T HE REPORTER. FEED. EUBTI. ..Mitsr Centre Hall, Pa., Feb. 23., ' < 2- We hava just bee" inf>riel (Vowi lUr riiburg what oar member i* "dein* r the rwngrcisional apportioantf nt : Potter, Tioga, Cameron, Clinton, Ou tre and Union. Thi. I* bad. terribly bad. ifirue, and a'e call u|Ka deuiocral. to en ter an immediate protest, r the democra cy ofthi* district are *old out body and breech e*. From the legielativa proceeding*, of 15th iost., we notice that auolher smuggled bill has been untarthvd. The iunUr was referred for investi gation. Those aro nice chap* at liar risburg. WI xdow Shades Mr. Muatma afferod f romluliin diroctiug the clerk to furnish the win dow# of tha senate chamber with shades. The above wt dip front the senau proceedings at Harrisburg, 15th iost. We thought the recent "fitting up" of the wiudews, at aa euoraaus oost, was about the end of that string. We think the soeucr some of those scamps are put in the shade by their constituents, the batter for the tax payer*. The democracy of Jeflerson county, iu their convention hut aeek, instruct ed far Thomas A. Scott lor President, aud Gau. Cass, of Pittsburg, for Gov ernur. Scott to make it hot, aud l'** to make it pose. Our SrktMlh. In the legislature af this t*te sev vial bills have been presented, abieb are of geueral interest, and of which we here ftirttish a synopsis. Oae bill, we believe, makes the minimum school term five mouth*, in stead of four as now. The Senate has under consideration a bill intended to regulate and make uniform the salariee ef Sthoel Super intendents. The hill provide#, that oue dollar per square wile shall be paid each schoel Superintendent for eervices ; but the salary iu the aggro ate shall not be less than me thous and dollar#, except, in cases where there are Iron than oue hundred school* in which case the salary shall be eight hundred dollars. There was a good deal ef opposition manifested to the bill, although from the debate there appeared to be a geueral belief antuug Senators, that some regulation -ook iug to uuiformity should be enact*d. It is probable that the effort will re sult iu some substantial goed when tho proposition is again considered. Another act provides, that from the passage of this act the morn ing session of tbe primary, secondary and grammar scbeeli shall be devoted to recitation* by the pupils and ex planation by the teachers; the afternoon sessions shall be given entirely to the preparation of lessen* by tbe pupils, under the care and supervision of the principal aud assistant teachers. Home study may be optional with pupils, but (hall not iu any case be re quired by teachers. When text books are taken home by pupils, it shall be those only each day in which recita tions have been prepared in tbe after noon for the ensuing day, and no ad dition snail be made to tbe leeaons as signed on account ef tbe hooks being taken home. The true principle in education being "notjhow much, but hew well," short lessons are enjoined iu all enses. It shall be the duly of the State and county superintendents to see that the proviaions of this act are properly enforced. The Lewistowu GairtU, radical, takes exceptions to our charging the radical party fer the huge job of fit ting up the two legislative chambers at Harrisburg, at a cost of nearly (40,000. The Gazette would like to •addle the thing upon Jacob Ziegirr, late democratic clerk. That won't do. The clerk of the house is a radical, and the balance of the machinery be longing to the state government, is in the hands of the radicals, aud of course this and all other extravagance in the affairs of the state, rightfully rests up on the shoulders of the radical slate government. Col. Ziegler bad noth ing whatever to do with making out those exorbitant bills. They were made out by the parties who did tbe work, aud preseuted by ibcui to Audi tor Geueral Hartrauft, a radical, who accepted aud settled tbem, without a protest. Col. Ziegler, wo will vonture to say, never saw these extraordinary bills until they were held up to the public gaze by the newspapers. We do not think it Lonest, in a radical pa per, te attempt to screen its parly, when guilty of such abuses. Let it take a lesson from tbe democracy, who are as ready te punish the guilty in its own rauks as those so often found in the radical rauks. "In a few weeks," that's ominous. We consulted the Delphic oracle as tride its tri-pod, and its answer of eourse, was, that somebody would be annihilated, for It taw a crow, Mount a hoe, Pick iu toe, And swear a row. "la a few weeks,"—well, Suyder may as well now lank out for a sub Wtitute, while all the rest are advised "to take the first steamer and depart for South America." "The ablest," Io a few weeks," we like that, com ing from our substitute broker. As • put ourselves "iuto our little bed," we saw visions of lines before us, such •a, "He who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day," "He marched up the hill, then down •gain," we saw the farm of pollution gargling its putrid throat, aud then , •pit up, "la a few weeks.*' I Hon. Henry Sberwuod and Hun. Win. M'Clslland, have our thanks for Jfcvora from Washington. Fraudulent Medical Diplomas liogu* doctors, as well ll* bogus statesmen aud politicians, are now 1 manufactured at so much per head. Any man who knows how to prepare a toddy for the belly-ache, can got a di ploma as a doctor, il'hc has tl stamp*. The Patriot hrittg* the result l a re cent investigation of this The senate conituitlcoii irregularly or fraudulently issued medical di plomas held their fifth melt ing at the Jones house last evening. Senators Randall, (.'rawlord, Hilling fell Weakley, Nagle and Humphreys were in attendance, Senator Strong alone living absent. Four witnesses were examined which hrittg* the nuno Iter up to itluitii twenty five since the organisation of the Committee. The first witness examined last evening * I. Davis, of Mahan.y, Schuylkill county. H* testified t* having received a diploma from the American University, Philadelphia, fur a coiiidertiou of ninety dollar*, lie had gone through four lectuie courses iu Loudon hut had never at tend*! tha college from which he re ceived the diploma. John Stevenson, a colored Method ist miuiater of Wilkesharte, *tted that hu had received a diploma fruui the same university. He had never been regularly under the iustructiuii of a physician. He bad been exam ined by two professors. His diploma had cost him nothing. He had prac ticed medicine since receiving it. John B. Nicholas, of this city, free jiy gave what information he JKWM-**- ed. He had attended a couneof lect ores nt the Kclectic college, Philadel phia, where he was examined by oue professor and received a diploma, lie had came to the coiicluiMin while at college that thing* were conducted loosely aud became thoroughly di* gusted. He hao not practiced med iciueand never intended after receiv ing the diploma. \V. W. Browu, af Bellefoute, stat ed that he was a lawyer and editor. ' He had received the honorary degree of LL. 1)., from the American Uni versity, Philadelphia, unasked and ; unsolicited. The parchmeut haii come to hint verv carefully wrapped up. He had no idea what it wra* be fore opening it aud expected nothing of the kind. He had never attended a course of lectures at the university and had given or done nothing a* au ; equivalent for the diploma. ile j thought he was entitled to the bailor, as he wa* thoroughly competent. He had been to the Allegheny college four years and six months. The di ploma might have conte through the i influence of Dr. Hissell, one ef the professor* of the Kclectic college, with whom he was well acquainted. He hod given tbe uuiventity a eompli meutary newspaper notice after the reception of the diploma--nunc lc --fore. After the examination uf Mr. Browu tho committee adjourned to meet at Uia Girartl house, Philadel phia, on Saturday morning at ten o'- clock, when the professors and other* of the two colleges in question will be ! examined. We mentioned in our column* !al week the sentence of the radical de faulters in Philadelphia, who had been tried and found guilty. Iu pro nouncing the sentence upon Marcer, the Judge used the following laiiguge, which should be applied to some more scouudrelsofthe same kind, but whogo uuwhipt: Joseph F. Marccr —Tbe rule for a new trial in your case having beeu refused, aud the motiuu in arrest af