than before." Now en tered the Raven rrmornt. This black bird beguiled his fancy, and he wondered whence it came, what it# name was, and it answered "nevar more " Now he thought of friends who had been unfaithful, who had tt ,- d from him when he most needed them, sml said, "on the morrow he will leave IBs," hut a voice within said, "never more." .Startled ut the e strange replies, he en deavored to fathom the meaning of this mysterious word, and a# he was "'inking fancy unto fancy," hope whispered that this strange visitor had brcught him a draught fr-.ni the peaceful streum of Lathy. After ail there might he a "bairn in Gilead" lor hi# sorrow-laden soul. He might lo e in oblivion the memories which haunted him, and "ela-p the radient mai den whom the angels named Lenore," hut the same voice raid "never more." Des pair then entered and l.e implored the black bird to leave his "loneliness unbro ken"— "to take it# beak from out his heart," but its shadow lingered and would not do part. The sadues*. the glocni, the hope lessness contained in tne word#, —"and uiy soul from out that shadow shall be lifted never more"—are indescribable ; yet we cannot judge men's heart#. "He who tho lily clothes in simple glo ry. He who doth hear the ravens cry for food. Hath on our hearts, with hand invisible. In signs mysterious, written what alone our heart# may read."— Jog. Born. Iu Pittsburg a woman 85 years old, fell into the fire while drunk, and was burned to death. PRUNES and DRIED CURRANTSo the very best quality jut receiveda Wolf 4 old t4 I FIJI TORS' RKFOKT. S. S. Wot.tr, Treasurer. Or. la account with Centre IVunity : January I, 1474. January I, 1474. To balance in Trea ury at lat otllomnts 4,0111,44 To amount ofoutUnd- I ing take* 58,434,5 V To amounta>*v lor til. year la;t 1,TH,07 To amount ree d from County Coin's and other ourc* 17,6Ka.ua To amount over-jmid ae't of 1ut1w1un,,,... 147.14 To amount transferred from fitate and Re lief W*,l $98,440,61 To bal. due bv Trea*"r $3,041,90 CR. January t. 1474, January 1, 1474. Itv amount ofout>taud lag taxes $34,636, tV By amouut t exonera tions and cum • at lewd collector. x l.t'-Vtl By amount of Coin's warrants paid in IS7I 49,660,44 By amount of treasur er's salary and sta tionary 4,010,00 Balance due by Treas urer a,oat.i KKI.IKF ACCOUNT I>R. January t, 1474. January I, 1474 To amount outatand iug taxes at last sel tlrmenl - 1,864,5 V CR. January 1, 1a74. January I, 1474. By amount of out standing taxes .. $ 644,91 By amount of exoner* | lions and coin's al lowed collectors 444,47 Bj amount transferred "to county - 404,'J0 MILITIA ACCOUNT. •I>K. January. 1, 1474. Januaiy 1, 1474. To amount due at last settlement $ 400,40 To amount outstanding taxes at last settle ment 460,0'.' To amount assessed for 1471 797.50 To amount overpaid accounts of collec tors 164.04 $ 4.440,60 Balance due by Treas urer....... 640.5U CK January 1, 1474. January 1, 1474. Bv amount ofouUiand itlC uxes 904,44 By amount orders paid. 330,01 By amount exonera tions aud cam's al lowed collectors * 544.1K By amount Treasurer's commissions 6,60 Balance UUJ by Treas er ....- 640,69 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. I)H. January ), 1>72. January 1, IS?'.' To amount of State autl special t xe* out standing at last set tle memt m 2,770, 12 To amount assessed for IS?) 3,283, "A) To amount overpaid accounts of collec tor* .......................... 04,22 —— $ 806,64 Balance due by treas urer 11 CK January 1, 1872 January 1, 1872. By amount of out standing taxes 2,122,03 By amount of exonera tions and commis sions allowed collec tors 638.W By amount of State treasurer's receipts... 3,1 JLI.OG By amount treasurer's com tn issions 11.4*1 By amount transferred to county 33,82 Balance due by Treas urer 1 ly,2b 1 MM EXHIBIT CENTRE L'OISTT. CK. January 1, 1872. January 1, 1872. By amount of cut stand taxes $38,467,70 Bv amount in treasury S,'JBI,IB Balance in favor of t\atn- Coynty 3,482,60 DM. January I, 1872 January 1, 1872 To orders outstanding 2,7811,36 To orders issued in 1872 $48.42*76 $61.21 V 10 Tu orders lifted in 1871*40,M0.48 Orders ouOUnd Jan 1. 1872 1.6.18,62 Notes and bonds out standing 26.U10.00 Due A.(. 1ieary........ 5,636,42 Bills and ccsts unpaid 1,04,86 Estimated exo ner a tions and commis sion* unpaid taxes... 3,128,73 Duo Comluoiiwealth 1,167,66 Balance In faver of Centre C0unty......... 3,482,'2) I EXPENDITURES OF CENTRE Zi County, A. 1). 1872. Auditor's and Clerks pay Kb,oo John Ring commissioner. 4du.lt Joh n(>. Sail key commissioner 145,00 Joseph MiCloskcy commis sioner 3*2),30 Win Fureycouimissioner'selk 554.18 J T Plfm tip-tave 70 50 Andrew White curt cricr 42.00 U Galbrailh janitor 207.44 Samuel K<t. r commissioner.. 20,00 1> W Woodring on account... 985.50 Commonwealth cols 2.210.7(1 Premiums on scalps 282,25 Refunding account note# lifted Refunding notes and road laxlß,KKt,73 Road views and bridges .702,00 (a rand and traverse jurors pay 2,941,30 C..n#lble# pay 431.59 Assessors pay 934,0 ft State lunatic asylum „ 200,0.7 A#e#sr> registiatioii 817,00 Election expenses 534,27 Inquisition on dead b< dies.... 37,41 Orvis and Alexander solicitors 775.1<l Jury comtuis*inner* 40,94 County taxes refunded 1tM,44 John \loran prothonotary.... 105,(#5 P O Meek printing for 1870 and 1*71.....,,. 857,40 K R Btlgrril Co printing for I*7o and 1871 438,'J0 F Kurtz printing for 1870'?!_ 327,00 P D Stover " " 270,00 lu-urance public building#.... 78,44 $36,008,60 Smith Si Murphy dockets 114,7.7 Eastern penitentiary 40*2,011 Running county line 1,3x3,8"' S li Williams painting .7.7.7,75 C M. ('titr.Tty balance on pub lie building* 3,507.25 Shartlidge Si Co. coal *227,45 Alexander Co. coal 403,91 Daniel McGinlcy carpi'r work 521.71 R M Knight gu#... 371,00 E C Hume* clerk 103,55 A R Henderson curt reporter 22),00 H A ftailey plumbirg .......... 2)5,10 C Dugan painting 04,29 Teacher'# Institute 145,73 Jnc II Morrison books and stationary 225,00 J Si J Harris hardware 77,54 Hotter Bros 118,92 Dr. J II Dobbins medical at teiidanea 50,00 lloop, .lone* 3c Co lumber 14'.),50 Beech Creek Lumber Co for lumber 1.4, On R Galbraith court house 07.00 1 J Grenoble indexing .70,(11 W F Murphey dockets 58,59 Water tax 03,1G J A Rankin Insurance 190,11 Contingent expenses 2,113,'29 $18,428,75 TAXES OUTSTANDING. Martin Murphey 170,32 Simon Linglr 242,22 Paid since settlement 228,31 Paid sincv settlement 213,93 S F Ishler 31,48 W F Tibbens 327.13 A Snyder ......... 384,2) A Jones 95,48 Wrn Askcy 50,15 JnoPowncll 157,00 Jack Uosterman 447,38 Win Cross 58,94 l aid since settlement 101,01 D F Fortney 1,91*2,52 J M Bush 145,90 D H Yeager 100,44 D lloster in an 2*23.83 John Buclidol 271,80 Daniel Derr 922.48 Paid since settlement 1*27,05 W II Nefl* 100,97 J Iloltar 403.05 SO Herring 323,88 S Rrickloy 180,57 J B Smith 4*28,51 J E Seigfried 108,80 Paid since settlement 148.8*2 Paid since settlement 05,04 fHM MMH 4MHOM n,ar Helirv Caitin Itellelnnle , LHM,4I liarri'.oii Levi Mile.hitrg 5847,H K Hunter l*liili|bury nui.T' Coll rail Hellil Howard Horn... 222,1 1 Jo* Steer I'liionvlllr INt.U It J lla.-iuger Ili-iiner 1,3'.a1,.T |i II Italona llogg. M /iniinerutwn Ituriuido...... '.'11,1 John .MctToskey Curt In I us, I Shannon McCormick Fergu John Mitiich Gregg., 2,283,11 lok h hvlini Haiti*. . 1,74h,;'-f John Ward Halt Moon., Frank lliown llairi. 4lii.'n Samuel llrlcklcy Howard. ii.i'.i V M W Kline Huston U l.is llariiion itobh Liberty .11,lh J M M. Canity Marlon I,lti7,'< fan! liliee settlement Mile* 1,4n4,.V. 1' K Seller* I'atlou 042, Ik' Frank hi.arr l'etui !,*■*!,l: Jo-.fli Cruiser l'ott.r ... V,63H,4.' K Hunter Uu.li 1,016,6: James Gate. Snowsbue oHfoftr K \V tiellle Spring ... |,M N I'niJ *lnce eltleiu nl Taylor. 144 Ul Win Spoils Union 27 2. u Jo.epll Shaffer Walker... I,M],V|I S (li-ngerleh Worth.. ..... -TIP, U". I'aid since settlement 4IV.N'. $3H,(W7,7l U W W untiring, high Sheriff of Centre county, in account with Centre county, January 1, 1 f*T —. CK. lly balance at settlement. Jan. 71 vsm,;*' Turnkey's p*r 02 4ti,.'Ai KviH-uting veiltre, suiumon ing iuror. 44,71' I'luiip Kui • sv|ieiie - I,IU Conveying I*. li.ee to ilarri*- burg... 44,11 ii Commonwealth costs, January Term, KCI k'l.t*' Washing KlaiikeU and filling bed* 4.70 venire* and uiu moaing juror* fa'..7o Notice to juror* not to attend... o,!ki Conveying C KutU-r to Wist ern Penlluntiary 74,00 Cotitiuouw eallh cost, April Term ifit,4o Washing blanket*, dec.... 4.40 Kvccuting 'venire*, suuimun.. ing juror* 84,UU Conveying Hauier to Peniten tiary 74,(A) Conveying Lawrer.ce to liar ritburg ti2.iV, Comiuuuweallli coats, August Term 84,61 Klection l'roelatiiatioii. 2,40 Executing venires, >uitiuiotiiiig jurors - 66,74 Conveying J Tet to Harris burg 70,40 Conveying Gate, and IMige to Penitentiary 140,00 Common wealh coats, Nov. Term 48,46 Boarding prisoner* 8-11 j weeks at 3,00 - 9Wt,M Shoveling snow -,U sl,sit,76 Balance due H W. Wood ring .1,841,36 DB. To county orders $1,013,2*) Balance 1,841,36 John 11. Orvi*. Kdmuud Blanchard and Jat A. Braver, ('.•nun it tee, in account with the Centre ooui.ty Law Library. 1871 Hit Feb. It, To bl- nrc at set I It men! with auditors....— $212,43 March 10. Amount received from 11 Y. Stiller ... . .. 10U,*I Xbv. 6. 7>.* 1871 Clt. March it, By cash paid It B. Itarscr A Co., circular- March !&•, by cah paid W. W. l'ottei on boxes 2.02 Augu-t22. By cash paid Lit tle, Brown ACo . 1!.0 lkt. 3. " l'.So Jan It, 1872, lion. Samuel Linn In full - 4t*\K Balance due rolumittee ...... T.itl The Library i* indebted to Kv A Broth- j era lor book, i>urchn>-.*i in March last. *otnc $321) which there are new no fond, to pay. JOUN II tiltYIS. KIiMCND BI.ANCIIABU, JAMES A. BE A V Kit, (lon in iff tr. JOHN M Bt'SH. ItOBT F. HOLMES dnjif*rs, CENTRE COUNTY, S. ,S. M e, the under signed, Commissioner, of ,a>d county, do hereby csrtify, that the lorgoing is a iru> aad correct slalcinciit of the receipt* and expenckurc* of said county, from the 3d day January, X U . 1871, to the 3d day o! January, A. IE, IN'i JOSEPH * CI.OSKKY, J. ti. SAN KEY. SAM L F FOSTER. Attest: fkNusli'i, (tnirf I o. \\ M Ft'KEY. Orris STATE OF PA., CENTItK CoI'NTY. We, the un-'i-r-igncd Auditor* of Centra county, do hereby certify that in pursu ance of aa Act of Assembly, entitled "An Art relating l<> counties and township* and ciiunty and township oJßprrs.' we met at the comiiiit*ioners office at Belief.>nt, on the Ist Monday in January, and did audit, settle and adjust the several account* set forth in the foregoing statement. la witness whereof <• have hereunto set our hand, and seals this Ist day ■>( Janu ary. A. IE, 1872. J.M BUSH. L.N. I) 11 YKAtiEK. I. S. Uuirr F IIOLMKB. L. S Attest: A—ltlvr* WILLIAM FCBEY. fT rrk. fell 10.41 Settle Up! STKKN DKUti hs> s.dd out his Dryguod* and Clothing Biore, at Bidlefontc. All account.- liiu.-l lie -cttlcd Up tin mediately, to savu Ovist*. All accounlt liot selllc<l up within a reasonable time, will la- placed into the hands u4 a Justice tor collection. t'ijimlf CENTRE HALL FOUNDRY i and Machine Shops. Van Pelt & Co. Tlie undersigned, having leased the above establishment, announce to the pub lic that the mine will be carried ou in nil it* various branches, n* a FOUNDRY, MACHINE SIIoP, and Manufactory of Agriculturm Implements, Thgy are prepared to fill, upon *li<>rle*t no tice, all order* for Horso Powors Threshing Machines llaj Hakes, FLOWS and Flow Casting* of every description, all kind* of Casting* Hindu and tilted up fur Mills, Forges, Furnaces, Factories, stv. Also, everything in the line of SHAFTINGS PULLIKS HANGERS, in Iran or Brass. We employ the be*l Patternmaker*. Our Pattern* nre new ami ol the latest improved plan*. Also manufacture the unrivalled ROUGH & READY Co r v I' r, which is the best now made. All orders by wail promptly atten 4td to lifcc7ltf 1 ITBUI IS NOTHING LIKE IT Piios, Soret, Wounds isd Lameness. v BUY IT! TRY ITT AIJH 4gue, . U® Paiij Cure Q/. ForXmtrqaliirq,. . . Ue Paiq Cure#!. For Ui® Piiq CuajrOil. For Fev\Sor Uia Paiq C/c Oil. For Chol®\ NJorbui, . Ue P*ip Oil. For SpraimV . . . . Ue Oil. For HradaehfV . . . Ui Pdh; Cur® Oil. For Bruiaw, . . lie* Xl 4 Cur® Oil. For Corns and BuVmi, Ptii} Cur® Oil. For Sore, . . Mi® Paig Cur® Oil. For 4J Lanjfr.rss, Paig Cur® Oil. tI.M iBH.KItr AI4J • . lultri.ro \\,.M..rltlV. mine. it* Wkj in .yjlj ...a iViuiiiy iu MAN /ND iimabt. Ask for PAINyffUUK OIL l\. a* rtk.r, for •* IT TO OHEE. kta I yf u( •uiui mu ul *. >ul a..lt. X In* > • Utt.t.uil ulm.U Ii m\ IvjM> V.,rUlil. on*. llwU U4 l X aJ la closu *fa<l Hl> Io US*. \ Wl l > all lH|kU i.l Pa*lt la I'KH I:, ao I'l'.stm. ■cUURE & EATON, raonutioM, iu*4ia, f SALE. — H 11. Qoodbtrti *al®, in (ilt'g); Iwjt, two 111 lit.* west of Spring Mills, on fucsday, Murclt otli, nl .10 o'cuck, it Inrtjc stuck of lioixe, entile, uiui furtiiitijr utensils. 4 head woik horses, 3 two y ear old colts, 3 milk cows, I heilft-r, 1 bull, 4 head yuung cattle, 6 shoats, 8 sheep, I two hor*e Wag on, I alaiglt, 1 buggy, 1 >utt Itartie**, lug harness, Ir. Nt gear*, plow gear*, wagon .addle, tly net*, chain*, buckeye reaper, completer, corn sera tier, cultivator, plows, harrow*. Ac A lo a lot of h'lU.rhould and kitchen furniture. Joseph Grotzer's sale, near Ceo tre Hall, on Thursday, Feb. 2lUli, at ten o'clock: 2 uiir>'i, 2 cuWf, 10 head tif young cat tle. 2 throe-yearling steer*, T large -boats, I larifi' krwiliiiij >u, bwp | iuid (A iilrv llall reaper < g-wj new, ) Unities threshing machine and fower, 1 fanning | mill, I grain-drill, I two-horse wagon, 1 •pring-wagn. I led, horacgoara, 1 large roller, 1 cornplanter, plow*, harrow*, rake* i fork*, 1 copper kettle, tables, chair*, bad land nunu-rou* other article*. KAI.K. — Peter Holler's sale, near Centre Hall, on Wednesday, March,! tith, at 10 o'clock, a large stock oil horses, cattle and funning utensils. II head of work horse* and cult*, cow*, I young rattle, heg crues of Cheater white j and Kentucky, horse-gear* and hi entire j •lock of farming ulch*.l*. —— • ♦ • .Saleof I). T. Wetland, nt-itr Linden Hull, March >llt, farm stock. SaleofJ.L. Hrumgurd, loner end of Milt a tup., on 4th March, farm stock. J. I. Ivors' sale, near Linden llall, live stock and implcim ills, on Tth March. Jose Duiilap'a sale, near Farmers Mills, 2 cow.-, A* furniture, Marh >iih. Ki.-h's sale, it cur Farmer* s, dSlh Feb., farm stock. MARRIAGES i On the loth of Primary |*72, by Kcv. C. It Ueiter, at tlie Reformed parsonage,! iu Aarensburg, Mr. Abraham Troasler, ol Adartisburg. Snyder county, arid Mi-, , Klicabvth A. Uunlap of Woodward, 'Centre county On I2tk inst., at the Lutheran Parsonage, in Aaruiisburg, by Rev. P. Salon, IE IE, Mr. A Snyder, ofSaloiia, and Mi* Julia Wt-iser, both of Clinton county, DEATHS. On the lllh iri.t . in Peun I|> 4 the wile •f Uaiiicl Miller, aged nearly 46 year*. in the Stli ii, : . at Petroleum Centre, a . hiiil all uiily daughter of Jacob M. Kep ler. It* remains were taken to Philips i burg for inlrrrment. On the I Tth in Hants twp., Susan, wife •f John Hook, aged 27 tear, Her Infant I child, aged about 2 Weeks, which had died .shout a week before, was bur.cd v ith the !mother in the -sine grave. Tiii* make* five death* iii Mr i|.H>k' family, in the space ol tic v en months ' Ml I.HOY MARKETS Correclcd4iy John M Howell. Wlute wheal 1,4.'. K.d wheat 1.4U ...Kyi i 70 Corn 7u Oat* 4t Barley 62 Cloversecd j,.'*) Timothy>ccd, 300........ Salt 2 20 per rack Bacon ltv flsi tn I*l Butt r JJU . Egg, A) Plaster 'J 20 it KL L K FtX TKMA It K KTS. 'lorn-, led by Keller A Muo. it hue sVbeal }1 ; !i. B-d ISO ..live. .. 72. .... Corn UU Oats 40 Baric* (10 70 Clovcrseed i.ftl Potatoes 40. Lard p"r pound H Pork ikt pountlOU Butter 22 Kggs 22 Plaster pcrtor. sl2 Tallow $ Bacon 8 ..... Ham 12. Stoves! Fire!Stov*s! At Andy Itccaman'a, Centre Hull, art latest and be.l sloVr* out, he lot- Ju.-t received a large lot of Cook Stuvca, the i'ioneer Cook, tlit* Eclipse Cook, the Kcliaucc j PARLORS The Radiant Light, -elf-fee der, tilts Burner, National Kgg, JCM ell, dec. Sett.He sell, stove* a LOW •* anywhere in M i 111 in or Centre c. -4tJ. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs tin i itixens of Pennavalley that lie has pur j ehaed the Tinsliop heretofore carried otij by the C. It. Mf g Co., and wii. continue! the same, at the old stand, in alt its branch es, in the manufacture of NTOYL I*l PK A NPOI TIMi All kinds of repairing done, lie bus always mi hand Fruit Cans, of all Situs, BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS. DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charge* reason able. A share of the public patronage so licited. ANl> BKK.-s.MAN. 2ep7oy Centre Hall CKN TK K ii A 1, 1. Coach Manufac toi y. Levi Murray, ctablisliment at Centre Hull, I'M.. keeps on hand, and for snlo, at the most reasonable rates n large stock o! Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Plain and Fancy, and vehicle* of every description made to order, ami Warranted, to bo made of the best seasoned material, and by tiie most skilled and competent workmen. Person* wanting anything in his lino are requested to call and examine bis work, they will hud it aot to be excelled for durability and wear. apr2hly y KLLKIt A .IA ItKKIT dealers in DIMUJS, MKDIC'IN FS, CI!KM ICA LP also all tiie 6TANA#J) ?ATK.NT AUEIHCINKS. WM. J. M Manigal WHOLESALE mid ItETAIL DEALER IN F<„ 'rignk Domestic 111 MIL BUTIN lIIS NE BUILDING Milroy SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED it. Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails ? (■lass. Glass, Glmr, Gl,as! Locks, Locks, IlOfVl, Locks Hinges, Hinge*, Hinge*, Hinge* I Screws, Screw*, Screws, Screws! Oil, Paints, & Putty. Special Inducement--## Carriage Makers £■ Blacksmith*, for Hubs, Spokes, Kims, Carriage Oil Cloth ami Linings, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron! Horseshoes ami Nail Rods, Blister & Casj, Steel, Horse Nails, and Steel Toco, aud a wry large assortment of Carriage Holu. s-tir-Special Indsicridcnl* -ty To Housekeepers for Wallpaper, Wallpaper, Wallpaper! Frotu lOctii to $1 |H-r bolt. Coal 11. kL nod Shovels, Tea Kettle.*, Pans, and Skillets, Lard Cans, Waffle Irons, Toaster*. Bulehor Knives, Bread Knives, all kinks of Cultlcrv. LAMPS of every de scription. ttt-Special lnduern,.-nt*~®^ to, Carpenters for Saws, Flatus, Chisel*, Diawknivce, Braces and Bills, Ac. To Finrnm and every boily else, for whatever I hey want in my line. 1 keep a general as sort nient of WOOD A WILLOW WARE such n* Buckets, Tubs, hull' Bushels, Feck measures, Basket*, Ac, Trunk*. Values, & Traveling bag*, Sleigh Hells, Sleigh Runners, Fender* atul Shaft*. FA KM Kits, MERCHANTS, A MECHANICS, Please give inc a call, or send for prices. You will find a general assortment of every thing pertaining to the 11a rd urn o trade. iMjul would ask Fainter* cs-fk-to give my Varnishes a gmytrial. 1 luive ju*t ro #off~oeiveil from New York Hffk-n large Stock of Varni > ieiTslit'S, such as FURNITURE, COACH, WHITE DKMAR, WEARING BO DY, CAHItIAtIK BO DY, DKAIN Hl'lllilNO, ABH PHALTI'M (llld JAI'ANH, J. T. LEWIS A 880. WHITE LEAD, always on hand. * orders Respectfully solicited. Wm. J. MoManigal. I ldteftu H A II! WAR! On High Prin I #. UitEAT KXCITEMKN I'. 11. 11. SMITH, ofFuller* Mills. N EW GO OILS! We would moat respectfully ft from hi* fin i.il., customers, and the public gener ally, that lie h** takuu imueMiiin of 1 TTi.ikiij.oli'* old >|unrt-r, which bivt been remodeled uiid improved, and it now pre pared lo at commodate all who may favor Li ui by calling. NEW GOODS! He lia* just received one of the largest 1 il'irkt vf all kind* of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county, which he in tend* j to •vli at i uh Ugure. a* will make it an ot>* ject lor alt person* to purchase. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, die,, should not fail to give him a call, a* he feel* confident his price* and superior <juality of good* will amply satisfy all. His stock of UKOCE It 1 E 8 consists of Coffee* of the best tjualit y, Teas, Sugar* of all kinds, Molaa*es, Fish, Halt, Cheese, lined Fruit, Spices, FrovisitliS, Flour and Feed, dti , Ate. Our stock ul IJ R yu OO D 8 is large ami varied, and we will just say can supply any article in that line, with out enumerating. READ V M ADE CLOTHING a large .lock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which we will dupos*- of at a very small advance on cost. Boot* ami .Shoe*, Hat* and Caps, Hard ware, Uueiii.wate, Wisod and Willow Ware. Notions, Fancy Uods,Carpet*, Oil cloths. Wall Paper*. Window Shade*, dw., ocUSKIy. Graham it Son, Boot & Shoe Makers Next door to Waguuer A Sou's Store j Bcllefoutc. We inarufacture to order. Our work u neat and durable. Our price* are very moderate. Wo warrant U> give satisfaction. Wo have the LAKtJBsT and BEST; slock of La die'a and Children's shoes in town. We are receiving goods ry week. We wih an examination of our good* j The Pennsvalley trade i* especially in-! vited to call and see our stock, we think wo can |ili'*M< all who call a* to lyle*. quality, and price*. We study to render satisfaction, and although we have had an extended trade for year*, we have never given a customer cause to complain. aeptl&.tf. XoTIOK Office •fthe Lrwisbui g, Centre iiid Srur Cfwk H It (la Philadelphia June IStli, *7l. Notice i Hereby given that the Hrt in stalment of Ave dollar* per Jww, to th* capital stock of the IdtrWHrg, Centre and Spruce Creek lUil Road Co., *ub-crib*>d in the township* of Harris, Poller, Gregg. Penn and Haines. Centre county, will be payable on the first day ot July IN7I, and sqboquvnl instalment* of five dollar# per • hare, will be due and payable <>n the hr*t day of each succeeding"month until the whole it paid. Paymenta of the above ia- Malinent- are hereby to be mads to the treasurer of the Company, at the •fllce of the Centre County Banking Com pany Bcltefonte Pa. JOSEPH LESLEY. Treasurer j N B. Any person centring can pay th< whole oil at once. If payment* are hot punctually made the Uw allow* OM pvrj cenL pet mouth to he charged in additi n . HOUSE, All.-one iey Street, BcUefoule, Fa. 1). JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietor*. V riaari.-i.Aaa MOTEL, I-011 roar A HLK BOOH* FROM I*T ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CKS -AND REASONABLE Charge*. Tie- proprietor* offer to the traveling public, and to their country fiiendu, fir*t class accominodalions and careful atten tion to the want* of guest* at all time*, at fair rate. Careful hostlers and good (table ling for, horse*. An excellent table well served.* A Bar supplied with fine liquor*. Servant* well trained and everything re quisite in a first rlass Hotel. Our location rin the business part of the town, near the Post Officii, the Court House, the Cliur cliea, the Bank*, and the p incipal place* of bu*incs, render* it the most eligible place for those who visit llellofoete on biul or pleasure. All Omnibus will carry |tas*eager and baggage to and from all trains free of charge. J" AND AT PRIVATE SALE. A lot of land, I ving in Greggtuwnship. on the bank* of Penn* creek, between Penn Hall and Spring Mill*, is offered at private sale. It admin* lands of Ceo. Buchanan and L. B. M Intirc, containing 24 ACRES moro or loss. About N aoras consist of llrst class white pine timber, the balance r|eiro<l and under cultivation—6 acres are meadow. For further particulars apply to C. 11 HB.NNICK, ItlocLtf U regit tl'. BO ALTS lor Buggiss und Carriage ot sizes in use; Firo Bolts, ditto, at 10'iiW • Ikwix a Wii-aox* A CARD--Wo have removed opposite to the llu-.li Uou-o Mild are telling out our stock left from the fire at bargaii.s. We are settling up our book* and accounts ami will bo much obliged to one and all to call and settle their accounts. We would say .to our numerous friends and customers, to please accept our sine re thanks for the generous patronage they have always bo stowed ou us. BUKNSIDK &TIIOM AS. MUSIC! Tiie Seng Echo contains over one hundred beautiful Songs, Duels, and ('bourses—such as Driven from Home— Little Drown Church —M y Father's (•rowing Old—Only a Little Flower— Kimi on tho Hoof —She SUeps in tho Valley \\ rite ino a Letter, etc. There is not a poor piece in the book. Sample Copies mailed, post-paid, tor 76 cents. J. L. l'etcra. 61ft) Broadway. New foil. fibMui, MUSIC! Subscriber* to PKTKKS' MUSICAL MONTHLY are get ting all the latewt and best Music for two and three cents a piece. Every num ber contain* at least 84 worth of n-a Music, by auch au thors a■ (lay-. Thomas, Gounod, Peraley, Abi, Kin kel, Puehor, Allard, Strauss, Faust, etc. Single Conic mailed for 30c. Price $3 per aniiuiu. J. L, Peters, 599 Broadway, New Ywk. Carriage MANUFACTORY % Centre Hall, Pa, GEO. II lIARFSTKIt lla> uii liait and for tali at the m*t rea uimliU rati • a tplefi lid *tock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagon* both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted U> be made <*t the fowl and moat •lurabl material*, and by the mo*t eipe • ifncml workmen. All work *ewt out from , ibe iwUbliibmeat will he fouad to fo ol ■lit- high**! da** and mm to giae parfagt ■ atUfnctioii. He will al*o have a live a ortment of SLKKIBH ol all Uie aee*t and rniwl fashionable •lylei well and carefully made and of the fowl material*. An iuipectl a of hi* work i* a*knd a* it i* believed tbat none superior can U found la the country. augSLtf. The First and (lie Beat! The largest k CHEAPEST stock of FALL GOODS! JUST UNPACKING at KELLER & HI'SSER, In BrockerliulT* block, Bohop Street, Uellofonte, where have just opened the beat, cheapest large* a* well a* the fowl auurU-d ituck uiliwdi in Bellefonla. HERE LADIES, I* the place to buy your Silk*, Moha.r* Mozambique*, lieu*, Alpaca*. Detain*, Lnu, Brilliant*, Mu.liui. Calicoes, Tick !•>**. FtaaehL Gpera FlaneL, Ladies Coat- j ing. Genu' Cloth*. Ladle* Barque*. Whit* Pekay, Linen Table Cloth*, Counterpane* j Crib Counterpane*, White aad Colarat j Tarlton, Napkin*, Inserting* andKdgiagsj W bile Lace Curtins, Zephyr A Zephyr Pal Urn*. Tidy CoUon, Shawl*. Worlttiakr: HOOP SKIRTS, Thread Hosiery. F*a, R*ds,Hawing LADIES AND MISSES SHOE* FANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINE FOR GENTLEMEN, KBeth-made Clothing of Every D- j scription, for Men andßoys. j Their >tock ofQC KENS WAR* A GRo] CEKIES cannot beeioaitedtn quality or! price. • Call In at the FhiladetphiaStore aad con vim <• yourelvn* that RELLKItA MUS SKR have any thing you want, and do bu inc- on the principle of "<Juck Sale* and Small Froflu." ap3O,G& oasisast raonocK ARC TAKU GREAT FLOOD! Tun* of Dry Good*, Groceries, No lion*, Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, ami thousand* of other article* GABKIED OFF AND LANDED AT ttuthe Cheap Store Heriacher & Cronmiller. CENTRE HALL. PA stud now otfered at price* lower than the lowest. Dry Goods, Notion*, <irvoerie, Hard ware. Quern** are, Wood and willow war* | Iron, Salt, Fih and in fart, a msgnilceM j assortment of everything GOODS VKRY NKAK AT THE OLO PRICES. Dress Goods V mod beautiful variety. consisting of all j the novelties of the season, white tromL, embroideries, hoop skirU, BALMORAL SKIRTS. All wc a>k that you will CALL AND KXAMIN'K OCR STOCK ALL KIN DS OF IfAR N ESS. -ilver plated and Yankee Ilarne** double , end single, bridle* and halter*. Apr 1 GOOD N KWS FOR THE PEOPLE.; Great .Attraction and Ureal Bargain*! 'IMIK undersigned, determind U> meet thv A popular demand for Low er I'rice*. w ►poctfully call* the attention of the public to hi* dock of SADDLERY, now otfered at the old stand. Designed e pevtall. for the people and the tint'**, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddle*. Harness, Collar*. Bridles, of every description and quality; Whip*, and in fact everything complete to a firtl cla*t establishment, he now offers at prices l which will suit the time*, j |A better v ariety, a better uuality or 6nor style of Saddlery ha* never before been of fered to the public. Cai) and examine our tock and be *ati*fled before purchasing* elfe where. Determined to please my patrons and thankful for the liberal *hare of patronage heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the tame. JACOB DIN GKS. Centre Ha 1 \\T J. B KTTF.LK 8J HOLES ALE WINK dt LIQUOR! STOKE BiUop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone buil ding iormerly occupied by the Key stone BakeryJ Take* pleasure in informing the public that he keep* constantly on hand a supply o. choice Foreign and Domestic Liquor*. All JUrrtU, Keg* and fflifi warranted to contain tkr quantity r'preamtfd. The attention of practicing physicians is • ailed to hi* stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottles, lugs, and demijohn* constantly on hand, lie h- the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquor* are warranted to give satis faction. Liquor* will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot oi BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that he can nloase customers he respectfully solicit* ashareof public paj tronage raylftl MUSIC! Every No. of PKTKKS' MUSICAL MONTHLY contain* four or five Piano Songs, lour or five Instrumental l'teccs, beside* Vocal Duets, Quartets, and fiMtr hand pieces—in fact, we guarantee every yearly subscriber at least 850 worth of elwdce new Music, We offer four yearly copies for $9. Sample Copies mailed forStk-., Five Back No*, for sl. J, L. Peters, NW MUSIC! Wherever the NX PLUS ULTKA Glee-Book ha* b-en introduced, it has been pron ousted superior to all other works of it* kind. It is the largest, la test, finest, and only enlleelion of new Glee* and Quartets, nearly all of which have Piano Accom paniment*, </ l'h. Sample Copies mailed, post-paid, or $1.50. J. L. I'eters, j 599 Broadway. New York. . ♦ ?aj&wa t y n i < AT REDUCED PRICES! ALLKINDBOFFITRNITURIATTBI "MAMMOTH" Furniture Store! OF THOMAS LINN, Olt Allegheny Street, Penn'a. I ADO FT (hi* method f informing my friend* (hat i boffpurvlmnl intrru*tof llwiry F llarri* la the abav* an wad eatebliahiwaaL Air. llwrU MM retired from tb inn, Will Continue the Bulne or Manufacturing nil kind* of Furaitart at Ui* old Mend on Howard ftL lla al* make* a ipacinity ef UndnrtekiAf la all It* bratwbi* The fo-at 1 C#tia. a Good Heane at all time* oo hand Kvary funeral will be attended to by bia* ia pee ma Urn iuk; year* of aaperieaan will rcommnd biu 11 out of tb* OLDEST AND BEST UNDERTAKER# in ih* State. All erdetf PROMPTLY FILLED. Order* for Coda* can U left at my Mora a Allegheny Street, THOMAS LINN, Be 11 don te Pa. oo(27. ly. On Marriage. laaay* for Teamg Ken, ea GREAT Mtlil EVILS and ABUSES which laurfora with Karriag* and ruin the bappiaaa* of Lheaa- Md, with cure toeaaa or relief far the Erring aad I" nfortunate, di*ea*d and de bilitated Seat in coaled letter envelope*, free of charge. Addreaa. HoWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2Huth Ninth St., Philadelphia, Fa oetllly, .. - ; jg Joan B. Li**. P. Bxwxss WtLsen LINN A WILMON, DRUG GISTS. ?'S Succenaor* of F- P. Wilton, Belinda*t Penn'a. 1Iit watred tk tmiwiofJiim I iSteea, of Philadelphia, a drugwiat ef tbir I teen jretn b irnl baa tb 'charge of tbetr prcaeription b*iaat X night Ml i (UirM U their Mora door, and iheeMipU.y***ieep!nf wilbia lb* building, will attend to tba trial* of tba public at all bout* of tba night Lian dc Wllaoa keep conataetlf oa band a large atock of Drug#, PaiuU, Oil*, Perfumery. Trwaaee and Medira Applisace of ail biada, together with a eery large eloek of Patent Mad it m .. *eca aa / Vinegar Bitter*, and alao Pure Wine*. and l i)uon. oJ all kind* for nodical >arpoaaa. julyM.au. LINN* * WILROJf. t ■ix.mh.i.utt rutaM u ±j for tale by lsarnjr m Wiue*. ao 10'66. TAPANNRD TOfLETSrfTfti JkWf) U other Japanned ware, a* the aplOfid. lawia a WiUM*a. /10FF1N TKIMMINOB. a large anion ic mantat IRVTftf * WILSON* HATUEE'6 Hair Restorative Ctmlaiai ni LAC BULPHUR —Nfc SUGAR OF LKAI)—No LITH ARGE— No NITRATE OF SIL VEU. and ia entirely frea from tba Poiaonoua and Iloa'ib diet roving Drug* ueed in other Hair Prepara tion*. Tr* rope rent and clear at cryrtal, it will not #oil tu Aural ttbrtc.- pemttly SAFE CLEAN and KFPICIIXT.-de.idem tun LONG FOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It geetoree and imvpaU the Hair from knooint Gray, impart* a toft, g!oey ap pearance. remove* I land ruff, ia refrebinf U the bead, cheek* the liair from Calling <ff, and rerturct. it to a great eatent wbea prematurely liat, prevent* Headaehaa, cute* all humor*, etitaneoua eruption*, and unnatural beat. AS A DRESSING FOR THE HAIR IT IS TIIK BEST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. 11. SMITH. Patentee, Ay or. Ma**, Prepaied only by PROCTER BROTH -1 KRs. Gloucester, Ma** The genuine it ' put Up in a J-* no! bottle, made xprealy ■ for it, with the name of the a- tide blown ia the gia*-. Aak your Druggiat tor Na rraK'a H via RnrroKAiivg, and take ao • other. jBtP-Send two three cent ctamue to Proc ter Brother* for a "Trealieeoa the Human Hair." The information it contain* ia worth (£OO,OO to aay person laep.lr For *ale at GmtW Hall by Wm. Wal * and Herlaeber A Oonmillar. * AGENTS WANTED FOR ' A Book That Will Selll , MY THE UKXOWXKD • SILXOU BLITZ. Tbi* is an original, interesting, and in structive work, full of rare ftin and humor being an account of the A UTHOK'B PRO- F ESS ION A L LIFE, hi* wonderful trick} and foal*, with laughable incident* and adventure* a* a Magician, Necromancer, and Ventriloquist. Illustrated with 10 Full Page Engravings, j beside* the Author'* Potrait on steel, and numerous small cuts 1 The volume is free from any objectiona ble matter, being high-toned and moral in iu character, anu will be read with inter- I oat, both by old and .voung. It give* the most graphic and thrilling accounts of the effect* of hi* wonderfti! feat* and magieal I trick*, causing the most uncontrollable inerrinicnt r.n I laughter. Circular*, Ternu, dec., with full informa tion, sent free on application to DUFFIELJ) ASHMEAD. Publisher. Til Sansom Street, Philadelphia. 0v127.0ui. CENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SI-ANGLER, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all point*, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is new in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovora will always find the best accommodations. Per sons trofu the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in tne country, , will find Centre Halt one of the most beau tiful locations and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and COB* venieuce. apMrfiMf. CENTRAL nOTEL. Corner of Third and Chestnut Street MifiSinburg, Pa •l.ihu Show era. Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town en business or pleasure. , H. A. Taylor's Liverj Attichod. juu23.ly ROCKET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers