The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 16, 1872, Image 4

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Kipping, drifltae with the lids.
Ail tn* summer twilight through,
Whlls ir heaven the tfsrs bM<\
Ir my heart sweet dreams of yea.
lehose feUofridt torn the shore
Seem the ehwrnsk* iWt eSep, I i
Rammer odors blown before
Float the tane along.
Shell w* linger Itli the dgv
Tsinw the hut King divine!
Spread th" sail snd haete wy
Where the breakers shine t
Held within \
Would thev crush ns like s Aril?
Dying, d vroii, in yonr clasp,
All would yet be well t
- , f .
Farm, ttgrden and Iteaaeheld.
FROST BITES. one handful of
copperas in a pail half full of warm water:
aoak the feet well i t it, set aside and re
peat until it iM Antwtwout. • ft< n one
applieatioiv will auhw*, aceoAhngr to
extent of ilisoasc.
nois ci">rrea|Xßnlent say s:—' 1 Soak doubt
ful Med flcm in chloride of lime and it
will come. If von so.ik setxl corn in tar
water in which * litt la copperas has
been dissolved, tno gophers and crows
will give if a wide Wfth,"
X.T.— An Orange County dairyman saiu
that in his county a pontid of butter Re
quired ordioarity twelve quarts of bulk
to prodnoo. it. but when tins milk was
cooled by nutting the pans in a current
of cold wat-Tf a less quant itv of milk was
very carefully without burning it; whan
it is thorouglily n lwt ysy yd ****
into A run \ JiuWm
fi nelv pow
ever your cough troubles vou. It i*
goo,! and agrsqapL to thqt#iu\ Raielv
has it be*'U known tttJall M giVftrg relief.
CI K* MR "thwiiv —A simple and
oocceaoful treatment of diptheria may Iw
found in the use of lemon juice. Gargle
the throat freely with it, at the same
time swallowing a portion, agss to
rvxioh all the a*%9*ttaKjj!(emi>
gygia, viftt ke sa\hl hiv own
ufe with ihidiqtMsaat remedy.
Era —Make a rather stiff innsb
of corn uw, as Joti would for the table,
but boil U long and well; salt to taste ;
when in ilk-warm stir in yeast, either
haWs or horns-made, in just, the pro
portion for wbsut sponge. In coal
weather this must be done overnight;
and in the niwning, when light, work
in as much "m>'tl WIT wftfi the hands as
the sponge will hold. Do not get it too
stiff, for it will If* had* eVi i
when stiff enough, and, unlike wheat
dough, it* "thdomai" is not a sign of
the need foul L*t the? dodbh j
rise, aotbflo n<* aheraft tb fcoifcf it, but<
scrape out into well-greased round tins
Medi orsne wowl Y.rmtr. —ll may be
miking a tco sweepiug ossortao* to' say
that all the medieiue advertise.! for do
mestic animals are humbugs ; but it is
aafe to .hvtere that most of them are,
and to look with suspicion on every new
panacea thai laharaldtd. As the rioe*.
of mankind, prapur* the tray for the ad
vertisers uf nostrums innumerable, so
the keeping f wrtrfk-ial breeds of fowls
in claae quarters and under other un
natural eoutUttont gives risa to epidemiw
ai>d patent atari iciaes. Even if (be lattaj
were as eflhtHtr n their vendors claim,
we shook! any, do not keep fowls nnder
any management that requires drags.
Wild birds are so uniformly healthy that
one appearir.g otherwise is mrely" pro
cured. yet we are glad to say they take
no pills and powders.
PILE. —We ARE ASKVSL for directions how
to manage the aeeumuhiting of manure
tram a stable of two horses, a cow, and
the refbse of a house. To make this
material reidy for the garden or the field
in the spring, it mrut be kept from
freezing. To do.tlps, it if necessary to
tun, it two or threC" times,"and mix the
rough matter or litter equally with the
finer material funn the horse stable. A
square pile is the best *hnpo in which to
keep it. The refuse from the house
should be cas* on the top, which should
rot. When the heat is miuced, com
mence at oue end and torn the heap, and
intermix the unrut:c| witaide material
with the euater.—fljfo-tA oSFflb me.
Tszmtwir ui Kitrn Men. —"An
Every Day Laboeer" in Livingston Co.,
N. T. f th::ikt oold be done
for the • Hiredjjfcmn of Fulton Co., N.
Y., aorej dug *2fefonpV .-tatement of
the state of things (hare as true. He
knows 'of no instance where an indus
trious laborer has ever dreamed of lodg
ing in a poor Louse. " Fr the last two
years farmers have paid 82>J to S3O per
month and.board; inrwiuter, flay labor
ers hate received 31 25 and SI 50 per
day; ip gnmoifr and foil, 9'Jin harvest,
32 .50 to ?!, wjth board. This i* not re
garded qfrfte sufficient, considering tho
extreme prrce r>f gnrin and produce gen
erally—wfieaf at 31.30 to 81.60 ; bnrl.y
at 60 to ,5c.; oats, 40c.; potatoes, 40c.; i
pork, S5 per cwt- Of coarse- the former
complains; but if he received specie in
stead of gwenlmeks, he certainly could
not say but Aese would be round prices.
The laborer getagreenb.icks for his labor,
not " truck. His maulj spirits are not
crushed out. If he misuse his stogie*
u|K>n a horse aad is remonstrabHl with,
his reply is, " If you don't like tpv 'stTle,'
fork over the stumps." This is mo*t
likely to occur about the commencement
of haying; jritii 'month' men." The fou
of our corrraoondeat's nrncle indicates
that hejs not in sympathy witlt chronic
gnimblets.— Rur<d AVir- iVLr.
stick a thing M compelling a horn*, for
example, to eat much more straw than
he realh* tieeds, when at hard work. A
tea m requires grain or meal. Straw will
not famish much nourishment. It is
Btter U> GIRE a horse not mnre than A
pock of sat straw with the meal, than to
mmgkr-th* an me qmmtity of meal with
a half bushel of straw. TuO much bulk
is quite as objectionable as too little.
Jr 1 * ct nold good in fre<b'ng any
kind of stock. TWdine- too much straw
with a lit tie meal is like compelling a
person to eat a qnast undiluted soup,
Wo * B '. ** Hf n ( s aourKhoijiit *.. K
contained m 1 jrinSdi'Ait v&wftt*? more
palatable. Sheep, few example, art fre
quently oolfflßfifl ta stHw- Ad u little
gmndaiiy. Then, for a few weeks, hay
w substituted and the grain omitted,
bheep fond of a variety
of feed- Pherafore a far better practice
would be to fed a small quantity of hay
every day, and not quite as much grain,
letting the Stock have free accsss to good
straw, day and night. All kinds of do
mestic animals would thrive more satis
factonly #hen a variety of food is 1
provided than when cne kind is dealt
out without change. Even horna be
oome exooaavely tired of cut feed every
1 Therefore
it will be BETTER to TAIY the feed
so as to ftflpnf'the animal any advantage
that may Arise from feeding a variety of
hay, straw, com-stalks, grain, meal, sr
roots. Another eoaaideratacm of no little
importance la 'tbd emahtitv of out feed
which a animal requires. Most farmers
need line upon line and precept upon
precept in regard to the care required
for their domestic animals Airing the
foddering season. Mhy persist in ad
did practiceof feeding only
0Q a kind of fodder for a given period,
and then changing to another kind for a
few weeks. No practice ean be attended
with more unsatisfactory results than
this. ti,o .1
1 " 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ •
IHE SSOKE HTOIKK. — The strike at the
Portfatjd -quarries continues, and the
quarries ie main idle. In the busy season
-i f.hSy IP baths. the best hands are paid
$2 fa it (tor, while in the Winter tliey I
get osfo jjj' {jiii a day for December,
Jaemain, and 81 70 for
March. Ise qttarrv men re'used to
work fop lees than $1 60 the first three
mUtfcs and 81 75 th last, and since the
Ist of -Ucceihber; therefore, 800 men
' lav .° i • 500 of whom, with
their nMßflres? dre in'great destitution.
Lvrawf fyports from Venezuela an- j
noimce Blanco in-1
tends to capture the entire revolutionary
Tempera nee Matters.
The Maaaaebuetta SUM Temperance
Convention closed it* labors after adopt*
iog an address to the people of Maoga*
oli'.Mctts and,fifteen resolution!, the prin
cipal of whkfli was Hie fitllnvthf :
—That the (mwiit Legislature
Wall 1 areh rvl\ypetitions*!torestoreihe
prohibitory law of 18t>7, with the follow
ing amendment:
First- Making the implements of n
iraorituiv containing liquor prim i/ucic
evidence of guilt.
Second—Excluding lienor dealer# as
other criminal* from the jury-box.
'Dbjrd—-Securing the right to challenge
liquor drinkera from the jury at ilisrre
Fourth—Making the punishment for
unlawful Rale* thirty nays' imprison*
mcut for the tirst oftense. sixty days for
the second, and ao ou, doubling the
time oi imprisonment for each and every
atnvce ling offense.
Fifth,—Abolishint the liquor commifr
siotl, Mil leaving the State police under
the tioulTi>l of the Governor as formerly.
Sixth—Making every perwni who nu
lawfully sella or gives away liquor re*
MMJUWMO for the damage arising Chore
Tlie following dispatch was nail by
the Secretary:
The New Jersey Trmpenuice Alliance
in State Convention at Trenton sends
greeting: Our object—the entire sup
pression of the litpior traffic. The menu*
—local prohibition by the voice of the
people. A telegram in reply was scut to
New Jersey.
The State Tcmneranoe Alliance Con
, vention of New Jersey was attended bv
I nearly <>oo delegates. UforM MV-phfrd
Ffcgn wa< re-elected President, with a
"Vice-President from each county, and a
Kami of fit manyvr-.
The tpj.fjkni |.f lhpMl|tifJ |frt jba
euaaed, and a aeries of resolutions posted
denouncing the license ay stem, ami final
ly declaring that if the Legislature re
fused to give tlem a Im* rfitbgOl the
question of license to the p,vq>fe of the
several townships and wards of the State,
Ihev wills w*c tiaur-mducaog t defeat
the men Vho Gtd igatrwt <iei# thr
next time thev came before the people
fer etattion. At the eveniug reaaion Mr.
Page, Mr. Ste*rua H gad KMT. Mr, Craig,
and the Hon. Mr. Frt4 MoA'atr af.Cuu
gresv from Maine, addacssca the Conven
Tho |>Vflle|i Ifoslar**. j I
The figure# shewing? ilta oil tAu*uJt
fions of the last few years are almost
.bewildering for tlieir magnitude. Just
'think of iiim-tv-seven miiliou* one hun
dred and eiguty-tiiree thousand and
. uiuetV gallons (97,183,000) of petroleum
I 1° oountrifs from the port
df NtAv York alone, during the past year;
and from all ports of the country, no
less an amount titan one hundred aud
sixty-one millions ten thousand eight
hundred and seventy-three gallons ( lt>l,-
010,873)! While for the same period,
. there was produced in the oil district "f
Pennsylvania alone, two hundred and
i fifty-one millious one hundred and twen
ty thousand gallons (251,120,0001, and in
all iarts of the country, three hundred
1 and thirty four millions eight hundred
jand twenty-six thousand six hundred
and thirty-eight (334,tfci6,®.tSi gallons of
crude oil.
The regular daily production of petm
-1 lenm in the oil district of Pennsylvania
| for December gives an increase over that
i f the preceding month of abont jive
hundred barrels. The entire amount
produced in this State during November
was five hundred and twenty-uino thou
sand eight bundivd and soveutv-aewii
'529,877! barrels. Some of the older oil
v dist#cts show a slight foiling off, while
in a lew of the more newly-opened reg* rns
there m xn increased production. The
forest increase appears to be iu Pithole
jand in the neighborhood of Parker's
' Landing, at the former it being some
thing over four hundred laurels daily.
Barker's landing shows the greatest
number of wells going down of any local
ity in the Slate, being in the month of
November alone one hundred aud ninety,
while the average daily production at
that point was thirty-three hundred bar
The entire production of e&*i pMTi
; lenm but wmth all ; over the- <-* tire ofl
["district, was seventeen thousand six hnn
• dred and -evorty-two kinvli daily, while
• the aggregate of well- being drilled at
!the same time was four'hundred and
eighty-one. These figures are all highly
satisfactory, and have very rarely been
j excel] #d since the first ilisouvcrj of
• The total stock of oil on hand iu Pepn
> sylvania on tlx* Ist dov of-DecoatWr was
five hundred and thirty-two thousand
j barrels, which is some thirty thnnsaud
barrels fn excess of the stock in store
during the preceding month.
The shipments from the oil districts of
Pennsylvania during the month of De-
M'jclier were four hundred and ninety -
I nine thousand two hundred and sixty
one liurels, which Is an excess of some
■ seventeen barok ove/ Hie jn -
' ceding month. f I * . I *
IVoembrr, is® ....... titi tillltiin !s.
! December, 1970 S4O.LM •'
■ December, 1971 SH.M "
During December pri< e* on Lower
Oil Creek averaged four dollars an d twen
tv-five cents per barrel of 43 gillons.—
1 Pet in. Paper.
i the wovhl idl over, are the men for work.
. for endurance ; they are wiry and hardy.
Thin jieople live the longest. The truth
jis fat it a disease, ami. as proof, hit
people are never well a day at a time,
, and are not suited to hard work.
Still, there is a medium between being
as fat as a lmttcr lall and thin and jnice
j less as a raiL For mere look", a moder
ate rotundity is most desirable, to have
J enough flesh to cover all angularities.
To oocotopliah this in the shortest
time, a man should work but little, sleep
a great part of the time, allow nothing to
worry Idm, keep always in a joyous,
laughing mood, and Hve chiefly nq nlhn
minate\ such as boiled crocked wheat
and rye. and oats and barley and corn,
with sweet milk arid buttermilk and
meats. Sugar is the best fotteocr known.
DMRRARCTION or CHlLD*™.— Statistics
prepared by competent authorities show
that one child in every thirty-eight t*
; bound to receive its death-stroke in
school. Whose child it 6hall lie that is
thns to be cut down, no one cm predict
But bad ventilation, irregularity in diet,
discose-engi -ridering attitudes, and other
causes, wbieb come from attendance upon
school, are sure to cut down one child in
thirty-eight every year.
JTiis terrible fsctis not to be wondered
at when we consider the ignorance of the
laws of health on the part not merely of
those who control our schools, but o( the
community at large. Is there no remedy
for this state of things T Why would it
not tie a good plan toaubfeot every school
room to rigid sanitary inspection every
day by qompeteut men ?
MJLE.-— 'The London Milk Journal
says : We open the new year with a liat
of twenty venders of deteriorated milk
and not one ftingle genuine milk. Bad
as our last year's report showed Hie con
dition of the milk trade, we fear that the
average level of the trade i still worse.
"Take off as ninch cream and put in as
much wn|' i u you d.arc! end the ruoffl
courageous you are the more mony ytrii
will,make "—behold the principles of the
London milk t*nle in the years of grace
1871 and 1872.
An agriculturalist saya that the best
way to raise early pop-corn is to start
it now. Put the corn—aDv kind will do
—in a corn-popper, and suspend in the
sun over a pan of water till the shoots
grow out between the wires; then in the
spring set it out in the pots or beds, and
before June the popped com will be
in little paper bags all over the
The British expedition operating against
' the Loosbiaa, of India, attaekeil a force of
tthe latter and inflicted considerable loss
'upon them. The expedition also suffered
some loss, having fonr men killed and a
few woundad.
: A An 01| Prints*
In the first dnva Of tha Oil fevJhjoge
, Dr. Egbert, a phyaieian on Oil Creek,
says n letter wrltrr. was the owner of s
miserable tract of land, lying on the
crajkabont twelve n>tleal>|lov|(Md^ille
nurt opposite the mra'rtbuflsmniriAiAv'of
, Petroleum Centre. Palling in with all
, the rest, after the oil eieitement Kg*n,
the doctor, of course, must try for oil,
a* it was quite apparent hi* lwtr acre*
nnild newv iirowitw ah vt King eIA- lla-i
. drilled and drilled until hv*mo"> | JlnqUv
rau out; but the oiluuln v, an if the dee
, tor was stuck, lining ape: -evmvng twit
of fellow, ami dreaming giti>*alkhsl(*ip
, to tlie krIWUIW kii Welty'T '"•tqa--l(h(i s |
i overlaid a fathomless lake of jn'trolenm,
j tliat only waited tire advent of the dull
. to hurst forth ami iWer tiuu tell over with
! joy and greenback*. he did not fy* a in •,
. j meiit despair. Full of this idea, he ap
plied to one Charles Hyde, a ooautry
grocer, ihdtig a small hnines rir by, to
j fumiih the needful wherewith todrnsti
boring file well. After ViagauJ laborious
. icenlab at divers times, the high con
tracting parties at length arri\y>l at an
agreement, The money was forthcom
ing and they were tv own the well jiut*j
' h and share profit or low squally. Be-,
Aire the funds again ran dir. the oil ran
j out in a huge stream. Gil was indeed
•truck with a vengeance, a flowing wdt
of one thMUtand barrels a d-iy rewarded
their jwrseveienee, ami neatly egQscd
them to lose their wit* f.w joy.
Business otto# took u>e to this farm u
trait. nnd for two hour* 1 stood hy this
wonderful well, rapt in lierfact ainane
larat There wa* a continuous. though
pulsating, stream oti pare oik .vimhg
forth of its own accord, the siso of oiu-'s
wrist, and keeping number* of men biriy
bariswuig it np and rolling it awnv,
of it ! a stream, as it werfl, of It
i quid gretmbiieks, at the rate ot E'T.'SKL JH I
day f,>r we* t> ui.uiths wad yhatA I.
learned iu the ffiee of the eompauy that
the iil of this well was even then sold fur
weeks ahead ut its produxUou. (
fj I f 'l' -Kime Pashlon Nates.
' ktftc Ved gloves are no longer consid
ered fashionable, and are preferred with
, four or six trnttens, witln ut *y drvini.m
Aat the wrist.
A new stylo of friuga for dry**constat*
of o'ive shaped passementerie ornament*, (
alternating wi'.h amall leaves studded
with jot K-ads.
A few foppish young men wear over
coats of sealskin or cloth lined with
oraiisou silk, and the eisit is worn open
I foJosU'iittttious display.
* k new style of ear-ring has a cluun
fastened froiq one ear-ring to the other,
(Nissiiig uipb r the chiu awfcmi"wering
i tlie double purpose of an< Sftnoc also.
A new style of h 'liirf fof a brjle's
iHwptetis offrpsti 1 stlvi* in tse*linp v (
' uarrow-pointed leaven, and i't the - 'id of
each ha| a i-iiLtU of th' s tine xnSt.d.
Striped velvet nud aatin mdips are
very much iu vt' roe fof "trsvi wet# over
black or brown nlk dreas. a.
The hirgf p|nl|d veil* wo* foke the
place of the tiny voUleMa
IwN-u SO much worn thi* season. -V a
The latest s(vle of loojwd oveMMrl
retemblea the Top of an old faahi'ibed
jmrior organ., ■' „ h
Sleeveless lao- *aekw are vary < bUxh.
worn with.. Kght -ilk dnsw -. tor tfan
j house or full dress.
('HILLS AND FXYEK -Malarious
still Lava I ti<ifiupj^gv^lf K'M'kcnf<i
, whWi they gsined after tne ifronglit.
Summer before last. I'lsi-ca which for
manv years the hnjyy
nqiutaftih af i xfinigt, .#• hll
,to confe-s the imjieachuieut. aud cau
only fall bock on the conspjution that
they are so far n6t alone ifi the etperi*
* encc that it would lie difficult to mws •
locality which is entirely free. Dl ugmte
a largely increased demand for
' ipunine from every quarter, pud from
uc customers, aud the drag lift-i recently
advanced gristly in price. That molt
nous fevers, so called, urv truly <uned
( by malarious poisons is a ceavieiiofi
more tbsu over strong hi the i icdiAil
pnifession, <x nfiriaed bv a gr*xL multi
tude of facts which seem to admit of no
other explanation. That such poisun,
as well as uiy JIUJSOUUUS or deleterious
i:n fin'lice. L more apt to take effect qii
*tfle human system, and ia develop!rig
disease, when the •> tern ia iu a de
t pressed couditiim. as wheu chilled or
when bv auv enn<> its tone is lowered
lielotr the highest stamlnn! of health, is
no leas true. Prevention is to besought
in avoiding as far as may be the nutlaria,
aud in keeping the body fortified against
its incur.-ion. Iu the animal as well as
. the veget tble kingdom there e-nis to In
■ n general law thnt a vigorous life ran be
expected to re-i-t the incursion* of many
enemies, while weak lives readily sue
I VAU AULK DlAWOSps.—Tjie.Orloffdia
mond, bought by Oatharim*of H is-in, •
1 coneiileralify larger thrtn the Koh i-otxtr
; of hlnecn Yictorift. living sUutt tlu- sis
'of a pigeon's egg, and weighing 195
. <• irats. This spleudid stoue once form
ed, it is said, the eye of a Hindoo idol in
a temple of Brahms at rnmliuhmy. was
stolen l>y a French deserter, and, after
isissiug through variatis hand-. Ml into
the jmiMveaoo 61 * Hfeck Dnrrtliacßtjlw
sold it to the empress for half a million
! of doHnr*, i ertauitv of and n
patent of ifobflitv. (Vilkfe Cbll.Mrt, ibti
stated, fcutllihxl iu a hia tfovol
of' ' The Moonstcme" on the lifsfofy of
this magnificent stirne. The Urgest and
most valuable diamond known is nr<v
sumod to be the one so long owned by
the Sultan of Mutao, Bonuo. Its veigbt
i< 309 C!trnts, and its estimated value
from to Tfie
<>■!• brutisl Austrian diamond, w< fghirig
j|J9 carats, is nearly t!*j size of the Koh
i-noor ; but the fact that it is yellow ami
of rose form rentiers it much less vil
aMa If it were white nnd out in liril
liant, it would be worth mt>re thaw
9l.0fl0.000: but as it r, less than tvro
tliird* of that snm would lie considered
a fair esHmale of its price.
meet nn emergency may lie largely n
natural gift, yet is it not also capable of
being developed by j oijiee
Many persona, in case of a sudden acci-,
deub Mcknofr*, fin, or panic of any kind,
seem irirapaVflc of any Useful,- vwunnion
wnse ex'Ttioq. Evcu if the emergency
i- n slight and commop ofie, they are, fts
it were. nompb't*(d. TLCY rißH>r.uo noth
ing. or do the nut. riAicUlnus things.
It is desirable fo' those who are con
(ciuus of an inability to e'xerei e gmxl
ense in the minor i xi(jeucics of lifo to
educate themselves a litt.e. Take a quiet
hour to consider what you will do if
your child at minnight with the
ca-oup ; if he falls aud seriously hurt* his
liead ; if A fire breaks out in your house j
if en accident occurs on a railroad tisin f
611(1 then ciiilcfiihT MJUbUU' II
eral principles which in nnexciled ran
meut* you believe to be the proper ones
to guide you tn time* of difficulty and
danger. A little skillful education wiU
be of great service in cases of real trou
ble, and also enable one to meet grace
fully and with ready tact the thousand
leaser oontre-tcwp* of lifo.
A BAD BTOKV.—A horrible story is told
in a letter from the district of Flotiik,
Ru sia, giving Hm purticuliirt of a mur
der committed last November. A landed
proprieter of the district, while returning
to his lgimnwitli O.OOti ronßles which ly
had bonowClofM neig!il><>r3i4 his j *
sea-ion, ivas overtaken in a forest by a
masked man, who demanded his lifo or
his money. The nienoy was giv-m nj>,
and tlie man returned to Lit* creditor's
hotlise to relate the misadventure, and
was induced to spend the night there.
On the next morning the host entettnj
his sou's room, and to lii consternation
saw. half hidden bdieuth the pillow nf
the slee]>er, a loaded revolver nnd the
stolen package of 0,0 0 ronbles. In a
transport of fury aud shame the unfortu
nate father seized the revolter and killed
his son.
nis son.
Three hundred thousand seamen, more ,
or less, are employed in American :
vessels. Most of them are robbed dpily
from tli time of their lsndina till thy}
sail again ; but a bill i* now before the
Senate to remedy these evils, Let usj
hope it will pas*,
The Amcrlrtol Indian, ff I&
j (ii'v Ouster in hiptea qa th^taint
has the lollonmg ihetor 0'
If the diameter ti Ac |fclfnn j* 4t>vl i
Miifihin mystery, hft&pish "Wj*' '
lal.n-igi# Prom Mi H\U lif t Mstofy'VO >
tlio jirt'Miiit timr li'iiA |
to unravel tliia tnv-A i tjjuntl w* jitce tin
genealogy nf the reft oiiginal i
source. lint in pil >rdl study ami the ,
|<iifi'|Hat research MBd-lo uf being]
j brought tti lu'ur <>n Vfi subject, it i to
-1 day nut rettmh d by 1 • km"<h almost a* 1
d en ""A IwpeuetraASi that which on- |
v! eciiturteaHPn. Varioua wri-1
iltan have dliimptel to prove
that the L>ilian\catue uulrnLAaiiL j
,he uubtcht tallica. In Favor of each oil
, 11 loan Whefn strong circumstantial *vi
ilimoo ami lie produced. Hv chisel*
> Ktudvutg the yogium* '/U-*
and Trifcnm* trt|Vf<|>f "^ >, f X |4'M
i trilma, # striking noinogeheily i #e-n to
exist. At the same time %u j from the
' same odnre<- we are eaablAJ 1* li*cov-t
sati*faH> >y nr onMaavra dy t w run certain
j I *■*' >• right* HM ,
, in*d rtthmiK the ludluti trfnea nndthoM
which 1< vailed onetime among tile alt
etr nt remain*, mi J tin
'M'lmhleaus. The* who adhere to the lie '
'tle( of Jiinaritv of origuijunr readily^id
fottud On -xit in the custom*, dreaa, ami
i, ivhgLoU"* rites of different tnl*** may I*
acoontited for hy their long iu i
i treoni>-- under lik-< circumstances, the
u Inch wo^tld^u* ocv*irilv h- an
fronlHfexieo ti lVru, there existed an '
unbroken chain < t*ar ***
, or warliki '||aiilie*,n>attn'
a .-. a|p rot ion and kcpMßp an iaiore uriM
i wrU> swell other, lu * arioun proofr
liave lifeu dia-ororu that at one tim.
the most
iuU'lfidutw with t 4 "* -•!*• ill ami iislt--"- t
Pern tuid Mexico. These evidences ninst
have la-eti scire 1 UJKIII lv certain savant*
t*upiwj<i M¥l*T tW |hyh*h%4
, tnlss or North America are descend- j
ants of the Atzcea and other kindred ua
ti ins of the South—arming at this twin
. dusioi from the fact of mi .ito*>:-m '
i Unity (, id 1 ' '•*„ m.ret i.m.i ill. AMIiI
tiuns. and making alluwaiiee for such
1 modtficatiou* ** climatic inllueoces, in
'; tarmarriage, eoutaet with civiliratiou,
' uul a a altered mislc of iitlltf would Be
f sin the v ml majority of etsww* i slshtig u>
Ijiiur sfibjert we mast tie gmd*j. 6, \rjf
■b*hu >u rather than history it is <a illm
•I qwt to a strong tyjnxU hkenew
r l*4woeu the trilies oi Aittencan Indians
afifi some of flu; n*rfbn* of most temuti
. jaitTqnitv. When or in what -x
art manner tiiev first reached (Jfir
'Bent is a probfem difficult fif •omflim
S Ttifi theory invulrr
admission oi uo4{L >u to this
centime* f'fon- the landing d
kJCoTeml'ti*. TpM this there m
J t"iidi thut urn t lie j|d ssifi a
■iStliy sunctiptible of strong f roof.
The Faev of ytekra.
1| ''Burleigh," the New York
fioudent of the Boston
' r the !• tlowiug out lino of prob
r a trie defense: - '•'
t flStokes has Ihx i anwaged on an in
, almueut folllnl by.the (irulid Jmy, but
j he lias not yet pleaded. Evan tjutoru
,: in muddle in New Yvrk/fo'il l*r™
k , two tiraiid Juries, It is the gotamon
s opmfon of the Jtar tl our'of the*.
r bodies is illegal. A* HlrV<tokes' counsel
, have not ijtCMAnibrlliDr to plead to
r Hio indictment or demur, it i tHiit'
.inolpblv that a new
| , found after oue of the tinvrij Juu< - shall
. , have been ilisehurg some
. t jn>rtii;g if uot swr:ling positions
. taken for tiki list me is that
, I'lsk :iHW-d. but that
the' wound in his bodv *. inflicted by
\ 1 ftiinsel'—infimietl a io V.iil i dixnam, i"
, 1 in:- aiptiug to draw his pistol from bis
. pocket. Tlfc. tss'p:i>lK wis it sfi is
' I very ch-wr. from the lafil h*l ta|i' illota
r ' wtTi) fouyd, one in Fish's body nnd <<•
j on tl.e marble puvenmnti tfo- one bullet
, fitting the pisWl fsiiud and t! e >Hier tun
(-1 Tl*' bullet 111 file body flltffip the pistol
found, the bullet on the 4rocr, which
j 1 roduced the wound iu tii''<anmit
H fitting any jiistol vet pr.wlfiMil.'
. thstiry is that Fitk, c wwntg in at the
, door and *.-si!ig S:< >keson the stair*, at
\ tem)ited to Jriw bis pistol when it
accidentally dMclmrgi-d-ut the ssuuejno
meot when lie Kfida> v l*^l#t4u
the arm. The jirti-s alie'ri'-imwi a in"
outside el athtup of tlw Colonel are yet
r ltxwbe prisjtmsdrtn Cknirt. 'J'U> wkkw
r wjo handed tbe pn-tol to thd ofiker is
4 |jet to tell hup it eirme iuio her Imnds,
■ t with othertpt, D- un|; t< stuxtotnr to show
thai Stoke* *l*l not flnqjrni au'tinnrrrrtd
, man. But two jwraouN vrilrie#*#d *h.-
I These were two hall bote of
r Mc (inunr*tVntnd Hnh!.* who Vurn
, pcriurwl themselves, as tliev flatly con-
II trjubcted eacli .4herif tis<rt(*wu##ii
l ni'Uiyon tlwilnl Jt In* pr+jt.-f ffnie
I, nsd before the i*u| r trV/unal. the
fjnrtiou of tha OnrrnierN jury will lie
I tested. AUIVo git, the |inH.-C*Ui>Bi>f
, 'tho jury in ooh-iiutsll'in wftj bqfiiviAti
' gnbd One ftt'fifi pu thfi Jury was Wot
II summoned. irnne unwiliHtkil. Hej
be WH* w rite Mntliram inquest.
. t understood auelt matter*, nnd wnnti <1 to
, i go on the jury; o he sat Ht 'uc iuj|Ufst
;|Hn was fpmiii to be a apcci-ii
I Htokes, and jil<-dsrc<l to loolt nuer tho p -
.' tdrrats of CoL |"ik. On cfilirifiir flic
.! *6om for ronJuftAHodi tfic JU/r were
( with a verdict, drawn ont*iu |
, ,lhe stronn fonn of an indictment, in
i! which tlm* -hbriffng wifH *cf forffi a
''killing with malice aforethought,' sod
Other ueUfwMlldwtf
~ meot. On this veruidt the jmy were
.' divided, nix and six. Ths aentlMnaßTc
i ferred tw acting *U counsel, insisted:
' upon the adoption of tint Bcrdict with its
' strong phrases as tlie only thing 'hat
would satxsfr nn .yitljflaul nafi'lie. j
Anthers cortfcfiilWlliiijfJi the
inquest was not to try Btokee—not to
'' (lintieipnfe bis dcfAUsi*', tfitf simply t"
i ascertain'How'Pisfc to his death.
1 The debfrt* ls**e>4 <rvw ttm*- houw, and
, ended in a compromise by . which the
word ' daiflbsrtf was added to the afin
! pie phraseology of th* verdict."
>J .sl'llt.,. t3.K ■i ■ I
r! ■ A WoitfVHf'BTNrfhfriß.'r-The Counteaa
, of Loudon, sister to the mi*ereWe Mnr
, qois of Hastings, furui'bc* a notable in
. atanco of what <\ good, clever, resolute
st|ronian uuy do to redeem the honor of
.: tier family. When bur brother died hi*
;♦affair* were in a de*peruteco|vihMaD,,but :
| the wreck of tlut pcoptyrty, jsumod to her.
She had form fruaunn nhstpiust happen,
I aud by careful lirßifif und' provided for I
tlie contiHgenry. Vrrth her*nrings she ,
, managed to bity k considerable portion
i of tho cstatii, iiiotudiag Doninnlon flail,
the family susfi, find before throe years
1 was over had paid oil wcry fartinug of j
; her brother's debts. When Lotd llaa-
I ting's affii'i|: were in cxtremt*. lit? cousin.
' Lr rd Bute, very kindly t>otight hfl llcob
tisli propcrty Loudon t-artfo, wMfthe
utidersUMfiaa thut when "tiro ITaMlngs
family eoabV afford t*> rrpurcbaa* it
they slum Id have it atflJio iwioe tint In
foul paifi. Thi* alio Ltuijf Loudiu ha
now maiingvi} fo rwlecm- A recent (/a
letu antioniiocs that the Qjicpq has ter
; minatcd in this lady's favor theabavenoe
. existing'in r<flnfioq to the four aeparat.-
baronies of Botrearrx, HnngSfford, De
t Moleyns and Hastings. 'l itis will give
her son, when hiisuecreda ber. a sent in
JuieHonse of Lordfmif R, tUU, exists.
'These baronies are among the most an
il cient.
I Journal dr. St. Petersburg, in n recent issue, i
I siieuta VP ♦l'® congratulatory terms
f hWAfdctlHSr> Princo Afcx*" 1 !
Iby the people of the United States. It
i says all Russia feels grateful and will
humanity will be prom<.t*d ht,an tnUnlt
cordial* between Kuasta and the United
' States,''
A singular horre dwtotnpfr is nnwLpto
| valent in portion* iif Now Yefk"#tate< th ■
ian alarming extent. Jn thp Citjr of Nw j
York Ita tavoaoa a fiitrhWlH. iMP4I4M(
inlmnls In the pifvp|eatohtea arethegtftl |
liiat •uffrrVlt . ]*<# Ho. ll ia aaiiU
I taides in'ay , nity *U(.
|iroduid|ig ari loajai'f maitffitaiUujd
| Kruni only Alitihf or
j iUhlea, ad 'iflL U the fpanurv '
1 daily, and rtfif¥'t'hf
I iime or*Uht # ftltaehed. /'llttavA
In i emiai mm uttti aiwor )-ihiMria%s|
' water |-ai4iiaig. vL tli diawyst-i eknt {
attack th# Itiwuaß ig mMf#avium j
uf this CulpaV<t i'VKie'i%i orfluarj, j
am x m. entipiis pi vyf•>/ 'MI Ui\ \ ,
f|>om*la an alariidiu; rigmhi iihee. Tlik"
fLiliexuta iii mimXMjrifc, \
i and ia oilijort (a metis m Utauwene in
indent to uiankft#! f hen I)\i.aeaeut
h ploißi.tff Vi^ui#N^AAs• i
(>eiei: U/m'ff thpn jinihgufrnnff "Vj'
ivf Ai)tunuou, pfvj. eiiueei)u*nU.i, JVeirV ]
; ml hliNif), * Urc<t n*-aenre aeqoi
lor i he ori^f 4w<Sa-* " x ]
\'e(eriuiirit-a am] grwijiiir 4t* "ate** ' '
to uuiie m tvinanc liny%elai>iei'inil
uieniniot*# isxial.'uig, it not identical,
w ith life disease in the luimnn i
I a if he had received an injury in the Imu- i
1 Imr VcrtcUra, UP ataggera a if drugged, i
tvWV sttitn.v to the jKimd. , l ee i
| pulse bei-mnex ttSju-k oul omeUt Um* husd i
legs are oold amf heri.nie pnrtiaMy peml j
with mui.lx Ua> vt aetiffiwif
the iltxeaae nxsgmra its ttioat lijyd Torm 1
the inHainmatjaili i*f (he ni< : nietu- I
I mnc tIUWiU to t|ii) hratn whm the
eißliet-ome WAyhe,
til Animal Huiiictfin.-sileslis. limiaeff'
iiiU us if iiiad. lie soon Wiomee uu- '
oilmflo VJafirVfiintkiff, and fnlhiltairiwjr i
pMliirmid etiuggliug. At this *rnj& rf
; ng. As lu cai? uf MKMO-ijilßll nielUn
gill* iulhe hit plan stitijert ku autnjaiy re-
the l.ra.u auJ SPIIGIL Chrd, with \
i-oloratian ut*oaWoiie<( o§ extratas&tert |
i-tuigealed bliHid aa lu a|hf,*/ r
i , eyt|||MMMHUf
no hojig yg yc animal recover*, arid hi
several etabiea vafuahieVinlhlSe liavi bircn
jslauctiterrd *vLa iNieUtal,, eK'hjdoiV*
I fuinceming the Yatdnty ol
l ie* milder form of theejiiJcUig * M iLsi
iiiud iiuartcrs alone, VJ L>E NTWUD,
| ul: ngiveiil aialistic*.
Oiiveuuwmgy■ eergo prvtaesta lv c,
■§{ tuuiri- of U caeca, anagiit-t |Nfp*
of Wto.HtoAtoto tsv* Waved scores i
and ■..,!> * ,d. ,n,
honestly a* tlint "p. i e.-HT
again, cvirs-yidji sr. dtitek<-n#rai# uptwion
c\ii ft(yfk**ioul men ato the
proper ir auastit of <t.e curaMe fJrm of!
the <i>nss<*. b *
Prof, kupeitian pufSLUM > <gU* *TaICUi. ,
• l.ih Prof. A. LtdUUfd, ul d'O J
lolleijar Le*mgton a venae, \.- Y*k. |
ns- tifatmtny totatfy eMtaaontssve. Iks
latter 3ittY great oltA,litl* lariie
meauvw*' liuitls, by trt lior*e* that |
sre sui.l- pce*ent 0> %Uck, JJr. M'-Hs
has Mtvud • ia: sc nouilmr <*LW -a*)*, by ,
mustard Miseers, attiwnwvd with -*Uvug j
iinhnetifs tftvr ffto loiifv,"nr<Wi.MatoA u* |
pur,'tTfcs iHul rfAiOrr sf*meli|ht* ! 'ln i
uiiic f;io#out of jmu LqWf j/t. tlto stUinal
it riuewi, even if he doe* regain hi* health |
and nppstq*. Ih g:4U ity *r •w4kla.k>**a
to an awksed, oJow-roiiinr *i.igna, lie-1
.npt-rb M-d Stwtvdy earrtng.-.tiora* be wu*s j
a pour, deprrtsid,'aad nngalnK hMr. >. i
Hint* for the Season.
IVnrra t** a
coming var. Writing I* a "great help
t> thought a* well as to memory. Write
down exactly Aic you pioj*-s- to do the
work, and what wiU., aud "tog*, r
M .sw\t d# esXwt A#*,
tlie farm and in the house, witu on t-sti
mat# of its value. I)J it carefully ami
thoroughly. Ut UU" Viktito. atnsiii&>e a
gn-at help iu settling inauranre claim*.
AMKALR must rneeiv# eoustaut ui d
regula." aU. Ution. The.V ecu jj<|* l
no fot'n Single dito. Re airMtil
to givwoli-.wn übuudsmsn <f (tuah vrater, I
and avoid as mjiok a* poa**.bl# yo'o^ajo
tug tii m to diliik water (hat is fun of
meltingonow or i*;e. l* kind
oi d.elter for all animals. ( ryn
Ifonsn* that are doing nothiugean be
wiub-r" 1 1 on g<od. bright < aU.w, pith
fo ir or five poiiud* of t-Arn 14r day.
cheaper thuq *°chel
regalarlyi ftbHieT" "f**li"ig ;
-.iy t'-u pounds grain, ten pounds hay,
aud tvu p-SiiKia-'Uas jW' r 4 'ay.
Gows do far better on stalks than on
•draw, lidwy do nut Ua thv JwDcg. , j
I'WtrV<!"F IW iK'^*
have übunduiu*- ot nufriliofu. food. SUiii
w.irrt, drv. faonf-wtoblc-rpratosrs. Feed ]
thru* Unto* a dny w aui S* juunh as, eud i
no igojre tbap, tjiej wiU^eai.
StwoaL—-Either diaw manure onl to'
the field a* it f tll ide nri.F spreWl Ir. of 1
tnalfeft tofo * kwg# l.esp irt the bsrn-r
yarth ,<s -* l l* • 1 (
CEI-UABS should IK" ventilaUd at *ery |
pp rtuinty. The vegetable* will keep!
fartieller and it would prevent much
sjekne&H in the faintly.
Sitonrso Horkks. - Mm.y PKI horse j
i* spoiled by np# h uiU *< *eeW#4*;- v i** , *Xy j
winter. I
Ic*. Fill thM Jt#tlA'Uf " *** ns the
ieo ia tiiink i :a>ugk 'J ho. cuklcr the ;
*e.ttircr at the taoio tho IK tter. - j
' ~■ v; r t \
(hanging the Snhject
Aft attentive •• Jittfu jnUbcr" Lm\ imefd)
iirflttU riwiMM her i-hW* brothtrseud
-istem that * It iflr. loth*''c.*JT*e of eon*<*~
tion, * suMert hMme j> - that wemed to
i ledl^jitWWctoAn?onoprfMfr.cvliaptlc
] dowutndwl tW U fthoutd lie changed a
i as possible. fcwin* daya ifUTi her;
•.ittai-r Atlil Ui In r. *• in- ItA UH- hotter .
" Mm, paf* wante *u to be very ner*-i
' ful. tf y 'fto play in tjf g'l#n
to ttirrHt tliO hyacinths Will yon remem
ber I" / ,
Of cot in* &!io would; but, on, papaY;
return in IWT< tunft,lu found bin hya
cinths picked, ed tboinftrka of hltlo
iu the gnrdendied.
(alliitf Mtnrifp to bbm, he looked very
I crve, at)<t Mud : '* ' '
•' My dear, you rcinetnber that I told you
particularly not to touch the hyacinth*,
upd now 1 find them pi<jk*d % #d ttv one,
ha* hccu in the garden but yoti. How 1
this ?"
Mary laughed gaily, and fcaid :
" Oh, papa, it was splendid in the garden
ta-ity! '-Fsaw a beadtifiil Utile Urd't
neat. and there was a great big butterfly
M ,
•• Wpit. i w,ait,XMy. chilfl, . 1 am Wkjmr
to you about something else now. rUfrfi
von understand nief.,l am vepr seriously
displeased with yon. I told YOU not to
touch the hyacinths, niwLii<>w ] find them
picked, and your foM prhHAMill about."
,"Oh, yes.'papn/l dW-hav# the loveliest
time in the garden to day. Don't you
think it was a vuryheapti/ul <3ay t"
"Mary, how dare you, answer tne so
impertinently b P am talking to yon about
your disobedience. Why do you not nt
tond to tne ? 1 shall have to make you f"
1 lather sobered nt thUsbg&tion, "little
pitcher's" countenance fell.and she faltered
out: - /(,i , ji, ;
" Why. papa, yon said that when a sub
ject became unpleasant tetany one, the otdy
way tens to tfyttige it.'' Papa saw the point,
and 11 io subject WM dropped
for tliat once.
An. Baa.—Tho Sacramento Union
says : " A number of sheep on Pattou's
mnch, north of tho Auiorkan, were not
sheared last fall, and hence their fleece j
in very long. During the fall it got very j
dirty, and probably graas and other seeds
fell into it. At all ovenia, sinco rpip [
commenced to fall, gym***, aSith Idrfiflefc f
growing luxuri
a fitly ftnf m tin# woJl, and the sheep
(ravel about carrying tliwir pastures up
on their backs. * Any grass which Use i
sheep csjuiot reach itself Meed i al i
logoff to nibble, ftVxt 1 he or she reel pro-1
OtMl We haven't earn the fboep our
***•!' .
The hig&ctrt "dinurr," over ItnoVD in
England was given bv Sir William Doyrr
tluT, when after the death of his fatUetr-
Sir Jaffna, 1* stoisi for tne shim of
Gjinbcriend, eutartairibvg 3,460 gentler
men freeholders at dinner, ot whirl,
I WORE eonaifbicd of wine,l.2m)
| gallons of nle, and s,Nil bottlea o." i
,MTnrlioi f'enplce of WeeMogton.
* A
over tbt iiridaf cvuplee, who llonk IA the
Capital to eejoy their hoiw-cnuaa. lie ■
'l'liere trtnet l>e eotn# nndiacovwveff hanff*
net hydi.hrlug^tdany WdppylpaWffc
- iliey flotirleh lg agch |gnj-'
3'vm hi noet'u i city, hut, (hf, aetml ha*,
liot hi'pat dlacoveroil. Von.Muet, tknni,
t *'ap wlieiai, and at all liota# si, *>t at j
pfPflotifl. mApse yiA'Mco yonij hrAilfaot t
w aM you g< down to mtf|fli4alK •
Am, any pa*t ten "or ef fort j^U
kk p#rfe4 #cheJ, r lloel. ijtJ.'Vnvv vl,
tlip -'J'heia-ilu-y *it at ehnJililenuM tl
jt egk "*" l ' ( a ruoni, audi tiMtyaleoh i
Asrj mean tin* eattTwe,*
hw tlit* n)o. great aliewpMt ai* i
LimUw oj?pt finkinf t. Thci't; trtfy'lt Ipl
ill*# pitetre*f
* would not lut* e you lor tise *< yi*i Uioii, y
Mlfff \rer<M*t thai very lUtanent the Uis> ,
j I'li-y gWa oi earth. 1 hdr Urea woi the
propeicit find—a •nMtweat m awNikW
nhatle, kriiotuetifWith velvet and fringe ut .
fVmbrbtih r< ; a dainty little hat. with a I
of rtWhmi* n'ymtrh #|v*-ltet,*4 (WifheM
a sliital of IttiH-, 'and i lfH(ffit fhwvcrar.elug|
ui hide among them all, aven as mtPlu4rf~ ♦
> tngKi hidethe blushee that Yoiue and go !
.uahgi r tvil .Hfikt/' / ss •
" f WV Ttffre ilovcrf {il*vtr.fmiff hi b(*nlM
I fast in jhiir hal, nfid > iriy AIK-IT ffttfc 1
I ooata, and unitCt, and gU>va, jg lhit|.llfl)c!
i AiUds. This <sAho lt *W fair Klfl% if |oU
I utssv uy Mi i-li ilong iu viaar. hhe tuay ae I
j right bukjii 1 i%t* ISSIWW a*t pandeaoev that
i if tuny* m* Ti*ed to writ* her pil duehiWf.V
and tietwa* util%f t-ie fihtH ift klP,^Otn"lJ *
i is the iiiyle to go dfivt*
i y a i'lt* tf • • • • . I awie at
f ft 1* wtdv iiiuueino. le watua tu#<* pen* t
' jde at the liotHe tua>< t>owyt4
■ ineu! -dfreSkfniia. iwweh, tiiinian(tNi*tiMtkral
' Wt rgikja.t Afiif efj
Ttinch ep- #o, at arc
M 4V 1 stimier
I tticiit !i the r heal at litunvr. It tPAAaral
that they shakwaoaitir.aeuikkhMxin Ui t\
' nevf dthetMs Yywl*r<la.v Use yore us
' trend to dinneP'w W.iMr tlllNnl I'ofre-!
f/r.ia'r*; Td-daj'l&rirnrta hfht-HneVWk-l
jlvSig timi)e.triii"im-<1 win.
l ' 1"' *&Vwra4.i*t^f M r IMIV.i
YifT a hhe*a!|it teumaiug am) lruse jJLm
dlfy foNis*iig, tf-vhe atav so ii>iitf. aiie i i
'sr/.-if n >uy i.midMMAe ideal Atkmraikmirt
suit, afl"H *ha fuilotijpf ttmrnitw v* Mill I
* see he caffy frVitrffiPH b<*6* : <
iuurc yjil on. ]
ling iu *9.4*1 morning train--Jfojjjg
ilt%'iii her fut .Mw* a adwtiwi H gmal w. |
Li dcpdhdVfargvdv * hetseU". . .W' I .
IMI M " • 'Sdl
whal# oil jaUinds of whale-!
iliyiie* whiel> w WM a* dirrrsM' Win. the 1
J rats.yasi sT barret* of spend •
j oil, ali increase of 8,414 barrels of whale
tot), and a it err *•• if lJa.b>s pounds, pi j
vWchtsne 'He ot oil tk- ,
•tihng trttr t* 'cMwnled tw a*Mat a.ttd l
J ♦■artelo, end of w haie uA Id about 2.1,00(<
! hatfeis. eliiuke-isiV l if J
""t - - ft-rs. a .i. ... ,
I TTliat is the U!*. mt -mamma# fan/joio a
jetanciy for m'fsir*iatmpweamt dl |4 au-t
* um in -i|a|i r *Ev-ry w< who drvei-1
tae tn a {aet.-ful.jAQpnotnical, rlc
imnt wav i a wind.* |Wtv in bendf
| and hrlpa tv
will I- a crwlit for nil . (
Tna PrcwiS'ht Feiwn'-4d
, 31. Drew bi br C. a (ui*Jiu tmnwt at:
I AtigusU, Ma.
> .***< ,|| i
to* - uiUitM si aa<
! !•.*•*.*&-TTiimi t at i- .fST, TT
Ou.l rssO-f* li'v"" *so ls*. ssd unim ho *
St yjt l •-<■. -m psaw saSji
♦I ' " * WL' nil- tjr S i
llie rv*et e-e* ewes of Uw ti eaaar*,
its fatal r—ulu, arc Well calculabnl j
10 enltat our lapd *#irte cure.
Wliat ie Y It f l^dlsrMx
impure mmditiim which,
circulating t''un)fV dydtt jdelicmtc i
ami invito nr.. fid "Us 'd (4",
lil xui, vaauag Uw dcixw-iuoh or ftrScrv
de aiiA Saßfißf imaalacarfpla. pAfcJ
* otlaer f*a:,ti.> w*iitie C.iuao of tip* j-,,
vriopnw n* nf cored uh-ae dinaaau uf dn-1
lone*, tv tawrnwilnr cotwenpiadua, ia)
Chrbnlc 'Vkstfl Pdmrrlt, t
tkfpnnei* upntMnne' tn l
tho tiiriat, t a ids an rud Virtyiehial tubes, !
finally sttbak-s tfie sahataiKc of tb<-
Suttgs, end Mtw etwbli*l.< * such at. irciai
tatiou aw to invtfW the hJAail W •
its I aalen f intfaifiMae in '
t 'olJHUmidiol. itself .H Qotwo oft,U l.etcdf
itaiv n* is g wiendlw snnptsaed. That<M4
of Jmr viUhtt •WfT'lW' tnniasi
| UotaittWfcQl -tA*th* )r'cblhntt-ie<
. '..u(|p<*aUouwr!y Irum **P if
i*r uf vitality *tLull **' iuhenlcd* 5 -#'
j wnuknete wl It u xuaium tu'UiUie. wafwyr- 4
I foot, and lejnia is thn k<t> wt <d tutc-r- j
j'St*. Ifut tlnvffsfHid of p+mam wtio ia*
Hr rlt f.u W6 tvmM W*wftif. l
jbini if thk'CfiutcHitnw yc v
4 ifac svsii-m w< it *LPhi ovrdi'l ami fhet
. pore. When Hp- i*rr heeomtt
j torpid, and Wit vWfy impnrfcetly pours
! off tlw; rulric, |K>i9Uons material* <if Uie t
| I>l<khl, tin* !tiitfifi tui fjtn'tt#ft#t*'lwen
shown, become irritatetl. The pi iMml 1
i health Ucumm broken down, and the
11<itail fi'iJt huumiiL ■nA. faint, dtowsy <
I Mid evinfnac l. Pain iu the right aide, in <
M]:C region of the liver, and sympathetic
jttiu in the shoulder* and apiuc, and j
through the Innga, fi\^t§' ra ß?| 1
i plaim d of. The jtatieilf**^ l itJNMU-jfTt
j hacking cough—that liver cough !
j fcta .11 minute tabnrclM are developed j
■ Wso.luttfPk ami )K-i hgut ; hi |
J month* all uuhpnwn tp, umir vieJitn.
'No Wong is dime foVntttOVe tiibcXrlcS Itv .
JQjc ordinary tniitm nt. f'ongh is only
x am*! torn of ihwiUaeone, y-4 this ojjjy
fisaimcl at in fbe aaual trealmcui. Tbeiw •
) n'6 raßntbl mtr Him oonsumnbon 1
cxmfit to purify, thn Wood. Tipuw poij i
stinous materials in the Mood which •
] ekuse the tuinartrlou tnfrff'boi fhrnwn .*ff t 1
' t try . \aung tin* linw u> actiwii .tVrtAUM
j must lie sup]H*rtcd, the system nonrishcil
and huift up. an.! the development of
taberclea thus ]*revented. Remove the
44(mnI poison hy restoring tlie action of
Mm liver, and the cough, which, is only '
a symptom of the real disease, is reliev
ed. You thereby tirtk-r of fAe root of ts
cipifnt connrmption ami curv Iht yitirnt. 1
From the pmpertiivi aud l\-meilial ef
foetw of Dr. nefie'i fouaeh .Medical
Lhseoverv. which I have in the preceding I
psges fully axplaiued, the reader will
Veadilv midcjiitgiid why it Jiafbg<*n so
njivi-ssful pi #*l4'#: |nis fatml pdmady.
With it I have nrr.iitm trie Racking
and horniasing cough, tho night sweats
and hectic fever of tn#*consumptive in
valid : snatched from the jaw* of death i
somi have fallen victims to that relent- !
lass foe. God, I believe, has instilled !
he.ding properties, by the use of which,
('oniiatj>liuiu the litumu;
family, ! may, ut ita early atagcA hv ,
protnptlv arrested and permanently,
cured., .1 do not vHnh todehida, flnttir l
and then diaipfvpiTlt dud trffJffVd' In
assAffnig thif#fni ean'be aeietnp4isl*wl
when the lungs nre half Lnsum>-d, as
many do who, hwing devoid of all run- j
science, aim to humbug tho afflicted, 11
that they may sell their often worse thau
Worthless com]>ounds. nay 1 .(4 J
But if lajrAitv JtxAs*if rfy 'es .1/ fiiro!
I) incur cry, is employed in the first or
early stages of the disease, I kuow from 1
ample f"rt in
huiidiwdfvtfwmes.'tMt it ,
arrest tho disoase and resbort* health and |
strength. From its wonderful power ,
over this t<mtiUn -dlxeasi) 1 i thisfht 6'),
raiUog U y C.Miauiupkive Cure; bvi,i.
from the fact that it ia a perfect sppum;,,
for the sore throat aud. hoaraeneaa, tp, (
which ministers and other ■pfiblie speale- 1 (
i ers ftitfl tfrogtlw nfe subject, and also for ,
Bronchi!i* rmil nfl ler'rr* fbuffJit, And is
an invaluuhle remeiijr (UM isok'ol tnh
1 jtver, and |so as a Dloou Puritlcr, I de- i
eided not to apply to it* uf iuc
mighk jausk**d ippl pruvm.t its uso
othnr diMeaaet far which it ia o aduiir
nbly adapted. ■ 1
It wilr tfiiWla Cotigh in one-half &e
time no VWU*? o^er
medicine, and it diiea it not by dryimut,
ujX bMt Utnll I
ing the irritation and healing the affect- 1
•dparts. u " ,b t '
•mja vA.aiatw lA
Db. pxtiftor * Goldlk rucdicai,, Dia-
COVKBV S SOLIJ BY nKUiioisra EVtiff. i
>) A hill wm tnfaoduoed to prololal
American eitixomi from enfPHtojf in *ha i
pourt. Hea Ilsnifhlhlhat4tl
i, Thd ApjKirtioiAnunl hill wwttaken nti, 1
fill, the Heiiateln eotutnlltCO of fne'
4 Whole. Meveml amewdio'iits were <lop
I k-d, after which the oomMMftotlttot and 1
ih| ltd the lull, whieh Waa-paaaed. 1
I 1 I'lis molatioifMP OwAnrea* to adjesiru
'on the DMA of J4ay. was debated. Sir.
JfffchufK moved, fs w b-t ouusii'ei, an
wmeuduieut that CoiiKreMlipMV ijot ftd- (
i lotiru until the mmNt** u ( * 1 ,,w br U.e
lefnnu' avrvioc, which was re
fliH-teil W !*/if i •>: 4> i>
1: Th# HoUMubil! aiiprojurlhMiig WO,OOO j
irir ehpeoßw Mifl Hwptinato fnihatoy, •
jAlie lh>use hill tofiielp tuellf K'artney '
#d< fuluatjon ami aHtfiig fp/ut <v*i lafn j
♦lands at the l.ead-wateni op Um Y' Uof-|
i Stone were oorufuatlaM oW <
' igi, Amur* reportexba bill fn tlw i
' pa vim ut of the Fphuhfl'dlbiUiai o4*iWia
Biljiutr<lu<v-d*to estfWiah a national of shipping, affordjoJfl'lVtocUon
wpafeeugers a| ar n. ami prewent
- fttfi'.'.-S.ei-ftsivc relmtea in U|# OS
4 mnY-kulldiie- i.iawgwi >IJ ahiplxNUll.
Th# the meaniug of tlie
♦lttWrhul Ileveiitli A't #f Uf! 'til the ami
IVr of exempting divtdi uAs-of earnings, j
wa- faftAall .'* aal -*'< i - A
II ,Th# Senate debated the fiwnhlltion-ewll- •
. ing f(>r a * -v'narV"" of fhk vote 6ft"
i the (iwwwcw ftoUuTum and the dmneetf
iwi. I m.)
i Rill -•*•'-tw tom#wtiwkA • ii'Arwwipr tele- v
%frapljie eommuinc n! t-n w*h Akia. * at
1' Th# bill to esUiblish aw! I- U 11
j fund, ami td <<!>#)#• Hlie uruoeedwaif tlw.
lamb to the ediutiilw svf ■ the '
at s wne length. 1
A A A®fWTrUT waaYnlsbb-d calling on the
il'o sitlenl for MfhrhhWdd eta M# hr
fto tiil in evj-r. ising iu t| of South
{('aroßiia mw^KiwhW'AfßfcrrHlAA liim Nv
rti.e unk jwtk tfltonihiWht'f all *
'.Jsmons arriwteU Ind Dd J
,L>ueh other information
,!<lea hf the stat<S#|i4tocietj. juiU the m**U. ,
'Hiir bf life andjuropertyv itikhni 4*tale ; i
(also in North (wrtwlra. K***tncky. Mia- i
IViisipp', Texaa, and I.ha Indtng
jil.e rtinuit h-glskAun cotilHt*. J " :
t TlavAiffw UiJinmnb v reported a naval!
f#|i|n#pruuw wffl,
■847- i.uks ]
, Among the bills inttudm-ivl aud re- ■
ffi-rretl v.AftoiitivjMrohW linlapi-A<I(WMW
Hall nnd muim frpui theOtfv of Hi4a- i
Welphn, *♦- /"•]
y Nw eral bill# Id
of 4-rtain ciiizens in Sdyfl;,
. CraoJ.!!*, K. uuaky and • iMttoamM*
wtu also introduced anApaaaad.
Yd'Uhee* illtVadll.-. 1 ft rrwluUimfnv-t
' toff belligerent fjgbt# to ttrs ! h-pwKMe of'
..gainst Spam, awl*
;ixk<4l flint tne rule* big #us]M-u<led, ao (
**V< '■ After MHne dchatw tbf nouae re-
I IriM-d to suspend the rulMt.v a vote of
THih'bMPW 1 fvaaaal rtt i
ii.O" Committee on Mtofwfiietnra# wav*
I instru.-t'sl to inquire wfjrtb'r ruaterioH
J fclt th. e >u-trtw4MM Whwlm' cam J
Ik- supplied bv (he T uitAd J|a4 4
' ilifferonee ua pn*.' bcLwcen 1
and demestie. k.#*•* lu -oJ
Yjie (h-neral Legiidattrtolwtl Ml* for •
"'ftftr the IVnaion 4*tll l
> Utf "
" Mr. Cox toUvMlneeil*"a rftsdhitlop j
tailing u the President tor inform .tion |
? ""vfl
• del.aU- it JW-Übd bj >fe.
that the postal tel. graph aoiwiuw WJ,
the eountty soma Seu.ow.ouu far >
fthe first outlay aud arm annual Kui ofi
4HtU*V tirtW*in i.
%% lull amet.dwio |l*e ffMnf Uw* r** !
stolixe to the
dis# in Iwnd, wurpa-sscd, , ,
A resolution wi.* nd.|Mr.) auUr>hxing 4
thet'ommitteov.* Ran! ,ugand Currwacy j
t 4-i.d for to eon-t
' rSrnthaUint as Wr the remit I
*a*m,v4p(i in 4>t jl 4
j, .Bills jwiwM-d, exfendiug fT"' sfslme or
Tfifit >tipm| ffoin two fo (lye years in
ips** > **um- *p6##6tW are oliartwd with'
iBi<s again*# <k|tpeqeioii boutitjr ljkWS
##• l*ay the ffts ff r. spoiaVnU. iu *•
'♦ff:<l*iion*ivW, ami another amending
I !h# act of July IS, 1M ati aßutiag i
li&gguog. • •
The House concurred* <b the SfMti-Y |
u.*'udeii4fU.t<i vb< ApiH.rtfoanM-nl UilL
ktod the bill Vm-mhl tin the Prvwdeut
eln lL"d K idSlffH]T>enl bill Diwcb." 5
of Mi<>Mbrhu'w4t4k'*Mi Rnmaey. of IVan
*s* h'auia, t r.*maA £*•- Hwnvsi to • igMfb.
"*ting match.
■f* The House of 1* pwwanlaUwee bx a<
, Meet party vhtof passe<l the rsadlnlton I to L, ik ikxiMnfT Tkuftwt IP*'
fiyndicwte laujjjsin- Jfid '
I faq-es of thoL4Mhir> A#>|fCupriauon bill. ;
* * There is mAVtossi who has oeearieti tsJ
walk the strecls at uiglh, ssyWfj'rmumfrtk j
!'!#* ## Jefr Tori; dl, tliat I# nl't Hi'
dwighilv i-artTof receiving jual audi a ufflc* ;
.{fiotn l W*i - -M the utarr vaavle-uvch- (
A", of Brooklyn, to Km grtiv## IWsama,
i #rr la**. rtmt I W4**Trt tod til? frttap j
rtayw# aver fls
the deperndtfus fca*" pgj tin* oommgnifv
to the mher..ui H-arciiv! victim*, ioaiiug
I oft* seen.- ofoMtten tor another wh. newer
Lg-i art of etes^sfiM.rv'Wedacity atoaTeh*
I*i the p.att*ff th.
. police <fT that particular localitr. Than.*
nilArtoarc p**aiog Wider fmm day
I becwriM fnpm day to dag sitttcmnee U-wcb#*-
tlieto 4hht Uie clisnsqa are in favor tf
1 tlndr cvrt-e^fltim"fmatatwueat. In vtow
of -mmr tortftght Jt> fight, it
eiu. t Vh*tSfL 9hf^.S|9^y(4m(ni
' \ ted Iqi •tpW'tationl.of very wrho.dy.
' I sleeA.iit U. a in<t siuguW owimidcm <
tint lis# four gentlemen who wain assnde.l
idp vWvvicarD the ssmedneslity af Hn*k
! lyp the same vrthdc, Irt+c, threeW
f.wnr i f languages. $U of llioiu qttiil and
<iahifw-iva. cilimna,. ia eoiuyariatively
liimlb>Jciruuuwa*iaaa- It is not t rMutp
ablv tl>Mt li.vd 'weu "spoiled'' wid*r
. tMe wapfiositipn tliat thyy carried larp*
s tin# o*d nXmf mWOT person*. Thay
-voe haoiuiar Ui#y liappsnpdAo
<-ro*s ,1t roDbers* path iitaior eireuwi
s-j,nre* favornhln forth# assault. They
wvrc, all Of them, ns we anderstand, men
whrtat to the practiced eve of
e. >wn#db" rn®hN#,*wtonl# indie*f# no ooti
, -itlefwc power of-Yrtirdeitl
Di*y .jmtftt nsSalk-J hvpnib'U'Wra* #Up
l ppsed that Utay aiitdd #<v#*)!*plnudgrud.
ikav Ufcation of the axteuh, of plunder
; lirtoxMlt for after daoi.jiisiihion. p,s
;C;l* —.a a T ■ / !
rewmnlTor en incurstdff n-nse. Sold_Pv
i i>wgwtaaisonant*. ",, 4# .itl.ajte.
> dut ST'J-il!"- VP'S"; Ah I
A iTcriumx Mo-TaKK.—•Thn tecrlkle
!snrM*uf iW Pari mtnily ia Indianakt
were MU-
L\nimght and two otoera"
[ w#ni)#d. is still remomWred Ly- many. If
! *til! also bto ruiuemUrwd that ibfes ce
ijrt#s were If.ncited, not lung a/tar tlie aft
f Ir, abe in g tit# p*epeHito" "f Vh c rime,
thu uijestiAn ha* ofton hv-i-n raised since
I *rhUu-r Judge Lynch did notimprotafh#
| oppnttnnity to cot nfL.ff oine bad ol*st*sc-
U-rs without *iitn<A*Wt pvidenve *f aqtusl
guilt. And now it i* said that oM o
' those most prominent in tho4vnahing bus.
incus wir* himself the pertetrtor of the
We nrr#ft4d f hf- orte 6f 6ns asahnngrs
tikis week the eUtemwt# of Dm. Jni n
If.vlgtons, of South i#ffis£4oa Me.,
wa* cured of inoipwut obn
sdjipfli.n br the n*e of Joirvnott'a A?n>
PTTg LlXimtcbt. W# rrfri; to HHia at
as tending to eort'owraie the
stntement *ve made last week iu yflajt'ion
to Hoto. Liuiumut na applied to wonsump- j
tkvn.—G'w. - • 'I- it j
it . :: —. • i| . i.
'A NKW Roan TO Hoaxm )IM Been
developed by Dr. J. WAtJtsm, of Oali
ffjrrfuv. "It eiits right tbrftngh iul liiold
faflaoie* of the fuetilty, Bi* famous
ing wonders. The formula qf this in
cntimablc Vegetable Medioilu it *chides
idetihol, miners! pofwotis and dangerous
naroqtics. It is a tomo of the njrest
db a-urter, with cthnrtic nnfidJtilbus,
an<LL general regulating proMrties.
Composed of vegetable pro-luelags|bered
on the Sierra Nevmla, and other parts of
tYittfernia, it is-w asa.tieiaa *ne gsnm>.
wJHkout a riwl s* t'entoylytog dvapapsiii
elWrhll "hiMonf find nervotfe jutoMers.
-Com, '
i VemM- Ow. T 1 towns. * t*x. the
-clehraitad nd jxipolar Mew fork Ad-1
trsrlhlng Agaady, engage le ad vartiae im
i mom and detail for largr customer* in •
i better nod cheaper mode than the* can
do it ibewaslu". Ttoie w# aiucorwly ho
ltKe tlsry *• <i". I'0in it |a their nob
imsine-s~ iMr ijxei'illy; lcanic they
g| ju< <- at lowest wholesale rates, and
Wafttih* of dinar intimitis and coofMni*
Main latwttM with fHi'oiiaheni. If wr
•tab to mmb4 tan Unmmutd dollars in
g.nm 11 advertising over the mmntry,
dtaritli*t*ndi>sg our own exuerieuet- and
knowledge of a-lvrrtisine flylea and of
we would empWy tbemimder car
tuiu ibrootion*. Vi e wotjld saw- money,
drouM.-, worry, and KiViliWM waud
be done at lea* a*well, irlof Mtcr,
than fro could do-it ouraelraa.— Ameriaru
iWWt# Aid ftybhurgh
Current. its //
• 1 Usobks or Falnb Han. —A fashion
aid*lady lately .h |.pe*ee*f her eye-
Hr in the churclopAa, And dreadfully
fMuLA-nod a ymmg man sitting next to
tajvaho thought itswaa hw moustache.
-- Mgwtlmatj iiivl
n Congress luul vwplofwi as much
•eeritifl" skill in th'- umtugemenl of ita
•• lh-<K.hstrnrtioaaWmif"
as the War Lh-fH-RHyut tjvl m A'" **•
ginning of the war, in r ,r the
anmiufaeturo of wfAt 4m* rtafM nnuu-
Oavautr CoNt|iyf Fgwoma for
the une of the eavajry tkmbt,
fhi- Union woolirharte ribtbred Tmfjf ago.
• , Ker Tjwt*t*a. " • "
Hnligestioa, th pr<*4ou of spirits, and
jMMnil debility in th* forms ;
Jl|o, as a jwvventifte lerer and j
ague, and other i?t*-amintent fevers,
iw haeau 1 'hpbofot*d i*ir of tbl-
New" I{fA !te.y^SSiSi*is^te
tiest tunic, and aa a tonje for iiatienta
tf ut sidtimah, i
U hlis o aqaii!.-~<jraw <m ■, ~W | j
,>! satAMswrMUr MMMatnfiA
asfl (.inr /stfritter—A |W|} VmMSH* (Mil;
' afIRSPSn it •! a.
* -.J I* ■ 1 , V a i!, ,:
Tua HmttuaaMt asthmatic and pub
nsnnsry eOmplsfntß *' Hre*n't BromfAtml
fVo-tm," nuni/ast mnodUUn <-uiUv
properties. — Cum. ! -i *■
tiahn tmdr I hugs h mi 1.1 armst the I
| adit-o it is in the incipient stage*. Mia.
iftdicaUrd by a h-.ckina roggh, patfia i
:la I-host, (hfbalt t Of iMiuag. or op- i
| ttWioft r the loaga. M tins h. |MV .
uitt< d to rn-r n, luhendea - wifl form,
most rtJi di *ifl ft* found in
£n>ift RJs.-umU <tow
ibaaaaa iaits ftmt at*!* „ A*an K*-
|Mx-tt>riint, it has na eqmo Fur aaia by
I nil -Medieiue Deahsia.—Coot.
■ TarfiAtwawtwa <w rwwpieisa. -- tat
i >s"i>iiaMnaii )lai ir/tw liso-M*
'lt fch h 18f lit) IM wli WW tie Tflr MfUTlotfe
;Zf ir^'aasMhtaßaaap
• sad srtph wB ssr V- pri.tara lasanssf
' l *n>*rsaa satdesas. amnwiassnronunwis*
1.) it. hil it lues i*rt<*Uj W htm-,
ItaMua uea ndwe. Hot as sad phsi'ha fns
! Uir St *Vs tt Mr • Ms a**d tt to msedr
jSr tansy nullsi wbkl- MflKlei her iLrast. brr
ffikV sMlriet'oWL- mm* • llllllliMpeaiaMn -
hawnon. j
;A*tTbAl WtUAj) WJNm-Wither,
\ * r it
\- A r u sww*" /j
LIH WAfrilAia- 1 intaj | u ~i,
Jst OMBB d Oa, s tws BWmisil s
t lesAtsbls sad sal* mneaeal far sU dssiss, Um fire
7jsw <ea-Übi4 r u hrtts esOt'
Mlit mil BsffUe Ttatfcs
[ft ski culd tsl a sit SMI thss t fr nt esrfseeyi, i
M mss"* kPl#e*SA||yVtf ss.lbs sMtr* |
, Kysd sad ssslihibssm. sad Jsforsiltss *a.ass Afst
, t lead Ui r*i-ff sets at IrscA. nr SOB Arras of lead V>
Met tt un Bond TSs K;3S ™*m prlss 'tni Vs"
getdfsr P. A IW T.etasn it thiAiaa ir sssrhslsMs
MfSiaiesfo Its* wd lgs PpnMJO* WSP* fsd
f sis* ?1* INNBL ♦*•*•; *|i
' farai*kr..l a sflseuaa by Jsr llnusX • C<W ewa- 1
MpWa.WW Verbis* WssMeeWe. MAkr "SW Btek
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Prwirw ..ltVrsaasA nv
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j C .Mail we Jaoiwraed iwKW. ha* >Vba bera fomod
ihatfthe aafcecwur-anaal WM** afetUfWlM* 1* wt
•MM UtVEtl TlffED w near wnl at lUu
uMIHt IW M" witboat Tlpe.
ryartaWM tottoaniM .■ •
Aai*< the t W aitW' ar frinii <| t peHod. Iktn to
ope which raped all* deaereee the toitoa of all
j efiir pleee • Mtoi talae an health aad Ilia. ru. rvut-
Ik rrff icrd to coaeieta ia the .llempteof irrwapaoeiMe
I pprtiaa, ia
fdrcc upon the market rile aatrtnpeat compoaada mana
facfarrd eul of dlicappd u r . rthtoM rtme • ri'fMe
kipar, %• MMwv*a prpMMini the rare nmtmnal
itutm t thatoat ttopoUr. aa4 ptotpnwpi •( ali "*'•
hie t**k Mat iHMtitie-HatoM i Rioatnch Bitaer*
fhe concerto re at ibeee KtcatbtltoW in, ta the
iroeet inner of tbt phraaf, Th>*
potion. latUma the (Uanich. May pat thebraloe, aad
duller the Decree at timcfny>am aantoe encm*h to
accept them a rabatitatee for the famous V statable
bikiaaa, that lea teratr jaare bee keen known
threaghMt the Western Hemiaphora aaatoaadpid at
ete. - / <JI ta-ij
The totoie of BnetaunralbUers aoa todNilian nip.
ritaliaias matoeiue. to a* wide ae aha wwtid. aad the j
aatonraMe elwapa T needy aortaiM-wcaia ta M| -
plana it iwM be Met tad wMfc titonk oanfrft. were it j
>a aha* eermoe iipfyiocaapa nipitoiMPt fallow tbt,
aeaot ■thaaetoneas e utpuMi'to la-oaetltpn Whoeenr
reeonawrade tap of kheaa M rwmad as lac Ujepepei*.
iidwiutidM t'onetipe'ioa, If tea* Ufa* Fa**. Bhsopu
t tut. ft any other owpiii4 tor
; tare to * kooira .pacific, i. raillj i A a notatofial
itue<lempaa<ir Una eaaaon.
frentier< ar'tb *th, torjn id unwholetmaatappre. the
• petite phacipin of oiN*ae. ot'Vpr et OertdW Bit
teretnhhr.J ik ttlmcW flwrice u> person. with feTOa
Mere puu ecea the CABLE BCREW WIRE Boole and Million, an, wore. aHepjthfj we the
epaiew audbmt jifcoe ft mi, maje. lew* hut to* ♦-
yt B*a P- frfi bye iipito'totw..
To Consumptives.
■eaa tenmke kauww to Vim tpUow rwe tpoto f;" 1
eoj a 'sfifioouth Third rtpnrt, Wiiliaawtomth • F
WK Ttuhk *• W* a Parip Fbjeialßß'e-tm I
• 1 atne cII ,nnd auaelt and fr.rodt ui C'on v ' iup
1 | —— /T- e
Sor Uaauty ANA*.
„ WOM poa., Mass.
fll H.
Bsbsta - rom MIWJ3 OWJ
sUr£^"| U sai i wWta ■
t3£l-cSr 22E ® ai
Words of a RcUaM* Swotrrlst.
, -te liwsuM m wss it asfia t* ■ "~*S
<wsta one.
IsU by Miiiatas Baalm aaaUy-
(Wbl Afhbgfcf lw
h 'r ,slV'"
JOHN >F. HENRY, N*w York.,
PXEfDfftYICBAtBSft OodmMriphi*; i
080 c. goodwtr
t t'SSm
Msi n • I*~ ' Sal V
• /i , g-dK*! rff Jr."J..
I typtAMsl* ,
J n - WPWaMliidi DW —fl- teu •
I • WarAu R'wdbtasftprwtnjp,
4 r-r;^ww
\ '--jsi
SOIETHM KV rot WEfftS ,i
, JIOTMOt ##djn XdOWW." e * bstj^iQ^
! §S^SS!SES^2f22^
as *1 - 1
, —I 1 - r
❖❖a Pim
1 symnm S^SESi^
la bor at I lt> Sid MW if IfAfwHh
I To '.iarrrttaU*.- Ab easstA Sae asusssSt. ■:
G ai PE™ n 4g
: far sf%Or. or tatOso• M> *WM*r OaoWaa f
1 irirrirf I* aeS Mesaek lai .YiaUia.w* JjfW erf xM <
! sad sr. ennessul f WnajßOVt feSlUus Mr sssariaw
• - ..' * w-d sAedh ..a
For Sale or to Rent.
8' gji twf*ffp|if %bdrf drfP|BPis4B4l IV i :
■■'lit Ia }...' J( aKW TT>B4C I lioUi
' 'ill S >; .••' ' . liiu
Work for a Yeor to nearly 11capoeity odor
tSmtsß BtttCMlndfts P. Rsa
r fsAbor psabealsn W9 l>
1 a y *>"> 1. .
Etiwan Works, Charlestoii, & 0-
■ BT THE >/.,
l*fcs now wll -knaws "Etiwsn OnsBB" is issSttfstSsrad
tbi-Asrgoat Sslnbtrlc ArttK bsKsbsrt st.Ws.foa-b. soil
wrrlom gbir o> msixifsetars si tar. kwrast rslss
i fir h'Chne i%d.-of (arl-lisw: It ban* ! thsl lbs
sere. In order to the ferCUlssr oomt.l-'i-.
Nts sod Potash in wriMsnt qtisnutisn srsuMsd-. Wifl
thesr view., the (-ompaoj msnufecture sod oßar lor ssls
VESA S . n uS JJSTftA?i3Wto
\ujip .ru. s irtn-iat sddßioo a PeeaTMa&a*M>
sad Potash to sJaptit to ill crops.
of high crsdn soAsUe far Msmifsetofotr. or Wr "fttm*
iU"SJsa:isssiSu? rt .* "h"
MARCH, PRICE & CO., Agents,