judgement overruled, it remains for the Court to impose such sentence ** the nature of your offense requires. I do not desire to add to the pain of your position by auy ex tended remarks. I cannot let the occasion pat-*, how ever, without expressing au erophatic condamnation of your offense. The misapplication of public money has become the great crime of the age. If not promptly aud fiually checked it will ultimately destroy our Institu tions. Whau a Republic liecomcs liaueycombed by corruption its vitali ty is gone. It must crumble upon the first pressure. In my opiniou tbe public are much to blame for your offenee and others of similar charact er. Heretofore official fraud ha* been regarded with tao much indiffer ence. What we uced is a higher and purer political morality, a state of public opinion which would make the improper use of public money a thing to he execrated. It was the lack of this which made your offense pub lic. Beyond this we see nothing of ex uuuation iu your case. The public had confided to you the custody of their money. It was a high and sac red trust. You should have guarded the doorl of the treasury even as u Cherubim protected the Garden ef Edtn,and should have turned the flam ing sword against every one who ap proached it improperly. Your posi tion as a member at the bar, and for some years as chairman of the Finance Committee of Councils, gave you am ple opportunities of knowing the law. j You have sinned against the light. In view of the facts ef your case, we can do no less than impose the full penally of tbe law. Fraudulent Legislation- We last week made reference t* fraudulent legislation at Harrisburg, by which bills, that never passed either house, are paliueJ off as law*. This is about tbe boldest species ut villaiay of modem time*, au<i goes ahsad of the plans of the devil him self. But when forgers and other political villains are elected to ike legislature, what better can the people expect, and wbo else are to blame for this demoralized stale affairs hut the people who claim to be honest and up right, aud yet favor the election of such characters as lawmakers. Upon this matter we copy further from the last Clinton Democrat: It Minis as though rascality in legis lation at Harrishurg cannot raach a climax. What laws are really passed contain enough wrong to tuake many intolerable to the people, but it ap pears that we suffer not only the evils of these but also those that have not jan-aed. The Patriot of tho Bth inst., informs us that "Mr. Dill read a bill to repeal a certain act relating to railroad corporations which was air proved by Governor Geary on the Ibili June, 1871. As soon thereafter as resolutions were iu order Mr. Pet rikcu introduced a resolution iu re gard to this act," which asked for an investigation. The resolution declares that privute investigation shows "that said bill was not considers! or pissed by cither the Senate or House of Rep resentatives, and that the records re lating thereto were falsely and fraud ulently made and entered." Tha Patriot says further that, an Juno /ith. llto "attention t Governor 1 Geary xv im called to this pNUmbtl art l*v 4 prominent Senator, who as urvd him thai it wa* *•*•*1 |*l • had never rvceivd the Mwlin ofl | tlwf legislature, *i*d that it had not i ! i'voii been enii*idere<l in the Svnati j! The Governor ts|Htndd that ha would ho in tin lutsU to *ig tho hill/, having until 110*1 M'w.ioii to consider : it." Vol ho dul f i^ II it mi lhi> lUlh ol'l J ouo. On tho i>th instant, through tin J I'ilUhurg lhv-t, wo hutn thai Mr. Ifcchort ilnu ait. uiioii t" the Im'l that MII important Senate amendment to tho bill lolativo to tho |ay 1 "liiita dolplua |ulicvmii, nil" omitted la the tranacrila r* helotv luillj: M-ut l tho Governor, who signed the hill Mithout it. UctllMlka fbllliWol lYolrt M*l Davis, Buck a low. Gtuv, Brook# and While, in which tacts HI |atl loeula (ion ware cited, showing that biil* tie- CMIIIO law* without tver ha vino |uis*i-d either II oust, or wore deliberately luulilaltal before reaching tho ox ecu live. It thia is uol "piling oil tho agwliV.'j fellow-t-ilitens, wo would like to know what will do it l'nt it uniragtoiia? Wo aro not only the victim* of |ecial law a corruptly |>axed, but wo art- un der the yoke id those that lover have passed. If this i not the climax el audacity among the racial* who |we- j ulalo iu legislation, what can it bo that wi'l eomo next ? A special investigation committee — Messrs. Decbcrt. IVtrikcu and Gray— ha* brOU appointed, aud it is to be hoped they will prolor the inallir thoroughly and bring the guilty to de served punishment. Tl • Nation g vet tho following | beautiful picture of carpat-bagistu : I It is certain that none of the carpet bag governments at the South, uol even the South Carolina ring, i* more corrupt and debasscd than that l Loiusiaua. Under it the taxes have risen front thirty-seven aud a-half cents on the alio hundred dollars in 181>G. to ' two dollars in 18i 1, aud it has raised the Stale debt front fourteen thousand I live hundred iu 18l>8, to nearly forty l nine million* in 1871. ltefore the war, I a sixty days' session of the legislature cost from one hundred thousand dnl ; lars to two huudred thousand dol- I lars ; the regular aud extra se-iiuti of • the legislature cost seven hundred and i fifty thousand dollars in 1870, anil the regular session alone of 1871 cost over , niue hundred thousand dollars. The ) modes of stealing, too, adopted by • these rascal* bear the most striking re • semblance to the operations of the New i York ring, front which they have • doubtless Well copied. We hare he i fore us the report on the accounts of of the legislature 1871, made by order ■ of the district court of New Orleans, > iu proceedings instituted against the - State auditor. The cointui.-etotter on ly got hold of the books with great . difficulty, and hp found etioriuous , frauds of five kinds; alteration and • erasure of warrauts ; forgery of names - an warrants; Usue of warrant* by uti i authorized persons, for purpose* for* • bidden by law, or in paviui-iit of s-r --vices uor reudcred. The legislature appropriated fur the ex|enac of the I Getteral Assembly six hundred - aud forly-tfcven lltousaud four | hundred and fsrty dollar* for IH7I. Under this ike thieve* foithw ith issued warrants for eighty-eight thousand one • huudred aud twenty-eight dollar*; and , when inquiry is made, it t* found that , the book* sf tbe warrant clerk and of j the rhitirinan of the committee ou cott liugeut expenses have been lost' Ihe committee on charitable institution* t stole seven thousand four hundred aud • twenty dollar* by drawing mileage for I lours of inspection which they never r made. The committee on railroad* i stole thirteen thousand three hundred I aud fifty six dollar* in a similar man r ner. I*he committee ott hanks stole . six thousand two hundred dollars in - the tame way, ami the committee on : canals aud drainage followed their ex > ample, • ♦ • Governor Reed Impeached. 1 I Tallahassee, February 12. —The rv ' oluliol) iiupcachiug Governor Harri -1 son B. Reed tailed t|ie |iop.- of rep ' resentatives by the necessary two 1 thirds vote, and was sent to the senate aud officially received by that body. Lieutenant Governor Samuel C. Day, an honest republican, will take the 1 oath of office as acting governor to night or to morrow morning. The fight is entirely in the radical ranks, between the carpet-bag ring from the uorth —which has plundered tho state already of millions, and is now scheming to iquccxe the last do'-j lar front the state before it goes into bankruptcy —aud the republicans per manently settled here and identified with the interests of the slate. The passage of the impeachment resolution is looked upon as a stunning blow to the "riug" and as a victory which will probably result in the complete over throw of the corruption ist*. There is hut little doubt of convic tion. Of cuursw the acts complained of catt be clearly proved, and are suffi cient to send Heed to the sUto peniten tiary, much less oust him from the gov ernorship; but the facts have little in fluence on the question like this, while money and politics have much. The senate is composed of eleven demo crats and thirtoeii republicans, making seventeen votes necessary for convic tion. The democracy of Bedford in their re cent county convention unanimously pau *d the following : "Remlred, That it i* the earnest desire of the democrat* of llt-drord county, a* it should be of all patriotic citizint, that the evvrnl political uleuienta whose common creed is tho preservation of our liberal from of government and resistance to the centralizing influence* and corrupt prnc. lice* which under the present nond-script administration are so rapidly undermining the foundations of our republican system, niay unite upon candidates and a platform uif principle* at the impending presiden tial election, and that mutual concussion, looking to such a union may he freely and 1 cheerfully made." This rcsciulion is of the truo patriotic temper, slid will be endorsed by every democrat who sincerely desire* the over threw of the present dominant party. Activity of tha Bona pari lata. Paris, February 16.—The Uonaparlisl adherents are exerting themselves to cre ate a feeling among the workmen of cer tain cities in favor of the ex-Kuiperor. The Alabama Claims. Paris, February 16. —It is re|>orted on good authority that the United States will not waive their claims on Kngland for in direct damages, but may be induced to moderate them. Hon. Cbas Francis Adams, American member of the Geneva Tribunal, will re turn to Kurope iu May. Three Children Ruined Alive. Winona, Minn., February |:j.—ln Jef-j fersou, in this county, early on Tuesday morninr, the residence of Julius Hans, to gether with his live stock, were burned. The wind was blowing a Kale, and before the inmates could be awakened the entire ( upper portion of the house was a mass of < Haines. Three thildu-n were LumeJ to I death. ■ \Vliut the Hrllfoli I'ivhh B*>m On (In' llnbamu I'liiliuM lFrom III# Loudon Time*, January HI, I Tf*f 7 / rulif <Vii .lyrn inful ot .( //. In tbr conference oil the IHtli 'l April. IWI, tin- part -f the treaty relating !• the Alabama clallli* wb agri ed to Thf nri' described the worn* "I lin President, in I In' original li tier >'l tlir '• Hli i of Jmimt) , a- "tb( • a inn Mil •! net* committed by I •> Alabama bihl nil > < j Vessel* escaped Item 111 ltlll tlonps, ului U-.icn.lly k now nn tin- Alabama cliiU"* | i I'lit teriu may orin vague, ">ut I will be lob-art ed that the United Stale* cominls • loner* had bound ihutnsrlve* by ..n •>- trod littery statement tltal tin > pr. Med Inn estimate >l "indirect losses (ill m|n| :of the pro ongatior. tin' will and Im nl j shipping trad*), but n.ivd tlmr ngbt to mak* such a elaim ill the event <•! a# ainieabla aellli mi nt lint bring inaili It H|i|i<ur> now thai they lat# that tln-y mily meant tin* M'rtiWil ibeir c aim to ops late in care of the ilo|itioli of ibr ('artii u lar "amivablv settlement then prop..-. ■! by tliein namely, by ike Joint It >K'* jt'otuuinsiciirr* agreeing tqmli a gr.or tout In be |iaul by the United kingdom 'I but uiiiile ot n'Uleliielil seems In have In en lit elite declined by tbr British t'oiiliiliaaioliera but tbr deltnitloll ol Ibe i latin w> not withdrawn. Front tbat luomeiit tbe two contracting parties do not appear to bate meant the auie tiling by tbu words wbii b they Used, alui with all the signing and [scaling, tliere Wa* liu real agreement come to. AH l>#|K'iii* Upon W till llie f 'mil• in issir. tiers Bny—Probably "the Moil Trent#mltiua Bluwlet Kvet Peru irateil." (front the I'all Mall Gaxettr, Jan., 30.] If we new 'ook le the language of the 'treaty for >upport f our u n vie# of tlie agreement we flu J no poaitiv# support in it at all It i> sufficiently negative for our argument, and that i* tbe ket we nan make of it It i* per ft-. 11 * compatible Willi tbe American iletntiiid, but it does not di countenance the a> rtion that tbe v bole iof that demand, > ttuwr lirMUlrit, was not included in the understanding on ' which the treaty was based ; it leave* u* free to maintain that the admurion of claim* for indirect lo* a* matter for i rbi tration w> uo part of the undemanding We >hall he lucky if we have ai ything I i how tbe real *cope ol the argument, and that it w a* by implication limited to direct !oii. Oftfikwcthe public cannot yet judge; but there i too much reason to I fear that no documentary or other tnrigi , ble evidence to that effect exist*. l'roka bly, therefore everything turn* upon the ' question wlo-ther a* a matter of fact, of . which there i> aliil can be no doubt ill the t mind* of tbe llriti-h commissioner*and ihe ' British government, tb# good faith of the ' understanding i#violated by tbe Anicri- I can demand.; whether they can as.crt in . j perfect confidence that to the know ledge of the American commissioner* no uch • demand* were meant to he admitted for arbitration or would bate been admitted ; and that to u-e tile language of the treaty in support of the claim for such admi**ion " i* to force on it a significance it wa* ue* er fj intended to bear. Of course, if our gov | eminent cannot .iv tin* with absolute cer tainty of being in tlie right there is an end ' of the matter. In that case, we mutt lake I the ConcuueilCe* r.f one of the tin>t trc , mendous blunders ever perpetrated To the Tribunal All Must Go, [From the London Morning Post.] We have no right to con plain of tlia cou-tructiou which the Atuciican govern ment socks to put on the treaty. This f rase tland* on all-four* with the *pee<-h of a idaintilTs counsel when submitting Im r client s caue to the jury The proper , course for her Majc-ty s government to . lake it to prepare in due course a reply (•> the American government, leaving in the " i latter the opportunity, to which it i* un t'llouktrdly entitled ill equity, to reply, af . ter the lap** of two mouth*. Wo have no I right to call upon the tribunal to reject peremptorily on (potion any claims, ho*. ever prvp.i.terpui, ahuli may bap"' f"r . ward by the American govcrnnmul The construction of tbe treaty, and f every thing cnnect>d with it, nas been referred " by tl*. as by the gov orniueul of lliv I ul t ted Stats*, to a peciai tribunal, and we, ..like our opponent*, muvl be content to j;leave everything unr.rvJly in>u band*. r Mr. i'ulleraou, frutu l-ivcrjovol. A*- totnilicil —The Prcsidctil Did Not I Tell Him Any tiling Almut tlic t "C'nac." I [To t c Editor of ths London Timet ] I Sir; 1 hav# read with #m# concern, ud [' I niu-t add, coii*iderabto surprise, your ar tide upon the Alabama claim*, from which 1 learn that "the case" Upon behalf ■ of the United Slate* tugged* Knland's ,! liability for an enormous spin, in the hapc II of indirect (Jni'iag''* for the pfoloi. gallon of tbe war or. in other word*, rim. w r quetilial damages 1 beg tp vsy that no r such view of the Washington Treaty cams under my observation in tbe la*t four | months, which 1 hats mainly .pent in the I United State*, hav ing only leflJvvvv A ork - sixteen days ago It i* true tiencrwl liut . ler some three m#nth* ago endeavored to fatten odium nyHiii the I mted Stale* gov -1 eminent by alleging lhat the treaty sur i rendered American (Idling privileges ; and also that foreign diplomatist, who i probably now hi England, en route for a colder climate, did at a social party in my presence "nag'' some American gentlemen, including a United Stales Senator, with tugge.tion* of it* iuvolvtng claim* for all ■ the cotton, Ac . burnt at the South owned by Bntith subjects. Another Brititb gni llviuan and mycll were informed that ' we had surrendered fifty mile* of coast in thv Pacific, which did not appear to u*. . however unhappy, to involve national de cadence. There wa*. however, no uggc ■; lion of liability for consequential datnagi-*, .even I rum that lvnx-eyed critic who was . conspicuously anxious to find "a hole in •ur coals," aud had tbo will I" "nrent it, nor in any other company or place, pri vate or public, in America, in s|>eeob. writing, or print, did the suggestion reach me; nay, I imy add, I am pursuaded lhat to the mercantile communities it will come a* a ji-MMicvahlg surprise when they read iin tic Tmhc sol" this morning of England's liability for fI.ttO.OOO (<* indirect damages i occasioned by the Alabama. 1 have en 'joyed frequent opportunities of conversa tion upon international topica with ti ir chants, hankers, lawyers and even states jnien. such as Mr. Sumner and others, in jeluding an interview with the President at Chri*tmas : and notably from Aim, but Ijny add universally, 1 met expression* pr satisfaction at the treaty, a* asuringtbe permanent reunion of goud feeling and Tasting friendship between the ocean-di vided English speaking peoples. Your obediviit servant, JoHX I'iTriXSitX. Liverpool, January I*.' CONtiJtKSS THE SOUTHERN VULTURES. A Kentucky member stirring up the l T nclcan blood. ; ,4 Scathing I'ersonal Explanation — Masterly Uuliny of Speaker Blaine | The Thieves of the South Stripped ! to the Buff, and Exhibited to the Country. Wailiiiiftnii, Feb. |G.~In lli House to day, Mr. Bv'k(D*m., Ky.) asked leave to ' make a prnunul explanation. Mr Stevenson (Rep.. Ohio) inqui-td whether Mr. Hcck intended to say anything personal t<> a Senator. Mew.ru. Dawes, Hunk*. W. H. BoborU, and otbur member* sii'tained the rijrht of Mr. Deck t<> make a peritonei explanation, even (hough ho did reflect o|j Senator. The Speaker put the question a* to whether there wait objection, and none >• i made. Mr. Beck then proceeded with hit re uiarki. lie did not intend, ho mid, to use any billingsgate or slang, or to degrade the House ny any allusion* wliich member* would lay were not eminently proper. It wat more iinimrlaiit to him that he should he right, and that the Houte thou hi say that no wut right in the remark* for w hicli Ihe Imd been arraigned tn the Donate. In j that ■ perch he had naid that Gov. Hrown- I low, of Tcnnaaaee, had Made A I'endcniunium of thut Stall'. Ho (Mr. liccki liu.l been 01 'tln committee to investigate the conditioi lof the South, HIH] when he I.ml conic t< [ look over the condition of things in Ten. nuec. from the clone oi the ivi.r for f#ui year*, lie HW kuch n ktntn of tiling* HX ikied now hare Ue on tlie Atncrican con lincnt; and it wn bt-cHUsft he found that Unto of tliiiiK l * "" exUting that he hml iimilc the remarks to which exception hiiil been taken If thoae facta did not exists then he win jf 11 iltv of aluiidcr; liut il they did exist, and if ha should prove to the lloiikii tlint StHte hint been by mix rule NIHILE H paiidctuoiiiuin for four your, after the wur closed, then lie MUX not guil ty of HIIV nUiiiler. lie xliould either stand before the Houxc HX a wilful uml malicious libeller, or lie xliould xtHlld confirmed by the facta. HX ho would show tlieui. Before lie woulu my H word ux to the perHonnl nt- Luek upon hlinxelf, lie wanted to show to Jiu House that lie WHS right in suying Unit i'ennexaec hud been u pHiidemoniurn for our your*, Ruining tt l'niiil of order. p If r. Stevenson (Kcp., Ohio) asked the .'hair, HX u <|ue -tion of order, whether in n ivinonul expluiiulion u number hud u ight to proceed in a general discussion on j the Slate of Tennessee, I The Speaker replied t lust it bail I.■n re j' j penteilly ruled that when a ilieiuher w a ' periiiiltud to make a personal explanation ' lie wa* Hot limited ml l what bo sli<itlld ( ' m , i vcept tbat h mul he wiibm tlm J : nil ■ of tbe llntl-1' Mr tln U *ald bu di'.ired to *ltow tin- 1 . • iltiliti.sli of thing* 111 I i Hln"*-' c a* thai '*it - the great p fiit in tl •• id itti i He da |' ' i led tin- light ol 1 ml" i to ttuiku ti*" 1 ■i| the priv ib-gi of illvi t 00l to miiSigii or In list •-1, it li V nlie otll-lde ol it and w hat ill I hi bail .aid lis* l*H*l ■a "I oil hi* I eilHill • .il.iiilv a- a man, ami In* was prepared to prove It* iMlth. lie I hell pi. ni-r i|i ij In • how Ike ( itsslsti**ll ol tllill.-* ill ' rtiliriMV flnm lM .to In,* how tin l.i gfslalure. hv a i*rte. lifi.il* Ulipaiatliitlwl In ~tnerii'ali lii*|olV. eiin-litiil. I itselt a body H"t rep re* en 11 ng nue-ii'iit h purtnt liu- population; liou .lillli. il* law- were pa* etl how per • on* W ele arret tl f"C spettklug iliri espet I folly of the t invel Ilor; how there wa* an outlawry of persons, an outlawry of the; pre**, an outlawry of the franchise, ait outlaw ty ..I in ill long w bie h did nut bt>w to tbe Mi*"mll' of the men In power, lie showed how >t feuty thousand citisen* of the Stale bad been dLfraiteliLcJ by law ho wr the lii'verimr hail tlislraiiehised t w i lily -eig lit eoiiiitie- ill Ten nr * *ee because thev hail el vet etl to llie Legislature men w lot were inolile to I*tin , how he liatl re ; tim ed the vote ot the .Hte front Itgl.UiS) to a'.t.HXl; how he hail only alltiwetl nim-tei li IIU II to 111) registered ill the wliftfo couilty ot Henry, und how n man w*a* allowed to vote who wa* not known to he In favor of the Legislature ami the tiovernor, and of everything that they ilij. Kenviving llie [Kiint oforder. Messrs tiartield ami HleVelioll t Itap , Ohio] renewed the point ul order that the remark* of Mr. Ibi k ware not in the na ture of a pert>na! explanation. The Speak er overruled the point of ol der, and WII" sustained til hi* position by Mr. Hank*, wbo *aitl that the Speaker wa* entirely eorreel, and that Mi JIS. - k wain accord with the prut tit eof lliitJlltMiro. Mr. tiartield nt to the Speaker a writ ten question —"AN hether, w lien a member gvt- permission to make h personal expla nation, II is on the implied ph dgc that lie . a ill confine himself to the personal expla nation, and not make a yciivral political, -pet. ch ?" The Speaker replied that that till loft the original question open a- to whether j lb# gentlviuan hiiu.elt regarded hi* own remark* a* n personal etpl nation. Ihi pieseiil aeeupant of the chair had alwy ' ! endaavortn! to e(rcuuicribe and confine, personal explanation-Miiiicw hat more with | lit bound* than bail been tbe usage, lie re | called on one distinct occasion Hie ruling of Ills immediate predecessor, Mr. Coifs x, ami a similar ruling of hi* other predeces sor, Mr. Bank*, who bad so kindly gixen bim tin* aid of bt> x |*crieiue to-day— tbat where the con .till it the llou*e is given 1 i for a personal explanation, it i within the discretion of the geiitlrman hiiu*lf to say 1 what he t h*a**c within tne lules of the r ! House Mr Hank'* (Rep., Mas*.)— That i* the ! practice r A Third Inlt rruption. Mr Beck resumed hi* remark*, ha! wa* j toon interrupted again lor a |ntint tif or der made by Mr. Ilale . ftep , Me )similar L ' to (bo*-- already made ami overruled, j The Si eaker in "ii-rru'iiig it ri-tmirked that in hi* jiidgeliu lit neither the geiitlv man from Maine (Hal#) nor iwitlu r ul the gentlemen fhsu Ohio (Stevenson alui tiar- I field * could di< tale to thu gentleman from •Kt nlui ky the line at arguuietit. " After further interruption* Mr It. ek rt ' •timed hi* remark- and rejH-aled lli il liu \ great point which he di ired to make w .i* ' that he had not falsely charge J any mail ' : when he -aid that a pandemonium had r ' been ill Tennessee II he had *aul that the i oinlilion of thing* in Tennessee wa.- • [ In 11, he would have been i. cater the trulb. 1 Mr S'CV t tisoti txt Ite.lly —-And made •o by li- (Lntighter ] Itriiwulotr'n Ki;!c in Tcnmiwc, 1 Mr, Ip-ck !wj now that no man ,;>i, read uv< r lip-' ret old t.f Tcnr.v.-M C gnd ei " : bow, *tep by te|t tb.i( , opdiljeli uf tlliugs e *w a* product,!, hew llU'li We ft disfran : ehl.lHi ; bow a tiulilia wa- orgal.iat d and 1 ] pul over tbe people; bow military orders " j were exiT Uled ; lotw proclainaliolis were ■ : issued; how marital luu wa* declared ami ' t-xtn UleJ, wilh.-ul *• . lug tbat w hat I -aid of tbu Stat*- in that t .ill;,-eli,UJ * strict | ly true, alui that it wa* tbo w -r*t govern - ! . -I State on the American continent, t lie prtei ednl tt> read (Voiu the testimony Jof witnesses who, he t:iid, uvr.* strictly loyal no ii. and *aid that lie would print the re*t of it in the lilobt. Mr. Stevenson objected to ibe printing . of anvthing that wa-tu-t reatl, 1 Mr Beet Then I w ill read the whole , o| it ; and 1 give IttUiee that nothing *iiall ' go in the liVtAr in the future that i* n-4 read. ll* then weilt on to quote from the • te-tiiiiuny ot witne-M-*, and *i|ii|; f; })i'in>pnriiig Jiruutiluw'r Slgmicr. tin that 1 wa* aitailcd. I wa* charged ' ! with being the xile.t of men, with having • left a lit c'.v stabb and taken up the slave r drivers lash, and de-erving the seirn aud r contempt of all decent men. 1 would not ' til-lice it. hut for the fot t that what ha* be, ii -aid uyainst me will ga to all tbe world. lam witting to lvm! on my re " j roril betore my |x*opla at home. Thev ' | kite a me, they have trusted rue. hut they ' ' cannot -peak to tbe (I hole Ameriean prwt • pie a* I call *pia k I o-tiny from this place; " and whin geiitb-men n-i in their plae**- f ! any wrbcrv- Ido not care w ho#, ami char ge that I am a man who i* m l to be tru* ' ted ur believed because 1 am vile, and j j mine from to vile quarters, and am guilty ' of tut h vile practice*, 1 denounce it hen " and deiiwuttce it everywhere. 1 know why 1 all these charge* were made. NYhat I ai*d ' about a pandemonium in Tciiiir*cc wa* • j said about all the other Sputherp State*. alui a gth 'tl deal more about some of them. ' j One man. Ifavi- • f Texa-. wn* 4<H>king me •i in the face when I -aid it. I said uiun 1 again*! (iisv. Ilulloi kof Georgia, who rat | by my side, and thev are not all cripples, not all cmbccilrs, 1 have Never Told u Lie, i and I am prepared to prove every fact I . i have tatod here *r elsewhere They ; thought thet would tut a man to speak , I against ll|o of whom rhey could av that , 1 he i a cripp.e, that he cannot write, that I he cannot read, that he cannot walk, and they shield themselves behind him. They are not all cripple*. All the re*l of thorn can walk. I will prove what I naid again*! every one ol tinm. and it i bccau*e they know that 1 will do it ; it i* because Heed of Florida, Scott ot South Carlinn, and Davi* of Texas, and all of them kns\v that I will proye it, because they know that I have been prominent in getting up a r.~ port which will lie before the country in la** than a week, that they are trying to blacken me> thai when people lake up the report and read it they may *ay : • "X>l, it'* j that fellaw Heck, who wa a negro driver that My* tbi*!'' That i* their game, that i* the reason why they selected a poor uld | Imbt ob to atta. kno Hr. Stovenon again, made a point of order again*! Mr. Heck, and wn- again j overruled by the Speaker, w ho mid he Imd been listening very attontivelv and the i gentlemen from Kentucky had not viola ted any parliamentary rule. The charge pre.erred (hat he had been a j *lave driver w* a lie, and |je hurled it back oil all th.we men with the orn it dc terved. He felt humiliated at having to I tell all thi*, and he would not have done <o I had the attempt merely been to injure him | per*oiially ; hut the object to W n* to destroy the power and eflert ot what he h <d said, i ami of what he would continue to *nvi against the carpet-hug government* of the South, and all their fraud*, all their cor ruption*. all their rascalities. He knew what it was all done for; he knew why a feeble old iijiiii had been .-elected to attack him by other* who were more deeply iin plirat. d than he. In order to exhibit Mt Hrownlow*' con*itency in ntt ieking any man a* a slave- Iriycr, ho rend oiiio ex tract* from ihii dehnte hut ween Mcssr- Hrownlow and l'ruyn, twelve r fifteen year* ago, in Philadelphia, in which Mr. Hrownlow took thepositionthat American •lavcry ought to he perpetuated ; that •la very was the inevitable condition of hu man society, and that God always intend ed the relation of ma*ter and slave to exit. lie (Mr. Iteck) commended there extract* to the other sine of the House. I Lnughter.] He a*ked them to read Mr. Hrownlow"* speeches made in lieill, in which he tie Hollared the Abolitionists, ami spoke of Vii-c-l'icaiilcnt Uumliti a* a Flee Nv gro. A* to Mr. Hrownlow'slaying thela-li on his (Mr. Heck's) back, if lie were tron- ' ger, than lie was, be *ai<l, No man ever laid > a lali on hi* back or struck him a blow, ' and no man should and live. Mi. Hrown-1< low could not *ay so much for himself, a* 1 Fayette McMullcii knew, lie (Mr. Heck)'! no braggart, and no blackguard ; any ' lltliwoinaii could beat lilm at abuse; hut i lie repelled with honest indignation the charge made against him that fie had ever ! been guilty of anything unworthy either jof himself, his family, or hi* people, lie (| represented the proudest di-tricl in Atner- p ] km, a district w liich hud more capacity to w produce all that was requisite for human i ; life than many of the stale*. It had sent ! men to Congress who were worthy of their t | position*, however unworthy ho" himselt might be. He was following men whosei i, inline* it wa* unneee*sary to mention, audi,,' who recalled ! {' The Time-Honored Ashland District i; of Kentucky. Thqy had seen lit to and! him lu-re three consecutive time*. ll< had come among them poor, friend I •-*, ami T so far from feeling that he disgraeeil tin in ' il because he had been poor, and bad labored j )i for i living, his exainjilo had been held up t.i the > tiling inon uf the district. Ho know I lint In- It ml been denounced bacauso h#| liml always been the advocat# and ft'lend 1.1 111. I Itl wlltl l len Solilliorn Slnli . Il< tin.l married a Virginia wuman, and bis children were the . rent great grand t liiblri n of tin foil brtrther * tjeorge Wiih Hgtoli He lowd thu South, and would -land by it a* lung a* he hati a video |to -peak Win ii be iihalitlollt'd her be i MU * lie WNS maligned, slandered, or rid unlet! Ny any combination of men. might 'id* right hand wilier and his tongue cleave to the roof uf his mouth. He bad m nl no di*rv*pcct to tbe Senate in any allilsioii he bail made tti it. He regarded llie Senate of the United Stales u* ihc liighest ami most hoiinrab! htely on earth. 1 lo re was not a loan in thv lit.use who tlld tiol want to go to the Senate. [Laugli ler | lie knew II WUs l lie Must //oiioittblt' Butly un Lnrtlt, ami when he s|obo ufoin#nflli"*e South .in (i.ivornors wbo were eaudi<latc* lor the .* • iihlc he "X* not refieeting 01. the Senate If anything hx said looked like a refit t lioll oil the Sena lit he upoiogixed for it flay hatl been there, Webster bad l.t ei| there, W right had been there, Ual li.iun bad been there, 'l'beir memories made it a sacred place. He bad not said IIII> thing to rellui't oil the Senate; but lie IJ* * ultiile* sitting lu tin- nasi of the rugle ami baboons taking the plaeu of the limit, he protested aguilol tlm oulruge He wauted lo keep lit# Seuata pure and high uiimled lie wanted lu *ee the Slates rep reieutod by liouorable men, not by men who fureed Iheiuselve* iu there at the point of the bayonet, or by fraud, yorrup lion, clittanery or mlracutu. That Wa* I the wuy be looked at it ; that Wa* tlie way lie felt like apeaking about it. In con clusion, lie taaliki-tl the l|oU*e for the courtesy it bail extended to him. Mr. fieck was li*leiu-d to wilh tbe great est interest and attention by the members of the Huuse and by the'erowded galleria*. lie -poke with great rapidity and force, ami warmly Congratulated by his political friends when liw concluded. The House soon afterward adjourned. Senate. W AMlikurON, February IS. Sale of (•oVvTiiiiirnt Ann* to France Mr. Suiuner called up hi* resolution for ati investigation into the alleged toatiufac sure of arm* for the French in workshop* of the United Stales Mr Conkling was anxious to have the ' the resolution disposed of Mr Sherman aid that the resolution ' would lead to a political debate, and ap pealed to the >cnale Hot to lit* diverted from practical bouite**. If Mr, Suionei hatl berll content to omit his lung praam ' j biu aud offer a simple resolution of iuqui -1! r>- it might be pa*ed without debate. ' Mr. Anthony objected to taking up tin resolution until the appropriation bill wai ' * di -posed of. -'j Mr Conkling said it wa* not for llie im portance of ibe resolution thai he wished 1 Ui have it taken up at once, but ou aCcou.il of it* peculiar character, which the ruin would not permit him properly to describe. He would, however, suppose a rase— ths ' introduction ola resolution casting gri*i aud hateful a*|x-rsioiis, even on tbeSetiale, : and not at this one did U|*oii the Amrri , - an Gov erntuaul and the American nam* : He would say l*u tbo Senator ft*um Khodt Island (Mr Anthony] that is such case b* wnutd insist un the liuinvdiate considera tion of the re-<dulion. ev#n if one hundred ' appropriation hill* were Waiting. So hi * niiU'd thi* resolution dts|Med of because of the imputation* aud statements accom panying 11, grotiu-lless, a* be believed them to be. After further dlt-li**ion the resolution ' was taken up aud Mr Suiuner addressed ' the Senate. The he said, was in ' tcresting and ini|Hirtalit in two a*|serts, ai it coin eriit-tl foreigit power*. All tutisl unite in a desire to redeem our country I rout the suspicion uf Moral Obliquity. He would *pimk gut of men. hut of fact*, and if any Italy should t>u pointed at, by . thu slati-iio-nt be wa* about to make, it would lo- the fault of fart* and not hit He bad brought forward this subject ■ vt ith great relllt lanee, and after lollg delay j The main fact* had been brought to hi* know ledge before Christ ma*, but he bad postponed brilig'.ng litem into tbe Senate, it I.ft suit' he kit w they had been laid bt fore tb, I'rt sidt-nt au<iSecretary of War, and be bad reason lo believe thai they would institute an inquiry. They had not doM# so, however, but "the Secretary of War bad made to the House of Kaprcscn tattves a report upon this subject. The, character .if that report would judge! whullu-r it did m 4 fall under some of the suspicion w!iuii attached to the whole! Vraiisat lion. In setting forth focU |tv j | IllU-t | liitiMlitoe Ts t Piiraclcr u|Kitt the Scene. Mr |*iacc, late l'tn*ul-(Jcm-ral of Frani-e at New York, atul Samuel lb mington. op llbut, New York l'iasu had livt-a u oitul of fraud, ami ujaiu his second trial had been convicted, mainly u|*on the lestimoiiy ol Kemiugtou. who tn aulhi utii ate I a* a witne** in Ibe French court* by certificate from our Sec retary of War. ,\l the *-tpir*P<*n **f thu morning hour |tbe Legislative Appropriation Bill came up a* unfinished bu-iiics*. Mr. Trumbull inuv cd toiMMtpon# it, and , continue the diru**h*n of Mr. Sumner'*; resolution. Mr. Sherman appealed to tbe majority j of tbe Senate not to allow tbcinselve* l" be drawn into a political debate by taking up thU resolution. If they did he wouiq, not be present. Me warn.l the uigjoriu that it wa* U'lfigp fqf tfjersj thuTi. '• Drive Them into Wrangling l'olifica Debate. t it, everylimc thev liom> to wave a red flag i s, I their face*. Everybody knew that then wn* no objection to niiy proper inquiry into tin* matter, but the Senate out t • <>b jo. t to thi* atteiu|>t to get up a political de. • Pate in adv. nce u|a>n al'eged fact* nut ye inv c.ti*-atd 1 Mr rtplc.il rwmiudci Mr. Sherman ol , the torm which gn-v'ed the tactic* oflbosi j who oppo*t d th* re*o!ution for inquiry al 'j New York, and mid liie real motive lot . op|Mi*ing thi* one t> not Iwcauso it had * a prvalitblc, but becau.e it prop.M>ed a thorough. bold and manly investigation * He Jid not wonder at it. because i The Majority bad £u( J!uoigh of hi ll vcstigPtiott. j but I hey tniet laka a little more, and could not escenti it hv any political subterfuge ,* Mr. \S ilsnn favored an immediate and ~ full investigation of thi* subject, and did ~ not icar that it would injure the admini*- . tration or the Republican party. r Mr. Morton wa* r.-ady to vote qpou the ( i resolution without Jcbnlg. lie had no | power to i,void the debute, and if bo had he would tint do it. Here was a rendu I tioit, involving the most enormou* *u , jiicion* again-t memlx r of thi* Govern- I mi nt, and reaching even to g member of . the Cabinet, even if pot higher. Hp by . lieved there wn* nothing in it, that it WW A Mere IJlattk t'urliidgv, ] hut h. know very well that If the Senate _ • should rofu-o t* consider it now, no mat ' ter for good reason, the refn-al would he made the basi* tor the most infamous cal , Utnnie*. The Senate had better let the cartridge be exploded al once. Mr. Trumbull thought Mr. Sherman'* speech remarkable, and wondered what he . meant by speaking of "Our Adversaries, and h Red Flag." Mr. Sherman *i.i 1 he had alluded to the| Senator from Massachusetts ( Mr. Sumnnrlj who had introduced thi* ureulnblo nd| resolution, and he appealed to Mr. Trutn* hull to *ay whether ne hud ever know n a • Senator moving an in* e*tigation to in*i*tj lon putting Into the prcmble the fact* to be j inve*tigiiti d. Mr Trumbull replied that the ba*is of; the proposed examination must be act out] ia some way, and it w* a mere mattei of taste whether they should be slated ia writing, in a preamble, or orally in the Senate. 11l either case they Would go bo fore the public. Hut what did the Senator (Mr. Sherman) mean by talking of advormrie* ? Surely the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Sum ner) wa* not politically an adversary of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Sherman.) And why lid the Senator expect a |>olitl cal debate on thi* question? Surely thi* wa* not h political question. Mr. Sherman —My honorable friend i* very innoeen. [Laughter.) Can there be any motive under heaven in pressing thi* re olution now, except t" invite a |aditi cut discussion. My friend* from New- York and Indiana ( Me**r. Conkling and Morion) are eager for the fray, and my friend from Ma**achuetta (Mr. Sumner) U Kigrr for the Fray. Mr. Sumner —I am not. 1 give nolio* to! it.y friend that lam not going into h po litical di*tu*iun 1 leave that to those whom the Senator call* adversaries [ Laughter.) Mr. Carpenter said the country wa* on the eve of a political campaign. It wu* well understood that the President was to be renominated, and itavas also generally understood that three or four Senator* had long been preparing n bombshell which at the proper lime was to be exploded and Blow (i't. (inuit and llia Friend* nut of Water ' That bombshell had been introduced into the Senate. The Senator (Mr. Sumner) had just lighted the I'uee and he (Carpen- 1 lorN was in favor of haling the xplo*h n at once | Laughter. ] Mr. Scott welcomed Ihw nsolulbm a* an indication that we wen- to have, in thi* country, genuine civil scrvie** reform A I few inon tils sine# the Country' hail I •• n startled by aft nxp 'surf of the corrupthm - and fraud- of an organiz-atUm in Saw • York, which controlled tha U-iu*w-ratic • party. Ever since, the Heiio-i rallc leader* bail been sveking uialerlals for counter char -1 go*. In that search they had been coqiict ling with persons, wiio w t-re supposed l I : b I I i-:t Ir tctl To ward tin- Ailiiiiuialrn . lintt, alui thi* it-solution wn one o| the results, •j He lii-pcd the resolution Would l-e passed ; and the matter thriHighly Investigated Tb# r stdulloii wa* taken up by n vote uf to yea* to 7 nay*. • Mr. Sumner resumed. Tbe Senator*, . opptoad to tbi* resolution, bad prufe*ed r | to be afraid of a political ditt u>*ion, and i, bad proceeded to discus* politic* Thry , were afraid of an attai'k on tb ail in in is r j tration. So ll.ey had proceedad t** defend | ! it, One of them, Fearing an AlUt k oil (icii. (Jraut, j ■ had undertaken to defonil him. He t (Sumner| was m 4 g tiag to make a politi ,. eal sperch at all. lie would simply sm alt uf the public serv ice with a view of retire ,];ing hi* country fruti suspicion lie , 1 would neillier introduce the name of Grli. Grant, nor make any allusion to bim. lie , Would leave that for hi adversarie*. , [Laughter ] Hiiisii )• Dtt'UTiKd.—Here i* a row of ordinary capital letters ami fig urea —8 8 S H X X X X I f 7* Z 3 8 388 8 8 They nro xiich a are tuaile up uf two part* of ejual shape*. .Look rarcfully at thvee and you will! [icrceive thai the upper halve* oflhe characteia arc a very lilllc smaller than the lower halves—ao little that an ordinary eye will declare them to lie of equal ize Now turn (he page upside down, aud, without anv care ful looking, you w ill are that tftia dif lervitce in aizv i* very much exagger ated —that the real top half ol the |letter i# vt-rv much arualler than the Inittoni half. It will Ite aren front thi* that there i a tendency in the eye to enlarge the upper part ot any object U|mii which it hnika. We itnighl draw two circle* of unequal site, and o place ihein lhat I hey alniuld ap|aiir e<|Ual. — Once a Week. IvmtCHTIXU TO A LI. TRAVELER*. —The Ilatrtahurg l'atriot *ay ; "Au important railway deciaioii baa u#t rrct-ivfil aiiii uiaUoii bv the Nm \urk ( ourt of A|i|M at. lKiratliv lUwaon Mini the IVtiiu-ylvania mil road com* pany to t*wver $4,000 for loot f bag gage. On behalf af (he defence it was undated that a (here wan a condition |nintul on tL<* ticket upon which the plaintiff-wan riding at the time of the in**, the company would not be liable ( oju tul SIOO and she could not re cover uiwre than that miiu. (In trial lie low the plaintiff obtained judge incut lor $4,0(10, and the Court of Ap peal* have alb lined that judgement, ftii- drcbian maintain# a* law that the rlaoMH on railroad tickets limit ing the 10-> to SIOO tnr baggage doe# not limit rtich lor#. Thia iaa decuiou lof a loug-mooted and frequently con teated CIAI'TION —Notice it hen-bv iflvcii.' J tliat all the |>erot)al ami moveable 1 property, lx-I..aging t<- (t.-orge B. llmrp.ter, ttf iVmre Hall was, the Igtli of Kcbru-| ary, 187*4. pwrcbaaed by the undesigned, | at* vheritJ a!e, namely, all blacktmilh Uwli, machinery. woodwork, flniahed and anlnitlitil rehiiln, dec., belonging to the 1 m-vera I hop heretofore occupied hy *aid tieo. It llarpler, together with the horeea, harne, and all the hou-< hold and kitchen furniture of the Kauo-, The value w ill bu left in tbe pov.eu.ioli of vaid tieo, B. Ilarp ter, at the nlearurv of tbe utide vtgned. and all peraofu are hereby cautioned 1 again*! medling with the vain propMtV in anv tanner whatever V. K li Kltl. U'HKK, <• Ko. DURST. XOTK'K. The public art- hereby notified that lb# t.larkvu.ilhing and coarhtjiahing hereto fore carried <-n at Centre llajl ' j tieo. B Harp. tor, will bu continued at tbe old tlaPd by tbe un J.-rvigtud All onnlrncU for work, in -aid vhopv muat In- made with the undesigned C. V. UKB I.At'll KK. fet.lC.St K Dl'lWT. FURNITUIIIS! 'I < irand Opening fOR 1872, JOHN CAMP S MIL ROY, j whew ha ha cliUtwO wnh a vary large 4ck Vhv latest style*, both faa'c.v and I ooiumon Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. ClUlltS, of all kinds. All kind* of repairing done with neat nes* and dispatch having f>ur (<** l wor - men at the bench. I am prepared to do all kind* of custom work, fine r common. | Thankful for past favor*, I hope by strict | attention jo bu*lne*s you and everybody ,Jw will *huw smiling face* at my new ware rooms. JOHN CAMP. jalil2.tr. TBS MAHUFACTtIEKM OF THE Reliance Wringer, Have had unusual opportunities of ascer taining precisely what i wanted, and of producing a perfect machine. They have brought out an en tirely X*w Whimhk, which tbey call the "PROVIDENCE" Now 1871. Perfect I €2IIFAT IMPKOVRHEXT, OVER ALL OTHER WRINGERS qp - .• , i- I x cia* p y x h ur * * It Wring* Faster Than by Hand. We consider the Pro viden 0# superior to all other*, for the following reasost; I*l. The ROLLKKS, ot Urge sixo and] be*t quality of While Rubber, are all se cured to their Shalt* in the most perma nent manner, the Moultcn Process, mak ing the best roller in the world. 2d. The PATKNT MKTAL JOUR i NAL CASINGS prevent any wear upon] the journal*. [The wooden journals in which the iron! shafU of other machines run. soon wear,] land the efficiency of the Wringer is bv greatly reduced.l 3d. The DOUBLE SPIRAL COGS used on this Wringer give the utmost ease and steadiness in working, while the doub le stop prevents them from bottoming or being thrown out of gear We furnish either single or double gear Providence, as desired. 4th The ADJUST A HLK CURVED CLA M P readily adjust* this Machine to tub* of any size or thickness, making a perfect fastening. _No wooden peg* or rubber straps on thi* Clump. 6th. SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH and BEAUTY, arc combined in this Machine, with all the requisites of a Ursulas* Wring er. PROVIDENCE TOOL CO. Providence, R. I. 11 Warren Street New York. Ktid of the Tetb r. The senator* of the ring jy* the Patriot, i li *'H to the end of their tether by thci' debut of their attempt* to amoud ih law of elcetioa•, Tbrjr are now brought face to face willi tho naked <|uc*t!lt Will; Ihev deny the *on*tiliti<iiial and Irani j rig lil of the (dalnllßt t • prove the fraud*j 1 by which ha wa* deprived of hi* *et? Such I* the quo<llon, which rein •tin* be-; I we. n ilo'to and the clliirni of the com-! 111011 wealth, errry one of whom i concern el 'n tho t-rrat f#ue that ha* ari**n. At ] flr*t tlc*n senator* were quite dim runt ra i tive In Iheir i>*prr.!.,n of a determination to permit a conte*t. Tha vague charge .that a caucus had hen hold tn which ft war! resolved to prevont the drawing of a nine j j mitlce wa* deemed audi, lent tojii-tify per- | ! tonal explanation* in the annate fn which j vehement denial* of li t truth were made. Nothing farther wa* from the purpme oil iluoe honorable *enalor* than t*i |irevcnt a! eoutet There wa* however a little ontU- j null In the act of ItSSP which it wa* better j to correct before the drawiiiK of a commit- i j lee. 11l vain it wa* urged that ny the eon-1 ! .liUllioU and the palllano Hilary law, and; by the act of IWD itself, under a fair and! liberal con*truction the contestant waen-i {titled to hearing. Itut it wa* bettor, in Ibt! view of thee stickler* for law. that the con-! •*titutioii and the (treat right* which it' guarantee* tbould |.eri*h than thai tbi*t trilling ilefeat in the law *hould not be cured. Tbv Judiciary committee invert!- eatod the question, and when their report i appeared, it wa* discovered that the dtffl- / I < ulty wa* not much in that portion of the ! i law which th*y elaiuied to he defective, hut in the section which provide* for the [ drawing of committee Titat wa* what wa* in the way of these honest senator* Under that provUiou ol the law, a* the, senate now stands, there wa* an even chance that the democrat* would obtain a [majority the committee, and thu* be able to decide impartially and jurtly be-' l ween two member* of their own part v. J Itut. like the Hibernian In the doclt, Ju*- [tice wa* the lal thing Gray and hi* at tie* wanted. Could they alter that portion ofi the taw which provide* for the committee ! in *uch away •• t" give them a partiaan | advantage they wore willing to overlook' {the pretended omission in the act of 1839 Tne manoeuver* for a partisan commit-j tee have already Um sußcieotly d*crib : ed. The clumsy trick under which the ! speaker U t*< appoint a committee ef ive 1 Ui BSpdilßl Ufihcf eotsttttiU*# of f!rr?II to ' ►elect a *eventb member of the election !wimmittee ha* been ftilly exposed. The i lart amendment ha- been v.4j down, and j the question recur*, Will the radical •ena ctor* continue to oppo*a the selection at a] committee T They have *hwwn that their j objection* are sorely to the provision* of the jlaw concerning the mode of drawing a {committee, ad then seek Pi repeal that Saw U* meet their partisan r* mat in the j cmae. Will the puuple of the common , wealth u*tein ihi cff.t U trample down 1 a wise election law. which roan with the; , reformed conrtitution of 1838, merely to, 'enable Henry W . I*ray to obtain a parti-! •an rommiltee to stifle the investigation ofi fraud on their most veered political right.♦ Public abasement ba* lw<u low indeed' if the ritbrtu of Pennsylvania can witness, without deep indignation, the artifice, and chicanery which the ring in the senate , have employed ever tine* the representa tion of Urn |H-titiii in thi* fourth district jCWM. To the |Hillv art* of the radical senator* the democrat* in the senate u|>po*e the , constitution and the lan *of the land. The uu invalvcd i* whether there i* law enough in Pennsylvania to enable thi* I contestant to prevent hi* claim* to a Mat in the senate for bearing and determination. This, stripped of all the trivialitie* which have obkeured it, > the confiiet now pro . greasing in the senate. It is a new phase > Tu the struggle for the right* f |<opul*r representation In Colonel M'Clu:e the '(democrat* have no interest Between him • and the sitting tnemb r tUt> dm**crat* can; [judge with entire *partiali!y, and deckle j witu eultie (Wlrncs*. But the radical sena tor* deefly dread that an investigatiug ' committee will lift the lid of the traue* which have been iwartised in the interest* i of their orgauiulioii in that senatorial dis trict in Philadelphia liencv the petty ar lificet to create delay and prevent the *e ! lection of a committee. To the democrats ('••lonel M'Clure I* no more that wa* John 1 Wilkes to the friend* of popular represen tation iu a former generaliot. They tuay not admire his cbarat let or approve of his 1 |M*litical opinion-, but he is the exponent of, a great ixditical right, lli* political opiu 'ion* anu personal chararter are nut sub ject* for examination or review in the tri bunal before which he ba* brought hi* pe tition. Iti a narrow paHtsaa view it will be [<>f ln-fold advantage to the democrat* 1 should the radical senator* in their blind ness and folly refuse to let this contest go on. They will evoke such a lempert atm dignatloti ia Pennsylvania bis* But often Ihvi witnessed within it* border*, and wbicb, a bile (Imtng out of power the •> rupt prtLau* who have not discernment k4 *.nhsts cuough to knew their owa in terest*, will uh*r in great bcuificcnl poli tical reform*. But with those c.iasidrra jtions the democraU have nothing to do here The petition of the contestant i* be to re them, and he demand* ihe-invesliga tion which the Uourtitulion and the law • guaranty to every eiuacn The senate is the Judge of tb qualification* of its mem bers, and the law defines the mode in which the inquiry shall be prosecuted. Nothing I'ulher remains. Neither it, (he interest of the contestant n<>r at |b demand *if hi* partisan foe*. Uw be per verted or annul!**! T*'* law was made foi tl;t (.yijilc >MWtihS and nat for any accidental contestant. When the right* of the contestant in thi* ca-c cr<> denied hi* cau*e become* that '*f the pcepk* at the otmiuiutiWcaUb. GREAT FIUE! Great Destruction of prices! SINCE THE ARRIVAL OF Vh.nl the Old Stand^pit of WM. WOLF at Centre Hall. LADIES AND GENTS DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS. AND GROCERIES HA RDWARE, QUEENS WA RE I lata, Cap*, Boots, Shoes. ALSO. A CHEAP LINK OF FLANNELS, MVS . NB, CALICOES AND SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, SYRUPS. COFFEES. also a large stock of FISH, the best, all kinds, MACKEREL and HERRING the best and cheapest in the market. aprTl WM. WOLF GROCERIES! The Chepast, purest, best. OPPOSITE THE IRON FRONT, On Allegheny Street. RUHL & GAtJLTi Coflee, Tea, Sugar, Syrup, Dried Fruit, Canned Fruit, Hama, Dried Beef, Salt, Pick It a, Butter, Flour, Corn Meal, Buekweitt Flour, and everything usualy kept in a well regu lated tlrst class Grocery Store marß.6u RUHL a GAULT, | VKVV li A M>W AUK HTUBKI J. A J. HAKKIH. ;NU,f. IIHOC"K KKHOKK BW A now ami complete Hardware more ha* been opened by the umlorrigmHi in Brock erhoir • new building-- *her* they art pre pared to soil all kind* of Building and I Ht* Furnishing Hardware, Iron, MM Nail*. Buggy wncci* in sett*. Champion Chjtnci Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Hm Haw*, Taw son Saw*, W ebb Saw*, lew Crwau ; Prwexer*. Bath Tubs, Clothe* Rack*, a fti . ' nM'<rtmni (ifulAw and Mirrof nalr of {•iaw*. Picture Frames, Whe lbarrvw - , Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamp*, Belting, Spoke* Pulloe*. and Hub*, Plow*, Cultivator*. Corr i Plow*. Plow Points, Shear Mold Board# ami Cultivator Teeth, Tabic Cutlery, Shoe c|, Spade* and Fork*. Lock*. Hinge*, iScrow*. Hash Spring*, Har *, Nail*, Norway K>d. (Ml*. Lard, I-tiHrirating, Coal, Linoed,Tanner*. Anvil*, Vice*. B# l* [low*, Screw Plate*, Blacksmith* Timls. j Factory Ib ll*. Hou*e Bell*. Dinner Bel's, ! (long Bell*. Tea Belle.Orindatonea, Cart en ter Tool#, Fruit Jar* and Can*. Paint*, Ollt, Varni*he* rcelved and for *ale at i JuneA'fiM,|y. J. it J. HA Mttlß. 'Furniture Rooms! J. 0. DKINISOKB. vcjiectlully inform* the ctliaen* ot C,"en.. county, that he haconstantly on band, a~ make* to order, eii kind* el BKDHTKADH, UfKKAUH, SINKS. WASHHTANDS, CORNER CUP BOA Rl r- TABLES, A., &c Howa M*pk Cm AIM Alwat# on urn, Hi* tuck of ready-maJe Furniture I*lar e and warranted of good workmanship oh .* ail made under hi* own immcdiateupcr (• .ion, and i* offered at rate* at cheap a* eta | where. Thankfhl for part favor*, he oi v it* a cntlnuanceef the ame. Call and *ee hi* rtock before purebm r ••leewhere ndfl^l' ■ ! w m. U. ai.Aia, BTitltm ILAIK A HTITZKK. Attorney* at Lgw, Bellcfente, i OtCc •. on the Diamond, next door to Car iimn'* hotel. Consultation* In German u Engl #h fcbiytanf JOII N > POTTER. Anerwey at lew. Odlection* promptly made and apeeht attention given to ib<**e having laud* r liroperty l<r tele. Will draw up and hav* acknowledged Mortgage*. Ac. Ot jfice in the diamond, north tide of tb ■ourt house, Beliefoate. oeCCfflktf 'hkiit itw'Ktiaorr, joanncsT. i president Partner d iF-XTRK COUNTY BANKING C t* (Late Milltken. Hoover A Co.) RIXKIVK DKPtiBITS, I knd Allow Interval, Discount If MM, Buy and Sell i Government Securities, tjedd and Coupon*. FAS. MM ANUS, Attorney at I-aw <1 Bcllefoiite, prou.ptly eUend# to all bw net* i-ritrusts-d to him. JuW.Cfetf DF. FORTNEY, Attorney at Lawt . Bellcfonte, Pa. ORce over Bey |cold's baiik. inayK CPtf H. y. M'ALLtaTKa. (AMI* *. WEAVg* ia'AkkISYSR & MAVBM A TTUHSKVH.A S, llellefonte. Centre Co.. Penn'a. epfihff I' KA C. MITCHELL, Auorney et Lew Bellcfonte, Pa, rtflirw in Carman,* new building oppmite the Court Bona*. aajri, Setenet om iSEejBSSSS C. H. Guteliun, Surgettn and Mechanical I>nlikt : who I* p< rmanentlv located tn Aaron*bur* in the offlce formerly occupied by Dr. Nt B, and who ha* been practkiug with entir* • ucrcee—having U* experience of a numbet of year* in the profewtoa, he would cordt ally invite all who have a* yet .not giver . him a call, to do *o, and teat the truthroiae** 'ofthi* t***rtk>n. Teeth extracted without naln. maygyawf Iran. n. oavt*. c. T. utxtyaxt ORVIS A ALEXANDER. • Attomey*-at-law. ORce iniVmtad Mouao ij Bellcfonte, Pa. J. P. GEPUAKT. ' with Orvl* A Alexander, attend* to cullec • ; t ion* and practice in the Orphan's C'eurt II Tjan'llHf I f>A u LOB COOK bY O V~K S Parlor Stove*, and fourinc*of Gaa [ L rncr* con*tantly on hand and for sale nulO'6B. Uwir* Wtirov'r HOIN tfLA NkETS AND SLKIGkf BELI.V, at low price*, at pH'.- IKW_IX A WtUeit' fW ABDgR" £ and poorltell*. all ~ FX r* v kind# at *t*ltV ItWIK , [ OCAtIW. *> * holemlo and retniL cheep . ■ t.u iv.. u 11 | TJtIN E TA BLK CTTLKEY. includtn !JL plated ftirks usmiex Ac, at i| ap 10.08 ikWIK AV ILS<>\. I>"iiT> !arg* ttaektll at] n 5551581 f! XJpricc*. for men and boys, tart arrived at Wolrweli known obi Stand. I P. ODKNKIRK, 9t • with > A HTM A N. DILL! NOEr* A Ctl* PA Y No. IT. NORTH THIRD ST. PHIL'A between Market and Arch. fUrwerlv KM. MANUFACTURERS A JOBBERS IN CarjcU, OH Cloth*, Oil Shade*. Wick Yarn, Cotton Yarn*. Carpet Chain*, Grain i Bag*. Window Paper. Batting, Ac. Also, 1 WOO DSN AND WILLOW WARE, Brusbe*, Lviking (Jlao.es, Ac. dsft-ly UlirToN PATENT CBITRN, thi" bet in u*eat Ikwiw a WiLaox'a.a aplCfin. Chas. H. Held, Clark, \1 uleiimaker A icvrln Millheini. Centre eo., I't uNt. Respectfully inform* his friend* and th public in general. thai h ha* just ottcaec at hi* new establishment, above AU uu der's Store. and keen* constantly on head all kind* of Clocks. AVatche* and Jewelr* f the latest stylo*. a* also the MaranviU. Patent Calender Clock*, provided with ■ complete index of the month, and day 04 the month and week on its face, which i> warranted a* a perfect time-kcejMT ItßuCloek*. Watches and Jewelry paired on short notice and warranted * sepirC4;ly MILLERS IIOTKL. Woodward, Pw Stage* arrive and depart daily. This favorite hotel is now in every respect one of the moat pleasant country hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always Ond the best accoiumo i dation. Drover* can at all times be accom modated with stables and pasture'{or any numberof cattle or horaes. julyS'6Btf GEO. MILLER. ABAUM, BKYXOLO'* K&V ussiit.t * moKT, ntallOf St., Uellefonte. W I N E 8 AND LIQUO EH The subscriber respectfully calls the at tention of the public to his eslablUhiu ut,. where he is nrvpaiad to furnish all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Liquor*' wholesale: at the lowest cash price', which are warran ted a to be the best qualities according to. their respective prices. Ilis stock consist* of Rye, Monougahela, Irish and other Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best articles—at us reasonable rates as can be had in the city. Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Ginger and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Rum, Cordial of all kind*. He would particularly invite Fanners, iio- * tei keepers and others to call and examine his large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom be done when purcha*- ng in the city. jfS#~Phyiicianare respectfully request) d o give his liquors a trial. aplO Tole had at lierlacher & Cromiller's Furniture. A lot of good new Furniture on band, such as one Bureau, Bcd.tcsdr, Wok stands, Ac. G I o v e s. A splendid lot of Buckskin- Gloves, driving Gloves, dress Gloves. Tan lard. The undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Centre county, that the above Tan Yard will again be put in full operation, in all its branches, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. Toe highest market price will be paid for slides of nil kind*. The highest urnr £et price will also he paid for Tanner's Bark. The public patronage it solicited Salisfactior guaranteed. de.VHf MILLKIt & BADGER. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARBEL fowling pieces at aplffM. IRWIN * WILSON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers